Creating a good product can take time. The restaurant that hung up this sign knows that and much more, and now so do you. There are three ways to get your food when you want it from a restaurant or a fast-food place. You can either pay out the nose for tasty food that arrives when you want, wait a long while to save on some of your favorite food, or tough out a messed-up dish if you need some cheap grub quickly.

Trying to choose which option you truly want is sure to slow you down, but this is more to help temper expectations – if you want something good, be prepared to either wait or pay for it.
We Wonder if Chameleons Eat Here
Here's another sign that seems to think that a threat is a good way to bring in the bucks. There are no menus? You'll be served what you deserve?

But the sign is a lie – we're not going to be served what we deserve, we're going to be served what the people working here think we deserve.
To Steal From a Thief
What do you do when your boyfriend leaves you and takes the dog with him? You get rid of all of his stuff, that's precisely what you do!

Why kind of person steals someone else's dog? A monster, that's who! Sell his stuff, girl, sell it all!
Look, Boss, I Followed Orders
We wonder if the boss will actually be happy to hear how literally the sign-writer took his order. The sign is meta, here meaning only interesting if you have prior knowledge.

Like many of these signs, we know nothing about the restaurant, what kind of food they offer, or what the specials are.
The signs that we've seen so far have gotten people to laugh, think, and save money, but this one seems designed to do little more than cry.

Nothing is special inside the store or out, including you. We go about our mundane lives thinking we're destined for great things, but sometimes we just aren't special, just like the sign says.
Intelligent Cows
This is probably wishful thinking that the cows might be able to close the gate after themselves.

You never know, maybe the cows are smarter than we give them credit for?
That Christmas Spirit
Most people get in the Christmas mood by adding decorations such as lights and snowmen - but when you're tight on money, it's always nice to think outside the box.

What better way to get into the Christmas spirit than by turning a "For Lease" sign into a holiday card for everyone to read as they drive by!
That bull is super speedy, so if you wish to cross that field alive, you better have some running legs on you.

We love this warning sign as its getting across a serious message in a light-hearted way.
A Visual Aid
A lot of times, a restaurant will just have a quick list of what kind of drinks they offer, but this off-the-beaten-path establishment has done something a little different.

Of course, the big problem is that the "Pepsi," "Diet Pepsi," "Dr. Pepper," "Root Beer," and "Tea" pictures could all be the exact same liquid. Also, the small drink size is a dollar.
Hot Sauce
It seems that guns are a common theme here in Texas. Beer and hot sauce are a common theme all over America.

All three combined may be just what you need to get you through any sticky situation.
Yay Books!
Despite technological advancements and their best efforts to drive distractions through the heart of our brain's attention span and the printed page, there are still some bookstores that are putting up the good fight.

Books are not only your reward for having an attention span, but reading will also improve your concentration. So why waste your precious time on that meditation app you'll probably never use? Just get a book and enjoy the mind-altering effects that come along with having an attention span.
Not The Warm Welcome You'd Expect
Not exactly the warmest welcome sign we've seen so far. What happened to southern hospitality, Texans? We're sure there's plenty to see but wherever this sign is, we'll definitely pass on visiting that area.

Perhaps this is just a way of keeping menaces at bay but we're not taking any chances. Thanks, but no thanks!
Guess It Doesn't Grow on Trees.
So, one, what was the point of this outfit and sign combination? Did he just do it for a laugh? He made a sign that asks if he's made of money and then covers himself in money. That doesn't really prove a point, my man. In fact, it kind of makes any point you were trying to prove pointless.

Is that real money he's covered himself with? It sure looks like it. We can see bills from multiple different countries, which raises yet another question – is he actually protesting something? Something about money or banks? We'll never know. The guy behind him seems to be enjoying the joke, but more likely, he just snagged himself a tenner.
We saw how much landmass Texas had when we compared it to the map of Europe. It’s no surprise that there are vast expanses of absolutely nothing.

22 miles, is almost as long as a marathon, so that’s a lot of nothing.
Happy Mother's Day!
El Arroyo brings out a nervous laugh to plenty of students young and old. We've all done it before.

