Does anyone else get the sense that homeboy and mom are no longer married? Perhaps an incident like this had something to do with it? One can only guess. What’s most perplexing is how anyone can sleep that soundly.

Although, to his side, it was at the time most people hit R.E.M. sleep. And he was at the hospital with her. At least he was there for her, if only literally.
This Dad Had One Task
All he had to do was push a button and he managed to screw that up. He pressed “code” instead of “call” and a time-strapped medical team had to report. Perhaps hanging out in the waiting room, like old school husbands, is a safer place for this new dad.

Back then, fathers were only expected in the delivery room when the new baby was cleaned up and neatly swaddled, ready to be held.
Epic Photo Flop
It is crazy that he would not have at least noticed the glaring background! To be honest, you have to hand it to this dad, at least somewhat. He was at the birth. He didn’t faint or vomit during delivery.

He had the sense to get some early pictures of his baby girl. He did everything right, except failing to check the background of the photos before he snapped them. Surely a picture or two was salvaged by cropping her out.
A Twist of Fate
Not helping! Postpartum recovery for this new mom surely was much worse due to her husband trying to show support. Good intentions, once again, were better left unsaid, or, in this case, untouched.

Can anyone imagine how bad this new dad must have felt after nearly breaking his wife’s ankle? How is she going to get up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? I guess he’ll be doing those midnight feedings.
Truly Useless
Does anyone else get the sense that homeboy and mom are no longer married? Perhaps an incident like this had something to do with it? One can only guess. What’s most perplexing is how anyone can sleep that soundly.

Although, to his side, it was at the time most people hit R.E.M. sleep. And he was at the hospital with her. At least he was there for her, if only literally.
Limping On Game Day
A lot of times men like to equate their own physical pain with labor as if it’s a competition. To women, it feels like they are minimizing an excruciating experience. In this case, hubby’s sore abdomen is no contest.

This is probably why he had not brought it up in the first place. But actually, men are prone to show, not tell, acting out their pain by over-emphasizing, like he did, looking for attention. Kudos, though, for taking care of the toddler while mom’s going into labor.
Comedian, eh
You can depend upon a man to deliver an inappropriate joke during labor. He thinks he is very funny. But look at this case. Clearly, there was only one person in the delivery room who was laughing, and it was him.

Why do men always possess the propensity to, at precisely the worst time, crack a joke that is bad? I do not know, go ask your dad.
Really, Really, Not Helping
Such a simple task. . . We hope this husband didn't intentionally do that incorrectly. If so, that's a bad move to throw a soaking cloth onto the face of a person who is in dire need of some help at that time. Thankfully she got her words across strongly.

She sounds like a real trooper. We wonder if he's still around, post-delivery.
In Case you Need Proof
This husband is lucky he was clear of hitting range when he dropped this bomb. And you can bet he was sure to be at that distance before dishing out such an inappropriate joke.

He said exactly the wrong words that he could possibly have said at that time. At least he didn’t pass out. Perhaps, making that comparison added to his ability to cope with the crazy reality that is childbirth.
Just Humor Him
What we have here is yet another dad attempting to be funny. He was probably hoping to break the tension in the delivery room. It was a tense time with the option of a C-section passed and the baby’s head too large to push through the birth canal.

Instead of easing the tension, he offended his wife right as she was delivering. Who could blame her? Cracking a joke while someone is in agony is never going to be appropriate.
A Dad’s Perspective
Exactly like that. A slimy, monster-sized endoparasitoid acid-spitting alien insect set on taking over the world bursts out of a caesarian section delivery. OK, dad. Ha, ha, very funny.

It’s no secret the “Alien” screenwriter intentionally made a movie that taps into horror based on a man’s greatest fear, having to give birth. He said so himself.
T.M.I., Dad
I hope dad didn’t expect a groovy song and dance from his shriveled raisin. It’s been a long time since anyone has seen the California Raisins. We’d have to look back to the late- ‘80s to hear their rendition of Creedence Clearwater Revival’s, “I heard It Through the Grapevine.”

