Bringing along a regular porta-potty is so last season, this year around it’s all about blending modern amenities with natural materials. Like this toilet, that looks like it’s meant for royal campers. It’s perfect for campers who are both wanting a touch of comfort from home while staying authentic to nature.

That way you still get to feel like you’re having a genuine camping trip and not like you’re cheating. It almost looks like something out of “Game of Thrones,” and we are impressed by the camper who built it, there’s even a little stand for the roll of toilet paper.
Inconsiderate Passersby
Camping season is fully upon us, so you'd better get your tents, and hiking gear ready cause it's about to get dirty. After all, it's only natural considering that you're sleeping out in the woods. Actually, it's more than likely considering the fact that some people forget about the mud underneath their cars.

Looking at this photo, it's clear that this camping site seems to have gotten particularly messy. If you happen to pitch your tent near a bunch of people, make sure it's not behind anyone's car! The last thing you want to worry about is getting the mud off of your tent when you don't even have a shower.
Let Me Out!
Everyone’s version of camping depends on their comfort level with the outdoors as well as their personal expectations. So while it's entirely possible for you to take your pets along, it's not always the smartest decision. Pets can add a whole new level of joy to your experience, but it may not always be as enjoyable for them.

It could be that your pets prefer the comforts of home more than the confines of a camping tent. Not all animals want to rough it out in nature, especially not the more pampered personalities. Take this cat for example, he's clearly had enough of this trip and is ready to go home!
Bunk Beds
This group of campers took cues from their childhood and stacked their hammocks like bunk beds. They might not have been the most sophisticated campers out there, but they sure know how to create a great photo. But what could go wrong when a group of grown adults starts behaving like mischievous toddlers?

We can't help but wonder if this is as good an idea as they think, what if one person falls and topples down the rest of the gang? This arrangement works pretty well, so long as the people up top aren't afraid of heights. Just remember what goes up, must come down!
Oops... Hope He Has Insurance for That
When it comes to camping in the great outdoors, the power of nature must be respected to be properly enjoyed. Camping like a pro means being aware of your environment, you are, after all, at the mercy of nature and should know how it can affect you or say, your personal devices.

Here’s a reason why electronic devices like cell phones and camping don’t mix. Not only do they distract you from the much-needed solitude you can get from camping, but being exposed to elements like bad weather could do some serious damage. Let's hope this phone was due for an upgrade.
A Lesson In Work-Life Balance
Working from home is becoming increasingly popular in the last few years, and while working from home can technically be done from anywhere, some places are better than others for getting your job done. But let's be real, working outside can be a nightmare if you're working on a computer.

Yes, you'll have fresh air but think about everything you have to deal with. From mosquitoes to unfortunate weather forecasts, and never mind getting WIFI, there's so much you can't control. Plus, this woman doesn't realize that just one little splash could totally wreck her laptop and with that all the work she's done.
To Each His Own
A tent with a drawstring might've been fine when you were an Eagle Scout, but as an adult, you need something a bit more robust when venturing out into the wilderness. Unfortunately, whoever bought this tent probably didn't realize how difficult it would be to open once they were inside.

With so many innovations in tent technology, there are plenty of camping shelters to choose from these days and there's absolutely no reason for you to get one like this. Nobody wants to sleep in a tent like this. Unless Bear Grylls is in there. Everybody seems to love that guy.
Camping Doggie Style
It seems like literally, everyone wants to go camping this summer, and when we say everyone, we also mean our fuzzy, four-legged friends! Like this stupidly adorable dog. But, this is no ordinary dog - this is Adventure Dog, with capital letters and his own hanging hammock to match.

Even if both you and your furball have no plans to climb peaks any time soon, you can still train your dog to hang with you when you go camping. Just remember to bring the leash and have them properly trained, so that you can enjoy the great outdoors together, trekking side by side.
All Rise!
Sometimes, puns are too good not to point out. This is one of those times! We all know what erect means in the context of tents. It's all about proper tent setup, sturdy poles, and ensuring that the shelter stands tall. But, oh boy, did this sign take things to a whole new level of innuendo!

But lo and behold, this particular tent proudly flaunted a sign that elevated the innocent act of tent setup, much to the amusement of everyone passing by. It's a little boastful, to be honest. I mean, is it really that sturdy and well-built that you need to advertise it?
Muddy Waters
Let's face it, camping sucks sometimes. Don't get us wrong, camping can be great if everything goes reasonably well, but if people were meant to sleep on the ground, we wouldn't have invented houses, right? Otherwise, we'd all end up sleeping in muddy water, like at the reserved camping site.

They probably didn't foresee that much rainwater when they were planning their trip. Whoever reserved it may want to change their mind and come back when all the water has cleared up, cause no matter how advanced your tent is, you don't want to be sleeping in a puddle that will drench all your camping gear.
Minimalist Camper
Choosing the right tent is the most important part of creating a good campsite vibe, so pick carefully. If it's too big you might not find a decent space to set it up. If it's too small, well... you might not be able to fit inside it. Like in this case.

Could it be that he intentionally bought a tent so small so he could carry it around at all times? That way he can be sure to camp wherever and whenever he needs and not worry about bug bites or the morning sun waking him up after a late night.
Who Needs a Bed When You've Got a Cooler and Folding Chairs?
There’s roughing it and then there’s roughing it and this camper seems to have come completely unprepared for his weekend getaway. Not only did he forget his tent but also seems to be missing a mat. Clearly, he doesn't want to sleep directly on the ground, so he propped himself up on two chairs with his cooler under him.

It's not a bad idea for a makeshift bed, but it can't be comfortable for more than one night. If you're more of a glamorous camper, you should not follow this guy's lead and instead you should go all out with comfy throw pillows, an insulated blanket, and a large glamping tent.
Luxury Camping
There’s nothing better than enjoying a night out in the great outdoors—away from the stresses of daily life —sleeping under a blanket of stars with the sound of chirping crickets to lull you to sleep. But as much as some of us are willing to rough it , we can’t help but miss the luxuries of technology.

Like this guy, who seems to have taken his window air conditioning unit and plugged it into a portable generator so he could enjoy cool air in the scorching sun. It's not like he's cheating, right? And we're sure that everyone around will be stopping by for a visit during the hottest time of day.
Epic Improvise
This is another awesome makeshift camping device that some campers put together. Instead of tossing their old mailbox in the trash, they transformed an old rigged mailbox into cooking ware to prepare their dinner. It seems to be providing a great warm cooking surface for their hot meal while out in the wilderness.

It certainly isn't something we'd think of doing when it comes to recycling an old mailbox, but it sure is ingenious - not only is it a compact grill but it's portable and easy to use for small-scale cookouts or grilling adventures on the go. Plus it's can perfectly store wood without creating a mess!
Stop Horsin' Around!
Sometimes you invite guests over to your house and sometimes to your tent, dependent on where you are. But this wasn't your average "neigh"-borly intrusion. This horse had a mischievous twinkle in its eye and a knack for causing mayhem. He sniffed around their tents and sampled some snacks right out of their food storage.

It's almost straight out of a Wild West comedy, who needs a bear when you have a wild horse determined to feast on your snacks? If only they had thought to bring a "horse whisperer" to their camping trip, then maybe they wouldn't have to worry about their snacks being stolen.
2-In-1 Shopping Cart
Nestled under the shade of a tree is a group of enthusiastic grill masters surrounding a barbecue setup that is truly one for the books. We have already shown you campers who have designed their own grills out of random objects. We just wonder whether finding a camping grill at a store is that difficult.

This humble shopping cart once resigned to pushing piles of groceries, has now become a symbol of culinary creativity at the campsite. Who needs a fancy stainless steel barbecue when you can cook up a storm on a contraption like this, that once held cans of soup and boxes of cereal?
Hot Dog
Who doesn't feel super cool with their hood on? It's as if this pup is saying, "I may be furry, but I'm also fabulous!" Oh, the confidence that comes with wearing a fashionable garment! So while animals have fur, some pet owners go the extra step to ensure that their puppies are warm enough.

Plus, we're sure that a big incentive for the photographer is uploading this adorable picture to Instagram, and we can't blame him! It seems there's a new fashion icon in town, and it's got four paws and a wagging tail! Who knew that a simple wardrobe choice could look this cute?
Life's a Picnic
Every minute not spent enjoying the nearby lake while you're on your summer vacation is a minute wasted. That's probably what these guys thought while they were constructing this new contraption. As it turns out, picnicking on the water is a well-honed art form, and clearly, these guys have mastered it.

This is not only smart but also practical, as sitting in a boat all day without enough shade can have disastrous consequences for your skin and even ruin the rest of your vacation. Not only have they attached an umbrella but also a motor to their "boat" and put up a sign which reads "Picnic Launch."
Probably Not the Embrace He Was Looking For
We normally wouldn’t describe a cactus as an underrated danger. Cartoons basically trained us to overrate how dangerous they are because they certainly gave us a false impression of how common cactuses are, fooling us into thinking that any time we fall, in any location on Earth, we will somehow land on a whole unbroken field of cacti.

But somehow, that is exactly what this man managed to do. We'll never know how this happened but all we can say is, if you ever find yourself near a field of cacti and feel tempted to touch one, don't. In fact, you're better off standing 10 feet away and marveling at them from a distance.
Porta-Potty on Wheels
Even if you're staying in a camping area that has portable toilets, you usually choose to pee in the woods over visiting one. Well, these people seemed to nail that problem right on the head and come up with their own solution. Taking care of basic bodily needs has never been so rough and ready.

No one ever thought it was possible to create a more obtuse and somehow more public toilet, but here we are. While it definitely makes for a cleaner bathroom experience, we can't help but feel we'd need a shower curtain for some coverage as the privacy element is lacking a bit.
Comfort First
Camping sometimes involves pushing the limits of tent space while defying the laws of mattress capacity! Like these eager campers who brought along a king-sized air mattress for their twin-sized tent. We're actually surprised they managed to fit it in, considering how little space is left in their tiny tent.

On the bright side, having this little space in the tent will provide them the perfect opportunity to bond and cuddle, cause there's barely any space to move! There's nothing more romantic than being forced into a tightly confined space while swatting away bugs and mosquitoes while reeking of sweat.
As Close to the Beach as You Can Get
While you're hopefully planning your vacation for next summer, this ambitious camper decided that he wanted to be close enough to the water so that he could wake up to the sound of the waves hitting the sand. But like many camping impulses on this list, this was a mistake.

His truck might be designed for rugged off-roading and outdoor adventures. but we're fairly certain his camper van isn't. At least he got to enjoy the waves a little bit before he came to the unfortunate realization that it was going to be really difficult to get out of this mess.
Royal Throne
Bringing along a regular porta-potty is so last season, this year around it's all about blending modern amenities with natural materials. Like this toilet, that looks like it's meant for royal campers. It's perfect for campers who are both wanting a touch of comfort from home while staying authentic to nature.

