There is absolutely nothing wrong with the first note that kindly requested their neighbor take others into consideration when parking. However, we do find fault in the response to the first note. The reply is kind of funny but, at the same time, kind of messed up. Whether it was actually this person’s spouse that parked poorly or not is one thing, but to note it on paper is another story. 26.

It’s not a terrible tactic to blame your other half when you get in the wrong, as long as there was a pre-made agreement for this sort of situation. Heck, the more we think about it, the more we realize that perhaps this is a sound way to deal with complaints from neighbors – just blame it on your spouse.
A Generous Offer
We're not too sure what happened to this person's neighbor, but it sounds like there were some bizarre activities taking place the night before this note was posted. Was it some sort of a woo-woo full moon ritual that the kids of today are partaking in, or was an actual sacrifice made to the gods of whatever this person believes in?

Either way, whatever went down clearly disturbed the neighbors to the point that they compared these activities to actual demon-expelling activities. And if it was a party, then surely it shouldn't sound like a human is being sacrificed. At least this neighbor was nice enough to allow such activities on Friday and Saturday nights. We'd like to think that this is a very generous offer.
Who Let the Cats Out?
It's unclear how many times this poor lady's cats have attempted an escape before this picture was taken. Dogs are domesticated features and love their owners, they would usually stay in the apartment unless they had a good reason to leave. Cats, on the other hand, are much more self-sufficient.

Why would she not let her cats leave the apartment? This is a strange lady indeed. I wonder how many cats have escaped this apartment so far...
Pink Flamingo Attack
This picture creates a lot more questions than it answers. Why did the neighbor call the police? Why pink flamingos? it’s quite a mystery. One of the qualities we look for in a good neighbor is being communicative and talking to your neighbors respectfully and honestly when disagreements come up.

Unlike the neighbor that comes up in this guy's note. Maybe, and this is just speculation, your neighbor didn’t want to speak with you because you’re a crazy, flamingo scattering, psycho. Well, at least now that his yard is full of pink flamingos, he's probably a lot calmer about the whole police incident.
Someone Stole My Owl, And I Rate It Was You, Neighbor
Who wouldn't want to have a neighbor like this one? We just love how they are blaming their neighbors for stealing something from their deck. It could have been any Tom, Dick, or Harry passing by that stole this ornament, and we doubt it was a neighbor.

In any way, why would a neighbor steal a garden ornament that they can't put up for display in case this angry neighbor sees it? Either way, this is just a testament that not dealing with childhood trauma is always a bad idea. This neighbor sounds like she has a lot of that that's gone untreated, and now it's all coming out in the form of a nasty message to the neighbors. Yikes!
Dog Chilling on The Rooftops
There is nothing quite like watching the neighbor's dogs sit on their roof while they are out and about, away from home. We're not too sure what the situation is here, but who knows, perhaps the roof is a safe and secure space for the pooch to come out and get some fresh air. We do hope so!

Otherwise, we could totally see the concern this neighbor has for the dog. At least this neighbor was kind enough to leave a lovely informative note in case this person didn't know about their dog's behavior. Either way, it's difficult to get the image of a dog sunbathing on a rooftop out of our heads now. Do you feel the same?
The Award for the Best Neighbor Goes To…
Wouldn't it be nice to have a neighbor as caring as this one? The world would most certainly be a wonderful place if everyone could be as lovely as the person who wrote this devoted note. Not only did they let their neighbor know of the terrible incident that the plant and plant pot suffered.

But they also mentioned that they assured the plant that everything was going to be okay as it lay there in its pot-less catatonic state. We just hope that this neighbor was sincerely thanked and acknowledged for their selfless service to the plant. This neighbor deserves a trophy for best neighbor on the block!
The Purrrfect Pet Peeve
Let’s get this out of the way — it’s really hard for most people to quit smoking. Unfortunately for Mr. Whiskers, he also happened to be addicted to smoking tobacco products. While trying to quit the habit, he was negatively surprised when cigarette butts started appearing on his balcony. This kicked the habit right back and this time it would be a much bigger challenge to quit.

Luckily for Mr. Whiskers, his owner had no problem stepping in and to make sure that his favorite feline was sticking to his rehab schedule and stood up the neighbors who were causing all those setbacks. P.s. no cats were harmed in the making of this note. It is strictly sar-cat-stic.
An Unholy Night
The only thing worse than being single and miserable is being single and miserable while hearing the couple above you enjoying their relationship... a little too much, if you know what I mean. Sometimes when a couple gets too romantic, a demon might spawn, requiring a priest to come and perform an exorcism.

When Mark first heard the noises, he thought about getting dressed and running upstairs to save his loving neighbors above from the forces of evil they obviously had summoned. Luckily for Mark, the noises only lasted for two or three minutes though, so he concluded that the exorcism had been successful.
Petty Party Pooper
What makes this post so funny is the fact that someone actually replied to the note and somehow managed to point out all the poor assumptions of the first note. And, let's be real, the first note has a rather dreadfully petty undertone to it. And what better way to respond to that than to dish out that pettiness back in equal but opposite magnitude?

It's tough to match the prettiness level of the first note, but somehow, the second note nailed that perfectly! Who calls the cops in a sorority house for a loud party? And in any way, who "Parties a bit quieter" when they're in college? It just can't get any more petty than that. We do have to admit that this post makes us reminisce about our college days. Sigh, good times.
Join the Labor Party
Having a baby is very very painful. The labor process reduces even polite and quiet women into roaring beasts with little to no regard for their environment.

This neighbor wanted to make sure that when his pregnant wife begins going into labor - and consequently making sounds as if she’s being attacked by a bear (or turned herself into a bear), everyone stays calm and that nobody calls the police through all the commotion.
Don't Be Like Alan
Foul parking stunts are one of those things that can never be traced to the original instigator. What if the person who parked next to this guy before parked poorly, and therefore, there was no way for this guy to park correctly?

Either way, whether that's the case or not, we will never know, but we do know that leaving notes like this to a neighbor is definitely setting the tone for a sour relationship to come. So, in case you ever feel like sending a message like this one, perhaps take a deep breath and maybe consider if the person next to this guy parked like a jerk and if it's really going to be worth sending a note as mean as this one.
Not From the Guy in the Doghouse
This poor guy just had his day/ year ruined thanks to some lady's underwear that found its way into his laundry pile. It's a bit of a far stretch to assume someone is potentially a 'hot woman' due to her choices in underwear, but hey, everybody has a different way of interpreting the world around them. And shame, if you're only getting lucky once a year, then perhaps this is a good explanation for that.