In the TV commercial, a bunch of Claymation raisins adds lyrics, “Raised in the California Sunshine.” The ad was super-hot back then, but it sort of dates this dad now.
Old School Fatherhood
This is actually very typical of the times. Dads were not expected to go through the trauma of witnessing the birth process by being in the delivery room. And, in those pre-women’s-rights days, they had the liberty of cracking crass jokes. Like, this man, making fun of the newborn.

It was the type of humor one could expect from twentieth-century dads. This grandpa is crotchety and bitter, from the same generation of men as Carl in “Up” before his happy transformation.
Everyone Knows a Hearty Cry Is a Sign of Health
The baby is crying, the father is screaming. The nurses are, like, we can only handle one screaming child. Bye, dad. This dude is on the long list of dads who are not helpful, who get in the way, and who really should not have been there in the first place.

Of course, it’s his right as a dad to be there, but allowing someone whose behavior could have critical consequences, like life-or-death situations, is not okay.
This New Dad Fail Was Not Exactly His Fault
It seems like dad deserves a pass on this one. But it begs the question, why was he snacking on a sammy once his wife was that far into labor? Not to be insensitive, choking is a serious condition, but he could have demonstrated better timing.

To his credit, if you think about it, he probably ended up choking because he was in such a hurry to finish it before the baby arrived.
What Is It With Dads and Sandwiches?
A man with an iron stomach, a rarity for dads-to-be, it has seemed. This dad is just chilling, grubbing on a sandwich, he’s watching and waiting. Only a tub of movie theater popcorn may have seemed like a more fitting spectator snack.

Compared to many dudes on this list, this dad is commendable. Even the doctor seems to think he is a step above the rest.
A dad In Awe
Here, she is trying to focus on a very demanding task while hubby is freaking out, but in a good way. It is nice to see another dad who is not vomiting, who is not experiencing a vasovagal condition and instead is admiring the true miracle that childbirth is.

We know there are at least two dads out there who are man enough to meet the challenge of the delivery room.
Mr. Clean
This is a good example of a new father with the best of intentions. He is just trying to help. Meanwhile, the wife is not having it because she is freaking out about going into labor.

When the water breaks, it is always the surest sign contractions and a baby are approaching. However, one would think he would be cleaning up where his wife’s water broke if he was really such a neat nick.
Sergeant, Major Fail
Maybe this dad is not military brass, but he sure nailed a high-ranking dad fail. He nailed it right into his thumb. This, undoubtedly, is one of the dumbest things we have ever seen an expecting father do.

Not only did he miss the baby’s birth, but he also could not even fill out the birth certificate form. Dad, we’re going to need you to focus. Next time.
A Birthing Room Story
Three months of Lamaze instruction laid to waste. This dad tale comes from the perspective of the birthing nurse. Her daughter is relaying the time one of the dads in the delivery room suffered a vasovagal attack and was on the floor passed out.

The mother was clearly mortified by the unmanly condition of her husband. Here, she is going through the worst pain ever while he is unable to perform the simple task of standing.
The Epidural Needle Strikes Again
Yet another dad is dragged up off the delivery room floor for fainting. It is a long needle. We get it. But delivery had not even begun, and he’s already laid out on the floor.

And this dad is out cold. It was not simply a woozy feeling that overcame him and forced him to sit down. He lost consciousness completely. Which, presumably, is fortunate for this guy since he was spared from hearing all the nurses in the room laugh at him.
Branded with a Star
We’re not labeling moving boxes here. Dad is marking his territory on a newborn infant. To be fair, infant swaps have happened. It is rare, but in the U.S. eight baby switch incidents occurred between 1995 and 2008.

Now that DNA is easily tracked, we can see proof of baby swaps. In 2021 a Spanish woman found she was not related to her parents by DNA analysis. She had been switched at the maternity ward in 2002. She sued.
So Close to Heroic
What a mess! He retched all over the delivery room floor. Makes you wonder which is more disgusting. Baby gunk or vomit? But the dad did step in at a crucial time.

