It’s amazing how quickly time flies, and how much we forget amidst the chaos of raising kids. Thankfully, though, technology has our backs. In a time where most of the pictures you’re taking are on your smartphones, you can put your minds at ease with the fact that every picture is easily accessible and, more importantly, time-stamped.

Even if you’ve slacked on filling out baby books for your older kids, you can still do so retroactively and do so just as well! So here’s to iPhones and all the memories they help us preserve — may we use them well and cut ourselves a little slack if our baby books arrive a few years late.
The Mom With a Very Clean Tub
We've all heard of the five-second rule when it comes to dropped food, but what about when it comes to a bathtub? One mom shared her hilarious mom fail moment when her five-year-old decided to lick the tub. Yes, you read that right. The tub!

Apparently, her little one was curious about what the tub tasted like and went in for a lick — not ideal (or hygienic!) in any way. While it may have been a cringe-worthy moment at the time, it's now a hilarious story to share with friends and family. And hey, at least her child's taste buds got a unique experience.
The Mom Whose Valentine’s Treats Got an Easter Makeover
Ah, the joys of procrastination. One mom's attempt at being a thoughtful Valentine's Day parent ended up being a major mom fail. She waited a little too long to buy her children Valentine's Day chocolates, and by the time she got to the store, all the heart-shaped treats were sold out.

So, what could she do but opt for the next best thing? Easter chocolates for Valentine's Day don't sound too bad to us! While her children may have been initially confused by the mismatched treats, they surely appreciated the effort their mom put into trying to make their day special. Lesson learned: don't wait until the last minute to buy holiday treats!
The Mom With Misshapen Stars in Her Hands
Crafting can be a fun and engaging activity for both kids and adults, but sometimes things don't go as planned. One mom's attempt to make a star out of pipe cleaners turned out to be, well, quite a disaster. She may have had a vision of a beautifully crafted star but unfortunately, her lack of pipe cleaner twisting skills had something else in mind.

Despite her best efforts to salvage the project, the end result was far from her original plan. But hey, at least she tried, right? And who knows, maybe her unique creation could inspire a new trend in pipe cleaner art. Sometimes, it's the imperfections that make things interesting.
The Mom Whose Kid Caught Balls in Crocs
As parents, we all know how quickly kids can outgrow their clothes and shoes. One mom found herself in a bind when her child kept outgrowing her softball cleats, so she came up with a creative solution: crocs. Her little one ended up wearing the famously comfortable slides to softball practice, since they may just have been the only shoes that fit.

They're definitely not the most ideal footwear for the sport, but the important thing was that her child was able to participate and have fun. And who knows, maybe the crocs provided some extra grip that we could have never anticipated. This mom's resourcefulness may have been a fail in terms of fashion, but we call it a parenting win in terms of problem-solving.
The Mom Whose Barbies Got a Little Close for Comfort
Parenting can be a non-stop hustle, and sometimes mistakes happen. One mom shared an embarrassing moment when she accidentally put away her child's Barbie dolls in a rather.... compromising position. We can only assume she was rushing to clean up the playroom before guests arrived, and in her haste, didn't realize how she had positioned the dolls.

It wasn't until later that she even realized what had happened. Talk about cringe-worthy! While it may have been an honest mistake, this mom definitely learned the importance of double-checking before putting away toys. And hey, at least she gave Barbie and Hans an exciting story to tell their plastic friends.
The Mom Who Couldn’t Change the Shape of Her Son’s Pupils
As parents, there's nothing that we wouldn't do to make our kids happy, calm, and fulfilled. But there's a whole lot that we simply can't do! This mom was faced with this dilemma when her son realized his pupils were circles, when in fact he wanted square ones.

Despite her best efforts to explain that pupils are always circular, her son couldn't be convinced. While it may have been a frustrating moment for this mom, it's also a hilarious story to look back on and a reminder that sometimes, you just have to let kids have their feelings, no matter how irrational they may seem.
The Mom Who Learned the Importance of Sharing
Deciding to expand your family can be a big decision, and sometimes, it's the little moments that give us a glimpse of what parenting an additional child would be like. One mom shared a hilarious tweet that perfectly captures this sentiment: a warning for potential parents of two that she just had to split a singular M&M to avoid a fight.

Her story proves as a reminder that having another child means sharing everything, even small, sugar coated, chocolatey treats. While it may seem like a trivial moment, it's a hilarious and relatable experience for parents who are considering adding to their family. Maybe it will be the deciding factor for some parents-to-be.
The Mom With Two Little Animals
Parenting can be so overwhelming, especially when you consider the fact that you have to juggle many responsibilities at once. One mom learned this the hard way when she put her daughter in a time-out in the puppy's crate — with the puppy still inside! It may not be the most conventional time-out spot.

But if we're being honest, hanging out with a sweet little pup doesn't sound all that bad. In the end, this mom's quick thinking and ability to make the best of a less-than-ideal situation is a reminder that sometimes, you have to get creative to make things work. And hey, at least the puppy had a new friend to play with.
The Mom With a Potty Mouth
When it comes to parenting, there are moments we can all look back on and laugh about. One mom experienced this when she realized her child had picked up some not-so-appropriate language from her. That's right, this mom's choice of language had rubbed off on her little one.

