Angelina Jolie gets all kinds of credit for being the most perfect mother to her brood of six. Unfortunately, her former housekeepers say that her parenting skills aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.

When one of her children has a tantrum, Angelina doesn’t know how to deal. She’s been accused of staring quietly at her crying children or even laughing at their meltdowns. We can’t tell anyone how to parent, but her odd reactions definitely don’t fit with her public image of the perfect mom.
Jim Carrey Is Prone to Mood Swings
While Jim Carrey plays lovable characters on TV, the star’s real-life behavior is a little concerning. According to past employees, Carrey is very prone to mood swings. One moment he’s all smiles and laughs and the next he’s angry and borderline scary.

A recent love of painting has helped to calm Carrey’s moods, but not before he created some awkward situations with a few ex-employees. Maybe years of playing the funny guy have simply taken their toll and Carrey doesn’t want to put on an act anymore.
Carrie Underwood Needs Some Help in the Kitchen
Carrie Underwood is America’s sweetheart, but an injury to her wrist bred some frustrating behavior for the star’s housekeepers. While Carrie wanted to do everything herself, she wasn’t able to prep her food anymore. Instead, she asked that her housekeeper cut the ingredients and portion them out before Carrie takes over the task of actually cooking.

Honestly, it’s refreshing that Carrie wants to do anything herself when she could probably just hire a cook to take care of it all. It may not be in her maid’s job description, but it’s not that weird of a request.
Megan Fox’s Housekeepers Can’t Clean the Kids’ Rooms
While we imagine that most celebrity children live a life of luxury, Megan Fox doesn’t want her kids to grow up not knowing how to take care of themselves. Therefore, her housekeepers are strictly forbidden from cleaning her children’s rooms.

Of course, Megan doesn’t want her kids to live in filth. Instead, she allows the housekeeper or herself to direct the children on how to pick up after themselves. It’s actually a good way of teaching them some responsibility and a surprisingly grounded perspective for the celebrity mother. Good job, Megan.
Khloe Kardashian Must Label Anything and Everything
Remember when you first discovered a label maker and you couldn’t stop yourself from labeling everything in sight? Apparently, Khloe Kardashian never fully got out of that stage. One ex-maid said the star insists on labeling every single thing that comes into her home.

If Khloe wants to label everything, that’s totally her prerogative. However, the star once screamed at an employee when she forgot to add labels to a set of plastic containers. Talk about an overreaction. Does Khloe know that you can tell what something is simply by looking at it?
J. Cole Wants Everyone to Have Spotless Shoes
Rapper J. Cole has one very interesting habit that’s a nice gesture for his guests, but highly annoying for his housekeepers. When Cole has visitors over, he asks that they take off their shoes before entering the house. That’s totally normal. However, he then makes his housekeeper clean the shoes while the guests hang out with the star.

While annoying, it’s not the worst job in the world. In addition, leaving Cole’s house with spotless shoes should be a nice benefit of a short visit. Maybe some of his friends head over simply because they need their kicks cleaned.
Kim Kardashian’s Closet Is a Disaster
Despite the barren, creepy aesthetic of her shared home with Kanye, Kim Kardashian’s minimalist vibe is all an illusion. When putting together an outfit and doing her makeup, Kim is known for leaving a large mess behind her. The scene is often documented on her Instagram, which features clothes and shoes strewn about while the star poses for the camera.

Kim must have specific places where she keeps all her stuff while maintaining the emptiness in the house. But maybe if she spread out her belongings more evenly she wouldn’t turn certain rooms into a messy disaster. Just a thought.
Jessica Simpson Leaves a Trail of Blonde Hair
While most stars expect their maid to clean up after them, Jessica Simpson’s specific mess really annoys her housekeeper. Apparently, the star’s blonde extensions can be found all over the place, hiding in nook and crannies and waiting to be cleaned up.

Globs of hair left around the house are a little gross, but it’s not abnormal. All women leave a trail of hair behind, Jessica simply leaves a little more than others.
Justin Theroux Relaxes by Reading Before Bed
Justin Theroux, Jennifer Aniston’s ex-husband, enjoys a little light reading before he goes to sleep. But the latest Stephen King thriller isn’t his content of choice. Instead, one housekeeper said that Justin enjoys reading a little 50 Shades of Grey before bedtime.

