Everyone loves some form of jewelry, but like everything else, jewelry tends to accumulate grime and grime over time, making it lose its prestige and look much less attractive than it did when new. In fact, it’s quite easy to get rid of that mess using a little water, a little cleaning detergent, and also – you guessed it – aluminum foil!

If you ever want one of your pieces of jewelry to be cleaner than it is, simply take a container, fill it with water, and place the piece inside. Now all you have to do is add some cleaning detergent and a piece of aluminum. Stir and wait a few minutes. The next time you check it, you will find that your jewelry is now perfectly clean and shiny again.
replaces a funnel
Pouring liquids into thin-necked bottles can be a headache. What do you do to avoid spilling everything on the counter if you don't have a funnel? Create a homemade funnel out of some aluminum foil, of course! If you need to put some wine in a bottle or put some salad dressing back into storage, simply place some aluminum foil on the cone-shaped lid.

Pour the liquid into the aluminum funnel and watch it fall back into the glass bottle. You can even adjust the shape and size to your needs. It's a totally hassle-free option and you'll probably never need to buy a funnel again.
Create a Kardashian-Level Sunbed for Your Plants
Plants like the sun, but in a slightly different way than we do. While the average human requires only a few minutes of direct sunlight a day to get the vitamin D the body needs, some, like the Kardashians, use it primarily to tan their skin. Plants need sunlight in a much more basic way as they depend on it for their daily activities like growth and would literally die without it.

One really cool thing you can do for your plants is to place an aluminum plate at the correct angle so that sunlight reflects off the plant, effectively creating a tanning bed. This will ensure that your plants grow well and stay healthy, plus it's a great thing to brag about to your science teacher.
Keep your bananas fresh
Bananas are one of the best foods you can eat for your health. They are full of great nutrients that keep you healthy and full of energy. The only problem is that they take a long time to ripen and then if you accidentally open them, it's a race against time before they go mushy and rotten.

A great and easy way to fix this problem is to seal the tops of the bananas with aluminum foil. It will help them stay alive much longer and you will actually be able to eat them for a few days instead of just a few hours. It also helps keep moisture and nutrients inside because they don't end up oxidizing through exposure to air.
Keep your cakes firm and warm
Everyone loves a good cake. Making cakes is definitely one of the most fun things you can do in the kitchen, especially when you see the joy on the faces of others after they get a taste of your sweet and delicious baking skills. If you want to protect your cake from melting or losing part of its shape, aluminum foil will help.

The next time you finish baking a fantastically delicious cake, be sure to wrap the edges with aluminum foil to keep it warm and solid. It's important to protect your precious cake and make sure it's literally in the best shape it can be for you and your guests. Thanks to the aluminum foil for making it possible!
Don't let the juices from the barbecue meat drip
Everyone loves a great barbecue. The only problem is, when you cook meat on a grill, all those delicious meat juices drip onto the coals. They can't taste them, so what's the point of wasting it?

Before you put the meat on the grill, take some aluminum foil and place it just below, like a makeshift pan. This will cause all of the delicious juices to drip directly onto the foil, allowing you to continue cooking the meat without losing its juiciness. When you're done roasting, pour those juices back over the meat or just set them aside as a delicious sauce for mash.
Get your batteries working again
Unlike most of our rechargeable devices, the batteries unfortunately need to be replaced from time to time. Even with new batteries, there is sometimes a small contact problem. This often results in something not working.

You can solve this by placing some folded aluminum foil right between the end of the battery and the spring. Since aluminum is an electrical conductor, the extra reach might be exactly what you need to get the parts touching to power your device. To enjoy!
Use aluminum to seal plastic bags
Plastic bags are one thing that everyone has in the house. The only problem with them is that they are not the best for storing food because they are not airtight. You may have already guessed that this is where aluminum foil comes to the rescue!

By taking a long patch of foil, folding it over the open part of the bag, and then ironing it with a solid object, you'll get a perfectly sealed bag that will stay that way for a long time. If that's not cool enough, wait until you see the next awesome thing you can do with this useful metal.
Aluminum can keep your sleeping bag dry
Have you ever found yourself sweating at night in your sleeping bag? It's a big problem because humidity tends to attract everything bad that can be found outdoors. One of the best ways to prevent sweat from soaking into your sleeping bag and attracting unwanted insects and wildlife is to use aluminum foil.

