Yeah, we know that the troll face isn’t exactly modern by internet standards anymore, but at least it’s a step in the right direction. Taking someone’s laser-controlled mouse and sticking a piece of paper under it is one of the original computer pranks, and there’s a good reason why.

It’s quick, it’s immediately noticeable, it’s simple to fix, and you can customize the picture on the mouse to the person you’re pranking. Somebody who’s been around the internet for a while will also enjoy the addition of this playful lad.
It's Exactly What You Wanted
Let this be a lesson to all the people out there that can't figure out what you want to eat – if you tell someone you don't know what you want for dinner, you might just be getting a big bowl of exactly that, as we can see here.

A boyfriend asked his gal what she wanted for dinner, and she said, “I don't know,” and then that man legit went and made a bowl full of little slips of paper that say “idk” on them. It's exactly the kind of thing we like to see. Exactly what she asked for, does nothing harmful, and it's hilarious.
You're in Charge of Your Side
Husbands and wives can sometimes be petty, and this list is all about it. If you're wondering what this picture is all about, then let's clue you in. A husband was angry at his wife one morning, so he decided to only make half of the bed.

Whether making the bed is something that he does on the daily, or his wife asked him to do it, and THAT'S why he's angry, it's a little hard to tell. Still, this is a pretty nice way to show you're still upset. You're not wrecking anything or disturbing anything; you're just not cleaning as much as you should.
At Least It's Natural
Lots of people bring in their own stuff – purchased with their own hard-earned money – to the office so they can keep some creature comforts of home close. Of course, that means other people in the office suddenly have the chance to use it, and nobody likes that. Except for the thieves, of course.

One mother (at least we are assuming it's a mother) decided to take matters into her own...hands. She's replaced the coffee creamer with her own milk, which is one of the more surprising things to be revealed in an office in the last few years, we imagine. Just use your own next time. Creamer, we mean.
A Reminder of Infidelity
In this example, we have revenge for something that is a little more painful. Yes, it seems her mate wasn't holding true to her, so she decided to use the old noodle and trick him into something that he'll really regret. It's a bit meaner than some of the other options on this list, but he did cheat on her.

And while he did agree to get the tattoo, he was under the agreement that she would get one too. All in all, we don't really see this relationship going the distance.
Oops, I Left My Cart Right Next to Your Door
So you're going through the parking lot looking for a space, and you see some jabroni that has taken up two spaces. We guess that his or her car is just too precious to be squeezed into a single space! You have to keep driving, but you wish you could do something about it.

Well, one person finally figured out something that you can do, just to give evidence of your displeasure. Take a cart and zip-tie it RIGHT to the car's driver-side door. There's no way for someone to miss something like that.
Steal MY Pumpkins, Will You?
There are some places in the world where a porch pumpkin is an easy target. This can mean that you spend all that time picking out the perfect pumpkin just to have it purloined off your porch by a pack of punks. Well, one person decided to put that to a stop.

This was accomplished with a powerful combination of pins and, probably, some glue. Per the usual pin tactics, any pumpkin pinchers will have to place their paws in the perfect place to have any chance of making off without any pain. Petty thieves will probably leave that sort of problem where it lies.
Never Get a Smart Grandma Mad
People that have made it to old age have to have some things going for them. Sometimes it's luck, sometimes it's smarts, and sometimes it's a whip-sharp sense of justice. When Grandma Bernie saw that her children or grandchildren were spending all that time bickering over her money, she knew she had to do something.

The obvious solution was to make magazine ads in as many magazines as she could, with just a picture of herself and an explanation. We hope that the magazines are ones that she knows her family reads, meaning they're sure to catch a glimpse of their granny from the pages.
What Exactly Did You Expect?
A cat destroying a roll of toilet paper is nothing new – and should almost be expected from some cats – but this is clear and obvious revenge. The story goes that this cat was being a big booger while the owner was trying to cook dinner, so the owner stuck the cat in the bathroom for a little bit of peace. You can see the result.

Yes, this should have absolutely been expected, but it seems that the cat is fully aware it was getting some well-deserved revenge. Cats have legendary resting B faces, but this one is a step above the norm.
There Is Some Kinda Story Here
Yes, there's a longer tale behind this powerful bit of pettiness, but it seems like we're never going to get to know the entire thing, just like this one girl who may never get to finish “Scandal.” Of course, there are lots of other ways to watch the show – and the girl could just get her own Netflix, the darn mooch – but this is still the perfect amount of petty for this list.

Annoying? Aggravating? Definitely, but ultimately there's no danger involved, and the problem is easily solved. Just get your own account; it's like ten bucks a month.
Don't Freak Out; It's Not Blood
Yes, we got a little bit of a scare too. While it looks like this fancy white Beemer has been involved in a hit-and-run, the truth is all that red stuff is just jam. And if you're wondering why just look at where that car is parked. It's half on a passway to a mall, but the other half is a disabled parking spot.

