Hold up, we actually found a note that says something nice! What a delightful change of pace from the typical notes found on so many cars. In a wasteland of notes left on cars, complimentary notes stand out as the hero we didn’t know we needed.

With so much negativity out there, giving a genuine compliment can really make someone’s day. A simple little note from a stranger can do that.
Always the Wise Guy
Okay, someone here saw an opportunity they simply could not refuse, and it started a whole trend. Yeah, it is absolutely better to get into a public restroom and find a clean toilet bowl. It just sets the tone in the perfect way for whatever you're about to do in there.

But someone just had to be the wise guy and mark that they remembered to flush. Since it is undeniably funny, everyone else decided to get on board with the dad joke. Now, if the bowl is not clean, you will at least get a good chuckle out of it.
A Horse Marks His Territory
Some might see him as a villain. Others might see him as the hero we never knew we needed. Tic Tac sees a car and just gets the urge. Maybe he thinks it’s funny. Maybe he's just a horse and needs to urinate in a prime location. Whatever the case, he did his business and his own was immediately guilty.

Maybe Tic Tac is just a practical joker. Either way, we know one thing here is undeniable. Tic Tac is an absolutely hilarious name for a horse, and it makes the note that much funnier. We assume that Tic Tac is completely white and his pee has a mint-fresh smell and taste to it. We can only hope.
Too Close for Comfort
Parking can be a very sensitive subject. Like, in some cities, driving around searching for parking can take well over half an hour! So yeah, we get why people will take extreme measures in order to reserve a parking spot. It is the holy grail, as far as drivers are concerned.

If you’re lucky enough to have a designated parking spot, there is no way you are letting someone else snag it for free! This potential vaseline bandit thinks it's totally fine to threaten whoever thinks they can just swoop in and take their spot, and honestly, we can't judge them.
3 Signs for Cat Safety
Everyone knows cats are sneaky little rascals, and nothing is more enticing to them than an area they are not allowed to go to. In this case, the great outdoors. After all, they did originally hail from the jungle, so it only makes sense that they like to go out and about, from time to time.

One sign seemingly was not enough to prevent these cunning critters from making a run for it the second the door opens. Actually, it seems like two signs might also have not been enough. You know what they say, the third time is the charm.
Effective Immediately
It is always awkward to put in your two-week notice at any job. And yeah, maybe it is a little bit unprofessional to put that notice on a note….of lined paper clearly taken from a notebook….with a stick figure drawing announcing you are quitting. We'd say that email is the bare minimum format in this day and age.

But honestly, mad points for creativity. It is kinda savage if you think about it. She did not even give a two-week notice; she just wrote: “Effective immediately.” We guess it's true when they say when you've got to go, you have got to go. And that can also apply when jobs are concerned.
Real Life Office Space
So in case, anyone here did not get the message, the “that would be grrreaaat” at the end is from the classic movie "Office Space," repeatedly spoken by the unbearable boss Lumberg. We love that cult classic flicks which is based around the workplace. So it makes perfect sense to use that language in everyday notes, especially in an office setting.

This guy clearly cares very little about this job since he put exactly zero effort into spelling or grammar. Props for the reference, though, we hope his boss appreciated it. We just love how lackadaisical the message is for the boss. We would potentially expect something a bit more formal to throw in the professional towel.
Moving on to a Better Place
Dang, people are starting to get really creative with their quitting notices. It is pretty creative to go in the direction of a Hallmark "I’m sorry for your loss" card. As if this person would effectively draw the comparison between losing a loved one and handing in one's notice.

Clearly, Alex saw himself as a keystone member of the crew, whose absence would be taken very hard. At least he was kind enough to give them a two weeks notice. We love when employees act ironically sad when they are in reality, just so excited to run out of the door.
A Game by Sadists
This is, without a doubt, one of the more vicious notes we’ve seen. It’s fairly well known that traffic cops, parking police, and meter maids are universally hated. (We’d like to point out here that these people are only doing their job, and we fully support that).

But nobody, and we mean nobody, likes getting a ticket. So forcing the traffic warden to search for the correct parking ticket that gives you permission to park there is just evil. But also, it is genius.
What Makes You So Special?
Okay, we have to ask the obvious question before delving into this one. Does the person who drew this always walk around with chalk in their bag? Phew, glad we got that off our chests.

We’ve all encountered people who seem to think they deserve everything. This type of person thinks that they can park wherever they please regardless of parking lines. Well, this person was ready with the chalk to call them out on just how douchey their behavior really is.
No Spoilers Please
There are few shows where each and every episode is truly epic. "Game Of Thrones" happens to be one of them. Whether you were a fan or not, during the GOT heyday, you couldn’t walk around and not hear everything that happened in the previous episode.

If you were super into the show but happened to have missed the last episode, chances are, someone was gonna spoil it. This person really thought ahead and wanted to make sure no one spoils the show for them. We have to applaud the foresight.
Misplaced Love
We can only imagine the disappointment one might feel after they get a written love note left on their car, only to realize it wasn't actually meant for them. Ouch.

Now in all fairness, the person who wrote the note can’t let the car owner go on thinking the love note was, in fact, intended for them. That being said, we can’t help but feel a little bit bad for the unintended recipient.
Short and Sweet
Some people don’t like to mince words. Keeping things short, sweet and to the point is their style. There’s absolutely no question here that whoever wrote this note is one of those people.

Is the message clear? Absolutely. Is it missing some sort of emotional touch? Yes. Most definitely. But we’re not here to judge. To each his own, ya know?
With a Little Help From Carly
If you have to call someone else for blocking your driveway, it seems that maybe it would soften the blow to quote a popular tune. The person who blocked the driveway probably doesn't deserve something this creative but they got it anyway.

When you get the urge to quote, you just do, and there's nothing that can stop you, even if someone is stopping you from getting out of your driveway.
Applause for the Attempt
This solid attempt to get out of jury duty deserves a round of applause. In order to get out of your civic duty, you might have to prove you’re just insane enough to not be able to fairly judge someone else.

Implying that anyone who enters the court will get what’s coming to them because you’ve deemed yourself a vigilante for justice is, quite frankly, genius.
A Sign from Prime
The holiest keeper of cars, Optimus Prime, is the perfect way to let someone know their parking is a complete mess without making the note too blunt.

Whoever parked that car may never know who actually wrote the note, but they will know their parking job sucked, and the note writer definitely invested a bit of time in that tiny caricature at the bottom.
Creativity Passive Aggressive
We’re fairly certain one of the biggest disputes between people who live together is dirty dishes. Leaving a note is the ultimate passive-aggressive move, but honestly, if you’re able to add a little bit of creativity to it, then maybe it’s not so bad?

We’d like to assume this note came after multiple times the recipient of the note was asked to start doing the dishes more often. A last resort, if you will.
This one feels supremely justified and quite a creative solution. Nobody wants all kinds of different hands touching the object that’s going into their mouth.

