This massive truck looks almost as scary as it is, maybe if those teeth were a little less cartoony, it could pass as a real monster.

This swamp thing is not here to mess around, no matter how cartoony his teeth are! It would be best to stay out of his way, just look how fierce those wheels are!
A Rusty Monster Truck
Some cars are loved by the masses from the moment they’re unveiled, never going out of style, and refusing to disappear. Other cars are just as great, but woefully under-appreciated in their heyday, fading all too soon from our collective memory.

But someone wasn't going to let that happen to their car, and they decided to deck it out with monster wheels.
A Modified Monster Car
File this one under how designers would pen cars if they had no restrictions placed upon them. This retro car was modified into a monster truck, for a crazy off-the-wall design.

Yes, it's a design concept, but this is still a pretty neat exhibition of what some car designers are able to accomplish.
A Pink One
Of all the world's adventure destinations, there are few more tantalizing or dreamlike than New Zealand, which is also where one can find this dreamlike pink Cadillac monster truck with horns.

We'd be remiss not to highlight this car that, regardless of how it actually drives in real life, just looks cool.
A Winter Truck
The dead of winter is full of challenges (to put it mildly) and typically puts a sudden end to all of the outdoorsy fun but one of its best perks for this time of year is that this car owner gets to drive this monster truck, that was clearly built to survive the snowy winter.

With wheels that can grip like nobody's business, this truck is not to be trifled with, even at the height of winter.
BMW Bigfoot
This Red BMW car 4x4 bigfoot sat parked on the asphalt road in for a show at the Air Race 1 World Cup in Thailand.

It's kind of brilliant, if you think about it, using a BMW Classic, with these massive wheels for motion.
An Orange Monster
This Orange 4x4 was turned into one fierce monster truck! With elevated wheels and a number plate to match, it seems this one is ready for some off-road fun.

Of course, these are still heavy Jeeps, so if they wanna go crazy fast they're definitely gonna want the four-piston Brembo brake option to bring them back to zero.
A Custom Jeep
Sometimes things are worth a second look, so after thoroughly inspecting this custom Jeep found in New York City, we decided to add this monster truck crossover to our list.

Since the apocalypse has to happen eventually, you might as well get a jeep that's zombie-proof.
A Baja Beetle
There's a reason the original Volkswagen Beetle was made for so many decades. And there's a reason that when Top Gear drove across Botswana the only car that made it across the harshest road trip on earth unscathed was the camera crew's Bug.

The Beetle was very well thought out, it was basic, and as you see, it looks even cooler with monster wheels.
Yellow Monster truck
In Fairbanks, Alaska there is this crazy yellow car that's parked on the side of the road, with bigger than average wheels. Alaska is full of characters, so it makes sense that this car leans quirky.

We weren't sure if this actually classifies as monster wheels, but compared to this old car, they definitely look like it.
A Revamped Truck
Today's society doesn't really value the act of fixing things. If something is broken, the story is over and the landfill grows. But not in this case! There is nothing more American than rolling up your sleeves and revamping something like an adult who can do things.

Some might have said this truck was past its due date but look at it now!
A New Pokemon?
While we've seen our fair share of monster trucks by now, we have never seen one quite like this. At the Glastonbury festival of contemporary performing arts, there stood this little beetle that's been totally embellished as well as elevated with monster wheels.

We can't help but wonder if this little beetle was just there for show or part of a performance...
Black Beauty
So it seems we’ve had one or two new people decide that the Sunshine State was an ideal place to drive their monster car crossover, which is where we stumbled upon this black beauty.

Though Florida is best known for its soft, powdery sand beaches and flat shoreline that goes on forever, you'd be surprised to learn there are also quite a number of monster trucks just like this over there.
Thundertrax Monster Truck
This truck was found at Scott May's Daredevil Stunt Show, in Hampshire, England. Scott May's Daredevil Stunt Show has been touring for nearly 30 years (1991-2019) and has performed over 2,500 shows during this time.