And before she knew it, her child was dropping colorful phrases left and right. It may not have been a peak-parenting moment, but we're sure it happens to the best of us, and there's nothing else to do but laugh! And maybe introduce words like "fudge" or "heck," but if she doesn't, we won't tell.
The Mom Who Mixed Up Rocks and Soil
We all know the struggle of juggling your home and work responsibilities, but this can be even harder when you are both a parent and a teacher! One mom mixed up her assignment with her son's, and sent him to school with a big bag of rocks instead of one filled with soil.

While it may not have been the most practical choice for a plant growth project, it sure made for a great story. Thankfully, they were all able to have a laugh about it. And who knows, maybe her mistake helped teach her students a valuable lesson in flexibility and adapting to unexpected challenges.
The Mom With Quads of Steel
As a parent, there's no denying the joys of watching your child peacefully drift off to sleep. But what happens when your child falls asleep on you in the worst possible situation, and you're stuck there for what feels like an eternity? One mom experienced this firsthand when her child dozed off on her stretched-out legs.

Initially, it was a sweet moment, but as time went on, it must have become quite a workout. In the end, this mom's situation is a humorous reminder of the sacrifices we make for our children, even if it means sacrificing our own comfort for their peaceful slumber.
The Mom Whose Toilet Got an Unexpected Treat
Ah, the joys of parenting a toddler. One mom had a particularly heart-stopping moment when she heard her two-year-old flush the toilet and yell "BYE BYE" from the hall bathroom. Any parent can relate to that moment of panic when you're not sure what your child has flushed down the toilet.

Will it be a toy? A sock? Your phone? There's no way to be sure, except to run to the bathroom fast enough to catch them in the act. Parenting may be full of unexpected moments and surprises, but in the end, it is all worth it for the laughs and love along the way.
The Mom Who Got Burned by a Metaphor
Parenting is full of funny and endearing moments, and this conversation between a mother and her ten-year-old child is no exception. When asked what a metaphor is, the mother responded with one of her own, stating that her life is a train wreck. But her child, who may have been too familiar with the ups and downs of their mom's life, didn't quite grasp the comparison.

It's a humorous reminder that sometimes our kids can totally rip us to shreds with just a few words. We know they don't mean it, and you know what, sometimes it's okay to be humbled! At the very least, they probably won't forget what a metaphor is anytime soon.
The Mom Whose Pizza Got Just a Bit Overcooked
Cooking mishaps are a common occurrence in any household, and one mom experienced this firsthand when she forgot to turn the broil function off after preheating the oven. Unfortunately, her frozen pizza fell victim to her mistake, resulting in a burnt and unappetizing pie.

It's a relatable situation that happens to the best of us and one that often results in a last-minute meal change or a quick run to Pizza Hut. But while the pizza may have been ruined, this mom's experience is a humorous reminder that mistakes happen, and it's okay to have a good laugh at ourselves and our blunders.
The Mom Who Misjudged the Weather
We've all been there, right? Thinking that maybe, just maybe, our child won't need that extra layer for the chilly weather. But when one mom told her child that a hoodie would suffice for a very cold game, she learned the hard way that sometimes even the very best mom can misjudge the temperature.

Thankfully, the stadium had a solid concession stand, and the child's dad was quick to remedy the situation by buying him a cozy blanket and a piping hot cocoa. In the end, it's all about making sure our kids are safe and comfortable, even if it means admitting we made a mistake. If they're lucky, they'll get something good out of it!
The Mom Whose Bubbles Got a Bit Out of Hand
Bath time can be a fun and relaxing way to wind down after a long day, but things can quickly take a turn for the hilarious when kids are involved. Just ask the mom whose child got his hands on the bubble soap, and accidentally overfilled the tub with bubbles.

He may have just wanted a magical bubble bath experience, but he ended up with a bathroom absolutely filled with foam. And sure, it was definitely quite a mess to clean up, but it's a memory that the family will surely laugh about for years to come. After all, what's childhood without a few silly mishaps?
The Mom Who Didn’t Account for the Wind
As the saying goes, hindsight is 20/20, and this is certainly true for the mom who made the mistake of applying spray sunscreen on a windy day. What started out as a fun day at the beach quickly turned into a painful experience for her child, who ended up getting a sunburn despite the sunscreen application.

It's a reminder that even the most well-intentioned actions can have unintended consequences, and that sometimes it's best to err on the side of caution. But hey, at least the family now has a funny story to tell about that one time they learned the hard way to always check the wind direction before applying sunscreen!
The Mom Whose Christmas Tree Got Some Unexpected Decor
The holiday season is a time for family traditions, and sometimes those traditions can take unexpected turns. This sweet mom invited her son to help decorate their Christmas tree, but didn't expect him to do so by hanging his underwear on the branches.

While it may not have been the most conventional ornament choice, it certainly added a touch of humor to the festivities. And let's be real, who hasn't had a few unconventional decorations on their tree at one point or another? At the end of the day, it's these silly moments that make for the best memories and stories to tell for years to come.
The Mom Whose Car Got a Bit Cramped
When it comes to parenthood, we all have our own unique styles and priorities. For this particular mom, having a spacious car for her family's shopping trips was not high on the list. This meant she had the car that she wanted, and that her daughter occasionally got cramped under some shopping bags when they both went out.

While some may see this as a "mom fail," others might view it as a lesson in resourcefulness and making the most of what you have. Plus, who needs a big old mom car when you can make memories like this? We call it "character building."
The Mom With a Very Leaky Leak-Proof Cup
As parents, we all want to make our lives a little bit easier with the help of handy gadgets and tools. For this mom, a leak-proof sippy cup seemed like the perfect solution to prevent spills and messes in the car. But sometimes these gadgets don't work as advertised.

