Most people would raise a brow when being presented with a savory version of Cinnabon, but strangely enough, the pizzabon actually got our salivary glands going, and we wanted to know a bit more about it. What could be wrong with slightly sweet dough topped with pizza sauce, pepperoni, and cheese?

Maybe the presentation or the shape of this hunk is not the best, but Cinnabon had to stick to their iconic shape of pastries, and in our opinion, they didn’t do bad at all.
Cheeseburger Crust
When you can't make up your mind, this is the one for you. When you can't decide if it's burger night or pizza night, go for this. Pizza Hut created the almighty pizza, with miniature cheeseburgers homed in the pizza's crust.

A juicy mini cheeseburger popping out of the pizza's end for the ultimate finale of a slice. This was found only in Pizza Hut middle eastern locations and in the UK. You'll have to travel far to enjoy this.
Mac N' King
First introduced to the world in 2016, the macaroni and cheese boxes (resembling a Cheetos snack) became a huge hit. They were so successful that Burger King sold the rights to big supermarket chains and they became a regular in the supermarket's pasta section. If you think of it, this gem combines all three saints. Burger King, Mac N' Cheese, and Cheetos. It really can't get any sacred.

We wonder how this will work as a substitute for fries, potatoes, or onion rings. On second thought, no need for substitutes. We're having them all.
Cracking Burrito
In 2017, Taco Bell felt that independence day would not be complete without a lavishing limited addition burrito surprise. Pop Rocks delicately scattered on the burrito's top for an extra popping sensation.

Keeping this a limited edition for only a few locations across the United States, lead to the success of this weird creation being unknown. Taco Bell probably wants to keep this information to itself, and we don't blame them.
Kuro Pearl In Japan
You arrive in Japan after a transatlantic flight. The air is stuffy, you're exhausted, and all you can think about is food. Deciding to leave culinary experiments for later sounds like a good idea, and you head off to the closest Burger King joint, knowing that with a simple hamburger and fries, there is no room for disappointments.

One thing you didn't take into account was that even the local Burger King has the Japanese touch. Black squid ink is infused into the bun and the cheese. We've never had it, but apparently, it tastes better than it looks. Tanoshī.
Buffalo Latte
At first, we didn't believe what we were reading, and we were sure there was a typing mistake. Then, we thought that perhaps the R&D department of Tim Hortons (A Canadian coffee chain owned by Burger King) made a mistake while developing this beverage and intended to create a Butterfinger Latte.

We are sorry to announce that no mistake was made during the development process. The innovative idea started with a buffalo-flavored latte. The development process proceeded as a buffalo latte, and the final result is a buffalo latte that you can only find in two locations in the united states (we wonder why).
Marmite Crust
For those who are not familiar with marmite, an introduction is needed. Marmite is a yeast extract spread from England that goes perfectly on a slice of toast with butter and Cheddar cheese. Australia and New Zealand have adopted this spread (in Australia, better known as Vegemite), and Pizza Hut New Zealand has taken it further.

Marmite is one of those things you either love or hate. There is no in-between. So, if you're a Marmite lover, you will probably adore this, and if you've never had Marmite before, we suggest you give this a shot, or else, you'll never know.
Chicken Dough
This global trend of sweet and savory has gone a bit too far. Salted caramel is a perfect combination, and the flavor of pepperoni is delicately harmonized with the sweetness of pineapple when they meet together on a pizza. But taking chicken strips, dipping them in cookie dough batter is just something unheard of.

Popeyes (the brand responsible for this) wanted to be innovative, unique, and creative and wasted a lot of money developing and trying to advertise this disaster. Never again.
Golden Chocolate Fries
Whenever Halloween is around the corner, we think, how can we be creative this year and bring something new to the festive table. McDonald's has taken our worries away. What on earth did they think when they created this ugly dish? And how did they manage to ruin a simple plate of fries?

Pumpkin dressing followed by rich chocolate sauce doesn't even sound appealing, let alone taste good. McDonald's. Always thinking a step ahead.
Flying Salmon Pizza
We love pizza decorated with slices of meat or chunks of ham; however, no respectable pizza artist has ever introduced a fish-coated pan, and there is probably a reason why. Pizza Hut (quite popular on our list) hasn't acknowledged this, and the Hong Kong chain came up with something no man has tasted before.

