Plenty of people love the water so much that they can hardly leave it, even if that means having nothing but water-dominated pictures for their dating profiles. These guys seem to be of a similar bent. But what do you do if you need to get something into your belly?

You can’t just… get out of the water. That would be silly. There’s only one solution – get the picnic table into the water. That way, you can enjoy the best of both worlds. Food while you have your fun in the water. These guys aren’t worried about cramps.
Why Not?
There's nothing cooler than seeing how some people rise above adversity and make the most out of a situation. While flash floods can be very dangerous if you aren't prepared, they can also make for quite the experience. This guy looks like he wasn't only prepared, but prepared to have a blast.

He stocked up on beer and made sure that he had an ample amount of bait on hand to take full advantage of the flood waters right in his yard. He almost makes the flood look fun.
Patiently Waiting
Commercial fishing is a billion-dollar industry that supplies millions of jobs to people around the world. There's no denying that fishing often involves adverse conditions, which have fishermen spending hours out on the water and sometimes facing difficult weather conditions. But, for many people, this is their job, and they must work hard in order to sell their catch to local markets and restaurants.

It seems like these two men have customers that aren't about to shell out the big bucks. Cats, of course, love eating fish, and it seems like they're also trying to get in on the fresh catch these men returned with. Fortunately for these cats, the men are happy to share.
Looking For A Better Catch
Many people like to celebrate marriage with a wedding. The celebration often includes flowers, delicious food, family, and loads of dancing. But weddings are also an opportunity to express your unique self. This woman decided that she wanted to celebrate marrying the love of her life by fishing.

Perhaps they met each other while fishing and want to bring things back full circle. Whatever the reason, this woman headed straight to the water after the altar, or maybe she skipped the altar altogether. She clearly isn't one of those girls that care so much about clothes and makeup.
Making The Most Of It
Fishing can turn into quite an arduous sport. You may be stuck out on the dock for hours while you wait for a catch. At times, the lack of activity can make you feel discouraged and you'll want to just throw in the rod. It's important that every once in a while, you put down your rod and relax your arms. Rod stands were invented for a reason! It allows you to take a break from holding onto the rod but still keep your rod dangling in the water in case something good comes along. If you don't have a rod stand, then you can run into some trouble.

Well, this guy looks like he wasn't about to let the lack of a rod stand stop him from taking a well-needed rest. So, what did he do? He created his own human stand, naturally! But that does look like quite a tiring position to keep up.
Dry Land Fishing
There are two items that you need if you want to fish. The first, of course, is a rod or a net, and the second is water with fish in it. Without one or the other, fishing is pretty much impossible.

Well, it seems like this sign is a bit unnecessary, considering that there is no water near the bridge. I hope that whoever decided to put up this sign did so when there was actually water there. Or perhaps the dude responsible for this has a very "dry" sense of humor.
Fishing Isn't Easy
Fish aren't as dumb as you might think. Actually, some species of fish are quite intelligent, and for that reason, fishing is not an easy sport. Most fishers have to spend hours with their rods trying to catch something, and they're lucky to even catch one fish. Fishing is an art that requires using trickery to lure fish.

However, fish often outsmart the fisherman. In this photo, you can see that this fish so clearly realized that the bait dangling in front of him was dangerous. He swam right up to the poles and in front of the fishers, almost as to say to them, "in your face, buddies." Well, the joke is definitely on the fisherman.
Fishing Is "Reel" Therapy
Nowadays, there are all sorts of different therapies to manage your mental health. There's dance therapy, music therapy, and art therapy. Well, some people are even getting into fishing therapy! If you spend long hours out on the water fishing, you might know that fishing can be a type of therapy. A lot of time you spend out on the water is pretty mindless. You aren't doing much other than hanging out with your rod.

It makes for a great way to clear your head. The owner of this boat is the pioneer of fishing therapy. He is such an avid believer in therapy that he named the boat "reel therapy." Clearly, the owner of this boat feels as though fishing is therapeutic and wants to share the message with others.
For Fanatics Only
Of course, the reel is one of the most important tools to a fisherman. The reel is attached to the fishing rod and is used in winding and stowing the line. You are unable to control your line without it, and you rely on it for catching fish. Without it, you wouldn't be able to fish.

Well, the brains behind this picture decided that reels don't only need to be used in fishing, but rather there's a place for them in home decor. He took the reel to his bathroom, where he transformed it into a holder for toilet paper. On the water or in the bathroom, the reel once again proves to be a vital item.
Where Did He Get His Boating License?
A lot of people say that there aren't many differences between driving a boat and a car. Whereas in a car, you have to veer around potholes, in a boat, you have to avoid much bigger things. Check out this boat whose driver didn't manage to avoid this big rock in time.

While in a car, you might be able to get away with driving over a pothole; in a boat, driving over rocks is a little less maneuverable. There's a reason why driving a boat requires a special license, and we're just hoping this guy had his.
Overexcited About Fishing
You know what it's like; you've got a big trip planned, and you can hardly wait. Shucks, it's hard to even sleep you're so darn excited. Oftentimes, people fall asleep looking at pictures of their upcoming trip, or they might start wearing certain clothes in anticipation of the adventure to come.