And as luck would have it, her child managed to spill all over himself despite the seemingly foolproof design of the cup. No matter how prepared we think we are, life has a way of throwing us a curveball. But hey, at least it makes for a funny story to tell at family gatherings!
The Mom Who Mixed Up Her Sizing
The excitement leading up to "jersey day" at school is always palpable, and this mom was determined to make sure her kids had the best outfits. She ordered perfect "Toon Squad" jerseys for her duo but may have accidentally selected sizes that were a few sizes too big.

When the jerseys arrived, they looked like dresses on the kids, but they were determined to wear them anyway — though their begrudging expressions may say otherwise. The oversized jerseys may have been a bit comical, but they made for some great memories and laughs. And hey, at least they'll definitely still fit for years to come!
The Mom With a Good Church Routine
As a seasoned churchgoer, you may have mastered the art of standing up and sitting down at just the right moment during the service, but for kids like the 9-year-old in this story, it can be a bit of a mystery. When asked about the seemingly endless routine of sitting and standing, this little one may have expected a quick lesson on the importance of staying engaged and attentive during worship.

But sometimes moms don't feel up for the hard conversations of instilling the importance of tradition and faith. And sometimes they don't believe it themselves! In those cases, the most important thing is for everyone to stay awake. And who knows, maybe the added physical activity will help!
The Mom With the Flyaway Balloons
As a parent, you want everything to be perfect for your child's special day. You plan for weeks, making sure that every detail is just right. But there are times when, no matter how much you prepare, the plan just doesn't work. In this case, the mom's excitement to surprise her son with balloons turned into a major fail.

Before she could even get them in the house, the whole bunch flew away! It can be easy to beat yourself up over moments like these, but the truth is, they happen to the best of us. In fact, it's often the unexpected mishaps and laughs that make for the most memorable moments in our family history.
The Mom With the Tricky Oven
Ah, the joys of motherhood — the late nights, the early mornings, the never-ending to-do list, and of course, the occasional mom fail. Take, for example, this mom, who wanted to bake her kids the perfect cupcakes despite her temperamental oven.

You can buy the ingredients and follow your recipe but sometimes the oven wins, and the cupcakes come out a total disaster. Despite her best efforts, she only had the crumbs to serve! So much for her baking skills. But hey, at least she tried, and at least she can laugh about it! Though we might recommend looking into buying a new oven…
The Mom Whose Piano Got a Makeover
We can only catch so much! Picture this: a mom is busy doing house chores when she notices that her child has gone suspiciously quiet. She goes to check on the child, only to find out that they have taken a Sharpie and drawn all over the family's expensive piano!

It's the kind of mom fail that reminds us that parenting is full of surprises and that sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. Also, quiet children are the most dangerous ones. But, let's be real, the biggest challenge was getting Sharpie marks off a piano — and there, we hope she succeeded. A mom fail becoming a mom win is just what we love to see.
The Mom With the Underground Daycare
Could you imagine? This mom loved having her kid's friends over for playdates, only to get reported to the Home Owners Association (HOA) for running an unlicensed daycare! It's the kind of mom fail that leaves you scratching your head and wondering, "What did I do wrong?"

All this mom was doing was providing a fun space for her kids and their friends to play. Who knew that having a few extra kids over would warrant sending in a report? It's moments like these that make us question the absurdity of some of the rules we have to abide by as parents. At least her kids have a healthy social life!
The Mom With Kids Who Hit Responsibly
Ah, the innocence of childhood. It's the kind of thing that makes you want to laugh and cry at the same time. Take, for example, the story of a mom who heard her 6-year-old daughter comforting her crying brother. The mom was touched by her daughter's wise words, only to find out the reason for her brother's tears: the little girl had hit him!

It's the kind of mom fail that leaves you shaking your head and wondering what goes on in the mind of a child. You can find comfort, though, in the fact that her daughter knows the importance of feeling your feelings! She's halfway there.
The Mom Whose Book Might Cause Nightmares
As parents, we all want to encourage our children to read, but sometimes we forget to double-check what they're actually reading. Take, for example, the story of a mom who left a copy of "Noble Blood" out on her desk, only to find out that her 10-year-old had read it and was a bit scarred by the content.

We're assuming it was not the age-appropriate read this mom planned to have her daughter delve into, but leaving the wrong items out is a mistake that happens to the best of us. And hey, at least her child is developing a love for reading, right? That's got to count for something.
The Mom Whose Balloons Were a Little Undersized
Graduation day is a big milestone in any child's life, and as parents, we want to make it as special as possible. But what happens when our attempts at celebration fall a bit short? Take, for example, the story of a mom who decided to surprise her child with balloons on graduation day.

She ordered ahead and snagged some regular, numbered balloons, only to find out they were actually tiny! Who even knew they made them so small? We think the balloons were still cute, and it's the thought that counts! After all, it's the memories we create that truly matter.
The Mom Who Might Have Misheard
Ah, the joys of parenting! One mom found herself almost scolding her 2-year-old for asking to see "baby butts" repeatedly. She couldn't help but wonder if her older child or even her husband had been teaching him inappropriate things. But, as it turns out, the toddler had been saying "Baby bus" the entire time!

