As children are writing out their Christmas wish lists, it’s not uncommon for them to include additional commentary. While many of these additional writings are usually reasons why they’ve included certain items, we really can’t understand why this child included the lyrics to Sir Mix-A-Lot’s 1992 hit “Baby Got Back.”

Not only did he include those decidedly not child-friendly lyrics, but, for some reason, he felt the need to tell Santa about it. We’re not sure what the hottest songs are up at the North Pole, but honestly, who hasn’t heard of this song?
Sending Santa on a Shopping Spree
If there’s one thing to love about children, it’s that they are adorably honest. This honesty, however, can sometimes be a bit much… like this little girl’s letter. She wasted no time in cutting to the chase when it came to revealing what was on her Christmas wish list.

Not only does she want several expensive electronic items, but she wants her parents (whoops, we mean Santa) to bring her the correct type of batteries necessary for her pricey gifts, as well! We kind of admire this level of foresight, to be honest!
The Gift of Nostalgia
Let’s travel to a time filled with cheesy pop bands vying for attention on TRL, a time when everyone thought that the world would end with Y2K… yes, we’re talking about 1999. This Twitter user decided to take us all back in time with this adorable (if not lengthy) letter to Santa.

While this letter is giving us all of the feels, we especially find it endearing how practical some of her gifts are. (Seriously, what kid asks for printer ink?) We also love how she requested snacks for her furry friends. Too cute!
Multi-Lingual Messages
While many of us struggle just to learn one language, this little girl has been studying 16. Why, you may ask? All in an effort to get her parents to understand that the only thing she wants for Christmas is a cat.

She is so determined to get this feline friend that she wrote out the word “cat” in 16 different languages! If we were her parents, we would be seriously impressed! We’re sure her parents just hope that she knows how to clean a litter box as well as she knows how to learn languages!
We’re Not Crying, You’re Crying
If there’s one scene that is guaranteed to make even the most cold-hearted person cry, it’s the scene in Disney’s “The Lion King” when Simba approaches his father Mufasa’s lifeless body after getting caught in the wildebeest stampede.

It turns out that we weren't the only ones bawling our eyes out and waiting for Mufasa to wake up. This little girl sent Santa the most gut-wrenchingly sad letter begging Santa to change that devastating part of the movie, and we really can’t blame her. Even decades later, we’re thinking about that scene!
When Even Christmas Wish Lists Are Political
At first, this list reads like the typical wishlist of any young boy (electronics, candy, etc.), but as we scroll down, the list gets even funnier. Not only does he want a whole menagerie of very specific types of animals, but he apparently also wants a new president for Christmas.

While we think Santa can take care of getting him those new headphones, we think he might have to wait for the actual election to get that political wish granted! Who knew kids were so into politics?
Well, That’s Just Plain Rude!
We all know those people who say the rudest things in an effort to “help.” It turns out that this type of personality actually begins in childhood, as seen in this little girl’s passive-aggressive letter to Santa.

From insulting Santa's fuller frame to denying him his eagerly anticipated milk and cookies and replacing it with a banana, this girl is just being cruel! We have a feeling that the only thing she’s going to find in her Christmas stocking is a big lump of coal!
Like Trying to Decipher Hieroglyphics
Few people can understand the writings and drawings of children the way an elementary school teacher can. So when this little girl tried to show Santa a visual representation of what she wanted for Christmas, her teacher had to step in and actually write it out so that he would understand.

While we’re sure Santa is relieved, you would think that a man who had the magical ability to travel across the world in one night would also have the power to decipher what a child’s doodles mean!
Don’t We All?
For many parents, deciding whether or not to tell their children the truth about Santa is a major decision every holiday season. This parent decided to drop the act and reveal the truth to their daughter, with hilarious results. It turns out that her daughter preferred thinking that Santa was real.

In between a typical list of desired clothing and computer games, this little girl wrote that she just wants her childhood back — a time of innocence and thinking Santa was really going to come down her chimney. We’d be lying if we didn’t feel the same!
Just a Little Extra for the Piggy Bank
While some kids ask for realistic or practical items on their Christmas wish lists, some kids figure that if Santa can bring them anything, why not ask for the most outrageous things they could think of? This little girl put Santa's present-giving skills to the test with this ridiculous request — $13 million!

While some may think her wish is a bit over the top, we have to disagree — she could have asked for $20 million! We just hope her parents are prepared for eventual disappointment, come Christmas morning!
Just Heartwarming
If parents are on the fence about revealing the truth about Santa to their children, then looking at this letter may convince them to just wait a few more years. This little girl’s adorably innocent letter to Santa will definitely put a smile on your face.

