Elevators have a limit of people that can use them at once. The bigger the elevator, the more people can squeeze themselves in. It also indicates the weight limit. So, we’re not going to start counting the number of people that are cramped inside with us, and we are surely not prepared to weigh anyone. The designer of this thought of it all.

So, the number of people is not always the most accurate measurement of the elevator’s capacity limit. Surprisingly, it can be as little as two people who can reach the limit easily.
The Bag Hanger
This. How many times do we have to go through that annoying experience of our bag sliding onto the floor when seated at a table? The worst chair for hanging bags on is the rounded, oval back chair. Yet, this little cut-out solution would solve that problem just as efficiently.

It’s great when people think of things that are practical and ingenious. We hope this list shows our endless appreciation.
The Cat’s Quarters
Some cats live like royalty. The cat-flat is a burgeoning trend in Asia that has been providing fortunate felines a place to unwind. This kitty has access to other rooms in the house through arched doorways. This archway leads to a special cat space, the kitty’s room, where the beloved pet can play, hide and rest.

Some cat-friendly homes have climbing steps built into the walls that lead to a nice, warm window seat, perfect for sunbathing, while others have built-in permanent cat trees constructed onto the wall.
A Convertible Couch
Take everything you know about sleeping on the couch and toss it out the window. This is no ordinary sofa. The unassuming piece of furniture converts into a bunk bed replete with a ladder and guard rail.

Some sofas pull out into a bed. This one lifts up into a bunk bed. It is like one of those Transformers toys, but this is no plaything, it is made for rest instead of play.
For the Truly Impatient
The call button for this elevator is down the hall. That means, chances are, you won’t have to wait long for the doors to open. Just press the button and, ideally, walk right into an open elevator. Smart design? Or a lot of wasted calls? It seems like an efficient solution.

We’d like to see elevator buttons everywhere placed 30 feet out, just in case it works.
It's About Time!
Say goodbye to pulling up sleeves, and say hello to one jacket you are not going to leave! This winter jacket has a see-through window on the lower part of the sleeve, so you don't have to do much to see the time.

Now, we know the position of the window is not in the exact place and it needsto be slightly lower, but hey, this is what we found so this will do!
Elevated Spoon Rest
Perhaps there is no reason to get cutesy when it comes to keeping utensils off the counter. Here is a resourceful little gizmo that slides onto a spatula, spoon, or whatever utensil is in use. It is so basic but so effective.

Keeping a greasy mess off counters is a priority of anyone who cooks. It’s not as effective for drippy foods like soup, but it sure is inventive.
A Stable Ladle
Leaving a ladle in the pot can cause it to fall over and into whatever soup you're making. It’s a mess. But this clever soup ladle stands upright and ready for the next scoop or serving. Plus, it’s cute.

The Loch Ness design makes the stable ladle as practical as it is adorable with little legs to hold it steady.
Look Ma, No Hands
This hands-free umbrella could really come in handy on rainy days for that mom scooter. But a hands-free umbrella is great for just about anyone. If tinted, it can be used as a sunshade too. With a push of a button, it retracts or opens automatically.

Withstanding 40 mph winds, gone are the days the umbrella rips inside out by a freezing gust. The whole contraption is securely mounted like a backpack.
Creative Tile Design
Generally, when we think of going to the post office, we don’t expect any inventiveness or inspired designs. Everything inside is devised to be practical and organized and to most efficiently serve postal users.

So, it is funny that this envelope-shaped floor tiling ended up on the floor at the National Postal Museum.
Padlock Bike Rack
Where is the bike rack? No one has to ask that question if they are in the vicinity of these artsy bike lockers. With creative use of space, the padlock design is the result of an art installation. The artist was commissioned by the city in 2010.

It is free for anyone to use and is located across from the public library in Nashville at Church Street Park.
Hanging Fireplace
This design innovation is far from intuitive. We don’t expect to see a fireplace suspended from the ceiling and dropping in on any random place in the room. The hanging fireplace is not, however, a new concept. The first one was designed by Dominique Imbert in 1967 in France.

Today, they look just as sleek and modern. If mounted securely and properly, it is totally safe.
Sushi Rolled in Plastic
Instead of seaweed, these sushi rolls are wrapped in plastic. It’s a clever creation that aims to make a point. Namely, “What goes in the ocean goes in you.” Surfrider Foundation sponsored this ad to make people aware of just how much plastic the fish we eat have consumed.

Fish on the West coast digest about 12,000 tons of plastic each year. So, the sushi in this image is rolled up in plastic bags, representing what we eat.
Two in One
This has to be sold in every hardware store in the country. This great design is basically, a socket and an adapter in one item. And not only is it an adapter, but it's also a multi-adapter, so when multi friends come from multi countries, they can all share the same charging spot.