Well, this guy took things to a whole new level. He's so hyped up for his upcoming fishing trip that he thought it would be best to not only sleep with but snuggle with his fishing rods at night. Now that is true love. We are sure that his wife is not happy about this. We can imagine that she probably told him 'It's me or the rods." Well, his decision is clear.
A Tangled Mess
Fishing isn't as simple as just grabbing an old rod and heading out to the local lake. Rather, there are several types of rods you need to choose between. One popular choice is the bait caster. If you've ever been fishing, then you know that using this kind of rod can lead to some problems. Because the spool isn't automatic, you must control it yourself and use just the right amount of pressure.

If you don't use it correctly, then your situation can end up looking a bit like this guy is. Basically, what you're looking at is one big tangled bird's nest of a mess!
Age Will Not Stop Me
One awesome thing about fishing is that it can bridge between generations. You see grandfathers fishing with their sons and grandchildren. Age doesn't matter in this sport, and it's something that you can keep doing through old age. That being said, it's still easier to do when you're younger and have a lot of strength because it can be rigorous. But, once you're "hooked," you're hooked for life.

This guy here might have to go out there with a walker, but you couldn't stop him from going out and enjoying his favorite hobby for a second, even if he has to escape from his old-age home. Kudos to him, he is one cool guy.
Eco-Friendly Fisherman
Nowadays, it seems like everybody is talking about being more sustainable and making the earth greener. It's an empowering initiative that requires all of us to add our part. Well, whoever made these is clearly on board the conservation boat.

It's obvious that he has a love of both fishing and environmentalism. He used recycled beer bottle tops and turned them into lures. These little key chains are the perfect gift for a lover of the outdoors.
Family Fishing Trip
Some couples love going on romantic fishing getaways together. Unfortunately, sometimes the babysitter cancels, and the couple has to make a decision. Do they cancel their trip? This couple apparently had no desire to cancel their highly anticipated trip. So, they had to make do with the cards they were dealt.

As we've already said, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. This couple thought of exactly how to solve their problem. While it doesn't quite match up with the steamy getaway they had planned, they managed to turn their hopeless situation into a lovely family vacation. But, we do worry about that crib; it doesn't look like it's very secure...
A New Breed
Snorkeling is an incredible experience. It gives you a chance to observe life down under and surround yourself with tropical fish. If you're lucky enough, and there's good visibility, you'll have the chance to see different species of fish. One incredible experience down under is seeing schools of fish, especially when you get caught smack in the middle of one. You become one with the fish, literally.

This snorkeler dove down under with what appears to be quite a talented friend. His friend snapped a well-timed picture of him, just as a fish was swimming near his head, making him look like a fishhead. Next time you're about to reel in your catch, you might want to jump down under and see what you're missing out on! You may just catch a wonderful surprise!
Fishing with Your Daughter
This is one way to bring your daughter on a fishing trip. This kind dad must have tried everything to get his daughter to join him on his adventures. Who knew that all you need is a cute little pink fishing rod? While this little thing looks more like a toy, there is simply no denying that it did the job.

We just wonder if it comes in adult size too!
Urban Fishing
Who needs the sea, rivers, lakes, or even ponds when you have your city sewer right at your disposal? Perhaps there is a whole new kind of fish species swimming under those things. We just hope he doesn’t catch a rat, actually, come to think of it; it seems a lot more likely.

That would be a bit discouraging. Perhaps after testing these waters, he'll opt for a lake or something.
Look What I Got
By the excited look on her face, she didn't expect to do much catching that day. Guess she got a little more than she bargained for because that fish is almost the same size as her.

Is it possible that she caught it with her bare hands? Perhaps she got a little bit of help from a friend.
The Real Expert is in Town
Whoever thinks fishing is a man's thing is seriously mistaken. Fishing is a waiting game, and that is one thing women are really good at. This gal clearly showed some serious perseverance when she pulled this monster fish out of the water. Move aside, boys.

Side note: that is going to be one tasty meal later on.
Pride and Joy
Like many have proved to us before, people often get fishing wrong. It sure is no easy act, and when you catch that first fish, there is no greater feeling of accomplishment. This lady tells us with that smile just how awesome it is to show the 'fruits' of that hard work.

By the look of that happy expression, this probably was her first fish of the day.
Worst Catch Ever
What on Earth is going on here? Maybe this teen got grounded on the day she wanted to go fishing, and she decided to get creative. We have to say it, though, we couldn't think of a better thing to use as bait than a dollar. This teenager is definitely onto something.

As far as the catch goes, we seriously hope that fishing rod came out empty.
The Slippery Slip
It's OK, buddy; it happens to everybody who's trying to fish at one point or another. Fish are slippery; there's no way to get around that, even if you're an actual pro and not a Berkeley grad who decided to go fishing with his buddy.

But hey, this picture will be a permanent reminder of how much fun they had in the lake that day. And hopefully, that fish landed inside the net!
Fish Are Terrifying
This kid is not happy. At all. His dad is giddy from his catch, and the grandmother is smiling and proud, but that little kid looks like he just saw the Boogeyman. Don't worry, kid, fish will seem less terrifying as you grow older.

Plus, we're sure you'll forget all about it once you have some delicious fried fish for dinner.
No Worries at All
After getting over the very serious fact that your boat just went down, you have to laugh at the irony of this picture. These men probably decided to name their boat "No Worries" as a way to bring good luck.