Simply take a long piece of aluminum foil and place it under you when you go to sleep. You will be surprised and amazed in the morning to find that your sleeping bag is completely insulated. That is, no moisture will have come out of it. Aluminum insulates you from moisture and keeps you dry at night. This is a great way to sleep peacefully in nature!
move furniture with aluminum
The biggest culprits for the difficulty of moving furniture are gravity and friction. There's nothing you can do about the first, but the second is largely solvable with aluminum foil. Someone recently discovered that you can actually put a sheet of aluminum foil under each of your furniture legs (as in the picture).

This will cause the furniture to lose much of the friction it has with the floor, making it much easier to move. Unfortunately, aluminum foil can't help you get furniture down stairs unless you're willing to use it as a slide, but that's on your own.
Have your own bait to fish
If you're fed up with dangling worms and bits of bread on the end of your hook or just find those baits don't quite work, a cheap and possible alternative you can use is actually aluminum foil. No joke: studies have shown that fish are attracted to shiny objects.

What you should do is put a crumpled piece of aluminum foil on the end of your fishing rod and the fish will automatically be attracted to your bait because of the way it glows. We are not saying that fish are greedy creatures, just that they really like to see and taste shiny things.
Increase the life of your steel wool
It doesn't take more than 2-4 uses before you start to see your trusty steel wool build up a bit of unwanted rust. In fact, you can make the life of your steel wool much longer and drastically decrease the amount of rust it will produce by using a bit of our favorite stuff, aluminum foil.

Take aluminum foil and wrap it around the steel wool. Then simply place the aluminum ball containing the steel wool in the freezer and take it out the next time you need to use it. This will prevent rust from building up and allow you to use your steel wool for much longer periods of time.
Make chrome shine again
Chrome is a type of metal that accumulates rust over time, making it look dirty and unpolished. However, no matter how many times you wipe it, rust is not something you can just wipe off. This doesn't mean you should get rid of it or replace it. Again, aluminum foil will suffice.

Simply take a piece of aluminum foil, lightly run it over the rusty chrome surface, and you've got like-new metal that looks like you just bought it. It's easy, fun, inexpensive, and rewarding.
having fun with aluminum
There are many creative uses for aluminum foil, but not all of them have to be practical, like keeping your electronics safe or growing your plants better. You can also have fun with aluminum because of its many versatile features.

A fun and easy use of aluminum is to wrap it in various shapes and use it for impromptu artistic modeling. Another fun use is to cut it into various shapes or even cover an entire room with it and create a light show. The options are endless and fun is guaranteed!
keep your pans clean
We all love frying and fried food. In fact, the only bad part about pan cooking is the horrible cleanup involved.

It takes a lot of time and effort to clean a pan, especially if it's been sitting idle for a while. Do you want to bypass the process entirely and save some time in the process? Just cover the pan with aluminum foil before you start and cook your food on it. Then when you're done, just throw it away and you'll have a totally clean pan.
Easily remove brown sugar
Brown sugar is a fantastic alternative to white sugar and is widely known to be better and healthier. The only problem with brown sugar is that it is much stickier than regular white sugar and tends to stick to the edges of the containers. Now, if you have aluminum foil on hand, all you need to do is take some, squish it into a razor-like contraption, and start scraping up the gooey brown sugar.

It will soften quickly and be very easy to pick up and handle. There you go, problem solved in just a few minutes with our faithful metallic friend.
Protect your car from hackers
If you have one of those new cars and your remote can start your vehicle or even just open the doors from afar, there is a chance that your car key has the ability to connect to the Internet. This means that it is also more prone to hacker attacks due to compromised internet connections.

Once you've determined that your car key has online connectivity, the best thing you can do to protect yourself from potential hackers and car thefts is to simply cover the remote with aluminum foil. This will block all external signals and fully protect the device from any hacking access. The same applies to your phone if you're trying to hide from the government, but that's a topic for another post.
Create your own aluminum paint palette
You are an artistic person. That is made clear by the fact that you have come this far looking for creative uses for aluminum. A great way to use aluminum foil to save money and improvise when you're feeling artistic is to grab a square of aluminum foil, fold it into a beehive shape (or a simpler equivalent), and put a little paint in each cell.

