This smiling dude decided to celebrate his 40th birthday by going camping with his wife. So sweet, so wholesome. The wife went ahead and made things special with a bottle of champagne at a cost of no less than $75. It is a special occasion after all. The thing is, she forgot to bring glasses so they had to make do.

While it is customary to serve champagne, and pretty fancy champagne at that, in a tall flute, nobody said it is the only way to do it. Any cup will do. It just needs to hold liquid, it’s not that complicated. And if there’s a Darth Maul involved then so be it.
Send Help
This dog really looks like it could use some help. These happy campers took their beloved pooch with them, assuming that their pooch is going to enjoy spending time outside, in nature, but in actual fact, the little guy looks like a deer in the headlights, and a little stressed out.

Dogs love to get out and explore, just like their humans but there are definitely many things to consider before signing your dog up for a camping excursion. Be sure to do some research beforehand on what all is involved in taking your sweet companion with on a camping trip.
Camping or Floating?
Generally speaking, when people camp, they want to set their tent on the ground, which is literally what camping is. But, sometimes, Mother Nature has other plans. Enjoying your time away in the great outdoors is not the straightforward proposition it seems to be when it's raining cats and dogs.

In this case, the campers' van started floating around, and they learned that they have no other choice but to float instead of drive to the next campsite. If camping is all about adventure, it's safe to say they got an adventure alright, plus they'll probably save money on gas!
A Nosy Dog
Camping with dogs can go either way. It can be fun, but it can also be a real challenge. In this case, what started out as a fun day camping ended with the pooch strolling over to a nearby vacation home and just about as subtle as a raccoon, he stuck his head through someone's door screen.

Yes, it seems that little face seems to really enjoy propping screen doors open. Even if this little cutie tries to sneak into your home and steal some treats, he's so adorable that we bet his misdemeanor will be forgiven. Just don't display any food near where he can actually steal it!
Sleeping in a Bag in a Car
When you know you won't be able to pitch that tent before it gets dark and you're camping with children, sometimes you just have to come up with creative solutions. In this case, the problem was a very tired child, and the solution was a sleeping bag in the trunk of the car.

It's just important to remember that the child sleeping is in the trunk at all times. Unless you want your fellow campers to think you've kidnapped someone else's child and kept him in your trunk. You might want to make sure that everyone knows he's yours and he's just very, very tired.
Falling Down
Tents are harder to set up than they seem. They should be easy to build as anyone with a brain is supposed to be able to pitch them while outside in nature. But, alas, they just aren't. These two people thought they had it covered, so they built the tent to the best of their ability and then went to bed.

They soon found all the work they put into pitching their tent, somehow was all for naught and their tent completely caved in. They didn't seem to mind and continued sleeping as if nothing happened. Somebody should probably tell them, there's a fine line between a bohemian sensibility and living in disorder.
Bad Camping
Camping is all about going outside and sleeping in nature. When you think about it like that, can you really be that bad at it? Well, the answer is yes, of course, it can! But hey, when things go wrong and you need a quick fix, you can always use duct tape.

Truthfully speaking, there's really no good reason not to bring the greatest invention of the 20th century on vacation with you. Seriously, every conceivable problem on your camping trip can be fixed with this impossibly sticky stuff, even that pesky zipper that just won't budge. And now you've turned a mundane zipper malfunction into a masterpiece.
Bathroom Equality
If you've been around recently you've probably heard about people demanding bathroom equality and accessibility. Everyone deserves to have the chance to go to the bathroom and feel comfortable with who they are, regardless of their gender identity or physical abilities. This is true for men, women, and anyone in between.

Accessible bathrooms are crucial for all individuals, even Scotsmen who are out there camping in their kilts deserve their own bathrooms so that they can use restroom facilities independently and with dignity. After all, nobody should be made to feel embarrassed or ashamed when they go to the bathroom just because they wear a kilt.
The Walmart Camper
Whoever said that camping was solely reserved for campsites? The way we see it (or at least the way we see it after seeing this picture) as long as you are sleeping outdoors you're camping. And this person in the picture with the tent and equipment set up on their Jeep is definitely camping.

Heck, there are even nice trees around! The fact that they are doing this in a Walmart parking lot is beside the point. In fact, they may have hacked the system - if they find out a piece of equipment is missing they can always get what they need from the store.
Peg It Down!
When it comes to pitching your tent, you might think that the poles are the most important part of setting up a tent, but you'd be wrong. While the poles do a good job holding your tent up, they can't guarantee it won't go flying with every gust of wind.

This leads us to one conclusion — get some pegs or watch your tent pretending to be a kite. Then again, what better time for your camping tent to get airborne than at a kite-flying competition? If this tent plays his cards right, he might just take down his opponents and win this round.
Hello Kitty
Normally, when people go camping with their pets those pets are dogs. Those sweet little pooches love being outdoors and running around, and anybody who owns one will walk it around a few times a day even if they aren't going camping. Cats are a different story, though.

A pet cat could be having a fantastic full life while staying in the same two-bedroom apartment for several years. Not this one, apparently. Sure, walking on the actual ground like a peasant is beneath it, but it seems pretty content to be perched between its human's neck and his huge backpack.
As Long as They're Asleep
Where there's a will, there's a way. And these happy campers decided they will get some sleep no matter what shape their tent was in. Strangely enough, this tent looks like it doubles as an extra blanket instead of a shelter. Combined with the sleepers cozying up next to each other.

Perhaps they reached the point of utter exasperation and decided to throw in the towel, opting to sleep under their tent to stave away the bugs and mosquitoes. Who needs to set it up when it basically does what you need, without all the trials and tribulations of setting it up.
Tire Time
There's a lot that can go wrong on a camping trip. You could forget some essentials, the weather can suck, you could have a nasty encounter with something you didn't know you were allergic to, and the list goes on and on. Now, most of the time if you are resourceful enough and are in good company, you can find your way out of your predicament.

