Hitting our screens with some knee-dropping, toe-tapping and electric dance moves, the star of ‘Saturday Night Fever’ is a Hollywood heavyweight. But back to his love story, John Travolta came across Kelly Preston on the set of ‘The Experts’ in 1989.

The pair married two years later, and it’s been 28 years and three kids! Amazing, huh? We wish them all the best, and wonder if Travolta still has those dance moves. In 2020, Preston sadly passed away at the age of 57.
From Nevada to the Occidental College
When Janice Rude enrolled in university in 1960, she never thought she would meet the love of her life there. She was raised in Reno, Nevada, and was brought up to be a hard worker.

Janice remembers her father being strict and tough at times; however, he always supported her desire for education. She registered at Occidental College, where her life would change forever.
From Home to the Cafeteria
Occidental College, located in Los Angeles, almost became an all-boys school after its establishment in 1887. Janice and Prentiss were lucky this never happened, or they would have never met and fallen in love. As soon as school started, Janice started to work at the local cafeteria to pay her tuition.

She would wake up at the crack of dawn and serve the thousands of students around. The athlete team were regulars. They would visit the cafeteria early in the morning before practice. Janice knew them all; however, there was one who caught her eye more than anyone else.
The Willsons
Prentiss Willson came from a family of intellectuals. They thought highly of Prentiss and believed he would eventually turn to a great position and have a spectacular and respected career.

He arrived at Occidental College in 1961, one year after Janice, and joined the Kappa Sigma fraternity as expected from him. Kappa Sigma was a family tradition that had to be preserved.
Crumbly Cereal Station
It was a bright skyed morning, and Janice just arrived at school as every other morning. Like always, she entered the cafeteria from the back entrance and checked where she was positioned that day. Cereal station. Her favorite.

As she approached the counter, she spotted a young man that was waiting for service. Her heart began racing, her tongue became dry, and for a moment there, she stopped breathing.
An Early Start
That same morning, Prentiss wanted to get an early start to the day. He was planning on having a good run before his classes started and wanted to get his blood going and his mind flowing.

In the cafeteria, he helped himself to some eggs, bread, and bacon. The place was waking up, other students began coming through the wide heavy cafeteria doors, and then, as if the world froze, their eyes met.
Where It All Began
Time had stopped. Janice and Prentiss looked deep into each other's eyes and were oblivious to all that was happening around them. Janice was stunningly beautiful, and Prentiss was the most handsome guy around.

Janice felt her cheeks turning into a darker shade of red while Prentiss almost lost his breath, dazzled by her glamour. He couldn't get his eyes off her, however, she shifted her focus to the food tray he was holding. She felt too uncomfortable looking him in the eye.
Always First in Line
The next morning, and the ones to follow, Prentiss made an effort in waking up early and being the first in line. He wasn't going to let any other athlete get a hold of Janice's attention.

Whenever their eyes crossed, Janice became insecure and immediately turned away. She thought Prentiss was gorgeous but didn't want him to realize that. Until one day...
Ice Breaking
As the days passed and they met each other's eyes more frequently, Janice became more and more confident, and eventually, she was able to hold her head high and look him straight forward. She was even able to put on a small smile whenever he approached.

One morning, Prentiss walked into the cafeteria, more handsome than ever. He was tall and had such an elegant presence. Janice just stood there and stared, not knowing what a significant role this man would have in her life.
It Was Now or Never
That same morning, Prentiss felt it was time. He knew he had to approach her but didn't know how. Whenever he saw her standing behind the cereal bowls in the cafeteria, her delicate and soft smile melted his heart.

He managed to somehow gather his courage and say "hi" in a quiet and shy manner. Janice blushed, and she couldn't do anything but look away.
Her First Name
Three weeks later, Prentiss discovered her name. Janice knew his name all along as she heard it before from the Kappa Sigma. She found herself wandering in the cafeteria all morning, memorizing his name and drifting up to higher skies.

Prentiss couldn't stop thinking about her, and now that he knew her name, he tried to get as much information about her as he could. Little did he know that, eventually, this young lady would turn his world around.
One Year Ahead
The fact that Janice was one year older than Prentiss didn't stop him from believing he had a chance with her. All he saw was a beautiful girl, and he wanted to get to know her better.

Every day at 6 am, he would arrive at the cafeteria, hoping for a short exchange of words with her and wishing for the best start to the day. And the day was indeed great.
Thanksgiving Break
Thanksgiving break was just around the corner. Most students were preparing to go back home for a short break, however, Prentiss was nowhere to be found. He didn't show up at the cafeteria that morning as he usually did.

Although they had progressed and managed to hold a short conversation every now and then, and even though they hadn't met outside of the cafeteria walls, when she realized he wasn't showing up, she was concerned.
Prentiss' Address
Janice was upset, heartbroken, and disappointed, but as she was making her way through the golden autumn leaves, she said to herself that she wouldn't let this get to her. There was a reason for him just disappearing, and she was about to find out what it was.

After asking around, she learned that he had already gone home for his Thanksgiving break. However, one of Prentiss's fraternity brothers willingly gave Janice his address - but the journey wouldn't be quick.
Three Hours on the Road
Santa Maria seemed to be on the other side of the world. Traveling there from Los Angeles would mean a 150 miles journey, all by herself. Couldn't Prentiss' parents live closer?

The road was unfamiliar, and the radio turned into her voyage companion. Arriving at someone's house without any notice was unheard of; however, she felt it was the thing she had to do. Three hours later, she arrived at the house and was about to knock on the door.
Big House on the Prairie
Prentiss' parents lived in an old-fashioned ranch, bigger than any other house Janice ever knew. It was surrounded by fields, and it had a lovely porch right at the front.

Prentiss curled up on the couch and sunk into the book he was reading. All he was anticipating was a Thanksgiving home-cooked meal.
Early Regrets
Janice wasn't aware of this, but Prentiss regretted the fact that he never got a chance to say goodbye to her before leaving on his break. He felt bad, however, there was nothing he could do about it.

Just as those thoughts were going through his head, there was a knock on the door. He got up and approached the door, unaware of who was on the other side.
Surprise Surprise
At one point, Janice wanted to turn back as she felt awkward. However, just as she was about to leave, the footsteps she heard had already reached the door.

Prentiss couldn't get the shocked expression off his face. He was stunned. The last person he was expecting to see at his doorstep was beautiful Janice.
Thanksgiving Gift
Janice said she was sorry for arriving unannounced, but Prentiss didn't care as the girl he was dreaming about, the stunning cafeteria Janice, came to see him purely because she missed him. He was overwhelmed.

With no hesitation, he walked her in and introduced her to his mother and father. Prentiss recalled that the bonding with his mother was immediate, and the two instantly clicked.
The New Couple on Campus
The four of them had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner together, and then it was time for Janice to return to college for the rest of the break. From that day onwards, things were not the same on campus.

