We’re going to go on record saying that we’re a little jealous of this dog. It’s decided the best place to take a nap is inside a big basket of warm, fresh laundry. And he’s right! That sounds like an amazing place to take a nap! Don’t you even try to tell us that you haven’t dreamed of doing it at least once.

Maybe you even did it when you were a kid, and now that you’re bigger it won’t work anymore. Unless you wash and dry every single piece of clothing you have all at once. Sure, it might be messing up the clean clothes a little bit, and it’s also hard to fold them when there’s a dog in the way, but we can’t be too mad.
The Guilty Hunch
Yes, we’ve seen this kind of posture a number of times on this list already. Dogs carry themselves a certain way when it comes to their guilt, and it’s pretty easy for those who are in the know to pick it out. It’s also a little easy to tell when the picture of the guilty dog also includes what appears to be a shirt that has been torn to shreds.

Dogs can sometimes come across as a bit daft in the head, but if presented with the evidence of their errors, they will usually get the idea that they’re in trouble. This piece of clothing is unrecognizable in its current state, but at least you can turn it into washcloths and things like that. But still, bad dog.
He’s Not the Only One
Once you figure them out, farts are instinctively funny. Something about the sound. The smell, not so much, but that’s not what we’re talking about here. This dog doesn’t yet understand that farts are a natural by-product of all that yummy food he gets to eat. Duke seems to be a bit on the young side, but he won’t be a puppy for much longer.

He’s going to have to learn that farts are a standard part of life, especially if he’s a dog. They don’t have a whole lot of control over their flatulence. The best part of this picture is that the dog, in the image, looks like he’s scared. Buddy, the farts can’t hurt you. Unless you’ve been eating a lot of protein and cruciferous vegetables, anyway.
We Were Just Getting Some Paperwork Done
There are some reasons why a printer should be on the floor of the living room, but it’s usually not the best place for it. It could get sat on, for instance. Even if it is the right amount of space for some little animal like a cat, cat fur is still not something you want to be printed onto a very important document.

The cat, cute little guy or gal that it is, probably isn’t doing something that the owners like. However, both the cat’s gaze and the dog’s look tell us that it isn’t going to be the cat’s fault at the end of the day. Cats might like to push things around, but a dog has the strength to move a printer.
The Grinch’s Dog Reappears
Knocking stuff over – a time-honored tradition for dogs since they first shacked up with humans to share a little fire and the burnt pieces of meat still on the bone. Dogs are playful little beasts, and a tree that is covered and lights and glittering things and tends to be at least a little top-heavy are going to have a good chance of saying Merry Christmas to the ground if there’s a dog in the house.

These folks weren’t even able to get the darn thing decorated before Fido went sicko mode on it. It looks like a live tree, and those are only good for a little while, so it’s at least a little likely this picture is from Christmas Eve, and the family has gathered to decorate, but the dog had other ideas.
Dogs Don’t Wear Socks
Yes, we know that sometimes dogs do wear things on their feet to protect them from one thing or another, but that isn’t what’s going on here. What’s going on here is a dog being caught in the act of chewing on a human sock, which is – barring some exceptions – something that humans generally don’t appreciate.

The dog (whose name is Dakota, we’re told) at least knows to look guilty when caught doing something like this. That doesn’t change the fact that no human is going to want to put on a really soggy sock that’s just been chewed up by a dog. And you can’t do anything worthwhile with ONE sock, so this single act has sidelined an entire pair of socks until the next time the laundry goes through the wash.
I Couldn’t Control Myself
Don’t you just love dogs? Since you’re reading this, you probably do. Even if a dog does go against the master’s training and goes tooth and claw against...we’re actually not sure what it is that this dog tore up, but it got torn up pretty well. Maybe it was the couch itself, who knows.

Anyway, even if this dog had been trained and told time and again not to tear something up, it went and did it anyway. And then when everybody got home to find the mess, the dog at least had the good manners to look guilty. Ears bent back, brow furrowed, entire body leaning as far away from the mess as possible. This dog knows that it messed up, and it’s just hoping to escape the rolled-up newspaper this time.
Excuse Me, Mister Dog, But That is For the Cat
It doesn’t matter who the food is for – if it’s there for the taking, the dog is going to try and get it. It could be food for a different dog, it could be something that a human wanted to eat, or it could be cat food (as we see here). Heck, it could even be something for a bird or a hamster.

This time, the dog couldn’t exactly get away Scott-free after trying to sample some other delicacies – its head got stuck in the bag, and that’s when this picture was taken. It’s in there, chomping away, as the owners take pictures to send to friends and shame the dog later on the internet. Everybody wins. Except the cat, we guess.
We Wonder Who Could Have Done This
No, it’s no coincidence that there’s a little dog in the center of all that carnage. Talk to anybody who has had the good fortune to have a little dog in the family – they can get up to all kinds of mischief. This time, it was a small dog that got all its way into a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, if our eyes don’t deceive us.

Sure, a dog of any size would love to get at the good stuff that the humans get to eat for breakfast, but it’s hard to do if you don’t have a bowl to pour it in or a spoon to eat it with. If you just have four paws and a bunch of teeth to do it, you’re just going to make a mess.
Galactus is Here to Consume
If you’re wondering why a guy made a box of Coors into a battle helmet for a bulldog, the reason is, apparently, because he likes to chew up his bed. The bulldog, not the guy who made the helmet out of the box. It has been dubbed the “Humility Hat,” and while the dog wears it, he adopts the name “Bad Beerbox Bulldog.”

That could be because the bulldog himself has done something bad, but it could also be because we hear Coors isn’t a very good beer. You can’t really ask us about it, though – we don’t know a darn thing about beer. It all just tastes the exact same to us, no matter which brand it is. We definitely aren’t drinking one right at this moment.
Oh, Yeah, I Feel Really Bad About It
You want to know what this is a picture of? A dog who has a whole lot of deli meat (really fancy and yummy deli meat, if our research is correct) inside of it. Want to know what this ISN’T a picture of? A dog that feels guilty about all that yummy deli meat that it’s eaten.

