It seems the neighbors have all seen enough and decided they would leave a note. Quite a fancy note, too. Not everybody is an expert at two-way glass, and it seems that the person who installed this one wasn’t paying attention to which side of it was supposed to go in. The people who used the bathroom didn’t notice since they couldn’t see out – it was just frosted glass to them. No problem.

But the people who could see in figured it would be best to let them know there was, indeed, a problem. How much did they see before they figured they needed to leave a message? This kind of note is embarrassing, but it’s like being told your fly is down – you’d rather be told than find out yourself after getting home from the opera.
The Infamy of Heart-Shaped Hot Tubs
This genius design idea was actually invented back in 1968 by a resort owner in Pennsylvania. Interior designers went crazy over it, and it quickly became a fixture in homes and hotels around the country.

Nowadays, unless you're on a romantic getaway or in a honeymoon suite, you'll have a hard time finding one of these. And we couldn't be happier. It's interesting that something that was once considered a luxury is not viewed as a tacky fail.
Moving On
We’d keep it going right on to the next stall if we had to pee in this bathroom. That just looks so…raunchy.

Who thought that was a good idea? Gross!
Dirty Countertops
If you were a guest in this person’s home and went to use the restroom after dinner, you may get a little sick at this sight. Why anyone chooses to use brown smears for any type of design in their bathroom is super questionable.

A germaphobe would take off running, never look back, and write a terrible review on Yelp. This is also another perfect example of one of the many reasons why carrying hand sanitizer with you is never a bad idea.
The Liquid Soap Haters
We have a lot to say about this. We'll start with, whaatttttt? What were these guys thinking? It seems like the maids at this hotel had something else on their minds while they were at work that day. To be fair, they did put soap inside the soap dispenser.

But clearly, the cleaning staff here is not a big fan of liquid soap. Next time, bring your own soap!
The Upside Down World
When it comes to toilet infrastructure, the rules are pretty straightforward. One of them is that you typically should have a plastic rim that you can easily lift. This protects you while sitting down and prevents you from actually having contact with the porcelain rim.

Then there is the actual lid, which can also be lifted. But this person didn't quite get the memo. They ended up installing the two-part lid the wrong way around, leading to all kinds of confusion! We can imagine some people actually sitting down and only realizing the engineering issue when it was all too late.
Your Throne Awaits
What a strange placement for a toilet, and just imagine how odd it must feel to be doing your numbers from above like that. We can't imagine why anyone thought this was a good idea, considering all the unutilized floor space.

This doesn't look like the safest arrangement either. And we've got to ask, where's the handicap accessibility?! Come on, people.
Bubble Trouble
Okay, we appreciate this person's try to be extra efficient by bathing his two kids and dog at the same time, but that doesn't mean you had to throw in a bottle of soap per kid!

These kids are probably having a blast, but this parent will not look happy. And neither would we if we were looking at the huge mess we'd need to clean up, not to mention convincing those kids to get out of the bath and get them ready for bed.
Tap Shower
There is no use for water to run onto the handle of a faucet. Think of all the crazy watermarks and just the general pointlessness of it all.

We've seen some real fails when it comes to bathroom designs, yet it seems that this one takes the cake for creativity. One really had to go out of their way to come up with this one.
Too Close for Comfort
Airbnb's can be quite the mixed bag. While we might like the pictures that we see on the listing, they might not always tell the full story. Everything looked in order. However, there were no photos of the bathroom to take a look at. So when this person eventually arrived at their Airbnb of choice, they were stunned by what they found.

It turns out that the bathroom in the place is actually located halfway up the stairs. What's more, is that the host was still staying at the house when the guest arrived. This was bound to lead to some very awkward encounters.
Half Toilet
Is this some kind of art installation? If not, we would love to see a demonstration from its creator of exactly how you’re supposed to use the thing…starting with how in the heck you’re supposed to get into the insanely narrow room in the first place.

Now that would be a piece of performance art you wouldn’t want to miss.
Is That Necessary?
We applaud this store's willingness to help its customers above and beyond, but really, guys? We don't think adult people need a demonstration on how to use a toilet.

And also, if someone were to ask for a demonstration, how would it go down? Personally, we would be very tempted to ask just to see what happens.
A Special Kind of Classroom
Okay, we’re not sure if this is technically a classroom, but it certainly seems like it’s set up as such. Why is there no door or wall blocking this bathroom off from the rows of chairs facing it? Also, why does the toilet paper look as if it’s way too far away from the seat?

Perhaps this is some odd type of health class setting where they require the toilet for some kind of demonstration? For the sake of whoever has to sit in any of those chairs, we hope not!
Cruel Design
There are dedicated bathrooms designed to make life a little bit easier for handicapped people. Unfortunately, when not enough thought is put into these designs, the opposite effect can end up being achieved. This particular example is unbelievable. Have a close look at the bottom of the door.