We think it’s a great idea and applaud whoever thought of it. But also, we can’t let go of the fact that they seriously missed the opportunity to say SPOON SPOON!
Sorry Not Sorry
The old adage "what goes around comes around" seems to have played out in a recent employment situation. The employer in question appeared to lack empathy when their employee required time off for personal reasons. In response, the employee delivered a scathing and sarcastic "apology," suggesting that their need for time off was not taken seriously by their employer.

While this may seem harsh, it's possible that the employer's lack of understanding was equally unforgivable. Perhaps this situation will serve as a lesson to the employer, reminding them to treat their employees with compassion and respect, especially in difficult circumstances. In the end, it's crucial for companies to prioritize the well-being of their staff, recognizing that happy employees make for a productive and successful workplace.
A Real Funny Guy
To be honest, we are not sure if this practical joke is some type of revenge thing or rather a gag between friends or family members. What we do know is, that momentary feeling when you see a piece of paper on your windshield and your heart drops into your stomach is not fun, to say the least.

I guess we’ll never know what the receiver did to deserve this prank, but we imagine it probably did the trick. And we will also never know how the receiver reacted to the fake ticket. What we do know is that they took a photo of it and posted it on social media. So they didn't ignore it, that's for sure.
Touching Reindeers
Whoever wrote this original note wasn’t politely asking their co-workers not to touch their mug. As far as they’re concerned, it’s a given that no one touches the reindeer mug! After all, the reindeer mug is sacred. It was forged in the mines of Lapland and is only ever drunk out of by Santa Claus himself and this employee.

Clearly, this assumption is just begging for the mug to be touched — and touched it was. Luckily for the guy who wrote the note, it seems that it was only touched, nothing more. But maybe that makes it worse? You'll have to ask him. And hopefully, coffee time isn't too awkward.
A Well Deserved Goodbye
The passive-aggressiveness is just oozing from every angle of this letter. There is nothing apologetic about this note, and from the sounds of it, rightfully so. It's just downright direct, takes no prisoners and gets down to brass tacks - just the way we like it (as innocent bystanders, that is).

By reading this letter and a few others on this list, it is safe to say that we think it’s time employers wake up and start treating their employees like human beings. The better the work conditions, the less likely employers will be to receive resignation letters like this one, calling them out on their BS.
Grumpy Cat's Disapproval
It’s hard not to be charmed by the cute face of Grumpy Cat! After all, we love cats as much as the next person. They're furry, calming, mysterious, and bring a lot of charm and warmth to any household. The important thing here is not to focus on that and miss the message completely.

Of course, Grumpy Cat is grumpy because he is calling someone out for snagging someone else’s parking spot. Big no-no. If Grumpy Cat says it is so, then it must be so. We hope whoever received this message got that point and immediately moved the vehicle. For the sake of the cat, at least.
The use of Post-It notes with the word "really?" printed on them has sparked some curiosity as to their origin. Did they find them pre-printed or did they create them themselves? Either way, it's clear that the dishes have been a recurring issue in the household, leading to the use of such notes. Perhaps the notes serve as a humorous yet effective reminder to those who leave their dishes behind.

It's understandable why the note-taker would feel the need to use them. After all, the lack of cleanliness can become frustrating and a reminder can be helpful. In the end, it's important to address issues like these in a calm and respectful manner, using creative solutions like these notes if necessary.
Some Sarcasm
A little sarcasm goes a long way. It can push the recipient in the right direct when it comes to understanding your point. But you don't want to go overboard with the sarcasm. It’s not just your simple request not to park too far out into the road. It feels more like a “did you really do that?” kinda thing.

On some levels, this stings more than just a polite note. It seems like the person who wrote it feels pretty justified in their complaint, so in a moment of anger, they wrote a passive-aggressive note. We can’t really blame them and we want to see more of this kind of language on notes in the future.
Stick it to the Man
If you hold your employees to a certain level of compliance, then it’s only fair that you follow your own rules as well. After all, the classic phrase "do as I say, not as I do" exists for a reason, you know. As a boss, you should set an example, and the hope is that your employees work according to that.

Well, this boss definitely did not set the right example, and well, this is what happens. Workers lose patience, and then the employer ends up with a closed store when it was supposed to be open and an angry note on the door for everyone to see. This is not how you do it.
A Secret Message
A standing ovation here for whoever put this much effort just to secretly show the world what they truly feel about their boss. It really is a sort of "blink, and you'll miss it" situation. The creativity is very impressive, and they really got the ticket spot on.

The beauty in this one is that the boss might actually never find out, but he will need to catch on eventually after the employee no longer shows up to work since their week's notice is over. We want to know just how long it took their boss to find that note!
Called out HARD!
This one is supremely awkward. Yes, some people are married to noticeably attractive people. No, this does not give others the right to focus solely on them and completely ignore their significant other or friends, or whoever else may be sitting with them. We want couple equality on all fronts, people.

It’s pretty likely this waiter didn’t get a good tip, and if they have any feelings whatsoever, they’ll probably be pretty embarrassed to discover why. We think this is a pretty legitimate reason not to give the tip. We don't care if the food and service were incredible. Obviously, the latter wasn't.
Unnecessary Update
Leaving a note after clogging a toilet may seem like an embarrassing and awkward task, but it's the right thing to do. Whoever left the note in this particular instance showed consideration and thoughtfulness by updating others before they had the chance to discover the damage for themselves.

The note also suggests that the person may have been feeling unwell, which is a legitimate reason for the incident. While the assumption that the next person to enter the bathroom would be interested in knowing how they were feeling afterward may be naive, the note still serves a practical purpose. It's a small act of responsibility that can save others from a potentially unpleasant situation.
Sweet or Creepy
We’ll leave it up to you guys to decide if this “love note” from the guy in the blue shirt in class is very sweet or just plain creepy. Ultimately, we guess he’s trying to compliment the class hottie. In case the girl was confused about who wrote the note, it was from the guy in the blue shirt. No name required.

That being said, he might have slightly missed the mark with this one. Maybe going with “you look cute” or “would you like to grab a drink sometime?” would have been slightly more appropriate. But we could imagine some recipient's blushing at this cheeky pickup line.
Muffin or Doorknob?
If you have to lose a doorknob, might as well lose it to a neighbor who is, as he says, trippin’ pretty hard. The fact he thought it was a muffin instead of a doorknob has us dying to know what did he do with the knob once he had it?!

Try to eat it?! Realize immediately it wasn’t actually a muffin?! We have questions, and we must have answers! One thing is for sure, if you try to eat a doorknob, then you will probably chip at least some of your teeth if you do not break them completely.
Seems Uncalled for
There are two scenarios that usually occur when you see someone has left their car door open by accident. Scenario number one, they are a good samaritan, and they simply close the door. Scenario number two, they are not a good samaritan, and they steal all your stuff.

This scenario here is definitely an outlier. Why on earth would someone who sees an open car door leave a note that says...well...this? We can only imagine what goes on in the mind of this peculiar offender. If we were the driver, we would just go and buy another car.
Anonymous Words of Wisdom
Sometimes all you need is just a little pick-me-up. In this case, the pick me up came in the form of an anonymous note letting you know wherever you are in life is just fine. And to carry on the metaphor of the note. Life is like a puzzle. It is full of pieces that make up the entire picture, which ends up being beautiful.

