Sometimes it can be difficult to talk about something that is very near and dear to your heart – something like your identity. Other times, it can be as easy as finding a show that wants to say the same thing and posting that moment – down to the very episode – in your senior yearbook under your picture.

Because originality is going down the toilet, and if you can’t quote something that somebody has already said, why even bother? Why worry about coming up with your own saying that will echo on down the ages? Why do you need to put precious brainpower into actually using your own words instead of just copying somebody who already did all that work (and such a complicated quote, too). Some people have TV to watch.
Someone Who Knows How to Self-Market
There are a whole lot of people out there who consider the numbers attached to their social media to be the most important things in their lives. It’s possible that Brianna (or Nicole, or whatever her name happens to be) is one of those people, and just can’t wait for an opportunity to rake in some sweet, sweet endorsement money by selling products on Instagram.

You know what? We can actually look her up. It looks like her plan has worked for the moment – Brianna is sitting at almost ten thousand followers. Ah, and it looks like she’s recently gotten engaged, too. Congratulations, Brianna. It says she works as a marketing coordinator and digital marketing manager, so she clearly knew what she was interested in, even before she was done with high school.
It’s an Acquired Taste
The bitter taste of coffee is something of a turn-off for people who aren’t used to that kind of taste – it’s why most kids can’t stand the stuff. They’d much rather have something sweet, but eventually things change in their taste buds and the flavor is a little more palatable. Simbiat seems to be the same kind, but she’s a person and not a drink.

She has some pretty high opinions of herself – it’s best to have love for yourself, but too much will leave you staring at your reflection in a pool until the end of your days. And that would just be a tragedy to all of Simbiat’s friends. She wouldn’t be around to use them to make her feel better about herself anymore. What a shame.
We Wonder How it Tastes
Here’s a quick lesson: In sports, entertainment, media, and almost anything else, the Goat is “the greatest of all time.” Somebody who could never possibly be beaten, no matter who else tried their hand. Think Tom Brady in football, or John Wayne when it comes to westerns. Gabriel Hernandez (last name redacted) wanted to enter his name into the arena. But what for? Adam’s Apple protrusion?

We don’t know what else it could be, but there are plenty of options. Maybe he’s the goat of eating exotic livestock. Well, there are plenty of animals out there for one to consume, so he’d better get cracking. And until he’s eaten ostrich, he’s got nothing on me. It’s quite nice. Very rich. And far more flavorful than something like chicken or turkey.
Well, You're the One in Charge
Elon Musk has long been working on better rockets to help people colonize the stars, and he’s one of the big names that has been pushing people to take up permanent residence on other planets. There’s almost no doubt that eventually, humanity will start to spread out in the solar system, but how long will it take?

Designing rockets to get all the way there with humans is no easy feat. Elon Musk wants to spend his twilight years on the red planet, but he has to safely arrive first. There are a whole lot of steps that SpaceX will have to go through first before we can start to colonize. John Kraus thought that this line from Musk was pithy and memorable enough to include in his senior yearbook.
Take a Little Bit of Investigating
So Sarah decided to not leave a real quote, but a specific time of a specific episode of “Spongebob Squarepants” in her senior yearbook. If you happen to take a look at exactly the time she posted, it’s a still of Spongebob pointing at graffiti on a table that reads “Skool is 4 chumps.”

No doubt Spongebob, who loves school in the show, doesn’t agree with this assessment, but it seems that it’s the only thing Sarah could think of when asked to put something in the yearbook before walking out the doors forever. We get the sentiment, but the fact that some of the words are misspelled in the graffiti should maybe come as a warning sign. Hopefully, Sarah already knew how to spell.
Ready to Get Out of There
There are some people who just don’t recognize how good they have it while they’re in high school. They often don’t have to worry about where their meals are coming from, where they’re going to sleep at night, plus things like taxes, jobs, and all that fun stuff. They just know that they have to sit and listen to somebody drone on about the New Deal or something like that.

They don’t realize that they’re going to have to take a lot more agency once they’re out, and agency is hard work. Just look at Kayla, who was probably a member of the theater clique, but she just couldn’t work up the nerve to have an interest – even a fake one – in some of her classes. Well, maybe college was better.
By Any Other Name
Maybe this person is old enough that he actually got a lot of people wondering, or maybe he was just asked a few times during high school. One way or another, he couldn’t come up with anything better for his senior yearbook quote, so Egor Krylkov decided to head all the whispers off at the pass.

We’d expect more people to pretend to have humps and hobble around, acting as if they are helping a mad scientist go about his world-changing work. Egor – more commonly spelled “Yegor” is a name from Russia, but it’s also from Belarus and Ukraine. A more common form is Igor, the classic helper of the Gothic scientist who is dabbling in things not meant for man to trifle with. But he looks pretty standard here. Maybe the hump comes in later.
Well, Sure, We All Do
Really, who doesn’t like a bit of rice? As the late, great Mitch Hedberg once said, rice is great when you’re hungry and want to eat two thousand of something. There are countries all over the world that rely on rice to provide a bulk of their calories, and it goes along with so many other foods.

It’s great in Mexican food, Spanish food, and Asian food of all kinds. Put it in curry or chili. Simply make a bed of it and put anything you want on top of there. It’s great! Now that’s out of the way, Let’s talk about Edward Kang’s reasoning for including a quote like this. He was probably just having a little bit of fun at his own expense, while not even telling an untruth.
It's Not Required or Anything
There are a lot of people required to dress a certain way, but it turns out that this gal isn’t one of them. No, she’s just doing it because she knows that if she dressed the same way as all the other girls, none of them would get any attention from the studs walking the halls. They would only have eyes for her, and she just couldn’t bear the weight of all that attention.

Plus, she wanted to do something nice for all the other girls in school with her. Speaking seriously, it takes a good bit of confidence to talk about something that might be compulsory for her in such a witty, irreverent manner. There’s a small chance she could get some chastising for saying such a thing, but we’re proud of her being able to say something funny.
Why Yes, We ARE Jealous
Wearing a hijab – a traditional hair or head covering worn by many Muslim women in a number of different styles – at first seems like a bummer, but there are plenty of great advantages. It doesn’t matter who you are, you’ve probably rolled out of bed and crawled into the bathroom, still blinking the sleep from your eyes, only to see a ridiculous creature staring back at you from the mirror, hair all a-tangle.

Those who wear the hijab still have to deal with it – their hair is still attached to their head, after all – but they don’t have to worry about anyone else bringing it up. Out of sight, out of mind. Plus, think of the nice colors and patterns you can add to your outfit. They’re an accessorizer’s dream.
The Proper Kind of Name
Whether or not Perry Picasso chose the name as his moniker or if it’s actually his real name, but it’s the right kind of name for a guy like him. Pablo Picasso was a famous painter who did all sorts of amazing paintings, some of them with plenty of straight lines. On the other hand, there were a whole lot of his paintings that had all kinds of curves and twirls in them.

Quick, somebody get an art major in here, we need help. Perry Picasso loves to go all over the place, unless he’s painting, and it’s also kind of funny that he also has braces – not even his teeth are straight. That’s the kind of thing hopefully will be fixed after enough time, though.
And He Can Write with His Eyes Closed
Can you imagine how many times this poor guy got asked if he was actually able to see during his time in school? Kids can be cruel, we all know this. And yet, after all that time, Jonathan Hara was able to take a big breath and poke a little fun at himself in his senior yearbook quote.

It looks like he’s constantly staring into the sun, which must be nice if he’s ACTUALLY staring into the sun – he’ll look exactly the same. Think of all the money he can save on sunglasses through his whole life. And, once he’s older, he’ll look like a wizened master that is ready to dispense wisdom to the grasshoppers at his dojo, so they can eventually avenge his life. No, we haven’t been watching too many kung fu movies, why do you ask?
Twin Humor Makes Us Laugh Twice as Hard
While this computed command humor might be a little outdated now, back when these pictures were taken, it was the height of comedy. Take a look at the styles these identical twins have: Wide white dress shirts, one of them wearing a collar. They have the wild, ragged, spiky ‘dos of the middle of the millennium’s first decade, and the soul patches to match – though they are small and subtle.

Yes, these pictures are from some time ago, back before all of us had heard all the best gags of our new, connected age. These two decided to make the best of their nearly identical pictures. Oddly, their hairstyles are reversed. Is there a command for that? Almost certainly in a program like photoshop, but that might be all.
The Editor Took a Day Off
Kevin Fisher was ready to turn heads the day he came up with this senior yearbook quote, and we’re a little surprised that it actually made it into the finished product. Maybe the person in charge of checking the quotes needed to go home early that day or something.

Yes, getting up in the morning isn’t the easiest thing to do if you’re a tired teenager who is dreading another eight hours in the halls of his high school, but just imagine having to work for those eight hours. That’ll make you a little more willing to enjoy your time in school. Of course, we all know what the other thing is that Kevin is talking about...his mattress. He needs a new mattress. It’s not doing his back any favors.
Time to Get Low
Caroline Kremer is pulling out all the stops with her senior yearbook quote – she’s quoting the master of quoting himself, Michael Scott from “The Office.” Whether it’s dropping amazing knowledge that takes a twisted mind to understand or quoting others as if he’s talking himself, the man is never at a loss for words.

And this is the kind of quote that almost makes sense for a senior yearbook – she’s showing off just how ready she is to astound. She’s setting the bar high for everything except luau party games, and we assume if she does happen to be at a luau, she’s going to set the bar high in getting under a low bar. Luau might look easy, but it isn’t. Trust us. Try too hard without warming up and you’re going to fall flat on your back.
More to Love
Those with Down syndrome – those who have an extra copy of a chromosome in their DNA – might be easy to spot, but that doesn’t mean they’re all the same. They’re just as varied and different as everybody else in the world. Maybe even moreso.

Some people might find them a bit strange, and it can take a little bit of time to get used to them in some cases, but there are lots of people with the standard number of chromosomes that are a lot harder to get used to, let’s put it that way. Nicholas is here to give us all the deets on how much we’re allowed to freak out: zero. Nicholas looks like the kind of guy that might be a bit of an oddball, but there’s no one else we’d rather hang out with.
What Do You Have Against Michelles?
Jose has a pretty good self-image, and that’s something to applaud. He called himself the Beyonce of his high school, which is a pretty hefty goal to reach. At the same time, he managed to put down everybody who has the name Michelle, even though there are lots of great examples. What about Michelle Rodriguez, a veteran actress who has been in movies such as “Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves” or “Avatar?”

Or Michelle Obama, the nation’s first African-American First Lady? Be careful saying those kinds of things, Jose, or the Michelles will rise up against you. Beyonce has plenty of star power, but there is only one of her, while there are almost a million Michelles in the United States alone. If we extended that to the entire world, estimates put it at almost two-point-five mil.
Make Do With What You Have
While it’s possible to take this quote and feel bad about the state of things, let’s look at the wisdom that Betshina Bernier has left us with a more critical eye. Yes, it's a sad fact that there are still unintentional and even unconscious ways that people can be affected by who you are, but there’s commonly a way to get around those things.