It's the kind of comical mix-up that makes us laugh and shake our heads at the same time. As parents, we know how easy it is to misinterpret what our little ones are saying, especially when they're just learning to speak. But hey, at least the mom didn't actually scold her child and was able to have a good laugh about the situation. And who knows, maybe the little one will grow up to love buses!
The Mom With a Blossoming Beauty Queen for a Daughter
Every parent knows that leaving a child unattended for even a few minutes can be a recipe for disaster. One mom learned this lesson the hard way when she left her toddler alone for just two minutes, only to come back and find her makeup totally raided!

The little kiddo had taken full advantage of the opportunity to put on her mom's mascara and lipstick, leaving a colorful mess behind. It's the kind of mom fail that we can all relate to — sometimes, we just need a few moments to ourselves, only to find that chaos has ensued in our absence. Sometimes, you just have to appreciate your little one's artistic expression.
The Mom With a Slab of Concrete, Apparently
As parents, we never quite know what to expect from our children. One mom found this out firsthand when her 8-year-old daughter came home from school with a rather unusual souvenir — a slab of concrete! It's the kind of thing that reminds us that we can't always understand our children's thought processes, no matter how hard we try.

But, as with many parenting moments, there's always a silver lining — maybe the little one was simply exploring and discovering the world around them. Or, who knows, the slab of concrete could come in handy one day for a fun DIY project. Either way, it's a memory that both mom and daughter will likely laugh about for years to come.
The Mom Who Should Sleep With One Eye Open
Sometimes it's hard to know which one of your kids needs the most attention. One mom found herself considering this when her son locked her out of her bedroom. The real kicker? Her other child showed her how to pick the lock! It's the kind of situation that leaves you wondering if you should be more concerned about the child who locked the door or the one who knew how to break back in.

And a reminder that parenting is a journey filled with twists and turns, and that we're constantly learning and adapting as we go. At the very least, the mom can now add "lock-picking" to her list of parenting skills — whether she likes it or not!
The Mom With Snacks in Her Closet
Parenting can be all-consuming, and sometimes we must resort to creative measures to take a moment for ourselves! One mom learned this the hard way when she found herself hiding in a closet to eat a donut, just so she wouldn't have to share.

It's a relatable mom fail that many parents can understand — the desire to have something all to ourselves, even if it's just a small indulgence. At that moment, she found her victory in being able to savor a treat without the threat of tiny hands reaching out for a bite. It may not be the most glamorous moment, but it's one that can bring a smile to our faces and remind us that we're not alone!
The Mom Who Should Keep an Eye on Her Liquor Cabinet
We all do our best to keep our homes baby-proofed when we have little ones running around, but when the inappropriate things they find are truly harmless, it's much easier to find the humor in them. One mom was in for a surprise when her two-year-old found her cocktail-making book.

We think it just might be the perfect bedtime story! So let's raise a glass to all the moms out there whose kids love books but still can't read quite yet. Maybe one day, that two-year-old will be mixing up their own cocktails (in a safe and age-appropriate way, of course).
The Mom in Her Own Time-Out
Parenting truly is a full-time job, one where even going to the bathroom can become a game! This mom found herself in a hilarious situation when her 4-year-old shut the bathroom door on her and declared her "in jail." Instead of getting upset or frustrated, this mom saw her opportunity and locked the door in solidarity.

They say it's important to embrace our inner child and that playing games with our children encourages their creativity and confidence. This mom can play along with her toddler and also enjoy a few moments of precious alone time? That's what we call a win-win.
The Mom Who Didn’t Quite Know Her Stuff
Looks like this mom might need a history lesson herself! When she tried to help her daughter on her upcoming American Revolution quiz, they both ended up with a 50. Ouch! But hey, at least they can both bond over their lack of historical knowledge.

Maybe next time they'll stick to math problems or reading comprehension. In all seriousness, though, it's important to remember that we don't have to be experts in everything, and sometimes we just have to laugh at ourselves and our mistakes. A healthy dose of humility and hard work — that might be the most important lesson of all!
The Mom With Some Kissing Bandits on Her Hands
Watch out, world, here come the toddler Casanovas! As parents, we're always on the lookout for cute moments with our little ones. But sometimes those moments catch us off guard — like when this mom walked in on her toddler kissing their friend on the lips... Or nose?

Rather than break it up, she did what any modern parent would do: she took a photo of the cuteness, and posted it straight to Instagram! Some might call it a mom fail, but we call it second nature (these days at least). Either way, this mom deserves some credit for not freaking out and letting the kids have their moment of innocent affection.
The Mom Whose Porridge Is Always Cold
It's a classic case of Mama Bear being too busy taking care of everyone else to take care of herself. She's probably been running around all morning, making sure Papa Bear and Baby Bear have everything they need, and by the time she sits down to eat her porridge, it's already gone cold.

This mom put it all together in a brilliant tweet, and we just have to agree. It's a relatable struggle for any mom who has ever found herself eating cold leftovers while everyone else gets the fresh, hot meal. Either way, Mama Bears deserve better! Let's start a campaign for hot porridge equality for all mamas out there. No more cold porridge! Mama Bears unite!
The Mom With a Bath Time Surprise
Just when you think your toddler has bath time all figured out, they find a way to keep you on your toes. This mama was shocked to go check on her little one and find him splashing around happily in the tub, fully still in his clothes. We kind of get it, though! Who needs dry clothes anyway?

