We all have to deal with the same sun, but there are some places where it seems to hold more sway than others. One of those places is Florida, where the heat, humidity, and UV index can mean painful burns for people who aren’t prepared.

This picture shows us what it’s like to have your first time in Florida and not know how to properly use spray-on sunscreen. Some are bad and some are worse, but the guy on the far left is going to have the worst time by far. He’s going to need to shop for aloe vera at Costco if he wants any relief.
Just Pick One and Stick With It
Sure, it's not the cleanest sunburn we've ever seen, but that actually works in this lady's favor a little bit. She got the straps of her top all twisted up, and it left plenty of funky lines, but that meant less of her skin got burned while she was out in the sun.

It probably wasn't comfortable to wear while she was actually out having fun, and it makes dealing with the sunburn annoying, but less is always more when it comes to burns. You know, sort of. Okay, not really, but you do want to get burned as little as possible.
All He Needed Were Some Longer Sleeves
This cat thought he was being smart when he wore a t-shirt during his day on a boat, and he was almost there. If only he had sprung for a longer shirt, then he would have gotten away without all that painful pink hue. He was also clearly wearing a watch, as you can see from a glance at his wrist.

The next time, remember that water can reflect some of that UV back up at you while you're on the boat, so you're getting it from all over the place, not just above you.
The Mark of a Beach-Goer
Here we are treated to the full back of an embarrassed pool or lake fan who didn't take all the proper precautions. What's that? This lady applied sunscreen something like six times? She's pale, but she doesn't have the red hair of the truly sun-touched.

Well, she could be inflating the numbers to help her save face, but at least the burn doesn't look as bad as a lot of the others on this list. Most of it is pretty even, almost a tan, but we definitely see some patches of red on the shoulders. It's always the shoulders, isn't it?
We're Trying to Figure This One Out
This pattern is one of the strangest we've come across in a long time. From the mid-thigh and up, there's a sunburn, but there are only a few random spots below it, in circles and lines, that got the same amount of sun. What kind of pants was this lady wearing, and why?

Were they actually torn stockings or something like that? Torn stockings without a dress don't seem like much of a look, but what do we know? The only thing we know about is proper sun safety, which this lady clearly needs a refresher on.
Whose Hand Is That?
This is quite the spectacle, now that we think about it. There's half of a tattoo to be seen on the arm, a bad burn on the shoulder and neck, the hand print, and what we assume is a large collection of freckles on the skin.

With the shape of the hand, it looks like this lady was holding onto her own shoulder for a pretty long amount of time. Either that or somebody was standing across from her and resting a hand there while she got burned. Why would such a position be necessary?
A Shape We're All Familiar With
There are many people that spend a good long time outside for work or fun, and we're sure plenty of them have seen this shape in the mirror once in a while. You don't want to deprive yourself of all that wonderful sun when it finally comes out, so you wear a tank top.

The sun does give you Vitamin D, which a lot of people tend to end up lacking in their daily diets. But, go too light on the sunscreen or spend too much time in the light, and you get some of these red curves.
Time to Break Out the Chemicals
When you get sunburned, there is one paramount rule that you should follow if you want to make sure your life doesn't get nasty: make sure not to add another layer of burn on top of the first burn. That's a recipe for pain and suffering, and maybe even some dreaded diseases.

This guy was fried in a bad way, but he still has a chance to do right by his skin if he uses sunscreens or sunblocks, as well as moisturizer and aloe. Apparently, white vinegar is also a good way to reduce that pain.
Quick, I Need More Band-Aids!
This young one didn't think to put on sunscreen for an outdoor Easter service, but at least there was a little bit of protection from the April sun in Missouri. We're always surprised when we remember that Missouri is such a temperate state, despite its general proximity to the frigid upper midwest.

It's almost tropical in some parts, even if it isn't in the south proper. Thankfully, she had a bandage over a scab, so she didn't worry about it, which means at least not everything is burnt. That wound doesn't look very good, but at least it isn't burned.
One of the More Unique Patterns
If you're sitting there trying to figure out how a person could develop such an interesting tan line, we're here to help. This person is a diving instructor and wears fingerless gloves to make sure he can safely manipulate things like tanks, goggles, and other incredibly handy tools while underwater.

Those things tend to be necessary for someone who dives a lot, we hear. He's also spending lots of the day outside in the sun, even if the water does tend to reduce the UV light a bit. Not a whole lot, but some.
Nothing Will Stop the Sun
The backstory behind this picture of a back is the lady in question thought she was going to be fine. It was cloudy out, and the UV index (which basically tracks how fast people will burn, or how much UV is getting through) was only at a four. Seems to have been pretty fine.