Pizza topped with salmon and a crust filled with flying fish roe (bright orange fish eggs) and cheese. This was born in 2014, and no one knows if it still exists. We hope not.
Doughnut Burger
This next fast food phenomenon didn't come as a surprise to us. We think it works really well. Burger King in Israel took advantage of Hanukkah (the festival of lights which is celebrated around Christmas). Doughnuts are traditionally eaten during this holiday and BK used the doughnuts dough as the burger's bun. and presented the doughnut burger.

This resembled a brioche-like bun, soft, light, and fluffy, which can only benefit from a heavy meat burger. The ketchup took the place of the glowing sweet strawberry jelly, usually accompanied by the doughnut.
Chizza Chizza
What is it with big, loaded with money fast-food brands that feel the need to expand into areas they know nothing about? Why did KFC insist on turning their chicken into a pizza? Picture this. A bed of fried chicken (good fried chicken, since we won't take away from the big K what he has legally earned.)

Thick red tomato pizza sauce evenly spread on the chicken and topped with a generous layer of ham and cheese. Too much. Stick to what you do best, and leave the pizza matters to the hut.
Meat Almighty
We have a feeling that whoever came up with this pizza was probably sick and tired of pizza night with the kids and felt the urge to turn it into a meat feast, even if it had to have a crust. Dominos pizza went all the way and added eight different types of meat on the pizza, turning it into a pizza base flaming barbeque.

From chicken to sausage, pepperoni to ham, crispy bacon, and ground beef, this fantastic selection of meats sure do give a new life to this pizza.
We have heard of a pizza with miniature cheeseburgers in the crust, but we have never come across a pizza in disguise as a hamburger. A cheesy bun, meat hamburger topped with pizza sauce, and shredded onions. The pizza mac.

To us, it resembles a pizza that was sick and tired of the old-fashioned triangle shape and wanted to try something new, like a ball, for example. We wonder how long it will take for the pizza to understand that it's better stick to the shape it was given.

Basically, they reduced the amount of sugar in the actual doughnut, turning it into more of a doughnut-shaped bun, and coated it with flakes of seaweed and dried pork. They could have just taken a bun, coated it with whatever strange topping they found, and left the doughnut alone.
Red Rice Porridge
MacDonald's tend to surprise with new and exciting offers on their menu, but they went slightly out of boundaries this time. Taking a traditional rice pudding and turning it into a red, savory, topped with corn porridge just doesn't do justice with anyone.

Now, would you (or anyone else) travel all the way to their nearest MacDonald's for this? we think NOT!
MBV Milkshake
If maple and bacon go deliciously well on pancakes, there is no reason why they won't work with a vanilla milkshake. The southern Californian Slater's 50/50 chain thought so too and brought this milkshake to life.

Smooth and creamy vanilla milkshake, poured over ground crispy bacon and laced with sweet golden maple syrup. This shake is probably so thick and greasy that it can be a meal on its own.
Vulcan Pizza
We have been researching culinary behavior worldwide and discovered that the Swedish people enjoy experimenting with food. They enjoy weird combinations, are never afraid of trying something new, and prefer many small dishes in a meal, then one plate of something. This Vulcan pizza emphasizes this all.

It's basically a pizza crust, with all corners folded and filled with different fillings—each corner with something else. There is a pile of fries and fresh slices of lettuce and tomatoes at the center of the pizza (if they insist on calling this a pizza). It almost harms the eye when looked at, and we don't want to think of what it does to your stomach.
Camembert Donuts
If you want to upgrade Macdonald's known cheese stick, change the mozzarella to camembert. That's what the German and Austrian franchises of thought. It was meant to be a vegetarian option for Macdonald's customers, bearing in mind that all they had up until then was fries and onion rings.

Of course, the mozzarella stick seemed to be too common for the sophisticated German clientele. By the sounds of it, you can't go wrong with fried cheese (any cheese), but for some reason, they didn't pull it off with this.
Taco Bell Choc
If Domino's did it, Pizza Hut and Burger King did it; there is no reason why Taco Bell shouldn't do it. Any carb topped with any piece of chocolate will work. But Taco Bell took it a mile further.

A tender and soft quesadilla stuffed with milk chocolate Kit Kat's that slowly melt and create the most indulging filling you could ask for. You can't go wrong.
Pizzabon - Cinnabon (USA)
Most people would raise a brow when being presented with a savory version of Cinnabon, but strangely enough, the pizzabon actually got our salivary glands going, and we wanted to know a bit more about it. What could be wrong with slightly sweet dough topped with pizza sauce, pepperoni, and cheese?

