How many times does a person come to another person and say “I don’t need all of this, please take this, for free”? We feel like that doesn’t happen very often in general. Having that thing happen right after someone asked for the thing?

That’s priceless. We bet the boss’s son was very happy, which made this employee the favorite employee of that month!
Egg Endeavors
If you were the neighbor in the situation, it's very likely you're gonna leave this interaction thinking the guy who lives next door has psychic powers, which he uses to know who needs an egg and when.

Then, as you were walking back home you'd think that you wish the guy lived up to his true potential instead of wasting his superpowers on egg-cooking endeavors. Of course, the guy who gave out the egg knows this was just a funny coincidence that seemed spooky.
From Dubai to Australia
16 years after spending his life being a little kid in Dubai, this teenager made an amazing new friend, in Australia.

Finding someone you can truly connect to is enough of an anomaly in this life, but then learning that that person's parents used to cook for you and sit across from you in a different country over a decade ago? That's just weird! The Reddit user who shared this story says he still has goosebumps to this day when he thinks about it.
Thinking Then Seeing
This Reddit user found himself randomly thinking about a person he hasn't thought about in forever. It happens to all of us. He was on vacation, far away from where he met this girl. Still, that same night he saw her.

That's just spooky! If this proves to be something that happens to this guy more than once, maybe he should start considering thinking about million dollars, or even world peace.
The Magic of Coffee
This Reddit user has confessed to feeling like a wizard after this incident, feeling fully ready to test and see if he has special powers in other areas of life.

Maybe the key here was the coffee. Think about it, we can all agree that coffee has an effect on the mind, but what if it could also have an effect on reality? Make our thoughts come true? We want some of those magical coffee beans!
What Are the Odds?
This Redditor was showing his beloved mother pictures from a trip he had taken with a colleague. Odds are that when you sit somewhere 200 miles from you live, you won't run into anyone you know or anyone who knows someone you know. That's where fate comes in.

Talking about someone and having their mother just be there and understand someone is talking about her son? Spooky! We just hope he was only saying good things.
The Double Couple
The teller of this story said no one ever believes her when she tells it, but she swears that it is indeed 100% true. She says that she and her husband had an errand to run out of state. They stopped for breakfast and noticed a couple there. Then, after driving to the next state, they saw the exact same couple in the same office they had an appointment.

On the way home, they decide to stop and get dinner somewhere. They go into a pub and see none other than that exact same couple sitting in there!
The Greatness of Great-grandfathers
As far as we know, most grandfathers don't go to jail. But maybe that's just our ignorance speaking. Having one great-grandfather go to jail is one thing; for the other one from the other side to also go to jail is another.

But learning that the two actually were in the same jail, at the same time? Could they have met and been friends without knowing that many years later they will share a great-grandson?
Called It
According to this story, it seems that Twitter user @AnxiousBookNerd might be able to pursue a career in spellcasting if he wanted to. Sure, more than one best man has passed out at a wedding thanks to a combination of factors like heat, heavy clothing, uncomfortable shoes, and more.

Still, these instances are relatively rare, which leads us to believe there was something more happening here. This man must be a powerful wizard!
The Family Architect
Think about it like this: one day your dad and mom met, got married and all of a sudden, all of the people who are related to them, are now family! It's not something they could have predicted before.

In fact, in this case, one great-grandfather planned the other one's home, only at that time, the person meant nothing to him. Years later, the two are part of the same family tree. Bizzare.
Small Town People
When you move out of a very small town, do you want to accidentally meet someone from that exact same place, or are you more likely to want nothing to do with anyone who has ever lived there?

Many times, it's the second one, but in this little story, it sounds like the guy was happy and excited to experience this coincidence during his first party in his new town!
Tokyo Time
If you thought the coincidence in this story was amazing, wait till you hear the rest of it. A little while later, this Reddit user was on a business trip in Toronto.

He grabbed dinner and then went to a pub. When he walked in, he saw that same friend he saw in Tokyo. They both live in Winnipeg, but it seems like lady luck likes to help them get together in foreign countries too.
Organ Playing
Get your mind out of the gutter! We've just gotten ours out and the air is much better above. The playing mentioned in this funny coincidence is that of a musical instrument, not bodily organs!

