It looks like this boy found some bears and tried his best to smuggle them in the back of his car — he could barely lift his new friend up; at least someone snapped this adorable photo! At least he got one in; good luck getting the last one in; he might need more help to lift his bear of a friend!

Now, if you ask us, if we were just walking around, minding our own business, and happen to bump into this scenario, we would say it’s a scene from a movie. We can’t find any other logical explanation.
Scared at The Vet
Nobody enjoys going to the doctor; in fact, it downright scares some! Take this Great Dane, for example; he is in no way excited about his check-up at the vet! Poor boy wants some reassurance before he goes in... If some can be called “young at heart,” then why not call these giant dogs “little at heart?”

At least he has someone to hold onto while anticipating his appointment. Who would have thought such a big thing could look so small? This proves it's never the size that counts. Not even with dogs. And inside every great big giant lies a little pussycat.
"Hello, Ladies!"
Back in the day, the only thing that got close to something like this was the ridiculously giant teddy bears. To most, this phenomenon was familiar only through seeing it in the movies. However, very few people in the world actually get a chance to own such a thing.

An old English Sheepdog, Zammy sure gets a lot of attention, not only cause he's larger than life, but he's so lovable and wants to hug anyone he passes by. Lucky for Zammy, these two ladies were only happy to oblige. He's so fluffy and friendly; how could anyone resist? If only we had a Zammy of our own, we'd hug him all day!
Granny and Gus
Granny always preferred a lap dog; she said that before knowing how big Gus would get. This shows we don't get to decide if a dog is a lapdog; that decision rests squarely on the dogs themselves. Both Granny and Gus look super happy, and Granny isn't about to ruin that by telling Gus he's too big to sit on her lap.

This lady has seen a few things in her life and learned years ago that it's best to go with the flow. There is no reason to hang on to negativity and bad things we don't have the power to change.
Meet Simba
Simba's coat is quite something. Technically it's called a generous double-coat, as he's a Leonberger, but you might confuse him as being a Leonbear! Hailing from Germany, the Leonberger was bred in the 1840s to resemble a lion. The massive-sized Leonberger breed is actually a magnificent blend of the Newfoundland, Saint Bernard, and Great Pyrenees.

So, this beautiful canine will not only be your best friend and comfort you during hours of sadness and fear but, most important, keep you warm on those long cold winter nights. Simba the dog (or the lion) is one of a kind, and although so incredibly big, he is like a little puppy at heart.
Scared of Kittens
Despite being way bigger than the kitten, this golden retriever has the heebie-jeebies. She must still be a pup at heart, no matter her big size! What's cute, though, is how she took cover underneath the table in an attempt to hide from the curious kitten. Who wouldn't be scared? That little fluffball is equipped with murder mittens!

Just one swipe and anyone will stay out of the way. The David and Goliath stories always make us laugh when they involve animals. Seeing a great big dog forgetting his size when approached by a vicious and annoying cat is pure entertainment.
Am I a Joke to You?
Mr. Serious over here does not appreciate being compared to a walrus. He also doesn't know why you used two carrots when you could just as easily have used his favorite doggy treats. Luckily he is as gentle as he is big. Otherwise, his people might have some problems.

Just look at those big brown eyes; he deserves his doggy treats already! Alternatively, this is a dog who insisted on participating in the Halloween parade that took place in its neighborhood. He already had a black coat, and the teeth were the only thing missing.
Snow Angels
What cute puppies... Oh wait, that's a dog and a baby! That adorable costume almost fooled us... Just look how her little hand holds his paw; what a paw-rfect picture! We also couldn't help but notice that they both are wearing barrels; for those that don't know, Saint Bernards are famous for their tremendous sense of smell, and in the past, they succeeded at finding people buried in snow. Over time their role turned to that of being a search and rescue dog.

The Bernards also rose to fame following the movie "Beethoven" which became a huge success. It first aired in 1992 and told the story of the adopted St. Bernard dog who wouldn't stop growing and his life with the Newton family, who were anything but prepared for such a creature.
Big Pup Meets Little Pup
"Woof, who goes there?" The first meeting between the big pup and the little pup makes this photo even more adorable! They both look pretty surprised and must wonder, "Look how big/small he is?!" This shows just how gentle big dogs can be! No matter their size, all dogs know to treat puppies with gentleness.

We ask ourselves if the little one knows how big it might get one day and if the big one knows how small it once was. We give it another couple of years before the little fellow overtakes the big one leaving nothing but dust behind.
A Lap Dog
This could be proof that everyone likes to cuddle, even bears! He's not really a bear, but we wouldn't have known any better if it wasn't for our list. He's a mountain Pyrenees, but don't tell him that; he thinks he's the perfect lap dog. For such a big dog, he still manages to be as cute as a button, and look at all that fluff!

Now, most people miss the black dog on the left. He is sitting there quietly, minding his own business (or, not daring to make a sound being so afraid of what is in front of him). Between you and us, we don't blame him.
This eccentric family consists of three remarkably different creatures. Made up of one human, a fluffy poodle, and what looks like a Great Dane mix. There is a saying that goes, 'Blood is thicker than water,' but this photo clearly manifests that friends are the family we choose.

It doesn't matter what color you are, how old you are, or how many other dogs are together with you and the pack. True friendship (like the one these two have) cannot be measured. Sometimes it looks like the smaller dog is watching out for the bigger one, not the other way around.
I'm Ready for My Lap Time Now
Here's a type of Mastiff breed we haven't seen before, a Spanish Mastiff, whose size sure stays true to the Mastiff name. Often owners adopt these dogs as puppies when they are still quite small, unaware of how big they really get! And oh boy, do they get big; just look how big he is compared to his human companion.

He hasn't realized yet that he has outgrown her lap... We mean, what is she supposed to do with it? We guarantee no one will babysit; no one will ever volunteer to take this thing out for a walk, let alone feed it (just out of being afraid they would end up part of its lunch). This poor girl is doomed for life.
Big Vs. Small
Have you ever come across an Irish wolfhound sitting with a Maltese in a garden? Well, now you have! When looked at in such close proximity, it's clear just how contrasting their sizes are. How cute does the Maltese look when sitting next to the more distinguished-looking Irish Wolfhound?

