Classic movies almost always have a sacred place in our culture. Everyone has seen them, everyone loves them, and everyone wants to continue loving them.

But you can ruin a classic pretty easily. In this case, it was the flatmate’s affinity towards the lion king that has completely destroyed the beautiful Disney film for this Reddit user. As for the person who couldn’t fall asleep without listening to Hakuna Matata? Honestly, we can’t blame them.
Roommate on Fire
Cooking is a skill, and just like all other life skills, it takes practice. Cooking for the first time can result in some terrible, mostly funny accidents, but nothing can prepare you for a roommate who never fails to fail at cooking.

We wonder how many times people in the building thought there was an actual fire. But most importantly, how many kitchen towels did this gal have? She probably had to get a new one every week.
A Pizza Cemetery
Who really needs to be social when pizza and video games exist? We want you to take a long hard pause and truly think about it. Does a person really need more than pizza and games? If we're on the same page you know that the answer is no, he doesn't.

Still, if you have discovered the meaning of life, you should be able to take just one or two minutes every once in a while to take your trash out. Otherwise, your room will just look like a pizza cemetery.
Unwashed, Unapologetic
Shame, that used to be a thing once, right? It wasn't only in our minds, it was a feeling people felt and kept them from acting like inconsiderate idiots.

But alas, those times are gone. Instead, today, roommates take their housemates' comforters, get them dirty, and never wash them, not even when they leave. This is what the world has come to, guys...
Beating Around the Bush
This must have been a traumatic event, which is why this Reddit user chose not to go into all the details. We can all imagine exactly what happened, even though we really, really don't want to.

Out of all the roommates on this list, this one must be the most shameless ever. Our personal advice is simple — keep your beard trimmer in your room.
The Freeloader
After dishes, it is always money that causes quarrels and disputes. Of course, stealing money is a serious offense, but what about if she's sneakily taking it away from roommates? Like, inviting a bunch of friends to ransack the fridge and make food with groceries she didn't pay for?

That's a tricky situation to navigate. You don't want to come across as petty for bringing it up, but on the other hand, it's getting harder and harder to stay patient when you are this hungry...
The French Way
Americans and French don't always see eye to eye. It's already hard enough to live with roommates, but when they come from a different culture and speak a different language that's a recipe for chaos.

What is underwear in saucepans a recipe for? Satin soup? Lace lasagna? Endless awkwardness? All of the above, probably, which is why this girl moved out the first chance she got.
A Dirty Secret
Living with someone who is unhappy can be a great cause of distress, no matter the reason. In this case, roomie #1 saw that roomie #2 was having a tough time and wished the best for her.

But turns out you should be careful what you wish for, even if it's a nice wish, that your roommate will find herself a man and be happy. It might just come back to bite you in the bum!
You Need to Calm Down
While panicking about merely getting the flu seems like a long-lost dream by now, we do get it. Nobody likes getting sick, and it can be stressful to have to miss work, change plans, and stay in bed for days and days.

But, next time maybe call your mom? Or a doctor? What is a roommate supposed to do in this situation? We will never know what went through her flu-ridden mind.
Change Your Tune
Practice makes perfect, right? But sometimes, that's just not the case. This gal learned the hard way that sometimes practice makes painful. Painful ears, that is, of the roommate that she has to listen to singing for hours on end. Practice can also make you both pathetic and pitiful.

Hey, Mr. Roommate, don't sing unless you can stay on key!
Roommate Protection Program
It's usually advisable to stay as far away from a roommate's personal life as possible. The less contact you have with them, the less external drama (internal drama is always an option).

This gal did her best to mind her own business, but ended up getting tangled in a trial! Let us repeat that, she was summoned to be a witness in a trial! Seriously, just don't live with roommates.
Left Behind
It's hard to live with someone who doesn't do dishes and doesn't care about cleaning that much. But it is surprisingly harder to live without them, having to clean off all the mold they left behind all by yourself.

Maybe the hardest thing about living with roommates is what happens after they leave, and you found out about all the little things they did that you now have to fix on your own.
Late Night Loving
Intruding on a private conversion is always awkward, especially when you are listening in to two people in love. If you were not the one who chose to eavesdrop but was forced to listen, that's even worse. But the worst part of it all is the timing.

