Warner Brothers spared no expense when it came time to market “The Dark Knight Rises” in 2012. This included some highly imaginative promotions.

For instance, this billboard in the United Kingdom was used to announce the release date of the movie. Building off instant brand recognition, the Batman emblem appears to have been smashed through on the billboard with a subtle “July 20” beneath it indicating the anticipated date in which The Dark Knight will rise in a cinema near you.
Mona’s Not Moaning
Again, we’re not entirely sure what this billboard is supposed to advertise. It is common knowledge though that the Mona Lisa is (kind of) smiling in the classic painting by Leonardo da Vinci. So this company decided to use her smile to promote the act of smiling.

We imagine that some passersby would look at this and get a little kick out of it. Maybe they would even turn their frown upside down. Whatever the case may be, it’s certainly one of the more peculiar billboards on this list. We just hope that anyone who sees this gets the chance to see the real Mona Lisa at some point in their lives.
Actually, There Are Only Two
It’s a typical thing to see a law firm with the name of the two founders. It could be “Smith and Jones,” “Albert and Norman,” or any other combination of names. But when the two lawyers in question have the same name, do they really need to repeat the same name twice?

“Morgan & Morgan” just sounds kind of ridiculous, if we’re going to be completely honest. But the likelihood is that there aren’t many other “Morgan & Morgans” in the world. In fact, that is the whole foundation of this billboard: The fact that this company is the only one.
Collision Course
There are three types of billboards in the world: ones that are not broken, ones that are broken, and others that only look like they’re supposed to be broken. This billboard falls under the third category.

Upon first glance, you might assume that the two boards took some kind of impact from a vehicle. Well, that’s what they want you to believe. Or more specifically, it’s supposed to be the impact caused by the two bulls bumping heads and locking horns. Ultimately, it’s just an ad to warn drivers to slow down when they see the traffic lights.
Ear it Is
Some billboard ads really have nothing to do with what it is advertising. Take this one, for example, which is promoting a casino close to Niagara Falls. It’s trying to bring home the point that there is so much to do at this casino.

But some might be wondering what is the point of the big pair of ears at either end of the billboard. Of course, the message is referring to the common expression “to grin from ear to ear.” It is a subtle reference, but one that made us also grin from one ear to the other.
Save the Trees
As we have been using more and more paper and wood in our daily lives, trees have been disappearing from the world. Trees are not only important for us, but they also serve as a living environment for many different types of wildlife.

If we keep on cutting down trees at the pace we currently do, lovely animals like this leopard, would not have anywhere to hang out. A real leopard would never settle for a street light. This ad gets the message across beautifully.
Sky High
If you would have asked us, we'd tell you LEGO is one of our favorite toys. Today, in a time when kids spend less and less time with physical toys and more time online, LEGO has become even more important. But, alas, it can be hard to impress the children of today, or even draw their attention away from their screens.

If there's one way to do it, though, this must be it. Doesn't this ad just make you want to play with LEGO again?
Billboard? More Like Billhat
Some billboards aren’t even shaped like a board. Take this one, for example, which is a large-scale version of a ski hat. No, we doubt it’s actually made out of wool or usable for a giant. It looks like it’s made out of plastic. But it certainly is a good way to show drivers that they are going in the right direction to Mammoth Mountain ski resort.

It makes you wonder – maybe there could be other “billboards” out there that are 3D and don’t even look like billboards. Maybe there is a sombrero-shaped billboard directing drivers to a Mexican restaurant. The possibilities are limitless!
Use Your Head
We don’t think we have ever seen an ad that paints a clearer picture of what it’s like to have a migraine. Well, a billboard ad, that’s for sure. These three different ads all do a great job of making the reader pick up the phone to call this doctor.

Because that’s what it’s like, right? You feel like your head is being chopped into a hundred little pieces. At least, that’s what we’ve heard it’s like. We’ve only had some minor headaches in our lifetime. Still waiting for our first migraine here. But when we get one, we’ll make sure to refer back to this billboard.
There are plenty of instances in life where we think we have it all planned out. When all of a sudden, a major inconvenience smacks us in the face. What about those times when you go to a public restroom? You do your business, only to realize that there is no toilet paper.