However, when the wheel arch of your trailer absolutely shreds one of the tires and makes it impossible for you to replace it, we have a hard time understanding how these people ever got back home.
Just Being Safe
Camping does require certain measures of safety, but this seems like a stretch. Don't get us wrong, fire is dangerous and needs to be dealt with with caution. But roasted marshmallows are the best part of camping, and we simply can't let such a long stick stand in the way of our true love.

It seems that maintaining a safe distance from the fire became an obsession for this safety-conscious camper, who spares no expense when it comes to protecting himself from marshmallow-roasting hazards. But how will he know it's ready if he's so far away? He certainly isn't going to smell it as it melts or see when it gets too charred.
Tent or Teepee?
The anatomy of a traditional tent is pretty simple: durable fabric and poles to hold it up. But what if you could elevate your tent to something with more charm and character? Enter the teepee tent—or at least, that's what these campers were envisioning when they tried to set up this temporary shelter.

While its distinctive cone shape stands a little taller than most tents, it's not exactly reminiscent of the teepees saw in movies and books. Original teepees are sturdier and big enough to fit a sleeping bag. Obviously this tent was built by people who have no idea what they're doing.
Moth of the Month
One of the advantages of camping is that it can give us a newfound appreciation of nature. We all enjoy the presence of trees and Greenery and stuff around us, why we have potted plants and pets and windows and yards and the like, but when we go camping we can meet new nature surprises.

Like this beautiful white moth someone met while camping. If Elsa was a butterfly this is what you would look like. Usually, we would opt out of any encounter with bugs. But learning that bugs can also be as beautiful and as intricate as this little guy might make us think differently.
Eat Pasta, Camp Fasta
This dude may be onto something. Cooking outdoors isn't as simple as movies and make it look. Starting a fire can be a hassle, and most of us don't really have any experience cooking on an open fire to begin with. This person and they're camping comrades figured they would just pre-cook pasta and bring it with them to the campsite for an easy dinner.

The only thing that they didn't realize would happen was that their pasta would get the shape of its container and make it a little harder to put it in one-person servings. We're sure they found a way around it, though.
His Named It Carky
We found this picture on Reddit and went straight to the comment section. The kid in the picture says that he found the spinal column and skull of a deer while camping and it took a pretty sick picture to prove it.

The people in the comments, however, were a little more focused on something else in this picture — the young man's sweater. It's a pretty cool sweater, to be honest, with the wolf and feathers and everything, but we still can't get over the fact that he handled animal remains with his bare hands. That can't be healthy.
Forgot the Bug Spray, Huh?
When putting together a packing list for a camping trip one would normally have some essentials in mind: A tent, a sleeping bag, something to start a fire with, some food, and perhaps warm clothes depending on where you're planning to go.

If you read this article, however, and stumble upon this picture, you will now forever remember that a good bug repellent is just as vital as a good tent. The poor guy whose foot is in the picture when camping over one weekend but we think it took a long time for him to be craving the Great Outdoors once again after this.
In the Upside Down
Imagine the excitement of setting up camp, as you envision a sturdy and reliable tent to shield you from the elements. With unmatched optimism, you carefully stake your tent into the ground, secure the poles, and step back to admire your handiwork. But little do you know, your tent has other plans.

And instead of staying in place, it crumbles at the first gust of wind. As the wind picks up, your tent springs into action, embracing its true talent—the art of falling over. It sways back and forth, performing a mesmerizing dance as if mocking your feeble attempts to keep it upright.
Camping at Home
Is it technically camping if you take your entire house with you? We will have to ask the person driving this Arizona truck and get back to you. The bed of this truck is fully stocked with whatever it is you need. When you have an entire home in the back of your car there is absolutely no chance of you ever forgetting to pack anything.

In fact, now that we think about it, someone like that might not even own a single suitcase considering they just park their home wherever they like. We imagine that the number one perk of living this lifestyle is that you can always go home and take a nap when you feel like it because your bed is never too far away.
Goldilocks, Beware
Going camping means you get to connect with nature, but what happens when nature gets a little too up close and personal? From their unexpected visit to stealing all your snacks, these uninvited guests brought along a lot more than you had in mind when you thought of camping with their bear-y antics.

What's more, it looks like one of the bears is getting ready for a nap in your tent! But what could you do with this impromptu bear-themed slumber party? You can't possibly chase away a bear, never mind two bears! If we were in this situation, we might just head back home. What else could you do?
Everything's Fine
Camping is an experience filled with unpredictable components, and sometimes Mother Nature decides to throw you a curveball. Just imagine arriving at your much-anticipated camping site, only to find it's become a water wonderland due to unexpected flooding. Sure, your campsite might resemble a miniature lake, but why not have some fun?

Having a flooded campsite can really ruin your entire camping experience if you let it, but this guy refused to let that bother him. As long as he can enjoy his drink, and float on his inflatable bed, nothing can bring him down. He doesn't even seem to mind getting his clothes wet!
Not in Kansas Anymore
Camping is all about escaping the mundane and embracing the unexpected. But what happens when your camping gear decides to take an adventure to new heights—literally? Just look at this tent and how it possesses the power of flight! If we didn't know any better we'd say that tent was a kite in its past life.

This flying tent will take any camping trip to new heights, quite literally. But as lovely and majestic as it looks flying up there, it's not exactly practical. For starters, there will come a time when you want to go to sleep but you can't because your tent is airborne!
The Horror
Okay, what are we looking at here? It's a Ziploc bag full of what seems to be bugs caught during a camping trip. Whether they are spiders, ticks, or some other kind of hell-sent creepy crawly, we don't want to know.

The poor internet user who put this online captioned this image "sometimes camping can be stressful." we would call 'stressful' an understatement. Pictures of campsites set in beautiful forests with flowing streams and majestic treetops are all fine and dandy but we need nothing more than this picture of plastic wrap to bugs to opt out of any encounter with Mother Nature.
Your Carriage Awaits
Everybody can leave, this person won. After seeing this picture we are thinking of remodeling the whole concept of Cinderella's pumpkin carriage. This one is obviously the best horse-drawn piece of equipment that we have ever seen.

