Barbecue lovers, this one’s for you. Grills add a lot of culinary options and usually see a lot of use during the warmer months. (4th of July picnic, anyone?)

If your grill has seen a lot of action lately and has some residue on the grates, just grab some baking soda and a damp brush. After a little scrubbing and a quick rinse, your grill should be all set for the next use.
Clean Fresh Produce
So you just bought some beautiful, fresh produce, and you need to remove the remaining dirt, but soap is not an option and water just won’t cut it. Here’s where baking soda steps in.

Let your produce soak for a few minutes in a mix of 1 tsp of baking soda per 2 cups of water. Or, if you’re in a hurry, you can scrub the produce with a soaked washcloth. After a quick rinse, your product should be clean and ready to go.
Clean and Deodorize Rugs and Carpets
Constant carpet usage can result in accumulated stains and also, some bad smells. If you’re finding that your carpet has some stains and is starting to smell less than fresh, you can grab a box of baking soda.

First, sprinkle a generous amount over the area of the carpet that needs to be treated. From there, carefully pour hot water over the area and allow the mixture to sit on the stain overnight. The following day, simply vacuum up the excess baking soda from the treated area. If you find that the stain didn’t fully disappear from the first application, a repeat of the treatment should fully remove it.
Freshen and Disinfect Your Mouth
When it comes to oral care, the details matter. Sometimes, your toothbrush can still leave bacteria behind, causing bad breath. Baking soda can help fill in the gaps here, too.

Due to its antibacterial properties, baking soda can help keep your mouth clean and your breath fresh. For quality oral care on a budget, mix half a tsp of baking soda and equal parts warm water.
Keep Your Underarms Fresh
If you would rather be able to pronounce the ingredients in your deodorant, baking soda is a solid alternative.

You can actually make deodorant for yourself by carefully mixing baking soda and water into a paste. Simply apply it under your arms as needed to stay fresh and odor-free.
Freshen the Air
Though air fresheners may smell great at the store, they often just mask bad odors instead of eliminating them. Air fresheners can also contain many harmful chemicals, making them a less appealing option for filling a room with fragrance.

But baking soda works well to actively eliminate odors, making it a great natural alternative. All you need is to mix some baking soda with a few drops of your favorite essential oil and then place it in a bottle or bowl. Then, simply set the container in the room you want to freshen; it’s that simple!
Whiten and Brighten Clothes
Are your clothes looking a bit dull? Adding a cup of baking soda to your next load of laundry will not only brighten your clothes, but they may come out cleaner, too.

This is because baking soda is an alkali (a soluble salt), making it great at removing stains. This is also effective in keeping your clothes from wearing and having them last longer.
Clean Your Bathroom
You can typically find an entire grocery store aisle dedicated to cleaners, especially for the bathroom. But for an effective, low-cost, and natural alternative, baking soda once again is the winner.

When applied to surfaces, it will disinfect and whiten them. You first create a simple paste of baking soda and water, which you can apply to any surface in the bathroom, from floor tiles to toilets and bathtubs. After letting the paste sit for 20 minutes, just wipe it away to reveal brighter, cleaner surfaces.
Polish Your Silver
Silverware is beautiful whether it is being used or in a display case, but it can be burdensome to care for. Even the most beautiful silverware can lose its shine and tarnish, but baking soda can make a big difference.

Baking soda works well with silverware because it reacts with a chemical in the silver, eliminating the tarnish. As you pour some hot water and baking soda solution over your silverware, you should quickly see the shine return.
Create an at Home Spa Treatment
Pedicures can give your feet a nice makeover, but they certainly are not cheap. The good news is — because baking soda is such an effective exfoliant — you can give yourself one at home!

In your bathtub (or just a large tub), mix an ounce of baking soda with some warm water and let your feet soak. You can make the experience feel more like a spa with a few drops of essential oils in the water (just make sure the oils are skin-friendly).
Relieve Insect Bites
It’s recommended not to use baking soda on the skin every day. However, it can be very helpful in reducing redness, itching, and stinging from insect bites.