They would rarely be seen not holding hands, strolling around like Cinderella and Prince Charming. Their eyes sparkled and shone, and everyone knew this was meant to be. What was the future holding for these two? Only time would tell.
Early Proposal
Just as December kicked in and before Christmas arrived, Prentiss asked Janice to marry him. It might have seemed too fast, but Prentiss felt it was the right thing to do. He knew Janice was his girl from the moment he laid eyes on her.

The proposal was planned to be romantic and special, and with the help of his friends, Prentiss managed to pull off an evening to remember. Life couldn't get better. However, things were about to change.
Madly in Love
Janice didn't take her time and immediately answered, "yes." There was no hesitation, and Prentiss placed the golden band with the glittering diamond rock on her finger. They were young and in love and had their whole life in front of them.

While they were planning their wedding and the rest of their lives, they weren't aware that soon they would be fighting for their existence and for their love.
Paper Announcement
Prentiss' fraternity brothers and Janice's sorority sisters were all overwhelmed. The local newspaper announcement regarding the engagement caught them by surprise, but they were all happy and delighted for the two.

Janice's friends were going on and on over the ring while the guys were thrilled by the way they revealed the news. One thing was missing from the announcement, and that was the planned wedding date.
Trouble Ahead
Not everyone was so happy over the big news. Janice's father was a simple middle-class, blue-collar worker, and he had an issue with Prentiss' intellectual upper-class parents.

It wasn't only that he disapproved of the match, but he also told Janice that if she didn't break up with Prentiss, he would stop paying her tuition fees. He was not going to allow this to happen. Janice's mother thought otherwise.
A little Too Far
Janice's mother wanted to help Janice. She understood that her daughter was in love and that love was stronger than anything else. Things were going to go a little too far.

She considered remortgaging their house so she could pay for Janice's tuition fee. She (Janice's mother) wanted to show Janice's father that there was no room for threats and that Prentiss and Janice were going to get married.
Decision Time
Janice feared leaving school. Not only education was very important for her, but she was also terrified that Prentiss would not think as highly of her if she dropped out of school.

Adding on to that, she was worried that Prentiss' eyes would begin to wander off until eventually getting caught by some other girl. Some other girl with a degree.
What Should She Do?
Unsurprisingly, Prentiss supported Janice. He assured her that her dropping out of college would mean nothing to him, and, in his eyes, she didn't have to have a degree. Even his mother was being supportive and suggested they elope.

It was January and, for Janice, it was decision time. Does she break up with Prentiss and finish school or does she drop out and live happily ever after with the man she loves?
Two Broken Hearts
The winter couldn't have been colder. Heartbroken, Janice gave back to Prentiss the beautiful engagement ring he gave her. He was devastated and didn't believe his wounded heart could ever be repaired.

The days flew by, graduation was on their doorstep, and instead of becoming a world-famous biologist like she always wanted, Janice found herself running her family's business in Reno, Nevada.
It's a New Life
Prentiss eventually picked himself up and healed his broken heart. After Occidental College, the gates of Harvard were calling, and he began studying law. He would then become one of the San Francisco Bay area's most successful tax attorneys.

He married his next girlfriend; however, something inside wouldn't set Janice free, as he never truly got over her. If only he would have known that life's path would bring the two back together again.
Moving On
Although Janice wasn't involved in the profession she wanted, she managed to become very successful and achieved great things by running the family business. She became an honorary member of the American Diving Association’s Hall of Fame. She, too, married her next love in life.

Funny enough, neither of the marriages worked out, and both Prentiss and Janice got divorced. When it's meant to be, no other will do. They were fortunate to meet their soul mates early in life; however, not fortunate enough to stop life's barriers from calling the verdict.
Together in Pain
As if the two were mystically connected, they both lost their dear mother at about the same time, and unplanned, they were both grieving their loss. This loss would soon bring them back together.

While each was going through their mother's possession, they came across something that would eventually reunite them and end a five-decade period of being apart.
Hidden Treasures
Prentiss was barely over grieving his mother. Not completely healed from the breakup with Janice that happened all those years ago, he suddenly pulled out an old piece of newspaper. It was yellow and flakey but was the most wonderful thing he could find - a memory of the happiest time of his life.

When Janice was going through her late mother's folders, she too found the same piece of old newspaper announcing her engagement to Prentiss all those years ago. She felt her heart pinch, and she was overwhelmed by the findings. Prentiss was eager to try and contact Janice, but was Janice keen on meeting up with Prentiss after all those years?
As If They Never Parted
Prentiss swallowed his fear and reached out. Janice couldn't believe it. In no time, they agreed to meet - and something about this just felt right, for the both of them. San Francisco mainstay, Cliff House, was where the two planned to meet. It was on June 20th, 2010, almost fifty years after they broke each other's hearts. Their eyes met, and the world froze.

It was like the old days in the cafeteria when they would stare at one another, not aware of what was going on around them. It was as if they were falling in love all over again.
Holding On to the Past
Janice's mother knew it, and Prentiss' mother knew it too. They belonged to each other. For what other reason would they keep that old newspaper announcement? Deep inside, Janice and Prentiss knew it too.

A little over six months and the couple were engaged again. They had to complete this chapter in their lives. Two lost souls had finally found each other, and they couldn't ask for more.
Back to the Future
They both wanted to honor their late mothers, so they used the old announcements as part of their new engagement notice in the papers. They even married at the same place they initially intended to, for the sake of the good old days.

Old college friends attended their big day, and the excitement and emotions were poring all over. This was the greatest day of their lives, and they were waiting for it for almost half a century.
The Final Finale
The stars shone on Janice and Prentiss, and finally, the two could exchange their vows and commit to one another forever. This time, their love would last for life as there were no barriers in their way.

When two people know they are meant to be together and are lucky enough to find their soulmate early in life. Nothing can beat them, as there is no stronger power than one person's will, and there is no stronger power than the power of love.
Janice and Prentiss had their love story spread over the course of more than half a century, which is pretty darn impressive. Many couples don't last that long, and the statistics are even lower when it comes to Hollywood. However, there are still some celebrity couples who break that mold. Read on to learn more about them.
Cyndi Lauper and David Thornton – Together Since 1991
For the singer of “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”, you kind of wouldn’t expect Cyndi Lauper to be going with one guy for most of her life, right? Well, it seems Ms. Lauper is precisely the opposite and has remained with her partner in crime David Thornton for a staggering 28 years! Despite the fact that Hollywood is rife with lawsuits and divorce proceedings, these two prove that relationships in Tinseltown can, in fact, survive, and even thrive.

We think it’s owing to the fact that when the pair met, Cyndi was at her worst, going through a bit of a rough patch with her relationships. At the time she had been dating her manager on and off, but it seemed that Dave Wolff was causing her more drama than happiness. Fast forward, and Thornton and Lauper met, became friends, and before they knew it tied the knot in 1991. The rest is happy history.
Sam Elliott and Katharine Ross – Together Since 1984
Not many gentlemen have a voice that naturally registers as low as Sam Elliott’s. A legend in his own right, Elliott recently starred alongside Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper in the remake of the classic, tragic love story, 'A Star is Born'. Donning a cowboy hat and sporting a mean mustache, Elliott gave a performance that critics loved.

