We are back with another great pasta recipe you could try making if you want to kill an Italian. This apparently works as it was in the books of a university. We can assure you that even if it does not work, you will definitely declare war against Italy by attempting to make this dish.

It is just some sad-looking green leaves with undercooked and unseasoned cold pasta on top. The only toppings you get are a bit of chicken, and we obviously cannot forget the pineapples.
Gordon Ramsay Upsetting the Italians
Italians are often known to lose their temper easily. But what happens when that temper meets the world-famous hot-headed chef, Gordon Ramsay? While we all might think of him as a world-class chef, it seems that even Gordon Ramsay can make mistakes in the kitchen that upset the Italians.

This lady here is expressing her anger and frustration at chef Ramsay for adding oil to pasta water. It seems to be absolutely unforgivable in the Italian pasta-making tradition.
Learn How to Cook Your Pasta
Of course, no one can cook pasta better than the Italians. They are the inventors of that delight, after all. Moreover, it is the most commonly made dish in Italy. So you can understand their frustration when they see someone cooking their pasta in the wrong way.

Take this Italian lady, for example, she pointed out the mistake in the way the pasta was cooked just by looking at the way it moved! She could just tell that it was overcooked, and it even helped out with the instructions. Always take away one minute from the specified time in the box!
Calling Out the Americans
Italians do not care about who makes bad food; they will definitely call you out if they see you are not cooking properly. However, it seems as though they can tell when the Americans are making the food and making a mess out of it.

Take a look at this, for example; this guy calls out that too many condiments are used in the recipe. After calling them out on it, he also mentions that the dish was most likely made by an American since they generally like to exaggerate things and blow them out of proportion.
They Are Serious About Pasta
Italians are quite serious when it comes to cooking pasta. It is a type of dish that can be recreated in many ways, and most recipes are perfected by them. This is why it upsets them when they see people on the internet make a mess out of their favorite food.

This guy got so infuriated that they straight up called out the person making the pasta dishes and said that the biggest problem with all their pasta recipes is that they cannot cook pasta, to begin with.
American Pizza vs Italian Pizza
It turns out this person was out roasting Italian pizza for how it looked compared to an American pizza. They were complaining about how the Italian pizza looked disproportionate and uneven, whereas the American pizza looked a lot more balanced with its texture and design.

This Italian lady's comment changed the entire game. She said American pizza is almost always just a round disc of chalk that has been covered with fresh melted plastic on top to make it look appetizing.
Is This Even Pizza?
So far, we have seen people change up how they make Italian dishes slightly. Most of the time, it was just about not using the right method or ingredients to make the food properly. This person went a bit overboard if that even is the right word for it.

If you eat this monstrosity, you are going straight to a hospital bed trying to recover. That is probably why this Italian guy said Americans should stop eating like they have free healthcare!
Fruits on Pizza
It seems like we have been going on with this debate for far too long now. Is it allowed to put fruits on top of a pizza and get away with it? This person argues that you can put fruits on top of your pizza because people fail to realize that pizza sauce is based on fruit.

The Italians had the best comeback to that. While it is true that tomato is fruit, it is still something that you would not want to put in a fruit salad.
Making Tuna Carbonara
We are all most likely familiar with carbonara. Even if you haven't had it before, it is quite the popular pasta dish that can be found across the internet and originated in Italy.

While there are many ways of making carbonara, the most common is with cured pork and some hard cheese of your liking. However, as you can see here, this person tried to compromise the recipe by making tuna carbonara. Well, whatever this person makes, it sure does not look appetizing.
Quite the Struggle Meal
Imagine coming home from a long and tiring day at work and finding out that your boyfriend has prepared dinner. That would definitely put a smile on your face and brighten your day a bit!

Looks like this guy has never cooked in his life before and didn't even bother to look for a tutorial on the internet! To top off this bland meal, he added a touch of ketchup on it later too. Great meal.
Decorative Carbonara
This is the best example of what you would expect when entering a fancy five-star restaurant. While they may have the most expensive menus with dishes that you can't even pronounce, the food will definitely not fill you up.

As you can see here, with the amount of time and work that the chef spent making this carbonara, he could've made a much tastier dish than whatever that thing is. To us, it just looks like a whole egg yolk placed on two spiral noodles and some small blocks of ham just placed around.
Gnocchi With Gravy
Okay, so the idea behind this dish might not be as bad. Compared to all of the vile things we have here for you today, this one is likely one of the most palatable ones, but that is till you look at its result.

