Jackman and his fellow Aussie actor Russell Crowe are good friends, and it was Crowe that helped to give Jackman’s career the biggest boost it’s ever gotten. It was Crowe who referred to Jackman as the role of Logan in the X-Men movies, which took Jackman from a name known only in the down under to a megastar that would soon go on to do bigger and better things.

Wolverine is still likely Jackman’s most well-known role (since he played it in, what, a dozen movies?), and it’s all thanks to making friends in the industry. Remember, kids; it pays to be friendly.
The Start of a Long Passion
Hugh Jackman wasn’t all that interested in being a performer of any kind until he was ten years old. Growing up in Sydney, Jackman was surrounded by culture, and his father would play musicals on record regularly. One, in particular, stood out: “Man of La Mancha.”

At the age of ten, Jackman finally got to see the musical performed live at a high school performance, and at that point, his life was changed. He already knew the whole show, thanks to listening to it over and over but seeing it live was quite different, as any fan of live theater can tell you.
Making the Shift to Drama
While a lot of kids grow up hoping to be a superhero one day, that wasn’t what Jackman had in mind. He went to Sydney’s University of Technology, eventually graduating with a BA in communications with a focus on journalism. However, during his senior year, he took a drama theory class that he enjoyed so much, it changed the direction of his entire life.

He promptly enrolled in the Western Australian Academy of Arts, where tons of famous Australian names learned their trade. Just think – if Hugh hadn’t taken that single course in college, he might be working as a journalist right now.
Sometimes Nice Guys Finish First
A lot of Hollywood names, male and female, are stinkers. They can be mean, obnoxious, and even downright cruel. But not Hugh Jackman. He’s acquired the label of “Nicest Guy in Hollywood,” which has to be at least a little difficult.

He often ignores the advice of publicists (they tell him not to move his hands so much or talk about certain topics) and aims to create a more natural, direct version of himself while he’s in interviews or interacting with the public. This is after all those years of experience in both small and large roles, so it seems like it’s the real thing.
All Sorts of Hobbies
We all know that Hugh Jackman is a fine actor, dancer, and singer, but what else can he do? A whole lot, as it turns out. He can also play the guitar, piano, and violin, which he no doubt learned in order to know more about music and musicals.

He likes yoga, crediting Meg Ryan for getting him into it, and he’s also a member of the School of Practical Philosophy, which creates journeys of self-discovery to help students find wisdom. On top of all that, he also windsurfs, but he is from Australia. We think it’s the law to windsurf at least once in your life down there.
When you think about Hugh Jackman, you think about a larger-than-life character who can tangle with the best of them – but would you believe that when he fell in love, he was too shy to do anything about it? Thankfully he got past it, eventually marrying the leading lady of the Australian TV series “Corelli” (which ran in 1995), Deborra-Lee Furness.

He had a huge crush on her while acting in the show, but he screwed up the courage. They were together until late 2023; however, we must say that, one of the interesting facts about this relationship was the age difference and not the usual kind: Deborra-Lee is thirteen years Jackman’s senior.
Nothing Is Ever Perfect
Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness got married in 1996 and tried to have children, but they ran into some problems conceiving – a common issue, sadly. Even after attempting in-vitro fertilization, they found themselves childless. They adopted a pair of children named Oscar and Ava, and Jackman knew that they would have to work hard to make sure the kids wouldn't become spoiled and unappreciative like many celeb children end up.

The kids would have grown up in luxury and privilege, so Jackman decided to be a little strict. He has said that he’s constantly teaching them about respect and gratitude so that they don’t end up as selfish little jerks.
A Way to Find Peace
He might get to benefit from all the celebrity advantages, but being an internationally-renowned movie star comes with quite a busy schedule. There are also all the normal parts of life, like relationships and kids. All this to say, Jackman's life must be quite hectic, but he has a secret: transcendental meditation.

It’s a great benefit to a lot of people who find life a little too busy. He’s been doing it since he was twenty, in the eighties, and he’s said that it helps him bring a lot of peace into a life that is usually gone, go, go.
A Difference in Parenting Styles
Jackman grew up with a father that was quite strict. That can be a good thing for a lot of reasons, but it can also be an issue. Jackman, while he’s said he’s strict with his kids, has also said that he wants to be a little more flexible than his own father was during his childhood.

However, he was always the stricter of the two when it came to him and his wife. One of the two had to play the bad cop in order to keep the kids in line. This, of course, meant the kids had learned to ask Mom for stuff they wanted.
Wisdom From the Mouth of Babes
We all have to slum it a little before making it big, and the guy who played Wolverine is no exception. Before Jackman became a star, he had all kinds of menial jobs to pay the bills. He spent a couple of years as a night shift gas station attendant as a teen, and he was also a clown at children’s parties to help pay for his university schooling.

He says the parties were the hardest fifty dollars he ever made. Apparently, a six-year-old kid told him he was a terrible clown because he didn’t know any tricks. Jackman didn’t have a comeback, just like he didn’t have any tricks.
Brave Enough to Fail
Jackman is a natural performer, but that doesn’t just mean he’s good at singing and dancing. Or acting. Or playing music. Man, this guy can do a lot. There’s an Australian saying that Jackman has tried to live by that goes like this: “Have a go.” So simple, and yet it means so much. It means don’t worry about failing or not living up to expectations. Go for it. Do your best!