Forget the fact that the joke about having 2 horsepower practically writes itself, the trailer here is technically neither a house nor a car, which probably means there are at least two kinds of tax someone can just opt out of. We haven't checked what the law has to say about it just yet but we have a pretty good feeling about this.
Tent, Sleeping Bag, and Holy Water
So, you're now the proud new parent of a brand-new baby. So you've decided to take it with you to the great outdoors because you want to instill a sense of awe and adventure from a young age. Good for you! But hopefully, you can keep your baby safe while doing so.

Clearly, that's easier said than done, especially when it comes to posing for a photo. For some inexplicable reason, this guy thought it would be cute to hold onto the tree while holding his baby. He didn't foresee that his baby might not like that idea and tried to make a jump for it.
The Elk Outdoors
When you go camping, people tell you to watch out for a bunch of things; for bears, for bugs, for contaminated water. Nobody ever tells you to watch out for the very territorial elk that might see you as a threat when you try to catch some fish for dinner.

The sign behind him clearly states "No Trespassing" so he only has himself to blame at this point. At least he can cross "Seeing an Elk from up close" from his bucket list. Now he better hope he makes it out of there alive so he can actually get to his bucket list.
We're Stumped
No matter how romanticized people make camping look, there is one thing that they can never just gloss over. No description of peaceful serenity and connection with nature will make us forget the real problem here — nobody wants to relieve themselves outdoors. It doesn't even matter if it's a number one or a number two.

Somehow, though, one happy camper just became happier by stumbling upon the perfect tree stump to do their business in. Now, if there was only a way to get some privacy and a way to guarantee that no spiders are lurking down that hole we might consider this option as legitimate as well.
So Much for Signs
Are you craving a camping trip but just can't find a place to go camping? Well, you're in luck, cause there are so many people who disregard public signs meant for their well-being and instead, camp wherever they want! Just ask these campers who had a conversation something like this;

Camper 1: "Oh, look, this patch of grass looks like a good place; how about we pitch our tent there?" Camper 2: "But there is a sign that says we shouldn't..." Camper 1: "It didn't seem to bother the other people who pitched their tents there..." Camper 2: "Oh, right..."
No Ground? No Problem
This article features all sorts of temporary outdoor homes. There are classic tents, elevated tents, trailers, and more. This arrangement, though, was pretty new to us. This boating aficionado decided to go canoe camping. Yes, we are learning about this just now, just like you.

Apparently, canoe camping involves not leaving the river at all. All you need is a nice piece of tarp to protect yourself from sudden rain and you're good to go. We have never tried it but we can imagine that the main draw of sleeping in a canoe would be the water rocking you as you doze off.
Forest Pancakes
Outdoor cooking is not something that should be taken lightly. After all, we are all used to cooking in an oven or on a stovetop where we can control the heat and the intensity of the flames.

These are things we obviously can't do while cooking outdoors on an open fire, which is why we have to appreciate the nerve and the gumption required to come up with the idea of making blueberry pancakes on a camping bonfire. We do hope that the efforts were worthwhile and that the pancakes turned out better than what this picture makes them look.
A Different Kind of Window
Okay, we know that this picture was obviously digitally manipulated, however, you do have to admit it's pretty good. And it's not like there was no camping involved, the person in the picture was out there in a tent roughing it up and taking a picture to prove it.

It's just that they thought it would be fun to reinterpret the concept of windows. With a pretty decent command of Photoshop, they were able to slap a Windows error message on the part of the picture that is meant to display some nature, hopefully. It is a cute joke, though.
Higher up
These people took camping to a whole new level - literally. Probably the fanciest kind of tent slash hammock, the Tentsile is a form of camping accommodation one can suspend with the help of a few trees and remain elevated from the ground. This sounds great because the ground is where the bugs are.

Using the Tentsile in a way that was probably not even envisioned by the inventor, these people had the idea of tying three of them together and forming a cool communal Courtyard that would be the ideal place for a fire pit and some late-night stories.
Let's Get a Family Picture!
Thousands of dusty old yearbooks and family photo albums all confirm the same thing: we're all pretty goofy. And this sweet family is no different. They decided to take a silly family picture together as a souvenir. Because who doesn't take at least one goofy photo when they get together?

Well, turns out, the family member on the far right doesn't seem too happy about this goofy photo idea. It looks like he wasn't too thrilled about having a little fun, especially while taking this family photo. Family photos are strictly meant to be serious, he doesn't have time for these shenanigans!
Cool Ranch Mouse
We don't get people who go camping in the winter. Going out where it's cold and sleeping where it's wet as a hobby? No thank you, we will stay home and research campsites for when temperatures aren't hypothermic. Lucky for the little mouse in the picture, not everybody thinks that way.

When this Redditor went camping in the winter, they were met with this little furry friend who was only looking for a warm place and some food. Well, it got both — a tent with warm-blooded creatures and a Dorito the size of its whole body. We're sure this was the best night of his winter.
Porta-Potty Disaster
Unless you're the sort of person who keeps stacks of fire hydrants in your camper van, you're probably not truly prepared for an emergency. You can have supplies and a plan, but emotionally, the idea of your porta-potty catching fire will never quite be real until it's right in front of you.

So if you happen to think using a porta-potty is icky, just know it could always be worse. For example, while trying to relieve yourself in your humble porta-potty, you could also be on fire! Now that just sounds like something straight out of a horror film, and not one you'd want to see.
When Elsa Goes Camping
This little Igloo under the snow (or at least it looks like an igloo to our untrained eyes who have never seen an actual Igloo from the inside) looks like the ideal substitute for a tent for Queen Elsa or any fan of "Frozen".