Strong sexual content aside, 50 Shades of Grey is quite the romantic masterpiece. Perhaps Justin just wants to read a little sultry love story before settling in for the night. There’s nothing wrong with a man who loves romance and sex, even if his novel of choice is a favorite among middle-aged women.
Kristen Stewart Doesn’t Have Any Smoking Etiquette
Harmful as smoking is, Kristen Stewart hasn’t been able to give up the habit. Even worse, the star has no boundaries for smoking in her own home. She lights one up whenever she wants and leaves her cigarette butts wherever it’s convenient, including the refrigerator.

Beyond the fact that the habit is a little gross, it’s also kind of dangerous. We hope she ensures that the cigarette is really out before she walks away. Otherwise, she might not have her mansion for much longer.
Ryan Gosling Has a Range of Strange Habits
Look, you should be able to do whatever you want in your own home. However, Ryan Gosling’s housekeepers have reported a range of strange behavior from the star. He’s been seen crawling up the stairs on all fours and often sleeps with his head on the foot side of the bed.

Weird as they are, Ryan’s habits are pretty benign. Maybe he’s simply too tired to walk upstairs. We can’t judge, we don’t know what it’s like to live the life of a celebrity.
Naomi Campbell Has a Candle Obsession
If you think you’re obsessed with candles, you’ve never seen Naomi Campbell’s home. According to her housekeepers, the star loves having many candles around the house, but she needs a specific amount in each room. Her bedroom requires at least ten little fires, while the bathrooms can make do with five.

If a housekeeper doesn’t replace the candle perfectly after cleaning, Naomi isn’t a happy camper. She’s very mindful of her candle arrangements and doesn’t like it when they’re messed up. We, however, are most worried about the number of open flames in her home. We hope her housekeepers are careful.
Ariana Grande Doesn’t Like to Walk
Ariana Grande is a reigning queen in pop music. While she got her humble start on Nickelodeon, the star is now one of the biggest names in the music industry. Unfortunately, former employees have stated that all that fame has gone to her head.

According to inside sources, Ariana likes to be carried around by her bodyguard when she doesn’t feel like walking. The star weighs all of ten pounds, but it’s more the principle of the matter. Even if her bodyguard doesn’t mind carting her around, asking to be carried feels like classic diva behavior.
Eminem Earned the Wrath of a Bitter Former Bodyguard
In a 2000 memoir, a former bodyguard to Eminem painted the rapper as a weak kid who relies on others to fight his battles. However, the book also admitted that Big Naz, the bodyguard in question, had a falling out with his former boss regarding some money troubles.

We’re not Eminem experts, but it’s possible that a book by a bitter former employee isn’t an entirely accurate portrayal of the rapper. Unsurprisingly, most fans criticized Big Naz’s work and defended Eminem against his many allegations.
Paula Deen Doesn’t Know How to Party
As a cook show host, we wouldn’t really expect Paula Deen to be the life of the party. However, her laid-back lifestyle came as an unfortunate surprise to one former assistant. When the employee attended her 2013 “Cruise With Paula,” he returned with plenty of complaints about the lack of excitement on the boat.

According to the assistant, the cruise featured tiny rooms and no alcohol. However, if you’re attending an event centered around Paula Deen, you should probably expect that it will reflect her ways. Perhaps it was the assistant’s fault for expecting a party from his laid-back boss.
Christian Bale Dreams of Being Patrick Bateman
Poor Christian Bale can’t stop living in the past. According to a personal assistant, the actor loves to relive his role as Patrick Bateman in American Psycho. He’ll often call up friends and family members and recite lines from the movie, reliving the glory days while annoying the people on his contact list.

It’s totally fine to be proud of your work. However, continuing to recite lines from a character you played nearly twenty years ago should we put this? Well, it’s a little psycho.
Tom Cruise Is Annoyingly Specific With His Cleaning Guidelines
If you’re a trained housekeeper to Hollywood celebrities, most people would assume that you know how to turn any home into a spotless paradise. But according to Tom Cruise, simply cleaning his mansion isn’t enough. While he lived with Katie Holmes, Cruise maintained strict rules on how every inch of his house should be cleaned.