That way you still get to feel like you're having a genuine camping trip and not like you're cheating. It almost looks like something out of "Game of Thrones," and we are impressed by the camper who built it, there's even a little stand for the roll of toilet paper.
Multi-Purpose Toilet
This is no ordinary porcelain throne. This toilet has undergone a remarkable transformation, shedding its water-flushing duties to become the most peculiar, yet strangely captivating, grill we've ever encountered. Embracing the unconventional, they simply added a metal grate where the seat once was and some ice for a nifty cooler.

We can't help but marvel at the ingenuity of this idea that turned a toilet into a barbecue. If anything, it serves as a reminder that the most unconventional ideas can lead to the most impressive inventions, if you're brave enough, of course. We just hope it had a good cleaning beforehand!
Just Like Venice
From camping on a creepy abandoned campsite to next to the beach, we felt like we'd almost seen it all but there's still one place that most campers haven't ventured into - underwater. Until now that is. This flooded campsite really brings new meaning to the phrase "sleeping with the fishes."

As it turns out, this photo was taken at the Glastonbury festival, which takes place every year. Unfortunately for these campers, they didn't have the best of luck in 2005. They were clearly not prepared for the amount of water they would have to deal with as there were no warnings of floods beforehand.
Top Secret
Choosing the right location is the most important part of creating up a good campsite vibe, so pick carefully. Sometimes you just stumble upon one and other times, you find a sign pointing you in the right direction. We're sure that the campsite is super special, but we're not so sure it's secretive.

I mean, how secret could this camping ground be if there's a sign pointing it out? We're no experts when it comes to secret camping sites, but surely it would have been better to leave the sign and have campers find it on their own. Next time, learn how to keep a secret first.
Camping Accessories
Even if you're a seasoned camper with fully stocked grilling gear, here's one pair of grilling utensils you probably don’t own. They're not incredibly practical as you can only grill a few pieces at a time, but they sure are silly and will satiate your childish tendencies with just one look.

While we wouldn't suggest getting these impractical utensils for your next grill party, grilling outdoors doesn’t always have to be a serious endeavor, after all. These might make a great gift for a bachelor party, who knows, maybe you have some friends who really enjoy this kind of crass humor.
The Flying Tents
We don't think of ourselves as professional campers, but we know a thing or two about camping, and let's just say these guys got it wrong! We have to give them credit for pitching the tent, but it seems they forgot the most important part...hammering the tent pegs, so it doesn't fly away!

Now these campers had to search for their tent when they could have been relaxing. Here's a tip for next time, make sure you've secured the pegs of your tent before you leave to find firewood or hike around the campsite, that way you know you'll find your tent in the exact same place you set it.
Camping With Style
So in this day and age where the beauty of nature is better observed from a floating hammock, this woman definitely knows how to enjoy a serene environment in style. She even made herself some stairs! This takes outdoor skills to a whole other level, don’t forget to bring a pillow.

It just goes to show that certain things go a long, long way on a camping trip. What more could she possibly need? She has her own fancy tent house, that's not only safe from bears and ants but we're sure it must feel like a dream to sleep in.
The Good Old Camping Prank
This just never gets old, does it? Nothing like grabbing your friend's mattress and floating it on the lake in the middle of the night, especially when he's with his girl. Can you imagine waking up and putting your foot out of bed, only to fall in (probably freezing!) water?

For the aspiring pranksters out there, these pranks never work out the way they do on movies and TV. So make sure your friends actually know how to swim before you try this trick. Otherwise, you'll prank will backfire and you'll have to get in the water to save them.
Come on, Girls
The modern-day camping tent, being made of varying sizes of nylon material and some pegs and rods, isn't exactly the most stable of shelters. What's more, they're fairly prone to the occasional breakdown when it gets windy. At least these two girls seem to be taking their tent-pitching disaster in stride.

Whether they're still trying to set it up or they already set it up incorrectly, dealing with these kinds of mishaps can be exhausting and annoying. Especially when you just want to relax in your tent on your much-anticipated summer vacation. Don't lose hope girls, just try again and you'll get it!
Well That's An Odd Way to Set Up A Tent
Here's the thing - whether you’re a beginner still dipping your toes into the idea of camping or you're already an experienced camper, setting up a tent or gazebo can be a tricky endeavor. Just ask whoever attempted to build this disaster. They might not have been successful but at least they tried.

If we didn't know any better, we'd almost guess that this was an art installation. Just replace the trailer in the background with a white backdrop and it would almost look like a modern art exhibit that perfectly captures the frustration we all feel when things do go according to plan.
Bring Your Own TV
Say goodbye to roughing it in the wilderness and hello to "glamping" at its finest. All you need to do is forget about traditional camping conventions and bring a TV and generator instead. Who needs wildlife encounters when you can just watch the fascinating lives of animals from the comfort of your camping chair?

Just imagine cozying up in front of your own personal cinema, watching your favorite shows under the starry night sky. Popcorn and s'mores, anyone? We get that everybody's idea of leisure time is different, but surely this kind of camping defies the purpose of going camping in the first place.
Hanging Out
While scenic views in natural parks are always on the agenda when you go camping, we're not sure if this view is what he had in mind. We can't help but wonder why someone would tape him to the tree. Was he misbehaving so much that he needed to be restrained?

Or did he specifically ask his friends to tightly tape him on the tree so he could just "hang out" for a while? But hey, at least he has something to drink so not only is he hydrated but if he fell asleep he wouldn't have to worry about a bear attack.
21st Century Phone Booth
This is seemingly out of place yet perfectly picturesque. An old-school telephone sign with a seriously old-school can attached to a string. Back in the day, these public payphones were located all over in, just case of an emergency or well, in case you wanted to call your mom and let her know you were okay.

But with the emergence of smartphones, we don't need them anymore and now they've become a relic from the not-so-recent past. While most places have gotten rid of these signs, the people at these camping grounds decided to leave theirs up, along with a can and string, which was another way of communicating.
Just Throw It in the Trunk
Clearly, these people are very attached to their boat and their fellow travelers might be marveling at their impressive driving skills. Or they could just be in complete shock at the sight of this floating vessel. It's amazing this car can even move with that thing in the trunk!

One moment they're driving down the highway, the next, they're navigating tranquil waters. Who needs a trailer when you can turn your trunk into a marina on wheels? The best part is probably the looks on the faces of passersby as they witness this totally bizarre spectacle on the highway.
Can't Leave the Party Behind
This either belongs to a serious party animal, a professional DJ, or just the designated music provider for a party in the woods. Either way, we have to applaud the resourcefulness of him actually tying this massive, old-school stereo to the back of what looks like an already heavy backpack.

For a guy who seems to be crisscrossing the planet just so he can play some music and explore the great outdoors, having a stereo this big and powerful at the ready is crucial. But, of course, he can't forget to pack some other essentials for his trip, like those cans of baked beans we see.
An Obvious Choice
Nature really is a canvas that never fails to surprise us, especially when it comes to these street signs. We all know that street signs are meant to guide us, providing clear directions and ensuring a smooth journey through the urban landscape. But occasionally, we stumble upon signs that defy logic.

So which one is it? New Life Lane or Dead End? We can't help but feel intrigued by these paradoxical signs, almost as if we can't help but want to explore both routes, maybe there's more to this strange sign. Does a dead end really lead to new life or did someone not think it through when they named this street?
Flower Power Camping
If there’s anything that truly exemplifies the hippie lifestyle, it’s gotta be this beautiful, vintage flower-power 1960s-inspired tent! We've never seen anything like it! This tent instantly transports us back to the vibrant era of counterculture, but let's not forget peace and love. We wonder what it looks like inside.

Whether you're at a music festival, a campground, or a beachside retreat, this tent is guaranteed to be a conversation starter. Not only does it look comfy and spacious, but it also takes you back in time and makes you feel like you're actually camping out in a VW Van!
DIY Can Opener
It's pretty common for campers to flex how tough and rugged they are by saying they can get by without technology and modern-day utensils. Whether that's you or not, you should concern yourself less with posturing and more with how to actually do anything when you're out in nature, like opening a can without a can-opener.

But somehow, this guy couldn't manage to find anything sharper than this stubby rock, which doesn't seem to be working out as he had anticipated. If anything, it seems his newfound tool is actually crushing his can instead of opening it. If you want to eat, you might want to bring that can-opener next time...
Packing Priorities
If you've ever moved, you'll know how frustrating it is to go through what seems like humanity's greatest chore. Moving requires a great deal of effort, from disassembling all your furniture to the exhausting, physical act of packing up and storing all of your belongings—and let's not forget the heavy lifting that follows.

So while most of us can't afford a massive truck to conveniently move all our goods, at least we can have a plan to help make our move a little cheaper. Like the owners of this truck, they were going to make the most of their trip and packed the back of their truck way beyond what we thought physically possible.
Against All Odds
Bravo, girl! This woman refused to let a little water mess with her camping experience. Or maybe, she just decided the other side of the river looked like a better spot. Why go through the trouble of taking down a perfect set-up tent when you can just move it to the other side of the river?

Look, she's even juggling a pair of sunglasses in her hand along with her tent! A born talent! If you're going to go camping you certainly want her at your camp, she won't care about getting her hands dirty and we're pretty sure she knows how to make a fire.
Hide Your Kids
Camping is one of the most fun activities for kids. Although we're sure these kids will feel very differently after this particular outing. Imagine sleeping under the stars, in the great outdoors, and then waking up with what looks like a furry animal walking up to you... Wait, is that a bear?!

At this point, all we want to know is why is someone taking a photo o this scene instead of scaring the bear away from the children. What are the photographers' priorities here? Get a good photo of a bear alongside the kids OR save them from imminent danger. It shouldn't be that difficult to decide!
DIY Pig Roasting
When summer arrives the sun's golden rays begin to feel like they are finally smacking us upside the head and roasting us crisp faster than we can say "heat stroke." Well probably not fast enough to cook an entire pig! So whoever did this deserves some sort of prize for creativity.

When was the last time you saw a DIY, pig spit that uses water to power it so it's self-spinning?! It's just genius; using all nature has to offer to make life easier. So why not spare yourself the frustration of constantly turning your food if you can just use water to spin it like this?
Worst Breakdance Ever
Camping follows the abiding rule that encountering a little hardship together builds strong friendships. Wandering in nature, starting a finicky fire, and cooking in the dark will help you get acquainted. Turns out, it’s also the best possible time to show off your new dance moves, being miles away from civilization and all.

We have no idea how this poor guy got into this situation, or why! But we can be absolutely positive he's never going to enjoy campfires again. It's safe to say this guy probably didn't plan to fall into the campfire while celebrating with his friends, but here we are.
Porta-Potty Disaster
Unless you're the sort of person who keeps stacks of fire hydrants in your camper van, you're probably not truly prepared for an emergency. You can have supplies and a plan, but emotionally, the idea of your porta-potty catching fire will never quite be real until it's right in front of you.

