The wedding day was coming up and Amilia wanted to arrange a meeting between her parents and Brandon’s parents. The last thing they needed was for the two inlaws to meet for the first time on the wedding day.

Amilia hoped that once her parents meet her to-be inlaws, they would see how nice they were and maybe waive the fact that they had less money in the bank. If only Amilia could have known that things were about to get more complicated.
Amilia and Brandon
The relationship between Amilia and Brandon, her new boyfriend, was blooming. This was not just a rebound or a short summer romance. Amilia considered Brandon as spectacular marriage material. It was getting serious.

They were madly in love, they shared the same dreams and it didn't matter to them how much money each side had. It was mainly Amilia's parents who turned the dollars into an issue. Soon enough, things were about to take a new lane.
The Big Question
They were together for almost two years before the big question was popped. Amilia was delighted and full of joy. This was the happiest time of her life. Brandon's family too were very happy about the big news.

Only Amilia's family didn't give their blessing. They couldn't see what Amilia saw and didn't approve of the match. They had their doubts and didn't make an effort in hiding them.
Simple Simon
Now, there was nothing wrong with Brandon. Amilia's mother believed he was a genuine guy, that he loved her daughter and that he would never ever break heart her. However, this was not sufficient.

It was Brandon's background. It was his parents' whereabouts that kept Amilia's mother worried and concerned. Things were about to change, not only for Amilia and Brandon but for Amilia's mother too.
They Couldn't Accept Him
It wasn't so much the fact that Brandon's parents weren't as wealthy as they were, it was more his father's occupation that was embarrassing in their eyes and made them ashamed that this was their daughter's choice.

You see, Brandon's father was a janitor. Just a simple janitor. Most people couldn't care less but Amilia's parents saw this as being the end of the world.
More Than Money
Amilia came from a very successful family. Her great-grandfather immigrated here and started his own business. He was a hard worker who earned every single penny with his bare hands. Even today, his company is still family-owned.

He made his family extremely rich. Rich in a way that Amilia was given everything she ever wished for, anything money could buy. She was also well brought up with values and respect as money never played a significant role in her life. She didn't care much about it. For Brandon, things were different.
All in the Family
Everyone in Amilia's family 'married in'. The money went to money. Their biggest concern was some freeloader taking a ride on their wealth, so they made sure they knew exactly who was marrying who for what reason.

No one could really blame them as they wanted to maintain the lifestyle and luxury they were all brought up in and this was kind of an unwritten law in the family. Brandon would soon find this as a very big obstacle to pass.
The Other Side of the Dime
Brandon's family was anything but rich. His mother wasn't well enough to work and his father was working very hard, however, bringing home just a minimum wage. They had it rough.

At first, Amilia's mother thought she was joking and couldn't believe her daughter was really planning on spending the rest of her life with poor Brandon. But soon enough, she realized the story between the two was true love.
She Wasn't Surprised
None of this came as a surprise to Amilia. She knew exactly what her parents' reaction would be after meeting Brandon, however, she was different from them and wouldn't let a bundle of dollars get in their way.

She was in love. And for Amilia, love was enough. Brandon meant the world to her and no one could ever come between them. Not even her parents. She was going to spend the rest of her life with him.
It's Wedding Time
Initially, Amilia was going to plan her wedding on her own. That way she wouldn't need her parents to approve. She wasn't planning on not inviting them, however, they could only arrive as guests, without taking part in the decisions.

This wasn't going very well and Amilia was concerned. She knew it would take long before her parents would make their voices heard and give her a piece of their mind. The last thing she wanted was to fall out with them.
She Had to Choose
Amilia's parents saw the worst coming. Their biggest fear was to lose their daughter and never speak to her again. This was not an option for them and they were willing to do anything to prevent this from happening.

