The 89th Annual Academy Awards is one that Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty (as well as the rest of the planet) are unlikely to forget — and for the wrong reasons! The two were tasked with announcing the “Best Picture” award. However, due to a mishap of massive proportions, they were handed the wrong envelope.

This led to the film “La La Land” initially being called the winner, when in fact it was the film “Moonlight.” Producers invaded the stage and corrected the announcement, much to everyone’s collective cringe! We have to say that the filmmakers of both films handled it like pros!
Matt Lauer’s Inappropriate Questions to Anne Hathaway
Anne Hathaway is not only a very talented actress but she is also known for her bubbly and sweet personality. It is this easygoing personality that probably allowed her to remain calm during an interview with “The Today Show's” former host Matt Lauer, in which he displayed some pretty tasteless comments.

Though she was there to promote her film “Les Misérables,” Lauer immediately began asking about her recent red carpet wardrobe malfunction, even making cringe-inducing comments like, “Nice to see you. Seen a lot of you lately,” and “What’s the lesson learned from something like that.” Truly unbelievable! But kudos to Hathaway's ice-cool reaction.
Shaken Not Stirred
Even while they're safe and sound inside the studio, news anchors can still sometimes be in the line of danger. Of course, when an earthquake hits, they aren't the only ones. Still, the anchors of KTLA you see here had to deal with one while they were on the air.

The entire building started to shake, and one of the anchors yelled that they were having an earthquake before ducking under the desk on live TV. It was funny, but it was still the right move. A few people ended up mocking the man who was quick to get undercover.
Dakota Johnson Calls Out Ellen DeGeneres
It is an unfortunate truth that some talk show hosts will say anything to add interest to a conversation with a famous guest, even if it means resorting to lying. In an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, the host tried to accuse Dakota Johnson of not inviting her to a party. Unsurprisingly, she got a mouthful in return from the “50 Shades of Grey” star.

Dakota was not having it. She snapped, “Actually, no, that’s not the truth Ellen. You were invited.” After Ellen tried to play dumb, Dakota even told her to ask her producer who could verify! We doubt Johnson will be inviting Ellen to any of her future parties anytime soon.
Nothing Like a Refreshing Shower
Getting a Gatorade shower is nothing special when it comes to sports, but they usually leave sideline reporters out of it. However, it seems as if the Washington Nationals really wanted MASN reporter Julie Alexandra to be part of the team since they keep including her.

After the Nats picked up a W in 2013, Alexandra got hit with a splash while interviewing pitcher Gio Gonzalez. The very next night, Alexandra was interviewing pitcher Jordan Zimmerman, who had just pitched a one-hitter. Zimmerman and Alexandra got hit with another shower. We wonder if Alexandra had a long talk with the team after that.
Tom Cruise’s Infamous “Glib” Interview
It seems that no list of awkward celebrity interviews would be complete without a mention of Tom Cruise’s infamous 2005 interview with Matt Lauer. During the interview, the “Top Gun” actor decided to go on a rant about antidepressants and other prescription medications, much to Lauer's surprise.

As Tom continued his passionate rant, host Matt Lauer sat there stunned before trying to bring a bit of nuance to the controversial debate. Unfortunately, his attempts to offer another perspective got him labeled “glib” by the actor in this now-infamous interview! Glib! Who says that anymore?! We love Tom and all his quirks.
Ripple Effect
As the saying goes, “Dogs are a man’s best friend.” Sure, but that is not always the case when that man happens to be on air. Weatherman Mike Sobel learned this while he was trying to give his forecast.

His station had just run a story on the Edmonton Humane Society, and one of the featured animals, a loveable mastiff named Ripple, was not done with the camera just yet. Rippel wanted more than his 15 seconds of fame and crashed Sobel’s weather forecast. Amazingly, this performance got Ripple his own show just a few days later. Guess that’s showbusiness baby!
Lindsay Lohan’s Intense Grilling by David Letterman
Though many celebrity interviews may seem unplanned or even unfiltered, most interviews are told to stick to publicist-approved questions or topics when questioning their subjects. And then there is David Letterman, who apparently did not get the memo, by any stretch of the imagination.

