Most parents have already gone through a lot to be able to relate to the things you’re experiencing and give you lots of advice on what to do if you only ask them. Take it from Oliver, who has probably learned the hard way that his dad knows all too well what he’s been doing and how he should have done it.

This dad is about to give his son the talk of his life after he’s had a chance to read the note. It is good that he, at least, prepared Oliver for what was to come. We wonder how awkward it will be.
Animal Lover
This dad’s note surely gave an impression that he is serious about the pets, and the instructions on the note are not meant to be toyed with. Hmm, it seems like dad has a favorite child and it’s a furry one! Who can blame the father, though? A dog is a man’s best friend after all, and they don’t come with tantrums (or maybe they do, but it’s the adorable kind).

Dog dads are as serious about their parenting skills as they are at being a human dad. Or maybe this father was simply looking out for both of them. But for sure, this note just shows us how a dad can always inject humor, even when giving instructions.
Another Level of Dad Helping Out
To some of us, our fathers are our mentors on how to fix things. They are the ones we run to when we need a solution to a problem. Even when it comes to PE, which we all hate, our fathers' will do whatever they can to set us free.

And we must say, what we love most about this one is the sense of humor. If he is going to help excuse his daughter from PE lessons, he is going to do it with a sprinkle of laughter. If he is having a laugh out of this, why shouldn't all people involved laugh, too?
The Favorite Child
Being a favorite of either parent (or both!) can be such a treasure to any kid, and we’re sure the child who received this was thrilled. The dad had no problem letting his kid know who his favorite was. But he could be telling all his other children this, too. Sometimes, it’s a way for a dad to have his child do what needs to be done.

Admit it, moms and dads, we have those days when we just want them to carry out their tasks without a fuss. But would you ever think to resort to this funny yet sweet tactic? This dad probably used the “favorite child” method to get things done!
Lesson Learned
Most girls are not as into cars as the boys are, and we can assume that this dad wrote a note to remind his daughter just what the vehicle needs. And we can also speculate that because one word repeatedly appears, the daughter might have forgotten exactly what to fill it up.

She could have filled up the tank with basic unleaded fuel instead of diesel. To avoid it from happening again, this dad made sure to remind his daughter about diesel... but we’re pretty sure Sarah has learned her lesson. Yes, Diesel is the name for lesson one on cars.
In the new age of Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and any other screen you can think of, communication, especially between parents and their teenagers, has become almost impossible. They just don't seem to speak the same language anymore. Take this for example. The father discovered the microwave's handle was broken.

Now, let's put aside the fact that he has misspelled whatever he was writing; his daughter simply replied with "Me?". We would like to add that if she had written " moi" in French alongside that image, it would have taken her response up a few levels. We can't wait to see what the next note will read.
What Did He Write?
When we came across this next one, we literally called for an emergency. People from all over the country tried to figure out what this father wrote to his daughter, and until this very moment, there was still no final verdict. We summed it down to two last options.

It's either the father who wrote this had a little too much to drink and wrote " Do your wishes" (and whatever that means), or his intention was to write "Do your dishes." Following what his son responded, we tend to go with option one. The father asked for wishes, and the son replied with dreams. It all makes sense to us now.
When It Grows Up
Having a house on fire caused by dryer lint is a serious thing, and parents have to remind their children to be careful with it. This letter creatively yet clearly tells the kid not to leave the dryer lint just anywhere. Dad invented a dryer lint character that would one day grow up to become a dryer fire.

Creating characters may just be one of the things a dad must do. With a good prop, the story is an imaginative way to get his message out. While the note is amusing, it is also an important warning about the dangers one can get into with something as seemingly innocuous as lint.
A Few Words
There are dads who are not too keen on conversations, even with written words. This dad looks like he’s one of those “men of few words.” These men are often given more attention once they speak or write.

In fact, it took only three words for this dad to get what he wanted. Dad was craving for cake, and all he had to do was write and stick the note on a plate. It could also be that the dad was reminding Em to buy a cake for an event. One thing’s for sure: he will get that slice of cake in no time.
In Case You Were Having Trouble
There are many kinds of families these days. Families of two mothers, or two fathers, or a mum or only a dad, or even worse, a dad that thinks it's important to share with his kids the plans for the night.

Maybe this is a way for this dad to get his teenager to share what's been going on in their personal life. maybe the dad is really only going to help his girlfriend pack or help her check-in online? Or maybe, just maybe, this father is trying to rub it in that he is going to get some action.
Addictive Oreo
We have said it once, and we are saying it again. Mondelēz International, Inc., who is responsible for the production of all Oreo cookies, has been secretly putting addictive ingredients into their range ( and we are not referring to sugar). There is no other explanation for going through a whole packet of these like this dud just did.