Amilia's mother had to think of a way to make her daughter happy and a way to make herself content. She was no fool. She knew she could only get her way by being sophisticated and she had a plan. What was she keeping up her sleeve?
All-On-One Bill
Amilia's mother offered to pay for the entire wedding and the young couple accepted this offer with no hesitation. A wedding these days costs an arm and a leg so when an offer like this comes your way, you grab onto it.

Little did they know, Amilia's mother wasn't offering to pay because of her generosity and wanting to do a good deed. There was more to it and soon enough Amilia's mother's real intentions were about to be revealed.
Making Plans
Amelia's mother knew there wasn't much she could do to prevent her daughter from marrying the love of her life, and there was nothing in her power to stop the wedding from happening. She also knew that if Amilia found out about her plans, she would find it very hard to forgive her.

Amilia's mother took the big day as an opportunity to show off their wealth in front of Brandon's poor and less fortunate family. She believed that by this, she would claim her dominance in the family.
Keeping Up Appearances
The wedding day was coming up and Amilia wanted to arrange a meeting between her parents and Brandon's parents. The last thing they needed was for the two inlaws to meet for the first time on the wedding day.

Amilia hoped that once her parents meet her to-be inlaws, they would see how nice they were and maybe waive the fact that they had less money in the bank. If only Amilia could have known that things were about to get more complicated.
She Wanted to Disappear
Amilia's mother insisted on meeting Brandon's parents at their house. She wanted to take advantage of the situation and rub their faces with how rich they were and how beautiful their house was.

Amilia's parents had no guilt trip, they didn't feel bad, not even for one minute. All they cared about was how to present everything they had in the most luxurious way.
It's Was Show Time
The set date for introducing the inlaws arrived. Amilia's parents dressed in their finest clothes while Brandon's father came casually in his work clothes. Yes, he arrived in his janitor's uniform.

At first, he felt embarrassed and completely out of place. Later on, and as the evening progressed, he felt very much comfortable in what he was wearing. This way, he believed, he could let his real inside shine. What do clothes matter anyway?
They Couldn't Shut Up
Amilia's parent's reaction to his appearance was soon heard. They deliberately laughed loud enough so he could hear, and gave their remarks close enough to his ears.

Amilia and Brandon found this very disturbing. They couldn't acknowledge what they were witnessing, and their feelings that the evening was going really well...vanished into the air. Amilia's mother hadn't said her last word yet.
Mission Impossible
Amilia's parents were under the impression that their mission had been accomplished, and that they had driven Brandon's father to the ground. After such an evening, there was no way he was going to show his face in their presence.

Amilia and Brandon were so disappointed and couldn't believe her parents would go so low. The last thing they expected was Nicolai, Brandon's father, to show up at the wedding. But he did, with the biggest surprise (and revenge) he could think of.
They All Chipped in
During the days before the big day, Brandon's mother and sister offered to help. Nicolai wasn't seen or heard of. Brandon's family started to doubt if he would show up to the wedding at all.

Little did they know, while everyone was worried sick about him and busy with planning the wedding, Nicolai had plans for himself and was working on something that would shock everyone, especially Amilia's mother.
She Was Low
Amilia was feeling Down. The biggest day of her life was here and her future father-in-law wasn't by the couple's side. Soon enough, Nicolai arrived dressed in a rented suit and a brand-new pair of shoes. He really went out of his way to fit in and look respectable.

He had his hair tied up, he had a clean shave and he did everything he could to make his son and daughter-in-law proud of him. All this still didn't prevent Amilia's mother from reorganizing the seating arrangement and trying to ruin the day for Brandon's family.
Changing Chairs
She rearranged the seats because she didn't want Brandon's family to sit at the front. She wanted to separate the two families, pretending they weren't related at all.

Amilia knew exactly what her mother was capable of so she arranged the seats as they were originally meant to be. She wanted both parents to enjoy the day and be proud of their children. This was not going smoothly.
It All Burst
The whole scenario was accompanied by screaming and shouting, blaming, and cursing, and someone had to put an end to it. This was Amilia and Brandon's big day and their families were ruining it. Amilia's family realized that they were out of order.