It’s been discovered that many insect bite creams contain baking soda in their ingredients, but now you can use an at-home solution. All that is needed for itch relief is to apply a paste made from water and baking soda directly to the skin.
Restore Burned Cookware
If you have a beloved piece of cookware that endured a little too much time on the stove, have no fear; baking soda can save it.

To remove stubborn burnt-on stains, boil water in a separate pot and then add some baking soda to it while it’s still hot. Finally, pour the baking soda and water mixture over the badly burnt areas of the pot or pan you're cleaning.
Deodorize Your Shoes
If you are finding that your shoes are beginning to stink, there’s no need to spend money on deodorizing sprays; baking soda can help you out.

Grab your stinky sneakers, pour two tablespoons of baking soda onto a cloth, tie it up, and leave the cloth inside the shoes while you’re not wearing them. Just like for any room, baking soda will eliminate shoe odors, too.
Relieve Heartburn
Heartburn (or acid reflux) can be very uncomfortable and even disrupt your daily life. There are many different causes of heartburn, ranging from overeating and stress to even food sensitivities. But there is a natural way to find relief; you guessed it, it’s baking soda.

Baking soda is an acid stabilizer, which can help with the excess acid in your stomach. So, to make your heartburn disappear, pour yourself a glass of water and add a teaspoon of baking soda.
Combat Cancer
Chemotherapy can be one of the most grueling yet effective cancer treatments. Side effects can be quite brutal but often worth it. And, though it may sound hard to believe, baking soda can also assist the body in fighting cancer.

Because baking soda creates a less acidic environment for cancerous tumors, it can help strengthen chemotherapy treatments.
Make a Fluffy Omelet
Eggs can be cooked in many different ways and are a great option for a healthy meal. But there’s a way to make your omelets even better.

Adding half a teaspoon of baking soda for every three eggs you put in an omelet will make it taste lighter and fluffier. It is the carbon dioxide bubbles within baking soda that give the omelet a fluffy texture. Bon Appétit!
Cleaning Dirty Drains
A clean drainage system is essential to avoid plumbing disasters. A clogged drain can not only create major problems, but it can also be very smelly.

But don’t call the plumber just yet. Create a mixture of vinegar, baking soda, and boiling water. Then, mix the three together and pour the mixture down the clogged drain. Within 10 minutes, the drain should be cleared.
Deodorize Your Garbage Disposal
Garbage disposals are a great kitchen tool, but they can stink from waste build-up. Once again, however, baking soda can save the day.

To eliminate garbage disposal odors, run hot water down the drain for a minute and pour a 1/4 cup of baking soda into the drain. Then, run the disposal for a few seconds. After waiting 10 minutes, pour one cup of vinegar down the drain. When you begin to see bubbles, you can rinse again with hot water, which should eliminate the smell.
Get Whiter, Brighter Teeth
Your pearly whites can easily become stained from coffee, tea, and certain foods. If you smoke, things can get even worse. (Also, please quit.) But there’s a quick way to help them get whiter and brighter.

Place a quarter teaspoon of baking soda onto your toothbrush, moisten it with water, and brush away. You may need to do a few applications before you see stains dissolve.
Relieve a Sore Throat
Sore throats can be really aggravating, not to mention a nightmare to get rid of. Taking too many antibiotics can start harming your body after a while, so you might want to resort to home remedies before you contact the nearest pharmacy.

To help ease the pain and irritation of a sore throat, try gargling a mix of warm water and baking soda. For an extra kick, add some salt and lemon juice to the mix.
Whiten Your Nails
When nail polish is left on for too long, it can eventually turn your nails an unappealing shade of yellow.

To clean these stains, mix baking soda and a small amount of peroxide. Next, gently scrub the mixture onto your nails, which should soon be stain-free. Also, in order to avoid that yellow effect in the future, make sure to apply some base coat on your nails before your next manicure.
Lighten Your Underarms
Though it is purely a cosmetic preference, some people are self-conscious about having dark skin around their underarms. But baking soda can fix this, too.