You're working hard on a math problem, and instead of calling out Mrs. Pike, or Mrs. Kirkcaldy, or Mrs. Ross, you call the woman mom. Poor her.
Sharp Edges
This isn’t the most useful of signs as its real message is written in tiny print at the bottom, but it would make a passer-by laugh at how cautious you should be about the sign’s sharp edges...

especially as they are smooth and curved!
Quite the Let-Down
When a friend invites you to pie and lattes and you end up at a yoga studio, it can be a letdown of epic proportions. Pilates might not burn enough calories to give you the space to splurge, but nothing ever stops you from stopping in for a treat after working hard.

Making it a habit, however, will reverse any calories you burn – remember, abs begin in the kitchen!
Can You Hear Me?
All you can eat pancakes for breakfast sound like a great idea.

Musical concerts in a school for the deaf, however, not so much.
Good Intentions
This man is our new hero. A nice gesture for his wife turned out to be a creepy letter left for the whole neighborhood to read.

We bet the person who read the letter was more than happy to receive it. It's always nice to feel loved - even if it is by mistake. How do you think he understood a mistake had been made?
Those Halcyon Days
A long, long time ago, coffee shops were places where people actually conversed with each other and enjoyed plain old black coffee. This coffee shop, however, has taken it upon itself to launch people into that past, and we are all for it.

WiFi didn't get started until midway through the two thousand – but perhaps they mean to return to when the internet was just a gleam in a bunch of nerds' eyes.
You'll be Purring Thanks to the Savings
There are plenty of places that have strange stipulations and offers if their guests do this thing or that. This sign takes the kitty cake though because if you work in ten meows while you order, they'll slash a whole ten percent off the price.

We really like the idea of an entire restaurant pretending to be cats, though, so we're sure if the employees didn't get sick of it, it was a fun day to work.
For the Last Time
In some restaurants, words aren't enough. Especially when the restaurant in question is one that serves ethnic food or is from another country.

Whether it's because of Yakuza deals gone wrong, badly-prepared sushi, or just tables that are oh so flippable, it's happened enough that the sign not only has English and Japanese.
Choose Your Opponent
The choice is a classic one: one, single, solitary horse-sized duck? Or 100 duck-sized horses? Are they working as a team? Are the animals aware they're at a different size than they should be?

Do you have any idea how many people would like to have a duck-sized horse? Heck, I'd be fine with a horse-sized duck. El Arroyo has raised these questions and more.
Cheap Pizza is the Best Pizza
Another great sign for this list. It tells us what the restaurant sells, a great deal – for real though, one dollar pizza?

The Philosoraptor is a classic deep thinker of the internet age, and now here he is wondering why every pizza place doesn't sell pizza at such an affordable cost.
Hokey Pokey
Another excellent example of wordplay here. We remember doing the hokey pokey as kids at birthday parties.

Don’t forget to shake it all about!
Alexes Only
Yeah, the poem is kind of stupid, and it might get a chuckle out of some people, but I doubt a lot of people on the street saw it and decided to stop in.

We can figure out why they're desperate for customers. Also, steak can be blue? Are you sure about that one? Seems like the quality of the poetry and the food might be similar at "The Alex Restaurant."
Doomsday 2016
Come election time, most people become very vocal about who they are planning on voting for. Walking around your neighborhood, you'll probably see lawn signs endorsing your neighbor's preferred candidate.

This lawn sign makes it clear that this guy was not very enthusiastic about 2016's candidates. We'll hand it to them, at least they were honest!
Hey Girl, Hey!
There's something about Ryan Gosling and yard sales that gets people going.

Maybe it's the fact that Ryan Gosling looks like the perfect partner to go bargain hunting with - you know, the kind of guy that knows how to haggle. And even if he weren't, we'd forgive him...look at that face!
Please Just Tell us About the Food
So, there's this famous song called "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-A-Lot, with the lyrics "my anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hun."

El Arroyo decided to spin the words a bit, it's a feeble attempt, but we like that they're trying.
Zombie for President
When all the other candidates suck - there's no choice but to turn to the zombies.

If you've ever seen a post-apocalyptic movie, you know that the zombies are going to take over anyway, so why not just please them by surrendering now?
Mission Statement
When you're sick and tired of your neighbors asking you who you're voting for - this is the sign to put up.