He caught the baby and gave it to a nurse, the handoff was swifter than a quarterback on the line of scrimmage with the clock ticking. At that point, he might have secured the title of dad hero, but no, he blew it.
Another Dad Bites the Dust
It is true that some husbands don’t like it when their wife is getting the bulk of the attention. Some men do want to make it all about them. It seems like they’re working it to score some extra sympathy action.

This guy, however, legit passed out from the "official-sounding malady of vagus nerve overactivity," a.k.a., a vasovagal medical condition. It’s safe to say that this was probably not the attention he was looking for.
And Another One Down
Who knew Dads are so swoon-prone? Do they faint all the time or just when they witness their child coming into the world? Maybe there needs to be some sort of preventative care for dads in delivery rooms.

Along with Lamaze, he ought to be practicing breathing techniques or whatever it takes to prevent dad from hitting the floor.
Dads Think They Are So Funny
Why are men so prone to inappropriate humor at the hospital? Nerves, maybe? This time the bad dad joke came back around to bite him. If only we could have seen the expression on his face after he said he is feeling sorry for the baby’s parents.

One would presume his “silly grin’ was wiped right off his mug right about then. That loud baby was his own.
Game Time
When a woman is in labor, it’s time to focus on her. These men, who should be supporting this woman at this time, are paying more attention to NFL Sunday.

It is true that it is game time in the delivery room, this woman is in labor, and she needs some fans cheering for team baby. But they’re all watching the Bears instead.
He Can’t Hide His Crying Eyes
This dad was sobbing and sobbing instead of fainting like other men. As far as dad fails go, this one was adorable. When he first laid eyes on his baby boy, he was overwhelmed with joy and awe.

There’s something sweet about a man who is not afraid to bawl his eyes out at an emotional occasion. The miracle of birth affects everyone a little differently.
Dad Thinks she is an Alien?
That’s one way to welcome your baby girl into the world. One dad is crying tears of joy at seeing his baby for the first time, and this one is totally freaked out and scared.

It’s difficult to imagine someone screaming, “Don’t touch it!” about an infant whose first need is to be swaddled and held. But apparently, these things happen.
Surprise, Surprise, Dad Delivers a Bad Joke
Sigh. This guy took labor coaching to a whole new level, but it was not appreciated. However, it is nice to know that nurses stand up for moms who have obnoxious husbands who cannot stop themselves from bringing unsuitable humor into the delivery room.

He thought he made mom laugh during a contraction, but isn’t mom laughing at him because of the nurse’s response? He’ll take credit for a laugh anyway he can get it.
One Size Does Not Fit All
Husbands in delivery rooms seem to embarrass wives somehow, someway, all the time. This time he did it totally by accident, so he probably deserves a pass.

Her husband is going to hear about this story for the rest of his life. Same with the child who will grow up with the story about the time his dad’s pants ripped in the delivery room.
‘Push It Real Good'
This made the CBS News? Perhaps it was a slow news night. Meanwhile, however, this “push it” story went viral with the family, singing an acapella chorus rendition of the Salt-N-Peppa song.

It cheered on the birth of their third sibling. The video from the December 2019 birth racked up 9.6 million views at one point. Presumably singing in the delivery room was not breaking the rules. But it worked. Ten minutes later the baby arrived. Mom, however, was not a fan.
Dad: Wait, Don’t Push Yet
To boldly go where no man has gone before. Childbirth, the final frontier. Maybe that’s how dealing with labor and having a child felt for this new dad. I’m sure mom was not thrilled with having to wait until the TV was on the right channel to start pushing.

At least he demonstrated some class and didn’t flip to a football game.
This Dad is Lucky to Have Survived Childbirth
Dads: choose your words carefully in the delivery room. Never minimize the pain she is feeling. And never, ever, ever say to a woman in labor, “So, it really hurts that bad?”