Little did they know they should've named it "Start Screaming for Help."
A Different Kind of Fishing
This girl just wanted to do some sunbathing while she read, but it seems these fishermen decided this was the perfect spot to catch something that day. Maybe she was one of these fishermen's girlfriends or daughter, although we doubt they wouldn't have warned her about sunbathing someplace else that day.

All we know is these fishermen are highly unlike to catch anything with that view distracting them.
They Tried to Warn Him
This guy didn't want to believe his friends when they tried to warn him of imminent global warming. He was determined to do some ice fishing, no matter the cost.

But let's face it, he really didn't think this thing through. Even if he catches an amazing fish, how in the world is he going to get it back to solid ground?!
The Fish That Caught a Human
This picture is so fantastic that it's hard to figure out what's going on here. Did this fish catch that human, or did this weird guy just decide to attempt a rare form of fishing for the sake of snapping this photo? Whatever the case, this is definitely one for the family album.

Then again, you have to give this man credit. He knew that the fish should be the center of attention in any fishing photo.
"Move Over; I Was Fishing Here First"
The man in this hilarious and perfectly-timed picture is Texas pastor Matthew LaGrange. The pastor decided to go fly fishing for the first time down by the Big Thompson River near Estes Park. The man probably expected a nice day of fun, fishing, and a nice catch to take home, but instead, he lost his footing to a huge Elk that was less than pleased to have his fishing spot invaded.

This elk isn't taking any nonsense; he's been there far longer than the pastor, and this is a prime spot for fly fishing, so move over, buddy!
"Is That My New Brother?"
Nice catch, buddy, but unfortunately, you're not the center of this picture. Your hilarious dog is. While this guy is probably thrilled with his good catch, his dog seems to be absolutely disturbed by the idea that that thing is going back home with them.

Don't worry, little furry guy; you'll probably get to eat some of it later tonight.
Say "Fish"
These fishermen couldn't look happier, and why wouldn't they? They just caught three beautiful Opah fish, and certainly knew how to capture a perfect picture.

Although we must say that, considering how huge these fish are, we can't help but let our imagination go wild and think of what would happen if they weren't actually dead and decided to exact revenge on these three fishermen. Now that would be an even better photo!
Sharing a Rod
These two look ready to catch a fish, but with only one rod between them, they're angling for a smaller meal than normal. Of course, it would also help if the rod was actually dangling in the water.

Maybe they aren't even there to catch fish – maybe this is just all something they put together so that it looks like they're fishing, and they just want to enjoy the beach a little bit. Are there even any fish in the ocean? We usually get them at the grocery store.
Not How We Usually Do It, But OK
Fishing has been around for about as long as human beings realized that they could nosh on the little wriggling things that are in the water. It's very possible that it's one of the earliest professions that has ever been in our history and culture, and there are a lot of ways to do it, like this guy.

We have no idea what exactly he's trying to accomplish, but he sure as heck is accomplishing it. Perhaps he's going spearfishing, but he doesn't look like he's having a good time of it, now that we look closer.
Doing It the Old Way
This picture is from way back in 1955 when a pair of anglers headed to the local watering hole to catch some dinner. Maybe they did things differently in England back in the mid-twentieth century, but we're pretty sure that they had poles by that point.

Maybe they do have the proper hardware, and it's just out of sight, or maybe they like to get their hands dirty and grab the fish right out of the water like a couple of pros. We're also a little amazed at the photo quality, seeing as the picture is almost seventy years old.
Grabbed by a Crab
During the 1920s, food was a lot harder to come by than nowadays. You couldn't just pop down to the store and get a big cart full of all the good stuff – a lot of people had to farm or hunt for their food themselves.

This lady was giving it her best, but she was on the wrong end of a crab's pincers. She's letting out a big scream, flailing wildly, and the basket in her hand, which might have been full of other crabs, is going straight back into the water.
Swimming With the Bears
Many pictures have been taken under the water that featured sea-dwelling creatures, but it's going to be pretty hard to beat this one. There seems to be not only a jellyfish – not the safest thing to be around – but there is also an actual, real polar bear right behind the swimmer.

This is the kind of picture that is listed as the last time anyone saw the swimmer, but it seems he not only survived but wasn't hurt at all. Was this some kind of special swim-with-polar-bears event? If so, sign us up.
No, we don't really think that this person caught a flying fish that was leaping out of the water with his bare hands, but it does kind of look like that. The real sight to see here is the formation of the amazing fins, wings, or whatever they're called that are on this particular fish.

Nature really does contain some amazing stuff, and while many things in the water are little more than ugly lumps, this fish has quite a look to it. We bet it tasted pretty good, too. Maybe a little bit of salsa on the side. Mmm.
Making a Break for It
A guy was just walking past a fish tank one day, and this huge thing jumped right at him. It didn't do any damage, of course. It's a fish. He jumped to try to get it back into the tank, but it was flopping around so much that he had no way to get a hold of it.

It was slapping him, it was slapping his dog, and it sent the guy flying. It does look like a bigger fish, but we're amazed it had that much strength in it. You can probably guess how this ended up.
Trying to Make a Point
Every town has some potholes that dot and endanger the roads while you're driving, but it looks like the potholes in Port Macquarie are a step up from the norm. This guy has popped a squat to try and catch something tasty, and while we applaud his attempt, we don't think that he's going to snag anything.