The fact of the matter is, you're simply not convinced any of the candidates running are worthy, and you cannot be bothered to explain why for the 50th time this week, so you found a sign that does it for you!
Lake Ahead
It looks like this sign was planted before the lake filled up. Perhaps this photo was taken during a flood season and is now looking quite ironic.

We understand why some passer-by has found this funny.
Suicidal Deer
We have never seen a sign like this before. We are guessing the deer might not be aware of oncoming vehicles and step out into the road without looking, or even knowing to look.

So, watch out and drive slowly for the next mile.
For all we know beer could exist on Mars, it would undoubtedly make it a more exciting prospect to visit.

This may take some time, so until then, we can pay a visit to Little Woodrow’s for some earthly beer and think of smart ways to save the planet.
You have to be able to read that pretty quickly if you were to catch the small print at the bottom, especially if you’re driving at 69.

We guess you would think twice about that speed limit as usually they are rounded up to the nearest 5 or 10.
Welcome to Texas
If you can't handle brunch without the help of some alcohol, the existence of this sign is good news for you.

We wonder which lane is the most packed. Our money is on the sober lane, you know. because blind drivers can't really see the sign, and drunk drivers have a hard time staying in one lane anyway.
No Brain
Signs like this are typical of American humor. It may be programmed correctly, but people can be less-favorably programmed. This is why whoever is operating this huge piece of machinery must think carefully when approaching it.

Sometimes machines can also malfunction so require human intervention. For this, the operator needs to think carefully and use their knowledge.
It’s important to be happy and to love yourself.

It’s also important to have ambition and to have something to aim for, and if you get an opportunity to ride in the Batmobile, we say take it! That would be a tick in a lot of people’s bucket lists.
Christmas Bazaar!
This was a lovely idea, to raise some money for a worthy cause, but something got jumbled along the way. Although we all wish we could eradicate childhood diabetes, getting into fistfights with young sufferers is probably not the way to do it.

The point they wanted to make is obvious, but they really should have had someone else look this over before they rushed out to print the signs. On a more positive note, a Christmas bazaar and craft show sounds lovely and an excellent place to get some holiday shopping done!
Better Check the Calendar Again, Fellas
Plenty of restaurants pride themselves on the fact that they stay open for six days a week, or even seven, but only one restaurant has the gumption, the nerve, and the chutzpah to stay open eight days a week and not even the whole Sunday!

We do wonder what kind of food they're slinging – is it incredible future food that has stepped over the bounds of time to shift our very nature? Maybe the sign creators are just stupid. It could be either one.
Philosophical Thoughts from El Arroyo
El Arroyo has some incredible signs that you'll see throughout this article, and this one gives the passer-by pause. The Austin-based restaurant has gone from dad puns to cheeky jokes, and now they give us something to really think about as we stop in to enjoy some of their food.

People must really like El Arroyo's food if they have this much time to think about what exactly clapping is and isn't, but we have to admit the sign brings up an interesting point. El Arroyo loves these kinds of things because before you know it, you've been staring at the sign for an hour and need something to eat.
Two Out of Three
Creating a good product can take time. The restaurant that hung up this sign knows that and much more, and now so do you. There are three ways to get your food when you want it from a restaurant or a fast-food place. You can either pay out the nose for tasty food that arrives when you want, wait a long while to save on some of your favorite food, or tough out a messed-up dish if you need some cheap grub quickly.

Trying to choose which option you truly want is sure to slow you down, but this is more to help temper expectations – if you want something good, be prepared to either wait or pay for it.
Deserves Another Look
At first glance, this sign looks like it's saying something quite mean about the food that the restaurant is serving. However, a smart combo of wordplay from another language and a nod to famous recording artist Snoop Dogg creates a restaurant name that is memorable, funny and gets you hungry for some hot and tasty Vietnamese soup.

Creating a sign that not only talks about what kind of food you serve but brings a chuckle as well as is a winner in our book, and with the addition of some bubble tea and other Vietnamese food, this small restaurant seems like a winner.
Cheese it; it's the Cops
El Arroyo yet again. They're doing their best to bring in the eyes and ears of the populace with yet another clever sign, this one anthropomorphizing dogs who spot K-9 units on the street.

