The first movie in Tom Holland’s Spidey Series was titled “Spider-Man: Homecoming” and released in 2017. It followed Peter Parker, who was trying really hard to balance his normal high-school life with his afterschool activity: being a superhero.

The movie and Holland both got good reviews. Originally shot with a budget of $175 million, the film ended up making over $800 million internationally.
His Parents Are Creative
Little Spider-Man to be was born in the southwest part of London in the year 1996. He celebrates his birthday on June 1st, making him a proud Gemini.

If you ask yourself where he found his affinity for acting and dancing, the simple answer is that he comes from a family of creative minds. His father, Dominic, is an author and comedian, while his mother, Elizabeth Frost is a photographer. Tom has admitted to being greatly inspired by his folks, a fact that just makes him seem even sweeter!
His Father Had a Momager Moment
Many actors and singers, especially those that start out very young, have one of their parents work as their agent or manager. For many families, this results in dreadful disputes and damaged relationships.

The phenomenon got the unflattering name "Momager." The momager moment did not skip the Holland family. When Tom just started acting, his dad, who had industry knowledge, served as his manager. Luckily, it doesn't seem like it affected their relationship negatively.
His Father Sees Him as a Rival
Jealousy and envy between parents and children have been a thing since the beginning of time. If you don't wanna take our word for it, just take a look at the greek mythology.

While most of us try to hide our green-eyed monster, Tom's father let his out in a column he wrote for The Daily Mail titled "I'm So Envious of My Son, the Movie Star!" In it, he admits he's tried to become a household name for most of his life, but it ended up being his son who made the Holland family famous. Ouch.
He Likes to Keep His Family Close
With an almost endless amount of money, Tom can afford to live pretty much anywhere on earth. Heck, he could probably even afford a trip to space. Still, Tom is a family guy. Sure, he has moved out of his parents' house, but instead of opting to get a place as farthest away from them as possible, he chose to stay close.

The brown-eyed boy lives in a town called Kingston upon Thames, not far from where his parents and dear brothers reside.
Tom's Faith Is an Open Secret
Like many other celebrities, Tom has never spoken publicly about his faith or religious affinity. The topic can alienate fans, which is why many try to keep their credence private. Still, we think we can make an educated guess about his faith.

We know that both of his parents are Catholic and that when he was a kid, he went to two different all-male Roman Catholic schools. When it came time to go to college though, he chose to attend the BRIT, a famous School for Performing Arts in London.
Sweeter Than Fiction
This story from Tom's childhood could have been written by a screenwriter — except that it wasn't. When he was seven, Tom was diagnosed with dyslexia. In order to make sure he doesn't fall behind, his mom and dad decided to send him to a private school. The tuition was incredibly expensive, but, funnily enough, the place that drained the family financially ended up giving Tom his career and his millions of dollars.

In that school, Tom's mom saw a poster for a dance class, a class that would eventually lead him straight to the West End.
Tom the Teacher?
Looking at him now, you'd think he was meant to be a performer, but when he was a child, he wasn't so sure that's what he would end up doing. He even actively thought of pursuing a different career and when he was a teenager — he went to a carpentry school. Fortunately, he realized it wasn't for him and left all in one piece.

He also thought of becoming a teacher. Specifically, he wanted to teach primary school, because he loves children. While we bet children would have loved him back, we are happy he ended up being out friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
Dancing With Janet Jackson
As a kid, he loved listening to Janet Jackson. But, he was what we'd call an active listener, moving his body from side to side while listening to the music. His mom, who enjoyed seeing young little Tom dance, was impressed by his dancing skills.

She saw a dancing class advertised at his school and decided to sign him up. Next time you think about how much you love Tom Holland, remember you have Janet Jackson to thank for him.
How He Got Discovered
Tom started out dancing in a hip hop class, where an observant choreographer saw the star quality the little kid possessed. The choreographer knew the choreographer of Billy Elliot the Musical, and he decided that Tom should audition for the play.