Pour some baking soda into a little bit of water until you get a paste. Then, massage the darkened area with the mixture for about one minute. Finally, leave the paste on for up to 30 minutes (you may want to use this time to lay down and relax so no dried paste falls off). For best results, you can repeat the process 2-3 times a week.
Boost Endurance
Another amazing use of baking soda is that it can boost your athletic performance. Athletes who practice high-intensity workouts can recover faster by ingesting baking soda. But don't just eat it with a spoon.

An athlete will need 90-135 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. He or she will need to take it about an hour to an hour and a half before a workout with a carb-based meal. The properties of baking soda will help curb fatigue and increase endurance.
Aid for Chronic Kidney Disease
Kidney function is, of course, critical to your overall health. But if you have been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, you can use baking soda to aid your condition.

It’s possible to take baking soda as a supplement, and it has been suggested that it could help slow the disease’s progression. But be sure to consult your doctor before taking it or taking any new supplements.
Create a Weed Killer
Nothing can kill the beauty of your lawn or garden quicker than an influx of weeds. But using artificial, chemical-based weed killers isn’t always a good option as they can both be pricey and have unhealthy effects. Luckily, baking soda can be an effective alternative.

Just sprinkle some baking soda on the weeds! After just a few days, you should see your weed invasion dying away and your beautiful lawn re-emerging.
Clean Your Toothbrush
Although we use our toothbrushes to clean our teeth, it’s important to sanitize the toothbrush itself, too. Every day, toothbrushes encounter a lot of bacteria inside your mouth, which means they need to be disinfected.

Luckily, using baking soda can help keep germs at bay. Simply mix water, vinegar, and baking soda and allow your toothbrush to soak for 30 minutes. When the soaking time is over, wash the brush with some warm water.
Melt the Ice on Your Driveway
If the place where you live often encounters cold, icy winters, you know the anxiety that comes with an ice-covered walkway or driveway. Icy slip-and-falls are never fun.

Well, if you don’t have salt on hand to melt the ice, you can try sprinkling baking soda all over the frozen area. Though it's not as strong as road salt, it will help melt the ice on a potentially hazardous walkway.
Relieve Dandruff
Dandruff is a common and, at times, difficult scalp condition to treat. If you have tried just about everything with no relief, baking soda could be your answer.

Add a tablespoon of baking soda to your shampoo and massage it into your scalp for a few minutes. After continuing this in-shower treatment for one to two weeks, you should notice that your dandruff has disappeared.
Disinfect Your Hairbrush
Most people don't know it, but just like your toothbrush, your hairbrush also needs to be disinfected regularly. And the almighty baking soda can help here as well.

Grab your brush and simply soak it in a mixture of one teaspoon of baking soda and a small amount of warm water. Then, after allowing it to sit for a few minutes, give it a rinse. Once it's dry, it should be ready to use again.
Clean Your Grill
Barbecue lovers, this one's for you. Grills add a lot of culinary options and usually see a lot of use during the warmer months. (4th of July picnic, anyone?)

If your grill has seen a lot of action lately and has some residue on the grates, just grab some baking soda and a damp brush. After a little scrubbing and a quick rinse, your grill should be all set for the next use.
Shine Your Floors
The surface that gets the most use in your home might be your floor. And with wood and tile floors, they can begin to lose their shine after a while. Of course, you can try professional floor cleaning, but those can be very expensive. This is, again, where baking soda comes in handy.

Dissolve 100 grams of baking soda in a bucket of warm water. Next, mop the floor with this mixture and mop once more with plain water to rinse it. The shine in your newly restored floors will thank you.
Make Appliances Perform Better
Appliances that see a lot of use, like dishwashers and coffeemakers, can develop unpleasant smells and grime that hinder their functioning.