Now take a look at this billboard and you’ll understand the phrase used above the empty toilet roll. And that folks, is why you need insurance. You never want to use it, but you definitely don’t want to be without it. Because more often than not, &#it happens, and you need to be prepared.
Deal or No Deal
Ultimately, anyone can pay for ad space on a billboard if they can afford it. This means that it’s not just companies that use them. Here is someone who rented the space on a billboard for the most bizarre reason, to put his son (and a car) on the market.

Normally, people will exchange certain services for money, like mowing someone’s lawn or cleaning their home. But this guy was offering to give their car away, on the condition that the new owner would date their son. We think that we might consider the deal if we were able to give the son a test run. By that, we mean sit down with him and have some kind of interview.
Tiger King Would Approve
OK – so Netflix might not be the place to go for prestige TV these days. Over the years, the streaming titan has developed a reputation for being home to some of the trashiest shows, movies, and documentaries in recent memory.

One of those was the story about the notorious Tiger King, known by many as Joe Exotic. It seems like this Netflix billboard leaned into the hype around the show, as well as the upcoming match between the Rams and the Bengals. After all, there’s a good chance that Joe would have owned these two animals at some point in his career.
Neatly Packed
Whether you are an individual looking to mail a heavy package or a business that ships out products every day, we could all use some help when it comes to mailing out massive boxes. DHL is already a well-known and established brand, but this billboard emphasizes one specific service they provide that not everyone is aware of.

This billboard is a reminder to us all who we should call when we need to ship something, big or small.
Oops, This Ad Slaps!
Don't you just hate it when you accidentally drop your phone? Sometimes nothing happens, but other times you pick it up only to find that your entire screen is cracked and needs to be replaced.

To truly demonstrate the frustration that we feel when that happens, this billboard seems as if it has fallen down and is now broken. After advertisers caught your attention with this visual, you can read all about O2, the company that will gladly repair your screen.
Let’s face it – at this point in human history, does McDonald’s really need any more publicity? At the end of the day, it is still the most popular fast-food joint on the planet. So why would it need any more billboards put up? People know where their closest chain is.

But alas, here is another McDonald’s billboard, in Paris. To be fair, this billboard is pretty sweet. Not only does it have the restaurant's addictive French fries on it, but it looks like a giant has come along and bitten a huge chunk out of the billboard. We guess someone just got way too hungry.
Great Advertising. Period.
Some products are harder to advertise than others. Absorbent underwear that can be used during that time of month instead of tampons or sanitary pads is one example of that. But Thinx thought of the best way to do it.

This interactive ad has the word "Stains" written on it in red, but in a few moments' time, the writing disappears! The ad is demonstrating what the product does. How cool is that?
Take It Home
Some ads exist in order to raise awareness for important issues. Like, for example, the illegal importation of dogs. This poster was put up in London and was first covered by little stuffed dogs and puppies.

At the top right corner, written in white is the request to pick a puppy and take it home. So far, so sweet. But as people take the dogs, the ad reveals what it actually about, and we fully support its message.
Love Is in the Air Tonight
There are plenty of dating apps out there in the world for singles to use. One that has been gaining some traction over the last few years is Bumble. And one of the reasons for this is its cheeky billboards that have been put up all around certain cities.

Take this one, for example, which uses the iconic drum drop from “In the Air Tonight” by Phil Collins in a pretty funny way. The point is, with this app, you will be able to find people who you share things in common with, like maybe a favorite song or place to eat.
A Furious Feline
Relax! This isn't real, but it sure looks like it, right? As you can tell, this innovative ad was put up in Tokyo, Japan. While it looks like a giant 3D cat is about to jump out at you, it is actually a digital screen that creates this effect.