It can be a life-changer, as your UK friend and your Minessota cousin, are about to come at the same time, with the same dead battery on their mobile device.
Spaghetti Fork
Eating pasta, especially the long-long spaghetti strings can get messy. So, next time you are thinking of an Italian night, don't forget to get a couple of these. They will change the whole eating experience.

Just one thing we must understand. If it's dishwasher safe, as it says it is, shouldn't the batteries be removed before?
Small Container Secrets
We all know that feeling when we open our lunch box, and our sandwich is soaked in the dressing that was intended for our vegetable julienne. Luckily enough, great minds came together and thought of this amazing design.

A small "department" for your salad dressing, olives, or slices of pickled cucumber. Now everything will remain in its original state of matter.
We absolutely love this one. The small portable computers intended to be carried around are not as comfortable as the desktop ones we have in our homes or offices. In Japan, they have thought of it all.

This laptop has a keyboard that breaks into two pieces when stored, and when in use it becomes the same size as the keyboard you left behind in your office. So, the screen may still be small but for sure the finger exercise on this will be much more comfortable.
A Pair of Pizza
You know when you order a pizza, you have already calculated two slices each, it arrives flaming hot, and then, just as you start separating the first slice, you realize that the pizza people didn't cut the slices properly? Now you are stuck with four big slices, two ripped slices, and three hungry kids.

These scissors will bring your frustration to an end. No need to rely on the pizza people anymore. With these, all slices will be equal in size, and everyone will be happy.
Chips and Dip
Here’s an ingenious way to serve appetizers. It’s got a sleek design and is fully functional. Made of light bamboo, the product is stylish enough to fit any table décor. The top bowl, filled with dipping sauce, makes it a pretty and easy serving option.

Imagination is the only limit when it comes to ways to make serving food enticing.
Chocolate Rocks
There is no need to explain the frustration parents can have due to the amount of candy and chocolate kids consume these days. So, what would you say if we told you that you could place a pile of candy on top of the kitchen counter and no one would touch it?

These chocolate rocks are designed so well, that no kid would ever attempt to try them. So, no candy for the kids and more candy for us.
The Louvre Abu Dhabi
Seawater meets the Abu Dhabi Louvre museum and surrounds it. The structure was built into the sea. To accomplish it, the contractor had to erect temporary sea walls. Another highlight of French architect Jean Nouvel’s masterpiece is a massive dome that is perforated with shapes that partially light the interior with the sun’s light.

Artificial lighting makes up the rest. French museums like the Louvre will loan art to Abu Dhabi.
The Courteous Plug
As long as it gets the upper outlet, this plug is made to stay out of the way. Can’t really say why this idea wasn’t invented many moons ago and has been standard by now, but voila, here it is.

It’s like it was made out of sheer politeness, merely to give room to any plug that is sharing the socket. It’s the thought that counts.
A Smart Faucet
Let’s look at this ingenious invention. It is a shower faucet with thermostat control, warming to the perfect temp without the back-and-forth guesswork. Just set it to the exact temperature and take a stress-free shower. Never too cold. Never too hot.

Even Baby Bear can lock in the just-right shower experience without getting doused with freezing or scalding water.
Self-Stir Your Coffee
Picture this. You wake up in the morning and boil the water. You prepare the coffee, sugar, and milk, and then with a push of a button, all ingredients mix together, creating your hot beverage for a great start to the day.

We bet the designer of this one was a real lazy bummer. I mean, it doesn't take much to put a teaspoon in a mug and move it in a circle.
Ideal Kitchen Storage
The days of opening a cupboard and digging inside through its cavernous reaches, possibly bonking your head on the way out, just to find that one, certain, casserole dish, are gone. In this kitchen, simply open a drawer and easily accessible kitchenware is conveniently at hand.

These pull-out cabinets ought to be standard in every kitchen. If not, the risk of concussion will remain unchecked.
Branded Fruit?
This is a fantastic alternative to those coded sticky produce labels. In the amount of time expended removing the sticker from the fruit, usually damaging it while you’re at it, the fruit could have been washed and sliced. (Pro tip: Don’t wash it first! It just makes the sticker twice as impossible to remove.)

Here, the fruit is naturally labeled. But there is something uncomfortable about a fruit that is branded.
Lightning Strikes
This red light keyboard was seen at an International software product exposition. Now, this incredible design has great potential in our eyes. It can be great if you want to work in the dark. It can be used by the DJ at a full moon party.