Apparently, he has a wide array of cars for his shows and this Thundertrax with attached monster wheels (or tank tread in this case) is just one of them.
A Chevy Truck
One of the most universal and underrated truths about the automotive industry is that the best products are developed using knowledge gleaned from motorsport. You might think that this Chevy is meant to be docile but with those wheels, you're sorely mistaken.

This Chevy truly wants you to think of it as a lifestyle enabler — the kind of vehicle which you can take through snow and off the road.
An American Van
The great American van was once the ultimate family road-trip mobile, the unofficial symbol of summer, and a sentimental favorite of generations. At its peak, nearly one out of every five cars sold in America was a van.

While these wheels might not be as big as some of the others we've seen, they have been elevated, making it a modest revamp.
Kid Monster Bear
Clearly, there are people out there who are thirsty for the practicality of a truck without the ginormity of a full-size truck, and with a sea of small trucks, it actually makes much more sense on American roads.

Which explains why we found this little bear truck, that looks almost adorable on top of those monster wheels.
Another Bigfoot
To some people, a monster truck is nothing more than an ordinary truck with monster wheels attached to it, possibly driven by a mullet. Those people are probably right but look at this monster truck, it looks as tough as nails.

When done right, monster trucks are some of the most durable cars on the road.
A Cool Bus
Here we have a school bus, or should we say "COOL BUS?" The gigantic tires transformed this school bus into a monster truck. Compared to the other school bus on our list, this one is definitely a more modern take on monster trucking.

It would be safe to say that over the summer, this bus wanted to do something a little different, which is why it can now be seen driving around like this.
If you tick option boxes with reckless abandon, you can easily see why someone would put monster wheels on a worn-down truck like this. By the time they've signed on the dotted line, they're probably going to cross 10 grand, unless they're a pretty savvy negotiator.

The unsurprising result is an entry-level monster truck crossover that has just a little bit of everything.
A "Monster Truck" Mini
If you're surprised to see a Mini on this list, then you're not the only one. It seems there are some people in this world who will put wheels this big on anything, even a small car like a Mini.

So how do you decide to put massive wheels on a Mini car when their sizes are so different? Well, easy, all you need to do is build an extra level that can accommodate the wheels.
A Custom Built
Perhaps surprisingly, this truck is reasonably comfortable for a monster truck crossover, and it handles well, too. I know what you're thinking, but nothing's wrong with the math here, even though it looks a little too elevated.

There are many factors that go into transforming cars into monster trucks with new wheels, and many of them are deeply personal, nuanced reasons, like maybe just sitting a little taller.
Monster Truck
Whether you call them trucks, big rigs, semis, 18-wheelers, or the actually correct "tractor-trailers," these behemoths of the road are among the most under-appreciated vehicles in existence.

Sure, you don't need a massive truck to crush cars, you technically just need the monster wheels but look at how scary this truck is while it squashes those cars.
A Cool Monster Car
When done right, monster wheels can make some of the coolest cars on the road. They combine the elevated size of a monster truck with the practicality of a smaller truck.

Just look at this truck as an example, parked here on the side makes it look a little out of place but at the same time, not a car you'd want to cross.
A Mercedes Truck
Instead of getting a new car, this guy decided to give his old Mercedes Benz a new lease on life, with these monster truck wheels of course. While not totally unexpected, this debut is more than a tad bit jarring to the senses.

The idea of a Mercedes as a truck might seem odd at first, but once you get past the novelty, it's actually pretty easy to see it as the start of a trend.
Now That's a Truck
This massive truck looks almost as scary as it is, maybe if those teeth were a little less cartoony, it could pass as a real monster.

This swamp thing is not here to mess around, no matter how cartoony his teeth are! It would be best to stay out of his way, just look how fierce those wheels are!
The Final Ride
Funerals are always pretty somber affairs. Even if the dearly departed lived a long and happy life, you still have to say goodbye.