As for his personal life, it’s no secret that family is key to Elliott, and that’s exampled in his 35-year-long marriage to Katharine Ross. The pair met on set in 1978 while shooting 'The Legacy'. After six years, the pair tied the knot and have since gone on to have two children together. Happily ever after. We love it.
Ellen DeGeneres and Portia De Rossi – Together Since 2004
Since Oprah bowed out, Ellen DeGeneres took the top spot on the podium of America’s most popular and beloved talk show hosts. The charismatic and charming DeGeneres didn’t have the smoothest transition in coming out as gay, but she also helped to raise awareness and the profile of the LGBTQ community. With her Australian wife Portia De Rossi by her side, the pair are enjoying the spoils of their success together.

Recently, rumors came about their divorce, to which De Rossi reacted: “The divorce rumors came and then we really knew the perceptions had changed,” Portia explained. “I’m not kidding. I know it sounds ridiculous, but when that started happening I thought, ‘Oh, now we’re finally accepted.’ We get the same problems as every celebrity couple.” You go, girls!
Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith – Together Since 1995
Box office hit after box office hit, Smith has starred in films like 'Men in Black', 'Bad Boys', 'The Pursuit of Happyness', 'Independence Day', and most recently, the live-action remake of Disney’s classic 'Aladdin'. Instantly recognizable with his charm and wit, he’s a legend. But what we love most is that the guy we see on the screen is just a super chill, nice dude in real life.

A doting dad and a devoted partner to his wife of 23 years, Jada Pinkett Smith, Will Smith is something of a role model. You might have seen Jada in 'Magic Mike XL' and she does a very good job! Anyway, 23 years later, they’re killing it – here’s to 23 more!
Tim McGraw and Faith Hill – Together Since 1996
A power couple on the country music scene, there aren’t many marriages as strong as Tim McGraw and Faith Hill's. The extremely talented, gorgeous couple remain the king and queen of Nashville, with their three daughters perhaps treading in their footsteps. The couple has been married for 22 years and put it down to a strong friendship that has been the basis of a stronger marriage.

Their love and commitment to one another is pretty astounding, especially given how tough it can be in the limelight. Fun fact: did you know they were each engaged to their respective partners when they met, before deciding to give their relationships up and take the plunge? And look where it got them!
Elton John and David Furnish – Together Since 1993
“How wonderful life is now you’re in the world” – a line we’re sure Furnish has heard many, many times from his Rockstar husband, Sir Elton John. The pair met 25 years ago, in 1993, and since then figured they were just meant to be!

Despite the fact that, back in the 90s, same-sex marriage was frowned upon, the pair still fought for their love and stuck together. They did, however, take the plunge once it was legalized, and are blissfully married to this day.
Beyoncé and Jay Z – Together Since 2008
Queen Bey and Jay Z married in April 2008, and have since gone on to become one of the richest couples in the world. With a net worth amounting to over 1.2 billion, it’s no wonder they could afford to buy their precious daughter, Blue Ivy, twins Rumi and Sure, a mini gold Mercedes Benz car.

They seemed to have a dream relationship, but you never really know what happens behind closed doors.
Tom Selleck and Jillie Mack – Together Since 1987
At 38, single, Selleck was feeling a bit lonesome. And what do we do when we’re lonely? We take ourselves out on a date! For Selleck, it was to see 'Cats', a show that he loved so much he kept going back for more. But there was a reason for his fascination with the musical – actress, dancer Jillie Mack starred in it! The pair went for dinner and the rest is history – 32 years of history, to be exact.

She was then seen at every event Selleck was invited to – red carpets, awards shows, and ceremonies - she was “his girl.” The two tied the knot in 1987, welcoming their bundle of joy, Hannah, into the world just a year later, at which point Selleck quit 'Magnum P.I' to focus on his family.
Sacha Baron Cohen and Isla Fisher –Together Since 2010
Whether you know him as Ali G, Borat or Bruno, Sacha Baron Cohen has to be one of the funniest (but also one of the most controversial) men in Hollywood. And by his side, an equally funny and stunning wife, Australian actress Isla Fisher. Meeting back in 2002, the pair first laid eyes on one another in Sydney. What seemed to be love, at first sight, saw the pair walking down the aisle two years later in a Jewish ceremony in Paris.

Isla converted to Judaism for her man, and now they have three children together, splitting their time between London and LA. What a life, right? We absolutely loved Isla Fisher opposite Gal Gadot and Zach Galifianakis in 'Keeping Up with the Joneses' (even if it bombed slightly). But we’re here to celebrate Isla and Sacha’s love. And many years more.
Julia Roberts and Daniel Moder – Together Since 2002
Julia Roberts is one of those Hollywood actresses who’s going to be looked back on as one of the greats. Rising to fame in 'Pretty Woman', opposite the very suave and charming Richard Gere, it was the start of a long and successful career in Hollywood. Her smile won over the hearts of Americans and the world, but the man who wakes up to it almost every morning is cinematographer Daniel Moder.

Despite a rocky start to love and dating, Roberts found Moder and hasn’t had a reason to look back since. We think the reason they’ve remained strong in their marriage is that they choose to say out of the limelight and keep their private life, well, private.
Oprah Winfrey and Stedman Graham – Together Since 1986
The ultimate inspiration for any female with a dream, it seems that Oprah Winfrey has also nailed it when it comes to her love life. The magnanimous talk-show host and multi-billionaire knows a thing or two about life and relationships, and while she’s not married her long-term partner Stedman Graham, she's still managed to keep a steady relationship for 32 years!

Graham himself is a businessman, author, and podcaster. While many men would shy away from a woman so powerful and wealthy, Graham has been in for the long haul. The pair were acquainted in 1986 and have been by each other’s sides since then.
Michelle Pfeiffer and David E. Kelley – Together Since 1993
Set up on a blind date back in 1993, Michelle Pfeiffer had no idea she’d be meeting the man she was going to marry. After 25 years of marriage, Pfeiffer claims that TV writer David E. Kelley makes her feel “like the luckiest girl in the room!” Pfeiffer says that “Life is made up of the choices and I’ve not always made good choices but I know I picked the right man.” Well, that’s quite the compliment!

Within 10 months, the pair were saying “I do”, much to people’s surprise. But people were wrong, and while they speculated it wouldn’t last, we think 25 years is enough proof, don't you?
Jeff Bridges and Susan Geston Bridges – Together Since 1977
Jeff Bridges is an esteemed Hollywood hard-hitter, doing so not without the support and love of his beautiful wife, Susan Geston. Falling for Susan back in 1975, Bridges fondly remembers meeting Geston on the set of 'Rancho Deluxe'. The Montana beauty bewitched Bridges' body and soul – he knew as soon as he laid eyes on her that she was the one.

