While seeing any wild animal at an airport might sound unheard of, it apparently does happen in Australia, where Emu are notorious for being dangerous and aggressive creatures.

Just look how everyone had evacuated out of there and allowed the large bird to roam free!
Awesome Aussies
Terry and Anna both come from "down-under" A.K.A Australia.

The country is famous for punchy kangaroos, cuddly koalas, spiders that have no business being that large, and the great Outback. But we're more interested in the love story between two of its human inhabitants.
Friends First!
It's a tried and tested truth that friendship makes for a fundamental foundation on which to build a budding romance. Well, luckily that was the case for Terry and Anna.

The pair were close friends for four years until their friendship finally blossomed into love.
Shared Love for Travel
Anna and Terry have a shared wanderlust, which drew them closer. The pair took many trips together which cemented their bond even further.

As a bonus, according to a study by the US Travel Association, couples who travel together are more likely to stay together. Talk about a hearty hobby!
One Year Down
Before they knew it, the couple had been canoodling for almost 12 months! With the pair's 1-year anniversary coming up, Terry knew he wanted to celebrate their milestone in a unique and thoughtful way.

Sure, a romantic meal would've been just fine, but Terry wanted to go the extra mile for his love. He came up with an idea that would require a little more work than making a dinner reservation.
No Experience Necessary
We have to give Terry props, he's a brave fella! He decided to make his soulmate a necklace... from scratch...with no experience.

That's what love does to people! It gives you the courage to believe in yourself. Seems like Terry certainly got bit by the love bug. Make a necklace from scratch with no experience? Sure! What could go wrong?
From Wood to Wonderful
With a little block of wood and a whole lot of love, Terry carved a pendant in the shape of a teardrop.

Terry decided to use Huon Pine from Tasmania because of its long-wear properties. It's the perfect material for a pendant meant to represent everlasting love.
Labor of Love
After whittling the wood down into the teardrop shape, Terry knew the pendant needed some extra flair and pizazz.

He carved a groove in the center of the teardrop to make space for the star of the show, a precious seashell.
Final Touches
Now, to turn the pendant from a DIY project into a wearable necklace symbolizing their love, Terry had some finishing touches to make.

He added a few layers of varnish to give the pendant a warmer color and to protect the wood. He also chose a piece of rope to, quite literally, tie the necklace together.
Aussie Anniversary Dinner
The time had come! It was the night of the couple's anniversary. With his gift in hand, Terry was ready.

Anna and Terry shared a romantic dinner together to celebrate a year of their love. Little did Anna know, there were some surprises coming her way.
Heartfelt Gift
Finally, Terry was able to present his labor of love to Anna. He handed her the necklace and she was overjoyed.

Anna was beaming knowing all the thought and effort that terry had put into her necklace. However, it would be some time before she would find out just how much thought went into her gift.
Token of Love
Anna couldn't have been happier. The love of her life had just given her an actual token of their love. A token she could wear around her neck, close to her heart.

And as a bonus, she got a fabulous new accessory to add to her wardrobe!
Permanent Pendant
From the moment she received the gift, Anna wore the necklace every single day. Whether she was running errands, hitting the beach, or dressing up for Christmas, no matter the occasion, the pendant was around her neck.

Terry beamed with pride every time he saw his love wearing his gift so proudly. That was her gift to him!
Rain or Shine
We meant it when we said that Anna NEVER took off the necklace. The proof is in the pudding people!

Unfortunately for Anna, her sunny mishap left her with a very painful-looking burn and a not-so-flattering outline of the necklace. Let's just hope she learned that you can never have too much sunblock.
Not Foolproof
Terry's plan was certainly not foolproof. There were many things that could've foiled his plans. Even something as simple as the necklace rope breaking or Anna misplacing the pendant.

It's safe to say that Terry had some nerves along the way, hoping that nothing would ruin his plans.
Fascinated Friends and Family
It wasn't only Anna who adored the necklace. Her friends and family were impressed and intrigued by the thoughtful gift and the meaning behind it.

Anna herself had no idea about its hidden message so it remained a mystery to all. Either way, Terry was in her family's good books!
18 Months Later...
Yes, you read that right, an entire 18 months later, not much had changed. Anna and Terry were still in love, the pendant remained a fixed feature on Anna's neck, and the hidden message was still...hidden.

This is definitely what you'd call a slow-burn surprise.
Romantic Getaway
Finally, Terry decided it was time to get the ball rolling. The pair planned a dreamy holiday just for two.