Housekeepers were forced to follow guidelines that differed for every room, every piece of furniture, every decoration, and more. The taxing process obviously led to rampant complaints among the cleaning staff, but their frustrations didn’t change Cruise’s approach to his household maintenance.
Miley Cyrus' Pets Are a Problem
Miley Cyrus certainly isn't a model employer. Beyond looking after her massive home, the housekeeper’s job is made more difficult by the pop star's pets, most of which aren't house-trained.

While Miley hardly noticed the mess her animals left behind, the housekeeper had no problem complaining about the rancid stench in the house. While it’s kind of this pet-lover to give her animals a loving home, a little training might be necessary. Don’t make your visitors suffer like that.
Selena Gomez Is the Queen of Sloppy
Although she’s generally well put together in public, Selena Gomez is far from flawless at home. Her natural state is more than a little sloppy and her home often features makeup and clothing thrown around for her housekeepers to clean up.

One former assistant claimed that Selena’s sloppiness extends far beyond her private pad. A few hours in a hotel room results in a tornado of clothes, shoes, and makeup that can take hours to clean up. Thankfully, this girl isn’t in charge of her own cleaning. If she were, entering her house might be terrifying.
Jamie Dornan’s Private Life Is Painfully Pure
Jamie Dornan is the sultry star of the 50 Shades of Grey series. While his onscreen persona is R-rated, his real-life personality couldn’t be purer.

According to his housekeepers, Jamie’s go-to hobby is needlepoint. He loves settling in with a new project and dedicates a large amount of his time off-screen to his needlepoint art. One housekeeper even revealed that he has a whole wall where he displays his favorite pieces. We’ve never heard anything more adorable.
Angelina Jolie Isn’t the Perfect Mom
Angelina Jolie gets all kinds of credit for being the most perfect mother to her brood of six. Unfortunately, her former housekeepers say that her parenting skills aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.

When one of her children has a tantrum, Angelina doesn’t know how to deal. She’s been accused of staring quietly at her crying children or even laughing at their meltdowns. We can’t tell anyone how to parent, but her odd reactions definitely don’t fit with her public image of the perfect mom.
Reese Witherspoon Is the Definition of Kindness
Reese Witherspoon is truly an angel. Unlike other celebrities who are rather demanding with their staff, Reese makes all her housekeepers feel loved and appreciated. She often showers her employees with gifts. One lucky housekeeper even got to take home a large supply of Reese’s old clothes, a haul that was worth around $200,000.

While she’s totally comfortable giving old items away to her employees, Reese is also generous with her salary and totally polite to her employees. You won’t find a Hollywood diva attitude in Reese’s household.
Johnny Depp Is Always in Character
While Johnny Depp loves suiting up in extravagant outfits for his next big film, his love of costumes also finds its way into his home. The actor has an entire closet of costumes, some from old films he has starred in and others he has simply collected through the years.

Depp’s housekeepers have often encountered their boss in character, costume, and all. According to Depp, an actor’s work never stops. While some stars use their time at home to rest and relax, Depp enjoys recreating his favorite personalities in a private environment.
Kate Gosselin’s Housekeepers Don’t Last Very Long
Kate Gosselin has been the subject of scandal throughout the large majority of her career. Known for being demanding and difficult to reason with, it’s not surprising that her explosive behavior extends to her housekeepers.

Outrageous demands, long hours, and impossibly high expectations cause most of Kate’s housekeepers to call it quits after just a few short months. Although we’re sure life with 10 kids is a little overwhelming, Kate hasn’t expressed any desire to change her behavior. It’s unlikely that she’ll find a housekeeper who’s willing to stick around anytime soon.
Bruce Springsteen Displays Some Improper Behavior
According to his housekeepers, Bruce Springsteen isn’t one for making his employees feel comfortable. Although he’s married to Patti Scialfa, he often flirts with his housekeepers. Dirty comments and suggestive looks are just par for the course if you’re working in the Springsteen household.