The pair wed less than two years later, and have remained married for over four decades, sharing three daughters with lots of laughs and love on the way.
Ron and Cheryl Howard – Together Since 1975
The prolific Hollywood director Ron Howard has to be one of Tinseltown’s finest. With a filmography that’s extremely impressive, Howard has directed films like 'Apollo 13', 'A Beautiful Mind', 'The Grinch', 'The Da Vinci Code', and more recently, 'Solo: A Star Wars Story'. And as with any successful person, there’s always a strong support network behind them.

To spend 44 years with someone is incredible and gives all us hopeless romantics hope that we might be able to get that one day too. The secret, according to the pair, is healthy communication.
Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan – Together Since 1988
Michael J. Fox rose to fame on our television screens going as far back as 1976. For you millennials, he’s the guy who plays Marty McFly in the 'Back to the Future' trilogy. Anyway, we’re here to talk about love, something which Michael J. Fox and his darling wife Tracy Pollan have loads to give to one another.

The pair got together in the 80s, first meeting while Pollan was shooting 'Family Ties', but it wasn’t until two years later on the set of 'Bright Lights, Big City' that they started getting more serious. Fast forward three decades and Fox and Pollan are still together, especially through crucial years up to today, with Fox suffering from Parkinson’s disease.
Phoebe Cates and Kevin Kline – Together Since 1989
Does anyone remember Phoebe Cates from the comedy-horror 'Gremlins'? Anyway, Ms. Cates was quite the sensation in the 80s and was in fact, already married when she starred in 'Gremlins'.

As it turns out, when she was only 19 years old she married someone 16 years her elder - Kevin Kline. Despite the age gap, this hasn’t seemed to faze either of them – thirty years on and the pair are still very much in love.
Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness – Together Since 1996
We absolutely adore this next couple who’ve managed to stand the test of time. Our favorite man from down under, Hugh Jackman is one incredibly talented individual. And right beside him, his wife Deborra-Lee Furness, a woman to whom his love is seemingly never-ending. He’s always gushing about his lady love, and frankly, we are a little jealous!

The pair tied the knot in 1996 and have since adopted two children together: Oscar Maximillian and Ava Eliot. While some would raise their eyebrows at the 13-year age gap, the pair prove that love is enduring and transcends all “barriers.” Deborra came to Hugh long before showbiz and success, so we’re sure that this love is built to last.
Sting and Trudie Styler – Together Since 1982
From The Police to his solo act, Sting has an instantly recognizable voice which puts him down in history as one of the greats. What’s more is his personal life: he and his wife Trudie Styler have been together for more than a quarter of a century! Meeting in 1982, the pair dated for ten years before finally tying the knot in 1992.

It seems that to spend 35 years with someone must mean they’re doing something right - close friends say that the couple's love is almost teenage-like, in the sense that they’re just so into each other. And Sting himself backs this up, revealing that Trudie remains the light in his life (as well as their four kids together).
Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw – Together Since 1991
Few names command the quiet of the room like Steven Spielberg. The prolific director and magic-maker, as we like to refer to him, has been married for almost three decades to actress Kate Capshaw.

Spielberg took a risk by taking on the lesser-known actress to star in the now-iconic 'Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom', ignoring leading ladies like Sharon Stone. People questioned, but hey, this is Spielberg we’re talking about. Spielberg hasn’t looked back, almost thirty years later. When love calls, you better listen!
Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady – Together Since 2009
If there’s one couple that always glitters on the red carpet, it’s certainly the Brady couple. Brazilian supermodel Gisele and her New England Patriots quarterback husband, Tom Brady, are incredible together. It just took a meeting to really seal the deal. In 2006, the pair met at a mutual friend’s house, and since then, they've been joined at the hip.

Super aligned with their beliefs and lifestyle, this couple was made for each other. We’re sure when Brady was a teen, he wouldn’t have dreamed of marrying a stunning Brazilian woman – but hey, life! The pair tied the knot in 2009 and haven’t looked back, welcoming a boy and a girl into their lives.
Sir Patrick Stewart and Sunny Ozell – Together Since 2013
Sir Patrick Stewart is a bit of an icon when it comes to 'Star Trek' and 'X-Men'. The esteemed actor got his start in theatre and perfected his craft before responding to the call of Hollywood. Stewart, who has married twice before, has apparently found love and a companion in Sunny Ozell, a Brooklyn-based jazz singer.

Did we mention the fact that she was 39 years his junior? Anyway, The pair have been married for 6 years, and look to be going for quite a few more!
Warren Beatty and Annette Bening –Together Since 1992
With a 21-year age gap, we’re once again shown that age is just a number. Especially when that gap hasn’t stopped Annette Bening and Warren Beatty for 27 years. The pair married in 1992, just a year after she split from her former husband Steven White.

Beatty, on the other hand, is a bit of a legend, and he’s been acting for almost 50 years. His creative talents as a filmmaker and actor wowed many women in the past, and we’re sure Bening was no exception! The pair have raised four kids together, and are looking toward a bright future together.
Bryan Cranston and Robin Dearden –Together Since 1989
You might recognize him from his role opposite Frankie Muniz, but boy, what a performance Cranston gave in the hit series 'Breaking Bad'! However, it was on the set of 'Airwolf', back in 1986, when Cranston and Dearden first laid eyes on each other. Bryan was the bad guy and Dearden the victim, and from there the pair married. 31 years later, we’d say that that was one hostage situation that came out with a happy ending!

After all those years, we’d like to get the secret to keeping a marriage together and to strengthen it with all the challenges married couples face. Pretty incredible, but we suppose the fact the pair have lots of royalties coming in doesn’t hurt at all.
Mark Consuelos and Kelly Ripa- Together Since 1996
These very attractive individuals made everyone a little jealous when they tied the knot, but despite their picture-perfect marriage, things aren’t always what they seem. In 23 years of marriage, the pair have had their fair share of trials and tribulations, but it seems that they have no regrets.

Their fated meeting on 'All My Children' saw Ripa opposite Consuelos as his love interest. Funny how fiction can mirror reality sometimes. The pair eloped to Las Vegas and tied the knot, but not before they broke up briefly first. Nowadays, that’s in the past and they seem to be very happy together.
Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart –Together Since 2010
With his debonair charm and signature smirk, it’s no wonder Harrison Ford wooed the likes of Calista Flockhart. The pair have been married just shy of 10 years, and really seem to be enjoying married life together. Ford, who’s now 77, married the 54-year-old in 2010.

The pair have been together ever since and support each other through everything – for Harrison Ford, it’s aviation! Couples that support one another, stay together.
Jennifer Grey and Clark Gregg – Together Since 2001
Whether you remember her as the furious older sister in 'Ferris Bueller’s Day Off', or in the iconic 'Dirty Dancing' as ‘Baby’, she’s certainly a memorable face from the 1980s. It seems that she was born with a natural charm and gift – and her beauty really hasn’t faded after all these years. And it may surprise you to know that she’s married to Clark Gregg, who you would’ve seen more recently in Marvel’s 'Avengers' franchise as Agent Phil Coulson.