To make them look better, smell better, and function better, run an empty cycle with just baking soda and water inside. The residue that has built up should disappear, and you should notice them performing better, too.
Deodorize the Litter Box
Having a pet can be one of life’s greatest joys, but it can also come with some less-than-great smells. This is especially true if you have a litter box for your cat inside your home.

In order to keep the litter box odors as minimal as possible, sprinkle a little baking soda into the litter box. Now you can focus on your cat and not their smelly side effects!
Smooth Your Skin
Baking soda can be a great exfoliant, removing dry and flaky skin to reveal a soft and smooth complexion. You know, the kind that doesn't require you to shell out lots of money on expensive skincare products.

Create a simple paste with three parts baking soda and one part water. Very gently rub the paste in a circular motion on your skin, avoiding delicate areas like your eyelids. Then, simply rinse off the paste with warm water and pat your face dry. Lastly, apply a light layer of face cream or lotion to lock in moisture.
Make Dry Shampoo
If you want to give your hair a break from shampooing or you were too busy to give it a full wash, baking soda can help keep you with that.

Strategically dust a little baking soda along your scalp, which will help absorb excess oil. After lightly massaging the baking soda into your scalp, dust away any leftover powder. Lastly, brush or comb out your hair and style as usual.
Deodorize Your Trash Bin
The smell of a trash bin can quickly ruin the atmosphere of even the most beautiful house. But the quick fix is — you guessed it — baking soda.

After you take out the trash and replace it with a new bag, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda at the bottom of the bag. As your trash fills up, you should still find that unpleasant smells are greatly diminished.
Make Rain Repellent for Your Windshield
Windshield wipers are essential for your vehicle, and when they aren’t functioning properly, they can pose a real safety hazard. No one should be driving when they can't see the road clearly.

If you find that your wipers are less than effective, take a damp cloth, sprinkle some baking soda on it, and thoroughly wipe down your windshield. The baking soda should help create a covering over the windshield so that the next time rain hits it, the water will roll away quickly.
Relieve Chicken Pox
Though it’s a common childhood illness, chickenpox can be very itchy, uncomfortable, and eventually sore. But there is a way to find relief.

Draw yourself a warm bath and, as the water is running, pour a cup of baking soda into the water and allow it to mix. Soak for 15 to 20 minutes to relieve your itchiness and soothe your skin. You can also add chamomile and oatmeal to the baking soda bath, which could also help.
Clean Plastic Food Containers
If there is any kitchen item that sees a lot of stains, it’s plastic storage containers. From pasta sauces to grease and oils, plastic storage containers really take a beating. And though the stains may seem impossible to remove, you can scrub them away with the help of baking soda.

To get started, sprinkle some baking soda onto a clean sponge and then thoroughly scrub the containers. The powerful cleaning action of baking soda should help them look almost new.
Clean Your Dish Sponges
Although your dish sponge faithfully cleans your dirty dishes every day, it could use a little cleaning itself. Otherwise, you might as well rebrand it as a petri dish.

If your sponges are starting to smell and look grimy, soak them in warm water and some baking soda overnight. Then, just rinse them off in the morning, and they should be ready to use again.
Deodorize a Pet Bed
Pets bring so much joy and fun into our homes, and they also bring... smells. But deodorizing your home from pet smells and stains doesn’t have to be a frustrating job.

If your pet’s bed is starting to stink, sprinkle a layer of baking soda over the area and allow it to sit for 15 minutes. Next, simply vacuum up the baking soda, and the smells should be gone. So, next time your pet’s bed starts to smell, instead of using artificial, chemical-based sprays to deodorize, you can just use baking soda.
Relieve Canker Sores
Canker sores are painful and inconvenient and can take a long time to get rid of. However, baking soda can not only provide some relief; it can also help your canker sore heal much quicker.

Using a homemade mouthwash of ½ tsp of baking soda and warm water can help kill germs and provide relief from acids that irritate canker sores. Rinse with the solution every day till you see the canker sore disappear.
Soften Calluses
If you’re an active individual, you may have calluses on your feet or hands. And, though they don’t pose serious health risks, they can be both unsightly and uncomfortable. It’s been shown that soaking callused areas in a baking soda bath can help soften the skin, eliminate scabbing, and improve the appearance of calluses.