3 am is a time universally agreed upon as sleeping time, but we guess this girl didn't get the memo.
Never Trust a Musician
Musicians are not known for being the most considerate people. Rock n' roll doesn't lend itself to thinking too much about others.

Breaking guitars, making noise late at night, it's all part of the lifestyle. But, out of all the different instruments one could pick, the drums are the one that causes the most commotions. Like, even if the guy actually knows how to play, they still sound like a thunderstorm...
Low Blow
This roommate took things to the next level by messing with his roomie's life outside of the actual apartment. Forget about stealing clothes, or leaving dirty dishes in the sink.

What about knowing who your housemate is crushing on, and asking her out first? Technically it's fair game, she doesn't belong to anyone, but it did make things incredibly awkward, mostly for the poor guy who never got to ask his crush out.
Never Trust a Teenager
This is a rookie mistake. Never ever trust a teenager, they are volatile creatures that can turn on you or anyone at any given moment. They are also not known for keeping their promises.

Most of them grow up to be just fine, but it's best to avoid them before they turn 21, or you'll find yourself, like this gal, with a giant mess in your own backyard.
A Bone to Pick
Exam time is one of the most stressful times in a student's life. Many can only hold on by thinking about what they will do, or eat after their final exam.

This guy had a perfect plan, after he is finally done with his tests he will eat some chicken wings. But, someone got to them first, and the poor Reddit user had to spend his day yelling instead of eating.
The Bare Minimum
Disputes about dishes are common, and in each and every case, there are usually the same two sides — the person who does their dishes and the person who doesn't. But that would be too obvious, wouldn't it? Why not spice up your roomie fights a little bit?

This guy found the perfect way to do it. He says he did the dishes, but he only did the bare minimum, so they are still dirty... plenty to fight about.
No Christmas Spirit
They say that Christmas is all about generosity and giving but for many children, and apparently some adults, Christmas is about one thing and one thing only: getting gifts and cash.

This housemate does not believe that participation is its own reward. She's here to win, and get ALL the money, even if her roommates all put in an equal amount of the effort. We can speculate which list Santa puts her on...
Karma Is a Bad Roommate
When we were told that Karma is a beast, that's not exactly what we had in mind. Naively, we assumed it means that those who do bad things will eventually be punished for their wrong deeds.

According to this roomie though, we got it all wrong. Karma just means that if you're nice to one person, you get to act like a beast towards another. Who are we to argue with that?
Arrested Development
Many dream of a roommate that's as quiet as a ghost, almost never seen or heard. This guy got half of what he probably wished for. On the one hand, he got to live on his own, on the other hand, his roommate just evaporated one day, which is both mysterious and spooky.

He was found by the police, thank god, and got arrested for lord knows what, and this Reddit user probably never got to see his money back.
The Cat Did It
Criminals pinning the blame on others is a trick as old as time. As long as there is no forensic evidence, delinquents think they can get away with a lot. But, even when blaming others, one must be strategic. The entity you blame must have motive, opportunity, and means.

We know many cats who would just love to leave dirty dishes behind, but we also know they are physically incapable, and that's where this guy's defense falls flat.
Living With a Vampire
Some people stay in their room sleeping during the day, and only come out at night, if we were to have such a roommate, many of us would call them a vampire. But, there's more than just one type of vampire roommate.

This rare type emits a terrible, moldy odor whenever they wake, regardless of their bathing habits. Maybe a vampire doctor would help?
Friend or Foe?
Mistake number one: living with a friend. Not many friendships survive cohabitation. Second mistake: letting a friend stay with you for free. Kindness is beautiful, but it can also backfire.

Not only did this "friend" not pay rent, but he also stole anything he could lay his eyes on. Including a wedding ring! We are not sure why the dad's ring was there, to begin with, but we are sure it was 100% wrong to take it!
Sandwiches in Drawers
Most of us have probably found ourselves eating a sandwich and realizing halfway through that we have had enough. The logical thing to do is to wrap it up and put it back in the fridge.