Betshina found out she has a power to modulate her voice to what people want to hear – similar to the film “Sorry to Bother You,” though hopefully it doesn’t end up the same way for her. Suddenly Betshina has a couple of choices in life – public speaker, voice actress, and more. Building on your strengths is a great way to get ahead in life, and this young lady is on her way.
Something to Go Back To
Lots of people leave pithy quotes or snarky goodbyes in their senior yearbook quotes. Not Mason Goodman, no sir. He, instead left what appears to be a recipe for pancakes as his quote. We’re surprised he had all that space to work with. Strangely, most pancake recipes don’t include things like egg and milk – maybe it’s a family recipe.

This is a good option since not only will people see the recipe while looking for their own pictures and give it a try when they have the munchies, but Mason now knows exactly where this recipe is at all given times – it’s right next to a picture of him wearing a tuxedo. Once he’s in college, he can just flip open the book and start mixing. The recipe’s pretty easy, too. Everything you need for a quick breakfast.
Watch Out
Abigail tells us the truth behind redheads – they’re trouble. They’re a genetic aberration that we nevertheless allow to continue, and we love ‘em, but they can really prove to be hot headed in more than one way. Among all the browns and blacks and blondes that are wandering the halls at school, gingers are easy to spot.

Maybe that means you need to keep an eye on them, so they don’t do something they’re going to regret. Or something that YOU are going to regret. Abigail is looking at the camera like she knows what she did, and she has a smile that tells us she doesn’t really care. Combined with that quote, we would put a little money down on the idea that her parents are happy she’ll be going off to college soon.
Turns Out You Can Lie in a Quote
Carlos Ramirez is a staunch Dallas Cowboys fan, which means he’s also wrong about a lot of things. Like who America’s team is, and whether or not Dez Bryant caught it in the 2014 NFC Divisional playoff game on January 11th against the Green Bay Packers – America’s actual team. It was just another moment in a long rivalry between these two teams, and this one was quite recent – even young fans like Carlos aren’t likely to forget it soon.

It’s just too bad for Dez Bryant, the Cowboys, and Carlos that the rules were pretty clear in that Dez didn’t maintain possession. Yes, the rules were changed afterward, but at that point it was cut and dry. Plus, Rodgers was doing great that day, you really think the Cowboys would have won? We don’t think so.
A Fifty-Fifty Chance
We have a big question when it comes to the quote left by this young lady, and we’re not sure the best way to ask it. We don’t know if she’s being serious or not. The quote has a couple of issues: for one, something doesn’t get on a pet peeve, a pet peeve is just a thing you don’t like. Pet peeve is also made plural, but it’s not like that actually makes it worse.

There’s also that random apostrophe that is hanging around the word “it” like a moon. It shouldn’t be there. We sadly know that it’s all too likely that this blonde was being sincere when she wrote this quote, but we feel like it’s just as likely that it was a joke – even if this did happen a lot, it’s a really strange thing to put in your senior yearbook.
Couldn’t Be Bothered
Mia Bobias had plenty of other things on her mind than coming up with a good senior yearbook quote. Maybe she was busy at a club or practicing for a play – we don’t know, since there’s no other information available to us. We know she has a megawatt smile and some lovely choices for jewelry, but that’s about all.

Maybe she was too ready to leave high school to give the yearbook club a quote that nobody would really care about or look back on fondly in the years to come. Still, she managed to leave something that was just unique enough to catch our interest. While everybody else was trying their teenage best to drop some knowledge, Mia knew where the real knowledge was – somewhere else. And then she went there.
Yeah, Because We’ve Never Regretted Electing Anybody Before
From just one image, and one quote, we sort of already don’t like Lauren Cazares all that much. She looks like the kind of person that everybody knows but nobody really likes. Hey, just like a president. She was the present of the class, and she found it necessary to point out that she still got elected in her senior yearbook quote.

We feel like college is going to be a rough transition time for Lauren, when she realizes that she was in a small pond before, and you have to actually be likable to continue with the career in politics. Or you have to at least pretend to be likable. Lots of people can be charmed by someone who smiles and kisses babies and eats ice cream, but that doesn’t make him or her a good leader.
Seems Kinda Unfair, Honestly
This guy has just noticed a flaw in the whole plan – just as soon as you step outside of high school, you get thrown straight into college, and by general consensus college is a lot more difficult. The professors grade on a much tougher curve, and even if you do sometimes you’ll end up with a test score that is going to make you rethink your major.

It might even make you rethink your life up to that point. Though college does have some good points. For instance, if you already know what you’re interested in, you can get working on building up the skills. Maybe you want to run a business, or be an actor, or join the ranks of medical professionals. It’s all right there for you to pick.
The Tiger Didn’t Lie
Frosted Flakes might not be the most popular cereal around, but it has plenty of fans when it comes to a breakfast choice. Turns out high school senior and future mop Salvatore Ferrone is one of them. We should have trusted Tony the Tiger, and we had plenty of reasons to do so – he’s a good sport while winning or losing, he wants to get people into the team spirit, and he’s a big tiger – they’re well-known to be trustworthy with things like hunks of raw meat.

So Salvatore dug in with a bowl as he was taking his senior picture, and he was shocked enough to make his review his one and only senior quote. Maybe he didn’t have anything else to say, but it still seems like a bit of a waste.
They Were So Close
These two gents really gave it their all trying to make something in the school yearbook that would go down in history, and they just barely missed the mark. They had a two-person quote that would be right next to each other, they were looking at each other, and they tried to do the fist-bump. And that final element is where things went off the rails.

While William got his knuckles right up against the edge of the frame on his right, Anthony has his fist just kind of hovering in midair. We really wish they could have perfected it, but it’s not like it’s Anthony’s fault – he wasn’t the one taking the picture. It was all up to the photographer whether or not this worked out. Also, we assume they’re brothers, but we aren’t sure.
Neither of Them Are Wrong
It might be a bit of an obvious point, but we can’t really say anything bad about that line from “Sex and the City.” Other than it’s from “Sex and the City,” of course. Stephanie must have let it slip that she was planning to drop that kind of quote, because Sean had the perfect dunk ready for her.

He was even brave enough to quote it to himself. But you needn’t worry about any bad blood – these two are good friends. For all we know, Stephanie doesn’t even care for “Sex and the City,” and just wanted to make a joke that would take up two people’s quotes. That’s a pretty big ask, even for a couple of goofballs. They both look a lot like goofballs, though.
Sometimes Nonsense Makes the Most Sense
There’s a lot of stuff one could put in their senior yearbook that comes out of the musical “The Book of Mormon,” but this is one of the stranger options. Then again, it’s hard to find anything disagreeable about it. It’s just a bunch of nonsense sounds that are sung in a happy, cheery tone.

If you’re looking for an understanding as to why Mya Hesby posted this quote in her yearbook, you’re not going to get one here. She probably just likes musical theater is our bet. We think it’s pretty funny that Mya had to put that it was the musical that was called “The Book of Mormon,” and not the book itself. Some people might have gotten a little confused.
Grandma Had Some Knowledge
It seems like this grandmother was smart enough by the time she was out of high school, all the way back in 1958. She may have had to apply herself to the books plenty of times, but she always had a sock-hop or a soda fountain to look forward to after all the hard work was done. Does she perhaps mean having a good time while studying? It can be done.

Get some friends, some snacks, some good music, and maybe throw a movie on, and you’ll be enjoying yourself. You might not be getting a whole lot of homework finished, but at least you’ll be having a good time. You can be sure that someone named Lois Marie Edie knows how to party. It’s a trifecta of classic names.
Still Keeping On
Some people get dealt a bad hand when it comes to what happens during their time in high school. Aliyah was one of those people, finding herself taking care of a little one. There seemed to have been some people that thought she would be able to handle it, but she’s apparently reached the end of her time at school and is still flourishing.

She even posits that she’s doing better than all the naysayers, which we feel like is a bit of an assumption, but it’s at least true that they don’t yet get to experience the joys of parenthood. Now Aliyah is far more able to take on anything that life will throw at her – if she can raise a child while attending high school, college and everything that comes afterward is going to seem simple by comparison.
Now He Has a Backup
Joseph Klein wasn’t to be stopped when it came to completing his mad experiments, even though he was just in high school. He needed to bump up his science grade in a hurry, and he knew one simple way to do it: human cloning. Which we think is actually illegal. Still, he pulled it off and nobody really minded all that much.

Good for him! But that’s not all. Not only did he successfully clone himself, but he also managed to do it in such a way that the clone aged up to his own age by the time of senior yearbook photos. Joseph even managed to teach his clone a sense of humor. Something that people these days have trouble teaching even themselves. Maybe Joseph should go into being a teacher.
Spelling Isn’t That Important Anyway
Eric has a couple of things on his mind, and those things are probably his guns. He got through just enough high school to know that spelling something wrong on purpose can be funny, and then he spent the rest of his time at the weight rack. What do you think he’s cranking in there? A hundred on each side? We bet it’s even higher.

Doing traditional grips and hammer grips and all sorts of fun stuff. And you KNOW Eric has good form. If you want to get big biceps that means working the whole muscle, not just the head in the center. You also want to avoid injury, which would require you to stop working out. Your arms aren’t going to get bigger without working out, that’s for certain.
Words That Truly Mean Something
A lot of people want their senior quotes to really mean something – they want the wisdom to echo down through the ages and inspire others. Then there are people like Khalil Brown. Is this little quote a wise one? Perhaps. We haven’t been able to get to the truth of the matter vis a vis being fly and its attractiveness to honeys.

We DO know that you actually catch more flies with vinegar than honey, so maybe Khalil still has some things to learn. And get this: Khalil not only dropped some knowledge on everybody who read his quote, but he also beat cancer when he was in the tenth grade! That’s why his mother expected him to leave a quote that was deep and thought-provoking. Apparently, Khalil had other plans.
He's Weirdly Correct
Ricardo Solis might have spent more time at house gatherings than spending time in class, but he still has his picture in the yearbook, so he hasn’t flunked out yet. And he’s correct on the technical aspects, at least. It’s a lot easier to retake a class than it is to try and perfectly recreate a party the exact same way it happened the first time.

Those things are pretty ephemeral – just changing one little detail is going to throw the entire thing into a new space. After thinking about it a little bit, we’ve noticed something about this quote – Ricardo is speaking as if classes and parties are on equal footing, but who has parties during school hours? Who has classes during party time? We’re just saying it seems like Ricardo could have done both during his time in school.
A True Tragedy of Our Age
You walk into your favorite burrito place and you can bet that there’s one thing you’re almost certain to hear: the guac costs extra. We all know it. Jackie Aina, social media personality extraordinaire, knows it, and Djenaba Adams knows it. Everybody who has picked up a sack of food from Chipotle or Qdoba knows it.