When interviewing actress Lindsay Lohan, the famed late-night talk show host began bombarding her with questions related to her past struggles with substance usage and her repeated trips to rehab. Poor Lindsay had to awkwardly sit and try to handle the intense questions before telling the host, “We didn’t discuss this in the pre-interview.” So uncomfortable!
The One We All Know
If you were paying attention to the news – the news about the news, at least – you almost certainly heard about this one. Korean expert Robert Kelly was on-air from his home when his adorable daughter opened the door and stepped inside, strutting up toward the camera with her pretty glasses.

To make matters even funnier, Kelly’s youngest daughter, a baby in a walker roller then followed! With almost superhuman speed came Mom to the rescue, who snagged the girls and was out of the room in a flash. Still. The clip went viral, with thousands of people enjoying it.
Jesse Eisenberg’s Strange Attempt at Flirting Goes Viral
While promoting his magician-themed film “Now You See Me”, actor Jesse Eisenberg subjected us to an interview that we really wish we had never seen. The actor, who was being interviewed by entertainment reporter Romina Puga, began flirting with the presenter in the most awkward way we have ever seen.

From snippy banter to Romina jokingly (we hope) referring to her guest as a “jerk” to her referencing them being in a relationship — the whole thing made us feel confused. And Eisenberg kept putting her down, which made things even weirder. He may have magic skills, but his flirting skills need some brushing up!
It Looked Much Bigger in Person
Bugs love to fly into our faces – there are so many interesting openings there! Of course, this means that reporters have to deal with them as well, such as when this Fox 5 anchor was doing a cushy assignment at the beach when a large flying insect started getting all up in his business.

When he had successfully fought the bug off, he sheepishly looked back to the camera and asked if they had been live that whole time. Meanwhile, the anchors at the station were laughing their heads off, commenting that it was either a giant bug or a small drone that had attacked their reporter.
John Travolta Humiliated Idina Menzel Twice
This is basically two awkward TV moments for the price of one. The first happened at the Oscars in 2014, and the next came the following year! Firstly, John Travolta had the task of introducing “Let It Go,” the famed song from "Frozen" sung by Idina Menzel. Unfortunately, Travolta was confused and completely butchered the introduction, leaving audiences simultaneously confused and laughing. Instead of introducing Idina Menzel, Travolta introduced “Adele Dazeem.”

Then, at the 2015 Oscars, Menzel got revenge on Travolta by calling him "Glom Gazingo." However, Travolta continued the cringe when he got a little too close to Menzel and just grabbed her face! Menzel tried to be a good sport and awkwardly laughed at the situation, but Travolta just kept grabbing her chin as if to get her attention. John ended up making everybody very uncomfortable yet again!
It Just Wanted a Little Lovin
Here is a classic example of an awkward TV moment where an animal decided that the news was not all that important. And this might be the best one! San Diego reporter Ashley Jacobs was at the Safari Park, reporting on one thing or another when a baby giraffe came up to say hi.

The giraffe was getting a little friendly, and while Jacobs kept trying to push it away, the giraffe was determined to nuzzle her. It also tried to eat her mic. Despite the issues, Jacobs was laughing, and there was plenty of giggling coming from the studio, as well.
Ellen’s Outrageous Way to Get Mariah Carey to Confess
While it is quite common for talk show hosts to tease answers out of their celebrity guests, it is often done in a tasteful and humorous way. Sadly, that simply was not the case when iconic singer Mariah Carey visited the Ellen DeGeneres show all the way back in 2008.

The host demanded that Mariah address the rumors of her pregnancy, even pressuring her to drink an alcoholic beverage to prove that she was not pregnant! Naturally, the mom-to-be was forced to admit her very private news, later calling the event “extremely uncomfortable.” Not cool, Ellen! Not cool at all!
Yep...That's a Unicorn
WTLV had sent reporter David Williams to the Jacksonville area to cover a story about a fire in a resident's house when an unexpected photobomber appeared. There is zero doubt that this happened in Florida – a screaming woman in a tutu and a unicorn mask barely gets any news time from that state.