So if you happen to think using a porta-potty is icky, just know it could always be worse. For example, while trying to relieve yourself in your humble porta-potty, you could also be on fire! Now that just sounds like something straight out of a horror film, and not one you'd want to see.
Hi, Mama Bear!
This family was looking for a nearby campsite, so they figured they'd ask a local. And who's better than this native mama bear and her cub? Or could it be that these bears were lost and asking for directions back into the woods? It almost looks like she's eagerly listening to the driver.

Maybe they strayed a little too far from their home in the forest and figured they could hitchhike their way back. With so many cars driving by, surely there has to be at least one driver who doesn't mind helping a mama bear and her cub get back to their den.
Let's Get a Family Picture!
Thousands of dusty old yearbooks and family photo albums all confirm the same thing: we're all pretty goofy. And this sweet family is no different. They decided to take a silly family picture together as a souvenir. Because who doesn't take at least one goofy photo when they get together?

Well, turns out, the family member on the far right doesn't seem too happy about this goofy photo idea. It looks like he wasn't too thrilled about having a little fun, especially while taking this family photo. Family photos are strictly meant to be serious, he doesn't have time for these shenanigans!
Barefoot Sand-Skiing
You can surf the streets, the sea, the snow, and even the Internet. So why not surf some sand? It seems this guy has already perfected this new sport and can surf while being barefoot! Maybe it helps with slipping, but we like it so much we've decided to dubb this sport "barefoot sand-skiing".

We haven't quite worked out whether you need some fishing experience just yet, but in this case, it seems to help. Just try not to slip into the water, cause then you're venturing into the territory of another entirely different sport called "wake-boarding" and you'd need a board for that!
One of the best things about spending time outdoors is, of course, a newfound connection with mother nature. You could even go fishing, like this guy, just look at how happy he is and he couldn't be more proud of his catch. He's enjoying this special moment so much that he's completely oblivious to his impending doom.

As the age-old expression goes: pics or it didn’t happen. Otherwise we would never believe this bear was this close to the guy who's totally unaware that he just stole his lunch. We can only hope that the person taking the picture warned him and that they got away in time.
Camping on Water
Well this scene caught on camera certainly raised my eyebrow. While these folks who’ve made their way out here mostly want to enjoy the outdoors, but they were unwilling to let go of any piece of comfort that their living rooms have to offer, so they brought everything out with them.

And we mean everything! From the recliner sofa and cooler box with cold drinks all the way to their stove to cook their food. What more do they need, really? But who knows how they managed to power it out there, and how they managed to keep their little boat afloat.
Camping in Russia
For all the aspiring adventurers out there, these men can really serve as inspiration for your next outdoor trip. Raised by the feral wolves of Siberia, can camp in the freezing cold weather of mother Russia. Such men don't need shirts, even in the middle of winter. They don't need a campfire or marshmallows.

They catch fish with their bare hands, eat them raw, and fashion their bones into belt buckles.They don't even need a boat to get back home, they just wait till it's time to go and swim across the freezing water to get to mainland. It's that simple when you're grew up like this.
So Much for Signs
Are you craving a camping trip but just can't find a place to go camping? Well, you're in luck, cause there are so many people who disregard public signs meant for their well-being and instead, camp wherever they want! Just ask these campers who had a conversation something like this;

Camper 1: "Oh, look, this patch of grass looks like a good place; how about we pitch our tent there?" Camper 2: "But there is a sign that says we shouldn't..." Camper 1: "It didn't seem to bother the other people who pitched their tents there..." Camper 2: "Oh, right..."
When you think of leaving on trip to go camping, cars, vans, or Jeeps, come to mind. But whatcar would you take if you were a glamorous camper? A Glamborghini, of course! From both a practical and eye-catching standpoint, a Lamborghini makes the most sense.

So not only will you attract everyone's attention, but you'll also dry your clothes. The only down-side to having such a fancy car at a campsite is, you'll stick out like a sore thumb. But we suppose, that's the whole point of owning a Lamborghini, isn't it?
The Elk Outdoors
When you go camping, people tell you to watch out for a bunch of things; for bears, for bugs, for contaminated water. Nobody ever tells you to watch out for the very territorial elk that might see you as a threat when you try to catch some fish for dinner.

The sign behind him clearly states "No Trespassing" so he only has himself to blame at this point. At least he can cross "Seeing an Elk from up close" from his bucket list. Now he better hope he makes it out of there alive so he can actually get to his bucket list.
Tent, Sleeping Bag, and Holy Water
So, you're now the proud new parent of a brand-new baby. So you've decided to take it with you to the great outdoors because you want to instill a sense of awe and adventure from a young age. Good for you! But hopefully, you can keep your baby safe while doing so.

Clearly, that's easier said than done, especially when it comes to posing for a photo. For some inexplicable reason, this guy thought it would be cute to hold onto the tree while holding his baby. He didn't foresee that his baby might not like that idea and tried to make a jump for it.
Traveling Lite
So you're ready to travel across the country! Rad! But you haven't quite figured out how to do it, so in defiance of an increasingly modernized world, you decided to stack all your essentials and your tent on top of your truck rather than give in and buy an RV.

With those makeshift straps and barely any barriers at the back, it doesn't exactly look secure to us. You certainly wouldn't want to take a sharp turn and have all your cooler boxes and bags flying out at the back. Obviously, we shouldn't have to say it but don't try this at home.
S’mores All-Around
Ah, the humble rake, once a mere garden tool, here we see it transformed into an unlikely hero—a makeshift grill that defies convention. It's not everywhere that allows you to use this bonkers system of grilling when making s'mores. But when you're camping in the great outdoors anything is possible.

Rake-grilling may not be a precise science, but it offers endless room for improvisation. So, the next time you need to grill some s'mores and your traditional grill goes MIA, grab a rake and do this instead. Just be sure to clean it first, nobody wants to eat leftover twigs and leaves!
Not in Kansas Anymore
Camping is all about escaping the mundane and embracing the unexpected. But what happens when your camping gear decides to take an adventure to new heights—literally? Just look at this tent and how it possesses the power of flight! If we didn't know any better we'd say that tent was a kite in its past life.

This flying tent will take any camping trip to new heights, quite literally. But as lovely and majestic as it looks flying up there, it's not exactly practical. For starters, there will come a time when you want to go to sleep but you can't because your tent is airborne!
Everything's Fine
Camping is an experience filled with unpredictable components, and sometimes Mother Nature decides to throw you a curveball. Just imagine arriving at your much-anticipated camping site, only to find it's become a water wonderland due to unexpected flooding. Sure, your campsite might resemble a miniature lake, but why not have some fun?

Having a flooded campsite can really ruin your entire camping experience if you let it, but this guy refused to let that bother him. As long as he can enjoy his drink, and float on his inflatable bed, nothing can bring him down. He doesn't even seem to mind getting his clothes wet!
Goldilocks, Beware
Going camping means you get to connect with nature, but what happens when nature gets a little too up close and personal? From their unexpected visit to stealing all your snacks, these uninvited guests brought along a lot more than you had in mind when you thought of camping with their bear-y antics.

What's more, it looks like one of the bears is getting ready for a nap in your tent! But what could you do with this impromptu bear-themed slumber party? You can't possibly chase away a bear, never mind two bears! If we were in this situation, we might just head back home. What else could you do?
They Obviously Didn't Pivot
Here we see what results when these camper's ambition to sleep in comfort clashes with the limitations of their tent size. Armed with a combination of elbow grease, a lack of foresight, and a questionable understanding of spatial logic, they attempted to fit this big air mattress into their diminutive tent.

With sheer determination and a touch of delusion, these campers tried to make the impossible possible, however, it's not exactly going to work, no matter how much they pivot this mattress. They might be able to get half of the mattress inside their tent but they certainly won't be able to close it.
In the Upside Down
Imagine the excitement of setting up camp, as you envision a sturdy and reliable tent to shield you from the elements. With unmatched optimism, you carefully stake your tent into the ground, secure the poles, and step back to admire your handiwork. But little do you know, your tent has other plans.

And instead of staying in place, it crumbles at the first gust of wind. As the wind picks up, your tent springs into action, embracing its true talent—the art of falling over. It sways back and forth, performing a mesmerizing dance as if mocking your feeble attempts to keep it upright.
Instruction Manuals
Why does setting up a sturdy tent sometimes feel like an impossible task? Let's explore a few possible reasons why this seemingly straightforward task can become a source of frustration. It all starts with a tiny booklet called an instruction manual that holds the key to pitching your tent. Or at least we hope so.

Often written in a language that seems to defy human comprehension, deciphering cryptic diagrams and complicated instructions can feel like solving a riddle. Is that pole supposed to bend at a 45-degree angle or should it resemble a pretzel? The manual's ability to transform a straightforward task into a perplexing puzzle is truly incredible.
Ugh, Forget It
Tent poles, those supposedly helpful companions as you secure your tent, have a peculiar talent for developing a mind of their own. No matter how carefully you insert them into their designated slots, they twist, resist, and find innovative ways to elude your grasp. They fall over when they're supposed to stand up straight and refuse to remain in place.

Just as one corner is securely staked down, another mysteriously detaches itself and causes the whole tent to fall over. It's as if the tent enjoys challenging our perception of reality, reminding us that camping is not only an adventure in the great outdoors but also a crash course in spatial reasoning.
Camping in Scotland
Ah, the majestic Scottish Highlands just look at that beautiful highland cow. But let's not forget to set up a tent in the fickle Scottish weather. One minute, you're basking in the sunshine, and the next, you find yourself in the midst of a torrential downpour that takes your tent along with it.

Setting up a tent requires an unwavering sense of adaptability. Just as you secure the tent pegs, a gust of wind arrives and whisks your tent away. The inquisitive cow, with its curious gaze, observes your tent in the water, perhaps offering silent critiques or hoping to lend a hoof.
You Set up the Tent; I'll Go Get Firewood
When it comes to camping, there are several undeniable elements that make it special: good company, being surrounded by the beauty of nature, and the allure of a roaring campfire. But what happens when a group of amateur campers takes the concept of a "firewood log" to such massive proportions?

Armed with a single, colossal log that could rival the size of a fallen tree, these campers were ready to conquer the fire-making game. They proudly positioned the log near the fire pit. After all, who needs a collection of smaller logs when one mighty giant can do the job, right?
Tent or Teepee?
The anatomy of a traditional tent is pretty simple: durable fabric and poles to hold it up. But what if you could elevate your tent to something with more charm and character? Enter the teepee tent—or at least, that's what these campers were envisioning when they tried to set up this temporary shelter.

