Oh, Judy, you’re at it again. Don’t you know that real beauty lies within? Judging by the teacher’s frustrated response, this is certainly not the first of ol’ Judy’s practical jokes. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the same Judy who placed an upside-down thumbtack on the teacher’s chair just one week before. On this English test, she was asked to complete the sentence and circle the word that best depicts the feelings of this boy who just fell off his bicycle and ripped his pants. But did Judy do what was asked of her? I didn’t think so.

Not only did she dismiss the options she was given, but she even added a word of her own, and like Judy, it was bold and offensive. What will we do with you, Judy? A mischievous student, indeed.
Tusk Luck
This kid obviously cares about animals and the environment – much more than math, at least. They could have just drawn a bear or a dog like most other kids. But no, they went the extra mile and decided to make their “I don’t know the answer” coverup mean something.

They took the opportunity to show their teacher what was important to them. Unfortunately, the teacher didn’t think it was as cute, and they still missed a few points. Looking back – we're sure they’d make the same decision again. You go, kid!
Literal Thinking
We have so many questions about this one – and this kid doesn’t explain much about what exactly is going on. What is she thinking about? Is it a bunny? A dog? Ah yes, and her hands are up in a questioning gesture to show that she’s asking her mom and dad if they’ll let her get one.

Then, the exclamation point and smiling face mean either they said yes, or she expects that they will. Okay, we understand now. Who would be able to concentrate on a math test when they’re getting a new doggy? We surely wouldn't!
Stars and Cannibalism
Either this kid was super hungry during this test, or they have some…issues. But, as gruesome as this answer may seem, it’s actually logical, too. After all, you never know what you would have to do if you were stranded on an island. You would definitely get hungry and be desperate to survive.

Plus, if it’s someone that you hate, it makes it slightly better - it’s not like it’s a friend or a family member. We would say give the kid a star, but the teacher’s already done that, because this answer is amazing. That kid is going places.
Girl Code
Frank, Mike, Ron and George were players in high school, and dated multiple people from within the same friend group. So not cool on either side, male or female. But at least this girl and her mother have some integrity. She wasn’t about to get caught up in all of that drama, considering she’s been friends with Mary and Louise since the beginning of elementary school.

Way to stick to your guns about the girl code! Let’s hope the teacher had a sense of humor – and it probably wouldn’t hurt if they had a set of X chromosomes, either.
Finnish Him
This kid must be from Indiana, where the flag at the finish line during the Indy 500 looks just like that. Hey, they did really well on the Danish and Swedish flags, so something tells us they knew exactly what the flag of Finland looks like and just wanted to have some fun with their teacher.

Let’s hope they didn’t lose too many points on this one. It probably took at least a few minutes to draw all of the little squares. Aww, come on, give the kid partial credit!
Pollution and Body Image
What is it with kids and making fun of other kids because of their weight? Well actually, there are full-grown (small-minded) adults who still do that. We guess that’s probably where these kids get it, too. Then, they take it to school with them and spread that mindset around.

Luckily this teacher had the appropriate response and told her that using that word is mean. Hopefully, she was able to grow past that line of thinking and evolve into a compassionate human.
Staying Green
This kid is destined to do great things for the planet when they grow up. They may have already started, judging by their reaction to this question. Except, as important as it is to protect the environment, it’s also important that humans have homes.

Although considering the fact that there are nearly 20,000 homes sitting vacant in the United States, the kid has a point: forget about the house and go buy one that already exists. In China, the numbers are even worse (although they obviously have a much larger population) at more than 50 million vacant homes in 2018 and rising.
Don’t Know Jack
Common core math was introduced around 2010 and has confused children (and parents) in the states that have adopted it. There are countless memes about how ridiculous it all is, and it doesn’t make sense why schools would switch to such a useless and chaotic form of mathematics.

Common core math questions are always something just completely out there, like, “if Stacey and Allen are traveling to Utah by boat at 77 mph, how many chickens would it take to win the baseball game?” Yeah, don’t feel bad, Jack. We’re with you on this one.
Fruse or Dare
This student was trying some sort of optical illusion to score a higher grade on their test, it seems. Rather than just studying up so they had some kind of idea of what the answers were, they decided to try out something new. They molded the words “true” and “false” into this jumbled hybrid thing, called a “fruse.”

The teacher probably had a tough time at first determining which one said what. Fortunately (for the teacher, unfortunately for the kid) they saw right through the scheme and marked every single one of them wrong.
I Just Can’t Bear It
Is this a math test or a biology test? Something tells us that bear doesn’t belong there. Hey, it’s a cute way to cover up the fact you have no idea what the answer is. And maybe it even scored this kid some points with their teacher.

Sure, they just drew all over it – but at least it’s a comic, right? Although honestly, it looks more like a pig than a bear. Bear definitely sounds cuter though, so we can see why they went in that direction.
Coffee Break
Would anyone like a sip of tea out of this obvious cup and saucer shape? Okay, the saucer and handle were drawn by the student, who apparently forgot their trapezoids that day. We don’t really blame them. Some shape names are hard to remember – especially the ones that we don't use often.