Their differences in sizes sure bring out the best in each other. So, on the right, we have our life's aims. Quiet, content, pure, and adorable. While on the left, well, that's another story. That is life as it is. In your face, out of shape, and too loud. This is not what we ordered.
Meet Koji
With such a tender gaze in Koji's eyes, it would be hard not to cuddle him; he is like a new kind of body pillow! Not into body pillows? Koji would make a great security blanket. Not only will Koji make you feel safe, lower your anxiety, but it will also be the right kind of clingy.

Why get a body pillow when you can just get another Koji? It will keep you warm on those lonely cold winter nights, it will protect you when lightning strikes and it won't let anything bad happen to you. It might take up all of the space in bed (and in the photo), but that's the least of your problems.
Big Hug
This big Saint Bernard is named Heisenberg, after the famed German physicist, or it could be after the fictional character on the hit TV series "Breaking Bad." Heisenberg might be huge, but he doesn't let his size get in the way of a good old-fashioned cuddle. His human friend better be careful; he might injure his back one day!

The other dog, almost hiding at the bottom left, has no chance. No matter how loud it barks, no matter how often it walks around you in circles, with a companion like Heisberg, no matter what he does, no one will ever notice.
I'll Sit Right Here
We don't come across too many dappled Great Danes, but look how stunning this mighty giant is! This big boy obviously still likes to sit on laps, and by the looks of it, so does his person. If you were to quickly scan over this photo, you might mistake this big boy for a horse! At least his parents know their son is safe with their dog by his side.

When owning such a great big dog, you get to save on a lot of money. You don't have to wait for your son to turn 13 before leaving him alone at home. With the Great Dane around, even a toddler of two will have no worries staying alone.
Pooh and Bear
Even the toughest-looking dogs still need their teddy bear. He looks like he just might be a direct descendant of those fighting dogs from Ancient Rome. He looks so noble if you do not pay attention to Winnie the Pooh... This dog is actually a Cane Corso, and yes, they are an Italian mastiff breed.

It goes without saying that they are good guard dogs but also great companion dogs. So at times, these beasts are big monsters we just want to keep away from, but sometimes, they seem to never grow up and end up being like any other cuddle bug we know.
Spotted on the Underground
You've got to see this to believe it. Just by looking at his expression, it seems like he was thinking, 'Just act natural, and they'll never notice.' But notice they did. Everyone on the underground was more surprised by his massive size than the fact that he was sitting on the seat.

Fortunately, the pup-arazzi snapped this shot of him; otherwise, who would believe you if you said you saw a giant dog on the underground train? What concerns us most is what happens after the dog and its owner get off the train. What happens to all the hair on the seat? And why does the next passenger sitting there have to pay the price?
As Big as a Dogbone
Chihuahuas are best known for their teeny size, making them a favorite breed to carry around when doing your daily errands. This Chihuahua is so small she's the size of a dogbone. Towering over is a beautiful Afghan Hound. It seems as if she's keeping a careful eye on her tiny friend sitting in front of the bone.

This photograph is so good we can almost hear the conversation that is going on. "Should I go for it? What's the worst that can happen?" "You just dare. You don't even think about it. You know what will happen if you even attempt."
Getting Out of Hound
This is Seamus, and yes, he is an Irish Wolfhound that still likes to sit on the couch. Even sitting down, we can see the difference in size between this gentle giant and his human friend. Seamus is definitely the right 'hound' man to have if you ever need help guarding or just keeping strangers away.

Just the sheer size of him will scare the daylights out of us! Now, if this were a Labradoodle or any other bread that wouldn't shed so much hair, then maybe we could live with it, however, we can't imagine the mess this one must leave behind.
The Waiting Room
We love how this sweet Great Dane sat next to his mama instead of sitting on the floor, he'd rather nestle up on the bench while he waits to see the vet. He literally doesn’t have his back feet on the ground and is still a towering giant; that is one tall dog!

This is to emphasize that even when your kids are all grown up, your parenting days are never over. This woman thought her grandchildren, who she sees twice a week, were what she had to deal with, however, she was wrong. A dog is like a child, and nothing you say will make us see things differently.
The Big Friendly Giant
This is Monty, and all he wants to do is check in and see if you might have any news for him before his 'appawnment' in the yard. Monty is an important family member, and as the appointed watchdog, he takes his duties very seriously.

Along with keeping a careful watch outside, he also cares for your well-being and wants to ensure you're safe and sound before starting his next shift. This is not him crying for help. He is not stuck. He is making a statement. No matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you push, This big fellow is not going anywhere.
Pretty Pleased With Himself
This German Shepherd seems so happy his momma is home; he barely notices how bad his 'pawsture' is when sitting on her lap! There's no such thing as 'too close for comfort when you're with your loved one. He's glad she's back and wants to get as close to her as possible. But how could anyone be mad at him? Look at how happy he is!

Dogs have a unique relationship with their owners, whether they are in the military or not. The loyalty dogs have is definitely something we humans should stop for a moment and try to adopt. Unconditional love, no matter where you go and when you come back from there.
Are You a Dog?
Traveling to the nearby dog park is always a treat, not only for all the different dogs to meet and greet but also for their human companions to get outside and catch up with all their neighbors and fellow dog lovers. This Saint Bernard couldn't believe his eyes when he saw this little pug.

"But he's so small," he thought, clearly not aware that he happens to be a member of one of the biggest dog breeds out there. We're just waiting to see these two down the line in a few years. Not sure the big canine companion will have the same look on its face, just like the little one, who will for sure see things differently.
Bleppity Blop
'Why walk when your person can carry you?' is probably what this fluffy pup was thinking on his morning walk. Some might even say he's a bit too heavy to carry, but he'll just say he's a bit husky. His dog-ma has quite a handful with him. Do you think he realizes how big he is?

And again, there is only one who can be blamed for this. Just like a child, if you allow these things to happen, then they will. There is no point in calling this dog a spoiled brat, it's time some human adult takes responsibility here.
Best Buds
Does being so small mean you have to only have small friends? Not at all; just look at these two who like to hang out in the nearby forest. Seeing these two dogs right next to each other shows the contrast between their extreme sizes. The tiny chihuahua looks even more adorable, perched up next to the statuesque Irish greyhound.

They have no issue with size, they have no issue with color, and they only rely on the smell and their inner voice (in other words — nature) to lead them down the right path and be surrounded by things that do them well. If only we were more like them.
Big Boy and Baby Boy
The Newfie is just 16 months older than his new baby friend, and just look how big he is! Newfies are also known for being great babysitters because of their gentle nature. That little baby is probably wondering, "Why am I not cuddling with the furball?" We know we would be!

