So glad everyone was prepared! Well, almost everyone. We’re looking at you, Martha in the middle.

That’s okay, girl. He hasn’t seen a woman in nearly a year, the sign would be the last thing on his mind.
This Military Wife Who Can Barely Wait
This soldier’s wife has been deployed for a year, and she’s ready to get reacquainted, like – NOW!

It’s pretty safe to say that he’s more than willing, too.
Cutest Sign Ever
This dad probably had a laugh and got a big smile on his face after seeing this sign. And hey, maybe mommy is a lot of work, but she was cool enough to make this sign and have the idea to hang it on the baby's stroller.

Or, even better, maybe baby Kaden has a very bright future in the arts!
These 20-Year-Old Orphans
We hope that they were able to find a family with huge hearts that could raise them as their own.

Poor children, they’re so hungry and cold!
Way Too Much Information
This sign is most likely a joke and mom wasn't actually serving a prison sentence. But, the kids and their father thought it would be a solid opportunity to mess with their mom after she's been away on a work trip.

And we must say, it's pretty hilarious! Hopefully, mom has a good sense of humor and will be able to laugh it off instead of being absolutely humiliated.
Aren't You Happy to be Home, Mom?
Thank god these kids are as cute as they are because coming home to do laundry is probably not what this mom had in mind. However, it was extremely adorable of them to make a welcome home sign. In fact, it was so important for them to greet mom that they even went commando!

And hey, they just wanted to let mommy know about the current state of affairs at home - which is that daddy apparently couldn't figure out how to work a washing machine.
Nothing Like Family
We don't actually know if these guys are family or just really close friends, but regardless, this is one of the most adorable 'welcome home' signs we've ever seen. And kudos to them for choosing such hilarious photos.

The only thing better than going home for Christmas is coming home to a sign like this. Great job, guys!
Feeling Better?
After a long flight, the last thing you want to do is wait in line for an overpriced taxi for hours. Some lucky people get the privilege of getting picked up by a car service.

We admit, we always checkout those name signs to see if one is waiting for us. But this sign, we're not sure if that should be public information.
Desperate House Wives
One of these desperate housewives is good and ready for her husband to get back home to help her out with their toddler.

The other is just ready for a make-out session with her hubby. They obviously don't have young kids yet.
Welcome, Home Mama-Dad...Mad...?
Okay, so we're guessing that this is a practical joke. It's just that based on the facial expression of the person holding up the sign...she (or he) doesn't seem to think it particularly funny.

Whatever's going on here, it's better for anyone around to run for cover because this man will explode any minute.
Ex-Convict Mama
This mom seems to be taking her son's prank lightly. We're glad she has a cool sense of humor.

The ironic thing about it is that her son is actually an ex-con. Plot twist! We're joking, of course. He's a really nice young lad.
Big Poppa Has Arrived
This woman believes in brutal honesty when it comes to relationships. Her man knows exactly where he stands and what his purpose is.

We respect her honesty because "I'm not saying she's a gold digger..." but you know the rest of that Kanye West song.
Her One and Only
These little rascals must think that their mom is coming back from a marathon with this long spread they have waiting for her.

She'll either think that it's adorable or yell at them for using that entire roll of paper she was saving.
Hide Your Sheep!
Sean was surly blushing when he got to the arrival hall but not because he was excited when he saw his brother waiting for him with a huge welcome sign but more like the horrendous caption they were holding up for all to see.

But hey, what is family for if not to make the general public think you're into barnyard animals?
This Super Sweet Husband
His wife thought this was adorable.

So did the group of single 40-year-old divorcees traveling through the airport on their way to an Alaskan cruise.
Welcome Home, New Mommy!
This dad got trolled pretty hard by his kids when they decided to make him this little gem of a sign.

We’re pretty sure he turned a few different shades of red.
These Super Honest Bros
So, they may have made one little mistake while their friend was out of town. At least they were upfront about the situation.

Let’s just hope that her brother is cool enough with whoever did the knocking up, otherwise, they may be in for some trouble.
What’s up, Bro?
This guy and his brother-in-law are super tight, you just might not be able to gather that from this picture.

But hey, at least they are close enough that they can joke around like this!
Clans and Kilts
This guy took a trip to Scotland and returned to this. Hey, at least his friend made an effort.

Or maybe it’s his brother, Gavin McGregor.
This Super Pumped Army Wife
This guy was definitely excited to return home to this sight! We don’t blame him, who wouldn’t be?

A. Neal at your service, sir! Err…miss.
Feel Better Grandma!
Except grandma was really just in Las Vegas, and she definitely wasn’t the slightest bit sober.

On the upside, though, she did hit pretty big in a few casinos! You go, granny!
This Star Wars Fan Dad
Rebecca asked to have her face blurred in this picture because she was, “totally embarrassed,” my dad’s costume.

Hey, we actually think it’s kind of cool! When dad has the force, you should probably try and stay on his good side!
Smooth Operator
This guy thinks he’s really hot stuff, holding this sign up for his wife. She actually really loved it.

Or, maybe he’s just trying out a new method of finding women.
Later Gator
Welcome to the Sunshine State, Sarah.

We’ve got beautiful beaches, palm trees, and alligators lurking around every corner!
This Enormous Head on a Stick
Well hey, at least there are zero chances that Mokie misses that sign.

They can also probably repurpose that thing afterward to terrify some children on Halloween.
Now Under CIA Interrogation
It was all fun and games until the feds got involved. Apparently, his brother's name was Eddie. Oops.

We’re sure they didn’t hold him underground for too long…probably.
Definitely Michael Jordan
Okay, maybe this guy is just waiting for his son, who by the way – is not named Michael Jordan at all.