After all, how many times do trapezoids come up in your daily life? Triangles, sure. Squares, yes. Even octagons, because we see them at every stop sign. But trapezoids? Not so much. The teacher didn’t necessarily mark it wrong, though, did they?
No, Not Like That
These lovely red X marks came along with a '0'. That means that whoever this guy’s teacher is, they have no sense of humor when it comes to teaching. It’s also possible they were having a bad day – or that they’d seen it before.

Did this guy really try pulling this twice? Because it is pretty funny. We may have let this one slide. Then again, he did it on 6 separate questions. Hopefully, he did better on the rest of the quiz and that '0' is just for that one section.
Lord of the Things
It’s obvious that whoever filled in this gem is a serious R.R. Tolkien fan. After all, who else would possibly see the Eye of Sauron when they look at that graph, other than a true fan? And judging by the teacher’s response, this isn’t the first time he’s pulled something like this.

Not only did the teacher use all capital letters, but they also underlined their statement for extra effect. To me, it reads more like, “for the last time, Alex, stop writing about this movie and start paying attention in class.” Alex probably went home and watched Lord of the Rings that day to get over the bad marks.
Easy Enough
This is so relatable it hurts. Some brains just don’t comprehend math, no matter what. But this kid certainly has a knack for both English and comedy. Unless he wasn’t trying to be funny, and then it’s just that he has a good handle on the language.

The teacher should have accepted the answer because he’s technically right. But, since it was math class, there’s a good chance that one came back with a big red X next to it. Can’t blame him for trying, though!
This wasn’t exactly what the teacher was asking for when they said “write < or >.,” but they could have been a bit clearer with the instructions. Technically, this kid did exactly what he was asked to. Of course, the numbers aren’t symbols, but hey, close enough, right?

Maybe this kid just wasn’t feeling the class that day and just threw the test. Or, maybe they thought they were in the right and got confused when it came back with red marks.
I’m Freaking Out
Luckily, this looks like it was part of a science test and not a psychological evaluation. But in any case, this person probably didn’t do very well on it. Or at least, not on that question.

Granted, it would be pretty scary if a table could actually feel things. Then you would have to be worried about the table trying to take over the house and everything.
Eat What Now?
This elephant apparently has an appetite like a Chippendale dancer. Or maybe it’s more like it has an appetite for the Chippendale dancers. This kid couldn’t just stop after the appetizer though, they listed every…part of the elephant’s meal. We wouldn’t want to be the guy around when it got hungry and started searching for dinner, that’s for sure.

You know mom had to have laughed hysterically when she got this back. Who wouldn’t? Hopefully, he understood the corrections and spells it as “peanuts” now. Otherwise, his future teachers are in for some shocks and giggles along the way.
Who Am I?

Let’s see, who has the initials JB, is famous and has a drunk driving record? Ah, Justin Beaver…er, Bieber. Yep, this kid knows their stuff, because the Biebs was arrested in 2014 for a DUI. Clue 4 could have been that he’d also been arrested for drag racing.
Misspelling Everything
Yikes. You’ve really got to feel bad for this kid. They are either just having a super difficult time learning how to spell, or they’ve got some type of learning disability. If it’s the latter, there are (hopefully) options available to them at their school so that they can have extra time and resources to understand spelling. But if it’s the first thing, well…just yikes.

It’s ironic that they nailed the spelling of that one particular word, though.
Truth Hurts
Tell me this kid isn’t your spirit animal? Well, unless you’re a fan of math, you can probably relate to the answers given on this pop quiz. For the first few questions, he at least pretended to care. But as they became more repetitive, he finally decided to tell it like it is.

Hopefully, he picked up on it later, since multiplication comes in handy in the real world. I kept telling my middle school algebra teacher, though, that I would never need it outside of school– and I was right.
Bear Skin
This kid either comes from a home where his parents are hunters, or where they wear a lot of fur coats. Either way, it seems like he’s got a thing for rare fur. But not just any rare fur, oh no, this bear has exotic pink fur. It’s interesting that the guy attacking it is in a suit with a tie.

So, it’s probably more that his parents invest in fur. Also hilarious is that, rather than having a gun, Bob has a machete. He's obviously extremely confident to jump into being that close to a bear.
Literally Speaking
This kid should win all kinds of awards for this amazing test answer. Not only did she get all of the words in the correct order, but she got the letters in the order they come in the alphabet, as well. It could have taken us the entire hour of class to work out this answer alone, much less complete the entire test and take the time to do the extra work!

While most of these pictures show answers that could probably get points knocked off, this one should get some extra credit!
First Feline Point of View
This caption’s not so much a story as narration you’d include inside a thought bubble in a comic. Although maybe they just decided to write the story from the perspective of the cat. The kitty doesn’t look so upset about the hot dogs, though. If anything, he looks like he’s going to pounce in the middle of them and take a nap.

If only they’d written: Once upon a time, there was a cat working in a factory, and he ordered a pizza for lunch one day. But just as the clock struck 12, and he thought he’d be biting down into cheesy goodness, this massive quantity of hot dogs appeared instead.
Alrighty Then
Well, this kid obviously has a very high opinion of himself, and at such a young age, too. I guess we should be happy that he’s got boatloads of self-confidence. Who knew that God likes to play with Legos and play football? You learn something new every day. We would say that all of the above certainly makes the kid special. And hey, he nailed the using full sentences part of the instructions.

