As an example of an eccentric hobby, Brad Pitt also developed his own line of furniture. Would you buy a chair designed by Brad Pitt? Probably. A lot of people would. Though, to be honest, a lot of people would also buy a chewed-up piece of gum if it was proven to have been stepped on by him.

In 2012 (which was pretty busy for him in terms of entrepreneurial ventures) Pitt partnered with furniture designer Frank Pollaro to create a line of luxury furniture. The line of furniture, of course, was inspired by his love of architecture and design.
A College Dropout
Acting wasn't the career path that Brad Pitt had in mind. Before deciding to put himself in front of a camera, the man was a college student about to become a journalist. Incredibly, Pitt is a college dropout. That’s right, when he was a mere 2 credits from getting a degree in Journalism, Pitt decided it was time to take the plunge into acting.

When he was twenty-two, Pitt left the University of Missouri (shortly before he graduated) to put himself front and center in the way of acting opportunities. It seems that his eleventh-hour decision right before graduation wasn’t so bad after all.
Calendar Boy
Forever cast as a pretty boy, Pitt's good looks were noticeable even before he set foot in showbusiness. While still in college, prior to him dropping out and heading for Hollywood, the young and attractive Brad posed for the campus calendar.

Can you imagine scouting for good-looking college students for a calendar shoot and stumbling upon this perfect package of baby blues, silky hair, and a jawline that could cut glass? Must have been quite a day. We bet a copy of one of those could be worth a small fortune today. Now we just need to figure out how to get one.
His Favorite Film
It’s typically pretty interesting to hear what an actor or actress considers a great film and what their personal favorite is. It is their craft, after all! If you ask Brad Pitt, one of his favorite films is “Saturday Night Fever”.

He confessed to NPR that the movie was his favorite as a kid and that he found the culture surrounding the plot rather mesmerizing. But Pitt isn't all disco and glitter and he enjoys other movie genres too. Some of his other favorite films are “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” and “Dr. Strangelove”. That's quite an eclectic selection!
His Favorite Candy
Since we usually see them while they are portraying anyone but themselves, it can be very entertaining for the public to discover what their favorite actors are like in their everyday lives. While being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey, Pitt shared that his favorite candy was Twizzlers.

Winfrey admitted that she thought his choice of a favorite candy was a bit odd. Pitt went on to share that he also had chosen “Frosted Flakes” as his favorite cereal as well as pizza for his favorite snack. We personally think of pizza as more of a meal rather than a snack but if that's the way Pitt rolls, then so be it.
His Best Worst Film
Ironically, Brad Pitt’s favorite film that he was a part of was also one that bombed at the box office. Pitt said that out of his body of work, his favorite film was “The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford”. He both acted in and produced the film but despite the movie's big budget of $30 million, it barely made a mere four million dollars at the box office.

It seems audiences were expecting an action-packed western. Still, instead, they got a slow-burn exploration of jealousy and fame that could put even the most caffeinated viewer into a meditative state. However, the film has gained a dedicated cult following over the years, thanks to its stunning cinematography and understated performances.
A Cartoon Made Him Cry
Brad Pitt may not strike you as a man easily given to tears, despite the fact that he is a seasoned actor. While Pitt did admit that he is not one prone to crying, he also confessed that there was one particular film that stirred enough emotion in him to make him shed a tear or two.

The ending of “How to Train Your Dragon” was what moved him to tears. We love it when a man allows himself to cry and be expressive with such emotions. There is no shame in crying, dudes! Least of all, crying over such a sweet and emotional story.
More Than an Actor
Although he has been in many films, Brad Pitt said he prefers being behind the scenes. It's true! We got so used to seeing him on screen that we tend to forget there is so much he can do behind it. The longtime actor said that he actually enjoys producing far more than acting and that he enjoys being “part of a team” that brings a story to life.

Like many actors and actresses, it sounds like he prefers the collaborative part of the art a bit more than the more individualized art of acting. We totally respect him for that.
People with global fame often seem like they have the world at their feet, but that is not always the case. Brad Pitt was, at one time at least, banned from entering China. Why was this? The Chinese government highly disapproved of his 1997 film “Seven Years in Tibet” because they believed it portrayed the People’s Republic of China in a negative light and the Dalai Lama in a positive light.

But, at last, after nearly twenty years, Pitt’s ban was lifted and he could enter China. He was even able to promote his 2016 film “Allied”, in the country.
Recasting Kidman
When most people think of actress Nicole Kidman, they probably assume that just about any actor would want to star alongside her. But not Brad Pitt. When it came time to film “Mr. and Mrs. Smith”, Kidman was in the running to star opposite Pitt but he felt that he had no on-screen chemistry with the actress and was not convinced to do the film.

However, things changed dramatically when Angelina Jolie was cast instead. No one in their right mind could say that the stars lacked chemistry. (Even without knowing that the two became a couple thanks to the movie.)
Help From Melissa Etheridge
It's hard to imagine that there was a time when Brad Pitt was both anonymous and broke, but it really did happen. When the aspiring actor came to Hollywood as a total unknown, he came with just a little over 300 dollars to his name. That's not much.

