Under no circumstances should you ever accept verbal abuse, especially not during an interview. If you ever find yourself in a situation where someone is raising their voice at you, resist the consensus, and before you even stop and think about what’s happening, save yourself and just leave the room.

That way, you take the high road while leaving them in the dust to contemplate their ridiculous behavior while they wallow about in their own despair.
A List of Flaws
Back in the day, people could not use the internet to help them prepare for interviews. They had to go in blindly, trying to guess what they could possibly be asked. Today, we know that this question will most likely come up every time we're looking for a job.

But this kid didn't know what they were in for and started to list all of their flaws. We hope this Reddit user recovered from this horrific experience.
Now or Never
When someone expects you to jump through hoops before they even hired you, you know something's wrong. This recruiter only wants to hire employees who can drop everything they are doing at any given moment just to answer to him.

Good luck finding these kinds of people, which we believe can be very hard to find. Maybe next time just make sure you are calling at a convenient time?
Will the Real Jessica Please Stand Up?
We know that technically it was the interviewer who screwed it up and invited someone they didn't want to. Still, we can't imagine how the girl who wasn't actually Jessica must have felt.

But, even more curious, did they ever manage to get a hold of the real Jessica and interview her? Was she everything they hoped and dreamed she would be? Probably not.
Family in High Places
Hiring someone just because they are related to the manager is a tale as old as time. If you know people in high places, there's a greater chance you will end up in a high place yourself.

Of course, in order to keep appearances, companies must still advertise the position. But honestly, it is a bad look to hire someone and then let them know the job is actually already filled by the manager's niece.
Paying for the Job
Yes, we live in a world where many times you are required to pay money out of your own pocket just for the chance to maybe get some green into your bank account.

The most humiliating part is not getting hired even after spending the money. We hope they at least reimbursed him, but somehow we have a feeling they didn't.
A Strip Club Job
Pole life is not for everyone, as pole dancing requires incredible physical shape as well as the desire and willingness to dance in tiny outfits. What is truly peculiar about this story, is that it seems that all the other girls knew what was the actual position they were interviewing for.

Everyone knew, except for our unsuspecting, naive Reddit user. But hey, it's a funny story and no harm was done.
Not a Wizzard
Not hiring someone just because they are a muggle who has never bothered reading Harry Potter sounds like the right choice to us, but it also sounds illegal. We cannot discriminate against those who haven't read this masterpiece, we must help them see the light.

Considering how unprepared this guy came to the interview, we can only assume he is a Hufflepuff.
Let Him Go
It can be hard to let your children go out into the real, big, scary world. As parents, we know that outside, evil interviewers and many disappointments await. We just want to protect our children.

Still, this dad did his son dirty, treating him like an 8-year old who needs to be helped and cuddled. This did not help their relationship, or the son's job prospects, so it's a lose-lose situation.
Cleaning Cages
Because we all know that first impressions matter, it is clear that when interviewing for a job, even if it's at a pet store, we will do everything we can to look our best.

Still, maybe coming in with a blazer to a pet store is a bit too much? That's debatable. Either way, the owner could have been nicer. If that's how he treats his employees we bet they don't stay for long.
You Got It! Just Kidding
You got the job! Oh, wait, just kidding, you didn't get the job, because there's no job to get! Could you imagine the emotional roller coaster this guy went through? We hope he got a good lawyer and made this company compensate him for the terrible mental anguish he must have experienced.

A tip from us to HR managers — make sure the position exists before you hire someone for it.
You Don't Know What You Don't Know
Imagine being told you don't even have enough knowledge in order to work as an unpaid intern. The entire idea behind an internship is that it should help you learn more about a field while serving coffee of course.

But, if each and every position requires knowledge and experience, even unpaid internships, how can one ever acquire them? This question is as old as the first job, but for some reason, it has still remained unanswered.
Arrests Were Made
This Reddit user also added that she saw M as a mentor, so we can only imagine that the arrest was a surprise that left a bitter taste in her mouth.

Being suspected as a collaborator in illegal activities makes for a very poor first impression, so we assume this gal never got the job. But who knows, maybe it was for the best?
Deducting Points
Employers don't like it when workers are late, and that's fair. But a point system? Just to keep track of who arrived five minutes late during a blizzard?