We are all just kinda figuring it out as we go, and a little reminder you’re doing fine is always welcomed. People should leave more notes like this around. Either that, or they should leave some puzzles around for people to play. They are actually pretty fun to do.
A Very Polite Printer
There’s always something so charming about personifying inanimate objects. Whoever wrote this note made the printer seem like the politest old little guy who just doesn’t have it in him to keep going. After all, a lot of printers out there are, in fact, old, and being replaced by younger, more effective printers.

How could you be mad at the printer for conking out after 14 full years of service? We approve of this kind of note and think maybe people should use this approach more often with electronics. Either that, or the printer actually typed out that note himself as some sort of end-of-life malfunction.
If You Gotta Eavesdrop…
Eavesdropping can be an uncomfortable and even unethical practice, but sometimes it's unavoidable. In this instance, the eavesdropper went above and beyond by leaving a note that not only acknowledged their actions but also put a smile on the person's face.

The eavesdropper's intentions were clearly good, as they wanted to give the person a vote of confidence during what seemed to be a difficult time for them. It takes courage to reach out to someone, even anonymously, and the eavesdropper deserves credit for their thoughtfulness. Leaving notes of encouragement or positivity for strangers can make a real difference in someone's day.
Understandable Quitter
It's a shocking and unsettling experience to be attacked by a drunk co-worker at work, and one would expect the attacker to be held accountable for their actions. However, in this particular case, that didn't happen, and it's understandable why the victim chose to call out their boss publicly.

It's not fair for the victim to continue to serve customers in an environment where their safety is compromised, especially if the attacker is still present. The victim's public call-out may have been the only way to draw attention to the situation and hold the employer accountable for their lack of action.
Facts are Facts
It's not entirely clear why the person who wrote this note decided to include a drawing of a dinosaur, but it does add a touch of humor to an otherwise straightforward announcement. Perhaps the person thought the cute dinosaur might soften the blow of the news that they are quitting.

Regardless of the reason, the note writer chose to stick to the facts and clearly state their intentions. The inclusion of the dinosaur drawing doesn't detract from the main message and may have even made it more memorable. In situations like these, it is important to be clear and direct.
The Kindness of Strangers
It's heartwarming to hear about acts of kindness like the one Liz performed by paying for a stranger's parking ticket. Her generosity and compassion towards a random person not only helped them avoid a fine but also made their day a little brighter.

It's rare to come across such selfless individuals who are willing to go out of their way to help someone else without any expectations in return. Liz's act of kindness serves as an inspiration for others to spread kindness and positivity in their communities. It's entirely possible that the person whose ticket was paid forward this kindness to someone else, creating a chain of positive actions.
Monster Mash
The mention of a "monster" lurking in the attic definitely leaves us with a lot of questions. It's understandable that the workers had to make a quick exit after discovering the creature, as it could potentially be dangerous or unpredictable.

The note doesn't provide any additional information about the type of animal or creature in question, leaving us to wonder if it's a bat, raccoon, possum, bear, or even something more otherworldly like an attic goblin. It's definitely a situation that warrants further investigation, and we hope the workers will report back with more details soon. In the meantime, it's probably best to steer clear of that attic until the mystery is solved!
Without An Ulterior Motive!
It's refreshing to come across acts of kindness that are purely for the sake of being kind, and this note is a perfect example of that. The writer took the time to compliment the recipient without expecting anything in return, which is a rare and admirable trait in today's world.

It's heartwarming to imagine how much this simple note must have brightened the recipient's day, and it serves as a reminder that sometimes the smallest gestures can have the biggest impact. More people should take inspiration from this note and spread love and positivity wherever they go. The world could use a little more kindness.
Save The Squirrels
Although the woman's driving may have caused some damage to her mailbox, it's hard not to appreciate her compassion for wildlife. It's clear from her husband's note that she was trying to avoid hitting an animal, and that is definitely a worthy cause.

While it's unfortunate that her mailbox was destroyed in the process, it's reassuring to know that there are people out there who prioritize the well-being of animals over their own property. The note also shows that the woman has a supportive husband who is willing to take responsibility and make amends for the damage caused.
Number Two Emergency
Leaving a note was definitely the right thing to do, and it is good to see that this driver acknowledged their mistake. But, of course, it is important to remember that parking in a no-parking zone can still be a safety hazard and cause inconvenience for others. It is always better to find a proper parking spot or wait until one becomes available.

Hopefully, the driver was able to quickly finish their business and move the car to a more appropriate location. Let us all strive to be responsible drivers and considerate of others, even in urgent situations. And we will drink to that, when we get home, that is.
Bad Barista
It can be frustrating to pay for something and not get what you expect. While the note may come across as harsh, it's possible that the writer had received poor coffee from this barista multiple times before. It's also possible that the barista was new or in need of more training.

Whatever the reason, it's important for baristas and other service workers to strive to provide their customers with quality products and experiences. Hopefully, this note will serve as a wake-up call for the barista and encourage them to improve their skills. Because there is nothing worse than having a bad coffee in the morning.
Deserving of a Mean Glare
This note highlights the frustration of a kind-hearted individual who is trying to share free books with the community but is being undermined by one person's selfishness. But seriously, who would try to steal all of the books from a library?

The writer's appeal to fellow book-lovers to keep an eye out for the golden sedan lady and give her disapproving glances is both humorous and effective in making the point that this behavior is not acceptable. The note also reminds us of the power of community and how small acts of kindness, like sharing free books, can bring people together and promote a love of reading.
Free Labor
Shoveling snow is brutal. You are out there toiling with fingers that gradually go numb, but, you have no choice if you want to have a proper parking space. Can you imagine the horror of coming home and seeing that somebody has assumed your parking spot as their own? That must be very disheartening.

We must say, the note that they left the parking spot stealer is not as ruthless as it could have been. They could have even called the tow truck. We hope that this driver has the heart not to try to pull this move off again.
We’re All Human
The writer of this note seems to have a bit of a dry sense of humor. They’re politely but firmly telling the driver to be more considerate of others on the road, but with a touch of sarcasm. And while the use of “bloody sardines” may suggest a British origin, it’s also possible that the writer is simply a fan of British English or has spent time in the UK.

Regardless of their background, it is clear that they want drivers to remember that they’re sharing the road with other people who have their own schedules and destinations to reach.
Parking Blind
Leaving a rude and offensive note on someone’s windshield is never a good idea, especially when it involves making fun of someone’s disability. Comparing the driver’s parking to Stevie Wonder’s vision is not only insensitive but also inappropriate. The person who wrote this note could have simply expressed their frustration with the bad parking without resorting to such a hurtful comment.

Furthermore, assuming that the car belongs to someone with a visual impairment is not only presumptuous but also ignorant. Blind people can own cars and drive too, with the aid of specialized equipment. We should be more considerate and respectful of others, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.
Public Relationship Issues
The note suggests that the couple's relationship has deteriorated to the point where their arguments are loud enough for their neighbors to hear. The writer seems to be frustrated with the couple's behavior and implies that they need to work on their communication.