Congratulations! You are now the owner of a fully functioning paint palette that cost you nothing and only took 2 minutes to make. Another advantage of this aluminum painting gizmo is that it doesn't need to be cleaned, as you can throw it away when you're done.
Don't let your brush dry
Our last tip for painting enthusiasts is related to the trusty brush. One of the most annoying things when painting is having your brush dry out during a short break in the paint. Dry brushes are very frustrating as they become very stiff and reduce the quality of your painting.

The next time you take a painting break, grab a rubber band and a piece of aluminum foil, then use the rubber band to hold the wrapped foil around the bristles of the brush. All that's left is to put the brush in the freezer and take it out a few minutes before you want to use it. This will ensure that it stays fresh and useful for a long time.
Strengthen your paint rollers with aluminum
Sometimes we could swear that paint rollers have been intentionally made to be as durable as a sheet of paper. At the end of a good painting session, your roller is often far from usable for future painting sessions.

One thing you can do to drastically extend the life of your precious rolling pin is to wrap it in aluminum foil between uses. This will keep the paint from ruining the roller and it will still look as good as last time.
Repel insects with aluminum
When you enjoy a nice picnic in the park or outside in the garden, it is very easy for many small hungry insects to spoil your food. One magical quality that aluminum foil has is that it is clearly reflective and can be easily wrapped around your food or containers and plates. How does this help you repel insects? Because they often use light as an indicator of where to go next.

The aluminum foil creates a very strong and confusing reflection for the insects, often turning them the other way. This means that you can use aluminum effectively even as a plentiful and cheap insect repellent.
Don't clean your oven anymore
Cleaning grease from the oven is not the most pleasant experience there is. Especially when you are someone who tends to consume a lot of oil. The accumulation of dirt, however, is very easy to avoid. All you have to do is place a large sheet of aluminum foil on the baking sheet each time you cook. This sheet protects your oven from grease drippings, keeping it perfectly clean and oil-free. This can also be a huge time saver, as removing fat from the oven can be tedious.

Once you're done cooking, simply throw away the used aluminum foil and replace it with a new sheet. You will probably never have to clean your oven again. Well, maybe that's an exaggeration, but it's still a useful trick.
Create beautiful cake decorations
Si estás de un humor realmente creativo, una de las mejores cosas que puedes hacer con el papel de aluminio es crear increíbles decoraciones para pasteles. El material tiene todas las características requeridas (excepto que sea comestible) que lo hacen ideal para la decoración de pasteles: es flexible, fácil de moldear, brillante, reflectante y puede ser una decoración perfecta para pasteles una vez que le aplicas un poco de pintura no tóxica.

Puedes jugar con papel de aluminio para hacer desde flores hasta joyas o cualquier otra cosa que tu imaginación pueda pensar. Hablando de alimentos, en la próxima entrada hablaremos de otro gran beneficio que tiene el aluminio para mantener el pan sabroso.
Mantén el pan agradable y calentito
¿Llegaste a casa con un poco de pan recién salido del horno de la panadería? El pan recién horneado es posiblemente una de las cosas más sabrosas del mundo. Desafortunadamente, no pasa mucho tiempo hasta que el pan comienza a perder su calor y humedad y vuelva a convertirse en un trozo de masa seca.

Puedes solucionar estos problemas con bastante facilidad con papel de aluminio, ya que funciona perfectamente como conservante del calor. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es tomar un trozo y envolverlo alrededor de tu pan o sándwiches calientes para conservarlos por más tiempo. El papel de aluminio funciona mucho mejor que los recipientes, porque se adapta a la forma del pan y no deja espacio para que se escape el calor.
Crear un lápiz de pantalla táctil
Aparentemente, el papel de aluminio interactúa bastante bien con las pantallas táctiles. Esto significa que puedes gastar cientos de dólares en el Apple Pencil nuevo o ahorrarte una visita a la tienda la próxima vez que desees utilizar un objeto externo para manejar tu teléfono con pantalla táctil.