Reading this letter, we can’t help but say “aww” at how happy she is just to receive her presents. We also love how she understands that other children are just as excited to receive their presents from Santa Claus as she is.
A Caffeinated Christmas
If you’re looking at this letter and wondering how a three-year-old manages to have better handwriting than you do, you’re not alone. It seems that this parent decided to do the writing when it came to crafting their toddler’s Christmas wish list for Santa.

While this parent managed to write down their child’s requests for toys, they didn’t forget about themselves! In between the usual popular gifts, this parent sneaked in a request for some coffee. To be honest, with three puppies being requested, we’re not shocked that they would need an extra source of energy!
Santa’s Street Style
We have to give this little girl credit (at least at the beginning of this letter). Unfortunately, that’s where the niceties ended. After getting to “the point,” she revealed what she really wanted for Christmas — a “ghetto blaster,” also known as a boombox to many of us!

While we're not sure what a six-year-old was planning to do with a music player that probably weighed more than she did (remember how large those things were), according to the person who shared this letter, Santa did actually fulfill her wish!
Go Big or Go Ho-Ho-Home
If there’s something to admire about children, it's their adorably wild imagination. This child really took the saying “go big or go home” to heart when they were writing their wishlist to Santa. From butlers and pet monkeys to boatloads of cash and a mansion, this kid is hoping that Santa will push them into a completely different tax bracket!

We wonder what type of movies or shows this child has seen that may have inspired them to come up with such an extravagant list of demands!
If You Could Be Anything…
While many children dream about being ballerinas or astronauts, these children dream of becoming something a bit more festive — an “Elf on the Shelf” and a reindeer, to be exact. To this little girl’s credit, she really has been spending hours perfecting her shelf-sitting skills diligently.

While that’s pretty admirable, we’re more impressed with her brother’s ability to “fly” like his role model, Rudolph. Thankfully, in addition to their not-at-all unrealistic wishes to become a doll or for her brother to become a flying reindeer, she did include some practical items on her Christmas wish list.
A Simple Request
One of the most beloved stories of the holiday season is the story about the most famous reindeer to pull Santa's sleigh — Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer. With his adorable antlers and bright red nose, it’s no wonder most children dream of meeting him.

This child decided to skip asking for presents and just ask Santa to meet a reindeer in person. Considering how tall and large a reindeer actually is, we don’t think they'd really be able to meet “eye to eye,” even if Santa was kind enough to bring one to her doorstep.
No Time for Hello
We're not sure exactly how Santa manages his time, but he better get his act together when he arrives at this little girl’s house. In her letter, she explained the specific timeline for his nocturnal visit, and it seems that there’s no time for small talk or even eating an extra cookie.

To make matters even easier, she has left careful directions to her Christmas stocking, lest he gets lost or, worse, confuses her stockings with those of her sibling! Maybe she could leave out a stopwatch for the holiday icon along with some cookies?
Take It Up With the Tooth Fairy
While some kids can be materialistic when it comes to their Christmas wish lists, others are wishing for something a bit more relatable — like this little boy who simply wants his front two teeth!

Luckily for this little boy, he doesn’t have to wait for his letter to reach Santa all the way to the North Pole; he just has to wait a little while until his adult teeth start to come in! Santa may have many special powers, but we don’t think he can speed up the natural function of his body.
The Jig Is Up
Breaking the news to children that Santa isn’t real can go several ways — some children don’t mind as long as someone is delivering their presents, while others may feel like their world is crashing down on them.

We’ll let you take a guess about how this particular child took the news. Not only did he call Santa a “fraud,” but he wants that charlatan and his elf friend gone, too! Talk about harsh! We guess someone’s not planning on leaving out a special glass of milk and cookies for Santa…
License to Drive
When it comes to asking for things from Santa, some savvy kids think ahead — about a decade ahead, to be exact. Forget the fact that this child probably won't be driving for a few more years, they’re still asking Santa for a new set of wheels.

But in typical kid fashion, they don’t just want a regular run-of-the-mill first car, they want a very expensive Ferrari. And although they have quite a few years before they can get their license, they still want to be ready to hit the streets in style!
Pretty Pretty Please?
There are many who might say that manners and other niceties are on their way out. But looking at this adorable letter, we would have to disagree. Okay, sure, this little girl may have forgotten to start her letter with a proper heading or even a greeting to Santa.