It will make you laugh when you stop in for some of, we assume, El Arroyo's good food, but once again, it tells us nothing about the restaurant, its prices, its deals, or what kind of food it sells.
Eat Here or Else
Ah yes. The best way to get people to eat at your restaurant: a threat. This sign has cut to the quick of the matter when it says you need to stop and your money, so they can then turn around and spend that money to buy their own food.

The sign is punchy and gets its message across in a mere seven words. Of course, they are trying to make us forgot that we can make food on our own.
Just Pick Already
We're going to let you know upfront: you're going to see a lot of El Arroyo signs, so get used to them. This sign focuses on the difficulty that a lot of people have in picking a place to eat, especially couples. But like all of these El Arroyo signs, it gets you thinking.

If you and your beloved can find a place you both like to eat quickly, you can be sure your compatibility score is higher than most. And we have to give El Arroyo credit because at least this sign has to do with restaurants.
Quick, Write it Down!
El Arroyo has done something incredible – they've actually given us some sort of information about their restaurant with their sign. It is, of course, part of a stupid joke that they made because they want people to take pictures and get the word out, but we can at least surmise that this Texas restaurant sells Tex-Mex.

The sign is true: no one wants a small taco. But what kind of taco? Chicken? Beef? Are there fish tacos? Maybe a special mixture with just the right combo of rice, cheese, guacamole, and tomato?
To Serve Man
This is the kind of sign that gets the restaurant trending, but not exactly for the right reason. Of course, the sign wants you to eat there...but what's that they're serving? Ah. Well. Maybe uh... I'm not really into that sort of thing. I mean, certainly, I'm sure they taste good. You wouldn't broadcast that sort of offer without getting the recipes perfect.

Uh, hey officer, could you go in and ask to talk to Jessica? Maybe ask a few questions? Ask about the kids? Yeah, because...yeah. The sign. Of course, that's just the name of the restaurant probably. Probably. Please just be the name.
You Aren't Fooling Anybody, PJ
Papa John's Pizza says a lot of things these days that are actually lies, such as claiming that they sell pizza and not old cardboard with old shredded yellow crayon on top. At the top of the heap of falsehoods, however, is the idea that their dough is actually fresh.

This sign takes it another step further, claiming that they can even beat the Fresh Prince himself, Will Smith, in a contest of freshness. Please, John, your “dough” couldn't beat a sack of rusty Model T bumpers when it came to freshness, much less Will Smith.
Keep it Down
It looks like this establishment is tired of the police showing up every time someone tries their frozen treats. If you want a cup or cone, please try to fill your mouth with ice cream before you start screaming.

This ice- cream tastes so good; this sign tries to tell us that once you eat some, the only thought on your mind will be the next bite and not screaming, hopefully. People come here grumpy, but they leave happy – as long as there are no cops involved.
Get Them While They're Young
When parents are driving kids around, they have to be in control of the vehicle at all times. If the kids had the wheel, they'd be pulling through every drive-through they could, especially those that dish out delicious treats like a Dairy Queen.

The sign attached to this advertisement not only has the phone number for the store but a tip for the kids – scream! Scream for ice cream! Scream until your parents have no choice but to stop and get everybody a blizzard.
Hope You're Hungry
Picking a name for your restaurant can be tough sometimes. Most people go with something like the founder of the store – like McDonald's – or the founder's daughter – which is how we got Wendy's. Then there are your characters, like Popeye's, Burger King, or Dairy Queen.

And then there are some places that take a different route entirely, such as this restaurant, which is called “Lick-A-Chick.” We shouldn't really be surprised to find out that this chain isn't exactly national since it probably attracts the wrong kind of clientele.
Now That's an Advertisement
At Sherrill's, you can get everything you need, and we mean everything. Not only can you fill up your stomach, but you can fill up in other ways, too. Of course, whether or not you bring your car with you, you're going to get plenty of gas when you shop in Tipton, Indiana.

What about something to fill up your party balloons? Helium is a gas. No doubt, this is the kind of sign that the kids in the town of Tipton love to point out and laugh at.
We Like Big Subs
There used to be a time when six inches was enough to fill anybody up. But times have changed, and this Subway knows that people need more these days.

If you're trying to fill a hole inside you, then there's really only one option: head to your favorite sub shop and get a full twelve inches. But we all know it isn't about the size – it's about the service.
It Speaks the Truth
We have no idea what kind of restaurant put up a sign like this, but you can't deny that it brings a certain amount of wisdom. A diet is eating the right kind of food in the right amounts – eating too much, or too little of something will throw your entire life out of whack.