Pour warm water into a bowl with a few tbsps of lemon or lime juice and some baking soda. Allow your feet or hands to soak for a few minutes, and then rinse. Repeat as necessary until you notice the improvement in their appearance.
Extinguish an Oil or Grease Fire
Did you know that many fire extinguishers contain baking soda? This is because baking soda reacts with the heat of the fire, producing carbon dioxide, which smothers and extinguishes the flames.

However, though baking soda can be very helpful when putting out a small oil or grease fire, it is not suggested to use this on a larger fire. If you have any doubt, it’s always best to call 911!
Relieve Diaper Rash
Diaper rash is a common and often unavoidable problem for babies. But you can give your little one some relief with a baking soda bath.

Similar to relieving skin irritations like chickenpox, sprinkle a little baking soda in your baby’s next bath. After soaking in the warm water for a bit, your baby should feel some relief, and the redness of their rash should diminish.
Clean Your Walls
If your kids were a little too creative with their drawing and transformed your walls into a canvas, there’s a solution for you. Obviously, there's baking soda involved.

Grab a damp cloth and sprinkle some baking soda onto it. Next, firmly scrub the marks, wipe down the wall, and repeat if needed. To finish, simply dry the wall with a cloth, and that’s it — no more drawings!
Disinfect Cloth Diapers
Switching back to cloth diapers has become trendy among environmentally-conscious parents. And although cloth diapers can be healthier for your baby and better for the planet, they do create extra unpleasant laundry.

To make sure the cloth diapers are disinfected properly, dissolve 1/2 cup of baking soda into 2 quarts of warm water. Then, allow the diapers to soak in the solution. After they have been through this pre-soaking process, put them into the washing machine and wash them regularly.
Deodorize Musty Coat Closets
We've all been there. The weather is starting to get chilly, and you open the closet where you keep your sweaters after months of it being closed. The smell is unpleasant, to say the least. If you open a closet that has been closed for a while, you may be greeted with a lingering, musty smell that is also now on your stored clothes.

To eliminate the musty smell and keep your clothes smelling fresh, place an open box of baking soda in the closet. Voila! No more musty smells.
Preserve Fresh Flowers
Fresh flowers add life and beauty to just about any atmosphere, but it’s always so disappointing to see how quickly they can die away. But there is a way to slow down their withering process.

To keep your flowers fresher for a longer period of time, toss a teaspoon of baking soda to balance out the conditions of the water. Now you can have more time to enjoy their natural beauty.
We spend about one-third of our lives sleeping. So, we might as well ensure that the mattress we sleep on is taken care of and kept clean. Just because we cover our beds with a topper and fitted sheet doesn’t mean it’s immune to dust mites and dirt accumulation.

You could be sleeping on a bed of nasty dust, hair, allergens, and mold. To prevent this nastiness from accumulating, periodically vacuum your mattress and spot-clean any stains. Now, let's get really intense and sprinkle the mattress with baking soda, and then vacuum it all up after a few hours. There you go, as good as new.
The couch is often the centerpiece of a living room. You lay, kids play, and pets nap on it. You probably vacuum the cushions every once in a while, but when was the last time your couch had a deep clean? The sofa, much like a carpet, can be much dirtier than what meets the eye.

Sofas can carry bacteria and viruses if you avoid cleaning them long enough. The fabric soaks up all kinds of dirt, chemicals, and everyday contaminants that can make it smell funky, too. Deep clean your couch with baking soda or a professional cleaning service to make it as good as new.
If you’re one of those rare unicorns who loves cleaning the shower, this advice is not for you, and you can move on to the next one. However, if you’re an average person who avoids cleaning the shower at all costs, listen up. Most of us are missing an important part of cleaning the shower. We’re talking about the showerhead.