And surprisingly enough (or not), in years to come, this cute little baby will grow into being something maybe more dangerous than this cuddly dog will ever be. Perspective people. Perspective. Not all big beasts are a threat, and not all babies are as cute as they might appear.
Majestic Wolf
Believe it or not, this massive dog is actually part wolf! He was sent to an animal sanctuary where they sent his DNA for testing, and his results were 85 % Gray Wolf, 10 % Siberian Husky, and 4 % German Shepherd. Needless to say, he's as cute as he is fierce.

We wouldn't want to come face-to-face with him in the forest anytime soon! After doing a bit of history lessons on our side, we weren't surprised at all to discover that dogs are, in fact, a part of the wolf family, or, shall we say, wolves are, in fact, dogs.
Happy Birthday!
Lincoln's first birthday proved to be quite the surprise for both him and his human companions, who knew he would grow so big so fast! Lincoln can't help but look distinguished, even when donning a party hat and a colorful balloon neckerchief.

We hope he got some birthday cake for his good behavior while posing for the camera; he deserves it! Now if this dog is only one-year-old, what will he look like when he reaches five or seven? We don't even want to consider its size when he embraces puberty. And regarding the ballon, only the best will do. Such a big dog must go with a big balloon.
Tiny Kitty and Big Yawn
Irish Wolfhounds are some of the biggest dogs in the world. These fluffy hounds were initially bred to keep livestock safe from pesky wolves, but as this photo shows, they also like to snuggle. His tiny kitten friend seems amazed at how big his yawn is! "What big teeth you have!"

Good thing these two didn't hear about their supposed rivalry, because together they sure make a cute pair. And from what we can see, this friendship is going to last for years, and the two are going to be there for each other until their very last day. We can only stand aside and be envious.
One neighbor decided to get their dog a stool so he could properly say hello to his big friend next door. What's even more adorable is how he has to get on his tippy toes to reach his friend. His tail is wagging so fast it could barely be caught on camera. So incredibly adorable!

We would love for the rest of the neighborhood dogs to stand in line to share their greetings with the giant next door. It could be a hilarious sight. Why not have even a few stools, each at a different height, so even the smallest Chihuahua could take part?
Happy Howlidays
Anything is paw-sible with a dog! These Newfies work at this Christmas Tree farm. Once you've picked your tree, they'll cart it to your car for you. Now isn't that something?! It looks like they've got a 'fetching' job if there ever was one! We can't help but wonder what they would get as a tip.

We would for sure give them some treats, maybe even a whole bag full! So, how about a good Christmas carol to get us into the holiday spirit? Jingle bells, these dogs smell; why not use a cat? Ho, what fun it is to ride on a canine's tail and its back!
All dogs are puppies, we don't care what you say! Just look how friendly this doggo is. He looks like an American Akita, and judging by that fence, it's not going to keep him on his side for very long. Man-made barriers like fences and constructs or private property don't mean much to this neighbor. He just wants to say hello!

This dog has no idea how big it is and has no idea that if it carried on leaning on the fence and not deciding which side to take, the fence might collapse. And then the side will be chosen for it.
That's One Shaggy Dog
This big boy looks like a Golden Doodle, but we bet that if you get to know him, you might think he must have another breed in the mix; how else would he have gotten so big? He's the perfect height for a dance partner.

We wonder if the local dance competition will allow this shaggy fellow as our partner when we enter for the waltz. And if not the waltz, then at least the samba. We have the feeling these bronze locks of shaggy hair will look great when dancing the cultural South American dance of love and joy.
Puppy Love
This Great Dane can't help but bask in the sun as his humans grab a bite at an outdoor restaurant. He also can't help but attract attention as their fellow diners look on at him, especially the guy on the left; look at that side-eye! Have you ever looked at someone and wondered, "What are they thinking?"

We can only imagine he's a bit scared and trying not to make it obvious, and he sneakily glimpses over at the majestic Great Dane. Now, you know how restaurants can be pet friendly and bring out a dish with water for them? What size bucket will this place have t give this gigantic creature?
Oh, just look at that sweet face! This big pup works as a service dog in the children's hospital in Los Angeles. His name is Bonner, and he's a Newfoundland. This particular breed is known and celebrated for being loyal and caring creatures.

Bonner could be the epitome of a gentle giant; look at the happy look and how much he enjoys being groomed. This keeps fascinating us. These beautiful creatures are trained to do such sacred work, and it is all about giving (and not always getting something in return). The dog is just lying there, allowing the child to do as he pleases.
"I'm Ready for My Close-Up!"
Apparently, there was a massive traffic jam at this walkway. It turns out this big boy was attracting some attention, and everyone who passed by stopped for some cuddles and snuggles. Isn't that the best smile you've ever seen? It looks like he's in doggie heaven!

That is a good enough reason for a traffic jam if there ever was one. A rule for life: most people love dogs, and all dogs love people, so if you come across one that doesn't look happy to see you, there is nothing wrong with the dog. There is probably something wrong with the human.
This gentle beast is part American wolfdog and part Malamute, and by the looks of it, his massive size definitely comes from the Malamute part... It also looks like he's super cuddly. This big boy should be free to roam the open fields, but instead, he prefers to sit super close to his person, paying no mind to his ginormous size.

No matter how big the house is and no matter how many yards are at the back for it to go wild, at the end of the day, nothing feels more comfortable than your owner's lap. We can definitely relate.
Look Who We Have Here
Imagine an ordinary day, running your errands, and you end up parking next to this absolute boss of a boy as he's sitting in the car. As a Mastiff, he must be wondering why they make these moving rooms so small. He has a valid point, though, but he wants us all to know that he's just happy to join us and is happy to come along.

Yeah, even if our cars are a little small. The car cleaners will be the next stop on the list for today. Not sure we can stare at the lump of saliva smudged on the car's door for very long.
Part Bear Part Good Boy
Carl is one good boy; not only does he socialize well with other humans, but he also makes sure to look his best and keep his coat in tip-top condition; we wonder what kind of hair products he uses. Whatever he uses, Carl knows what he's doing and ensures you get a shot of his good side.

Tip for the owner: you should get good old Carl groomed every now and then. Do you see those red hairs that shine through the rays of the sun? Well, their ends are a bit dry and could use a good softening treatment.
Fluffy over here might be mistaken for a massive teddy bear, the ones that you could win at the local fair, but no, Fluffy is very much real and very much fluffy. Just ask his owners how much they have to brush his fur. Two times the fluff and twice as big, his ears are completely enveloped in fur, and we can barely see his eyes!