But, as we can see, she has reddish hair and pale skin, which means she's now in for a world of hurt. Remember, clouds don't block every kind of UV light – you can still get sunburned. And we've heard of redheads getting burned through car windows or white t-shirts, so never get complacent.
Please, No Touching
Lots of people don't get to spend too much time out in the sun unless they're hanging out in the water, which is why we get so many examples of swimsuit burns and tan lines. This lady has another premium example to offer us, with a clear mark where the swimsuit ends and begins.

Now she not only has to deal with putting lotion on the burns. And sitting against chairs, and wearing clothes, but also people slapping her on the back really hard. It can happen. Oh, and telling people about the sunburn might not even help – they might take advantage.
They Do Tend to Last
Nobody likes to get sunburned – well, we don't know if that's true for sure. There are all kinds of odd people out there – but the worst part isn't when you're being burnt; it's when you have to deal with the next few days, very carefully moving around to try and not disturb the burns.

You have to reach around and use lots of cream or aloe or whatever is your soothing medicine of choice, and that means lots of twisting and turning and stretching. These kinds of things can last for days, depending on how bad the burn is, so get used to it.
At Least There Was SOME Coverage
The brain doesn't stop growing until about the age of twenty-five, which explains the facial hair and hairdo choices this guy is exhibiting. No, we kid, it's fine. However, it might have been smart to take your sun protection to the next level, and not just wear a hat as your only defense.

It was even backward, which meant the sun could sneak through the little opening in the back. He doesn't look very happy about this new fact, but that means he's going to be more careful next time. He looks like the kind of guy that is looking forward to a next time.
A Reverse on the Traditional Tan Line Formula
Most of the time, a tan line starts up the arm and proceeds downward toward the hand, where it will eventually cease at the end of the fingers. Most of the time. This guy has flipped the script a bit, wearing a glove on the job, on the green, or for no reason at all.

Maybe he just likes to wear gloves out in the hot sun; we don't know. Actually, it looks like the primary reason for doing such a thing is to protect his fancy long nails from taking any damage.
Spray Tans Plus Sadness Equals a New Look
While spray tans aren't really as widely spread as they were back in the day, there are still plenty of examples of people using them to great effect, or what is happening here. This young lady got a fun spray tan, and then we're going to guess she found out that “Firefly” was canceled after only a few episodes.

That means she gets to enjoy looking like this until at least she gets home, where she will be able to use cotton swabs and rubbing alcohol to clean things up. Don't worry, miss; they made a movie to wrap the story up.
Nothing Will Stop Me From Getting a Tan
2020 was...a year. Lots of things certainly happened. No doubt about that. All sorts of things. Lots of stuff. Boy, howdy, many things occurred. However, all those things wouldn't stop one enterprising young lady from getting what seems to be her standard summertime tan.

We wonder what kind of setup she had to not only require a mask but also be in the outdoors for so long. Working at a country club or something like that? Well, the year doesn't seem to have put too much of a damper on her spirits, at the very least.
Every Job Comes With Benefits
Sure, if you work around pools all day, it might be hard physical work, but there's always a good part, and the good part of being a pool guy is getting to work out in the nice hot sun every day.

Sure, it can be a bother sometimes, but you'll eventually get a nice, relatively even tan from your neck all the way down to your feet, missing the areas that have to be covered, of course. That leads to situations where you have a noticeable tan line right at the ankle – traditionally, that's where the shoe starts.
This Is Why You Wear Socks
There are some countries in our great and wonderful world that seem like they're a little closer to the sun overall, even if they're still on the same planet. We're told through various sources, as well as this picture, that Vietnam is one of those places.

This person, who described himself as Scandinavian with blue eyes and blond hair, can't escape that kind of sun no matter how hard he tries. Plus, it's not like he can just layer up – the humidity in such a place is killer. So you have to deal with either one rough thing, and this guy chose the sun.
You Can Be Proud of It
If you're of the paler persuasion, actually finding you have a little bit of a tan can be something to celebrate. People who are from way up north cook in the sun, turning red in what seems like a single moment, so any bit of healthy color feels like a step in the right direction. And then there's this guy.

He must work as a carpenter or a lifeguard or something like that because he has a powerful tan line. The difference between the upper and lower sections is like night and day.
A Different Kind of Stars and Stripes
If you're gearing up for the Fourth of July, then you're probably stocking up on drinks, meats, snacks, fireworks – all the classic supplies. But what if you want to take your patriotism a little further? Do what this guy did, and increase your chance of skin cancer for your country. It's enough to put a tear in the eye of any bald eagle.