They took things a few steps too far and shamelessly approached Amilia and promised that they will put an end to it. They will leave Brandon's family alone. However, this promise was given a bit too late as they already had something else in mind, aimed at hurting Nicolai.
Here Came the Bride
The wedding ceremony began. Both sets of parents were seated in the front row. They didn't speak to each other, let alone look at each other, and one could cut the atmosphere with a knife.

Amilia was stressed and nervous, but for the wrong reasons. Instead of having tummy butterflies and being excited about marrying the love of her life, she was worried her family would take things even further. Did Amilia have something to worry about?
What Was Next
The ceremony was over and done with. No casualties. No one objected, no one said a word, however, none of the family members were happy as you'd expect families to be happy on a wedding day. Saying all that, Amilia wasn't surprised and this was what she expected.

Amilia and Brandon embraced their day and accepted the fact that their parents will probably never be the best of friends. They were thankful for what they had, but still, weren't aware of what was about to happen.
Gift Ceremony
Traditionally, after the drinks, dinner, and dancing, there was a gift ceremony. Amilia's parents were eagerly waiting for this part of the day. This was another opportunity for them to show just how much money they had.

And besides, Nicolai was simply a janitor. What kind of a gift could he possibly bring? Amilia's mom could finally show everyone around that Brandon's family had nothing, and that they had it all. Well, that's what she thought as Nicolai was about to surprise her.
Who Was Next?
When the gift ceremony started, Amilia's mother made sure that Nicolai, Brandon's father, was last. If he is going to make a fool out of himself and embarrass the rest of the family, let him do it after everyone has presented their gift.

Amilia's mother wanted Nicolai's gift to underwhelm the rest. In any case, whatever it was, it wouldn't be as valuable as the rest. He was a janitor for God's sake.
Her Father Had a Better Idea
Nicolai obviously thought of something significant and much more meaningful than any other item anyone could pick up in any department store. His gift made all the others seem meaningless.

The gift-giving ceremony seemed to put some smiles on both families' faces. The atmosphere was calmer and it was more pleasant for the bride and groom and for the guests.
It Was Almost Over
The end of the gift-giving ceremony was coming up. Amilia's parents showered them with eye-popping gifts such as a two-week holiday in the Maldives — a perfect destination for a honeymoon.

They were thrilled by this as they really wanted to chill and go on a vacation. This was not the end, as there were plenty of more gifts and surprises on the way.
Expensive Gifts
Amilia's parents bought Brandon a new motorbike, which seemed odd at first, however, Amilia didn't want to make a fuss about it. Her mother was about to do anything to win superiority in the extended family.

Brandon's mother was next and she presented a beautiful tea set that she inherited from her mother. Tea wasn't a big thing in Amilia and Brandon's household, however, they were very appreciative. Nicolai was next.
He Won the Game
Amilia's mother's nightmare was about to come true. The least expected thing was about to happen, and she was not prepared. Out of all the possible scenarios, this was definitely the worst one.

Nicolai came with a very small box in his hand. A small box with something even smaller inside that would soon cast a dark shadow on all of the other gifts.
What Did She Find?
Soon Nicolai's gift was about to be revealed. Amilia opened the box and found a small plate with something engraved on it. When she realized what it said, she burst into tears.

Everyone around was amazed and no one understood what was going on. What could have possibly made Amilia so emotional and break down so easily? Amilia's parents got closer to Amilia. They too wanted to see what was in the little box.
Happy Home
When Amelia's mother found out what it was, she knew that she had lost. She knew that there was nothing she could buy that would overcome Nicolai's gift. He gave his daughter in law and her beloved husband a gift that showed just how much he cared about them.