Surely, given the fact that the handicapped symbol depicts someone in a wheelchair, it would act as a hint that stairs aren’t an appropriate feature. We’re sure this restaurant has received its fair share of complaints about this construction fail.
Safe and Secure
When we take a shower, the last thing we want is for the shower head to lose grip and fall on our heads. It might not hurt so much, but it's not an ideal situation. Thankfully, this person will have nothing to worry about. Why? Because the main shower head is actually built into the ceiling.

While this certainly makes things seem more secure, there is no denying that this was not the intention of the homeowner, to begin with. What if you want to uninstall it and replace it? Do you have to destroy the ceiling every time?
This is Why Logistics Are Important
Yes, you can envision a renovated bathroom with pretty pink tile... but it all comes down to planning and logistics at the end of the day.

They seem to have run out of the tiles and just subbed them with some white ones they had around. We've got to say, something about this works for us. It's very out of the box (no pun intended).
Will You AIM to Please?
As far as bathroom etiquette goes, accurately aiming into the toilet bowl is widely considered by most to be one of the most important, highly regarded restroom rules to follow. Aiming is considerate: it is just common sense, people. But for those who seem to have conveniently forgotten or ignored this crucial public toilet rule, the above sign serves as a much-needed reminder. And can you blame whoever put up this sign?

All these bathroom owners want is for this public place to maintain a little bit of class and elegance. Is that really too much to ask? We should point out that, had it not been for this sign’s witty use of ‘aim’ puns, this sign would most likely remain largely unnoticed by incoming restroom visitors to this bathroom.
Who Actually Thought of Carpeted Bathrooms?
Carpeted bathrooms were all the craze and the ultimate sign of luxury. But as we rethink it, we realize there are fewer things more disgusting and impractical than covering your bathroom with carpeting.

Yes, they looked fantastic when you saw them in a movie, and maybe it seemed comfy to get out of the bathtub and step onto a fluffy carpet. But folks, mildew, and bacteria are no joke...and they will come for you if you have a carpeted bathroom.
How Not to Pee?
Apparently, as reflected in the above sign, somewhere in the world, someone out there has, in fact, peed backward into the toilet. Yes, this sign proves that peeing backward is an issue substantial enough and ultimately worthy of a sign detailing the explicit rule not to pee backward.

Interestingly enough, there is actually a growing trend among both men and women involving relieving oneself backward. According to some experts, sitting backward on the toilet may actually be more hygienic than peeing forward. To us, this just looks like a bathroom fail.
Nothing in This Lift Is Straightforward
Sitting on the can is an activity that everyone treats differently. While some use it purely to do their business, others will take it as an opportunity to think a little, read a book, or even do a crossword puzzle. The possibilities are endless. But it's much more difficult to do these things when you can't even sit properly.

For some reason, this toilet was installed at the strangest of angles, making any kind of sitting extremely uncomfortable. We guess you could still sit facing the door, but it's just not going to be the same. We think it's time for a renovation.
This Is Why Punctuation Is Important
This is a case of someone who was either too lazy to use some simple punctuation marks or wasn’t entirely sure how to go about it. They could have laid that out in a few different ways to differentiate between the lines.

But, since they didn’t, it seems like that restroom is designated only to the disabled, elderly, and pregnant children. Next time use a couple of commas or even bullet points!
Who Needs Doors Anyway?
When you're installing anything in the home, one important thing to consider is where each door is positioned. Are you going to be able to open and close it when everything is said and done? This guy managed to ignore that question after doing a DIY job with his toilet.

Apparently, he was fixing a toilet leak but happened to be doing it with a hernia. He even took two full trips to Home Depot for the job. And after painstakingly applying the screws and wax ring, only then did he realize his faux pas. We guess it's back to the drawing board.
They Did What They Could
There is something poetic about this photograph. Somehow, it reminds me of a book by the great Ernest Hemingway, from which this excerpt is taken: “Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.”

Okay, seriously, the designer of this room could have easily managed the space by moving one or two of its fixtures, and this problem would have been very easily solved. But here we are, presented with a roundabout way of fixing it. This is the epitome of a fail.
Our Door is Always Open
The person who installed this doorknob clearly took the saying “Our door is always open” far too literally. Either that or they were drunk. This might not have been a big deal if the door in question was the bathroom door.

If only we could’ve been there with our camera to capture the moment of realization when the person responsible for this masterpiece first tried to put it into action.
Multi-Purpose Toilet
This idea is just plain awesome and a great way to make do out of a used item. We are all for recycling, so kudos to the inventor of this. We just pray that whoever used this toilet sanitized every ounce of it prior to taking it along on their camping trip. If a good cleaning was performed, then this toilet seems to make the perfect makeshift beer cooler and grill.