At least this guy left this note anonymously because he kind of just spilled all the beans on his personal life and his disintegrating marriage. We just hope his wife doesn't get to read this as she clearly already saw the underwear and may recognize it, and that may even make things worse for him (if they could get any worse.) It would end pretty badly when she reads that her husband associated her with a whale.
German Bedroom Etiquette
We're not too sure what is acceptable in Germany, but around here, there are certain things that are best kept private. Clearly, this 'German neighbor' hasn't adapted to the general bedroom etiquette in the States yet, but it's best they learn if they want to avoid getting embarrassing notes like this one.

European countries are known to be a bit more open when it comes to things like tanning nude on beaches, and according to this note, flaunting your sexy time also goes, but maybe he needs to wake up and realize that things operate differently, in America. Here, folks are a bit more conservative and discrete when it comes to these matters. At least this German frat boy can count on his neighbors to shed some light on what is acceptable and what isn't when it comes to bedroom etiquette.
Poop Quarterback
When you find your neighbor consistently neglecting to pick up their pet's feces, the most neighborly thing you can do is to confront them about it, explain the situation and why it’s important to you and your surroundings that they pick up after their pets. If, however, they fail to comply with your demands one too many times, you might have to take things into your own hands (hopefully while wearing sterile gloves). This bothered neighbor knows their strengths and talents as they have probably played on a few ball teams.

Their idea of taking matters into their own hands as well, questionable at best. After seeing that their neighbor was continuously shirking their doody lifting duty, this veteran ballplayer decided to threaten to throw the poop directly into their neighbor's mouth if they ever did it again, as a way to make sure that they don’t repeat this behavior. Gross.
Shrieks of Ecstacy
We have no idea what drove this concerned neighbor to write a note like this, but it must have been something quite dramatic. We get that people get up to all sorts of weird activities when they are home, and rightfully so. They can do whatever they want to when they are in the privacy of their own home.

But come on, when these activities produce noises that are loud enough to alert the neighbors, it can't be considered an okay activity anymore. So think about the potential consequences of getting an embarrassing note like this the next time you wanna do something that's going to either deliver shrieks of ecstasy (or the sounds of someone fighting for their life).
Crazy Andre
It’s not clear what sort of party Andre’s neighbor set up that would cause him to act the way he did. We have mixed feelings about this party guest. On the one hand, Andre left a cat in this guy's apartment and stole his laptop, but he also had the good sense of apologizing for these incidents the morning after.

It seems that Andre isn’t actually the world’s worst neighbor. At least not once he’s sober. Anyway, he does seem to be sorry for his actions and perfectly willing to take responsibility for everything. We applaud his honesty and hope things work out for the best with his neighbor but we’re not inviting Andre to any event that contains alcohol or substances anytime soon.
Lazy Neighbor
Everybody has their own way of doing things. Some people prioritize taking their trash out as soon as it starts to pile up, while others aren't too bothered if it waits for a few days (like this neighbor). Clearly, this can cause some friction when you get these different types of people living in the same apartment block, as evidenced in this note.

We do have to give it to the person who wrote this note for how they have managed to put their lazy neighbor on the spot quite candidly! This note would embarrass anyone enough to make sure they always take their trash out in a timely manner from then onwards.
Bike Thief
Getting your bike stolen is one of the most disappointing experiences a teenager can have. Usually, it happens in waves and at particular locations, so it looks like this rapping neighbor is truly the canary in the coal mine.

Residents of the building are lucky to have a caring neighbor who would take time to warn them of potential theft while also crafting a very entertaining and attention-grabbing note. Did he write it this way to get attention or is he just a very artistic person?
Blatant Warning
Everyone occasionally experiences that paranoid feeling when you’re almost sure that you forgot to lock your door. Well, everyone except this neighbor, who just got a very surprising note on his door. Sometimes you forget to lock the door and then slightly punish yourself for it, at least in your head.

This doesn’t always mean you’ll remember the lesson, so we are grateful that this worried neighbor made sure to leave an impression that the apartment owner will never forget.
My Anaconda Note
“There might be a bomb in the building but don't worry it's not armed, probably.” This is as close to what someone reading this will undoubtedly be thinking. The sheer irony is astounding when you claim that you accidentally lost a 7-foot snake and then saying in the next sentence that there's nothing to worry about.

Most likely this was just a prank note meant to scare people into calling this poor Nick fellow, but if it's not, we'd probably prefer to live as far away from this aforementioned Nick as possible.
Unlocked WiFi Connection
If you choose to see the cup half full, you may construe Nick’s note as a genuinely concerned fellow checking up on the welfare of his internet-paying next-door neighbors. However, this was most likely the work of a selfish, leeching neighbor with no internet of his own. Either way, this note is a reminder that anyone using Wi-Fi should opt to put a password on it if they don’t want other people to use their Internet.

If you would not leave your own home unlocked with all the doors open, why would you do that when it comes to your Internet connection? No more Wi-Fi for you, Nick!
Block Me Maybe
Anyone who’s ever owned a parking spot knows the gut-wrenching feeling of having for a parking spot taken by an anonymous vehicle. Emotions usually run crazy due to your inability to do anything about this heavy piece of metal that’s blocking what’s rightfully yours. It’s even worse when somebody’s blocking your car and you literally can’t drive to work. Some people call the police, others resort to vandalism and forced “removal“ of the annoying car in question.

Leaving a note like this usually does the job, so it’s nice that the author also used it as a chance for some creative lyrical exploration.
Public Relationship Issues
Based on the note, it seems the romance has fizzled out, and now all that's left is bad communication and very loud voices.

It's always uncomfortable to realize other people know your private business, so we can’t even begin to imagine how bad it would feel to know the whole building is rooting for you to break up.
5 am Bangers
Whoever wrote this note could probably write a book, and it would no doubt hit the New York Times best-selling list. They could easily have written a rude notice that gets straight to the point, but instead, they have taken us all on a journey about all the things that were going through their head while their neighbors were blasting their music at ungodly hours of the morning.

Yeah, perhaps some of the tunes played were epic bangers that would be enjoyed by most, but let's be real: no one signs up to hear loud music at 5 am in the morning from a neighbor who left their windows wide open. The way this note puts it, it's pretty certain that the early morning hits won't happen again.
This Should Do the Trick
There's nothing quite like spelling it out for the lazy or, shall we say, unrefined folks who don't know how garbage removal works. This neighbor has done a stellar job of schooling their neighbor when it comes to trash removal.