The furious feline has impressed many and became somewhat of a social media phenomenon. The billboard itself is actually 8-by-19-meter (about 26 by 62 feet) and is made up entirely out of LED!
No, the Other Dwayne Johnson
If you’ve noticed, whether it be on social media or on a billboard, celebrities are often seen endorsing all kinds of products. The theory is that if a famous person is attached to the product, it will inevitably become more popular. But this cereal has decided to go in a slightly different direction.

On this billboard, it says that Surreal is Dwayne Johnson’s favorite cereal. But if you look close enough at the small print, you will be informed that it’s referring to an ordinary person, who happens to be called Dwayne Johnson. Yep, The Rock has probably never heard of this cereal.
Absolut Ikea
This magnificent billboard is not only visually pleasing, but it also has a pretty cool story behind it. The ad is providing two different brands with great publicity! In order to promote Absolut Vodka, which is a Swedish brand, advertisers decided to ask another well-known Swedish brand to cooperate with them.

Ikea designers used real furniture to furnish this New York-sized apartment, which is shaped like a bottle of vodka. This ad must be one of the best we've seen so far!
Immense Energy
You know the story about David and Goliath? According to the biblical story, Goliath was an unbeatable giant until young David surrounded him. This ad offers an explanation as to what really went down there.

In order to have the energy needed to throw such an enemy, David must have drunk some Lucozade! Obviously, he didn't, yet you have to admit it makes for a compelling ad.
A Striking Slogan
For their thirteenth Doctor, creators of the massive cultural phenomena "Doctor Who" decide it's time to have an actress portray the beloved character. Jodie Whittaker was wisely chosen.

In order to get people excited about the new season, advertisers came up with a simple yet striking slogan. "It's About Time" since the show itself is about time travel and because it's time to have a female Doctor! Get it?
See What's Next
While Netflix is one of the biggest streaming services in the world, it is rumored that more and more millennials are ditching it for its competitors. In order to try and appeal to the younger generation, they put up this sign urging us to never give up our dreams, reminding us that they started out by mailing DVDs.

The streaming giant must have a huge advertising budget, but was it put to good use in this case? We are still undecided.
There is no denying that this "swervy" white pattern on a red background is one of the most iconic images in the world of advertising. Coca-Cola has one of the most recognizable marketing languages in the world, making it arguably the most popular beverage on the planet.

But because of the worries of climate change and the impact of CO2 emissions on the world, companies are trying to do their bit to ensure that as many materials are being recycled as possible. This billboard actually points to a recycling bin beneath it, if you look closely enough. Thank the Lord for Coke.
Lego is a household name all over the world and being a toy company, they get to have the most fun with their billboards out of the brands.

Tailoring the poster specifically to its location, they created a pixeled, lego-like image of the road, bus stop, and trees. They, of course, added a touch of imagination, as this is what Legos are all about.
A Pretty Penny
The idea behind this one was simple: the image of the car will be made of pennies equal to the amount of money you'd need in order to buy it, proving the car to be affordable. But many people saw this as a chance to get free money, and in a few days' time, the ad was completely bare.

Was this done on purpose or not? Either way, this campaign surely generated a lot of buzz for the brand.
Catch of the Day
We’re not entirely sure what this billboard is supposed to be advertising. Maybe nothing at all. But the artwork that has been plastered onto this board is pretty impressive, to say the very least. Here is another example of a billboard that plays with the human eye.

Yes, we see a man on a boat, who appears to be fishing. But then when you look further down, you can see that he has caught a pretty big fish! OK, it’s not a real fish. But the effort put into this billboard needs to be respected. Now we want to go fishing!
What Did You Say About My Wife?
There are times when we have to do a double-take at a message on a billboard. We might read something and think to ourselves, “How can they write something like that?” This is a fine example of that. For a minute, we thought that the person who wrote this was trying to start an affair with someone.

But then we looked a little closer, and we realized it was some kind of silly dad joke. Of course, the word “hot” can mean multiple things. But in this case, it literally just means temperature. Because this is a billboard for a technician of some kind.
Drop Everything
In this day and age, there is nothing worse than having poor cell signals and no wi-fi. Dropped calls are usually a sign it's time to move on and try something new.