Sure, it might not like the fact that the owners berated it, and maybe won’t give it a treat that night, but if it’s given the chance to eat Boars Head London Broil again, it’s going to jump at the chance. It’s not going to be jumping as high, thanks to the extra food that is in its belly, but it will be excited about it.
An Unwelcome Addition to the Shower
On paper, it seems like dogs wouldn’t really want to get close to showers. It’s like a bath that hurts. They’re okay while standing in the rain, but rain while inside a small tiled area usually isn’t as fun for some reason. This dog, however, seems to really get a kick out of them.

The people that are actually taking the showers, on the other hand, don’t appreciate its joining in. They’re in there trying to get clean, and the dog is doing a most unclean act. But what can they do to keep the dog away? Do fewer squats? Use a foul-tasting body wash? Close and lock the door to the bathroom? All good options, but that last one seems like it might have the most effect.
A Trick AND a Treat
Halloween is a lot of fun for everybody, but it seems like these two dogs had a little bit too much fun before it was even the big day. At the very least the thing that these two dogs chowed down on was actually what many would call a food. In fact, a little bit of pumpkin is a good thing to add to a dog’s diet – it helps things flow a lot better, if you get our meaning.

Additionally, the pumpkin doesn’t look terrible with its face caved in like that – kind of like a monster that just has a big opening for a face instead of an actual face. Then again, there’s probably a kid or two who went through a whole lot of work to make that pumpkin.
We Need a New Couch
The owner comes home, fully aware that there are not one but TWO German shepherds that have been waiting for more people in the house, but it’s still hard to expect this level of destruction. Maybe the couch already had some damage to it that allowed the dogs to establish a base camp and plan their assault, but that’s still quite the sight.

That thing isn’t even usable as a couch anymore! It will have to be thrown out entirely, or maybe even burned. Perhaps it could be kept in the garage, so that the dogs have somewhere to sit while the owner is working on the car or something like that. We also see the dog in the back eyeing the second couch, which has so far escaped damage. Time for a walk!
He Prefers Drapes
Almost every dog owner has come home to a scene like this one. The dog, standing amid unmissable destruction, looks like it’s just had the best day of its life. Maybe it’s because the dog feels a sense of accomplishment from making such a big change to your home, but for some reason there are dogs that are really, really excited to meet you specifically after they make a big mess.

Maybe he defeated an opponent, maybe he just needed to let off some steam. On the other hand, the dog’s ears are bent back, so maybe it knows that something has gone wrong, it just isn’t sure exactly what. Or it’s being currently berated by the owner, and it’s not sure what to think. Shouldn’t the owner be proud?
Proud of All Its Hard Work
We hear from the very angry comments that Yorkies are hard breeds to dog train (the comments were all shaming the owners, too, but that’s because they’re Reddit commenters and not real people), and it looks like that’s the honest truth. This dog will make a big mess and then spread it around and, it seems, look quite proud of itself while doing it.

Yorkies take a little longer than the average dog to potty train, and there are a couple of good tactics: pick a specific spot, make bathroom breaks part of a routine, and keeping the Yorkie in a confined space in order to avoid messes and make it obvious when the dog needs to go. There’s also the normal stuff: work on a verbal command, praise them for doing the deed in the right places, etc.
The Dog Has Learned Many Things This Day
This little puppy was having such a good time during the holidays that she decided she would let her inhibitions fly for a night. This was, as we can see, a horrendously poor decision. While the owners weren’t looking, she got into all the good stuff – chocolate liquor bottles might very well be the most dangerous thing for a puppy to eat a dozen of.

But, the little lady looks like she has learned some really important lessons about chocolate and liquor. The owners have also learned not to keep those things out of reach of hungry little mouths. Ellie May will have to sleep this one off, but she doesn’t seem all that worse for wear. As long as it doesn’t happen again.
Karma Will Come Back to Bite You
Obviously, the dog has no idea why that food is being left out – it just wants to have a snack, and the neighbors were kind enough to leave some out where it could chow down. But the owners of this dog had better be quick about keeping this from happening again. Otherwise, those neighbors are going to start to get really annoyed.

Even worse, it could be food that was unhealthy for the dog to eat. There are quite a lot when you think about it – chocolate, avocados, onions and garlic, grapes, dairy products, certain kinds of nuts, caffeine and sugary drinks, even dough that has yeast in it. It’s better for everybody that this dog be kept away from the offerings.
Maybe the Dog Will Learn Something
There are a lot of dogs that come from adventurous stock – they like to explore, they like to climb, they like to dig in the dirt and find buried treasure. Like garbage. There are some dogs that like to THINK they are explorers, but when push comes to shove, they’re a little too cowardly to go the whole way.

Like a dog that was able to climb up on the kitchen table, but is too scared to get down. It’s strange that going down would be scarier, but we honestly get it. While this is a pretty funny thing to see, the owners don’t want the dog to be up there too much – otherwise, there will be much more than just a scared dog to get off the table.
Ready for a Night on the Town
This dog wasn’t okay with just sitting at home all night – it needed to get out there and see what the world had to offer. Of course, it didn’t have the manual dexterity to properly apply makeup, or the counting skills to know that most clubs need a little more than three dollars, but it was still a good first try.

If this dog was able to chew up some cash and ruin lipstick, then we bet it’s been getting into a lot more trouble that we haven’t seen yet. The purse isn’t the first place that a lot of dogs will jump to as a place to infiltrate. There are food bags and pantries to get into before that. This dog is definitely going places.
Tanks Aren’t Known for Their Brains
If you call a dog (or a human, or anything for that matter) by the name “Tank,” you should know what you’re getting into. That’s not a creature that is going to go around winning the Nobel prize every year. That creation is going to smash into problems until they aren’t problems anymore.