Usually, we learn these things from the people who raised us, but some people never quite get a grip on some things in life. It's that, or people are just plain too lazy to do something so simple. If you have a problematic neighbor like this one, then this is probably the best way to deal with them. Writing a nice little condescending note like this one should do the trick.
A Music Critic is Born
This neighbor was so inspired by last night’s performance that he decided to post a full review of the neighbors who happened to perform in the same building where he lives. Very lucky dude. We’ll give this guy a 10 out of 10 when it comes to effort and creativity, clearly, this annoyed neighbor pulled out all the stops when writing this sign - from the unique mix of colors, the ever-changing font sizes and the beautiful bold fonts and underlines for easier reading.

This guy should definitely become a music critic, there's clearly a lack of funny and critical voices when it comes to that industry. Who knows, we might just see this person developing a career due to this viral image.
It's Loud Enough for Me to Hear Everything Buddy
If there was a passive-aggressive way to let your neighbor know that their movie was on too loud, then this note takes the cake! This is the highest form of passive-aggressiveness in the shape of a message. Of course, they don't really want to know what the name of the actual movie was that they could hear blasting from their neighbor's directions.

They just want to let their inconsiderate neighbors know that it 'sounded really interesting' because they could hear pretty much everything. We love that they weren't even shy about signing the note with their apartment number. There is no need to remain anonymous when you are just asking what the name of the movie is. Now, is there?
To Confront Or Not To
Nobody likes those pesky neighbors that never manage to clean up after their dog's poop. There are a few ways to deal with it. This neighbor has opted for a passive-aggressive note that finishes off by anonymously asking their neighbor to please clean up their dog poop. This is a pretty safe way because they won't know who left the note, and there won't be any confrontation.

Another option is confronting the guilty neighbors face to face, but that can get really awkward and tarnish what could have been a friendly neighborhood friendship. Either way, dogs pooping uncontrolled needs to stop, and if anything, at least you have learned of the different ways to handle this situation.
Carefully Composed Note
Here, ladies and gentlemen, we have another brilliantly penned note from an irked neighbor. This person clearly took his sweet time to carefully compose a letter to his neighbors who think it's okay to do bathroom renovations on a Saturday morning.

They could have probably opted for the short but sweet note that cuts to the chase, but instead, they wrote an essay to really get their point across about how much the noises around their lodgings have been bugging them. They also didn't forget to leave out some of the more personal details, like their Saturday morning rituals, just in case their neighbors were wondering how their noises were affecting that.
Ring-A-Ding Ding
The only thing worse than having to wake up early for work is being woken up before you need to be by somebody else. Part of living around other people often involves some degree of having to deal with hearing them go about their daily life, but when you can hear a neighbor’s car alarm going off without end for an entire night, anyone would be justified in leaving a threatening note.

How they’re that heavy of a sleeper is beyond us, but hopefully, the note worked.
Musical Critique
Here’s a question, what happens when you take a musically knowledgeable person and an annoying neighbor who plays bad music most of the day on repeat and put them together in the same building? You get a brilliant literary critique of the faults and the challenges that house music and culture have.

Known as one of the most critically acclaimed pieces of musical critique ever written, the guy who wrote this note would end up being remembered as one of the greatest philosophers in musical history.
Freud Won't Be Happy
There’s a famous concept in psychology called “projection.” Basically, when a person who has anger issues is yelling at you to calm down while the veins in his forehead look like they’re going to explode out of his mind, that is what psychologists would call ‘projecting.’ Although we don’t have any evidence of whether or not the neighbors had obnoxious and loud friends over, what we do know for sure is that non-ignorant and considerate people do not write notes like this.

At best the note writer is just as bad as the neighbor; at worst, these neighbors may just have to go looking for a new apartment, now that they know that they’re living next to this horrible case of total lack of human decency.
Somebody's Riled Up
We'd love to get a little more context for this note, but for now, we'll just have to draw our own conclusions. This is clearly a reaction to a note, report, or the comments that were made about the things that this person has in their yard. Somehow, these things indirectly reached the neighbor, and now they are infuriated, to say the least. As the saying goes, "The best neighbors are the neighbors that you don't even know exist."

That is clearly not the case here because this neighbor knows very well that his neighbor has been barking up the wrong tree. There's absolutely no shame in this note, and having a neighbor like this one can't be fun. We just hope you won't ever have to deal with a neighbor such as the one who wrote this note. Their existence will very much be in your face, we'd think.
Whatever Makes You Sleep Better at Night
We get that people are sometimes confronted with a terrible parking spot because someone else failed to park properly, but we're not sure that it warrants a note like this one. This note is really mean, and it says a lot more about the person who wrote it than the person who couldn't park between the lines.

Parking is a weird situation where sometimes the person who seems to have parked poorly only parked that way because of someone who parked poorly before them. So, really, sometimes pointing fingers by curating a message like this won't really solve anything except make you look like a complete sociopath. But hey, whatever helps this person sleep better at night.
That Would Be Greaaaaaat
Out of all the ways to deal with the dog poop problem that seems to be so prevalent, the person who made this post has chosen to deal with this in a light-hearted, humorous way. And we can't find any fault in that either!

We do prefer this method over the other possibilities out there since some of the notes we have seen here have been really nasty. However, this one has a comedic undertone to it. How can you not abide by the requests of this note when it's been brought forward in such a funny way? It's just so greaaaaat.
Remix Loading
This person was so annoyed with his neighbor's love-making sounds that they somehow managed to record them and post them online for the whole world to hear. We can't really blame him either because if your intimate sounds are making so much noise that it's driving people to post your sounds on the net, then you clearly have a problem.

This could probably have easily been avoided, too, if the wrongdoers had just closed their windows. So perhaps the next time you think about making love with your windows wide open, think of the sort of consequences you may have to face, like the people that this post was written about. You wouldn't want your intimate sounds to get remixed into the dubstep track, now, would you?
That'll Zip Them Up
One way to deal with chafing neighbors who seem to have loud noises radiating from their apartment during their intimate sessions is to let them know how much you are enjoying their rackets. Nobody wants to think about other people actually enjoying the noises that are coming from their private bedrooms.

It's pretty creepy, to say the least. This sort of note will definitely help with an unfortunate situation that could arise in one's apartment block. We hope you are taking notes on how to deal with these occurrences should you ever find yourself in an unfortunate position like this one.
Poop Wars
In the eternal battle of poop between humans and dogs, it seems that dogs take the cake (or the ‘pie’) and win this one. Regardless, nobody likes to have someone poop on their property, human or dog. If we were the ones seeing this sign and it was directed towards us, you’d probably see us picking up poop every day from now on.