This keyboard was designed way back in 2006, and we assume that if we haven't seen them scattered all over the shops, the design wasn't such a huge success. What do you think?
Shopping Cart Charges Devices as the Supermarket
This is something no one thinks of unless one is at the store and has a cell phone battery that is dipping into the red zone. Then, this type of contraption would be a real savior. Each cart has three different charging cord options.

The machines seem to be too high-tech to be strapped onto grocery carts. Yet here they are clearly in use in an Israeli supermarket.
Ski Slope on Top of Power Plant
The architect on this project truly thought of everything. Not only is it a power plant that produces energy by burning trash, but it is also zero-waste. The eco-friendly power plant emits zero toxins into the air. And if that’s not awesome enough, CopenHill, as the Copenhagen-based power plant is called, incorporates a ski run.

Replete with conifers lining the slope, the flat land of Denmark offers this singular ski opportunity.
Making Breakfast Fun Again
Why eat fried eggs in any random shape when you can eat them in the shape of an owl or a skull? Kids, especially, will have more incentive to come to the table if a charming shape meets them. It’s like making mealtime playtime.

Whoever designed these cooking-made-fun templates must have come from the same mold.
Smart Shower Design
Whoever designed this shower was thinking ahead. With access to the faucet reachable through the shower door, one can get the water to the ideal temperature very easily. The other option, in most cases, with showers that have glass doors, is to go into the shower through the glass door and start the tap.

At that point, ice-cold water sprays all over and you must find a dry corner or else shiver until the warm water gets there. This is a much better alternative that can only be improved by the installation of a smart faucet!
A Bench Ripped from the Concrete
This clever use of imagination was put in place in 1996. The artist responsible called the installation "Blue Carpet." It is located in front of the Laing Art Gallery in Newcastle, England. Up close, it looks like the carpet has been pulled back.

At each point where it is pulled back, sits a bench. Near nightclubs and shopping, the bench-shaped sculptures remain a popular attraction.
Spaghetti Designed
What we like about this design, is that it's not in your face. We mean, some may think this is just an odd design for a fork, however, only a few will realize the true purpose behind this creation.

The wavy part on the fork's tines is there for the spaghetti strings to grasp onto without falling back into your dinner bowl. Genius we think.
Leave No Ring
With a built-in coaster, this coffee mug makes leaving a ring on the table obsolete. Inspired by the banana holder, the floating mug idea suspends the mug over what would be a coaster. So, no searching the room for a coaster with this design-pro solution.

It is functional too. It has a large handle, and in size, it is just right.
Is It a Fork? Is It a Spoon?
This could be a training tool for your kids when they learn how to use a fork. It could also be a great way to save on some space when going on hiking trips (we always need a fork at one point or another). This can also be just a plain fork-spoon combination with no story behind it at all.

Would this work with a lefthanded? Would it work at all?
Rethinking Straws
The Stroodle is a brilliant invention. The long strand of pasta made into a straw comes at a time when plastic straws are banned in places. The pasta innovation comes from Italy. Bars in Italy started using pasta straws first to reduce plastic waste.

And now the EU is regulating straws, barring them completely. Plus, they work great. Stroodles do not flavor the beverage at all and last longer than paper straws.
Walnut Wallet
There's nothing as clever as designing something so obvious, yet managing to create something so genius. Have a look at this walnut sack in a squirrel cover, turning this regular item, into a design must-see.

This designer thought of every little detail. The nuts resemble the squirrel's cheeks and the overall package will assure you don't confuse walnuts with any other nut. (There are some people out there that can't tell the difference between walnuts, pecans, and others.)
Cute Bird Table
The design of this table is simple and efficient. The stork chick’s long beak serves both as a table leg and as a dot for its eye. The chick’s legs stretch down, shaping the remaining two legs of the three-legged table.

One would expect to see a child contentedly sitting at it and using it as a desk. Though if the kid is sitting there doing homework, they won't be very content.
Balcony Desk Extension
It’s one of those beautiful days and we’re stuck working indoors. Change all that and your view with this brilliant idea. Fresh air and a new perspective make telecommuting even more pleasant. Not to mention, productive.

This is a fairly modest fix, the desk simply rests on the top bar of the balcony. Don’t leave your laptop out on the outdoor desk if rain is in the forecast!
Ostrich Pillow
Many people have come across this unique design without really understanding what the whole fuss was about. The appearance of this pillow wasn't prioritized when designed, however, the functionality of it was focused on, big time.