Instead, say things like, “What can I do to help you at this time?” or “Can I get you anything?” On second thought, maybe, saying nothing at all is best.
What NOT to Say if You’re a New Dad
Yet another example of what not to say in front of your wife in the delivery room. This guy could have at least waited a week or so to ask when his wife could get back to the gym, instead, he waited a mere hour before hoping to get her on an exercise routine.

It looks like there is probably a really good reason he is known as “the ex.”
Baby’s Gender Reveal Moment is Bungled by Dad
Oof. The umbilical cord is known to be mistaken in the ultrasound for a boy's gender projection. That is why girls are more frequently accidentally identified as male. It is not as frequent to mistake baby boy parts once the baby is in front of our eyes.

But, you know, dads are sometimes overly hopeful. It can be embarrassing.
He needed his beauty rest, apparently. This is the same new dad who won’t wake up when the baby is screaming in the middle of the night, one can only presume. Perhaps he will tell the infant to shush and roll over and go back to sleep.

But first, he will inevitably wake the sleeping mom who is finally getting some rest from the last feeding, and tell her the baby is crying, go take care of it. These guys are so predictable!
This Is One of the Absolute Worst Comments a Dad Can Make
This lady has one mean husband. While the new mom cries about getting her first C-section, dad tells her that getting this painful procedure that involves a mighty incision in the abdomen so that a large baby comes out, is the “easy way.” Because of the very muscular area of the abdomen, it is an extremely painful area to heal.

This guy’s commentary is not just rude, it’s sadistic.
Stingy Daddy!
He’s ready to cut costs instead of feeling the pinch in his wallet. However, you know that if he was in as much pain as his wife, he’d find the cash, in a minute. He could have at least told her he thinks that the procedure might be too risky, that he doesn’t want to chance paralysis if it goes wrong.

He could’ve acted like he cared about her suffering, but no.
Hilarious Dad Fail
How did this father not notice? A woman swollen huge with the baby was supposed to be sitting next to him in the passenger seat, instead, it was empty. Was he talking to her?

Didn’t he notice she didn’t answer? I am sure he made good time though, speeding off without her.
Makes Himself at Home
One reply to this actual tweet a dad posted suggested that the dad should name the kid after the “person you’re playing against while the delivery is going on.” Dad response? ‘You’re a genius.’ He has his priorities; you have to hand him that.

But, honestly, waiting for a baby to be born can be a long, drawn-out affair. It can take 12 to 19 hours, and sometimes as long as 40 hours.
Homer Simpson would be proud of this dad. It is not as big of a dad fail as driving off to the hospital without his wife on board, but this one did go back two times to get the stuff she wanted to have with her in the delivery room.

And, yet, even after the second trip home, he returned empty-handed. Except for a bunch of stuff no one wanted.
Feeling Kind of Queasy
Yet another man having a vasovagal reaction. So, dad is enjoying snack time, courtesy of the nurse, while his wife, in labor, is starving. Granted, those epidural needles are very long, but who is the one getting pierced?

Who is the one going through labor? Dude, man up.
Not Helping
Another dad co-opts the nurse staff’s attention. Why couldn’t he call Door Dash or something? If the nurse wanted to be a waitress, she would have gotten a job at a restaurant. At least he did not make his wife go get him a soda, but this guy probably thought about it.

He must have remembered, with a jolt, that this is not about him, punctuated by his wife’s mid-labor screams. So he deferred to the nurse instead.
Tough Guy
This guy did not even make it to the delivery room before blowing chunks. And his girlfriend really needed his support. Vomiting is not voluntary, to be sure, but why do we think men are tough?

Why do we think they are always in command and confident? Because that’s how they act. This guy’s act was up, barfing all the way to the hospital just because her water broke.
Deep Thoughts of a New Dad
First of all, let’s hope he means to say that his wife is the hero, because she is the only person in the room who is doing anything heroic. This armchair-athlete is a far cry from the exalted word he seems to claim.