Simplemente toma cualquier objeto de tu agrado, podría ser un lápiz o incluso un alfiler, envuelve un poco de papel de aluminio en la punta de ese objeto y funcionará como un lápiz de pantalla táctil adecuado. No te preocupes de que no sea de marca. Personalízalo usando colores o incluso pegatinas y tus amigos sin duda quedarán impresionados.
Vuelve a colocar las baldosas del piso con una plancha y papel de aluminio
¿Se ha vuelto a soltar una de las baldosas del suelo? No es necesario correr a la tienda y reemplazarla. Todos hemos tenido la experiencia de pisar el piso de nuestro baño, solo para escuchar un repentino sonido de "crujido" que nos dice que una baldosa está suelta. De hecho, existe una manera realmente fácil de resolver este problema.

Todo lo que tienes que hacer es volver a pegar la loseta a su posición normal, luego tomar una hoja de papel de aluminio y colocarla sobre la loseta para que quede completamente cubierta. Ahora solo saca tu plancha de confianza y repasa el azulejo como si estuvieras planchando un trozo de tela. Haz esto por unos momentos y el calor hará que la baldosa se fije directamente en el piso.
Y ahora es el momento de limpiar la barbacoa
Now that you've finished your legendary barbecue, it's time to clean up the grill. This is by far my least favorite part of having a barbecue, as it means you'll have to clean up all the oil and grease, a messy and daunting task.

Speed up this process and make it much more fun and easy by using aluminum foil. Rub the grease off with the aluminum foil. Watch as the remaining barbecue scraps immediately disappear from your grill. Simple, effective, fun and economical. That's the magic of cleaning things with aluminum foil.
Polish your cutlery with aluminum foil
As human beings, we tend to eat things. And when we eat, we use cutlery. Cutlery changes color over time and requires little more than a simple wash to maintain properly. Yes, we are talking about the dreaded act of polishing silverware. While silverware polish does exist, it requires a trip to the store, an expense of money, and frankly, it smells funny.

If you don't already have a cutlery polish, simply take a plate, wrap it with foil, pour in some baking soda and salt, and you've got yourself a makeshift cutlery polish. Pour all the dirty cutlery on the plate, cover them with a little boiling water and you will see that they gradually recover their original shine.
Professional Bacon Roasting
Bacon is one of the most delicious breakfast foods in the world. It's easy to make, fairly cheap, and tastier than most other meats due to its high fat percentages. Anyone who has cooked bacon professionally will tell you that one of the best ways to do it is on a gutter surface.

The chutes help the slices of bacon stay elevated, giving them hot air from all sides and making them cooked and crisp throughout the process. But if you don't have a tray with gutters, you can always take aluminum foil and shape it in the same way. Now that's restaurant-level cooking!
Create a homemade food tray
A muchos de nosotros nos encanta ser anfitriones. A veces realmente queremos servir a nuestros invitados algunos pequeños bocadillos, pero descubrimos que actualmente no tenemos bandejas de comida adecuadas para usar con ese propósito. Tal vez nuestra bandeja de servir favorita esté sucia en ese momento o tal vez no tengamos una para ese tipo de eventos, pero no te preocupes, ¡el papel de aluminio funcionará igual de bien!

Una posible solución es tomar una caja de cartón y un poco de papel de aluminio y simplemente cubrir toda la caja de cartón con el papel de aluminio. Esto creará una fuente limpia, atractiva y muy especial para ti y tus invitados. Estamos seguros de que estarán encantados de que hayas pensado en ellos lo suficiente como para crear tu propia fuente solo para ellos.
Crea una sartén desechable
Supongamos que sales con tus amigos en una noche improvisada de campamento. Tienen todo armado y listo. Las carpas están enganchadas, el fuego ruge, las canciones de las fogatas están a tono…muy pronto comienzas a tener hambre, pero ¡oh no! ¡Has olvidado tu sartén en casa y nadie más tiene una!

Afortunadamente para ti, después de leer este artículo, decidiste llevar papel de aluminio a donde quiera que vayas. Ahora todo lo que tienes que hacer es tomar algunas ramas, formar un cuadrado grande y pegarlas con papel de aluminio como haciendo una superficie similar a un cuenco. ¡Felicidades! Acabas de crear tu propia sartén casera.
Impulsa el crecimiento de semillas con aluminio
Como la mayoría de las cosas pequeñas que crecen, las plántulas bebés necesitan toda la ayuda que puedan obtener para convertirse en plantas adultas. Si deseas ayudar a que tus semillas crezcan más rápido y se conviertan en plantas saludables, puedes darles un gran impulso usando un poco de papel de aluminio. Al plantar tus semillas, crea maceteros pequeños de papel de aluminio para colocarlas, a fin de darles un poco de luz solar adicional.