It's designed to use when you need a short rest, or a power nap. This pillow provides an isolated and private environment within a public space. It allows you to sleep anywhere at any time in the most comfortable position possible.
Secret Staircase Storage
What we have here is a very smart use of empty spaces. These stairs open out into drawers and cupboard cubbies. It’s a space-saving solution that took foresight and planning.

Thinking of the dead space under the stairs and making use of it is quite clever. It works great for storing bedding or photo albums. And it is ideal for stashing the children’s toys when guests arrive.
Dripping Red Table
This red table looks like it is dripping wet with paint. The legs are formed by the illusion of paint pouring onto the floor. The creator of this 3-D tableau calls it, “Paint or Die but Love Me,” a title that only adds intrigue to the item.

The artist, John Nouanesing, in all his glossy reflection, brings passion to life.
Another View of Plastic Pollution
This National Geographic cover design cleverly fashions an island out of one of those ubiquitous grocery store bags. Underwater, the massive plastic bag looms representing the 18 billion pounds of plastic waste that finds its way into the oceans.

The 2018 cover image asks, “Planet or Plastic?” A play on the “paper or plastic” option grocery clerks have long asked.
Traffic Time
If this won't help decrease car accidents, then we don't know what will. We are not sure where this was taken and we recommend all countries start designing their traffic lights accordingly.

This traffic light can be used by drivers and by pedestrians. You can predict the light color switch and it might make you think before trying to beat the red light.
Folding Beach Chair
This has got to be the best beach chair ever. It's an aluminum frame (so it's not too heavy to carry), with a padded seat and back. It can comfortably seat two adults, or alternatively three kids (or small-sized adults).

And look at those perfect-sized leg rests. What a great design. Put it in your car boot and leave it there. You won't want to arrive at the beach without it.
Alarm Clock Coffee Maker
Undisputedly, this is a dream come true, every single morning, for the caffeine inclined. The contraption wakes the sleepy coffee connoisseur at the scheduled time and then churns out a perfectly brewed cup. It’s like having a barista bot right on the nightstand.

There is no excuse for hitting snooze with this device. How could a cup be left to go to waste? And the aroma! This alarm clock will wake the sleepiest sleepyhead.
Bookish Art
What do you do with piles of books no one wants or needs? This bookstore in Downtown Los Angeles came up with uber-clever ways to decorate. Stacks and stacks of books sculpted into a walk-through tunnel and a peek-hole window wind through the upper level of the bookstore.

The book sculptures adorn the walkway and the shelves offering countless used books.
Thirsty Dog
The designer of this for sure is a dog owner, and if not an owner then at least a dog lover (aren't we all? On a hot summer's day, when walking your dog, coming across one of these will ease your four-legged companion.

The water used by humans runs down the pole into a designated slot for the dogs. We hope this comes with chilling abilities, as our dogs only do cold water.
Munchkin Heaven
At first, we weren't sure what was the intention of this design. After deep investigation, it was revealed that the lower slot in the wall is actually a place for munchkins and the Oompa Loompa gang to put their shampoo and liquid soap bottles.

Well... not! Apparently, it's for placing your foot while shaving your legs in the shower. So, no need to bring in a stool anymore as everything is more convenient now.
Home Security Bot
This home security guard is a self-driving lawnmower. Like the Roomba vacuum cleaner, this high-tech robot navigates the perimeter of the lawn and mows it, automatically steering clear of obstacles as small as dog poop. When its battery runs low, the autonomous mower cruises over to the power source and plugs itself in.

The bot provides a 360-degree security camera with remote access. Loaded with AI features, powered by an algorithm, and fully compatible with Alexa, it’s one smart lawnmower.
He’s Got the Whole Bridge in His Hands
This is an actual bridge seemingly held up by the enormous hands of God. It’s called the Golden Bridge and it’s located in Vietnam. The long footbridge overlooks an expansive view of the hills of Bà Nà. It’s propped upon Chua Mountain and leads to a French village with vast gardens and an ancient wine cellar.

The land was originally claimed by the French military. At the other end, it is linked to the world’s longest cable car gondola line.
The best designs are sometimes the simplest, yet wholly unique and original. For instance, why had no one thought of this before? In all the years since toilet paper was invented, this porcelain rest for a roll of tissue never occurred.

Instead of fumbling with the little squeeze bar and dropping the roll on the floor, this design is streamlined. Just set the roll in the holder and it’s done.
Kid Door
This door within a door was designed with little ones in mind. Commercial-grade doors at restaurants and other public places are heavy and close automatically. A child is no match.

This smaller door is a great solution. Kids love kid-centric designs just for them. Pet doors have been popular for a long time. Finally, one for kids.
Noise Police
Much in the way that speed detectors clock and display our speed, this gadget clocks noise levels in a library. Who thinks of this? The Noise Guide takes up space and electricity. Is this over the top? What happens when it gets to the red level?