Williams was able to, somehow, keep his cool and finish the segment as if nothing had happened. The big question is did the woman get dressed up for the reporter, or was she already in uniform and just happened to see him? It's Florida, so either answer makes sense.
Madonna and David Letterman on a Mission to Make Us Uncomfortable
It takes two to tango, and in this case, it took two celebrities to make television viewers deeply uncomfortable. When Madonna stopped by the David Letterman show in 1994, things quickly got weird. First, David began pressuring her to kiss a random person in the audience, refusing to take no for an answer.

He never would have got away with that behavior in this day and age. Then, Madonna made everyone cringe when she revealed she had given David a pair of her undergarments, telling him to show the audience. The interview was so uncomfortable and inappropriate we couldn’t turn it off fast enough!
Larry Cut a Bit Too Much Off the Doll
If awkward situations are what you find amusing, then “Curb Your Enthusiasm” is something you will enjoy. The creator and lead actor Larry David succeeded in weaving together comedic gold time and time again. But arguably the most awkward moment of the entire show came in Season 2, when David is invited to an ABC executive's party, and is asked by his daughter to cut her doll's hair.

Upon accepting the request, Larry gives the doll a horrific haircut with a Swiss Army Knife, and hides the head down his pants, creating even more embarrassment for himself. Things go from bad to worse for Larry, which is kind of the recurring theme of the show.
Another Case Closed
Talk about sketchy! ABC 7 anchor Marc Brown was doing what he always did – reading the news to his loyal viewers. Everything was going smoothly. Until he got to a segment about a wanted criminal on the run. It should have been a normal story to cover, but the image that came up on the screen was just too good to be true.

He, as well as more than a small number of viewers, realized that the artist’s depiction of the criminal had more than a passing resemblance to Brown himself. Luckily it turned out to be nothing more than a coincidence, much to the relief of viewers and Marc Brown. Phew!
Ellen’s Crude Comment Gets Lost in Translation
When interviewing someone from another country or culture, it is important to understand the cultural differences regarding different topics such as dating and relationships. Otherwise, misunderstandings can happen very quickly, leading to the most awkward of situations. This was something talk show host Ellen DeGeneres learned the hard way.

During an interview, the host decided to ask Korean pop group BTS if they had ever “gotten together” or “hooked up” with their fans. When she was met with silence, she asked the band’s translator to translate her way-too-personal question, making the seemingly conservative translator and the boy band members deeply uncomfortable.
Simone Biles Hits Back at the Most Annoying Question
It seems that being one of the most decorated athletes and a trailblazer in women’s sports simply is not enough to protect you from the dreaded question so many women receive, “why don’t you smile?” It's such a terrible thing to ask someone, and yet, it happens very often.

In 2017, while competing in the dance reality competition, “Dancing With the Stars,” Olympic gold-winning gymnast Simone Biles was asked why she was not smiling more. Her (priceless) answer to that completely unnecessary question? “Smiling doesn’t win you gold medals.” Someone give this woman a medal for calling people out! The host's smile was turned upside down, that's for sure!
That Kiss from "The Office"
While sitcoms are usually at least somewhat scripted, that doesn't stop awkward moments from happening. Of course, improv will inevitably lead to these kinds of situations. In an episode of "The Office," in a daring act to convey his solidarity, Michael plants a kiss on Oscar‘s lips, obviously going too far.

Actor Oscar Nuñez admitted that, in the script, the characters were only supposed to hug but Carell decided to infuse a little more comedy into the scene by adding the kiss. When Nuñez realized where Carell was taking the scene, he did his best to go along with it and the hilariously awkward scene speaks for itself!
50 Cent's Kiss Cam Moment
When famous sports reporter Erin Andrews was covering the Daytona 500 in Florida in 2013, she was brushing elbows with plenty of famous people, including rapper 50 Cent – but Fiddy had more than elbows in mind. Mr. Cent was apparently excited to see Andrews and gave her an unexpected kiss on the cheek.