Esto ayudará a que tus semillas crezcan más rápido y se conviertan en las grandes plantas que deben ser. Recomendamos encarecidamente este hábito si eres ecológico y vas a plantar semillas porque estas pequeñas necesitan tanto el sol como nosotros el agua.
Protege tus tarjetas de crédito
Independientemente de la cantidad de dinero que tengas en tu cuenta bancaria, los piratas informáticos y los ladrones apuntarán a cualquiera. En los últimos años ha comenzado una nueva tendencia. Los ladrones de tarjetas de crédito inalámbricas usan señales magnéticas para robar tu dinero sin siquiera tocarlo. Para ello, utilizan dispositivos de proximidad que escanean y utilizan tus tarjetas de crédito.

Puedes prevenir fácilmente este tipo de robo envolviendo tu billetera en papel de aluminio. Esto aislará completamente tus tarjetas de crédito y cualquier otro dispositivo electrónico de la comunicación externa, siendo el equivalente a poner tu billetera en una caja fuerte subterránea. ¿Quién diría que el papel de aluminio podría proteger tu cuenta bancaria?
Evita que la pintura se solidifique
Sometimes we leave the paint caps open for a while. Let's face it, opening and closing the lids is not very convenient. What ends up happening is that before long our paint dries out and turns into a solid mass, effectively ruining the entire boat. This happens due to a process called oxidation, where the material comes into contact with air.

Keep the paint from solidifying with a piece of aluminum foil ready next to the paint bucket. When you're done using the bucket, simply place the aluminum foil on the can while blowing air into the bucket. This will cause the air inside to be replaced with carbon dioxide and will keep the paint inside moist and ready to use.
Keep your child's mattress perfectly clean
Changing the sheets at night is an inevitable part of being a parent. Diapers don't always hold as long as we want, bottles leak and babies make messes. The sheets can be washed, but what about the mattresses? You may be wondering exactly what trick is here, but it's actually very simple. Wrap your mattress in aluminum foil before putting on the sheets. This will not make it less comfortable for the child and will ensure that liquids do not leak into it.

Once your child has mastered going to the bathroom on his own, you can remove the foil and let him enjoy the bed without additional protection.
Hide worn spots on mirrors
When mirrors start to wear out and lose their ability to reflect in strange places, that definitely "makes a dent" in our days. No one needs a daily reminder that their mirror isn't as perfect as it used to be, but at the same time, no one has the patience to go out and buy a new one. This is where aluminum foil can come in handy due to its reflective abilities.

When you have dents and cracks in your mirror, you can place a flat piece of aluminum just behind the glass. Just use some tape on the back to stick the foil to the mirror. Prepare to be amazed when the beautiful and perfect look it once had is restored in your mirror!
Keep animals away from tree bark
If you don't like animals eating and congregating around your tree trunks in the winter, it might be a good idea to use aluminum foil. During the long winters, animals often look for the best hiding places for both food and warmth. If you don't want to find rabbits, mice, and foxes lurking near your trees, it might be a good idea to put aluminum foil around their trunks.

Simply take out a large piece of foil and wrap it tightly around your tree making sure it is as tight as possible. The aluminum foil should last several days to weeks, so you will only need to replace it infrequently.
create your own frosting
When you bake a cake for a dinner party, it's always a bummer to discover that you don't have any frosting bags left. Well, cake or cupcake, if you need frosting, aluminum foil can help you solve that problem.

Just take a sheet of aluminum foil, wrap it in any way you need, and you have a device perfectly capable of making the best frosting for your delicious cake. Who knew that frosting cakes with foil could be so much fun!
Paint your doors without worrying about the knobs
When painting a room, the first thing we do is cover things up. The sofa, the bed... no matter how careful we are, we don't want to leave the possibility of paint ruining our favorite rug. However, the most complicated part of a painting process centers around the door, more specifically, the knob.

Aluminum is perfect for this job, as it won't let paint through and is very malleable, allowing you to sculpt it any way you like. Simply take a sheet of aluminum and wrap it around your doorknob, then press it down firmly to form. Once you're done painting, simply remove the foil and admire your impeccable work.
Get better Wi-Fi connectivity with aluminum foil
In today's world, home Wi-Fi connection is a must. While you can have a great connection in the living room, there always seems to be a part of the house that doesn't pick up the signal. Naturally, we do our best to avoid visiting these parts of the house, as that would mean our favorite Netflix shows and YouTube videos won't be able to stream properly.