At any rate, you have to agree that this dad’s pondering sounds exactly like it was ripped directly from watching “The Office” reruns. You know, those times when they break the fourth wall by looking into the camera to say something.
Photographic Evidence of Dads Fainting
Very traumatic. I hope these dads don’t develop delivery room P.T.S.D.! There may be some siblings on the way eventually, so we don’t want these dads to keep on fainting during labor. But if you did not believe that dads frequently pass out during childbirth, there are images that prove it.

Tough guys swoon as much as anyone, apparently.
Who Is the Patient Here?
He’s on the verge of passing out, though the medical term vasovagal makes it seem like it’s more than just nausea. But the point is, he is bogarting the attention of the nursing staff from the birthing mother. At least he felt guilty about it.

Maybe this is why they used to keep new dads in the waiting room. How can the staff focus on the delivery if dads are always in need of care?
This dad fail happened before he even got into the delivery room. Attention to detail is clearly not his strength. We’re just glad he was not the one in charge of getting mom to the right hospital. But it’s sad that he didn’t make it in time to witness the birth of his baby.

Mom could have used some support too.
Being Supportive
Husbands often mean well, but they don’t always have exactly the right words to comfort a wife in labor. He wanted to know how she was doing. It seems like he got his answer, but he definitely did not give the support he thought he was giving her at that time.

Let’s just hope she didn’t rip out too much of his hair. If he has any more questions, he will likely stand at a safe distance.
Playing Games
They weren't kidding when they said that men like playing games, huh? We thought that once you get married and settle down, you grow up. There are bills to pay, food to make, and a house to clean — who has time for an Xbox?

This dad-to-be thought that bringing his favorite game console into the delivery room is acceptable, but we all know it's not! At least once his kid is out and able to press buttons, they'll be able to play together.
Whose Baby Is It Anyway?
Today technology allows parents to know a lot about their baby before they ever make it out. People can know the sex of the baby, how many babies they are having, and can sometimes get a 3D scan of what the baby looks like inside the mom's belly. But things weren't always like that. Could you imagine realizing you have twins in the delivery room?

The father probably missed the memo on how twins work, as he thought the second baby might belong to someone else.
In Human Form
It can be hard to know when dads are trying to be funny and when they are just truly shocked by the experience of seeing a new human come into the world. Usually, it is either declared that a baby is a boy or a girl, but this father decided to take a more humanistic, gender-neutral approach when he decided to state that his baby is indeed a human.

As other fathers here called their kids aliens, we say this new father is doing pretty well.
Slow Down
Deliveries are indeed an urgent matter, and it can be stressful trying to get to the hospital before the baby pops out. This dad wanted to get to the hospital so badly that he completely forgot about the speed limit.

Luckily for him, the cop was understanding and his kid now has an amazing story about their last few hours in the womb.
Illinois Bladder
Stories about C-sections often expose that while this surgery is being performed, many organs are out on display. Of course, this is for a happy reason, but you can't blame fathers for being a little bit shocked by the experience.

This dad sounds like he wasn't exactly shocked, by more intrigued by the peculiar shape of his wife's bladder. If everyone's shaped like Illinois? Or was it just hers?
April's Fools
We take doctors to be serious people, but apparently, they sometimes cooperate with dads on elaborate dad pranks. Personally, we don't think any time is a good time for a prank, but boy oh boy is active labor 100% a bad time for silly jokes.

The only way this can be forgiven is if this baby was born on April's Fools Day, but somehow, we doubt that's actually the case.
Six Toes!
Well, well, well... we have to admit this one left us speechless. But it is great to see a father proud of his child because of its faults and not despite them. We mean, is it a fault? by the way the father reacted it sounds like a gift.

We had no idea that toe numbers run in the family, but at least this father could be 100% sure that his son is his.
You Had One Job
The lengths that fathers will go through to do as little in the delivery room as possible never ceases to amaze us. This clever dad does have a point though, the doctor is only on the clock and along with the mother is expected to do the heavy lifting.