It’s a good way to think about a lot of things. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, you miss a hundred percent of the shots you don’t take. There are all kinds of synonymous sayings from all over the world.
Showing Off Every Side
Hugh Jackman is clearly, an extremely talented individual, able to sing, dance, and act in equal measure – a true triple threat in the entertainment industry. To no one’s surprise, Jackman jumped at the chance for a leading part in one of the biggest musical movies of all time, “Les Miserables.”

He considers it a high point in his career since he was able to combine his love of acting in movies with an equal love of performing complex choreography and songs of musical theater. Consensus is a little mixed on the movie itself, but no one can deny it’s a dream project for a lot of people.
Friends and Connections
Jackman and his fellow Aussie actor Russell Crowe are good friends, and it was Crowe that helped to give Jackman’s career the biggest boost it’s ever gotten. It was Crowe who referred to Jackman as the role of Logan in the X-Men movies, which took Jackman from a name known only in the down under to a megastar that would soon go on to do bigger and better things.

Wolverine is still likely Jackman’s most well-known role (since he played it in, what, a dozen movies?), and it’s all thanks to making friends in the industry. Remember, kids; it pays to be friendly.
No Idea What It Was
After Jackman got his big break as Wolverine in the X-Men movies, he, like so many others, was asked to host “Saturday Night Live” for an episode. Now normally, that’s a good thing, but there was a big problem: Jackman had never seen the show and didn’t know what it was.

In order to correct this, the producers sent Jackman a bunch of tapes so he could watch the show, familiarize himself with the format, and understand the tone. Remember, this is before you could look the show up online. He recounts that his favorite episode was one hosted by Conan O’Brien.
Not From a Movie
Playing Wolverine in so many movies is going to leave you banged up, no matter how careful you are. The man does fight people for a living, after all. So, when Jackman found a mark on his nose in November of 2013, he assumed that it was an unnoticed injury during a stunt or something like that and didn't give it too much concern, not realizing he was in for a surprise.

After having it checked out, he discovered that it was basal cell carcinoma, the most common form of skin cancer. Thankfully it’s mild, but Jackman has been treating the disease ever since.
He’s Sort of Like Velma Dinkley
Jackman is quite fit and healthy in most areas of his life – the benefits of a good diet and constant exercise – but there’s one thing he can’t fix much, and that’s his eyesight. He’s extremely near-sighted, which means he has a lot of trouble seeing things that are beyond arm’s length. He usually wears contacts but sometimes isn’t able to, meaning anything farther than close at hand is blurred.

As a result, he can’t read teleprompters, meaning he is forced to memorize all his lines in these situations. Not only is he a great singer, dancer, etc., but he has a good memory, too.
Breaking Superhero Records
Jackman’s big break was as the sharp-clawed Canadian from the X-Men series, and that comes with a couple of accolades to boot. He was, at one time, the actor who spent the most time playing a single character in a superhero movie, though a few other names have taken his place thanks to movies involving time travel or multiverses.

However, he is the only actor that has been in every film in the X-Men franchise, despite the different timelines and periods. He is still the actor who has had the most appearances in superhero films, too. He was one of the originals, of course, so he’ll be hard to beat.
Bringing Him Down to Size
Hugh Jackman is a tall guy – six feet, two inches of 100% man, baby, but that posed a problem. Not just fitting into cars, either. Wolverine is a famously short, stocky character who requires a number of things to make sure he doesn’t tower over his costars.

The film crew took to shooting him at unusual angles to hide his height, and the directors had his costars wear platform shoes during certain shots to give them a few inches. In addition, Jackman had to seriously muscle up to become a character that is one of the biggest beefcakes of the X-Men.
Learning From the Best
Few people know how to bulk up like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. In order to get into fighting shape for the X-Men movies, Jackman asked Mr. Rock for tips, and here’s what he started doing: On days when Jackman would hit the gym to build muscle, he’d load up on carbs for energy during workouts.

On days when he was kicking back at home, he’d stay away from carbs and sugar, focusing on protein and healthy fats like avocados, nuts, and seeds. This kept him full, gave him energy, and helped him burn fat by keeping him at a caloric deficit.
We Feel Full Already
If you’re familiar with what bodybuilders, Olympic athletes, or other gym rats go through to put on muscle, you know that it can take a lot of calories. While Jackman was turning into Jacked-man to play Logan, he had to eat six or seven meals a day, around six thousand calories! That’s three times what the average person should be getting, but it’s clear Jackman is not average.

He wanted it all to be clean and healthy, so he was eating things like chicken, rice, and vegetables. No pancakes, soda, or cookies for this superhero. That’s a lot of volume, and that leaves a man full for a long time.
Going for a Functional Look
You can always tell when a guy spends a lot of time in the gym. Sure, he’s got big muscles, but there’s a certain kind of look – narrow waist, huge pecs, bulging shoulders. Someone who got fit working construction or something like that will have a much more natural look, with a standard level of fitness from top to bottom.