Perhaps a siren goes off. Or maybe an official-sounding digital voice announces that the noise level has reached unacceptable levels. Shush!
A Street Lamp with a Helpful Hand
Whether it’s rain, snow, or sun, this streetlight comes in handy. Offering more than just light, it is modeled after one of Coquitlam’s artsy park bench installations in British Columbia. The bench faces a view of a pretty view, an inviting scene from any angle.

This example of smart art is found overlooking Lafarge Lake.
Michelin Star Kitchen
These days everyone has become a Michelin-star chef, so it's most likely that a good set of knives is on your next shopping list. And if you love compartments and hidden space, well this one is surely for you.

Instead of having a massive knife block, literally blocking half of your kitchen working surface, this designer took advantage of the knife's flat body and created a block inside the wall. The added cutting board completes the set, turning every mature cook, into a top-of-the-range chef. Clean freaks will be happy to hear that the board is removable and can be washed easily.
I Think I Can
It took us a while to understand what was the purpose of this holder. We mean, why on earth would anyone want something like this? And then, the dime dropped. And this became one of the greatest designs ever (in our eyes).

Next time you buy a can of coke (one that comes straight out of the fridge), grab a handle, place it on the can, and say goodbye to cold hands caused by holding cold cans.
Overloaded Elevator
Elevators have a limit of people that can use them at once. The bigger the elevator, the more people can squeeze themselves in. It also indicates the weight limit. So, we're not going to start counting the number of people that are cramped inside with us, and we are surely not prepared to weigh anyone. The designer of this thought of it all.

So, the number of people is not always the most accurate measurement of the elevator's capacity limit. Surprisingly, it can be as little as two people who can reach the limit easily.
Infinity Trampoline
Backyard trampolines can be dangerous. Typically perched high off the ground, one errant jump can easily result in a broken limb when the child hits the solid ground. A trampoline that is flush with the ground is much safer. Aesthetically, it’s a huge improvement too.

In order to create this ideal jump space, some underground digging is involved. Budding gymnasts will thank you.
Paper Gum
This is definitely one of our favorites. Course, if you going to do something so vulgar as chewing gum, at least end the session (of chewing gum) with some style.

Inside every tub of this brand's chewing gum, there are small strips of paper, so when you're done with your gum, use a piece to put your used gum before throwing it into the garbage. Now, how genius is this?
Potty Mouth
Inspired by the Rolling Stones’ iconic logo, Dutch artist Meike van Schijndel reimagined the urinal. “The Kisses” urinals really exist — they are located in a Sydney restaurant. At first, the bathroom art generated so much controversy that they were removed.

After the urinals were reinstalled due to public demand, they won a Best Bathroom National Award for restrooms in Australia. “The Kisses,” as rank as they seem, are a hit on the internet as well.
A Clear View
This television virtually disappears from the room when it is in the off position. And when it is on, images look like they are suspended in midair. It has a sleek and slim transparent screen that is illuminated from the base. The 55-inch television has a very slim edge-to-edge screen.

The entire width of the screen measures just under 6 millimeters. This TV is both barely there and strikingly apparent.
Frankfurt Subway Entrance
It’s not always clear where to find the entrance to the subway. Signs are posted, but when people are in a rush, they often race right past the entry point. This is not the case in Frankfurt. Here, the U-Bahn entrance is bold yet playfully indicated. A large “U” sign marks the entranceway, but the sight of a subway train ripping through the sidewalk cannot be missed.

The architectural wonder is called Bockenheimer Warte and it was designed by Zbigniew Peter Pininski.
Squirrel Feeder
This is real. It is a picnic table built especially for squirrels. People who have one say it keeps the squirrels out of the bird feeders. It is a recent invention by a man in construction who was out of work. Watching the little critters in his backyard always entertained him, so he decided to build them a squirrel-sized picnic table stocked with their favorite snacks.

He posted photos of the adorableness on social media, and people wanted one. When he took it to Esty, he got 400 orders within 24 hours.
Slip Sliding
Working in hi-tech these days guarantees a life full of pampering benefits. Not only do you get paid reasonably well, but the day-to-day is filled with liquid refreshments, standup comedy shows, a three-day weekend and the list goes on and on.

Look at Folkestone 'tech' offices. They have even added a slide in the open space so if one of the employees gets bored, they can go down the slide instead of (or in addition to) taking a coffee break. Between us, we thought it was intended for the employees' kids. These days, workplaces will do anything to assure you come in.
M Is for Mittens
This one is a perfect one for starting an argument between two siblings. Picture this. The eldest of the two siblings is outside in the backyard. The younger one approaches you and asks, where his sister is.