That creature is going to make the conscious decision to sleep in a guitar case on a regular basis instead of on the couch or on a comfortable bed. Maybe it’s sort of a chicken before the egg thing – the owners saw this dog sleeping in the guitar case, and knew that Tank was a good name for the pup. Anyway, we can’t blame Tank too much – that guitar case DOES look pretty comfy.
It Was Reading the Manual During the Night
We didn’t think that dogs would be able to work a car’s systems so well, but we suppose they have plenty of down time during the day when everybody is working to read up on the car’s literature. This dog wanted to prove that it could run the car even if the owners weren’t around, but it only resulted in a lot of embarrassment and a big check for the people who needed to get home.

We’re sort of wondering why the dog-shaming piece of paper the owners included ended with a question mark, but maybe it was to highlight just how ridiculous the entire event was. That’s a story to tell the friends after a while – comedy is tragedy plus time, after all.
Not That Kind of Bone, Kid
Traditionally, dogs love bones – nowadays, we know that it isn’t all that safe to give them real bones, but they still need things to chew on to keep their teeth in a healthy shape. The young pup in this pic knows that for a fact, but we think he or she had made the wrong decision on what kind of thing to gnaw on.

It’s liable to get kicked on the head if it applies very much pressure, but then again the look that the older dog has on its face tells us this might not be the first time it’s had its leg chewed. It has that hangdog (pun not intentional) look that a lot of parents have after a long day of dealing with a troublesome tyke.
I Want to Look Too
There are a lot of dogs out there that do a lot better when they have a fellow pet in the household – someone to play with, someone to nap with, and someone to frustrate. That last one is taking place in this picture in case it wasn’t obvious.

Both of these dogs are trying to get a look out the GOOD window – as opposed to the one that they are probably both closer to – and that means that one dog face is going to get squished a bunch. Or maybe they’re trying to get closer to the person who is sitting in the passenger seat, which just happens to be near the window. It’s also all too likely that the dog on top is just trying to bother the dog on the bottom.
Trying Out Some New Styles
We’re very glad that this picture has evidence of the dog’s malfeasance – sure, we’d believe the sign if it just had the dog sitting there sans supportive undergarment, but having the dog actually wearing it makes it look even better. There’s a chance that the family put it on the dog in order to get a better picture.

But it’s still plenty likely that the dog was discovered rooting around in the dirty laundry, and the owner snapped a pic before freeing the dog from the bra that it's wearing here. Maybe it just wanted the support, we don’t know. Maybe it just wanted to get as much of that good owner smell on it as it could, and something that is worn so close to the heart is a fast and fun way to do it.
Ain’t I a Stinker?
It’s natural to be a little confused about what you’re looking at in this picture – let us clue you in. That’s a little wiener dog (or just a wiener, we’re not sure just yet) surrounded by pink fluff. It’s a loofah that has been torn to shreds. It could almost be some kind of artistic pink oil that is flowing throughout the water, except there’s no water.

Just a dog that looks a little too proud of itself. Maybe we’ve just never seen one, but it seems like it’s tough for a wiener dog to look ashamed. They always look like they’re thinking: “Yeah, I did that. Are you gonna do anything about it? This is what I’m here to do. I destroy stuff. If you had voles in your yard you wouldn’t be upset about it.”
Say Hello to the New Favorite
Dogs are just like people, in one really specific way: some of them love dogs, and some of them hate dogs. Honestly, most dogs are fine with other members of their extended animal family around. Usually, they like it a lot. They do all the sniffing, you know. But some dogs aren’t all that ecstatic about seeing a new addition to the family that also has four legs.

Just like people, some dogs are better off on their own, without a little sibling in the family. Then again, it also seems like the little dog is raring to get at the bigger dog, and the bigger dog is just trying to dodge those paws of fury. Go get him, little guy, teach him who’s boss.
Getting to Know Each Other
When it comes to dogs that don’t seem like they would be much of a bother, bulldogs are pretty high on that list. They just seem like they want to say hi, take a sniff of that nice perfume you’ve put on, and curl up on the softest thing they can find for a nap.

This time, the dog decided that the family’s new kitten was the softest thing around, and it’s hard to argue with that kind of reasoning. Kittens are FAMOUSLY soft. The little kitty doesn’t seem to mind all that much, so this either isn’t the first time the dog has pulled off this maneuver, or this is the chillest little kitten that the world has ever seen. Kittens are also famous for not being all that chill.
I Think I’m Getting a Headache
Yeah, just because a dog does this doesn’t necessarily mean it wants attention, but it’s a pretty good indication. There’s a whole lot of fun stuff to look at out that window, and that guy’s head makes for a pretty good boost to give a dog a better view. And the guy doesn’t even seem to have noticed.

Maybe this is an often-enough occurrence that he’s gotten used to it, or maybe he was so tired from taking this energetic pup on a walk that the only thing to do afterward was collapse into the deepest sleep that he’s ever known. This is all taking place during a camping trip, which some dogs seem to really, really love. They just can’t wait to get out there and explore.
We Bet That Dog Makes Some Good Sandwiches
Having to keep your fridge shut with a piece of duct tape to stop the dog has got to be annoying, but this seems like the kind of thing that would come in handy during a comedy movie. It’s a Chekhov’s sandwich, displayed in the first act and eaten in the third act. We love the look that this dog is giving the camera: “Aren’t I a stinker? You bet I’m a stinker."

"But I’m a stinker who knows how to get into the fridge and get myself a little bit of that good human food. A little mustard, a little rye, some ham, some Swiss cheese...sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? Why don’t you take that piece of duct tape off that fridge, and I can make both of us some lunch.”
That's the Dog's Spot
If you’ve spent enough time around dogs you’re probably aware that they are some strange, strange creatures. Sometimes a little too strange. Those little dogs...we don’t know. Sometimes we feel like they need more training, sometimes we feel like they’ve had too much. This little dog has the habit of going all in on the couch with its tongue, because...well, we guess because it’s a weird little dog.