We don't see a disabled sticker anywhere, so it's all too possible that the person from behind the wheel just wanted the closest spot, no matter who it's reserved for. This is why you carry jam, people.
An Unconventional Filling
There's one in every office, isn't there? You bring in some treats for yourself or for a specific function, but when you go to get them, they've all been eaten. Sometimes you know who it is, and sometimes it's a mystery. Well, here's one way to figure it out.

We didn't expect to give people the advice “fill donuts with mustard” today, but here we are. We can't even guarantee that it worked, but there's a pretty good chance. Mustard and donuts don't really seem to have flavor profiles that would match all that well. Well, we shouldn't judge. We'll give it a try and report back.
Good Luck, Buster
It's a little hard to tell what exactly is going on in this picture, since the accompanying post is in Spanish, and the auto-translation leaves a few things to be desired. But we think we can piece together what the deal is.

It looks like someone has taken the opportunity to park in the shopping cart section of a store or something like that, and the employees of the store decided they would just continue in their jobs, making it impossible for the car's owner to do anything about it. Yes, we assume this person eventually got out, but it likely took some time, and we bet nobody helped.
The Service Was Slow, and the Food Was Cold
Any guesses on what's going on here? This is the deal. This is a researcher who is standing at the ceremonial barber shop south pole, surrounded by flags, and she's carrying a sandwich on a plate.

Apparently, via a very long Facebook post, she explains that it's for all the men who commented something like “make me a sandwich” on things like her TEDx talk. She then asks those men to ski to the south pole so they can eat it. We wouldn't mind having a sandwich at the south pole, but we'll leave this dish for the people that deserve it.
Nobody Likes a Grinch
Christmas is a time of joy and cheer and cookies and lots of other good things, so how do you respond to somebody that is constantly and repeatedly stealing your Christmas decorations? A little bit of shaming seems to be in order, and that's what we see here.

This guy spent all that time stealing decorations, and the whole time he was being watched by cameras that are, let's be honest, pretty easy to spot under the eaves. We guess that someone who is such a meanie they'd steal Christmas decorations doesn't have a lot going on between the ears.
Let All Things Be Returned to You
Parents often have to stomach the grueling years of child-rearing without ever being able to get any form of revenge, but sometimes there's an opportunity. This dad decided that he would let his daughter know what it's like to have a four-year-old by waking her up at, frankly, a mean time of the morning.

The daughter was even on summer break, so she thought that she was going to be able to sleep as late as she wanted. Joke's on you, kid; now you get to watch the sun come up.
Simply Ghastly Behavior
We've never been, but we hear people that are from the United Kingdom are pretty particular about their tea. Who knew that you could make dirty leaf water wrong? Well, it seems that this lady has figured out a way to get an entire nation angry at her, but she did it for a good reason – sweet, sweet payback for some kind of annoyance.

You might not see steam coming out of a kettle, but you're bound to see steam coming out of the guy's ears if you do this. Next time, just tell him that tea is gross and people who drink it are gross.
Cold, Cold Revenge
Living in a building with shared facilities can be tough. You want to believe that people are reasonable and considerate, but sometimes, that just isn't the case. And while you should definitely not be that type of person, it's important to be prepared to deal with them in a way they'll understand.

That's just what this person did. The laundry thief probably didn't think their victim would have the gonads to retaliate. But boy, they were wrong. This person even told the laundry thief where they lived, so we doubt they're bluffing.
Just Keep Rolling
What's the perfect gift for someone who thinks that the Earth is a smooth, flat disk and not a sphere like all the other planets? Just take a look at the picture. Sure, the globe has a few counties that just so happen to not exist anymore, but we think that can be ignored.

Wow, they even call Russia the U.S.S.R. This is an old globe. And, yet, still more correct than the idea of the Earth just being a disk. If you look under the edge of the disk, are there a bunch of elephants on top of a turtle?
Look, I'm Busy, Okay?
No, no, ignore the cars – what we're looking at is the wall at the fore of the photograph. As you can see, only half of the wall has been cleaned. We don't know why they did this – there's no other information other than what is plainly available to see.

Were the neighbors upset with the people who took the photo? We may never know. However, it's all too possible that this isn't revenge or justice or anything like that – it might just be that they didn't want to risk any kind of ire from someone that doesn't like their side of the wall.
An Act of Extreme Cruelty
For some reason, there are people who like raisins out there. No, we can't understand it either. Why not just eat normal grapes? They have all the same benefits and none of the downsides. They taste better, and nobody will confuse them for chocolate chips if you put them inside cookies. Which you wouldn't because they're fruit.