Of course, this kind of picture isn't to fill up the ice chest – it's to send to the local city so that they can actually do something about these dangerous road hazards. Good luck, brave soldier, and catch some fish for us.
Making the Most of It
There are people out there with some really fancy fishing boats, but that's not the way to do it. You want something old and beat up while you're hunting down bass so that if you run into shoals or scrape it over rocks, you don't have to worry about your investment.

This kid knows what's up. He's sitting on a kitchen chair, balanced on a piece of plywood inside a metal tub, and he is still hoisting a nice catch. This is the perfect situation to kick back, crack open your favorite drink, and enjoy your time with mother nature.
Anything in There?
All the way back in 1937, fishermen were a little younger. This tyke has hauled a huge catch onto his chosen dock, and now he's taking a look in to make sure there are no treasures inside. It's been known to happen – wedding rings, money, car keys. Fish like to eat anything they can, and shiny stuff especially.

We don't know what kind of fish that is, and we don't really want to know, but it looks like you could fit a lot of treasures inside. Keep looking, kid; you might just find something nice.
They Won't Stop Wriggling
This lady was proud of her catch, but her catch wasn't prepared to give up just yet. It was flopping and jumping around, and someone with the fisherwoman was able to snap a pic at the perfect time. Yes, even if they don't have claws or horns, fish can still give you a walloping.

Even if they're out of the water, they'll do whatever they can to try and get back in the water and swim away. Hold tight – they're slippery, and they won't stop trying to get away until they have nothing left.
Casting a Fishy Spell
Kids don't usually love fish. They tend not to like the taste, they don't like the way they look, and they're not a fan of how they feel under their fingers, either. But, if they catch one, they get to hold it up for the camera proudly. Of course, the fish might have other plans.

Here, a young angler was trying to show off her latest catch, but the fish made a well-timed leap out of her hands. The little fisher is taken aback, and the fish cries, “freedom!” Good luck getting back to the river, buddy.
Loaded for the Next Cookout
This fivesome of fishermen are holding up their catches proudly for the camera, and we spy seven nice snags, from small but still proud to an immense sea beast that looks like it belongs in a historical novel about a whaling vessel.

Everybody looks plenty pleased with the fish that they've hauled in, hats, sunglasses, and smiles. There are a couple of amazing examples of fish that could feed a family for an entire day, and you know what that means – the neighbors are getting some fishy gifts.
Ah, Naw, That Ain't Real
That has to be photoshop or something, right? How could a creature that deformed actually survive for any amount of time? And look at the fish it's holding! We kid, we kid. Really, that's one unique-looking fish.

The huge eyes, the oddly-shaped body, the tiny fins on the sides, the fin that stretches out under's all the strangest parts of the ocean mashed into one creature that a guy managed to haul into a boat. At least it doesn't seem to be too big – we might never go near the water again if it was a big fish.
That's Not How You Ice Fish
Look, we might not be experts, but it kind of looks like it's a little cold out, no? These two hardy fishers come from the Great White North, however, so they're probably used to the temperature being a bit lower on average. They don't seem to be paying too much attention to the fishing hole in front of them, as well.

But who cares, right? Both of them look good and they seem to be enjoying themselves. That's all that matters when it comes to fishing. Who cares that you didn't catch anything? Or lost a toe to frostbite?
Everybody Seems Surprised in This One
This guy is all kinds of kitted out to bring in the big fish, and while the example in his hand is no minnow, it's still not the biggest thing ever. But that's not really that important because, as we look at this picture, it seems to us that the fish has... a full head of hair?

Is that something that is behind the fish? Is the fish rocking an afro that would be the envy of any seventies dance floor? We're not sure, but maybe we would go fishing more if the fish themselves had such a stand-out style.
We're Eating Good Tonight – Or Are We?
While it's true that people were smaller on average back in the day (this photo is supposedly from the 1920s), there's just no way around it – that is one big fish. It's hung up next to comedian Chester Conklin, but we're calling major shenanigans. We think this one has been edited.

It looks like Conklin has been pasted slap-dash into the picture that actually has the fish in it. Just look at the poor man's feet – they're not really standing on that wood. We need to get to the bottom of this one. Why the edit?
Hold on Tight to That Squid
There are plenty of pictures of people holding up giant fish in every single corner of the internet, from Reddit to Twitter to dating sites (and it doesn't matter which gender you're after). It might be depressing to see them hoisting huge catches, smiling wide at the camera, but remember, those are staged and planned.

A picture like this one, which has a woman trying to keep a little squid from escaping, doesn't usually make it to the highlight reel. Still, this is the kind of picture that will have people laughing and talking about what happened.
The Most Dangerous Game
Fishing isn't really what most people think of when they're coming up with a deadly sport. That falls to hockey, football, skydiving, or something like that. How could fishing be dangerous? Well, look, you whip a sharp hook around your head a bunch of times and see if you feel like it could be safer.

This guy knows the truth – spend enough time fishing, and you might just have to go to the ER to get a hook dug out of your skull. At least it's one of the good-looking ones that kind of looks like a feather.
Jumping for Joy
Even if you manage to hook a fish and get it to your boat, that doesn't mean the job's done. As we can see from this action shot, even if you're holding onto the fish with your very hands, it can still do its darndest to escape.