Driving during a storm is no picnic, but knowing your boss is going to write it down somewhere if you're late — that's just terrifying. What happens to someone who gets too many points? Honestly, we're afraid to ask at this stage... We just hope they make it out alive.
The Intern
There's nothing more soul-crushing than learning you had it all going for you but you still managed to mess it up. This law firm found the guy's CV impressive, all he had to do is show up and not act like a fool.

The problem is, not acting like a fool is a lot harder than it sounds, especially in a stressful situation like an internship interview. We hope this guy managed to ace his next interviews!
Lots of Work, Low Pay
You gotta appreciate an interviewer who is willing to tell it exactly like it is — this work stinks! Most jobs offer very low pay and expect a lot of hard work in return, and it just isn't how the world works. At least this gal could run before she even started.

But what about the poor guys whose been working there for over 18 years? Is he ok? We hope he's getting the help he needs.
Asking Inappropriate Questions
In every social interaction, there are unspoken rules one must follow. Job interviews are no diffrent. Some questions or statements are just too inappropriate to even be brought up. Like, asking someone if they enjoy their job, like, what kind of answer did this guy expect?

Well, after the question and the awkward silence they both got that this gal probably wasn't a good fit for the company.
Niche Scientific Experience
Unrealistic expectations are just a part of human nature. We all want a flawless partner, an excellent job, and the perfect employee.

Someone young and hip, someone with decades of experience, somebody who doesn't even want to work for money, as they do it because of their passion for science. But, alas, the reality is harsh, which is why this position went unfilled for at least five years.
Avoiding the Question
What would a street sweeper want to avoid while on duty? Our answer would be, any type of dirt or disturbance that isn't easily sweepable, so we don't think this question was as hard as this guy makes it out to be.

We are actually more worried about the part where he was asked if he has a girlfriend and then had to listen to a rant about marriage.
A Childcare Assistant
What is it with trying to trick people to come to job interviews by placing an ad for a different position altogether? This is the equivalent of going on a Tinder date only to find out the other person looks nothing like the pictures.

It just wastes everybody's time! Sure, nannies can be categorized as some type of assistants, if we're stretching it...
How Far Would You Go?
Was the interviewer trying to see how far this person would go in order to get the job? Was there some type of hidden position this recruiter was trying to fill? A secret agent, maybe?

A dealer of illegal substances? We will forever have to live with the doubt of whether this was truly just a fun, silly question, or there was something more there...
Two for One
This makes total sense, as engineers can clean, but cleaners can't engineer! This is a two for one with an embarrassing pay to top it all. Unless, of course, you want to do overtime.

But will it be overtime cleaning or overtime engineering? We are very confused, but we do know one thing, this company probably didn't find anyone who would want to fill this position.
Honesty Is the Worst Policy
People who have already had their fair share of interviews already know that the first rule of interviews is that you never, ever say the whole truth. Those who lack experience might find themselves failing a very simple interview for a fast-food company, just because they said they like money and video games. But who doesn't?

We hope that during her next interview she said that she is passionate about the brand and spends her free time learning rocket science.
No Flu For You
Sure, when we work for a company, we have to follow the company guidelines and rules. If they put money in our bank accounts, they get to tell us what to do, that's the exchange. A silly uniform? No problem!

A 10-minute break for a 10-hour workday? Sure, we'll take it. But, not getting sick? As in, exercising control over your body that is not even humanly possible? Makes no sense to us.
Not Worth the Drive
You wake up in the morning and get ready to drive for at least an hour to interview for a new exciting job as a math teacher. You get there only to learn the harsh realities of the job market. Their wanted ad said math, and they say… history?

What’s the difference anyway? A teacher is a teacher, right? Offering someone the job you actually posted? That’s so last year!
A Surprisingly Happy Ending
When trying to impress others, it seems like there are only two routes to take — you can try and be incredibly humble or incredibly cocky.

This Reddit poster decided to try something new: act as if you own the room, utter a confident remark, and wait to see what happens next. Well, first it was deep regret at saying something so stupid. But apparently, it worked and this guy got the job!
Paper Airplanes
We really do appreciate the art of origami, but we also know there's a time and place for everything.

Unless this was a job interview for a paper folding position, there's no excuse for the recruiter's behavior. We do wonder if this was a habit the recruiter had, of practicing their origami skills during interviews. Not a bad use of their time!
Stood Up
Many say that searching for a job is just like searching for a soulmate, long and disappointing. Just like the competitive dating market, you can find yourself getting ghosted, or worse yet, just plainly being stood up.