But the important part is that she did say please when asking him for some money. We don’t know Santa personally, but we’re sure he’s as much of a stickler for good manners as we are!
Cute, But Confusing
There are times when children share their inner thoughts with us, and quite frankly, we don’t know whether we should say “aww” or “huh?” The inner ramblings of this four-year-old may actually fall into the “huh?” category if you ask us.

Not only do they hope Santa will “trick or treat” for them (um… wrong holiday, buddy), but they hope Santa had a “nice commasis.” Yeah, we have no idea, either. Let’s hope they meant “Christmas” because we’re really scratching our heads at this one.
Your Secret Is Safe With Them!
For some children, it’s enough to know that Santa delivers presents to children around the world. To them, the logistics don’t really matter as long as Santa brings them all of the items on their Christmas wish list. Other children, like this child, aren't satisfied with this simple explanation and want to do their own research.

With such a detailed and long list of questions for Santa, we wouldn’t be surprised if Santa slid down the chimney to find a lie-detecting machine and interrogation room instead of milk and cookies at this house!
We Have Questions…
From adorable dolls to the latest video games, there are some items that seem to top Christmas wish lists year after year. So, it’s no surprise to see a combination of Nerf toys and a Nintendo on this child’s list. What is surprising, however, is the addition of some very mature wish-list items — things an adult would like.

We don’t think we’ve ever seen a child ask for socks or a memory-foam pillow from Santa before. We have a sneaky suspicion that someone’s parents decided to slip some of their desired items onto this kid’s list.
“He’s” Making a List
Santa Claus may be coming to town, but we have a feeling he’s going to pass by this house thanks to this child’s passive-aggressive letter. This little child clearly doesn’t believe in Santa and isn’t afraid to show it, even daring to write his name in quotation marks.

While we’re sure he’s probably right about Santa not being real, he could have written his letter in a nicer way! We’re sure “Santa” (or their parents or whoever) wishes this child would at least attempt to go along with the charade!
Cards on the Table
When it comes to deciding who to deliver presents to, everyone knows that Santa has a “naughty” and “nice” list. Reading this letter, we have a feeling about which list this child should be on!

While we’re not thrilled (and we doubt that Santa will be happy) to hear about his terrible toilet activities, at least he was honest with the Christmas legend. That said, we hope Santa doesn’t grant this particular wish because we just don’t think this child is ready to have an animal.
Perfect Timing
If there’s one thing to say about life, it's that timing is very important. No one knows this better than this clever little girl. She knows that while she would love a little sister, she did the research and decided that now is simply not the time.

In fact, the next year is also bad for her, but two years later seems like the perfect time for her parents to expand their family. We wonder what is going on at the time of writing this letter that would make her want to put off being a big sister.
All in the Details
People often say, “when you know, you know.” While this saying can be attributed to many things, we have a feeling they were probably talking about this child’s brief description of their supposed good deeds.

This child doesn’t feel the need to concern themselves with things like detailed responses about the good things they’ve done that year; who has time for that? It seems enough for them to simply say they’ve been good because they’ve been good. We guess we’ll let Santa decide because this kid clearly has more important things to do.
“Can’t Be Asked to Work”
There are some hilarious Christmas wish lists, and then there's this list. This cheeky child apparently thinks that Santa is so bored during his morning ritual that he would like nothing more than to read this child’s detailed Christmas letter.

While this kid obviously has athletic talent, he also has a special gift of being extremely sarcastic. If this letter wasn’t so funny, it would actually be kind of rude. Surely those elves are too busy to be surfing the web looking for things to buy this child.
Can I Get a Large Coke With That?
Some parents really luck out when they come across their child’s Christmas wish list and find that many of the items are inexpensive or even free. These parents almost thought that they had lucked out when their child began listing fast food items that could be purchased for under a dollar.

Unfortunately, upon closer inspection, it seems that in between these extremely cheap items was something that costs a bit more than fast food — a computer. We have a feeling which items Santa's going to actually bring this child!
Covering All the Bases
Most children realize that they won’t get every single item on their Christmas wish list, which might explain why some of these lists are so long and include toys or items from pretty much every genre. This child must have realized that gift-giving is a game of numbers, so why not add as many items as possible?

We’re not really sure what she plans on doing with two robot pets (perhaps starting her own robot animal army?), but apparently, she needs them and a bunch of other goodies. We’re sure Santa's exhausted just reading this list!
Just Be “Trueful”
When it comes to interrogating Santa Claus, this little child can give FBI agents a run for their money. She seems to already know who exactly is really behind that pile of presents that appears on Christmas, and she’s giving Santa one more opportunity to fess up.