While it does seem a little too cold for comfort, we do have to commend the people who built it for making it look at least somewhat cozy. Also, we did hear that snow can be a good insulator from the outside world when used properly, and it definitely seems to have been used properly here.
DIY Pig Roasting
When summer arrives the sun's golden rays begin to feel like they are finally smacking us upside the head and roasting us crisp faster than we can say "heat stroke." Well probably not fast enough to cook an entire pig! So whoever did this deserves some sort of prize for creativity.

When was the last time you saw a DIY, pig spit that uses water to power it so it's self-spinning?! It's just genius; using all nature has to offer to make life easier. So why not spare yourself the frustration of constantly turning your food if you can just use water to spin it like this?
Hide Your Kids
Camping is one of the most fun activities for kids. Although we're sure these kids will feel very differently after this particular outing. Imagine sleeping under the stars, in the great outdoors, and then waking up with what looks like a furry animal walking up to you... Wait, is that a bear?!

At this point, all we want to know is why is someone taking a photo o this scene instead of scaring the bear away from the children. What are the photographers' priorities here? Get a good photo of a bear alongside the kids OR save them from imminent danger. It shouldn't be that difficult to decide!
Raccoon Master
This picture comes with a story. As the Redditor who posted it tells us, this assembly of raccoons was caught on camera by a family friend over 30 years ago. Apparently that family friend and camping and heard noises outside her tent. Now, most of us would have just peeked outside to see what the fuss was about but not her.

What she opted for instead was reaching for her disposable camera and sticking her hand out the tent with it to take a picture. She had to wait for the pictures to be developed in order to satisfy her curiosity, which is something almost none of us has done in the past couple of decades.
Going Green
The horrid state of our planet has made many people as well as companies switch to sustainable, environmentally friendly practices. If this picture is any indication, it seems that the camping industry is following suit.

Introducing the very first green sleeping bag — a sleeping bag that fits so seamlessly with the grass around you that there's an actual chance that a lawnmower might just give you your next haircut. This one is an exceptionally good fit for those who like camping in their own backyard. We believe that the next step would be creating one that looks like dirt. Keep your eyes peeled.
Scouts Honor
The words Scouts on her get a whole new meaning when we take a look at this picture. Taken at a Scouts summer camp in 2016, this is probably the coolest tint we have ever seen. Trust the scouts to construct a huge Deadpool-shaped tent in the middle of the woods.

We don't know if this structure ("tent" almost seems insulting considering the scale of this) was used for sleep or for other purposes but we like to think there were some epic parties going on in there. It is Deadpool after all, it needs to live up to its name.
Flower Power Camping
If there’s anything that truly exemplifies the hippie lifestyle, it’s gotta be this beautiful, vintage flower-power 1960s-inspired tent! We've never seen anything like it! This tent instantly transports us back to the vibrant era of counterculture, but let's not forget peace and love. We wonder what it looks like inside.

Whether you're at a music festival, a campground, or a beachside retreat, this tent is guaranteed to be a conversation starter. Not only does it look comfy and spacious, but it also takes you back in time and makes you feel like you're actually camping out in a VW Van!
An Obvious Choice
Nature really is a canvas that never fails to surprise us, especially when it comes to these street signs. We all know that street signs are meant to guide us, providing clear directions and ensuring a smooth journey through the urban landscape. But occasionally, we stumble upon signs that defy logic.

So which one is it? New Life Lane or Dead End? We can't help but feel intrigued by these paradoxical signs, almost as if we can't help but want to explore both routes, maybe there's more to this strange sign. Does a dead end really lead to new life or did someone not think it through when they named this street?
Camping With Dad
.There's being a dad, and there's being a quintessential dad. In order to be a dad you need to be a man with children. In order to be the quintessential dad, the kind of dad that the internet refers to, one needs to do a lot more than that.

Among other things, one will need to tell corny jokes with bad puns, wear knee-length khaki cargo pants, and have a beer gut. What we see in this camping picture though, is peak dad performance taken to unprecedented heights with the help of flip-flops, fire maintenance, and this fabulous umbrella hat.
A Surprising Present
It's like that episode from How I Met Your Mother when Marshall and Lily get a new place and then go through the rooms and closets to see if the previous tenants left anything behind. This dude named Randy bought a new house and has some surprises left for him in the garage.

It looks like whoever lived there before was all camped out and didn't think they would have any use for these camping pads. Well, Randy was happy to get them. He was especially stoked about the vintage packaging featuring a fine young Maiden eating an ear of corn on the cob.
Rising River
This Redditor was on a hike when they stumbled upon this odd scene. There was a sign, and a pretty huge one, warning that the river might flood at a moment's notice and that there was a siren system in place to alert people when it happens.

The thing is, for a river to flood there needs to be an actual River, which doesn't seem to be the case here. Instead, it seems like a nice place for people to hang with a buddy or two, so much so that a couple of couches were brought in to up the chill quality.
Hanging Out
While scenic views in natural parks are always on the agenda when you go camping, we're not sure if this view is what he had in mind. We can't help but wonder why someone would tape him to the tree. Was he misbehaving so much that he needed to be restrained?

Or did he specifically ask his friends to tightly tape him on the tree so he could just "hang out" for a while? But hey, at least he has something to drink so not only is he hydrated but if he fell asleep he wouldn't have to worry about a bear attack.
Resting in Peace
While some pads are rectangular and cut like a standard yoga mat, this one prides itself on a so-called anatomical cut. Casual campers will be looking for a tent and a sleeping bag before they hit the road. Long-time campers and backpackers will know that a good crash pad is the one piece of equipment you can't go without.

Whatever surface you will be crashing on for the night can be hard or wet or otherwise unpleasant, but with a good crash pad be able to sleep on it like a dead body. And if the label on your mat has anything to say in the matter, this is what you will do.
Happy Birthday!
This smiling dude decided to celebrate his 40th birthday by going camping with his wife. So sweet, so wholesome. The wife went ahead and made things special with a bottle of champagne at a cost of no less than $75. It is a special occasion after all. The thing is, she forgot to bring glasses so they had to make do.