Thankfully, he had help from singer and songwriter Melissa Etheridge who let him crash on her couch while he tried to break into the acting scene. She even helped him learn to fly fish (in her swimming pool) for his audition for “A River Runs Through It”. Now that’s what friends are for.
A Side Hobby
Fans really love hearing about the side hobbies and interests of their favorite stars as it reveals their everyday life. Brad Pitt has a very interesting side hobby.
When he isn't jet-setting around the world, saying scripted lines to cameras, the actor reportedly appreciates architecture.

His love for architecture is so great that he even renovated a wine cellar in one of his homes. The DIY project he did then garnered the attention of an L.A. architecture firm (“Frank Ghery”) and he later landed an internship there. We wonder how he was able to fit an internship into his schedule, but we guess it comes down to prioritizing what you love.
Presidential Ties
Another fascinating fact about Brad Pitt is that he is related to an American president (but distantly of course). According to a 2008 New England Historic Geological report, Pitt is a (very) distant cousin to Barack Obama through a man named Edwin Hickman.

This connection makes Pitt and Obama ninth cousins. The two met on several occasions, one of which was when Pitt wanted to discuss his concept of green housing and see if it can be federally funded. There were also reports circulating that his ex, Angelina Jolie, was distantly related to Hilary Clinton. What a small world after all.
A TV Star First
Many future movie stars get their start in TV and Brad Pitt is no exception. Before he made a name for himself on the silver screen, Brad Pitt started out in the world of television soaps. Honestly, we see it. There is something about his look that fits perfectly with the quintessential "soapy" look. Could be the hair, could be the eyes, could be the combination.

He got his start, like many celebrities, on daily soap operas. He starred in the NBC show “Another World” and did so well there that he then landed a recurring role (for four episodes) on “Dallas”.
Poster Boy
Another way stars can get their start in TV and film is by doing advertisements or modeling. It can be said there “are no small roles” because modeling and ads are an easy way for a potential star to become more recognizable and it also helps line their pockets while they wait to break into bigger roles.

Brad also went this route. Other than the student gig he had when he posed for his college calendar, he appeared in a 1989 Pringles TV ad at age twenty-six. Honestly, looking like that, it's surprising no one had offered him any modeling jobs before that.
Thanks, Billy!
Actor Billy Baldwin may have had a hand in helping Brad Pitt make a name for himself in Hollywood. How, you might ask? Baldwin was originally cast to play “JD” in the iconic film “Thelma and Louise.” That was Brad Pitt's breakthrough role! Can you imagine it being performed by anyone other than him? Yeah, neither can we.

But we're digressing. Anyway, Baldwin dropped out of the project to take on what he thought was a more desirable role in Ron Howard’s “Backdraft”. Pitt then stepped up to take on the role that would have everyone asking who he was.
A Creepy Incident
Sometimes people can truly put the FAN in FANatics. And the results can be both dangerous and unsettling. One very young fan of Brad’s was apparently quite obsessed with the actor. She was so determined to get close to him that she somehow managed to find out where he lives and break into his home!

It seems that no one was in the house at the time. The young girl then dressed up in the actor’s clothes and fell asleep in his bed. Yikes. The housekeeper later found her, she was arrested and received a type of restraining order from Pitt (understandably so).
Nice to Meet You, Jen
With their affable personalities and sparkling good looks, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston became one of the most famous Hollywood couples of their generation. But it may surprise you that the two didn’t meet on set, at an industry event, or by a magical, happenstance meeting. Oh no, these two were set up by none other than their agents.

Pretty romantic, eh? Apparently, Hollywood agents can get you more than just acting roles. The pair immediately became iconic in Hollywood. They were together for seven years, five of them as a married couple, but now we all know how it turned out: with a divorce.
Wine Not?
It’s clear that Brad Pitt is a man of interesting hobbies and even highbrow ones — you don't see common folks redoing their wine cellar as a passion project and then scoring an architecture internship with it. The actor decided to get involved in another potentially lucrative venture: a winery.

After he married Angelina Jolie in France, the two fell in love with the place. So much so that the couple bought a property in the country and began a winery. In 2012, their winery released a rosé wine and later on a white wine (which was not as popular). Sadly, after the pair divorced, they sold the property.
Grab a Chair
As an example of an eccentric hobby, Brad Pitt also developed his own line of furniture. Would you buy a chair designed by Brad Pitt? Probably. A lot of people would. Though, to be honest, a lot of people would also buy a chewed-up piece of gum if it was proven to have been stepped on by him.

In 2012 (which was pretty busy for him in terms of entrepreneurial ventures) Pitt partnered with furniture designer Frank Pollaro to create a line of luxury furniture. The line of furniture, of course, was inspired by his love of architecture and design.
Flying High
If you didn’t think Brad Pitt could get any cooler, think again. The amateur architect, furniture designer, and winery owner also has a pilot’s license. That's right. If he's ever on a plane and the pilot is feeling a little under the weather, Pitt can take over.