A lot of people, however, try to spruce things up for their loved ones. Sometimes they pick funny songs, sometimes they pull post-mortem pranks, and sometimes they decide to enter the great beyond in a monster truck Hearse. Maybe the person was a huge truck lover during life – you can't expect people to do anything different after they're gone. There are a surprising number of Hearses that have been jacked up, probably thanks to a healthy bit of irony.
There's definitely something quite sobering about this Lambo, for reasons we probably shouldn't have to explain. You can add all the huge tires and fancy suspension you want, but a Lambo is still a Lambo.

If you caught this thing flying down the highway in the dark, however, you'd probably have to pull over to clean out your trousers.
All Right Kids, Pile In
The driver of this strange car doesn’t even need to turn the car on, he can just get in and disengage the parking brake and he’ll start rolling. We wonder if that was done on purpose or if he just couldn't afford to lift the whole truck so they just did half till the next paycheck comes around?

Now that we think about it, every car we drew as a kid had the same tire/wheel set up. Maybe this was his dream car from when he was a kid?
Making a Nice Car That Much Nicer
Someone took this bedazzled truck – which is already a pretty nice car – and did a whole lot of work to turn it into a one-of-a-kind vehicle. There's nothing like making people do a double-take, just to see what this car is all about.

Those big wheels mean this kind of car can go anywhere without much problem. There are plenty of other additions made to this vehicle, and to us, it all looks like a job well done. Just due to the car's size, it isn't going to go crushing around on top of other vehicles, but it's the perfect ride for taking it to sand dunes.
Sometimes Projects Change Over Time
This truck used to be a limo, but now, it's a limo-monster truck! This is an overdone truck that would probably ride super stiff, but at least the owner thinks it looks cool.

And we can't in good conscience going to ignore the 5ft of column fence next to the driveway? Honestly, who is that going to stop from getting in?
Luxury Truck?
The fact that this car is a Mercedes Benz suggests the owner did this for very ironic reasons, which just makes us sad. Sure it has giant rims, but it makes this classy car look a little, well... trashy.

The owner of this classic car did some work to make it into a sort of half-monster truck. The big tires fit right in with all the other pictures on this list, but why would anyone want to do this?
Time to Hit the Fields
There's a lot to take in here. The Volkswagen Beetle is a best-selling car on both sides of the pond, but it's got to be one of the most popular cars in Europe for a long time.

One owner decided to not only give it a fresh green paint job but jack it up and slap on some tires with yellow centers. He made it look like one of the classic John Deere tractors, with a headlight bar on top and an exhaust pipe that sticks out the back. Plenty of work had to be done here to get us this fun picture.
Ready for Battle
This line-up of monster trucks looks like they're getting ready for a race, a race for a fleet of electric cars, that is.

They may have started off as Prius cars, but those big tires mean that they can also be used on gravel or around the lake, all without using any gas.
Dwight Schrute's Car
If Dwight Schrute from the popular series "The Office" had a run-down monster truck, this would be it. While the body of the car looks like it's one wrong move away from falling apart, we're told that the engine still works perfectly.

There are lots of different reasons why this car can come in handy, for one thing, it certainly gets some fans of "The Office" excited.
This One's a Bit Different
When you think of a monster truck, you think of a big bed, a bunch of huge tires, and a few other things. What you probably don't think of is whatever it is in this picture.

We don't even know what kind of car that is. It might not have huge tires, but it does have a bunch of handy snow treads. There are a lot of people who like to do conversions to their vehicles, but whoever owned this one might have sprung for a paint job and a polish. We wonder how this works when it's snowy out. We hope that work wasn't a waste.
A Classic Monster Van
At one point, your typical, nondescript British car, this Morris Marina, has been given new life thanks to a set of bouncers that make it something quite un-British, now that we think about it.