We have a feeling that whatever Santa does agree to disclose will be used against him. Perhaps she’s using this confession as a way to get more presents? Either way, we think she definitely has a future in the criminal justice system.
Good to Know
As children are writing out their Christmas wish lists, it’s not uncommon for them to include additional commentary. While many of these additional writings are usually reasons why they’ve included certain items, we really can’t understand why this child included the lyrics to Sir Mix-A-Lot’s 1992 hit “Baby Got Back.”

Not only did he include those decidedly not child-friendly lyrics, but, for some reason, he felt the need to tell Santa about it. We’re not sure what the hottest songs are up at the North Pole, but honestly, who hasn’t heard of this song?
Santa Has Feelings, Too!
It's easy to assume that, given his jovial disposition, Santa isn’t bothered by the rude comments left to him by naughty children around the world. But the truth is that even the jolliest can get their feelings hurt by mean words like the ones found in this letter.

This unbelievably cruel child decided to deny Santa his usual plate of warm cookies because she thinks he needs to shed a few pounds this holiday season. Strangely enough, instead of offering a healthier alternative, she offers him soda! Just give him back his cookies!
Don’t Be So Hard on Yourself
It's not always common for young children to be so understanding as to forgive Santa for not bringing the gifts on their Christmas wish list. This child, however, doesn’t want Santa to stress about not being able to get all of her gifts.

But before you get distracted by her very-mature-for-her-age question about Santa's reindeer, she does have one request — if she can’t get what she really wants, she would like some money — ten dollar bills and singles, to be precise. We thought Santa was supposed to be taking it easy!
Asking the Tough Questions
Not content with the simple story we’ve all been told about Santa and his cross-country trek over the course of one night, this little girl started to do the research … and some facts just aren’t adding up.

It seems that she wants to know if there's another Santa waiting in the wings, ready to slip into that famous red suit and take over the gift-giving duties in case Regular Santa feels under the weather. Considering how long Santa’s supposedly been around, you would think he’s taken a sick day or two… Maybe he’s even played hooky before!
Just the Essentials
It’s not unusual for children to include some pretty strange items on their Christmas wish lists, so we’re not surprised to see a giraffe make an appearance on this child’s list. (Though, do giraffes neigh as this child suggests?)

That said, the most outrageous item was not the large savannah dweller or even the helicopter, but the inclusion of an adult beverage! We know the legal age to drink differs according to where you are, but surely if you’re writing letters to Santa, that means you are way too young to be drinking or even thinking about drinking!
I'm Open to Constructive Criticism
While few children would ask if their behavior is even worthy of receiving a gift from Santa, this child is different. In addition to these lovely qualities, they’re also quite creative when it comes to picking things for their wish list.

Not only did they ask for a pair of high heels for their mother, but they were clever enough to leave a phone out for Santa to take a special selfie in order to prove that he’s really real! We think they’re in for a world of disappointment if they’re expecting a Santa selfie.
At Least She Was Being Honest
While many might say that character traits like honesty and integrity are becoming rare, we would have to disagree. Just take a look at this adorably honest letter written by this little girl confessing that she’s been a bit more “naughty” than “nice.”

We’re not sure exactly what her bad behavior entailed, but we think her heartfelt confession should result in a swift movement to the “nice” list. We definitely don’t think she deserves a lump of coal in her stocking, at least as far as we’re concerned!
The Tables Have Turned
When children write their wish lists out, it’s easy for them to just think about themselves. This child, however, decided to think of another person that holiday season — the jolly old fellow himself. While asking Santa what he would want for Christmas is cute, her suggestions are frankly quite strange.

For some reason, she thinks that Santa not only needs a new red suit, diet, and a new fleet of reindeer (what’s wrong with Rudolph?) but apparently, he needs a new eyeball? Why just one eyeball, though? Is there something we’re missing?
Honesty is always the best policy, especially when dealing with a legendary character like Santa Claus. After all, he is in charge of deciding who’s been naughty and who’s been nice, who will end up with a gift, and who will end up with coal in their stocking.

