It took us a few minutes to comprehend exactly what we see here. At first, we thought this was some kind of jail for the remote controls to assure the kids don’t attempt to use them while under punishment ( the ‘no television for you’ period in life). Then, the diem dropped, and we realized what we were seeing.

This is no remote prison. This is a remote home. Say goodbye to those frustrating hours of looking for the lost controller. With this clever DIY device, your remotes are going nowhere.
A Summertime Coaster
If you need to cool off during the dog days of summer, the best way to do it is with a cold drink. But How to keep them cold? Ice will melt pretty quickly, which dilutes the flavor – and it isn't cold anymore.

This husband came up with a great way to keep drinks cold that doesn't change the flavor. Just use an ice pack as a coaster, and it will continue to keep the drink cold much longer than simple ice. Of course, eventually, the coaster will warm up just like anything else. That's why you have more than one on hand.
Just Don't Toast Your Mac
We've all brought our laptops into the kitchen to whip up a new recipe for dinner or try out a new treat. Based on how your kitchen is set up, it might make it awkward to have to keep turning back to the laptop on a different counter.

One guy had a problem with it, so he whipped up a quick stand that surely made it a little easier for him to make something tasty. All he had to do was set it on top of his toaster with a little rack underneath. Simple and useful.
Not Just for Climbing Anymore
Carabiners are handy tools for attaching to ropes when you're scaling the neighborhood mountain, but it turns out that the tools can be used for more than that. This guy decided he didn't want to go up and down the stairs over and over, so he hunted through his climbing gear to make fewer trips.

It took him a while to get all the plastic handles into the carabiner, probably, but it was all worth it. The arms race for carrying everything in one trip won't stop. We wonder what the next advancement will be.
Protecting the Pizza
After the hamburger, pizza is nature's perfect food. Even bad pizza is still pretty good compared to most food, but cold pizza takes a big step down in quality. That's why this husband turned on his thinker and then turned on the heated seats.

Even with the precious pie safe inside its cardboard cocoon, the seat kept it warm and toasty until he was able to get it home. The next time you're opting for some takeout in the dead of winter, turn the heated seats on when you leave home, and they'll be nice and warm for your food by the time you arrive at the store.
Back in the Jar
If you've just emptied a jar of spaghetti sauce onto your pasta, you have a ready-made container to store leftovers for next time. Now that we're on the topic, this comes with a couple of bonuses we can tick off.

The first is that the jar should have come with a lid that is easy to screw back on, meaning the food will stay fresh for a longer period of time. The second helpful tip is the jar is already labeled as spaghetti sauce, so it's not like you need to make a note about what is inside! Even better, there are going to be fewer dirty dishes to wash.
Organized Without Asking
Random acts of kindness keep a relationship strong. Two people who are always trying to find ways to make the other half happy will have a good time together, and this is no exception. It seems that egg cartons are more versatile than we thought, and this woman discovered that her partner had grabbed a few of them to keep her grooming time as low as possible.

This could just be kindness, or it could be him hoping she gets ready in less time than two hours when they need to be somewhere. C'mon, hun, we were supposed to be there ten minutes ago.
No Filters Left? No Problem
Making a good cup of coffee isn't always easy, but these days it doesn't take a whole lot. Of course, if you're missing something critical for the pour-over process. More bean soup.

This husband ran up against this very problem, but instead of giving up, driving to the closest coffee shop, and handing over three dollars for a cup that probably isn't all that good, he grabbed an old oil filter from the garage. After he washed it, he was able to make some delicious coffee for his family.
Upward Mobility
Things have dramatically changed in the last few years. Millions of people have started working from home, despite not being set up for it. Some people like to stand up while they work – sitting at a desk for hours at a time can do some bad damage to your posture. But, standing desks can be pricey.

This husband used a few items around the home to make his own, including an ironing board, a couple of plastic crates, and some other boxes. Even better, the ironing board can be raised and lowered in case the person working wants to sit for a bit.
I Was Told There Wasn't Going to Be Any Math
As far as cooking goes, pasta really isn't the most complicated thing in the world. You put some water (and salt) into a pot until the water is a-boilin', and then you put the pasta in until it's soft. There, that's like...three steps.

But different kinds of pasta require different amounts of time in the water until it's done enough to enjoy. There are some people out there that don't like to remember numbers, however, so this husband attached chalkboard strips on the different jars of pasta, then used chalk to write how long to cook each variety. Simple and sensational.
Faster Meals Thanks to Dad
When the kids are hungry, nobody is happy. The parents who are making the meal feel the need to hurry, but that could ruin the food. As a way to do two jobs at once, a dad tossed butter into a heat-proof dish so it could melt as the pasta for mac and cheese is boiling.