Before they knew it, Terry and Anna were on a plane, heading towards Scotland for a trip of a lifetime — with a few surprises in store.
The Scotts Got It
The lovebirds landed in Scotland and began to explore everything the country had to offer.

Whether it was traversing through the Highlands, visiting castles, or getting a glimpse of the Loch Ness monster, the pair were by each other's side.
Odd Request
During one of their explorations, Terry did something out of character. He asked Anna if she could give him the necklace so he could take a photo of it.

Not thinking much of the odd ask, Anna then also did something out of character, she took the necklace off and gave it to Terry.
Caved in
With the necklace in his grasp, Terry led Anna through the Smoo Sea Cave, located in the Scottish Highlands.

Rather ironically, the name of the cave is derived from the Norse word "smuga" which means..."hiding place." 10 points to Terry if he knew that!
Capture the Cuteness
Knowing that this would be a life-defining moment for both of them, Terry made sure a camera (set to self-timer mode) was around to capture it.

At this point, Anna was blissfully unaware of the big shock coming her away. She just thought they were taking a picture!
Nerves a Plenty
It was now or never. Terry had waited so long to reveal the secret message that the necklace held.

Sure he was nervous, but he knew he couldn't turn back now. It was time to put everything on the line and reveal what he'd been hiding from Anna all this time.
Now for the Necklace
To Anna's confusion, Terry pulled out the necklace he had taken from her earlier that day.

Why on earth was Terry bringing out the necklace now? In the middle of a cave? What he did next left her stunned.
Big Break
In one swift motion, Terry broke the necklace in half. Yes. HE BROKE THE NECKLACE! The very same necklace that Anna had carried around her neck for 18 months.

For a few moments, Anna's jaw was on the floor and her mind was running a million miles an hour trying to figure out what was going on in Terry's head.
Take a Knee
Terry took a knee and began telling Anna how much he loved her and how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

He then revealed what he had been hiding all this time. And then everything became crystal clear. Or, should we say... diamond clear?
A Pendant Proposal
Terry had hidden an engagement ring in the pendant all those months ago! Yes, not only was Terry proposing to Anna, but he was doing it with a ring that she had carried around her neck, close to her heart this whole time without even knowing it.

Someone pass a tissue box, there are tears aplenty over here!
"Ring" the Wedding Bells
Without hesitation, she said yes! Overcome with joy and love, the couple embraced and shared their first kiss as an engaged couple.

Good thinking on Terry's part to have set up the camera to capture these once-in-a-lifetime moments.
In Shock!
To say that Anna was overwhelmed with emotion would be an understatement. Happiness, shock, and love were all pulsing through her body. So much so that she didn't have much control over what came out of her mouth!

What she said next after saying yes was more...ahem... humorous than heartfelt.
She Lost It... Well Almost!
It suddenly dawned on Anna just how valuable the necklace had been this entire time. She realized that could've lost it, along with her future engagement ring, and she would've had no idea.

This realization resulted in a rather funny outburst by Anna. She exclaimed, " Wait...It's been in there the entire time? I could have lost it, you F*** idiot!"
Planting a Seed
You may be wondering what the thought was behind Terry's elaborate (and drawn out) plan.

Well, Terry knew he wanted to marry Anna but he wanted to pop the question at the right time. So he planted a seed (the ring) in the necklace and when their love was in full bloom, he would propose. The necklace with the hidden ring was the ultimate symbol of their love growing into something beautiful.
Montage Magic
To make sure that the memory of the necklace and eventual engagement lasted forever, Terry made a photo montage of the couple's journey and posted it online.

That way Annas and Terry's friends and family could get a glimpse of their love story and find out the hidden message of the necklace as well.
Romantic Views
To the couple's surprise, the video montage went viral! It has amassed over five million views on YouTube. It means that their love story has been witnessed over 5 million times and surely made some strangers tear up in the process (ahem...us).

That's certainly a far wider audience than just their close friends and family!
News Worthy
The couple's viral online status and the fascinating love story even got several news stations' attention.

In an interview with ABC News, Terry said that he had “always loved the idea of giving someone a gift where they didn’t know its true value until years later.”
Anna's Thoughts on Their Newfound Fame?
On top of the shock of the hidden engagement ring and the proposal, Anna has also been blown over by the worldwide attention her and Terry's love story has received.

Anna wrote "this started out as a little video we put together a month ago just to share our good news with friends and family, now it’s gone ballistic!" in the comment section of the now-viral video.
Raising the Bar
As if there wasn't enough pressure on partners who want to propose to their loved ones! Terry just raised the bar ten-fold in the romance department.