When it's a date, most likely you didn't drive for two hours just to get to the bar, but this person drove and drove just to learn his interviewer wasn't coming in. Rude.
A Role Reversal
When the hiring manager is openly and shamelessly trying to get a new job, you know you're interviewing for a terrible place. Could you imagine this guy going to his employer and giving him this guy's CV, telling him he got it while interviewing for another job?

Yeah, neither can we. Maybe this experience has helped him find a new appreciation for his current workplace.
You Otter Know Better
As a general rule, most questions that are asked during a job interview, are usually a trap, even if they seem innocent enough. You'd think this fun little question was asked merely to get to know the candidate better and lighten up the mood.

Nope! It was a test, and someone failed it, that someone being the interviewers, who clearly knows nothing about otters.
The Three-Day Interview
Good jobs are hard to come by, yet bad ones are as common as an old shoe. For some reason, this doesn't stop employers from trying to make the interview process a hellish one, with the CEO doubling as the Devil himself. All of this, just for minimum wage? Yikes.

Luckily, this person got away as fast as they could and hopefully found a more accommodating workplace.
Money = Work
Let’s unravel this short story knot with just a touch more context. In the twenty-first century we all live in, we need money to live, and for many of us, that means we need to work — it's common knowledge.

But bringing it up in an interview won't always go well. Yes, it is incredibly honest but it will make some people uncomfortable.
Um, Mom?
Bringing your mother to an interview is a rather bizarre way of approaching the world of work. What's even more strange is that she answered most of the questions, which is as tragic as it is unbelievable.

This unusual move did not bid well for either of them though, as they didn't get the job. Here's a tip — don't bring your parent to join you in the interview, it's not a good look on a date and definitely doesn't fare well in an interview.
10 Out of 10
Instead of the tedious process most interviews take, this seems like a welcome change of pace, with questions that seem totally irrelevant to most jobs. Actually, now that we think about it, is there a job that any of these would apply to?!

Although not the typical question and answer session, it could prove to be very insightful to both parties about their potential.
First Sign to Leave
You may have already heard this phrase but it goes something like this: "life often speaks in whispers before it breaks through the wall." Meaning there are always signs that point us in the right direction but if you're anything like us, you might be a slow learner.

We're not completely without empathy because we know this happens to everyone. We all have horror stories where when we retell them, we suddenly realize "oh wait, I should've paid more attention to that..."
Just a Few More Minutes
To paraphrase Amazon's bygone motto, it must move fast and break things, whether those 'things' are actual people or not. While it would be simply an error to equate corporate greed with this interview, it should go without saying that treating people like mere objects, happens more frequently than it should.

And in most of these cases, it's due to people holding positions of power that should probably not be.
Going Fishing?
Fishing expeditions like these, though far from common, are almost too evil not to mention in our list. Not only should you not waste anybody's time but to do so under the pretense of offering them a job should be OUTLAWED!

For the love of all that is good, do not do this if you work in Human Resources or are planning to conduct interviews. Even if you're anything like our silly cousin Steve, it's not funny and neither are your shenanigans.
In this brief play, we don't have the full scope of everything that happened, merely a taste. But just from that tiny morsel of, let's say, 1940s Germany opinions, it became clear that this unsavory character was not someone anyone would want to be working for.

It is worth mentioning that anyone who shows the slightest bigoted attitude is going to be someone with no sense of moral compass and therefore not fit for managing any group of people. No matter what their ethnic/religious affiliation might be.
Amateur Hour
Being young and desperate for work means you're destined to have a dreadful interview at some point. Hoping to slough off their appalling interviewing skills, this guy has the audacity to tell them they don't have the skills needed.

As if that was a problem when dealing with his barely competent aptitude when it came to giving this degrading interview.
We Were Not Expecting That
Like a sudden twist in an M. Night Shyamalan movie, this interview did a complete 180 degree and surprised us all. Just like any psychological thriller, this post surprised us all and proved that even at the worst of times, good things can happen.

Some interviews can totally transform from a rigidly cold process to good news we'd never thought we'd hear.
Now That's Just Greedy
With interviews like this, it becomes clear why rules had to be put into place to protect workers' rights and make sure employers don't exploit them into complete servitude. Believe it or not, treating your employees like robots instead of sentient beings is not a good look.