But, not all roommates are logical people. Studies have shown that 75% of all roommates have difficulties with logic. This guy must fall within them, as leaving unfinished sandwiches in open drawers just makes no sense.
Cash on the Desk
We have several questions. How did Mr. Roomate get so much cash? Why would he just keep it on his desk? Was he trying to test his roommate? Was it all a trap?

But maybe even more peculiar than that if he just has that amount of money lying around, why does he still live in a dorm, with a roommate, at 27? This guy wins the "weirdest roommate" award.
Who Is to Blame?
Every story has two sides to it, and here we only get one side of the story. Sure, a roommate who writes names and numbers on eggs sounds insane, but what has caused him to resort to such a thing? What if this Reddit user is actually an egg thief?

Of course, they would never actually tell us that, but it might be a possibility...
Animalistic Behavior
Have we finally found the worst roommate yet? We think we might have. Bringing in another living creature into the house without even consulting your roommate?

We don't think we even have a word to describe a person who would commit such an atrocious act. Is there a chance the pets the roommate took in were more human than their owner? Sounds like there is.
Don't Live With Your Family
Most of us move out of our parents' house and in with roommates in order to gain more independence and well... avoid our family. This is why you should never move in with a sibling.

It might sound like a good idea at first, especially if you get along, but trust us when we say this, it never, ever ends well.
A Trashy Guy
When you put two people who have nothing in common together in one household, you know that at one point or another they will get extremely petty. How petty, you may ask?

That was your answer. This guy actually preferred to touch actual trash and sort it, instead of just taking the whole bag outside. We didn't know such vindictiveness exists till we read this story.
Crying Over Empty Milk
Leaving an empty milk jug out in the open, and not throwing away could be attributed to laziness. But putting it back in? Why would anyone do that?

It requires some type of effort, sure, but it's the exact same amount that it would take to put it in the trash. So what explains this behavior? A roommate trying to drive his other rommie crazy, or just the power of habit?
Forever Alone
This tale is all about not having a roomie at all. Reading these crazy tales might make you want to become a hermit and live alone for the rest of your life.

But if you think about the alternative, which is spending your college days — or your entire life — alone, which one would you prefer? This guy is here to remind us that not having nightmare roommates might just be the biggest nightmare of them all.
Friends or Foes?
Yes, roommates lie. Like the kind of roommates who are 18 years old and live with you in your college dorm. They lie about taking a beer from you without asking. But you wouldn’t expect a married couple who lives with another married couple to lie to this extent.

You give someone money to pay the bills and then they just don’t. We feel like this might have some type of cat-fishing, money-stealing situation.
Bad Education
There’s a reason why parents are advised not to let their children watch too much TV when they’re young. TV shows and commercials show an unrealistic reality where if you put body spray on, you are all of a sudden clean and desirable.

This guy‘s parents clearly did not listen and allowed him to consume so much television that he now never showers and stocks on some weird body spray. Way to go parents, Way to go!
A Mermaid? Here, in My Apartment?
Yes, some people do like to pretend to be mermaids. As our culture has gotten more open and inclusive we have also allowed people to develop hobbies that some of us would deem weird. Putting a tale on and pretending to be a mermaid is really just the tip of the iceberg.

Is it really such a nightmare to have a mermaid as a roommate? Because to us, it sounds kind of perfect. Who wouldn't want to live with a mermaid?
Don't Fix What's Broken
What’s the best way to handle a miscommunication according to this terrible housemate? Punishment, of course! How have we not thought of that earlier? If something's broken, get a new one. But don't bother fixing any interaction difficulties between you and your roomie, who also needs to wash their clothes.

Just prevent your housemate from using a machine because he didn’t tell you that the thing was broken. We do hope they manage to find some sort of solution where they can both have clean clothes.
A Mancave or an Ant House?
Guys. Five whole guys. No dishwasher. That’s all we needed to know. We’ve all seen these kinds of apartments, and some of us would have to admit that we have even lived in such an apartment and contributed to the ant population of the world.

We really do hope this guy has moved out and moved on. The nice thing is, if his next condo doesn't have ants, it will already be an improvement.
An Amateur's Job
It is only fair that people who share a flat will share everything that's in it, right? When someone moves out, it makes sense to divide belongings and possessions half and half. So far, so good.