These guys get a lot of points for creativity, but are these items really that expensive to purchase? We would imagine not. Nevertheless, we hope that it's serving only this purpose on the trip and not simultaneously fulfilling somebody's bathroom needs.
Diagonal Droppings
The bathroom is usually a pretty small room. In many cases, it's almost too small to be even called a proper room. Adjustments need to be made and designers have to get creative.

But somehow, we are having a hard time believing this lopsided travesty was the result of a creative mind and not a person who just doesn't really know how to use a protractor.
Let It All Hang Out
The person who installed this bathroom door clearly needed better instructions, but honestly, they should have known better. It is not only customary that the stall that houses the toilet has more privacy; it makes better sense too.

Urinals are designed that way because men pee standing up. Meaning that when a man is using the bathroom, he stands with his back to the door, and his private areas are not on display. As for toilets, even the most flagrant exhibitionist needs a little privacy sometimes.
Bath Time with Kitty
Cats are not known for enjoying bath time.

That being said, why did this guy think it was a good idea to share the bath with his cat, naked?
Top Secret Toilet Paper
When you have finished doing your business, one of the most crucial things is immediately knowing where the toilet paper is. If there isn't a roll on the dispenser, then there at least must be an open bag of rolls nearby. When this guy had finished his visit to the bathroom, he was desperate for some paper. But alas, there was none in the vicinity.

After three full days of searching and despair, the guy finally located his sacred roll of toilet paper. Apparently, a dispenser had been built inside the bathroom cabinet. Of all things, why does this need to be secretly hidden?
I’ll Hold It
Would you or would you not be horrified to walk into a bathroom and see random, splotchy brown marks all over the walls? Usually, when that happens, it’s a cue to get out of there immediately and go find another restroom immediately.

That’s a pretty poor choice in design for a room with a toilet in it. We wonder how many customers have run out of there, imagining the worst when they lay eyes upon the color splatters.
Washing your hands should be one of the simplest things on the planet. You turn on the faucet, you open your hands, and receive the water, which you proceed to rub all over your hands. Of course, soap should be involved too. But some bathroom sinks just aren't designed properly to catch that water.

In an ideal world, all of the water should fall into the sink. Otherwise, there's no point in the sink even being there. This sink serves no purpose. If you do want it to work, you need to catch the water in your mouth and spit it into the sink. And that's a lot of work.
10 Points for Ingenuity
Restrooms tend to be the smallest room in the house. We all know this, and it’s something we all have to work around. Yet, instead of, oh say, installing a door that swings out instead of in, this clever interior designer made a cutout in the door to fit around the throne.

It kind of defeats the whole privacy aspect of having a door, especially if there are kids in the house!
We Got You Cornered
We have no idea what this guy was thinking. A textbook thing to do when it comes to installing toilets is to ensure it's positioned against the wall, ideally facing the door you enter from. We're not entirely sure why anyone would want to drill huge holes into the room to position it in the corner.

The only explanation for this is that it's the most space-effective place to put it. To be fair, we can't see the entire bathroom, so maybe this was for the best. This takes nothing away from the fact though that the end product looks horrendous. We guess we'll never know.
Improvised Shower Head
Here’s another creative homeowner who wasn’t going to be beaten by a busted showerhead. His immediate solution (and we can only hope this is just temporary) came in the form of duct tape, a soda can, and a whole lotta holes. Fail?

In our opinion, his idea is so brilliant and seems to be working so well; we’d almost back him keeping it as his permanent shower rig—engineering level: boss.
Lash Attack
Look at this shot and heed the warning.

Pay attention when you are curling your lashes, or you’ll be sporting a bald eye.
No to Tiled Bathrooms
While tile countertops could be found in nearly every home a couple of years back - they’re just not that cute. We’re not sure who came up with this genius idea, but they should be fired along with the interior designer who thought that this was chic.

Beyond being exceptionally difficult to clean, tile countertops also aren’t very durable. They chip and stain easily and are prone to stains and hidden bacteria. Those are all qualities that make tile countertops a terrible choice for any space that will get remotely dirty.
Well Placed
Talk about an indispensable soap dispenser and the weirdly placed hand dryer. At least there are two functional soap dispensers over there, with that unnecessary third one just hovering over.

It sort of looks like it's the third wheel that never quite fits in. We give this one an F in bathroom design.
Been There, Thai'd That
Apparently, in Thailand, men don't have arms and thrust their body's forward when they need to pee, and women seem to be armless as well?

We're trying to wrap our heads around what exactly is going on here, but it seems to us that this sign was chosen for a specific reason, and we want to understand what it is!
The Wrong Gender
Everyone loves a good piece of high-quality street art. It could even be painted onto a public restroom. But it shouldn't be confusing. At first glance, there's nothing wrong with this design. It's just a beautiful mural of a man and a woman hiking, drawn on the doors to the bathroom stalls.