It wouldn't take more than "she's outside eating MacDonalds", to cause a massive argument as to why she is having junk and he can't.
Replace Tire Indicator
This takes the guesswork out of determining tire wear for the automotive novice. A technician can easily tell by looking at the tread if it is time to get a new set.

This tire, however, tells anyone that it is time to replace it. Once sufficiently scuffed on the road, right on the center of the tread, it says, “Replace Tire.” Now we just have to remember to look at it.
Ikea Has Gone Too Far
If we wouldn't have seen it, we wouldn't have believed it. A self-assembly bunny, made of chocolate. Now, if this were a bunny made from a number of pieces, then we might have understood the point. It could keep kids occupied for about seven minutes over the Easter break.

However, we are talking about one bunny in two pieces with an addition of some sort of supporting stand, that can easily be translated into something else.
Toilet Paper Storage
Baaa. Don’t lose any sleep worrying about running out. This sheep stand is perfectly designed so that it can easily store your stash of Costco toilet paper and look adorable doing so. A household inventory is plainly apparent.

You’ll want to have extra rolls of tissue on hand just to keep it looking like a fluffy little lamb.
Yes, This Is Inside a 747
It is a unique place to stay, no one can deny. If you happen to be at the Arlanda airport in Sweden, this could be you. The hostel accommodation is made from a retired Boeing 747. The jumbo jet provides plenty of room for bunks.

But it’s the cool factor that attracts guests to this converted airplane. Perhaps people who stay there can watch the movie “Airplane” while inside an airplane!
Sink/Toilet Combination
Here’s an invention that is not only practical but beneficial for the environment. At first glance, this commode might not look much different than those at the average bathroom facility, but in fact, this is a water-conserving toilette. The tap to the sink comes on after the toilet is flushed.

The water that is refilling the tank and the pot can be used for handwashing while it is refilling. Genius?
If there is an international sign for a slip hazard, it has to be a banana peel. This safety-first designer put two and two together and came up with an awesome caution cone in the shape of a banana peel.

With the opened peels providing a perfect prop and the black tip at the other end, the designers of the banana cone thought of everything.
Puzzle Rug
In a bachelor's apartment, perhaps this clever rug made of puzzle pieces would be a perfect piece of art. The interchangeable carpet configuration upgrades any space. And the best part is that the pattern can be changed anytime.

Who could get tired of this rug? Whenever friends come over and have a little too much to drink, this puzzle will provide hours of entertainment. If the rug is not needed, simply take it apart and stack the pieces. There is no downside to a rug like this.
Dressing Room Improvement
This is a really practical solution that surprisingly was never invented before. It can get confusing after trying on several items. Piling clothes in stacks, the things that fit the best may get lost in the shuffle.

So, keep those “absolutely” picks away from the “possible” pile. Alas, it seems to be this dressing room is short one option. It is missing a “never” hook.
Turn On the Tap for USB Waterworks
This is a playful way to charge USB devices at home. Simply turn the tap to the on position and plug in any USB connection.

This smart charging adapter was designed by Qi Weijia as an interesting way to make people think of energy use by turning on the tap, as turning on the tap reminds users of water waste.
Stairs You Can Slide Down
Depending on how much of a hurry one is in, going downstairs has options with this spiral slide and stairway. Obviously, this gorgeous mahogany slide is the envy of anyone who has had to climb and descend stairs day in and day out. Real-life chutes and ladders.

A child who lives in a house equipped with a slide like this is going to have kids begging for playdates every day. And it probably could be used as an easy way to send stuff downstairs. Laundry perhaps?
Zipped Earbuds
As technology progresses, so does the design of the day-to-day items we use. These zipped-up earbuds are basically everything one needs to avoid the wires from tangling or getting lost.

We wonder if this great idea can be attached to a zip-up hoodie and then our lives will be totally carefree.
Pac-Man Gobbles Street Reflectors
Advertising is becoming more and more creative. Here, it appears that marketing whizzes over at GameStop took full advantage of an unassuming street by incorporating reflector dots into a game ad.

Known as guerilla marketing, the out-of-the-box advertising found here and in so many other places paint a Pac-Man in front of yellow reflector dots creating a game right on the street. Waka-waka.
Foldable Bike
A bike that converts into something that can be carried on the back. This designer thought of everything, it even comes with a special backpack! Bike or hike, this clever contraption opens up lots of options.