This kind of excessive energy just doesn't seem to belong in the United Kingdom, and yet here we are. We have to admit — there are probably plenty of old-world avenues that this kind of vehicle would excel at, even if it's in the city. Once it leaves the 'burbs and heads for the hills, it could go almost anywhere it pleased.
Two-Seater Monster Miata
With a cloth hood and only a pair of seats inside, it seems like a Miata isn't the kind of vehicle that lends itself to the monster truck lifestyle very well. That's where you're wrong, buckaroo.

This car might not have the height and extra additions that some of the other examples on this list do, but it's still got the bigger wheels and raised body we know and love. There's even a tow-hitch on the back. It manages to have a rugged appearance while maintaining the stylish exterior that a Miata brings. Hard to tell if the engine has been beefed up, but those big wheels probably need more torque. That's a car word, right?
For When You Need a Monster Vacation
After a tough couple of months at work, it's always nice to relax. If you have a big truck and need to attach a trailer, there aren't many options, however. Here's one: turn your RV into a monster truck!

Pump up the RV to sit in the bed of your equally big pickup, and make sure there is enough suspension. This isn't just to make transport easier – you can hang a swing from the underside of the RV for fun when you aren't on the go. Please don't use the swing when you're on the go. We do not endorse that.
Did It Really Need The Help?
Putting even bigger tires on a truck cab? That just seems excessive. Well, it's a good thing this is an article about monster trucks, or excessive would be bad!

Hauling over any kind of surface is going to be no sweat for this beast, which is fitted with tractor tires and jacked up to give it more suspension. Rain? Snow? Sleet? Hail? It doesn't matter what conditions it's driving through; it's going to get those packages delivered. In fact, we doubt this kind of vehicle even slows down in rush hour traffic. The other cars might not like it, but it's pretty cool.
The Grimmest Monster Truck Ever
Most monster trucks are made to crush other cars, and this one is doing a great job while looking rather grim and ready to take out anyone who gets in his way.

No doubt that those immense tires are the big sell, they must have cost a fortune to get and set up!
Pitch Black Matte
This Off-road Miata was found in a parking lot, and while we love the idea of making small sports cars into off-roaders, we can't help but think this looks a little strange when it's standing next to other cars!

This reminds me of the Top Gear Middle East Special when you see really strange combinations and in a way, it looks a little like a mini rally fighter.
The Epitome of Luxury
If you ever get to ride in a car with a coat of paint that looks like a hundred-dollar bill, you might be one of a dozen.

We've never really seen this before and what's more, are those elevated wheels! Someone is planning on impressing someone else while driving their car, that's for sure.
Snowy Rider
On the one hand, this monster motorcycle's wheel must be great for driving in the snow, but on the other hand. It must get really cold in the peak of winter when it's freezing outside.

While we're sure they have decent clothes meant to protect them from the wintry wind as they're riding through the streets, it can only help so much when you're going so fast and the wind is so strong.
4x4 Mustang
It looks like this mustang has seen some things and been to places, not necessarily places we'd want to go but definitely places where you can get your car dusty and full of grime.

Well, at least whoever was riding this car had fun! Hopefully, the driver didn't get dirty while he was perched up so high...
When You Really Need to Get to School
This massive yellow monster was actually built with a purpose in mind (other than just looking sweet): it was built to transport oil crews near Edmonton in Alberta, Canada.

No doubt you've ridden in one of these buses at least once, but this vehicle has some crazy upgrades. There are the wheels, of course, but they've also beefed up the engine. There's also the option to turn all three axles for more acceleration. We wouldn't recommend taking this thing on the highway unless you want to scare the pants off of all the other drivers.
From Low-rider to Up in the Air
The Chevy Impala you see here used to be a car that would stand knee-high to a grasshopper, but now it's taller than you are, thanks to a big set of wheels and some more suspension.

It's colorful, it's powerful, and it has a nice look to it, so no doubt this vehicle gets everybody's attention when it heads down the road. It does look like a vehicle that you have to be careful with while driving since one wrong move, and the whole thing might tip over—the kind of thing you take to a car convention, but not many other places.
Up, Up, and Away!
This truck might not have the biggest wheels we've ever seen – in fact, it's not even close – but without a doubt, it's been raised the highest off the ground.