It's clear that the couple's issues are now affecting those around them, which is never a good sign. The thought of being the subject of gossip and scrutiny can be incredibly uncomfortable, and it's unfortunate that the situation has reached this point. Hopefully, the couple can find a way to work through their issues and bring some peace back to the building.
Hitting someone’s car and not leaving a note is definitely high on our jerk-o-meter. Accidents happen, but it is basic human decency to leave a note with your details and take responsibility for your mistakes. Whoever hit this car didn’t do that, but luckily there was someone around who saw the whole thing and took matters into their own hands.

Now when the person calls their insurance company, they will at least have some basic information about who caused the damage. Unlike other notes on this list, this note wasn't written by the offended or the offender, but my a third party, making this one completely unique.
Have you seen the movie "Frozen?" Well, this is the real-life car version. When this car got a ticket for being parked there for too long, the owner wrote a note replying to the ticket explaining that his door is frozen shut and he can’t open the car to move it.

There are several ways to unfreeze your door and even things you can do to prevent your car door from freezing. Next time, try some WD40. Either that, or just a buy a new car and move to a warmer part of the country. Those are your two options.
Feeling Like a Star
Sarcasm can be a useful tool when dealing with a person who continuously obstructs the path that people use to walk on. While it may not solve the issue entirely, a well-timed sarcastic remark can convey your frustration and make the person aware of their actions.

On another note, when it comes to a warning note left on a car parked in a precarious location, the use of all caps suggests that the writer is not entirely optimistic about the car's safety. The writer may be implying that they are not responsible for any potential damages resulting from the driver's reckless parking.
Stealing a Man's Cup
The act of stealing is always wrong, but stealing something as personal and important as a man's package protector takes it to a whole new level. This item is designed to provide comfort and support for a man's most sensitive area, making it an essential part of his daily routine.

To take it away is not only a violation of his property but also an invasion of his personal space. The writer of the note expresses their hope that the victim of this theft is skilled in a sport that involves physical retaliation, suggesting that they believe the thief deserves a taste of their own medicine.
With Hate
Sarcasm is a beautiful thing when it comes to leaving a note, and this next note took it all the way. Instead of using harsh words or cursing whoever moved their bins to park, they were super polite, but somehow the message still came shining through. And boy, did it deliver.

Honestly, it would make anyone mad if someone moved their trash cans and kept them from being emptied. Just in case the recipient of the note got confused by all the kind words and the heart decoration, the signoff could not be clearer. Revenge is a dish best served sarcastically.
The Passive-Aggressive Smiley Face
The use of a smiley face at the end of a neighbor's note can be a relief when receiving a message that may have been frustrating or even confrontational. In this case, the writer of the note appears to be correct about the need for a permit to build a garage that encroaches on another's property.

It is understandable that the recipient may have been annoyed or embarrassed upon receiving this note, but the use of a smiley face may help to ease any tension and prevent a potential conflict with the neighbors. Additionally, the note's welcoming tone implies that the neighbors are friendly and open to communication, which bodes well for a positive relationship moving forward.
Toilet Problems
If you would order 30 rolls of toilet paper on Amazon, it would only make sense that you would also take comfort in poetic vengeance via a cleverly written note. What we’re not sure of, though, is where exactly did he or she put the note, considering the package was already taken.

Perhaps the note was placed inside the box of toilet paper rolls, nestled between the layers of soft paper. Or, it could have been attached to the outside of the package with a brightly colored ribbon, catching the eye of the delivery person as they made their way to the recipient's doorstep.
Sir Rex
The person who wrote this note has a way with words and also quite clearly a sense of humor. They put their complaints in extremely courteous words, making sure that the whole matter was as civilized as possible. Even though car alarms going off for no reason is one of the most aggravating things on the planet.

You can plainly see that Sir Tyrannosaurus Rex is a dinosaur of elegant breeding and habits, just check out the tophat and wine glass. Let's face it, when your second name is Rex (which literally means king in Latin), you know your some kind boss.
My Anaconda Note
The thought of a 7-foot snake slithering around freely can be terrifying, so it's understandable why people might have been concerned after receiving the note from Nick. However, the irony of the situation lies in the fact that Nick claimed to have "accidentally" lost the snake, yet reassured others that there was nothing to worry about.

It's difficult to imagine how someone could lose such a large and potentially dangerous creature without being concerned themselves. The note may have been intended as a prank, designed to elicit a reaction from the recipient. However, it's also possible that Nick was being sincere and simply underestimated the severity of the situation.
A Particular Set of Skills
Whoever wrote this note has certainly taken some cues from Liam Neeson’s convincing portrayal in the movie "Taken." They have clearly seen this film a few times too many and have learned this monologue by heart. Although to be fair, in the film Neeson plays a father whose daughter was kidnapped and is trying to get her back.

Here the threats are directed at someone who can’t park, but nonetheless, if they don’t follow instructions, they will be found – and boxed in! We love it when someone takes an iconic line from a popular movie and flips it on its head. That's exactly what this person did!
Blatant Warning
It's a common experience to feel paranoid about whether or not you've locked your door before leaving your home. However, it seems that one neighbor may have taken their concern to the next level. A surprising note was left on the door of the apartment owner, indicating that the neighbor had noticed the door was left unlocked and open to potential intruders.

While the note may have been jarring to receive, it's clear that the neighbor had good intentions and was looking out for the safety of their community. The incident serves as a reminder to be vigilant about securing our homes, and to appreciate the watchful eyes of our neighbors.
Just Letting You Know
It must be nice for this note to be the first thing you see in the morning before getting in your car to go to work. Or at anytime, for that matter. To be fair, any time of the day is probably an optimal time for two squirrels to start trying to have a baby.

So the morning is just as good as any time. Not only do you not want to imagine two animals mating on your car, but you start to seriously wonder whether the person that left this note was trying to be friendly or cheeky. But hey, apparently it was important enough for them to leave a note!
Ring-A-Ding Ding
Part of living around other people involves having to deal with hearing them go about their daily life, but when you can hear a neighbor’s car alarm going off without end for an entire night, anyone would be justified in leaving a threatening note.

How they’re that heavy of a sleeper is beyond us, but hopefully, the note worked. But probably our favorite part of the entire note is the little award at the bottom of the piece of paper. They could have simply written that little strip of blue letters and they still would have got the same point across.
Unlocked WiFi Connection
While Nick's note may appear to be a genuine concern for others, there's a possibility that it was actually the work of a selfish neighbor looking to leech off of his Wi-Fi connection. It's not uncommon for people without internet access to try and mooch off their neighbors' connections.

But it's important to remember that using someone else's Wi-Fi without permission is not only inconsiderate, but it's also illegal. Regardless of Nick's true intentions, the note serves as a reminder for all internet users to protect their Wi-Fi networks with a strong password. This can prevent unauthorized access, and safeguard personal information.
Waving Vengeance
Upon reading the note left by her neighbor, the "Lady of the House" felt a sense of unease and concern. The message seemed ominous, and she couldn't help but wonder if she was in danger. Perhaps her neighbor had taken an unhealthy interest in her life, or worse, had sinister intentions.