On the other hand, he probably had to use duct tape to achieve that tan and/or burn, which meant tearing it off afterward. We all sacrifice for our country in our own way, and this guy most definitely has his own way.
Just a Little Bit of Pink
The backstory to this picture is that a guy was told that jumping into a tanning bed for a few minutes couldn't possibly result in him getting burned. In fact, he was in the bed for a mere nine minutes before he got a nice pink layer of skin.

You might be thinking that he's simply a redhead or Irish, but neither is true. He is English, however, and they tend to cook up pretty fast, too. Even so, only nine minutes? It must be pretty rough for those folks. They'd burn under a lightbulb.
I Calculate That I Have Been in the Sun Too Long
After two days at the beach, this guy had accumulated a bit of sun. Thanks to his calculator watch, it's easy to tell exactly how much – not because he can punch in the numbers, though. He can just shift the watch and look at how much his skin has tanned.

We get that some people will continue wearing things out of habit, but a calculator watch? Surely a phone can do all that and more without having to weigh down your wrist. Those things haven't been popular for a long time.
Just the Calves, Please
We can understand if there's some confusion when you look at this picture – how could a guy be wearing such long socks and such long shorts for so much time in the sun? Well, remember Occam's Razor: the simplest solution is always the best.

Our money goes to this guy being a constant sight on the links. There are some clubs out there that require long socks or a specific length for short, but it's also possible this guy just prefers extra coverage. Maybe he's worried about getting burned on his ankles or knees, but not anywhere else.
Lines Like Geological Eras
Just like a bucket of ice cream with three flavors, this kind of tan line requires some hard work and preparation. You have to get most of the leg very tan – very, very tan. Just look at it.

It looks like it's maroon – and then hike up your shorts and lay in the sun for a few hours without any kind of sunscreen or sunblock. Then, the next day, you have to hike up the shorts even higher and reveal the original, untanned skin tone. Not everybody can pull it off, at least not with the precision that we can see here.
From Time on the Green
You might be able to tell from the way this guy stands or something like that — he's a regular golfer. The shorts are another nice tip-off. He probably also has a big tan line starting at the wrist of his left hand, and going up to his elbow.

Also, it might not be obvious from the picture, but this guy is also a dad – he said that getting the tan was quite a feat. You may now groan. Maybe spend a little bit of time evening that tan out, Dad, unless you want to look like you bleached your feet.
I Just Wanted a Little Color
This poor ginger lad is experiencing something that all redheads have to deal with – they just cannot handle the sun. It looks like he's wearing a white tee, but likely he was just outside in the hot sun for a few minutes.

We've heard of gingers that get burned because they were driving, and the sun was on their left side. The window was up and everything. What's even weirder is this guy has at least a little tan on his forearms, so it goes from pink to orange to pink to bright, stark white.
A Fun Design, at Least
While this look does seem to evoke the energetic designs of Van Halen guitars, it doesn't look like it feels very good. Once again, we want to make sure that everybody knows a few things about spray-on sunscreen. You have to spray it everywhere, or you're going to get something like this.

Sure, he got some of the big spots, but there's far too much that was missed to call this even a half-win. The next time, use your hands to make sure you get some coverage everywhere. That way, people won't call you pink guy.
Everybody's Favorite Ice Cream Flavor
We've all had a thought to try and even out our tan at one point or another, just to have it end up like this. A little bit of Neapolitan (or knee-apolitan, if you want to be cheeky about it) ice cream is a great treat for a hot summer day, but usually, people have it in bowls.

And, you know, actually have ice cream. Our best advice is to use a little bit of sunscreen to make sure it doesn't hurt, and to keep on the move a little bit – that way, the tan looks a lot more natural, and you aren't just getting direct, pounding sunlight for hours.
Come on Legs, You Need to Catch Up
This guy tells us that he's trying to even out his tan on his lunch break, but even that simple explanation leaves us with a couple of questions. Where does he work that has a lunch break at his place? How does he have such an incredible and smooth tan on his upper body, but absolutely no tan whatsoever on his lower body?

It looks like he's at a pool or sauna or something, so why wear long pants? We can understand taking the top off since it looks pretty sunny and likely gets nice and hot, but we're left confused with the rest.
When a Smurf Hits the Salon
That foot and that hand are part of the same body, believe it or not. How could someone whose foot looks like it's blue achieve such a rich color on his hand?