It was his ex-wife Angelina Jolie who first turned him to the idea of being able to fly his own plane. Jolie already had her pilot’s license and she also convinced Pitt that he was missing this specific exhilaration in his life. Pitt even spent a handsome 3.3 million in 2013 on a WWII airplane.
A Life Philosophy
What is your guiding principle in life? Most everyone has a philosophy that they live by, whether they admit it or realize it or not. The same goes for celebrities who, these days, are often looked to as influencers and examples of success.

Brad Pitt’s self-professed philosophy is to keep moving forward. Well, more or less. The actor has said that he prefers to “keep moving” most likely to stay relevant, resilient, and positive amidst life’s curveballs. So far, this philosophy seems to have proved to work, as the man has reaped immense success in fields too many to count.
Bill Pitt?
Celebrities often choose an alternate name from their birth name when they want to market themselves. When they feel like their name doesn't sound glamorous enough (or their agents feel so), they fill out some forms and have it changed. That's how Norma Jeane Mortenson became Marilyn Monroe.

What may come as a shock (though hardcore fans will already know) is that Brad Pitt’s real name is William Bradley Pitt. Pitt was named after his father and so basically, his name should be William Pitt or you could even call him “Bill”. Though Bill Pitt doesn’t exactly have the same Hollywood ring to it.
At Clooney’s Expense
Good friends can share a laugh or two and sometimes at the other’s expense. Brad Pitt and George Clooney have worked together on various projects since 2001 and become good friends over the years. Co-starring in three films on the "Ocean's 11" franchise will do that to you, apparently.

One of their favorite pastimes together seems to be either pranking each other or making fun of one another (hey, to each their own). Brad has even taken some rather absurd tabloid rumors about Clooney and used them to poke fun at the actor — who has no problem laughing at himself.
Really Cutting His Teeth
There are a lot of shocking and dramatic things actors will do for a role but there might be a few things they would never do — even if it means they are missing their chance to win an Academy Award. But, for the film “Fight Club” Brad Pitt was more than willing to go the extra mile, even making a special appointment with a dentist.

The committed star agreed to have his teeth chipped for his role as Tyler Durden in the film and kept them that way till production was finished. He then, of course, had them fixed.
It’s All Greek... to Him
It's always a good idea to impress your in-laws and be on their good side, and Brad knows it. Brad went the extra mile when he was married to Jennifer Aniston. Jennifer’s father, the late actor John Aniston of "Days of Our Lives" fame, was born in Greece and was of Greek heritage.

Most likely to make an impression on Jen, Brad decided to study the Greek language, which certainly was no easy feat. Hopefully, his interest and dedication to connecting himself to her Greek heritage impressed her at the time too. Maybe he still knows a few words today!
Meet the Other Pitts
Fans are often very curious about the families of the stars they look up to. Still, most people are probably not aware that dear Mr. Pitt has a brother and a sister. Just like Brad, his sister Julie also has a big family with both biological and adopted children.

His brother (Doug Pitt) definitely shares a slight resemblance to his famous brother (you don't see that kind of jawline every day.) Doug Pitt has also been in the spotlight from time to time, starring in a 2012 Virgin Mobile ad, however, most of the time he deals with investment and philanthropy.
Basketball Reject
Before he was a mega movie star, Brad Pitt wanted to play basketball. Middle School basketball that is. That was a few years before he shot up to his current of five feet and eleven inches. But sadly for Pitt, he did not make the cut.

He tried out for the sport but was rejected from the team. But ever the optimist, he didn't let it stop him. Pitt decided to create his own basketball team called the Cherokee Rejects and even asked his dad, Bill, to be the coach. Where there’s a will (and a Bill), there’s a way!
Parental Controls
One of the biggest concerns celebrity parents may face is how their children will view them based on tabloid gossip. So, when Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s kids started to get older and more curious, they decided to curb their curiosity.

Pitt confessed that he blocked his and Jolie’s names from their kid’s search engines on their computers. We didn't know you could even do that! That’s one way to keep the tabloid rumors away from your kids. Though, obviously, the kids probably have friends. Friends who don't have any names blocked on their computers. Oh well, there's only so much a parent can do.
The Highway to Success
Many now-famous actors and actresses often relay their hard road to notoriety and success to interviewers. But for Brad Pitt, his road to success was relatively short compared to others.
While not every part of his journey has been easy, the young, aspiring actor was able to land an agent to represent him a mere seven months after arriving in Los Angeles.

That’s pretty remarkable for a new arrival to Hollywood! Other now-famous faces you might know from the entertainment industry have had many years of struggle before getting their big break in the business or before anyone took them seriously.
Extra, Extra
Though his road to fame was a relatively short one, Brad Pitt wasn’t an overnight sensation. Along the way, he took smaller roles knowing they would help get his name out into the industry.
Shortly after arriving in L.A., Pitt decided to take some uncredited roles. One such role (ironically) was in a film called “Less than Zero.”

Starring Andrew McCarthy, Jami Gertz, and Robert Downey Jr., the movie tells the story of a young man who discovers an old friend of his has developed a dependency on less-than-legal substances. In the movie, Pitt played a young man who gets into a fight at a party.
Run Around Sue
Fans love to hear about the little quirks, hobbies, and past escapades of their beloved stars. One rare fact that fans may not know about Brad Pitt is that he used to own a car. What's that? You own a car too? Cool, then you can proudly say you have something in common with one of the biggest stars in Hollywood.