And it’s a real shame, too, since guacamole is one of the best things in life. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: we like our people like we like our tortilla chips – as long as they help us get guacamole in our mouths, we don’t care what they look like. Maybe Adams is just tired of hearing it when she goes out to dinner, or maybe she wants to let other people know that she knows. Who knows.
One of Life's Great Questions
Firstly, pay no attention to the woman that has been covered by the red scribble. She’s not who we’re here to look at. No, we’re more interested in Eui Jang, whose quote is a weird mangling of the English language and is attributed to himself, since apparently he’s wondering who his own man is.

Eui is a Korean name, and there’s a rich history of deep thought from the eastern edge of the world. Eui is continuing in the tradition by asking this question – who is he, really? To whom does he owe his allegiances? Where does he really belong in life? Whose man IS he? His family’s? His wife’s? His friend’s? Does he belong to his job, his school, his neighborhood? It’s an incredible mystery that isn’t easy to solve.
Showing Off What He Knows
Let no one say that Anthony Richardson wasted all his time in high school. If you need any more reassurance, then just take a look at what he decided to leave as his senior quote, which will be there for all time. Yes, it’s the very same formula for area that you probably learned when you were ten.

But did you remember it after all this time? The length times the width is the area. Quite handy for finding out how big a rectangular shape is, but not super handy for doing much else. You can’t even use it to find the area of a circle. Maybe this was the only thing that would fit inside the little quote box. He wanted to put Fermat’s last theorem, but it was too long.
We Wonder When That Picture Was Taken
We’re going to guess it was somewhere around 2016. After that, the fact that Hilary Clinton deleted a whole lot of really important emails as Secretary of State was more or less shoved under the rug, despite how wildly illegal it was to do such a thing. It seems that it wasn’t just emails that Hilary deleted – it was also at least one senior yearbook quote that was going out to print at around that time.

So Logan Magnusson had to scramble for something else to put alongside his picture. He figured it was best if he just had a little explanation. It’s the kind of joke that people won’t understand in ten years or so, but he probably got a laugh out of a few people at the time.
He Knows What He Really Really Wants
We couldn’t tell you why Mark Culbreth included a quote from the Spice Girls song “Wannabe,” but maybe he just liked it. Maybe it was a dare from one of his friends, and he walked away with a cool twenty bucks in his pocket for doing so. They seem important at the moment, but senior quotes don’t really hit all that hard once you have a taste of college life.

Then again, take a look at the expression that Mark has for the camera – this is a guy who seems like he knows what he wants. What he REALLY, REALLY wants. And he’s going to tell us, don’t you deny it. Was he planning to include this quote all the way back on senior picture day?
A Quote That Didn't Age Well
Really as soon as this book was printed the quote started to have issues. It’s easy to dislike Nicki Minaj, but at least she knows that she has some self-worth. We guess she makes some music, too, but that’s not all that important. Dajah Miller, who actually looks a little bit like Nicki Minaj if you squint and stand far away in a dark room, wants to make sure everybody in the school knows how she thinks of herself.

Dajah seems like the kind of charming person that thinks she is friends with everyone – indeed, they should be blessed to talk to her – but nobody really enjoys her company. But who are we to judge from just an image? Maybe she just thought the quote from Nicki was stupid and funny and it makes her laugh.
Taking Advice from a Cartoon Character
Yeah, he’s a cartoon character. Just because it happens to be a movie in an anime style doesn’t mean it isn’t a cartoon. But that’s not really important here – what’s important is that a high school senior not only included a quote from a kid’s movie in his senior yearbook, but it’s actually a really good one.

It’s not like people will put just anything in their yearbooks. (Looks at the rest of this article) Never mind. The lab-grown Pokemon has the right idea – it doesn’t matter who you were born to or where you grew up, but how you act in life that makes all the difference. Anybody can be a good person, or a hero, or just someone that helps to encourage other people. Even if you have ridiculous psychic powers.
You Can’t Tell Me What to Do
When you’re 18, your rebellious nature is probably at its very highest. You’re about to head off for college or enter the workforce, which means you know that your parents won’t have control over you for much longer. They’re trying to exercise their control for as long as possible – maybe because they don’t want you to do anything stupid before you’re out of their hair – but you can still do your part to make them happy when you're out of the house.

Like this guy, Griffin, who very much did use that stupid lumberjack photo, no matter what his mom said. It’s the perfect amount of rebellion: it doesn’t really mean anything, nobody will care even a little, and Mom might be peeved for a little while, but she’s going to look back and laugh eventually.
It's the Man Himself
“Mean Girls” is a movie that a lot of people from high school seem to love. This gal not only included a quote from the “too gay to function” character Damien in her senior yearbook, but she was then able to meet the actor who played him, Daniel Franzese, and get him to sign the quote! He, in perfect fashion, signed it with another quote from the movie: “You don’t even go here.”

It’s close to a quote, at least. Kristen Beever does have a whole lot of hair (that’s one of the upsides of curly hair) but it doesn’t look like it’s big enough to hold all those secrets. On top of the head, at least – she could probably hang a whole lot of secrets around her neck and nobody would ever notice.
Just Leaf Me Be
This collection of quotes has a whole lot of people not happy about their time spent in high school, a whole lot of quotes from famous people that don’t really apply to the situation, and some people that just seem rude. Antonio Pardini hasn’t given us any of that stuff. He’s given us a clever line that actually helps in some situations.

It’s from a woman named Bhad Bhabie, who is a rapper and internet personality, and somehow she was still able to come up with this line. You’re not dug into the ground where you are. Job, relationship, or so many other things can be changed. It might not always be easy, but you can uproot yourself. No, wait, you aren’t a tree. You can just walk. Taking a walk can solve a lot of problems.
Yeah, Graduation Ceremonies are Pretty Boring
Jim Carroll was a big-time high-school basketball player, a writer, and a punk musician who had plenty of fun quotes to give kids who just want to be a little rowdy. This quote is from the movie version of his autobiography, “The Basketball Diaries,” which tells us that Carroll had quite the hectic and trying high school life.

Kurt Anzelone figured that a movie about a high-school student getting addicted to drugs was the perfect thing to quote in his senior yearbook, which makes us a little worried about Kurt Anzelone. We’re sure he’s fine – Jim Carroll was able to get away from it all, so there’s always a chance. Kurt seems fine now, but maybe his time in high school wasn’t what he was looking for.
But You Can’t Pick Either of Their Noses
Markie is looking on the bright side of life, and that’s a skill that will come in handy for everything that life will be throwing at her. Maybe her relationship with her father isn’t as good as it could be, but that’s okay. She can find someone much more to her liking now that she’s out of the house. People of either gender can benefit from a responsible male figure in their lives.

Markie will be able to ask him all sorts of questions about how to get through life without taking too much damage, both mentally and emotionally. It won’t be that easy, but having a support system made up of a variety of people is a good way to ensure you get the best kind of advice in life. Yes, we know that’s not what Markie was talking about. Just go along with it.
He Just Wants to Do Something Good
Maybe you’ve gotten one of these emails, maybe you haven’t but you’ve almost certainly heard of them. A message from a kind Nigerian prince who needs to access his money and needs your help doing it. He’s offering you a pretty penny in return, but watch out! This is all just a scam that will leave your bank account drained and evil thoughts about that prince in your head.

We’re told by Segun Akigbogun that he is that same Nigerian prince, but we feel like it would have been a little easier just for him to tell people in person instead of sending an email from a different name. Now that the secret is out, he’s probably going to get a whole lot of responses. Don’t do us wrong, Segun.
Usually People Are Mad About It
We bet you’ve had this happen to you before: you got a fresh buzz or a little trim, and you walked into school expecting all your friends to tell you how good it looks. But you get through the entire day and nobody says a peep about it. It can feel a little hurtful – did they even notice? Is the haircut bad? Are they even your friends at all?

Well, Ghufran Salih didn’t have an issue with it, since nobody ever saw her hair anyway. One of the big advantages to always wearing something on your head. That’s why there are some people out there that always have a baseball cap. If nobody can ever see your hair, then nobody will ever tell you that you’re having a bad hair day.
You Should Have Listened
You might have had that one kid in the back of your class who was always trying to tell you how things were going to turn out, but did you listen? No! That might have been because the kid had a weird smell and kept trying to tell you that the real money was in chinchillas, but every once in a while one of them will actually see the thread unraveling.

Todd Goodman tried to tell us the truth in his senior quote – but what did he mean by “the end,” exactly? The end of the world? Doesn’t really seem like it, since we’re all still here. Todd feels good about what he said, but maybe the guy was just talking out the side of his mouth after all.
Dad, Did You Change My Senior Quote?
We could say that this is yet another example of a little bit of humor in a senior yearbook, or that it’s another example of Asian parents having a stereotypical desire for their children to go above and beyond at school, but there is another option.

Maybe this dad was just so darn proud of his son that he wanted to say that he was the best, and that he was proud of him. What better way to say so than to say that he had the top grade? Sure, the delivery could have been adjusted a little bit, since it still seems like the dad is way too interested in his son’s grades, but it’s certainly possible that this is just a well done son kind of line.
Please Stop Calling Me
Kids these days – and even people getting up toward their thirties – love the show “Spongebob Squarepants.” Lots of people do, even if it has gotten on plenty of parent’s nerves due to how much it’s on the TV. A couple of kids decided to have some fun with the senior yearbook quotes.

Gal on the left is the caller, guy on the right picks up the phone. The names have been covered over in order to protect their identities, but how great would it be if the guy on the right was actually named Patrick? It would almost be too good to be true. We’re trying to look at the tiny bit of text we can see, but we can’t see anything concrete. If anything, the little bit we have might just shoot the theory down.
A Little More to Go
Rithika Katpally has just finished high school, and there’s plenty of celebration. Not from her grandma, though, who is expecting Ms. Katpally to put on a white lab coat, loop a stethoscope around her neck, and start treating people who come in with boo-boos. Sorry, Grandma, it takes a little bit more time before she’s able to put her name on the door.

At the very least there’s college and medical school – easily eight years unless you try really hard to save some time – and then there might even be more school after that, not to mention having to learn pretty much constantly afterward. Just keep encouraging her, Grandma, and she’ll be able to get there eventually, at which point she can help you out with your bad back.
We Guess Not Everyone Has Seen It
Look, some people just don’t have the time to watch “The Office” and only “The Office” during all of their free time. Some people have jobs to go to, or sports to play, or symphonies to write, or something like that. But everybody else has quotes from the show, what is a graduating guy supposed to do?

This young man decided the best option would be to make something up. He even threw some shade on the people who think quoting one of the most popular shows ever makes them special or quirky. Oddly, including a quote that made fun of people trying to be quirky is, in itself, what a lot of people would call quirky. Nobody can get away from it, even if they try.
It's a Big Help to Everybody
It’s amazing how much help Google is when trying to learn or study about really anything. If you want to find a good way to describe math concepts, that’s the way to go. Need to spell something for a paper? Google it. Want to figure out the conjugations to French verbs? You know where to go.