We ask ourselves if the problem here involves the dog or the owner. From where we are standing, it looks as if the owner is loving this just as much as the dog. Do you agree?
A Little Help Getting In
It looks like this boy found some bears and tried his best to smuggle them in the back of his car — he could barely lift his new friend up; at least someone snapped this adorable photo! At least he got one in; good luck getting the last one in; he might need more help to lift his bear of a friend!

Now, if you ask us, if we were just walking around, minding our own business, and happen to bump into this scenario, we would say it's a scene from a movie. We can't find any other logical explanation.
Lounging Around
There seems to be a pattern developing here regarding massive dogs who like to sit on laps. This dog, however, seems never to have outgrown that love! Some might even think he's the world's biggest husky! His human companion's head pops up from behind him; it would be scary how big his dog is if it weren't so comical.

Let us share with you a little secret. Now, we are not saying the dog is not big. It definitely is. However, the camera angle is what does it all here and makes the beast look bigger than it really is.
Just Playing Around
Like two peas in a pod, these furry friends don't care to know about their differences and instead enjoy each other's company as they play in the grass. As humans, we could learn a thing or two from dogs and the unconditional love they have, not only for us but also for their friends, who come in all different shapes and sizes.

So get out there, ignore all of the noise (and barking) around, and start communicating with your neighbor. If you let those boundaries down, you will be surprised how many new things you will experience, acknowledge, and learn.
A Cuddly Cane Corso
After hounding his person for some love and cuddles, this black beauty got just what he wanted. If we're totally honest, do you really have a choice when your dog is this big? A good snuggle partner is hard to find nowadays, so at least these two have each other — isn't that all we need sometimes?

This comforter will never ask why you are late, it will never complain about dinner, and will always, always, prioritize you before others. We think we have made our point. You can delete your account on Tinder, you can cancel the speed date you have this week. Look around you. You have everything you need.
Where's Max?
Bruno and his little friend Max enjoy going for walks, and usually, it all goes well. That being said, every once in a while, Bruno seems to lose Max, not knowing that he's nearby, just not where he can easily see him. He sometimes stays out and looks for him for hours. He doesn't dare to go back home without him.

What you see here happens every once in a while, and you can see how concerned Bruno is just by looking at his facial expression. We wonder if the photographer told Bruno about everything he is missing while looking for Max.
Big Doggo Big Huggo
This Anatolian Sheperd just loves hugging his human; even the neighbors were surprised by this gentle giant and gathered around to take some pics of the huge, huggable hound. Even standing, he still towers over his human; best not to get on his bad side, his hugs might quickly turn ugly, and you don't want to be on the receiving end of his tackles.

At first glance, this photograph might bring a smile to your face; however, if you think about it for a minute, this is very dangerous. Remember, these dogs are not aware of their strength when it comes to embracing humans, and we don't want even to start thinking about what could happen in case of...
Loving the Snow
Um, we think that might be a grizzly bear... Ralphie sure looks like a bear, but he's actually a Newfoundland who just loves playing in the snow; at least, we hope he's playing! Either way, it might be wise to back away slowly so you don't anger the dog/bear.

You wouldn't want to face him when he's upset. After checking the behind-the-scenes of this photograph, we discovered that this dog is training to join the circus, as they have stopped training bears for these purposes. Have no fear, just let him get along with his gig.
The Biggest One in the House
Rottweilers are a pretty big breed, but this example (who goes by the name “BoBo,” we’re led to believe) is either a big version of the big breed or the back yard BoBo is seen in is incredibly small. He’s so big that it looks like his owners would more likely be able to sit in his lap than the other way around.

With withers that look to be at least three feet off the ground, this huge hound is probably a favorite of little kids that need a ride around the house. Either that or the people that try to rob this house are going to be in for quite a nasty surprise, no matter how friendly BoBo is during a normal day.
I Need an Engagement Ring
This immense English Sheepdog, who goes by the name of Zammy, is interested in the new finger candy that they have at the jewelry store, but it’s pretty clear that none of the rings are going to be big enough to fit on any of Zammy’s paws. Just look at that absolute beast.

It looks like he could EAT an engagement ring and not even notice. We know that some jewelry shops have a little bowl of candy to keep kids occupied if they ever need to stop in with a parent, so maybe that’s what this animal is looking forward to when he jumps up onto the counter. Maybe this specific store has a couple of dog treats back there for animal friends.
I’m Still a Lap Dog, I Swear
None of us like to give up things that we enjoy, and being told that you’re too big to sit in someone’s lap when you’ve spent a lot of time there is a tough pill to swallow. This dog, for instance, has just decided that it can still sit in its favorite spot, even if it looks to be a little too big.

His friend back there might not even be able to stand up if the dog (“Ollie”) doesn’t feel like moving. We’re shocked that a golden doodle can get so big, but maybe there are genes from a couple of other breeds floating around in that bloodstream. It’s also possible that the guy in the picture is smaller than an average man.
Give Us a Smooch
Getting a kiss under the mistletoe usually doesn’t mean a dog dressed like a Christmas elf, but there’s nothing in the rule book about it not being allowed, so kiss away. We have no idea how big that lady is, but the chair and couch that are also visible in the picture tell us that she seems to be of perfectly normal size.

That means the dog that is standing on its hind legs to give her face a friendly lick is a pretty big one, all things considered. It looks like the dog’s pants are falling down, which makes for a bit of an odd image, but it isn’t like it has the proper kind of structure and muscles to support a pair of trousers anyway.
Nurses Love Big Dogs
Nurses have a lot of hard work every day of their lives, so what better way to relax and unwind a little than have a dance with a big dog? Here’s Zammy teaching a smiling nurse his signature move. That’s what the caption tells us, anyway, but his signature move seems to be just going up to his hind feet and putting his paws on the person.

The nurse (maybe the owner? We don’t know) has also kicked out a leg, and Zammy seems to be having a good time with all of it. If we had a big, friendly dog, we’d probably be bringing it around to hospitals and senior centers and the like too. We just hope Zammy doesn’t drool too much because that tongue sure is hanging out.
We’re Going to Need Another Vet
The immense dog Jeter goes to visit for his preventative wellness exam, and it looks like Jeter isn’t just a big lovable pooch – he’s also the kind of dog that the ladies just can’t stay away from. The funny thing is, this dog looks like he’s all kinds of over it. That face is so dour and sad that we imagine women coming up to give him a hug is a daily or even hourly occurrence.