This child not only disclosed their naughty behavior but went into such great detail that we wouldn’t be surprised if Santa decides to skip her house this Christmas. But perhaps we’re wrong — maybe Santa will take pity on her and accept her apology since she seems to be really sorry!
Even Santa Likes to Crack Open a Cold One
If there’s one thing most parents would like to impart to their child, it’s making everyone feel welcome. This little boy took hospitality to the next level when he left Santa a slightly stronger refreshment compared to the standard milk and cookies.

Not only did he leave Santa a few ice-cold adult beverages, he even told him to help himself to whatever he wanted from the fridge. Though we’re sure Santa was excited to take part in this impromptu Christmas happy hour, we don’t know if he should be sleighing and drinking.
Keep Out!
You would think that allowing a random man from the North Pole to shimmy down your chimney and into your home would make people less wary of privacy, but you’d be wrong. This little girl has no problem with the toys and gifts Santa plans on leaving her, but she draws the line at him rummaging through her private things.

There are some boundaries that even mythical characters don’t cross. Considering that the little girl who wrote this strongly-worded letter was only six, we can’t imagine what was so private that Santa wasn’t allowed to see.
If You Don’t Mind…
This little girl wants Santa to feel at home, enjoy some freshly-baked cookies, and even try out some of her prized video games. There is a catch, however. When the old man is done playing and eating, she has some real work for him to do — clean her room.

While we're sure he likes to play video games as much as the next holiday legend, he has sacks and sacks of presents to deliver, and he doesn’t have time to be doing chores, no matter how delicious her cookies are!
Tell Me the Truth!
It's no surprise that being Santa Claus would come with many responsibilities; it also comes with keeping many secrets. From learning about his cookie consumption to figuring out how Santa unwinds after a long night of gift-giving, this little girl wants to know everything about the bearded icon.

While some may say this is just another case of kids saying the darndest things, we think this child’s parents need to talk to them about what is and what isn’t acceptable to ask a person! Poor Santa didn’t know he would get such an intense interrogation!
He Wants No Work and All Play
Despite being too young to even see a PG-13 movie, some children have already learned how to beat the system. This little boy has everything all planned out. He’ll ask Santa for a toy to do his homework.

Then he’ll ask Santa for a crime-fighting Ninja Turtle (because apparently he’s swamped with crime-fighting duties). He thinks that with these two gifts on his side, he’ll have all the time in the world to just sit back and relax. But why do we have a feeling his plan just won’t work?
Santa Claus, I Choose You!
It’s always exciting to see children want to learn more about the world around them, which is why we were happy to see a science kit on this child’s Christmas wish list. But as we scrolled down, we realized they wanted to explore another world — the world of Pokémon!

While we’re not surprised that this kid thinks there’s a secret entrance to the world of Pokémon (after all, they are writing a letter to Santa Claus), we think it’s time for their parents to have a little chat with them about reality.
Wow! That’s Harsh
These parents probably thought that their child would have figured out long ago that it wasn’t a plump, bearded fellow coming down their chimney to deliver presents, but that it was actually them. Apparently, they thought wrong.

Not only did their child still believe in Santa, but they were livid when their parents dropped this bombshell about Santa not being real. To say that they took it badly would be an understatement. Who knew that this would become such a traumatic event? Wait until they learn the truth about the tooth fairy!
Santa’s Celebrity Services
Having traveled across the world on his sleigh, it’s not a stretch to assume that Sana Claus has rubbed elbows with some pretty big stars (and we’re not just talking about Rudolph!) This child apparently thinks that Santa has some sort of close friendship with actor Leonardo DiCaprio, and has some way of getting Leo to swing by her house.

Considering that this letter was written around the time the blockbuster hit “Titanic” was released and the height of “Leo-mania,” we’re not surprised that this child reached out to Santa to meet their ultimate Hollywood crush.
Santa, Bro
While we know communication styles have changed over the years, a little formality wouldn’t hurt, especially when they’re referring to Santa as a “bro.” We're not sure exactly where this child learned all of these slang words and informal ways to address people, but we have a feeling his teacher isn’t too thrilled.

Perhaps in addition to the candles and LEGO set he requested for Christmas, he can request a dictionary? To be honest, we think we might need one just to understand all of the slang he managed to cram into the end of the letter!
Be Careful What You Wish for!
Of all the gift requests that Santa gets, pets are probably one of the most common. That said, few children understand the responsibilities and hard work that taking care of an animal actually requires.

While most kids don’t enjoy that side of having a pet, this child apparently does. Not only do they want a dog, they specifically asked for a dog that goes number two! We have a feeling this kid has never had to actually deal with being on “poop duty” before because there’s no way he would actually enjoy it.