Look at all that beautiful suspension work you can witness as it rolls down the street. It looks like it could even do a bit of off-roading with all that help. However, the shiny chrome of the hubcaps would definitely take a hit. This vehicle looks like you need special hardware just to get yourself into the driver's seat, like a step ladder or a second-story balcony.
Riding in Long Style
This car, all around, looks pretty good. We don't expect there to be too many takers for joyriding around town; however – how, exactly, would you enter this vehicle?

There are no steps or platforms you can use to get a leg up, and using the suspension or the wheels themselves to climb in is kind of a car community party foul. Maybe the owner of this vehicle has a set of steps in the trunk, and that's why the trunk is open in the picture. Making a monster truck out of a limo is always a fun mixture of styles, and this one is no exception.
Mean Machine
Yikes. If this car had a name it would be Mean Machine, not only does it look scary, it can basically crush anything underneath it.

We wonder how well it would do in a monster truck competition, it could probably win with a resounding victory. Or this truck could just be more for show.
Pretty in Pink
We know what you're thinking, cause we're thinking the exact same thing! What is that and why does it exist? Honestly, it baffles us why anyone would take a perfectly good tractor with its huge back wheels and paint it pink.

Apparently, this photo was taken at the Davie County High School car show back in 2016 in North Carolina.
All Cabbed Up
Apparently getting to your destination in time isn't good enough for some taxi cabs, this taxi cab specifically. He needed a little more oomph to his drive and decided to add these monster truck wheels.

Strangely, the car that you can see in this picture looks like it belongs in a post-apocalyptic movie, rather than on the streets of New York.
Please Follow the Posted Limits
One person decided to make their highway patrol car the tallest car out there with the help of these insane wheels.

There's a little more horsepower in the machine, too, thanks to a seven-liter diesel engine. Apparently, the lights and siren still work, too, though turning them on while you're driving will get the real 5-0 on your tail pretty quickly. According to the owner, it still drives great.
Not Your Modern Monster Truck
The monster truck craze began in the seventies and really exploded in the eighties, but decades before that, there is evidence that people knew how cool it was to throw some big wheels on smaller cars.

This classic pic shows us a 1940 Ford that had been modified to be a mail carrier in Minnesota. Thanks to the climate of the state, and the many farms, there was plenty of off-roading to do, so the big tires were a big help. With a set of chains on the back tires, there was nothing that would stop this mail carrier from doing his duty, no matter the weather.
A True Party Bus
SUV stands for Sport Utility Vehicle, but most people are just using them to go back and forth from work these days. This massive monster truck, on the other hand, has plenty of storage space for mountain bikes, kayaks, and what looks like entire hot tubs.

Busting over hills might be a bit out of the range of this vehicle, but that's not really the point, is it? You're going to be turning heads so fast they could be used to generate eco-friendly energy. Grab twenty or thirty of your closest friends and jump into this vehicle for a guaranteed blast.
Make a Rolls-Royce Even More Royal
Buying a Rolls is a huge investment – even the cheaper models will cost you something in the realm of three hundred thousand dollars.

Royals around the world love to ride around in these super-luxury vehicles, but doing more than stately drives seems strange. That's why it's so shocking to see a Royce flying high on what looks like tractor tires. But as soon as you see this picture, you know in your heart that the best thing to do with these fabulous vehicles is a powerful set of suspension and massive wheels. Even kings and queens will love it.
Waiting to Go Nowhere
Good luck figuring out how to get in and out of your car when it's been parked between these two houses, in what seems to be a very cramped parking space.

We can't help but wonder if it's just there for show, why else would someone park it where it's barely accessible? Hopefully, they can drive around in it, cause a chevy is a great car!
A Real-Life Record Holder
We have some really incredible modifications on this list, but this vehicle, without a doubt, takes the cake. This immense vehicle, called the Sin City Hustler, was once a Ford Excursion – it is now the longest monster truck ever. It has even appeared in the Guinness Book of World Records as such.