Tom was deemed as a kid with potential and so he was sent to train in ballet, acrobatics, and tap dancing for two whole years. The year was 2008 when Tom got a role in the musical, but he actually didn't get to play the lead — his best friend did.
Leading Elliot
After landing a role in Billy Elliot the musical, something magical happened: he got a promotion and was now one of the kids who get to play the titular character. But, opening a show at such a young age comes with stress that most children can't imagine, and so, on his first day being Elliot, Tom got tonsillitis.

While most 12-year-old children would get to take a sick day, Holland had to perform. He even got good reviews!
Bullied Like Billy
You might look at Tom and think he has always been popular and well-liked by his peers, but the truth is that he was heavily bullied by his schoolmates for his interest in dancing. This fact has helped him relate to Billy Elliot.

After his success on the show, poor Tom expected the other children would accept him, but that didn't happen. He was also having a hard time relating to others his age, as he was already a working actor with adult responsibilities.
Bye Bye Billy
By the end of 2010, Tom's time as Billy was about to be over, and he had to start thinking about what he would do next. He contributed his voice to a fantasy film named "Arrietty" in 2011.

He also decided he would audition for a new movie named "The Impossible." Talented Tom managed to impress the director and got his part in an actual film. He was about 15 at the time.
His First Film
Holland's first feature film was a disaster drama. Released in 2012 and titled "The Impossible" teenager Tom portrayed a teenager who found himself entrapped in a tsunami. Although was the first time he appeared on film, he still killed it.

He even won an award for it. Not even a fan-voted award, but a critic-voted one, called London Film Critics Circle Award. At this point, Holland received the outside approval that he needed in order to know he was good enough to stay in the industry.
Naomi Watts Helped Him Keep Going
It sounds like most of the time Tom just got what he wanted and was great at it, but the truth is that even though his performance was praised, he had a hard time acting on camera after getting used to being on stage every night.

On top of that, since it was a disaster movie, he had to shoot difficult, taxing scenes, including one in a 35,000-gallon water tank. He claims that working with Naomi Watts in the movie really inspired him to keep going in spite of the difficulties.
An Impossible Premiere
While actors enjoy acting, they'd be lying to you if they'd say they don't also like the recognition that comes along with being a big movie star. Tom, at this point still a tiny star, was both unknown and underaged, but the premiere of the movie "The Impossible" was his first one and we bet it was incredibly exciting for the teenage boy.

But, the premiere was just the beginning. The movie turned out to be a success making over $180 million, and Tom received praises from anyone who watched it.
2013 and Thriving
After receiving so many accolades for his performance in "The Impossible", 2013 was Holland's busiest year yet. In the short film "Moments" Tom starred as a boy saying his final goodbyes to his girlfriend.

The film was shot in one day. He also voiced a character named Eddie in the movie "Locke." But, his biggest role that year was in Kevin Macdonald's "How I Live Now." He starred alongside a then-anonymous 19-year-old girl named Saoirse Ronan.
Billys of the World Unite
In 2014, "The Billy Elliot Musical Live," directed by Stephen Daldry and Brett Sullivan, was released. While Tom was obviously too old to star at this point, he did appear in the movie. If you watched it, there's a great chance you couldn't see Tom anywhere.

That's because he was part of the encore where all the former Billys dance together, still, if you pay close enough attention you'll be able to see him dancing beautifully, the way only he could.
Playing With History
Next Holland decided he wants to play around with playing Historical figures. In 2015's "Wolf Hall," a BBC historical miniseries, Tom took on the role of 1st Baron Cromwell — Gregory. He participated in four episodes where he was the son of the show's protagonist.

His father, Thomas Cromwell was portrayed by the brilliant Mark Rylance. It's amazing to see how Tom scored major roles even at such a young age. It is almost impossible to catch him in a minor role.
In the Heart of the Sea
Tom seems to love history, as in 2015 he took on two different roles in historical movies. In "In the Heart of the Sea" he plays Thomas Nickerson, a teenage sailor.

The movie is based on a book with the same name, the book describes the event that inspired the classic novel "Moby Dick." The reviews the movie got were mixed, but as usual our boy Tom was praised for his acting and for doing most of his own stunts.
His Directorial Debut
Wait, what? Yes, we are just as surprised as you are! It turns out that in 2015, at the tender age of 18, Tom actually made his directorial debut. It was not a full-length feature but a short film titled "Tweet." The film follows a man who builds a birdhouse with his grandfather.