Gah! Is there anything more cringe-inducing than an unwanted kiss?! And we assume that 50 Cent was whispering some sweet nothings to Ms. Andrews as well. At least, that's what it looks like from this angle. Maybe he was just whispering the lyrics to "In Da Club."
Jimmy Kimmel’s Awkward Excuse
Who hasn't used a lame excuse to get out of going somewhere they did not want to go? While our little white lies would not get called out on national television, the same simply can not be said about Jimmy Kimmel and Tyler Perry.

It turns out that the director invited Jimmy to his big party — an event Jimmy apparently promised to attend but didn’t. Viewers watched as the host tried miserably to come up with excuses as to why he was a no-show — excuses that were promptly called out by the party-throwing “Madea” star. Should’ve just RSVP’d “no” Jimmy!
A Bit Too Much to Drink
There are plenty of anchors that have bloopers floating around on the internet, but what about veteran anchor for CNN, Don Lemon? Even he has a few mistakes that he'd like to remove from the World Wide Web. During the network's 2017 New Year's Eve coverage, the famous reporter had a few to drink and decided to loosen up a little bit.

He was actually reporting at the time, but he started to lose control. Co-host Brooke Baldwin commented on his drink of choice, and then Lemon talked about if he should get a pierced ear. There was another body part in the discussion as well. Yikes!
Robert Downey Jr. Walked Out of the Interview
“Iron Man” star Robert Downey Jr. has never been shy about his personal battles with substance usage and his often strained relationship with his father. Truth be told, the talented actor has been through the wringer over the last few decades. That said, the actor has enjoyed a career renaissance in more recent times.

Unfortunately, an uncomfortable interview threatened to take him back to his dark times. Instead of talking about the film he was promoting, this interviewer wanted to talk about RDJ’s struggles, something the actor didn’t want to take part in. Frustrated, the actor simply walked out. To be honest, we don’t blame him.
Bye Bye Bystander
Reporting from the street is no easy feat. You're far away from the controlled and calm studio environment. Instead, you're at the mercy of the randomness of life and various people walking by. Reporters who take to the street have to deal with quite a lot of unexpected stuff, including the people who might be passing by.

KTLA reporter Wendy Burch hit the streets to report on Los Angeles's bid to host the Olympics when a passerby decided he too wanted to be on camera. What's particularly funny is that Burch didn't notice the man in the frame for a while!
Pattinson Doing Twilight Stuff to Tyra Banks
Remember "The Tyra Banks Show?" The inventor of "smize" decided to add a daytime talk show host to her resume with her very own talk show. In typical Tyra fashion, things got a bit weird, especially when she invited "Twilight" star Robert Pattinson. Yeah, things got out of control, as you can see!

Speaking in a ridiculous British accent, she demanded that Robert bite her neck (like his vampire character does in the films). Feeling too awkward to say no, Robert leaned forward and bit the host in a scene that even the most diehard Twihards (superfans) cringed while watching.
Taylor Swift’s Icy Response About Her Love Life
When you are a young star with a penchant for singing about your famous exes, it is only natural that the world will have questions about your love life. While on the Grammys red carpet, Taylor Swift was approached by reporters who joked, “You’re gonna walk home with more than just a trophy tonight. I think lots of men.”

A comment to which Taylor retorted, “I’m not gonna walk home with any men tonight. I’m gonna go hang out with my friends and then I go home to the cats.” Way to overspeculate! Clearly, Taylor was not in the mood to talk about her love life.
Joaquin Phoenix Is Unrecognizable on Letterman
When portraying Freddie Quell in the film "I’m Still Here," Joaquin Phoenix really channeled the crazy. Apparently, it's something you just have to do when playing an actor who is going out of control. And no one knows that better than the eccentric method actor himself. Phoenix even made an appearance on David Letterman completely in character.

The interview ended up being really confusing and a little hard to watch after a while. Phoenix was completely disheveled, was slurring his words, and even put his chewing gum under Letterman's desk! A year later, Phoenix returned clean-shaven and explained that the whole thing was just a publicity stunt for the movie. In fact, they used footage from the infamous interview in the movie!
Scarlett Johansson Refuses to Discuss Her Black Widow Wardrobe
When it comes to promoting a film, actors are often asked strange questions about their characters. But asking what her character Black Widow wears under her costume was a bit too much for actress Scarlett Johansson. An interviewer asked if she wore underwear while in costume as the Marvel character.