That’s what David Kingsbury, Jackman’s trainer for “X-Men,” wanted to accomplish. He developed a plan using lifts like squats and deadlifts and compound exercises using free weights, avoiding machines that focus on one muscle group too much. This toned Jackman without bulking him out too much.
You Take the Good With the Bad
While Jackman has revealed that he’s in the best shape he can be while he’s training to portray Wolverine, that doesn’t mean it’s all good. Anybody who has trained seriously will feel this next statement: the poor man can barely look at a piece of chicken breast. He’s eaten so much of it over the years that it does nothing for him.

It’s high in protein, it’s low in fat, it keeps you full, and it tastes...okay...but eat it for several meals a day for full years, and you’ll be begging for a pork chop before long. Don’t worry Hugh, here’s some more asparagus.
A Successor in Mind
Hugh Jackman’s swansong as his breakout character came in the film “Logan,” which had the hero unsheath his claws for one last time. The movie was a hit, but it’s clear that Jackman’s time as this character had come to an end.

Who knows what Hollywood will come up with for the character, but it’s not out of the question for another actor to step up and don the blue and yellow jumpsuit for more films. Jackman, as the expert, has a replacement in mind: Tom Hardy. This actor is already a superstar, but would he be willing to become part of the X-Men universe?
Problems With Mom
Hugh Jackman grew up in a strict household in Australia. That’s not all bad, but it can lead to some issues. Worse than that, however, is the fact that Jackman’s mother divorced his father and moved back to England, which put a strain on the mother-son relationship. That much distance is certainly going to do it.

Jackman collected a great deal of emotional trauma due to this, and he even broke down during a “60 Minutes” interview, during which he discussed his mother. Family stuff is some of the hardest stuff to deal with, and even Jackman has to deal with the things that happened to him.
Harnessed to Play Wolverine
Despite being known throughout the Hollywood industry as a super nice guy, Jackman has said that he has a certain amount of “Wolverine rage” inside him. His mother leaving the country left him with a lot of feelings that he couldn’t deal with as a kid, feeling powerless and angry, which only worsened as he grew up and started playing rugby.

He would sometimes get hit in the face, and the anger would take over for a moment. He was eventually able to get these things under control, but he found he could tap into the memories in order to play Wolverine.
Moves Better Than Jagger
It seems that Jackman’s crush on his eventual wife wasn’t one-sided. The two quickly became friends, but it would be weeks before Hugh could let her know how he felt about her. It happened at a small get-together, during which Jackman asked her to help him prepare the dessert. Once he got her alone, Hugh admitted how he felt. She said she felt the same way, and he was not alone.

In fact, she enjoyed spending time with Jackman so much that she passed up spending time with Mick Jagger in order to spend time with Hugh. Mick Jagger! That’s high praise for Hugh.
Showing Their Love
Jackman and his ex-wife Deborra-Lee made it a point to point out how much they loved each other, be it in private or while out in public. Jackman once serenaded his ex at a hotel where they were staying, causing Deborra-Lee to shed a few tears.

Furness returned the gesture in 2012 when she snuck away at the 2012 Tony Awards in order to present Jackman with a surprise humanitarian award. They also make sure to show each other love while nobody else is around, even reliving their honeymoon for the twentieth anniversary with a private week in the Caribbean.
Staying Strong Through Tough Times
Since 2020, a whole lot of couples – especially celebrity couples – have called it quits. Having to spend all that time with someone else can really make it hard to live with them. However, Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness seemed to get even closer since the start of the new twenties. Neither of them had any work, so they got to spend lots of time together and with their family.

It resulted in them being even closer than before. Even after more than twenty years together, Hugh said he’d never felt so close to her. Despite this, it was reported in 2023 that the couple ultimately decided to go their separate ways. So something certainly changed along the way.
Jackman’s Advice to Couples
Not only does Jackman have plenty of knowledge about musicals and acting, but it seems like he’s a font of wisdom for people who want to make it big in relationships, too. He says it takes a lot of patience and effort, as well as understanding. Most importantly, however, both people have to be themselves, even with their flaws.

Work to correct them, certainly, but don’t try to hide them from the person you’re spending your life with. They’re going to find out one way or another, so you should be truthful from the start. That way, there are no hurt feelings.
A Foundation to Help Farmers
Just like so many other people with big names and healthy bank accounts, Jackman has found a way to give back to the community. He founded The Laughing Man Foundation, which supports coffee farming communities by investing in programs that clear the way to health, growth, and success for coffee farmers and their families.

The foundation got its start after Jackman happened to meet an Ethiopian coffee farmer named Dukale, as well as the rest of his family. Not only did Jackman create the foundation, but he also started Laughing Man Coffee, the profits of which go to support families like Dukale’s.
His Father Tried to Reconcile With His Mother
His parents, both natives of England, didn’t stay in their relationship for long. They divorced when Jackman was eight, and his mother left his father and their five children behind. Five years later, Jackman’s father flew to England to try and win her back, but he was far too late – by that time, she was already married to someone else and had a child.