Apparently, this father is actually a paramedic and has cut the umbilical cord many times before, and he wasn't keen on the experience.
It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times
Usually, when we ask our parents for stories about our birth, we are looking for the specifics. Did I come out head first? Was I purple? Did I have an extra finger? This kid was not expecting an answer so general and well, brutally honest.

We do hope that this father had a difficult time in his life despite the birth of this kid and not because of it, but this father doesn't really seem to care about clearing that confusion up.
All's Well That Ends Well
In this case, the shocked dad turned out to be a hero, delivering his wife in a matter of minutes, without any help. If the doctors can't explain what happened, and they felt compelled to send cookies for a whole year, it means something truly peculiar and special was going on there.

But, all's well that ends well, this father is so proud of the kid's fantastic delivery story.
Drowning His Sorrows
The stereotype is that a man's world is made up of watching sports and drinking beer. While this isn't true of all men, it seems like the case with this new dad, who somehow thought it was acceptable to compare the miracle of birth to a pub burning down.

Honestly, if the mom decided to divorce him over this comment, we wouldn't blame her. This is one of these cases where it would have been best for everyone if the father just waited outside.
1, 2, 3 Testing
If you've ever watched Jerry Springer or Ricki Lake you've probably heard of the concept of getting paternity tests to make sure that the baby daddy is actually, well, the baby daddy.

Sometimes there isn't a question and it's as clear as day, but sometimes, the kid just doesn't look like the dad. Still, we would give the kid's face a couple of days to form before asking for that sort of test, but that's just us.
We did not know that being hypnotized can help against passing out because your wife is in labor, but you learn something new every day, right? We do have to wonder if you pass out five times, is it considered a chronic condition?

We get feeling a little queasy when your first child is about to enter this world, but by the fifth time, we would have expected this father to be an expert.
I Do Declare
Dads are known for trying to find the humor in every situation, often telling cringy, inappropriate jokes. It seems that being a dad came naturally to this guy, who decided to add a little speech when he cut the umbilical cord.

But, let's face it, this dad nailed it, the joke is funny and if the doctors decided to steal it to get some laughs out of nervous parents, we wouldn't hold it against them.
What's In a Name
Naming someone isn't usually a job that requires two, but alas, most people have to do it in pairs. Many parents tend to argue about what name their newborn will receive but end up coming to an agreement eventually.

Well, this cunning dad-to-be found a way to make sure that it was his top name that got picked, and we hope he chose something the mother agreed to, otherwise she probably woke up to a terrible surprise.
Cat Dad
There's a reason why those who have pets sometimes call themselves cat or dog moms or dads. Just like those who parent humans, pet parents care deeply about their fur-babies. Just like a baby, if the cat needs to eat, it needs to eat and can't wait, even if there's a new baby on the way.

We bet the dad didn't expect that feeding the cat would result in him missing the birth of his own kid — but at least the child is understanding because she likes cats just as well.
No Pain, No Gain
There's nothing like someone who has never and will never have to experience giving birth criticizing someone who has to. For a new mom who has to give birth, there's probably nothing worse than discovering she's allergic to the one thing that might relieve her of the pain.

Wait, maybe there is worse, like having your husband tell you that you should just suck it up. Seriously someone should tell dads that births are not the time to try and be saucy.
Truck Baby
They say men just love working with tools, and that the best gift to get your man for his birthday or for Christmas is a box of tools.

This guy wanted to get one for himself, only he thought the right timing is on the way to the hospital. Spoiler: on the way to the hospital is never the time. Guess that when you don't experience contractions, you don't really get the same sense of urgency.
Take a number
When going to the doctor we know that we're going to have to wait in order to get in. If someone has been waiting longer than us, it's only fair that they will get to get in and go home first, right?