A team known as Big Toyz Racing Motors made the modifications, and they advertised it as an emergency ambulance during the inevitable zombie apocalypse. Right now, it's a special limo for tourists in Vegas, but rip out six rows of seats, and you'd have plenty of space for people who need to get help. Just look at those tires. Lordy.
One of the First
If you're a classic car guy, then you know that there can be difficulties finding the right parts for your latest project. Even if you can find the parts out there on the market, they're pricey. Getting the custom-built ones might be even pricier.

One old auto owner decided enough was enough and took what looks like the chassis of a car from the time of the Model T and lifted it up with tons of new suspension, thick tires, and more additions. It might not be the kind of classic car most people think of, but we're still fans.
Vroom Vroom
Add on an extra bumper, a footbar underneath the doors, a set of floodlights on the top, and – of course – a big set of wheels – and any car can become a monster truck.

This Mazda RX-7 usually sits right against the pavement, but with the help of a new Wankel engine (it's a good one, trust us), there's a little more horsepower to help this boosted car get a move on. If you have a car that you think could get a second life as a more monstrous make, there are plenty of kits out there you can use. It's not easy, but it can be done.
A True Monster
Adding elevated wheels to a small red truck seems odd, doesn't it? Like why would someone want to look only a little bit higher when they have a small car like this?

There's so much to go over with this vehicle we're kind of scared to start. The actual monster truck aspect of this vehicle isn't the biggest we've seen, which might be for the best – it honestly looks like a car we'd see in a cartoon.
Who Could be Worthy?
Not many people will be able to get behind this vehicle and stay in control. Not just of the vehicle itself (as long as you take it slow, it shouldn't be too hard,) but the real danger here is all the luxury.

It's a limo, it's on huge tires, and it even has stylish art down the sides. If you take a seat in this car, it seems like you should have to be wearing platform shoes, a long purple coat, or a hat that has a feather in it. Even Prince himself would have to bump up his style if he had used this ride.
Ready to Burn Rubber
Most of the time, monster truck tires are the kind of thing that people add to...well, trucks. Not fancy cars. We've found that to not be any kind of a hard and fast rule – for instance, this appears here with a massive set of tires that make the ice and snow under it not even worth a thought.

Some people might think that those hefty tires make having a sports car silly, but this car looks kinda cool.
A Monster Truck Rescue Team
When you think of a rescue team, a monster truck usually doesn't come to mind! Well, now that we think about driving through floods and difficult terrain, a monster truck sure makes a lot of sense.

You can use this rescue truck to ride through sand dunes, and flowing water and navigate through troublesome terrain. The best part? Everybody gets to sit high and not worry about getting wet.
Let Nothing Go to Waste
When you have an amazing piece of vehicle technology like a Lamborghini in your possession, the last thing you want is for it to languish in your garage without being used.

The person who owned this fancy set of wheels had the same thought and thus turned his Lamborghini Huracan into a vehicle that will provide thrills on or off the road. Any Lamborghini is going to have enough horsepower to get those big wheels turning, but we have to admit putting such a nice car (and such an expensive one - $200,000!) into such situations does make our throats close up a little bit.
For When You Really Need to Make a Statement
Ah, a Mercedes-Benz. Truly, one of the premier car manufacturers in the world. The W116 is a member of the flagship sedans that MB released in the seventies. But this full-size sedan has become even fuller, thanks to a set of what are perhaps the largest wheels that we have ever seen on a vehicle of this size.

No part of this car is ever going to escape notice, with a shiny exterior, a no-doubt comfortable interior, and wheels that lift it a hundred feet off the ground. Come on, Grandpa. Let's go to church.
Lifted Luxury
If you want to combine a comfortable driving experience with the power that every monster truck should have, there's nothing like a BMW E30 3-Series. While it might not have been a looker before the conversion, a BMW is always a nice ride.