While its distinctive cone shape stands a little taller than most tents, it's not exactly reminiscent of the teepees saw in movies and books. Original teepees are sturdier and big enough to fit a sleeping bag. Obviously this tent was built by people who have no idea what they're doing.
Just Being Safe
Camping does require certain measures of safety, but this seems like a stretch. Don't get us wrong, fire is dangerous and needs to be dealt with with caution. But roasted marshmallows are the best part of camping, and we simply can't let such a long stick stand in the way of our true love.

It seems that maintaining a safe distance from the fire became an obsession for this safety-conscious camper, who spares no expense when it comes to protecting himself from marshmallow-roasting hazards. But how will he know it's ready if he's so far away? He certainly isn't going to smell it as it melts or see when it gets too charred.
Don't Do as I Do
A camping mattress is one of the most important pieces of equipment you need to take with you on the trip. Using it is fairly simple. There aren't any complicated knobs, but the manufacturers of this camping mattress forget to show how it should be should used and instead opted for this display.

We can't help but scratch our heads at this sight. Instead of gracefully laying on the mat, the model laid next to it and set his magazine in a comfortable position on top of said mattress! What's the point of buying this econo camper mat if you can't even use it?
As Long as They're Asleep
Where there's a will, there's a way. And these happy campers decided they will get some sleep no matter what shape their tent was in. Strangely enough, this tent looks like it doubles as an extra blanket instead of a shelter. Combined with the sleepers cozying up next to each other.

Perhaps they reached the point of utter exasperation and decided to throw in the towel, opting to sleep under their tent to stave away the bugs and mosquitoes. Who needs to set it up when it basically does what you need, without all the trials and tribulations of setting it up.
Someone Needs a Walk
Looks like Fido can't wait for his morning walk! This doggo must be having the time of his life — he gets to wander around outside with his humans all day, find all the sticks he could possibly want and then he still gets to snuggle up with them at night.

The only problem is, being this close to nature means he's overly excited in the morning. Looking out of the tent, he can't wait to go back outside and explore the nearby wilderness. But unfortunately, his human is still sound asleep and nowhere near as eager as he is to get up this early.
Peg It Down!
When it comes to pitching your tent, you might think that the poles are the most important part of setting up a tent, but you'd be wrong. While the poles do a good job holding your tent up, they can't guarantee it won't go flying with every gust of wind.

This leads us to one conclusion — get some pegs or watch your tent pretending to be a kite. Then again, what better time for your camping tent to get airborne than at a kite-flying competition? If this tent plays his cards right, he might just take down his opponents and win this round.
Good Job, Boy Scout
If we've ever had any doubts about sending our kids to the scouts, we no longer have those. Doubts, we mean. From camping and hiking to knot tying and grilling hot dogs, Scouts is known for giving kids gain practical skills that help them become self-reliant, adaptable, and capable of navigating and enjoying the natural world.

If the level of ingenuity that this kid demonstrates is any indication of the youth movement's contribution to the child, we are totally here for it. Next, he'll be building a fort out of an old tree or assembling a campfire using only his shoelaces. We'd nominate him for president!
Bathroom Equality
If you've been around recently you've probably heard about people demanding bathroom equality and accessibility. Everyone deserves to have the chance to go to the bathroom and feel comfortable with who they are, regardless of their gender identity or physical abilities. This is true for men, women, and anyone in between.

Accessible bathrooms are crucial for all individuals, even Scotsmen who are out there camping in their kilts deserve their own bathrooms so that they can use restroom facilities independently and with dignity. After all, nobody should be made to feel embarrassed or ashamed when they go to the bathroom just because they wear a kilt.
Bad Camping
Camping is all about going outside and sleeping in nature. When you think about it like that, can you really be that bad at it? Well, the answer is yes, of course, it can! But hey, when things go wrong and you need a quick fix, you can always use duct tape.

Truthfully speaking, there's really no good reason not to bring the greatest invention of the 20th century on vacation with you. Seriously, every conceivable problem on your camping trip can be fixed with this impossibly sticky stuff, even that pesky zipper that just won't budge. And now you've turned a mundane zipper malfunction into a masterpiece.
Falling Down
Tents are harder to set up than they seem. They should be easy to build as anyone with a brain is supposed to be able to pitch them while outside in nature. But, alas, they just aren't. These two people thought they had it covered, so they built the tent to the best of their ability and then went to bed.

They soon found all the work they put into pitching their tent, somehow was all for naught and their tent completely caved in. They didn't seem to mind and continued sleeping as if nothing happened. Somebody should probably tell them, there's a fine line between a bohemian sensibility and living in disorder.
Sleeping in a Bag in a Car
When you know you won't be able to pitch that tent before it gets dark and you're camping with children, sometimes you just have to come up with creative solutions. In this case, the problem was a very tired child, and the solution was a sleeping bag in the trunk of the car.

It's just important to remember that the child sleeping is in the trunk at all times. Unless you want your fellow campers to think you've kidnapped someone else's child and kept him in your trunk. You might want to make sure that everyone knows he's yours and he's just very, very tired.
A Nosy Dog
Camping with dogs can go either way. It can be fun, but it can also be a real challenge. In this case, what started out as a fun day camping ended with the pooch strolling over to a nearby vacation home and just about as subtle as a raccoon, he stuck his head through someone's door screen.

Yes, it seems that little face seems to really enjoy propping screen doors open. Even if this little cutie tries to sneak into your home and steal some treats, he's so adorable that we bet his misdemeanor will be forgiven. Just don't display any food near where he can actually steal it!
Camping or Floating?
Generally speaking, when people camp, they want to set their tent on the ground, which is literally what camping is. But, sometimes, Mother Nature has other plans. Enjoying your time away in the great outdoors is not the straightforward proposition it seems to be when it's raining cats and dogs.

In this case, the campers' van started floating around, and they learned that they have no other choice but to float instead of drive to the next campsite. If camping is all about adventure, it's safe to say they got an adventure alright, plus they'll probably save money on gas!
Send Help
This dog really looks like it could use some help. These happy campers took their beloved pooch with them, assuming that their pooch is going to enjoy spending time outside, in nature, but in actual fact, the little guy looks like a deer in the headlights, and a little stressed out.

Dogs love to get out and explore, just like their humans but there are definitely many things to consider before signing your dog up for a camping excursion. Be sure to do some research beforehand on what all is involved in taking your sweet companion with on a camping trip.
Too Small
When getting a tent it's important to find one that suits your needs best. Needs change from one camper to the next but we think it's safe to say that everyone wants to be able to have their feet tucked in safely inside their tent, with no limbs sticking out.

Evidently, this person is just too tall, for this tiny tent. Sleeping away from home, and away from your own bed can already be an uncomfortable adjustment for some. Be sure to get a tent that your body befits comfortably, otherwise good luck trying to get a good night's rest!
Bury the Hatchet
Getting out in nature is a great time to do a lot new things and gain new experiences, but some activities should probably be left to the professionals. Yes, it's all fun and games to try some tree cutting just to prove how masculine you are. But, using a hatchet is no joke!

He learned a valuable lesson about hatchets that day— they can cut more than just trees so you better be careful when using them. When camping, one should always be careful, responsible, and mindful of what can go wrong, even though they might seem like a fun idea at first.
Oh, Sheep!
When campers choose to be out in nature where animals roam freely, they may still be surprised or even slightly annoyed when those free-roaming animals come into contact with their food. But of course, this should come as no surprise when you leave your food out in the open and exposed.

While the campers were gone, the brave sheep used the opportunity to try and dig into whatever food the campers had left. This sheep managed to steal a snack before she went back to her sheep life. It goes without saying that animals have every right to roam camping grounds, just as the campers do.
A Stubborn Donkey
As we should all know by now, never leave your food outside while camping. Why? Well, because sooner or later a wild animal will smell and find a way to get to it. You never know when or how the day will come that your coller box will get stolen by a donkey.

In this case, a lucky donkey found himself a sneaky snack. By the looks of it, these unsuspecting campers had no idea that this would happen when they left their gazebo. Campsite snacks are always a welcome and tasty treat, just ask this donkey and his belly full of snacks!
Sleep Walking
If this is supposed to be a fashion statement, then it isn't really the best one. Still, camping during the winter means cold weather, and cold weather means warm attire! Sometimes you may forget about what's flattering and attractive and go straight for whatever item of clothing will keep you warm.

Yes, even if the thing that will keep you warm is a sleeping bag onesie, at least you will be warm and get a warm nights rest. In this case, an unflattering body suit means a warm and cosy night. We would rather go for warmth than for fashion, just like these fellows have!
A Fancy Toilet
Some people are not willing to go camping for obvious reasons. For those people, the only thing that is keeping them from going out to nature is the fact they don't want to be outside when nature calls. We all know the feeling of needing to go when you gotta go!

Is it really too much to ask for a designated loo area, no matter the shape of size?! Some people will only be willing to come camping if there are promised facilities such as the one seen in the picture, including easy-to reach toilet paper that's attached to the tree.
A Camping Bath
Many campers understand that while in nature they might have to make do without a warm shower for a couple of days. However, kids are the exception to this rule. They also have the advantage of being small enough to fit into plastic boxes, a perk that we adults don't have.

Armed with a kettle and some soap, this mom was not going to let her child wait till they get back home to take a bath. They may not have a full bath, but hey, cleanliness is relative, right? Plus, they now have a newfound appreciation for the versatility of plastic boxes.
That's Just Creepy
Sure, it's a free country. This man has every right to build a tent, sit in it, and weirdly stare out of it. Like so many other camping adventures, it's broadly interpretable. Is he spying on other campers from the safety of his tent or is he merely keeping an eye out for predators?

But it's safe to say that a suitably skilled predator can probably snatch your food regardless of how well you're watching your belongings so instead of seeming like a creepy dude, just zip up and chill out while you wait for whatever animal you're watching to go away, you peeping tom, you.
Catching a Train
This photo was taken at the Glastonbury Festival back in 2015. As thousands of people caught trains and planes to celebrate five days of performing arts, one large group of happy campers managed to find the coolest tent — one that's been modeled after the famous underground train and can sleep up to twenty people.

These fellows are showing off and clearly they're proud of their culture. We bet everyone wanted to hang around this cool tent, but the only problem with that is that it will soon become overcrowded, just like the actual train. And quite like riding the train, you'll be itching to get out.
The Happy Teddy
Imagine embarking on a journey where your home-on-wheels accompanies you every step of the way. Camping caravans offer an extraordinary blend of adventure and comfort, making them an unparalleled choice for travelling campers. Need a bathroom break? No worries, just pull over and voilà, your very own private restroom awaits!

Feeling peckish? Well, your camper van has a portable kitchen that can cook up whatever dish while on the go. Bon Appétit! How about a nap? Well, you also have your very own bed. And with so much room, you'll even have enough space to take along your beloved teddy bear!
Exit Only
If you've had the pleasure of roaming in the breathtaking Appalachian Trail in the scenic state of New Hampshire, there's a good chance you're familiar with a certain bathroom that holds a quirky sign. Nestled in the Trapper John Shelter, you'll stumble upon a bathroom adorned with a peculiar sign that reads "Exit Only."