Terry and Anna's engagement story will surely inspire many other lovebirds around the world. We have a sneaky feeling that necklace-making classes are about to fill up!
What’s Going on Down Under? Things You Can Only See in Australia
"Do you come from a land down under? Where women glow, and men plunder". We don't know about glowing women or plundering men, but what we do know is that the magnificent land of Oz, the exquisite landscapes of Down Under are sometimes beyond belief. As are the oddly specific local shenanigans.

We wish to take you along on this journey of hilarious signs and gobsmacking antics that make this place so unique like no other place on earth. Ladies and gentlemen, things you only see in Australia.
Going Down to the Beach
Over 10,000 sandy beaches are scattered across Australia, making them a must when visiting the continent. Going down to the beach in Australia is like popping down to the post office or taking the kids to school. These sandy carpets are the place to escape to.

We all know the proverb a Beach a Day Helps You Work, Sleep & Play. But coming across a sign like this, with warnings that practically cover every danger in the world, will make you want to go even more. Couldn't they think of other ways to keep the tourists out?
The giant jellyfish is a relatively new fish species (if you insist on calling it a fish). Found lying on the shores of one of the southern Australian beaches, it has not been spotted anywhere else.

You would have thought that such a great creature would be deadly and seriously dangerous, but apparently, the size of this thing is greater than the actual damage it can cause. It may sting like any other jellyfish, but besides that, it can easily be your child's next jelly pet.
Cockroach Racing Championship
We couldn't believe what we were reading either so we felt we had to share this with you. Every country has something it is known, loved, and famous for. Australia is known for cockroach racing. We aren't sure about the "loved for" part but we are pretty convinced about the "famous for."

The annual racing competition for cockroaches is held every year in Brisbane, Australia, and they are actually proud of this event. People literally place serious bets on this thing. Fellow Ozzies, what on earth is happening to you down there?
Bugger This
Many parts of the land of Australia are mainly... nothing. Under 40% of the land down under is populated by humans, making the rest wild zones. You can travel for miles and miles and see nothing but empty pieces of land.

So to keep your expectations low and maintain your spirit at ground level, Australia has decided to remind you that they don't need much to make their country beautiful. Less is more.
Guinness Christmas
Oz is known for numerous things. Beautiful landscapes, breathtaking views, fascinating animals, and holding the Guinness world record for Christmas lights display. Yes, one of the few places on earth that celebrate Christmas in summer holds this record. Over 500K lights were used for this display in 2013.

Now, we have two questions. The first question is, when did this dude start putting the lights up to be ready for the holiday? And the second question is about the house. How big is this house? Don't rich people have something better to spend their money on other than Christmas lights?
Markering, Marketing, Marketing
Walking along the road on a hot summer's day can sometimes be unpleasant. Walking down the road on an Australian hot summer's day can send you right into the local pub.

No matter how early it is, and no matter if you're behind the wheel later on in the day, when it's as hot as this sign says it is, beer will come first. The marketing team who work for this pub surely did their homework, as no one, and we mean no one, can resist this.
It's Getting Hot in Here
There's hot, and there's hot. Apparently, even the most expensive pair of flip-flops wouldn't stand the Australian heat, so buying some fancy Gucci flops instead of simple Haviannas won't work here.

Australia can become so hot in summer (December-February) that you can fry eggs on the pavement, or literally melt your flip-flops on it. Basically, any cheap rubber thing you own can be melted and reshaped into something new. Always look on the bright side of life.
I Came, I Ate, I Left
Following different depictions in various American films and TV shows, Chinese restaurateurs have built a reputation of being rigorous and in-your-face kind of hosts. If they have something to say, they will just say it. No hinting, no assuming, and no can I buy a vowel.

This buffet festive owner was probably sick and tired of customers helping themselves throughout all hours of the day and decided to put an end to it. You come in, take a seat, enjoy your lunch (or not, but no one is interested in that), and leave.
Are We There Yet?
Traveling with kids, especially for long distances, can be a great challenge. Food and drinks, card games, Simone says, I spy with my eye, and are we there yet are the most common things that keep parents and children occupied throughout the road trip.

After a while, it is us, the parents, who start wondering when on earth are we going to reach our destination; as Simone has said enough and this journey seems neverending. Luckily enough, there are road signs like this along the way, making sure the drivers know that they are still in child entertainment territory.
Last Call for Alcohol
No matter how much the Ozzies try, they will never be able to get rid of their British origins, and these days Australia is still part of the commonwealth. The Brits have left enough landmarks to assure everyone knows, locals and visitors, that the roots of Australia are in the kingdom of fish, chips, and beer.