A pike is a fish that isn't just going to lie back and let you pack it into an ice chest with all the other things you've caught – those creatures will fight to the death. The guy holding the fish wasn't expecting such shocking motions at all. Just look at that face.
Introducing the Dog to Fishing
This woman has caught bass with her favorite lure, and now she gets to show her pup the fun of chasing down a squirming, wriggling fish. Does the dog know it's something to hunt down? Does it think it's some kind of treat?

We don't know what goes on in the mind of a pooch such as that one, but it's going to have a lot of fun once its owner puts the fish on the ground so it can dance around. It will get slapped a couple of times, but it will learn to understand the fish pretty quickly.
You Gonna Eat That?
So a guy has caught a fish, but what will he do with it next? Is he going to give it to his dog next? That's what the dog is hoping, clearly. That good boy or good girl is perched up on the seat, giving the fish a good look, and the dog looks ready to pounce if it's given the go-ahead by its owner.

The owner just wants to get a good picture of his catch, and the dog keeps getting in the way. Sorry pooch, wait until it's been at least cooked before you start chowing down.
Fishing? We Guess?
This picture was taken in Myanmar, where we're sure a lot of fishing is done. How exactly it's being done, on the other hand, is a mystery that we may never answer. That guy looks like he's pulling off some kind of circus act with a huge cage in one hand and a long pole in the other.

Is he mugging for the camera or just trying to catch something to eat? Pole, net, big conical cage while standing on one foot – it doesn't matter. As long as you catch something, it doesn't matter how you do it.
I Am the Fish Man
It kind of seems like this is from when a man and a fish get caught in a pair of transporters, resulting in a gruesome fish/man hybrid. In reality, it's simply good timing, as this guy was swinging a fish around on a pole.

It looks a little bit like he has a trunk coming out of his face the way that the fish is positioned. The fins from underneath look just like eyes, and there's no neck showing. Are we sure that this isn't actually an elephant/fish/person that is on this boat? Are we really sure?
Gotta Be Fish in Here Somewhere
The best part about this article is we get to see how all the rest of the world fishes when they're trying to put food on the table and money in the bank. Like this guy who is... floating on an inner tube and waving a couple of sticks around?

This picture comes to us from North Korea, and he's actually fishing on a truck tire, just floating around and gathering up some food. And then, once he's done fishing, he can ride the tire all the way home on the road.
Jeepers Creepers, Look at Those Peepers
Where did he get those fishy peepers? He looks like the kind of guy that could catch them himself, which has the added bonus of making him the kind of person that would be willing to hold up a pair of fish and press them against his eyes.

Even if fish are just part of the natural world, it still seems like they wouldn't be all that clean. Is he worried about parasites or creepy crawlies at all? Since he's willing to give you the eye in this picture, it's clear that he isn't worried enough to care.
Just Because I Caught the Thing Doesn't Mean I Want to Touch It
So this young man went fishing for what is likely the first time – and if not that, then one of the first times – and he caught a pretty respectable fish. However, we know that he wasn't the kind of guy to spend a lot of time at the water's edge, since he was a little too squeamish to actually touch the fish himself.

A friend's hand is actually holding it, but the guy who caught it is pretending to hold it with a bit of hand-over-hand trickery.
Hoping for Something Good
It doesn't matter what city you're in – there are panhandlers all over, and many of them are trying to do something more than just sit with a pail in front of them. This guy is hoping for some suds, and it looks like he's doing it in the right place, as long as he's okay with getting a drink by handing over a big pocket of change.

This picture comes to us from Midtown Manhattan, and we're pretty sure that you can't legally have open containers of alcohol on the streets of that city, as well as most others.
Nothing Like a Day On the Dock
Two lads were tired of doing schoolwork or chores for a little while, and they decided to cut and run, doing something that boys (even grown boys) around the world have been doing to get away from it all since time immemorial. They grabbed their poles, a bucket, and some worms, and headed to the dock to try and nab some water creatures to add to their collections.

Note the older brother who has claimed the seat – we hesitate to call it a chair – which is something else that has been going on since time immemorial.
Getting His Squats in
Fish are usually on the small side – at least compared to humans – but some of them can still get pretty big. This guy was using something natural to help him grow strong legs. We can't say that his form was all that good, but he'll work on that before moving on to higher weights.

We're also told that this is the kind of face you pull right before a big fish slaps you right in the face, and we know that because this very fish slapped this very guy in the face right after the picture was taken.
Off the Top Rope
From the angle and the placement of these two characters, it looks like the fish is delivering a stunning blow that will have the crowd on their feet and the announcers going wild. The kind of thing that will be featured in promos for the next wrestling events, being shown even to people that have no interest in wrestling whatsoever.

Or, maybe this fish is just trying to yank itself out of the hand of the guy that caught it so it can get back into the water, which is likely all around the boat.
THEY All Photobombed ME
While it looks like that sea turtle popped his head out of the surf right as the camera was snapped, taking all of the attention away from the fun-loving snorkelers and swimmers behind it, we know the real truth. It was just trying to get a professional headshot done, and this group of people gathered into a group behind it.

