Some people love them, other people hate them – but at some point in your life, you’ve probably had a name made up for you that has been adopted for the entire course of your relationship.

It’s a loving, less formal way of referring to each other, and when you really get into it, it can be kinda fun, as long as your girl doesn’t use your pet name next to anyone else.
The Covers Are Mine!
Ever shared your bed with your girlfriend and awoken in the middle of the night feeling very breezy? Then, bleary-eyed, you notice your covers appear to be completely missing.

Well, not completely - they’re just on the other side of the bed, they were stolen! But by whom? By your own beloved girlfriend. It’s kinda funny, but also kinda annoying. This would be a great time to snuggle on over and cuddle your girlfriend, while expertly sneaking the covers back over to your side.
Leg Hair, Don’t Care
At the beginning of the dating period, we all try to put our best face forward, quite literally. It's all fancy perfume, good hair, and silky smooth bodies.

But, as time goes on and love grows, a slight layer of fuzz starts to grow as well. It's only natural, as with time we learn to truly accept our partners for who they are, including their body hair.
Toilet Etiquette
This one comes up a lot in conversations with friends and colleagues - the embarrassment of using the bathroom around your partner for the first couple of times.

According to our sources, guys actually find it kinda funny when their girlfriends are anxious to use the bathroom next to them. Weirdly enough, they know women are human and have bodies just like the rest of us. When they need to go, they need to go, and that's perfectly normal!
Staying In
When you first start dating, it’s all bright and new, shiny and fancy. You might go to a lavish restaurant or spend money a little more liberally - because both parties are out to impress one another! But as time goes on, the dates become a bit more casual - and all your girlfriend might want is to stay in wearing hoodies and ordering Thai food.

It’s cheaper, it’s cozier and it’s less effort. But hey, the occasional night out is good for the soul too!
Shameless Nudity
Let's face it, usually, once you've seen someone naked, there's not much to see anymore, and shame goes out the door! At the beginning of the relationship, nudity is usually more suggestive, but later on, most girlfriends put their own comfort first, and there's nothing more comfortable than being clothless!

It’s kinda funny to see your significant other just doing life activities at home in their birthday suit. You know, like paying bills or vacuuming.
Wearing All Of Your Clothes
Ah yes, the famed boyfriend hoodie. The boyfriend jeans. The boyfriend’s underwear, cologne…basically everything that isn’t theirs. Sure, boyfriend jeans and boyfriend jackets are an actual style. It’s the oversized, baggy look that all girlfriends covet when they’re in a relationship.

But we know that deep down, or maybe not deep down, boyfriends love seeing their girlfriends in their gear, not to mention having it smell like her perfume.
Food Please
Usually, the old adage goes something like: "The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach." But this also applies to women! Lots of girlfriends enjoy a good meal, regardless of the cost. As long as it’s fresh and hot or if it’s chocolate or whatever they’re craving, it’s a love language in itself.

We just think it’s funny how girlfriends often want or need two things to be happy - cuddles and food. So support a girlfriend, give her food and give her a hug, and you’ll have her heart forever.
You Were Mean in My Dream!
Uh oh..not the mean dream boyfriend! Ever had your girlfriend wake you in the middle of the night or look at you differently the next day, only for it to leave you totally confused? Yeah, it’s tough trying to explain the actions of your character in their dream.

It’s also pretty hilarious - especially trying to tell your girlfriend that you’d never do this awful thing in real life. Don’t sweat it, people, it happens. We trust you.
Saying ‘I Love You’
Getting to the stage of saying “I Love You” is a pretty big deal for most couples. Many times you’ll find one person will easily say it and hope for the same response back. So nerve-wracking. Every time is tough!

We’ve noticed some girlfriends are playing into a TikTok trend of not saying “I love you” back to their S/O, with some hilarious and very cute results.
PDA, No Way!
Whether you are a fan or not, public displays of affection happen. Some girlfriends have a strict policy against them, it makes them feel awkward to have everyone see them kissing in public.

It's almost cute how shy they get around other people, and it just makes us love them even more. It's fine, we can save the kissing for when we're in private!
PDA, Yes Way!
Here’s to all the ladies that love a bit of P-D-A! They’ll take all the cuddles, the smooches, the waist grabs, the grabs from behind - all of it! It's so much fun when your girlfriend wants to gallivant around and proclaim your love so publicly.

Even if it might embarrass you to get a kiss on the cheek in front of your family or friends, at the end of the day, it's still a sweet gesture.
My Best Friend
Don't you just love it when your girlfriend tells you that you are her best friend? At the end of the day, we’re all just searching for a partner, a buddy, that will be with us for a long time.