If ever you have an upcoming interview, it's best to brush up on all the laws regarding time off and your rights as an employee. Different states and countries have different regulations. It's always better to be prepared than to apply for a job like this.
To Be Honest...
As an interviewee, we are expected to bring in enthusiasm, tenacity, and an almost Forrest Gump-style initiative to the job—but when interviews bomb like this, why would anyone even bother? Especially when you factor in the pitiful salary!

When your interviewer sounds more like a stern military parent, you might want to change channels and see if you can find something a little more delightful.
Started From the Bottom
After filtering through the most dismal array of appalling interviews, there are some that stand out for being decidedly more optimistic. This one may have started out bad but somehow, it took a turn for the better.

If you need a sign that things can get better, here it is! Even if nothing is working out and you're down in the dumps, just know that there might be a curveball right around the corner.
Am I Missing Something?
False promises combined with bad math make for a terrible combination, as is the case where the interviewer would rope people in and once they figured it out, they'd leave. If you find anything a little fishy about your interview, don't be afraid to ask questions until you understand what's going on.

This just goes to show that the pure lack of consideration of some people, truly knows no bounds!
Red Flags
Perhaps the greatest lesson we can all learn from this interview flop is that you should always be warier about how you're being interviewed than worried if you're doing a good job. So many of us want to demonstrate how suitable we'd be for the position in question when we should really be asking "Is this a job that I would want?"

If you find yourself counting red flags like you're on the worst date of your life, then it's probably in your best interest to forget about the position entirely and move on to greener, more fulfilling pastures.
We really can't believe that this trope of oafish men showed up in yet another interview. It would almost seem comical if it wasn't underpinned by the truth that this is just how terrible the working world can be for women.

You don't have to be an informed scholar to see how prevalent this attitude towards women is. That proves just how toxic stereotypes can be and how it can make even the most suitable of candidates call it quits.
Anything But This!
It's this kind of setup we all dread hearing from any friend or family member, but this interviewee was caught completely off guard once they recognized it for what it was — a pyramid scheme!

Unfortunately, many people fall prey to this fraudulent enterprise disguised as an interview. Interviews are intimidating enough on their own, but one that's sailing under the false colors of a pyramid scheme is pure evil.
Gender Norms
Women really can't seem to catch a break when it comes to being interviewed it seems... or generally in life, for that matter. Nina knows how annoying it can be to feel subject to forced gender norms and then how having an opinion about it can snap back at the worst possible moment.

Like this interview, when Nina went on a tirade about dish soap ads never featuring men, and basically how that reinforces gender stereotypes. It was only at that exact moment that she realized she was being interviewed by the manager of a dish soap company.
A Ghosting Story
With a simple process like this, we would at least expect a shred of human decency when it comes to notifying potential candidates, but by some means of cold corporate logic, that seems like an unreasonable task.

No matter how low some of these interviews sink, there's always another that can sink even lower in the salty abyss we call ghosting.
How About No?
Writing code is incredibly difficult, so to write an entire computer program from scratch is a pretty tall order. This French oil conglomerate wanted to make sure they recruit the best candidates by doing just that.

From all worldly standards of decent expectations, rich oil companies have just as much gall as any small start-up when it comes to the interviewing process.
In all honesty, we're not sure exactly how, but by means fair or foul, we've found that unspeakable blend that combines creepy old guys with the cold formality of interviews causes us to say "Dang, is this the world we live in?"

Turns out, this actually happens a lot! Being in a position of power just makes people more likely to abuse it, especially when it's a creepy old guy who can afford it.
Arriving at an interview with a headache and not in the least bit prepared is one way to make an impression, but why not take a step further and impersonate your interviewer while he's sitting at the next table?

With all that being said, it's probably not the impression you want to make when interviewing for a new job.
Interviewer Logic
After breaking out from behind the bars of their own ineptitude, some companies are advertising for programming positions that don't exist within the confines of our reality and instead actively exclude the entire group of prospective employees they would want.

If they can't even understand how time works, then it's unlikely they'll know how to hire the right person for the job.
Now That's Just Disrespectful
Despite this interview for two hours and getting into his best outfit that's just preppy enough to make him look like a serious candidate, Ian Williamson found himself in the awkward position of glancing over as his interviewer was drawing glasses and other accessories over his CV photo.

Context-dependent, that's just plain unprofessional, and Ian was left thinking, maybe they're not taking him seriously at all.
Dodging Bullets
Just as some interviews can be a glimpse into the company's culture, the CEO themselves can be oblivious to how their work comes across as degrading and to how devoid of reality their expectations can be.