Going on a drive into the wild desserts with no pub on the way for fueling up can be as dangerous as not drinking at all. God save the queen.
Cliff Warnings
If you want to keep visitors out, just be honest with them. This sign basically says, we don't want you here, ruining our natural environment and littering, so go back to where you came from! It's not yours, it's ours, and if you do decide to enter, you will probably die.

Everything is so politically correct these days that the truth cannot be said out loud and in the open. Ridiculous excuses of cliffs and rocks are made up just to keep us out.
Lizards. Realy Big Lizards
We have taken a moment to dedicate a page to lizards. Enormous lizards. The kind of lizards you can find only down under. Australia is home to five species of these giant lizards, but funnily enough, they have no fear of humans, so they are literally everywhere.

So, forget about snakes, and forget about cockroaches; lizards are the thing. Next time you come across one of these monsters across the street, walk on by.
The Johns
How many names for the restroom are you familiar with? In Australia, there are several. All English-speaking country visitors have a different way of defining the sacred room, and the Ozzies have decided to adopt them all.

We assume this saves them from answering all day long, where the ladies, Shelias', restrooms, and Loos are. We are familiar with most terms here but can anyone tell me who Dunny is and how he (or she or it) ended up on this list?
Uluru Sign
This sign was found in the magnificent Uluru nature reserve, but one thing was slightly unclear to us. How are we supposed not to take any photos if we're not supposed to enter in the first place? We are for preserving sacred places and believe that nature must be looked after, but the least these people could do is get their order of appearance right.

Look around. There's nothing there to take a picture of. We don't know the standards of photography in Australia, but where we come from, a little bit of color is required.
The Galleried Snake
We just love the Australians for being so open about what they're going through. Big snakes are widespread in the land of Oz, and you can often find them crawling around town. However, seeing them in galleries or museums is not a sight that you come across very often.

Whoever put up this sign found it very important to share with the potential visitors the reason for the door being locked. Don't you think that a simple sign with "closed, back in 5" be enough? Couldn't they spare us from this scary information?
Animal Care
We all (most of us) care about animals and do everything in our power to protect and not to harm them. All zoos worldwide have signs all over, explaining how important it is to respect requests and not feed or trouble the animals.

Most people find it hard to follow, and packets of chips and cookies are regularly found hiding in the animal's habitat. This zoo owner decided to take it one step further. Not only will the animal be sick because of eating junk, but the animal is most likely to eat you. Stay away!
A B C Drivers
What we are most afraid of when seeing this sign is that most drivers won't understand what the letter W stands for. So instead of concentrating on the road, they will start working those brain wheels, trying to figure out what the W in Australia means. Well, what the W means and what the anchor is doing there.

What does W-anchor mean anyway? Oh wait... we think we get it. Either that or it means being a wallaby of a driver. Must be the other thing. Country road, take us home.
Giant Pinecone
Many things in Australia can kill you, and this giant pinecone is one of them (if it happens to fall on you). This pinecone is so big that no other country could fit it, so it is unique to Australia. This giant cone is grown on the Bunya Pine tree, the tallest of which was reported to reach up to 169 feet.

Children worldwide (at some stage in their childhood life) collect (amongst others) pinecone for fun. Now please clarify — do Australian children have to ask their parents to pick up the cone, or do they manage to drag it home alone?
Koalas Are Everywhere
Being home to so many unique species of animals, Australia is where koalas originate from. These cuddly and sweet marsupials are found mainly on the continent's east coast, making them close to human-populated areas.

As humanity has invaded their habitat, there is no reason to be surprised when coming across a koala sitting on top of a car. This is part of living close to nature. Love koalas? Love them all the way.
Social Distance
Reality changed tremendously for us humans in 2020. A change of rules concerning what is acceptable and what is not has been set and is expected to be respected everywhere when meeting people. In Australia, they have taken this one a step forward, assuring we keep our distance from one another, using our kangaroo friends as a measuring tool.

Now, how are we supposed to know who is an adult amongst the kangaroos? Don't they have small kangaroos, tall kangaroos, midget kangaroos, and some kangaroos that don't believe in social distancing?
Day Off
The Australians are not known for being hard workers and seem to always be on the look for another reason to go down to the beach (between you and me, they've got it right, it's us that are doing it wrong being obsessed with working five days a week).

Looking for an excuse to take a day off is a job on its own. The road workers of this town just managed to crack that morning blues and gave us a spontaneous day off to cherish.
Here Goes That GPS Again
How often have you traveled calmly to the sounds of your favorite band, expecting to reach your desired destination, only to realize that either the road is under construction, or even worst — closed? We knew it. The GPS is not sometimes wrong; it is always wrong.