Considering the climate of the day, Springsteen will hopefully realize the error of his ways. If he doesn’t, larger action might need to be taken to put a stop to his inappropriate behavior. After all, everyone deserves to be comfortable in their work environment.
Lindsay Lohan Is Just as Wild in Private as She Is in Public
Considering Lindsay Lohan’s volatile public behavior, it should come as no surprise that she’s pretty unpredictable in private. For example, one housekeeper specifically recalled the time that Lindsay lost her home keys in a trunk full of sex toys and had to contact a locksmith in order to get back into her home.

While Lindsay appears to pull herself together every few months, she usually finds a way to fall back off the wagon once again. According to her housekeepers, her public behavior is nothing compared to her private antics.
Jason Momoa’s Kids Live the Childhood Dream
With his shaggy hair and ultra-chill vibe, you just know Jason Momoa is the coolest person. While no one would pass up the opportunity to sit down and have a beer with this fun guy, Jason’s easygoing personality also extends to his parenting style.

In the Momoa home, rules are for tools. Jason’s kids don’t have to do chores, abide by bedtime or even eat their vegetables. While it sounds like a child’s dream, we’re sure there has to be some sort of structure within this house. The kids can’t run wild for the rest of their life.
J-Lo Definitely Pays Low
Despite her massive success, Jennifer Lopez isn’t known for being a generous employer. In fact, she pays her housekeepers far less than the standard rate but demands a high level of service that keeps her home looking spotless.

Housekeepers have claimed that J-Lo’s past struggles really affected her money mentality. As someone who had to fight her way to the top, she now believes everyone should have to struggle before they’re successful. It’s an interesting idea, but you can’t expect much loyalty or commitment from employees who aren’t making much money.
Gladys Knight Really Believes in Feng Shui
While some employers don’t acknowledge their demanding ways, Gladys Knight knows she’s very particular. The singer insists that everything in her music studio aligns with the guidelines of Feng Shui, a job that’s left up to her housekeeper.

In interviews, Gladys admits that she attributes her musical success to her clean, free-flowing studio. With over 60 years as a thriving artist, Gladys must be doing something right. If we Feng Shui our home will we be as successful as she is?
Michael Gandolfini Is Really, Really Proud of His Dad
Michael Gandolfini, son of The Sopranos’ James Gandolfini, is super proud of his father’s career. How do we know? Because he asked his housekeeper to meticulously clean his Sopranos box set. Beyond utilizing Michael’s specific instructions and high-quality cleaning ingredients, the housekeeper also had to wait for her employer to inspect her work before she was allowed to return home.

The job sounds completely annoying. However, it’s also the result of a proud son looking after his father’s legacy. How could we fault him for that?
Victor Oladipo Is Very Sensitive to Scent
Indiana Pacers point guard Victor Oladipo doesn’t expect too much from his housekeeper. To hear her tell the story, however, her former employer was basically a tyrant. Why? Because he asked her to clean his house again.

While at dinner with a friend, the housekeeper told her companion that Victor came home from a game, didn’t like the state of his house, and asked her to clean it again. Apparently, the basketball player expects a certain scent from his surroundings. While re-doing your work is annoying, it’s far from the worst thing a housekeeper can be asked to do.
Ozuna Doesn’t Like to Be Questioned
Ozuna doesn’t like a nosy employee. Unfortunately, the reggaeton singer’s former housekeeper had to learn that lesson the hard way. After discovering that Ozuna was storing money, the housekeeper questioned his business methods. Unsurprisingly, she was fired for her prying inquiry.

It’s likely Ozuna’s housekeeper was simply trying to be a responsible citizen. However, taking her fears to Ozuna himself wasn’t the smartest move. Pro tip: If you think your employer is involved in some shady money dealings, take it to the authorities instead of coming right out and asking them about it.
Serena Williams Craves Compliments
You don’t become the No. 1 tennis player in the world without analyzing your own game. Although it’s not technically included in the job description, Serena Williams forced a past housekeeper to watch all her matches on TV. According to Serena, she wanted feedback on her game and felt she could trust the employee to tell her the truth.

According to the housekeeper, however, Serena only wanted to be complimented on her solid playing skills. Scared that a wrong answer would make her employer mad, the housekeeper eventually left her position.
Demi Moore Demands Picture-Perfect Lighting
Demi Moore is seriously stunning, and she wants everyone to know it. Scared that she won’t look as good as she does on TV, the star has “perfect” lighting she likes to maintain in her home.