The short film is indeed very brief, lasting only three minutes. Still, you gotta start somewhere. Tom has also said he'd want to get into directing later in his life.
Not Asking for Permission
In 2016, Tom has already had a few different projects under his belt. Still, the thriller "Edge of Winter" was special. This was the first time Holland shot a film without telling his parents! He was all grown up at this point, so he no longer needed to report his every move to his folks.

The Canadian picture featured an international cast, with Swedish-American actor Joel Kinnaman, British Tom Holland, and Canadian Percy Hynes White.
Breaking His Nose on Set
Holland isn't just known for being a marvelous actor, but also as an amazing athlete with great physical ability. Still, his enthusiasm and willingness to perform his own stunts can also come at a cost.

In 2017's "The Lost City of Z" Tom took things one step too far, when, on the final day of shooting, a failed backflip resulted in a broken nose for the actor. Luckily his snout is all fine now, but we hope he learned the lesson for the future.
A Lucrative Obsession
As one can imagine, landing the role of Marvel's newest Spider-Man wasn't an easy job, not even for talented Tom. Just like the rest of us, when Holland was a kid he was obsessed with Spider-Man. He had bed sheet covers of the neighborhood-friendly Spider-Man and hey, so did we! He also had a collection of over 20 Spidey costumes.

Who knew this obsession would end up turning into a lucrative profession?
Stan Lee's Stamp of Approval
When it comes to casting something as big as a multiple-installation Marvel movie (Not to mention appearances in other MCU films) it takes more than one person's approval to get the role. Spidey producers were deeply impressed by Holland's acting in films like "The Impossible" and "In the Heart of the Sea."

The Russo brothers, directors, were far more fascinated with his gymnastic abilities. But, you know there was only one person who could help seal the deal: Spider-Man's creator, Stan Lee. He said that Tom looked just like the Peter Parker he had always envisioned, and so Holland was cast.
He Didn't Know He Got the Part
Tom learned he's gonna be the next Peter Parker the same we did! Holland told Ellen that he didn't hear anything from Marvel for two whole months after his last audition. Then, an Instagram post announced he is going to be the next Spider-Man.

Tom's brother wasn't quick to believe this was real. He told Tom there's a chance this was an elaborate prank conducted by a hacker. Otherwise, they would have let him know in advance, no?
Signing a Six-Movie Contract
Tom ended up on the phone with Kevin Feige, who was Marvel's president at the time. Feige told him he got the part. Holland simply responded, "I know Kevin, you posted it online!"

It was June 2015 when Tom finally signed his life-changing contract. We bet it was incredibly long and took forever to read. The contract stated he must appear as the legendary Peter Parker/Spider-Man in six Marvel pictures.
Tom's Approach to Spider-Man
It can be incredibly stressful to take on such an iconic role that means so much to so many people. Not to mention that two amazing actors had already played Peter before he did, so he had big shoes to fill. Holland decided he wanted to bring his take on Parker, making him more like Marty McFly from "Back to the Future."

We think it's pretty clear it worked out for the best. After making his first Marvel appearance in 2016's "Captain America: Civil War" he was more than ready for his first full Spider-Man movie.
Captain America: Civil War
When you think about it, the fact Tom had the opportunity to play Spider-Man in this movie was a blessing for the actor. He got a feel of what it would be like to play the character before he had to start shooting a whole movie just about it.

We bet this really helped Tom feel less nervous on his first day on set. "Captain America: Civil War" was made with a budget of $250 million and grossed over $1 billion. It's safe to say that with Marvel, Tom was in good hands.
Preparing for the Role
In order to prepare for the role of playing a student who studies in the Bronx, Tom pretended to be a student at The Bronx High School of Science for a couple of days. He tried to tell the other students he was about to be the next Spider-Man. They didn't believe him.

Tom said he felt like this helped him prepare for the movie, as in "Spider-Man: Homecoming" nobody knows he's Spider-Man. We bet kids at the Bronx high school now regret not asking for his autograph when they had the chance.
The first movie in Tom Holland's Spidey Series was titled "Spider-Man: Homecoming" and released in 2017. It followed Peter Parker, who was trying really hard to balance his normal high-school life with his afterschool activity: being a superhero.