What if you could make your Wi-Fi signal much stronger? Well you can! By using some sheets of aluminum foil, wrapping them around like making a long thick wall of aluminum (as in the picture above) and placing the aluminum wall next to your Wi-Fi modem, you can expand your Wi-Fi signal to throughout the entire house.
Unwrap the clothes
Say goodbye to annoying wrinkles with this little ironing trick. Since aluminum foil is an excellent conductor of heat, it can be very useful for ironing wrinkled clothes. Placing a sheet of aluminum foil under your ironing board ensures that your shirts have a level of softness you haven't witnessed yet!

Test it. You will impress everyone with your infinitely softer shirts.
Fix holes in clothes with aluminum
Some parents choose to throw out torn clothes and buy new clothes. This can get expensive very quickly, especially if breakages keep happening. Other parents prefer to solve this problem with their hands and try to re-stitch the tear with a needle and thread. The problem with this solution is that sometimes you sew your child's clothes to the ironing board while you are trying to fix it.

One way aluminum can solve this problem is by placing a small piece just below the hole, which will usually help prevent the fabric from sticking to itself or anything else. Even tailors can benefit from the wonders of aluminum foil!
Make your soap last longer
Keeping your hands clean and knowing that you are doing everything you can to stay as clean as possible is always a great feeling, regardless of who you are. The only problem is that the soaps do not last very long.

Simply place a sheet of aluminum foil under the bar of soap and it will help absorb many of the particles that usually flake off. This will definitely save you money on those precious bars of soap, especially if you buy them from one of those expensive organic stores.
Upgrade your radiator with aluminum foil
During some of the coldest winter nights, we all wish that the radiator could put out a little more heat. It's already quite an expensive device, so not having all the heat you need is an even bigger disappointment. Apparently, you can make radiators much more efficient without costing a dollar more, simply by using aluminum foil.

All you have to do is take aluminum foil and put a sheet between the radiator and the wall. Make sure the foil is firmly attached to the wall and maybe even fold its edges so it faces the rest of the room. This will reflect the heat back to the open area of your room and double its strength!
Create your own cookie designs
When kids and parents think of something fun to do together that is both nutritious and creative, the first thing they often think of is baking cookies. Everyone loves to cook and there are so many options! Different flavors, different colors and of course, different shapes. Most people have a few cookie cutters at home, but the options are still pretty limited.

Kids are very creative and if there is one outlet that is creative and more delicious than the others, it is foil cookie cutters. Use aluminum foil to design your own cookie cutters by taking a thin strip of aluminum foil and folding it in half. Then fold it until you get the cookie shape you want. Trust us, the kids will love it!
Illuminate your cupboards and corners
There are many areas and drawers in your kitchen (and home) that don't get light because they're too deep to reach. One of the coolest things aluminum foil can do is make hidden or distant surfaces much shinier than they appear and keep roaches away at the same time.

Try This: The next time you open one of these deep cabinets, place some aluminum foil on the bottom and watch the light reflected from the aluminum illuminate the entire space. As we shared earlier, this is just one of the ways you can use aluminum foil as a clever lighting strategy in your kitchen and around your home.
Keep your photography budget modest
If you're interested in pursuing a career in photography, but don't have the means to buy all that expensive, high-end gear, one of the easiest ways to "fake" great lighting is by using a flashlight and some aluminum foil. Aluminum foil acts like a mirror and helps bounce light around your photography equipment, exactly as if you were using a high-end camera.

If you're looking to try a career in photography but don't want to spend a lot of money before trying it out, just grab your phone, a flashlight, and some aluminum foil. Now all that's left is to find a great model, but that's for another list.
Clean your pots and pans with aluminum foil
If you recently ran out of scourers or sponges, a great simple and quick alternative is to use aluminum foil. Simply take some paper, roll it up, and use it to scrape up all the food debris that has accumulated on your kitchen pots and pans after a few weeks of use.