Hopefully it’s just that one cushion that the dog likes to lick, because otherwise the couch as a whole is hard to use, and a couch takes up a whole lot of real estate inside a home. If only one little animal can use it, it’s not being used very well. And no, we have no idea why the dog licks the couch a lot.
The Dog Wanted to Open All of Them
Like most other people, dogs love the holidays. So much good food being left out on tables, lots of sparkly things to knock over, and there are even a couple of new toys that they can play with – whether they’re actually dog toys, or they’re just piles of wrapping paper to roll around in.

This dog, however, was more interested in those presents before they were unwrapped. A little TOO interested in them, if you ask us. We couldn’t begin to fathom why, but this dog wanted to mark all of the Christmas presents before it was even time to tear into them. Maybe it thought that it would get to enjoy everything that was inside them no who the written recipient was on the name tag.
It's His Fan Now
There are a couple of really unpleasant images to deal with on this list, but this one might be the most viscerally unnerving of them all. Some of the others are gross, but this one is in all capital letters. GROSS. Dog urine is one of the more disgusting things that a dog owner has to deal with, incredibly.

That stuff is pungent and you have to act fast if you’re going to get the smell out before it starts to set into the carpet. A fan is usually used to get rid of smells, but the combination of the two elements creates a harrowing day for any homeowner. But why would the dog choose to make water on a running fan? A way to take control, perhaps?
Sending Emails Has Just Become a Lot Harder, Too
As we’ve seen time and time again from this very article, there aren’t many things that a dog won’t at least TRY to eat. Still, knowing that information, we’re amazed that a dog would not even attempt to eat the keys off of a laptop keyboard, but do so thirteen times!

We don’t know if you’ve ever had to remove the keys from a laptop, but depending on the model it can be really hard. You sometimes have to use a special tool if you want to do it without damaging the laptop, but that wasn’t the dog’s problem. Hopefully, it wasn’t a work computer: “Hllo IT. M do t kys fom kybod. Plz hlp. Rds Dv.” Hard to interpret.
Riley Needs Some Hard Lessons
Some dogs just like to find buried treasure, even if it isn’t out in the wild. Dogs like Riley here will dig through garbage, just to make sure the owners haven’t thrown away anything that still seems good. Like little scraps of food, or dirty socks, or pieces of plastic packaging. Riley doesn’t discriminate when it comes to garbage, we guess. Good news for some of you out there – Riley might still love you.

As long as he isn’t busy getting into any garbage can that these people buy to try and stop him. He’s like a reverse Harry Houdini – it doesn’t matter what people try to do, he can always get himself in. Though we don’t think Houdini was trying to get out of the garbage cans.
They Just Taste Right
Just like people, dogs can be very particular about the kinds of things they like to eat. But, while a human might not like sour candy, or only enjoys the pink Starbursts, dogs will do things like only chewing up the left shoes. This is incredibly particular, but we guess there have been stranger things in the world.

We didn’t know that dogs were developed enough to actually have this kind of preference – we’d just assume if they saw a shoe, they would either chew it and all shoes, or not chew any shoes. It seems to be a binary choice, not whatever is going on here. Maybe there’s something about the left feet that smell or taste better? Hard to say, but we aren’t about to go around experimenting. We’ll leave it to the dogs.
He Needs So Much Sleep
This dog must break wind a whole lot. Look at that poor face. The dog looks like it hasn’t had a good night’s rest in years. Those poor eyes. If you look close enough at a tired person’s eyes, you can see that they’re bloodshot and bleary, and this dog has those exact same things. The sign explains everything.

We can’t say that has ever happened to us, but if you’re a guard dog, you can imagine that any little noise is going to get you to raise your head. Even, or especially, if it comes from your own backside. Is there Bean-O that you can give dogs? If there is, please get some for this poor pup. We just want him to get some much-needed rest.
Get the Dog Listerine Out Again
Oh, good, we get to imagine this happening. Look, we don’t know why dogs like to chow down on so much gross stuff. They are, no matter how much we like to train them and give them cute names and call them our children (they are not our children. They are dogs. If they aren’t human, they aren’t your children) still animals.

They will do animalistic stuff, like eating things they aren’t supposed to. Rabbit poop is a rare one, but it’s going to happen, we guess. And this dog doesn’t seem ashamed or guilty about it at all. That’s something to work on. Rabbit poop has got to be on the complete list of things a dog shouldn’t eat, no matter how good they think it tastes.
Not the Normal Kids of Chart
When you think of a growth chart, you think of a bunch of pencil marks on a doorway to track how big a child is getting. You could also do it with a dog, but the dog doesn’t really care that much. But what if the dog makes its own little growth chart?

All it has to do is go to town on the doorway with its growing jaws, and there you have it. Hard to say why a dog would choose this doorway in particular to gnaw on – but now that we’ve said that, it’s a lot more likely that the dog chews on all the doorways in the entire house, and this is just the one that is the most consistent.
The Proof is in the Paper
Did you know that some Labrador retrievers are just...always hungry? You might have noticed that the breed tends to beg for treats and needs more food than the rest, and it’s gaining weight a lot faster, too. That’s because a gene labs have keep sending hunger signals to their dumb little doggy brains.

They always feel like they’re hungry, so they always want to keep eating which makes them fat, obviously. They get into the garbage, eat the cat’s food, and even start to shred a sign that is designed to shame them. There are even some humans that like to eat paper, but the one person we knew who did so went to jail. Not because of the paper, but we honestly wouldn’t have minded.
How Could You Hate That Face
Yes, this dog has made a big mess, but we’d also like to point out that this dog probably had no idea what it was attacking. Look at those eyes – it has no idea where it is. It was just attacking the thing that was in front of it. Maybe it thought there were two of them, whatever it was.