If you get the chance, take a moment to visit this legendary bathroom. The bathroom in question has an old chair in place of a ceramic toilet bowl, so take a seat and reflect on the absurb choices you've made so far that have led you to this wooden lavatory.
Face It
Cooking can indeed become a laborious undertaking, especially when you're cooking in the great outdoors, far away from all your amentities and appliances. Regardless, there's always room for a little creativity when you're preparing a meal. Like carving out some creepy faces in your potatoes. Sure it's creative, but is it really necessary?

Don't get us wrong, we love imaginative ideas whenever we find them, but these potatoes look so creepy! Is there anything not terrifyingly awful about these previously beloved vegetables? We're not saying you shouldn't explore more creative options when cooking potatoes, we just mean don't make them look like goblins.
The Goat Got It
There are several different reasons why you don't want to leave your stuff unsupervised in nature. One of these reasons is that you don't random goats to come in and eat your food, or your... paper towels? We're not sure what prompted the goat to eat those, but he sure looks like he's enjoying it.

The goat's selective taste buds may be a source of amusement for these campers, but soon enough he'll finish the whole roll. Maybe keep a watchful eye on all your belongings next time, not just your food. You never know when an adventurous goat might decide to make paper towels their preferred snack.
Too Much Stuff
Embarking on a journey into nature offers an invaluable opportunity to embrace a simpler way of life, leaving behind the excesses and living with less. It's a chance to disconnect from the material world and reconnect with our surroundings. With that being said, not everyone is on board with living minimally.

Well, call us obsessives, but we couldn't help but notice this family who packed way more than they needed for their trip. They have so much stuff, they can barely see where they're going and with so much stuff they might as well stock the inventory of a small shop.
What Happens at the Campsite...
You know the saying, "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"? Well, it seems that a similar rule should apply to camping vacations. These two resourceful fellows stumbled upon a wig and a wheel cart, which somehow ignited their adventurous side and had them wheeling each other around the campsite.

Clearly these guys needed to have some fun and break free from their 9-5 routine, and that's totally ok! There's no shame in letting your hair down, so to speak, just make sure to keep your undies. Who knows what kind of fun and games you might get up to?
Camp Hack
When it comes to camping, there's always room for innovative hacks that upgrade the camping experience to a whole new level, quite literally. By tying his tent to the surrounding trees, this man has found a way to ensure that no unwelcome visitors, like snakes or rodents, will intrude on his peaceful sleep.

Plus, look at how uneven and rough the ground underneath him looks. It would have been so uncomfortable to relax when you're sleeping on rocks and bumpy ground. But with just a touch of creativity and some resourcefulness, he made the most of his surroundings. Next time we go camping, we're definitely going to use this trick!
Eagle-Eyed Elephants
When it comes to camping, one golden rule is to never leave your food unattended or out in the open. The open air out in nature has a way of enticing various creatures with the aromas of delicious foods. Not to mention that most animals have an extraordinary sense of smell!

Just look at these two eagle-eyed elephants who have detected a seemingly scrumptious treat. Never underestimate the ability of elephants or any animal for that matter to sniff out your food. Be sure to take the necessary precautions to a respectful distance from the magnificent creatures that may find a way to your food tables!
Laundry Day
If you go out camping for a few nights, there's no need to do laundry. But, those who go on longer camping trips will know that doing laundry is an absolute necessity. This obviously means that besides finding a place to do your laundry you'll also have to hang it out to dry.

That's when the quest for a solution to the getting your laundry dry begins. But fortunately for these campers, they found the perfect resource which came in the form of an abandoned camper van. They could use it to set up their clothes line which certainly helped their clothes get dry.
Gone With the Wind
Venturing out into nature, an open field becomes your playground, and your tent becomes your sanctuary. However, as some of the previous photos can attest to, even the sturdiest of tents can be blown away when the wind gets strong enough. And here we see another man trying to stop his tent from blowing away.

This tent is quite literally gone with the wind. It should be no surprise that campers will be challenged by the elements of nature at some point in an outdoor excursion. One can only hope he eventually ends up catching it so he can enjoy some peace and quiet.
Heading out into the wild outdoors is a regular pastime for a lot of people to enjoy on a yearly, monthly, or even weekly basis. If you’re the kind of person that loves to pitch your tent in a new camping spot every other week, then you probably have plenty of tips and tricks for staying comfortable and packing your food.

But what if you get stuck somewhere dangerous? This collection of tips has the potential to keep you safe when things turn sour on your next camping trick. You’ll be more comfortable, be able to start fires quicker, keep yourself dry, and much more. Pick up a new tactic for your next adventure.
Lay Down a Soft Layer
If you like to take a nap in a tent every once in a while, you know that where you set up can make a big difference. You have to go around and get rid of all the sticks, sharp stones, and other bits and pieces before you set down your temporary home. However, here’s a handy way to make things quicker and more comfortable.

Bring along a bunch of those interlocking foam pad tiles that are so common in preschool rooms or the like. You’ll want to trim them down to the size of your tent so they don’t get rained or snowed on, but they both add comfort and can block the cold ground from affecting you more than it has to.
Make Tin Can Bread
Hopefully, you’ve never been in a situation when you needed to find a fast food source. It’s not fun, and we’re here to make sure you have plenty of options if it ever does happen. If you happen to have the supplies for bread but nothing that you think can serve as an oven, try using a simple tin can.

You’ll need a smaller can, like a soup can, and a bigger one, like a coffee, can, big enough so the smaller can doesn’t touch the sides. Make your dough, and while letting it rise, layer some small stones on the bottom of the bigger can. Generously grease the interior of the smaller can and tip your dough inside.
Make a Quick Camping Dessert
If you’ve had a long, hot day of hiking through the forest and seeing the incredible sights that nature has to offer, there’s nothing like sitting down to a flame-cooked meal and relaxing. Here’s a way to make something sweet and tasty without too much effort. Take some croissant dough and roll it together onto a stick.

After that, roll the dough in sugar until you get a nice coating. Once that’s done, all you have to do is hold it over the fire until it’s nice and crispy. It’s bound to smell delicious, and bound to taste just as good, especially since you’re all tired out from walking around.
Create a Mobile Hand Washing Station
Keeping your hands clean is one of the things that a lot of us have gotten really used to. Here’s a simple way to create a mobile washing station if you want to stay fresh while camping, gardening, or doing any other kind of work outside. Get an old detergent container, thoroughly wash it out, and fill it with water.

Add a couple of ounces of chlorine bleach to keep anything nasty from growing inside, and you’re ready to go. As you can see in this picture, you can easily supplement it with a bottle of hand sanitizer and some paper towels to make sure everybody is as clean as they need or want to be.
Cook up Sweet Treats on the Fire
When you’re camping with your family, you usually have to take along only the essentials. Meat, potatoes, fruits, and veggies. Thankfully, there is usually a little bit of space in the cooler for some frozen treats. But what’s this? You can add a little bit of tin foil and cook those treats over the fires for a, frankly, mouth-watering sight that will delight campers of all ages.

You’ll have to take off all the original packaging first and totally wrap the chocolatey cones in foil before sticking them in the fire to soften them. You don’t want to destroy them over the fire; of course, just thaw and get them a little gooey.
Keep Mosquitoes Away Using Sage
If there’s one thing that every outdoor explorer knows about going camping or just hitting the hiking trails for a day, it’s that there are a ton of bugs. Everywhere. The outside is just chock-a-block with bugs! There are an estimated ten QUINTILLION bugs on the planet Earth! That’s one with nineteen zeros after it. Ew.

The most dangerous of them all are mosquitoes, which can not only bite you, but they can spread dangerous diseases. It turns out that a bit of sage is a handy way to keep them away. Throw a bundle of sage on the campfire to create a smelly blaze that a lot of bugs – mosquitoes included – won’t like to investigate. Plus, it smells good to humans.
Bring Along a Little Flavor
If you like to frequent places like McDonald's or Chick-Fil-A, you probably have a little collection of condiment packets in your home somewhere. Ketchup, mustard, mayo, and relish might seem like something that won’t make a camping trip all that better, but you’d be surprised. Take along a bag of these things, and you might just become the most popular person on your next camping trip.

Cooking burgers or weenies over the fire is one thing, and they taste great, but sometimes you just need a little taste of home to make the end of the day perfect. Who would have thought that the ketchup you picked a couple of months ago getting dinner for the family would come in so handy?
Set up Your Campfire Like a Pro
If you’ve done your fair share of camping, you probably know how to get a fire going using some sticks and logs, but have you ever made it look this good? Here’s how to up your campfire game if you’re going to be in a specific spot for more than one night. Create your fire and surround it with logs or stones.

Place a grille or grate on top of it, so you can boil water or cook soup or something like that. Jam a couple of strong sticks into the ground on either side of the fire and suspend a stick between them. There, you can hang animals you’ve trapped, socks that need to be dried, or anything else that needs a little bit of heat.
Build a Better Marshmallow Roaster
There’s nothing like roasting marshmallows over an open fire. Kids and adults love doing it since it lets them play with fire and enjoy a nice treat afterward, but those old marshmallow spikes you’ve been using might not cut it anymore. It seems pretty easy to make your own if you have the materials and a little bit of engineering know-how.

This person, for example, took an old skewer and a pair of long chopsticks and didn’t even need to use tape, glue, or any other kind of bonder. She could just stick the chopsticks through the circular metal of the skewer, which meant this was easy, and it gives kids a double amount of marshmallow-toasting space.
Bacon and Eggs Away From Home
If you’ve been avoiding going camping because it doesn’t afford you the niceties of living at home, have we got a surprise for you? As we can see in this picture, it’s simple to make delicious bacon and eggs over the fire while you’re living in a tent. You’ll need a muffin tin and a way to suspend it over the flame, but that’s about all you need except the very basics of camping.

And the food itself, we guess, but we assumed that was a given. Layer the bacon at the bottom and crack the eggs into the remaining space. Be sure to watch it carefully – eggs will cook and burn quickly, perhaps long before the bacon is done.
A Full Camping Kitchen in Your Car
Maybe you’re more in favor of glamping than camping – that’s camping, where you live in a huge tent and have everything ready to go. It’s barely camping, but at least you’re getting outside. The example we see before us is a little between the two extremes. It’s great to have if you know you’re going to be outside, but it is a little fancier than a lot of people like to go camping.

There’s a cabinet of supplies and a cooler in the back, a plastic tub cut in a hole for washing, and a small burner stove on the left to cook your food. You might have to custom-build the wood to get the right space and fit in your car.
Ever Heard of Cooler Corn?
Honestly, we hadn’t. But it turns out that it’s quite simple – you’ll need a cooler, your corn, and some boiling water, as well as a few other items if you wish. Fill up your cooler with raw corn on the cob, and then pour boiling water over it. Throw in a couple of sticks of butter (the recommended amount is two sticks per eight cobs) and butter to taste.