The movie and Holland both got good reviews. Originally shot with a budget of $175 million, the film ended up making over $800 million internationally.
He Had to Wear a Thong
Many things have been said about what it's like for actors to wear skin-tight superhero suits. For Holland, being Spider-Man meant getting used to wearing a thong. The suit is so tight it wouldn't really allow for any other type of underwear.

Holland said he was shocked when he first saw how tiny was the thing he had to wear under his Spidey suit. At first, he refused, but he's already gotten used to them by now. He just had to.
Tom Holland and John Hughes
“Spider-Man: Homecoming” director, Jon Watts was very much inspired by John Hughes movies like "The Breakfast Club" and "Sixteen Candles." The film features many references to these classic teen movies from the 1980s.

In order to prepare for the role and to understand the feeling that his director was going for, Tom had to do his homework and watch as many John Hughes movies as possible. Sounds like a delightful way to prepare for a job!
Tom's Improvised Moment
Holland said there is a moment in “Spider-Man: Homecoming” in which he veered off-script. That moment actually ended up being in the movie's final cut.

In the scene, he went in to hug Tony Stark as he leaned across. Robert Downey Jr. responded to Holland’s improvised gesture and said, “It’s not a hug. I’m just grabbing the door for you. We’re not there yet.” It was a hilarious hit in the editing room.
Meeting Zendaya
Today, we all already know that Tom and Zendaya are a hot item and have been one for a long time. But, each couple has its own meet-cute moment. Only for them, it wasn't as cute as Tom wanted it to be, at least according to him.

Holland claims his first time meeting the former-Disney star was incredibly embarrassing. He said he didn't know whether to hug her or shake her hand, which resulted in something awkward in the middle. Luckily they managed to get over this weird first meeting.
Ignoring the Warning Signs
When Tom and Zendaya started working together on " Spider-Man: Homecoming" everybody on set noticed their undeniable chemistry. Producer Amy Pascal actually spoke to both actors separately, telling them they should avoid dating each other at all costs. Not that she had anything against the two of them, she just knew that romance on set can complicate things for the production.

Pascal actually told the exact same thing to Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield. All four actors ignored her advice.
You'd think playing Spider-Man is more than enough for an actor in one year, but Holland's blessed restlessness shows in his career. Instead of resting on his laurels, Tom took on another role in 2017. "Pilgrimage," an Irish film, was set in the 13th century.

It follows a group of monks carrying a holy relic through dangerous territories. The film premiered at Tribeca Film Festival. Reviewers noted that the film is incredibly gory but we're sure Tom is great in it!
Under Tom's Umbrella
Let's face it, while we all love Tom as Peter Parker, the real highlight of his career was actually his lip-sync battle against co-star Zendaya. Tom started his performance in a suite, with a tribute to "Singing in the Rain." But, the part that really wowed viewers was when he stripped down to reveal a look inspired by Rihanna.

In lipstick, a leotard, and a wig, he lip-synced to "Umbrella," complete with rain and an insane dance number. This was truly one of pop culture's best moments.
Avengers: Infinity War & Endgame
"Avengers: Infinity War" and "Avengers: Endgame" were released in 2018 and 2019 retrospectively. We bet you won't be surprised to hear that they were shot back-to-back to save time and money. Holland appeared as Spider-Man in both.

Each Avengers film made over $2 billion! Endgame even became the top-grossing movie of all time for a few moments. We really hope for Tom that he gets compensated in accordance with how much the movies rake in, otherwise, he's just being robbed!
Tom Holland Improvised Spider-Man’s Last Words
As “Avengers: Infinity War” winds down, Thanos has turned half of the universe’s life to dust, Spider-Man included.

Shooting that emotional scene with Spidey in Iron Man’s arms, the script’s final words, “I’m sorry,” were not working for directors Joe and Anthony Russo. So they asked Tom to wing it. Holland went with “I don’t wanna go.” We didn't want him to go either!
Close to Home
In "Spider-Man: Far From Home" young American Parker can be seen in London. Funnily enough, for actor Tom, London is home! The film obtained incredibly favorable reviews and grossed $1 billion, turning into the first-ever Spidey film to gross over a billion. Many critics noted that Holland's Spider-Man is a lot more youthful and believable than that of Maguire and Garfield.