He left a note to his wife, blaming her for what had happened while she was thinking about how to spoil her family with a yummy treat. He should be pointing his arrows in a completely different way. Mondelēz International, Inc. has a lot of explaining to do.
That's Not Toothpaste, Dad!
Dads are not as enlightened when it comes to the female department. They think they know it all, and they seriously believe they have the ability to solve anything, but between you and us, they have no clue. Take this confused father as an example.

The father genuinely thought this anti-itch cream was a toothpaste! None of us would want to be in the father’s place and taste Vagisil because we’re sure it is terrible indeed. We wonder what the daughter reacted to this note was. She must have laughed her heart out and then cringed from embarrassment. Poor dad.
Anything But The Hummus Dishes!
The father used this note written on an envelope to scold his son, Terry. He clearly wanted to inform Terry that human dishes are used only for humans and should never be used for their pet, Smudge, because he uses a different dish. Dad is not happy with it but at least, he used the word “please.”

But take note, it’s not only the son who received some admonishment. Mom joined in the conversation too, and showed that she has some sarcastic humor, too. She told her husband that using a new white envelope for such a note was a waste. It seems like the son and dad are now even.
When Your Dad Thinks He Is Funny
There is one thing that is common to all dads in the world, no matter where you live and what you do. You cannot beat a dad's sense of humor not because it is funny but because only the dad, again- whoever they are, thinks it is funny. Take this next one, for example.

LJ was waking up to just another regular Friday morning until he found this note his dad left him, which turned the day into a...... trying-to-be-funny day. And to finalize this; here is a message from us to the dad. This could work great on a cloudy Sunday, too.
These Are Difficult Times
The days were difficult days, and the times were the hardest ever recorded in history. People were standing in line for food rations and had to learn how to go with much less. They were short of bread and milk, and diapers and......Chrismas cards. Pore Erika is learning it the hard way. Or is she?

Her mum and dad had to save up for an entire year so they could get her the new bronze pink iPhone 19 for Christmas; they had to prioritize things. Thankfully, they could recycle an old Christmas card, which helped them to make their little princess happy.
Watching Out For The Dog
Whether it’s an animal or a human, dads are always on the lookout for their kids (or fur kids). It’s even better when your kids, including the furry one, help each other out. This was the motivation behind this dad’s efforts when he left a note asking his kid—the human one—to help the pooch relieve himself.

The dad is so concerned with the animal’s bathroom routine that he just had to inform his child, or else there would be some cleaning to do inside the house! This dad made sure that everyone was well taken care of. We just hope the dog got the relief he needed.
Controlling Remote
This genius design was prepared by a father of little children who kept pressing the wrong buttons and setting the television on channels no one recognized, and worst, unlinked the computer linking, which made it impossible to connect other devices. Or, this was designed to help our senior members of the family, who are absolutely useless when it comes to operating things.

What do you think? Whatever the story behind this is, we seriously suggest the remote control creators think of adopting it. There are so many buttons on the remote no one has ever used before in his life.
A Man's Stomach Is The Way To His Heart
They say that the key to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and that’s what this daughter did to her dad. The father, in turn, was very appreciative and had to let his girl know. Dad expressed how delicious the brownies were and even compared it to a round of golf and how it was so much better.

This dad must love playing golf so much to have it compared with food! For sure, a dad’s compliment is far sweeter and better than any food critic’s compliments. But we have to say that a daughter always has her father’s heart right from the very start.
Nice One, Dad
This happens when you push your luck and exceed the number of house-sitting sessions you are entitled to in an annual year. This father was going to teach his daughter a lesson and make sure this was the last time it happened; he had plenty of other, more interesting things to do with his time.

We do have a few questions tho. Did he really do everything he listed? And, second ( but most important), do you agree that this looks like a list of tasks on Farmville? Could it be that the father simply invaded his daughter Farmille's acount?
Taking Control
Married and family men know all too well the endless struggle with the remote control for the television. This dad found the opportunity to end the battle. Apparently, someone lost the TV remote, which the dad found.

In his attempt to teach them all a lesson and give them the proper consequences, he revealed that the remote would not make an appearance at their home anytime soon and that he left the TV on a certain channel. While this note sounds hilarious, his wife and kids are probably too annoyed at him. Maybe he wanted to prank and annoy them, too.
Don’t Forget Monte
This is another one we found hard to understand, and we came up with a few assumptions as to who Monte is. This toilet paper note could be related to the card game Monte. "We love Monte" is aimed at the one who took a restroom break in the middle of the game. However, after reading the second part, Monte as a card game doesn't seem logical.