Of course, dogs don’t really emote with their faces – they have so many other body parts for that, such as their tails. The other pictures in the set tell us that Jeter, the gentle giant is more than willing to pose for photos with any vet tech that is there to help him stay healthy.
The Whole Neighborhood Will Hear
Some dogs bark, and some dogs don’t. Most dogs bark, now that we’re thinking about it, but some dogs bark better than others. This kind of big ol’ dawg is going to rouse the birds from the trees every time it can really let loose with a bark. Just look at that immense creature – it looks like it could take someone down just by getting up on its hind legs and putting its paws on the person’s shoulders.

We assume that the leash is connected via steel to a concrete foundation that is sunk twenty feet underground – anything less, and this dog will probably be running free before too long. And if this dog wants to chase something, it’s going to be chased. Be it a cat, another dog, or a car.
Named After the Last Thing It Hunted
There is a special place in our hearts for big huge dogs that still think they have a place on their best friend’s lap. Just look at the immense dog “Moose” here: he doesn’t seem to care that he weighs more than the person and the couch combined. Also, we have to assume that he was named Moose because that’s the only thing that is close enough in size.

“Tank” didn’t portray his lovable nature enough, and “Goliath” was just too overdone. At least the guy Moose is sitting on doesn’t seem to mind that much – he has the kind of face that tells us this happens plenty often, and both of them are okay with it. Time for Moose to take a nap, too. Looks pretty worn out.
What Do You Mean It’s a Puppy?!
No, you didn’t read that wrong. This huge creature is actually a puppy. According to our sources, it’s a seven-month-old dog, and we bet if you know anything about dogs, you can guess what breed it is. Yes, this great big puppy is a Great Dane, which means it’s absolutely going to become a much, much bigger dog.

However, it looks like it already seems to think it can still take a seat in tiny laps even after growing so big. And it’s still going to get even bigger! Finally, it looks like this picture was taken during the holidays, and we wonder if this pooch was a present for the lucky lady. If so, we hope that someone also gave her a whole lot of food.
A Whole Lot of Cuddles for Grandma
When we think of little old ladies, the first kind of pet that comes to mind is a gentle, sweet little house cat, but clearly that isn’t the only kind of pet that old ladies like. They also like very, very big dogs, as this picture will so easily tell us. Just like so many other big dogs, this absolute unit is known as Moose (full name Moose the Goose, despite him not being a goose).

He loves to hang out with Grandma. Of course, it could be because she’s the one that feeds him every night, but maybe she’s just that lovable. Moose also looks like, even if he does want to sit next to his number-one gal, he needs to find a bigger couch on which to park it.
Clearly, It Is Part Bear
We’re told that there are two dogs in this picture, but we only see one dog on the right. The creature on the left looks like a scientific experiment to see if they could combine a dog with a truck. The smaller dog, by the way, is a seventy-pound Alaskan Husky (most likely), while the other is mostly Alaskan Malamute with some boulder thrown in.

The Malamute is acting like this is a perfectly normal thing, while the much smaller dog looks like he or she is in awe of the fact that two animals who are of such different sizes can technically be the same species. Maybe the smaller dog is also worried that the bigger dog will think the smaller dog is a snack.
There’s a Reason They’re Called Great
The scale goes up to three hundred, and the human holding the dog weighs about two hundred, which means we aren’t going to be able to find out how much the dog weighs anytime soon. In fact, the scale gave up the ghost not long before this picture was taken, when the guy stepped on the scale.

The Great Pyrenees are some big, fluffy dogs, and it looks like they can get pretty darn big. Some of them are reported to get up to two hundred pounds, though most of them are closer to a hundred and fifty. That’s still a hundred and fifty pounds of big, fluffy dog that must be pretty darn hard to hold, even for a big person.
You Need to Get a Bigger Couch
There are lots of pictures of big dogs that have a hard time sitting on couches, but this one is a little much. Not only is this dog way too big to comfortably sit in a love seat cushion, but it looks too large to sit comfortably anywhere. It has to sleep in a stable, in a barn; otherwise, it might not have anywhere where it can comfortably stretch out.

This huge pitbull also might be thinking about the fact that it is going to shed all over that new couch. The guy could have gotten a couch that matched the coat but decided to go with a nice steel gray instead. A classy choice, but maybe not the best one if you have a dog.
A Lot of Petting Required
Here we see a white German Shepherd that is so big it makes the six-foot guy in the picture look a little small. The dog is a massive one hundred and fifty pounds, and there are plenty of ways that a big dog can use that kind of weight. If you’ve ever had even a little dog hit you at top speed, you know that a big dog doing that sort of thing can really wreck your entire day.

But, it seems that this large dog is more interested in getting some friendly scritches than going at people across the grass. Instead, it’s very invested in some pets. It has such a forlorn body language it makes us think that this is the most important thing in the dog’s life.
Time for the Carpool Lane
There are lots of dogs that love to jump into the car and take a ride, but there aren’t that many who are able to ride in the passenger seat like a human. As long as the dog has a seat belt on, there’s nothing wrong with it. The dog is big, and it also looks like it has a beard, just like the driver.

No doubt there are plenty of fun looks every time these two get in the car together. We also love that the big dog has such long, curly fur that the eyes are hidden. It’s like the dog from “Peter Pan.” If only the dog had its own pair of sunglasses, then this picture would be perfect. Let’s ride, baby.
At Least the Wild Animal Is Wearing a Leash
We’re not sure exactly what kind of dog we’re looking at, other than it’s a pretty big one. It is also an extremely fuzzy one, and also it kind of looks like a lion. But, it’s not a lion, it’s a dog. At least, that’s what we’re told. There isn’t much evidence that a lion would sit patiently on the patio as its owners enjoy a meal.

Even if it did, we wouldn’t really trust a leash to stop a lion that wanted to say hi. But it’s not a lion, right? It’s just a dog... Right? It’s not a small lion that is one thought away from going back to the Savannah, at least in its mind. You may see whatever you choose; it's what the lion/dog feels inside that matters.
The Man of the House
Here we see a dog and a dad, and would it surprise you to know that the dad is more than six feet tall? A staggering six-foot-two, in fact, and in this picture he’s even wearing some shoes, which means he’s got anywhere up to another inch. And yet, the dog that is dancing with him is so much bigger than that!