Sure, it may not be forever, but we all like the idea of having a best friend that will be here for us. Most guys and girls are down to be the number one supporter and confidante, and we all love to hear that we're someone's best friend!
Going C-Sharp
Apparently, this is called love-speak, but hey, we don’t know how true that is. If a girl is in-love, she might talk to their significant other in a higher pitch. It doesn’t matter if the guy doesn’t like it, it’s just a thing that some gals do.

A scientific journal says that some humans alter their voices to appear or sound more attractive to prospective partners. We’re just animals after all, eh?
Your Food is My Food
“Can I just have a bite?” Boy oh boy, we’ve all heard that one. Girls say they aren’t hungry and then you notice your plate being pulled across the table over to them…before it gets basically inhaled.

This one kinda sucks, but it's a natural part of sharing your life with someone. Just accept the fact that any food you order from now on will be shared.
Spontaneous Gifting
You come home after your day’s ended and you find a little package or a gift waiting for you, with your girlfriend looking at you impatiently to open it. We love a spontaneous gift.

It’s just like how when a guy shows up with flowers in hand as a surprise. Spontaneous gifts just mean that they were thinking of you and want to spoil you!
Falling Asleep Mid-Sentence
“Babe can you- zzzzz” - has this ever happened to you, guys? Not everyone has the ability to just fall asleep at the drop of a hat, but there are some people that do have this talent.

Also if we dig a bit deeper, take it as a compliment, don’t be annoyed. Clearly, your girlfriend feels safe around you, and safe enough to be comfortable to fall asleep and know all will be well.
Has your girlfriend ever buried her nose into your neck? It’s definitely a thing. You don’t even need cologne for your girlfriend to do this.

We also know that part of this just has to do with chemistry and our pheromones - over time, we develop a strong feeling for our partner’s smell, and their aroma becomes something we associate with good things! So don’t think it’s weird, it’s cute and it’s affectionate. Embrace it.
Sleeping in the Fetal Position
Gals just love curling up into a cute little ball on the couch, or in bed. After surveying the women in our office, we can confirm that this is indeed a thing. It’s very comfy.

You can always know when your girl is about to drift off to sleep when their legs curl up to their chest and they hold their hands close to their bodies. So adorable. Like when a pup circles before sitting down, it's a pre-bed routine.
Good Morning Texts
Honestly, one of the best things about being in a relationship or a least having a significant other is the cute good morning texts you wake up to and/or send.

Seeing your S/O’s name light up your phone with a cute greeting just really sets a good vibe for the day, doesn’t it? We’re also super romantic at heart, so it's these little things that make us feel loved or appreciated.
Mood Swings
One minute they’ll be cuddling you and whispering sweet things in your ear, the next they are giving you the stink eye and pushing you away.

Many gals have mood swings that you can’t prepare for in any way shape or form and sometimes you’ve just gotta roll with it. It happens to everyone, we’re all human, we bet it happened to you too!
Get Excited Over Little Things
You know that little dance your girlfriend does when she either eats a delicious bite of some new food, or she’s really feeling her outfit? There's nothing like seeing her get really excited over the little things.

Those things are actually what makes up our lives and it's always adorable to see someone cherish them! It can just make your heart melt a little bit. It's just like having a hundred little puppies run over you and lick you!
Freaking Out About What to Wear
Maybe this is less loveable and more annoying and anxiety-inducing for most boyfriends. In the history of relationships, this is one of these things that cause both giggles and fights.

You know, the classic “does my behind look big in this?” We’re sure that if you’re someone with a girlfriend, you’ve experienced the wardrobe freak out. You might love them in every outfit, but they just can't see it!
When She Wants to Be the Big Spoon
It's usually clear that the bigger person should be the big spoon, but many girlfriends want to try their hand at it! It's actually kinda charming when your loved one wants to wrap herself around you like a baby koala.

Being the little spoon is underrated, and being the big spoon is definitely overrated! So from girlfriends to boyfriends - just let them do it, let them be the big spoon. We promise you’ll like it.
Cute Names
Some people love them, other people hate them - but at some point in your life, you’ve probably had a name made up for you that has been adopted for the entire course of your relationship.

It's a loving, less formal way of referring to each other, and when you really get into it, it can be kinda fun, as long as your girl doesn't use your pet name next to anyone else.
Fighting For Attention
This is a really common one for girlfriends! The scowl, the crossed arms and legs, and the silence. Even with all of the body language and normal language that’s pointing to “leave me alone, give me some space,” when you get up to leave, you get a tug at your jacket or a “where are you going?”