It's one thing to expect your employees to be hard-working — it's quite another to forbid from getting sick. With interviews like these, it can sometimes seem like a decent job with reasonable expectations doesn't exist.
Yes, I'm Scottish
We are often the architects of our own demise, including Helia Phoenix, who spun her own web of deceit by way of a pretentious Scottish accent. What she thought would be a memorable day turned out to be an eight-month stint juggling her new job while courting the dramatic arts with her new accent.

Turns out those eight months were more nerve-wracking than she could've imagined, not only did she have to adjust to her new position, she also had to remember to speak with an accent, and Scottish is already quite difficult to master!
The Power of the Interview
Some interviewers are the worst people you'll ever come across, they have all the power and they know it. In the real world, this would be like perilously toeing the line between being just another interviewer and a narcissist with no remorse.

Is it just us or is there just something about holding so much power that makes people act like horrible tyrants while thinking their actions have no consequences?
Now This Is Taking Too Long...
Passing level one of the interview round is like getting high-fives for picking up someone else's litter — it's rare but it can happen. Now there's the waiting game where you're left to your own devices, as your fate lies in the hands of strangers who will make an important decision about your future at their company.

You might wonder what's the appropriate time before asking how it's going without looking too desperate, but if you find yourself waiting for more than 45 minutes, it might be time to check in and see if everyone is still there.
Interviews Need Surveys
Please take a few hours of your time to answer this interview process survey: On a scale of 'Meh' to 'Complete Waste of Time,' how satisfied are you with this interview?

If only more companies had surveys after their interview process, they might get to the bottom of why so many people are withdrawing their names.
And He Still Got the Job
As those who have already spoken out can attest to, interviews are a hotbed of mayhem and bureaucracy. So it only makes sense that scheduling a dentist appointment beforehand (guarantees you'll put your worst foot forward) can get you the job.

Not sure what this guy was doing, but between arriving late and slurring, he must have done something right.
The Corporate World
The corporate world is known for being boring and working in it can sometimes make you feel like you're just another cog in a tedious system filled with excessively complicated administrative procedures, like this company that was downsizing.

Sometimes, though, you get a better job at a company that actually appreciates their employees without parading them through hoops to stay at the job they're already doing.
Three Strikes
There's nothing like this list laying bare how some interviews go to prove just how grim the interview process can be. Even as an interviewer, there's so much you have to deal with that seems stranger than fiction.

With a trifecta rivaling any spectrum of emotions, Sam Ma'ayan really has his work cut out for him, and we can only take our hats off as we honestly, don't know what to feel after reading his list.
No Surprise Here
Grad students are the worst! If they're not bragging about their recent academic accomplishments, they're looking down on everyone else while they've barely ventured into adulthood.

Yes, we are all well aware you were a big deal while at college but once you're out in the real world, it might do well to respect the women you'll end up working for before you assume anything about them.
With more and more revelations of job interviews gone wrong from all corners of the globe, why not sprinkle in a post about someone messing up on this side of the interview process. Like this woman who stared so intently she might have given her interviewer the heebie-jeebies.

This intense gaze can easily be channeled into terror, and eventually into being shared on this post for our own amusement.
No, Thank You!
Interviewers have been framed as objective observers while the interview practice itself has been seen as a formal process that's completely separate from the workspace. This typical method may make potential employees feel there's a disconnect from the work environment.

But interviews are not as separate as they want you to think; it’s genuinely a peek into the prospective place of work, with all involved people displaying the true nature of that environment. So yes, in other words, it's perfectly indicative of how your future job and employers will be.
A Position Had Just Opened...
Sometimes, it does well to take a look at the world as it’s presented before you and wonder if this is a good fit. If you like watching baking shows as you cuddle your cats every night, then this job interview might not be suitable.

In the case of Archbishop Hairyman, he didn't flinch one bit when he saw the crime scene and managed to work there for eight years!
That's It
Under no circumstances should you ever accept verbal abuse, especially not during an interview. If you ever find yourself in a situation where someone is raising their voice at you, resist the consensus, and before you even stop and think about what's happening, save yourself and just leave the room.

That way, you take the high road while leaving them in the dust to contemplate their ridiculous behavior while they wallow about in their own despair.
Strong as Russia
Man, Russian people are tough! If you haven't been aware then this post should give you a good glimpse into the empathic nature of one Russian woman. Apparently, "tears cannot help you" is the best she could muster when it comes to handling a debt collection call.