We’re going to assume that this creature is a Great Dane, because there aren’t many other dogs that can grow to be that size. We actually don’t think there are ANY other dogs that can get that big. Just in case you didn’t notice, there’s a second dog in this picture, but it’s so small compared to the bigger dog that it’s more of a footnote.
I’m So Glad You’re Home
This really large creature (certainly can’t be a dog, because there’s no way a dog can become that big) is known as Igor, and is only seventeen months old. He’s also an extremely lovable fellow, who greets his human mom like this every time she comes back – even if it was just so she could go and get the mail.

This household apparently has two other dogs, Aggie and Bruce, which means that this house probably goes through a lot of food. They also have to go on a lot of walks, and carry a lot of very big bags to pick up the poop. Maybe the animals are part Wookie, or maybe they’re just some bears that are really good at disguising themselves.
A One-Dog Sled Team
These two are taking a fun pic on an iceberg or something like that, and we think we can figure out how they got there. You might expect there to be a sled right out of frame, but there’s something else we had in mind. That little lady is probably just carrying a saddle in her hand, hidden by the huge mount.

Once the pictures are all taken, she’s going to reattach it, hop on, and ride into the Norwegian sunset... which we guess could be several days away depending on where and what time of the year the picture was taken. There’s no doubt that the dog weighs more than she does, (the dog apparently weighs more than fifty kilograms) so it’s not like she’s going to be carrying the dog.
I Got Next
Do rideable animals get envy? Did this dog see the horse carrying the kid and wonder when it gets to be a mount? On the other side of the spectrum from big dogs are small horses – they’re usually far bigger than in this picture, while the dogs are usually far smaller. Is that why we have this face-off?

Is the dog trying to usurp the mini-pony’s status in the family as the boy’s favorite pet? We wouldn’t like to be either pet trying to fight for the boy’s affection – there’s only room for so much love in one little boy, and both of these animals look like they need a whole lot of it. Hey, as long as the dog will allow a bridle, we don’t see why it wouldn’t work.
Tired From Running in the Yard
This big, puffy, and altogether extreme dog is ready to give it up for the day. It’s been chasing cats, going on walks, catching Frisbees, and begging for food for hours, and now it just wants to sit on the sofa and have a nap. We’re not sure exactly how the dog is arranged in the seat.

It looks like it has its elbow sticking out the window like it’s a good old boy after a day of working road construction. It just has so much fur that it’s impossible for us to tell which part of the big doggy body we’re looking at. Regardless, it has to sit there and wait for the owner of the Jeep to gas up before it can get home.
It’s Official. The Dog Is Big
Yes, we have now run the numbers and the tests and used our eyes to look at it, and we can confirm that the dog is quite large. This is Fred, a six and a half month puppy that, from the looks of things, is going to continue growing more by the time he’s all done. Apparently, the owners even took him to the vet to make sure he wasn’t getting overweight.

But no, it turns out that Fred is just a really big dog. As if that’s something that you need a certified expert to tell you. It turns out the most useless degree is a big dogologist because you spend four years looking at dogs to see if they’re big or not. Actually, that sounds pretty great.
And Then She Rode It Home
Great Danes are truly some of the most magical dog breeds out there. Not only are they huge – as this article should let you know – but they’re apparently quite smart and very friendly. They’re known as the gentle giants of the dog world, and we imagine that really works in their favor.

Just being a big dog can be a really hard thing for a family to put up with – all that food, all that space, and all that poop. Could you imagine how unpopular they would be with families if they were also incredibly hard to raise and keep? Like, if they were mean? It’s all too likely that such a trait was bred out over the many centuries that man and dog have coexisted.
I Want to Ride on the Cart Too
Sorry, big dog, you’re just too darn big to have a spot on the critter cart. This is the kind of cart that is reserved for animals that don’t look like they could outrun a horse. A little pig and a chicken are ready to ride, but the immense Great Dane that is behind them is forlorn about not being able to kick back and relax as the cart takes them to their next destination.

On the other hand, maybe they hitch the cart up to the Great Dane to make sure it can get the kind of exercise a big body like that needs. Finally, we wonder why this group even needs a cart. They could just ride on the dog.
An Oversized Dog and an Undersized Lap
We love Great Danes, mostly because even when they reach their full size (the biggest creatures in the known universe), they still think that they can fit in a regular grandmother’s lap. It’s clear from this picture and so many others that this just isn’t the case.

They are the kinds of dogs that will sit anywhere and everywhere they want, which is as close to their favorite people as possible – despite the fact that some people might have trouble breathing if the dogs sit in the wrong spot. This grandmother doesn’t seem to mind, which is probably why the dog has taken such a liking to her. It’s not like she could stop him from sitting on top of her if she wanted, anyway.
We Hope She Wasn’t Going Anywhere
After enough research into big dogs that still want to sit on laps, we’ve determined that this is something of a Great Dane breed thing. They start out so small, and then they grow so large so fast, and then they barely have a chance to get used to the new, incredible size before it starts to become a problem.

A Great Dane can go from a tiny little puppy to a hundred pounds in just a few months, which is usually a surprise to the owners, but it seems like the dogs themselves never even really understand that they have expanded so much. In this example, this dog isn’t prepared to let this woman stand up anytime soon. Neither of these two look like they mind that much.
Assistance Please
One of these two dogs is named Lucy, and the other one is named Hulk. We aren’t about to assume that the bigger dog is the one named Hulk – we all know about fat cats named tiny or huge dogs named Dominus or something like that. These two are fast friends, even though the Great Dane looks like it needs to learn how to treat the new puppy with soft paws.

The Great Dane has been in the house for a while, and the puppy is a new addition, but it looks like these two will get along fine as long as the puppy doesn’t get eaten. We’re not going to point any fingers at who or what might do that eating, but we bet everybody has a pretty good idea.
What a Difference a Year Makes
First off, yes, these are the same dog. Just in case there was any confusion about that point. The first picture on the left shows us what a Great Dane looks like as a puppy – just a tiny little guy. But take a look at the paws. It’s been said that you can tell how big a dog is going to get once it’s fully grown by looking at the paws.

And it was clear to anybody that saw this Great Dane as a puppy that it was going to be quite a bit larger – the puppy looks like it’s fifty percent paw. The full size also looks like it has some growing left to do, but that could just be the camera playing tricks on us.
Taking a Seat on the Train
People that exceed 6’ 5” know that fitting anywhere that normal-sized people fit can be a hassle. It turns out that big dogs also have the same kind of problems. Most dogs would get up on the seat fully or take a seat on the floor of the subway, but not a Great Dane, oh no.