Wait, your mind wasn't in the gutter? It was just ours? Oops, we did it again. Either way, we hope there was no awkwardness at the wedding because of the fact the organ player once dated the bride.
Karma Is Real
So the one student who decides to spend all of his time sending fake "You failed" emails to his classmates ended up being the only person who failed? Who would have thunk it?

If only he would have spent the same amount of time studying, who knows what could have happened! But alas, he wanted to act like an a-hole. At least now we know that karma is, indeed, 100% real.
Tamales, Sent by God
We've lived long enough to hear about some funny, random, and bizarre coincidences, but this one touches us deeply. Maybe it's because we can understand the desire for incredibly specific food and the disappointment in not being able to find it.

If something proves the existence of god, it must be this story. It seems like the man who knocked on the door must have been sent by a higher force who knew how much this woman needed tamales.
Maids of Honor
How do these people even know who their grandmothers' maid of honor were? We barely know our grandmother's full name. We thought her name was Nana till we were in our mid-20s and were told she has an actual name, like the rest of us. We were shocked.

While this is indeed an insane turn of events, we still find the fact they know so much about their grandmas more astonishing than anything else.
William and Joyce, Meet William and Joyce
It's pretty funny to have two sets of grandparents with the same names. It must have created a lot of confusion for this kid growing up. It's likely that he thought all grandparents were named William and Joyce.

Of course, William always was and always will be a very common name, and Joyce isn't exactly a rare one either. So, we are not 100% sold on this one as a miraculous coincidence, but it's definitely a comical one.
Forever a Server
This is a pretty spectacular story, you have to admit! Still looking at this, all we can think about is this poor husband, who is forever a server. Once a tour guide for honeymooners, then a waiter during anniversary celebrations, what's next for him?

Honestly, we can only imagine he has a future in being the hotel receptionist that helps them check in into a 10th-anniversary suite in Versailles.
Flying Right Into That Trap
Who knew the type of stories we tell children to get them to shut up might actually turn out to be true, at least some of the time?

We bet this kid learned his lessons and thought hard and long before he opened his mouth next. We have a hunch that both his parents and teachers were very pleased with this development. For his sake, though, we hope he got over the trauma and learned you can open your mouth and not have flies fly into it.
A Huge Fan on the Airplane
Could you imagine sitting on a plane, listening to your favorite artist, only to have that person sit next to you on the plane? It sounds like a dream come true, or an unbelievable movie plot, yet it happened to this guy's wife!

We can only hope he noticed she was listening to his music and was flattered, and then the two had a nice warm exchange about how what his music means to her.
Apartment Reliving
The Reddit user shared that nothing felt more bizarre than walking into his old apartment, one he thought he would never see again.

Of course, it now had different furniture and wasn't his home anymore, but the home of this random girl he started dating. We wonder if the relationship between the two worked out or not, but guess we will never know.
Like Peas in a Peugeot
Some friendships work because the two people in them are very different from one another. Other ones work because the two people are exactly the same.

This friendship seems to be the latter, so much so that these two friends found themselves getting exactly the same car without even talking about it before. According to one of the friends, this keeps happening to them in different areas of life.
Three Different Erics
We think there's still a better chance that this guy has a really bad facial memory and he actually sat next to the same person each time. On the other hand, Eric is a common name, and many people move to Quebec. If you've already moved to Quebec, why not learn French? The real question is what will happen the next time this guy will fly to El Salvador.

Has he been cursed to only sit next to Erics? Is it actually a curse or is the universe trying to tell him something?
Same Old Same Old
Imagine how convenient it must be to never have to learn a new phone number again. Of course, most of us have smartphones that remember numbers for us, but this guy seems to always take the extra mile and learn his girlfriends' numbers.

If they have almost the exact same phone number and have had the same boyfriend at different times, what else could the two have in common?
When something incredibly peculiar happens to you, something you know no one will believe, it's important to have witnesses around you. Luckily for this guy, he had just that, in the form of all of his little brothers.

Saying out five numbers and getting all of them right is a very cool coincidence, and we bet this guy was very lucky that day, we hope he made the best use of his luck and filled out a lottery ticket.
Fortunate Fortune Cookies
This is a very sweet story, especially if the fortune cookies somehow knew even before the mother did. While one fortune cookie telling you you'll become a father could just be a sheer chance, two consecutive ones are already a message from up above.