Close the lid and leave it inside for about forty-five minutes or until the corn is tender. If you’re worried about plastics, don’t be – coolers either use polypropylene or polyethylene, neither of which contain dangerous BPA, so it’s safe to do this. It seems like a fast and simple way to cook up corn for the entire camping party.
Pre-Scramble Your Eggs
Eating scrambled eggs gets you ready for any day, it seems. Whether it’s a busy morning, a lazy Saturday, or while you’re out in the wild, this classic breakfast food is a favorite for everybody. Still, it can use up a lot of space carrying all the supplies you need – do you really want to be hauling cartons of eggs that could easily get broken as you clamber over mountains?

No, of course, you don’t. So, why not pre-scramble your eggs at home before you leave? Make them to your desired recipe (with milk, cheese, etc.), and then use a funnel to pour the concoction into water bottles that fit into your carrying supplies so much easier.
Use a Sun Shade to Block Moisture
If you’re camping in a place that gets lots of rain – common enough in forests – then you have to have some ways to stay dry. One thoughtful camper realized that the sun shade for the car can do double-duty as a moisture blocker If arranged along the head of the mattress during the night.

This comes with a few caveats, such as the moisture is still going to collect and drip down to the edge of the mattress, perhaps making it wet enough to be uncomfortable, but it’s better than getting your head wet while you’re trying to sleep, isn’t it? Getting your head wet while you’re trying to sleep is maybe one of the most unpleasant things to happen to you.
Simple, Portable Fire Starters
If getting a fire started has never been simple for you, we have a solution you can prep at home with a little bit of work. Collect dryer lint during the winter, and store it in cardboard egg cartons. Get a little bit of wax from your local craft store or online. Melt the wax and spoon it over the lint in the egg cartons until you have little balls of lint and wax.

Let it cool for a couple of hours until it hardens, and then cut open the carton until you’re able to extricate the little pods. Just keep them in a bag until you need a quick source of fuel for your fire. It’s not like lint and wax are going to go bad.
Spread Light After Your Meal
No doubt you know to bring a couple of different light sources with you while you’re off on your own, but what if you’re getting sick of pointing flashlights at things? Build your own light diffuser by snagging a piece of thin plastic and folding it into a box similar to a Chinese takeout box. You might have to search around for the right kind of plastic, but it’s around there somewhere.

After that, hook a headlamp inside it, which creates both the light and a handy strap, as we can see here. The plastic is light, it will fold down to reduce required carrying space, and it will make your nighttime resting places a little more comfortable and a little safer.
Improve Your Night of Sleep
You might be used to catching some shut-eye in a sleeping bag by now, but the method does have a number of downsides. For instance, there’s nothing to keep your pillow from slipping out from under your head while tossing and turning. Here’s a simple solution: Pick up one of those non-slip rug pads at your local store and put it under your pillow.

Just like with a rug, the increased friction will stop the nighttime movement from pushing the pillow away from your head. You can even take this to the next level by getting a non-slip pad for your entire sleeping bag, in case you want to make sure you don’t move too much.
Vacuum-Pack Meals for Easy Camp Cooking
Usually, when you’re camping, you have to keep your meals simple. No big roasts, no pies, and no chili. Well, it turns out some of those might be a little more possible than you think. This person decided to cook up what is essentially chili stock and vacuum seal it in some plastic bags for easy transportation.

All you have to do to make these pouches into a meal is put a pot over a fire, boil some water, and add the stock to the bag. This example is white bean chicken chili, which sounds amazing, but you can pick any kind of dish you want, even if it isn’t something like soup or chili.
The Amazing Microfiber Towel
You probably have a couple of these lying around your house, so why not take one with you when you head into the wilderness? That’s right, the simple microfiber cloth that you use to wipe up water on the kitchen counter has plenty of uses while camping. Dry your hands off while you’re on the boat.

Keep it handy for getting moisture off your camera or other sensitive pieces of electronics, or grab it while cooking to prevent or clean up messes. They’re light – usually weighing only a few ounces, and there are plenty of ways you can take advantage of the super-absorbent material. Keep yourself dry and protect your other gear.
Stop Wasting Soap While You’re Out
If you happen to be taking a longer trip in the great outdoors, you have to be a little more careful about the supplies that you have. If you’re going to be spending days, weeks, or even months away from civilization, you can’t just go around wasting all your soap.

If you grab the whole bar, you’ll find that the thing has been rubbed down to a nub in just a little bit of time, especially if you need to use it to wash more than just your hands. Beforehand, you can use a vegetable peeler to shave off small shreds of soap that allow you to use as little or as much as you need. A little goes a long way.
Filters and Floss Help You Wake Up
So you’re away from the comforts of home, but you still have to wake up in the morning. The solution, like so many other problems, is coffee. But how do you enjoy that delicious bean juice from your tent? Grab a coffee filter and some dental floss to make things simpler every day of your trip.

Fill up coffee filters with about two ounces of ground coffee and tie them shut into little caffeine baggies using dental floss – preferably unflavored. Be sure to keep them dry, or your backpack will suddenly be full of coffee. Once you’re ready to get a cup of joe, use the pre-apportioned bag in a cup of hot water like a bag of tea.
Keep Pots and Pans Within Reach
Campers love to move around a lot, but there are some that will find a place and set up for a little while. That means they can make their spot of rest a little more set up than some other places. Or, maybe you’re the kind of camper that can’t pitch your tent without making a meal big enough for your whole family.

Attach a belt to a nearby tree and add a couple of simple metal hooks to create a quick and easy place to hang your pots, pans, and other cooking tools. Be sure to wash them thoroughly if you’ve used them because those smells could easily attract wildlife. But your bellies are sure to enjoy the foods you’ll whip up.
Enjoy a Cool Morning
The wilderness is a funny thing. You wake up one morning, it’s nice and cool, but then it gets hot! Will the madness never end? Don’t worry; we’re here to help you defend yourself from the oppressive heat of the sun. Get a big tarp, such as the one shown here, and layer one side with reflective tape or another kind of reflective material.

Point the reflective side of the tarp toward where the sun will rise, and you’ll have something that will block a whole lot of that heat. Scurry away from the heat of the day for a little while, at least. If you want to maintain a cool tent, you can move the tarp around to continue shading it from the sun.
Go On. Do It.
Mosquitoes are annoying, aggravating, and can even be dangerous in certain areas of the world. If you spend any amount of time outside, you probably have some insect repellent, but what if you run out or forget? Brace yourselves; this tip is wild.

Find a termite hill, grab a bunch of termites, and smash them into a paste, with which you will then cover yourself. Told you. Apparently, mosquitoes stay away from termite corpses. We have no idea why, and we aren't looking forward to trying this tactic out, but it might be handy if you have no other options.
The Rule of Threes
It's always nice to know some of the more important rules when wandering around outdoors, and one of the handiest is the Rule of Threes. This refers to how long an average person can survive in extreme temperatures without food or water. It goes as follows:

You can survive in extreme heat or cold for three hours before getting hypothermia or heat exhaustion. You can survive with no water for three days before dehydration. You can survive without food for three weeks before dying of starvation. Of course, different people will have slightly different numbers, but that's the general guideline.
Glue Cuts Shut
Small cuts are a natural thing while exploring the great outdoors, but you don't want them to sit open. They could become infected or continue bleeding, which you want to avoid. If you lack the necessities in your first-aid kit, like bandages, there's more than one way to stop bleeding.

Keep a tube of super glue handy. Make sure to disinfect the wound first, then apply a thin layer of super glue over the wound and hold it shut. Once the glue dries, the wound will be closed and will have a thin layer of protective glue as a bonus.
Put Out a Fire in a Flash
You might be tempted to throw some water on fire if it gets too large, but avoid this tactic with oil or grease fires – it can backfire badly. Instead, dump a bunch of baking soda onto the fire and cover it with a lid, or cut off the oxygen supply in some other way.

The baking soda will create carbon dioxide, which will extinguish the flame. With a lid, there's no way for the fire to get more air, and it will be out for good. We understand the importance of having a burning flame while camping. However, we also acknowledge the importance of staying alive.
Upgrade Your Matches
Taking matches with you while you're out camping is a standard tactic and a must-have item, but what if it's windy out? You might think they're impossible to light if the wind is gusting, but it can still be done! In fact, all you need to make it easier is a small, sharp object – a pocket knife is perfect.

Use the knife to cut pieces of the match close to the head. These small splinters will catch fire to create a bigger flame, which gives the match a better chance of staying lit. Notice we said better, not a hundred percent.
Keep Food Fresh Without Refrigeration
Ever heard of a pot-in-pot refrigerator? They've been used for millennia to keep food from going bad even without power. It's like this: take a porous outer clay pot, add a smaller clay pot inside it, and fill the gap between them with wet sand. The evaporation of the outer liquid sucks heat from the inner pot, which keeps the area of the inner pot cool.

It only requires pots, some water, and relatively dry air outside. It might not be so practical for a normal camping trip, but who knows? It might come in handy one day, and you'll appreciate it the day you read this.
Jump-Start a Fire
Being able to start a fire while you're away from all the modern conveniences is survival step number one, but here's a trick to make it a little easier. Soak cotton balls or pads in petroleum jelly or paraffin wax to create little power-packed starters that will make setting up camp for the night far easier and the meat on the barbie ready within no time.

Throw one of them onto a fire before you light it, and once it warms up, it will give you ample opportunity to arrange the wood to your liking. All that combustible energy means that this important step is easier than ever.
Duct Tape Is Your Best Friend
Duct tape is the kind of thing that you should always have around when in rough conditions. Let's say you're alone in the wild (or in an underground bunker after the world has ended), and you need access to whatever food jar you can find, except it's screwed on too tightly). Grab a roll of duct tape and salvage yourself.

You can make a small handle that will allow you to twist the cap off with enough of a strong pull. The problem is usually getting enough grip, so something that is sticky and grippy is sure to be a big help.
A Quick Raft
Rising water? What about an unexpected river that you need to cross? There are a number of situations when you have to deal with the wet stuff, but what if you didn't think to bring a canoe or anything of the sort? Here's a possible solution: You can make a raft by wrapping a collection of small branches in a tarp.

The branches trap air in pockets, and the tarp keeps it from escaping. This last-ditch effort might just work in an emergency situation, but we wouldn't trust it for more than one person if you have any other options.
More for Just Drinking
We're sure plenty of people bring cans of Coke along for a treat once they've set up for the night, but did you know soda cans can make for handy jet stoves? You can use any soda can you have. Cut a can in two horizontally through the center and poke holes around the rim, with an additional one through the center.