It seems like he's having a blast, and it's a lot easier to throw wet clothes into the wash than it is to scrub mud and grass stains out of a pair of shorts. Regardless, we're sure that's a step to the bath-time routine that will be emphasized for weeks to come.
The Mom Who Picked Ice Cream Over All
Seems like this mom and son duo had their priorities straight! While on their way for a night-time ice cream run, this mom noticed an unusual amount of cars parked in the high school lot. Turns out, she had completely forgotten about an open house that evening, but she wasn't fazed!

And we agree — who needs a school event when there's ice cream to be had? It's always nice when a little mishap turns into a sweet treat. Hopefully, they didn't miss anything too important at the open house, but even if they did, at least they got to indulge in a tasty reward.
The Mom Whose Kids Were Quiet (Oh No!)
We all know that kids can be quiet when they're up to no good, and this mom learned that lesson the hard way. After a period of silence, she discovered that her hallway had been covered in what she assumed was baby powder. As any parent knows, baby powder is a double-edged sword.

On one hand, it can be great for keeping your baby's bottom dry and rash-free, but on the other, it's not hard to make a huge mess with it! So while we all value our moments of peace, if you hear your kids being a little too quiet, it might be time to investigate before they turn your house into a powder-filled snow globe.
The Mom Who Didn’t Check Her Kid’s Homework
When your kid is tasked with finding "interesting" facts about a composer for a class presentation, you might want to keep an eye on what they're digging up. Otherwise, you may find yourself sitting in the audience while your child proudly announces that Mozart had a scandalous affair with a singer.

Terribly embarrassing and endlessly funny, but at least they learned that history can be juicy and entertaining! And it's a great opportunity to teach your child about appropriate topics for school presentations. No harm, no foul — you might just have to explain some uncomfortable topics to some curious parents at the next PTA meeting.
The Mom Who Should Have Trusted Her Gut
Attention parents: always double-check the school schedule before sending your child to school in their pajamas! This mom learned that lesson the hard way after her daughter insisted she had simply forgotten it was pajama day at school, since she was so busy. Nothing like pulling at a multi-tasking mama's heart strings to get what you want!

In the end, little Mini had gotten her days mixed up, and arrived at school in her cute Christmas PJs to find all of her classmates dressed totally regularly. We can assume she was a bit embarrassed, but we're also sure she was comfortable, and maybe that's all that matters in the end.
The Mom With a Big Mess to Clean Up
We're all just trying our best to be engaging, enthusiastic parents! But when it comes to doing at-home activities with your toddler, things can sometimes get a little messy. One mom learned this the hard way when she turned her back for just a minute and turned back to find a concoction of shaving cream and glue in her little one's hair.

While it may be tempting to blame the toddler, we all know that these things happen in the blink of an eye. So, the next time you embark on a crafting adventure with your little one, be sure to keep an extra close eye on the supplies, and maybe keep the shaving cream out of reach!
The Mom Whose Haircut Went Awry
Sometimes we feel like we have everything under control, until all of the sudden, we realize we don't. Unfortunately, most of the time this realization comes a bit too late! Take the case of one mom who had been cutting her son's hair for years without incident.

It only took one time, a good 18 years in, for her to forget to put the guard on the clippers and accidentally shave off a bit of his hair. We're sure he wasn't too thrilled with this haircut, but at least it was after his high school graduation. Moral of the story? Always double check your clippers before you start. Always.
The Mom Who Had Her Pie and Ate It, Too
As a parent, we sometimes have to make choices that may not seem totally honest but are for the greater good. And sometimes, the greater good is enjoying a slice of pie for breakfast in peace. This mom, when asked by her son if that was what she was doing — it absolutely was— replied that she was instead eating a fruit casserole.

What are the chances, said son hates casserole! This way, mama got to eat her pie both without judgment and without sharing. It may seem a bit crafty, but in parenthood, you've got to do what you've got to do. Morning dessert included.
The Mom With the Stinky Binky
Just when you think you've got parenthood all figured out, your baby throws you a curveball — or, in this case, a smelly surprise. Generally, you know the drill. You change the diaper, change the clothes, give a bath, and voila! Your baby smells like a sweet little angel again. But what do you do when the smell lingers on?

In the case of this mom, the answer was not what she expected. After all her efforts, her baby still smelled. With some investigation, she found the true culprit — the binky holder. Who knew that little thing could cause such a stink? Lesson learned — never underestimate the power of a binky holder. And always be ready for the unexpected as a parent.
The Mom Who Should Have Vacuumed Earlier
Asking for a friend... or yourself? We've all been there! When it comes to cleaning with little ones around, it's always better to err on the side of caution. Vacuuming the rug before your toddler gets the chance to pick up an unidentified crumb and put it in their mouth is definitely the way to go.

After all, who knows what could be hiding in those fibers? And let's not forget, vacuuming is a great way to burn off some energy and get those steps in for the day. So go ahead, vacuum away and breathe a little easier knowing that your floors are clean and your little one is safe from any unwanted snacks.
The Mom Who Found Her Inner “Batman”
Sometimes, as a parent, things don't necessarily happen the first time you ask. Or the second, or even the third —especially if you're trying to get them to leave an activity they happen to be enjoying. So maybe the first time you ask sweetly, and the second time you were a bit more firm.