He goes on to explain a few things: He's on deployment in Malia, in the desert, and he's wearing combat boots most of the day, which explains the somewhat pruney skin on his foot. The rest of his body, especially his hands, have gotten all the sun they need to turn a handsome brown. This soldier even relates that he has quite fair skin, so a tan this deep is special.
Step One: Be Very White
Step two, walk around in the sun for a few hours wearing a shirt with cutout squares. This lady tried to stop this from happening – she apparently had multiple applications of sunscreen during the day – but it didn't stop her from getting bad patches of burnt skin that look like they hurt even now.

That's not even bringing up the shirt straps that are digging into some of the squares. There are also some bigger sections on the shoulders that look like they'll need a good dose of lotion to get them feeling better.
No, This Is Skin Damage
So a girl goes out into the sun without the proper sunscreen to protect her, and she gets a sunburn that ends up looking like a character from a cartoon show. If we had a nickel for every time that's happened (we would have one nickel).

Someone has helpfully added a pair of eyes that make it look like Patrick hasn't had any sleep for a few days and just spotted the most delicious Krabby Patty that Spongebob has ever made. A little bit of sunscreen will prevent this sort of thing from happening again, and we bet the daughter is all for preventing it.
It's Different Down in Florida
We all have to deal with the same sun, but there are some places where it seems to hold more sway than others. One of those places is Florida, where the heat, humidity, and UV index can mean painful burns for people who aren't prepared.

This picture shows us what it's like to have your first time in Florida and not know how to properly use spray-on sunscreen. Some are bad and some are worse, but the guy on the far left is going to have the worst time by far. He's going to need to shop for aloe vera at Costco if he wants any relief.
When Spray Tanning Goes Bad
We lied in the title – there's no spray tanning being used in this picture. This person spends a lot of time out in the sun and apparently has feet that are lighter than the rest of his body. He's also, as he tells us, biracial, which might help explain why he's able to achieve such a deep, deep tan.

While it's better than being burned, this guy might want to grab some sunblock – white people aren't the only ones that can develop skin cancer from this sort of thing, though natural melanin does tend to help somewhat.
The Sunbender
No, he isn't part of the air tribe. He got dressed up as everybody's favorite Aang for a convention and had to stand in the sun for a little while in line, leading to this rather eye-catching sunburn.

After washing off the makeup or removing the decorations or whatever he had used, the burn remained, which means he has to continue to be part of a cartoon show for kids even when he goes back to work for a little while. Good thing there are hats to hide most of that damage. Is this what happens if you fail at firebending?
Time to Throw You Away
How does a lady get such crisp lines on both her arms and her legs? The solution is simple: she's a cyclist, and she's been working on that tan for as long as she can get outdoors.

She might want to use some sunscreen or even sunblock to keep her skin from turning into old leather by the time she's thirty-five, but it's hard to avoid getting something like this if you spend so much time outside. Then, of course, there's the fact that she looks like a popsicle stick, as the picture shows us. At least she's one of the good flavors.
Hats Off in Church
When you enter a place of worship, remove your headgear. That's just respectful (and obviously, that's what we're all about). This guy has done right by the congregation, but he's inadvertently revealed a heinous sunburn line that comes from wearing a hat out in the sun.

Not only does he spend a lot of time in the heat, but it looks like he wears the same hat, and the position doesn't even shift that much. Nothing wrong with that, nothing wrong with that. Maybe he's a farmer – incredibly necessary work, and he has our respect. Doesn't change the fact that this sunburn does tend to draw the eye.
Hard to Ignore That Kind of Shine
Why yes, it seems like yet another woman has learned the all-important lesson of being careful with how much sun your ripped jeans let through. Do these girls not think about that, really? Obviously, they all have to have it happen once, but we're surprised nobody has clued in to the fact that bare skin, anywhere, is a viable option for a sunburn.

It's probably because the rips won't seem to let in too much sun, and those spots on the body don't have as much melanin build-up from regular outings. They just burn so fast.
Making a Statement
So this lass put on a pair of ripped jeans and then rolled them up for her time in the sun, and of course, she got a hilariously uneven tan and/or burn. However, no matter how young this person seems to be, it almost looks like it's intentional.

Just look at how sharp those tan lines are, both on the knees and above the ankles. This girl put on specific clothes, got into the sun, and didn't move for approximately two hours. How could you think to do that unless you wanted to get that kind of look?
A Fierce Look From the Sun
While it does seem like this lady is getting ready to go hunting for antelope through the tall grass in the African Savannah, it's just a sunburn she got while wearing ripped jeans. It seems that every fashion-forward young lady learns this important piece of information during their youth.