With a foldable bike, it’s convenient to get an Uber ride or jump on the metro. Some foldable bikes are even electric, which can give hikers some serious range.
Mower Bike
Here is a very practical bike modification. Pushing a manual lawnmower is strenuous work. Here, a pair of legs and powerful torque makes mowing the lawn a breeze. Plus, it looks like it is a lot more fun to ride around while completing the chore.

It’s a huge stretch from the hi-tech lawnmowers we see today, but much more affordable!
Hold It Right There!
If you're like us, you probably do anything to avoid using a public restroom. But, unfortunately, there are just some times when nature calls, and you aren't left with that many options.

But before you let your precious purse touch the germ-infested floor of a public bathroom, consider using the "Bagnet." This clever purse invention has captured the hearts of fashionistas and germaphobes alike. Hidden inside this sleek leather keychain is a super-strong magnet capable of holding up even the heaviest purse. Staying healthy has never been chicer!
Get a Grip
We've all had those moments where we feel like we've been defeated by a jar that just refuses to open. Sometimes nothing seems to work, no matter how much you try to pry open that jar. Thankfully, a new gadget by OXO called "Good Grips" makes struggling to open a sealed jar a thing of the past.

The "teeth" lined sides of the tool help you get a better grip, allowing you to break the vacuum seal that makes most jars seemingly impossible to twist open. We can see this becoming a kitchen staple!
Perfect for Picking Up Pickles
When it comes to pickles, the world may be divided, but there's certainly one thing we can all agree on — there's nothing more disgusting than having to fish out the last pickle at the bottom of the jar. Thankfully, the design gods heard the prayers of pickle lovers everywhere when they created this nifty little gadget.

This plastic invention strains out the brine, leaving just your prized pickles ready to be plucked up and eaten. For those who do not like pickles, we're sure this can work well for olives or even canned fruit.
An Upgraded Bookmark
There comes a time when even the biggest book lover must put down their treasured book, only to return to it at a later time. While many of us are guilty of simply folding the corner of a page, there are some situations where we don't want to damage the pages physically.

And while there's no shortage of interesting-looking bookmarks, we absolutely love this clever design. Readers will love opening their books to find a little figure who loves reading just as much as they do!
Simple, Yet Sophisticated
When we scroll through social media, many of us wish our kitchens were large enough to have space for all sorts of interesting kitchen gadgets and electronics. But unfortunately, most of us have to make choices due to limited counter space.

Thankfully, making that choice is a lot easier, thanks to the WeeKett UK Smart WiFi Kettle. This ordinary-looking electric kettle is actually quite special. It allows you to control the water temperature or even boil water using an app connected to your smartphone or smart speaker. Talk about convenience!
Add A Splash of Lemon
While pre-made lemonade is easily found on the shelves of most grocery stores, nothing beats the taste of freshly-squeezed homemade lemonade. Unfortunately, making this thirst-quenching summer drink can get a bit messy. Luckily, this invention, called the "Lemoniere," makes juicing lemons easy and even enjoyable.

After squeezing the lemons, simply pour the remaining juice into a pitcher to make a sweet drink or use the lemon juice to make something more savory such as a light salad dressing. Even kids will enjoy using this garden spout-inspired kitchen tool!
For a Fresh and Fashionable Home
Though many of us work hard to keep our homes smelling fresh, some rooms can benefit from more help in the fragrance department. Unfortunately, cans of air freshener can look cheap, and candles can be dangerous.

Thankfully, a new option exists — one that blends form and function. This gorgeous glass bottle houses a fragrant oil that is gently diffused throughout the room through the large flower blossom affixed to the top. The bottle can be refilled or used as a decoration when no longer needed.
Space for Horsing Around
It turns out that even horses like being able to spend time with their loved ones and catch up on the latest gossip of the horse stable. And while most traditional horse stables divide horses with solid walls, this one allows horses to socialize and touch one another while still having their own individual space.

This uniquely designed stable lets horses get all of the benefits of natural social interaction while still creating a safe environment for these majestic animals. So how happy do these horses look as they poke their heads through the windows?
Let There Be Light
It goes without saying, but Brazilian artist Luiza Guidi Tomio has changed everything we know about home lighting with her innovative artwork. At first, Luiza's light fixtures resemble open windows.

Upon a closer look, we realize these are not open windows but frames with built-in lights. As the frame lifts off the wall, it casts a shadow on the wall, making it look like an open window. Your houseguests will be just as mesmerized as we were when we first saw this!
Keeping It Clean
Between bottles, pacifiers, and countless toys, ensuring your child's necessities are clean can be a full-time job for any parent. Unfortunately, all of that cleaning can mean hours of work (and time away from your loved one).