Monte is probably a person, a little toddler perhaps, who is working really hard on toilet training and saying goodbye to the diaper. His is 2023 diaper support and cheering every toddler needs.
Napkin Note
If you are a parent of young children and reading this, you are most likely to be familiar with the whole "Note of a Lunch Box" trend. Parents have been sending the kids to school with all colors of the rainbow notes, saying things like, " Good luck on your exam, my princess," or "Anything is possible, champ."

This stepdad decided to take things to the extreme and turned it all into a joke, and we tend to agree. Send kids with food, not with notes. We can't wait to see what his daughter replied. Maybe something like, "You are not my real dad."
So Is It a Bad Idea For You?
This mother had clearly had enough, and she decided to put an end to it. She is sick and tired of opening the fridge and discovering there are two open jars of jello, two open bottles of ketchup, and two open tubs of butter.

So, instead of losing her temper or getting angry, she decided to face her children and see why, in their own world, they felt that checking if there was another tub open could, God forbid, harm their health or, even worse, cause permanent damage. For the record, the father has backed this up, and he totally agreed that three open tubs of butter in the fridge are more than enough.
And Make Sure It's Cold!
Here’s another man who doesn’t want to complicate his words and wants to be straightforward about things. If he wants something, this dad will tell it as it is. Maybe this is a dad thing too, requesting something in such a blunt approach. Most dads don’t care what paper they write on either.

This one used a receipt to inscribe his message. But back to the note, the father simply asked his child to get him a drink, plain and simple. At least he did not forget to put in some love there to let her know she was not some servant.
Just For Fun
Most of the dad notes so far have been creative requests, demands, and even silly love letters, but some notes are written just to get a laugh out of the child or maybe to show their silliness, as this note displays. This dad thought of pulling his son’s leg and stuck a note on one of the pages of his Sports Illustrated magazine.

On that page, a note that says “Call me handsome” with an obviously fake phone number can be seen. Don’t tell us you didn’t smile at this clever note. Dads will be dads, indeed, and this surely is on another level!
Feed The Toilet Paper Monster
We think notes are more than just ways for dads to reach out to their kids and show off their humor; they are also artistic outlets for them. Take this father, for example. With this creative illustration, the kid will get the point with just a few words. The dad wanted a new roll of toilet paper, and this ingenious note clearly conveyed the emergency message without resorting to a screaming fest.

This is one thing we can absolutely try at home! Besides, it’s quite interesting and entertaining to the eyes. Keep those ingenious ideas coming, Dad, and your kids will soon be looking forward to each note.
Dear Meatbag
If every lunch came with awesome cartoon artwork and a straightforward note, then more kids would look forward to eating their food. This is the type of letter that is as direct and funny as can be while giving the kid a fantastic drawing to impart the dad’s simple message... or rather, his demand.

Sometimes, parents would use play and toys to ask their children to do something. This father used the power of pen and paper. It’s good that he is not only humorous but is also good with art. Plus, he scored cool dad points. Now, who wants to eat their lunch?
Dibble Dad Wisdom
This has got to be one of our favorite ones. This father's teen girl has been going out with some dude for quite a while, and the father is not very happy about it. He knows there is not alot he can do; however, he is making an effort to ensure this new boyfriend takes good care of his daughter and doesn't play any dirty tricks on her.

So, what can be more frightening than your girlfriend's dad? Your girlfriend's dad is an officer! And what name? Couldn't he have been born with a less frightening title? Officer Dibble. We are surprised his daughter was asked on a date in the first place, having an officer of a father with a name like that.
The Apple Would Like A Ride
Here’s another food character that a father made. It’s amazing how dads can let their imagination run wild when it comes to having their kids do something. The guy, whether it’s the dad or the kid, probably takes this apple every day and brings it back home. Seems like the poor apple is always left, forgotten, once its owner has arrived at the office or in school.

At least they’re intent on eating the apple, though, or else they wouldn’t take it with them every day. With the witty note, the dad found a way to remind his kid that “Mike the Apple” is here and has to be eaten.
Pittsburgh University Exam Level
By the time his son or daughter would have figured this one out, the grass would have grown so tall he couldn't have had any other choice but to call a professional. So we ask, was this worth it? We supposed it was. The father graduated at the time from Pittsburgh University.

He has implemented the entry-level exams into his household, hoping that when it's time for them to take the exams, it will all be a piece of cake. Nothing like staring at things at a young age. He could have made things even a little harder by deleting the drawings, keeping only the worlds in the puzzle.
Sincerely, The Management
Here’s another protective father, but this time, his protective nature is disguised with humor. The dad has even called himself “The Management,” probably because he manages the kids. In this note, he asked everyone not to sleep downstairs for safety reasons.