Nowadays, we just get to see them learn it, thanks to social media or the internet in general. At least that design looks a little cool. Still, having to wear other pants with sunburned legs is something nobody wants. Better reach for the aloe and moisturizer, or you're going to have a bad time.
Ninety-Nine Percent Coverage
There is a lot to learn from this list of pictures, but what can we learn from this one in particular? Well, if you're wearing jeans with big holes in the knees, make sure you don't spend too much time in the sun. It's as simple as that. Or, if you do, please use sunscreen.

Otherwise, like this gal most likely did, you're going to hear jokes about how you need to wear knee pads the next time you're doing yard work or working on the car in the garage. Ever gotten a carpet burn? They're way, way worse than a sunburn, trust us.
A Very Strange Status Symbol
Is she part of the young welders group at school? No, she just really, really likes skiing. At her school, which was near a ski resort, there were so many skiers that having this kind of goggle tan line was actually seen as a symbol of status. She must have been the coolest girl in school.

You're probably thinking – a suntan while skiing? You can still get tanned during the winter. In fact, what people often call a windburn is actually just a sunburn. It just doesn't feel as bad since it takes place over a longer period of time.
We All Shop at the Same Shoe Store
We're not sure if it's one popular brand, or if lots of brands use this same regular design, but we wouldn't be surprised if we see a hundred people with this kind of tan line by the end of the summer, every year. They're the favorite choice for disc golfers, camp counselors, and youth pastors (but we repeat ourselves).

This group all did the hokey-pokey to compare tan lines, and there are plenty of good options to pick from. For our money, the foot center-bottom looks like the most vivid option, though there are many fine examples.
Honey, We Need Sunscreen
It looks like the colors of this pic have been adjusted slightly – perhaps to make things look a little worse – but it still looks bad no matter how you want to frame it. These two weren't aware of what would happen if they didn't have the proper defense against the sun after spending a whole day out there, but now they do. Hopefully.

They're going to be in pain no matter what they try to do now, even if they just want to lie down. Suggestions include hanging by a coat hanger from the hair and getting a kiddie pool full of aloe.
A Pair of Sunburn Socks
We don't think this person was wearing socks at all. Unless they're very different from what is traditionally seen as socks. It actually appears that this person was enjoying some sun in a pair of Capri pants or something like that, and fell asleep.

That's how you get such a clean, crisp burn line. Interesting to note – one pant leg was rolled slightly higher than the other. A fashion statement? A comfort choice? Or just something that happened randomly while settling back into a chair on the porch?
Looks Like Something You'd Hang in a Museum
This piece of modern art comes to us from a real attempt to get full coverage. This guy did his darndest to order some proper sun protection before a day at the beach, but it didn't arrive in time. He had a roll-on stick to use in the meantime.

As is so constant on this list, he had to enlist someone else's help to get his back. It was his mother, actually. She didn't realize that the roll-on sticks were only for small areas unless you're prepared to be a proper house painter with the stuff and cover it all.
I Was Only Out for a Little While
By his own admission, this guy stupidly decided not to wear any sunscreen while he was spending a day outside. It seems the only protection he had from that hot, hot heat was a single hat that was spun around backward.

It's a good thing this guy realizes he made the wrong choice because there are a whole lot of people out there who are willing to point it out to him. No shirt? No sunscreen? He says he was wearing sunglasses, which is good, but you have to do a little more than that to stay safe.
Protecting What's Important
A little bit of sunscreen for that sick tattoo is all this guy really needs when he's headed out on the trails. From our viewpoint, he could have absolutely used some more, you know, around it. On the rest of his leg, perhaps. Socks can only go so high, especially if you want to show off your new ink.

Maybe it's a fresh tat, and he wants to make sure it isn't damaged, but there's a whole lot of other skin that can also be damaged if you don't put enough sunscreen on. Honestly, a red spearhead sounds pretty cool.
Nearly Good Enough
Please welcome to the stage this entry into the “make sure you know what you're doing when you spray someone's back with sunscreen” collection. The wife here must take a hit to her ego thanks to her husband's sunburn, but she seems to have tried her hardest. There were quite a number of sweeps across that expansive canvas, but there just wasn't enough paint.

This guy comes out looking like a tiger that is about to prowl the beaches. The wife tried so hard, but she forgot to rub it in to cover every single inch. Would he have still gotten sunburned? Probably. But, it wouldn't have been as bad.
Finding the Silver Lining
So you spent a little bit too long out in the sun yesterday, and now you have a nice pink line right where your t-shirt came to an end. You've also been playing the newest Pokemon game, and you get a bright idea. Out comes the sharpie.