The showerhead’s tiny holes easily get clogged up by sediment and hard water buildup. This can negatively affect water pressure, making showers way less enjoyable. Not to mention, the potential bacteria are living their best life around the clogs. Thankfully, a dirty showerhead is nothing some baking soda can’t fix.
Cleaning the microwave is as natural to some of us as breathing. For others, the microwave is the last thing on the list when cleaning the house. A microwave is a heavily used appliance in most households, so there’s no excuse not to clean it. That thing gets dirty, and there’s no denying it.

All of those reheated meals and TV dinners can leave behind splatters, crumbs, and spills that build up over time. It can make your microwave look pretty gross. Plus, it can smell pretty bad if left to its own devices. Wipe it down with some kitchen cleaner and a damp towel to keep it looking and smelling fresh. Then sprinkle some baking soda, and there you have an almost completely new kitchen appliance.
Stovetop Burners
As any home chef knows, cooking is always a dirty business. Spills, splatters, and crumbs are bound to happen during the course of meal prep. It’s easy to turn off the stovetop and think, “I’ll clean that when it cools down,” only never to return. We hate to break it to you, but ignoring dirty stovetop burners won’t make them disappear.

When you remember to clean the stovetop, go all out. Remove the grates and use household products like baking soda and vinegar to cut through grime and grease. You’ll have a sparkling stovetop that looks brand new in no time.
Oven Cleaner
Our kitchen oven is one of the most used devices, and as far as food is concerned, there is no other option but to keep it clean. We are here to tell you that no matter what you do and no matter how long you wait, the dirt in your oven is not going to go away. Ever. Unless you clean it.

We are not saying that this has to be done every single day, and not even every week, but we do expect you to roll up your sleeves and get out that baking soda because we have got serious cleaning up to do.
Cutting Board
We use it for cutting meat and poultry; we use it for chopping fruit and vegetables, herbs, and anything else that needs chopping. Did you ever think about the germs, food leftovers, and other unidentified objects that make their way into the cracks in the board? To bring your cutting board back to life, you won't need much.

Sprinkle the entire surface of your cutting board with baking soda and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, rub the board with half a lemon, making sure you squeeze out all of the juice. This will disinfect your cutting board and make it safe for use.
Smelly Kitchen Towels
We have all been there. You have just finished entertaining ten people, you have been in the kitchen all day, the kitchen towel has been working extra hours, and no matter how many times you wash it, it just never seems to look like you want it to. Put your worries aside, as we have the perfect solution for you.

Baking soda can eliminate anything and even eliminate whatever is causing your precious towel to stink. Simply put the towels in a bucket of warm water with some baking soda, and we promise you that the next time they come out of the laundry, they will smell like a fresh bouquet of flowers.
Shower Curtain
A shower curtain is not one of our favorite items in the house, but what can you do when you have three kids who think they are at a water park every time they take a bath? In order to prevent your bathroom from flooding, there is no other way but to hang a plastic shower curtain, and this requires maintenance!

The plastic will not clean itself, and this is where baking soda comes to the rescue. It will remove all of the mold that has built up on your curtain, which does not only look bad but is also very unhealthy to be around.
Drawer Freshener
Humans, animals, and your domestic plants and flowers are not the only ones that need a little fresh air. You'll be surprised to know that even your clothes, underwear, and shoes can use a cool breath every now and then, but what happens when it's impossible to provide it?

All your drawers containing your socks, small tops, and other bits and pieces are in for a little TLC. Put some baking soda in an old sock you don't need anymore and place it in the drawer. The baking soda will absorb the bad odors and make your items feel as if they are out taking a deep breath.
Oil Stain Remover
Nothing can be more annoying than that big oil stain on the front of your driveway. It has been there for years; no one can really see it when the car is parked on it, however, YOU know it is there, and you are willing to do whatever it takes to get rid of it.