He gave them the most simple thing, yet with the most significance. He gave them a small sign to hang outside of their door and it said; "Welcome to the residence of Amilia and Brandon Parker". It was handmade. By Nicolai. It was priceless.
There Was No Way Back
Amilia's mother realized that no matter what she did, there was no way to exclude Nicolai from his son and the family. There was nothing she could have done that would have come between them. They were father and son.

The dime dropped when she looked at the sign and realized that her beloved Amilia, was now a Parker. She took Brandon's name and together they created their new family.
Mr. and Mrs. Parker
So, as it turns out, there was much more to the door sign than just being a door sign. The engravement said it all and Nicolai knew it. He put a lot of thought into it before deciding that this was going to be the gift.

Amilia's father was the first to approach Nicolai. It didn't take him long to understand that he acted foolishly and that there was more than enough room for an apology. Amilia's father felt bad and embarrassed and he admitted they were in the wrong.
It Was Almost Over
Nicolai, being such a genuine and easygoing kind of guy, accepted the apology as he was wise enough to understand the issue was with Amilia's parents, and not with him. They are the ones that were materialistic, narrow mined, and stuck up.

Without realizing it, not only did Nicolai give Amilia and Brandon a priceless gift that no money in the world could ever buy, but he also gave a few other people a good lesson in life. He proved that there are things in life that money cannot buy and there are people in this world, that hide a lot of precious gifts, underneath their janitor's uniform.
Ah, weddings. Celebrations of love accompanied by beautiful clothes, good music, dancing, and cake. So much cake. It doesn't get any better than this. It can, however, get worse. Like, big-time major fiasco scandals. Especially when one half of the happy couple turns out to be not so happy.

In this article, you will find some of the most interesting stories we found from around the internet which involve grooms opting out of their own weddings. Read at your own risk.
Please, Pastor
This story is from the pastor's point of view. After knowing the couple for what seemed like an appropriate time to judge someone's relationship, nothing looked suspicious. Things really unraveled only at the much anticipated "I do" moment.

Turns out that the groom was somehow manipulated into getting married and just couldn't follow through with the whole event. His timing seems a little dramatic but at least he was able to break free.
A True Bollywood Moment
Weddings in India have an elaborate set of customs and traditions, one of which involves an extensive guest list. Sure, it means there are lots of people witnessing the happiest day of your life, but it also means that if anything goes sideways the public humiliation is impossible to bear.

This bride, with the help of the poster's uncle, was saved from such humiliation thanks to what could possibly be the most gallant action we've ever heard of. And they lived happily ever after. Literally.
Parting as Friends
This story comes from the groom's child, a child which, by the looks of things was at one too many of their father's weddings. We'd assume there wasn't much excitement on the son/daughter's part prior to yet another ceremony. Seeing as dad was as keen on weddings as much as he was on getting divorced, it sounds like the kid was happy this one was nipped it in the bud.

The fact that both partners decided to end things amicably sounds comforting though.
Teacher Tears
Can you imagine a group of excited little fourth-graders all stoked for their beloved teacher's wedding? It's so adorable we might cry. Then we kept reading the whole story and we wanted to cry for a whole different reason.

The poor teacher had her heart broken in front of all the people she care about. We don't tend to be very vindictive but we hope the runaway groom got what he deserved.
Just Can't Do This
When this couple was about to declare their love in carefully chosen words, things took an unfortunate turn. Instead of going through the regular motion of saying how he can't wait to spend the rest of his life with the woman in front of him, the groom apologized and left.

At least it's good to know that the pair chose their wedding companions wisely and that they were a real shoulder to lean on.
At Least the Picnic Happened
This bride was left to wait for a groom who never showed. Our research shows that the two had been together for 6 years by that time. If you ask us, that's plenty of time to realize that the person you're with isn't the one you want to marry, but that's just us.

The girl seems to have taken the rejection in her stride — not only did she bravely face all the guests and explain that the wedding wasn't happening, but she also joked about it and went on with the outdoor event as much as possible. We salute.
We can understand how it can suddenly dawn on someone that they have been with the wrong person. That happens. That's what this whole article is about, basically. But taking the honeymoon tickets and running off with your brother? That's just adding insult to injury!