So it makes complete sense to us that after 15 minutes go by, your Mary Poppins voice might get a little closer to Batman. We don't blame you! At the end of the day, you just need to do whatever it takes to get your kiddos in the car.
The Mom Who Had Paint, Not Water
Kids can have some pretty creative ideas when it comes to playtime. But sometimes, those ideas can get a little messy... and a little confusing. Take, for example, the child who thought a bucket of paint was just "white water." In her mind, an open bucket in their hallway was simply the perfect opportunity for a fun summer soak.

Unfortunately, the reality of the situation was very, very different. We can only imagine the clean-up that ensued! It was sure to be unpleasant enough for both kiddo and parent to remember for years to come, which really just ensures that this hilarious story will never be forgotten.
The Mom With an Ice Cream Clean Up
Kids, they do the darndest things! You would think that if, on a hot summer day, your toddler asks for some ice cream to cool down, he is probably planning on eating it. That's what this mom thought, and we definitely can't blame her — it's what we would have assumed, too.

Her little one, on the other hand, had a different plan. The moment the cone was in his hands, he plopped it right on his head, ice cream side down! We guess that's one way to cool down — though it's a lot messier, and a lot less tasty. It seems, at least, he got the job done.
The Mom Who Should Have Hid the Clippers
When it comes to kids and haircuts, sometimes the results are not quite what you were expecting. This was certainly the case for one mom whose two sons decided to take matters, or rather, clippers, into their own hands. At the ripe hour of 5am, the boys gave themselves reverse mohawks, leaving their mom with a bit of a surprise when she woke up.

While some may see this as a parenting fail, others might say it's simply a creative expression of childhood curiosity. Either way, the mom in question is probably investing in some extra hair clippers or maybe even considering a buzz cut for the whole family.
The Mom Whose Southern Came Out
Sometimes, when your kids are really getting on your nerves, your most authentic self comes out. This Southern mom hit peak parenting when she found herself telling her daughter, in a fit of annoyance, that she really was "cookin' [her] grits." She may have been frustrated at her child's misbehavior.

However, even she couldn't help but laugh at herself when she realized just how Southern the remark sounded. She even tagged her tweet with #momfail, acknowledging the humor in the situation. We're sure many Southern parents can relate to the phrase and the sentiment. Even we were tickled pink to see it.
The Mom Who Needed an Extra Coat in Her Car
As a busy mom, it's easy to forget things when you're rushing out the door in the morning. But forgetting a warm coat for your toddler on a cold day? That's something that definitely needs fixing. One mom found this out the hard way when she dropped her kid off at daycare on a very snowy morning with his winter jacket nowhere to be found.

Our little ones have so much stuff — clothing, toys, that one specific blanket — that sometimes its hard to keep track! Luckily, the daycare had a solution — until this mom could run over for his missing jacket, her son was able to borrow one of the teacher's big sweatshirts to stay warm. Lesson learned? Extra cute? Yes, to both!
The Mom With a Fast Food Kick
We all know how it is when you're a first-time parent. Everything is new and precious, and, more than anything, you want to do everything perfectly. That includes feeding your precious little one only the best organic food. But then... you have more kids. And you have less time!

And you realize that some of these things might not matter quite as much. So while your first kid might never have gotten close to a KFC dinner, your third could drop his drumstick on the floor only for you to dust it off, pick it up, and hand it back over like it's no big deal. Let's face it, a little bit of dirt never hurt anyone...
Existential Crisis
Truth be told, children can be extremely insightful about existence and the human condition when we least expect it. But sometimes, those deep thoughts can come at the worst times. Sometimes, a mother just wants her child to apologize for misbehaving. But you can't guarantee that you're going to like the words they choose.

If we were this boy's mother, we don't know if we would be proud of his brutal honesty or offended that he actually forgets about our existence from time to time. We just need to accept the fact that he tried to apologize for his actions. And regardless of the fact that it was more like a backhanded apology, we'll take what we can get at this stage.
The Mom Who Missed a Spot
Oh boy, we've all been there. You're out enjoying a beautiful day with your little one, and suddenly you notice that they're starting to look a little red. You immediately slather on the sunscreen, but then later that day, you notice a big red spot on the top of their head. How did you miss that?!

Well, that's exactly what happened to this mom. She might have made sure every inch of her baby was covered in sunscreen, but she definitely forgot the top of their little head. But don't worry; all you need is a hat, aloe vera, and a little extra love and attention to quickly solve the problem. Next time, we're sure they'll be fully coated.
The Mom With a Belated Baby Book
It's amazing how quickly time flies, and how much we forget amidst the chaos of raising kids. Thankfully, though, technology has our backs. In a time where most of the pictures you're taking are on your smartphones, you can put your minds at ease with the fact that every picture is easily accessible and, more importantly, time-stamped.

Even if you've slacked on filling out baby books for your older kids, you can still do so retroactively and do so just as well! So here's to iPhones and all the memories they help us preserve — may we use them well and cut ourselves a little slack if our baby books arrive a few years late.
The Mom Who Got Her Pizza On
When it comes to parenting, mistakes happen to even the most organized and attentive of moms. Take, for instance, this mom who got her wires crossed about pizza day at school. But rather than let her little one down, she turned her #momfail into a #momwin by announcing Pizza Night!