The problem is that usually, the bathroom with the woman on it is, well, the women's bathroom. But, alas, the mural wasn't thought through, and the opposite gender is drawn on each one of the stalls. We bet that has led to some awkward mistakes. We're not entirely sure which stall to use.
Are You Positive?
Hindsight is 20/20, but in the present, we're almost always blind to something. Sometimes it's genuinely hard to catch why something is wrong until it's way, way too late. Like this mosaic that was created for a hotel named "Henry IV."

Of course, by the time they realized that they spelled the name of a terrible virus on the wall of the hotel's bathroom, it was way too late to do anything about it. At least we hope it makes guests chuckle. They should build another plaque that says "This is supposed to be the initials of Henry the Fourth," and everything will be OK.
Bad Design or Just Bad Art?
While many designs can be bad or baffling, not all designs make it so that the item is completely unusable. But, when your only job is to design a bathroom door, it's important to make sure this door actually protects people's privacy as they are doing their business.

Honestly, we would have loved to have a chat with the person who made this door to try and understand. Maybe it's an artistic statement about the lack of privacy in the digital age. Whatever the case may be, we think your best bet is to put your jacket in the weird space. That should solve the problem.
Hotel From Hell
Imagine this scenario: you have chosen to spend the night at a hotel, expecting to enjoy yourself and have a relaxing evening. You step into the shower, which already is not as fancy as you wanted it to be. After spending some time in the shower you feel like the room lacks ventilation which is when you look for the venthole.

Sadly, you discover a design fail, or maybe a design scam — there is a vent, well, the cover of one. But it is just screwed directly onto the wall. No actual ventilation here! Just the illusion of ventilation! Sigh.
What’s The Issue?
Toilets. These are not exactly the first things you think of when you want to get creative and nouveau. Well, it turns out you have been missing out on a creative goldmine by ignoring the humble Rumble throne. These homeowners decided to install this toilet on a jaunty angle.

We are curious whether the world feels all askew whenever they make a trip to their diagonal throne. And was this done as a design feature or was their bathroom so small this was the only way they could fit the thing in there? What do you think about this? So many questions.
Wrong in So Many Ways
Pretty sure someone had a little too much to drink when this bathroom was designed. That’s the closest we can get to an explanation for this hilarious renovation failure. Why else would you place a toilet holder two miles away from the actual toilet? Someone must tell them this is not the way a bathroom should look.

Wetness issues aside, you’d need some freakishly long arms to reach the roll from where you usually tend to need it. We want to know who designed it, where dod they got inspiration from, and most importantly when they are going to fix this.
Talk About a Public Bathroom!
This homeowner clearly has a unique—and very open—personality. We cannot help but conclude that, during the construction of his place, he specifically requested a grand appearance where more than just doing your own private thing can be done. Like, wall climbing, for example.

We mean, who doesn't want to practice their climbing skills after taking a leak? This is simply wonderful. Everything you can do in nature, and we mean everything, can now be done just in one room. You don't have to go too far anymore for all the things you love. Exercise and tranquility in one.
Unusual Bedding
Composite rooms can be a clever, space-saving idea. But a combo bedroom and bathroom? What on Earth would have to be going on in your mind to make you come up with such an idea? It is convenient; we’ll give them that. And if you have company at night, they will never have to ask where the bathroom is awkward.

When we think of it, what could be more awkward than the situation they already found themselves in? This room was found in Italy, which very much surprised us. Italy is all about design, style, prestige, and down-to-detail. Apparently not.
Bath University
No pain, no brain. That is all we have to say about this next design failure. It seems to win them all. We are doing our best to see if this is an optical illusion; however, the more we try, the more we acknowledge the fact that some guy is responsible for this. All that is missing is a small ramp to make this perfect.

This is for all those times all you wanted was a bit of peace and quiet sprinkled with a touch of flooding. The next question is, how do we solve this? Do we break this apart and create a new and proper one? Or do we just level out the floor by placing a few bricks?
Saving Space
This is not a design failure; this is a life failure. How could the person responsible for getting away with this? How could this thing be around enough time for someone to take a photograph of it? We can only think of two options to make this thing work.

It's either you stand and do your own business, explaining to those next in line that they will have to wait patiently to use the toilet behind the door, or you go in the door, and when you are finished doing whatever it was you were doing, you cross your fingers really hard wishing there is no one on the other side.
Broken Lock
This could be one of those automatic doors that you don't even have to push open, and it senses whenever a person comes close. Whatever it was supposed to be, the outcome seemed to be like a big mashup. Maybe it's broken? Maybe whoever put this together had some pieces missing and could work out what was going on.

Then, the dime dropped. This is probably the best way to make sure the toilets are clean at all times. There is no need to pay cleaners anymore. Just install one of these and see your monthly expenses drop as we speak.
Changing Perspective
This is a perfect example of what we mean when we say it's time to think out of the box. Not all toilets have to be oval-shaped, and not all people sit the same way when they are minding their own business. This was spotted in a local coffee shop somewhere, and the owner has been reportedly known for saying, "If you don't take your time while in there, you shouldn't have a problem."