This topic can be kinda boring to discuss on a billboard, but whoever came up with this creative idea knows how to think outside of the box. The word "Call" is literally on the ground, making this an ad that would never go unnoticed.
You Can Play Day or Night
Any video game buff is familiar with the classic video game series “The Legend of Zelda.” While it might not be as much of a household name as “Super Mario Bros,” “Zelda” is not too far behind when it comes to iconic Nintendo games. Guess what, they’re still churning out “Zelda” games until the present day.

And with new installments come new billboards – like this one. Believe it or not, but these two images are of the exact same billboard. One photo is taken during the day. But at night, the design starts to glow in the dark. Yes, this game’s going to be legendary.
Selling Corn
The Israeli version of Seven-Elven found a creative but peculiar way to advertise that it's looking for new employees. While most of us would want to work in what they call a "Unicorn" (a company that's worth over $1 billion), not everyone can.

The silly pun might attract you or put you off, but we have to admit that we totally fell for it. Where can we apply?
Have a Break, Have a KitKat
If you know the brand's slogan, this ad is perfect. Literally demonstrating what the brand is all about, it seems as if the guy who was supposed to glue this ad to the billboard stopped in the middle to have a snack.

The only problem is that if you don't know the slogan, the ad becomes ineffective, so maybe it would have been better to go with something else?
Winging It
Red Bull is a soft drink that has made a name for itself using smart advertising. Their slogan might not make a lot of sense but it's definitely both catchy and memorable.

Is there a better way to sell an energy drink than to show an athlete about to score a point just after drinking it? If there is, we couldn't find it.
You're Under Arrest
Does this show really need advertising? Is there anyone who hasn't heard of Brooklyn Nine-Nine? This police comedy TV series had over 150 episodes spanning over eight seasons. It has wrapped in 2021 but is still loved and remembered by many.

We are sure that New Yorkers were happy to see the faces of Andy Samberg as Jake Peralta and Andre Braugher as Captain Raymond Holt up in the sky.
Stop Praying
Finding a parking space is one of these things that never stop being a problem. We've all been there, looking for a place to put our car for way too long. Well, that's why we need big billboards to let us know where to go.

This ad is both funny and functional, so after getting a good laugh out of it, you will happily get rid of your automobile and be able to move on with your day.
A Good Taste
Edible ads are all the rage and with good reason. They are fun and interactive and leave a good taste in potential customers' mouths.

This delightful experience was actually the first of its kind in the whole wide world! It was put up at Covent Garden, in central London. While we are sure the kids appreciated this, maybe wrap the chocolate next time?
A Fishy Surprise
Restaurants that serve fresh fish are superior to those that opt for frozen ones, so we get why "Le Genois" wanted to emphasize that aspect. But, is using a giant protruding fish really the best way to go?

One might say that yes, it is, as it definitely caught our attention. One might say no, as it scared the bejeebers out of us.
Bursting Out
In order to show off the strength of their new polo car, Volkswagen went all out, literally.

This car is bursting out of the wall, still intact. This combination between a 2D wall, and a 3D car and bricks creates the illusion that this automobile can handle anything you'd try to put it through. At first, we thought this ad was against the atrocities of car accidents, but oh well.
Tuning in
Many advertisers use a printed image of what seems to be a person in order to draw attention to their billboards.

This radio station took it a step farther and had a real-live person stand tied to the billboard to demonstrate how impossible it is to stop listening once you've tuned in. This is definitely the way to get people to notice, we just hope this man wasn't stuck up there for too long.
A Guiding Light
One of the keys to effective advertising is using existing elements to your advantage. This makes the ad look interactive without having to break the bank. Creativity goes a long way.

In this case, in order to advertise the 2008 Olympic games, this billboard was put up. The players all seem to be reaching out for imaginary balls. But instead of putting the volleyballs in the ad (that would be too obvious), the light from the lamps above serves as the visual repression of the allusive spheres.
A Huge Success
Sometimes, a simple, straightforward ad can be even more enticing than an overly-clever one and Philadelphia brand Cream Cheese knows that. It is impossible to look at this image and not want to snack on some chips with cream.