Trust us, you don’t want to mess with ANYONE who’s willing to weaponize their grandson for fecal warfare. It’s best to skip these wars, as they might have a rather smelly ending. Just ask Bill the neighbor, or better yet, ask his grandson...
Parking Lessons
Even though the passive-aggressiveness of this note is painfully obvious, you have to appreciate the fact that this neighbor took the time to not only explain basic parking, but even draw a nice little diagram.

If this person keeps parking in the wrong space, or over the yellow lines after this, it would be fair to assume that this neighbor will definitely resort to a more unpleasant solution - like bashing windows or slashing tires. And we can't say we would completely disagree.
Envious Neighbors
Didn't you know that the whole point of owning a sound system in your car that manages to blurt music so loud that it shakes up a whole building is to look cool to everyone else? This is especially true at ungodly hours of the morning. And don't even think that it comes down to enjoying the music.

Because, in any case, you can't hear much with all those vibrations taking place. It's all in the name of having other people envy your rad sound system. This person has hit the nail on the head with their sarcasm, and we love it! Anyone receiving a note like this one is bound to feel at least a little bit of remorse.
Notes to a Neighbor Can Be Nice
In a world full of notes from neighbors who are usually complaining about this, that, or the next thing, it's pretty sweet to see a neighborly note like these two that carry so much kindness and innocence. Usually, notes from a neighbor come from dark places.

Since people grow up with all sorts of wonderful and sometimes weird neighbors, their worldviews may get tarnished by the experiences they'll have while trying to navigate these people in their lives. But it's clear that these youngsters haven't reached that point in life yet. Let's just take a moment to appreciate that! Every once in a while, we get reminders of how wholesome a neighbor's note can be, and this is the perfect example of that.
The Sneaky Old Lady
Apparently, an old lady in this neighborhood has been very naughty. Not only has she been throwing her dog's poop in other people's trash cans, but she's clearly been doing it for a while! Something tells us this neighbor wouldn't have written such an aggressive note otherwise.

Now, this can go two ways - either the old lady will get very scared at the prospect of having her head bolted to a car, or she'll get extremely angry at the threat and decide to throw even more poop in the cans. We sincerely hope it's the former.
They've Had Enough
It's never pretty when your neighbor threatens to pick up dog poop and slap it on your head. But then again, neither is leaving your dog's crap on somebody else's lawn.

This neighbor has had enough, and we completely believe they will actually do this if they see even the tiniest piece of poop in their lawn.
These people were tired of being watched, and maybe even filmed, so they decided to take matters into their own hands. And we applaud them. Everybody has the right to privacy, and whoever put up that camera should be severely penalized.

Although something tells us that, after seeing this sign, they shut off that camera for good.
We get it. It's not nice to live with someone that has a bed bug infestation and all they do is play a hack-and-slash role playing video game like Diablo 3. However, when kicking someone out of the house, it is preferable to do it in person, and not with such a passive-aggressive note.

Then again, maybe Linda's ex-roommates did try to talk to her about the problem in person several times, and this was a last resort. Good luck, Linda.
The Friendly Neighbor
How nice of this them to rescue their neighbor's couch cushions. Trying to rescue the entire couch would have been even nicer, though.

Hopefully, they did all they could, and the couch was just too far gone. If only everybody could be as nice a neighbor as the people in 538.
The Nicest Random Stranger
Although it's not very calming to know you have a neighbor that siphons gas out of your car at 3AM in the morning, we guess it is nice that they at least paid you back. We just hope it doesn't become a regular thing.

Also, unless these people live in the middle of nowhere, it's kind of strange that all the gas stations around were closed. Especially since many gas stations are usually open 24/7.
Ring the Alarm
This note sounds pretty calm when considering all the things that this person has had to put up with. Hearing the parties of neighbors isn't that bad if things are kept tame, but when things get out of hand like what's been described on this notice, then there is reason for concern. We're also not really sure how in the world a complaint hasn't been filed yet.

Surely, if blood and human excrement are involved, that's enough to ring the alarm bells. This note has also proved that sometimes, keeping calm can get the point across effectively, too. It doesn't always have to be a case of fighting fire with fire. Big ups to this neighbor for composing such a civil note for what seems to be such an uncivil situation.
A Neighborly Neighbor
It's not exactly fun when one of your neighbors gets a new instrument for the first time. It's a given that they are probably going to suck at playing it at first but still try to master it in any way, and that means that you'll probably be hearing a huge racket radiating from their place for a long period.

The worst sort of instrument for them to introduce into their homes has probably got to be the drums, not because this instrument stinks but rather because this is probably the noisiest instrument of the lot. At least this neighbor has taken the time to write out what to do in case their son's new drum set drives any of their neighbors insane. This sort of consideration goes a long way, and we can all learn something from this neighborly neighbor.
The Passive-Aggressive Smiley Face
There's nothing quite like a smiley face to end an already annoying neighbor note. Although, in all fairness, they are totally right. people usually need some kind of permit to build a garage, especially when it crosses over to another person's property.

Hey, at least the neighbors were friendly enough to welcome them to the neighborhood.
Don't Feed the Pigeons
This neighbor figured there was no need for any further explanation. Pigeons do things, so don't feed them, the end. And to be fair, they are right. Pigeons do do a lot of things, and very annoying ones at that.

Everybody knows that once you start feeding them, more pigeons will come, and will breed, and will continue to do this until the end of time. So yes, they do things. Stop helping them.
The Prehistoric Sandals Neighbor
This is just hilarious. What a clever, and very passive-aggressive way to tell the upstairs neighbor to stop stomping around. And truly, sometimes, there seems to be no other reasonable explanation for the amount of noise a person can make.

We commend this neighbor for taking the time to find a photo of these rock sandals, write the note, print it, and stick it on the staircase. Now that's commitment.
Is That a Threat?
Having a neighbor's dog barking all day long while they are out and you are home isn't fun for anyone. In this case, this neighbor was kind enough to inform this neighbor of their dog before turning them to the landlord or the authorities, but we're not too sure if the threatening message is a great way to deal with these situations.

It's one way to let someone know that their dog's barking is getting out of hand, and then there's threatening to take matters into their own hands if the situation doesn't simmer out. Either way, we hope that there was some sort of a resolution for these two neighbors in the end.
Best Note Ever
Not only is Max from 3F a great artist - just look at that fantastic old man! - he's also a very creative writer. What's more, he even tried to fold his neighbor's sheets! We would love to have a neighbor like Max, and it is incredibly annoying for someone to leave their clothes in a shared dryer for such a long time. We support you, Max!