Just look at the expression the turtle is pulling – the half-open mouth and the rolled eye make it clear that it's annoyed. Just swim around to the other side, little dude, and you'll get a picture all your own.
How About Some Lunch?
Plenty of people love the water so much that they can hardly leave it, even if that means having nothing but water-dominated pictures for their dating profiles. These guys seem to be of a similar bent. But what do you do if you need to get something into your belly?

You can't just... get out of the water. That would be silly. There's only one solution – get the picnic table into the water. That way, you can enjoy the best of both worlds. Food while you have your fun in the water. These guys aren't worried about cramps.
We're Just as Shocked
While this picture doesn't really have anything to do with fishing, per se, it does at least have to do with fish. As in, the person that took this picture hopefully took those terrible things off and tossed them into the water, where they spent time with actual fish, so no humans had to look at and/or wear them anymore.

They don't even look that comfortable – that kind of plastic means you'd have to wear thick socks. They also don't have ends, which means less warmth. Maybe they're just for protecting the bottom, top, and sides of your feet.
This Should Be Easy
Fishing can be difficult sometimes. If you have to deal with the entire lake, sea, or ocean (there are plenty of places for your hook to be), it can turn out to be frustrating if you don't know the finer points of fishing.

Well, why not turn down the difficulty, as this guy did, and just get a pail of water and dump a couple of fish inside? He might not even have any fish in there, but he's still trying. Maybe that's the issue that he keeps running into.
That's the Best Part!
Some people who don't like fishing seem to think it's just an excuse for guys to go and have a nap by the water. Yeah, that's sometimes the entire point. What could be more relaxing than heading to the water, dropping a couple of poles, and then promptly falling asleep until the sun has fallen so low that it's hard to get home in the dark?

If you have a busy life, like a lot of people, that can be pretty alluring. Plus, you're technically participating in a sport at the same time!
Maybe It Will Turn Into a Prince
We are happy to report that giving your fish a kiss right after catching them is not required while fishing. There are some people out there that don't like to put their mouths on something that came out of the water, even if they're cooked, so the idea of giving them a little peck right after you take the hook out is pretty gross to them.

Actually, it's pretty gross to a lot of people. Stop it. Maybe this guy is hoping his dating woes will suddenly be over, but we don't think he has much of a chance.
No, I Swear It Was That Big, I Even Have a Picture
While it seems like this picture was intended to mislead, it becomes pretty obvious that it's just a goof. Still, we have to give props to whoever gave this a try the first time. The composition is such that it's almost impossible to tell that the guy is actually a little action figure.

He has a real cable-knit sweater on, even if it is in miniature, the angle is such that you can't see any of the plastic joints and a minimal amount of skin, and there's nothing else in the picture that would give people a sense of scale.
Ready, Set, Go!
Yes, ladies and gents, it's a picture of childhood. Taken in August of 1953, spending time at the water to get out of the hot sun and forget that school was fast approaching. All kinds of boys and girls – and even some adults – are lined up with their fishing poles trying to grab something out of the water.

Who will be the first? Who will get the most? Is there a prize for the biggest catch? Maybe nothing physical, but you know there will be chatter about the most talented angler after the day is over.
Come on, Jump in – the Water's Great!
Does he even know? Is he even aware that an apex predator is so close to him? Is he about to take a dip, or even just dip his fishing line into the water without being aware that one of the natural world's most dangerous creatures is mere feet away?

Yes, we're all tempted to bring out our favorite quotes from “Jaws,” but remember that you can also come up with something on your own! Go on, be creative. Like how this guy is about to be incredibly creative with the words that he says once he notices the shark.
Point That Somewhere Else
This guy had a lot of great fish pics to choose from, but the one where he's holding a shark is probably the best choice, since how often do you get to just hold a shark and think, “Yes...'Twas I who defeated this fearsome beast!”? Maybe once in your entire life, and this guy has just checked that off his list.

Admittedly, it is one of the smaller sharks found in the ocean, but that's like saying you can fly one of the smaller planes. It's an accomplishment, one way or another.
You Don't Want to Eat It Anyway
Just in case you aren't aware, Lutefisk is only technically fish. It's fish that has been kept in a bucket of literal poison for a long time, after which you take it out, wash it off, and then – incredibly – eat it.

There are some other parts to the process in there, but the fact that the words poison and eat are in the same sentence should worry all of us. Ole has requested that there be no lutefisk fishing here, and we aren't about to go against the wishes of such a storied character.
I Can't Believe You've Done This
While that fish is all caught up in the net, it still seems most shocked about the thing that is hung from its lip. It's looking down as if to wonder when it got a piercing, and who would do such a thing while it wasn't paying attention.

At least now it can work as a hostess in an Olive Garden. The big shocked face, which is common among carp all around the world, makes this a perfect photo for showing off to friends. Just be sure to take the hook out of its mouth before you cook it.
The Little Ones Are the Toughest
While big fish have a ton of power and strength to do some damage if they decide to start thrashing, it's the little fish that seem to be able to keep going for a long time, no matter how long they're out of the water. Even if you have a firm grip on them, they will flail and fling themselves around, most likely hitting someone in the face.