Sure it sounds pretty okay in your head, maybe, but the aftermath of mixing your gnocchi with gravy is not the most pleasant sight. It looks more like a nest of caterpillars about to bloom than a bowl of dumplings with gravy on it.
A Carbonara Mess
It seems as though people are out to make carbonara one of the messiest dishes out there when it is supposed to be one of the tastiest ones.

This is anything but the food at this point. The pasta that is on the plate looks undercooked, to begin with, and you have a raw egg with half an eggshell as the topping. Yes, right in the middle of the pasta. That is anything but spaghetti. Whatever it is, one thing is for sure; you'll be getting salmonella if you'll eat that.
Mixing Cuisines From Different Cultures into One dish
That sounds like a very fun idea, and also a very tasty one if made right. Well, yes, it could be if you knew what you were doing and didn't just throw in a bunch of food from different cultures in one bowl. That is exactly what this person did.

This person had the amazing idea of mixing Italian, Japanese and Brazilian cuisine together. The result looks like a successful attempt at ruining all three dishes on just one plate. It looks like a messy collision of cuisines from three sides of the world.
A Very Weird Question
This is more of a weird question than a weird dish. Instead of making a dish weirdly, this person just asked the most random question you are likely to hear on the internet.

Their question was if you are supposed to break your spaghetti before you start to cook it. The Italians snap back at this, saying, why break spaghetti when you do not break any other type of pasta when cooking it? In our opinion, if the pasta is too long to fit in your pot, then go out and buy shorter pasta that fits!
Pineapple on Pizza is Back
It seems as though this long-lasting debate of putting pineapple on your pizza will never end. There are two classes of people, ones who like a regular, normal pizza and others who are mad enough to put pineapple on their pizza.

It ruins the classic pizza recipe and is atrocious to the Italians. This person wanted to know if they would be safe if they ordered pineapple on their pizza during their visit to Naples. Pretty sure every Italian mother would be out hunting them, and their safety would definitely be questioned.
Ever Had Pizza with Peanut Butter on Top?
Yes, you definitely did read that right. Peanut butter and bullet pizza are what they are calling it. This definitely makes its way into the most unpalatable and horrific-looking dishes on the list.

There is no other way to explain this pizza than just saying it looks like a mess. We hope no one else ever attempts to make something this disgusting. It is an abomination in the name of pizzas. We probably would not even know what this dish was meant to be unless they had stated it was peanut butter with bullets on top.
Pizza with Pasta?
It has to be one of the weirdest recipes out there. The idea of it is just weird, to begin with. Why would a sane person want to mix their pasta and their pizza to become one singular food item?

The most logical thing to do would be just to order your pizza and another plate of pasta if you are craving one that much. Apparently, this is called a chicken parm pizza that is stuffed with penne. By looking at this, you can tell that the Italians did not touch it, but they are definitely furious about it.
Peanut Butter? Really?
Here comes one of the worst ones on our list yet. At least the only redeeming quality for this one is that you can actually tell that it has peanut butter spread on top of it. Other than that, it's the same old horror.

This person likes having their leftover pizza with a spread of peanut butter on top. Moreover, they recommend you try it with the vegan pepperoni pizza for a top experience! It should be your leftover pizza, to be specific. You are going to be running in and out of the toilet after having this.
Another Great Pasta Recipe!
We are back with another great pasta recipe you could try making if you want to kill an Italian. This apparently works as it was in the books of a university. We can assure you that even if it does not work, you will definitely declare war against Italy by attempting to make this dish.

It is just some sad-looking green leaves with undercooked and unseasoned cold pasta on top. The only toppings you get are a bit of chicken, and we obviously cannot forget the pineapples.
Destroying Grandma's Legacy
Let us get one thing out of the way first. No way grandma would have ever made something that looks this disturbing. That is just not possible in any way. This person just messed up the lasagne recipe made by Grandma and ruined her legacy.

This lasagne looks more like what you would see when your dog throws up after eating something bad than what you would expect lasagna to look like. Definitely a horrific sight to behold, especially at the dinner table. The only question we have is how did it look anything like a lasagne to the person who made it.
Chili and Cinnamon Roll Pizza
Apparently, this pizza is quite widely known and famous. No, it is not your regular type of pizza, of course not. It would not have made its way into the list if it was. It is actually a chili and cinnamon roll pizza. Yes, you absolutely read that right.