Like many other metal surfaces, aluminum foil will actually do a better job of cleaning and polishing these surfaces than regular-use tools. Clearly, there's a reason aluminum foil is found in almost every kitchen. As you can see, it is very useful and is not limited to culinary uses.
Untangle your cuttings
Many people enjoy growing plants for the proud feeling of doing a successful job, as well as the many benefits they provide in return. If you want to get the most out of your garden, you probably know that garden plants can be reproduced in a number of ways, and one of the best is to cut the stems and place them in water until they develop roots, thus turning them into new plants.

By using aluminum foil, you can really help these cuttings grow stronger and in a focused way. Simply place them in a container with aluminum foil and poke a few holes, this will help the cuttings become plants much faster and without the need for as much water.
Keep your matches dry for years
Matches are a simple and elegant way to light a fire, whether you need to light the stove or ever have a big barbecue outside. The biggest problem with matches, however, is that they come in a thin, delicate cardboard box, making them susceptible to moisture and other environmental factors that ruin their effectiveness.

One of the easiest ways to preserve your matches for a long period of time is simply by wrapping the box in aluminum foil. This will keep your matchbox and the matches inside completely dry and allow you to use them many months and years after you bought them without worrying about their functionality.
sharp scissors
There's nothing more annoying than a dull pair of scissors. Fortunately, with this little sharpening trick, you don't need to throw those old scissors away. You also don't need to buy a big metal sharpening block. All you need to do is remove a piece of good aluminum foil and cut the sheet several times.

Cut the aluminum foil 5-15 times and you'll be sharpening them in no time.
Stop the government from controlling your thoughts
If you're one of the increasingly frustrated citizens who fear the government will spy on us and take control of our electrical devices, chances are you've also contemplated whether or not government agents can take control of your mind. This is usually done via wireless radio signals, and luckily for you, aluminum foil can help block those pesky signals.

One particularly useful trait of aluminum foil is that it can effectively insulate you from radio signals due to its insulating nature. By wrapping aluminum foil around your head, you can guarantee that your brain will be free of external radio influences, at the risk of looking like a complete nut, of course.
clean your iron
Nobody likes to wear wrinkled clothes, but let's face it, ironing is a huge hassle. Irons accumulate dirt and rust over time, making them much more difficult to use than when you first bought them. When people see their iron start to deteriorate, they usually start to shirk their ironing duties until they finally give up entirely.

There is a simple solution to this problem. Take some aluminum foil, roll it up into a ball, and scrape it against the bottom of your iron to get it nice and clean again. Just be careful not to scratch the flat surface of the iron. It will look like new.
Traps and disposes of oil and grease with aluminum
If you're a casual kitchen dweller, you may not be aware of this, but letting oil and grease slide down your kitchen pipes is a very bad idea, and is likely to come back to haunt you at a later date. Using paper towels isn't the most effective either, as they get soggy quickly and start dripping the greasy, oily goo onto your hands.

The next time you're in the kitchen frying something, take some aluminum foil, shape it into a cup, and when you're done, pour all the oily mess into the aluminum cup. Once you're done, simply cover the foil by carefully folding it, wrap it in paper or plastic wrap, and throw it away. Now your kitchen pipes are safe and you can enjoy a wonderful meal.
Keep your glasses frame secure
Glasses are usually quite expensive, so we do everything we can to protect them from getting bent or ruined. If you wear glasses, you know that one type of activity that has a high potential for ruining your glasses is dyeing your hair. This problem forces you to make what seems like a binary choice: either keep your glasses on and risk ruining your frame, or take them off and do everything blindly.

Thanks to the wonders of aluminum foil, you can choose a third option: simply wrap the frame of your glasses in paper and you can dye your hair or do any other activity related to the head and face without worry.
No more melted ice cream!
Kids love ice cream, but one of the most annoying aspects as a parent is that somehow their ice cream always manages to drip all over their clothes or furniture and it's very difficult to clean it up afterwards. There is nothing more annoying than running after your child cleaning up the ice cream drips.

This can be easily fixed with aluminum foil. Simply take a piece of aluminum foil and form a disposable bib out of it, wrap it around the ice cream side up and whatever melts will fall right into the aluminum bib. It is safe and fun for children while giving you the peace of mind you deserve.
Make your jewelry shine again
Everyone loves some form of jewelry, but like everything else, jewelry tends to accumulate grime and grime over time, making it lose its prestige and look much less attractive than it did when new. In fact, it's quite easy to get rid of that mess using a little water, a little cleaning detergent, and also - you guessed it - aluminum foil!