That seems to be the goal, anyway. Other than getting back into the water, we guess. This lady found out the hard way that you have to give some fish their distance.
What Kind of Fish Is That?
There are lots of fun treasures to discover in the water, but this is usually one that gets pulled out pretty quickly. Thing is, it looks kind of nice. It likely hasn't been down there for very long, and even if the electronics and the engine are messed up, someone might be able to get some use out of it.

On the other hand, it will be a big cost getting it out of the water, and you can't exactly use your little fishing net. Everybody in the boat will have to haul on their lines to drag it out.
Time to Get the Net
Catfish are one of the weirder kinds of sea creatures that people angle for. They have whiskers and huge mouths, and when you get right down to it, they don't look that much like cats. Cats might like the smell of them, but that's about it.

This clustered conglomeration of catfish comes to use during a feeding frenzy. Those open mouths just can't wait for some tasty, nutritious... whatever it is that catfish eat. Bugs or dirt or something like that. Is that why they're called catfish? Do they eat cats?!
Well, If You Say So
We are honestly not sure what this picture is advertising. Is Dave just a cool guy that likes to fish and will almost certainly bring something to drink? We can't think of anything else it could be. Is he the guy that you buy your fishing equipment from so that you aren't just sitting in a boat and drinking?

That still seems like a pretty good time, if we're being honest. Yeah, you won't be catching anything except good memories (as long as you don't drink that much), but there's nothing wrong with that.
All for a Good Cause
If you've ever really been insulted by someone, you might be tempted to recreate a classic scene from “Monty Python's Flying Circus” and slap that person with a fish straight into the water. Well, Ben Fillmore, from the United Kingdom, had a similar idea. He auctioned off the opportunity to slap him with some fish for a charity fundraiser.

The eventual winner, Lucy Berry, paid a total of two hundred and ten pounds for the honor. The money went to the Stroke Charity, which supports people who have had strokes, and everybody was happy. Except for the fish.
He's a Big Big Boy
Pufferfish have a strange place in the animal kingdom. There aren't many animals that can puff themselves up so much that they take on the appearance and size of a soccer ball or basketball. This creature can, however, and when they do so, they are not only trying to scare off predators — they look like they're smiling.

They probably aren't – at least not the way we think of smiling, but at least they're cheerful when they're taken out of their home. Dulls the edge a little bit. And we hear that they really like carrots, too.
That's Oddly Specific
So between March 16th and the Friday before the last Saturday in April – not the last Friday, mind you, the Friday before the last Saturday – fishing is not allowed at this place. Okay, sign, we'll trust you this time, but we'll need more details if this kind of thing continues.

Why such a specific time frame? Why not just the last Saturday in April? Why March 16th? Is it to do with spawning periods? Are the fish being restocked so that the natural ecosystem doesn't get damaged? Maybe it has to do with Lent. It could be anything.
As Big as the Boy Himself
A northern pike is always a big haul, and this one seems to be big enough to top the scales past the thirty-pound mark. The kid not only looks pleased as punch to have pulled out such a monster, but he also looks ready to tip over sideways thanks to the weight.

The fish proved to be as long as an ice fishing auger – almost the same size around, too – which makes us wonder how in the heck they actually got it out of the ice.
What Are You Looking at, Two-Eyes?
Why yes, in fact, there are lots and lots of weird fish in the seas that will creep you out if you happen to hit one with your fishing hook. This looks like the kind of thing that you would see on “The Simpsons,” however.

Is there actually a fish that has one single eye in the middle like that? There are fish with both eyes on one single side, and there are some fish that can have damage done to an eye, but we've never seen anything like this monstrosity. It's not only a fish, it's an alien fish.
Caught in the Act
Just because you have a fish on your line and out of the water, that doesn't mean you're safe from its ire. Little fish will slap you right in the face if they can, and if you're holding it up for a picture right next to your big, bright smile, it most certainly can.

That's why there are so many pictures of people getting slapped by fish right as they drop them. Getting hit in the face with a fish might not be a lot of damage, but it's going to sting. Physically and emotionally.
We Need More Help!
Not only is the size of this fish sort of incredible – it's listed at over a hundred pounds, and that's never easy to carry – but it's also giving these guys a powerful slap right about the time this picture was taken.

Just think about having to carry that heavyweight and have it thrashing around in your arms, trying to get away! Even with a friend there, we bet that's not an easy task. That much weight is hard to lift and carry, and if it's uneven, it's even harder.
Man Overboard!
One of the biggest problems with fishing is that it has to happen near the water. It's impossible to get away from the wet stuff unless scientists come up with some sort of dry fish. Most fishers know that it's a lot harder to fish with a pole or a net while you're in the water itself, but this guy must have missed the memo.

It's hard to tell if he meant to go into the water or not, but it pretty much means that nobody else will be able to catch fish for a little while.
Stop Struggling!
Someone holding a fish up near his face means a picture of somebody getting slapped into the face by the tail of a fish that just wants to get back in the water. A lot of those fish are smaller and feisty, but this one looks like it could do some serious damage if it struck in the right spot.

Pike are bigger fish, and that means bigger muscles. They might falter faster once they're out of the water, but they still have a little bit of fight in them after you haul them onto dry land.
A Close-Up of the Scales
Despite their slimy appearance, a lot of fish actually look pretty good, even when they're out of the water. This picture lets us see the shimmering colors that a lot of fish have in the sunshine, even if it is at the cost of the fisher getting hit full in the face by a trout tail.