Seriously, the power of fortune cookies is severely underrated, but it's in the name — these cookies do carry fortunes within them.
Burp Almighty
Of course, this coincidence is indeed just a very funny coincidence but you have to admit it sounds like such a fun experience to have. Could you imagine controlling the power with your burps?

This type of superpower sounds like one that could be used for both good and evil, and we personally can't wait to see a superhero movie with "The Burper." He's not the hero we wanted but the one we deserve.
Sounds Unsafe
What if everybody at the school actually had the exact same locker combination, but the only thing that kept everyone's stuff safe is that no one imagined that the locker system could be this stupid?

These two guys accidentally learned they had the same combo, but they thought it was just a funny coincidence. They could have gone deeper and learned about a whole conspiracy if you ask us.
Stars Aligned
Some coincidences are not too freaky or bizarre, but they just make you feel like the universe gave you a little hug, telling you that sometimes, you CAN get exactly what you want and need. This type of coincidence means that all of the stars aligned and everything is going you're way.

Cherish those moments when the universe seems to be listening because they are usually pretty rare.
The Father Who Just Knew
This father traveled to South Korea and saw a big beauty store named Laneige. Being the sweet father that he is, he went in and thought about what could he get his daughter to make her happy.

What he did not know is that while he was calling her and telling her about a certain product she was already looking at that exact product online! That's one insane coincidence!
Suddenly Steven
Most of us really dread the thought of running into our exes, especially when it hasn't been that long since we broke up.

This girl was lucky enough to have never run into her ex, Steven, despite the fact they had so many mutual friends, until, one day, five years later she thought about just that. That's when, of course, Steven suddenly appeared, sitting in the same restaurant she just walked into!
Matching Sets
Seeing someone your age wearing the same thing as you is an embarrassment, but seeing that and then someone your sister's age wearing the same thing as her... that's just weird.

Was the universe trying to make these two pairs of sisters meet so that they could save the world together, or were the bathing suits they were wearing just really popular that year? We like that there's no way of truly knowing.
Born to Be Coworkers
While randomly talking to a co-worker, this person found out they had a lot more in common than just working together in the same place. Think about it, they were born two days apart, both born in the same hospital, and apparently were in the same nursery just a few feet away from each other.

They must have a special bond, and maybe the universe is keen on them being in the same places at the same time.
A Flip Flop Win
It's a known fact that when you lose something in the ocean it's probably gone forever. The ocean is just too vast and big and the likelihood you'll ever see your lost item again is very very low.

But it turns out that miracles and coincidence can sometimes happen, and the flip flop, like a loyal pet, found a way to get back to its owner.
Money for Free
Nobody likes cleaning, and if that is the best activity you and a friend can find for yourselves, it means you're indeed really, really bored. Finding money, on the other hand, is one of the happiest things that can happen to anyone on this planet.

But the true magical coincidence in this story is that the check they found had the exact same date as the day they found it!
Rebecca, Rebecca, Rebecca
Rebecca, Rebekah, or however you chose to spell it, is a pretty common name, yet only dating Rebeccas throughout your entire lifetime? That's uncommon!

He thought he broke his pattern when he met a nice girl name Reba, but turns out Reba was yet just another Rebekah! We wonder if the uncle finds it confusing or comforting that all of his former lovers share the same name.
A Very Lucky Number
If you paid attention and counted, you realized that in this family, there are six men, across three generations, who were all born on the 22nd of a different month. This is indeed something that is just miraculous and inexplicable.

The only problem is that now there will forever be a lot of pressure on the next male babies of the family to be born on this very specific date.
The Good Omen
This girl just found a book with her boyfriend's name on it in her parent's house. We can only hope that this was a good omen and not a bad one and that was a sign of how their relationship was actually meant to be.

It's hard to imagine any other reason why such a cool coincidence would happen. We really hope they got married and told this story at their wedding.
Are You... Me?
These two people don't know each other but they do know of each other, and they even had a conversation on LinkedIn! They were both shocked to see how much they have in common, maybe even too much.

At least they are not the same age and don't look the same, otherwise, it would have just been really weird. We mean, it's still very weird but it could always get weirder.
Mom, Is That You?
Now, this is an incredible story. One for the books, or like, a Lifetime original movie. Could you imagine working across the street from your son for over a decade and not knowing that he's right there?