Crimp the edges of one of the bases inward, and fill it with cotton balls. Cover it with the second base, which has the same holes, and pour rubbing alcohol or something similar over it to soak the cotton. You're ready to go.
Preserve Meat on the Road
For some, hunting is a good bit of fun. For others, it's life or death. Transporting the meat you've gathered is an important part of the process. The best way to do this is to hang the meat over a fire to smoke it, which will dry it out.

This helps preserve the meat and also gives it a nice smoky flavor once you chow down. Obviously, this tactic won't make the meat last forever, and it should still be cooked properly, but you can keep your food supplies high or bring back a bigger haul after a hunting trip.
Create a Homemade Bug Trap
Even if you aren't far from home, spending time outside has a big drawback: bugs. Most of them you can deal with, but mosquitoes are annoying and potentially dangerous. They can carry some deadly diseases. There are plenty of sprays and candles to keep them away, but here's another option.

Mix water, brown sugar, and yeast together to create something that mosquitoes can't ignore. You can improve the trap with a two-liter soda bottle, cut in half and with the top reversed. The little scamps will gladly fly toward the interesting smell and CO2 and drown or get trapped in it.
Clean Wild Wounds
Getting snagged by a wandering branch or scraping a knee on a rock is a common enough occurrence while you're outside. Those scratches can be dirty, leading to infections, which can lead to a lot of bad things. Here's how to flush out a wound.

Take a regular bottle of water and poke a small hole in the cap. It's really simple, and you should only need a needle or something of a similar size to achieve this. Fill the bottle with water, and squeeze it to create a narrow jet of water with enough pressure to flush out the wounds you've accumulated.
Spread Some Colorful Light
If you're exploring an unfamiliar area, light is critical. If you're lost somewhere in the wilderness, it can mean the difference between life and death. Taking multiple light sources while you explore is imperative, but sometimes you run out of options.

Well, here's another: most crayons, if lit like a candle, can burn for about thirty minutes each. The crayon is just wax surrounded by paper, just slightly different than a wick in wax. This should be your last resort if you're stuck in the dark, but if you're the artistic sort, you can have an extra layer of safety.
Make Your Own Compass
Getting lost in the wilderness is a scary prospect, but most of us have things we can rely on now, like phones or compasses. But...what if you don't have them? You still have options. Maybe your cell phone doesn't have reception in the deep dark woods.

In that case, all you need to make your own compass is a needle, a leaf, water, hair, or a piece of clothing. Rub the needle against your hair or shirt to magnetize it (be patient here) and rest it on a leaf that is floating in the water. The needle should point north.
Carry Beans or Rice
If you're on a long, long trek, having the right food is critical. You might think it's smart to carry things like rice or beans with you, and you're not wrong – they're packed with nutrients and protein, and they make it easy to eat healthy on the road. But the sacks they often come in aren't exactly the toughest things around.

They're liable to split and spill your food all over – inside your backpack or onto the floor. Instead, fill up plastic bottles for safer transportation of the supplies you need to stay well-fed while you're taking on nature.
Swapping Out Batteries
Having some extra batteries in your pack is a good tip at any time, especially while you're away from electrical outlets, but what do you do if you've grabbed the wrong pack and have AAA batteries instead of AA batteries? Tin foil.

Power is power, which means that if you can get the batteries to fit inside the battery compartment, you can get power to your devices. Ball the tin foil up to fill the rest of the space between the battery and the appliance. It won't run for as long, but it can still be handy in a pinch.
Find Your Own Thread
Thread comes from plants, and if you spot the right ones, you can even make your own rope. It won't be as good as the modern rope that you could have brought along but will be a big help if you have nothing else and need to fish, make a snare, or string a bow.

Make natural fibers out of palm leaves or, if you're in North America, from the Yucca plant. The plant has big fat leaves and barbed points that you can cut down to make some thread. Braid the thread to make a rope. We have a feeling ancient people in ancient days used to do this.
Trashy Rain Protection
Rain puts a big damper on outdoor fun, especially if it's not planned, but most of the time, you can just run inside to get away from the storm. Not so if you're stuck outside or on a long camping trip. If, for some reason, you didn't pack any protective ponchos, you aren't totally out of luck.

If you happen to have some trash bags, they can be adjusted with a face hole to give you something that will block the rain. Even if you don't have them on hand, they're going to be easier to find at a store than plastic ponchos.
Proper Barbecue Technique
If you're in the great outdoors looking to cook up your latest hunt, make sure you're going about lighting the grill the right way, or things could get heated. If you're using propane, make sure to leave the lid wide open. Otherwise, the propane gas could accumulate and create a fireball when lit, and that is definitely something you want to avoid.

On the other hand, if you're using lighter fluid and charcoal, feel free to leave the lid down before getting it lit. No gas fuel means no danger. Or at least less danger. You still want to be careful whenever accelerants are present. Happy cooking!
Filtered Water Is Safe Water
Any experienced outdoorsman will tell you that you have to be careful with your water. Sure, you can carry a Brita filter with you, but what if you don't have the space? Here's how to filter your own water.

Create a pyramid shape with three sticks, and tie three pieces of cloth to the sticks on the inside, creating three levels of cloth. Fill the top with grass, the middle with sand, and the bottom with charcoal. Place something to catch the water under it all, and pour water over the top. This won't remove everything, but it will help.
Forge a Bike-Tire Bow
If, for some reason, you're stuck in the wilderness with nothing but a busted-down bike and your wits, you can still defend yourself or hunt for food with what you have on hand. Make a bow out of that old bike!

The metal wheel frames, without the spokes, can be used to make a rigid frame and grip for the bow. The rubber from the tires can make a flexible element that serves as something you can bend to add power. You'll have to produce some string and attach it to the contraption from somewhere else, but you can do it.
Bring Flavors Everywhere
Spices are handy little additions to all sorts of meals, but you can also use them for food preservation while you are out camping. Fill up old Tic Tac containers with all of your favorite spices to create simple items that won't pop open during travel, and get your bags smelling of paprika and dried oregano leaves.

The basics, like salt and pepper, will help with general preservation, and more adventurous flavors, like nutmeg, cardamom, and turmeric, offer a range of healing properties to keep your immune system strong. Sans refrigeration or regular medication, these natural alternatives will be a bigger health boost than you'd expect.
Create a Long-Lasting Candle
Yes, we all know that light is super important when you're out camping, especially with little children, but it can be hard to carry everything you need to keep your chosen area lit. While a candle might not spread a ton of light, you can create one that will last a long, long time.

A big jar of vegetable shortening like Crisco only needs a wick that goes down the bottom for a candle that will burn for hours upon hours. You'll have to do some work to get the wick into the jar, but sometimes the effort is worth it.
Dangerous Crossings
Taking a long hike? Good for you. Need to cross a river that doesn't have an obvious Ford or bridge? Careful now. There are plenty of reasons why rapidly-flowing water can be dangerous. If you need to cross a stream or river, throw a branch into the water first.

If it moves downstream faster than your normal walking pace, you need to find a different route or go to a different spot in the river. Of course, always be sure to watch your step while you're crossing. Slick rocks, moss, or even fish can be treacherous, and you don't want a helicopter being your only way out of there.
Stay Safe With Your Smartphone
If you're like a really high percentage of the world, you own a smartphone. Maybe even two. You might be tempted to leave your phone at home if you're going camping, but there are lots of reasons to take it if you're headed to the wild. Tons of apps can help you keep yourself alive.

These include GPS apps of varying quality, apps that will let you know if there's bad weather on the way, apps that will tell you what plants are edible and which you should stay away from, army survival apps, a knots app, and many more.
Glow Sticks Are Always Handy
Just because you aren't at a dance party doesn't mean you can't get some use out of glow sticks! They're incredibly handy items to keep around in case you need to be noticed, like when you're calling for help. Make sure everybody has one or two in their packs before heading on a hike.

If you get separated, crack them up to create something that will be much easier to see in the dark. Having multiple ways to stay safe during any kind of situation gives you the biggest chance of survival, and something as quick and easy as glow sticks are a good pick.
Spread Light Where You Need It
So you have a couple of votive candles in your outdoor supplies to make sure you have a light source when you need it, but they aren't that great at focusing on a specific job you're trying to accomplish. The solution is simple – take a beer or soda can and cut it open.

Peel back the flaps or wings to create a small home for your candle. The reflective metal will focus the light where you're working, perfect for building a bigger fire, setting up a tent, taking the little ones to the in-the-nature toilet, or something else in the dark outdoors.
It's Always Great to Have Chips Around
If you're going for long hikes or extreme and intense camping trips, you've probably got plenty of food with you. While you might or might not want chips around for that, here's a reason to include them in your list of supplies.

If you're trying to create a fire after a long day of tramping through the wilderness, then grab a couple of chips – any kind, really. The oils they contain make them great fire starters. Pile some wood on top of them and light them up, and you'll have a roaring fire in no time. Plus, they're quite tasty.
Power-Packed Berries
Finding berries in the wild while you are camping can be a huge boon to your survival in case you run out of food or forget to bring it with you. If you're out of food and wandering through the wilderness, grabbing a handful of berries can give you the sugar and water needed to keep moving.

You can find better food, get to some shelter, or stay ahead of the men hunting for you (no matter how unlikely that is). It's best to check beforehand which berries are safe to eat – you don't want to realize you're snacking on holly berries or something like that. Holly berries are poisonous, in case that wasn't clear.
It's Not Just for Hopscotch
Before heading out on your next hike or camping excursion, grab a piece of chalk and add it to your backpack. You have no idea how useful it is going to be. No, it's not for drawing pictures at the campsite – use it to mark trees and paths that you've taken.

On the way back to home base, you can use the marks to ensure you're on the right path. This can also prevent you from walking around in circles if you're trying to find your way to something – if you see something you've marked, you know that you AREN'T heading in the right direction.
Make a Rudimentary Gorge
A fishing gorge is a tool people used to fish before the hook became more useful, and you can make your own if you're stuck without food and need to get some fish or if you are bored, as this is a great activity when camping with children.

Take a small branch and whittle it down with a knife until it's about two inches long with a sharp point on each end. Cut a v-notch in the middle, and wrap a piece of fishing line, twine, or rope there. Spear some bait on one of the ends and dangle it in the water until you feel a tug.
Let There Be Light
So you forgot a big lantern to illuminate your campsite for the night. That's okay; there's another way to keep the place well-lit. Take an empty gallon jug, and fill it with water. Attach a headlamp to the outside, pointing into the jug's side. It creates a super-bright lantern that might actually surprise you.

Your headlamp will be out of use, but it's still a pretty good trade-off. The water can even come from a lake or river. Of course, you have to have a gallon jug with you, which isn't a common carry-on...but maybe it should be. We suggest adding it to your camping-must-take list.
Keep Toilet Paper Out of the Rain
Aside from preventing you from using suspicious plants in a delicate area, toilet paper can be used for fire kindling if you're out of everything else. Soggy toilet paper, however, will help neither situation. So, if you're in an area with a lot of precipitation, you might find your toilet paper getting soggy and useless.