Here’s a fun tidbit: You know those IT guys that seem to know everything about computers? It’s mostly just Googling stuff they’ve never heard of. The thing is, they know what all the terms already mean, they just need to see what order they’re in to describe your issue. Kevin Hoang tells it to us straight when he says Google helped him graduate. Hopefully it wasn’t cheating, and more just trying to figure stuff out the right way.
She Really Hit the Books
This young lady spent a lot of time studying in order to get her grades up, but that’s not the only big change that happened during high school. As far as we can tell, she shrank a little bit – maybe she decided to pick up running or take a good, long look at the kinds of things she was eating for dessert.

We’re no experts on the subject, but the things she’s referring to don’t generally plunge in size unless a couple of specific choices are made – two of them, however, are simple to do. Eat less and exercise more, and you may find yourself shrinking. There are many who find this result a bit unfortunate. But if it means you’re landing at a healthier weight, then it’s still a change for the better.
Breaking the Mold
This one is great because it’s actually a quote from someone else instead of just a snarky saying the student him- or herself supplied. Sure, fitting in works sometimes – like when you have to wait in line for a movie – but if you’re trying to get people to remember you, to think about you more than once in a while, it helps to be a little out there.

The great Dr. Seuss – as well as Quidarryl Wray – knows that it can be a big help being odd. It might not always be the best thing, but some people just can’t help it. Nobody gets to the top of the heap by doing the same thing as everyone else. You have to go your own way, at least a little bit, and hope that you’re providing something people are missing. And they’re always missing something.
Elementary Humor
Rhiannon Lorenz (now there’s a name with a lot of flavors) decided the best thing for her senior quote would be a little bit of humor. Good choice: we could always use more humor in our lives. This young lady, who is probably going to go into the sciences in college if her quote is any indication, dropped a quick one into the yearbook so that people paging through it later on can have a laugh.

Or a groan more likely. She’s injected a little bit of oxygen into what is usually such a dry and boring piece of binding. It’s an ironclad way of making your picture memorable to anybody that sees it. This humor has been carbonized in time for all to see and enjoy. Uh…helium.
Zynniah Knows What She Likes
Can’t say we’ve ever seen that kind of name on a gal like her before, but we don’t mind a memorable name. There can only be so many Brittanys or Allisons. Being called Zynniah is a good way to make sure people remember your name, too. And Zynniah just has everything figured out, doesn’t she? She knows what she’s looking for in a guy, and she even goes at it with a particularly fairy tale bend, too.

Maybe she knows finding someone who fits the bill will have to have a little bit of magical help. Either that or she has to become the female lead in a Hallmark movie. We’ve always wondered what people mean by “dark.” Black-haired? African-American? Tan? It seems like there’s a lot of leeway when it comes to that sort of thing.
Not Letting Life Get Her Down
There are some people out there in the big wide world that seem to think they always get the short end of the stick. As it turns out, life just isn’t fair for most people. Only a few can sit back at the end of their days and say that they never had to struggle.

This young woman doesn’t want to stick with the thought that she has the whole world up against her, and we want to applaud her for it. She’s just smiling at the camera, knowing that she got through high school and is on to bigger, better, and more-fun things. Maybe she’ll be able to bring that sort of positive energy in college and flip the script a little bit. Those places are ridiculous these days.
Just Asking for Trouble
We bet that “Bundy” isn’t too uncommon of a last name, even after the terrifying events of Ted Bundy’s reign. If your last name was Bundy during that time, we bet you got a whole lot of sideways glances and whispers. Of course, nobody else was at fault. That doesn’t mean that Blake got away without having to deal with any of that stuff, though.

Of course, Blake looks far too young to get any worried glances when his name is spoken – most kids in his high school probably weren’t aware of Ted Bundy just yet. Blake knew all about it, probably because his parents or dad had to deal with it for quite a while, and here Blake is grateful he didn’t have to deal with any of it.
This Is Called a "Red Flag"
We have it on good authority that it was actually Wayne Gretzky who originally said that quote – that good authority is, of course, Michael Scott from “The Office.” There are some who think it was basketball great Michael Jordan, but this line is actually ice-cold. Nevertheless, this Vincent guy thinks – or wants us to think – that the line comes from famous presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, the man responsible for cutting short John F. Kennedy’s presidential term in 1963.

A rather macabre way to end your time as a senior in high school. We hope that Vincent has a good support structure around him to make sure he can talk to people if he’s struggling with something. Maybe he should get into a sport. Like archery or something like that.
Not Always on the Same Wavelength
Twins tend to have a good time doing the whole twin thing when they have the chance, but sometimes it doesn’t always work out perfectly. Like in this example, when a pair of unnamed twins tried to coordinate their senior yearbook quotes. Or almost did. Or something like that. What’s most likely is that they did actually coordinate their quotes, just to make this sort of joke.

Maybe they planned every word out perfectly, or maybe red just told blue to come up with a single, random, funny word that couldn’t possibly connect to anything that red was saying. Or, even more likely, blue thought he or she was completing the line “We’re so close we finish each other’s….” Which usually ends with sentences but sometimes people go funny and say sandwiches.
Stream of Consciousness
Not everybody knows exactly what to say when asked for a senior yearbook quote. We guess that some people, like Phillip Mills here, just write down whatever comes to mind. Mostly what came to mind was just how great he, Phillip Mills, was. Very handsome and popular and all the girls like him a lot.

It seems like the kind of thing that an actual girl would laugh about if you asked her. At the very least, he managed to fit in a “good luck” to all the seniors. What a caring, compassionate guy. Maybe he should have focused on that part of his senior quote instead of all the stuff making it look like the only girl he’s kissed is in Canada, and you definitely wouldn’t know her. She’s already in college, too.
Get Ready for a Deep Dive on This One
Seems like Blake McMiller wasn’t a big fan of his time in the halls of his high school, but that’s quite the odd quote to put up in his senior yearbook – he’s even all dressed up for graduation. That quote (minus the words “high school”) comes from a video of Jasmine Masters saying, with every bit of enthusiasm possible: “Well, just as I thought...trash.”

We don’t know if Blake wasn’t happy with the four years he spent in high school or if he was just using the latest bit of viral video fun to have a laugh, but it apparently didn’t make his parents all that happy. They called his sister demanding to know why he had done such a thing. Should have just called Blake.
Putting That Brain to Good Use
Madison’s the kind of student we’re glad to see graduate, because it’s clear she actually spent her time in high school learning a thing or two. Her last name is Guess, and now she has a degree (or two, by now) behind her, so she tends to have a little bit of a handle on what is going on around her – We could be pedantic and say that a hypothesis is a little more than an educated guess, but we spend enough time picking nits here.

At least Madison wasn’t bemoaning the fact that she had to listen to teachers for so long – she actually gave us something clever and fun instead of just whining about it. Good going, Madison, keep it up.
One Must Know Oneself
Arin Hanson, best known as a member of the Game Grumps and who goes by “Egoraptor,” is wrong a whole lot. Anybody who’s seen even a single episode of his show, alongside Dan Avidan, is probably aware of that. He sometimes doesn’t even notice it. Still, he likes to think that he has a lot to say that is true and proper.

Except, just like all of us, he does know he gets stuff wrong on occasion, and is willing to admit it. Annie Feldman probably thinks something similar. She tries so hard to be right, but that doesn’t always mean she will be. She’s giving people a quick laugh and telling us about herself, which is more or less what a good senior yearbook quote is supposed to do.
Time to Save the City
He says his name is Bryan, but we all know him better as Frozone, the ice-wielding superhero. Just imagine how much he had to convince his parents to let him do this. He had to get a suit that looked just like Frozone, get the okay from the parents and the photographer, and then get it into the senior yearbook.

His quote works perfectly – he found his suit and he’s ready to rock. All three pictures of this kid tell us that he knows how to show off a big, bright smile, and the one with the super suit is probably the biggest and brightest of them all. Sometimes a guy just knows that he’s destined for great things. But being a superhero is hard work – just as any of those Marvel guys.
Getting the Locations All Wrong
Everybody who has read the famous books or watched any of the multiple adaptations of C.S. Lewis’s masterpiece knows that you go through the closet to reach Narnia. But, despite what Stanley Yip might say, Narnia wasn’t INSIDE the closet at all – it was just a passage. That would be like saying that the ocean is inside of a beach.

But we’re getting off topic. Mr. Yip is free and clear, no longer languishing among the sweaters and slacks that are hanging in his closet. He’s going to move into web design and development with a clearer head than he had for all his time in the halls of high school. On a side note, when did yearbooks start putting future majors next to senior pictures? We kinda like it.
Words to Live By
For some reason, high schools have a tough time of fitting the all-important lunch period in between all the other classes. They might have one or two or three, but they always start at strange times, like 11:53 or, in this case, 12:22. It throws the natural hunger cycle into chaos every time the time shifts.

Just another one of the ways that high school teaches you to stay on your toes. Eventually, you’ll find a job and get a far more common mealtime schedule. Jacob clearly had a favorite subject in school, and it wasn’t any of the normal ones. For a lot of high schoolers, taking a break from lectures and sitting with friends to have a meal is the most important part of the day.
Two Problems with One Solution
Tyler Oakley, YouTuber and actor, knows how to make the best out of a bad situation. Putting together IKEA furniture is never a very easy prospect – you might not need a lot of knowledge, but it can still take plenty of time and effort. If you watch your dad do it, you’ll probably learn lots of new words.

Things don’t always go well in life, but it’s sometimes possible to get something good out of the bad. This quote lets us know such a thing can happen, but it might not always be easy and it won’t always be possible to do so. Adjust. Adapt. If you are struck down, rise up bigger and stronger. Don’t be fragile, don’t be scared – take life by the horns.
It's a Shame
Long has Disney done whatever it can tell us that life can be a fairy tale – or at least a little magical – but it’s having a tougher and tougher time of it lately. Lots of people loved “High School Musical” for some reason, maybe because of the songs or the characters or something, but they were then told by harsh reality that it wasn’t a very realistic movie.

You can’t just go around banging on pots and pans and expect to be the best basketball player on the team. You have to practice! And let’s not even get into the sequels. This lass was looking forward to her high school years, but things quickly changed. At least she isn’t blowing her top – she’s just pointing out that it’s upsetting.
We Need a Surfboard First
If you know, you know. If you don’t know, this line is from the surprisingly raunchy song by Beyonce called “Drunk in Love.” It also has Kanye West and Jay-Z as featured artists, and Eugene has found maybe the only two lines that are fit to print in a senior yearbook.