This person, monster that she is, will slip a single raisin into each cookie if she's unhappy with someone, and we hope we never get on her bad side. We don't like to eat raisins on purpose – much less than to be SURPRISED by raisins.
It's an Old Family Recipe
There are lots of examples of people getting the better of workplace thieves that think anyone's food is their food. Here's another example, and it probably drove the cats of the household crazy. Why open a can of cat food if you aren't going to feed us? For a much better reason, kitty: revenge.

They say revenge is a dish best served cold, because if you heat it up, it will stink up the entire break room at the office. Well, if you didn't want to try and choke down cat food tacos, maybe don't steal my food.
Finally, a Flier Relevant to Our Interests
We got really excited about this until we read the story that is attached. While it seems like this is a real flier about adopting poor old Dave, what it actually is, it turns out, is a way for someone to get back at people who send him, get this, spam faxes.

Not only is he still using a fax machine, but apparently, he's getting spam on it! Nowhere is safe from these criminals. But every time this person gets a spam fax, he puts the number on one of these posters and posts them around town. Does this help? Probably not. But it's still funny.
Never Break Up With a Teacher
Some breakups can go well, and some can go poorly. This one, it seems, went poorly. An ex sent this guy Nick a...four-page letter detailing how she, as a person, failed in the relationship.

Nick decided the best course of action was to take out that trusty red pen and edit it, pointing out errors in spelling or grammar, punctuation, or where details were missing. At the end of it, he left a bunch of closing comments and gave his ex-girlfriend a grade of a mere sixty out of a hundred. A D-minus.
An Escalating Procedure of Revenge
Unless we're mistaken, everything in this room is wrapped up in cling wrap. Everything. Literally, everything is wrapped in cling wrap, and it looks like a bunch of them have several layers. The basketballs, we are told, have about a hundred meters on both of them. A hundred meters each. All of his shoes are strewn randomly through a huge ball of wrap in the bottom left.

Why did this have to happen? Well, because this guy fed his roommates dog food, claiming it was beef jerky. The evildoer immediately had a weekend away, so his roommates came up with this.
Scooping Up a Big Bowl of Revenge
We don't think we have to direct your attention to anything in this picture that you'll miss. If you're aware of the Carolina Reaper, you can probably already see that it's getting mixed into something. That something is what very well might be the hottest pepper available on the market.

It's so hot that the person doing this decided to wear gloves, and not risk getting any of that very hot powder on his or her skin. Why go through all this work to mix it into ice cream? Because someone kept stealing that ice cream. The person went through a few tubs before coming up with this tactic.
Taking It to the Bank
Divorce is a sad fact of life sometimes, but there exist a strange bunch of people out there that manage to make the best of it. As we can see, this guy has re-hitched and seems to be loving life with his new wife.

On the other hand, he still has to pay money to his old wife to take care of their kid, but he decided to make his checks into pictures of himself and his new wife. Which, honestly, seems kind of mean. He also has little messages about how he's never been happier and loves his wife.
Watch Your House? It Will Cost You Five Cents
If you've heard of Nickelback, you've probably heard about how they're the most hated band in existence. Well, we don't know if that's true, but they've definitely created plenty of people that can't stand them or their music. One person was asked to watch a neighbor's house and decided to decorate it with that neighbor's “favorite” band.

Lots of great quotes here. This is because the neighbor started it by decorating the other's home with pieces of male anatomy during a similar vacation away. We feel like this is a step-down, even if it does look like a lot of work to remove it all.
Fun in Apartments
If you've lived in an apartment, you know that they come with a certain amount of noise. Maybe you have noisy people in the halls, screaming kids next door, or people below you that play music literally 24/7. Maybe you have all three of those.

This can be hard to live with, but it looks like the people in this building have come up with a new way to get their neighbor's attention. It seems to have worked getting attention, but we doubt that it actually did much good to change anything between the two homes. Unless they were friends before, and this is all just a goof.
Just Lift Weights and Get Out
Everybody – or, well, most people – have to work somewhere, and sometimes that somewhere can be a gym. If you aren't the kind of person that frequents gyms but still works there, that can mean a few jabs from the muscle heads that call the place home.

This is where we get a sign like this one, which was put up after a guy got teased for his lack of overall fitness. He got his two friends back in such a way that we can't help but applaud. Laughter was likely had by all.
Better Start Hitting, I Didn't Include Air Holes
No doubt, by the time you're in your adult years, someone has handed you a Christmas or birthday present that was wrapped in a strange and annoying way. Maybe it was ten progressively-smaller boxes that eventually contained a ten-dollar gift card to a store you didn't like that much, or maybe the box was wrapped in duct tape.