Ever the wise cracker, he told everyone that going against his orders would cause them to “burn to a crisp” in case the house caught on fire. Hmm, do you think this would help the kids follow him? Hope so! But one thing’s for sure, the note did catch his kid’s attention and maybe got a few laughs and groans with its dad humor.
A Soup Reminder
Food and men, there is nothing that can separate them. Yes, food is a serious matter to dads and this particular dad wanted to be sure his kids know that. Some parents employ a variety of methods to remind their children. This is one of those.

The dad left a note that says “garbanzo SOUP” on the door handle. He even let his creativity out and drew on his notes. Now, there’s no excuse for the kid not to see it and pick it up. We can only hope the father got his soup after his effort with the note.
What Is Wrong Here?
We don't know why it beets us, but this dad leaves dolls like this around the house, and he adds notes to them. We find it a little spooky and quite disturbing. How does this person, who claims her dad leaves these dols every day alongside the notes, know for a fact that it's her dad?

Maybe it is the cast of some horror movie that came to life and decided to bring Halloween early this year? If it were us, we would lock the bedroom door as soon as possible, assuring none of these Chucky creatures make their way to us.
His Message Is Spot-On
Until this next one, we believe that all notes left by fathers are sophisticated, intelligent, and seriously funny. And then this happened; we apriciate the fact that the father wants to keep the energy bills low, especially during the cold winter month, but what made him think that leaving a note like this by the heater would make any of his lazy teenagers keep the heating low?

We would suggest placing something like this on their mobile phone or computer. By useing permanent glue, one can save themselves a low energy bill for this coming winter. One more question: Was this supposed to be "Hi" or "High?"
The Fishman
We ask ourselves, Is it that family standards have changed over the years, or have husbands' expectations just fallen down the drain? If years ago, a man would arrive at work witha three-course meal containing an appetizer, main dish, and dessert, these days, it all sums up to the main dish. And only the protein part, no carns involved.

It is known all over the world that a way to a man's heart is through his stomach; however, how many fish do you think he could get in there in one serving, and how happy are they going to be?
Health Expert
There comes a time in life when a man has to realize that it is time to let things go. According to this, the dime hasn't dropped here, and to be honest, we find it hard to believe he won't keep doing the same thing next Valentine's Day, too.

If there had been a nice piece of jewelry involved, or maybe two tickets to see a show and one bottle of wine, then a scenario like this could have been forgiven; however, we are dealing with a smash burger, and we are not sure french fried, and we are not sure french fried were involved here. Maybe we should be impressed by the fact that he printed the card and that it's not handwritten.
Dad's Skills And Services
If the note looks familiar, it’s because it is from the famous trilogy film franchise, Taken, and the dad sure had his own version of it. The note may not be as thrilling, but it still is scary for a millennial kid. The WiFi network keeps them connected to their world, and to be given no access to it will definitely put an end to their social life.

But all the dad is asking the child to clean up the kitchen mess he left. Surely, that would be an easy mission to carry out. Props to the dad for being creative and, of course, being humorous.
Not So Convincing
This dad may have designed the simplest equation of all time, and it stemmed from a father wanting to persuade his kid to eat a simple and plain sandwich. But to the father, this wasn’t just a simple sandwich. Let’s break down his equation based on his note on the napkin.

Bread plus lunch is equal to a delicious sandwich, and the kid needs to eat this wonderful formula. Who is to say, though, that this dad didn’t exert effort to make sure his kid has food during lunch? Well, at least, it’s dad’s simple and funny way of saying he loves his child.
Scratch Art Rocky
By the look on your faces when seeing this, your age is revealed. There are those who will think this father has completely lost it and tried to make his children laugh (which he probably did); however, if you are as mature as us, you know exactly where this quote comes from. In the first Rocky movie, Mickey motivates Roky by saying this.

The quote is used again when Rocky trains for his rematch against Apolo in the third part of the Rocky series. Does it all make sense now? Does this father seem to you cooler or just as lame as you thought he was before understanding what lies behind the quote?
Black Humor
This next one is what we call true father love. Not all parents do this; it is highly admirable. This father knew what he was dealing with, and it wasn't hard for him to see his daughter out there in the cold and wet weather with nothing but a thin top on., coming home soaking wet and complaining that she now had a cold. None of that young lady.

I have left you a note; there is no way you can miss it, and No, you cannot skip school tomorrow. You will be properly dressed, and you WILL NOT get a cold.
Dad Vs. Mom
We’ve all heard that women are from Venus and men are from Mars, and the differences between the two are shown even in parenting. The notes between the mom and dad indicate how they can be worlds apart. Moms are more nurturing and concerned, as seen in this particular note.