He came back almost two weeks early, and the pre-teen Jackman knew that it wasn’t going to happen. That was the start of his dark period, which he used to help him play the troubled Wolverine.
What a Strange Question
Now, this is all great information about Hugh Jackman, but what about the tough questions? The questions that will really get you thinking? For instance, if he was a woman, which male celebrity would he want to date? We are not kidding, this was a real question someone asked him. For real. And obviously, the answer is George Clooney.

That guy couldn’t be more handsome if they gave him the super-soldier serum from “Captain America.” However, even though he was being perfectly truthful, Jackman quickly followed up with an apology to Clooney’s wife Amal. Even after such a silly question, Jackman was a gentleman.
A Lover of Sport
It’s clear that Jackman is a fan of working out – you don’t get looking like Wolverine while sitting on the couch all day. However, he seems to enjoy the physical arts quite a bit if his history is any indication. While he was in high school, he played on the rugby and cricket teams, he was a high jumper for track and field, and he was on the swimming team. Holy moly.

On top of that, he was also in school plays and musicals – not the easiest thing to do. There are only so many hours in the day. Jackman enjoyed it so much that he took a year off before entering university to work as a physical education teacher.
Cheering on Plenty of Teams
Like a whole lot of the world, Hugh Jackman is a fan of football – the version that Americans call soccer. His main squad is Norwich City F.C., but when he’s in the United States, he enjoys rooting for the Philadelphia Union of Major League Soccer. While he’s in the country, he even finds time to attend a game or two.

Not only that but he was offered a co-ownership of various teams and was seriously tempted by a few of them. Even if only to gain something equal to the co-ownership his friend and fellow actor Ryan Reynolds has for Wrexham AFC.
Forced to Cancel a Performance
For any singer, the absolute worst thing that can happen is a dreaded vocal cord hemorrhage. It’s nasty for anybody, but if singing is your life – as it often is for Jackman – then it’s a nightmare come true. This happened to Jackman in March 2015, forcing him to cancel multiple stage performances in Turkey.

It couldn’t be helped: recovery for a vocal cord hemorrhage is seven to ten days of no talking. No talking whatsoever, not even whispering. Singing loud enough for a theater to hear you is one hundred percent out of the question. It’s a bummer, but there’s no way around it.
Sorry, Mate
We all know that Jackman can pack on the muscle when a role requires it, but it turns out all that strength isn’t exactly a good thing in every situation. While he was filming “Van Helsing,” Jackman actually broke an extra’s hand. It was during a scene where Jackman’s titular character was being lifted and thrown, and he lost control, throwing his hands out to try and stop himself.

According to him, he “felt this guy crumple in front of him.” He broke the extra’s hand, but the extra was most worried about being fired because he didn’t get out of Jackman’s way. We’re sure Jackman didn’t care.
Entering the Ring
Hugh Jackman was the lead star of the 2011 movie “Real Steel,” a movie that is all about robot boxing. In order to promote the film, Jackman did something a little crazy – he entered the ring in a WWE match. Obviously, Jackman wasn’t in any danger since WWE is a big performance, and Jackman is nothing if not a performer. No, wait, he’s a lot of things.

He’s certainly a performer, and he got to “punch” wrestler Dolph Ziggler during the match. He managed actually to injure Ziggler while helping wrestler Zack Ryder to victory. He might not be a wrestler, but he’s still pretty strong.
Amazing That Didn’t Work
Jackman’s quite the looker, isn’t he? And he’s a charming man, kind and generous, and has plenty of talents. We’re sure tons of people have fallen for his charms, but has he ever been stalked? It turns out, yes, he has, and it wasn’t the fun kind of stalking, either. Is there a fun kind of stalking?

Well, in 2013, a woman followed the actor into the West Village gym he frequented, running past the front desk to where Jackman was pumping iron. Did she declare her love? Kind of! She threw a razor at him. The razor had some hairs on it. Ew. She apparently wanted to marry him but was sentenced to five years of probation instead.
The Name Isn’t James Bond
For most actors, becoming one of the most famous movie characters of all time is an amazing opportunity. Plenty of actors have become household names for acting as Double-Oh-Seven, but Jackman isn’t one of them. However, it turns out he was offered the role during the mid-2000s, most likely to play Bond in “Casino Royale.”

He turned down the role in order to focus on playing Wolverine, which left him with little time to do much else, and he knew James Bond had more installments planned. Now that his time playing Logan is up, he admitted he wouldn’t mind playing the superspy.
Telling Us a Little Too Much
Just like pretty much every other child alive, Hugh Jackman had a teenage crush. Growing up, it was the lovely and talented Olivia Newton-John who was the apple of his eye. Makes perfect sense as a British and Australian singer and actress, and at the time, her name and face were everywhere.

We are told, by Jackman himself, that he had a poster up on his wall as a kid, and he would practice kissing it. Not only that, but he might have even given the poster a bit of tongue! Hugh, please. He doesn’t remember exactly...but how do you forget that sort of thing?
Using His Talents for His Friends
Being so talented means you’re going to have friends asking for help. If you have a truck, you know what this is like. Well, singing at a wedding isn’t the exact same as helping someone move, but it’s at least similar.