The Australians are so laid back, they probably just U-turned and looked for the alternative root. For us foreigners, these kinds of signs can be quite annoying. We wish to thank the GPS for helping us waste even more of our time with this lousy technology installed.
Selfie the Street
They seem to be intended for children only, but no. These signs are for us mature citizens as well. These sorts of signs should be placed everywhere. Before we start eating our dinner in the restaurant, before a concert begins, before sipping our first cup of coffee, and before you close your eyes and drift off into no smartphone land.

In the past, children were taught to look left and right; today, they are trained to lift their heads. How ridiculous have we become? This is a reminder just so you stay alive. Cross, then post.
Ugly Uggs
Australians feel it is indispensable to emphasize and highlight their famous local inventions. Here is a classic example of what happens when they take it a little too far. UGGs are known to be winter's best friend. Besides being really comfortable, they do their work when it comes to warming up our feet, but there is no other word in putting this; they are hideous.

So not only did the Ozzies place a gigantic statue of UGG boots in the center of town, they went along and painted them, so there is no chance you miss them. Bliss.
Beer Holder Trolley
How educational is this? Need to go shopping? Ran out of goodies for entertaining your friends in the middle of the party? No worries. The supermarket's trolly will allow you to continue the party while you stock up for some more.

Now we assume that the original purpose of this bottle holder was to hold a baby's bottle or a bottle of water at the most. Not surprisingly, though, the locals took advantage of the situation and turned it into a beer supporter.
Not All Hamburgers Have an M
Bazz probably was affected by the big M opening down the road, but one thing is for sure, he knows exactly what he's selling. No fast food will come between him and his customers. No fast food will come as a threat to him anymore.

What's nice about this sign is that Mr. Bazz acknowledges that Macdonald's indeed does sell low-quality food and has literally ruined the meaning of a hamburger. If you want a Big Mac, go to Macdonalds. If you want a real burger, stick with Bazz.
Cops and Robbers
So do they actually arrange shifts together, or do they find out who they have been paired with when they arrive at the office in the morning? Another nice thing about this is that the local authorities even took the time to emphasize how important it is for them to work together in partnership to prevent crime.

We know that things work differently in Australia. We know that you have to be a native to fully understand what is going on Down Under, but is the police sure that thieves are the best partners for this?
Cats and Dogs
The world is divided into two — dog people and cat people. Many young couples decide to adopt (or buy) a dog before settling down and having children. Apparently, there is something about caring for a dog that prepares you for parenthood (only people who don't have children will believe this). Cats are a totally different story.

They don't really bother, and as long as they are fed, they care about nothing. They seem to resemble teenagers. Those ungrateful humans closed in the room and peek out to see what's served for dinner.
Divorce Agreement
Getting a divorce is never a pleasant episode in one's life. Besides the broken hearts usually linked to this chapter, it can involve ugly episodes of who's taking what. Whoever posted this leaflet wanted to shorten that episode and decided to leave the ex with as little as possible.

We think that this should definitely be part of every divorce agreement. No matter what happens to the house, car, expensive stereo system, the rest of the joint belongings (including the kids under the age of 18) should be displayed in a garage sale.
The Christmas Tree
After seeing this picture, you lose the right to complain about the size of your Christmas tree, the quality of your presents, and the whole event of Christmas in your household. Being in the south half of planet earth, the seasons are reversed, turning the summer months of June, July, August into winter, and December through to February into summer.

In Australia, Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December like in the rest of the world; however, this falls in the summertime, when it can get scorchingly hot. Leave behind the Christmas trees, and bring out the fans.
Australian Hailstones
No one is afraid of a bit of hailstone unless it grows spikes, and then you better run for your life. Australia's hailstones are like no other, and they are just as great as everything else about this land. The largest hailstone seen to this day is over five inches in size, making it as big as an iPhone 7.

If these rocks were to keep themselves to isolated areas, or dark and gloomy woods, we could cope, but these monsters fall in populated cities, they might break windows or cause some other damage.
You should always carry a water bottle with you, especially in Australia when the weather can get terribly hot. When strolling down the road with your dog, it's great to come across a bowl of water intended for them, as they need water as much as we do, and sometimes even more.

It was really heartwarming to see that people are considerate of other people's needs. God didn't create us all the same, and whoever put up this board acknowledged that. However, we do have one question, do you think the dogs will mind?
Sexual Education
When you reach a certain age, you are presented with sexual education, if not by your parents at home then by your teachers. Adam and Eve, the birds and the bees — these are all part of this fascinating experience the younger generation goes through.