Just like we’ve seen in so many other pictures, this dog has chosen to smush its backside on the chair next to its owner as much as it can, even if that leaves a whole lot of dog that has to remain standing. This is a common thing for a Great Dane to do – we assume even these big lunks get used to not fitting in places after enough time.
They Need a Higher Fence
While one of the dogs has to get up to her hind legs to get a good look at the neighbor’s gardening, the Great Dane (because it’s always a Great Dane, isn’t it?) just has to trot over and stick its head over the fence. It looks like it’s twice as tall as its buddy, but thankfully it knows not to go next door. And we get the feeling it easily could since all it would have to do is walk over the fence.

Like, just step over, because it looks more like a horse than a Great Dane. However, Great Danes are often quite gentle and surprisingly easy to train – you just have to look out for them because they’re so big and strong they often don’t know their own strength.
Keeping a Watchful Eye
Both of those big boys are making sure that nothing goes on in the neighborhood without them knowing about it. Most homes will have plenty of dogs to deal with if they even have a single Great Dane – we can’t imagine how much food this place goes through in a week with two or even more!

We imagine part of this is just because of the angle or the way the dogs are, but the Great Dane that is poking its head out the window with its paws on the windowsill looks gigantic. Maybe it’s the shadows, shadows have a lot to do with how big something looks. The other dog looks plenty big as well, but the pooch on the right seems to have the edge.
When a Great Dane Wants Something, It Gets It
Dogs almost unilaterally love going for rides in the car, but the reason for that can differ. Sometimes they like to go to the park or go to see friends or get a snack. Just don’t mention the V word, and they’ll be pretty excited. If you have a big dog like a Great Dane in the car with you, though, you have to be a little careful.

If they see an interesting dog walking down the street on the driver’s side of the vehicle, then they could have a crash on their hands. That’s not happening here, but those paws probably weigh a good amount, which means the driver suddenly has something else to deal with. Stick your head out the other window, bud.
I Want to Work Out Too
Dogs love to get up in our business, whether that business be our food, our workouts, or our actual business. Like, as in our work. They tend to get everywhere. There are also lots of dogs that would rather spend time with us if we’re in the house than not, which is why we get pictures of this. To the untrained doggy eye, getting on the floor and flopping around looks like it could be one of two things.

It could be some kind of problem, which might get the dog worried, so it comes over to investigate. It also looks like it could be the dog comes over to investigate. We guess dogs just like investigating stuff, especially when it’s a family member on the ground.
We Hope He’s Been Practicing Deadlifts
This large picture shows us how different a couple of breeds of dogs can grow in the same amount of time. The first picture is a couple of pups and their owners when the pups are at a mere three months of age. Obviously, the Great Dane is bigger, and the owner on the right is already having a little difficulty.

The next picture down is both of the dogs at six months, and while the golden retriever (or lab, it’s a little hard to tell) has expanded, it looks like the Great Dane has up and doubled in size. The final picture is six months after that one, so both dogs are a year old now, and the owner on the right doesn’t look like he’s having a great time holding his huge dog.
Maybe I’ll Be Bigger SomeDay
These two pictures are both contenders for the yearly best picture ever award, but we think the one on the right manages to sneak ahead in the voting. The dog is giving a yawn, and the girl is doing her best to try to look like her big friend. Yes, the girl will one day get bigger than the dog, but it might take a little while.

Meanwhile, she can get used to walking something much bigger than her around the block. If you’re wondering why she’s accessorizing with boots, just think about the mess that must be in the yard with a dog that big. We bet the entire family wears boots pretty much 24/7. We wish there were more pictures of big dogs and small kids. We love ‘em.
Where I Used to Lie
We’ve said it before, and we will say it again: Great Danes grow so fast that their little doggy brains can barely keep up with how fast their bodies grow. Take this Great Dane, for instance. He’s wearing a bright blue collar and has a brown coat, which makes him almost a dead-ringer for Scooby-Doo, the most famous Great Dane ever.

He’s trying to go back to the glory days of when he was a puppy (or a smaller puppy, at least) by cuddling up to the same ottoman where he used to sleep in order to soak up the most sun. However, he’s just too big to fit there now. He’ll just have to worry about ghosts and ghouls with his friends while driving in the mystery machine – lots more space in there.
This Is Where I Always Stand
It doesn’t look like either of these dogs minds what’s going on here, which tells me that they’re probably brothers. Brother and sister would get into a fight, and so would sister and sister, but a couple of bros don’t mind stuff like this. Also, they’re dogs, so things are a little bit different when it comes to how they act, obviously.

This is maybe the first time on the list that it shows a big dog that is bothering another big dog with just how big it is. We actually think that both of these dogs are Great Danes, but one of them is a little greater. As in, one of them looks a little bit closer to a moose than a dog.
We Want to Be in the Picture
Samoyeds are big, and they’re floofy, and they’re adorable, and they really like to be the center of attention. In this picture, it’s not just one big dog (though you would be forgiven for thinking such a thing) but a pair of them that refuse to let their best friend have the camera for himself.

Both of the floofers raced into the frame and jumped onto the couch, leading to a picture that is both one in a million and pretty fun to look at. There might even be a third dog somewhere in there. It’s hard to tell. Then again, this looks like the kind of picture that is in every frame of this house – blurry white dogs getting in the way of the camera.
Ready for a Bigger Chair
Just because a dog is big in the body doesn’t mean it’s big at heart. And by that, we don’t mean the dog is unfriendly; we’re just saying it might think it’s still small. Just like every other Great Dane on this list, this dog is trying to scrunch itself into a very small space when it really just needs to stretch out on the floor or something like that.

Actually, wouldn’t it be funny if this was actually a normal, not Great-Dane-sized dog, and the chair that it’s trying to curl up inside was just a really tiny chair? We don’t think that’s the case here, but that would be a fun twist, wouldn’t it?
So Close. So Close
This doggy might look comfortable, but we know that it’s screaming inside. It’s THAT close to being able to fit inside its favorite chair, and if only it could draw its ginormous paws into the area of the chair, it would fit like a glove. Yet it can’t because it’s a Great Dane, and as we’ve seen so many times in this article, Great Danes are both very large and fifty percent paws.