Momma’s requests are serious and caring, while dad is about avoiding legal troubles. We can see, though, how hilarious the dad is and how lucky the child is to have parents who are able to create balance as they join forces. It’s not an easy task, but it seems this family actually makes it work quite well.
Eat A Cat Or Starve
Some dads have their own unique view of the world, as well as an absurd sense of humor. They just seem to see things totally differently than others. This one hilariously gave his children choices on what to do when they could not find food to eat in their house.

At least he gave the kids choices to be able to decide on their own, teaching them not to be lazy and not to depend on mom and dad all the time. Of course, the dad knew his kids enough to know that they wouldn’t starve themselves and eat a cat because fur balls sound downright icky.
Let The Moon Shine
We are all great feminists who believe men and women are entitled to equal rights. Equal obligations, and basically, if he can do it, so can she. But when it comes to God's gifts, such as soccer, sushi, and whiskey, some say the good stuff should be preserved for men only. We say, WHAT?

Not only are the girls coming tonight, and not only are they going to try it, but they are also going to enjoy it. We suggest you guys find something else you can claim your own cause we are taking this moonshine back home with us.
A Sweet Good Luck Note
A good luck note is most often a very brief one and leaves no space for inspiration, but this one is certainly not lacking in the motivation department. This sweet note from a dad displays how he took the time and made an effort to encourage his daughters and to make them feel special. He is also teaching them to put their best foot forward.

Of course, he took this chance to tell them that he loves his girls, and that is enough reason for the daughters to smile. This note is indeed a shining inspiration for all other dads out there!
I Am Coming Home
This is so heart-warming, and we love seeing a river of emotions explode on a little piece of yellow paper. There is no doubt that this daddy misses his daughter very much and practically begs for her to come back home, Even if it is only for a short while. When she first went to University, she knew she would be missed.

But never in a million years did she think he would turn into a pencil-made smiley on her father's note. So, get on that plane and see your dad. One day, you will realize that nothing beats the love of a family, even if they are lousy animators.
Why Unicorns?!
Making up a story or threatening a kid with a made-up story is something we all do when we’re desperate to make them do things such as eating their food. This dad did just that. To make his kids eat her sandwich, he spooked her by writing that the life of all unicorns, probably her favorite mythical creature, would be dependent on her.

Though we know that this is fun and the dad is just tricking her, he can’t help but indicate that it’s a dad fact. This note is hilarious, and the story might just totally work. Way to go, Dad!
Call Me!
It is always the smallest and least noticeable things in life that we don't apriciate; however, if we pay them enough attention, we will soon realize just how important they are. We are not talking about big cars that supposedly make us happy, and we are not referring to grand beach holidays that we pray for all year round. We are talking about the real things.

Crisp apples and hard (yet still juicy) tomatoes. We are talking about perfectly grilled hamburgers that don't over-moist your bun and crackers that don't dry out because you forgot to sell the box prperly.
Make A Good Day
"You are not doing a very good job by not making the house smell." We had to read this a few times (and visualize this) to understand better the whole picture. So, this note was intended for a teenager who has still not comprehended the fact that his soccer shoes DO stink and that the use of deodorant at his age is mandatory.

Other than that, this quote and more can be easily found at all the "Best Line" shops scattered around the contry. For Christmas, there is a special offer. When you buy any two house improvement quotes, you get an air freshener for free.
Cheeky Dad
Remember what we said about dads and their serious business with food? This is another classic example of that. The father couldn’t help but take a bite. He possibly could have assigned himself as the taste tester of his child’s lunch and was checking on the quality of his kiddo’s meal.

But that’s more than just a little bite! The kid was probably not too happy to have half of a sandwich, complete with chew marks. Yes, this is a lesson learned. That is why you should just let your mom pack your lunch and keep food duties away from dad.
Such A Rookie Mistake
Most parents have already gone through a lot to be able to relate to the things you’re experiencing and give you lots of advice on what to do if you only ask them. Take it from Oliver, who has probably learned the hard way that his dad knows all too well what he’s been doing and how he should have done it.

This dad is about to give his son the talk of his life after he’s had a chance to read the note. It is good that he, at least, prepared Oliver for what was to come. We wonder how awkward it will be.
Rubbing It In
Short and sweet often gets the message across rather than the long, winding ones. Two words are sometimes enough for a kid to know their place and be sent back to it. In this case, “suck it” reminded the child to just deal with things and not to dwell on them.