Still, if he was given for adoption and taken by a family who lives in the same city, it does make sense. If this was somewhere else entirely then it's truly insane.
Far From Home
Another shocking thing about this story is that the apartment where they met wasn't in their hometown, but actually 100 miles away. It's funny how sometimes you have to go far to meet someone who was right next to you all this time.

The nice thing is that they probably already had a lot in common and a lot to talk about so there were no awkward silences.
Lost and Found
The person who shared this story on Reddit also shared that he likes to pretend that it was actually the same five-dollar bill he lost.

He likes to think that the five-dollar bill missed him so it had to find its way back to him. Of course, it's technically a possibility but we can never know if that's true or not.
The Package That Could
After the friend got the package, they knew it should be delivered to a different street, and the package got to its destination safely. They say that things turn out the way they should and that if something didn't work out, it probably just wasn't meant to be.

But sometimes, if something was really, really meant to be, it finds the most peculiar way to, well, be. Just like this package.
When you finally meet the person you will marry, it can feel like you were just destined to meet and like everything that has ever happened to you before led to this moment.

It can be funny to look back and see that you had a lot of "almost" moments, like this couple who could have met several times in high school, but only ended up meeting a decade later.
Singing About You
It's almost like this Truman Show moment, this Tom guy probably had to wonder if there were cameras around documenting his response to this peculiar turn of events.

This definitely sounds like a scene taken out of a movie, or maybe out of the life of Taylor Swift, but no, it actually happened to this girl! Not only that, but the guy was there on a date, could you imagine what this new girl thought when she heard the song?
The Perfect Dates
If you believe in astrology, this story might not surprise you and might not seem as random as it did to the couple who experienced it. It must mean that people who were born on these two dates are perfect for each other and these two lucky couples figured it out.

Of course, it might just be a random chance and both of these couples have bad relationships.
Lucky 27
There are several things that we humans know we can't control. Our petty little emotions, the weather, and when babies decided to come out. You could have a due date for a baby, but if the baby wants to come out before or after, that's when it's gonna come.

Now think about this family, babies in it are so smart that while in the womb, they can sense the air, and know exactly when it's the 27th, which is the only date acceptable for them to come out.
Right Birthday, Wrong Person
Usually, when we text the wrong number we get back a "huh?" or "who dis?" but this person texted the wrong number a happy birthday and got a thank you, which meant it took him a lot more time to understand he had the wrong number.

He wasn't texting his friend, but a random stranger with his friend's old number and the same birthday. That's a pretty insane coincidence.
Saved by the Cable
How many times does a person come to another person and say "I don't need all of this, please take this, for free"? We feel like that doesn't happen very often in general. Having that thing happen right after someone asked for the thing?

That's priceless. We bet the boss's son was very happy, which made this employee the favorite employee of that month!
Ashleigh Green & Ashleigh Green's Wedding
Couples who share everything can be a lot to take in. Sharing a first name with someone is hard, and sharing a full name with someone is harder, but having the person you share a name with as your partner?

It sounds like it could cause a lot of confusion! How do they know to who their mail is addressed? At least the girl Ashleigh Green won't have to change he last name after they get married.
This Must Be a Sign
There was no apparent, logical reason that could explain how come this Reddit user's dorm mail slot had the same number as his parents', but that's not even the only mystery here. The user hasn't said anything regarding how many digits were in this number, the more digits the crazier the coincidence.

Also, who was the person who wrote the number, why did they do that, and were they trying to send this person some sort of message? Guess we'll never know.
Almost Mugged
This is one of the wildest stories we've ever heard. This Redditor tells that suddenly, as he was getting mugged, the muggers ran away, but he had no idea why.

When he met the British couple they told him about a guy who was saved by a shopkeeper who hit the muggers on the head. The couple and this guy realized they were both on the same street at the same time! The user who posted this story added "What are the odds of randomly meeting up on a beach in Thailand a year later? " and we totally agree.
When in Rota
There's nothing weirder and funnier than running into someone who lives right next to you 1000 miles away from home. Still, that is what has happened to this Texan, who met his next-door neighbors in Spain.

They didn't even see each other in a big city like Barcelona or Madrid but in the small town of Rota. If the two hungry friends had decided to eat pizza instead of burgers, they would have never known the neighbors were there.
Radio Magic
Before we even talk about the crazy coincidence described here, we have to acknowledge the fact that this story is from a time when people listened to music using tapes!