The order that they chose to lay out their responses is interesting, too. Apparently, playing football makes you more special than being God. No worries, kid, millions of American NFL fans seem to feel the same way.
Mistake or Slip Up?
This hand in homework worksheet looks simple enough. These kids had just learned the sounds of the letters and had to complete the names of their most lovable animals by using the letters with the right sounds. This child completed all but one of the questions correctly which, proving that they probably knew the sounds that the different letters make. They even used the letter "d" to complete the word "dog" just one line earlier.

So, it's possible that the word "duck" was just too hard to formulate. Another reason was maybe the fact that they have they were too familiar with a different “uck” word. I'm guessing it's the latter.
One Last Wish
I don't know what kind of class this test would belong to, but it appears we are dealing with a milk aficionado who is not particularly fond of tests. This answer is SO wrong that it makes you wonder, even for a split second, that it might be right. Then again, no, just… no. On one hand, if it is a glass of milk that makes this kid so happy, those parents are doing a good job.

On the other hand, if milk is the only thing that will bring this kid true joy, then one may want to keep the cleaning products out of this kid’s way!
This kid understands that math is very simple, so why do those teachers have to complicate everything with all these unnecessary questions. After this kid answered a perfectly standard math problem, they were faced with a second question. While the teacher was probably asking about the math that he used in order to answer the question above, the kid took it has a more personal question.

Perhaps the child thought that the teacher took a genuine interest in his thoughts? Either way, at least he was being honest.
The Difference Between 12 And 97
Have we learned nothing from Bob and the candy bars? Math is about facts and consistency, and to this kid, there is nothing consistent about a second grader lifting weights. No matter how heavy. This seemingly simple math problem took all kinds of wrong turns. Marcus may be the strongest in class but what is he doing at the gym anyway?

Shouldn't he be at home doing his homework? And 97 pounds at that? Marcus, Buddy, you ain't fooling anybody. Admit that you might have a problem and go get some help.
I actually don't know what a cell of a plant looks like, but if I had to guess, it would look just like this. Spot on. This kid may have been watching too many jail themed shows, but that little depressed looking flower is a perfect depiction of the real thing. This child has the talents and decided to use them for their flawless depiction of a plant jail-cell.

I also love this kid’s insightful explanation of the most important parts of the cell as its “iron bars” and “no windows”. This isn’t your ordinary smart answer, this is art, created in the face of pressure, surviving all odds, and it deserves at least some credit, no?
Blinding Lights
So, before you get to take your on-road driving test, you usually have to answer a few theoretical questions about the local traffic laws. This question was probably taken out of the official test of someone applying for a motorcycle license. But the answer happens to be hilarious just the same. There is nothing worse than driving past someone with their lights on. That’s because they shine bright that you can't see anything else!

Apparently, our test-taker had the odd impression that bikers’ high beams don't serve the same purpose that car's ones do and simply had to answer as best he could. Either that or they were already failing their test and thought they'd make the most of it.
That’s Quite A State to Be In
These big red X's made me sad. This kid obviously knows the social affairs of the different states in America. Unfortunately for the kid, this was not the aim of the test, and knowing sociology and geography is a whole other story.

This pupil must have watched some crazy TV-shows or maybe even read on the migration statistics. Either way, spelling aside, this kid is well-versed on the matter, enough to joke about it in a science test.
You Can’t Fight the Truth
My parents always taught me that if I don't know the answer, give one anyway. See, occasionally we know little more than we think we do, and sometimes we even get it right. Apparently, this kid's parents hold the same belief, and they were not shy about making sure that their child gave expressed that. No matter how much or how little they had studied, this kid knew one thing and you just can’t fault him for that.

As far as the reasoning goes, he did a great job. As far as content goes… not so much.
To the Future
This is one realistic kid. There is so much that today’s medicine is capable of but living to over a hundred is no easy feat. No matter if you're five, eight or twelve years old, you're probably not going to be around in a hundred years. So, teachers, while you want to inspire your kids and have them imagining a long and rich future, be careful what you teach them. Warren has already figured it out, so he'll be taking this task to design this beautiful tombstone.

Please remember to pass on his wishes to his family in 100 years. If you think this is too grim for a schoolkid – you might want to avoid this kind of assignment from now on! Especially if you're teaching Warren.
Taking Risks
When we look around the classroom, there is always that one kid who is a little more obnoxious than the rest. Most of the time, it’s usually because, unfortunately, they’re just a little smarter than everyone else. Here is the perfect example of one of those students and their generally accurate, yet cheeky answer.

Personally, I'm delighted to see a checkmark here implying that his teacher actually allowed one of the students to take a real-life risk and get real-life credit for it. Sure, it may not have been what the teacher was expecting but low and behold, it worked!
Say My Name
Oh, Hope… you are so hopeful. Too hopeful perhaps. It's true you named every one of these quadrilaterals, just as was asked of you, but (and that’s a big but!), this definitely was not what the teacher had in mind. Maybe geometry just isn’t for our little Hope. Besides, you may want to get cracking with working on those capital letters before taking on some of these big ol' quads… I mean, She didn't even get her name right!