To avoid any potential conflict, it may be wise for the "Lady of the House" to reach out to her neighbor and establish a friendly rapport. A simple wave or greeting could go a long way in diffusing any tension and preventing any "True Crime" scenarios from playing out. It's always better to err on the side of caution.
Brace Yourselves
Although "Game of Thrones" had aired its last episode, we are not going to risk any spoilers for the books which turned into a hit television series, pretty much followed by every person on the planet. Instead, we will just explain the note that was left on this windshield.

On the show, the Lannisters are famously known for executing anyone who gets in their way. Accordingly, whoever parked here should definitely feel threatened and start watching their backs. After all, the Lannisters were known for hating people who parked their horses in their stables, if we're going to use an analogy from that fictional time period.
Snorkel Not Included
The theft of a 4-year-old's paddling pool may seem like a senseless act, leaving both the child and their family feeling frustrated and violated. However, it is possible that the thief had a valid reason for taking the pool, such as concern for the child's safety or a need for a pool themselves.

The note left by the neighbor suggests that they may be quick to judge others and assume the worst about their actions. Instead of giving their neighbors the benefit of the doubt, the neighbor chose to confront them with a sarcastic and potentially hurtful and psychologically devastating message.
Best Note Ever
Leaving one's clothes in a shared dryer for an extended period can be an incredibly frustrating experience for others in the building. Not only does it cause delays and inconvenience for those waiting to use the machine, but it also creates a sense of disrespect towards others' time and space.

However, amidst such situations, there are individuals like Max from 3F who make living in a shared community a more pleasant experience. Max's creativity is not limited to his artistic pursuits, as evidenced by his attempt to help his neighbor by folding their sheets. Such acts of thoughtfulness and consideration make him an ideal neighbor, and it's no wonder that his fellow residents support and appreciate him.
Move Away Maybe
Passive-aggressive behavior can be quite frustrating to deal with, especially when it comes from someone living in close proximity. However, the sarcastic remark about "adding some color" hints at a more humorous approach to the situation. Perhaps the neighbor who receives the note will appreciate the musical reference and see the irony in the situation.

As for whether the note will actually change their behavior, it's unlikely. But the writer's talent for writing and their ability to create a clever and well-written note is certainly admirable. Who knows, maybe they can use their writing abilities for more productive endeavors in the future.
BMW State of Mind
BMW people are not like us common folk. Or at least that's what they like to think. The truth is that on the inside they are just as insecure as the next person, only with fatter wallets. As evidenced by this note, this inconsiderate BMW owner took up some unnecessary parking space.

This note writer, who also happens to be a "worthless Toyota driver" (just to get the point across) thought it was good to let the driver know. We appreciate the humor! Listen though, we don't care if you're driving a BMW, a Toyota, or a toy car - don't take up as much parking space as necessary!
The Dog Park
Listen up, doggo, if you wanna sit on the ground and chill all day, make sure you're not doing it in someone else's parking spot. This car owner needs a spot to put their car because evidently there is nowhere else to do so. It also appears that this is the only space for the dog too. Sounds like a conflict.

The best part about this? The dog will obviously get the memo once he reads the note on the windshield. Must be a very intelligent dog! Come to think of it, we have a feeling that this person might not have been addressing a literal dog who can drive a car with his bare paws.
Malcolm's note seemed to exude a sense of satisfaction that can only come from rubbing something in someone's face. His joy must have been palpable, but it serves as a warning to us all. Our behavior towards our neighbors can have far-reaching consequences, and we never know when we might need their help.

It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that we don't need to be nice to those around us, but the truth is that we never know when we might need their assistance. Malcolm's message reminds us that we should always strive to be kind and understanding.
I’ll Monster Truck You
There are few things worse than when a car blocks you in. It can really ruin your entire day and make you very late to work. In this person’s case, it clearly had a very negative impact on their morning, as seen by the intimidating note that they left. We are wondering how they have access to a monster truck.

You can be sure that if this car blocks this person in again, there will be serious consequences, and to be honest, we don’t blame them. We know just how much that can ruin your day. And no offense to the monster truck owners out there - but they're pretty big.
Keep reading about Hilarious windshield notes left on cars
These drivers won’t walk away without leaving a passive-aggressive note on the car’s windshield expressing to them exactly how they feel. Some of the notes that people leave are downright outrageous.

We have come up with a collection of the best of the best. The most hilarious notes people have left, not afraid to show exactly how they feel. Sit back and enjoy, you are about to go on a very entertaining ride.
Some Encouragement
It makes sense that strongly-worded notes circulate in this day and age, where almost every aspect of our lives makes us feel like we're pitted against the rest of humanity. If we're not reading something negative in the comments on Youtube, then we're reading nasty exchanges on Twitter.

But why leave a nasty note when you could leave a note of encouragement? It certainly gets your point across, and nobody's feelings get hurt. Everybody wins!
How-To-Guide on Parking
Wow. It’s no wonder that the owner of this home was so frustrated after coming home to find that he was unable to park in his driveway because somebody parked in front of it.

They were so aggravated by the situation that they wrote out parking instructions for the driver and even sketched a little map.
Here's Some Cash...
We're not sure if this guy siphoning gas out of your car is a sneaky thief or a good guy for leaving some cash along with his note. Fortunately, we can calculate how much it costs, and for five gallons of gas, it will set you back at least $50!

Just judging by that measurement, this guy definitely stole gas from your car, albeit creatively, he is by no means a good citizen.
Look and Linger
Do you see that massive note left on the car over there? Sure you do. It's probably there for a reason, which is why the owners left it there.

Perhaps too many people were leaving their sticky fingerprints on the windows, or maybe the car alarm was super sensitive and would blare anytime someone would come too close. Either way, it's best you keep your fingers to yourself.
Do Not Break the Glass
So you're sitting over there, all alone in your car, waiting till your significant other comes back from the store. You notice everyone passing by takes pity on you, and they can't help but wonder, "why is he all alone in the car with the windows closed? Can he breathe, is he overheating?"

It's times like these when you decide to write a note just to let everyone know you're safe and sound and there's no need to break the glass!
Coloring Page
Another genius parking note! This person thought that practicing coloring in the lines would help this person park better.

Although we are sure that they really meant this as a passive-aggressive nod and more like “you’re a sucky parker,” if we got this on our windshield, we would totally take it home and color it.
The Golden Ticket
This person is the winner of the coveted golden ticket! They should be so proud of themselves, says the very sarcastic and passive-aggressive person who left them this note.

We are just surprised that it took over a month for somebody to leave a note for this person!
We’re All Human
Some people simply just want to relay the message to a fellow driver that it would be nice for them to be more considerate.

The person who wrote this note wanted to notify the driver that they should be more considerate of others on the road because, after all, they aren’t bloody sardines.
Office Space
If you didn’t get it, this is a reference to the comedy movie "Office Space." The scene from the movie depicted in this note has become a viral meme.