Yes, this is an old story, but the fact it was etched in this person's mind all these years just means it really left an impression. What are the odds the same song would be playing? And at the exact same second, no less!
A Miracle Charm
This Reddit user tells that her grandparents loved to travel and bring back special souvenirs. One time they brought all the girls in the family a personalized necklace from Israel.

When she lost it, she was heartbroken, but weeks later, she accidentally found it! She must have felt so lucky, just when thought all hope was lost, the charm reappeared. From that day on, she decided to keep the charm in a box, so as to not test her luck again.
New Place, Old Friend
Being an army kid can be rough, yet this was the life of this Redditor, moving from place to place every couple of years. After his father retired the family settled in Kentucky.

What is the chance you'd learn that someone who is a good friend of yours in Kentucky used to be in the same grade as you in Hawaii? This only means one thing if you ask us — this friendship was just meant to be.
Puppies Reunited
This dog lover decided she was ready to adopt a dog. She drove from California to a shelter in Arizona to save an Australian cattle dog. They would usually take the dog on long runs, but one day, because the two were tired, they opted to go to the dog park instead.

There, they found the dog's long-lost sibling! What are the odds that two Californians who adopted Arizona dogs will meet years later?
Saved by the Bend
We think it's safe to say that this guy was saved by bending! As he tells it, his parents took him to watch a car race when he was 5 years old.

What made the little kid duck at the exact moment a hot piece of clay and rock made its way toward his head? He has no idea, but whatever it was, it saved his life.
How Coffee Saves Lives
Ever heard anyone they couldn't live without coffee? Well, this story gives that sentiment a whole new meaning. This person's desire to ingest that bitter dark drink prevented him from going into a phone box that would explode minutes later.

If someone ever tells you they don't get why everyone is so obsessed with coffee, tell them this story, where it saved the day.
Picture Perfect
Not only did this husband lose a camera, but turns out it was a gift his wife got him for Father's Day. She was not pleased to find out he lost it, especially since his excuse was that it happened while he was wrestling a big crab.

Now, what are the odds it would be found two weeks later by a sister in law that isn't even from the area and doesn't even go to that beach? The memory card still had pictures of them on it!
Human Caller-ID
This guy was starving for a snack so he found his way to the pantry. While trying to decide if he wants something sweet or salty a sudden thought occurred to him.

Matt must be calling, and so it was. If this type of thing keeps happing to him, we think he might be able to claim the name "The human Caller-ID" and perform at birthdays and parties!
A Swedish Party Friend
Friends you meet while on the road might not be friends for life, but many times you have fond memories of the crazy times you had together.

These two girls, one American and the other Swedish, met for the first time in South America. Years later, they meet again on a train in Sweden. We hope they partied this time too!
One Gamer's Trash Is Another Gamer's Treasure
For some items, buying used ones is a safe bet, but when it comes to video games, it's better to buy new ones. Still, the gods of gaming came to help these classmates, who both made the same mistake and both paid for it.

The lucky part is that each got the game the other one needed and that they got to talking about it so they make the switch.
Disney Magic
For many adults, as well as children, Disney movies and parks represent some type of magic and romance that simply can not be found in real life.

Usually, we all know it's just a fantasy. But in this case, it seems like luck, cupid, or some type of fairy godmother knew that these two are meant to be together. There is no better proof of divine intervention than finding yourself in family pictures of your soon-to-be wife from when she was five.
Recurrent Vacation Buddies
This Reddit user tells that the two pairs of brothers had a great time playing with each other, spending time at the pool and at a nearby arcade. When the first holiday ended they swapped numbers hoping to stay in touch but they never did.

But, the universe had other plans for them, and two years later, they met while on a family holiday yet again. We hope this time they got the message.
From the Ashes, They Rose
Sometimes it is the hardest, most heartbreaking experiences in life that lead to the most spectacular, worthwhile ones. These two soul mates had the same terrible childhood experience at the same place at the same time.

Of course, they did not know of each other at that time. Years later, they married and got to bond over their shared childhood humiliation. Hopefully, they have other things in common as well.
An Offer From an Author
Who knew authors just walk out and about in the world? Maybe not all authors do, but Mr. Charlie Leduff certainly does. Now, this story had a lot of cool elements to it. Firstly, the fact that this person read a book on the street, and out of all the books in the world, he read the one that was written by an author who was just about to walk the street.