By taking on two steps at once, this dad has helped keep the kids happy, and that keeps everyone happy. The next time you're hurried in the kitchen, try out this trick to get the steps done quicker. Everybody likes a guy who is handy in the kitchen.
Time to Hit the Gym, Kid
If the kids are tired, they start to demand things. This guy didn't have the arm strength to hold his phone up, so the dad of the family co-opted a glass table to use as a stand as the kid laid on the couch.

Now granted, the child might have been sick or had a hard week, but come on — too tired to hold his phone up? It's not like those things are all that heavy. Clever as this might be, our advice to the dad is to move the table back where he got it and gift his son a set of dumbbells.
A Man and His Throne
If there's one thing that men have to work around to live their best lives, it's sports. This silver-haired gent needed to make sure he was able to watch his sport of choice, but it was also dinner time. What to do? The solution was simple.

He grabbed a clean toilet seat, put the seat over his head, and used the lid as a tray. It seems to have worked like a charm, and the subject of the photo seems just as surprised as we are that it worked so well. He's ready for seconds.
A Handy Trick for Hot Days
Warm Dr. Pepper isn't as good as cold Dr. Pepper (but what is), but if it's hot out and you just back from the store, you don't really want to wait for the drinks to cool down. A handy trick that we're sure plenty of husbands know is to soak a paper towel, wrap it around your drink of choice, and stick it in the freezer.

The water will cool down quickly, and it's a great conductor, so the rest of the drink will follow suit. It will still take a bit of time, usually about an hour, but that's still faster than normal, isn't it?
Pulling Double Duty
Quick thinking and creativity should always be recognized when it's used to make things easier. Guys usually get stuck with the job of taking the garbage out, but if you're in a time crunch like this husband was, sometimes you have to remove a few steps.

Sure, it would only have taken a few extra seconds to step out of the car and run the bin to the end of the driveway (unless the driveway is, like, really long), but that's still a few seconds saved that he will inevitably spend waiting at a stoplight before he gets to work. Still, a neat trick.
Protecting the Car
Some guys consider their cars to be extensions of their personality and thus go to great lengths to protect them from damage. There is a stereotype that women aren't as careful when it comes to cars, and it seems like it might be true in this case.

The husband has attached a foam layer to the pillar that is right next to his car's driver-side door, so that anybody, not just his misses, will have no worries about opening the door. It appears to be a pretty small space to park in, so why not make it easier for whoever is driving?
An Impromptu Pocket
Big, baggy pockets might be a handy place to stash your stuff most of the time, but what if you need to do some sprints or cartwheels? Your precious cargo can bounce around or fall out at the worst time, which is why this husband decided to get the better of the issue.

He turned his pocket inside out and tied it shut using a rubber band to create storage space. It looks pretty goofy, but if it works, it works. That's practically the mantra for men, and husbands or fathers in particular.
Power Tools Help Everything
After a long day of having a husband, sometimes a wife needs to relax a little bit with some wine. If there's no bottle opener nearby, then she might be out of luck – unless her husband comes up with this bright idea.

Use a power drill to introduce a screw into the cork – easy to do, since cork is pretty soft – and then use a tool of your choice to pull the cork out. Not the kind of thing you should bust out at a fancy party, but plenty handy in a pinch. Then again, if you need to save the party...
Big Boys Don't Cry
Even if you like the taste of onions, you have to admit that preparing them can be a hassle. The chemicals that they give off when you cut through the many layers make your eyes burn, make you tear up, and make you need to blow your nose too frequently for food prep.

If this is something you find yourself dealing with far too often, do what this husband did and grab a pair of goggles. If they can keep out water, they can keep out the stinging sensation of cutting onions. Being a husband or a dad is all about using resources properly, and this surely counts.
For the Fashionable Gent
Some people don't have the time or the options to use a dry cleaner, meaning those nice shirts have to be sent through the wash, leaving them wrinkled.

This husband didn't miss a beat and hung his dress shirt over a couple of pots of boiling water, so the steam could soften the starches and relax the shirt, getting rid of wrinkles and turning it into a smooth piece of any good-looking outfit. As another option, stick your shirts in the bathroom and turn on the hot water.
For the Woman Who Never Has Enough Cleaners
If you live with a neat freak, you know they have plenty of chemicals for making sure everything is fresh, pristine, and unstained. You also know that those chemicals can take up a lot of space. When one wife complained she was running out of space, the husband did this.