While it is customary to serve champagne, and pretty fancy champagne at that, in a tall flute, nobody said it is the only way to do it. Any cup will do. It just needs to hold liquid, it's not that complicated. And if there's a Darth Maul involved then so be it.
Kitty Camping
Found at a camping gear store, this tiny tent had at least one person confused. He posted it on Reddit, asking some random folks online if this was meant for ants who want to go camping. Obviously, ants don't go camping as they have more important things to do. Still, it seems that his friends on Reddit didn't really have helpful ideas.

The best guess we can offer is that this piece of equipment is meant for cat owners who want to include their furry friend in their outdoor adventures. Although now that we think about it, the cat would probably have a much nicer time in the big tent cuddled with its humans.
Does This Still Count as a Trailer?
We have never been to Montana but we are told that this picture is from there. In fact, the person who shared it on social media captioned it "Redneck camping in Montana." Well, it seems that the Rednecks of Montana have cracked the camping code.

While most of us will have to get a little rough and closer to the ground with a tent and a fire pit, the happy campers in this picture will have all the kinds of indoor luxury they could possibly want on their trip. So what if the trailer is being pulled by a truck that was put together by Super Glue?
Camping With Style
So in this day and age where the beauty of nature is better observed from a floating hammock, this woman definitely knows how to enjoy a serene environment in style. She even made herself some stairs! This takes outdoor skills to a whole other level, don’t forget to bring a pillow.

It just goes to show that certain things go a long, long way on a camping trip. What more could she possibly need? She has her own fancy tent house, that's not only safe from bears and ants but we're sure it must feel like a dream to sleep in.
We All See It
Anyone with functioning eyeballs and a basic knowledge of human anatomy will look at this tree and have one of three options come to mind: Something on your rear, something on your front, or a nose (which is also on your front technically but you know what we're talking about.)

The Redditor who posted this picture saw this piece of nature while camping with his son at Camp Tuckahoe and just couldn't help himself. Well, when the campsite is named that way, it seems par for the course for these things to happen and for trees to grow very specific body parts.
Ah, Camping
The whole idea of camping is to connect with nature. Being outdoors, hiking, touching some grass, maybe hugging a tree or two, breathing clean air, looking at the stars; all sorts of fun stuff. Sadly, it appears that some people have it all backwards. There will be no connecting with nature if these girls have anything to do with it.

As long as there is cell phone reception the only thing these three will be connecting with is the internet. The only hope we have for them is that they will at least get to appreciate nature when they take pictures of trees for Instagram.
Improvisation Olympics
Whoever is in charge of this makeshift spatula can give MacGyver a run for his money. When camping, no matter how organized you are or how well you have perfected your packing list there is always something you forget to take.

In the case of this picture, someone forgot to take an instrument with which to flip burgers (obviously, it wasn't SpongeBob) but apparently, they had all the resourcefulness in the world to make it not matter. A flattened can of Coke on a stick did the trick just fine. They might even toss the spatula they have at home now that they know they don't really need it.
Just Like Venice
From camping on a creepy abandoned campsite to next to the beach, we felt like we'd almost seen it all but there's still one place that most campers haven't ventured into - underwater. Until now that is. This flooded campsite really brings new meaning to the phrase "sleeping with the fishes."

As it turns out, this photo was taken at the Glastonbury festival, which takes place every year. Unfortunately for these campers, they didn't have the best of luck in 2005. They were clearly not prepared for the amount of water they would have to deal with as there were no warnings of floods beforehand.
No Poles, No Problem
When you think about it, a modern tent is quite an engineering marvel. This little thing that folds into a small, relatively light package that you can carry on your back can unfold into a room-sized shelter for two people or more. Well, when you take all the pieces, that is.

The guy who set this up forgot his tent poles, so he and his girlfriend had to improvise. Tying a small piece of rope to some nearby trees, they managed to fashion themselves some sort of ceiling. If it wasn't for that, the two would have had to either sleep in the car or crawl into an essentially way too large of a sleeping bag.
Old Coots
The person who posted this image to Reddit said that a couple of old retirees put up this sign on the camping spot next to theirs. Now, we don't know who these people are but our first guess would have been people over a certain age as we don't really see that many Statler and Waldorf references nowadays.

This beloved duo of old coots used to be an inseparable part of the "Muppet Show", often full of jokes and punchlines that would never be approved in today's mainstream media. We bet that those happy campers are quite a hoot to have next door.
This person is definitely going places. And we're not just talking about campsites. Whoever is camping with them should consider themselves pretty lucky to be traveling alongside such an inventive mind, but we have a feeling that this lad or lady is a joy to be around no matter where they are.

With some carefully crafted wires, they built hot dog roasters for what we are assuming is quite an epic camping trip. These devices are simple, light, easy to carry, and most importantly entertaining. Not to mention, they spare you the need of having to actually hold the hot dog over the fire. This way you have a free hand to hold an extra beer.
Comfort First
Camping sometimes involves pushing the limits of tent space while defying the laws of mattress capacity! Like these eager campers who brought along a king-sized air mattress for their twin-sized tent. We're actually surprised they managed to fit it in, considering how little space is left in their tiny tent.

On the bright side, having this little space in the tent will provide them the perfect opportunity to bond and cuddle, cause there's barely any space to move! There's nothing more romantic than being forced into a tightly confined space while swatting away bugs and mosquitoes while reeking of sweat.
A Day in the Sun
You hear about how dangerous the sun is, but you never really know the full extent of it. Rubbing some sunscreen on yourself before going to the beach will only take you so far. In reality, what you really need to do is apply some SPF goodness on your Exposed Skin whenever you leave the house.