The pair have been married 18 years, tying the knot in 2001.
Olivia Newton-John and John Easterling – Together Since 2008
Superstar singer and actress Olivia Newton-John is fighting cancer yet again, but the gorgeous smiling Aussie has fought it each and every time, and certainly not alone! Her battle is made just that tiny bit easier by having a partner like John Easterling.

Her partner Easterling is an American businessman and environmentalist who’s the chairman of Amazon Herb Company. While the pair have no natural children together, Easterling plays dad to Olivia’s daughter, Chloe Rose. Did you know this wonderful couple renewed their vows in Peru? We wish them all the best.
Felicity Huffman and William H. Macy – Together Since 1997
Another couple coming across each other in the early 80s, next up is Felicity Huffman and William H. Macy. The pair have been together a grand 22 years, and we know that this couple values family.

It seems that they’ve found the secret to keeping things interesting and growing a committed, long-lasting relationship despite their hectic acting careers and the media.
Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr. – Together Since 2002
Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Fred Jones, and apparently, they liked the look of each other enough to get married. Anyway, characters aside, the pair has remained married for almost twenty years. The secret? “We were just friends. That’s one of the reasons I think our relationship has always been so good,” Freddie said.

The pair met on the set of 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' and started their friendship there. So hey, friends first, lovers later!
Viola Davis and Julius Tennon – Together Since 2003 Years
The magnetic and charming Viola Davis is a leading lady who’s not to be trifled with, that’s for sure! But despite her strong, usually fierce character portrayals, she’s got her lover man behind the scenes.

Married to Julius Tennon, the pair tied the knot in 2003 and have enjoyed married life ever since, even adopting a little girl together.
Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson – Together Since 1988 years
The Hollywood icon Tom Hanks is known for securing his own piece of Greece and holidaying there as frequently as possible (and who wouldn’t?). The Oscar winner needs no introduction, nor do we need to detail his filmography – besides, we’re here for love anyway!

His wife Rita came across his path in 1988, on the set of 'Volunteers'. Since then, the pair haven’t left each other's sides. And hey, if it’s on a remote Greek island, that’s even more reason to stick together.
Dustin and Lisa Hoffman – Together Since 1980
Now, this is a marriage to celebrate - Dustin and Lisa Hoffman have been married for nearly forty years! Dustin Hoffman, who’s now 80, has proved with his marriage to Lisa that true love never dies. The Hoffmans married in 1980, and Lisa, in fact, came out and said jokingly “I say in Hollywood it is like dog years, so you have to multiply that by seven.”

She also went on to say that marriage is no walk in the park: “We work hard at it. I knew I was going to end up with Dusty, and that my life would be traveling around with him.” You have to love that commitment to her partner! Did you know the pair were friends for years before they started dating? So that’s pretty much a lifetime together.
Pierce Brosnan and Keely Shaye Smith - Together Since 2001
007 himself, Pierce Brosnan, was in fact, contrary to his leading part, quite the committed man. Despite his signature role’s philandering, Brosnan has been with his lovely lady, Keely Shaye Smith, for just over 18 years. One of the most popular James Bond actors, Brosnan was marked by tragedy before moving forward with his wife Keely Shaye.

His first wife passed tragically, leaving him quite devastated. Some time later, he met journalist Keely Shaye, the second woman to walk down the aisle to him. Almost two decades later, the pair welcomed two sons into the world, who are now walking the catwalks of the world!
Barbra Streisand and James Brolin – Together Since 1998
The musical legend Barbra Streisand has a starred career that is just as stunning as her voice. It seems that as well as having a stellar career, she’s enjoyed a wonderful married life, with her partner James Brolin. Both were previously married before they met, but following separations, the pair were single when they met at a party. They quickly realized they had something special, and one date turned into more dates, and finally, marriage.

They kept it under wraps of course, and only close friends knew they’d wed. What we love most about this couple is that in 21 years of marriage, they’ve both ensured not to take one another for granted.
Adam Sandler and Jackie Sandler – Together Since 2003
Hollywood funnyman Adam Sandler is pretty much a comedic genius when it comes to the genre. Anyone who disagrees, well, they clearly haven’t seen 'Happy Gilmore'. The king of late 90s comedy films, Sandler kept himself busy (and still is keeping busy). You’d think with a hectic schedule that your love life would take a bit of a hit, but not the case for Sandler.

He makes sure to set aside time for his family, which we think is extremely important. Devoted to his two daughters and wife of 20 years, Jackie, Sandler is quite the family man. We’re sure that the checks he brings into the family also help with keeping that marriage strong.
Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest – Together Since 1984
The stunning Jamie Lee Curtis and her beau Christopher Guest have been married for over thirty years. We love the way they “met”, too: Curtis, in fact, spotted Christopher Guest on the cover of a magazine one day. From that one picture, she proclaimed that this man would be her future husband. And it actually happened!

The pair have two children together. And did you know that Christopher Guest has the title of Baron? Pretty cool!
Melissa Gilbert and Timothy Busfield – Together Since 2013
Now this one is just shy of reaching a decade, but hey, it seems that anything longer than a year is a record in Hollywood. Melissa Gilbert, of 'The Little House On Prairie', has been married to actor and director, Timothy Busfield, for roughly 6 years. Previously, Melissa’s marriages didn’t quite work out, divorcing twice. But luckily for Melissa, it seems that she may have found the one in Timothy Busfield.

The couple, despite their relatively short marriage thus far, has big plans for the future, with a goal to start their own theatre company. It seems that maybe this joint venture could help them come closer together rather than push them apart. We wish them all the best!
John Travolta and Kelly Preston– Together Since 1991
Hitting our screens with some knee-dropping, toe-tapping and electric dance moves, the star of 'Saturday Night Fever' is a Hollywood heavyweight. But back to his love story, John Travolta came across Kelly Preston on the set of 'The Experts' in 1989.

The pair married two years later, and it’s been 28 years and three kids! Amazing, huh? We wish them all the best, and wonder if Travolta still has those dance moves. In 2020, Preston sadly passed away at the age of 57.
David Beckham and Victoria Beckham – Together Since 1999 Years
The international football superstar and popstar-turned luxe fashion designer have been married for 21 years! With four beautiful kids together, what we love about the Beckhams is that they’re so close-knit. While their kids are growing and showing their talents already, that doesn’t mean mom and dad are showing any signs of slowing down.

Have you seen how incredible this pair looks together when they’re out just for dinner? We wish them all the best and are hoping to see them spend another 21 years together.
Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick – Together Since 1992
'Sex and the City' meets 'Ferris Bueller', this Tinseltown couple has been together through it all. The fashionista from Hollywood, Sarah Jessica Parker found her man in Matthew Broderick, and they’ve lasted for just over two decades. The pair first locked eyes on one another when they were introduced through Sarah’s brother.