We aren't sure what's more shocking, the audacity he had to ask her to get back together, the fact she actually agreed, or the fact that the second time around actually went as planned.
Someone Give This Woman an Oscar
The guests at this wedding must have been getting really antsy by the time the official announcement was made. Rumors started circulating but eventually, things came to light — the groom wasn't going to show. Since the place and services were already set and paid for, they were welcome to stay and enjoy themselves.

The most impressive component of this whole ordeal is obviously the bride, who held her head high and greeted her guests with a smile despite her probably feeling like she'd been hit by a truck. She deserves better.
Is This a Hallmark Movie?
This story has everything a good romantic comedy needs: a grand wedding scene (or even two!), a dramatic plot twist, an unfaithful partner, a knight in shiny armor, and even something that would pass for a meet-cute!

Of course, hearing about someone being dumped on their wedding day is something we wouldn't wish on anyone, but Mr. DJ here sure had things play out in his favor. Now, the two must be happy that the chips fell where they did.
Yeah, I'm Not Coming
Many of the stories in this article involve women who were left at the altar, or at least at the venue. This bride, however, was left way before that when her groom backed out on the whole thing and told his side they had no point in going.

In a way, not only did he break up with his partner, but he also had his own family and friends break up with her family and friends. Very classy. We hope the bride and her loved ones ended the evening by pouring sugar into his gas tank.
Still a Bachelor
There is nothing wrong with wanting to blow off some steam with your best mates before your big day. Planning a wedding is a big deal and decompression is pretty necessary.

What isn't necessary is drinking yourself senseless, getting together with a random girl (who would even consider taking home someone whose wedding is due the following day?), and passing out so hard you miss your own ceremony. This bachelor remained a bachelor for way longer than he intended.
Talking From the Harp
This story comes from a third party — neither the bride nor the groom, but the harpists who played at their reception. Well, not quite THEIR reception as only one side of this would-be nuptials actually showed up.

As the account of the events goes, the groom was having some sort of mental breakdown and couldn't show. We do hope that the two were able to work things out and maybe get married in a less-stressful setting.
An Awkward Night
Coming from a person on a wedding staff, here is another non-wedding wedding. After discovering that the groom had been getting ... close... with the maid of honor, this poor bride had her heart broken twice.

She did, however, turned this sour lemon into lemonade. Seeing as the venue and services were booked and non-refundable, the bride and her family just had their own reunion party with good music and good booze. Sounds exactly like what the bride needed to recover.
No Wedding, Just Food
The groom in this story decided that the wedding is not an event he was going to attend a little too late. And when we say a little too late, we mean the man was past the point of no refund.

The bride wasn't going to spend several hours at the place where she was supposed to be wed and eat that groom-less food, so her friends took her out somewhere where she could leave her troubles behind for a while. Still, that doesn't mean no one should enjoy the food... which her family did.
Oh He Was Dancing Alright
Okay, so this bride wasn't left at the altar, but our guess is if she had to choose between that and what actually happened, she would have chosen the former. Imagine having your heart broken not only by the man you just said "I do" to but also by your best friend. Simultaneously!

The story doesn't detail what happened after the bride stormed off or where she went, but if we had to guess, we'd say she probably started by picking up something sharp and going to town on his tires.
Goodwill Wedding
This charitable bride may have been left by her groom a few weeks before the big day but it doesn't mean the event was canceled.

Since everything was already booked and paid for, the invitations were sent with a slight adjustment — instead of a wedding, her loved ones were now invited to a charity gala at the end of which all of the presents were given to the less fortunate. What an absolute rockstar!
The bridezilla trope has been around for a while now, but according to this story, it looks like there are some grooms who can be just as bad.