As for us, we think we know it all, and we seldomly forget the rules that stand behind these facts of life. We need a reminder of what might happen in case we're not careful. The ones responsible for this sign didn't want to leave any room for misunderstanding. You drink? You pay!
Don't Feed the Kids
Does this sign mean don't feed the alligators with your kids? Or does it mean alligators really enjoy playing with kids? Or maybe it's simply a sign to indicate that if you've had enough of your kids, the alligators will be happy to have them?

The signs in the zoo (we are assuming this was seen in a zoo) really have to be more accurate and better explained. The last thing we need is to be sued for feeding the animals.
Wifi Alert
Caught in Australia, this sign could actually work anywhere on earth. Modern days have brought wonderful technology upgrades to many household devices and communication technologies, making the world a smaller place for us all.

However, the price we pay for having these privileges may seem too high sometimes. People have forgotten how to verbally approach, read a newspaper, and not depend on a five-inch-long device. This sign may seem at first like a warning, but within no time, you'll realize what a wonderful gift you are receiving. You're welcome!
Hiding in the Woods
Have you ever been lost in the woods, with no idea where the way out is? Well, if you happen to be in an Australian forest, and if you happen to lose your tracks, no worries. You won't be able to get too far.

You won't be able to trespass here, and by the looks of it, if you do, you won't be able to leave in one piece anyway so it's best to just accept your destiny. Do yourself a favor, stick to the main road.
Park on the Safe Side
Not everyone is so strict. Many people understand the rules were made to be broken and that sometimes in life, you have to expand your horizon and acknowledge that we can't always live by what society expects from us. Just like in this prime example right here.

This sign is clearly there to emphasize exactly that. No matter where you park your car, whether your block an entrance or block another car, your car will be absolutely fine.
Education, Education, Education
Don't waste your time educating your kids, teaching them manners and common courtesy if you're going to end up leaving them behind. We know it's tempting. We spend too much time trying to turn our little monsters into polite adults with acceptable dietary habits and polite language. It can all be thrown down the drain in no time.

It won't be worth it. Go get them back. They will return eventually, though only God knows in what condition.
Keep Out of the Sun
No matter how often we hear how important it is to be safe in the sun, it still doesn't work. No matter how often we are reminded that sunglasses, long sleeve shirts, a hat, and sunblock are mandatory (with the way this planet is going), we still embrace those suntanning hours and feel better and healthier (which we're not) when we are colored bronze.

The people responsible for this sign decided, that enough is enough. If you don't match the shade of this sign, you're good. (Except you aren't.)
Climbing Fences
This kind of sign wasn't around when we were young and foolish. The number of times we climbed fences (legally and illegally) to help ourselves to the neighbor's orange tree or to shorten the way to school, is something everyone has in their memory box.

Climbing fences and climbing trees is all part of growing up. Except for this fence. This sign doesn't leave much room for imagination. You climb, you die!
Lost and Found
Instead of publishing missing people on milk cartons or in the lost and found newspaper section, Australians have come up with a unique and original way of asking citizens to participate in police activities and search for missing souls.

By the looks of this photo, the area seems to be isolated, like a dessert of some sort, so we are finding it hard to understand where exactly the searches are supposed to take place. If you find anyone, let us know. Maybe they'll have the answer.
Under the Sea
It's no secret that a slippery road is a dangerous road. We know that it's important to change the tires and ensure the car's wiper blades are in shape and ready for winter. What we're not prepared for is this sign.

We wish they would have come up with something better to explain how dangerous the road is underwater. Is it a generic slippery situation or something that calls for an actual boat?
21st-Century Illegal Substances
In our late teens or early twenties, we all tried a little liquor or shared one cigarette with our friends at our prom night. We were good kids, trying (out of curiosity) bad things. Today, in the 21st-century, things have changed.

They have now managed to combine the wine with the cigarettes so that the teenagers won't be exposed to things one at a time. All they have to do is try smoking the wine, and then they can proudly say that they have done their share of illegal substances for life.
Native to Australia
At its heart, Australia revolves heavily around nature, and posts like this show how just how interesting the natural world in Australia can be.

When picked from the stem, these little plants look like little, green hummingbirds. It also looks a lot like plant origami. Fascinating!
Caught Off Christmas Island
As they'd say in Australia, 'what an absolute beauty!' This fish is called the Rainbow Wrasse, due to its vibrant, luminescent colors, it almost looks like a painting.