But the most important part of your diet is the fact that you do, in fact, have to eat food. We know! We know it might come as a shock to some. But you do have to eat food in order to have a diet.
Encouraging Customer Turnover
If you've ever run a restaurant, you know that serving people who come in and out quickly so that they can leave and give the spot to someone else is the best way to make money.

This establishment, Bob's Grill, has a of making sure people don't linger too long, and that's putting their feelings upfront. This isn't a place to gather with friends and take up a table for a few hours; this is a place to shove some grub down your gob and move on.
Talk About Advertising
Apparently, this restaurant is home to a poet. There are lots of ways to describe biting into a hot dog – both good and bad – but a “thunderous pop” is a new one to us.

Pink flesh is a bit of an odd choice since that could so easily equate to eating fellow humans to a lot of people, and “saline tang” might be even weirder, since saline is a word not many use frequently, and there are probably plenty who don't even know the meaning. It means salty, for the most part, and we guess that does make sense.
Just Throw Away the Calendar
If you can never go outside, whether it's because you live in a snowy wasteland, in a boiling desert, or for some other, unnamed reason, it can be hard to keep things straight.

We just got past Octember, which means the corn is about to grow, and the apple trees are about to drop all the apples at once. Don't worry, the month-long festival that is 'Danuary is just around the corner. Everybody get your hockey sticks out for the big parade!
Stay Out of the Bike Lane
This sign achieves something pretty amazing; it defies its own instructions! The sign reads “Give Cyclists Space,” which is a great sentiment. Unfortunately, it completely undermines that statement by being positioned in the middle of the bike lane.

We have no idea what they were thinking when they put it up and dangerously blocked the bike lane, forcing bikers to swerve into the lane used by cars. Luckily, the cart has wheels, which makes this absurd situation easily rectified.
Greatest Dad Joke Ever
This is a gem from the Colorado-based Indian Hills Community Center. The sign had us laughing for a while. They sure know how to keep the place alive, even in the dead of winter.

Doesn’t it sound like some typical dad joke your father would blurt out in the middle of a family dinner? This dad wanted everyone to hear his joke, so he took it to the next level. Yes, it’s cheesy. But great, nonetheless.
Don't Mess With Those Pills
We have to say we totally agree with this yard sign. At least this guy is taking it in stride and wishing well upon whoever took his anti-depressants. To be honest, they're probably very happy.

We do wonder what caused the thief to take someone's anti-depressants, was there no cash lying around? While we’re loving the dry humor, don’t people know you don’t mess with someone’s happy pills?!
Toilet Bandits
Such a great pun. First of all, who was the brave soul that dared steal nothing less than a toilet from the police?! We shudder thinking about how they will rid themselves of all those doughnuts and coffee!

Not only are these boys clueless, but they LITERALLY have nothing to go on! Sorry guys, it looks like you'll have to resort to the woods for a while.
Please Do Not Enter
We all know that The United States of America has a culture of suing, and this sign looks like it lays out the series of events that will follow. This household also has a culture of not letting people into their property.

You have been warned that you may get hurt and that your defense won’t stand up in a court of law as this will be used as evidence against you!
Welcome to The "OOL"
This sign is a warning that isn’t obvious as soon as you read it, but it makes you think for a second. Having a clear message is important but making people remember what you’re trying to tell them is equally important. Such is the case with this "ool sign."

This can be achieved by driving a message home. We totally agree with this sign, as the message is on point, and it’s a pretty gross thing to do.
Making Pour Decisions
If a pirate were ever to move to a suburban neighborhood, we're guessing this is the exact sign they would choose to put up.

Come election season; you're expected to put up lawn signs publically announcing your political opinions. But why be political when alcohol never loses. Well, almost never.
No Soliciting...Unless It's Thin Mints
We're not going to lie; we completely understand the need for an elaborate sign like this. This sign has got it covered - unless you're selling Thin Mints, you're welcome to leave.

We wonder how many solicitors visited this house before these homeowners before decided enough was enough and purchased this custom-made sign.
A Piece of History
Landmark signs are a big tourist attraction - for some reason, people love reading that something happened precisely where they are standing 500 years ago.