Because let's be real, pizza is pizza, no matter the time of day. It's important to remember that it's okay to mess up sometimes as long as we learn to adapt and make the best out of any situation. And who doesn't love a good excuse to have pizza for dinner? We certainly do.
The Mom Whose Love of Sports Might Not Be Genetic
Sometimes the things we enjoy the most aren't necessarily passed down to our little ones. Take this sports-loving mom, for instance, who tried to share her love of soccer with her three-year-old son, putting on an Olympic match one summer morning. She may have expected him to easily get swept up in the excitement of the game.

Instead, he seemed to be stressed by the intensity, yelling at the players on the field to "slow down!" We'd be putting it lightly if we said he might have missed the point. But no need to worry! He's young, and there's still time to learn about and fall in love with the sport. And if he never quite gets it, that's okay too.
The Mom Who Got Her Mornings a Bit Mixed Up
Oh no! The classic "letting your kid stay up too late on a no-school day" move followed by the "accidentally waking them up too early for school" mishap. It's like a one-two punch of #momfail. But hey, it could be worse: at least you didn't forget to pack her lunch or send her to school in her pajamas.

We've all been there — and many of the moms in this list have too. If you're lucky, maybe she'll be extra tired that same night and go to bed early, giving you some much-needed me-time. It's all about finding the silver lining in these parenting blunders.
The Mom With a Wicked Sense of Humor
Passed out drunkard or sleepy toddler? It really can be hard to tell! This mom took the comparison to a hilarious place, treating her fast asleep daughter the way we sometimes do our over-served friends. We're talking drawn on mustache and goatee, hefty unibrow, the works.

And all this with a sign of warning to "never be the first to fall asleep." That sure is one way to learn that lesson. We just hope that's a washable marker rather than a permanent one. Imagine showing up to daycare with that on your forehead the next Monday! This mama might have some explaining to do.
The Mom Who Held a Very Creative Funeral
Parenting often means being ready to jump into the wildest of imaginative scenarios with our kids, but sometimes it can lead to some truly bizarre moments. Case in point: the mom who held a funeral for a naked alien's underwear. Yes, you read that right. We're not quite sure what led this family to that moment, but we've got to trust that this specific pair of underwear truly required a proper send-off!

So, with the mom's help, they held a beautiful ceremony complete with eulogies, flowers, and a makeshift gravestone. It may have been a strange moment, but we hope it’s one they'll all remember for years to come. #momfail or #momwin, you decide.
The Mom With Creaky Floors (and Bones?)
There are few things more precious than getting your baby to sleep. But though reaching precious slumber can be a struggle, the journey doesn't end there. Only once they're asleep can you attempt the delicate dance of sneaking out of the room without waking them up.

However, it seems that no matter how careful you are, every floorboard creaks and every bone in your body cracks as you try to make your way out. And just when you think you're in the clear, a toy loudly beeps, or a dog barks outside, and you're back to square one. It's a mom fail that we all know too well! You just need to take a deep breath and get ready to go again — maybe next time you'll make it.
The Mom Who Took a Face-Swapping Nap
When our kids are babies, we spend a lot of time worrying about them and also a lot of time laughing at them. When they get older, they flip the switch, and then it's our turn! This mom was jokingly shamed by her older children, who snapped a pic of her napping with a magazine covering her face. The kicker?

The face of the model lined up perfectly with her own head, making for a hilarious optical illusion. They couldn't resist posting the picture to Reddit, and though we don't know how their mom feels about it, we definitely understand why. A different kind of #momfail, but a #momfail nonetheless!
The Mom With a Wild Youth
As a mom, it's always fun to show your kids old pictures of yourself, right? Especially when you come across a picture from your wilder days. For one mom, these wild days started as early as 14, and her adult children found some pictures from an especially rowdy party in the seventies which showed some tweens dressed for the era, drinking and smoking to their hearts’ content.

It might not serve as the best model for behavior, but we'll hope her kids were old enough to know not to take it as an example. Instead, we can assume she got major cool points, and they got fantastic pictures to post on the internet. No underage drinking, kids!
The Mom Whose Scissors Are Always MIA
Trying to find your household scissors as a parent can certainly be a daunting task! You might remember a time when they were always in the same place and easy to find, but those days are long gone. Now, you're lucky if you can locate them at all.

No matter where you know you put them, by the time you need them again, they'll have magically disappeared. It's easy to feel nostalgic for those pre-kid days when you always knew where your scissors were. All you can do is keep searching through drawers and cabinets, hoping that you'll stumble upon them before your child's next school project is due.
The Mom Whose Daughter Found Another Use for Panty Liners
This #momfail is one for the books! One mom shared that her daughter made a card for her dad, complete with a little surprise decoration. What a beautiful thought, one we're sure that he would have appreciated. The only problem? Amongst the scribbles and tree and flower stickers, her little one added a panty liner, mistaking it for one as well.

Not quite the peaceful scene she was planning! We can only imagine the look on Dad's face when he realizes what's happened. It's always the innocent mistakes that lead to the most hilarious moments. We're sure this family will be laughing about this one for years to come!
The Mom Who’s Walked Back Quite a Few of Her Rules
It's funny how much our perspective can change as parents, isn't it? We start out with all these rules and expectations, thinking we have it all figured out. But as reality sets in, we realize that sometimes you just have to go with the flow.