If you were not convinced by the imagery, the ad also promises free easy recipes. The sheer size of this installment is demonstrated by the tiny man standing next to the mighty cream cheese.
Food for Thought
Nakd, the vegan-friendly, gluten-free energy bar found the best possible way to get people interested in trying out the brand. People like nothing better than free food. In a bold marketing move, the ad was created using only Nakd bars, inviting people to take one and try it.

Passers-by are encouraged to taste the brand's different flavors. "Find your Fave" is spelled out using the nutritious bars as well.
That Will Keep Her Around
Pretty much everyone will agree that you need to buy a ring in order to propose to your significant other. And hey, the bigger the rock is on that band, the likelier that special someone will say yes after you get down on one knee and ask for their hand in marriage. But you know what else is true?

The bigger the rock, the longer the marriage will last. Trust us, we know this to be 100% true (or maybe not, but just go with it). This billboard characterizes a diamond ring as “long-term wife insurance,” which is pretty dead on if you ask us.
Heads Up!
Imagine being stuck in traffic and seeing what appears to be a large monkey hanging from a billboard. You would immediately steer away to try and avoid it from jumping on the top of your car. But when you look a little closer, you’ll soon realize that those aren’t real monkeys.

They are simply part of a billboard that is promoting Minnesota Zoo. Again, this is another great example of a cut-out used on a billboard that feels way too real for its own good. Whether you like going to the zoo or not, you can’t deny that this is awesome.
Some Assembly Required
If there's one place that probably doesn't need the billboard in order to get noticed, it might be Ikea. Still, they came up with this ingenious idea — at first, it seems as if the ad was put up all wrong, which makes it hard to look away.

But, upon further inspection of the eye-catching billboard, it is understood that this is no mistake but a clever ad for the chain's assembly service.
Hiding in Plain Sight
Nobody likes it when they get pimples. Most of us want to stay in and hide. This ad used that feeling to its advantage. The corner of the billboard is pulled from its edge and it seems as if this woman removed it in order to cover her face. This is a smart way of creating negative space.

This ad manages to be effective without having to show us anything gory, which we really appreciate.
Tyrolit Plays the Long Game
Taking an intrepid step forward into long exposure advertising, Tryolit showed off the impressive durability of their knife range as the metal resists rusting. To do so, a billboard of plain sheet metal was erected with a faint outline of a knife in the center.

Over a few weeks, however, the sheet metal rusted due to being exposed to the elements, and left in the center was a gleaming shape of the knife, indicating that the metal used for the knives is long-lasting.
McDonald's Turns up the Dial
McDonald’s has a breakfast menu that is as famous as it is infamous. Famous in the sense that worldwide, millions of customers swear by it. Infamous in the sense that there is a running joke about how strict the cut-off time to order breakfast is.

Using their breakfast menu items as a sundial on a billboard, Mcdonald's further installed an apparatus that casts a shadow like a clock hand pointing at each breakfast item for each hour.
The Last Straw
Listen, straws are great. They’re super useful and can be a really fun way to drink something. The only real downside to them is that you finish the drink quicker, meaning you have less time to enjoy it. Why are we talking about straws so much?

Because we see a big, big straw in the following image. This company made a genius move by using the pole of the billboard as the “straw” of the image, that the person is drinking from. Now if that is not an amazing way to promote sweet tea, we really don’t know what is.
Hot Wheels Bends the Road Rules
Some drivers may well have been truly confused while passing under this bridge with what appears to be an offramp flipped on its side. Hot Wheels, the tiny toy cars that have delighted children for generations, continues to make its mark with some mind-bending marketing.

A billboard shaped like a twisting curve of the road was placed against a bridge to give the impression that the road was twisting over.
Carlsberg’s Billboard Is on-Tap
Carlsberg took the step of using its billboard to deliver its product right into the mouth of highly willing consumers. A very simple design, Carlberg installed a street-level billboard complete with a beer tap.