But we kid, obviously, there's more to that fact than him having a set of wheels. The unique thing here is that Pitt's old car was a Datsun which he affectionately referred to as “Run Around Sue”. The car certainly held some sentimental memories for Pitt as he drove “Sue” all the way from Missouri to Los Angeles.
On-Screen Snacks
If you have paid relatively close attention to any of Brad Pitt’s films, you'll quickly notice an interesting pattern. Pitt is often seen snacking on-screen and it’s not necessarily written into the script! It's most apparent when you watch him as Rusty Ryan in the Ocean's Eleven franchise; unless he's executing a highly elaborate heist, the man is either holding a piece o food or eating it.

As an actor, Pitt makes the “choice” to eat on-screen, perhaps as a way to calm his nerves or to add another level of humanity to his characters. Either way, having a snack or two on camera has become Pitt’s signature move.
A Blue Collar Background
Our dear Mr. Pitt came from a pretty average background. No established Hollywood connections or preferential treatment (other than the kind that comes with nearly-obscene good looks, but that can't be helped, really.) Tenacity, humility, and hard work will get you far in life and Brad Pitt has probably seen these values in action throughout his life.

It’s probably because his family instilled those values in him. His mother was a high school counselor and his father owned a trucking company. Both his mother and his father also knew the importance of setting goals, working hard, and not getting too comfortable when you succeed.
Invested in His Work
How far would you go to improve your work? Method actors famously go to great lengths to "become" their characters all throughout the shoot and even for some time before and after it. For other actors, this often means deeply researching their roles thoroughly and even, taking some field trips, some of which, can be dark at times.

For Brad Pitt, one such dark field trip was to a mental institution. In order to prepare for his upcoming role as a mental patient in the 1995 film “Twelve Monkeys,” he once visited (or rather “checked into”) a psychiatric ward in Philadelphia. Hey, sometimes you have to get your hands dirty.
Some Unexpected Roles
When most people think of Brad Pitt and his films, they think of comedies or dramas on the big screen. Most do not think of… animated films. Still, Brad did try his hand at a few animated films!

He had a role in the 2010 animated film “Megamind” playing the surprisingly complex Metro Man. He also voiced the role of Sinbad in “Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas”. His voice also made an appearance on TV when he had a role in the animated TV series “King of the Hill”. The small role was that of Patch Boomhauer in a 2003 episode.
Hand-Me-Down House
One of the elements of a celebrity’s life that fans are curious about is their home (or homes). Often opulent and just plain over-the-top, fans love to see what remarkable homes the stars have chosen to live in. Well, apparently, another point of interest when it comes to those luxury homes is who the real estate is bought from or sold to.

Brad Pitt (who has most likely had more than a handful of stunning homes since becoming a household name) once sold one of his homes to Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi for 13 million dollars. It's like a little entertainment industry real estate bubble.
Keeping the Brotherhood
Fraternities and sororities are truly a staple of American college life. These student groups usually center around a common social or professional interest that the students share. Some people view college fraternities and sororities as a way for students to socialize and create lasting friendships while some may criticize it and see it as a way for wealthy kids to make themselves even more ”elite”.

Either way, Brad Pitt certainly didn’t see an issue with joining a college fraternity which is why he was a part of Sigma Chi at the University of Missouri (before he dropped out to pursue acting).
A Very Special Appearance
Celebrity cameos are a fun treat for viewers, especially when they are mega-famous. Fans love suddenly seeing their favorite star appear unexpectedly on-screen.
Brad Pitt had an especially significant cameo when he was becoming a household name.

He joined a long line of Hollywood stars who came on the hit TV show “Friends” alongside his then-wife Jennifer Aniston. The audience went wild seeing Brad work his way into the plot, especially in a scenario where he was supposed to “hate” his real-life wife. Not only did his character hate hers, but it has also founded a high school club called the "I Hate Rachel Club"!
Giving Back
Along with tenacity, hard work, and humility, Brad Pitt has learned the importance of giving back to the community. This is why, in 2006, the actor started the Make It Right Foundation which worked towards the mission of rebuilding the New Orleans homes that were wiped out or devastated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

As of 2021, the organization has built 109 homes for those who were impacted by the disaster. While it started out with this goal in mind, the organization has since expanded its activity and helped build environmentally friendly houses in New Jersey, Newark, Kansas City, and more.
A Jewelry Designer
If there is something Brad Pitt doesn't know how to do we haven't found it yet. Other than his obvious acting talent, the man also does home renovations, makes wine, can fly a plane, and now, apparently, he is also talented at designing jewelry.