We have to assume that this line is an allusion to some kind of adult act, but we don’t really know other than that. And that’s just because it seems like that’s what the rest of the song is. Sometimes it isn’t even allusions. Sometimes it’s a lot more clear. So at the end of the day we don’t know why Eugene included this quote in his senior yearbook. A bet? A dare? Wanted to show off his Beyonce fandom?
Not Doing Good Enough
James DiPietro, who is either leaving or going into the culinary arts, wanted to include a quote from drag queen Willam – saying that he knew he looks great, he has plenty of mirrors. We love the self-confidence, James. But there’s a problem: the yearbook attributed the quote to a “William.” That’s the thing about kids sometimes, they don’t know how to spell.

Sometimes a yearbook editor can get so tired of having to correct spelling that he or she doesn’t notice that the “improper” spelling is actually the way Willam spells his name. James was all excited about showing his idol that he had been quoted, but the people behind the senior yearbook made it impossible. If you want to make sure, include a note that says so.
You Can’t Say That Anymore
Reading this nowadays, it’s all too likely that someone will assume the wrong sort of thing from Russel Mickelson. But just look at that goof. The wacky teeth, the big smile, the earnest eyes, the wildly unattractive haircut – that guy doesn’t have a creepy bone in his body. He’s just a farm kid, getting through high school as best he can, asking if people want to meet Bessie.

Did anyone ever take him up on the offer? We don’t know, but back when this picture was taken, maybe it was a little more likely. Also, can we quickly talk about the quote from Pat Olsen, who wishes “Soda” was closer to “Grace”? What on Earth is that supposed to mean? A soda fountain? Are they two towns? Two schools? What are you trying to tell us, Pat Olsen?
Anybody Have Any Excedrin?
Because trying to make sense of this senior yearbook quote gave us all migraines. Let’s even leave aside for a moment that “we’re” isn’t the proper grammar for that sentence and just focus on the meaning of the message...which’s gotta be something, that’s for sure. Maybe Jizelle was just having one of those days where her brain doesn't know exactly what to come up with anything really meaningful, so she put down the first thing that came to mind.

Well, she should have given this one another pass, because it doesn’t really hit us all that hard. There is also, of course, the bad grammar, but it’s not like she just spent four years in school or anything. On the other hand, kids in the yearbook club can’t do much else, so it might have been one of them.
That Explains Her Taste in Music
The guy can’t even be asked to spell his own stage name correctly, are we really surprised at this sort of sentiment? Also, based on how unnecessarily proud Miss Maria is about this fact, we could even guess that she hasn’t listened to The Weeknd all that much. She was spending too much time thinking about her eyebrows, which are quite nice when you get right down to it.

Still, we’re finding it stranger and stranger that graduating seniors would choose the yearbook to brag about how much attention they didn’t pay in school. Our tax dollars at work, everybody. But who knows, maybe Maria is working toward becoming a doctor. Will she still be listening to such music by the time she’s in the operating room?
I'm an Adult Now, Mother
Just because mom doesn’t want something to happen, doesn’t mean that’s the result. Once you become a senior in high school, many people would consider you an adult. If you’re graduating, there are very few who would say otherwise. If a grown man wants to use a picture of himself dressed like a fantasy warrior, standing in the distant past and surrounded by dinosaurs and the Death Star, he can.

In fact, it’s a choice that we recommend. There are plenty of students that will pick a picture of them wearing a rumpled suit or sporting a new hairstyle, smiling, but how many get to look like this in their senior yearbook? There is but one who can create this sort of look – and he will be remembered for all time.
Pointed in the Right Direction
Trenton, despite having a name that will get him bullied in most places, chooses to look on the bright side of life. He knows that facing whatever life throws at you with a big smile and a sunny outlook will result in a better chance of things. Even if that means having to have some tests about why he’s so tired all the time, for instance.

Believe it or not, Mr. Sidener is correct – it’s been shown in a variety of ways that people who remained positive and thinking about the future, even in the most dire of circumstances, have a higher chance of moving on to better things. “Look on the Bright Side of Life” indeed. No matter how many positive test results one gets, staying positive will help.
Yes, We Guess So
Alexandra Shae Kaminski took the odd route of leaving a rapper Kevin Gates quote under her senior yearbook picture, and...we don’t really know what it is supposed to mean. Other than it’s just some philosophical musings on life, love, and gambling. Life is a is a casino...does that mean love has a lot of lives inside of it? has lots of gambling in’s a nice line and it has a great flow, but breaking something like this down will result in it making less sense than we think. Maybe Alexandra was just thinking a lot about how hard it is to find love in this life, or maybe she just liked the song. Either way, this bit of lyrical love is next to her picture for all time.
Good to Get Those Questions Out the Way
We apparently have a class clown on our hands, and he’s taking that appellation as far as he can in his senior yearbook photo. How many other people would be able to get away with wearing denim overalls with no shirt on and a messy amount of clown makeup? If your answer is Leatherface, then you’ve touched upon one of the other strange parts about this picture as a whole.

Why would a graduating senior – even one who seems to enjoy doing strange things for the laughs, talk about cannibalism? David Foster Wallace was a famous writer, and the quote comes from his most famous piece, “Infinite Jest,” which is regarded as one of the best American novels ever. Maybe the clown is a little more well-read than we thought.
We Think That’s Illegal
Yet another example of someone not even having the ability to come up with a bad quote on their own – Miss Ybarra had to copy from a show that literally everybody has seen at least a couple of times. That moment of that episode of “The Office” shows us main character Michael Scott saying he “should have burned the place down when I had the chance,” which makes us think a couple of things.

One, Layla is glad to be away from high school, and two, all her teachers and fellow students and maybe even the custodians are glad she’s out of there, too. Obviously, Layla couldn’t say that she actually wanted to burn the place down in her yearbook, but you think that the people putting it together would at least take a look.
Well, Time to Go to College
It’s true – Disney has filled our young heads with an endless list of lies. From handsome princes to beautiful princesses to wishing upon a star and everything else that we’ve gotten used to, they just don’t have the truth in their mouths. Matthew Evans grew up on a steady diet of “High School Musical” movies, which left him with a lot of ideas about how things were going to go.

They truly were not all in this together. Maybe it’s because Mr. Evans looks a little bit like Screech Powers from “Saved by the Bell.” Don’t worry, Matt. College will allow you to find a whole lot of people who are far more willing to have your back, and there aren’t even any lockers to be shoved into.
Could Have Just Used GPS, Too
If you're amazed that such a quote from a Mr. Cleveland Steamer was allowed to be added to a senior yearbook photo, just imagine how surprised we are that it ended up in this article. We aren’t going to go into details about what this quote is all about – if you really want to be grossed out, you can Google it.

Don’t blame us if your search history starts to look a lot murkier, though. Our big question is what happened in Nicholas’s life that he felt it necessary to include this kind of line next to his senior yearbook photo. The kid couldn’t be bothered to take his backward baseball cap off for one of the more important photos of his life. That tells us a couple of things about him.
Making the Leap to Real Life
Depending on how you play the game – or how long you’ve been playing it – you might see a whole lot of loading screens from the famous video game “Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.” It’s been out for more than a decade now, released on pretty much every system you can think of, so plenty of people have had a chance to get stomped to death by frost giants.

Jake has brought up one of the many tips that the loading screens show us, and it’s something that you could sort of take into the real world, too. Results may vary. It won’t be that simple, either – you can’t just take stuff, you have to have a good reason. Maybe you need to power a tool or something. You also will probably have to have it back.
Turnabout is Fair Play
Writer Shane Madej has a lot to say about a lot of things, but one of his quotes struck Lilli Grant particularly hard. She ran into a lot of people that could have comported themselves better, but they had to run into her, too. We’re going to be honest and say we don’t really know how to take such a quote.

Is Lilli saying that if those people were rude to her, she got to be rude right back? Maybe she’s saying that, even though they weren’t being kind, they at least got to enjoy her presence, perhaps turning them into better people? It’s tough to say. No matter what, it seems that Lilli was changed by having to meet those people, and she’s still dealing with it. Stay strong, Lilli.
Not Giving Himself Enough Credit
Ty seemed to be feeling a bit down on himself when it was time for him to come up with a quote for his senior yearbook photo. He eventually came up with something that seems a bit out of Greek mythology – it was said that the Greek deities would regularly consume their children if they didn’t want their heavenly thrones usurped.

This led to a whole host of problems for everyone, and was generally regarded as a bad idea. We don’t know why Ty was so adamant that he shouldn’t have ever had the chance to make it big in life, but we hope he’s doing okay. Like so many other senior quotes that have a little bit of raunch to them, there’s a small chance that this was all due to a prank, a bet, or a dare.
Just Have Someone Else Say It
Sometimes it can be difficult to talk about something that is very near and dear to your heart – something like your identity. Other times, it can be as easy as finding a show that wants to say the same thing and posting that moment – down to the very episode – in your senior yearbook under your picture.

Because originality is going down the toilet, and if you can’t quote something that somebody has already said, why even bother? Why worry about coming up with your own saying that will echo on down the ages? Why do you need to put precious brainpower into actually using your own words instead of just copying somebody who already did all that work (and such a complicated quote, too). Some people have TV to watch.
It's Time to Go on an Adventure
Not everybody can get away with including a quote from the doctor on his or her senior yearbook photo. It has to be the right one, and it will be even better if it isn’t one of the ones that everybody knows (at least among people that have watched the show, anyway).

This one isn’t bad, even if it does leave a little bit of confusion who might not get the reference. Still, it’s a lot cooler than some of the other choices (bow ties, anyone?). It has a certain amount of, what’s the word, energy to it? It’s dynamic. It’s got juice. It makes it seem like this kid is going to go places, even if those places are a little more dangerous than you might think.
Another Entry into the Young Adult Fiction Genre
For those of us who are a little older, it can be strange seeing how much the younger generations use social media. It seems like every hour of the day they’ve posted a new status on X (once Twitter) or uploaded a new video of themselves on Instagram. And let’s not even get into Tik Tok. Daniela Shatzki seems to think that the stuff she posted online is good enough to be made into a paperback.

Was she posting deep thoughts about the state of our world? Fun pictures that show the Earth’s natural beauty? We don’t know, there’s no book yet. Once it gets published, we’ll be happy to get a copy and then not read it, just like all the other books we get. No, no, it’s not true, we could never not read a book.
Let All Mysteries be Revealed
Some may think that this was a savage prank pulled on poor...Marbury? Is his name Marbury? Poor guy. But, it’s far more likely that Sam and Marbury worked together to make this gag in the senior yearbook. Did Marbury just continue on with the test using only a pop-tart? We’re going to guess no.

When did Sam and his rapscallion friends have a chance to exchange a calculator for a breakfast food? How did Marbury not notice the swap taking place? Did he eat the pop-tart once he found out? How old was it? It’s far more likely that these two came up with a fun little joke to play on people who would open the yearbook later on. It’s not such a bad idea now that we think about it.
A Pair of Quotes That Might Just Work Together
Jonathan Deloso gives us a pair of quotes that mesh in a certain way. The first is from writer George R. R. Martin, the man behind the “A Song of Ice and Fire” book series, and one of the creative minds behind the “Game of Thrones” show. The second one is from the Good Book itself, and both of them have to do with finding the people (or non-people) that will join up with him for life.