Maybe the presentation or the shape of this hunk is not the best, but Cinnabon had to stick to their iconic shape of pastries, and in our opinion, they didn't do bad at all.
The world is going vegan. Vegan products can be found absolutely everywhere, from vegan ice cream to vegan chocolate, vegan chicken nuggets, and vegan grilled cheese. The Finnish MacDonald's was not planning on staying behind and came up with their own version of the vegan burger.

It's a bit strange that the biggest fast-food name globally, associated with meat more than anything else, created a vegan burger. We suppose when it comes to escalating one's revenue, nothing is too strange.
Pizza Burger
Fancy a slice of burger? Or do you prefer a double spicy pizza? Confused? So are we. These days everything is allowed, there are no taboos, and the sky is the limit. If you want to create a pizza (a whole tray, not a slice) from hamburgers, go ahead and do it.

Burger King has really made sure that every person who visits one of their locations will find something to eat. Don't feel like a burger tonight? No problem. How many slices do you want?
Kit Kat Sandwich
First Kitchen is a Japanese fast-food chain. It is a subsidiary of Wendy's, which failed dramatically in the land of the rising sun. First Kitchen offers an ultimate chocolate spread sandwich alongside the traditional fast food menu, such as cheeseburgers and fries.

Imagine 2 soft slices of white bread (it has to be white), accompanied by Kit Kat milk chocolate and finished with fluffy whipped cream. It's cheap (and things in Japan are not cheap), it's sweet, do you need to ask for more?
Starbucks' Spinach Muffin (Hong Kong)
According to the dictionary, a muffin is a small sweet cake in an individual size portion, usually served for breakfast. According to Starbucks, the dictionary doesn't count. You cannot come up with spinach, green bean, and cheese bake and call it a muffin.

We know that vegetables are good for you, and overall we encourage the greens, but misleading the Honk Kong population (apparently, this was served only in Starbucks Hong Kong) and making them believe these are muffins is a sin.
Jelly Belly
We are lucky that each subsidiary of every fast-food chain is entitled to offer their own local specialties because if we were presented with this Jelly Frappuccino anywhere else in the world, Starbucks would probably go bankrupt.

The Japanese Starbucks claims that the jellies are simply made out of coffee beans, and the purpose is to give a fresh and cooling effect, especially during the summer. We find this hard to believe. We are under the assumption that something else was added while creating this thing.
Foie Gras Festival
Regulation guidelines should be issued when concerning hamburgers and what they can or cant consist of. When will American fast-food chains realize that they can't allow their Asian subsidiaries mix with European cousins?

It doesn't work. Foie Gras (regardless of loving it or not) has to stay on a French plate with small slices of toast and onion jam, while the burger must remain as it was created, in a bun, with or without cheese and nothing more.
Berry Burgers
A forest fruit festival is always welcomed. We love our blueberries, raspberries, and cranberries piled on top of a shiny white meringue and topped with fluffy white cream.

What we don't like (or understand) is how on earth did our lavishing and beautiful forest fruits end up in a Burger King hamburger? Yet again the Burger King Japan has really innovated their menu, believing this nonsense is art.
Peanut And Mayonnaise Crust
Domino's Pizza in Taiwan is obligated to renew, innovate, and uplift its menu by creating new and surprising dishes. How creative a Pizza parlor get, we ask? Very- apparently.

We can handle cheese crusts, and we can be prepared for unusual toppings sprinkled all over our pizza, but taking peanut butter, the king of spreads, joining it with mayonnaise (as if the peanut butter is not fatty enough), and injecting them both into the crust of the pizza is practically insane as far as we are concerned. We think loyal customers should have a saying when it comes to new dishes on the menu.
Edible Nail Polish?
A first, we didn't believe this was real and didn't want to add false information to our article, but after deep research, we came across to realize that this one is for real. KFC Honk Kong wanted to give their customers a glamorous finale for their meal and produced an edible nail polish intended to be licked off.

We all know the feeling of greasy fingers after eating fried chicken, and with this new nail polish, you won't feel ridiculous licking them in public. Comes in Light Pink for natural flavor or Orange for hot & spicy.
Sakura Smoothie
The cherry blossom time in Japan is one of the most breathtaking experiences anyone could have. Pink-colored trees paint the horizon, and the smell in the air is so addictive, you wished this season never ends.