In case you aren't much of a gamer, the Pokemon Voltorb is spherical in nature, with a red lower half and a white upper half, just as we see here. In the game, they tend to explode, but this one looks pretty safe. A little TOO safe, if you ask us. Just look at that face.
So, Uh, You Ever Wear Sandals?
Sure, you can be proud of your tan lines. Lots of people are. They might not look exactly the best, but they're from time outside, and they're from a life well-lived, most of the time. Of course, a tan line that is too harsh can bring about a little bit of mockery – though it's usually mild and good-natured.

This guy would get some stronger jabs, though we doubt it will hurt much. How could a person have such an intense tan? Well, he works at a beach. That's why he manages to get so much sun while wearing sandals day in and day out.
The Bare Minimum
Clearly, this guy has been spending a lot of time in the sun, and he's been doing it all in a tank top. The sun will take advantage of that as much as possible, even if he did try to get a little bit covered on the shoulders.

If you squint, you can just barely make out some patches on the shoulders that got a modicum of protection from the sun. This guy was out at the London Marathon and didn't stop to think that even London might have enough sun to color a man this much. Yes, even when it's cloudy, you can get burned.
The Trapezoid
This is a better example of trying to keep yourself safe from the unrelenting power of the sun than a lot of other examples on this list. This guy did everything he could to cover himself in the proper amount of sunblock, but there's only so much one person can do.

One person who isn't a yoga master, at the very least. Just go ahead and try to touch every square inch of your own back. Someone with a little more flexibility can do better, but this picture is about what the normal person will be able to reach. Next time, get a friend to help.
Gloves Required
There are some jobs out there that require you to both be in the sun and wear gloves. Something like a solar roofer, which is what led to this picture, is a perfect example. Hard to be in the shade if you're on a roof that is getting solar panels. That's how this steady worker got a crisp, clean tan line right at the wrist.

This picture was, according to the original poster, taken in May, which means that the line is only going to get more noticeable as time goes on. This guy would be smart to seek out shirts with UV-protective sleeves before he cooks.
Every Little Bit Helps
This might be the worst one of the entire collection. How could someone protect those little spots, but leave huge swathes of skin unprotected against the blazing sun? Well, all those little spots are where the guy has moles, and you want to make sure you keep those from being burned – they could turn into something nasty.

Unfortunately, all the rest of that burn isn't going to do him any favors when it comes to skin health, either. While this is better than not using sunblock at all, we feel like a few more minutes of work would have saved this guy a lot of pain and suffering.
The Curse of the Irish
If you are one yourself – or you know one – you're familiar with the things that redheads have to go through. Sure, red hair is nice to look at, but you can't spend much time in the sun, or this sort of thing is going to occur.

The story that goes along with this picture is that she was using factor fifty AND factor seventy all over her body, and she still suffered. Not only that, but she was in the sun for less than an hour! The tattoos might have given her a little bit of extra protection, but we're not sure if that really helps.
Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me
Such vivid brushstrokes. Such a thoughtful design. It looks like it hurts a lot, too. Like so many other pictures on this list, this image comes to us from someone asking a friend for help applying sunscreen.

Unlike a lot of the other pictures on this list, however, the wife responsible for this had two chances to get it right – you can see the sections that look a little faded from the first application. She managed to get a pretty good amount of skin covered, but spend enough time in the sun, and even the best sunblock is going to start losing its efficacy.
Mesh Still Lets the Sun Through
Heading out on a thirty-mile bike ride is a good choice. You get plenty of exercise, lots of fresh air, and all kinds of sun. That last one is the important part here. This guy wore a hat for the ride, which was the proper choice to make, but he picked the wrong kind of hat.

Mesh gives you plenty of airflow to keep you cool, but the sun is going to get through those holes just like fresh air. And it can sometimes be more important to block the sun than it is to have breathable skin if you're trying to protect yourself.
The Same Shoes, Every Day
You can probably tell from the picture that those are some high-quality dad legs. Scars and marks, bumps and bruises, a little bit of age, and a tan line that would make even the hardest-working farmer jealous. We're sure this is the kind of dad that doesn't like to sit still, but he can't exactly run marathons.

He works in the garden, mows the lawn, and goes for walks. Maybe he works at an active job, and at the end of the day, he relaxes on the porch. What we're trying to say is that he's earned those tan lines.
He's Reaching for a Banana Off-Screen
This person has a simple explanation for why he has such pale, lily-white feet and such dark, tanned skin: tanning with shoes on. Even if it hasn't been as bad as this example, we've all probably achieved something similar. The guy's kids call them his "chimp feet," we're told.