For his engagement to Jennifer Aniston, Pitt helped design a $500,000 (that's half a million, folks) dollar ring featuring a large center diamond with smaller diamonds. And for his engagement to Angelina Jolie (pictured here), the actor also designed an art deco style (16-carat) diamond ring valued at approximately $250,000. He certainly is a man of numerous talents.
An Ironic Twist
Being an actor isn’t all fun and games. Sometimes it can be downright dangerous on set, especially when it comes to action movies. This is why there is such vast use for stunt doubles in filmmaking. The thing is, Pitt didn't use a stunt double when he was playing the role of the ancient hero Achilles in the film “Troy” and ended up with an unfortunate injury.

Ironically, the actor injured his Achilles tendon while performing a stunt for the film that, unfortunately, left him limping for a long time. Thankfully, that was the only injury he suffered on set.
His Craziest Gig
Many celebrities had ordinary jobs before they were celebrities. Sure, jobs like waiting tables or anything in retail are pretty common, but some celebrities have a little more peculiar chapter in their lives (Sylvester Stallone used to clean the lion cages at the Central Park Zoo!). Brad Pitt had a job before he was famous that was, well, pretty crazy (and a little funny).

Pitt once used to dress up as a chicken while he handed out flyers for El Pollo Loco (which translates to the “crazy chicken”). While there are certainly many worse jobs out there, dressing up like a chicken would be pretty funny.
As you probably know, Chanel is one of the most iconic brands in the world, especially in the perfume world. While the legendary brand has had a handful of famous female faces represent their perfumes, Brad Pitt was given the privilege of being Chanel’s first male spokesperson.

While mostly considered a pretty masculine guy, Pitt wasn't shy about advertising a brant mostly consumed by women, and we are here for it. After the groundbreaking offer, he was also in major ads for Chanel Number 5, marketing their timeless scents to the male demographic. Way to go Brad! What a scentsation.
Working Dad
Brad Pitt has a famously big family with Angelina Jolie and the two actors, though they are no longer together, have prioritized their kids throughout their careers.

It isn't easy when you and your partner happen to be two of the most sought-after actors in the industry, but the parents of six have always tried to make sure that their kids have their mom and dad in their life consistently. The pair would try to make sure that they were not working on a film at the same time so one of them could be home with the kids.
Chasing Waterfalls
Being a celebrity often comes with many perks which oftentimes include a lot of money and the ability to purchase a lot of expensive, unique (and even ridiculous) things. Exotic cars and larger-than-life houses are usually the first things that come to mind, but what about… waterfalls? Yes, waterfalls.

When Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were married, Jolie purchased a piece of land that had a waterfall as a birthday gift for Pitt. Now that’s a pretty special piece of land. We wonder if there is anyone else in the world who can say they got an actual waterfall for their birthday.
A Big Prankster
One project that fans were probably a bit shocked to see Brad Pitt take on was appearing on two episodes of the show “Jackass” on MTV. Actually, when you think about how he and George Clooney have a history of pulling pranks on each other, this fact may not be so surprising after all.

The show is known to be filled with pretty outrageous pranks, so Pitt of course partook in the wild plots. In one episode he ran around Los Angeles dressed in a gorilla suit and in another he pretended to be abducted. Now that’s what we call entertainment!
A Big Title
Over the years, being an actor or actress in Hollywood has become about far more than just acting or having a career in “the arts”. Whether the general public likes it or not, being an actor or actress today means that you are now considered a celebrity who holds a platform of influence in society.

After all, this is bound to happen when you have hordes of fans following your high-profile career. Things you say or do have a bigger impact than those said or done by the average Joe. In 2007, Brad Pitt was named one of Time Magazine’s most influential people of the year.
The “Unknown” Woman
Brad Pitt was certainly known to date women as famous as he was. Before he was the husband of Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie, the Hollywood heartthrob was known to have dated Geena Davis, Thandie Newton, Robin Givens, Gwyneth Paltrow, and a handful of others.

But he also dated one woman who wasn’t so famous. In 1994, he went out with Jitka Pohlodek. Back then, she was an aspiring actress with one barely-credited role to her name, and he was sporting the platinum-blond hippie Jesus look. Shortly after that, he moved on with Gwyneth Paltrow. Not much is known about what happened with Pohlodek since.
An Unusual Tattoo
Tattoos. They can be deeply meaningful, culturally significant, commemorative, silly, or just plain weird. Celebrity tattoos are often a topic of interest for fans as they wonder what words, symbols, or even characters they’ve chosen to permanently carry with them.

Brad Pitt has a rather unusual tattoo of the Iceman. Yes, the Iceman. For those of you who don't know, the Iceman is the oldest natural mummy known to man today. Also nicknamed Ötzi, this body belonged to a man from the Copper Age. No one knows why he has this curious tattoo, but you can clearly see it located on his left arm.
His First On-Screen Kiss
Almost every actor or actress has a first on-screen kiss. From what they have shared about what happens behind the scenes, it’s not as romantic as the final cut makes it look. In real life, those things are pretty private, spontaneous, and intimate. On a filming set, however, it's all scripted, planned, and performed in front of way more people than you'd want to have in the room.