This pizza is made with mozzarella and cheddar cheese placed on top of a crust made from the cinnamon roll. Moreover, it also has sweet cream cheese icing slathered on the dough's edges. If your sweet tooth is itching, give it a try.
Slow Cooking Tortellini
Pasta is actually one of the easiest dishes to make and quite hard to get wrong. Just follow the box instructions if you can't make it from scratch. It is that simple, yet people make it one of the hardest rules to follow.

Take this, for example. This person is making tortellini in a slow cooker when it only takes around 3 to 5 ish minutes to come to a boil. It should be one of the dumbest ideas out there because you will end up with a starchy mess if you slow-cook pasta.
Someone Needs to Call the Police
A Croatian restaurant has a food item on their menu called "Spaghetti Alla Milanese". It would be better if the dish was called something else, considering it looks anything but.

The Italians would also like to clarify that there is no such thing as a "Spaghetti Alla Milanese". It is something that does not exist. Italians are ready to break out a battle over this item. The restaurant would do better by removing this disaster from its menu.
Lasagne Soup with Scooped Cheese
This is what happens when you try to just wing it. This is why we have the internet and things like YouTube to look up cooking tutorials before we start to cook. This person clearly had no idea what they were doing.

They did attempt to make lasagne and got themselves a baking pan and everything, but somehow it ended up being lasagne soup. To top it off, they also added a scoop of ricotta, parmesan, and mozzarella cheese all mixed together into a single ball. You can just tell that an American made this for sure.
Pizza Paella
At this point, you can just believe that the Germans are good for anything but cooking. They might be some of the finest car manufacturers in the world, but their food is definitely not included in the list of fine things they have to offer.

This dish not only gets on the nerves of the Italians looking at it, but it also does the same to the Spanish people as well because of their paella. What else would you expect if you made a Spanish pizza in Germany and also made it with lemon on it?
Completely Barbaric
We do not even know what to call this dish. We are not even sure if it is a dish. What it looks like from the picture is that there is pasta incorporated with a sauce that almost makes it look like jelly, and there are a bunch of sausages in the middle that are cut in half.

Whoever made this does not deserve to cook. They should not ever be allowed to have pasta or pizza ever again either. That food is completely barbaric to make and even worse to eat!
Brazil Corner of Naples
This is what a Pizza looks like when the Brazilians want to put it in the Rio Desenero Carnaval mode. Believe it or not, there is no Carnaval on the way, and this is how Steve Pizza makes the dish. Who are you, Steve?

We are just wondering if the fish is supposed to be pulled apart and then sprinkled over the pie or are we supposed to eat it that way? Honestly, we are very glad to say we will never find out.
It's Not Lasagna...
Here we have a cute couple moment. Imagine being so excited for dinner because your partner is cooking, and then you come up to the dinner table to see this abomination.

This person was very excited knowing their partner had made them dinner. Well, whatever this sorry attempt at making lasagna was, it contained cheese, taco wraps, ramen noodles, pizza sauce, and pepperoni. It sounds like the person who made this just started to grab random things from the pantry and throw them all in one pan.
Swedish Pizza
At least this time, the good thing is that it is not the Americans making the food mess. However, it turns out that Sweden is just as bad. We cannot even tell what this disturbing mess is, but apparently, in Sweden, they call this a pizza. Moreover, the worst part is that this kind of pizza is common in Sweden.

This pizza is also the favorite pizza of Hanif Bali, one of the Swedish parliamentarians. This is definitely a valid reason for Italy to attack Sweden right now.
Bolognese Pizza
There are many different types of pizza and many different ways that you could make horrendous versions of it. Here comes another one! That is absolutely right! Bolognese Pizza.

This actually looks more like a pie than a pizza, of course, if you remove the meat from the top, which just looks like a disgusting goop sitting on top. It is quite hard to ignore the noodles underneath. This dish as a whole is just a bad idea. Get ready for your hospital trip.
The Perfect Meal
They call this dish Spaghetti Bolognese and Broccocini, and it comes with salad on the side that is made to cleanse your pallet. It just looks like a complete messy mash of different dishes together.

It would be the perfect meal for anyone looking to have their one last meal because having this would kill you. There is also a salad but we are betting that you would need something else after that to help cleanse your mouth instead.
When Life is Too Short to Have Dessert
Apparently, pasta is still the dish that most people like to make a disgusting version of. It is sometimes to experiment and go wild as pasta sauces have no limits and the variations are endless.