That latter option is what caused someone to dip his brother's Christmas present in concrete and include a hammer and safety glasses. We hope whatever is in there isn't fragile, know, the hammer.
Go On. Reach on In
So a husband and wife are at odds. The wife wants the husband to help out with the housework, pick up after himself, and do something, anything, to act like he's an adult. He, on the other hand, just wants to play video games. However, the husband is a little afraid of the snake that the wife keeps as a pet.

She then decides to hide his favorite video game inside the snake's home. Maybe that will get him to help out a little around the house. We hope things get better in this place because it seems pretty bad for everybody. Especially the snake.
Not “Die Hard 2,” Trust Us
In some towns, if you get caught stealing from a store (or however else they describe petty theft), you might have to pay a fine, spend a little bit of time in lockup, or do some community service. One town, on the other hand, has decided that some good old-fashioned public shaming is a better option.

You have to wear a sandwich board that says “I Am a Thief” and take laps around the courthouse. There might be a regular fine attached, as it so often is, but we feel like this is a good way to get people to stop using a five-finger discount.
None of Us Will Get Any Sleep
A tiny little drum kit for a tiny little musician. This isn't just to foster an appreciation of music or let him burn off some kid energy – it's because the neighbor lets his dogs bark all night long. It might be part-way acceptable (if still horribly annoying) in a house, but in an apartment, that cannot be allowed.

This little bit of noisy clap back might not create more peace, but it will at least give the neighbor a taste of what they've been doing to the people around them. Of course, the family with the kid will have to deal with it, too.
We Just Parked in Some Normal Spots, Bud
Even in the most casual of places, you're going to find people that park badly. Maybe they're just really bad at parking, and maybe they think their car is more important than all the other cars. Most of the time, people grumble to themselves but leave these jerks be. This is not one of those cases.

This is when people take matters into their own hands in a way that seems to us to be perfectly allowable. The cars on either side just parked in spots – they didn't do a single thing wrong. Oh no, we trapped your car in? And whose fault is that?
You Guys Sure Waste a Lot of Money on Your Addictions
We bet there isn't a single country in the world where you can go and not find a single cigarette butt lying on the ground somewhere. Not even the smallest or least-populated countries are free from the stink and stain of lung darts.

One neighbor got into the habit of throwing cigarette butts over a wall onto a sidewalk, where kids would play with them, and another neighbor decided to collect them. After that, the bag got left with the perpetrator. Who knows if this did anything to stop this disgusting habit, but at least it has a chance.
Ethan Woke Up and Chose to Be Sassy Today
It's on you to wake up at the proper time and get to class that you're, most likely, paying a lot of money for. Sure, you can't make it to every class because of emergencies or appointments or one thing or another thing, but why wouldn't you try?

If you think about it, some of those classes cost hundreds of dollars per session. Ethan isn't pulling any punches when too many people decide to miss class and then ask for the notes afterward. We all have phones, people, you can use them to wake yourselves up.
This Seems More Like an Award
Getting your tires slashed is almost certainly going to be the worst part of your day. However, most of the time, you've done something to deserve it. Sure, you can catch a stray here or there, but it's rare. This person decided that a bad driver deserved this rash action, but not in the normal way.

He or she left a picture of famous guitarist Slash on the driver's tires and a note, which is a pretty nice way to point out, “Hey, park in the actual spots, you loser,” without doing any damage. And a free picture of Slash! Sweet.
I Will Love You Anyway
What's that? Your child doesn't want a note in their lunch as you've always provided during their school days since they started going off with a packed lunch? We guess that's no problem. We'll just grab this napkin and – oh, look; there's a message on it already. Well, there aren't any other napkins, so we'll just have to put this one in.

While the daughters that are getting this message might find it embarrassing, they're going to look back on these notes and find them a great example of how to love someone once they grow up. Surely, there are worse things.
Be Nice to Others
While it looks at first like this is just a work lunch with some Olive Garden, we get to see a little bit more detail on one of the ladies. She doesn't look too enthused. That's because she specifically asked for “anything but Olive Garden.” So...what's with the Olive Garden, then?

Well, that one lady has a habit of telling the person who took the picture (also the person who got the Olive Garden) that her head is somewhere specific and dark. This happens about once a week. Sorry, lady, but everybody else wanted Olive Garden, and you're just one person.
Treat the Chef Kindly
There's a good chance we've all eaten at least a tiny bit of plastic in our lives, but this bit of sandwich had quite a bit more than the average amount. Why does this sandwich have some extra in between the pieces of meat? Well, a guy called his wife a sandwich maker. Not the best tactic, despite the fact that he's clearly correct.