But, it is recommended to communicate about it before, and not to just take things because you can. But, only taking half of the couch pillows? That's an amateur's job. A true professional would cut the actual couch in two and take their fair share.
The Free Ferret
Ferrets, oh, ferrets. We think we’ve seen one, somewhere, maybe even more than once. We can’t really say our first thought was "Wow! Let’s take it home with us." But hey, you gotta respect people's quirks. As long as they keep them in their room, we mean. A free ferret running around the house could only be described as a hostile situation.

We are not sure who has it worse, the ferret or the poor sublet. Maybe they can both unite against the roommate?
The British Voice
If someone talks to themselves, isn’t that like they already have a roommate? You know, the roommate that's inside their head. Why would they need an actual roommate who would sleep in the same room and listen to all of their conversations with their imaginary British friend?

Also, when you’re a light sleeper, living with roommates will always be a nightmare. Whether they speak to themselves in a British accent, come back home late, or literally just go to the bathroom at night — you will always be alert.
No Holiday on Holiday
The real reason why people live with roommates is that there’s a great chance living by themselves would be even worse. Humans are social creatures and sometimes we just need to be around someone. Even someone we don’t like can be better than the loneliness of a dark house that you have to clean all by yourself.

This would be the only explanation as to why the roommate would deliberately take their days off when this guy had his. Who knows, maybe a friendship came out of it. Probably not, but one could dream, right?
Whose Chihuahua Is This Anyway?
Living with a hippie roomie can come with all different types of weird scenarios, some of them might even be nice and fun — free hugs, anybody? But coming into your home to see a chihuahua and two men sleeping on your couch?

That’s just something that would leave you flabbergasted. Our question is, saying you are currently between houses and trying to deal with some alcohol issues, is it really the best time to get a pet chihuahua?
A Single Sock
There are scientists who spend their whole lives trying to understand the peculiar behavior of a single monkey or lizard. We would like to expand the fields of animals and human research to include people who steal only one sock.

We will admit that we have also stolen socks in the past, but it was always in pairs. But separating the sock from its soulmate just to stick it under your bed? That’s just heartless.
All's Well That Ends Well
Is this a nightmare roommate story, or is it a well-written, perfectly timed Shakespearean comedy? We're still debating. So many misunderstandings, resulting in terror, but then in laughter and a great story to tell.

The lesson that we should all learn from the story is to communicate better about who is staying where. Otherwise, you might get back to your apartment and assume two people broke in and decide to sleep there.
The Con Artist
Just like people themselves, lies come in all shapes, sizes, and forms. Some lies are big, some lies are small. Some lies are white, and some lies... well, they get your roomie into debt. This has to be the rock-bottom, the worst roommate we’ve heard of so far.

Not only has he lied and created a debt for his poor flatmate, but he also disappeared off the radar and left the other person to clean up his money mess. Could have a professional con artist, for all we know.
How Do You Solve a Problem Like Lydia?
When we personally think about our biggest shower-related fear, it would have to be slipping in the shower or not taking showers at all. But for Lydia, the fear was quite the opposite. The thought of being clean terrified her, for some unknown reason.

So she found a solution fit for a queen — just use wipes. It will have the same effect, right? Well, not according to the roommate who had to live with her.
A Horror Show
Some tales don’t need more than three to four words to be fully flashed out horror stories. This is one of them. In the Bible, right next to "Thou shalt not kill," there’s a very clear saying: "Thou shalt not use someone else’s toothbrush." It's the eleventh commandment.

Even family members and romantic partners would never think of doing such a vile thing. Sadly because this is such a short story we are only left with the horror and will never know what happened next. Maybe that’s for the best.
Forever Pizza
Some people just like to eat food for free. Wait, let us rephrase that, everyone likes to eat food for free! But eating your roommate's food without permission? That’s not free — you’d have to pay for it one way or another. In this case, the guy was nice and just told the dude not to eat his food anymore.