Even more so when you go camping and you know that there will be hours and hours of outdoors time. If you're not careful, who knows, you might end up like this nice family who will probably have no more use of their big tent.
What the Quack Are You Looking at?
Imagine camping in a nice forest. You safely put out the fire, you go into your nice, dry tent, and fall asleep curled up in your warm sleeping bag to the soothing sounds of the night. Ah, pure bliss. You just can't wait for the following morning when you can continue exploring Mother Nature.

Except morning is full of disillusion. The sun filtering through the clear patch of your tent is blinding and you realize that a duck has been watching you sleep for God knows how long. This is literally the worst nightmare of anyone suffering from anatidaephobia. Look it up, it's a real thing.
Life's a Picnic
Every minute not spent enjoying the nearby lake while you're on your summer vacation is a minute wasted. That's probably what these guys thought while they were constructing this new contraption. As it turns out, picnicking on the water is a well-honed art form, and clearly, these guys have mastered it.

This is not only smart but also practical, as sitting in a boat all day without enough shade can have disastrous consequences for your skin and even ruin the rest of your vacation. Not only have they attached an umbrella but also a motor to their "boat" and put up a sign which reads "Picnic Launch."
That's Oddly Specific
So between March 16th and the Friday before the last Saturday in April – not the last Friday, mind you, the Friday before the last Saturday – fishing is not allowed at this place. Okay, sign, we'll trust you this time, but we'll need more details if this kind of thing continues.

Why such a specific time frame? Why not just the last Saturday in April? Why March 16th? Is it to do with spawning periods? Are the fish being restocked so that the natural ecosystem doesn't get damaged? Maybe it has to do with Lent. It could be anything.
Trashy Rain Protection
Rain puts a big damper on outdoor fun, especially if it's not planned, but most of the time, you can just run inside to get away from the storm. Not so if you're stuck outside or on a long camping trip. This lady seems to not have packed any protective ponchos but she isn't totally out of luck and she manages to keep her spirits high.

Ever so resourcefully she used a trash bag to block the rain. A few strategically caught holes and she is good to go and dry as a desert. Not very fashionable but this is nature and you have to rough things up.
Everybody Seems Surprised in This One
This guy is all kinds of kitted out to bring in the big fish, and while the example in his hand is no minnow, it's still not the biggest thing ever. But that's not really that important because, as we look at this picture, it seems to us that the fish has... a full head of hair?

Is that something that is behind the fish? Is the fish rocking an afro that would be the envy of any seventies dance floor? We're not sure, but maybe we would go fishing more if the fish themselves had such a stand-out style.
Cook up Sweet Treats on the Fire
When you’re camping with your family, you usually have to take along only the essentials. Meat, potatoes, fruits, and veggies. Thankfully, there is usually a little bit of space in the cooler for some frozen treats. But what’s this? Other than a mouth-watering sight that will delight campers of all ages.

These guys have mastered the skills of s'mores making and can probably teach a college course on the matter. With ice cream cones, chocolate, some marshmallows, and an open fire, this looks undefeated. It's so simple yet so innovative! We kind of want to go hiking just so we can give these a try.
Luxury Camping
There’s nothing better than enjoying a night out in the great outdoors—away from the stresses of daily life —sleeping under a blanket of stars with the sound of chirping crickets to lull you to sleep. But as much as some of us are willing to rough it , we can’t help but miss the luxuries of technology.

Like this guy, who seems to have taken his window air conditioning unit and plugged it into a portable generator so he could enjoy cool air in the scorching sun. It's not like he's cheating, right? And we're sure that everyone around will be stopping by for a visit during the hottest time of day.
Who Needs a Bed When You've Got a Cooler and Folding Chairs?
There’s roughing it and then there’s roughing it and this camper seems to have come completely unprepared for his weekend getaway. Not only did he forget his tent but also seems to be missing a mat. Clearly, he doesn't want to sleep directly on the ground, so he propped himself up on two chairs with his cooler under him.

It's not a bad idea for a makeshift bed, but it can't be comfortable for more than one night. If you're more of a glamorous camper, you should not follow this guy's lead and instead you should go all out with comfy throw pillows, an insulated blanket, and a large glamping tent.
Minimalist Camper
Choosing the right tent is the most important part of creating a good campsite vibe, so pick carefully. If it's too big you might not find a decent space to set it up. If it's too small, well... you might not be able to fit inside it. Like in this case.

Could it be that he intentionally bought a tent so small so he could carry it around at all times? That way he can be sure to camp wherever and whenever he needs and not worry about bug bites or the morning sun waking him up after a late night.
The Slippery Slip
It's OK, buddy; it happens to everybody who's trying to fish at one point or another. They will try to grab the little swimmer in their bare hands only to have it expertly wiggle out of there and perhaps slap you in the face while it's at it.

Fish are slippery; there's no way to get around that, even if you're an actual pro and not a Berkeley grad who decided to go fishing with his buddy. But hey, this picture will be a permanent reminder of how much fun they had in the lake that day. And hopefully, that fish landed inside the net!
It's Always Great to Have Chips Around
If you're going for long hikes or extreme and intense camping trips, you've probably got plenty of food with you. While you might or might not want chips around for that, here's a reason to include them in your list of supplies. The oils they contain make them great fire starters.

Whoever was responsible for this picture had a different idea of what to do with them. Either that's or they just packed a few bags too many and decided to put some of it into good use even if they will never get around to eating it during their hike.
That's the Best Part!
Some people who don't like fishing seem to think it's just an excuse for guys to go and have a nap by the water. Yeah, that's sometimes the entire point. What could be more relaxing than heading to the water, dropping a couple of poles, and then promptly falling asleep until the sun has fallen so low that it's hard to get home in the dark?

Plus there is that calming ocean sound that is practically programmed to put you to sleep. If you have a busy life, like a lot of people, that can be pretty alluring. Plus, you're technically participating in a sport at the same time!
A Quick Raft
Rising water? What about an unexpected river that you need to cross? There are a number of situations when you have to deal with the wet stuff, but what if you didn't think to bring a canoe or anything of the sort? Here's a possible solution: You can make a raft by wrapping a collection of small branches in a tarp.