Justifiably annoyed, the actress answered by saying, "You're like the fifth person that's asked me that today." She then added, "What is going on? Since when do people start asking each other in interviews about their underwear?" She’s right though. Her costume, her business! Thankfully, she no longer has to deal with these kinds of questions.
Ellen Mocking Sofía Vergara's Accent
It is no surprise that comedian Ellen DeGeneres has many people divided. According to many, her 2017 interview with “Modern Family” actress Sofía Vergara was just one of many times the host has shown her true colors. In the interview, Ellen poked fun at Sofía’s accent and English language skills as she attempted to teach the “America’s Got Talent” judge new words in English.

Viewers watched as Sofía awkwardly agreed and said, “Okay, I know English.” Ellen chose very challenging words like “flabbergasted” and “discombobulated.” While Sofía says she was in on the joke, many felt it was insensitive. Come on, Ellen!
The Slap Heard Around the World
It is the slap that broke the internet, that was heard across the world, and that shook Hollywood to its core. You guessed it, it is the now infamous pop-culture moment when actor Will Smith slapped comedian Chris Rock across the face during the 2022 Oscars ceremony.

Chris Rock, while presenting an award, made a joke about Jada Pinkett-Smith's hair (citing a reference to "G.I. Jane," the movie starring Demi Moore). In Will Smith's own words, it "was too much for me to bear and I reacted emotionally." The moment drew mass global cringe and criticism and led to Smith being banned from the Oscars for 10 years.
Zooming in on J-Lo
Jennifer Lopez is known for her sensual and trend-setting style, but even the most self-confident person has boundaries. During a particularly uncomfortable interview with David Letterman, JLo was treated like an object when his camera crew zoomed in on her chest. Jenny From the Block was obviously not happy about this at all.

To make matters more inappropriate, the host referred to her bosom as “pretty darn good.” Jennifer looked clearly uncomfortable as she tried to cross her arms and block the camera’s (and the host’s) view. The whole segment just made us feel gross! We can’t imagine how the star must have felt!
Please Excuse Our Mess
Despite being one of the most well-known news sources in the entire world, even BBC Nightly News has technical problems every once in a while. An eye-popping one occurred in 2017. When millions of viewers from around the world tuned in, they got one of the longest technical glitches in TV history.

For nearly three minutes – an eternity when it comes to Live TV – viewers were bombarded with random video clips broken up by the loud “breaking news” announcement. Every once in a while, the feed would cut to Huw Edwards, the show's presenter, who was looking over his notes at his desk, fully unaware that anything was happening, or that he was on the air.
The News We All Needed to Hear
Live reporters are accustomed to plenty of unwanted attention, and they've trained themselves to keep a straight face through all of it. Los Angeles reporter Christina Pascucci still wasn't expecting the kind of attention she got while reporting on the city's pride parade one year. The parade had plenty of celebration, but Pascucci was the target of one partygoer.

She just so happened to be talking about the low number of disturbances at the event when someone jumped into the shot and yelled “You're so [freaking] hot!” Pascucci was shocked, and the channel quickly cut back to the studio, but not before thousands in Los Angeles heard the foul language.
Dolly Parton Couldn't Handle Johnny Carson
When it came to filters, Johnny Carson certainly didn't have one, something he was renowned for. As a result, he was infamous for making his guests feel extremely uncomfortable. The host of "The Tonight Show" often went below the belt a bit too often and would rub his guests the wrong way — especially with the legendary Dolly Parton. After all, "Johnny Carson and Dolly Parton" does have a nice ring to it.

At any rate, the award-winning country singer continued to make appearances on the show. Whenever she did, Carson would spend more time discussing her physical attributes than focusing on her true talents and abilities on stage and screen. We just love seeing two very different icons in the same photo. And that's what we got here.
How Very Heroic of You
As one of the classic comic book characters, Spider-Man has a long history of rescuing people who are in danger, but this event was a black mark on his record. During a planned stunt during a New Year's Eve celebration at Times Square in 2013, his rescue didn't exactly go as expected.