There are two scenarios for this situation. Either the person preparing this dish was so short of time, he just threw whatever came his way in a bowl, and dinner is served. The other option is, that the guy inviting for dinner was so cheap, that he decided to incorporate the dessert into the main dish.
Salad Cream with Spaghetti Carbonara
People just love making their versions of cultural dishes while cooking at home. Their own disturbing versions. Here is another spaghetti carbonara dish that does not have its own sauce, but guess what? They substituted the sauce with, yes, salad cream.

We have seen so much in this list that it makes you wonder, do these people eat like this regularly? It almost makes you feel bad for their horrendous meals if that is what they are eating. That cannot be called eating at that point; it's surviving.
Ravioli Crisis
Another Italian classic cuisine is ravioli. If you have had it before, you know how great a dish it is. The worst part about this messed-up version of ravioli is that it is actually a recipe being broadcasted on national TV. People are actually looking at this cooking show and making this at home.

The great news is that they have an ad for Health Assistance and Crisis Hotline on display as well. The Italians would need to call that number after looking at that ravioli.
Spaghetti with Scrambled Eggs
You most likely do not have taste buds if this is the food you regularly have. Especially if you are proud enough of your creation that you post about it, not realizing how terrifying you just created.

It is not just any spaghetti either, this spaghetti is made with ketchup and has scrambled eggs on top as toppings. Come on, subbing ketchup with a can of tomato sauce is not that hard. Good luck keeping your stomach together after eating whatever this is.
Spaghetti Doughnut?
This is a great example of people evolving, just backward. What even is this? Why would someone want to make a donut or bagel out of their spaghetti? If you are craving spaghetti that much, why do you not just go to a nice little restaurant and treat yourself to actual good food?

This raises a lot of questions. Is it a bagel, donut, or pasta? It is definitely the worst form of all of those three, and the idea of it is blasphemous. At least the nice thing is that it looks like Pac-Man.
Abomination Of Carbs
Everyone could use a good carbohydrate source to fill their stomachs, but this is too much. Here we can see what you get when you mix up some rice with pasta, which is enough to make any Italian grandma rage.

One Italian named Alfonso Davide went as far as to call the chef possessed. When taking a look at this dish, we can't exactly deny that he's not right. Eat at your own risk!
Give Your Pasta A Little Trim!
This is something that has the whole world split. Is it right or wrong to eat pasta that has been cut? Some Italians definitely won't agree with cutting your pasta, but people who have children don't see it the same way.

Parents of small children, on the other hand, think it's safer for children to munch on pasta that has been cut. Your kid won't run the risk of choking, but you'll be sure to have a mob of angry Italians outside your home.
An Entier Pineapple On Pizza
This is an age-old debate that has people tearing their heads off to find out what is the right way to eat pizza. No one actually cares as long as we all get to enjoy what we want, but even there are some limits you don't cross.

Check out this behemoth of a monstrosity because who would dare put an entire half of a pineapple on a pizza? They even left the skin and the leaves on, which was enough to make some people very very mad. Almost too mad.
Pasta Water For Squeaky Clean Car?
You don't have to be a cat named Garfield to dig into a warm bite of lasagna, but once you look at this, you can see why Garfield would stay away. The entire bottom of the pasta is filled with water you could drown in.

One person even went as far as to say they could wash their car with all the water in the bowl. Don't do it, though, unless you're Italian enough to enjoy your car smelling like pasta sauce.
A Side Of Puke With Your Pasta
Lasagna is to be made so you can see all the layers visible when you cut into it, but cutting into this is mayhem. We can't see exactly what went into making this pasta, and we aren't alone in this.

This mushy dish had people asking if their dogs puked into the lasagna, and we can see why. Good luck feeding this to your dog because we think they'd actually puke at the sight of this failure.
Pineapple Syrup
Just when we thought pineapple on pizza couldn't get any worse, we end up with this can that makes us wonder who had the bright idea to make this. We're sure we aren't the only ones scratching our heads in curious disgust and leaving it on the shelf we found it on.

Instead of raw pineapple on your pizza, why not try this syrup to make you puke all over your pizza? Who knows, maybe then it would actually taste edible enough for you to eat.
Alfredo To Make You Afraid
After spending a whole day outside, staying busy at work, and returning home hungry, you're served with this. Do you push on through the tears and eat what is in front of you or leave to eat at your local McDonald's?

If you're Italian, you'd probably pull out a flamethrower to make sure nothing is left of this attempt at making Alfredo. Take one look at this pasta covered in a sauce that looks clumpy and stale, and tell us if you're still hungry.
Pizzaghetti Or Regretti?
Some foods taste great when paired together, but you need to know what you should and shouldn't mix together. Here we can see how this person putting spaghetti on their pizza has made a lot of Italians rage at their screens.