But this guy stuck to his principles of eating without paying for it and just ate pizza for weeks on end. We love pizza but after months and months wouldn’t you will get sick of it?
Three Weeks, One Song
The world can be divided into two categories: People who enjoy listening to songs on repeat and people who find the idea revolting. No matter which camp you’re on, you would have to agree that three weeks is too much time to be playing anything on a loop.

We get three hours, we might even get three days, but three weeks while not even being there? We can’t even blame the poor roommates for breaking in and breaking his speakers. It was the right thing to do, for the environment, for the safety of their ears, and for their sanity.
Good or Bad?
This has got to be the worst one yet. There’s nothing more disrespectful, rude, or vile than throwing away something as important as someone’s Bed Bath and Beyond coupons. We mean, what kind of a monster would do that to a fellow human being?

Does the roommate even realize how much money this Reddit poster could’ve saved with these expired coupons? Oh, none? We're starting to think this roommate wasn’t that bad after all.
Wait, what? We need more deets, now! Like, we've all had a situation where we really really did not want to live with someone but still had to. This girl resorted to some cunning tactics when she claimed her roommate threatened her.

Her plan worked and he got banned. Honestly, without anything more to go on, we don't even know who the bad guy in the story was. Maybe there was a reason she did this? Maybe she was just wicked? Guess we’ll never know.
A Staple Flatmate
Different people have different hobbies and that's great! Some like to party, others like to craft and sew. But what happens when someone likes both? And also doesn't sleep much?

A roommate who cares about interior design could be great... unless they staple a cable to the floor in a rented apartment. This does not sound like a situation we would want to get ourselves in which is why we're very glad the story is not our own.
A Paradoxical Roomie
That's a fair point! How would you know if someone has had a horrible day they don’t want to talk about if you wouldn’t ask them? Can you see what we're getting at? This is a paradoxical situation!

We are assuming this particular roommate had a lot of horrible days she did not want to talk about which is why she preferred not to be asked at all. We hope she’s doing better now and lets people ask her how her day was, even when it wasn't the best.
Killing With Kindness
Boundaries. How is it that we’ve gotten this far and have not mentioned boundaries? Maybe because they were hard to find in all of these stories.

The roommate who steals your food from time to time isn't the worst, but the one who kindly keeps asking for your leftovers? Those are the ones who have a place reserved in hell. It's hard to refuse when someone asks kindly. Is that what they meant when they said "Kill with kindness?"
Old Fire Eaters
Cool, chill roommates are pretty hard to come by. This guy had such a roommate, only she liked to party sometimes, which isn't the worst character flaw, right? Who doesn’t like to party from time to time?

We would like to know what type of parties she would go to because we’ve been to many clubs and we’ve never seen fire eaters, young or old. But hey, it’s pretty nice that she let them crash at her place since they had nowhere to stay, even if she forgot to inform her roommate that they'd be sleeping in his bed.
It’ll Never Fly
If you’re reading this article to get tips on how to become better roommates, we hate to break it to you: this is probably not the right article for you. But maybe you can learn what not to do? Like, for example, don't be inconsiderate enough to turn on the lights when you're roommate is sleeping.

A more advanced lesson would be that telling them someone to get an airplane mask just so they could sleep in their own home is just plain rudeness!
A True Mystery
The old classic tale of a roommate that has hair extensions and only eats tuna, who hasn’t heard that? Every friend group has one person who acts like that, right?

Well, this poor gal had to deal with hair extensions and tuna all over our place which is a weird combination, we have to admit. But the true mystery is what was that hair extension doing in the microwave? Guess we’ll never know.
The Alien
We hope we’re not the first ones breaking this news to you: not anything you read online can be trusted. This roommate almost sounds made up. But then again, who could imagine something like that? Life can be stranger than fiction sometimes.

This roommate sounds almost like an alien. Maybe that’s what happens to people who live on their parents' money for too long?
Sleeping With One Eye Open
Some people are not intentionally bad. It can be hard to remember sometimes, but in this case, despite the obvious destruction, we know the roommate is not actually at fault.