Perhaps it's their way of feeling like a part of history? Imagine driving hundreds of miles just to see this sign! Totally worth it, in our opinion!
Not Haunted
Walking around your neighborhood, you'll be greeted by all sorts of front yards. In recent years, people have been using lawn signs to stand out.

Being a realtor can be hard. Selling a house is not as easy as it used to be, so you gotta make sure you emphasize the house's best qualities - like the fact that it is definitely not haunted! Or is it?
Now That’s A Neat Trick
This strangely hung sign could be a marketing ploy to make us sit up and take notice of the different parts of this outfit, but we think it is more likely a magic trick gone wrong. The amateur magician who hung up this sign is clearly obsessed with the sawing-a-woman-in-half trick. Unfortunately, they didn’t know how to put her back together again.

On the other hand, it is more noticeable than a regular ad and may make more people consider buying separate items of clothing or the whole ensemble.
We Got it The First Time, Anna
Who in the hell put together Anna’s sign? It sure seems like they went a little overboard with the whole “food mart” thing, doesn’t it?

Okay, we get it; you’re a food mart. Geez. Wouldn’t the large print be sufficient enough to tell us that, though? The smaller words in the middle and at the bottom of the sign aren’t helpful. If anything, they’re just confusing. Did Anna really think this advertising sign was a good idea?
Lost in Translation
Someone took the easy way out when they were asked to translate this sign. Instead of using a book or even google - they went to a translator service. They typed in whatever this sign was supposed to say - and what they received in return is what made it onto the sign.

The website they were using couldn't connect, and someone either wasn't paying attention or didn't know English that well because this is awkward!
Count Dracula, Your Sales Representative
It looks like Mr. Greenberg is much more than a sales representative. He's Count Dracula! No wonder he's number one.

And to the design geniuses that decided to put a black tilted square behind a man's face to make it look like a vampire collar...thank you for this! We really needed this.
Three is a Good Number
Whoever designed this sign should pay more attention to phrasing. We get it; the speed limit is 20 mph because there are children on the road.

Still, it could also be perfectly misconstrued as absolutely insane advice from parents that went a bit overboard when they decided to try and have siblings for little Jimmy to play with. Do not exceed 20? We'd strongly recommend not having more than three! Unless you're rich and have 150 nannies.
Watch Your Wheelchair’s Step!
In what strange alternate universe is a wheelchair user able to wheel up a flight of stairs? The world may never know. Sadly, the above sign is not the result of a new form of wheelchair stair-stepping technology. No, this sign is simply the result of poor design.

While the creator of this confusing sign attempted to utilize it to convey a potentially hazardous situation ahead, this sign’s designer ultimately fails to convey the sign’s intended warning message!
Karate Psychic
They say it’s essential to diversify your business. This person took it very seriously and decided to offer two services that you might not combine naturally.

It's either that or someone, somewhere along the process, made a huge mistake. But then again, you can never know if psychic karate could be for you.
The Best Nation In The Nation!
And this is precisely why America is "the best country in the nation," because not only is America a country, and not an entire continent, but it is also the best country within one country!

Bravo guys! We sincerely advise brushing up on your geography and grammar lessons. To avoid next time's embarrassing sign.
Poor Nemo
We're not sure what we think about this one! On the one hand, it could be considered as a marketing fail - we wouldn't recommend this place if you're looking for a nice "Fish & Chips" place to take your Nemo-loving kids. And if you do, at least cover their eyes on the way in!

On the other hand, we have to give them points for creativity, though. If you're over the age of 12, you're sure to have a big laugh with this one.
Oh, Macky D's, America's go-to when it comes to cheap, fast, and astonishingly disappointing food. They have finally put up a slogan with an accurate representation of their newest meals. We'll venture a guess and say that this must be the work of a clever vandal.

Sure, there are many who savor their McDonald's meals, but that's only because they grew up with it, and there is something very comforting about familiar food.
Good Job Rhyming
At least Jay Orman doesn't take himself too seriously; that's always a nice quality in a man! Especially as his billboards must be plastered all over town, advertising his services as a realtor.