We wondered if it were the other way round (the bottom part being oval and the top being square) would have still been such an issue.
At Least You Can’t See the Faces
When you are in the midst of your most private moments, you hope that nobody will be able to look at you. You get a little room to yourself, or at least a little stall, where nobody can see you shamefully dispense waste. This bathroom, however, does things a little differently, and by that, we mean worse.

The doors seem to have been installed upside down, meaning there is far too much space under the doors for people to peep through as you take a tinkle. Only the most desperate or unlucky will decide to use the facilities here. Maybe they have a hostile takeover of the other bathroom if things get bad enough. Well, desperate times call for desperate measures.
“Rest” Room
If you’ve ever wanted to get comfortable with other people using the restroom at the same time as you, now is your chance. Most public bathrooms have some kind of dividers between the stalls and the urinals, even if they’re just nominal barriers. This place apparently didn’t really feel like doing that. It looks like there is some kind of barrier over on the left, but nothing other than that.

If you want to use the hand drier, you have to stand right next to the person using the potty. If you’re using the potty and you want to grab something to clean up, you’re going to have to stretch your hand up quite a bit. And what’s with the curved metal railings everywhere? Is this the wheelchair-accessible bathroom?
How Do I Look?
There’s nothing like a prom selfie with your cat eating your big dump in the background. We could have sworn cats were meant to be the sane ones and dogs like to drink water from the toilet. But it turns out that whenever you leave the toilet seat up and your feline friends in the vicinity - they just can't help but take a peep.

That guy should probably give the cat some food because it seems hungry. Or some water because it might be thirsty. Maybe if he stopped spending so much time snapping selfies he’d be a better caretaker. Not to mention the fact that he probably has tons of fur on his white suit.
Flushed With Mediocrity
To selfie or not to selfie, when nature calls. This guy's photography skills are in the toilet – both figuratively and literally. He thinks he's breaking societal norms and the internet but the effort is as lazy as his eye. We hope his other selfies have been flush with success because this one got away from him, straight into the drain.

Relieving oneself is a sacred act, alright. Some might say it's almost sublime depending on the circumstances. Keep the act private and special. If one must do bathroom selfies, show the space a little more love. Make the effort or don't do it all.
Mirror Selfies for the Vertically Challenged
When the mirror's in the clouds, but the selfie game is strong! You walk into a bathroom, ready to capture that flawless mirror selfie but the mirror is practically in the stratosphere. What's a woman to do? Channel her inner acrobat, that's what! Sometimes a bathroom mirror can be the ultimate fitness motivator.

Here she is, jumping like she's aiming for Olympic gold, hands flailing, and even then, you only catch a glimpse up to her chin. Now that's some commitment to the moment. Chin up, they say. That was literally all she could manage! Here's to defying gravity for the sake of the perfect pic.
Look Who’s Being Cheeky
Who needs perfect angles and make-up when you can go bare and au naturel? So wholesome and well-rounded. He’s certainly aced the art of showcasing a little more cheekiness than originally planned. A fearless, mischievous exhibitionist proudly flaunting his bare derrière. Some might consider it a "selfie fail."

Others say it’s a sly victory. His intentions were clear - create a booty-ful masterpiece and pretend like he didn’t. All it takes is some bold and bare ambition. They say perfection is overrated so why not embrace the accidental exposure? Call it a win, call it a fail – we know it’s definitely no wardrobe malfunction.
To the Left, to the Left...
Remember Beyonce said the iconic lyrics that went along the lines of "to the left, to the left?" Well, that's the first thing that comes to mind when we read this bathroom sign. Of course, the men's room is to the left because women are always right - it couldn't and shouldn't be any other way.

We cannot imagine the distraught the man who just got into a major fight with his girlfriend must have felt when he got up angrily to use the bathroom and had to read this sign on his way there! That should teach him right from wrong.
Thinking About It
We love the aesthetic of this sign, it is incredibly simple, and it is obviously inspired by the classic bathroom signs, but it offers a twist. We've all been known to think while sitting on the toilet. But some undeniably will have plenty more to think about while on the "john" than others.

When you think about it, it's a great way to spend some quality alone time with yourself and with your thoughts. Also, we love that this sign doesn't place any significance on your gender. Both men and women kind of look like stick figures, when you think about it long enough.
All the Ladies
When it comes to bathrooms, women have a harder time than men. Usually, the line in the women's bathroom is always much longer, and it's a lot harder for women to tinkle in nature. This sign is here to right a couple of wrongs by saying all the stalls are saved for women.