She decided not to unwrap the piece of cheese, and also wrote the words “Not Sorry” on the plastic, which will hopefully get him to wise up. Next time, call her a sandwich maker extraordinaire. That will make her feel better.
Bathroom Shenanigans
The toilet paper roll discussion rages on, but now there are some new voices being added to the mix. Now there has to be a discussion about what to do if the toilet paper roll is empty. Common courtesy holds that if you empty the roll, you should replace it post-haste.

Who knows, the next person that will need it might be you. It's only proper to refill the roll, but how? This handy sign will clue you in. Unless you're a monster, of course. We get the feeling that some of the other people that use the bathroom would rather make people angry than do what is right.
It's Not That Hard to Figure Out
If you want to know what kind of person would leave a forty-dollar tip inside an upside-down glass of water, we can't tell you. That's a pretty good amount of money, but we get the feeling they weren't very satisfied with the service. There really aren't that many other ways to explain this.

We don't recommend anybody do this – if you aren't happy with the service, you can just not tip. However, this isn't as bad as you might think. Grab the plate and keep it flush with the glass to turn it right-side up. Or take the whole thing to the sink.
Don't Mind if We Do!
If you are forced to bring in a snack for your next work meeting, it can seem like a chore. Make things more fun for everybody by adding a little bit of fun to the treat! Fun for you, anyway, since a lot of people won't be interested in even sampling what you've brought in.

We must say we doubt that there is actually a toenail within this cake or cinnamon rolls or whatever else is lying under all that wonderful cream cheese frosting. That would get somebody called into HR. There's also the one person that WANTS there to be a toenail. You don't want to encourage that.
What Did This Guy Do to Deserve This?
There isn't much you can miss from this simple image. A bunch of people covered a guy's bed with cornbread in order to, as the whiteboard over the bed says, turn it into a cornbed. There you go. That's just about the long and short of it. Why this guy? What did he do to deserve such a corny fate? We don't know.

There's no other information about why this happened. It comes to us from Logan Paul, so we bet some of the more complicated details got lost for quick internet points. We know, Logan Paul, leaving out important details? Who'da thunk it?
There Are Lots of Ways to Get Back
If you have a family member or roommate that never puts toilet paper back on the roll, then you know what it's like to want to torment someone. It really isn't that hard, everybody. Just put a fresh roll on the holder after it's empty. It takes, like, ten seconds.

You can even have the next one prepped while the current roll is getting low. If this happens enough, someone might just snap and start coming up with devious tricks and traps. We don't really know where this sign led, but we have to imagine it was a plea to refill the toilet paper.
Hard to Miss
Many of the revenge plots on this list are because of minor things. This, on the other hand, is after a husband decided not to honor his marriage vows. Side-canoodling is only for the losers. Sometimes revenge is a dish best served on the side of a four-story building, apparently.

We really hope that Steven wasn't so oblivious as to miss this big message. If that's the case, then it's pretty hard for us to argue with Emily, even if we weren't planning on it in the first place. One rude name is unfriendly; five rude names tell us that Steven might just deserve it.
Two People Get In on the Fun
Having to deal with a roommate can be aggravating, even if it is often a better financial decision. Of course, if the other roommate doesn't put the empty toilet paper roll where it belongs, things can get testy. One roommate wants the toilet paper thrown away, and does it with a passive-aggressive note.

The second roomie responds to the letter of the note, but not the spirit, by building a small home. We kinda like it, but we doubt it did much to make these two get along any better. Now there is additional trash in the bathroom.
Pay Attention to the Person You're With
This is a weird one. Well, a weird one when it comes down to this list, at least. The backstory of this dangerous picture is that a boyfriend decided to bring his Gameboy Advance SP (the flip one) to a midnight release showing of “The Dark Knight Rises.” He also decided to play it for two hours while waiting in line, even though his girlfriend was right there.

The next day, she decided to let some feelings out by putting the Gameboy in dangerous situations. This includes the microwave, getting close to a flushing toilet, around apex predators, and getting much too close to a clothes iron.
At Least It's Festive
This story is a little complicated, so here we go. Coworker A had to come into the office on the weekend to finish up a big project, and Coworker A received a fair bit of ribbing from the others in the office for being too slow. Coworker B was the most vocal about this teasing, and he took it a little too far. Coworker A wanted to get back at B a little bit, but how?

We think you can figure it out, as long as you've looked at the picture. A apparently stayed two hours longer than necessary, wrapping all kinds of things in B's cubical.
Dealing With a Stink Thief
The cursive font on the piece of paper is an especially nice touch. With the near-ubiquitous use of Amazon and other delivery services, packages on porches have become a lot more common these days. That can also mean some people decide to take advantage of those packages not getting picked up and taken inside right away, meaning thefts.