A man has gotta know what he can and can't do and stick to his strengths. So, just for being such a good sport, we'd give Jay a call if we need to find a home, that is.
Imagine All the Snacks
It was at the end of a very long creative meeting that this doozy of an ad campaign came into being. It must have been a hard day in an, especially tedious week.

If you try to imagine more than you can imagine, you might get stuck in a perpetual loop caused by the black hole that is terrible advertising.
Bigger Is Better
Do the people at a protest really need to see what's going on at a protest? It's usually just a way for people to get together and shout at something they don't like. Or do like. Sometimes it isn't clear. This guy decided that he wanted to make sure his voice was heard more than he wanted the people behind him to see.

In fact, that's the only thing that his sign is about, and the signs around him don't seem to be doing much more to point out hypocrisy or whatever it is that people are gathering about. It looks like this group could be some sort of festival or sports game or something like that. It goes to show that signs aren't just for protests.
All Good Things Come to an End
Friend. Best friend. Girlfriend, boyfriend. They all eventually come to an end, but food doesn't. So step in all alone and eat some food, the only thing that won't leave you.

Whoever came up with this sign might need to talk to someone, and stay away from the emotional eating.
Calling It Like It Is
We all know what it's like. Some decisions are easy to make, and some can drive us (and our partners) crazy.

The question of what or where to eat definitely falls in that latter kind of decisions, and whoever put that sign up knows that all too well.
Turning a Bad Review in Good Business
Yelp has been a mixed bag for business all over the world, with good words and bad words spreading at the exact same rate.

One Yelp reviewer said that this restaurant had the worst meatball sandwich of his life, and somebody had the bright idea to make the fact into a sign. How bad can a meatball sandwich really be?
The Meme Team
Over the years, memes have taken over the internet. Apparently, they have taken over the yard-sale market as well. They seem even to have the power to get passersby to come to your garage sale.

You know that if the person that wrote this sign has a sense of humor, they probably also have a sense of style - which is reason enough to go scavage at their garage sale.
Don't Risk It
On behalf of the bibliophile within your friend group, here is a suggestion: do not–and we repeat, do not–risk bears over books. It's just not worth it. Books are always a safe bet, and sure, you probably want to see what adventure awaits in the unknown, but why not explore the unknown from the safety of a book?

Better yet, you can get a book about bears, from scientific to more imaginative works like fantasy novels; it will definitely be risk-free when snuggled into a good book under the covers.
No Trespassing
Well, no need to tell us twice. We hear it loud and clear, though going through the entire detailed process seems a little too much. Keep out, as your chances of getting out alive are slim to none. And even if you do, there's all that legal trouble you really don't need in your life right now.

Texans must be incredibly protective over their land and homes. Maybe a little too protective...
Let It Go No Further
This guy has finally had it. He's ready to jump in to the crowd and chant whatever chant is going around right now. At the same time, his sign does something unique when it comes to protest signs – not only does it add his voice to the people who are rallying to the cause, but it might actually get a chuckle out of people that are looking for a change.

A lot of these protest signs are tongue-in-cheek and might get some glares, but this one is more than welcome. We're just trying to figure out where he got or how he built that giant straw. It looks perfect.
Shouldn't We Have It by Now?
Time travel is not the easiest thing to develop. If someone asked you how you would sunder the bonds of time and step into the past – or the future – do you have any idea how you would even begin? This sign-maker is after that world-changing tech and doesn't care when he gets it.

Once time travel is developed, doesn't it become something that affects the entire history of the world? In fact, there are plenty of people who believe time travel will never be developed because if it ever was, we would already know. Or, maybe it will be developed, and the danger will be too great.
We all have regrets in life, and this one is probably the one that most adults can relate to.

Wouldn't you just love to curl up for a post-lunch nap every day? Still, you live, and you learn!
Cheese it, it's the Cops
Yet another clever sign, this one anthropomorphizing dogs who spot K-9 units on the street. It will make you laugh when you stop in for some of, we assume, El Arroyo's good food.

Maybe one of these days we'll see a sign from them that tells us what they're selling or something like that.
Well, That's Good News, I Guess
This is...sort of the bottom of the barrel when it comes to positive reviews, but at least the owner is being honest with us.

Is the owner happy with the food being served? Does he/she think it could be improved? Is he/she worried about the quality of the food compared to the cost and speed of preparing and serving it? Let's hear more.