This groom right here, for example, literally canceled the whole wedding just because the bride asked for it to be moved indoors. The very rational reason? It was raining. That's right. The guy was either going to have his outdoor wedding (which would soak everyone to their bones) or no wedding. Luckily, there was a secret third option of a minor Vegas ceremony which went surprisingly well.
We Got Your Back, Sis
This bride may not have had much luck when it came to choosing a life partner, but she sure as heck got lucky to have three brothers who have her back.

After realizing her groom wasn't going to show, the brothers got together and went after the man who wronged their sister. Unfortunately, they haven't been able to locate him. But then again, maybe it's a good thing that they didn't, or the whole thing would have ended in multiple arrests at best.
The Poor Goat
In some Kenyan cultures, a traditional wedding ceremony involves a bride, a groom, some guests, and a goat. The last item served as part of the feast. This traditional wedding ceremony in Kenya involved all of those items but the groom.

Surprisingly, though, the bride's family wasn't too mad about the flaky groom because it seemed like he was headed toward a downward legal spiral. So maybe there was a happy ending for the bride after all.
Sorry, I Overslept
Bachelor parties can either be a fantastic night with your best friends or they can go horribly wrong and get you into more trouble than you thought possible. For this groom and his company, it was the second option.

The wild night ended with the cops coming over and taking the whole alcohol-pumped bunch for the night to sleep things off, not releasing them until it was too late. We wonder what the bride had to say (or scream) about it.
No Means No
This story comes not from the bride, but from her sister. Only 13 years at the time, she must have been so excited to be taking the part of maid of honor on her dear sister's big day. Never in a million years did she think the event will end with the groom simply saying no and walking away.

This experience must have ruined weddings for her. Not as bad as it ruined them for the actual bride, but still.
Yeah, That's Not Happening
Most of the stories here involve at least some level of drama. Not this one, though. The groom in this story canceled his own wedding and took to Facebook to let the guests know.

The thing is, the announcement was done in a post that was pretty much the blandest way in which someone could tell their loved ones that their happily ever after is on hold for now. He must be fun at parties.
In Sickness
What do you do when you are sick on your wedding day? You suck it up, that's what you do. Well, at least that's what this guy did.

While he did leave his new wife at the altar, it was only for a brief moment so he could go get reacquainted with his breakfast and get right back there. A real trooper! Also a trooper — the Mrs. who still kissed him. These two have the "in sickness and in health" part covered.
All for the Best
In many of the stories here, the husband-to-be realizes he has no interest in being a husband at the eleventh hour. Here, though, the guy came to his senses three months before the big day, which saved both the couple and their loved ones a lot of embarrassment.

It saved some money too (except for the thousands of dollars in deposits), and in the long run, it helped his partner understand he wasn't right for her after all. All's well that ends well.
Golfing Away
This story comes from the bride's cousin, who stated that the event was incredibly lavish. The couple literally had circus performers to entertain people outside the venue. Insane.

Still, that wasn't the only insane thing that happened there. That title goes to the groom, who just couldn't bring himself to say his "I do" and just fled on a random golf cart, trying to get back on his first wife's good graces.
What Class Did He Teach?
The nerve. The gall. The absolute absence of any ability to grasp human decency. After skipping his own wedding, leaving the bride's family to have the wedding reception sans actual wedding. That doesn't mean he was opting out of the affair altogether though.

This guy wasn't going to play his part as a groom at his own event, but he was more than willing to perform there with his band. We couldn't be shaking our heads any harder.
Clearly Not Over Him
This story isn't exactly about some being left at the altar but it was too good to leave out. While the woman in the story was left shortly before the wedding, it seems like no real harm was done. Well, not until later, that is.

The said English model was, apparently, not over her feelings of rejection even yeas after, resorting to straight-out-of-a-movie acts of drama such as flinging a can of tuna at the guy's head.
Here Comes the Bride... or Not
Having super-involved families can go either way. They can be a great source of warmth and support, or they can get your engagement canceled on the day of the wedding over a dowry disagreement. Well, this statement is oddly specific, but so is this story.