For such a beautiful woman, this minor insecurity seems a little odd. However, the thought of creating your own picture-perfect lighting at all hours of the day is undeniably appealing. If anything, Demi will always be ready for a photo shoot.
Dean McDermott Loves a Pants-Less Look
Pants are so overrated, and Dean McDermott knows it. For this star, nothing screams “lounging at home” quite like stripping off your pants and strutting around in your underwear.

Housekeepers often encounter a pants-less Dean while going about their daily duties. His outfit of choice is boxers and a t-shirt, and he doesn’t care who knows it. Honestly, we’re definitely on board with this mindset. Why wear pants when you could just...not?
There Isn’t a Cat Taylor Swift Won’t Love
Taylor Swift has never tried to hide her well-documented love of cats. While she only has two living kitties, one housekeeper claimed that her house is stuffed to the brim with monuments to her favorite domestic animal, including a range of comfy, cat-patterned clothes.

Although the star tends to keep her private pad closed to the outside world, cats aren’t included in the “no visitors allowed” policy. Taylor often leaves out food for any homeless kitties in the area. Strays frequent her property, knowing they can always find something to eat within her welcoming walls.
Victoria Beckham Doesn’t Accept Disloyalty
In the Beckham household, drama spreads like wildfire. For one employee, David’s rumored infidelities, unfortunately, affected her position. When a former employee of Victoria Beckham got a little too cozy with the ex-Spice Girl’s former beautician, an alleged object of David’s extramarital affection, she earned the wrath of her employer.

Victoria fired her immediately for her disloyalty. On the one hand, it has to be embarrassing to have so many former flings running around. On the other hand, Victoria can’t blame her employees for David’s unfaithful ways.
Madonna Doesn’t Take Too Kindly to Employees Quitting
When former nanny Angela handed in her notice, Madonna didn’t take the news well. Instead of allowing her children’s caretaker to finish out the final weeks of her employment, Madonna told her nanny to leave right then and there.

With little warning, Angela was told to pack her things and leave the premises. The abrupt firing understandably came as a shock to the nanny. However, it must have been comforting to know that she probably made the right decision in exiting her position.
Mariah Carey Loves a Nightcap
Although she’s the definition of a diva, Mariah Carey knows how to treat people in the service industry. She may get a little catty with her fellow stars, but she treats all her employees with the utmost respect.

However, Mariah’s respectful attitude doesn’t stop her from enjoying a drink or two (or five) while at home. Especially before her children were in the picture, Mariah’s alcoholic beverage was essentially a part of her outfit. Her tipsy evenings at home were common, especially during the holiday season when she frequently celebrated the success of “All I Want for Christmas Is You.”
George Clooney Is Very Protective of His Alcohol
Although he looks plenty personable onscreen, George Clooney apparently exhibits some rather unpleasant behaviors while in the comfort of his own home. According to past housekeepers, he’s very protective of his belongings and often checks his alcohol collection to make sure no one snuck a sip while on the job.

While it’s perfectly reasonable for an employer to expect that his housekeepers stay away from his personal possessions, George has also been known to act a little tight with money in general. It seems money worries never fully go away, even when you’re a big star.
Sandra Bullock Likes to Live in the Dark
While she’s a total firecracker onscreen, Sandra Bullock likes to stay away from the lights, camera, and action while at home. Sounds reasonable, right? It would be, but in addition to keeping the curtains drawn day in and day out, the star also requires that all the lights in her house be kept off.

Is she worried about the electricity bill? Does she realize she’s a big star? Perhaps navigating a dark mansion is easy for Sandra, but it may be a challenge for her visitors.
Jennifer Aniston's Favorite Attire Is Her Birthday Suit
Where can you bare it all if not in your own home? When she’s not filming her next big hit, our favorite Friends star enjoys taking an 'au naturel' approach to life. On more than one occasion, housekeepers have encountered Jen topless, pantless, and in the nude.