Now, it's by a great chance that the author noticed someone was reading his book and then suggested an autograph.
Beating the Odds
This story is satisfying on so many different levels. Firstly, who doesn't like proving a teacher wrong? As kids, finding ways to disrupt our teachers was our main goal. We can't possibly think of a better thing than showing a teacher everything she's taught us throughout the year doesn't hold water.

Also, congrats to the kid who won 28 million dollars. Unlike like us, she got to gloat with bags of money in her family's bank account.
Hot as Fire
It seems that while singing the song "Cold as Ice" this kid was actually hot as fire. How else could you explain that his mind predicated which song is going to be on the radio and that he was at the exact same point as the song?

Some might say it's just a crazy coincidence, but if you ask us, we think some type of witchcraft must have been involved.
The Apprentice
Losing a great-grandfather in a country you no longer live in means losing him twice. All memories of him are of a different country and of a different time, so you don't really expect to run into anyone who knew him.

Still, someone these two kids who were friends brought these two families together and a random nostalgic conversation revealed the beautiful connection they had back in their homeland.
Cousin Parents
The story raises so many different questions. Is it even legal to marry your third cousin? Well, we checked, and turns out it is. Phew. Another question that comes to mind is does this mean that this person is his own fourth cousin?

Or maybe his siblings are his fourth cousins? Is any of this even possible? We can't find answers and we just keep getting more confused.
Crazy Coincidence or Crazy Parents?
We are having a hard time deciding whether this is a cosmic coincidence or maybe it just proves that more and more parents are choosing weird names for their children.

Now, if your parents named you after a car, you might as well embrace it and get its logo tattooed. Well, at least it's a good thing that neither of them drove the car brand they are named after — that would have just been too tacky!
Saved by an Uncle
This kid forgot his bus ticket and had no money on him, so he was stuck, all alone, with no way home. But just when this 13-year-old boy was about to despair, a savior in the form of a family member randomly appeared.

Luckily, the kid didn't have to ask strangers for money, we all know how awkward (not to mention dangerous) that can be.
Dream Ahead
What else can this guy dream about? We'd like to request that he dreams about us having millions of dollars. Or, wait, maybe we shouldn't be this selfish?

Maybe we should ask him to dream about the end of wars, world hunger, or something. Or, maybe this was just a coincidence and it will never happen again, no matter how much we wish for it or try to dream about it.
Bad Omens
Many people who have lost someone they love or know seem to have experiences where the dead person shows up in a dream. In this creepy case, the Reddit user hardly even knew the woman who appeared in his dream, making it seem as if he weirdly predicted the future, or maybe something in him knew what was about to happen.

We'll never know, we just hope they had a nice final conversation in his dream.
The Illusionist
If this story is true and this guy actually managed to guess his neighbor's wifi password then all we can say is that he truly deserves the free wifi. While some passwords, like asd123, are universally easy to guess, we wouldn't call the neighbor's password super straightforward.

Maybe this guy should consider a new career as an illusionist or mentalist. We feel like he has a knack for reading minds!
The Last Penny
Some coincidences are life-changing while others are just inconsequential. But, many times it's the inconsequential stuff that amazes us the most and brightens up our days.

Cashing out your tips and then having that money be exactly what you need when you go to the grocery store makes for a sweet story you'll be able to tell anyone who will be willing to hear.
Viva Las Vegas
Could you imagine saying "Hey Brad!" to your girlfriend when she calls you to give you her new number? Awkward. We feel like for the first couple of minutes of the call both the guy and his girlfriend had a lot of explaining to do.

Luckily, they worked it out together. The only question is, who got the girlfriend's old number? What if it was Brad?
Full Circle Call
This call center scenario was a full-circle moment for the worker who shared this story. Closure is something we all love seeing in the movie, and hope to get in real life, though we know it rarely happens.

But having the first person you ever called on the job also be the last? That sounds like something only a screenwriter could think of, but sometimes life can be as clichéd as the movies.
Master Friends
These two high school friends were reunited in a peculiar fashion. While after high school they said their goodbyes and each one went on a different path, they both came to talk to the same study advisor about the same Master's program years later.

They both studied different things but somehow they still found themselves trying to pursue the same Master's degree. We hope they both got in and rekindled their friendship.