And hey, he did wait an entire lifetime to move the clothes so, we'd say it's more than fair that he took them out of the dryer.
Malcolm must have been so happy with himself when he wrote this note. After all, there's nothing better than to be able to rub something in a bad neighbor's face. This is a stark reminder of why it's so important to be nice to our neighbors.

You never know when a bunch of people might come around to steal your things and you'll need a Malcolm by your side to fight them off.
Toilet Paper Dictatorship
This is just priceless. We don't know which note is funnier (or more worrying) - the one asking tenants to use a specific type of toilet paper because the building's sewage system is so bad that it can't handle the quality kind toilet paper, or the one from a tenant asking if he can use socks instead.

Let's just hope the tenant was joking, because clearly, if the sewage can't handle Charmin toilet paper, it definitely won't be able to handle a pair of socks!
The Plant Thief
Really, who steals a plant?! That's just wrong. Someone grew and loved that plant, and stealing it is just beyond low. We understand that it's much easier to take an already beautiful, grown plant instead of caring for one yourself but, you simply cannot do that. Which is why we love this sign so much.

Especially the part about punching kittens, because that's an extremely accurate comparison. The neighbors truly do suck!
Misplaced Love
You leave the house in the morning, getting ready for another day in the office, overwhelmed by the affection sharing you witnessed the previous night. And then this. We can only imagine the disappointment one might feel after they get a written love note left on their car, only to realize it wasn't actually meant for them. Ouch.

Now, in all fairness, the person who wrote the note can’t let the car owner go on thinking the love note was, in fact, intended for them. That being said, we can’t help but feel a little bit bad for the unintended recipient.
Muffin or Doorknob?
If you have to lose a doorknob, you might as well lose it to a neighbor who is, as he says, trippin’ pretty hard. The fact he thought it was a muffin instead of a doorknob has us dying to know what did he do with the knob once he had it?!

Try to eat it?! Realize immediately it wasn’t actually a muffin?! We have questions, and we must have answers! One thing is for sure: if you try to eat a doorknob, then you will probably chip at least some of your teeth if you do not break them completely.
Save the Squirrels
Although the woman's driving may have caused some damage to her mailbox, it's hard not to appreciate her compassion for wildlife. It's clear from her husband's note that she was trying to avoid hitting an animal, and that is definitely a worthy cause.

While it's unfortunate that her mailbox was destroyed and ruined in the process, it's reassuring to know that there are people out there who prioritize the well-being of animals over their own property. The note also shows that the woman has a supportive husband who is willing to take responsibility and make amends for the damage caused.
Feeling Like a Star
Sarcasm can be a useful tool when dealing with a person who continuously obstructs the path that people use to walk on. While it may not solve the issue entirely, a well-timed sarcastic remark can convey your frustration and make the person aware of their actions.

On another note, when it comes to a warning note left on a car parked in a precarious location, the use of all caps suggests that the writer is not entirely optimistic about the car's safety. The writer may be implying they are not responsible for any potential damages resulting from the driver's reckless parking.
Stealing a Man's Cup
The act of stealing is always wrong, but stealing something as personal and important as a man's package protector takes it to a whole new level. This item is designed to provide comfort and support for a man's most sensitive area, making it an essential part of his daily routine.

To take it away is not only a violation of his property but also an invasion of his personal space. The writer of the note expresses their hope that the victim of this theft is skilled in a sport that involves physical retaliation, suggesting that they believe the thief deserves a taste of their own medicine.
Snorkel Not Included
The theft of a 4-year-old's paddling pool may seem like a senseless act, leaving both the child and their family feeling frustrated and violated. However, it is possible that the thief had a valid reason for taking the pool, such as concern for the child's safety or a need for a pool themselves.

The note left by the neighbor suggests that they may be quick to judge others and assume the worst about their actions. Instead of giving their neighbors the benefit of the doubt, the neighbors chose to confront them with a sarcastic and potentially hurtful and psychologically devastating message.
Letting the Whole Neighborhood See
When we as humans are at our most intimate and uncovered, most of us prefer to have some element of safety. We only get this way when we are alone or with one specific person. So receiving a note like this one in your mailbox, which very gently lets you know that you might be showing off a little more than you had imagined, is mortifying for most.

They thought they were the proper amount of sneaky with it, but curtains can show more than you think if you don’t take the time to test things out. These neighbors were able to watch the whole show, and whether or not they were interested, they were able to figure out what was happening easily. It's time to invest in some heavier drapes. Or maybe turn the light off.
We Think This One Might Be a Little Unreal
A person reports that he or she found this note wedged into the door and was embarrassed about it, but it’s pretty clear that this isn’t really a note that a neighbor wanted to pass on. For one, Reddit and karma (the fake internet points that you can accrue on that site) are pretty blatant and are probably a reference to all the other notes of this variety that people “find” that are half bragging and half trying to create something that is popular on the site.

This one is clearly fake, but we’re not sure if any of the other notes on this page will be real or not. It can sometimes be hard to tell, but there are always going to be those cynical people who refuse to believe anything. Because they’re broken inside.
We’re So Sorry About Your Ebb and Flow
This is a whole lot of words that basically come down to, “You’re parking somewhere I don’t like, and I’m going to make up reasons to get you to move.” Maybe this person is parking on the street (which would certainly, in the words of the note, "certainly ruin the ebb and flow," whatever that means).

Maybe the person was parking in front of the note-giver’s property, which would make us a little more willing to be on their side. Some of us have probably had to deal with something like this, so we might be ready to get in line behind the person who left this note so we can leave our own. Honestly, though, this note seems a little more mean-spirited. “Ebb and flow.” Give us a break.
Not So Much an Announcement as a Notification
It seems the neighbors have all seen enough and decided they would leave a note. Quite a fancy note, too. Not everybody is an expert at two-way glass, and it seems that the person who installed this one wasn’t paying attention to which side of it was supposed to go in. The people who used the bathroom didn’t notice since they couldn’t see out – it was just frosted glass to them. No problem.

But the people who could see in figured it would be best to let them know there was, indeed, a problem. How much did they see before they figured they needed to leave a message? This kind of note is embarrassing, but it’s like being told your fly is down – you’d rather be told than find out yourself after getting home from the opera.
Things That Go Bang in the Night
People living in apartments become accustomed to a lot of things. The sounds of people walking over your head, people running down the hallway, smells that might be coming in from balconies, or other things like that. They can be dealt with mostly, but if you can’t sleep over a period of nights, they get harder and harder to stomach.