The first is about the friends that will lock shields when the battle gets tough (though rarely does this involve actual battle) and the second is with the Lord God Almighty, who will also be there to help during everything else. Amazing that quotes from two totally dissimilar sources can go together so well.
Putting the Rumors to Rest
While it’s possible that these two didn’t come up with a two-person senior quote (like some of the other examples that are found on this list) it’s pretty clear that was the intent. “I like my X like I like my Y” jokes are a classic construction that is able to adapt to almost anything you want to do.

It seems like these two guys were pointing out their orientation in what was supposed to be a funny way, but the execution was a little mishandled. Now, if Eduardo had said that “WE like OUR girls how WE Like OUR coffee,” then things would have been a lot smoother. Armani had the right idea. This was almost great, but as it stands it probably just ended up confusing people who weren’t in on the facts already.
The Wisdom of the Ages
It’s a strange quote. Surely, one looks at what Anthony Cabrera has decided to put in his senior yearbook and raises an eyebrow. What is this trying to tell us? Does it have a deeper meaning? Is it supposed to make us stop and think? How long must one ponder such a statement before the truth is revealed? We’ll tell all: There’s no hidden message. If you’re making a party, you have to have balloons.

Where did Anthony get such sterling wisdom? From none other than his grandmother, who has apparently been saying it to him for years. Is she correct? Many would say no, but balloons are never amiss at a gathering. We like to think that Anthony has gone on to be a cheerful, fun-loving guy who is always ready to spruce up a party location.
Learning to Tie a Tie Takes a Long Time
The future Howard Hamlin lookalike was excited to get his outfit perfect for picture day ready, but he couldn’t be bothered to leave a quote for the yearbook. He asked a friend – or somebody who was on the yearbook committee – to just come up with any old thing so that he didn’t look bad.

Well, bad news for this guy, because he looks like a fool for sure, no matter how brilliant his smile is. There’s always the chance that this was a planned goof, and he wasn’t skipping any school at all, but he looks like the kind of kid that would play hooky every once in a while. Still, he knows how to clean up, and being presentable is sometimes a much larger part than actually being there.
Putting it All on the Table
This is how most high schoolers probably feel by the time they’ve reached graduation. They might not have hated their time in the halls of school, but they’re ready to move on to bigger and better things. Kaylyn is going off to college most likely, where she’ll be able to take classes that interest her, find friends that could potentially last a lifetime, discover a career, or maybe even find that special someone. In comparison, high school pales.

There are a lot of us that lose contact with high school friends even in our brave new world of social media and instant communication. Kaylyn doesn’t seem to mind that fact all that much – even if there are a few people who will hang around in her life.
Looking Forward to It All
We don’t know what that quote is from and we’re a little scared to find out, since it might require going onto Tik Tok. Some things are a step too far. As soon as we do, our hair is going to be dyed a bad strawberry blond and we’re going to start quoting things that don’t altogether deserve to be quoted.

Still, at least Jordan is excited about his next steps in life, unlike so many people. Jordan is aware that with adulthood not only comes many responsibilities but also many good things. You can stay up and watch movies, you can spend your free time pursuing new things like learning a fun language or teaching yourself to juggle. Yes, we should all be so ready to pick up some adulthood and get to work.
How Every Speech Should Be
If you’ve ever had to listen to a teacher rattle on for an hour, or been at an awards ceremony, or at a wedding where the maid of honor had a few too many before her speech to the happy couple, you might end up liking Rachel’s choice of senior quote. It’s from the show "Parks and Recreation."

It reminds us of the speech that Joe Pesci gave in 1991 after receiving the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. He won it for his role in “Goodfellas.” He was up against some of the best, but, to his surprise, he won. He didn’t even have a speech prepared, and when he reached the stage, he simply said: “It’s my privilege, thank you.” That’s the way to win a crowd.
Sometimes You Just Have to Be Responsible
Kanye West has...tweeted (even though that’s not the right word anymore) a lot of things since he started on the platform, and this is one of the more tame ones. It also shows us West’s very odd manner of thinking about things, which would go on to get him in a lot of well-deserved trouble.

Yet he knows enough to be responsible for a water bottle that he finds on a plane. Maybe he doesn’t want anybody to be scared about a bottle of water that has been left unattended – planes have some security issues with certain amounts of liquids. It’s a weird path for Kanye West to take, since he, in the majority of things, doesn’t seem to be all that responsible. Kanye has done a lot of things to drop him out of the public’s good graces, but at the time this quote was just a funny line.
This Is Actually How Twins Work
No, obviously these two didn’t get together early on and decide to become twins – they were born that way, baby. The twin life chose them, as far as something like that can make a choice. They didn’t ask to become twins, but it seems to have worked out for them.

As far as we can tell, these two are fraternal twins and not identical, so they don’t get to go all the way into the fun twin stuff, but they are still granted practically lifelong friends that will probably understand everything about them, be ready to help if help is needed, and be there for all their big life events. It doesn’t seem too bad, which leads us to suspect if they had a chance to do it all over again, they WOULD choose the twin life.
Hey, That's My Favorite Cartoon
While the guy above him has quoted the most popular section of the book of Jeremiah, Mr. Michael Kelley has decided to go a little more modern. We don’t know why people started going around and saying things like this about everybody’s favorite big green ogre, but it’s become one of the ways to tell if somebody is spending too much time on the internet.

Sure, Shrek is great...but is he love himself? The big man doesn’t really act like it, if we’re taking all the canon appearances to heart. He’s kind of a grouch when you think about it. He has his good points, obviously, but to say he is love itself, and life itself? We’re not buying it just yet. We’re going to need to watch the movies a few more times today.
The Incredible Disappearing Student
This is a list first! A picture of a student that doesn’t even have the student in it! Daniel Edwards apparently had better things to do during school picture day, even though he was going to be dressed up in a bright blue gown and wearing a golden sash. As “Cotton-Eye Joe” asks (even though it’s not really him asking it), where did he go?

In addition, where did he come from? We guess that question isn’t important. A more important question would be why did the school yearbook decide to add a picture of a blank photo wall. We guess it’s as good an option as any, but it seems to make a little more sense to us to have no picture in the spot whatsoever. Well, whatever. Good quote.
The Recipe to a Better Life
Plankton was super excited to get his hands on the formula for the delicious Krabby Patty, and he did lots of things to try and get it. But did he spend four years in classrooms studying things like English literature, science, math, art, social studies, and a state-mandated language? We don’t think so!

At least we never saw an episode where he’s in school. He has a habit of shouting about how he went to college, but we didn’t see any evidence of such a thing other than a blurry diploma. We could print something like that on our printer, right here. But Andrea has certainly earned her diploma after toiling for four long years. Now she’s on to business school, where she learns how to run a successful fast food business.
Just Trying to Spread Some Smiles
Do you remember that period back in the early aughts, right after the turn of the millennium, when everybody who liked music was going around and adding “izzle” to the ends of words in order to mimic their favorite rapper, Snoop Dogg? We do, and as much as we appreciate Mr. Dogg, we’re glad that the fad has passed into history.

Despite the trend being long gone for most people, Evan here has brought it back for his senior yearbook quote. It’s just a joke that is meant to make some people laugh, and that’s the kind of thing that we are ready to get behind. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to make people laugh, and this joke doesn’t even have any gross stuff in it – a relative rarity, these days.
You Gotta Admit, It Has Some Flow to It
Even if Mr. Aron Castaneda-Cano isn’t spending time in the outfield in Los Angeles, he knows that there are some heavenly creatures on his side. And it’s a good thing, too, since there are creatures that aren’t of heaven that seem to be familiar to him.

He – or more accurately CHXPO, a recording artist of some type – says that he has the angels on his side but the demons respect him, and that’s a pretty hard line to drop into a senior yearbook. We hope that Aron is ready to be at the center of a battle for his soul after he’s out of high school, because it looks like that’s what everybody is gearing up for. Maybe he needs to join a baseball team or something like that.
Feelin’ Free
Sarah Cartmill was a brave girl declaring such a thing at such a young age. At the age of twelve, you might be taking the first frightful steps toward adulthood, but you still have plenty of childhood left in you. Amazingly, Sarah wasn’t embarrassed by this quote of hers from something like six years in the past.

We doubt that she ever actually fulfilled the quote, as parents are pretty quick to nip something like that in the bud, but it does tell us a little bit about what Sarah was like as a pre-teen. It also might tell us a little too much about what she was like as a teenager. And what she’s like as an adult. We’re just getting to know Sarah too much, is what we’re saying.
Lots of Time to Build Fun Outfits
It’s a stereotype to say that all gay guys are fabulous, but Ian Longley is doing his part to keep the stereotype alive for now. He spent plenty of time putting together some head-turning outfits that accentuate his best features and make use of his best colors from head to toe. Though it’s strange that he ended up having that disaster on top of his head.

It looks like he got stuck in a cotton candy machine. Yet Ian pulls it off – a big, bright smile can do wonders for almost any personal fashion choice. If you’re having trouble coming up with a way to look good the next time that you need to step outside, remember a smile is your best accessory. And best of all, it’s free.
We Don't Think He's Actually Sorry
Cesar Ochoa knows that he’s a popular guy around campus, and he’s willing to admit that some of the ladies of his high school probably got caught looking by their boyfriends. He put what appears to be a half-hearted apology under his picture in the senior yearbook, and we wouldn’t be surprised if it’s less half-hearted than no-hearted.

He was glad to have taken those gals away from their guys – surely he was the better choice? Whether you want to go with Lothario or Casanova, Cesar is on his way to becoming one of the famous lovers of the area. But perhaps one should let Cesar know that too much self-confidence can be a bad thing – if he’s struck down, it will make things really difficult for him to come back.
Writing His Quote in a Mirror
Well, at the very least, David Villis gave us a unique quote that we haven’t seen before – haven’t seen anything like it, in fact. Then again, just because something is new and unique doesn’t mean it’s good. All he did was put a few words in a bowl and shake them around until he got something fresh. That’s all.

There isn’t anything else to it, nothing else clever about it. He just sort of...flipped the sentence around. Maybe there’s something more there that we’re just missing, but it kinda seems like this guy hit his head really really hard on the corner of his microwave door and then decided he had a good idea for a senior yearbook quote. We don’t think it turned out the way he wanted.
All the Best Questions to Ask
If you want to get all the information you could possibly need, these are the questions to ask. Zayne Hijazi is apparently a YouTuber, and we’re told that this is what he says you should respond with if your significant other is accusing you of cheating on him or her.