Also, who names their kid Tedison?? In any case, this was super cute. Take advantage of that cuteness factor Hope, sweetie, cause this kinda thing will not fly in college.
A Big Fan
So, I'm pretty sure that this test was not issued to Katniss Everdeen and that this answer is pretty much flawed in every way since The Hunger Games didn't even solve the overpopulation of Panem. That being said, it's still quite amusing. If I were this pupil's teacher, I would expect a lot more from my pupils. It's one thing to give a (hopefully) funny answer like that, but the least they could do was follow it with an argument and examples like they were asked to.

Come to think of it, examining the possibility of life on Mars is also a possible answer. It’s also a film starring Jennifer Lawrence (Passengers)… Maybe this was a test for ol' Jen.
Social Justice
This teacher was not expecting this sort of answer at all, but I sure hope they accept it anyway! Whoever this kid's parents are, they must be some socially conscious people. If you think about it, and really delve into the meaning of the word "classify", this kid’s answer starts making a whole lot of sense next to its possible alternatives. It looks like there is really no way to pose this question.

This kid is smart, fearless and straight to the point. Do you think their teacher awarded them with some points for effort, or just a big fat zero? I hope it wasn't the latter. That’s one sure way to smother his critical thinking skills.
Sounds About Right
While the kid knew this would probably wouldn’t go down, we got to hand it to them, these answers are argue-proof. They could have chosen to just humor the teacher and give them what they wanted to hear, but this little freedom fighter decided to assert their independence. No doubt that these answers reflect a crucial mistake, always phrase the question properly.

Looks like the teachers need to take their own test in test-writing. One can’t deny that in this school, everyone is getting an education.
Expand On That
If you're familiar with Amelia Bedelia's work, and her very unique way of drawing curtains, then you'd find this pupil’s answer quite plausible. Yet, it still remains extremely silly. The only instruction that was given to young Peter was "expand" followed by six little symbols. By adding more and more space between each part of the equation, Peter did just that. He literally expanded that equation.

No, I guess it isn't worth full points for the question, but he sure banked some funny points in my book. I'm glad that at least the teacher could recognize the humor of it all.
They Weren’t Exactly Wrong…
If you've ever played Boggle (or other word-unscrambling games) then you'd know how often we adults catch glimpses of common curse words and have to fight our minds to see something else instead. If that's never happened to you, you'll have to just take my word for it. This simple spelling exercise asked the students to unscramble the letters and put them into actual words.

However, it seems that this teacher stumbled upon one child who may have been a little too familiar with some words that they weren’t supposed to know in the first place. Well, now that the cat's out of the bag, you should admit that this kid did accomplish the task successfully.
A Lesson for Everyone
While it is clear to us readers that this teacher meant "please translate the following sentences", this pupil decided to answer as directly as they possibly could. I've got to admit; it does make some sense, and if we’re, and I probably would have given a very similar answer myself. I guess that leaves one person to blame, the teacher.

Next time try phrasing this test question a little better. It's important to learn how to ask the right question. It looks like this test brought a valuable lesson to both the teacher and the student
It’s the Small Details
When you spend a lot of time with someone, you really start to notice the little things about them, things that most people overlook. It so happens to be the same way with numbers. If you spend a lot of time with them, you're bound to come across the mind-blowing realization that the numbers 6 and 8 differ in more than just one way.

It seems as if through all this math work, this kid got to know these digits rather intimately. Thanks, kid, we will forever remember that "8 is all curly (but) 6 is not". And it's all thanks to you.
Wrong Hue
If you are going to choose a hue, you might as well make it Hugh Jackman – after all, that's one good looking Hugh. According to his earlier answers, it seems like this kid actually knows his stuff, so I sure hope that they gave this answer jokingly… at least if they did, they probably wouldn't be too surprised to find that they got this one wrong. It's nice to see that their teacher had a sense of humor to be able to see the cleverness of it all.

Hey, is that a Wolverine scratch I see crossing over the number 10?
A Warning from the Future
This child knows a thing or two about American history and for that, he deserves some points. For those of you who are wondering, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated while attending the play "Our American Cousin" in Washington DC. This kid decided to use his theoretical time traveling abilities to warn their late president to stay away from the theater – always. Both noble and comical at the same time, this student, would have changed the course of history had been given the chance.

I'm not sure such an event would have been avoided simply due to Lincoln swearing off his theatergoing activities. Besides, if you were Lincoln and a time-traveling schoolkid approached you with such a warning, I'm not sure how seriously they would be taken.
It's one thing to teach grammar. It's another thing to incorporate ethics into your English test. Sadly, the test options convey ideas that the kid simply deems unacceptable. This is what happens when the teacher offers no real alternative. As this kid rightfully pointed out, the answers were clearly lacking the third possibility and instead of being tested, he ended up giving his teacher a much-needed lesson on proper behavior when handling pets.

We hope this young child got a big fat bonus for this question. It looks like the principal needs seriously examine those textbooks.
Simply Scrumptious
I must say, I would never think to compare a brain to a cantaloupe. Heaven knows what these kids are being taught at this school. One thing that does spring to cantaloupe, I mean- mind, is zombie shows! Maybe this kid has been binging a little much of The Walking Dead. That could explain this creepy, yet humor filled (I hope) answer.