He also won a Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor. This was his third year winning the award.
Holland Spoills It All
Sadly for him, despite landing a role in an incredibly secretive franchise, Tom is just terrible at keeping secrets. Some of his most notable spoilers were telling everyone the title of "Spider-Man: Far From Home," or spilling that his Spider-Man installment is a trilogy long before such a thing was announced.

We guess Tom is lucky that, since he's the frontman, he's not easily replaceable and Marvel just had to forgive him over and over again.
Zendaya Friendship?
Ever since the first Spider-Man movie starring them came out, rumors about the two dating were everywhere. In one case, it was reported that the two go on vacations together, to which Zendaya even responded on Twitter, denying the whole thing!

Today we know what they were hiding from us, but back then, the two kept saying they are just very good friends and we didn't know what to believe!
Playing the Devil
After spending so much time in the public eye being nothing but Peter Parker, Tom wanted a change. He wanted to prove he can do a lot more. So, in 2020 he participated in a film called "The Devil All the Time."

Holland must love history, as, just like many other films he's been in, this one takes place in the past. Set after World War II, Tom plays a kid who lost his parents and so decides to go on a killing spree. Tom was scared he wasn't gonna do a good job in such a complicated role.
A Handsome Devil
In the end, Tom said he liked portraying the character, but he also added that spending time with such a tragic complex character affected his mental health. Many critics did not enjoy the film, saying it was mostly the script that was at fault. For Holland, many said this film truly shows his range and his abilities as an actor.

In November of 2020, the movie was crowned one of the top 30 most-watched streaming titles of the year. We think Tom should be thanked for that!
Another Chaotic Role
Still on a journey to prove he can take on complicated roles, Holland took a part in a movie called "New World in Chaos Walking." He acted alongside Daisy Ridley but the film had plenty of problems to deal with.

Firstly, some scenes had to be reshot, a fact which inflated the already big budget. Then, when it came out, it received terrible reviews. Even Tom couldn't save the movie, which was declared a failed attempt to show he can be a lot more than just Spider-Man.
Cherry Picking Roles
You may have already gathered that Tom Holland was trying really hard to show everyone that he can play a villain. Another attempt to take a darker role was in 2021's "Cherry," which was directed by the Russo brothers, who Tom already knew from his role in "The Avengers."

In "Cherry" he played a student who suffers from PTSD because of his past in the army. Tom's character also robes a bank and deals with substance abuse issues. Tom had to do a lot to prepare himself and his happy-go-lucky personality for such a role.
Cherry on Top
In order to prepare for such a layered role, Tom shaved his head, lost a significant amount of weight, and even spent time with veterans who suffered similar things to his character. Talking to veterans made an impression on the young actor.

The film hit cinemas in February of 2021. Viewers and critics alike were impressed with the hunky actor's performance, saying he finally proved he has range. Still, the movie itself didn't make a lasting impression.
Tom Holland and Zendaya? Duh!
Ultimately, Tom and Zendaya could no longer deny their feelings for each other, and the rumors about them were confirmed when they were photographed kissing in a car in July of 2021.

Tom and Zendaya didn't like this forced outing, to say the least; but, all well that ends well: soon after, they started posting pics of one another on Insta and now we all get to enjoy their adorable romance.
No Way!
Finally, in 2021, the much anticipated "Spider-Man: No Way Home" came out. Tom told the media that it was hard for him to find Peter again after spending so much time with incredibly dark characters. All of a sudden playing someone charming and naive seemed like a challenge. "Spider-Man: No Way Home" premiered during a global health crisis but it still broke insane records.

It became IMDB's highest-rated Spidey film and the 6th highest-grossing movie of all time.
Tom Spoiled the Biggest Surprise in Spider-Man
Before the final installment in Holland's Spider-Man came out, rumors started circulating that both Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield, will be in the film. This was heavily and successfully denied by everyone, except for one silly little Tom Holland.