A really loud, rhythmic knocking sound while you're trying to sleep – and it’s very likely right above your head – is one of the worst, and everybody knows exactly why it’s happening, too. Plenty of people have written or received these notes, begging for a little bit of peace and quiet. It can be a touchy subject. And not just because of all the bodily contact that is happening.
Vandalism Is Not the Way to Go
There's leaving a note for neighbors in a civil manner with an actual piece of paper, and then there's this. We get the frustration about a barking dog that never ends, but to go and write on someone's wall with an actual marker is another thing. We can totally see how people do stupid things when they are going through fits of rage, but vandalizing someone else's property like this is definitely not the way we would have handled a situation like this.

We just hope that this isn't a permanent marker, as every action has a reaction, and we could totally see how this has the potential to completely rile some people up, and that would just start a neighbor war. So, we definitely don't recommend doing this when your neighbor's dog's back gets out of hand.
Are You a Note-Leaving Neighbor?
There are a few things about this neighbor's note that scream, "I'm British." Firstly, they have used the term 'rubbish chute,' which is the same as the garbage opening for those of you who didn't quite catch that. Secondly, they also refer to an apartment as a flat, which may definitely confuse some.

The thing that really had us in tears was the fact they considered the word 'pie' an offensive insult. It doesn't get funnier than this, and we have to thank whichever Brit made this post for giving us a good laugh today. We also love how they mentioned that they really didn't want to become one of those 'note-leaving neighbors.' Haha! Are you a note-leaving neighbor?
Trophy Poop?
There's nothing quite like making someone feel stupid than writing a note like this one. To tell someone that their dog is smarter than them is quite an insult, and we can't think of a better way to insult someone without using some bad words.

But in all fairness, we also don't understand why someone would place a bag of dog poop up against a fence as though it's some sort of trophy. This would definitely get the better of some, like the person who wrote this note. Who knows, perhaps it had been a while since the dog made such a good poop, but still, we don't need to know about that buddy.
Each to Their Own
We get that everyone has their own sorts of hobbies that they choose to fill their time with when they are in the privacy of their own home. Some people like to read books, while others prefer to cook or get creative with some arts or crafts. This person's neighbor is one of many people out there who like to smoke things up in their spare time.

We totally respect their choices, but when your hobby starts intervening with the odors of someone else's apartment, then we totally get why some neighbors would want to write a note like this. And we don't blame them. They are also not asking for much, except that the smoker may perform their hobby at a slightly different spot so that the smell doesn't carry over to other apartments. It seems pretty fair, in our honest opinion.
Your Business Is Everyone's Business
Ah, the joys of having neighbors. We think that most people living in apartment blocks are, at least at some point in time, going to come face to face with the sort of issue that this neighbor is going through. If your neighbors aren't playing loud music or removing their trash properly, then they are doing something else.

In this case, the neighbor in question was getting a little too carried away with their intimate sounds. We get that you want to enjoy your sexy time with your adored partner, but when the sounds travel so far as to reach your neighbors at all hours of the day, then maybe it's time to consider toning it down. This note put it quite nicely: "Your business is everyone's business." And this should be kept in mind if you're living in an apartment block!
You Really Stink
We have no idea what sort of altercation went down with these neighbors, but it must have been pretty bad if it drove this kid to write a letter to his 'neighbers,' which made him second guess his words to later go back and cross some of them out.

We're not exactly sure what the crossed-out part in purple said, but it seems to be something along the lines of "and don't you ever yell at my dad again, or something bad will happen." But hey, if you really want to learn how to insult your neighbors with a rude message, then this kid has got it down. Just tell them: 'You really stink.' That should do the trick.
There seem to be a lot of notes that relate to neighbors not cleaning up after their dog poop. This is clearly a universal problem that needs to be dealt with. One way to deal with this issue is to install a camera outside so that you can catch these sly poop offenders red-handed.

Of course, what you should do next is to post these pictures outside for everyone to see, and this will hopefully be seen by the poop offender, too, and convince them that their foul behavior is not going unnoticed. This is bound to put an end to the "Poopertrators" dodgy business.
That One-Liner Is All We Need...
If you want to go about telling your noisy neighbors that their intimate sounds are getting a bit too loud for your liking, then there are a few ways to tackle this issue. You could leave a super rude note, but this doesn't always go down well, and it sometimes says more about the person writing the note than anything else.

Or you could do as this note's writer did by using a direct tone, but that doesn't sound too angry. They have nailed it by adding an 'ask me to join' in there. That should be enough to quieten these loud, intimate sounds down. Perhaps this is a one-liner that can put an end to it all. Nobody wants their neighbors to join in on these private activities.
Got Off Easy
It seems that whoever this letter was addressed to got off light. Anyone knows that getting woken up with loud music at 3 am is no fun. This is especially true for people who suffer from sleeping disorders, like the author of this letter. Furthermore, most people have duties to attend to in the early hours of the morning - like work.

So yeah, this person certainly got it off easy with a sarcastic letter from a neighbor. Most people wouldn't even bother with taking the time to construct such a thoughtful letter. They would just proceed to call the cops on these punks who are playing their loud music.
A Dandy Neighborhood
We totally understand the neighbors who want to do the most with their gardens by regularly mowing their grass, trimming their trees, etc. Sadly, there's always going to be that one house on the street that doesn't keep its garden up to the neighborhood's standards. With this, we aren't really sure which side to take because both of these letters have a valid point, and technically, each garden owner has the right to do what he wants with his own garden.

However, just because you want a super neat garden all the time doesn't mean you can impose this onto your neighbors. But then again, maybe for the sake of making the whole neighborhood look dapper, perhaps the first letter is valid. We're not so sure. What do you think?
Community Living
We would love more context for this note, but it seems a neighbor lost his cool when his neighbor decided to use a garbage bag that seemingly was too big to fit. In life, there are going to be people that we have to deal with who don't necessarily have the same standards as we do when it comes to hygiene and a bunch of other things, like, in this case, garbage removal.