All I can say is that I hope this kid hasn't actually ever eaten human brains and that they are speaking solely from their wild imagination instead of memory.
Six or 6?
Apparently, this third grader was recently taught the concepts of cross multiplication, unfortunately, not very effectively. To them, it would appear at first glance, that after you get rid of the common factors, the answer is quite simple. With no more N's, the equation spells six and six=6! There you go! Poor baby… this kid is going to have to run back and hit those books for quite a while to figure out where they went wrong.

Eventually, they are going to have to figure out that nothing comes to you on a silver platter and usually, you have to work in order to see results. It is a shame that it had to be learned this early though.
Sociology or Science?
While it's great that this teacher has covered the movements and actions of atoms and electrons in their class, I believe that sociology still needs some covering. While it’s doubtful that this answer was actually accepted, maybe this kid would have earned a point or two if they backed it up. If we’re on the topic though, perhaps socialism is the better answer? Either way, this is one complex topic that needs a lot of research

If we’re on the topic though, perhaps socialism is the better answer? Either way, this is one complex topic that needs a lot of research
Class Etiquette
Mr. Thomas probably gave this questionnaire at the beginning of the school year to make sure that his students knew the correct form of behavior to be used in his classroom. In fact, Mr. Thomas probably played out each one of the scenarios with his pupil’s multiple times before administrating this exam. Whether or not this kid was present during any of those practice runs is another thing.

We will never know, but we can be sure that what this kid lacks in punctuality, they sure make up for in charm and wit. they may not know the correct etiquette, but an answer like will surely earn them a soft spot in Mr. Thomas’s heart.
Interesting Choices
Hmm… seems about right… If you're going to teach your students, the three states of matter then you should probably brace yourself for the range of answers you could potentially get. You can’t blame the kid for making scientific observations. That is the study of science after all, and our own bodily functions are a part of that.

Nevertheless, I hope that the teacher won’t take off any points or disqualify this young child's test for a perfectly correct (yet not so politically correct) answer.
Oh dear… I sure hope this is a prank. I can't believe that anybody could be this bold or lack this much social skills (let alone manners) to seriously consider putting down something like this as a response to a real test question. There is no way they would actually write this if they knew that their teacher was going to read it… right? I bet one of their friends put this kid up to this in exchange for popularity points.

I only hope the reward was worth the humiliation they're going to face during the next parent-teacher conference.
Financially Dependent
It looks like this teacher was trying to encourage the class how to earn money on their own. Unfortunately, not everybody as reached that level of independence and financial savvy. While most kids are busy doing boring housework chores such as dishes, laundry or mowing the lawn, this kid chose the easy route and opted to coast on the comforts of his parent’s paycheck. The teacher must have been horrified by the answer, but at least he’s honest.

The teacher must have been horrified by the answer, but at least he’s honest.
Not A Fan
If I were a teacher looking for a one-word description, I would probably be aiming for an adjective. Hell-ish may have made the cut but this kid is just bending the rules. So, what do you think? Are we dealing with a rule breaker or a cry for help? One thing is for sure, this kid is definitely not the only kid in the American education system to hold this profound opinion.

Perhaps their school should be making more of an effort to improve student satisfaction levels instead depending on this survey's results alone. I predict a future career for this kid as either an entrepreneur or a burger flipper. Depending on the help they get.
Useful Information
Most schools take time out of their regular schedules to talk about the upcoming holiday. Looks like this kid didn’t get the memo! Yes, Earth Day does fall on April 22nd, and yes, that would indeed be a useful little piece of information to know in the event of a holiday-themed trivia game.

But no, I don't believe that particular test will get our star pupil here into environmental activism.
Where does this teacher get off crossing out an answer like this?? This is how hate spreads in the world! This is how wars begin! The strongest force on earth is love! Kid. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise! This child must come from a home that sets ultimate, magical relationship goals for him. Either that or he is just hopelessly in love with Suzie, the girl who sits in the front row with the long black hair and the big brown eyes.

I could imagine being distracted from your test in a reality like that. Would you have accepted this answer?
Song References
This has got to be one of my favorites, by far. First off, let me take a moment to point out the ridiculousness of this question in the first place. Who does this teacher think she is, asking a pupil to explain a concept like love to them in two to three lines?! You know what, we'll do it when you can do it! But that didn't stop this bright student. They got their groove on and nailed this answer perfectly.

Not many kids now days still remember these song lyrics, let alone how to use them it a classroom setting. Yet there you have it - the humor is there, and the originality is high. Kudos, kid.
Where Does One Generally Sign?
Like we just learned from our previous clever little rascal, teachers - sometimes need to be a lot more specific. There is no denying that this kid's answer is, if nothing else, correct. When you sign pretty much anything, it’s always at the bottom. I wouldn't be surprised if we are dealing with the child of a lawyer, or a businessperson (or any other profession in which you sign things often).

This kid was aware enough and knowledgeable enough to sum up his previously learned common knowledge and use it in order to answer this question. Do they know the actual location in which the Declaration of Independence was signed? I guess we will never know.
Don’t Worry About it
In all my years I have never yet met a kid who did not find it totally pointless and tiresome to explain to their math teacher how they actually ended up with their answers. So, what if they didn't write down the long and complicated process in order to find the correct answer. It involves too much. Why not just cut out the middleman and save everyone the trouble? This kid got the answer right and yeah, they used math to do it. So what?