A lot of people would pick up on the reference, but it would be pretty awkward if the person who parked their car didn’t understand it!
Here’s How It’s Done
This frustrated neighbor took it upon himself to explain to his parking neighbor how to properly park his car so as not to screw him over and the guy to the left of his spot.

He explains how it’s done in a very non-judgmental manner.
Crown Vic Car Club
Today, about three decades since the Crown Vic first hit the road to become the official police car in the United States, but since 2020, the California Highway Patrol retired the last two Crown Vics in its fleet.

So now, it's practically gone extinct, and seeing one of these is considered a rarity. So if you happen to be a part of the Crown Vic car club, then you'll know just how special it is to spot one.
A Noisy Issue
Everybody has lived near somebody with a noisy vehicle at some point. There is nothing more frustrating than getting woken up by it in the middle of the night or when it goes off, and you’re trying to put your children to sleep.

What’s even more annoying is that the person doesn’t do anything to fix their car!
If you're the type of person who wakes up with a stuffed nose every morning just to sniffle throughout the day like a banshee, you already know how terrible allergies can be.

Even if you aren't typically affected by that sort of thing, you may still be finding yourself reaching for a few extra tissues just by looking at this hand-drawn note left on the dusty window of this car.
Mock shift Parking Spot
It would be beneficial to keep some chalk in the car so that in case you see somebody trying to pull off a stunt like this, you’ll be ready.

This driver is inconveniencing at least two people and even more if they keep their car there for a while. Maybe this message will teach this driver a lesson.
Public Trans for the Win
First of all, we totally believe that public transportation will solve a lot of world problems. And secondly, if more people rode the bus, there would be fewer horrible parkers out there.

The author of this note is proposing a good question here. Should bad parkers be forced to take the bus?
Just My Number
If you’re too nervous to walk up to that cutie you just saw park their car and try to talk to them, you can always hedge your bets by leaving your number on a note on their windshield. They might be so relieved it's not a parking ticket or that they might just call you!

Plus, it sure beats the risk of getting shot down in person. The worst thing that can happen here is they just don't call you.
How awful is this? It’s even worse than not leaving any kind of note. Do people live in such intense fear that their insurance will skyrocket? Or are people driving without insurance?

Whatever it is, there is no excuse to act like this! This is making me believe that the world is filled with many insolent chumps!
You Suck
A lot of people always say that they wish that there was a like and dislike button in real life. Well, hold your horses, there is now.

This person printed off a picture of the Facebook Dislike icon and is apparently using them where they are deserved to rate people’s parking. This is very well-used.
Happy Shopping!
Even when you do your best to park by the rules, chances are high that you’ll still occasionally find a note like this on your windshield.

Parking isn't everyone's forte, and that's ok! Especially nowadays, when everyone's car is bigger than the next, parking perfectly in one space can get tricky. At least this guy left a nice enough note, sure it gets to the point, but at least they meant well.
Meet Spot
We’ve got to say, this parking note is a cute one. We might have to make some of these for ourselves to put on people’s cars.

Somebody must have done a very lousy parking job to get this note put on their car.
Parking Space
It's astonishing how many people park like this. All you have to do is check that you're not taking up more space than necessary and that another car has space to park, it's really not that hard!

A basic but often forgotten rule of parking: be a little more considerate when parking your car in a public area and not like this guy who took up way more space than he needed.
Parking Disaster
When this car got a ticket for being parked there for too long, the owner wrote a note replying to the ticket explaining that his door is frozen shut and he couldn’t open the car to move it.

We do give him credit for at least trying to avoid a ticket.
An Actual Business Card
Is that a... business card? Did someone actually go through all the trouble of fashioning a stack of custom-made business cards to pass around whenever they come across a badly-parked car?

Who needs therapy when you can just leave a strongly-worded business card that reads, "Thanks for being a drain on society!" It's the ultimate power move - and it's also really funny. Just don't be surprised if the person you're leaving the note for responds with an even more passive-aggressive note in return
Pretty Please
Passive aggressive notes - the perfect way to say what you mean without actually saying it! Whether it's a neighbor who keeps playing their music too loud or a person who doesn't park in the lines, nothing says, "I'm annoyed with you but don't want to confront you directly," quite like a passive-aggressive note.

It's like the notes are saying, "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed... and I want you to know it."
Mistake Child
The person who left this note thinks that this car owner’s life was, in fact, a mistake.

We get the idea from this that the person was probably parked that poorly to make somebody put this note on their car. Man, we wish we could see a picture of how the car was parked.
Parking is like trying to catch a Squirtle in Pokemon Go. You twist and turn, inching your way into a space that's just slightly bigger than your vehicle. And just when you think you've got it, a pedestrian walks by and throws off your entire game.

Suddenly, you're all turned around and wondering how you ended up with the front of your car facing the sidewalk. It's enough to make you want to throw in the towel and just park in the next state over.
Potato Gang
The last thing you want to do is upset the potato gang. This parker seems to have done exactly that, and now the potato gang is here to seek their revenge.

We appreciate a note like this; it gets its point across without being overly rude. We hope that a nicer and funnier note like this would be effective.
Bad Park You!
This note asking "WHY YOU BAD PARK?" is certainly a direct approach when it comes to complaining about bad parking. It's to the point and lets the parker know that you're so displeased with their parking you had to write them a note even though their broken English.

Surely if they can write an angry note in broken English, you can attempt to park a teeny bit better?
Driving a fancy car can sometimes lead to a sense of entitlement or superiority, which can, unfortunately, cause someone to disregard parking rules or other considerations.

Some people realize they are not the only ones on the road and should park in a considerate manner, but there are also some that are simply not aware of how their parking impacts others. Either way, it's always best to practice safe and considerate parking habits, regardless of the car you drive.
Not Worth It
Despite the fact that this is not a note that was left on someone’s windshield but a note that was generated by the car owner, it still belongs on this list because it is awesome. This hard-to-read note states: “There is nothing worth value in here.”

This is the appropriate response when your car keeps getting broken into. Whoever owns the car is clearly sick of dealing with burglars, so they decided to get their message across in a humorous way.
I’ll Monster Truck You
The note writer doesn’t seem to care about what impounding will do for the car owner. He will not hesitate and to be honest, we don’t blame him. We know just how much that can ruin your day.

You can be sure that if this car blocks this person again, there will be serious consequences.
Please Don’t Reproduce
If you really can’t stand somebody, then there’s no better way of expressing that to them than saying, “please don’t reproduce.”

Well, one driver apparently loathed the way another driver parked and decided to leave him a note along with a condom for safe sex. This is one hilarious prank.
Responding in Kind
It seems that people often don't get how important expressing themself is, especially when it comes to leaving notes for random strangers. Thankfully, there are some fellow humans who are more than happy to respond in a kindly manner.

Hopefully, we can all learn a lesson here and see just how silly we look when we write an angry note in the vain hope that someone else might understand our frustrations.
Have A Nice Day
Hold up, we actually found a note that says something nice! What a delightful change of pace from the typical notes found on so many cars. In a wasteland of notes left on cars, complimentary notes stand out as the hero we didn't know we needed.