This may cause some disputes and uncomfortable situations, especially when it comes to neighborhoods and living spaces. One way to deal with this is to write a note to them in all caps so that you can let them know just how much it infuriates you. Be sure to include the words "COMMUNITY LIVING" in there, just to make them feel a little bad for not being an ideal member of your community. That should do it.
Everyone's Had At Least One Annoying Neighbor
Ah, someone thinks they have cracked the code on all the neighbor's notes they have been reading on Reddit. Perhaps they are right, but we all know from experience that neighbors do exist in all forms. Of course, it depends on the neighborhood and location, but sometimes your neighbors are going to be lovely for the most part, but don't kid yourself.

There will always be at least one neighbor that you find to be a little bit outside of your comfort zone. But hey, maybe that's what makes your neighborhood interesting. Life would be pretty dull if all our neighbors were nice, and if that were the case, then you would probably not be reading this. So, we are going to ignore this person's post for now and pretend we never saw it.
That's What Neighbors Are For
We're happy for our neighbors who are getting lucky, truly we are, but could they do so discreetly? There's nothing like coming home from a long day at work, and all you want to do is wind down and take it easy, or better yet, you're trying to get some sleep because you have a long day ahead the next day, and next thing you start hearing some funky noises from next door.

It starts getting louder, and you can clearly hear that your neighbor's bedframe is somehow planted right on their wall, which means that you can literally hear their every move. This is the part where you start contemplating how you want to go about this situation. This neighbor was decent enough to leave a note for his noise-making neighbor. We also love how the 'other neighbor' jumped in to offer their congrats. Isn't that what neighbors are for?
A Diagram Goes a Long Way
Sometimes, the only way to get through to those problematic neighbors who don't quite know how the trash system works is to make a nice diagram for them. We have to give it to this neighbor for taking the time to actually draw out all these animals despite not having the best drawing skills.

In any case, this sign should be far more effective than any other sign that may include long rants because we humans are visual creatures. We remember images a lot better than words, so perhaps this is the way to go when addressing your problematic neighbors from now on. The cute little drawing also makes it so much easier to understand than any long paragraph would. Big ups to this neighbor for their creativity.
Shifting the Blame
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the first note that kindly requested their neighbor take others into consideration when parking. However, we do find fault in the response to the first note. The reply is kind of funny but, at the same time, kind of messed up. Whether it was actually this person's spouse that parked poorly or not is one thing, but to note it on paper is another story. 26.

It's not a terrible tactic to blame your other half when you get in the wrong, as long as there was a pre-made agreement for this sort of situation. Heck, the more we think about it, the more we realize that perhaps this is a sound way to deal with complaints from neighbors - just blame it on your spouse.
What Eggsactly Is Going On Here?
We would love more context for this post because we're not eggsactly sure what is going on here, but for now, all we can do is assume. By the looks of it, some neighbor randomly left an egg outside of their apartment door. The tone of the note does seem like this was not the right kind of person to find a random egg at their doorstep.

But come on, buddy, it's just an egg. It shouldn't offend anyone that much. And if leaving an egg outside someone's door is actually a way that somebody thinks they can offend someone, then they have to do better. Out of all the ways to offend someone, they chose an egg?
A Simple Note
Having neighbors isn't so bad if we rarely hear about their doings. But sometimes, we find ourselves in the unfortunate situation of somehow hearing every little move they make. The worst is when these little noises that come from their every move have the ability to impact our sleep. This is fun for no one, especially when our jobs are taxing, and we really need our sleep to get us going.

There are a number of ways to deal with this. At least this neighbor had the decency to approach their neighbor first about the issue instead of heading to strata first. We can't fault them for that since we know that there are tons of people out there who would've taken a more nasty route when dealing with these kinds of noisy neighbors.
Let's Just Live and Let Live
Who would actually want to befriend someone who writes notes like these? Each to their own, but not everyone is keen to make friends with their neighbors. And rightfully so, everyone has their own lives going on. Perhaps they don't have the social graces or energy to reach out to their neighbors because there are too many other things happening in their personal lives.

Either way, we will never know the reasons that people choose to stick to themselves, but they have every right to do as they please when it comes to buddying up with neighbors, so let's just live and let live, unlike this neighbor. It's also not as if a note like this one is going to motivate one's neighbor to make friends with them. If anything, it's just going to be pushing them away further.
For Crying Out Loud
We totally get how some people want to express themselves during their intimate moments with their loved ones. But can they proceed to do so in such a manner that their neighbors can't hear them? It's not too much to ask for, is it?

Nobody signs up for hearing all the 'oohs' and the 'aahs' that people feel they need to express while engaging in certain activities. A home is a safe place, and once we start getting interrupted by the noises coming from our neighbors' spaces, it takes away from our safe spaces. So, for crying out loud, can we all just agree to try to keep our voices down if we have neighbors within close proximity?
Hey Naber
Yikes. You can't really trust someone who can't even manage to spell the words 'neighbor' or 'whining' properly, now can you? They're probably not the easiest words to spell, but still. You especially cannot trust them if it's your dog that's making their life a living hell.

In that case, it would be best to treat this like an urgent case and do everything in your power to get your dog to stop barking. You wouldn't want your angry neighbor who doesn't know how to spell some basic English words coming over when you are not home and getting ideas about how to get your dog to keep quiet. That could end badly.
Some Things Are Better Kept Private
There's nothing wrong with notifying your neighbors that their backyard hose pipe is running water. But if you are going to leave any notes for your neighbors, then at least try doing so on a black piece of paper, or at least a piece of paper that doesn't hint what your last purchase was.

If you're purchasing intimate apparel for your lady, then that's all good, but not everyone wants to know about it. Especially not your neighbors, since you'll have to see them ever too often, and the last thing you want to know is the kinky stuff that they get into in their spare time. Please save these details for someone who cares, because it's not your next door neighbor!
Lost Their Marbles
We're not sure if "God Bless" and "witchcraft" belong on the same note since the two are pretty much on different ends of the religious spectrum, but hey, when crazy people are making notes, we guess that anything goes. It comes as quite obvious that whoever wrote this note is not in a good place mentally.

Thanks for giving your neighbors this sound piece of advice, but do you perhaps think that maybe they have absolutely no idea what you're talking about? Either way, perhaps this was a joke gone wrong. That, or this person, has just lost their marbles completely. Hopefully, this note rendered a few chuckles from the neighbor who received it, though.
Rather Be Safe Than Sorry
What would you do if your neighbor kid asked you for your Wi-Fi password? On the one hand, it would be nice to do something nice for someone, but on the other hand, if their parents are forbidding Wi-Fi in their house, then it's probably for good reasons.