And despite this dog not having the visual acuity of a lot of other dogs, it seems to still have the ferocity required to take good care of the foe that was in front of it. Or at least the foe that was somewhere in the area. We can’t really go on record saying that it was in front of the dog when the attack started.
Playing the Blame Game
Who among us hasn’t done the same thing? This dog is still working through the ins and outs of training vis a vis where one should and where shouldn’t one do the dirty business. In particular, a dog shouldn’t do it on the nice rug in the foyer. This dog did seem to understand that doing such a thing was the wrong thing to do, since it tried to act like the mess had just appeared of its own volition.

But there was no pulling the wool over the owner’s eyes. They knew the culprit from the moment the mess began. How did they know? Well, maybe it was because there was only one dog in the house. That would be a pretty big giveaway.
There’s a Leak in the Joint
Now, we can safely assume that this dog isn’t the reason why a guy is painting the entire kitchen, but it might be the reason why a guy will have to REpaint the entire kitchen. It kinda looks like he’s really interested in helping, but everybody else in the picture (and around the picture) is hoping that the dog doesn’t get any closer.

Dogs and white paint generally don’t go together all that well. Obviously, the dog knows that this is something like a special event, and just wants to help (or get it to end a little sooner), but that’s the most its dog brain can handle. The dog wants to play, maybe, and this guy has plenty of work left to do.
Hopefully it Tasted Good
We’re already a little surprised at how often the phrase “ate through the bed” has come up in this article, but if you’ve ever had a rambunctious dog in your home, you’re probably used to it. Yes, this dog did indeed eat her way through the bottom of the bed, and now she has to deal with the consequences.

One must only sit back and try to figure out why a dog would do such a thing. Even better, this doesn’t even appear to be a puppy – it looks like an older dog that is starting to get a little gray around the eyes. While you might not be able to teach an old dog new tricks, it seems they still remember their puppy days, and how to chew through furniture.
Good Morning, It's Me
Look, just because a dog really really wants to say hi, that doesn’t mean you have to let it. That’s the sort of decision that prompted this picture, in which the dog forced itself through the screen of an open window. Maybe the window was already busted in such a way, and the dog just made use of what was available.

Maybe this dog just really wanted to say hello, and the screen door was the fastest and most direct way to do so. Maybe it wanted to tell the owners of this place they need to get their fire extinguisher serviced regularly. At least, that’s what we think that is. Kind of an odd location for it, but maybe they didn’t have any other options for a spot to hang it.
It Wasn’t Me
This pair of pooches (brothers, perhaps) are caught in a single picture, but their situations couldn’t be more different. The smaller one decided to go all puppy-mode on the bathroom, tearing up the bog roll and maybe even getting after the curtains and towels that were hanging around.

The elder, wiser dog, however, decided that he or she wasn’t going to participate in the madness, and instead cloistered inside the tub where it was safe both from harm and from blame. Did the elder dog actually escape the blame? There wasn’t a whole lot it could do when it came to stopping the puppy, who looks way too pleased with itself. It seems a little bit of training will really come in handy to keep this from happening again.
Almost as if That Was a Bad Idea
We honestly didn’t expect to see this kind of message on this list. We’ve seen a bunch of strange things, but a dog locking itself in the bathroom to eat diapers and then chewing through the door to get out is a level beyond. There are a couple of assumptions going on here that make it more plausible – or at least less disgusting.

Firstly, we’re assuming that the diapers were clean. We just don’t even want to try to picture the mess if they weren’t. Second, the door doesn’t look like it was all that durable to begin with. None of this changes the fact that it’s still an impressive physical feat to chew through a door after eating all those diapers. We get to write such fun sentences.
You Have to Say Uncle
We were taught at a young age – mostly via cartoons and movies and books and things like that – it’s impossible for dogs and cats to get along. While that isn’t always the case, it seems like these two pets might be headed in that direction. Neither of them LOOK all that upset about what’s going on, but odds are moments after this picture was taken the scene exploded into violence.

The cat has a whole lot of claws, and the dog has a whole lot of rear end in which to sink those claws. But who knows? Maybe this is an everyday occurrence. The cat is comfortable to sit on, and the dog keeps the cat warm. Maybe this is how they’ve worked things out.
Don't Worry, I Saved You From the Mail
While we’re sure that the owners of this dog don’t want to encourage it to tear up papers or mail that it finds lying around, it looks like today’s target was at least spam fliers. You know, the ones that come in a little magazine, but you barely even look at them before tossing them straight into the recycle bin?

Yes, the dog got up to some mischief and that’s a bad thing in the long run, but at least nothing of value was lost. Despite all that, this dog looks like it knows it has done something wrong. Once again, we see the guilty hunch of the shoulders. But it also looks so...tired. Like it’s weary of having to tear up those mailers.
Speed Demon
We’re going to give this little dog the benefit of the doubt when it comes to accidentally running over the other dog. On the best of days, dogs don’t usually know what their limbs or tail are doing. If you get rid of a dog’s back legs and replace them with a couple of wheels, it’s going to be chaos.

Just look at that poor dog in the back! It’s making sure it knows where Wheels is at all times. Look at the way the yellow lab is lying on the ground – like a snake. No arms or legs to be seen. Nothing for the wheels to “accidentally” roll over. We’ve met a couple of pugs, and they would definitely “accidentally” roll over that dog’s tail if they had wheels.
Keeping Them for Later
Normally when a dog breaks into a pantry, or any other place that contains human food, it’s to gorge itself on something. Not this dog, though – it likes to create a little game. He wants to give the kids of the household something to do when they get home, we guess.