However, this was no prop as we have seen in many other instances of billboard design. No, this beer tap delivered crisp, cold Carlsberg beer straight into cups for passersby. We certainly hope there was someone checking IDs!
Siemens Mixes the Batter
These creative billboards just keep on surprising us. A megalithic cake mixer hovers above the entrance to a building, with its two mixing arms reaching down and ending at the revolving door entrance, insinuating the motion of the revolving doors is being caused by the mixer itself.

This is both smart and eye-catching. These advertisers knew what they were doing.
Sky’s the Limit
It makes sense that a company that specializes in art supplies would produce truly breathtaking billboards too. Otherwise, you wouldn’t even consider wanting to buy their pencils and brushes. Here, we can see a young girl with her head and right arm cropped out above the main frame of the billboard.

Next to her reads a quote saying “See, I can draw the sky...” And the cutout makes it look like she is drawing on the actual sky. With the white clouds in the background, it’s a pretty astonishing sight. Even if you don’t need any art supplies, it is still a beautiful billboard to look at.
Dying Has Never Been So Easy
None of us particularly like talking about dying. It’s probably the worst part of life. For some, it can be quite a relief after many years of suffering. It just depends from one person to the next. Whatever the case may be, this funeral company decided to get a little dry with their humor when promoting their services on a billboard.

While this might appeal to some people nearing the end of their lives, we can’t imagine this advert being met with a warm response from people who still have many years to go. Hopefully, they will see the funny side of it.
Get in My Belly
Talk about getting right into the advert itself. A restaurant chain specializing in buffets made sure that there was no missing their billboard by having it displayed right at and around the entrance of a well-used traffic tunnel.

The title “All you can eat Rest stop” ensured that every passing car had no choice but to pass through the gaping maw of a woman appearing to be swallowing the traffic.
We Have Seen Stranger Things
Not many billboards on this list can say that they cover the entire wall of a building. But this billboard in Poland can say just that. Apparently, this one came out to promote one of the seasons of the hit Netflix series “Stranger Things.”

What’s extra cool about it though is that it looks like Will Byers’ bike (a very giant version) is shooting out of the Upside Down into our reality. Of course, if you haven’t seen the show, you won’t get the reference. So what are you doing with your life? Fire it up and watch it now!
Nothing’s Getting Through This Ferris Wheel
Adidas most assuredly has an affinity for goalkeepers when it comes to advertising for soccer events, as this is not the only billboard of its kind featured in this article.

Adidas displayed Czech goalkeeper Petr Cech in a staggering fifty-three-meter high billboard using a Ferris wheel as a backdrop to kick off the Euro Cup 2008 games. Six extra arms were added to Petr’s frame that would rotate as the Ferris wheel turned.
Look What We’ve Got in “Store” for You
Many people “fly the nest” at different ages. While some can’t wait to leave their parents’ home the moment they reach a legal age, others are happy to enjoy the comforts of family life indefinitely. But even those of us who leave home at a relatively early age still leave a few things at Mom and Dad’s pad, you know, for storage purposes.

But this storage company decided to have fun with the idea – suggesting that if they simply used their storage facilities, they’d no longer need to see their parents anymore. For many people, that might actually be a pretty good deal.
IBM Ads With a Purpose
IBM has long been a forerunner of thinking out the box creatively and their billboard adverts follow this very entrenched way of thinking with a series of somewhat interactive billboards entitled “Smart Cities for Smart People”.

These were installed by IBM across cities in Europe. Stating that they were “ads with a purpose”, the billboards were created to offer seating, shelter, and wheelchair accessibility across the city.
Well, If the Cows Say So...
We are constantly being told on various mediums what is the right way to eat. Should we be vegetarian? Should we go gluten-free? Are their ideal diets to stay fit and healthy? The list goes on and on. And there’s also the argument of whether or not we should trade in red meats like beef for leaner proteins like chicken.