Jackman’s friend Nicole Kidman asked Jackman to perform at her wedding in 2006 with Keith Urban, singing one of Urban’s favorite songs: “Tenterfield Saddler,” a song by Peter Allen. Jackman was perfectly willing to do so since it’s one of his favorite songs as well. It probably wasn’t that much work, it helped the happy couple celebrate their big day, and it was fun.
Paying Respect to a Master
We’ve discovered that if a person likes sushi, that person usually REALLY likes sushi. It’s one of those love-it-or-hate-it things, and when a recommendation for a restaurant comes from a top-rated celeb, it, for some reason, counts more. So, it turns out that Hugh Jackman really likes sushi.

While he was in Japan, he stopped by Jiro Ono, a world-famous sushi restaurant in Tokyo, and tweeted pictures of himself with the head chef Sukiyabashi Jiro, one of the most highly-acclaimed sushi chefs in the world, if not the most. He recommends everybody watch “Jiro Dreams of Sushi,” a documentary about the craft and the man himself.
Hoping to Play a Specific Character One Day
When we ask you what movies made Jackman want to be an actor, you might think of “Grease,” a musical, or “Superman,” one of the classic comic book titles. Actually, it was the “Friday the 13th” series that made him want to get into acting – did he like the teens? Hardly. He really wanted to play the killer!

The men behind the mask are largely unknown to the general public, so it would be strange to have a big name be the killer. Especially since most of those slasher movies have a pretty low budget. Jackman would have to take a hefty pay cut, but it would be fun.
All Those Workouts Really Help
Combine the genes of a handsome face and good bone structure with a desire to be healthy and fit for extremely active roles, and you have the recipe for a hunk. And the pop-culture public agrees: Hugh Jackman is a cutie. He spent five years in a row as one of “People” magazine’s fifty most beautiful people in the world from 2000 to 2004, and he was declared the sexiest man alive in 2008.

Was it all based on his appearance and physique, or did his kind nature, generosity, and talents come into play? We bet they did – kindness is always attractive.
Making a Special Engagement Ring
For a lot of people, the wedding bands they wear after getting married are some of the most important things a person can own, and a lot of people go the extra mile to get them personalized. Jackman does few things with half a mind, and picking the right engagement ring is the same way.

He customized Deborra-Lee’s ring specifically for her, and both of their wedding bands have Sanskrit inscriptions on them, which translate to “We dedicate our union to a greater source.” Those are the kinds of things that anybody would be proud to wear on their fingers.
Rethinking His Hosting Duties
Jackman was one of the presenters at the 2002 Academy Awards, but it was a difficult time, and he’d have to seriously think about doing it again if they asked. He said that he had only slept for about an hour the night before and had a hard time coming down from all the excitement – he said he needed a little sushi.

He was also used to going drinking with friends, doing some gambling, and hanging out after the awards, so having to look his best and getting up in front of everybody in a suit was strange for him.
A Last-Minute Addition
Hugh Jackman wasn’t the actor who was originally going to play Wolverine. Actor Dougray Scott was cast to play the diminutive Canadian before Hugh Jackman was picked for the 2000 “X-Men” movie, but Scott got into a motorcycle accident before filming was set to begin – and he wouldn’t have been able to recover in time. This was when Russell Crowe stepped in to recommend Jackman.

It worked out super well for Jackman, who was suddenly a star, but we can’t help feeling bad for Scott. Still, he’s had plenty of roles, even if none of them were up to the Logan level.
On the Shortlist
Most of the time, Hugh Jackman’s movies go about winning awards and getting high marks from critics. One of his films, however, isn’t so loved – in fact, it’s one of the worst movies that came out during the early 2000s. “Van Helsing” is a fun flick if you like monster fights and skintight leather, but it doesn’t have a whole lot to offer the critic.

It was so bad it was a potential 2005 Razzie Award, with Jackman himself being a suggestion for Worst Actor. However, he didn’t get a nomination, and the eventual “winner” was George W. Bush from “Fahrenheit 9/11” which we feel was a political pick that would take all comers.
Starting His Own Production Company
Like so many other people who have spent enough time in the Hollywood industry, Jackman decided to take the plunge and start his own Production company, Seed Productions. He started it with his friend John Palermo, a longtime producer of a number of films, including some of Jackman’s like “X-Men Origins: Wolverine.” Jackman’s wife is also a part of the team.

The company has produced a number of films, such as “Deception,” as well as a number of TV movies. Palermo would eventually produce “The Greatest Showman.” But they can’t all be winners. The company would shutter in 2010 after just six years of work.
Forced to Smoke
While there are a lot of actors and actresses who like to smoke, Jackman isn’t one of them. Despite having to suck down a lung dart for a role every once in a while, he finds it a horrible thing to do and doesn’t smoke in real life at all.

Honestly, we’re amazed that someone can hate smoking so much and still be able to smoke for performances – even if you’re used to the sensation, it’s still disgusting, and it can be hard to act through that sort of thing. Maybe they give him fake cigarettes or something like that. They have to have a way to make it easier, don’t they?
It’s Good to Have Goals
You might think that Jackman has accomplished everything he’s wanted to do in life, but there are a few things on that list that he has yet to check off. It’s a specific role in a specific production, and we bet you couldn’t guess it in a hundred years. Yes, indeed, it’s none other than the Pharaoh from “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.”