Apparently this has happened enough times for the owners to hang a sign around the dog’s neck for a little bit of shaming on the internet. However, looking into this interesting bit of behavior tells us that it’s possible the dog is hiding food around the house because it’s worried the owners will never come back. If the owners never come back, who will feed it? Why the potatoes that are hidden all around the house, that’s who.
He Looks So Very Sorry
Everybody loves to chow down on a big rack of ribs, and dogs – being carnivores – are no exception. In fact, we’d go so far as to say that if a dog gets a hold of a rack of ribs, it’s even more special for the dog than for any human, who can just go out and buy more. Dogs don’t generally have the funds to do so.

A couple of other things about this picture: first off, it looks like this dog is having a great day despite a little bit of doggy shaming. The second thing is it looks like the owners of this rib-stealing dog taped the sign right to his fur. Hopefully they didn’t press down too hard, or that dog is going to learn stealing ribs means losing some fur.
Time to Tear This Kennel Apart
There are some dogs that...well, they don’t very much like to be stuck in cages for anything more than a short time. This dog, for instance, decided that it would make an example of the bottom of the kennel while the owners were out of the house.

We’ve come to understand that the black mess that is all over the ground is. In fact, what used to keep the bottom of the kennel and the cage connected, but somehow this one dog found a way to destroy the entire thing. It’s ripped to shreds and spread all over, and the dog is even still inside. Maybe it thinks it won’t be blamed for the mess if it is where it is still supposed to be.
A Real Emergency
In case you don’t know, grapes – even in small amounts – are extremely harmful to dogs. Deadly, even. If you know that and then find out that your dog ate an entire pound of grapes, there’s only one place you can go: straight to the veterinarian. One gassed-out doggy and an expensive stomach pump later, and the next step is to hang a sign around your dog's neck so that it can be properly shamed on the internet.

We looked up how many grapes a pound is, and we were told that it was “two swags (yes, they said swags) that are six to seven inches in length.” We don’t know what that means and we’ve decided we don’t really need to know. Well, at least this cute doggy is still around to be shamed.
Thanksgiving is for the Dogs
Ah, no, wait, no it isn’t. We bet that family dogs go wild for the smell of roasting turkeys, mashed taters, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie, but there’s a couple of big reasons why. Some of it will be unhealthy for those dogs, while there’s also the fact that, if the dogs are given free reign, they would stuff themselves to the breaking point.

This could, all too easily, result in additional messes to clean up. Messes that would originate from inside the bodies of those dogs, if you can catch our meaning. If there’s one thing worse than cleaning up the dishes after Thanksgiving, it’s also having to clean up a big puddle of dog sick in the middle of the kitchen floor at the same time.
Ruining a Good Photo
Dogs like to be part of the fun too, but their little doggy brains don’t really understand what a photo is just yet. You might think that they're smiling for the camera, but they’re likely just smiling at you, or they know that you like it when they let their tongues loll out while you’re pointing that strange device at them.

Hey, anything to get a treat, right? That’s what dogs are usually thinking about, in our experience. This dog didn’t want to be kept waiting, so it did whatever it could to be part of the photo. Kinda looks like it’s taking a big bite out of the guy’s arm, but it’s just trying to get some air. Maybe it doesn’t approve of the relationship for some reason.
The Water of Life
Get enough pets in one place and make them all stand around while a person talks on stage and this is going to happen eventually. We wonder how much work the trainers for TV or movie dogs have to put in to make sure the dog doesn’t make a mess while the cameras are rolling.

Or, even more important, a dog that is part of a stage play – they can’t just restart the scene if the dog decides it has to answer the call of nature. We guess that the actors just roll with it and then clean it up during a transition, but that might be one of the reasons why you don’t see a lot of live animals on stage. That’s a role that could go to a human, too.
Have to Get Their Attention Somehow
It’s not often that you see a dog with its head in such a spot, but sometimes a pug has to do what it can. Other than just hoping to be close to its owners, we couldn’t tell you why a dog would choose to introduce its head into the space between a foot and a flip-flop, but dogs can be hard to read sometimes.

Maybe it needed to use the bathroom, or maybe it wanted some of that tasty, tasty human food that the owners seem to enjoy so much. All of us, even humans, have our little eccentricities that help us to stand out. Maybe this dog put its head in there once and found it to be a certain kind of comfortable.
Dogs Don’t Diet
Just like humans having a habit of overindulging, dogs also like a yummy meal. Sadly, they don’t really know when to stop. When this dog put on a little too much extra fluff, his mom decided to put him on a diet.

Unsurprisingly, the pup didn’t like that. Instead of sticking to his new meal plan, he decided to take matters into his own hands by snacking on his mom’s shoe. He certainly killed two birds with one stone – he got an extra meal, and he managed to show his disdain for his lack of food.
Look, I Did Art
If you’ve never had a Husky (which is what that dog appears to be) you should know something really important: they have way too much energy. If they don’t have a fence around their yard, they are going to run away to explore. If they do have a fence around their yard, they are going to hop the fence to run around and explore.

Could you keep them inside in order to avoid the issue altogether? Well, yes, but then you get this sort of issue. This is traditional calligraphy ink that was spilled and then tracked all over the house – there are a lot more pictures, including one of a solitary paw print on the bed. Maybe he knew he wasn’t allowed up there. Such a good boy.
Hide, Hide Your Shame
As much as we try to pretty them up and train them and teach how they should act, dogs can be pretty darn gross sometimes. A dog that has taken to eating cat poop is a perfect example of how stomach-turning they can be. This dog at least has the good nature to feel shame for doing such a thing, but it could just be an act.

We would also like to point out that the sign does not say something like “I ate cat poop.” That would tell us it’s been once. No, the sign says “I eat cat poop,” meaning this has happened at least twice and the owners are having to make steps to keep it from happening again. Ugh, we’re going to make ourselves sick.
A Big Size Difference
There’s every possibility that this terrible injury was one hundred percent accidental. Sure, pets have rivalries in the same manner that siblings do, but it looks like a Great Dane and a little kitty will have to be a little more careful about where they’re all sitting. It can be a little hard to imagine just because of how immense they are, but Great Danes are a classic gentle giant breed.