But, to this dad's surprise, babies have not yet heard of what's fair and isn't, and they come out on their own time, even if means that some pop out in a matter of minutes, while for others, it takes days.
The Clones
You might not know this, or you do, but babies can sometimes enter this world in peculiar hues and shapes. In this case, the baby was born with dark skin and with black hair. The entire family was blonde!

The dad tried to keep it cool, telling this baby and his wife he'll love them despite it all. The joke is on him, as just a little under a year later, everyone could see that the girl was 100% his.
Men Like to Play Games
We get it, this might be the last time in a long time that this dad will get to play final fantasy without the interruption of crying baby needing a diaper change. He wants to savor the small pleasures in life, as well as make sure he doesn't lose any of his progress.

What took more time, the baby's birth, or getting to that point? We will never know, but we hope they got to the hospital before the baby popped out.
A Walk in the Park
This is another case where a dad seems to be completely oblivious of what it's like to have your water break. Usually, when pregnant women get to the hospital, they are immediately put in a wheelchair. If this isn't proof of the fact that this is the least convenient time to take a walk we don't know what is.

It also doesn't sound like a good idea to annoy someone who is just about to give birth. Just a thought.
No Smoke Without Fire
When people are stressed, there's nothing like taking a little smoke break to take their mind off of things and get ready for what's about to come. Smoking can take anywhere between one minute to fifteen, and birthing usually takes a lot longer. Just walking from one side of the hospital to the other can take longer than a cigarette break.

This father expected to be there for the birth of his kid, but just puff and he missed the whole thing.
It's a Boy! No, It's a Girl...
When a woman gets pregnant before the gender is revealed, people already start developing expectations. Generally, the mother wants the baby to be a girl, and the dad wants it to be a boy.

For some reason, many men seem to be excited about the idea of their son having, well, ... a big package. Personally, we find it pretty, weird, but that's just us. This father thought that the cord meant his son was well-endowed but turns out it was actually a girl.
The Lion King
There isn't a person who hasn't watched Disney's "The Lion King," and most of us will be very excited to show it to our children once they are old enough to understand it. This father must love the movie very much since when his daughter was born he decided to recreate one of the film's most iconic scenes.

Luckily, the neighbors were all outside, which made this scene even more lively. No one forgot about this glorious moment, and this father definitely nailed his part of the birth.
Who's Eddie?
They say one should never assume anything, but above all, we expect doctors to be able to read the room and the tattoos on the patient's body. Maybe this doctor never heard of this common tattoo tragedy — someone gets a tattoo of the name of the one they love, but then, life happens and they find themselves having a baby with someone else entirely.

We are not sure what kept the father silent for so long, but we bet he had a terrible time during the birth of his kid.
True colors
For some reason, despite the fact that both men and women are parents, many men seem to be lacking in the department of knowing anything about babies. Like in this case, the poor father could not fathom why his little new baby is purple.

Of course, as most know, kids can be born in pretty weird colors and shapes. As they have just left the womb and entered the world, can you really blame them for taking a few days to adjust?
The First Time
We will never know if this is a dad trying to joke, or a dad that was so shocked from meeting his son the first time that these were the only words he could utter. Sure, when a little one just leaves the womb it can be hard to tell who they look like or what kind of person they will turn out to be.

Either way, it is the mom who is the star of both the actual birth and of this story, as she came up with the best comeback!
Seeing Red
There we were, assuming that doctors are mature individuals who know all about appropriateness, but, alas, we were proven wrong. This medical professional apparently thought there would be nothing more hysterical than causing a lovers quarrel right there in the delivery room.

This dad almost took the bait but was smart enough to take a look before jumping to conclusions. We hope they sued the doctor.
The Kitty Case
The delivery room is not the place to experiment with any substances that are not for the sake of relieving the labor pain. Epidural? In. Cold medicine? Out! But this poor dad was really sick for one reason or another and had no choice but to take some pills.

It seems that it ended up being one of the happiest moments of his life, as just before he got to meet his son, he saw his wife delivering ten, cute, colorful kittens into the world.