The taste of flowers is not something easy to connect to, and for most, flowers and trees are better left as something to look at and not something to eat or drink. Starbucks in Japan took advantage of one of the most beautiful times of the year and adopted the Sakura to their beverages.
Nutella Bun
Trust us; this looks better than what it really is. This is basically a Nutella sandwich that the Italian MacDonald's decided to invest loads of money in advertising. A burger bun with a generous helping of Nutella goes perfectly with a MacCoffee, so why not add it to the dessert menu? Or the breakfast menu? Or anytime during the day menu?

It's simple, but we love simplicity and believe in sticking to what you do best. So, if Italy is responsible for Nutella, they are entitled to put it in their buns.
Its McSpaghetti Night
If you're going to eat Italian, it can only be in an Italian restaurant (or at home). Spaghetti that is not prepared per order tends to be sticky, gooey, and basically inedible. MacDonald's in the Philippines and ourselves obviously don't think alike as they have come up with the McSpaghetti.

There's not much to innovate when it comes to plain tomato sauce topped over strings of pasta, and nothing too tempting about it either (especially when it comes from MacDonald's).
McRice Burger
These days many people around the world tend to avoid plain white flour. It could be for health reasons such as celiac, weight issues, and plainly because of the uncomfortable feeling many have after eating plain carbs. Macdonald keeps surprising us by coming up with odd dishes, and there is no exception this time.

At first, you may think that the rice is part of the filling or toppings, but it's not. The rice is the actual bun. So next time you feel like having a MacDonald but want to avoid the bloated feeling, travel to the Philippines, search for a Macdonald, and order the McRice. Enjoy.
Salted Egg Yolk Fries
We all remember the egg chicken bun or the eggburger Macdonald came up with a few years ago, but no one thought they would take their eggs a step further. This dish is a total upgrade to the existing MacDonald fries we all know and love.

The box they are served in is better; the temperature of the actual fries must be precise, making this Salted Egg Yolk Fries a real treat. The egg yolk sauce resembles a nice creamy mayonnaise dressing; however, if the dish is left to cool, the sauce starts to curd, leaving you with an inedible plate of fries.
Sea Salt Lemon Kit Kat
One thing we love about traveling overseas is finding new and exciting editions of our favorite candy bars. Orange chocolate or sea salt brownies are no longer exciting, and the world of candy (especially Kit Kat's) is more innovative these days than ever.

Japan is known for its limited editions. New flavored candies are always launched for a limited time only, and so was the Salt and Lemon Kit Kat. White chocolate with salty bites, all swirled with a tangy lemon touch—absolute bliss.
Sweet Purple Potato Pie
There is a reason why most foods around the world are not blue or purple. These colors do not work when it comes to things you have to put in your mouth. Chunky purple and sweet mashed potato coated in a crispy fried batter are what MacDonald's serve in the Asian market.

This is the oddest pie filling Macdonald ever served, never introduced to the European or American markets, and we can understand why.
A Chunk of Parmigiano
Parmigiano Cheese is the perfect addition to any dish, not only Italian. Shaved Parmesan on Carpaccio is a must. Ground Parmesan on Spaghetti Bolognaise is essential. However, a chunk of Parmigiano instead of a side order of fries happens only in MacDonald, Italy.

Macdonald is planning to supply a small grater so that you can joyfully grate the parmesan on your salad or burger. We want to know if it's possible to sell these at other points of sale, as the size of this cheese would be perfect for picnics and camping.
The Big M's Macarons
Who is in charge of culinary safety, and where are they? How did Macdonald's end up producing macarons and totally downgrading this magnificent cookie?

The big M management probably felt that there are no limits if every country can offer conceptual and local dishes. And if the Spanish MacDonald's want to ruin the macaron's reputation, let it be.
Purple Sweet Potato
After being exposed to Macdonald's purple soft serve, you know you have seen it all. We wish we could be a fly on the wall in one of their innovation meetings.