Brad Pitt’s first on-screen kiss occurred on a Primetime Soap Opera (it may sound familiar) called “Dallas” with Shalane McCall. Before he hit the silver screen, he was in a recurring guest role for five episodes on the legendary soap.
Odd Duck in the Family
Having different beliefs from your family can truly be challenging and, at times, alienating. It can even be the end of some family relationships. Depending on the family dynamics and how they play out over family gatherings. If the family focuses on its members' differences too much, it can cause a rift between them.

Brad Pitt grew up in a family of staunch conservatives. But, when Brad moved out of the house and began making a life for himself, he eventually became a Democrat. He has been outspoken about his political beliefs in the past but it seems he still has a good relationship with his family.
Sexiest Man Alive
Once Brad Pitt first came into public view, most people could agree that he was going to be a big name. Early on, for his looks and later, more for his acting talent. Still, those two things couldn't be completely separated. After all, when casting for most male lead roles, looking good is almost a prerequisite, and Brad definitely more than meets the mark in that respect.

Pitt certainly made a splash and stole the title not once but twice of People magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive”. He graced the cover of the magazine both in 1995 and in 2000 and it’s pretty safe to say that many agreed with the choice!
Robbing the Cradle
So, it’s known that Brad Pitt has dated a lot of women in the span of his public life, many of which co-starred alongside him or are also involved in the entertainment industry in one form or another. But there was one person he dated that was just a bit controversial. Why? Well, because of her age. In 1989, then twenty-five-year-old Brad Pitt started going out with the much younger Juliette Lewis.

Let’s just say that most parents probably wouldn’t want their young daughter going out with a twenty-five-year-old man. At least not on school nights. Surprisingly, their relationship lasted four years. Not only that, but Pitt also confessed in a later interview that it was one of the greatest relationships of his life and that he still loves her. Will there ever be a comeback? Only time will tell.
Behind the Camera
Since first emerging in Hollywood as an actor, Brad Pitt has taken the path that a number of seasoned actors and actresses have taken: becoming a producer. It seems that at some point and with a certain weight of recognition, high-caliber actors want to have a greater degree of control over the projects they are involved with.

Pitt started his own production company (alongside then-wife Jennifer Aniston) called Plan B. When the couple divorced, Pitt took sole ownership. Pitt has held the title of “producer” more than sixty times and was even a co-producer for the 2007 film “The Departed”.
A Bad Memory
No one is perfect. Not even Brad Pitt. The man has been blessed with many talents, but remembering things is not one of them. One thing Brad Pitt doesn’t have going for him is his memory. The actor may have a lot of fame and success but his memory is reportedly not that great, at least when it comes to faces.

Pitt admitted that he often cannot remember someone he met if he meets them again later on. He said it might, unfortunately, make him look rather narcissistic as though he is “too famous” to remember the average person on the street.
A Fellow Famous Neighbor
Having a good neighbor can be a real blessing these days. And considering the amount of real estate and properties that Brad Pitt has, he must have quite a few neighbors. One of them happens to be a fellow actor! Apparently, Pitt has a famous neighbor and it’s not in his L.A. neighborhood — Brad has a home in New Orleans and so does actor Matthew McConaughey.

The two actors even have houses that are literally right across from each other. In 2014, the two (reportedly) were even seen tossing things to one another from their balconies. Sounds like fun.
Family Roots
In recent years, the ethnic and genetic backgrounds of celebrities have become a topic of interest. People are also more interested in their own genealogy and get their own tests using 23andMe or other biotech companies that can teach them more about their own background. There’s even a show featuring well-known faces trying to understand their roots called, “Who Do You Think You Are?”.

Brad Pitt’s genetic background is definitely complex and, while different sources list different ancestries, his bloodlines are listed as being: Irish, Scottish, German, Welsh, Dutch, French, a little Swedish, and even a couple of others. Now that’s a lot of family history.
His Very First Official Role
We all know that Brad Pitt's breakthrough role was in 1991'a "Thelma & Louise", but it's far from being his first one. Well, what was Brad Pitt’s very first official (and credited) film role? Officially, he first appeared in front of the camera in the 1988 film “The Dark Side of the Sun” as the character of Rick.

The plot is centered around a man searching for a cure for his skin disease. Before this, Pitt had a handful of uncredited roles as well as a few small TV roles on shows like “Another World”, “21 Jump Street” and “Dallas”.
A Famous Vampire
A film that helped make Brad Pitt a household name was the infamous film “Interview with the Vampire”. The morbid story was written by horror author Anne Rice and chronicles a vampire who agrees to share his life’s story with a reporter. In a movie that paved the way for other vampire-themed films, Pitt donned all the essentials: fangs, colored contact lenses, and the best goth fashion available.

Pitt was the main star but the movie also featured a star-studded cast that co-starred Tom Cruise, Antonio Banderas, Kirsten Dunst, Christian Slater, and River Phoenix. It remains one of Pitt’s better-known films.
Fight Prep
Many actors get to learn different skills for different roles. Among the more common skills are horseback riding, fencing, and speaking in different dialects, but martial arts are also very much up there. Pitt has never been apprehensive about getting his hands dirty to prepare for a role and some of his roles have been pretty physical.