This dad seems like he was able to get the last piece of bagel in the bag, and we all know how kids want to be the last one. The father did not only tell his kid to man (or woman) up, but he obviously wanted to fire up the kid, too.
Good Luck, Boys!
This made us laugh, and we will start with the words we wanted to end this one with. Maybe next time you will listen!! The boys of this father have most likely pushed the boundaries, and he had no choice but to teach them a lesson.

They obviously either didnt clean up, didnt do their best in school, or, even worse, said they would bring the car home by 10 pm and never did. So, when you complete solving this cube, you may return to your computers and social media accounts. Up until then, all we can do is good luck.
Zelda And Buzz Lightyear
It’s heartwarming when a dad takes the time to know what your interests and passions are. It’s even better when he tries to relate to it and supports you. This dad endorsed his kid’s interest in Zelda with this ingenious note, complete with a miniature Zelda shield and mints.

He is completely in the game with his child and wants to help the kid be at their best before each encounter. We’re not sure if the mints helped in any way. But Dad could not resist inserting some father humor—Zelda and Buzz Lightyear in one note? That would be fun.
Kelly Kelly
What could be worse than having a tattoo and then realizing there is a spelling mistake? Well, there are no spelling mistakes here; however, there are some digits at the bottom of the tattoo note that no one has a clue what it means. And then the dime dropped. Kelly's dad was in unite. 1104565-0 while he was in the army.

He sent her this note while he was serving our country. We don't know if Kelly's dad returned our note; however, from the minute we understood what this was all about, we had to rank it as the most heart-melting father's note on our list. Kelly, you have a great dad.
Rihanna Bonding
It’s a beautiful thing when a dad stays up-to-date and connected with the young generation’s world so he can bond and relate with his kids. This dad stayed hip with a hit song. He used three papers for the notes and not because he had three kids. In fact, he only used one note to wish his one daughter luck and to tell the other daughter that she looked good.

Then came the sparkling encouragement: Shine bright like a diamond. Of course, this note wouldn’t end without the humor of a father. He continued with his notes using Rihanna’s song. What a wisecracker!
Dad Tells It Like It Is
This dad is as blunt as can be and knows there’s no way he can find his way around it but to tell it as it is. It seems like his two girls missed the bus and were late to school. He certainly knows the main culprit for the tardiness because he must have spent a lot of mornings attempting to get his daughters ready for school on time.

So he blamed it on oversleeping and on the girls being girls. Basically, he let the girls take full responsibility. One can say that Dad is way too honest. But, umm, do girls really take that long to get ready?
Good Old Wake And Bake
For the older generation, the expression “wake and bake” has taken on a whole different meaning than the one youngsters are still familiar with. Rather than partaking in your favorite indulgence as soon as you wake up in the morning if you’re a parent, it’s all about going to the kitchen to toast something. What a major difference between the pre-parenthood and parenthood days.

Here’s the hilarious Chris Illuminati again, the stay-at-home dad and author who created the Message With A Bottle blog, reminiscing about his pre-father days. He’s the expert at leaving funny and candid notes about being a stay-at-home father, and he never runs out of ideas. With dad notes like this around your house, the Illuminati household will never lack humor.
Two Options
Nothing makes you learn a lesson better and faster than being given options, one or two of which are not actually options. Dad gave Dani two choices to enter the house—the key or the rope. It looks like Dani kept forgetting her house key, so Dad had to remind her that being forgetful about the key would give her no choice but to use the rope.

The rope certainly looks like it’s not strong enough to carry much weight. Or maybe the father was telling his child to do something about her key, like getting a keychain. We just hope the backup rope never had to be put into action.
No More Than Three, Please
This note for a son comes from both dad and mom, and from the get-go, one can tell which part is from the father. While there are a lot of requests and advice in the letter, it’s the middle section that is clearly emphasized and can catch anyone’s attention.

We can surmise that mom and dad are the cool parents that a child is grateful for... or is embarrassed to be with. We can only imagine that the talk about the bees and the flowers must have been fun and awkward at the same time. Nonetheless, these parents are the type who understand their kids!
A Simple Deal
Moms tend to be sweet enough to pack you a new sandwich every day, but when you don’t it and dad sees how you are wasting mom’s effort and the food, then he’ll start taking charge. This dad probably has had enough of the wasted sandwiches, so he packed an old sandwich that their kid did not eat.

He then wrote a note to make a compromise and embedded a Liam Neeson photo—a surefire way to tell that dad is serious. Hats off to Dad for his effort to find a Liam Neeson photo. What a way to make a note and set up a winning compromise.
This Dad Has A Big Problem
If the girl who posted this next note her dad left her could actually divorce her or un-dad him, we have a strong feeling she would have done it. It's because of people like this that there is domestic violence and why families are breaking apart.