If you ever want one of your pieces of jewelry to be cleaner than it is, simply take a container, fill it with water, and place the piece inside. Now all you have to do is add some cleaning detergent and a piece of aluminum. Stir and wait a few minutes. The next time you check it, you will find that your jewelry is now perfectly clean and shiny again.
Remove static from your clothes
Have you ever put your clothes in the dryer and put them on later only to be attacked by millions of tiny electric shocks? This is an annoying problem that always seems to occur at the most inconvenient times possible, but there is a solution.

If you want to solve this problem once and for all, take a small ball of aluminum foil and place it in the dryer with your next cycle. Instead of friction causing electrical charge to build up on your clothes, the aluminum ball will heroically "absorb" all the electricity and prevent it from seeping onto your clean clothes.
Enhance your indoor and outdoor lighting
If you love to experiment with interior and exterior design, you'll find aluminum foil to be an excellent tool for playing around with lighting in your home. A very interesting feature of aluminum foil is that it is a very good light reflector and has the ability to be bent into any shape you want to make your lights really pretty.

In fact, you can play with aluminum foil by hanging it in various places around the house to create more bounces of light and beautiful views and shadows. All you'll need for this are a pair of scissors (which you can sharpen with aluminum foil), some glue or tape, and a creative mind full of ideas on how to use the fantastic metal.
Keep your frozen food tasting good
It's always a pain to freeze a delicious meal only to pull it out a few days later with no taste. All you are left with is a memory of what was once a very tasty dish and not much else. Fortunately, by using aluminum foil, you can preserve both the condition and the flavor of your food much better.

The good thing about aluminum foil is that it traps particles inside, so the next time you want to freeze leftover food, just wrap it tightly in aluminum foil and the great taste and smell will stay with your food. That way, when you heat it up, you'll enjoy a meal almost exactly as tasty as when it was first prepared.
keep your chimney clean
One of the most annoying things about having a fireplace is the sheer abundance of dust, soot, and ash that will accumulate quickly, especially if you use it frequently. It's not an easy job to clean all this up and they tend to turn everything in the house black when you do it.

You can solve this problem by placing a double layer of aluminum foil under the fire the next time you use the fireplace. The foil will collect all the dust and ash in an easy to pick up pile. Once you're done with the fire, give it a few hours to cool down, carefully check that it's room temperature, and simply fold the foil containing all the leftovers into a ball that will go straight into the trash.
Curl Your Hair
If you ever need to curl your hair and all you have is a straightening iron, there's no need to fret, simply grab some aluminum foil. Divide your hair into half-inch strands, roll upward from the ends, and wrap the curl with some aluminum foil.

Clamp the foil with a hot straightening iron for just a few seconds, remove the foil, and watch your newly designed locks emerge from their cocoon.
Create a Makeshift Spoon
Sometimes we find ourselves without a proper spoon, like when we buy a snack such as some yogurt or even a little meal to eat, only to realize we forgot to also get cutlery.

In this case, you can turn aluminum foil from your yogurt lid into a makeshift spoon by folding it to the right shape.
Make Planters
Aluminum also comes in the form of soda cans, which you can repurpose into a little garden.

All you need to do is wash out a can, cut off the top, and fill it with soil. Small plants like succulents will thrive best in the small aluminum planters, but you can also try growing herbs like mint or parsley.
Create Some Frames
Are you in desperate need of a new frame but not keen on buying one from the store? Why not fashion one out of aluminum foil?

You could also use aluminum foil, old soda cans, or even used coffee pods to create a mosaic from your drinks to frame a mirror.
Depending on your DIY skills, you can either transform aluminum cans into a spectacular aluminum leaf wreath spray-painted to look like it cost $20 at a home decor store.

Hang it indoors or on your front door as a super stylish way to herald the festive season.
Candle Holders
You can also turn a soda can into a tealight candle holder by cutting the top off the can, as well as a little entry door for the candle.

You can also perforate the can for a speckled effect, or go to town with some paint for an even more charming decoration.
Aluminum foil can make for excellent lighting fixtures in case you wanted to change up your lighting fixtures.

Simply fashion out spirals out of aluminum foil or soda cans and weave string lights through them, or you can even use the pop tabs for a lampshade.