He hung up a shoe organizer in the home's utility room, which had the perfect amount of space for bottles of cleaner, air fresheners, and more. We don't know how they're organized – certainly not alphabetically – but no doubt the wife rearranged them anyway.
Keeping the Kitchen Clean
Everybody likes to have a clean kitchen, even if there are some people who don't have the will to make it so. Egg cartons are useful for carrying small, fragile items, but as this picture shows us you can also use them to hold ice cream cones.

If you want to drizzle chocolate sauce, caramel, or sprinkles on the cones, prop them up in an egg carton's openings to protect the clean counter from any messes. The person posting this picture seems to think that it's an incredible idea. If you like ice cream, try this trick out.
Making Something for the Kids
We all know that one man's trash is another man's treasure, but this is more literal than we were expecting. This picture from an Instagram post stated that one crafty hubby took some old cardboard boxes and made a one-of-a-kind castle for the kids to have fun with.

Unless Corona Extra means extra-large cans, it's probably the kind of thing that works best with action figures or dolls, but that's still super cool. And hey, a few coats of paint and nobody will know the difference. It's still cardboard, so it might not last more than a few months, but it will be months of fun.
Don't Leave a Drop Behind
We're all trying to save a little money. Having to buy new tubes of toothpaste probably isn't the biggest item on the expense account, but if you can save, why not? This husband grabbed some vises from the garage and stuck the tubes inside to make sure the family doesn't go around throwing away toothpaste that could still be used.

You'd be surprised how much you can get out of those things if you're willing to put in elbow grease. So this guy not only got to save money but do it with tools? What a dream.
Still Good for Something
After you pop the cork off a bottle of wine, it can be hard to get it back on well enough. What if you lose the cork, or it gets destroyed during a wild night of fun? You aren't out of luck if there is a child in the home.

Whether or not the child has moved on from his or her pacifier, you can take one of those suckers and stick it down the neck of the bottle, just like this husband did. It's a stopgap, for sure, and you should make sure that you carefully wash the pacifier first, but hey, if it works, it works.
Citrus Candles
If you planned a cozy night in, a great way to up the ambiance is to use a couple of candles. They spread a little bit of soft light and can make the place smell good as a bonus. But, oh no! You're out of candle holders! It wouldn't do to have candle wax solidifying all over your tables.

This husband was up against the same problem, but he came up with a clever workaround. Take an orange peel, stick a matchstick in the middle, and enjoy the aroma of oranges that spread throughout the home. It smells good, but it's also good at combating bad odors. Give it a try!
Burger Options
We've all had that time when we've had our minds set on a nice, juicy burger, only to discover there aren't any buns in the house. One husband used his quick thinking to whip up a couple of crumpets (very similar to pancakes, but with a rising agent) in the place of traditional burger buns.

To make crumpets you need salt, butter, flour, sugar, yeast, and warm water, but you could also substitute English muffins, pancakes, or something else you have the supplies for. Buns might still work the best, but there's nothing wrong with trying something new every once in a while.
Keep Wine Cold and Grapes Flavorful
On those hot summer days, there are few things that hit the spot quite like a nice, cold, glass of wine. But if it's too hot, soon you'll be drinking warmer liquid. Ew. One husband had the bright idea of freezing bunches of grapes and using them as ice cubes.

They don't melt, so the wine won't dilute, you can snack on them once you get to the bottom of your glass, and there are red and white (all right, green, but that's a technicality) colors to go with your wines. Bust this trick out at your next party for drinks that are always the perfect temp.
Fixing up a Mixer
If you've ever grabbed your grandmother's heirloom hand mixer, only to find it's smoking and putting off a smell reminiscent of fried arm hair, it can put a damper on your day of cooking. If you have a husband around, however, he might take the chance to whip up a new attachment for his cordless drill.

No doubt the amount of power the drill uses is far more than the mixer, so just make sure you're being careful. Otherwise, you might get pancake batter on the ceiling. It might make for a good story, but you aren't going to enjoy it while you're fetching a ladder and scraping it off.
Close Enough for Us
So, this guy didn't want to get wet on his way walking in the rain to his car. His solution was to throw on a dry-cleaning bag over himself. We aren't arguing that it won't work. We aren't even arguing that it isn't smart. What we are arguing is that it probably would have worked out better if he had just worn a jacket.