This guy cannot control his sleep problem, which caused an insane fiasco for his roommate. We really do hope they both could laugh at it later together and that not too much damage was done. Also, we really hope this guy got his sleep problems in order because messing up your house every single night does not feel sustainable to us.
Forgive Me, Roomie, For I Have Sinned
Finally, we get to hear the other side! Maybe all of these crazy roommates we’re not that bad after all? Maybe they were people all along, just like us?

This flatmate is fully owning up to the fact that during finals he would not do anything around the house. Luckily he had an understanding roommate! This "bad" roomie also got his flatmate some beer! This story actually kind of warms our hearts.
Forever Filthy
We’re not sure what we want to talk about first because there’s a lot to unpack here. Having pet rats? Ok, cool, we can handle it. Leaving them out of their cage? Maybe PETA would support it, but it just doesn’t sound like a good idea to us.

Now to the second part — spilling something on the floor, looking at it, and walking away? That’s a move only someone who grew up with maids could ever make. This kind of behavior does not belong anywhere that isn’t a luxurious estate.
A Bad Sign
We are absolutely shook. We have heard many stories about people, especially men, who don’t change their sheets as often as they should.

But even these guys replace their beddings at some point. Well, not this guy. He just knows that at some point his sheets will turn a different color, which will give the appearance of a new set. But, don't judge a sheet by its color, in reality, this guy is just astonishingly dirty.
A Ghost or a Burglar
We did not expect this tale to turn out the way that it did. This account of what happened to the Reddit user contains a couple of different rule breaches. The first one is going into her roommate's room. The second one is using her curling iron on their laptop? Sure… We… Get it.

But then leaving said curling iron on their laptop practically ruining an expensive piece of technology? That’s just unforgivable. But that’s not even the worst part! She claimed it was a burglar or a ghost that curled their hair over the laptop! What?
The Tantrum
Let’s face it — if a bed is not near a power outlet, it is not even worth sleeping in. How could one charge their phone away from them? How can one want to sleep so far away from that magical beautiful device? We totally get why this person moved their bed a couple of inches.

Complaining about it for three weeks? Guess we’ve heard worse stories about worse roommates so maybe this person should just be thankful that he got his outlets and a roommate that whines about him from time to time as we all do.
A Comic Relief
This story is harmless and cute, with a tinge of teenagehood. These guys just moved away from their parents' home for the first time. The flatmate who was wronged still thinks that parents are the highest of the authorities.

So when his roommate ate one of his corndogs, he knew the only person who can take care of such an issue is the offender's father. We wonder what the dad said. We imagine it was something like "And…? Figure it out yourself." We hope he learned that he’s not in high school anymore.
Extreme Makeover: Room Edition
If this isn’t a criminal offense, it should be. How could you just switch rooms with someone without their explicit permission and consent?

This story sounds like the worst, most elaborate, evil prank. Imagine just going up to your room and realizing it is not your room and then going to your roommate's room and realizing it is your room. This is enough to drive a sane person crazy.
An Evil Plot
Having a big meal and then telling the other person that it’s their time to do the dishes? that’s an evil plot right there.

The sad truth is that many times in life, it is not the righteous person that wins, but the person who knows how to insist on their stance long enough. What's a girl to do? She wanted her kitchen clean and the roomie didn’t.
Alarm Bells
The despised alarm clock. Some people know how to wake up naturally and don’t need it, some can wake from a quiet alarm or the sound of birds. But then there are the heavy sleepers who need 500 alarms, each one minute apart. They also need their alarm clock to play the most horrifying sound they can think of, and still, they mostly don't wake up.

At least it seems these two had a pretty nice routine going on for them. This Reddit user would wake his roommate and then hopefully be able to get back to sleep without having to listen to the alarm anymore.
Hypocrisy at It's Best
Some Reddit users have complained about messy, disgusting roommates before. But this girl is telling us about the difficulties of living with a clean freak, and it might be worse than living with someone who doesn't clean at all! Having someone you don’t even know shadow you while you’re cooking sounds like a nightmare to us.

If that’s not enough, this clean freak would never actually clean after himself! At this point, we are just confused.
A Significant Sleeper
The animosity between significant others and roommates is a phenomenon that has been documented throughout history and can be dated back to the beginning of time. We are not supposed to tell someone we don't like them, so we have found numerous ways of making it clear without using any words.