It would be a real shame if they didn't put it back in the water though.
Australia comes off as remote and intimidating; as a country, it dwarfs the entire European continent, yet it has fewer residents than the entire population of Texas.

It’s home to the most deadly and dangerous species known to man, and believe it or not, this isn't even one of them.
An Emu Egg
You might be thinking that this is a prehistoric egg, but actually, it's an Emu egg. Not many people will know what an Emu is, so let's enlighten you.

Emu's are large, flightless birds that resemble ostriches, but they have shaggier coats and grey plumage.
Camping in Australia
There is no place in the world like Australia. it’s home to incredible natural sights like the Great Barrier Reef and not to mention, kangaroos!

With more than 2.5 million miles of outback and 10,000 beaches, planning an itinerary may seem like a daunting task, especially when you find parrots like these while camping.
Camera Koala
The landscapes may change, but Australia's dedication to natural wonders never seems to cease.

Take this koala, who knows his way around a camera a looks pretty confident filming too! Even if he looks super cute holding the camera, we can't but wonder if he has the right koala qualifications for this job...
Lizards Down Under
Nothing unusual here, just a really big lizard going for a stroll up your wall. But in all honesty, why does everything in Australia look so big and menacing? It's almost like the entire continent just isn't meant for humans?

Well, at least not meant for those who'd be scared out of their wits at the very sight of a lizard this big.
Cursed Land
The English explorer and naturalist didn't have very nice things to say about Australia and in this strongly-worded note, he summarized his thoughts on the continent.

But we're not in 100% agreement with him, after all, the things he lists about Australia are actually what makes it so unique.
Spencer Lake
Australia is infamous for its next-level nature, from its colossal boulder formations to those long stretches of colorful coral at the Great Barrier Reef.

But still, this Lake stands out among the rest—after all, a giant bubblegum pink lake in the middle of a forest is hard to miss. But what's really weird, nobody can figure out why the lake has such a striking color.
Rude Awakening
Picture this, you're asleep and a loud racket wakes you up, so you stumble out of bed and come face to face with this strange creature.

We don't know too much about Australia's possums, except that they are adorable and apparently will try to steal all of your bananas.
Wave Rock
Is it a wave rock or a rock wave? Either way, this gargantuan rock formation is shaped like a wave and because of its unique structure, it boasts incredible acoustics.

It kinda looks like something you'd find in a futuristic dystopian film, one where rocks resemble water and lakes resemble bubblegum medicine, oh wait, that's just Australia.
When It's Really Hot
When it's so hot in Australia, you can't help but wonder why birds aren't using your birdbath. Only once you take a gander and look inside, does it all make sense, there's a snake in the birdbath!

Turns out, even cold-blooded animals need a break from those incriminating summer days.
Too Cute to Cuddle
Two extremely cute and endangered barking geckos climbed up on this guy's hand one morning. They look a little bit like baby toothless from the animated movie "How to Train Your Dragon."

What with their plump tails and their little feet, we almost wish we could cuddle them.
David and Goliath
First of all, what is that abomination? And second of all, why is it climbing on that kid? Seriously, is taking a photo more important than the safety of your child?

After a little research, we found out that this insect is aptly named Goliath stick insect and is considered one of the largest species of stick insects in the country.
Typical Day in Australia
After 68mm of rainfall, all the rivers and lakes were flushed out, meaning all the animals went searching for higher ground where they wouldn't drown.

Of course, that meant these toads could hitch a ride on a 3,5m python. Just another typical day in Australia it seems.
An Emu at the Airport
While seeing any wild animal at an airport might sound unheard of, it apparently does happen in Australia, where Emu are notorious for being dangerous and aggressive creatures.

Just look how everyone had evacuated out of there and allowed the large bird to roam free!
We Have AC
Sending your kids to a decent school might seem like an incredibly burdensome task, you have to find out about their priorities, how good the teachers are, and what kind of kids go there.

But luckily this school knows what's important. At least their parents don't have to worry about their kids overheating or dehydrating while in history class, never mind how good the teachers are.
G'Day Mate!
If you love farm animals, you might enjoy Australia. Imagine waking up and getting some fresh air, only to find a flock of sheep outside your door! Oh, and one wandering cow...

They're probably waiting for breakfast and are scared you might forget. But how could you, they've been bleating since 6 in the morning!
Check Your Shoes
Before you even ask: yes, that is a snake hiding inside a shoe. In Australia, checking your shoes isn't an option, it's a fine line between life and possibly death.