It's okay to let the dog on the couch, or let the kids watch TV when you need a break. And as for that Christmas tree, well, it's not worth rearranging the whole house just to make it fit in front of a window. You might call it a #momfail, but we call it prioritizing. When you do it right, life as a parent becomes a lot more manageable — and a lot more fun!
The Mom With Dad Jokes
They might call them dad jokes, but moms can make bad jokes too! There's nothing worse than a sullen teen walking around the house, and as parents, we're always trying to make things better. So sometimes, we'll try to lighten the mood with a joke, and sometimes, that joke will fall flat. Don't fret too much!

Not all jokes were meant to be — and at least this mom did what she could to put a smile on her daughter's face. The most important thing is to be there for our kids when they need us, whether that means offering some laughter or a shoulder to cry on. Maybe she'll see the humor in it someday... but this was not that day.
The Mom Whose Math Is Definitely Not Adding Up
Ah, the Target trap! It's a vortex that sucks you in and never lets go. We can totally relate to this #momfail. You go in with the intention of returning a few items, and suddenly you find yourself wandering the aisles, putting things in your cart that you never knew you needed.

Before you know it, you're spending way more than you intended. But hey, at least you returned something, right? It's all about balance, and sometimes that means a little give and take with our shopping habits. So, let's just call returning the $100 worth of stuff a win and buying $200 worth of stuff a learning experience.
The Mom With a House Full of Snackers
We've all fallen prey to boredom snacking, and with a house full of kids, this means your fridge can be totally emptied in just a matter of days. This mom had had enough, and found her solution in a concise yet to-the-point note hung on the inside of the fridge. And she's right!

Sometimes you really do just need to shut the damn door. It's definitely an effective strategy and also a gentle reminder to pause and think about whether you're actually hungry or just in need of a distraction. This kind of snacking can be a tough habit to break, but a small note like hers can make all the difference.
The Mom Whose Kid’s Learning Anatomy
It is always a bit of a risk to take your kids out and about — you really never know what your kid is going to say. Take this mom, for instance, whose toddler got unexpectedly excited when seeing a naked mannequin in a clothing store, yelling loudly for the whole store to hear.

It sounds like an entirely innocent and fully hilarious moment, though we're sure she was embarrassed by her child's exclamations. On the other hand, though, it's so refreshing to see the world through their little, ever enthusiastic eyes. It's almost a good thing they have no filter, even if it means calling attention to a plastic derriere in a crowded store.
The Mom With a Solid Quip
As your sweet toddlers grow into moody teenagers, they can get quite easily irritated, as this mom realized. Her daughter told her she was invading her personal space, so the mom decided that occasionally, you need to give them a little bit of attitude right back. After all, she did grow her daughter in her body for nine whole months!

While her request for space is totally valid, there's no harm in poking fun at the slightly parasitic nature of motherhood. And more than anything, as parents, sometimes we just have to embrace our cheesy humor. It's a great tool to diffuse a tense moment or even just make our kids roll their eyes.
The Mom Whose Crying Baby Was Definitely Still Hers
It's common knowledge that switching seats on the plane is the perfect solution to avoid sitting next to a crying baby. But what do you do when the baby in question is actually yours? This mom made a hilarious joke that any traveling parent can definitely understand — if only we could pass off our precious children, just for a few hours, and enjoy our flight in peace!

It would also be nice to avoid the dirty looks of other passengers, though by now, everyone should know there's no controlling when and where our kiddos completely lose it. But alas, no dice — all we can do is be prepared with snacks, toys, and other distractions and hope for the best.
The Mom With a Balanced, Nutritional Dinner Plan
Ah, the age-old dilemma of mealtime with kids. You could spend hours scouring Pinterest for a new recipe to please everyone's palates, gather all the ingredients, and even start cooking. But then one child suddenly needs help with their homework, and the other starts having a meltdown, and before you know it, dinner is pushed back.

Then what happens? The cereal boxes start calling out like a siren song. It's like a universal law of parenting: the longer you wait to make dinner, the higher the chances of everyone just eating cereal. And really, who needs fancy gourmet meals when they can have a nice, nutritious bowl of Lucky Charms?
The Mom Whose Dog Got a Bit of a Makeover
As a mom, sometimes you just know when things are a little too quiet in the house. And when your child and dog both go silent for an hour, it's entirely time to start getting suspicious. In this mom's particular case, that intuition was right on the money: her daughter had taken her furry best friend upstairs to give him a sparkly pink manicure!

The unsuspecting pooch had no idea what was coming his way, but he was probably just happy to have some one-on-one time with his favorite human. Let's just hope he enjoyed his new nails as much as she enjoyed painting them!
The Mom Who Really Needed a Drink
This mom knows the struggle of parenting all too well. Just as she was about to let her 4-year-old son take a dip in the pool, he spilled water on his bathing suit. Of course, this meant he couldn't go in the water until he changed into a dry suit — never mind that the water that he spilled is the exact same water he would have been swimming in just minutes later.

It really is a comedic yet all-too-real sentiment that any parent can relate to. We can understand why you'd need a little something to take the edge off. Sometimes all you can do is take a breath, a sip, and keep on trucking!
Bottles for Everyone
The similarities between children and parents can be quite astounding, when you think about it. After all, we were all kids at one point. So it would make sense that some childish sensibilities just never mature. Take this mother for example, who was quick to draw the comparison between the kind of bottle her baby drinks from, and the kind of bottle she drinks from.

Comedy is sometimes at its best when it pokes fun at something kind of depressing. At the end of the day, if a fully grown adult is crying after their "bottle" is empty, then that's kind of upsetting, if you ask us.