With so much negativity out there, giving a genuine compliment can really make someone's day. A simple little note from a stranger can do that.
Cute Bunny
As the human species relies less and less on words to communicate, pictures have taken on a crucial role in helping us convey just how annoyed we are at our fellow drivers.

This note straddles a fine line between adorable and just plain mean, but it certainly gets one's point across. As easy as they are to fire off, notes like these can be infuriating to receive, despite the cute bunny!
With Hate
Instead of using harsh words or cursing whoever moved their bins to the park, they were super polite, but somehow the message still came shining through.

Just in case the recipient of the note got confused by all the kind words and the heart decoration, the sign-off could not be clearer.
Public Parking
We've all had awkward exchanges with people about parking. Complaining about someone taking a free parking space is how some people let others know they're entitled freeloaders. It's a particularly obnoxious note to receive - I mean, c'mon, public parking is meant for the public, that means everyone.

Unfortunately, some people don't realize this and somehow think it's perfectly reasonable for them to reserve public parking spaces for themselves while leaving rude notes like this.
Ford 3:50
Some people like using Bible verses to express their low-key aggression on social media, so it's not surprising that this little nugget of hostility has carried over to parking notes. While it's not an actual Bible verse, it's just made to look like one.

Is it just me, or does making a card look like a Bible verse seem a little infantile? Then again, it is a pretty creative way to let someone know you disapprove of their parking, albeit a little childish.
We All Scream – at This Guy
There is nothing quite like cold ice cream on a hot summer day. This poor guy just wanted to share that experience with his family on a lazy Saturday, but his plans went awry because someone decided to double park their brand-new Nissan Altima.

It’s a good thing he let this driver know the consequences of his actions.
That's A Paddlin'
Anyone who's familiar with the TV show "The Simpsons" will probably know how funny this meme became. While it's hard to convey what memes mean out of context, I'll try my best.

“That's a paddlin'” is a reference to a character on the Simpsons who would take minor misbehaviors and say, “that's a paddlin',” meaning he was going to punish the offender by hitting them with a paddle. “Parking in other people's spots? That's a paddlin'."
Brace Yourselves
Although 'Game of Thrones' had aired its last episode, we are not going to risk any spoilers. Instead, we will just explain the note that was left on this windshield.

On the show, the Lannisters are famously known for executing anyone who gets in their way. Accordingly, whoever parked here should definitely feel threatened and start watching their backs.
Never Get In
The person who wrote this note has quite a sense of humor. They put their complaints in an easy-to-understand manner while making a joke. Making sure that the whole matter was as civilized as possible. Is it hurtful and offensive? Yes. But it's also a little funny if you don't take it personally.

Angry cards with jokes are not like other notes left on cars. They aren't quite the passive-aggressive notes you most often find or the mean scribbles left by most people. These are quite special in that they show someone took great consideration when making them. So appreciate them, and just know, someone took a lot of time to let you know they think your parking is so bad, it deserves a card.
Feeling Like a Star
Sarcasm is the perfect outlet to deal with a person who habitually blocks the path people use to walk on.

In the meantime, he uses some guilt-tripping to share that he is very broke and sick of getting ticketed over and over again.
A Particular Set of Skills
Whoever wrote this note has certainly taken some cues from Liam Neeson’s convincing portrayal in the movie "Taken." Although, to be fair, in the film, Neeson plays a father whose daughter was kidnapped.

Here the threats are directed at someone who can’t park, but nonetheless, if they don’t follow instructions, they will be found and – boxed in!
Nothing to Steal Here
Despite the fact that this is not a note that was left on someone’s windshield but a note that was generated by the car owner, it still belongs on this list because it is awesome.

Whoever owns the car is clearly sick of fixing the window, so they decided to get their message across in a humorous way.
Optimus Prime
The legendary Autobot leader, Optimus Prime, is an awe-inspiring leader that selflessly and endlessly fights to defend all life. If he has taken the time to write you a note, letting you know how he disapproves of your "horribly executed parking," then you know you messed up!

There are a few who rival Optimus Prime's prowess. He is easily the strongest of any Autobot his size. If you're not vigilant, you could easily land yourself on the dark side and end up friends with Megatron.
Let the Games Begin
The hit horror franchise, 'Saw,' is about a killer named jigsaw who wears a mask and makes people play deadly games. This windshield note should make a little more sense now.

The car owner is clearly sick of the little payment slips you have to leave on your windshield or risk getting a ticket.
Making Babies Cry
When you’re on the way back to your car, and you see a note attached to your windshield, it just makes your heart drop. More often than not, it's going to be negative, and finding a note like this can pretty much ruin your day.

While bad parking jobs happen all around the world, some joyless complainers are having a tough time dealing with those kinds of people. Some people just park terribly, but while many are getting on with their lives, there's always going to be that one person who enjoys leaving an angry note.
Just Letting You Know
It must be nice for this note to be the first thing you see in the morning before getting in your car.

Not only do you not want to imagine two animals mating in your car, but you start to seriously wonder whether the person that left this note was trying to be friendly or cheeky.
Free Bread
This person was considerate enough to leave a free snack along with his note. While the 'STOP PARKING HERE' message is pretty clear, the hilariously placed slices of bread on the windshield should soften the blow of the note.

At least the car owner can make themselves a nice sandwich while they look for a new parking space.
Getting Creative
While this note is definitely one of the more passive-aggressive ones, you do have to give its creator credit for creativity.

Not only did they go through the trouble of printing an actual note, but they added a cute, colorful drawing of a ferret.
Let That Be a Lesson
When you write an angry-yet-funny note, you get that note posted online. When you get that note posted online, it turns viral.

When it turns viral, you make people laugh. When you make people laugh, that note becomes a little less angry and a little funnier. Good job.
Happy Bad Parking Day!
We always say that fighting is best done with glitter. This party car is going to take hours to clean, making the driver fully regret acting like an idiot.

Our only question is how did they get the balloons inside the car, and what exactly are they filled with?
Doing Business
Did someone actually go through all the trouble of fashioning a stack of custom-made business cards to pass around whenever they come across a badly-parked car?

Also, if Jesus, in fact, took tap dancing classes, we don't think he would appreciate you using his talent to shame other people for their terrible parking skills.
Tiny Car
It’s a tale as old as time: An ambitious driver parks their small car in a decently sized parking spot, only to return from their errands to find a mysterious note that doesn't even make sense.

Is this a cryptic letter where small and tiny mean something totally different? Maybe the mystery will be solved in a subsequent note. Maybe it's part of a grand scheme to write out the lyrics of a new song but can only be revealed once the master plan has been achieved. Life sure is full of mysteries.
Nasty Note
If someone wants to leave a nasty note like this on the car they deemed parked terribly, that is well within their right. It is also their right to eat toenail clippings and wear crocs.

Sure, it would be gross and depraved, and they would be shaming themselves and their loved ones. But as luck would have it, under our system of government, it is their right to be barbarians.
Simply Put
Some people can't be bothered with signs or regulations. They see an open spot — they park. They need a third party to put things in their faces or they will keep spacing out and ignore specific instructions.