It's fine for us – we get to see all the detail while he has to take all the pain – but we still feel bad about it. You know... a little bit. At least it's a nice action shot.
A Swarm of Red and White
Even fish need to eat, and that means sometimes they have to gather around a hand that has all that good fish food. No poles, hooks, or lines here – just colorful little carp that need a belly full of whatever it is that fish eat. Little pellets? We know it isn't kibble, at the very least.

Fish seem like the kind of creatures that will just eat and eat and eat until they explode, so we wonder if it's hard making sure all the fish in a pond like this get their fill.
Not Gonna Stop Swimming
This windowpane flounder was caught from the ocean and very quickly proved that it wasn't very much like your normal fish. While many fish have strange shapes, this flounder has a completely unique shape – mostly because of the bite that some other creature took out of it.

It's amazing that a creature can survive with that sort of chunk missing from it. We know that if we had that much missing – maybe not even that much – we'd have a pretty hard time swimming around or going to school or doing whatever it is fish do.
“The Simpsons” Did It
There's a famous fish from “The Simpsons,” and we bet you can bring it to mind just as quickly as we can. Orange, lumpy (like everything else in the show), and three eyes looking at you from your plate.

While this fish might not look like it, it seems to boast three eyes, unless that middle protuberance is not an eye. It likely is, as many fish have photoreceptive cells in the forehead region. It's most likely that this extra eye is something similar to a parietal eye, or maybe two eggs fused together, sort of like a Siamese twin.
Hanging on for a Ride
There is a division of fish called remora that spend a lot of their time hanging on to bigger fish – almost always sharks. We're not sure if this is a remora or not, but it seems to be doing the same thing for this guy's chin scruff.

Maybe it's a hint that he should pick up the razor again. Remora benefits the creatures they ride on by cleaning parasites in exchange for gobbling up scraps of food the sharks miss, but we don't think the relationship is going to work out that well here.
The Perfect Moment
Photographers spend their entire lives trying to get a shot just like this one. The moment before the big change, right as disaster hits.

This fisherman has spent his whole life trying to keep this very thing from happening, but now we're wondering how this shot came about – there's nobody else in the boat that could have pushed him, the boat doesn't seem to be in motion, and we don't see anything under the water that he could have struck. We hate to even bring up such an inflammatory possibility – but could this picture be staged?
Not a Fan
Dogs and fish don't spend a whole lot of time interacting, and that makes perfect sense. One of them is on dry land; the other is confined to the water. Also, it turns out that they don't really get along unless you get a dog that is all about hunting.

We think that Dachshunds were hunting dogs at one point, but they've kind of lost that part. This also looks a little bit like the scene at a supermarket when a customer is yelling at the cashier to speak to a manager.
Straight From Bikini Bottom
If you're like millions of people around the world, both kids and adults, when you see this picture, you're going to think of a certain pink empty-headed starfish from “Spongebob Squarepants.” Yes, it's true; Patrick Star was actually based on how real undersea starfish look, though we doubt it was this one in particular.

This one looks quite humanoid, but remember that it in no way is – it has a big gnarly sucker mouth in the center of its body. Not something that any of us have, we really hope.
Despite the fact that a lot of cats hate getting wet, they also seem to love fish. It's one of those paradoxes that nature shows us over and over that we just can't figure out. Maybe it's just the fact that cats like to eat, and it's hard to blame them for that.

This little kitty is trying its hardest to grab the fish the guy is dangling just out of reach, and it's so refreshing to see a cat do something that isn't just lying around and napping in the sun. Sometimes you forget that they were once hunters.
Anybody Home?
Ice fishing is another step beyond the normal kind of fishing. Some people are so obsessed with the idea of dangling their line in the water that they don't stop even when the water freezes solid.

It's a lot of work fishing during the winter – you have to get bundled up, you have to drill a hole in the ice, and you have to sit there in the cold. It's best to check to make sure there are any fish first, like this guy. It would be pretty embarrassing if you went through all that effort for nothing.
We Feel Like There's an Easier Way
Taken at Ironbridge, England, a coracler swims with his boat after falling into the water during the Ironbridge Coracle Regatta in 2017. A coracle is a traditional small, rounded, lightweight boat that has been used in parts of Wales and Ireland for centuries.

It uses woven grasses or saplings covered in hide, and it must be difficult to climb into the boat after you've fallen out – otherwise, we feel like this guy would jump back in. Perhaps the rules of the Regatta do not allow such a thing. Is he likely to catch many fish while he's down there?
Everybody Out There Fishing
For a lot of people, nothing beats a day on the water. As you can see in this picture, there are loads and loads of people that will take any chance they can to leave good, solid, dry land and leave their fate in the hands of the waves.

Whether they're fishing, kicking back with a drink, or just soaking up the sun, the water has always been a prime relaxation spot. Go on – bait your line and dip it in the water. Maybe you'll catch something, and maybe you won't, but you're sure to have a good time.
Not That Kind of Cat
Imagine going "here kitty, kitty, kitty..." and having a tiger jump out in front of you in response. This is what we imagine happened in this picture, except this guy seems to have been preparing for this kind of monster since the moment he was born.

According to his Instagram post, he caught this thing with his bare hands "like a real man", whatever that means.