He looks pretty goofy, but at least he's dry. Just as well he had this bag stuffed in his pocket. Still, he stayed dry, and that's what matters.
“I Said I Only Need One Trip”
Guys like to be efficient. If you're a guy, no doubt you've done your darndest to only take one trip into your home from the car after an afternoon of shopping. You're left with strained fingers, tired hands, and mocking neighbors because you spilled a can of lima beans on the stairs.

This guy wasn't about to go through all that, so he grabbed a broomstick and started attaching bags to the handle. There is way more space than even the biggest hands have, and you only have to keep a clutch on the end bag. It won't help with putting everything away, but it still makes it faster.
Save Time on Decorations
While it's usually pretty fun, decorating the Christmas tree takes a good bit of time. It can be a hassle if you don't have the time to spend, so you might want to do what this husband did. When it's time to take the tree down, wrap the entire thing in plastic wrap.

It keeps the tree, ornaments, and lights in place, and as long as you have a big place to store it, it's sure to make decorating easier during the next holiday season. Just as long as you remember that there's other stuff to do as well, like piling presents underneath it.
Sleep and Sip
If you want to get that healthy golden tan, you're going to have to put in the time. That means sitting out in the sun, and that means drying out. You have to stay hydrated when you're working on your bronze.

You don't want to have to keep shifting and moving when you're trying to keep the sun on you, so do what this guy did: He stashed his drink underneath his lounge chair and stuck the straw between the plastic slats. Any time you feel like you're getting a bit parched you can reach your lips out and take a sip.
Keeping an Eye on the Oven
Technology has made a lot of things about daily life easier. The advance in cooking technology has made it so neither husbands nor wives have to spend all day standing over the stove. Instead, like this husband who needed to keep working as the oven cooked something that looks like a single pancake, they don't even have to be in the same room.

All you have to have is another device like a laptop or a phone that allows you to connect via Facetime or a different video conferencing service to make sure nothing burns.
Get Rid of Lint
If you're all about making sure that you look your best no matter where you are, you know you have to use a lint roller every once in a while. But what if there's a big meeting coming up and your roller is out of sheets? Or, like what happened to this guy, he has a roll of sheets, but the roller itself has gone missing. Somehow.

He did what he had to do, and what he had to do was stick a roll of tape on his wife's curling iron. Is a real lint roller really anything more complicated? Seems like it would work fine.
Less Work Means More Fun
Ah, laziness. It's the reason we have most of our fun toys or inventions. Necessity means invention, but laziness means cleverness. This husband didn't want to have to do too much work when it was his turn to do the dishes, so he just covered his plate in plastic wrap.

We can neither confirm nor deny if he wrapped the other plates, cups, bowls, or silverware, in plastic wrap. That seems like way more work than it would have been to just wash the dishes. A lot of guys might be clever, but that doesn't mean they're always wise.
Maybe You Two Could Buy a Toaster
We know that sometimes appliances break, but it shouldn't be that hard to just go to the store and buy a new one, right? We guess it is, since this couple just had to have some toasted bread, despite the toaster not working.

The picture asks what the wife would do without him, and the answer is probably "go buy a toaster". All you have to do to duplicate this trick is to grab a wire whisk or a metal spatula and keep the flame on your stove running until you have a nice crisp piece of bread on both sides.
When You Really Have to Go
If you live in a snowy state, you know that you can come out of work and find a healthy amount of snow on your vehicle of choice, and a big job ahead of you just to be able to drive home. Sometimes, you just don't have the gumption to get it all done at once – so you do what this husband did.

In his rush to get home, he did the bare minimum to allow him to see through his windshield. No doubt if a member of the police force had seen this vehicle driving down the road, they would have stopped him and helped to clean the rest of the snow off to prevent it from being a possible danger.
A Valentine's Day to Remember
Chocolates and flowers might be traditional gifts, but some women are just built differently. This husband had the clever idea of taking a big box of Ghirardelli chocolate squares (itself not a bad treat) but instead filled it with a cheeseburger and french fries.

If the caption on the picture is any indication, the woman in question is perfectly happy with the switcheroo. Are the chocolates still around? They're the perfect way to end a day full of good food. Especially Valentine's Day. You have to have something sweet before you go to bed.
Coffee and Eggs
Some boiled eggs are a classic part of breakfast for millions of people all over the world. But you have to wait for the water to boil, and if you're in a time crunch, then sometimes those are seconds you can't waste.