This, of course, leads us to believe that Zayne thinks too much about how to respond when someone accuses him of cheating, which probably means that he spends too much time cheating on his significant other. But, on the other hand, these six questions are also a great way to frame any piece of art – why are the characters doing something, and how, and where, and when, etcetera. It’s the kind of information that any story needs to have.
We Don't Think That's in the Bible
Jaylen Moore has some very interesting theological ideas about what you need to do to get the things you want. We’ve checked, and we don’t think that this idea is present in the Good Book anywhere. Yes, obviously God forgives, but...the rest of it is a big knot of questionable theology.

Sure, there’s a chance that a new bike will land right in your lap, but there are lots of stores that sell them, too. There are some pricey ones, but most of them aren’t all that expensive. Like, what, a hundred bucks? That’s not nothing to a high school kid, but it’s not a whole lot of money. Also, a black kid making a joke about stealing a bike? Risky, but then again the best jokes all contain some risk.
It Can Be Better
Sure, your life might not be perfect. Maybe you’re stuck in class, or working a long shift at the sock factory, or trying to figure out what to do in college. But you can, at least, always imagine that you're on a boat. Get every single one of your senses engaged. That’s what Brian Essbe – and by extension, Garrett Hamrick – believe.

Maybe they’re trying to tell us that it’s never as bad as it feels. Maybe they’re trying to give us something to strive for. Maybe they’re just saying that they love being on boats. One way or another, we’re not sure how else to take that quote. It’s only just barely uplifting and has just a smidge of humor. Maybe Garrett just thought it was a lot funnier than we do.
Activate the TMI Alarm
Hey Josh? Josh Wheeler? You didn’t need to tell us that. In fact, we’re going to go on record that you SHOULDN’T have told us that. We didn’t need to, nor want to, know that piece of personal information. As the picture tells us, very few people were happy to learn that Joshua Wheeler had used that line as his senior yearbook quote.

One of them was Mrs. Wheeler. Also, hey, just so everybody knows, the carpets pretty much always match the drapes. We can’t believe that this is what this article has turned into, but you work with the material you’re given. Wait, was he referring to the length, too? Because whoa, dude, gross. Maybe if we’re lucky someone will pass a law about keeping that sort of information to yourself.
As it Turns out, Yes
Some people don’t have a whole lot to say. Try and try as they might, they just can’t come up with a pithy quote or a piece of memorable advice for the yearbook. When it’s such a person’s turn to write their senior yearbook quote, they do what they can. Joseph Cappelletti, for instance, just had a little bit of fun using the yearbook as a medium.

You can just put whatever you want in there, it doesn’t have to be anything meaningful. As this article has so clearly shown us. You can actually type anything, and it will show up in the yearbook. What a delight. What a joy. Joseph had the world at his fingertips (as long as it wasn’t edited) and he decided to make a goofy gag. Joseph, you have our respect.
It's Not Just the Students
Uh oh, the quote madness has spread to the teachers of the high schools! Soon nobody will be safe. This teacher decided to drop a little quote from Childish Gambino about...getting lots of tail? And how the person she’s speaking to is fake? What? Why? Who fell asleep at the wheel to allow this teacher to leave such a quote?

No, wait, we think we know what happened here. This was the teacher that was in charge of the yearbook club, and the students that were part of that club decided to pull a sneaky on her. Instead of the normal quote that she wanted – or even if she didn’t supply a quote to them – they decided to put in something that was out of character. Well, we hope that she liked it anyway.
How to Really Succeed at Failure
Kiegan Lee wanted to let everybody in her high school – or anybody that decides to open her senior yearbook for that matter – that she isn’t going to stop until everybody is talking about how big of a failure she is. She wants to be a failure on a COSMIC SCALE. She doesn’t just want to aim for the stars, no way.

Those are super far away and that seems like it would be really hard. How about the moon? Yeah, that’s way closer. Oh, no, wait. Lots of other people have already been to the moon. We got it. The sun. You can use a solar panel on your car for free energy all the way there. But what about at night, when the sun goes down? Easy, just get out and push.
Philosophy From a Cartoon
At first blush, it seems like this quote from everyone’s favorite bumbling cartoon dad Homer Simpson is just a throwaway line that doesn’t make any sense as a senior yearbook quote. And, for the most part, it is. But when you really sit down and think about it, there could be another meaning.

Maybe Mia, who made the conscious decision to quote Homer Simpson under her senior picture, was amazed that she was actually able to get through the entirety of high school. Then again, her little Twitter/X postscript under the picture itself makes us think that she just thought the quote was funny. We suppose that’s as good a reason as any, and probably a lot better than reasons for some of the other quotes on this article, now that we think about it.
Able to Hear the Sick Animals Coming
Jose Serna is interested in going into veterinary medicine, and he’s going to have a big advantage over some of the other people in his class of vet school – he’s going to have hearing sensitive enough to pick up those really high-pitched sounds that bother dogs. We’re not sure how it will be an advantage, but it’s bound to help somehow.

He even mentions his big ears in his senior yearbook photo and says that somehow they give out a better signal than the school’s WI-FI. We’re not sure how they will give off a better signal, but they certainly seem prepared to pick up plenty of signals. You know, wireless, bluetooth, AM/FM radio, shortwave, those kinds of things. But don’t talk about it too much, he can probably hear us right now.
Playing to Her Strengths
There are some places out there that are desperate for people of color to step in and make them more diverse. Even better if those people of color happen to be good workers or students, but that’s not all that important. Anastasia is getting in on the action as soon as possible by getting the word out about her minority status.

Bit of an odd move to pull in a high school senior yearbook – something that prospective employers aren’t all too likely to see – but maybe there’s some background information that we aren’t privy to. Well, no matter what else there is in the background of this quote, Anastasia is a professional ready to enter the workforce. Reasonable rates for anybody that is looking for a minority on their team!
Crazy About a Couple of Things
Lots of people like cats. Cats are cute, and they bring us lots of laughter, and they can do some very handy things like keep watch over the house while we’re gone or catch mice. Or they could do what my old cat did and murder everything in the entire neighborhood (mice, rats, rabbits, squirrels, birds) and also scare off possums and deer from the family garden.

He was a very big cat. Very friendly, though. He only ever got mad at my sister, and who can blame him? This graduating senior is very fond of cats. And...yaoi. Which is a genre of manga adults. Let’s just put it that way and leave it there. She must have really enjoyed the stuff if she found it necessary to put it in her senior yearbook.
You Think They Would All Start to Know Better
High school is, we’re told, about learning new stuff and getting ready for college. One thing that people should have been learning at this high school is to keep their girls away from Joseph Allen, who must have a wonderful personality if his picture is anything to go by.

He was so successful at getting the ladies to wander that literally everybody in the school was upset that he had stolen not only ONE but at least TWO girls from them. How could he have accomplished such a feat? Did he help them out with math homework? Was he really good at the long jump? Did he know how to juggle? We bet he knew how to juggle. Someone with that kind of manual dexterity is a keeper.
Always Another Way
Lemons, despite being great for keeping scurvy away, get a bad rap when it comes to life. Everybody acts like getting lemons is a terrible thing. It’s just a metaphor for making due with what you have, but we bet a lot of people all over the world would be happy to get lemons.

Delaney and Daniel decided to come up with a two-part senior quote that was only possible because not only were they best friends, but they were right next to each other. We bet that they are best friends because they were right next to each other all the time in grade school or something like that. That’s cute. And they both know what they would do with lemons, too. One would create a lemon empire, and the other would...grow oranges.
It’s From a Song Apparently
Jason Sears and Mikala Shannon work well together, it seems. Most likely they planned to have a pair of lines from “Earned It” by Chief Keef as their senior yearbook quotes, but if they didn’t? Then we get to see one of the most amazing things we’ve ever seen. Odds are low...but we still like to dream.

Then again, they didn’t have a whole lot of options when it came to lines from that song. Most of the lyrics have words that we aren’t allowed to include in this article for a whole host of what should be obvious reasons. And, yes, you might be aware that Mikala missed a word in her quote (there should be an “It” between “up” and “and.”). So is she, but how did it get left out?
Mothers Are Sometimes No Help
It’s not always the kids that come up with the quotes – sometimes the parents step in to wish their child good luck or something like that. Well, usually that’s what happens, anyway. This time, Mom did her level best to come up with something that would be uplifting or encouraging or at least memorable, and she only really accomplished the final option.

Maybe Nadya Reinhart thought what her mom said was so funny that she demanded it become the quote that would go next to her full-body picture (another thing that we haven’t seen all that much here) for all time. Maybe her mom just cracked under the pressure, and really did submit the first thing that came to mind. Where did she get hippo farts, though? We will never know.
Hard to Say No to a Waffle
We assume that when President Barack Obama said this, it was with a smile that got everybody around him laughing. He’s that kind of charming guy. We...really don’t know why he had to ask if he could eat his waffle, but it happened before he was even president, in April of 2008 – only a few short months before he would be elected president.

We think that reporters were hounding him as he was on his campaign trail. People were asking him all sorts of questions, and he just wanted to eat his waffle in peace. It’s a funny quote out of context, which might be why Alina Mufti decided to include it under her senior yearbook photo. If there are any other reasons, we aren’t able to pick them out.
Putting Your Knowledge to the Test
Avert your eyes if you don’t want to see talk about adult topics! Even though there are many that find high schoolers to still be quite a bit immature, they’ve been learning about themselves and others and how those two groups might interact – who knows, maybe they’ve even already been doing some of their interacting already.

Michael Dinh has found a quote from the great Richard Feynman to be particularly memorable. Sure, you can learn how everything works, but unless you’re actually putting it to the test, is it worth your time? You know all the formulas, the calculations, and the units, but you’re really just playing around. Everybody knows that it’s better to do your homework with a pal – you might not finish quicker, but you’ll have a lot more fun.
It Is a Lot of Hard Work
Chasing the girls all day will really run up your heart rate and burn plenty of calories. Cardio is good for a lot of things. If you choose not to join the race, then you may find yourself expanding a little bit, even if you aren’t intending to. We don’t know why this big lad doesn’t chase girls (maybe he is waiting for one of them to chase him) but he seems to think that’s the big reason he’s so big.

The thing is, even if you're chasing girls, it’s hard to outrun a bad diet. Take a step back from the cookies and sodas and Pop-Tarts and you might find your tuxedo is feeling a little loose after a few weeks. But then you won’t look as much like a future opera singer.
He’s Very Hungry
A kid was looking through the quotes in his senior yearbook and noticed one from Benjamin Dacy. Is this quote from a friend, a family member, or a coach? No – what about a famous artist or singer? Not really. Actually, this line is out of the good book, in Genesis 49:27, in which Jacob is giving a deathbed prophecy to all his children.