Just stay in the same room with her. Hang out for a bit and the tension should dissipate. You’re welcome.
Detective Girlfriend
Instagram made it so easy to track what is going on where and who is liking what. Girlfriends tend to have this somewhat annoyingly cunning habit of stalking their boy and trying to find out every tiny bit of information they can.

At the beginning of the relationship, it can be attractive as it just means they want to figure you out. Later on... it might cause fights.
The Green-Eyed Monster
When you get into a relationship, it's natural to feel insecure, especially when you see their phone light up, or notice them flirting with someone else. Girlfriends have earned themselves a bad reputation for being jealous, however, a little bit of it can be healthy in a relationship.

You have to admit it can feel kind of nice to see her getting all worked up, asking who you're talking to. Just don’t let it wreck your relationship!
Taking You Shopping
Many girls complain to their friends about their other half's fashion sense and limited wardrobe. On the first date they see a shirt, the second they see a different shirt…and then by the tenth date, they realize that their boyfriend only has two shirts, and they're both ugly.

The reason your girlfriend always wants to go shopping with you isn’t so you can buy them things, but so you can buy yourself new clothes and look better.
What Do You Want To Eat?
This one is as old as time - the dilemma of what to choose to eat. You’d think that considering the fact we have to consume thousands of meals in our lifetime, it wouldn’t be too difficult of a decision to make.

Many girlfriends don’t like being put on the spot by their S/O - and often they’ll say “you pick”, only to be in a slight mood for not eating what they truly wanted. Speak up for yourselves, please!!
Do It, But do It My Way
This one is probably less entertaining and more accurate. We know this happens in all relationships, someone feels like there's just one right way to do things. Maybe your girl thinks there's a certain way of doing the dishes, frying eggs, or making coffee.

It’s the little things that matter and that are noticed by many girlfriends! They want you to do everything their way, anything else is well..sub-par.
Touching Your Face
Girlfriends are obsessed with their boyfriends, particularly at the beginning. And hey, if touch is one of their love languages, there’s a guarantee that they’ll be touching all of you, including your face.

It’s intimate, it’s the main way that we interact with people and how we communicate. So it makes sense. It’s also super adorable. Tickling your beard, face, kissing your eyes, nose…ahh…relationships. Cute.
Repeatedly Ask to Pick Up Clothes
If you’re a guy, we’re going to bet that your girlfriend has asked you to pick up your clothes or pick up your towel, or the dishes or anything like that. But we feel that the most common one is definitely the clothes.

Maybe it was a habit that you picked up in college and then just never thought to “correct”. Maybe it's less of a funny thing, but it is actually a good thing to know how to clean after yourself, so please pick up your clothes!
Asking For Less, But Wanting More
You know when you tell your significant other that you want less of something but secretly you wish they were a mind reader and knew you actually want more?

Girls are usually more guilty of this than guys. Men have a way of being blunt and asking for what they want. Usually, that is, but not always. Women, on the other hand, want you to pry and ask them what’s wrong, rather than just blurting out the truth.
It’s a funny thing when you try and compromise with your girlfriend, it seems like you are the one doing all the compromising. Old school people will say “just let them win, or let them think they’re winning.” But it can be very hard to see the person you love unhappy, and knowing you can easily change that, just by doing what they want to do.

Just make sure you look after yourself from time to time, otherwise, you might find yourself resenting your girl.
Turning Into You
Ah yes, the mind-meld, the merging of brains and personalities. We’re all for individuality and maintaining our own personalities, but hey, sometimes you find yourself being a part of “that” couple.

Whether the girlfriend starts following football or really gets into your favorite movie franchise, there are some points where couples start to act like one another. And it makes sense right - given they spend so much time together!
Pumpkin Spice Everything
So sure, this season only lasts for a little while, but as soon as Starbucks starts promoting their pumpkin spice lattes and other menu items, you know you’re going to get a text from your girlfriend saying it's her favorite drink.

There’s just something about the mixture of cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and sweet milk that makes some gals go crazy! Maybe the fascination stems from the fact that it only comes once a year.
Yelling “Go Sports”
They don’t know what’s going on, but still want to feel like they’re participating and enjoying the game. The catchphrase? “Go Sports!” It’s basically the get-out-of-jail-free card for girlfriends who are not well versed in sports and can't even tell if you're watching a football match or a basketball game.