According to her housekeepers, Jen has no problem strutting around in her birthday suit. Can we really blame her though? If we still looked like that at 50 years old, we’d probably want to spend all our free time naked too.
Britney Spears Wastes All Kinds of Junk Food
While Britney Spears isn’t particularly messy, one housekeeper revealed that the contents of her nightstand extend beyond a bit of sloppiness. The star left half-eaten food strewn around her room and simply expected her housekeeper to clean up after her. Burgers, cookies, and other junk food sat waiting for a clean hand to throw them away.

Honestly, we’re more upset that Britney didn’t finish all that yummy food. Delicious burgers and yummy cookies went right into the garbage instead of finding a home in a loving tummy. How could anyone do such a thing?
Cindy Crawford Isn't Big on Cars
The supermodel is one of the rare celebrity employers you’d want to work for! In 2012, a source confirmed in a magazine interview that after Cindy once did a photo shoot for Cadillac, the company gave her the car to keep.

Cindy then asked her employee, “Do you want it? I don’t need it” — and just gave her the Cadillac!
Kourtney Kardashian Is a Katastrophe to Work With
Yes, there are terrible people everywhere who give celebrities a bad name and some of those people are from the Kardashian family.

A housekeeper once told Star magazine that Kourtney was by far the rudest and unappreciative person in the family. The housekeeper's words were “She was also extremely strict and a total neat freak”.
Kris Kardashian Is Actually Pretty Kute
The famous momager, Kris Kardashian might be known for exploiting her kids for a buck or two, but despite that Kris is surprisingly nicer than we'd expect.

Apparently, Kris Jenner has been called “the life of the party” by former housekeepers and she spends lots of time getting to know everyone on a personal level. It's nice to know it's not all drama and catfights in there.
Christina Aguilera Likes to Play Dressup
If her house staff is to be believed, the famous pop singer liked to wear seductive maid or nurse outfits for her then-husband, Jordan Bratman.

Now, there's nothing wrong about putting up a little show for your partner, but shouldn't those things be kept between you two? Apparently, Aguillera didn't even care if anyone else saw and would often leave those costumes lying all over the floor for the real maid to pick up.
Martha Stewart Can't See Red
Louboutin shoes are more than just footwear. Those red-bottomed high heels are a status symbol, but it appears that not everyone wants to have that symbolic status.

The notable businesswoman and television personality apparently does not like the signature Louboutin red soles. She finds them distasteful and quite unladylike, so she makes her staffers color them black with a Sharpie. But we'd like to know, why doesn't she just buy a different brand of shoes?
Marisa Tomei Is More Temperamental Than She Looks
The Oscar-winning star of ‘My Cousin Vinny’ might be incredibly talented, as she has won numerous awards and accolades but great talent. However, this kind of record seems to come with another set of problems.

Marisa Tomei was reportedly rude and very particular with her staff at home. Rumors say that for such a small woman, she has quite the temper.
Katherine Heigl's Baseline Is Being Mad
If 2020 could be a celebrity, it would be Katherine Heigl. Those who have reportedly worked for her have said that she is extremely difficult and always mad.

Apparently, while working on set for 'Greys Anatomy' the actors had to work long hours, which certainly didn't help her mood. We get that working in such a competitive field can make one cranky, but why would you create a similar atmosphere for the people who work for you too?
Jessica Alba Is Not a Good Listener
Friends of Jessia Alba's staff have reported that she was simply “not a nice person.”While the star has been on an acting hiatus for the last while, she still knows how to be a diva.

The source also said that she loves to rub food on her clothes and play mind games with you. Jessica Alba also likes to act like she's not listening when she's talking to you.
Celine Dion Expects More Than What She Pays for
It appears that good vocal skills are not a guarantee of good people skills. In 2012, the Canadian singer and her late husband were accused of exploiting one of their housekeepers, according to the entertainment news site The Wrap.

The former employee sued the couple, claiming that he wasn't getting paid appropriately and was forced to do things unrelated to his job description.
Shakira Will Fire You at the Drop of a Hat
If someone asked you who the best Latin singer of all time was, you'd do the right thing and tell them it's Shakira. But this queen of Latin music has been rumored to treat her staff terribly.