Well, we know what Chick-fil-A’s opinion would be on the matter. Heck, they even hired a couple of cows to design the following billboard. Unfortunately, they didn’t consider the fact that cows probably can’t spell that well. Because, you know, they’re cows.
Accidents Can Happen Anywhere
It’s important to get insured for many reasons. But if you’re driving a car, then it’s an absolute must. The last thing you want is to crash into the back of someone, or run over something, and not be insured. That is a real recipe for disaster.

Thankfully, this insurance company was able to hit home just how important is to be insured, while also putting a smile on people’s faces along the way. This billboard makes it look like an actual car has crashed into it. And while we can’t actually confirm whether or not it is real, we’re pretty sure it’s a marketing tactic.
Billboard Bumper Bashing
The Colorado State Patrol made sure its demand to have the TACT act (Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks) would not go unnoticed by erecting a slightly distressing but eye-catching and attention-grabbing billboard.

The billboard itself is crumpled at the meeting point where a car is a very unfortunate victim of smashing into the back of a truck. The bold lettering “Tailgating isn’t worth it.” delivers the message perfectly.
Coming Soon...
There are millions of people out there who simply can’t wait until the new NFL season is upon them. While it can be quite the wait, that moment when your team returns to the field to play with the best of them is definitely worth all of the patience.

This billboard brings home just how much anticipation can be built leading to the new season. So basically, it unraveled a little every day until the 2017 season finally arrived. This was in honor of the Milwaukee Brewers specifically, so they only had this kind of billboard in this part of the country.
No Own Goal Here
Adidas spared no expense when advertising during the 2006 soccer world cup with their billboard at the airport of Munich. An astonishingly large poster of German goalkeeper Oliver Kahn stretched across from one side of the road to the other as traffic passed right under him.

With Oliver in a full goal-saving pose diving for a ball, this is a bold and unforgettable presence made by Adidas during the soccer world cup.
Netflix Doesn’t Take Itself Very Seriously
On the face of it, Netflix appears to be supporting its competition with this massive billboard stating that “Netflix is a joke”. No other wording and no logos to point to another competitor makes this even more confusing.

There was a definite method to Netflix’s madness though: a lineup of new comedy shows. Some self-effacing humor got the attention of the public and Netflix soon revealed it would be hosting a string of stand-up comedy specials.
Oh Baby
Starting a family certainly has its upsides and downsides. While it can be a wonderful thing to bring a child into the world, there are plenty of challenges that will come along the way. You now have another living being to take care of all the time, for a start. Not to mention the fact that having a baby can put a strain on a couple’s relationship.

So basically, you need to think long and hard if you really want to be a parent. But before you do, make sure to take all necessary precautions if you choose to get intimate with someone. This billboard perfectly captures that sentiment.
A Racey Billboard
There are plenty of places in the US where NASCAR is always the talk of the town. It makes you wonder why this racing association needs any more publicity when you consider how popular it already is. At any rate, feast your eyes on the following billboard, which was set up on the roof of a gas station in Florida.

The way the cardboard cutouts of the cars are positioned creates the illusion that actual cars are racing on the roof, which is pretty neat, if you ask us. We just hope none of the customers got any ideas and tried to get their car on the roof somehow. But we wouldn’t put it past them.
Oreo Eclipse
Oreo took full advantage of a current event and made good use of it by joining brand identity with…an eclipse. When a major eclipse was taking place in 2015, the Oreo marketing team found a brilliant way to mimic the Oreo cookie as the eclipse itself.

Using a digital billboard, the top half of the Oreo cookie appears to be sliding over the creamy center and bottom half – the same as the moon positioning in-between the Earth and the sun.
Marketing with Meaning
The Stuttering Foundation did something rather unconventional by combining identical billboards to convey a very particular and important message. To advertise its work and services with those who deal with stuttering, they wrote the message “Be patient with those who stutter.”

They placed it on three billboards positioned behind each other in succession to portray a repetition of syllables – the way that someone who stutters would say the sentences.
The Dark Billboard Rises
Warner Brothers spared no expense when it came time to market “The Dark Knight Rises” in 2012. This included some highly imaginative promotions.