To get even more specific, he wants it to be either a Broadway or a West End London production. Now, Jackman, you have a whole lot of clout in the industry – we’re sure that you could get that going.
We Don’t Know Why, Either
We don't know why but for some reason, one of the characters from the medical com-drama show “Scrubs,” which started in 2001, has a deep hatred for Hugh Jackman. Doctor Cox, played by John C. McGinley, has a passionate dislike for the actor, frequently talking about how he seriously wants to hurt Jackman.

Of course, this urge and desire are never acted on, and the odd animosity is never explained – it’s just another detail of an odd character that always has something to say. And almost always is something angry and ridiculous. We dug a little into this and discovered that Hugh Jackman is constantly being laughed at on "Scrubs" for one simple reason: They absolutely admire him!
A Name That Sounds a Lot Cooler Than It Really Is
There are a lot of languages out there, and some of them don’t exactly match up one to one. For instance, a lot of names have trouble being translated into the proper sounds, and among others, Mr. Jackman has one of them.

In China, he’s known as no other than Wolf Uncle. Yes, that is undoubtedly a very cool thing to be known as, and it’s his nickname in the country since his name doesn’t translate very well. Still, once you think about it, it’s kind of a nonsense name, even if it does have a certain coolness to it.
Going as Himself
There are a bunch of examples of people showing up to conventions or events dressed as their own characters, but Hugh Jackman has an interesting example. He showed up to Comic-Con International in San Diego dressed as his most well-known character, Wolverine, and no one ever recognized him. In fact, one certain con-goer said that Jackman was “way too tall” to get the look right.

Of course, that piece of criticism is entirely correct – Jackman is a little over six feet, two inches, while Logan is listed as a mere five-foot-three in official sources. Almost a foot of difference.
The Walk of Fame
It should come as no surprise that Hugh Jackman has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He’s done a ton of work bringing incredible roles to life with his talent as an actor, singer, and dancer. Whether it’s earning a Guinness World Record for playing Logan so many times, appearing as part of “Les Miserables,” or doing any other of his numerous roles.

The star was unveiled during a ceremony attended by Jackman, his friends, family, and fans. It was presented by Jackman’s friend Bryan Singer, who directed many of the movies in which Jackman plays Wolverine.
Believing in the Small Things
Jackman’s philanthropy goes in a couple of different directions, and one of the big things he does is, somewhat ironically, called microcredit. That’s a system for providing small loans to entrepreneurs in impoverished countries – sometimes as low as a hundred dollars. This gives them an opportunity to start or maintain businesses that can stimulate the economy and help their families.

In addition, he’s also been involved in several charitable initiatives, such as the Global Poverty Project, which hopes to end extreme poverty around the world. Not only is he good on screen, but the man is good off-screen as well.
The Year of Jackman
Growing a career in any entertainment industry is never easy. It comes in fits and spurts – sometimes you get a lot done in a certain year, and sometimes not much is going on. For Jackman, one of his good years was 1996. During that year, he had two iconic roles that would help him move on to bigger and better things.

The first was as Gaston, in a local production of “Beauty and the Beast,” using charm and charisma to bring the villainous character to life. The second was that of Joe Gillis in “Sunset Boulevard,” a character that has complex and interlocking emotions. Both performances gave Jackman critical acclaim.
Old Hat at Hosting
As an industry professional, Jackman has had plenty of chances to get up on the big stages of award shows and host them for the night. He’s hosted the Tony Awards no less than three times, and he even won an Emmy for one of those times. We didn’t even know you could do that! He is, with no doubt, a great talent.

He also hosted the 81st Academy Awards in 2009, making it clear that he was a master of being a master of ceremonies. Truly, is there anything that this man can’t do when it comes to entertainment? We can’t think of anything.
Every Genre Under the Sun
If you can name a genre of movie or theater, then there’s a pretty good chance that Hugh Jackman has done it – and probably done it well, too. Of course, there’s the superhero action genre as Wolverine, he’s done action-horror in the movie “Van Helsing,” he did a romantic comedy in 2001 with “Kate & Leopold,” and there was drama with “The Prestige.”

Let’s not forget the epic musical “Les Miserables,” as well as period romance (“Australia”), political drama (“The Front Runner”), and crime drama (“Bad Education”). It’s hard to find a genre that he hasn’t had a crack at.
Providing His Voice
Not only is Jackman a stellar actor when you can see him, but he’s also pretty darn good when you can’t. He’s provided his voice for a number of animated films. In the 2006 animated film “Flushed Away,” he was the main character, Roddy St. James. He also sang in one of the songs. 2006 also saw the release of “Happy Feet,” in which Jackman voices the character Memphis.

In 2012, he voiced the character E. Aster Bunnymund, who serves as the Easter Bunny in the film “Rise of the Guardians.” Finally, in 2019, he voiced Sir Lionel Frost in “The Missing Link.”
Expanding His Skill Set
After exploding onto the scene in Hollywood as Wolverine, Hugh Jackman went on to have a major part in the 2001 action-thriller film “Swordfish,” in which he plays the main character, Stanley Jacobs. The movie was supposed to be a huge success following the big names it brought, however, it was nowhere near what was expected.