Baking soda not only disinfects and cleans, but it can also absorb those tough oil stains that are ruining your day. Just sprinkle baking soda all over the oil patches and scrub them with a stiff-bristle brush. We know it can be hard work, but trust us when we say your driveway is going to be the fairest of them all.
Oil On Clothes
We can't think of any dish that doesn't consist of oil in one form or another. Even when we decided to go healthy, the salad dressing had olive oil in it. So, what do you do when splashes of oil or mayo to decorate your favorite shirt?

Now, the main issue we have with oil stains on clothes is that when you clean it with a wet wipe, you think you've managed to attack it. After your shirt comes out of the wash, though, you realize it never went anywhere. Put those wet wipes aside and wait before you turn on the washing machine. Put some baking soda on the oil stain and let it absorb slowly but surely.
Bug Repellent
You choose to live in a ground-level apartment or private cottage for many reasons. Having the privilege to enjoy your own private garden is priceless, and nothing can beat the peace and quiet that come with it. The summertime is especially enjoyable, with all the windows wide open and a fresh breeze at all hours of the day.

Having said that, no one told you about the visitors that come uninvited, and you find yourself with ants, cockroaches, and other bugs adorning your kitchen floor. Sprinkle baking soda along the doorways, windows, and the floor tiling in the kitchen. We promise you that you can say farewell to those unwanted guests.
Toy Cleaner
Your children might be the cleanest things in your home, but the toys they play with are the dirtiest. You can handle your child's bacteria and germs, but things must stop when other children drool all over the toys and touch everything with sticky hands.

Remember how we said that baking soda is a disinfectant and can make everything sparkling new? Well, it does wonders for your children's belongings. Dilute four tablespoons of baking soda with warm water then put the soda water into a spray bottle and spray it on all of your children's toys. Wipe and dry, and think twice before you have other people's kids over.
Small Solutions
Baking soda is not only about cleaning and disinfection, and you will be surprised what other wonderful things it can do in your household. There is no need to run out and get some spackle whenever there is a small hole eager for your attention. All you need is your everyday toothpaste and, you guessed it, some baking soda.

Mix the two together, creating a thick and pure white paste, then fill the small holes and allow them to dry. This baking soda mix is the perfect solution for all the annoying cracks and breaks you find in your walls. With this hack, you won't only make sure your home is neat and clean, but it will also save you a few dollars on the way.
Water Spot Remover
Don't you just love your new wooden coffee table? Solid wood, just in the right size and shade, except for the watermarks. This is something very hard to avoid as we accidentally spill water on tables all the time; plus, who can guarantee your coffee or tea mug is not wet before being placed on the table? Baking soda is here to the rescue once again.

Mix the white powder with toothpaste and apply it to the water stain; rub it in for a few seconds, and the stain will vanish. It's hacks like this that make us wonder why cleaning product companies invest so much in cleaning solutions when everything you need is right under your nose.
Vacuum Cleaner Cleaner
This next hack might seem a little weird at first, but after you practice this, you will ask yourself why you didn't ever think this before. Our vacuum cleaners work extra hours and do a good job keeping our floors and carpets clean, but have you ever asked yourself who (or what) keeps the vacuum cleaner clean?

With all the dust and dirt it collects, a large portion of it must be stuck somewhere, and it is now our job to get rid of it. Sprinkle some baking soda on the floor or carpet and vacuum. This will disinfect your device and, most importantly, get rid of many unpleasant smells it might have.
Marble Cleaner
You have a beautiful marble kitchen surface, and you want to keep it that way. No matter how many new cleaning products you use and even if you spray morning, noon, and night, over time, it will lose its natural spark, and the marble is not as impressive as it used to be.

If you maintain your kitchen surfaces in an old-fashioned way, we guarantee they will look brand new for years. Dilute baking soda with warm water and wipe the surfaces with a clean cloth. Repeat this at least once a week, and you won't have to renovate for decades.
Chlorine Remover
You might think the water in the swimming pool is innocent and harmless, however, it is not, and the more time you spend in the chlorine water, the more this next hack will become handy. The swimming pool water consists of a high concentration of chlorine to ensure the water stays clean and unpolluted.