Of course, if you happen to check your shoes and do find a snake in them, you probably will have to forget about your shoe as you won't want to deal with what might be a venomous snake.
Roaming around the wilderness and finding a beautiful, if not scary creature seems standard procedure for Australia. This octopus might look adorable but those blue rings could signify something more sinister and it might be venomous.

Be best careful when stumbling upon any animal in Australia, even if they look cute, like this one.
What Is That?!
Is that an alien? Is it some kind of mutant from the depths of the sewers? No, it’s just an Australian moth!

Actually, it's called a Creatonotos Gangis moth and those terrifying-looking tentacles are Coremata and release pheromones to attract the ladies, and the hairs are to wave the smell around.
Australian Thugs
If you've ever been to Australia, you'll know what a menace a lone Kangaroo will be, they don't care how much money you have in your bank account or how much you lift at the gym, they will trash your car if they get the chance.

At least that's what the sign looks like, a kangaroo bashing up a car.
Parking in Australia
Apparently, it's not just New York and London that have ridiculous parking, even Australia has a reputation for being ruthlessly strict when it comes to where you park your car.

Just looking at this sign, it must be a pain to figure out where and when and how you should park so you don't get a pesky fine.
Another Visitor
This monitor lizard couldn't wait for the heat to dissipate, so instead, he strolled around, looking for a pond so he could cool down and refresh a bit.

He seems like he's a polite fellow, giving the owners of the house a little nod to let them know he's coming to use their pond for a little swim.
This giant hot pink slug is a rare species that can only be found in a single isolated forest on an extinct volcano called Mount Kaputar in Australia. Besides their obvious color, these pink slugs get pretty big and can reach about eight inches in length.

They spend most of their time buried beneath the leaf mold on which they feed,
March of the Caterpillars
The itchy-looking grubs, also known as Processionary caterpillars, can be extremely dangerous to anyone who touches them. While not endemic to Australia, they do appear there in larger numbers.

The hairs are worst and can cause people problems such as extreme itching, rashes, and swollen eyes and faces.
Massive Earthworm
How rich must the soil be for this earthworm to grow so big?! Imagine the fish you could catch with that.

Australia seems like the land of the lost where every animal, insect, or plant can grow to gargantuan sizes. We prefer the normal size, thank you very much.
Funny Fellow
This funny-looking creature was found in Broome, Western Australia, and looks like an anemone. More specifically, Dofleinia Armata, the armed anemone.

They are also called the striped anemone. It is considered extremely dangerous as it can inflict painful stings that can take months to heal.
That Sign
Imagine walking up to a wooden post like this, only to realize it's a sign on the other side that warns you about tiger snakes!

Luckily nothing happened to this guy, only the incredible shock he must have gotten once he actually saw the sign.
Here's Johnny!
Honestly, how on Earth did this spider get so big?! Apparently, it's a Badge Huntsman spider, as the abdomen markings are very telling.

If you ever come across a spider this big, we might suggest you move, to a country far away!
Termite Mounds
Picture of a termite mound in the northern territory of Australia, termites build the tallest structures out of any of the creatures on Earth.

Humans would have to build something 10km tall, or 6.2 miles long to equal the scale of size or person, to the building. Termite mounds are also stronger than cement.
Who Are You Going to Call?
So you've moved to a new neighborhood, and according to what people say, it's safe. Or at least should be safe. And then you come across this. Now, what is considered "strange," we ask?

Are people walking around in costumes considered strange? Are people burgling your house considered strange? In our opinion, the sign is definitely a little bit on the strange side, so you ought to re-think the whole moving to this neighborhood story.
Kids Don't Bounce
The Australian authorities felt it was necessary to emphasize the fact that kangaroos and all other jumping animals are not the same as kids. The kangaroos manage to keep quiet.

And after a second glimpse at the image, we ask - what on earth are kids going to do in the middle of the Australian steppe if not jump? What else is there to do out there?
Do Not Attempt to!!
The Australian fires are no joke, and signs like these must be respected. Locals and visitors alike, no campfires, please!!

We wonder if there are open vacancies for the fart inspector position....
This is a quick lesson in how NOT to market the things you want to sell. Or maybe this is a way to get a good-looking strong guy to attempt getting the snake out of there, just to impress his girlfriend.

Either way (and luckily enough) there are other stores around for us to get some ice. And a nearby zoo to go and visit the snakes.
Opera Time
What we see here is a young baby seal, relaxing outside the Sydney Opera House. The cooling splashes of water and the sound of music, forming moments to cherish for life. Well...not exactly.

It's. a pity the baby seal missed the ferry to the other side of the quay and now he has found himself all alone, waiting for the next one to arrive.