If we make a difference and work on changing these habits, the world will be, without a doubt, a better place. The girl rolled in at two after midnight; she was so hungry and tired, and all she saw was a bagel on the counter. Give her a break, or even better, get a day job.
Pay Pall or Pay Up
So, this young girl was trying to think of a creative way to get money off her dad. She has been borrowing money from him nonstop. She wanted to purchase something online, and as she doesn't have a credit card, using her father's PayPal account seemed like the best solution. What she didnt take into consideration was that her father was not going to take part in her plan.

If she had been a little smarter, she should have asked him if she could use his PayPal account and only give him the money. Now she has no money, no PayPal acount, and no stupid item she doesn't need anyway.
Using The Remote Control Is A Science
Dads are known to hog the TV remote and are also said to have a special bond with their remote controls. They can be quite serious when it comes to these little devices. In fact, some fathers have certain methods of operating their TV remote, just like this one. This dad’s note of instructions came with an illustration just to make it clear.

He wrote thorough directions and looked like he was making notes for statistics instead of giving simple guidelines. Sometimes, Dads can be too simple, or they can be very detailed. This dad right here is the detailed one for sure. Hopefully, the recipient of the note understood it all.
Do Not Unplug
Sometimes, a dad has to lay down the law and say the last word. Everybody knows plugs are a dad's domain, and so this dad decided it was necessary to set out some details that the kids need to know about the plugs. DO NOT. UNPLUG. THESE PLUGS.

It doesn't matter if you're in a hurry, or if you just need it for a minute, or if you promise yourself you're going to plug whatever you unplugged back in; just don't do it. Don't do it. Just don't do it. Find another plug. Dad doesn't care if you'll be sorry. Find another socket.
It Doesn't Really Matter
Not all dads are classic funnymen who will have a laugh along with their kids or at their kid's expense. Many of them just pretend to be normal when, in fact, they are not. Sometimes, kids need a reality check, and this dad is just the one to do it. Tucked in with his Lightning McQueen backpack, this kid has found a depressing note that nevertheless contains some hard truths we all have to come to understand, no matter what else life may hold.

But, the note ends with a good thing. Despite life being nothing more than heartache and disappointment followed by death, at least Dad still loves you.
Easiest Kill Ever
Another tool in a dad's arsenal is sarcasm; oh, the sarcasm. You may think you know it, but you will never possess a dad's sarcasm, not until you hold your first child in your arms. In this case, after a child left a sharp hatchet out, inside where any old murderer could find it, a dad did his dadly best to write the most witheringly sarcastic note possible.

Nothing beats a good host, especially for killers who have a lot of trouble getting things done and completed. They even pointed out the butcher knives. Mi casa es su casa. This is horrific.
Harsh Words From Dad About Reddit
When one son leaves his Reddit account up on the family computer, Dad has decided he doesn't really approve. The note explains that people shouldn't be proud to have any friends (true), and if the child is having a problem with something, he or she should come to dad first because dad can actually help (also true).

Dad also laid some smack on Reddit's design (extra true) and that the child in question should spend some extra time practicing his or her humor (undoubtedly true; children are not funny). But Dad brings it back to earth with a familial reminder.
It Definitely, Probably Says Something
This dad has handwriting that is so bad Mom has to transcribe it so that Anna can understand what important information Dad needs her to know. We get it. Sometimes a dad is busy. Doin' dad stuff, you know. Fixing things, grilling things, fixing grills. Every once in a while, he has to scrawl out a page of chicken scratch for a kid.

This dad likes to hike and change a stick into a door stopper ( we like creativity) , but the most amazing thing is that Mom could actually read the handwriting the dad used on the original note.
Birth Catcher
It's been a long day. You are on your way home from school, dreaming of what you are about to make for dinner. You can imagine placing the chicken in the oven, peeling potatoes, and cutting up the salad. You walk into your house, and then you see this.

There is no way you can take out the chicken from the oven using this. What is wrong with this father? What did he use this oven glove for his unexplained hobbies, and if he already chose to do such a thing, why didnt he place it in the washing machine once he was done?
Dinner Will be Served Shortly
This is one we think we will adopt. It will save the children from calling us while we are at work and asking what is planned for dinner. It will avoid arguments between siblings (we don't know how it works in your home, but in our home, each child has one day they choose what will be served - out of a list, of course).

It will also make life easier for whoever is making the dinner. When it's meatloaf night, there will be no complaining. You will give them plenty of time to embrace the fact that sometimes in have to eat meatloaf.
Meatloaf the Money Cat
When Dad is happy, everybody's happy. This dad has gone off for dinner with an aunt and uncle but has left some cash for pizza and beer with Meatloaf, who looks as if this is a pretty common occurrence. A few double-sawbucks are enough for a fun night, even if it's not just a human and a cat, so we're sure these two partied like champs.