This note is just for that kind of people.
Sign Language
The layers of things not making sense are reaching epic proportions here. Let's start with the bad driver who's under the impression they don't have to follow the rules of civilization.

Now we can move on to the sign. It looks like someone took that one step further and executed the sentence singlehandedly. They must be in great shape.
Super Parking
It seems that taking up two parking spaces with one car makes you a supervillain. Why else would a superhero feel compelled to intervene?

As friendly as Spiderman is, you don't want to make him ask you twice. The driver should be grateful for not finding his door handles webbed-shut.
Feeling Lonely
Pens and papers are relatively easy to find when you need to scribble a quick note.

We all have store receipts or spare pieces of paper lying around in our bags. But produce? That's much harder to come by.
Neighbors Note
Oh, the joys of being a neighbor! Nothing quite beats the thrill of finding a passive-aggressive note on your car. I mean, who needs actual face-to-face communication when you can just write down your grievances on a piece of paper and hope your neighbor gets the hint?

It's like playing a game of clues, but instead of solving a murder mystery, you're trying to figure out which neighbor left the note about your parking.
Friendly Notice
Everyone knows the value of a parking space increases as every space gets taken with new cars filling up the parking lot. This can only mean the last space is the most valuable, and it's worth fighting for if space is limited.

This is so basic even crows know it. One particular crow loves his parking space so much he can't help but assert his dominance by attacking the windscreen wipers of any car that dares park in his space.
Lazy Pants
It's okay to sometimes be lazy enough to get stuck in front of a TV show you don't like just because you can't be bothered to look for the remote.

It is not okay to be lazy enough to park your car in a handicapped spot just because you don't feel like looking for a proper parking space.
Yellow Means No!
This note might as well be in the dictionary under the definition of "passive-aggressive." That's how 'textbook' it is. In fact, we are sure it is being taught in passive-aggressive schools across the country. But we are also sure that passive-aggressive schools are a thing, so it is on you to decide if you want to take our word for it.

"Hello, yes, is this a passive-aggressive school? Great. I would like to enroll. I'll be expecting my angry parking notes starter pack to arrive in the mail in two weeks."
Best Parking Ticket
There's nothing quite like the warm and fuzzy feeling of finding a nice note left instead of a parking ticket on your car. Receiving a smiley face on this note can brighten even the dreariest of days.

It's like a small reminder that there are still good people in the world who take into account your personal struggles. So next time you see someone else having a hard time or struggling, why not help them out? You never know how much it might brighten their day.
Pokemon Fans
The bond between Pokemon fans is truly something special. Whether you're a long-time collector or a new player just starting out, there's a sense of camaraderie and shared enthusiasm that can be felt throughout the community. It's not uncommon to see fans display their love for Pokemon, even putting their plushy Pokemon toys on their dashboards.

Even in everyday life, Pokemon fans are quick to share love and support one another. No matter where you come from or what your background may be, if you love Pokemon, you'll be sure to hear about it.
Some people don't seem to realize that vandalizing cars is illegal and can result in serious consequences, including fines, imprisonment, and even a criminal record! While we all get annoyed with people parking badly, it is important to find constructive ways to express ourselves instead of resorting to destructive behaviors.

Let's focus more on building positive relationships and respecting other people's property. Vandalism is not something that should be encouraged or promoted in any way.
Citizens Arrest
If you witness someone hit a parked car and drive off, there are a few steps you should take: First of all, get as much information as possible, like the license plate number, make and model of the car, and a description of the driver, if possible.

Take a picture or video of the car and the damage. Once you've done that, you can report the incident to the police. And lastly, you can always follow up with the car owner, they may want to contact you for more information or to thank you for your help.
Concerned Party
Someone clearly has too much time on their hands if they feel it's necessary to alert authorities about how long someone else's car has spent in a certain parking space. All we can say is that it seems like there is a Karen in every community.

Why spend your time worrying about someone else's parking like this when there are many productive and enjoyable things that could have been done instead? Here are some suggestions: Meditate, stretch, or read a few pages of a book.
Dinner On Me?
What do we have here? It seems someone has decided to confess their feelings in ink and leave it on this windshield for the driver. It's like a romantic version of "Dear Santa."

Except, instead of asking for presents, they're asking for dinner. Let's be real, asking someone out on a note can be a bit cheesy, but at least it's more endearing than finding a passive-aggressive note about your parking.
A Real Patriot
Is this just a more optimistic take on parking tickets, or can be grateful for a system that works really extend to getting parking tickets? Let's unpack what it means to be patriotic, shall we?

Being patriotic means having a deep love, devotion, and loyalty toward one's country. It means having a sense of pride in one's country's history, culture, values, and achievements and working towards its betterment. Ok, so maybe getting a parking ticket is part and parcel of that deal?
Which Is It?
We can't tell if this note left on a windshield is a vague pick-up attempt or a passive-aggressive parking message. But either way, it's certainly more puzzling than anything. Maybe this mysterious note is the new version of what was once a no-nonsense way to express your hostility.

People often like to play mysterious games in real life, so it's not surprising that this has somehow carried over into the digital realm.
Big State of Mind
Truck drivers are not like us common folk. Or at least that's what they like to think. The truth is that on the inside, they are just as insecure as the next person, only with bigger cars.

Those that do own big cars like to think that their SUVs and pickup trucks convey an image of success and prosperity. But this note writer thought it would be cool to give one of those truckers a reality check and hopefully make them realize how they're not the only ones on the road.
Being Neighborly
Confronting problems with your neighbors face-to-face can be awkward: you never know if they'll go crazy and start harassing you or, even worse, invite you over to have a civilized conversation about stuff.

Well, at least there's one way you can dodge that risk, and that's complaining like this guy did, with a note left on their neighbor's windshield. It gets the point across, and you don't need to deal with nosy neighbors, problem solved!
Spreading Good Vibes
We all can agree that the last few years were pretty rough, making it really easy to become cynical and lose the skip in your step. But instead of getting upset about it all, somebody decided to keep things positive by sticking post-it notes with words of encouragement on the windshield of this car.

What a delightful way to spread some good vibes and positivity to make someone's day a little better and their outlook a little brighter.
Nobody Matters
It seems that people often don't get how important self-awareness is. Thankfully, there are some fellow humans who volunteer to educate them on the matter.

Let's just hope that the person behind the parking violation understands irony well enough and doesn't consider this note as their first piece of fan mail.
A Poem
Once upon a time, there was a poet who fancied himself quite the wordsmith. He spent hours poring over his poems, tweaking and tinkering with every word until he was satisfied that it was just right.

And while poems are historically known for using big, flowery, superfluous phrases, words, and language, this guy found that he didn't require fancy words or grand metaphors. And took a more simple approach to get his point across.
Fellow Fans
It’s always scary to see a note under your windshield wiper… until you find out it’s just a note from another Dave Matthews band fan spreading the love during their Costco run!

A fun little about this logo is that the fire dancer is an original piece of artwork by Dave Matthews himself. It is what he drew after being asked what he saw when he looked into a crowd at a concert while performing. It symbolizes a person letting go, dancing, and enjoying themselves.