The men can just go and do their business in the back. While this sign is funny, we actually do believe in bathroom equality for everyone, men included. Do you know those unisex bathrooms that are available in certain nightclubs? Well, this clearly isn't one of them, folks.
A Hearty Breakfast
Clearly, a breakfast restaurant, maybe even a diner, and the signage is spot on. There are so many nicknames for….well….you know, and if you are serving brekkie anyway, why not match the signs to the food? You'd have to be quite innocent not to understand why the men's room here is called "sausage" and women's is called "eggs."

Just a cute little reminder that even a bathroom sign can brighten someone’s morning. The longer we look at it, the hungrier we get, so maybe it’s actually just really good marketing. Truth be told, we love sausages and eggs in equal measure. Does that mean we can use either?
How to Make the Bathroom More Fun
If you ever hear yelling from the bathroom, this might just be the reason. It is a regular old paper towel dispenser, but someone created a custom sticker to add to it. It wasn't long before people realized it was little more than a gag.

But at least one person was apparently heard yelling for a little while, trying to dry his or her hands. Was it several minutes? Was it an entire half-hour? And who could have been responsible for this kind of wonderful prank? Definitely not the person who posted the picture, that's for sure. So everyone, in unison, "PAPER TOWEL NOW!"
C'mon, Ladies, It's Rude to Stare
It doesn't really matter why someone might be staring at you as you use the urinal – it is never a fun time. Somebody's boss put up this piece of charming artwork in a very specific place, and we have to wonder what he or she was thinking. We hope it was just “people will get a kick out of this,” because anything other than that would have people calling HR.

We wonder what kind of artwork the ladies' room has hung up. If the boss has any kind of brain rattling around between the ears, then there shouldn't be any.
Bean There, Done That
Ways to give your coworkers a heart attack number 11: stick a life-sized cardboard cutout of the creepiest character you can possibly imagine in a quiet bathroom corner and wait for the magic to happen. First of all, someone had to go through a lot of trouble to get that thing. At the very least, they dropped some money and had it delivered - which seems like the perfect amount of effort for this kind of prank.

Then, they had to get it past multiple people while keeping a straight face until they were able to set it up in its position in the ladies’ restroom. The only thing that would make this even better is if it were ordered specifically because they knew someone had a Mr. Bean phobia. Hey, it could have been worse – they could have used a cardboard cutout of Pee-wee Herman.
Unnecessary Update
Leaving a note after clogging a toilet may seem like an embarrassing and awkward task, but it's the right thing to do. Whoever left the note in this particular instance showed consideration and thoughtfulness by updating others before they had the chance to discover the damage for themselves.

The note also suggests that the person may have been feeling unwell, which is a legitimate reason for the incident. While the assumption that the next person to enter the bathroom would be interested in knowing how they were feeling afterward may be naive, the note still serves a practical purpose. It's a small act of responsibility that can save others from a potentially unpleasant situation.
They Can Get Quite Hot
Using a hair dryer on your hair helps to keep it looking good and ready for stepping out of the showers at your local gym, but that’s more or less the only thing you should use it for, other than drying off books like in “The Incredibles.” It’s called a hair dryer, and that is what it’s for. If you’re in a gym locker room and see anything else being dried off, it can pretty quickly turn your stomach.

Not only that but there are some safety reasons why the management wouldn’t want to encourage any misuse. Stuff can be melted, and people can angrily want it replaced. Well, you shouldn’t have shot hot air at it, then. Also, there’s a sanitation problem for some people, so please just use it on your hair. Your HEAD hair.
We’re Amazed This Note Had to Be Written
Public bathrooms can be a dangerous place when it comes to people who don’t have much of a brain in their skulls. What other thought could go through your head if you find a door to a public bathroom that is locked? What other option than “there is someone already using this stall” could there possibly be? Using a public bathroom isn’t the most difficult or dangerous thing in the world, but there are some people who can struggle in such an environment.

They’re used to things being a little more private and personal. So when someone comes and tries to rattle open the door, they, in turn, get rattled. Maybe the other person was deep in thought or something like that, but it still shouldn’t be done.
Not So Much an Announcement as a Notification
It seems the neighbors have all seen enough and decided they would leave a note. Quite a fancy note, too. Not everybody is an expert at two-way glass, and it seems that the person who installed this one wasn’t paying attention to which side of it was supposed to go in. The people who used the bathroom didn’t notice since they couldn’t see out – it was just frosted glass to them. No problem.

But the people who could see in figured it would be best to let them know there was, indeed, a problem. How much did they see before they figured they needed to leave a message? This kind of note is embarrassing, but it’s like being told your fly is down – you’d rather be told than find out yourself after getting home from the opera.
Toilet To Go
Whether or not Lena meant for her boss to see the flushed (well almost flushed) name tag, we'll never know! What we do know is that this has to be one of the funniest and most effective ways to quit and show how you feel about the job.