You can try your own hand at making this dense dish but don't upload it unless you want the internet on you. Why not try feeding it to your Italian friends if you have any and watch them pop their eyes out?
More Meat Than You Need
Meatballs, pasta, and a drink, what else do you need to satisfy your hunger? Well, what about this gigantic meatball that is going to give you protein sweats after only a few bites? Also, don't forget you need to leave room for the pasta.

This much protein may look like a bodybuilder's biggest dream, but it also looks like an Italian's greatest nightmare come true. So grab your fork, dig in, and see if you can make it to the pasta before the meatball fills you up.
Don't Mix Your Sauces
Italians have a strict code when it comes to their sauces, and once you mess it up, be prepared for comment after comment flaming you for your mistake. Usually, when making pizza at home, you're supposed to make the sauce yourself.

This person, who was probably too lazy to make their own, went online to ask if ketchup would make a good substitute for pizza sauce. Knowing how Italians can be protective of their recipes, you can imagine the kind of flack it got.
A Mishmash Of Cultures
Americans love trying out foods from different cultures, but sometimes they end up going a little too far. This is one such creation that is definitely enough to make Italians and Mexicans team up like the avengers against the person who made this.

This pizza with tacos and a huge pile of guac is something we haven't seen before. It was enough to have one Italian ranting to the Americans to stick with the foods they know, and we're pretty sure the Mexicans weren't too far behind.
Garlic In Pizza
There should be a limit to how much flavor you can put into your pizza, and the amount of garlic here is enough to warrant that limit! Talk about an overwhelming amount of garlic that won't even have you taste the pizza underneath.

You can count Count Dracula out of this because he could probably smell the garlic on this pizza from miles away. And we're pretty sure that some of us can smell it too from the same distance.
Caps-Ucino Monstrosity
There's no doubt that this was an actual prank meant to anger many Italian folks because who in their right mind would think this is a good idea? Take a look at this disgusting concoction of a cappuccino made in capsicum.

It seems like their usual caffeine wasn't enough to give them an extra kick to get through the day. Now, we can be sure that the Italians also want to get this person a kick of their own too.
Big Isn't Always Better
Americans love anything that's big - cars, houses, and most importantly, their food. They can't seem to stay away from jumbo-sized dishes usually consisting of unhealthy fast food, and now they've come up with this massive pizza. One picture on the internet was all it took for the Italians to decide they weren't happy.

This has enough length and thickness to feed more than a family and to provide a single person with enough cholesterol for a heart attack. No session at the gym will be enough to burn the calories you'll get from eating this.
One-Pot Pasta
When making pasta, everyone knows that the proper way to cook it is to cook all the ingredients separately. This Twitter user decided to skip the steps and rushed the process by putting all the ingredients in a single pot.

We even have visual proof of how messy the concoction looks, and as you can guess, the Italians went hard on this strange way of cooking. One even went as far as to compare it to the dirt under your kitchen sink.
This Vegan Pizza
Vegan food, when done right, can be quite tasty but turning a pizza vegan and ruining everything that makes a pizza what it is, isn't good. Look at this sad attempt at a vegan pizza and grab some tissues because it's enough to make you cry.

It doesn't even look like a pizza, just a round dough with some unidentified slope on it that looks like puke. You won't have to risk emptying your stomach on this because the pizza already did it for you.
Pasta Shape Equals Pasta Taste
Pasta, like rice, has a lot of variety, so you can see how each type of pasta would have a specific taste when cooked properly. This person took to the internet complaining about pasta, saying that its shape doesn't affect the flavor.

As you can see, it didn't take long for someone to come out and call them out on what they said that was wrong.
No Valid Opinion
If you're not of Italian descent and have a strange opinion about their cuisine that you have stated online, then be ready for some random Italian to start ranting to you. An Italian chef denied a dish being carbonara online.

When asked by someone else about their opinion on what carbonara is, the chef replied that carbonara wasn't an opinion. We can see why he's so angry, others are messing up food from his culture!
Disassembled Pizza
Pizza is supposed to be eaten as a whole with dough, sauce, and toppings, but American supermarkets introduced their twist with these jarred pizzas. You can guess how the Italian community responded to this one.