Sure, it doesn't really show any actual understanding of what's going on, but you gotta appreciate a girl for trying, right?
Making You kill Bugs
“Babe, there’s a…a….AAGGHHH!” Ever heard that one? At least one person in every relationship must be responsible for bug killing. Usually, it's a responsibility girlfriends put on their boyfriends. Even if they are also afraid of creepy crawlies, they are still excepted to come to the rescue.

It's a pretty simple procedure, the girlfriend is the one who alerts her SO about the location in which the spider was spotted. From there, it's up to him to destroy it.
Pretending To Be Cold
Brrr…it’s cold outside! So what better way to make the most of cuffing season than to badger your S/O for hugs.

At the end of the day, the best way to warm up when it’s cold is to find another body and press yours against it. Makes sense, no? So while this is a bit sneaky, it’s also very affectionate, and super practical. Girlfriends will try and steal all the cuddles they can, and we can't blame them.
Complain About Sweaty Hugs
You come home from the gym, or maybe you haven't been exercising, but it’s just been really hot outside. First order of business? Hug/kiss/greet your girlfriend. But instead of receiving a warm, smiling gal, you may often see a face full of disgust. Eyebrows raised, and a “don’t even think about it,” being mouthed at you.

No one likes a sweaty hug, and you should know that if your girlfriend holds you anyway, she must really love you.
Packing You Lunch
Sure, not every girlfriend will do this, but we’re certain that if you’re in a pinch and rushing out the door after sleeping in, a pre-prepared lunch by your loved one is just what you want. Nothing worse than your stomach grumbling at 11 am.

Shout out to those super-cute girlfriends who have a neat snack packed for their man.
Put Post-It Notes On Things
Okay, so SOME, not ALL girlfriends may in fact do this - label and organize everything. Like, your entire life will become organized with post-it notes. We promise that you won’t forget what you need to buy, or which container holds what.

But beware, if this goes on for too long, your girlfriend might start to feel like a mom, and will be out the door after a few months.
Asking The Obvious
Many times, for some reason unbeknownst to us, girls ask where something is, only for it to literally be right in front of them. They will ask “Babe, where’s the ketchup?” Only to be yelled at - “RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!”

Upon further investigation, you might come to the conclusion that your girlfriend turns blind when she is next to you, trusting you to lead the way and find everything.
Laughing at Exes
We really don't want to shame or hate on exes since, at the end of the day, we all have a past. We all have people that were in our lives that we aren’t necessarily proud of, or want to remember.

But some girlfriends enjoy stalking exes and old crushes online and having a giggle while looking at their new life. This is just their way of appreciating what they have now, so just embrace it.
Going Down Rabbit Holes
We do love a good rabbit hole, and so does your girlfriend. Whether it’s a philosophical one, one on YouTube, or something else entirely.

We think it’s a great pastime and also a test of a relationship to go down rabbit holes together. Maybe it’s pondering human existence, or why mushrooms look the way they do. Rabbit holes are fun and they give you a good look inside your girlfriend’s brain, that’s for sure!
Checking You Out
*Wolf whistle*. *Longer wolf whistle*. Guys love when their girlfriends check them out. Like, really check them out.

It makes them feel accepted and desirable. Being checked out by someone who is already dating you is the biggest compliment, which is why guys just love it when their girl seems to really enjoy staring at them. If you're girlfriend still does this, your relationship must be in good shape, kudos.
Face Masks
It's the best when girlfriends come out of the shower with their hair in a towel, and with a new sheet face mask on. Maybe it's a cucumber mask that’s bright green and they’ve got their purple pajamas on and it’s really just…a feast for the eyes.

Guys think it’s funny - until they realize down the track that prevention and preparation are key to youthful skin! So go on guys, get with the skincare and match your S/O with a face mask.
When She Grabs You From Behind
We all love a good cuddle. Especially an unexpected one from behind. Guys do this, girls do this, all humans do this. But it’s especially cute when your girlfriend, who may or may not be smaller than you, squeezes you from the back.

It’s both loving and affectionate, and all guys agree they love it when their girlfriends do this. For those of you with girlfriends, do you agree?
Crying At Things
"Things" is used here as a very broad term. It includes basically anything that might cause a reaction of some sort.

All of a sudden you’re stuck with a weeping mess! Boyfriends see this happening all the time, and while it can be tough, it's also adorable seeing how much your girl cares. Because you know, we aren’t all numb inside, and some of us are actually touched by something cute, sad, or even happy on TV.