There can be some expensive stuff in those boxes, so this is never fun. Some people decided to make the most of porch thieves, and leave them something a little nasty instead of cool toys like they were expecting.
Taking Things to the Next Level
An escalating series of pranks can go in a lot of ways, but usually, they aren't this colorful. This pastel-colored car is thanks to one friend toilet-papering someone's car as a simple prank. Those friends decided to bump it up a notch and went to OfficeMax.

They picked up the BIG packs of sticky notes and got to work during the night. It looks like they had three or four colors to work with, so they got fancy with it. There's even some writing on the license plate, but we can't exactly make it out.
Just Give Me My Drink Back
Office politics cover a lot of things. Sometimes it's when music can be played, sometimes it's the kind of clothes you can wear, and sometimes it's “Please stop stealing my food.” It's often that one, now that we think about it.

There's nothing like a delicious fruit beverage to make you feel better during a boring day at the office, and if it gets stolen, it can really put a damper on your shift. What better way to let the thief know of your displeasure than a note like this one? You can own up to it, you know. You can make things right. Or better.
None of Us Like to Be Kept Waiting
Doctor's offices are places that are made for waiting. Not designed for waiting, oh no, but you're going to be waiting there a lot anyway. One person had to sit and wait in an office for a little too long, but that's why he or she carried stickers. Some of the best stickers around, if we're being honest.

They're pretty much guaranteed hilarity, no matter where you stick them. The doctor's office seems a little bit like an obvious choice for our taste, however, even if we bet this still got a chuckle out of someone.
Ah, Siblings
This may very well be one of the more unique entries on this list. A sordid tale of a brother, a sister, a Barbie, a hamster, and some other things. A terrible deed was done to an innocent Barbie doll, and an ultimatum was handed to the mother in charge. Either the boy gets a proper punishment, or...well, you can read the letter.

Honestly, we doubt that either of those things did or would happen, but it's still pretty crazy to think about. Why all these disgusting tactics? What kind of household is being run here? Hopefully, there was a punishment, because the hamster doesn't deserve that.
A Clear Upgrade
Did Ryan Reynolds actually go to prom with this young lass? No, obviously. We bet even the most photoshop illiterate among our readers will see that those aren't actually the man himself, just cut-outs from red carpet photo shoots. But what else was she supposed to do when her boyfriend broke up with her a few days after prom, the cad?

All things considered, the edits don't look that bad. Sure, the hands don't match up, and Mr. Reynolds seems to be floating in a red soup in one of the pictures, but they do kind of match up.
I Guess When We Come Down to It, We Aren't Afraid of a Mango
This is not the same kind of revenge you will usually find on this list. However, we'd be interested in seeing who can come up with the best plot for a young child mango to get revenge on a slain father.

On the other hand, it doesn't have muscles or legs or eyes, so it can't do much to come after us, even if we were the dastardly villain that put an end to Papa Mango. Sorry, kid, that's how the world works. Mangos get eaten.
An Intern Has His Day
Interns getting the short end of the stick is pretty common in a lot of office environments, but this time the shoe is on the other foot. After a pair of office ladies reprogrammed his phone to say “BOOBS” and littered his cube with funny pictures, he decided to have a little bit of fun at their expense.

While you might think that something like this picture would result in the intern packing his bags, it turns out this was a place that valued creative, out-of-the-box thinking: an ad agency. Where else can an intern do this and become a hero?
Telling It Like It Is
Ah, a card for Valentine's Day. What could be sweeter? Well, treating your special someone like they're actually special, for one. That seems to be the message being communicated by this card, which has no love to give for that boyfriend, girlfriend, or other kind of partner that seems to have forgotten to have a heart for the past twelve months.

This might not exactly be revenge, but we're including it anyway since it's still a way to get back at someone after all that misery. They even managed to fit a rhyme in there.
Well, Next Time, Stay Faithful
Not the kind of revenge we get to witness all that often. Apparently, there are ways to remove handles from car doors, which makes it more or less impossible for anybody to enter them. Why was this done? Because the owner of the car, a guy, decided he would cheat on his girlfriend, fiancee, or wife.

We're not sure which it is, we just know the basics. We can't help but say that it's his fault, though, of course, we don't know all the details. Hopefully, he's able to get back on her good side so he can get his car moving again.
Pointing Out the Problem
While we certainly agree with the chalk lettering and arrows that surround this big truck, it's likely the driver simply doesn't care. He (almost definitely a he) doesn't give a hoot that others might want to use one or three of those parking spots. That's where his truck goes. Yes, in all four of those spots, thank you very much.