While we are sure this group of survivalists know what they're doing, we would advise against trying that flotation device. Or, at the very least, only do it one at a time and not for very long. Just to be safe.
A Lesson In Work-Life Balance
Working from home is becoming increasingly popular in the last few years, and while working from home can technically be done from anywhere, some places are better than others for getting your job done. But let's be real, working outside can be a nightmare if you're working on a computer.

Yes, you'll have fresh air but think about everything you have to deal with. From mosquitoes to unfortunate weather forecasts, and never mind getting WIFI, there's so much you can't control. Plus, this woman doesn't realize that just one little splash could totally wreck her laptop and with that all the work she's done.
Oops... Hope He Has Insurance for That
When it comes to camping in the great outdoors, the power of nature must be respected to be properly enjoyed. Camping like a pro means being aware of your environment, you are, after all, at the mercy of nature and should know how it can affect you or say, your personal devices.

Here’s a reason why electronic devices like cell phones and camping don’t mix. Not only do they distract you from the much-needed solitude you can get from camping, but being exposed to elements like bad weather could do some serious damage. Let's hope this phone was due for an upgrade.
A Different Kind of Fishing
This girl just wanted to do some sunbathing while she read, which honestly looks like a fantastic Pastime activity if you ask us. However, it seems these fishermen decided this was the perfect spot to catch something that day. However, perhaps the thing that they were trying to catch was a little bit of female attention. Either way, she seems unbothered.

Maybe she was one of these fishermen's girlfriends or daughter, although we doubt they wouldn't have warned her about sunbathing someplace else that day. All we know is these fishermen are highly unlikely to catch anything with that view distracting them.
Let Me Out!
Everyone’s version of camping depends on their comfort level with the outdoors as well as their personal expectations. So while it's entirely possible for you to take your pets along, it's not always the smartest decision. Pets can add a whole new level of joy to your experience, but it may not always be as enjoyable for them.

It could be that your pets prefer the comforts of home more than the confines of a camping tent. Not all animals want to rough it out in nature, especially not the more pampered personalities. Take this cat for example, he's clearly had enough of this trip and is ready to go home!
Make a Quick Camping Dessert
If you’ve had a long, hot day of hiking through the forest and seeing the incredible sights that nature has to offer, there’s nothing like sitting down to a flame-cooked meal and relaxing. This person had the idea of making something sweet and tasty without too much effort. Croissant on a stick!

It’s bound to smell delicious, and bound to taste just as good, especially since you’re all tired out from walking around. Where they got the croissant and how they kept it from going bad during the hike is a mystery. So is the question of who had the idea to bring something so untraditional into The Great Outdoors.
Too Small
When getting a tent it's important to find one that suits your needs best. Needs change from one camper to the next but we think it's safe to say that everyone wants to be able to have their feet tucked in safely inside their tent, with no limbs sticking out.

Evidently, this person is just too tall, for this tiny tent. Sleeping away from home, and away from your own bed can already be an uncomfortable adjustment for some. Be sure to get a tent that your body befits comfortably, otherwise good luck trying to get a good night's rest!
Bury the Hatchet
Getting out in nature is a great time to do a lot new things and gain new experiences, but some activities should probably be left to the professionals. Yes, it's all fun and games to try some tree cutting just to prove how masculine you are. But, using a hatchet is no joke!

He learned a valuable lesson about hatchets that day— they can cut more than just trees so you better be careful when using them. When camping, one should always be careful, responsible, and mindful of what can go wrong, even though they might seem like a fun idea at first.
Oh, Sheep!
When campers choose to be out in nature where animals roam freely, they may still be surprised or even slightly annoyed when those free-roaming animals come into contact with their food. But of course, this should come as no surprise when you leave your food out in the open and exposed.

While the campers were gone, the brave sheep used the opportunity to try and dig into whatever food the campers had left. This sheep managed to steal a snack before she went back to her sheep life. It goes without saying that animals have every right to roam camping grounds, just as the campers do.
A Stubborn Donkey
As we should all know by now, never leave your food outside while camping. Why? Well, because sooner or later a wild animal will smell and find a way to get to it. You never know when or how the day will come that your coller box will get stolen by a donkey.

In this case, a lucky donkey found himself a sneaky snack. By the looks of it, these unsuspecting campers had no idea that this would happen when they left their gazebo. Campsite snacks are always a welcome and tasty treat, just ask this donkey and his belly full of snacks!
Sleep Walking
If this is supposed to be a fashion statement, then it isn't really the best one. Still, camping during the winter means cold weather, and cold weather means warm attire! Sometimes you may forget about what's flattering and attractive and go straight for whatever item of clothing will keep you warm.

Yes, even if the thing that will keep you warm is a sleeping bag onesie, at least you will be warm and get a warm nights rest. In this case, an unflattering body suit means a warm and cosy night. We would rather go for warmth than for fashion, just like these fellows have!
A Fancy Toilet
Some people are not willing to go camping for obvious reasons. For those people, the only thing that is keeping them from going out to nature is the fact they don't want to be outside when nature calls. We all know the feeling of needing to go when you gotta go!

Is it really too much to ask for a designated loo area, no matter the shape of size?! Some people will only be willing to come camping if there are promised facilities such as the one seen in the picture, including easy-to reach toilet paper that's attached to the tree.
A Camping Bath
Many campers understand that while in nature they might have to make do without a warm shower for a couple of days. However, kids are the exception to this rule. They also have the advantage of being small enough to fit into plastic boxes, a perk that we adults don't have.