We would love to see who came up with the idea of sweet potato ice cream and have whatever they had for breakfast the same morning. Surprisingly, it tastes sweet, the texture is acceptable, and it still appears on some menus worldwide.
Hot Wing and Wasabi Oreo
A variety of flavors is not something sacred only for Pringles or Kit Kat. Oreo Cookies have their share of unique and interesting versions. In China, the classic cream filling of the Oreo cookie was too plain and standard. Instead of adopting a normal filling for the cookie, they stuffed it with hot wings and wasabi. So, next time you order sushi and have some wasabi left over, don't throw it away.

Preserve it for later, and when it's time for your daily cookie allowance, add on the wasabi.
Scottish Kit Kat
Scotland is known for frying literally everything. Being such a cold country, the Scots found that fried food is comforting, easy to prepare, and delicious. Favorite candy bars such as Mars or the coconut Bounty are dipped in batter and deep-fried, turning the candy into a melted piece of heaven.

Pizza Hut has adopted the Scottish tradition and has done the same with the Kit Kat. They are bite-size, and they are yummy.
Meeting the Matcha McFlurry
The benefits of Green Tea are well known all over the world. It is high in antioxidants and can assist in many health conditions. Matcha is ground green tea leaves grown in a specific way and traditionally consumed in Asia. these days matcha can be found anywhere, and in almost everything.

There are matcha desserts, match snacks, and MacDonald's matcha Oreo McFlurry. Some have described this pure white ice cream, chunks of classic Oreo's, and a touch of bitter and earthy matcha as a taste of heaven.
Eel Chips
Pringles are not the only ones that have a fish-flavored potato chip snack on the shelves. Lay's wanted to feel what it was like to have a flavor failure and not let Pringles enjoy all the glory.

Having potato chips taste like fish eggs or grilled salmon is one thing, but having Eel as the leading definition of this snack is another. Most people don't eat Eel in its original format, so what on earth did Lay's think when they developed this?
Tabasco Sundae
Like Heinz Tomato Ketchup or Hellmann's mayonnaise, Tabasco shared their products with McDonald's, naturally used on hamburgers and fries. In their last inventory count, Mcdonald's realized that they were left with more Tabasco than planned and had to figure a way of not turning it into waste.

Easily enough, they volunteered their superb Sundae to be the next Tabasco companion. They presented a flavored Sundae that couldn't be found anywhere else. And the rest is history.
Crunchy Crust
We always felt the traditional pizza needed a bit of a crunch. An Australian pizza place answered our prayers and added the perfect crunch to the ends of the pizza. Doritos crumbs, elegantly scattered around the pizza, provide the perfect ending to every slice.

The cheesy stuffing of the crust helps support this addition and brings the ultimate pizza topping in the world. You can look at this as having pizza and nachos simultaneously, which will satisfy anyone's tummy at any time.
Greek Mac
The Mediterranean cuisine is known to be lighter and healthier than the European or American kitchens. Mcdonald's in Greece had to come up with a dish better suited to their local audience, and that is how the GreecMac was born. They changed the traditional bun to pitta bread and garnished the hamburger and vegetables with a zest of lemon juice and herbs. Now, if you're going to eat junk, then eat junk.

We are not after these healthy wannabees, and if we want to stick to a healthier diet, we won't go to McDonald's in the first place. No wonder creating the fast-food was left to the Americans. At least they know how to do it properly.
Chicken Truffles
Is this supposed to be dinner and dessert all in one? This phenomenon is happening only in New Zealand, and according to the local KFC marketing director, this was intended especially for mother's day.

A raffle was published on Facebook at the time, believing people would actually want to win these chicken-flavored chocolate truffles. KFC Australis even invested in two different flavors, in case not everyone would go for the classic seasoning chicken truffles. Gross.
Cheetos Quesadilla
The traditional quesadilla is supposed to be a comforting Mexican dish, of a soft tortilla, filled with cheese, meat seasoning, and other acceptable fillings, so why has Taco Bell, the temple of Mexican fast food, had to go a ruin everything we ever believed about this dish?

In our opinion, one of Taco Bell's employees couldn't find anything to eat one evening, improvised with a Cheetos tortilla, and thought this would be a great hit amongst young customers. How low can you go?
Black Sesame Shake
Some may say that black sesame is good for you. They are antioxidants, presumably improve blood pressure, and have more flavor than the more familiar white sesame seed. Now, we come across odd flavors off shakes, but a black sesame shake is a first for us. What is it supposed to taste of?

Smooth vanilla milkshake is blended with small black seeds, bringing their bitter characteristics and ability to get stuck in the teeth. Why would anyone want this?