The internet is a strange place that has all sorts of weird and wonderful things, but it's also dark and unfiltered, which makes it not such a great place for kids to have unlimited access to. It would probably be best to avoid sharing your Wi-Fi code with random kids from the neighborhood. You wouldn't want to get into a pickle with the mother about doing things behind their back, so rather be safe than sorry.
Friendly Naybur-hood
We do love this neighborly post, but we have to admit that we're not sure if it was made by a kid or an adult posing as a kid. Most things would point to the latter. Yes, there are some serious spelling errors, but everybody knows that youngsters aren't capable of drawing this well.

Either way, regardless of who made this diagram, there is nothing like keeping things friendly and light in the neighborhood than making colorful drawings. In any way, most neighborhood signs go unnoticed, but when you add some cute little pictures and a splash of color, you can be sure that your sign is going to get noticed!
A Neighborly Note
Now, that's a wholesome neighborly note that we haven't seen in a while. Introducing a new dog into a neighborhood can be stressful for a lot of people, and even the dog too. Not only will the dog most likely bark a lot as they navigates their new environment, but the barking will most certainly be heard by the nearby neighbors.

This isn't always fun, but at least if the new dog's owners are nice enough to take the time and write a sweet note about this, then we can't really fault their noisy dog, now can we? We can all learn a thing or two from this informative neighborly note.
The Annoying Piano Playing Neighbor
On the one hand, we do feel sorry for the poor piano player. There's nothing worse than being told that someone no longer enjoys classical music since you started playing your piano. This is especially true if you've been practicing all the time, including on weekends.

But on the other hand, if this was our neighbor, we would probably leave a similar note. Perhaps we would tone down the harshness, though. Sorry, piano pal, but perhaps it's time to close your windows when you're playing piano or reconsider the times and frequencies that you're playing piano because, clearly, it's getting on your neighbor's last nerve.
Spam Mail
Receiving spam in your mailbox is no fun. Having to sift through what is real mail and what is actually just spam takes up a great deal of your precious time. Furthermore, it's also a waste of paper. That means it's a significant waste of our earth's precious resources. Spam should actually be banned if you think about the consequences it has not only on our time but also on the environment.

One way to deal with unwanted spam is to leave a note for the mailman in hopes that he will abide by your requests. But it wouldn't be any fun if your neighbor doesn't get involved in the way that this person's neighbor has inserted himself in the situation. Ah, thank goodness for a funny neighbor's humor, that has turned an unpleasant situation into a funny one.
Passive-Aggressive Resolutions
We're not sure if there is a right or wrong way to deal with passive-aggressive notes from neighbors, but we're not sure if this is the right way. Perhaps another way to deal with such a situation is to 1. either ignore it completely and carry on with your life in a more discrete manner. Or 2. approach their passive-aggressive tone with a bit of humor.

In certain situations, humor can diffuse tense situations, whereas labeling the person as passive-aggressive may, in actual fact, make things worse. At least you can say you learned something new today about how to handle a 'passive-aggressive' note from a neighbor.
Discretion Is Best
It's difficult to take anyone who uses that many exclamation marks seriously. This punctuation mark sort of loses its function when it gets overused, like the way this person did in this note. Anyway, we'd love to get some more context of the 'said things' that went down in their neighbor's house, but for now, all we can do is assume.

We're guessing they did something that should not be seen by the general public. If that is the case, then we can't exactly disagree with the things that have been said in their note. Not all your neighbors want to see the things that are supposed to be going down behind closed doors. Especially not the neighbor who wrote this note. Perhaps they are right. Sometimes, discretion is best.
An Interesting Night
We're not exactly sure why people get so obliterated that they can barely make out which apartment they live in. But of course, things like this happen all the time, and in this person's unlucky case, their apartment key worked on their neighbor's door lock. Usually, that's not supposed to happen, but this one time, it did.

We're not sure if the neighbor noticed a stranger in their house or not, but at least they both have a funny story to tell their grandkids one day. One thing is for sure, though: the drunken neighbor probably suffered a horrible hangover and an embarrassing story that they will now have to carry with them for the rest of their days. Maybe this will teach them not to get so wasted that they can't even get their apartment's location right.
Your Unluck
It goes against the body clock to stay awake throughout the night when the sun is down. For millions of years, our bodies have been programmed to stay awake in the daytime and sleep at night. So yeah, working the night shift can't be fun for anyone.

This is especially true when you need the daytime to catch up on some sweet sleep, and as soon as this person tried that, all they could hear were the sounds coming from their neighbors who were busy getting down and dirty. This poor soul, but in all fairness, if there is a time to make a noise, it's probably better in the day since most people will be at work. Sorry buddy, but this is just your unluck.
Maybe Bring It Up to the Postal Service?
It can't be fun when your postal service deliveries keep getting delivered to the wrong address, can it? Isn't the whole point of home delivery to make life more convenient for you so you don't have to pick anything up? This poor household just got really unlucky in that department.

They have at least assured us that thanks to their neighborly neighbors, it hasn't been such a big issue for them thus far. Whether their next set of neighbors is going to make the faulty process smooth for them like their previous neighbors, we aren't so sure. But perhaps they need to bring this issue up with the postal service. We're not sure why they didn't think of that sooner.
Your Fun Isn't My Fun
We can't really find fault with this letter. They have used color, crayons, and even a cheerful cat to let their neighbor know about their copulation that's getting in the way of their neighbor's sanity. And even in the playful tone, there is wisdom: "Your fun isn't my fun."

This is so true, and not only in this context but it can be applied to so many neighborhood situations. Everyone has their own ideas of what fun is, and these perceptions change from person to person. We should actually thank this person for their cheerful note that's been sliced with a streak of wisdom.
Too Much Information
We're not sure if this post is a reply to another one, but it seems like something unpleasant must have taken place before this. We have no idea what that was, but we're guessing it probably involved a noisy neighbor followed by a complaint.

We're also not sure if this post is giving 'too much information' vibes or if it's actually just someone being nice and neighborly by considering those around them. It's great that this person is asking their neighbors for a suitable time so they can get down with love, but isn't that going a bit too far? That, or we hope that this is just another sarcastic note from a neighbor.
How to Deal With Tattletales
There are a number of ways to address that one pesky neighbor who always checks in with the city council anytime anyone from the neighborhood does any work on their property. You could be discrete about it by writing them a private letter to reassure them that you have all the rights and permits to move forward with construction, but that sounds boring.

This guy opted for something a little more out there in the open. This way, "Larry," in this case, can read the massive sign on his neighbor's yard before running to the authorities to check if his neighbor's construction is warranted. This is brilliant!