Thankfully, Grownsy Direct has created a portable UV light sanitizer that not only sanitizes all types of commonly used objects but also dries them. Think this product is only good for baby gear? Think again! Parents can use it to sanitize everything from makeup brushes to electric toothbrushes! Useful for many years to come!
This Gnome Has a Naughty Surprise!
Once limited to gardens and fairy tales, these gnomes have a new job — ensuring your houseplants are adequately watered. It turns out that these little gnome-shaped statues actually serve as self-watering planter inserts — delivering the perfect amount of water to the roots of your plants.

Plant owners can fill the gnome with water, which is later released through a very peculiar hole in a surprising place (we'll let you use your imagination to guess where the hole is). Cute and useful!
Snazzy-Looking Smart Glasses
For many of us, the idea of "smart" glasses that can be paired to your phone conjures up images of something out of a sci-fi film. But if you thought these futuristic features couldn't be fashionable, think again.

Vue glasses look like real designer glasses that you would see in a fashion magazine. An added bonus is that they can be synced up to your smartphone and allow you to play music and answer calls while looking (and feeling) like regular eyeglasses! Who would have thought?
A Little Bit of Old and New
You can remember using a typewriter if you're of a certain age. And while many don't miss having to start all over again after making a tiny mistake, there is something to be said about the sound of keys clicking away.

This nostalgia probably led to this designer creating an amazing fusion of old and new technology — the typewriter attachment for an IPad. You'll feel like you're working on an amazing novel as you click away on this vintage-inspired keyboard.
Enjoy Rainstorms as a Couple!
When you're single, it may seem like everything is meant for couples. From tandem bicycles to fancy desserts, some things seem just designed for two. Just in case you need to add one more item to that list, this umbrella is designed for couples who like to spend time together in the rain.

This cleverly-designed item keeps both partners dry simultaneously, allowing you to keep dry while still being romantic. We can see this being a funny gift for a newlywed couple!
That's (S)not Funny
In addition to being creative geniuses, many designers actually have quite a sense of humor — like this designer who created a soap dispenser shaped like a nose. As the person presses on the nose, soap is released from the soap dispenser's nostril-shaped opening.

While we find this quite disgusting (especially considering the texture of liquid hand soap coming out of a nose), we can imagine some immature people would love to have this gross bathroom accessory!
Keep 'Em Steady!
We don't know about you, but when it comes to the holiday season, there's nothing more stressful than having to wrap a mountain of presents and making sure that you've cut the wrapping paper precisely.

Luckily, the makers of this laser beam-guided pair of scissors take the guesswork out of cutting. Instead of hoping you cut a steady and straight line, the laser attachment helps to guide you as you cut, leaving you with perfectly straight lines. We wonder if Santa's elves have a whole cache of these at the North Pole.
For Clumsy Cooks
There's nothing quite like the smell of fresh cookies baking. In fact, the smell is so intoxicating that many of us find ourselves opening the oven just to catch a whiff or even sneak a cookie. And while baking can be an enjoyable pastime, it can also be dangerous.

One wrong move and you can be left with some painful burns from your hot oven. Thankfully, these oven rack protectors help prevent those painful forearm burns by covering the edges of your rack in a heat-proof material that remains cool to the touch.
The Tool You Never Knew You Needed
If you're like us, you just can't get enough of avocado. Many of us love this creamy green superfood, whether on toast or in a huge bowl of guacamole.

But while we may love the taste, cutting an avocado can be a bit cumbersome, and we've all heard of people cutting themselves. (Note: please be careful when slicing or pitting an avocado!) This cool tool helps eliminate that danger while giving you a perfectly cut and sliced avocado. Your belly (and fingers) will be thrilled!
It Beats Waiting for the Fitting Room
Though most of us love to shop, there are parts of shopping that even the biggest shopaholics dread — trying clothes on in the fitting room. Trying clothes on can be a nightmare, from the often too-small cubicles to those horrible fluorescent lights that show flaws we never even knew we had.

This AIS 5G Smart Mirror allows you to try clothes virtually without stepping foot in a fitting room. After the machine scans your body's dimensions, you can "try" on clothes from various popular brands, all in one place.
Wine Not?
Wine has been a popular beverage since biblical times, whether it comes out of a box or from a climate-controlled cellar. But while skilled sommeliers can detect even the faintest differences, most of us need a bit of help. For that reason, wine lovers can rejoice to know that there is now a thermometer-sized tool that can analyze any glass of wine — the MyOeno.

When placed in a glass of wine, this tool immediately scans the drink and tells you everything from how acidic it is to how old it is. We see this becoming the ultimate bar-must-have.