It seems that while they keep their personal life under wraps, Sarah Jessica did provide some insight as to her true feelings: "Call me crazy, but I love him. We're very devoted to our family and our lives. I love our life. I love that he's the father of my children, and it's because of him that there's this whole other world that I love.”
Anna Kournikova and Enrique Iglesias – Together Since 2001
We're sure Enrique has serenaded his wife of 17 years, Anna Kournikova, many, many times! The couple started dating after meeting in 2001 on the set of his “Escape” video clip. At 21, Kournikova gave up the Wimbledon pursuit and decided to follow her heart instead.

Over the years, the couple has graced red carpets and been on everyone’s favorite couple list. Fast forward and Enrique and Anna have a gorgeous set of twins together, who seem to love their football as much as their dad. Not to mention inheriting the good looks from both sides.
Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin – Together Since 1997
In March of 2019, Lisa and Harry Hamlin reached a milestone of having been married for 22 years. Rinna, who had a career in television, was, of course, a mainstay on the show 'Melrose Place', before transitioning years later into reality TV, such as in 'Harry Loves Lisa', 'Celebrity Apprentice', and perhaps her most recent famous role on 'The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills'.

As for Hamlin, who is an actor himself, also on TV, he’s had quite a successful career as well! The pair married in 1997 and have since had two daughters. In this case, it seems that opposites attracted, but it’s been successful!
Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas – Together Since 2000
The stunning Catherine Zeta-Jones shocked the world when she and Michael Douglas announced their engagement. The Welsh beauty has taken the leading lady role in many films, from 'Entrapment' to 'The Mask of Zorro'. And Michael Douglas, well, his reputation precedes him – we really don’t have to list his slew of films!

Prominent in Hollywood, the pair have grown from strength to strength, and stuck by one another. Despite signing a prenup before saying “I do”, it’s highly unlikely that the pair will need to call in the lawyers, a la 'Intolerable Cruelty'! Almost twenty years later, the pair have two kids together and have earned a lavish lifestyle. Cheers to that!
Denzel and Pauletta Washington – Together Since 1983
We’re pretty sure En Vogue’s hit “Whatta Man” was inspired by Denzel Washington. Churning out successful films like butter, Denzel Washington is just incredibly charismatic. Over the years, he’s amassed a fortune of over $220 million, which he shares with his wife Pauletta Washington.

With one of the most enduring marriages in Hollywood, married for 36 years, Denzel credits his wife as being the reason their marriage “works.” The pair met on the set of TV movie 'Wilma', and Denzel was smitten. But did you know that Pauletta turned down Denzel not once, but twice? Third time’s a charm, right? 36 years later, we’re sure Denzel’s glad he persisted!
Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Brad Hall – Together Since 1987
Julia Louis-Dreyfus of our favorite female characters of all time. Despite her on-again-off-again romance in 'Seinfeld' with Jerry, things were a lot different in real life! She met her future husband, Brad Hall in the early ‘80s, when the pair were both attending Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.

In 1987, the pair made it official, and have remained married, even adding two sons to the mix. One happy family, enjoying their hilarious mom’s $200 million fortune! Not to mention their dad’s own fortune – you might recognize him from SNL as a 'Weekend Update' news anchor.
Megyn Kelly and Douglas Brunt– Together Since 2008
We all know and love Megyn Kelly. She's been a consistent part of our lives from 2004 to 2017 when she hosted Fox News. But this political commentator isn't just about achieving career goals -- she has had a long steady relationship with her husband, Douglas Brunt, since the late oughts.

Megyn was briefly married to an anesthesiologist named Daniel Kendall. Their 2001-2006 marriage was short-lived, but they still gave it a good try. Today Kelly couldn't be happier with Brunt. The two have three beautiful children, making their family a party of five. Doug used to be the CEO of a cybersecurity firm, but in recent years he decided to pursue his real passion - being a writer. We definitely root for these two!
Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard – Together Since 2006
The older sister of Jake Gyllenhaal, Maggie Gyllenhaal is just as esteemed when it comes to Hollywood. The female star of Nolan’s 'The Dark Knight', Gyllenhaal has a unique acting charm about her. Tying the knot with fellow actor Peter Sarsgaard a decade ago, the two actually met through her brother Jake! Dating for a few years before Peter plucked up the courage to pop the question, the pair wed in 2006.

The couple has two children together, aged 13 and 7. It seems that for this pair of actors, patience and a lot of love has gone into making it work. It seems that honesty and communication are the keys to staying far away from the marriage counseling office.
Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka –Together Since 2004
Neil Patrick Harris has to be one of our favorite comedy actors, rising to fame on 'How I Met Your Mother'. Actor, comedian, writer, producer, magician and singer, Neil Patrick Harris is one very talented individual. You’d think with all those talents and skills it would be difficult to find someone truly worthy, but it seems that he met his match with David Burtka.

The pair were together from 2004 and tied the knot in 2014, when gay marriage was legalized. The pair have two children together, conceived through a surrogate mother - Harper Grace and Gideon Scott. Those are two very lucky kiddies, especially with that trust fund!
Mark Wahlberg and Rhea Durham – Together Since 2009
From a young fresh-faced teen who was a star in 'New Kids on the Block', fast forward and Mark Wahlberg is not only a mega-famous movie star and gym junkie, but he’s also famous for passing the 10-year milestone with his wife, Rhea Durham.

The secret to happiness? Well, a romantic holiday in Italy doesn’t hurt! But in all seriousness, it seems that a lot of love, patience, and communication has gone into making this relationship work. Four kids and a number of Hollywood blockbusters later, the pair are going strong.
Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell – Together Since 1983
Spotted just the other day holidaying in the Greek islands, these two screen veterans are still together after more than 35 years. You might remember the hilarious rom-com 'Overboard', which saw a snobbish Hamptons-loving socialite suffer from amnesia before being tricked into thinking she was married to the single father of three, played by Kurt Russell.

By that time, the pair had been dating for 5 years, deciding in 1982 that they would never marry, and just raise their blended family as “committed partners.” And they’ve been committed partners ever since. Goldie Hawn once told the media that the secret to their partnership was the fact that they’d never walked down the aisle.
Tina Fey and Jeff Richmond- Together Since 2001
Jeff Richmond, a composer on the hit show, 30 Rock, and comedian, Tina Fey, met at Chicago’s Second City and instantly hit it off. After dating for seven years, they finally tied the knot in a Greek Orthodox ceremony in 2001.

Besides making people laugh, Tina has also moved behind the scenes as a writer and director for other successful movies and shows, with her hubby working alongside her, serving as a composer or they soundtrack consultant as he did for 30 Rock and The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.
Rande Gerber and Cindy Crawford - Together Since 1998
This supermodel couple Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber tied the knot in 1998 and have been going strong for over 20 years now.