For his iconic role in the film “Fight Club '', Pitt prepared (and he really prepared) as the film involved a lot of, well, fighting. To make sure he was ready for the screen, Brad trained in grappling, boxing, and Taekwondo. The training and dedication certainly paid off though.
A Musician Too
Everyone loves a musician, right? Just ask any guy with a guitar picture on a dating app. Those get swiped right on way more than their non-musical counterparts. Brad Pitt must know this too (though we doubt he's used a dating app a single day in his life).

And if you thought it couldn’t be possible, the actor has yet another hobby outside of being in front of or behind the camera. This one isn't too exotic, though. Pitt also takes an interest in playing the guitar. In fact, it’s a little more than mere interest. He actually owns more than one Taylor brand guitar and enjoys playing them regularly.
An Interesting Lawsuit
If you had the funding for it and the right lady to propose to, wouldn't you like to do it with a ring that was designed by Brad Pitt? Of course you would! But it looks like you can't do that legally anymore. It seems that you can sue just about anyone for just about anything these days and celebrities of course can get in on the action.

On July 18th, 2001, Brad sued the company that created the engagement ring he designed for Jennifer Aniston (Damiani International). Why? Pitt claimed that the company sold replicas of his exclusive engagement ring design. According to Pitt, the company also claimed that he endorsed it.
Big in Asia
Brad Pitt’s not just a mega-celebrity in the United States, the Asian community has also made use of his stardom. And we aren't only talking about the fact that his movies are a global success. Once your face becomes familiar enough, big companies and corporations become interested in paying for that face to present their products and services, no matter where in the world you're from.

And so, Pitt has appeared in a number of ads that only aired in Asian countries. He was in a Toyota commercial that aired exclusively in the Asia market and was also the spokesperson for Edwin Jeans in Japan. In 2001, he was also the spokesperson for a brand of Japanese canned coffee called “Roots”.
Some Lesser Known Projects
Have you ever discovered your favorite actor or actress in a film you never knew they were in? It is a pretty fun surprise, isn’t it? Now fans know Brad Pitt very well for his roles in films like “Thelma and Louise”, “Inglorious Bastards”, “Meet Joe Black”, "Ocean's Eleven" and its sequels, and many, many more movies.

But there may be some films that the public is not that familiar with and might even be surprised to see Brad's baby blues in. How much of a diehard Pitt fan are you? Do you think you might know any of them?
You’ve probably never heard of this film, right? “Kalifornia” is considered part of the thriller genre and is about an investigative journalist who takes up researching a string of killings.
The film features Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis as the main stars and is known to be a pretty dark film.

Fans might be surprised to see Brad in the midst of such a dark plot alongside his former girlfriend. This 1993 film is one of the two movies in which Pitt and Lewis starred together. The other one is a 1990 crime drama TV movie titled "Too Young to Die?".
By the Sea
Brangelina fans may have forgotten about this film because of how poorly it did at the box office. The drama “By the Sea” starred the then-married Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. It was the last movie the couple played in together, the first of which is obviously "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" in 2005 and the second is "A Mighty Heart" from 2007.

The plot of the 2015 film revolves around a couple whose marriage is slowly unraveling and their travel to the French coast in search of relationship redemption. The film was written and directed by Jolie but sadly, wasn’t a big hit with the audience.
Cool World
The movie “Cool World” was an unusual combination of animation and live-action that is rarely repeated in today’s films. The only big hits of that style are "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" and the "Space Jam" movies.

In "Cool World," Brad Pitt played the character of Frank Harris, a human who gets sucked into the animated world and remains there for years as the only human being amongst a bunch of cartoons. While some consider it to be a cult classic, film critic Roger Ebert labeled the visual creation “a surprisingly incompetent film”. Devoted Pitt fans might still want to check it out, though.
The Devil’s Own
This next rather unknown film of Pitt’s is also a thriller and co-starred by Harrison Ford. Ford’s character, Tom O’Meara, is a police officer who has a suspicious Irish houseguest, Rory Devaney, who is played by Pitt. While some may think it's weird to give such a role to an American actor, it's important to remember that his genetic profile revealed him to have Irish ancestry so maybe the casting isn't completely off-base.

It is soon revealed that Rory is involved with the Irish Republican Army and has nothing but ill intentions. The film was not very successful and both Ford and Pitt noted that the project began shooting without a completed screenplay.
Cutting Class
The movie “Cutting Class” was considered a horror/mystery flick. The plot may hit a little too close to home for some as it is focused on a violent student. A very young Brad Pitt plays the character of high school student Dwight Ingalls who is wary of his possibly murderous fellow student Brian Woods.

The plot also involves a love triangle between Dwight, Brian, and another student, Paula Carson. While it is not uncommon to cast older people to play high school students, it is possible that Pitt, who was 26 years old at the time, seemed a bit too old to be playing a high schooler.
Fans might have forgotten about this film of Brad’s. “Allied” was a 2016 war film that co-starred Marion Cotillard. Cotillard is a French resistance (Marianne Beausejour) fighter and Pitt is a Canadian intelligence officer (Max Vatan) during World War Two.