Labeling it a hipster dish, people weren't really happy with what happened to these pizzas. You can call this one of the many foods Americans have somehow made weird and angered many people.
Pizza From The Underworld
If you thought pineapple on pizza was bad, wait until you get a load of this combination of sweet and savory that you've probably never tried before. Kiwi on pizza, that's right, you didn't read that wrong, what we have here is a pizza with kiwi.

The ketchup running between the kiwi makes it even worse, and we can't deny how it looks so much like a pentagram. Better call a priest because the only way to digest this would be through an exorcism.
Stop Pasta Torture
People sometimes get a little too into their food, and with how much they love their culture, and we can't argue with that, shouldn't they? It gets to a point where even watching someone cook pasta wrong is hard for them to watch.

This Italian went on a rant, saying, "she suffers" after they got angry at people mistreating their pasta. We can see them begging for the pasta torture to stop. Please, just cook it the right way without cutting or putting any chicken in it!
Not The Grandma!
Try serving an Italian chef a plate of carbonara with some bacon in it and just watch them give you a look that makes you think you kicked their puppy. They are really hard on what they like and how they want their food prepared.

Bacon on carbonara is a no-go for these Italian chefs, and this person even went as far as to say you'd be killing a grandma every time you're putting bacon in carbonara. So stop killing those poor grandmas.
No Light In Sight
Italians look at their food like it's a type of religious experience, so when someone messes it up, you know they aren't going to be happy. Comparing it to the light of God, this Italian was convinced Americans were straying further away from it.

Their tendency to mix things up and get the wrong results is just hard to watch. Hopefully, the Italians could get past such disappointment and enjoy their food just how they like it.
So Much Too Much
It seems all that happens when other people try to spice things up with Italian cuisine is to create something that leaves no one happy. Everything has gotten to a point where they've become numb to disappointment.

This Italian saw something they didn't like and wasn't even offended as they kindly said it, but were disgusted enough to barf. We can guess whatever he saw was bad and ruined his appetite for the day.
Stop Piling Food
We can't deny Americans love piling whatever they find onto a plate, and often, they end up with a combination that looks weird to others. It may taste good but is it really good for you and your health?

This Italian individual had gotten so fed up with all the weird food combinations of the Americans that they went off on piling food. We can feel their frustration through the texts where they ask for Italian food to be not treated like burgers.
Pain, Just Pain
Looks like the world cup loss hit harder than a home for this person because it wasn't long before they snapped at the next person who cooked pasta the wrong way. He let out all his anger through this mini-rant after seeing someone cooking spaghetti entirely wrong.

We can't argue that he could've handled it calmly, but at least we got a free recipe on how to cook spaghetti till it's done properly. They can't bring home the world cup, but at least they still have their pasta, right?
Pasta Away The Time In Jail
Cooking gnocchi the wrong way is enough to send someone to prison, or that is what this person thinks. Maurizo was clearly miffed at someone who cooked everything together in a pot instead of following a step-by-step process.

It seems that the chicken stock is all it took for his anger to reach the tipping point. The Italian even went as far as to say that it insulted the gnocchi.
The Traditional Way
Tradition is something people keep close to their hearts, so watching others walk over their tradition can be enough to ruin their day and let the anger commence. This Italian seemingly lost their marbles when debating the proper way to cook lasagna.

They said the proper way to make lasagna up north would be to make it using ragu. You can see how annoyed they were when someone was trying to show them a dish they already knew how to cook.
Is This A Mockery?
Someone is cooking Italian food the wrong way on the internet again! What happens when someone puts in tomatoes when making Bolognese? You get an angry Italian who is one blood vessel popping away from a stress-induced stroke.

We can see how angry he truly was. He feels like it's a mockery of their culture, and even called the person cooking a barbarian for using vinegar. Sounds like what he needs is a glass of wine to calm himself down.
Its Like Swallowing Glass
If you're going to mess up cooking a simple dish, then the least you could do is learn how to call it the right way. This Italian came across someone who overcooked their pasta until it got burnt to a crisp.

No one wants burnt food for dinner after a long day. The person didn't even get the name right and apparently called the pasta noodles, which made every Italian in the comment section cringe.
Cycle Of Life
According to this guy, you don't put carrots and spinach in lasagna, and when he saw someone doing just that, we know he wasn't happy, or he wouldn't be on this list. His reaction, while expected, was nonetheless enjoyable for everyone.

He went on a funny rant about how his relatives would keep bringing him back to life after killing him for watching someone cook lasagna the wrong way. We hope he meant it in a non-lethal and metaphorical way.