In an interview with BBC's Ali Plumb, Zendaya spoke about a stunt she performed with Spider-Man. Tom commented that the stunt looked cool, but that he wasn't there. Plumb played it cool and didn't call Tom out on that statement. But after the film's release, he showed the funny moment to Garfield who laughed at Tom for being a terrible liar.
The Improvised Scene in “No Way Home”
“Spider-Man: No Way Home” did some wild things with the characters that have worn the red and blue spidey suit. To the surprise of the movie-going public, all three Spider-Mans from all the installments join forces in this one.

Now, just before the climactic battle, Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker, tells the other Spider-Men that he loves them, despite having known them for only a few hours. The other Peters didn't respond, since the line was ad-libbed by Garfield! We wonder what Tom thought of this one!
Tom Has a Fake Butt in His Spidey Suit?!
"Spider-Man: No Way Home" gave us the opportunity to see three men in Spider-Man suits all standing next to each other and, well, compare their shapes. Tom said that one of the three had a fake butt in their suit.

Holland wanted to incriminate one of his co-stars, but after close inspection, we suspect it's all been a cover-up and that it's actually Tom himself who has the fake behind.
The Future
Now that the Marvel Spidey Trilogy is over, there is just one question on our minds: will we ever see Tom as Peter Parker again? GQ asked Holland that question exactly and his answer shocked us. Tom said he doesn't really see any more Spidey in his future. He said he feels he's getting too old to play a teenager so he doesn't see how he could reprise the role.

Marvel producers stated they want Tom to stay their Spider-Man, but Holland himself said that he thinks that Spidey Miles Morales deserves his own live-action film. Honestly, we're here for it.
Off the Charts
Tom isn't very big on resting, which is why in 2022 we already caught him in a new movie. In "Uncharted," his first film after finishing his Spider-Man trilogy, he stars alongside one Mark Wahlberg. Tom's character is a bartender and fortune hunter called Nathan Drake.

Tom spent some time working in a pub in London to help himself get ready for the role. Could you imagine Spider-Man serving you your beer? Sadly, filming was pushed back a couple of times due to a little virus you may have or haven't heard of.
Tom Wasn't the Right Man for the Job
"Uncharted" premiered n February 2022 to mixed reviews. While the movie did succeed at the box office, cynical critics said it was merely because of Tom's ability to get people to come to the cinema. According to them, the film itself didn't have much merit. Film reviewers Brian Tallerico said he thought Tom wasn't the right person for the part of Nathan.

Nathen had to be bigger, bulkier, and more morose than Tom could ever be at his age.
Mark Wahlberg Gave Tom a Vibrator?
While playing off of each other in "Uncharted" Mark and Tom got close. One time, while the two were hanging out, Mark decided to give Tom a massage gun. Tom didn't know what these guns should look like and to him, the thing looked like a self-pleasuring device.

Later, the two ended up talking and laughing about it, but at the time, Tom didn't find it funny. When retelling the story, Mark said that Tom should "Get his mind out of the gutter."
His True Thoughts on Zendaya
Over the years, Tom has been asked a lot about his relationship with Z. The lovely boy-in-love always gave the best answers. He's been quoted saying that Zendaya is his best friend and the most incredible person.

He also said he loves her to bits, but that he respects her too much to ever discuss their relationship publicly without knowing what she feels comfortable with. While we're dying to know more, guess we'll have to take what we can get.
Holland Is Still a People Pleaser
When you look at a huge, hot star like Tom Holland, it's hard to imagine him doing anything but exactly what he wants. This assumption though, couldn't be further from the truth. Holland confessed that he considers himself to be a massive people pleaser.

This sweet tendency has caused the young actor to experience unnecessary burnout. Rumor has it he even once vomited after an interview because he was so exhausted. Tom, please remember to rest sometimes!
His Thoughts About the Industry
Like many big entertainers today, Tom is a lot more socially and politically involved than actors of previous generations. While in the past, actors had to stay silent in order to protect their careers, today it's those who don't speak out about important issues that get the nasty looks.

When Holland was asked what he thinks about today's film industry, he said he still thinks it's lacking in diverse representation. He says the industry should include more people of color and more people from the LGBTQ+ community. Preach it, Tom!