Toilet cubicles are often synonymous with being a space to hide from your belligerent boss, but Lena turned the tables (or...toilets?) and used it as a way to quit. In this case...DO forget to flush! ha...ha...ha. If this statement doesn't say "I'm flushing my career down the toilet," then we don't know what will!
Bathroom Plaque
Plaques are often reserved to commemorate an important person, location, or financial donor. This rather creative former employee obviously doesn't care to follow convention. Instead, he decided to create a plaque to announce his resignation. That's not even the best part.

He decided to place it in the bathroom! There's just something about toilet humor and resignations that have us entertained. In case you are having a hard time reading the plaque, it says the following: "In recognition for my 18-year service to our company, I commemorate this location in my honor." Either way, let's hope he washed his hands.
The Grassy Bath
Sure, people have the right to decorate their bathrooms however they see fit. But some designs are more acceptable than others. When it comes to bathrooms, the optimal material for surfaces and floors is tiles made out of porcelain. Anything else is probably not going to be conducive for all of that water flying around.

This guy went to pay his grandparents a visit when he was shocked to see the carpet they had used to decorate their bathroom. Truth be told, it looked more like the surface of a football field than a bathroom floor. You could play a game with your friends, quickly followed by a team bath.
Everything On Display
Some people get way too creative for their own good when it comes to fixing up their homes. Sure, you might live in a place that's a little smaller than you'd hope for. So you start to think outside the box a little. So you decide to build a special indoor balcony that is essentially a tiny bathroom.

But you ignore the fact that bathing is usually a private matter. This bathroom is on display for everyone to see. We sure hope this little room has some curtains or something to cover up the mess. Top marks for innovation though.
We Can Still See You
When it comes to surfaces, there are essentially three types. There are opaque ones, which basically means that they're completely solid and you can't see what's behind it. There are transparent ones, which are basically like windows, which are designed to be seen through.

Then there are translucent surfaces, which are not as clear as transparent ones but are cloudy enough to obscure whatever it's covering. The door to this bathroom stall counts as translucent. And let's face it, it shouldn't be. Bathroom doors of all kinds, unless it's for a shower, should always be opaque, and that's the bottom line.
If you can't get privacy in a bathroom stall, then where can you get it? Sure, there are plenty of stalls out there that unfortunately have little cracks and gaps that are just a part of its engineering. But we don't think we have ever seen an intentionally built hole quite like this one.

If you look directly into it, you can see the other side of the wall and into the stall next door. What's stopping you from sticking your hand too deep into the hole and connecting with an absolute stranger? This is an absolute recipe for disaster!
It's a Bit Tight
Sure, many bathrooms have toilets and showers in them. Usually, though, they are at least separated by some kind of partition. As you can see here, there is absolutely nothing separating the shower from the toilet, apart from some steps. But that's not even the biggest fail in this photo.

Clearly, the designer didn't take into account that people of many different shapes and sizes might need to use the bathroom. And yet, the "room," if you can even call it that, is so narrow that you can very easily put one hand on each wall. We're not going to lie, we do like the marble though.
I Need Some (More) Space!
We all aspire to be economical with our space, depending on our living arrangements. We want to cram as much stuff as possible into our humble abode. But sometimes, the room simply isn't big enough for the amount of stuff you need in it. This bathroom is so small that basically all of it can be seen in the photo.

You can just about sit on the toilet, and the two sinks are stacked on top of each other. It almost looks as if the room doesn't even have a door, and that in order to exit, you need to climb out of it.
The Writing's Not On the Wall
It's amazing how easy it is for public restrooms to get it wrong when identifying which one is for men and which is for women. You would think that it would be pretty clear who this bathroom is for. After all, the image is clearly of a woman, hence the skirt.

But this person still managed to get confused. He's a guy, and he completely ignored the icon and simply focused on the word. He thought it said "men." In reality, though, it actually says "women." It just turns out that the "wo" is covered by the image of the woman. How ironic.
Descending Into Hell
This photo shows the men's bathroom in Kansas City's Memorial Hall. As you can see, it's a pretty unorthodox design for a men's bathroom. First of all, you have to go down a steep flight of stairs to just get to a pair of urinals. There's also a double stall with no doors.

What makes the "bathroom" even more upsetting is that there is a window high above it. This means that passersby can easily get a peak of you doing your business. Hey, at least the stairs have railings on them. They did take health and safety into consideration.
Watch Your Head!
If you have learned anything about this article - it's the following: Plenty of bathrooms around the world are not designed to cater to a wide variety of people. Some bathrooms are way too small for the people who want to use them. Take this guy, for example.

He's 6'11", which is pretty tall, but still a perfectly normal high. And yet, this room is still too small for him. The toilet is tiny in comparison. And also, he can't stand straight while he's taking a leak. So his parents cut a hole in the ceiling to accommodate his head!
It's Basically an Odor Line
We're saying that for the most part, this bathroom door has a nice level of translucency to prevent outsiders from seeing exactly what the person inside is doing. That makes this photo all that more disappointing, as the designs of that strange squiggle completely missed the point.