For instance, this billboard in the United Kingdom was used to announce the release date of the movie. Building off instant brand recognition, the Batman emblem appears to have been smashed through on the billboard with a subtle “July 20” beneath it indicating the anticipated date in which The Dark Knight will rise in a cinema near you.
That’s What Friends Are For
There is nothing quite like kicking back and enjoying a cold one with your best buddies. And it seems like Guinness is well aware of this sentiment. Here, we can see a billboard that the Irish dry stout company had put up in Singapore, of all places.

They capitalized on the idea of beer-drinking being a social experience and leaned into it. And what’s more, is that it’s almost like a 3D billboard, stretching to each side of the building's corner. We’re not entirely sure though why the three friends in question are topless. We hope they’re at least wearing pants.
Talk About a Collaboration
Don’t you just love it when companies come together and work in a joint effort to promote each other? To be honest, it doesn’t happen that often. But when it does, it can lead to some pretty creative, interesting billboards. In this case, we can see two fairly different companies, a hardware store and a repair store.

What’s funny though is that the billboards create the illusion that one business is actually creating more opportunities for the other one with the damage caused by its products. We think that’s pretty sneaky if you ask us. At the very least, it’s bound to get some chuckles.
A Lightbulb Moment
This billboard may be intended more for the passive audience rather than the active audience. The Economist advertised their media house by fixing a giant lightbulb onto an untraditionally low billboard. Rather than sticking out over a highway, this billboard was almost at street level. The lightbulb at first does not appear illuminated.

However, motion sensors capture the movement of a passing pedestrian and trigger the lightbulb to “switch on” over the unsuspecting pedestrian’s head.
Waste Not, Want Not
In the town of Denver, Colorado, the local water board advertised itself with a very important message. Confusingly, a large portion of the billboard appears to be missing and the frame billboard is visible. At the far end of the frame though is a small strip stating “Use only what you need”.

A rather clever play on urging residents to not waste any water in the same manner that the water board did not need to use an entire billboard to get the message across.
Gentlemen, Start Your Engines
Audi and BMW did not shy away from their rivalry and made the most of their competition in a series of billboards that played off each other trying to outdo each other. Simulating their competition as a game of chess, Audi’s billboard challenged BMW with their SUV displayed and the line “Your move, BMW.”

BMW, fully accepting the challenge, erected a billboard across the road displaying a model of their SUV with the single line “Checkmate”.
Turn Up the Heat
Capsico Sauce proved their slogan “hot and fiery” is no lie with a billboard they put up in India. A bottle of their Red Pepper hot sauce lies on its side, having seemingly spilled some sauce onto the billboard.

The real clever twist is not to show the sauce itself but rather a gaping, burnt hole suggesting that the sauce is so hot…it burnt a hole right through the billboard!
Safe In the Arms of the Police
South Korea boasts prowess and pride in its police force so much so that billboards are erected to highlight their presence and achievements.

A very well-built man in a police uniform is seen flexing his bulging bicep. Curiously though, there are two chains wrapped around it which then transform into two real chains fixed to the back of the billboard, supporting a swing from which a child gently sways, indicating the safety and support the police force provides.
Applying Torque to Customer Attention
Craftsman tools made the most of their marketing space by combining a few very inventive elements in a billboard advertising their tools. The billboard itself seems simple enough – a wrench contrasted against a black background.

But glancing downwards we see the pole mimics the shaft of the wrench which ends in a giant hand with a tight grip around it, appearing as if the hand is holding up the entire billboard as a gigantic wrench.
Dracula Takes a Bite Out of the Market Share
In an ingenious innovation, the British Broadcasting Corporation advertised their 2020 drama-horror series “Dracula” on a “transforming” billboard. A haphazard collection of stakes stuck out from the billboard with blood seemingly dripping from them. Creative enough already, right?

However, the true magic happened at night when a floodlight caused the stakes to cast a shadow and it’s revealed that the stakes have been brilliantly arranged to cast a shadow of Dracula’s profile.