Now, in this case, some empathy would do a little good — you are after all dealing with clients who are out of luck — and perhaps delivering the unfortunate news with a Russian truism is not the best way to present it.
Will Ya?
We don't even know where to begin with this one. From the offensive comments to laughing about her salary expectations. There's just something about being an interviewer that brings out the worst in people!

It's almost like this woman had a checklist to go through the interview to see just how unpleasant and disrespectful she could be within the short time frame of one interview.
Time Wasters
This conversation about time-wasting job postings has never been quicker to surface than it has in this interview. Honestly, we've all been there and it's so frustrating to have to sit through a waste of time interview, biting your tongue until it's finally over.

We bet there were loads of times you may have wanted to speak up, but because of how you were brought up, or the dynamics of the interview process, you just couldn't stand up for yourself and keep your composure for something you shouldn't have.
Internships Don't Count?
The whole concept of unpaid internships is to get experience, but for the sake of this entry, let's not start a conversation we can't finish. The real problem here is the interviewer's attitude, showing that even those who work at hi-tech companies can get it wrong sometimes.

It may seem obvious that if you want to earn a decent salary you should start working in tech. But what's even more important to remember is that money isn't everything. Earning a decent salary while having good experience is what you should really want.
Toxic Environments
If anything, an interview can be a sneak preview into the type of setting you might end up working in, so there's even a trace amount of hostility, then you might want to get off that toxic train before it leaves the station.

Schools are no exception. It's easy to say that teachers are a hardy bunch, but more often than not, it's all the dynamics surrounding their job that make it so stressful.
No, Thanks!
Companies and corporations harassing you with products you definitely don't need is one thing, but what's worse is this job advert. It might be the most misleading and deceptive advertisement ever made!

Job advertisements are like any other ad — sometimes they're appealing, sometimes they lead you astray, and sometimes they leave you doubting if certainty could ever exist, presenting all amounts of a reasonable hourly wage as useless.
Hostage Situation
As if preparing for an interview wasn't already outrageously stressful, being held hostage is hands-down the most anxiety-inducing part. While interviews already have many elements of a hostage situation in the mix, they're not actually allowed to lock you up.

If at any point you feel like you want to leave, you have every right to do so and there should be no obstacle or hindrance that obstructs your escape... Ummm, we mean exit!
An Amazon Story
Looking for an amusing and family-friendly expedition? Something that might teach you a little about the joys of capitalism? Consider being interviewed by the third level of hell: Amazon, a company that employs thousands of people and is always looking for more.

Amazon is notorious for the way they treat their workers. Still, they've somehow also become the most successful. But as this post shows, working for them is no walk in the park...
While in the Waiting Area
Typical waiting areas for interviews are filled with sweaty palms, rapidly increasing heart rates, flinching, and squirming. Being in this situation you could imagine that seeing a familiar face would bring some comfort and ease, but not if it's your boss!

That would only add another layer to the already awkward bundle you were trying to hide before your interview. Mark found himself in this exact predicament, finding out that he and his boss both called in sick to interview for the same job.
Even those doing the interviewing get an unexpected glimpse into an assortment of characters that they would otherwise never meet during their day-to-day routine. This woman even met a neanderthal emerging from under his Palaeolithic cavernous rock.

Even nowadays, these men make rare appearances, most often in crowded spaces, like in bars, airplanes, or football games where they can be found ranting and raving about the good old days when blatant ignorance was still acceptable.
Even at the best of times, interviews are fraught with nerves and apprehension but luckily this guy was cool as a cucumber while being interviewing for an IT job. Interviews make most people too nervous to stand up for themselves, but when we consider the rest of the posts, we're glad he did!

Even though he didn't mean to let out that snarky comment, it proved quite appropriate, especially when said after the condescending question of his interviewer.
Read the CV First
Interviews can make you obsess over every word and every gesture, making you feel self-conscious and underprepared. It’s not your fault: interviews are surreal, awkward, and after all, nobody likes to be scrutinized.

But in cases like this, it's the interviewer that should have done their research and properly read through the CVs.
While we could call this Facebook stalking, this guy might call it due diligence. But how we classify his social media searches doesn't really matter. What does matter though is how it comes across when you blurt it out like it's a casual incident.

When said out of context, it might seem like a random comment, but it doesn't seem very professional when said in an interview.