Since the food was already there, there was no point in letting it go to waste. The guests of this wedding left the venue full (silver lining) yet confused.
Grandad's Story
Marrying someone is one thing. Marrying someone with a 10-year-old is something else entirely. The grandpa, whose story is brought here by his grandchild, could have been very much into the woman he was supposed to marry, but he realized he wasn't ready to be a stepdad at the very last second.

Thankfully, the woman he did end up marrying was cool with his past and the two went on to build a family of their own.
At Least There Was Cake
A bachelor party is never a bachelor party without a ridiculous amount of alcohol. The thing is, once you take too many guys and give them too much alcohol, you are risking the possibility of the men dissuading the groom from getting married altogether.

It doesn't happen that often, but this story isn't the only one on this list in which the events of the bachelor party backfire at the actual wedding.
You Do You Girl
Ah, yes, a healthy dose of feminism. What a breath of fresh air. Combine that with a sweet happy ending and we're sold.

After being left at the altar by a man who had trouble respecting her professional ambitions, this woman is living her dream. This dream is complete with the perfect job and the perfect man who deserves her way more than his predecessor.
Just Want to Party
People mature at different paces and the pace of the people around us doesn't always match ours. Looks like people around this former would-be groom were pressuring him into maturing faster than he was willing to do so himself.

Fully acknowledging that he wasn't ready to settle down, he decided that this whole wedding business wasn't for him. Despite his later doubts, we believe he did the right thing.
Most of life's choices come down to priorities. What's higher — eating that sixth slice of pizza or sticking to what your nutritionist prescribed you? Calling your ex's when you're feeling lonely or maintaining a shred of dignity? Committing to your fiancee and your unborn child or fleeing to Mexico and being the biggest jerk ever? Most of us will have the same priority about that last one. The groom, though, thought differently.

This storyteller also tells us where their priorities lie. Sure, it was sad and all, but as long as there's cake, it's all good.
What Did He Do?
This story is pretty clear for the most part. The groom had a date with some cops, reception still happened with a few obvious adjustments, and the guy ended up someone else. So far so good. Well, not good, but you get it.

What we are still missing here is what did the man do to deserve cops busting into his own wedding and whisking him away in handcuffs? We need to know!
Keeping the Faith
Look, we don't really know what compelled the groom into leaving his bride this way, but frankly, we are struggling to think of an excuse that would make us stop wanting to TP his house at the very least.

The sweet bride seems to have handled things bravely with her close friends and family and an adjusted ceremony that shows she still has faith.
Running Away From the Aisle
Remember that scene from "Runaway Bride" when Julia Roberts walks down the aisle and then right before she reaches the actual altar takes a sharp turn and starts running? This story is a little like that, except the walking (bride) and running (groom) are done simultaneously. The horror.

The story gets even more horrific when you realize the bridesmaids were all wearing what can only be described as an orange version of "The Handmaid's Tale" costumes.
An Email?!
The person who brought this story mentions that the bride and groom had been a couple for no less than six years and invited more than 500 people to witness their holy matrimony. The thing is, the groom took off before there was anything to witness.

That's not even the worst part — he took his EX-GIRLFRIEND to what would have been the couple's HONEYMOON and then let the fiancee know about it with an EMAIL. The nerve!
Two for One
The quote below comes from someone who's been working in the wedding industry for many years and states to have seen it all and treat us with two stories!

Actually, now that we're thinking about it, maybe "treat" isn't the right word to use here as both stories kind of make us feel horrible for everyone involved. Well, maybe not everyone, the groom/maid of honor duo could step on Lego bricks for the rest of their lives for all we care.
The Icing on the Cake
Generally speaking, it's great to have alcohol at weddings. Usually, a glass or two are just the thing that the couple needs to de-stress and the guests to feel loose enough to dance. The trouble starts when the groom has too much of it before the ceremony and decides to just leave.