We can't think of any kind of reason why he would NEED all four of those spots. Other than that he thinks his truck is more important than three other entire people. He's wrong, though. And he should be ashamed of himself.
You Need to Ketchup
Anyone who's ever worked in an office is all too familiar with the stenches that often linger in the break room. Most people tend to suffer in silence, but every so often, there's that one co-worker who will say what everyone else is thinking. The person behind this "sorry" is probably the same person who conveniently forgets to throw their trash in the hallway bin.

Hopefully, they'll change their ways, but they clearly wanted a last chance at revenge for the embarrassment. We hope that they didn't fetch day-old ketchup from outside of the garbage can in order to write this heartfelt message!
The Food Thief
The secret to being a good food thief is rotating your target every day. On Mondays, you grab Gina's yogurt; on Tuesdays, you take Adam's sandwich, and so on and so forth... The person that put up this considerate note thought that by doing so, they were helping a cause.

In reality, what they did was make things worse for everyone except the food thief! The food in this fridge is labeled, which means the food thief knows exactly who they're taking from. The food thief showed them he would not be stopped by leaving his poor victim a ransom note.
It's Raining Cats and Cats
There are three types of people in the workplace: the ones that won't stop talking about their kids, the ones that won't stop talking about their pets...and then there are the single people. Sick and tired of hearing all this baby talk — or furbaby talk, the singles united in coming up with the perfect revenge.

They covered Janice's desk with pictures of random cats as if to say, "hey, listen, all cats are the same; yours aren't special. In fact, they are far from it." We can't help but wonder if they did the same to the parents...or is that taking it a little too far?
As Cold as the North Pole
This person’s reindeer mug means the world to them. It's their most prized possession, and they cannot be bothered to buy another one. Whatever the case may be, they're obviously over everyone else trying to use it! But these office workers weren’t willing to keep their hands off. If you use a reindeer mug all year long, people probably grab it first thing, especially during the summer, thinking that it’s a random mug that someone left lying around.

After all, who uses holiday gear in the springtime? Maybe it’s time to invest in a new mug, buddy! If it really means that much to you, take it home and bring a different one for the office that’s not so…attractive.
Ice-Cold Heart
There are few things more infuriating than finally going on your lunch break, only to find out that someone has eaten your lunch, either by accident or simply because they don't care. So, this person, whom we will call lunch box genius, decided to put an end to this very common problem. And we're positive it worked!

We don't want to know where this person got the lunch box, but we certainly hope they washed it well before using it. Maybe this isn't a revenge prank at all, and some doctors got fired the next day...
Grammar Nerd
All workplaces have their typecast. There is the one who stays in the office way past closing time, the one who brings the best food, the one who brings the worst food, the one who steals everyone's food, and the one who thinks coffee constitutes a snack (it doesn't), and we could go on forever but have better things to do.

One of those types is the grammar nerd. It's that same person who will make sure to correct you every time, no matter if it's in person or in a note like this one. Go home, Carolyn!
Debbie, Who?
In this office, there’s one woman who everyone refers to as the “lunchtime bandit” — and for good reason. You see, Debbie often "forgets" her lunch and is forced to rummage through the fridge to find something to eat. Unfortunately, that usually means she just grabs what she sees, no matter who it belongs to.

The coworkers got together and decided that, rather than simply marking their own names on their lunches, which is what they’d been doing, they needed to try something a little more blatant. So, they decided to just label everything in the fridge that was theirs as “NOT DEBBIE'S.” Hopefully, she got the message and kept her hands to herself. It was delivered loud and clear, after all…
Workplace Biological Warfare
Having someone take the food or drink that you placed in the workplace fridge for later is one of the biggest bummers of working in an office. Maybe it was some of last night's leftover pizza, maybe it was a smoothie that you made before work, or maybe it was all the best bits of Thanksgiving dinner made into a sandwich, à la “Friends.”

If it keeps happening, one of your options is to take this route: Make it seem like you're DISEASED. Mouth sores are a nice touch, and since so many people will have mouth or gum or lip pain on a regular basis anyway, it's sure to be effective.
That Will Teach You to Go on Vacation
So a guy in his thirties decides to step away from the grind for a little while and get some well-deserved rest with his family. While he's gone, his coworkers decide to do a little bit of redecorating and make his cubicle a haven for True Beliebers.

Sure, it was cool to hate on the kid back when he first appeared, but now that's sort of fallen by the wayside. Now you can hang up your favorite posters or litter your floor with fancy stills of your favorite male pop star, and no one will care.
Enter the Nic Cage
This is a fantastic example of someone's workspace being covered with pictures of their favorite and/or least favorite celeb while he or she is off on a trip. This time it is none other than Nicolas Cage, and the people responsible went at it with an artistic angle.