They start out pretty small but they grow SO BIG that their minds barely have time to reorient themselves to their new size. Even if they’re big enough to not fit on a couch, they think they’re small and will be quite shy and timid. Maybe these two were playing, but it was probably just a mistake.
Kinda Looks Like It’s Trying to Summon Something
Just in case you want to be grossed out today, here’s this picture! It’s a Roomba that is faithfully cleaning the reception area of a doggie daycare, and it also lets the people who own the doggie daycare learn an important lesson. About, we think, not leaving a Roomba there.

It caught a pile of something that had been left by one of the residents, and it ended up making a pretty big mess that will have to be cleaned up by a real human. We love that one of the little dogs has taken to riding on the Roomba, We don’t know if it’s the same dog that left the package that the Roomba tried to clean up – looks like a little too much for quite a small dog.
What Can Brown Do For You?
Delivery drivers are a complicated foe for dogs. On the one paw, the owners don’t seem to worry about them – in fact, they often enjoy them. On the other paw, those people roll up in a big, noisy truck, hop out, drop some unknown thing on the front step, and then leave. They HAVE to be doing something wrong, right?

That’s what this dog thought, and it was determined to make a mark on the scourge of "canine-kind." Thankfully, it wasn’t a solid package, but the act still probably made a couple of peoples’ days annoying. The owner, the driver, and the people who got a wet package that day all come to mind. Just keep the dog out of the truck and everything will be fine.
It Doesn’t Matter if He Likes It
While it seems like there isn’t too much to punish here – the younger one didn't really seem to mind it too much – it’s still the sort of thing that has to be nipped in the bud. Otherwise, both of the dogs will be doing it before too long, and it won’t just be them peeing on each other, too.

They’ll be peeing on stuff in the house, maybe on the kids, and maybe even on the adults that are taking care of them. Can’t be allowed. So, shame on you, dogs, shame on you. You pee on the trees, bushes, fire hydrants, flowers, or the swing set, but not on each other. That should be taken right out of the equation as quickly as possible.
Looking for Buried Treasure
Well, we don’t know, maybe there was something good under the lawn. Like Yellowbeard’s lost pirate treasure. Maybe the dog got a whiff of some long-dead animal skeleton (unlike all those alive skeletons) and wanted to see if it could be discovered. Maybe there was just a little bit of garbage there. Dogs have a lot of reasons for digging, is what we’re saying.

However, we’ve also heard that digging can be a sign of stress – this dog seemed to have plenty of time to run around and dig in the yard, so maybe it was upset at being left alone for too long. Well, the lawn got a little bit of damage and the dog will need a bath, but that’s all the owners will have to worry about.
Passing Gas and Blame
It’s hard to get through life without letting one slip out inside an elevator at least once. You have to hope that either nobody will notice, or that they will take it in their stride. If there are enough people, it’s hard to point fingers, but you can be sure someone will smell it.

Dogs don’t care about keeping farts in, so they’re an easy one to blame...but it seems that blame can go both ways. This dog has no way to raise a hand when people ask who farted, and thus it’s the person with the dog in the elevator who will be blamed. He’s the closest person to the dog, after all, so it makes sense. And everybody has heard the dog get blamed. Sometimes they just don’t buy it.
The Good Book
Despite that not being the intended purpose, lots of animals chew on books. Dogs, cats, me when I was two...but it’s not a great idea to do it and it can make a big mess. This dog, for some strange reason, has decided that the treat of choice for the week will be the Bible.

People spend their whole lives chewing on the contents of that book, but they aren’t usually outright eating them. Maybe this dog was just looking for some answers, but it incredibly went through a pair of copies in just a couple of days. Maybe the gold foil on the edges was tasty. Maybe it was the smooth, marbled leather around the exterior. We wonder what translations he went for. Hopefully not The Message.
Gotta Chew Something
One of the best pieces of advice for new dog owners is to stock up on chew toys. Dogs of any age have to work their jaws, but puppies need a lot more than older dogs. Their teeth are still coming in, and they want to strengthen their jaws – it’s an instinctual action. They’re going to chew on something, and it might as well be something you don’t want destroyed.

Amazingly, this dog has the strength to chew right through solid wood, so much that the chair was rendered structurally unsound. “Give a dog a bone” isn’t just a nonsense saying. They need them. Or other things to chew. Maybe this was an old chair, and they gave it to the dog on purpose? No, it’s still not that safe to chew wood.
There's a Hair in My Wine
A lot of people seem to like wine, but we don’t understand it. Dogs and most animals, on the other hand, don’t really care that much. But that’s not true for all of them, it seems: this pooch wanted to sample a little of the vino while the owners were away.

But his big, clumsy paws had a hard time with the corks, and he tried the next best thing – smashing the bottle open. He got to try a little bit, and it seems like it might be to his taste. Maybe it’s just because of the fur on his face, but he seems a little too pleased with himself. Well, at the very least, he just smashed it on the concrete, and not on the carpet.
What Do You Want for Dinner?
For many dogs, the fridge is a place of wonder and delight. What sights! What smells! Most importantly, there are so many amazing things to sample. Any dog would give its canine teeth to have free reign for a little while, and it seems one of them got its wish. It was caught in the act, but it still caused a little bit of destruction while it was in there.

It got at some big cuts of meat, knocking them onto the floor while also giving them a good, hard gnawing. While it’s a lot safer for dogs to eat raw meat than for humans, it can still come with some risks. It also made a mess, which means the owners have to clean up, and this dog gets no treats for the day.
I Don't See Nothing
Their sense of smell is something like fifty times more powerful, and they have a lot more brain power devoted to making sense of smells, too. Their ears are keen, and they have comparable eyesight. Still, if they don’t want to notice something, nothing is going to change their minds.