"Good Morning America" reporter Sara Haines pretended to faint when he appeared, with the expectation he would catch her. Spidey missed the grab, and Haines landed flat on her back. She wasn't hurt, and she even had a laugh about it, and afterward gave Spider-Man a big hug.
You Have the Wrong "Guy"
News stations have lots of mistakes – but this one is a bit different. Guy Goma was sitting in the BBC lobby, about to interview for a tech position. Guy Kewney, a technology expert, was also waiting in the lobby, about to be interviewed on live TV.

A news producer approached Goma and asked him if he was Guy. The answer being yes, Goma quickly found himself on live TV, answering questions he wasn't expecting when it came to a tech support position. He was able to predict the rise of downloadable music, though. And he didn't even get the IT job he was initially after!
Meg Ryan Tells Interviewer to “Wrap It Up”
Meg Ryan may have been called “America’s Sweetheart” thanks to appearing in many classic rom-coms such as "Sleepless in Seattle" and "When Harry Met Sally." However, the actress was anything but sweet during her infamous interview with the late journalist Sir Michael Parkinson.

During the awkward interview, Michael made rude comments about Meg’s nude scene in the film “The Cut” and even questioned her commitment to the craft of acting! The strange exchange prompted Meg to refer to Sir Michael Parkinson as a “nut” and compare his criticism to a “disapproving dad.” No wonder she suggested that they “just wrap it up!”
We Feel Like This Could Have Been Avoided
The last few years have been...interesting. To say the least. A lot of us spent far too much time in our homes, without any way to get outside or see other people, and there were plenty of challenges associated with those. ABC News reporter Will Reeve knows that too well.

For a segment with "Good Morning America," Reeve set up his own camera but might have forgotten something important – his pants. Yes, Reeve was on national news without wearing pants. In no time at all, Twitter was lighting him up. Why wouldn't you wear pants, Reeve? Just some sweatpants, something. It's not that hard.
La La Land...Wait...No!
The 89th Annual Academy Awards is one that Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty (as well as the rest of the planet) are unlikely to forget — and for the wrong reasons! The two were tasked with announcing the "Best Picture" award. However, due to a mishap of massive proportions, they were handed the wrong envelope.

This led to the film "La La Land" initially being called the winner, when in fact it was the film "Moonlight." Producers invaded the stage and corrected the announcement, much to everyone's collective cringe! We have to say that the filmmakers of both films handled it like pros!
"Imma Let You Finish"
One of the most embarrassing celebrity moments ever happened at the MTV Video Music Awards in 2009. Taylor Swift, who was still very young and had just started to climb the fame ladder, won the Best Music Video of the year. Less than a minute into her acceptance speech, Kanye West came on stage and took the microphone from her!

The rapper went on to say that he was happy for her, but he thought that Beyonce had one of the best music videos of all time. Beyonce herself just looked mortified and sorry for Taylor, who just stood there startled and dumbfounded.
Jeff Goldblum Didn't Like Being Called "Gangly"
Jeff Goldblum, talking to Dick Cavett in 1992, had starred in “Invasion of the Body Snatchers,” “The Big Chill,” and “The Fly,” long before he would lead the "Jurassic Park" franchise. It's safe to say that he was already a huge name, and things were only going to get bigger for him after this interview.

Goldblum was caught off guard in this interview when Cavett informed him that writers often describe him as “gangly.” Cavett attempted to soften the question by describing the time a man ridiculed him for his short stature, but the conversation was slow to start after that “gangly” remark.
What Was This BBC Presenter Thinking?
The highest level of professionalism is absolutely paramount when it comes to anchoring or presenting the news. You need to maintain a poker face and not let your personal characteristics and quirks come through. And yet, national BBC presenter Maryam Moshiri's human side came out very strongly and briefly when she went on air in 2023.