In order to get through filming, Jackman had to take stunt-driving classes. We’re sure Jackman did fine, but the movie still didn’t garner much praise (except, perhaps, for a certain scene that featured Halle Berry). Still, at least the driving scenes were good, right? And Jackman didn’t earn a Razzie nomination for worst actor for his performance, unlike co-star John Travolta.
His Wife Didn’t Like His Big Role
Only a few years after getting married, Hugh Jackman had the chance of a lifetime when he was offered the role of Wolverine in “X-Men.” However, if Deborra-Lee would have had her way, it never would have happened. In 1999, Jackman was investigating the role, and Deborra-Lee read a few pages of the script before deeming the part ridiculous.

For whatever reason, he still went through with it, and the rest is history. She’s probably fine with it by now since it ended up being a lot deeper than it could have been, and bringing in a lot more money.
Spending Time in New York
Apparently, there was going to be an appearance of Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine in Sam Raimi’s first “Spider-Man” movie, which came out a couple of years after “X-Men.” Both franchises were and are owned by 20th-century Fox. It got so far that Hugh Jackman was actually on set and ready to step back into the role, but one very important thing stopped the cameo. The Wolverine suit had disappeared.

They must not have had the time to make a new one, and they weren’t just going to have Hugh Jackman hit his cue in any old clothes, so the cameo had to be scrapped.
Maybe One Day
Hugh Jackman has spent a lot of time on movie sets, and he knows how to work them. Specifically, he knows that if he gets the crew on his side, he’ll have a much easier time. There are a lot of ways to do this, and he picked a strange one while working as Wolverine: He bought every member of the crew a weekly scratch card.

Nothing wrong with that, we guess. While generous, this tactic hasn’t proved to be a very lucrative one. He’s spent thousands of dollars on scratch cards, but not one has yielded a substantial prize. Still, it’s a morale booster. And there’s always next week.
Drawing From Iconic Performances
Many actors or actresses will look to past movies to find performances to help them out. Nothing like learning from the best, right? Well, Jackman loves to learn, so to become Logan in the X-Men movies, he found a couple of classic tough-guy examples.

Fellow A-listers Clint Eastwood and Mel Gibson provided the inspiration. Specifically, Eastwood as the no-nonsense cop Dirty Harry, and Gibson as his star role Mad Max. Eastwood has had quite a hand in forming Wolverine – apparently, the original illustrators modeled Logan’s gait after Eastwood, and “The Outlaw Josey Wales” became a jumping-off point for the film “Logan.”
Health Risks for the Role
Do you know how important water is for your body? Super important. You need something like a gallon of water a day to keep your body in tip-top shape, but more is fine and dandy.

We already know that Jackman hit the weights like crazy to prep for his role as Wolverine, but apparently, he would also deprive himself of water right before shooting shirtless scenes to the point of not drinking for thirty-six hours! While this did give him a crazy definition, it also put his health at serious risk and probably made it hard to act, too. Let’s all take a drink.
No Yellow Suit for Him
When you think about Wolverine from the comic pages, you imagine a snarling, short Canadian dressed in a yellow and blue suit with quite a lot of embellishments. Jackman’s portrayal of the character fits that description except for the outfit. He wears either the black leather of the rest of the X-Men or just decides to wear a dirty white undershirt.

Jackman almost did have to wear the suit since it was featured in a deleted scene from “The Wolverine,” but it didn’t make sense, and the scene – and thus the outfit as a whole – was cut from the movie.
A Good Way to Stay Grumpy
There’s nothing like stepping into a nice, warm shower to get ready for your day. Or, maybe you enjoy doing it at the end to wind down before bed. Perfection. While Jackman is filming as Logan, however, the only thing he lets himself take are cold showers. It’s not comfortable, but it does get you in the mindset of a grumpy anti-hero who is nearly two hundred years old.

This actually has a number of reported health benefits, such as being good for your skin and hair, your immune system, and, ironically, your mood. There are also some advantages for men in particular.
A Sharp Nod to Jackman’s Big Role
We all know that Hugh Jackman is ready for any part, any time, but going from a brooding hero to a musical showman is still quite a sharp left turn. Still, even the movies that don’t have him acting as Wolverine have a nod here or there. One such example is during the credits for “The Greatest Showman.” It was produced by James Mangold, who directed Jackman in “Logan.”

When Mangold’s name appears in the credits, a design can be seen in the corners. If you look closely, you’ll find that the design seems to be the folded arms of Jackman’s bulky Wolverine.
No, They Aren’t Like Wolves
The name Wolverine came about because Lee Wein, the man tasked with the creation, wanted to make a Canadian hero to increase comic book sales in that northern country. Wein took to naming the character after wildlife and had whittled the choices down to either Wolverine or Badger. We think he made the right choice, but since there are no Wolverines in Australia, Jackman had no idea what sort of animal they were.