Today, Gerber is a successful restaurant and bar entrepreneur, and Crawford is a busy mom of two, but still makes appearances on magazine covers. Not surprisingly, their kids have already had a few modeling gigs as well.
Tina Turner and Erwin Bach- Together Since 1986
What’s love got to do, got to do with it? Well, a lot if you ask us. Tina Turner had been through a patchy and abusive relationship with her previous husband, Ike Turner. She had pretty much given up on love. That was until she met the German gentleman, Erwin Bach. In 1986, he was sent by her European record label to greet Turner at the airport. Bach being over sixteen years her junior; Tina didn't really take his courtship seriously.

Later that year she was convinced and they had become inseparable. Although Bach proposed to her a few times before, they finally made it official in the summer of 2013, after a 27-year romantic relationship! In May 2023, Tina sadly passed away, ending this love story.
Jerry and Jessica Seinfeld - Together Since 1999
Jerry and Jessica fell in love back in their bagels and lox days, they're much more health-conscious now. Although Jessica is still famous for her Long Island Chicken Parmesan (which she prepared on their first date).

The couple has been married for nearly 20 years now. Jerry still refers to her as his 'best friend.' And that my dears, is the secret to relationship longevity, actually liking your significant other.
Lisa Kudrow and Michael Stern - Together Since 1995
When Lisa Kudrow met the French advertising executive, Michel Stern the two hit it off quite instantly. Even so, they took things slow and dating for six years until they finally got married in 1995.

Stern and Phoebe (sorry we had to) have been now for 24 years, making them one of the longest Hollywood marriages. They have a son, Julian, who they are very proud of, as he has recently gone off to college.
Iman and David Bowie - Together Since 1992
Supermodel, Iman and rock star, David Bowie were people's favorite couples to look at. They always looked so fashionable and svelt together. They dated for three years before they finally made it official. They had one daughter together, in addition to a son and a daughter from previous marriages.

After the death of the rock legend Iman said in an interview that although it’s been three years since her deceased husband's passing, she still mourns and says she will never remarry. She thankful for the 24 happy years they shared together, and now, she wears a gold pendant with his name on it to keep him with her always and tries her best to keep busy.
Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne- Together Sinc 1982
Sharon Osbourne was just 18 years old when she met the Black Sabbath band member Ozzy Osbourne. She would eventually replace her dad as his manager. The two married in 1982, and needless to say, have been through it all...for better and for worse, in illness and in health. Between his substance abuse and her battles with colon cancer and a double mastectomy.

The world has watched them during break-ups and then get back together, a few times in fact. But we all love how they seem to be in love even after all of these years.
Joel McHale and Sarah Williams- Together Since 1996
“You have to choose your spouse every day,” actor Joel McHale once said about his marriage to the lovely Sara Williams. They've been married since 1996. Joel believes that being happily married is a choice and that if you tell yourself that your spouse is the person that you love and want to be with consciously, every day, then it becomes subconscious.

That’s a surprisingly candid statement for a guy known more for his comedic exploits than his romance or drama acumen. I guess Sarah brings out a softer side of the guy!
Steve and Nancy Carell- Together Since 1995
The hilarious pair met when Nancy attended one of Steve’s improv classes in Chicago. Steve actually though that Nancy wasn' interested in him, he said “I thought she hated me because she was very quiet around me... and I later found out that she was just as nervous as I was and trying to act cool."

Cupid worked it's magic and Steve took Nancy's hand in marriage in 1995. They have appeared on-screen together in a number of projects, most notably on The Daily Show.
Angela Bassett and Courtney B. Vance- Together Since 1997
Hollywood veteran-actress, Angela Basset and her husband Courtney B. Vance first met in 1980 but only maintained a platonic relationship, that is, until around 1997, when they became friends with benefits,” more so Courtney's if you ask us, she freaking gorgeous!

Vance is quite religious and has said that the Lord his wife (Bassett) are the most important thing on this earth to him. He also has said that the decisions in their marriage are clearer because of our relationship with God. Obviously their spirituality is a big factor underlying their love for each other.
Jessica Alba and Cash Warren- Together Since 2008
These love birds met on the set of The Fantastic Four movie, and have been inseparable ever since. When they celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary, fans adored their gushy posts to each other. They still seem to be just as in love as they were when they got married.

In 2017 they hit yet another milestone: the birth of their third child, their son, Hayes. Now their two little girls have a brother to bring and lil' yang into the mix.
Seth Rogen and Lauren Miller- Together Since 2004
Seth Rogan and Lauen Miller started dating in 2004, got engaged in 2011, and married a year later in 2012. They’ve been through a lot together, including Lauren’s mother suffering from Alzheimer’sdisease, but they go hard and decided to start a charity to help support the cause.

When they aren't acting, writing or bringing awareness for diseases, they like spending quality time with each other, we're sure they're mostly laughing.
Meryl Streep and Don Gummer- Together Since 1978
After her partner John Cazale died in 1978, Streep met artist Gummer and went on to marry him later that year.

Now they’ve got a new name in the biz as their daughter Grace Gummer has been stealing scenes in TV shows recently. You may have caught her in Mr. Robot as a forlorn FBI agent.
Matt and Luciana Damon- Together Since 2005
Despite being married since 2004, Damon still doesn’t feel qualified to give relationship advice, he once said “I think marriage is insane... It’s a crazy idea but I love being married to my wife. So I wouldn’t tell anybody else anything about their relationship.”

Mr. Damon's wife is a "civilian", as he once jokingly referred to her, meaning that she's not from the entertainment industry. Perhaps that's the secret to his relationship's longevity?
Serena Williams and Alexis Ohanian - Together Since 2017
When this couple first went "public" it had people scratching their heads. How did a beautiful pro-athlete and a cute geek, who also happens to be the co-founder of Reddit become an item?

The story of how they first met is super cute. The two happened to be having breakfast one morning at the same hotel. Alexis took a seat near Serena, who was sitting with some friends. In an effort to scare him away, she and her friends claimed they saw a rat near him. But his response was epic, "I'm from Brooklyn. I see rats all the time," and left Serena intrigued to the point where she invited him to her table. Today, they'remarried with their one-year-old daughter, Alexis, and couldn't be happier.
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend - Together Since 2013
This is probably the most followed couple on our list. Teigen and Legend are Instagram’s ultimate power couple. Not only do we adore the gorgeous pictures upload but also the hilarious trolling they do to each other.

The to met one day on the set of a video shoot for Legend's song Stereo. They ended up hooking up that day, but John continued on a tour. After months of FaceTiming, while Legend was away, the couple finally started dating. officially, and the rest is history. This lovely couple shares two drop-dead gorgeous children, Luna and Miles.
Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds - Together Since 2012
Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively first met when they played love interests in 2011’s Green Lantern and ended up becoming lovers in real life! Initially, the two just became close friends during and after the film year, but gradually developed feelings for each other.

Reynolds once admitted in an interview that it was kind of “weird” transitioning from friends to something more, we’re sure glad that they finally made that leap. They married in 2012 and today share two little girls, James, and Inez.
Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis- Together Since 2012
Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis first met when they starred on the hit show That ’70s Show that ran from 1998 to 2006. After the show they went with their separate lives: they both dated, married, and (eventually) divorced other people.