Armed with a kettle and some soap, this mom was not going to let her child wait till they get back home to take a bath. They may not have a full bath, but hey, cleanliness is relative, right? Plus, they now have a newfound appreciation for the versatility of plastic boxes.
That's Just Creepy
Sure, it's a free country. This man has every right to build a tent, sit in it, and weirdly stare out of it. Like so many other camping adventures, it's broadly interpretable. Is he spying on other campers from the safety of his tent or is he merely keeping an eye out for predators?

But it's safe to say that a suitably skilled predator can probably snatch your food regardless of how well you're watching your belongings so instead of seeming like a creepy dude, just zip up and chill out while you wait for whatever animal you're watching to go away, you peeping tom, you.
Catching a Train
This photo was taken at the Glastonbury Festival back in 2015. As thousands of people caught trains and planes to celebrate five days of performing arts, one large group of happy campers managed to find the coolest tent — one that's been modeled after the famous underground train and can sleep up to twenty people.

These fellows are showing off and clearly they're proud of their culture. We bet everyone wanted to hang around this cool tent, but the only problem with that is that it will soon become overcrowded, just like the actual train. And quite like riding the train, you'll be itching to get out.
The Happy Teddy
Imagine embarking on a journey where your home-on-wheels accompanies you every step of the way. Camping caravans offer an extraordinary blend of adventure and comfort, making them an unparalleled choice for travelling campers. Need a bathroom break? No worries, just pull over and voilà, your very own private restroom awaits!

Feeling peckish? Well, your camper van has a portable kitchen that can cook up whatever dish while on the go. Bon Appétit! How about a nap? Well, you also have your very own bed. And with so much room, you'll even have enough space to take along your beloved teddy bear!
Exit Only
If you've had the pleasure of roaming in the breathtaking Appalachian Trail in the scenic state of New Hampshire, there's a good chance you're familiar with a certain bathroom that holds a quirky sign. Nestled in the Trapper John Shelter, you'll stumble upon a bathroom adorned with a peculiar sign that reads "Exit Only."

If you get the chance, take a moment to visit this legendary bathroom. The bathroom in question has an old chair in place of a ceramic toilet bowl, so take a seat and reflect on the absurb choices you've made so far that have led you to this wooden lavatory.
Face It
Cooking can indeed become a laborious undertaking, especially when you're cooking in the great outdoors, far away from all your amentities and appliances. Regardless, there's always room for a little creativity when you're preparing a meal. Like carving out some creepy faces in your potatoes. Sure it's creative, but is it really necessary?

Don't get us wrong, we love imaginative ideas whenever we find them, but these potatoes look so creepy! Is there anything not terrifyingly awful about these previously beloved vegetables? We're not saying you shouldn't explore more creative options when cooking potatoes, we just mean don't make them look like goblins.
The Goat Got It
There are several different reasons why you don't want to leave your stuff unsupervised in nature. One of these reasons is that you don't random goats to come in and eat your food, or your... paper towels? We're not sure what prompted the goat to eat those, but he sure looks like he's enjoying it.

The goat's selective taste buds may be a source of amusement for these campers, but soon enough he'll finish the whole roll. Maybe keep a watchful eye on all your belongings next time, not just your food. You never know when an adventurous goat might decide to make paper towels their preferred snack.
Too Much Stuff
Embarking on a journey into nature offers an invaluable opportunity to embrace a simpler way of life, leaving behind the excesses and living with less. It's a chance to disconnect from the material world and reconnect with our surroundings. With that being said, not everyone is on board with living minimally.

Well, call us obsessives, but we couldn't help but notice this family who packed way more than they needed for their trip. They have so much stuff, they can barely see where they're going and with so much stuff they might as well stock the inventory of a small shop.
What Happens at the Campsite...
You know the saying, "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"? Well, it seems that a similar rule should apply to camping vacations. These two resourceful fellows stumbled upon a wig and a wheel cart, which somehow ignited their adventurous side and had them wheeling each other around the campsite.

Clearly these guys needed to have some fun and break free from their 9-5 routine, and that's totally ok! There's no shame in letting your hair down, so to speak, just make sure to keep your undies. Who knows what kind of fun and games you might get up to?
Camp Hack
When it comes to camping, there's always room for innovative hacks that upgrade the camping experience to a whole new level, quite literally. By tying his tent to the surrounding trees, this man has found a way to ensure that no unwelcome visitors, like snakes or rodents, will intrude on his peaceful sleep.

Plus, look at how uneven and rough the ground underneath him looks. It would have been so uncomfortable to relax when you're sleeping on rocks and bumpy ground. But with just a touch of creativity and some resourcefulness, he made the most of his surroundings. Next time we go camping, we're definitely going to use this trick!
Eagle-Eyed Elephants
When it comes to camping, one golden rule is to never leave your food unattended or out in the open. The open air out in nature has a way of enticing various creatures with the aromas of delicious foods. Not to mention that most animals have an extraordinary sense of smell!

Just look at these two eagle-eyed elephants who have detected a seemingly scrumptious treat. Never underestimate the ability of elephants or any animal for that matter to sniff out your food. Be sure to take the necessary precautions to a respectful distance from the magnificent creatures that may find a way to your food tables!
Laundry Day
If you go out camping for a few nights, there's no need to do laundry. But, those who go on longer camping trips will know that doing laundry is an absolute necessity. This obviously means that besides finding a place to do your laundry you'll also have to hang it out to dry.

That's when the quest for a solution to the getting your laundry dry begins. But fortunately for these campers, they found the perfect resource which came in the form of an abandoned camper van. They could use it to set up their clothes line which certainly helped their clothes get dry.
Gone With the Wind
Venturing out into nature, an open field becomes your playground, and your tent becomes your sanctuary. However, as some of the previous photos can attest to, even the sturdiest of tents can be blown away when the wind gets strong enough. And here we see another man trying to stop his tent from blowing away.

This tent is quite literally gone with the wind. It should be no surprise that campers will be challenged by the elements of nature at some point in an outdoor excursion. One can only hope he eventually ends up catching it so he can enjoy some peace and quiet.