Like how this dog is ankle-deep in a huge mess (looks like it’s the stuffing of a pillow) and seems to have no issue with the scene. A lot of dogs will look ashamed at what they’ve done, but not all of them will. Maybe that pillow was bothering the dog a lot more than all the others, and the dog finally got its revenge. Or the dog just doesn’t care that it’s been destructive.
The Dog Knows
Experts in training dogs say that berating a dog for something that it has done long enough ago (a few hours, say) will just be confusing for the dog. It might not be sure why you’re upset. You’re going to have to make sure the dog knows that you’re upset at it for something in particular.

In this example, we see that it’s a recent mess, the owner is pointing it out to the dog, and the dog seems to be getting the point. And we could just be reading into the dog’s expression a little too much, but it seems to understand that what it had done was a bad thing, too. Nice to know that it can work, sometimes. You have to be firm when you train them.
Time to Go Back to the Store
A pair of pups stand by a big pile of fluffy green stuffing and a couple of shredded-up pillows, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what happened here. The owners stepped out of the house a little bit, the dogs got bored, and then they realized that they could whip the pillows around in their jaws.

They’re small dogs, sure, but small dogs can still do some damage. Even worse, these two dogs kind of seem like they could be brothers – and brothers that are united in wanting to cause destruction will have a hard time stopping unless an outside force separates them. At least this kind of mess won’t be that hard to clean up. You’ll just need a broom and a dustpan.
The Villain Has Been Destroyed
Once again, we have a picture of a dog that is proudly standing next to the tipped-over tree looking a little too proud of itself. Of course, cover anything in sparkling lights and really shiny baubles, and it’s more than just dogs that will want to get a piece of it. Cats and babies are also waiting in line for a chance to take it down.

But they won’t get a chance if they’re in this house, since the dog was big and strong enough to knock it over all by itself. The family is probably used to this sort of thing, since that dog looks to be a German shepherd – a big, strong, oftentimes aggressive animal that is built for the hunt. Even if the hunt is just a sparkly tree.
The Three Musketeers
Having one little dog can be bad enough, but having three of them in the same house? That’s just a recipe for disaster, as we can see here. Unless the dogs are the kind that fight each other, they’re going to compound their destructive power and work together to make some truly mighty messes.

These dogs have decided that they wanted to shred up what looks like some important documents, even if they get caught in the act. One of the dogs looks like he knows he and his bros are in trouble, but it seems like the other two couldn’t care less. One of them seems like it’s looking for the next piece of paper to tackle. Sorry, pup, but you aren’t going to be getting any more for a while. Or treats, for that matter.
Bon Voyage
Dogs don’t have a great grasp on time. If you go away for a few hours, the dog might just think that you’re gone for good. Forever! You will never return. That means when a person is packing for a long vacation, a dog might see that and assume – oh no – that person is going away forever AGAIN!

For the second time, and that’s only possible for a dog. This dog wanted to leave an owner a little something to remember him or her by, and if the dog itself couldn’t go, then that meant there was only one other solution. We’re a little amazed that it wasn’t discovered until two days after the owner left on his trip, but we guess not every poop is a big stinky one.
Helping with the Laundry
We’re going to go on record saying that we’re a little jealous of this dog. It’s decided the best place to take a nap is inside a big basket of warm, fresh laundry. And he’s right! That sounds like an amazing place to take a nap! Don’t you even try to tell us that you haven’t dreamed of doing it at least once.

Maybe you even did it when you were a kid, and now that you’re bigger it won’t work anymore. Unless you wash and dry every single piece of clothing you have all at once. Sure, it might be messing up the clean clothes a little bit, and it’s also hard to fold them when there’s a dog in the way, but we can’t be too mad.
This Dog Wants to Recycle
Generally, when garbage goes into the garbage can, that’s where it stays. Not if you have this dog in your house, though. Apparently he’s taken up the habit of going into the can while people aren’t looking, and grabbing something that looks like it would make for a half-decent chew toy.

This has resulted in a dog bed that is covered in slobbery garbage dog toys, and not even the normal kind of slobbery garbage dog toys. In a twist from a lot of the other pictures we see here, this dog doesn’t look ashamed – in fact, it seems to be quite proud of all the toys that it has collected. Boxes of cling wrap, tape dispensers, old bags, and a couple of other things will keep this dog occupied.
That’s a Pleasant Thought
Vaseline tastes pretty gross to humans – or most humans, anyway – and we’d assumed that was the same for dogs. Yet there’s always something new to learn about man’s best friend, such as at least one of them likes the taste of Vaseline. Even though it’s kind of just...slime. There are some dogs out there that will eat basically anything, though, so we shouldn’t really be surprised.

This dog decided a tube of the stuff would be a good treat, and chowed all the way down. We see the result, and we’re trying really hard not to think of it all that much. Just imagine the owners discovering who was leaving puddles of Vaseline all over their nice wooden floors. It’s like something from a comedy movie about a dog they can’t handle.
A Little More Potty Training
Lots of dog owners know that if they don’t train their dogs to do their business outside, it’s going to be a hard time cleaning up a whole lot of messes. This dog was working on it, but he seems to have gotten the wrong idea. A little bit of nice, warm dog doo is going to...create a certain fragrance in the home. Especially if the vents are blowing that air all over the house. We are wondering why there was just an open heater vent in the house, but maybe the dog was able to perch over it somehow. Maybe it was one of those vents that is in the floor, and that’s just where the dog happened to feel the urge. Time to get this kid to toilet school.

Unfortunately for this family, their baby dog mistook the heater vent for his own personal toilet. We’re sure having their whole house smell like poop is not what this family imagined when they brought their brand new puppy home.