I really hope their teacher didn't take off any points for this short and precise answer, especially when it's under a "Try This" title. In my book, this young child should have got an A+ just for this answer alone.
One Long Football
There is no way to be sure that this kid knew the correct answer or even knew what a football was. Even so, there is no way that a football can possibly be more than one foot long.

I mean, how would you even hold it? Still, after all of that, this answer still seems incorrect.
A Rebel Without A Cause
Looks like we have a real rebel on our hands here ladies and gentlemen. Not only did the kid explicitly state it, but they also used 4 words instead of 3 to really drive home the point. Well played. You sure were consistent.

You can’t really fail the kid over this strategic answer. Looks like there’s no point trying to box in this little rebel!
One Step at a Time
Many times, at the beginning of the new school year, pupils are asked to write themselves a message for their future selves. Well, school can be a trying time for anyone. Between tests, and trying to make new friends, lots of kids lose control of who they really are and forget who they want to be. It can be very stressful. But hey, that’s all part of growing up and learning to deal with things.

This kid reflected over last year and came to the reasonable conclusion that this year would most probably be a whole lot better if it were to include fewer sob sessions. And they’re probably right. Welcome to the real world, honey.
She Just Can’t See
If you happen to be a scientist or even if you just actually listened in science class (which you all should, children!) then you may know the actual answer to this question. But this kid, like me, seems to have forgotten any possible scientific reasons why Miranda can’t seem to see into the microscope. Impaired vision can be a possible reason. That teacher shouldn’t be so quick to rule that out.

Then again, if I can't see… Maybe I'm blind too. Either way, I thought this child's answer was pretty clever.
Just Deal With It
This may not have been the answer that the teacher was looking for but considering the limited instructions – this kid got it spot on! I mean. What would YOU do if you fell and scratched your knee? This kid is obviously way ahead of his classmates and simply wanted to make that clear. This teacher should really take his answer into consideration, it is something we all learn later in life. Give this kid an A, he clearly has a far deeper understanding of life and its challenges. You get full points in my book young fella, kudos for showing great maturity. You have one promising future!

Give this kid an A, he clearly has a far deeper understanding of life and its challenges. You get full points in my book young fella, kudos for showing great maturity. You have one promising future!
Too Much Information
Everyone knows that children will always be honest with you, even if that honesty is really unwanted. In fact, more often than not, kids will tell you exactly what you want to avoid hearing. It's true that these booklets help provide teachers with a more insightful look into children’s home life, but now and then we come across little tidbits that should best stay exactly where they are- at home.

Well, mom, it looks like you’re busted. Next time you head to the wine cabinet, you better make sure your little ones are asleep because soon enough – they'll call you out on it!
Oh, Judy
Oh, Judy, you're at it again. Don’t you know that real beauty lies within? Judging by the teacher's frustrated response, this is certainly not the first of ol' Judy's practical jokes. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the same Judy who placed an upside-down thumbtack on the teacher's chair just one week before. On this English test, she was asked to complete the sentence and circle the word that best depicts the feelings of this boy who just fell off his bicycle and ripped his pants. But did Judy do what was asked of her? I didn’t think so.

Not only did she dismiss the options she was given, but she even added a word of her own, and like Judy, it was bold and offensive. What will we do with you, Judy? A mischievous student, indeed.
Don’t Waste My Time with Your Questions
This is a great example of why kids should go to school. See, you don't only go to school to learn things that you didn't previously know. As we can see from this smart aleck, knowing some random facts alone doesn't make you smart. We go to school to learn to support our answers. Let this be a lesson to you, kid. School is more than just writing what you want on that page.

Sometimes you just have to play by the rules. Wait until you get to college and need to write 10-page essays. You will soon learn that “because I’m smart”, just won’t cut it.
The Survival of the Meanest
This kid was simply not happy with any of the options for this question. The real answer is was probably B, seeing as Darwin's theory claimed that only the strong survive and that the weaker ones of the heard eventually perish, but this kid was not on board with that. The kid was a little harsh calling all giraffes “heartless creatures” because most people wouldn’t go that far! Perhaps it’s just these two giraffes who are a little bit mean.

Looks like every species have their brand of bully.
I Think He Found It
Finding Waldo in a big colorful crowd is a little challenging… But if you're going to ask us to find X – why would you leave it right there, in plain sight? In broad daylight? Here you go teacher, I found it. You're very welcome. This teacher thought that writing instructions such as "figure out the numeral equivalency of X" was simply unnecessary and a waste of time and space.

Well, now they’re paying for it. Big time. I hope this kid's teacher gave them at least partial credit. After all – it was their own mistake. Live up to your greatness now kid, cause when you get older playing dumb just ain't gonna cut it.
Put a Ring on It
I’m sure Beyoncé would be proud to see her hit song appear in this kid’s test. As the queen of pop, you’re always right, but this teacher was having none of it. It is at least nice that the teacher was cool enough to go with the reference. In any case, if you are going to disqualify a student's answer though, it's only fair to explain your decision, and let them know why it was problematic.

In any case, it was a good attempt, but the rings around Saturn are actually more like icicles than like diamonds. Does that mean that Saturn is still on the market?
Tony the Nerd
Cause: This kid was given a test on the relationship between cause and effect. Effect: This kid used his logic to figure out what daily sessions of 20 minutes of piano would do to his social life and came up with a well thought out response. Ok, ok, there may be other effects like, perhaps Tony would go onto become a world famous child prodigy. Yet when you consider what poor Tony’s life looks like, you can’t deny that only a very unique individual would be up to the challenge.