After firing employees without sufficient reason, she also had to pay up for her indiscretion. According to an article in HuffPost, sources say they were fired after they couldn't prepare a specific meal for her.
Courtney Love Pays No Overtime or Bonuses
Throughout her career, Courtney Love has garnered a reputation for unpredictable live shows. During her performances, she was known for her confrontational behavior and engaging in sometimes incoherent rants.

It would seem that her personal life is just as chaotic, with one of the singer's former housekeepers suing her. Her former employee claimed she worked 60-hour weeks without overtime pay and was never paid promised bonuses.
Kanye West Lets Others Feel the Wrath of His Meltdowns
We're going to let you finish whatever else you're doing, then you can read about one of Kanye's most unbelievable meltdowns. During that meltdown, the rapper fired dozens of staff members in a single day.

Sources confirmed that what caused the meltdown was a disastrous fashion show. After the show, the man was so angry and upset that he lashed out and fired 30 of his employees.
Lady Gaga and Paying Overtime Are Two Different Concepts
Lady Gaga is known for her image reinventions and musical versatility, but she's not as well-known for being a terrible boss. In 2013, a former employee sued Lady Gaga after she allegedly worked her around the clock without being paid overtime.

She worked seven days a week, was always loaded with work, and was at the singer's constant demand, reports The Hollywood Reporter.
Sharon Stone Has No Respect for Other Cultural Backgrounds
The American actress known for primarily playing the roles of Femme Fatales and women of mystery definitely creates a different impression when you hear about her from her home staff. Stone was sued for harassment and wrongful termination by her nanny.

E! Online reports that the nanny claimed her former employer made statements that "equated being Filipino with being stupid," and was "dismissive" of her religious beliefs.
Frank Sinatra Had His Butler Do What?
It is not just current celebrities that place crazy demands on their employees. Back in the ’40s and ’50s, Frank Sinatra gave his butler George Jacobs rather strange jobs to do.

Jacobs went on to write a tell-all book about his time working for Sinatra in 2003, revealing that he had to spray cover-up on the blue-eyed icon’s bald spot.
Anna Wintour Wears Prada. Just Like in the Movie
As many of you have already guessed, the popular film 'The Devil Wears Prada' is based on real-life events and people. If you haven't seen the movie, just know that Wintour's icy demeanor and cunning attitude did not go unnoticed.

The author of the original novel, Lauren Weisberger, worked for the Vogue editor Anna Wintour on which the book is based. For those familiar with the film, you will know that Anne Hathaway’s character is tormented by her boss, played by Meryl Streep.
Meghan Markle's Employees Drop Like Flies
Meghan Markle has been said to be difficult and demanding of the staff, according to a Royal correspondent. The fact that her personal assistant and two of the couple’s other staff members quit in quick succession shows that there must be some truth to this story.

Apparently, the former actress is used to doing things her way and doesn’t like going along with Royal protocol, making her staff’s jobs more difficult.
Ellen Degeneres Likes Setting Up Traps
Another day, another story about how awful Ellen Degeneres is. This time, it’s one of her former housekeepers speaking out about alleged abuse they suffered at the hands of the embattled daytime talk show host.

In an exclusive interview with the Daily Mail, her former housekeeper claims Ellen would bark orders at her employees, set up traps to catch them making mistakes, and takes pleasure in firing them when they messed up.
Kim Zolciak Is a Human Chimney
This entry is less about a celebrity being horrible to their employees and more about the celeb being horrible to herself. The former 'Real Housewives of Atlanta' star, Kim Zolciak, was exposed by one of her employees for being a very heavy smoker.

She even buys Versace ashtrays worth thousands of dollars, which she leaves lying everywhere around the house. We would hope her designer ashtrays are put to good use.
Lisa Rinna Has No Capacity for Bad Press
For many years, Ninie Papadatos has been working for the actress Lisa Rinna, a former actress on the popular soap opera broadcasts 'Melrose Place' and 'Days of Our Lives.' Lisa's employee revealed that Lisa demanded she cover up any bad press, “I go through all her press and separate the good from the bad.

She doesn’t want to see the bad, so I keep it from her. She calls me her Adult Nanny.” But besides that, Ninie also revealed that Lisa can be very pleasant to work for.