One day, the two ran into each other by chance at an awards show. And although they did keep in touch the entire time after That ’70s Show, it wasn’t until they saw each other again, years later, face to face that they saw each other in a different light. After the evening they reunited they became "friends with benefits" for a while but soon realized that they had a good thing going and officially became an item in 2012. In October 2014 Kunis gave birth to their daughter Wyatt Isabelle Kutcher, and the two tied the knot in July 2015. A year later, in 2016 she gave birth to their son, Dimitri Portwood Kutcher. Could this love story be remade into a Rom-Com already?
Kat Timpf and Cameron Friscia - Together Since 2016
Fox news reporter, Kat Timpf, has met the love of her love on Raya. For those of you who don't know, Raya is a dating app that only lets famous people use it. The two have been rumored to date for more then four years before they decided to get engaged, in 2020. But, who is Friscia, exactly?

Well,he served in the U.S Military, as an Assistant Operation Officer. He, later on, became a broker, at which point he met Kat. She confessed we wan't 100% sure about him when she first saw him, as she felt he seemed too "clean-cut" for her. The two celebrated their wedding ceremony in 2021, and are still going strong.
Tucker Carlson and Susan Andrews - Together Since 1985
The host of Tucker Carlson Tonight has been with his now wife since the two were just teenagers. They started dating when they were 15, and Carlson has been quoted saying that when he first met Susan he thought she was the cutest 10th grader to have ever existed.

The two got married in 1991, and Tucker shared that he even asked her dad's permission before he married her. How romantic! While he's in the spotlight, Susan enjoys living a simple life, working at St. Georges School, which her father owns.
Sanjay Gupta and Rebecca Olson - Together Since 2004
We don't know a lot of famous neurosurgeons, but Gupta is one. He is also a writer and a medical reporter. Like many others on this list, he was fortunate enough to meet his wife when the two were incredibly young.

They both grew up in Michigan and went to the same high school and the same University. Rebbeca is a self-employed lawyer. The two lovebirds tied the knot in 2004 in a Hindu wedding. They have three daughters together, named Sage Ayla, Soleil Asha, and Sky Anjali.
Wolf Blitzer and Greenfield - Together Since 1973
German journalist Wolf Blitzer won the lottery when he met his partner at such a young age. While he works as a reporter and anchor for the CNN, she is a personal shopper who works at Saks Fifth Avenue store in Chevy Chase.

When Blitzer has to travel for work, she enjoys joining him. The two got married way back when, in the year od 1973. They had one daughter together, named Ilana Blitzer Gendelman.
Gal Gadot and Yaron Varsano - Together Since 2006
Israel’s homegrown model and superstar Gal Gadot is a wonder woman to her husband, property developer Yaron Varsano. The pair have been together for a number of years well before she scored the role as Wonder Woman. The pair met on a soul-searching adventure in the desert - which involved yoga, chakras, and healthy eating in the Israeli dunes.

Gal was only 21 at the time, whereas Yaron was 31 and knew she was “the one.” The pair say they work well together, and their mutual understanding made their match a great one! 16 years and counting!
Amy Adams and Darren Le Gallo - Together Since 2001
In classic LA fashion, Amy Adams met her future hubby, Darren Le Gallo, during their acting classes back in 2001. It seems more than just fake love was in the air because the two got together in real life!

After SIX years of dating, Dareen finally popped the question! The pair tied the knot in 2015 and have been together ever since.
Max Handelman and Elizabeth Banks - Together Since 1992
According to the couple, they fell in love with each other on the FIRST DAY of college in 1992. After dating for ten whole years, they finally tied the knot. Max Handelman caught Elizabeth Banks completely off guard with a surprise proposal. On July 5, 2003, they were wed at the beautiful Graystone Mansion in Beverly Hills. They have two sons.

When they met at the University of Pennsylvania in 1993, they were both attending a frat party. Things were wrapping up. “The house had run out of beer so the party was pretty much over,” Handelman said in 2010. The lights came on and the fraternity brothers were kicking people out. And that’s when he first caught a glimpse of Elizabeth Banks. He walked over with a buddy and started a conversation.
Rachel Zoe and Rodger Berman - Together Since 1998
Celebrity fashion stylist Rachel Zoe met businessman Rodger Bermant first met while busting tables at the same restaurant and got married seven years later. Now they run a fashion and styling empire together. How romantic!

The couple starred in the reality show "The Rachel Zoe Project" together. Their marriage was as much of a focus on the show as their business. Seems to have worked in their favor as tye are still together!
Tom Ford and Richard Buckley - Together Since 1986
According to fashion designer Tom Ford, it was love at first sight when he met fashion journalist Richard Buckley. The two met by sharing an elevator ride for ten floors. By the last floor, Ford felt Buckley was the one. That was 1986, fast forward to today and the two are still together, happily ever after.

The couple got married this 2014. The two have a child together named Alexander John Buckley Ford. According to Ford, the secret to their relationship is mutual respect. Plus, having a mutually good heart and soul helps a lot.
Paul Bettany and Jennifer Connelly - Together since 2001
Paul Bettany and Jennifer Connelly first met when they starred in "A Beautiful Mind." However, it seems it just wasn’t the right time back then. They were both in other relationships while they were filming

Months later Paul realized his love for Connelly and proposed to her BEFORE they had even officially started dating. In 2003, they got married in Scotland, and are now happy with their children, Stellan and Agnes.
Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick - Together Since 1988
The actors have been married since 1988 and have two children together. When Kyra Sedgwick appeared on Who Do You Think You Are? she found out a freaky fact about herself and her husband.

“I just found out so many things I didn’t know,” she said on the Late Show with David Letterman. She found out that she and her husband are “tenth cousins once removed.” She continued by saying, “It was a little upsetting, I’m not going to lie.”
Snoop Dogg and Shante Taylor - Together Since 1995
Shante Taylor and Cordozar Calvin Broadus Jr. were teenagers when they met. They became boyfriend-girlfriend and went to prom together long before Snoop Dogg rapped himself a hip hop fortune.

They married in 1997 and are still very much in love. Their first son arrived in 1994, and they now share three children. The couple has had some ups and downs, including a personal tragedy of losing an infant grandson. They also faced divorce in 2004 but ended up renewing their vows in 2008. When MTV asked Snoop about it he simply said he fell back in love with his wife and kids after realizing the industry was blurring his vision.
Sarah Paulson and Holland Taylor - Together Since 2015
Actresses Sarah Paulson and Holland Taylor first met all the way back in 2005 at a party however it took another 10 years before the two started their romance.

The two reconnected on Twitter of all places! Holland has said about their love, "It's the most wonderful, extraordinary thing that could have ever possibly happened in my life." Despite public scrutiny for their 34-year age gap, the two seem to be happier and more in love than ever!