And this note has a bonus note! Dad couldn't find the tape, so he does what dads do best: he improvises. He used another note to hang up the first note! Classic dad magic.
Is This Dad a Teacher
Dads aren't perfect – and dads will be the first to let you know. Sometimes, they mess up, but a proper dad owns up to mistakes and softens the blow. Sometimes, they may be angry or displeased, and sometimes, they may seem just miles away from their kids. In this case, Dad proves that inside, they are still kids and that they don't ever really grow up.

This dad has got to be a teacher. How else can you explain the joy pouring out of this note? If not a teacher, then some company-owned business that ties him away from home for most days of the year. But this dad knows how to fix it. A few chocolate treats ease away any anger, so this note comes with a double-serving of...actually, we're not really sure what those are. They could be Girl Scout cookies, but they're definitely chocolate.
Lost For Words
So, this dad has become a professional when it comes to love notes. He has been leaving his wife's love motes for years, expressing his feelings and telling her how wonderful he thinks she is. These precious notes are one of the reasons the fire keeps burning for so many years.

Then, a day comes when he is just lost for words. He has used up all of the romantic phrases he could have thought of and found himself left with nothing but X and O. We must say that we apriciate the effort and adding a title, just in case this could have been confused with Tic Tac Toe.
There's a Lot of History Here
Yes, technically, these are many notes, but they're from a Dad. You can just tell. It makes things as easy as possible for a child who has probably flooded the laundry room a time or two. Laundry again, what is it about the laundry?

Anyway, this set of notes creates a fool-proof instruction. It tells the child exactly what not to use, so the chances of making a mess are fewer and fewer ( we love how everything eventually is there to server the parents). Of course, people who have children know even this barrage of notes might not stop them from doing their dirty work.
Math Lesson
What is going on here? We don't even know where to start. We see a clock, and we assume it belongs to this father's child. It is 8:15, seemingly the time this child was supposed to get up and get ready for school. And then we see an amateur addition to the clock, which can maybe be a mathematical puzzle.

Something divided by one equals what? Or maybe something divided by 11 equals the time you were supposed to get up, and now you are late, and I don't want to hear any excuse when you get told off at school today.
True Dad Love
It brings a tear to the eye. This dad has welcomed his son home, from what we don't know, but he's left a note that has everything you need. It greets the son with a note of love and protection, lists the good, healthy food available in the kitchen, and discusses the next available football game the two may watch together.

It's the Lions against the Browns, which seems almost like a punishment (especially if it's preseason), but we can ignore that. The note ends with some advice: hot shower and nap. Heart Pop. It might just make you miss your own dad.
On the Other Hand...
Some people might find this kind of note a little more familiar. It seems a child has missed curfew one too many times. As we've seen before, sometimes a dad has to lay down the law, and it's happened here in glorious fashion. Don't knock or ring the doorbell. Sleep on the patio.

But a dad can still be magnanimous in his righteous anger. This time, his generosity includes a blanket and a pillow to ward off the chill, keep him comfortable, and fight off coyotes. Did the child actually sleep here, or did Mom come to the rescue? A question for the ages.
Both Good Things
This Dad is here to remind you to remember the important things in life, like the Star of David and coolant. It's a hastily scrawled note that speaks of a Dad worried about work or fixing things, or maybe someone who is just too busy to learn penmanship, yet the speed and distraction type of the note brings out the paternal feelings all the more.

With a Star of David and some new coolant, our drivers will be ready to take on the road, religious doubts, and leaking pipes if they wish. It's not like there's much else that could possibly happen.
Short, Simple, and Sweet
Brooke's dad may need a little bit of grammar help (It should be “you're.” We'll let the capital U instead of “you” slide for now, but you're on thin ice, Dad), but his heart is in the right place, at least. All he wants is for his daughter to have a good day and to know he loves her.

And unless we're mistaken, those are Chicken in Biscuit crackers ( people actually eat this stuff?), which drives home the point that, yes, this dad really does love Brooke. If anybody gives us a baggie of those, we know they love us.
Hi Kian
Kian is 16 years old. He started his first summer job working for a local restaurant. he was about to get his driver's license and was saving for a new car. His father thought highly of him and would visit the restaurant on a regular basis. He would usually just pop by and say hello and, occasionally, stay and have something to drink.

He would also help himself to the waiter's pad they would take orders with. There was no room for imagination here. He left his requests on paper, gave it to his son of a waiter, and wasn't planning on paying anyway. If Kian was lucky, his father might have left a tip.