Thanks to some new bits and bobs, however, this sedan has not only got plenty of air under it but it's even become a proper truck with a bed and everything! The amount of work and dollars this must have taken boggles the mind – the builder added roll bars, a step under the chassis, and who knows how much else.
Hey, Someone Took a Picture of My Commuter Car
Yeah, we — and millions of other people — wish this lovely creature was waiting in the garage. Yes, someone had the gumption and ability to turn a Ford Mustang – perhaps one of the most popular car models in the world – into a rip-roaring monster truck.

The vibrant orange color fits in perfectly with the power that this whip surely contains. We wouldn't even want to drive it. Just to be able to sit in the driver's seat would be something checked off the bucket list. How many of these vehicles are street-legal? This one could be. Then again, from the pristine appearance, hardly anybody gets to drive this one, even the owner.
Mind If We Play Through?
Hit the green in a customized vehicle and let everyone know there's a master among them. Golf carts are, by definition, somewhat underpowered – you're not in a race; you're just trying to get to the next tee-off.

The people who made this vehicle, on the other hand, have decided that time is precious, and if they aren't lining up a shot, they need to be able to motor. It's likely that this still can't reach blistering speeds, but at least the flames that have been added to the chassis make it look like it's really cooking. Fore!
The Strongest Panda in the World
Add this vehicle to the collection of those that have been given new life thanks to a set of tires that are just as big as they are.

Taking a tiny little city car and turning it into a diesel smoke-belching monster truck seems to be a trend among some people – and why not? Taking something and making it entirely different, well, that's just human nature. Taking something and making it the exact opposite of its intended purpose is going to appeal to many. The irony is big these days. And, coincidentally, so is this Panda Fiat.
Smart AND Strong
Yes, someone went through all the work necessary to turn the car world on its head. They changed a tiny little SmartCar, a vehicle that some people can pick up and put in their pocket, into a roaring monster truck.

The car has easily doubled in height thanks to the wheels and all of the extra bits and mechanisms that have been attached. As the branding announces, this is all for fun, but you can find plenty of pictures of this little car that grew up big. Any questions about how it is in motion? It clearly has great traction, but we bet the acceleration is a little bit lacking.
From Small to Large
The Austin Mini is one of the more iconic cars in the world. It has been featured in movies and TV shows and still has a big following around the world. The best part about this conversion is that, even with jacked-up suspension and a big honkin' set of tires, the car is still tiny compared to lots of other vehicles.

Compared to other monster trucks, it's minuscule. Don't worry, little big mini, even if that bit of spray paint is calling you number two, you're number one in our book. But it's not even the smallest car on this list.
It's Like the Vehicle Version of a Mullet
The Mazda MX-5 pictured here is business on top, party on the bottom. With a cloth cab hood and a mud-splattered set of gigantic wheels, seeing this guy on the road will get everybody confused.

But haven't we all wanted a car that you can take mudding right after a first date? We have. Then again, we get excited when we find a particularly big strawberry, so maybe we're just easy to please. Still, can you really blame us? This car looks good. And after a little bit of washing up, it's bound to look even better.
What's the MPG?
When you think of huge vehicles, one of the last things that will come to mind is a Honda Civic. They're practically the definition of a white-bread sedan, and they haven't impressed anyone with anything other than their low prices for some time.

So, to us, there's no better vehicle to spruce up with some of the biggest wheels you can find and plenty of undercarriage work, too. And look, there's even a towing hook on the front. Is that so it can tow other things, or so that other things can tow it? We bet there are some horsepower concerns with this kind of setup.
We're Finally in the Future
If you're a fan of the “Back to the Future” movies – and who isn't – you have fond memories of the DeLorean, a fully aluminum car that Doc Brown soups up to travel through time.

Time travel isn't possible just yet, but you can still turn this surprisingly unpopular car (at its time) into a rocking beast. When you jump into this vehicle, you won't need roads. That's not to say you won't be driving on the ground – you'll just be able to handle any kind of surface, including other cars, farm fields, and piles of manure.