His youngest son, Benjamin, gets this line, along with a few others. It seems pretty cool, but it’s right after the prophecy for Joseph, which is far better in the grand scheme of things. Maybe Mr. Dacy just liked the ring of the words, maybe he’s always been a big eater, maybe he likes wolves, or maybe all three of those things are true. Whatever the reason, it’s in the yearbook now.
Voted Most Popular and Best Hair
Sunny was a service dog to a kid named Nate, and the dog managed to get its own picture in the yearbook, somehow, proving that there is still good in this world. They even gave Sunny a quote, even though we doubt the dog was actually able to say that. Dogs aren’t super great at forming the “b” sound. As well as most of the other ones, now that we’re thinking about it.

Some friends of the dog were able to modify a famous line from the most famous The Police song, turning it into a sentiment that every dog owner can understand. There’s just something about human food that really excites our furry friends. Of course, it WAS Sunny’s job to watch Nate, seeing as how it was a service dog after all.
Intentional or Not?
This young lady, whose name is...Evyn? It looks like Evyn but her hair is obscuring her name, somehow, has two things that she wants to talk about. Good food, and other people. She says that there are only two things important in life: loving others and loving food, and not in that order.

Sure, food is good, and we like to eat it and serve it to others in equal measures, but should it really be at the top of your list? While it’s possible that Evyn is the biggest foodie the world has ever seen, there is another possibility. Take a look at a keyboard and you’ll see that the “F” and the “G” keys are right next to each other. Maybe Evyn is trying to tell us that we’re supposed to love good, and somebody along the way messed up.
The Rare, Beautiful Triple Picture Joke
Patel is a common name in the Indian subcontinent and surrounding areas that comes from words that mean “village headman.” Even in the United States or elsewhere in the world, it’s a somewhat common name. In fact, in this single high school, there were three of them – at least! It seems these three were friends at the end, and wanted to use their shared name to spread laughter to others.

The knock knock joke was set up and knocked out of the park, even if it is in a slightly shorter format. Is it possible there were even MORE Patels that were in-between some of these students, which stretched the joke out to its full capacity? One can only dream – if that is the case, we hope that we can see it one day.
Stuck Blind by the Truth
Have truer words ever been spoken? We don’t even get to know the name of this bright young man, who already understands the way the world works. Plus, it’s clear from his two pictures that he knows how to entice the camera, too. Clearly this kid is going to go a long way in life – he has smarts and looks.

He might need to work on the collar of his tux a little bit, but that’s about all we have to say on the matter. Sometimes you don’t really feel like coming up with a mind-opening quote from a famous philosopher or words about yourself after spending all that time figuring out how to get a bowtie to look good. He just did what he had to do to get through the day.
That's What He Thinks, Anyway
We bet that even if you spent four years in a smaller high school, there was a person like this roaming the halls. A guy or girl that just loves to think he or she is the best of the best, even when he’s a seven at best. Pete Hernandez might have been saying it in jest, but it still doesn’t make us think too highly of him.

Don’t kids have to go through enough these days? They have to deal with bullies, and classes, tests, depression, and Tik Tok, and now they have people like Pete going around and calling them all ugly? Poor play, Pete. Maybe this kid will get to college and realize that he’s still pretty much a child – if not in looks, then in maturity.
Does She Think Black People Don't Get Wrinkles?
Diamond Longs thinks that she shines, and she also thinks that she’s going to look exactly the same in thirty years because “black don’t crack.” We think that means she thinks she won’t get any wrinkles around her eyes or mouth, which is pretty laughable. People who are in their 30s – only slightly more than ten years from the age Diamond is at – will start to get wrinkles.

If Diamond really thinks that she could get all the way to almost fifty years of age without getting any wrinkles, she is going to be sorely disappointed. Besides all that, what’s wrong with wrinkles? They’re Evidence of hard work and good times. Finally, if we were Diamond, we wouldn’t be too pleased about not being able to change our looks.
Sometimes It's Not the Student’s Fault
Summar Beasley was a little too busy to micromanage the person that was putting together her section of the yearbook, and this is the result. The picture is fine – it’s not like she had a choice with the braces – but the quote is an exceptionally odd one. We really don’t know what the quote is supposed to mean – was it misheard or miss-written?

Is there supposed to be a different quote? We have a sinking suspicion that it was the yearbook crew who got this one goofed, since it doesn’t even seem like the kind of “playing around with the yearbook format” we’ve been getting in this list of pics. It really just seems like Summar got the short end of the stick.
Somebody Who Is Thinking About the Future
Well, that’s not usually what “thinking about the future” means, but having something for your next meal is pretty important. However, Jordan Welch needs to be careful – while he’s a kid growing into adulthood, shooting up in height and with a higher metabolism than average, he might find that he can eat almost anything he wants and not gain weight.

But once his growth spurt comes to a close and he gets into college, he might just find that always thinking about food leads to a few extra inches around his waist. Maybe Jordan is a handy chef, and is wondering what he should make for the family. A nice chili? Jambalaya? How about BLT sandwiches? Great, now all we’re doing is thinking about food. Thanks, Jordan.
Time to Get Busy
Nicki Minaj, who makes yet another appearance on this list, tells us that just because you’re alive doesn’t mean you’re living. It’s the kind of sentiment that a lot of people have expressed in a variety of ways, including Tim Robbins’ character Andy Dufresne from “The Shawshank Redemption:” “Get busy living, or get busy dying.”

There are really only two choices for us on this Earth. Miss Minaj put it in a slightly different way, saying that just because you’re living doesn’t mean that you are really alive, but we think the two lines come out to about equal. How to avoid this life-without-life, you might be asking? Cultivate a love of learning, continue to seek out new experiences, and understand that your emotions and your happiness is your own business, not anyone else’s.
Tips for the Modern Makeup Fan
It’s the classic bait and switch comment – We at first think that Brittney Marquez is giving us the old yard about how true beauty comes from the heart, from the way you treat others, or from the emotion that you are able to apply to every day and every event. But, then, it turns out that you can actually get it from inside bottles and tubes and things like that.

Thanks for that uplifting message, Jeffree Star, you blight on human beauty. Don’t listen to him, he’s wrong. Sure, the line might be a little funny, but funny doesn’t always mean right or proper. You can get all the tubes and bottles and compacts and anything else you could need, but you still might be ugly on the inside.
This Is Called the Reverse Steve Martin
We don’t know this graduating senior’s name, but we do know that he likes to take the risky route when he is called upon to provide a quote. Whether he was evening the score after Michael Jackson’s conversion, or he’s a big fan of classic comedy movie “The Jerk,” this kid was willing to put some skin in the game.

And that’s almost literally! Not much else to say here, other than to point out this kid was the perfect one to drop this line – he has incredibly dark skin, hair, and even eyes, so this kind of joke was maybe the most unexpected, making it the best kind of joke. Remember, if you’re expecting something, it can’t really be funny. Or scary, but that’s a little bit of a different matter.
We Guess It Can Work That Way
We admit to not being experts in this field of science, but one at a time seems like it would just be a lot slower than all at once. Still, there’s no element that we can think of to STOP you from pulling off such a maneuver. This seems like a really clever way to get a laugh out of people, but Christinamarie Johnson didn’t come up with it all on her own – it’s a line from a really famous cartoon called “Bob’s Burgers,” which you’ve probably heard of.

Tina Belcher, the oldest of the Belcher kids, utters this famous line. It’s just one of many lines that Tina says that are likely to stick in your head. She’s got the kind of perfect bit of weird to be memorable.
It Was One of the Flying Ones
Some of us don’t like to spend a whole lot of time in our dreams, because they include things like running from zombies or being chased by the sun that has turned into a big orange while you’re riding across the wild west on a chicken drumstick. Some, like Alexis Smith, know that getting used to your dreams is a good way to make them come true.

Though our dream of being a famous ghost hunter that has lots of spirit friends probably isn’t going to come true all that soon. All Alexis is talking about is getting a little more shut-eye, something that pretty much every high school student has at the top of their list of needs. Don’t worry Alexis, you’ll have plenty of time to sleep in college.
She Knows What She’s Good At
Not everybody is able to adjust to every single thing that life throws at them. It’s always a good idea to be flexible and able to take life’s ups and downs as they come, but some people just can’t deal. Thalita Lima isn’t looking forward to getting old, even though that’s one of the things we should really all be expecting.

Pretty much everybody gets old. It’s just how things are built in our world here. Nobody can deny the inexorable flow of time or the shriveling effects of entropy on our bodies. But who knows – maybe Thalita will find out that she’s just as good at being old as she is at being young. This is originally a quote from John Mayer from the song “Stop This Train.”
The Editor Had a Hand in This One
This quote from J.G. Cuevas originally had a few extra words in between “Who” and “Wants,” but the editor of the yearbook made the choice to excise them. The first word was “the” and the second word was four letters. We bet you can piece that puzzle together. It’s not exactly a Mensa-level brain teaser. And in response to his question, we bet that there are a good number of people who wouldn’t mind living forever.

Sure, there are some who would find such a thing to be just as horrific as being cut down in their prime – eventually, everything will go away – but there are a lot of people who might feel their end is approaching a little too quickly. Dressed in a tux the way he is and with that quote, J.G. looks like he’s trying out for a Bond flick.
A Girl With a Lot of Excitement
Everybody should have a friend like Katelyn in their group. She’s full of energy and ready to be excited about things that might seem normal to everybody else. She’s the hype man (or woman) of the group, and those are great to have around. Having more than one might be a little unnecessary, but you can’t go amiss by having one around for when you want to gain some energy.

Katelyn here will help you feel amped up to do things like go to Boston Market or get to work writing an English paper, even if right now it just seems like she’s excited about being done with high school. Still, she’s excited about it in a good way, instead of just wanting to burn the building down like so many others.
Coming Up With New Words
Rebecca here is a regular Shakespeare, coining new terms that we have no doubt will start to enter the general English language as her work becomes more well-known. Then again, “Beckytude” doesn’t have as many uses as some of the words that the bard came up with, such as aerial, bump, lonely, road, obscene, eventful, suspicious,, that guy came up with a whole lot of words, huh?

Don’t worry Rebeca, keep at it and maybe you’ll be listed alongside Will. But even Shakespeare had some pretty big misses – you don’t hear anybody using words such as insisture, pajock, wappened, or eftes these days. We’d be surprised if anybody even knows their definitions. We can’t even find them in the dictionary! And that usually has everything! Sometimes not even the bard is Scrabble-legal.
You Got Us, We Guess
We don’t know if this is supposed to be a burn from a chemistry major or a member of royalty that really likes to read textbooks, but it’s a little too involved for us to get much out of it. Oh no, you listed elements that are inside our bodies in trace amounts (yes, even arsenic), you really got us.

This gal Ashlie is wearing a little tiara, so maybe she was trying to lean into that kind of thing, but this kind of strike isn’t going to impress anyone except for other science-focused kings and queens, and we don’t really know if there are many of those left. Just not a whole lot of royalty left to go around in general, now that we think about it. And they’re too busy playing polo to read chemistry textbooks.