Once the countdown to the news was up, all that remained was the image of Moshiri holding up one finger for the entire nation to see. In a split second though, the entire hand disappeared, and her face went from extremely cheeky to completely emotionless. In an interview after the incident, Moshiri explained that it was an in-joke between her and her crew, and she just got caught a second too late. Since then, the footage has become one of the most popular memes in recent memory.
It's Like She's Part of the Team
Laura Rutledge was working the sideline at a University of Georgia vs. University of Massachusetts football game in 2018, but she was a little closer to the action than she expected. The play went over to her side of the field, and Georgia player Prather Hudson slammed into her, knocking her to the ground during her segment.

She wasn't badly hurt, so she was able to laugh it off and keep reporting. After the game, Hudson tweeted an apology for knocking her down and offered to “pick her up” at seven. The date didn't go through, since Laura is married to professional baseball player Josh Rutledge.
Paris Hilton Didn't Want to Talk About Her Time in Jail
There are some moments that most people would prefer to forget. Moments like going to jail, for example. Unfortunately for celebrity Paris Hilton, David Letterman wasn’t going to let her off that easily. Though their interview began pretty casually (talking about different cities), David began asking the socialite about her 2007 stint in jail.

A visibly uncomfortable Paris initially answered David’s relentless questioning before telling him she would prefer not to talk about it since she’s moved on — a hint she hoped the host would take. We can't keep up with how many times this kind of thing has happened on Letterman's show over the years.
Temperatures That Rival the Sun
Technology might seem infallible, but just talk to anybody who works in IT and you'll find that is nowhere near the case. Take the weather display one day when Phoenix reporter Cory McCloskey stepped in front of the green screen to talk about the coming day.

Arizona can get pretty hot, but not up to four digits, as the screen read – one place was even getting near three thousand degrees! McCloskey noticed the obvious technical error and was able to continue with the segment. He ended it with a joking “get out while you still can,” which certainly made viewers sweat a little.
Vin Diesel’s “Fast & Flirty” Side
In the “Fast & Furious” films, Vin Diesel has no problem speeding, but many wished the actor would have pumped the brakes just a little during his wildly uncomfortable interview with Brazilian YouTube star Carol Moreira. The actor made us all cringe with his overt flirting and strange focus on the interviewer’s looks.

At one point he even asked, “How am I supposed to do this interview? Look at this woman. She’s so beautiful. Talk to me, baby.” Ugh! He even said she was “too sexy” for him to continue the interview, which Moreira said made her feel “completely uncomfortable.”
Millie Bobby Brown’s Kiss Becomes a Family Affair
When you are faced with kissing a co-star, there are a million different things that can ruin the scene. From bad breath to excessive tongue, actors have many factors to consider. Actress Millie Bobby Brown had the unique experience of having her on-screen smooch be watched by her whole family!

It turns out that her family was on the set of “Stranger Things” when she locked lips with co-star Finn Wolfhard. The actress even referred to it as the “most awkward thing in the world.” It's one thing for your family to watch a scene of you kissing someone on TV, but to actually be there in person to watch it? No wonder she wants to grow up fast!
Third Time's a Charm?
None of us like to mess up at work, so it's important to keep trying to get things right. However, Emily Walker might have to learn the best time to pack it in. Walker was the Four Seasons of Toronto Wine Director, and during a segment on a local Canadian news program, she demonstrated her ability to open a bottle of wine with a saber.

The first time, she shattered the bottle, soaking herself and reporter Steve Darling. Instead of giving up, Walker tried a different bottle, but she once again fumbled the trick, exploding wine over them once again. The show did not invite the Wine Director back. Cheers!
Jerry Seinfeld Turns Down Kesha's Hug
Singer Kesha came up to Jerry Seinfeld at the David Lynch Foundation's "A Night of Laughter and Song" and asked if they could hug. Reasonable, right? Well, the comedian turned her down. She didn't give up, this time asking for "just a little one?" and he responded, "No thanks."

The truth of the matter is, that Seinfeld simply did not know who Kesha was, and when the reporter interviewing him explained who she was to him, he said, "Okay, well, I wish her the best." We assume Jerry was a little regretful for his treatment of Kesha at that moment, though it did provide some cringe-worthy comedic gold for everyone who watched.