Or, maybe he wasn’t really waiting for anyone and he was just hoping to catch the basketball car on his way off of a flight.
This Trio of Giddy Military Wives
So glad everyone was prepared! Well, almost everyone. We’re looking at you, Martha in the middle.

That's okay, girl. He hasn't seen a woman in nearly a year, the sign would be the last thing on his mind.
No Words Needed
Sometimes, simply holding up a sign says it all. Just a sign with no message on it.

The person holding this must have been through so many hours of therapy to help handle the noise his children were producing, he figured out a way to express his anger, peacefully.
Third Time Around
You have got to love the third child. Your family would seem incomplete without the third addition.

The sunshine of the house, the joker of the clan, the biggest trouble maker of them all.
Jesus Has Spoken
This sports fan not only came up with a clever sign for the game, but he also went to the effort of dressing up as Jesus! We give him 10 points for creativity.

This fan is the epitome of loyalty and support for his team. If a message from God himself isn't enough to motivate them, we don't know what is.
Simon, You're Finished
There's nothing like coming home from a long flight and seeing your girlfriend holding up a sign like this. We're guessing Britney found some compromising photos on Simon's selfie stick (which, by the way, who leaves that lying around their girlfriend in the first place?).

This isn't the first time something like this has happened, since they've already "discussed" it. But really, Simon, your selfie stick?! It's almost like he wanted to get caught! Good for you, Britney, he deserves the public humiliation.
Welcome Back
This guy kept himself busy while his significant other was gallivanting abroad. He even had the time to examine everything on her phone record and left little to the imagination.

We have a feeling this ex-girlfriend will have plenty of time for gallivanting now that she's back from vacation.
Take That, ICE!
We sincerely hope this sign was only created for protest and not because the person who made it was truly missing a family member.

Regardless of the reason, they put a lot of effort into it.
Waiting for Your Boss
They're just following orders, man. Their boss can be a real pain. But seriously... that's some serious dedication.

Here's hoping whoever gets off that plane is dressed as Darth!
The Thoughtful Girlfriend
This girl went to the airport to pick up her boyfriend and their best friend.

She didn't want the friend to feel left out... or maybe it's a poly thing.
Thumbs Up
When you don't have time to take photos or the ability to edit them in Photoshop, Marla's friends will save the day. All you need is some creativity, a piece of cardboard, a black marker, and two silly-looking faces.

If we were Marla, we'd probably keep walking after seeing these two and head straight to the "something to declare" section.
Aye, Aye, Captain
Not much effort was put into this airport pick-up sign, but it's the thought that counts. Or is it only Captain Sneeze Fart who counts?

Apparently, Jon (that's the guy's name) never saw this sign when he walked out of the airport, and the little girl was left standing there all alone. We're pretty sure his wife made him go all the way back in just to not disappoint her again.
Musical Taxi Seats
We know this is a band, but we're still not sure we'd step foot inside that guy's taxi.

He could be a serial killer with excellent taste in music and a great sense of humor.
Epic Fail!
All this girlfriend wanted from her nerdy boyfriend was to do one thing when he picked her up from the airport: embarrass her. But this was the last thing on her mind when he went above and beyond, dressing up as a dinosaur and holding a ridiculous sign.

Her only request was for a silly sign or funny photo, not a full-on performance.
Mom, Really?
This mom went all out to embarrass her son at the train station, even asking strangers to take pictures of the ordeal. But did she really have to wear a feather boa too?

It's understandable that kids get embarrassed by their parents, but sometimes moms take it too far.
Kiss Me, Maybe?
Who's more embarrassed in this situation: the guy who made the sign or his girlfriend, who will see it when she gets off the plane?

It's best to keep your romantic wishes to yourself and let your partner decide if they want to pucker up or not. Making a sign like this is just unnecessary.
Short Bald Mexican
This woman made a sign to ward off any potential suitors for her tall, handsome husband who is returning from a business trip. It's a humorous way of saying, "back off; he's taken."

The sign may be misleading since her husband is nothing like the description on the sign.
Never Again
Kids have a way of telling us things we already know. Even though dads can be more fun, moms always come out on top.

This airport welcome sign is the perfect way to greet any returning mom with pure and unconditional love.
Thank You for Coming Back
Instead of surprising their mom and wife, this family decided to update her on the state of their home before she even got there. They've been living off takeout for a week, and there are no clean clothes.

This may have been a mistake since she still has time to change her mind and leave. She's still at the airport and could easily board another plane.
Lost in Translation
It's unclear if this sign was translated from another language, but the message is confusing. How is he supposed to know which star in the sky is his? And if he follows a star, shouldn't he be going up, toward his home?

It seems like she's telling him to leave, which is not a very welcoming message.
That's My Name, Don't Wear It Out
Sometimes you don't need a sign when you're waiting at the airport since the person getting off the plane already knows who you are. This mom may have been poking fun at her child, a common parenting tactic.

Hopefully, only her child approached her while she held this sign.
Brownie Points
There are various reasons why someone might wait for someone at the airport. Maybe they're getting paid or obligated to do so.

Or maybe, like this guy, the person they're waiting for is their favorite, and they can't wait to see them. These are the kind of signs we love to see.
Seems a Bit Mean
Waiting for someone at the airport can be boring, but making a sign that makes fun of the person is not very nice. This sign has an unflattering photo on it that few people would recognize as human.

It's unclear why she chose that picture, but it's hard to ignore a sign like that.
Yes, Very Pleasant, Glad to Be Back
This cute picture of a child holding a funny sign makes us wonder about the story behind it. Uncle Witty seems like the kind of person who would visit Roswell for fun, but maybe there's more to it.

Maybe he was actually abducted by aliens, and the sign is for when the government is done questioning him. Well, we're sure Uncle Woody will tell us all about meeting the extra-terrestrials.