That being said, I bet you won't be holding the same opinion when Tony becomes rich and famous. Hopefully by what 20 minutes of daily dedication a day brings.
Let's Get Real
The kid cannot be fooled. There is no tooth fairy, no such thing as unicorns, and ghosts are most definitely unreal creatures. You might think that the teacher just wanted the answer to a simple math question. But this kid took the opportunity to get some facts straight and put a stop to the teacher’s wild imagination.

No, No. She is definitely suffering from some form of hallucination and we must help her see the light.
When you are a little kid, priorities are just different from what they would be if you were an adult. "Who cares about sneakers?" or "I don't even like sitting in chairs. What is air anyway?" all seem to be things that went through this kid's head.

This child knew exactly what they wanted to choose. Nothing in life is more important than a puppy! Chairs can't hug you when you are sad, sneakers don't play catch, and the air isn't cute.
When You Know, You Know
Some kids find themselves being able to finish their tests very early and then get bored. This child obviously finished early.

Their handwriting is perfect, and they got a grade of nine out of ten. But the teacher did not like the mermaid drawing. "No!" She did not. You would think the teacher would have more sense of humor, though, and maybe appreciate the funny nuances here. We guess she doesn't.
Dark Sense of Humor
Or maybe just an older brother? We mean, really, it's hard to believe this kid had the imagination to be able to come up with such a funny joke.

Just by looking at this assignment, you can tell it's for a first grader at most. This had to have been the work of an older sibling who is obviously a bad influence on their little brother or sister.
Future of Repression
If you have a family that holds it all in, then you know this scenario: Everyone's private life is full of joy, but every time the family gets together for thanksgiving, you can practically cut the air with a knife.

This seems to be the family this child is growing up in. One that is conflict avoidant and probably a bit dysfunctional. Well, you caught on fast, kid, try and change the family culture and feel out loud!
Came to Rumble
We don't really understand what the assignment is here. A sketch of what situation? What zeros of what relation? This kid seemed to not have known what the test was asking them, either.

So they decided to draw a picture that makes a bold statement. "I am the situation." This kid decided I am going to draw a picture of a superhero whose name is "the situation." Pretty funny if you ask us.
Little Baby Trump
This could conceptually be the handwriting and assignment turn-in of no other than Donald J. Trump. It makes sense if you look at the answers. It seems to match the pattern. "Get a girlfriend, kiss her, rule the world." We don't know about you, but it sounds like Trump to us.

It could be one of the other presidents, though. We could think of a few billionaires or even monarchs who could fit the bill for this one.
Almost Right
When asked in their test what hard water is, this kid answered simply, "ice." Their not right, but they are not wrong either.

They obviously didn't study for the test, but who wants to study for a test about hard water anyway. Sounds boring! For those of you who are curious, hard water is water with high mineral content. Does that sound interesting to a child?
The joke's On You, Bob
The answer to this question makes us feel like there is a kid in this class named Bob, and when your name is Bob, you become the person everyone tells jokes about.

Poor Bob, what if he doesn't really have diabetes? What other things are they making up at school about him? Are there other diseases? We must save Bob!
When You Don't Know, Draw
Someone needs to change the rules for school testing so that if you can draw a very creative drawing instead of the right answer to the test, you still get a good grade.

This kid was pretty creative, after all. The drawing has nothing to do with the answer but everything to do with the question and is a fantastic portrayal of the current American school system.
Young and Emo
This seems to be the answer of a very young emo child who is crying out for help. But he doesn't want you to know that. He's crying out for you, the adult, to leave them alone.

As much as this child may think that they are alone with this feeling, we can assure them it is very normal for your age not to want grown-ups to communicate with you. Thank you for writing down your true feelings on paper.
Mama Tried
Depending on what country you are from, an answer like this could end up resulting in child services arriving at your doorstep. However, it's pretty normal for parents to drink a bit more on the holidays.

After all, there is a lot to deal with. From distant annoying relatives, kids being home from school and, a lot of money being spent on presents. Good going, kid. You know what mama needs!
This Teacher Gets It
In this article, we call for a new law that would force teachers to grade children based on thier explantion as to why they didn't have an actual answer for the test.

Plus, one isn't a lot, but it definitely gives a message to the kid that their teacher cares about them and that if they don't want to study, that's on them, but why not encourage creativity? Every kid is good at something, so good for this teacher to help them understand that they are still worth it.
Give This Kid a Medal
When you are a young child learning about private parts in a human anatomy class, it may be hard to deal with! It's all so new and scary, and we get it, we'll even admit to it still being scary to us adults.

This youngin found a way to deal with it perfectly. They took one glance at this drawing and decided its an angry cat. This could be art on the wall. It is so good.
Dream Small Think Big
Now, this young child has their priorities a bit different than you might. The greatest importance to them at this age is their mother, obviously, and when you have a mom that works at Taco Bell, you know what's good for you and what's not.

At that young age, nothing sounds more fun than working at the bell with mama.
A Story From the Bible
In the story of Adam and Eve, life was pretty boring, and it was only the two of them for a very long time until they ate the forbidden fruit and became full-fledged humans.