He apparently spent two weeks researching wolves after being picked for the role before somebody clued him in. Luckily, the character doesn’t really have too much in common with the animals other than anger and claws.
Seinfeld Convinced Him to Give Up His Famous Role
During a conversation between Jackman and comedian Jerry Seinfeld, Jackman asked what convinced Seinfeld to end his famous show. Seinfeld said that he believes you should never spend everything you have creatively because it just becomes harder and harder to keep doing it. This was what urged Jackman to leave the physically demanding role of Wolverine behind while he still had the choice.

He’s decided that “Logan” would be his last time appearing as the character, but it seems he might have a cameo in upcoming films since they won’t require the same amount of work. Sometimes, things just stick.
Where’d He Get That Accent?
If you didn’t know that Jackman was an Aussie before reading this article, you’re not alone. His American accent is so good that most people who just see him acting would have no idea he isn’t a native of the States. So, how did he learn to talk with such a good American accent?

Apparently, all the credit goes to Johnny Depp. Unless they’re able to find a coach, picking up a new accent usually requires practice words as they’re said, and Jackman just so happened to pick the movies of Johnny Depp. Depp is quite the deft hand at accents, so it seems like a good pick.
Friends Since the Beginning
If you're a fan of the Marvel movies, you almost certainly know who Kevin Feige is. He’s the current president of Marvel Studios and the one responsible for making superhero films, some of the most popular movies around. He’s been involved in movies from the pages of Marvel comics as far back as the first X-Men movie, meaning that Jackman and Feige have been friends for a while.

They’ve worked together on tons of movies, and it doesn’t seem like they’re done just yet. Jackman has secured a spot in the 2024 installment of the Deadpool franchise, and we are sure there will be some more surprises in the future.
Regretting Retiring
When Jackman hung up his claws after “Logan” in 2017, he was content with his choice. However, he then watched “Deadpool,” which is set in the same universe, and ended up regretting it. He would have loved a chance to act alongside Ryan Reynolds’s Deadpool (ignoring the fact that he sort of already did so in his original film).

Thankfully, all that was enough to convince him to return to the character. Having the off-the-wall Deadpool act alongside the no-nonsense Wolverine sounds like a match made in superhero comedy heaven. Luckily, the chance to see it should be coming out in 2024.
Maybe the Guy Just Doesn’t Like Water
Jackman would stay away from water to get the cut physique of Wolverine, but apparently, he also stopped hydrating while acting in “Les Miserables.” It was for the opposite reason, however – he played a prisoner, starved, and abused. He dropped fifteen pounds and would go without water for a day at a time to get a narrow, gaunt, and tortured look.

This resulted in intense headaches while trying to film, and we can’t imagine it made singing very easy. Or safe. The singing was recorded live on set, and going that long without water, even for a trained singer, is extremely dangerous.
Doesn’t Seem So Bad
Acting can be tough sometimes. Just ask Amanda Seyfried, who acted alongside Hugh Jackman on “Les Miserables” as Cosette. A film as grueling as Les Mis involved a ton of work, singing on the set, wearing uncomfortable period clothing, and all that while doing the normal job of acting such a dark and epic story.

Seyfried fainted during one scene, waking up moments later to find that not only was she unhurt – she had been caught before hitting the ground – but Hugh Jackman was rubbing her shoulders, and Russell Crowe was rubbing her feet to improve her circulation. She made light of it in an interview, saying the fainting was worth it.
No Shirtless Scene
Jackman shows up as Wolverine without a shirt so often that some people have come to assume that he has a clause in his contract about it. While there’s no such clause, he was asked to have his first scene in “Les Miserable” wearing a jacket without a shirt, as he’s working at a French prison.

The scene is to show off Jean Valjean’s strength and the conditions of the prison, but Jackman pushes back against it, saying people wouldn’t take it seriously. He was also worried that people would think he had demanded it since he so often goes bare-chested as Logan.
Such a Generous Soul
There are a couple of stories of Hugh Jackman being a giving, generous guy, and his time on the set of “Les Miserables” is another example. He gave every single extra who worked on the big film a lottery ticket as his way of saying thanks for their work during the grueling shoots.

The film had an alcohol ban during the shooting, and Jackman gave co-star Amanda Seyfried a bottle of whiskey after the shooting wrapped. Jackman has said that the film required him to reach some dark places emotionally, and this was a way to recover from the feelings he had to portray during his shooting.
Plenty of Roles to Turn Down
Sure, Jackman has been the sharp-clawed anti-hero of the X-Men team, but he’s been offered a high number of other superhero roles as well. They come from both sides of the divide, too: He’s had the chance to play Matt Murdock’s Daredevil, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Superman’s adoptive father, Jonathan Kent, and even the role of Mr. Fantastic from The Fantastic Four. He nailed each and every one of them.

He had his hands busy as Wolverine, which was certainly the proper role for him, as well as all the other work he had. When people look at him, they just see a superhero.
No Support From an Older Brother
When Hugh Jackman got into acting, a teacher said he might have a talent for dancing. His father was on board with lessons, but one of his two older brothers said that “dancing’s for sissies!” Jackman didn’t want to be a sissy, so he didn’t take classes. Luckily things have changed since.

We all know that he ended up being good, and his brother eventually had a change of heart, telling Jackman that he belonged on stage. Jackman was almost twenty at that point and started taking dance classes immediately. He always tells people, if you love it, just do it.