Going to sleep while they’re in the flat is a clear enough message. But taking the clothes off may be a bit extreme? We hope she was wearing PJs or something.
Don't Worry About It
The first rule of rooming up with someone is "Don't touch the other person's stuff." The second is "Respect their space." It’s no wonder that many roommates fight about these things exactly.

If the roomie wants to do her laundry in the sink, sure, she can do it. But hanging it on the other person‘s closet? Getting their clothes wet? That must’ve been a nightmare. We hope she found a way to recover these precious childhood photos that weren’t that important, according to the roommate.
Hakuna Matata
Classic movies almost always have a sacred place in our culture. Everyone has seen them, everyone loves them, and everyone wants to continue loving them.

But you can ruin a classic pretty easily. In this case, it was the flatmate's affinity towards the lion king that has completely destroyed the beautiful Disney film for this Reddit user. As for the person who couldn’t fall asleep without listening to Hakuna Matata? Honestly, we can’t blame them.
When you read the sentence "I once lived with a magician" you know there’s a great story about to unfold right in front of you. Were there rabbits and pigeons all around the house? Did he try to cut his roommates in half? Did he have a secret door that led to John Malkovich's mind?

No, but he did stock the fridge with an endless amount of chicken. Because magicians are so mysterious, we will never know why he did it, and that’s part of the appeal of magic.
Loud and Louder
Everybody loves music, but not everyone likes the same music, at the same times, with the same volumes. It is common courtesy to let the person who started playing a song finish it, or ask them if they can turn the music down, or off.

But drowning the other person‘s music with your own, well, it's just easier, you know? More effective — less talking, more loud music. This roomie probably has a place in hell reserved specifically for them.
No More Notes
When it comes to communication, it has already been established that it's better to be direct and kind rather than beat around the bush in a mean-spirited manner. And there’s nothing more passive-aggressive than leaving a note about something that bothers you. Oh, wait, yes, there is! Writing it in a red marker.

But the worst part is that the roommate tried to take this guy down with him and make it seem as if they were both in on it. Now, that's evil.
Hotel Sublet
Our entire human existence is based on false, unrealistic expectations and misunderstandings. Such is the case with this diabolical sublet, who innocently thought that paying someone to live in their apartment is the same as getting a five-star hotel room.

We all know the type of people who hear, or imagine, the word "free" and lose their minds over it. 50 showers a day, with the AC and the washing machine on? It's a no-brainer for these kinds of characters. Luckily for them, she was only a sublet, and hopefully, the original roommate was a decent human being.
Johnny Water
Well, well, well... We have to admit we are not 100% sure that the roommate was the culprit in this case. But let’s face it, he had means, motive, and opportunity.

What was the motive? Drinking expensive booze! But since the guy denies it to this day we can never know what actually happened. This story would make a great true crime show on Netflix. "Who Drank My Expensive Whiskey?"
A Stubborn Roommate
Toilet paper is never, ever just toilet paper. It’s a powerful force that can make or break friendships, marriages, and even relationships between family members. Whether it’s what is the right way to hang the toilet paper or who should buy it, there’s plenty to fight about.

This is a classic story of passive-aggressiveness. Roomie A never pays for the TP and so the other ones hide their own. So she finds other ways to get free toilet paper. What can we say? We do admire how determined she is to stick to her principles of not paying for toilet paper.
Shower? Never Heard of Her
When it comes to public spaces, it's a known fact that it’s important to keep them relatively clean and tidy. But what about a roommate's actual body? It can sometimes venture into the living room, unwashed, and that's a shared space!

Sure, we believe in everyone’s freedom to do (or not do) whatever they want, but not showering? Public service announcement: If you’re not showering for yourself at least wash up for the fellow humans that have to exist around you.
A Moldy Situation
Of course, when we talk about roommate conundrums we have to start with the most basic, classic dispute that can arise between two roommates. That is, of course, cleaning, and no place has started more fights than the kitchen sink.

While some people will always be messier than others, and that's totally fine, finding mold in your sink isn’t an experience you’d wanna put on your bucket list. We do hope they either figured it out or parted ways.