So, it's safe to assume that life for the first cell was also pretty lonely. Even if it's not the answer to this question, it could do very well in a college philosophy course.
Wrong Pauli
This kid was probably thinking about Pauli the parrot when they drew this. Although we must admit, it's not a bad interpretation in that context.

In this kid's mind, Pauli is a parrot, exclusion means to be left out, and principle means a definitive rule. So "no parrots allowed" seems to be a great artistic rendition of that. Our conclusion this is one of the most brilliant kids in that class, no contest.
When You Don't Like Your Teacher
After looking at this picture, one can come up with a few clear conclusions. The first is this kid has the predisposition to be passive-aggressive. The second is they know a lot about illegal addictive substance abuse, and third, they have a great sense of humor.

This kid's teacher may have gone the extra mile after this one and called child protective services on this student to see why they know so much about what they shouldn't know anything about.
Phallic People
Okay, so the people in this kid's family are either really overweight with small hips and skinny arms but very big heads or the kid has a very phallic imagination.

The original poster of this photograph said that one of their girlfriend's kindergarten students drew it. Well, at least they got the question right, but that is not what people look like, to say the least.
A Letter Home
Usually, when a child is being a nuisance too much in school, their teacher may send the school a letter to take home so that their parents can get an idea of how bad they are in class.

This sharp student must have seen that coming and written her own note and beat them to it. Now, at least until she thinks, her parents won't know how bad she is in class, and maybe she won't have to deal with the consequences.
Long Live the King?
Well, considering the late Queen Elizabeth is no longer with us, she technically isn't old anymore. But if she was still alive, this kid wouldn't technically be wrong and maybe only guilty of having a dim imagination.

It makes sense that a child will see these two factors in a Queen and nothing more. Answers such as this one give us a great mirror of society and how they may see the monarchs too.
Teacher's Pet
This student seems to have done a great job. Unfortunately, we can't tell, we don't see what the joke in this picture is, and we don't quite understand the question either.

Maybe this kid didn't either, but whatever it is they did answer, they definitely made it look so right that the teacher probably gave up, too, and just gave it the pass. With good art, you can get away with anything.
A Classic Answer
This answer is part of a grouping of answers that many kids say when they are posed with the question, "What is your favorite thing to do at school?"

This child chose "leaving" as their answer, but they could have easily one of the two most common answers left in the grouping, "Lunch" or "Gym." Those answers are for the much more advanced students, though.
An Honest Mistake
Maybe just a joke from a very witty-over-informed young child. This picture was posted by a kindergarten teacher who gave her students an assignment to conduct a survey with the local high school students.

Good thing she caught the mis-spelling before she sent the student off to ask. Maybe, for the time being, we should give children simpler assignments, like tracing letters or drawing bears.
Judging by the way these students answered their questions in this test, it's safe to say that they may not have felt too comfortable answering them, and one of the instincts when you feel discomfort is to turn to comedy.

So this kid decided to answer the second part of the question in a way that deflects them from really having to think about it and even giving their teacher a laugh too.
Someone Call Freud
This is way too young of an age to know what that word means.

Or even more so, think about it when you are writing your name. Actually, there are two "Milo's" in this class, and apparently, this one forgot to put the O at the end of his name and then went further to include the first letter of his last name. Thus spelling the wrong word.
Please Explain Further
When this child was posed with the prompt, "please draw something that you may find in a paper bag," they drew something very brown and very phallic. Of course, once the teacher came to the child and kindly asked them to explain what they drew, the answer ended up being a pretzel.

Not what you thought it was? Just imagine how uncomfortable it made the teacher in this class.
Single and Ready to Mingle
That's what this mom seems to be doing on her weekends out, and her child seems to notice. It makes sense, though, as most parents today are getting divorced very early, and no one wants to be single forever.

Having a kid doesn't mean you can't have fun. Good for this kid giving their mom some cred in the prompt. It's not a given, either. Most kids are very bothered at the idea that their parents are dating.
First Day of Boring!
Try to put yourself in your own shoes when you were five years old on your first day of school. Chances are you weren't so excited about it. And who's to blame you?

Summer vacation was great, and you got to go on holiday with your family, hang out with your friends, sleep in late, and basically do whatever you wanted for a few months. So this answer is not too off base considering the situation.
Witt and Magnitude
This kid has big dreams. They want to be smarter, faster, better at chess, taller, and cooler when they grow up, and they don't have time for your repetitive, annoying questions either.

We must find these students a better-suited education system so that they grow up to be exactly what they want to be because this school seems to be wasting their time.
Thanks For The Complement
This teacher gave their students a prompt asking them to answer very simply what she should be. So the student answered by describing the teacher's temper and advising them to become an "AngelDemin."

Given the fact that, according to the student, the teacher is sometimes mean and sometimes nice, why not? Give the students what they want and become an "AndelDemin!" What do you think? Did she take it as a compliment?
When All Else Fails
Try giving your teacher a chuckle or two just to stay on their good side. This student went in that direction as they obviously didn't fill an answer in one blank spot and so they opted to draw a cute picture instead.

But they worked really hard on that picture and gave their teacher a laugh. Sometimes politics is more important than performance. It's recommended to have both, but if you have one, that's okay too.