The fact that a relatively thick layer of hair ends at about the ankle only makes the difference even more apparent. Foot tan lines are common, and this is one of the classic examples, just above flip-flop tan lines. Right now, this guy is doing the work to even them out a little bit.
A Couple of Questions
This picture makes us think of a couple of queries that we're not sure we actually want answered. The first question is easily answered, though – this person was wearing a fishnet glove or shirt that was long enough to cover the upper arm. The second question – how did you only get burned in that very specific spot? – is not so easily answered.

Was this person lying in the sun in the strangest position possible? Was there a mirror or window reflecting the sunlight at a specific angle? How is there a burn on the inside of the arm (we think) but literally nowhere else?
At Least He Was Comfortable
Crocs get a bad rap sometimes, but they're a big help to people who have to be on their feet all day. Store workers, medical health professionals, and plenty of others rely on them to get them to the end of their shifts.

These people might not care too much about their personal appearance, but they're still making important choices. Then again, we hesitate to call anything about these feet a good look. The actual line at the midway point of the foot is one thing, but the little dots on the toes and the end of the foot are, frankly, hideous.
A Mistake We All Make Once
Ripped jeans were all the rage for a little while, and there are plenty of people out there that still like to rock them when they're out on the town. Of course, if you don't know how sunscreen works, you're going to end up with something like this picture.

Not only does this person now have to deal with sunburns on her legs (and feet), but she also has to deal with them being on the parts of her body that touch clothing so often. We can safely assume that this person will take the proper precautions the next time she grabs something with such big openings.
The Trucker Hat Lines
You might wear a hat during your day-to-day life, but what if you need to get dressed in your Sunday best for a nephew's nuptials? You only have yourself to blame. This guy seems to have avoided burns, but he still has a pretty noticeable tan line, thanks to the mesh that makes up the back half of a lot of trucker caps.

On the other hand, few people will be able to look straight down and take a picture like this. Still, it will be noticed, and you can bet that a few people will comment on it during the chit-chat that always follows a wedding.
No One to Depend On
If you want to have a day in the sun but you don't have anyone to help you put sunblock on, you have to worry about the tradeoffs. Do you still hit the beach, even if you know you aren't properly covered? Do you put on some extra layers to protect yourself, even if that means you won't get as much tan or vitamin D?

All of life is math, even if it doesn't have to do with numbers. This guy did his best before some fun in the sun and got an almost perfectly-rectangular shape.
A Little Less Temporary Than You Thought
So a guy goes and gets a temporary tattoo, and then he decides to go and make some more bad decisions and gets sunburned without applying the right kind of cream to his skin. But a tattoo – even a temporary one – is ink that covers the skin, right? Right.

That's how we get this picture of a perfect outline of a tattoo that has faded, or has been peeled off, or whatever you do with temporary tattoos. Are those the ones you have to iron on? Maybe that's where he actually got the burn.
The Uniform Look
If you've ever been handed some clothing during your first day on the job, you know how this guy feels. He has to wear a uniform and gloves while working outside, which means he has a double-edged farmer's tan to show off. He admits that he's been using sunscreen, but he says he's going to up the ante to sunblock, which will prevent both burning and tanning.

Did you know that even tanning can increase your chance of skin cancer? Turns out radiation is bad for you sometimes. There are also long-sleeve shirts that can block the sun if you're interested. At least the tan doesn't look too bad.
Proud Tan Lines
These two guys have some vicious tan lines, but at least they don't appear to be burned. Yet. They got them from a cycling trip all the way across the country for something called Journey of Hope, which raises money and awareness for people living with disabilities. Good on you, lads.

They're proud of the skin that has soaked in all that sun, and we're in awe of the crisp delineation, especially for the guy on the right. No doubt they had to be heavy on the sunscreen until they worked up a little bit of natural protection while on their ride.
Thanks for the Help, Bro
If you ask a friend to apply sunscreen on your back, make sure they know the proper protocols. An even coat, spraying from side to side, using the hands to make sure you get everything. If you don't set out these simple guidelines, you'll end up with sun straps like these.

He seemed to focus on the lower half of the back, which goes against common knowledge that sunscreen will drip down the back during the day. There also seems to be a lot of focus on the left side of the back, for some reason.
Just Pretend They're Freckles
This lady only took half-measures when it came to avoiding sunburns, and now she has the wisdom to dispense to the rest of us – make sure to rub it in over everything you want to cover, or you will end up looking like Colby-Jack cheese.

We assume this won't feel very good no matter what she tries to do, but she could at least try to say that it's her natural skin. They do kind of look like freckles. Of course, any close inspection of the skin will reveal that it's just your standard sunburn. On the other hand, anybody getting that close will probably already know.
Getting the Proper Coverage
Whether you're going for a light dusting or something that will truly keep out the sun, you need to make sure you're getting all the cracks and crevices. Even an intense SPF won't become useful if you aren't getting everything. A wife sprayed sunscreen on this guy's back, but it seems she missed a couple of big spots.