Thankfully, there is a happy ending to this case — the bride found another partner, started a family, and is even able to actually decorate other people's wedding cakes for a living!
She's Clearly Better Off
Isn't perspective just the best? This event was undoubtedly traumatic and dramatic when it happened. Fast forward a few years later, though, and that ex-fiancee sees that, in hindsight, it was for the best.

This doesn't excuse the ex from leaving her at the altar or dating his boss behind her back, though. No, this guy will definitely have karma slapping him across the face at one point or another.
Three Birds, One Stone
This couple thought they could tackle three events in one go by having their wedding on the groom's birthday, which conveniently coincides with Valentine's Day. It was the perfect plan. Or at least that's what the bride thought.

Apparently, the groom had other plans and this triple celebration turned into a triple punch in the gut when the guy decided to leave her at the altar.
How Is This Not a Movie?
Okay, who scripted this? Just raise your hand, we won't get mad, we promise. It's just that those things only seem to happen in movies. Someone literally barging in with an objection, snatching the groom from the altar, and end up marrying him?

Sounds like she still feels guilty for the way things unfolded, but hey, if it got her together with her one true love and the ex-fiancee seems to have recovered, maybe it wasn't that bad.
Such a Typical Story
This story is quite simple. You can probably tell it in your sleep. You've probably heard it thousands of times.

You know what it's like. Boy meets girl, boy and girl agree to get married, boy flakes and leaves girl at the altar, boy gets what he deserves from girl's brothers, boy pays for the wedding, boy regrets everything and wants girl back but it's too late. We find the boy's story on the internet and bring it here.
C'mon Uncle...
This person's uncle sounds like a piece of work. In fact, he sounds exactly like someone's uncle. Have you noticed how whenever there's a weird family story, the main character is always the uncle? Anyway, Mr. Uncle needed to literally almost marry someone to realize he wasn't into her after all.

How he found the right person eventually is beyond us. We wonder if fiancee #2 knew about this when they first started dating.
Maybe She's Cursed
Get left at the altar once, shame on the spouse. Get left at the altar twice, shame on the witch who probably cursed you.

Sounds like if this woman wants her happily ever after with a special someone, she needs to take an actual wedding out of the picture. Either that or knock the man unconscious so this time he can't escape. He'll just wake up with a ring on his finger and have to deal with it.
Furious Flower Girl
When a groom leaves a bride and there's a lot of emotion flying around. Everyone's sad for the bride who had her heart broken, sorry for the parents who paid for the whole event, and just plain angry for the loss of a few perfectly good hours gone to waste.

What about the flower girl, though? Has anyone thought of her and how a nine years old kid had her moment in the spotlight shamelessly robbed from her?
Never Sass the Father
Some practices of wedding etiquette should go without saying. Unless you're the bride, don't come in wearing a white dress, don't make any personal phone calls during the ceremony, you know, that sort of thing.

Some people, however, need to have everything spelled out for them, like this groom, who somehow didn't know it was wrong to sass to your future father-in-law or he might cancel the wedding on the spot. We're happy for the bride to have managed to escape tying herself to this man.
Paid in Full
Many of the grooms we see in this article didn't handle the situation very politely or gracefully. They were mostly focused on getting out of the place and putting as much distance as possible between themselves and everyone else at the venue for all eternity.

Not this groom, though. Sure, his act of leaving his fiancee when the guests are still streaming in was low, but he faced things head-on and paid for everything even if it took him six years.
Don't Worry, Friend
Yes, this is an article about runaway grooms, but this story of a runaway bride was just so good we just couldn't leave it out. After realizing her life was shaping into something she didn't want, she just had to bolt.

Okay, okay, you caught us. This is actually Rachel's story from "Friends," but at least we know this one got her happily ever after, even if there was a break somewhere along the way. (Or was there?)