The two characters form a passionate relationship while on a dangerous mission in Casablanca. As their love deepens, suspicions arise regarding Marianne's true allegiance, raising the stakes for their personal and professional lives. “Allied” was considered a big-budget film but unfortunately did not do very well at all. Due to its lack of popularity, it doesn’t normally stand out in the minds of Brad Pitt fans.
Killing Them Softly
“Killing Them Softly” might be a film that some Brad Pitt fans have forgotten. The 2012 film focused on a Mafia poker game robbery gone very, very wrong. Despite its gritty-sounding plot, “Killing Them Softly” had a dark humor aspect to it where you can really see Pitt's talents shine.

Participating in that movie may have helped open the door even more to a wider range of roles for him. In true Hollywood mafia fashion, the cast also included Ray Liotta (of "Goodfellas" fame), James Gandolfini (who you probably know as Tony Soprano from "Sopranos"), Sam Shepherd, and Richard Jenkins.
Voyage of Time: Life’s Journey
Now, this next film may have fled the memories of Brad Pitt fans entirely because, well, you never actually see him in it. “Voyage of Time: Life’s Journey” is a Terrence Malick documentary about the creation of the universe. With breathtaking visuals, stunning imagery, and a mesmerizing score, "Voyage of Time" has garnered widespread acclaim for its ambitious scope and profound exploration of our place in the cosmos.

Pitt acted as a producer for the project and he also narrates it alongside fellow actress Cate Blanchett. Terrence Malick received high acclaim for “Voyage of Time” though some may forget Pitt’s involvement entirely.
He Can Speak Japanese
Learning another language is pretty impressive (at least for Americans) and, unless you are highly gifted, it can be very challenging and take a lot of time. But, as we have already showcased in this article, Mr. Pitt just so happens to be a very talented individual.

Because of all of his time in Asia (and specifically in Japan), Brad devoted some time to learning Japanese. Today he is actually conversational in the language and while he may not be exactly fluent, holding a conversation in a foreign language is quite the accomplishment. Especially when it's so different from your first language.
Big Family, Big Money
Today you see many celebrities get upset at having the paparazzi stalk them and their kids. However, when Brad and Angelina were married and Shiloh Nouvel, their first biological child, was born, they decided to take advantage of the public’s curiosity.

The couple sold their “family photos” for 14 million dollars. The intentions were all pure however as the pair donated the proceeds to their nonprofit organization in order to help starving children in Africa. Baby Shiloh, who was only 2 months old at the time, got a wax figure of herself made and presented at New York's Madame Tussauds.
Hurt on Set
For his role in the film “Se7en,” Brad Pitt played the character of Detective Mills. Detective Mills and Detective Somerset (played by Morgan Freeman) were in search of a killer who is motivated to murder by the seven deadly sins. While filming “Se7en”, Pitt actually hurt his hand when one of the scenes called for him to break a windshield.

The wound sounds pretty nasty as director David Fincher recalls being able to see the bone in Pitt's hand! The filmmakers made sure to include the injury as part of the plot, though they did have to reshoot some of the previously-done scenes for continuity's sake. Many of those reshoots required that Pitt acts with his injured hand in his pocket.
An Oscar
Along with winning an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in 2020 for “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,” Brad Pitt also won an Oscar for Best Picture in 2014. Interestingly, it wasn't for his work as an actor. Pitt acted as a producer for “12 Years a Slave”.

While he did have a small part in it, the Oscar was for his work behind the scenes. Additionally, he was nominated for his work on “12 Monkeys”, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” and “Moneyball”. He also won (more or less) the same award in the BAFTAs for “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”.
Officially a Musician
You are never too old to start something new — just ask Brad Pitt! It seems that the actor is now officially beginning a career in the music industry. Apparently, the man's interest in music goes beyond his love of playing guitar.
In 2o21, Pitt decided to collaborate with music producer Damien Quintard to open the Miraval Studios in Correns, France.

The enterprise was not starting from scratch, though. Before its two decades of inactivity, top-of-the-line musicians recorded their music there. Some of the names include Muse, Pink Floyd, Sade, AC/DC, and The Cranberries. We wonder what other musical gems will emerge from the studio in the future!
A Messy Split
Sadly for Brad, both of his high-profile marriages have not lasted long or ended quietly or privately. That's the price of fame. While his divorce from Jennifer Aniston was messy, his divorce from Angelina Jolie was even more of a mess.

After being together for years and sharing six kids together, the pair wed in 2014. Seems like they took their sweet time with that wedding as they first started dating in 2005 and only got engaged in 2012. Sadly, in 2019 the two split citing the classic “irreconcilable differences”. Since then, however, Jolie has made strong claims against Brad’s parenting skills.
A New Generation
Brad and Angelina’s biological daughter Shiloh has gained public attention for her beauty and also because she is the perfect combo of her mom and dad. Many agree that while she has her mom’s smile, her sparkly baby blues are definitely from her dad.

Reportedly, after she walked the red carpet, the modeling offers have already made their way to the young woman who may very well follow in mom and dad’s acting footsteps! So far, though, she has only had one small credited acting role — as the voice of baby panda Shuai-Shuai in the animated film "Kung Fu Panda 3".