This means that this big doggy is going to have to deal with never truly fitting into the space that he so earnestly yearns for. At least it has some solace in knowing that it matches with the décor of the house, barring the throw pillow that is lying on top of its legs.
This Keeps Happening
You’d think that the huge Great Danes that we’ve seen on this list would have a little more courage, but you’d be surprised. They’re actually quite timid. They went from joining hunters as the hunters went to take down bears to moments like this picture, which has the Great Dane scared of a cat that it could probably eat in one bite.

The cat is, we’re going to guess, also quite frightened, since the dog is very large. Thus, if the dog wants to give the cat a friendly sniff, the cat is going to lash out and give the dog a bonk on the nose. Despite the fact that this will do exactly zero actual damage to the dog, the dog will continue to be frightened of the cat.
It Takes Two
How big is this big, big dog? Well, this big, big dog (who goes by the name of Brewski) is a whopping two hundred pounds. That’s why it takes a pair of people just to lift him off the ground, and the red face of the gal on the right tells us that she wasn’t prepared for that kind of weight. Even if the weight distribution is equal – and we’re guessing that it isn’t – each one of those two is hauling a hundred pounds of big dog.

If you’ve ever tried to carry a person – even a small person – you know that bodies are a lot harder to carry than things like dumbbells or weight bars. No doubt both of these people were screaming at the person behind the camera to take the picture faster.
There to Keep You Warm
It’s not a benefit that is mentioned much, but one of the many nice things about big dogs is that they are very warm. If you teach a dog to lie on top of you while sleeping, you won’t have to worry about cold winter nights ever again. Add in the fact that a big dog like a Great Dane will be able to cover your entire body, and you’ll save hundreds on heating costs.

It won’t be enough to cover all the food that you’ll have to buy for your big dog, but at least you’ll get someone to help you stay warm. If this picture is anything to go by, you’ll be warm whether you want to be warm or not.
Just Like a Human
Look at me, sitting just like a human, with my rear end on the chair and my feet on the floor. Next I’m going to pick up the remote and change the channel a bunch of times, not find anything I actually want to watch, and then fall asleep as “Cops” plays. Yup, I’m every bit a human.

We know that the camera angle is playing some tricks in this picture, but it looks like the dog is actually much bigger than the actual person that is sitting in the chair behind the dog. We guess if you’re that big and have your body built that way, there aren’t any better ways to fit onto a chair. Eventually, you just get tired of lying on the floor.
Room for One More?
Dog owners that have big dogs in their homes know the struggle of trying to find dog beds that are as big as normal human beds, but made for their furry friends. Sometimes you just have to make do with what you can find, and that means beds that are a little too small for a Great Dane.

These two dogs are just trying to keep themselves off the cold and/or wet ground, but the size disparity means that one of the dogs doesn’t get to curl up. Also, holy moly, just look at how far those legs stick up. It kind of looks like that Great Dane is a grasshopper. It might not be able to chirp, but the barks are still pretty loud.
The Growth a Year Can Give
So a couple gets a dog that will probably grow a little bit in the coming months, but it looks like they weren’t really prepared for just how much it would expand. It took both of them and all their strength to keep this dog in the same place it was when they first got it, but they had to take the picture quickly or they’d all be on the floor.

Even more, if you take a look at the dog’s big paws, it very well might have some more growing to do before everything is said and done. It’s a good thing that Great Danes are so ready to hang out, or it will be struggling against the choke hold that one of its owners is giving It on the right.
Taller Than You
This dog is described as a rescue pup, and it’s apparently not even a year old. Will it get any bigger, or has the growing all stopped? We don’t know, but it seems like this person will be needing a bigger fence. Of course, we don’t have a frame of reference – that person could be a diminutive five feet tall – but from all accounts, it looks like this dog is an absolute unit.

If that’s the rescue dog, what on Earth did it need rescuing from? A blue whale? It probably needed rescuing from the tiny little kennel that it was slowly but surely going to fill to the brim. There’s a good chance this dog has a lot of floof to puff it up, but it’s also bigger than a person.
Big and Small Together at Last
Dogs might not always be great to have around kids, but when they see a cute little puppy, they usually know not to be too rambunctious. This tender scene in front of us is the introduction of a Welsh Corgi puppy and a much, much bigger dog of a clearly-different breed, though what breed the dog on the left actually is remains a mystery.

However, it’s clearly getting up there in years – check out the gray fur on the muzzle. A sure sign of an elderly dog, and the sort of thing that makes us weak in the knees. The two dogs are just investigating each other, saying hello, and it’s still strange to see that two dogs can be of such huge difference in size, even if one is just a baby.
I’ll Be Your Pillow
If you can get two dogs to coexist, they really become close friends. Maybe it’s something about the pack mentality, maybe it’s something about sticking together as a species, but friends that grow up in the same home might as well be impossible to separate. These two dogs – though they may be different in size and color, look to be that way.

The Great Dane is kindly allowing the yellow lab to use it as a pillow during some down time at home. While these two do look like they’re ready for naptime, we bet both of them are also just waiting for that magical word w-a-l-k. Great Danes can do a lot of stuff, but we wonder how good they are at being pillows for other dogs.
Bigger Than You Might Think
It’s hard to get a good grasp of just how big either of these two are, but it’s pretty clear that is a BIG dog. The little lass that it is snuggling with looks like she could be in her teens, so she might not be finished growing in this picture, but there’s no way to say she doesn’t have a very large canine companion.

It’s the kind of dog that takes YOU for a walk. Thankfully, these big mastiffs don’t do a whole lot of running – they were bred for strength, not speed. If you do go on a walk with this kind of dog, you’ll need a big garbage bag and a snow shovel to clean up any messes, but at least you won’t feel like you’re in danger.
A Little Touch of Sun
This big dude. Has seen it all. It has snuggled up with its owner on the sofa, jumped on fences to play with the next-door neighbor, stared at while accompanying its leader at a coffee shop, and the day has come when enough is enough. This dog has found the best solution for its size problem.

This dog decided to go down to the beach and let the sun do its magic. It decided to sit there and wait for the heat to shrink its size ( just like in a dryer, we suppose) so it wouldn't stand out and could be treated like any other canine.
Now You See Me, Now You Don't
We love it when dogs think they are human and decide to adopt childhood games. Take this one, for example, who was convinced that by placing its body one way and its head the other, to some, it would look like two dogs. The one with the face towards us is sure the driver cannot see him.

And the dog with its rear side towards us, well, he is happy facing the road and being unaware of the photographer from behind. Let them be. If it makes them happy, we'll go with the flow and believe they are two dogs in the car.