Our best advice is to spray it on and then rub it all over the place to make sure none of the skin is missed. If not, you could get a lot of pain, some bad red splotches, and an increased chance of skin cancer. Always something to avoid.
Looks Like He's Turning Into a Werewolf
If you're like us, you took one look at this picture and wondered why a man-bear was part of this article. But take a second look, and you'll see that the man does indeed have one of the most powerful tan lines in existence.

It kind of seems like the guy has played up the difference by shaving his feet right up to the line, but this is still the kind of thing that is hard to look away from. We wonder if this guy should also hit the showers a little more regularly.
Like Swimming in Beet Juice
This sorry sight comes to us from somebody who was forced to sit for two and a half hours in direct sunlight to watch a brother's graduation. Could this person have worn pants? Yes, that is an option, but he or she had just returned from a long trip and didn't have anything that was clean other than shorts.

The assumption was also that the graduation ceremony was going to be indoors since it was eighty degrees out, but you know what they say about assuming. Even all that aside, that is a bad, bad sunburn. We've seen but few burns that have so vividly changed the skin tone.
Hey Doc, Check Out This Rash
We're just kidding; it's from his shoes. How he managed to get this kind of sunburn is a mystery to us, however. He was wearing the shoes for a long, long time in the sun, but he was either wearing long pants, or his feet were positioned in the sun so perfectly that they only created that little ring around the ankle.

Looks to be a pretty bad burn, unfortunately, which means this guy is going to have to deal with it for a while. And each little dot is going to peel off individually. Not a good look all around.
A New Kind of Farmer's Tan
If you work outside, you have to make sure you take the proper precautions, or you're going to get burned. Like, literally, you are going to experience heat that is too great for the body. Yes, technically, a sunburn is a chemical reaction thanks to specific radiation from the sun...we're getting off-topic.

This guy works outside, and he wears the same hat every day, which means that he built a rather eye-popping tan. It looks like he's avoided a burn for the most part, but the very top of his head, at the point, has a bit of pink.
Proper Application Techniques
This picture comes with a warning: if you're using spray sunscreen, make sure to rub it in. Please, please make sure to rub it in. Sunscreen application technology has improved in recent years, but it isn't foolproof, and it can result in something like this if you aren't careful.

Not only is this guy probably in a good deal of pain depending on the shirts that he wears, but it also looks so...unique...that he's going to get a lot of looks unless he's fully covered. Which is, without a doubt, the best choice here. Don't let anybody know about it, and nobody will be able to tease you.
The Same Color as Some Delicious Lobsters
Nobody is able to escape the baleful gaze of the sun, even if you think you're covering properly. As this lady figured out, you still need sunscreen even if you're just going to be spending some time on a boat. She has what she describes as “the bib of pain.” Hard to argue with such a name for that kind of look.

It sucks that the most likely place you're going to get sunburned is where you most regularly cover since these areas have gotten the least time sucking down that wonderful healthy radiation. Remember to wear sunscreen if you're going to be outside, kids. You'll thank us later.
Poor Timing
We're happy to reassure you that the sun cannot do this certain effect – at least, not yet. No, this rather unfortunate look is accomplished in two easy steps, neither involving the sun! Step one is to get a simple spray tan, and step two is to get dumped.

It's true – you, too, can achieve such a head-turning style by having what would likely be one of the saddest days of your life! We...don't really think you will want to, but the option is always there. Chin up, miss. At least you realize how funny this picture will be once you've forgotten that heartless cad.
Don't Worry; It Looks Grate
Sunbathing as a gal in an intricate bikini or swimsuit comes with a lot of issues. As we can see, this lady didn't take the proper precautions while enjoying her time in the sun, and now she has to pay the price. And she has to pay the price on quite a bit of skin – it must be one of those fancy suits designed to get people lookin'.

Unfortunately, now people are going to be lookin' for the wrong reason. Hopefully, they'll be able to sympathize, at least. The sun must have been particularly intense around the neck area.
Ready for the Game
This lad looks mighty proud of his paint work, which we must only assume is for the big game at his local college or some other similar sporting event. Did you know that you can still be sunburned, even when it's cloudy out? This guy now knows.

At least his sunburn has some interesting patterns, so he can continue to look good, even if he doesn't feel that good. The sunburn stripes look even better than the paint job he had applied to himself, somehow. We believe it has something to do with the negative space being turned into the positive space.