Use an old plastic coffee canister with a slot cut in the side to stick your roll of toilet paper inside. Tuck the paper back into the slot while you're on the move (or the sky is threatening) to ensure you have something dry and comfortable to clean up with. Add a handle by tapping on some cord or wire for easier transportation.
Heat in a Pinch
We all know that being able to get heat and light when we need it is a big survival tactic, and here's a way to warm up, keep cozy, and that might escape you. Take an old Altoids tin (empty, obviously) and pack it full of corrugated cardboard.

You can hit the cardboard with a match or lighter to create a tiny fire that will give you a little bit of heat and light, allowing you to find your way out of a sticky situation, create a larger fire for the night, or heat up some food until it's safe to eat.
Use a Shirt as an Emergency Sling
Always pack an old T-shirt when going camping. Hopefully, you're never in a situation where this becomes necessary, but if your buddy breaks an arm or collarbone and you have an extra shirt handy (or a shirt in general), here's something you can do.

Pass the head (just the head, not the whole body) through the top hole, then put the injured arm through both of the shirt's armholes. Adjust as necessary for maximum comfort and keep the arm close to the body. It will work in a pinch, but it's best to find medical help as soon as possible.
Block Frostbite Using Baby Oil
Spending a long time outside in the cold is something we all have to do at some point, even if it's just shoveling the driveway. It's just part of the whole camping episode, and besides, you need something to complain about when you get home.

If you're the kind of person that will spend hours and hours in sub-zero temperatures, it might be a good idea to keep a bottle of baby oil on your person. Apparently, putting baby oil on your exposed skin can reduce the chance of getting frostbite, or at least reduce the severity if you do get it. Putting it on your toes, fingers, and other extremities will help the most.
No Magnifying Glass Needed
We all know that a bit of glass held at the right angle will focus the sun into a hot little point. You might not be using it on poor little ants anymore, but it's still a tactic for when you need to start a fire. If the sun is still out, you don't even need a “piece of glass.”

Just take your spectacles off your head and hold them at the right angle, and you should be able to get a flame going. A dry leaf or a piece of paper is the best item to focus on for kindling.
Nature's Mosquito Repellent
We cover a number of mosquito repellents in this list (some of which are pretty repellent in their own right), but here are a few more. You want to avoid itchy bites, but it's also nice to know you don't have to worry about the various and dangerous diseases that these little pests can carry.

And be sure, they CAN carry. If you're outside without any spray repellent, there are numerous wild plants that can help. Grab citronella, lavender, wild geranium, or rosemary and crush the leaves to produce oils that will ward off the most annoying bugs in the world.
Create Your Own Fire
Remember in “Castaway,” when Tom Hanks was oh-so excited to have created his own fire? You can get the same thrill, you don't have to be Hanks, and you don't even need to work at it for that long! Remember this next tip if you're ever lost outside with some old batteries.

You'll also need a chewing gum wrapper. All you have to do is connect the tinfoil side of the wrapper to either end of the battery. The small electrical circuit will start the paper side on fire, and voila! You have a little flame you can use to start a bigger fire.
Telling the Time
Devices are a substitute for a watch. They make it pretty easy to tell the correct time these days, but what if you're stuck without those things, and you need to figure out the hour? For a rough estimate, measure the distance between the horizon and the sun.

The width of each finger is approximately fifteen minutes of time before the sun goes down, but this will differ based on location, time of year, and the size of your hands. But, sometimes, an estimate is all you need. If you just have a pinky left before the sun goes down, it's time to get some shelter.
The Difference Between Snakes
Most snakes aren't really that much of a danger to humans. However, there are still plenty that might be a bother if they happen to sink their fangs into your skin. There are plenty of differences, a few can be seen at a glance.

But if a snake has a triangular head instead of a rounded or oval head, then there very well might be fangs hidden in the mouth. In addition, snakes with elliptical pupils are the ones to stay away from. Those with rounded pupils won't be looking to strike quickly, which means they aren't as dangerous.
Ready to Catch Some Dinner
So you're roaming across this beautiful world we call home, and you find a stream full of fish that look mighty tasty once they're roasted over a fire. You have string and sticks, but what about a hook? We've got you covered. After this, camping will forever be easier and more enjoyable. Trust us.

Grab some of the soda cans or energy drinks that you've been sipping on and take a pair of scissors to the hooks. With the right snips, you can create a quick hook that will work in a pinch to snag a little bit of dinner out of the water.
Waterproof Shoes For Unexpected Rain
Depending on where you’re camping, the weather can change pretty quickly, leaving you struggling to know what to pack, and rule number one is to always travel light. One good way to avoid having to pack an additional (and might we add, very heavy) pair of rain boots is either by packing waterproof shoes or boots.

Though many people buy products specifically designed to waterproof shoes, if you can’t buy or find that product but still need to waterproof your shoes, you can use beeswax. Beeswax provides the perfect protective film that repels water, keeping your feet dry and making camping easier.
Candy Containers With Multiple Uses
Besides providing much-needed breath freshening after a long flight, that little container of tic-tac mints can actually be really handy during camping. We don't care how much these tiny mints cost, they leave us with such a useful container, so they are worth every cent. Many campers swear by these plastic containers to hold bobby pins, safety pins, or other small items.

If you’re not a fan of mints, no fear; any small container or even an empty medicine bottle can work equally well when it comes to storing camping necessities. Not only are you recycling, but you’ll be thankful for this camping organization hack when you get to your destination.
Keep Clothes Smelling Fresh
Let's be honest; after a few days of camping, things can get a bit stinky. From long hikes to even spending entire doing nothing, it's only natural that our clothes will pick up some rather unpleasant smells. You want to avoid whatever is left of your clean clothes, getting infected by the rotten ones.

To keep things more fresh than funky, a good camping hack is to throw in a couple of fabric softener sheets into your bag. Not only do these dryer sheets impart a nice fresh scent, but gently rubbing one against your clothes can actually prevent annoying and embarrassing static cling.
Never Get Lost, Even Without Internet
When you're camping out of your familiar neighborhood and surroundings, having a stable internet connection can be a challenge. And while uploading to your “‘Insta” can certainly wait, there are times when you really do need to use your phone while camping, such as looking up directions.

Not everything is social media, no matter how cool you think you look outside of your tent. Thankfully, Google Maps allows you to still access their maps and other navigational features even if you have spotty or nonexistent WiFi by saving a map of a specific area. This is especially important since many of us are not that great at navigating!
Do Your Own Laundry
From food stains to sweat stains, our clothes can get pretty dirty when camping. Whether you like it or not, there comes a time when you just have to get down on your knees and wash your clothes by hand, like our ancestors did before the washing machine was invented.

Since taking heavy bottles of detergent is not recommended, toss a few laundry detergent pods into a plastic bag and into your suitcase. These concentrated capsules dissolve in water, so use any old bucket you have. Washing your clothes allows you to pack less, and let's be honest, smell better!
Bug Bite Balm
If you go outside in the summer, even if it's just a 5-second excursion to throw out the trash, chances are you might have a bug bite or two. Or, possibly, even more than that if you were out for a full-blown camping trip. The more time you spend outside, the more bites you are about to get.

In the event of having an itchy, throbbing bug bite, a blob of VapoRub over the offending area could minimize the symptoms and prevent the bite area from being scratched. This should only be used with insignificant bites such as mosquitoes or gnats. If it is a spider bite or worse, seek medical attention immediately!
Camphor Camping
Insects know no boundaries, and when the summer comes and the camping season begins, they appear in their hundreds. It is great to be one with nature and all when sleeping outdoors, but do we have to endure the buzzing bombardment of mother nature’s minute kamikaze pilots?

The short answer is “no” if you have a few jars of VapoRub on hand! The scent of the menthol, camphor, and eucalyptus ingredients is overpowering for insects, and they will generally avoid it at all costs. A good hack is to melt some VapoRub over the fire and leave it in small open containers around the table, as the aroma will deter any insects from getting too close.
Waterproofing Your eBook
Reading your favorite paperback or hardcover by the pool when camping is a classic way to get all of your relaxing done at once. While it's never fun to drop a book in the water or get it covered in dirt, dropping a reader full of sensitive electronics will leave you with a useless item.

If you can't keep away from those thrilling books even when you're in nature, slip your device into a plastic bag. As long as the seal is intact and there are no holes in the bag, your device will be fine even if it does land in the waves.
Go Fish!
Nothing beats summer fishing while camping, and if you ever wanted to know a fisherman's big secret, look no further; you've come to the right place and at the right time. Many fishers have shared their secret to baiting fish with great success. This may come as somewhat of a surprise to you, but our handy product is the trick.

These fishermen claim that spraying fishing lures with WD-40 attracts more fish. We're not going to knock it till we try it! We have heard that after adopting this hack, camping will never look the same, and who doesn't look for improvements when we're out in the wild?
Pockets Full of Storage
When it comes to bringing all of your possessions to your camping trip, being smart about storage makes all the difference. One way to ensure that you have room for all your small items is by traveling with cargo pants or a jacket with many pockets. You'll be surprised by how many useless things you can get in them.

Cargo pants offer tons of storage for small items like socks or other things, leaving room for other important items in your carry-on or backpack. Scared of looking like a stereotypical tourist? Ditch the traditional khaki cargo and wear a pair of black discrete ones.
Stop Spills While on the Go
People who want to take their best makeup, favorite shampoo, or other liquids with them on a camping trip (don't ask us why) are aware that could mean messy spills. Try as they might, bottle manufacturers have been unable to make completely infallible openings, and there are few things worse than opening your bag to find a big mess.

Once again, it's plastic wrap to the rescue. Remove the caps and lay a sheet of plastic wrap on top of the opening. Replace the cap, and you'll have a much tighter seal to keep everything where it belongs. Now, the only question is, where are you going to wash your hair?
Fishing Pole Protection
Those of us who fish know how annoying it is to store your rod only to go back to it later and find it distorted or with a broken tip. Our next hack will save you the frustration and make your next camping weekend carefree. It's the small things in life that can make your time in the outdoors either a success or a failure.

But we'll have you know that pool noodles are the cure, once again! All you need to do is cut through the middle of a pool noodle, carefully slide it over the rod of your fishing pole, and voila! A fishing pole protector, reporting for duty. How awesome is that?
Canopy Protector
If you like to go camping, you are probably the proud owner of a canopy, and if you are not, this is the time to go and buy one. There's a lot to be said for canopies, but they're not the most rain-proof thing out there. If your canopy needs rain or wind protection to remain tight, stable, and refrain from being ruined, pool noodles can do the trick for you.

Just stick it under the corners of the canopy in a semicircle, and your canopy will be sure to weather any storm. Who would have thought that our summer swimming companion will come to our rescue when camping?