They put shots in the picture frames, they created a calendar, they made a diorama of different Cages on the cabinet above the desk, and they have a little Nic coming out of the cord organizer on the right side of the desk. Unseen in this image is the large picture hanging under the desk. Remember, Nic Cage is always watching.
Curses! Foiled Again!
You may be familiar with an episode of “The Office,” where Jim Halpert encases all of Dwight's desk objects in jello. The picture you see here is of a similar style, but we don't know if it's better or worse. Every single item – EVERY SINGLE ITEM – in this person's cubicle has been wrapped in crinkly tin foil.

The amount of time this must have taken has got to be immense. Either that or the entire business was in on the fun. And just think about how much time it will take to get everything back to normal! Just to be able to work, you'll have to do the computer, monitor, keyboard, and mouse, and that's the bare minimum!
An Old Classic With a Modern Twist
Yeah, we know that the troll face isn't exactly modern by internet standards anymore, but at least it's a step in the right direction. Taking someone's laser-controlled mouse and sticking a piece of paper under it is one of the original computer pranks, and there's a good reason why.

It's quick, it's immediately noticeable, it's simple to fix, and you can customize the picture on the mouse to the person you're pranking. Somebody who's been around the internet for a while will also enjoy the addition of this playful lad.
Can't You People Read?
This picture shows us what happens when someone doesn't care about floor 4's stapler or the rules their uptight boss is constantly yelling over. The stapler gets to go on a worldwide adventure! First, it hits up Disneyland, then it's off to one of the country's best stadiums for a little bit of America's pastime.

After that, it's off to the canals of Venice to ride the famous gondolas and then finally to New York City. Oh, no, look, somebody put a little label on us that says “Floor 4. Do not remove.” Oh well, it's too late now.
Free Wife
You know, a garage sale that has a sign “everything must go” means that the owners are ready for you to bargain with them. They want to get rid of everything as fast as possible. You’ll be able to get all sorts of things for your house at a majorly discounted price.

If you don’t mind having a wife that cheats, she’s also being sold in the sale! You’ll probably be able to get away with her for free since it seems like this guy is very desperate to get rid of her fast. His wife won’t be too happy about this sign, but, erm… she's made the bed...
The Joke’s on YOU!
This girl thought she was getting away with murder, but all of her little dates would soon come to the surface and slap her in the face really hard. And do you know what would also be hitting her in the face? The key to her home. It’s time for her to move out!

This girl’s boyfriend gave her a card that read, “this card will feel heavy.” While she may have thought that she was getting a piece of jewelry, once she opened the card, she discovered that her boyfriend was calling her out for all the men she had been seeing on the side. Sneaking around never ends well, and this girl deserves a breakup like this.
Two Girlfriends
Looks like Steve Frazer has been called out by both of his girlfriends, and now he’s more single than ever. When Steve Frazer’s girlfriend found out that Steve was cheating on her with a second girlfriend, she teamed up with his second girlfriend, and the two of them got back at Steve in a way that only badass women who join forces can do.

You can imagine Steve’s reaction when he understood that he was no longer going to be able to pull off dating both of these women. And the fact that he had been called out publicly was even more of an embarrassment for him.
We would've paid good money to see her ex-boyfriend's face when he saw this on TV. He probably thought he would have a nice quiet evening at home and watch the game while his girlfriend went out with her friends. Wrong, buddy.

Your ex-girl had other plans. She knows you cheated, and she knew you couldn't afford tickets to your favorite game, so she hit where it would hurt. And we applaud her.
This Is What I Think of Your Valentine's Present
After a bad breakup, there has to be some catharsis, some release. All the feelings being pent up for that long need somewhere to go. Unfortunately, the emotions often go into the destructive category, usually targeted directly at the ex's possessions or the gifts they handed out.

For example, this photo shows us that a giant bear with a big heart will go up in big flames once you introduce a lighter. We've never set fire to a stuffed animal (we know, we're lame), so we'd be interested in seeing how quickly it goes up. Hopefully, that's the only thing that went up, though.
There for All to See
For some people, destruction is sure to follow a breakup. This person got struck after cheating on the other half of the relationship, resulting in their old van getting its windows smashed out and plenty of naughty, naughty words sprayed on the side.

We don't even get to see what happened inside, but we bet there was plenty of destruction there, too. Now, this groovy old van is being hauled away, where it will likely be crushed into a cube or recycled into something people will want to drive.
Cool, Free Stuff
Revenge is something we're told is sweet, best-served cold, or something we should try to avoid doing. When a jerk breaks up with you, you're allowed to get a little bit of revenge. Giving his stuff away is one of the classic examples.

Of course, the gal could have chosen to sell the property and make a few bucks, but this is just as good. We see a poster in there as well as something that ends with "-softener," which could start with water-, stool-, or several other things. This not only gets rid of some trash but embarrasses him as well! Nice.