They have totally undermined the idea of a bathroom being a place of privacy. And don't get us started on the actual shape of the see-through line. It almost looks like something is cooking in there. And we have no doubt that a few people have already cooked things in there over the years.
Imagine if you only looked down on the floor after having sat down in that bathroom stall for five minutes. You might actually get a heart attack from seeing all of those people. For a split second, you might even think that those people are crawling into the stall to say hi.

Only then, do you realize that it's just a strategically placed sticker to give visitors a little scare. Well played, whoever came up with this idea of this bathroom in DC. We think it's more comforting to see a bunch of people than, let's say, one random guy.
Oh Deer
When a bathroom is already really small, the last thing you need is a bunch of random decorations to make the place even more crowded. This bathroom is 7.5 x 5 in size. And yet, someone thought it would be a wonderful idea to put on the wall the head of a deer.

We aren't interested in entering a bathroom, sitting to do our business, and having a dead deer having a staring contest with us. That is just some weird, freaky stuff that we're just not into. Deer heads are bad enough hanging on the wall of our uncle's cabin, why do they need to be in public restrooms?
Toilet, Nintendo Style
When you have to go to the bathroom, it helps to have a clear vision of everything in front of you. You don't want your vision to be distorted in any kind of way so that you are able to find the right places to "go" and you're able to aim at the target.

This bathroom makes this impossible. Why? Because the whole design of the place is pixelated, so much to the point that it looks like it's from a video game. Listen, designer, I want to "drop blocks" in one of the stalls, not enter a game of Tetris.
Someone needs to brush up on their history a little and go back to the drawing board with their bathroom designs. This photo was taken in the bathroom of a restaurant known simply as Kings. We guess that each K here is supposed to evoke a K from a deck of cards.

In that case, surely there should be four K's, right? Unless it's supposed to reference the "Three Kings," like the movie. Of course, the three K's are synonymous with a much more controversial group of people. We're sure they'd be delighted to see this. No one else though.
Listen, you have the right to design your bathroom however you see fit. We just never thought that someone would be so determined to have Jeremy Renner staring at them while they do their business. We think we have worked out why the person has specifically chosen this actor for the poster next to the urinal.

Of course, Renner plays the character Hawkeye in the Avengers movies. Hawkeye is the superhero who uses a bow and arrow, and so he would very much want to make sure that you're staying on target. And we think we've hit the bullseye with this guess!
The Neverending Bathroom
Mirrors can create all kinds of illusions. But we never imagined that they would cover up the fact that the bathroom is just way too small. This woman was astounded by how the bathroom she entered was completely covered in mirrors.

It created the illusion that the room was much bigger than it actually was. In fact, it made it look as if this bathroom just keeps going forever, and it's just an eternal hallway of toilets. It's pretty trippy, and cool to look at, but we can imagine this getting annoying very fast. We much prefer simple tiles instead.
Not Creepy at All
We think that bathrooms should be nothing more than what they are supposed to be - a room. They shouldn't be an entry to something else, never mind a flight of mysterious stairs to a dark, spooky place. This guy was creeped out by the stairs to his friend's basement.

He wasted no time and made sure to get things done as quickly as possible. To think that this might be the last bathroom you ever visit is not just scary. It's pretty depressing. Of all of the bathrooms, we could have done our business last one - it happened to be this one.
Inception Bathroom
Have you ever seen the film "Inception?" You know, the one about the team of spies who are able to enter people's dreams and even enter dreams within dreams? Well, we thought we would take this principle and apply it to bathrooms instead.

In this photo, we can see a pretty normal-looking bathroom. It happens to be the bathroom at a dentist's clinic. What's strange about it though is that the dentist decided to take a photo of the bathroom and hang it up on the wall of the bathroom. And this is a perfect example of an "Inception Photo," as the photo just never ends.
Two Rooms for the Price of One
A pretty normal thing in many homes is to find a kitchen that is directly connected to the dining room. Either that or the living room. It's essentially two rooms in one. But we have never seen a place where the bathroom and the living room are completely intertwined.

That's what this person found at the restaurant they visited. It seems like there was an entire lounge area in the bathroom they were freshening up in. Not only did it have a shower and a sink, but it also had a pair of chairs, a footrest, and some bottles of wine.
It's Uncanny
This photo doesn't exactly show a bathroom fail. After all, the bathroom itself looks perfectly fine as far as we can see. However, it's the person in the bathroom that makes this somewhat of a fail. They commented how basically what they are wearing directly corresponds with the interior design of the room.

Even her height makes it look like the dress perfectly blends into the background. It's just one of those perfectly timed moments where it would be an absolute crime not to take a photo. Thankfully, her skin color doesn't match the color of the wall above. Otherwise, we might think that she is struggling to breathe.