On this occasion, one guy realized that if the coffee pot is already hot, why not just throw some eggs in there and let them cook? Eggs are quite tender, which is why you take them off the heat before they're done – they finish cooking anyway. The coffee might taste a bit funny the next time, but there are always downsides to innovation.
A Gift She'll Love
Plenty of women love to get a bundle of flowers from their guys, but that isn't a blanket statement. Some women don't appreciate that traditional gift, and that means their husbands will have to think outside the box. This woman was going to cook up some healthy veggies for her dinner, so her main man gifted her a glass vase that had all the vegetables she needed.

There's also a lemon hiding in the center, so she has something to zest over the stir-fry, or whatever she was making. And what decoration, too. The peppers look perfect sticking up out of the green.
Just Like the Old Days
Advances in technology have given us a lot, like phones that would make sense to use in Star Trek, and really fancy toilets that have warm seats. Of course, all that fancy tech still uses plastic parts that, if used the wrong way, can fail.

In this case, this husband had a laptop that has seen better days – the hinges keeping the screen in the right position failed. He didn't shell out the big cash to get a new one, but he instead attached a picture’s little kickstand to the back so he could keep using the computer he was accustomed to.
Who Said Toys Aren't Useful?
There are plenty of people who could easily say that men are just children in adult bodies, but sometimes that comes with advantages. Take this picture, for example. A husband whipped up a charging cord holder using a couple of Lego pieces and what looks like a Princess Rapunzel from “Tangled” Minifigure.

Make sure your most important cord is always within reach by building one of these for yourself. As long as it's heavy enough to not slide around, it will work fine anywhere. You can customize your creation to look like almost anything – such is the beauty of the bricks – and use any kind of Minifigure.
Custom Made Freezer
Women of the world, the husband responsible for this has to form some kind of workshop named "How to make my wife's life really happy." There can't be anything more satisfying than getting all of your Christmas dinner leftovers in the fridge and freezer. It's almost like winning the lottery.

And what amazes us most is how simple this is. He simply put together two pieces of wood, and voila. The Pyrex dishes are stored securely, one on top of the other. There is no need to stick them or attach them. Just bring them out whenever in need. Genius, we say, genius.
Remote Control Neerby
It took us a few minutes to comprehend exactly what we see here. At first, we thought this was some kind of jail for the remote controls to assure the kids don't attempt to use them while under punishment ( the 'no television for you' period in life). Then, the diem dropped, and we realized what we were seeing.

This is no remote prison. This is a remote home. Say goodbye to those frustrating hours of looking for the lost controller. With this clever DIY device, your remotes are going nowhere.
Blow Your Car Way
Erin Rae Klein posted this image on her Instagram acount, still amazed by how lucky she was to marry such a guy. Her man teaches her something new every day, and here we see him demonstrating what HE does in order to dry the car after it has been washed.

Mr. Muckle uses a leaf blower to dry the car; however, he does not realize that a leaf blower does not filter the air. So what he is actually doing is drying his car with all the dusty air the blower sucked in. So he has basically created a sand blower which is not the best thing for the car's paint.
Steady Charger
We have all been there. Your phone battery is running low, and you have looked everywhere for your charger. It is nowhere to be found. You have in every single room in the house, and then, you come across this. As it turns out, your better half has had enough of you losing your power, so he made sure it was not going anywhere.

What he did, was, he taped the charger to the extension cord that is near the bed, and from here, there is no going back. Get ready for a life full of power, always-connected devices, and no excuses for not answering your phone.
Nuggets de Poulet Avec Frites
This is what you get when going out with Sesdayi's boyfriend ( after this, she never married him, so he is free for taking). As the story goes, he promised her a fancy night out to celebrate their anniversary or birthday, and this is what he considered to be fancy.

So, firstly point off for not going large with Dino nuggets; however, we must say one thing does impress us here. The lame boyfriend didnt forget the greens, which are so important, and used Pettit garden peas for garnish and nutrition—thumbs up.
Hearing Earing Holder
We love that some people out there are so creative and always find other things to do with except for what the device was designated for. Take this iPod case, for example. Only a true gentleman would see beyond and use this as an earring case.

The sleeping princess was getting rest for her beauty sleep when she couldn't find a place to put her diamond studs. Prince charming didnt disappoint, and he placed his pods aside and secured the princess earing until the next morning. And they lived happily ever after.
Suprise Suprise
Very few things manage to surprise us in life. We are prepared for everything, and anyone is capable of doing anything at any time. Ladies and gentlemen, some husband out there has surprised us big time. His wife broke her favorite polka dot mug, and she thought she had seen the last of it until one day....

Loving hubby turned the broken mug into a beautiful plant pot. So, she may not be able to drink her comforting cup of coffee out of her dotted mug, but she will be able to stare at it while she is her cup of joe s in others.