However, spending too much time in it can damage your skin, bathing suit, and hair. Your golden locks can become dull and lifeless, and the way to bring them back to life is to wash them with half a teaspoon of baking soda. It will do wonders.
Baking Soda Bath
Going to a spa or a pampering retreat will forever be our first choice for a day out. However, we do not always have the time, and besides, pampering yourself in some other people's baths can be expensive. So, instead of going out to a spa, why not bring the spa over to your home?

After running the hot water and filling up the tub, sprinkle a tablespoon of baking soda. The effect that will follow will make you feel as if you have just stepped into the best resort in town. The small amount of baking soda will have no bad effect on your skin, and you'll be able to drift off in peace.
Say Goodbye to the Jellyfish Sting
There are so many theories about how to relieve a Jellyfish sting. Some say to bury the area in the sand, others say to use your urine (yes, yes), and some say that aloe vera is the best solution. We are here to say otherwise. Take some baking soda and mix it well with clean hot water.

Create a paste that is not as liquid as you want it to stick. Now, gently apply the mix to the sting, and within minutes, the affected air will calm down and let you breathe once again. Going down to the beach doesn't have to be intimidating anymore.
Freshen Your Sports Gear
The gym has become an essential part of our lives, and it doesn't matter if you prefer jogging or taking aerobics lessons — whatever it is, you have to move. As a result, sports clothes have become an essential item in our world, as has the smell they produce when placed sweat-wet in your gym bag.

No worries, as we have a solution for that, too. Besides sprinkling baking soda freely in your gym bag, you can clean the actual bag with diluted power, which will prevent it from smelling. Now, you can go and do your exercise without worrying about the after-effects.
Clean Batteries Can Be Fun
Batteries are an essential part of our life. We are patiently waiting for the day we won't need them anymore, but until that day comes, they will require some maintenance. Not all batteries that look a little dull should be thrown away. Many of them, you'll be surprised, are still in perfect shape and can give you hours of use. The only thing is, you will have to clean them up.

The corrosion stuck on the batteries can damage your devices, so we recommend you keep your batteries sparkling clean. Now, is there anyone out there planning on inventing a remote control, game console, or clock that will not require a battery?
Clean Your Car Headlights
Your car headlights are more important than you think. Over time, and as your car gets old, your headlights can become yellowish and dull, which will result in them losing their brightness and affecting your visibility. It decreases your safety, and as maintaining them clean requires so little, there is no excuse not to adopt this next hack.

All it will require is to mix a little baking soda into a loose paste and rub it on your car's headlights. This will remove all road dirt and mud that accumulated over time and will for sure make your vehicle look better.
Refresh the Refrigerator
Your fridge has so many food items in it that it is sometimes impossible to prevent the smells it holds. There is fresh food, cooked food, and raw fruit and vegetables that always seem to change their smell once placed in the fridge. Unfortunately, sometimes there is nothing we can do about it. Except that there is.

Get a tub of baking soda and place it (as it is) at the back of your fridge. This will absorb all odors and make your domestic food hall smell fresh and appealing. One thing to remember is to change the baking soda tub once every six months.
Rabbits in Garden
Spring is here, your garden is blooming, and soon, it will be time to pull out those bright orange carrots you've been waiting for and pick the lavishing and colorful flowers that have finally blossomed and will look amazing on your dining table. There is nothing like enjoying your own grown vegetables and fragrance flowers.

Then you realize the local rabbit has beat you to it and helped itself to your veg and plants. By sprinkling some baking soda around the flower beds and near where you planted your precious carrots, you will prevent the rabbits from believing your garden is an open bar.
Tomatoes Can Be Sweet
The tomatoes you grow on your own are much better than the ones you buy in the shop, no matter where you get your groceries. The only problem is when you grow your own — no one guarantees they will be just as sweet as you want them to be, as when you buy them in the shop, you can see (and sometimes taste) what you are buying.

Let us share a little gardening secret with you. Sprinkle some baking soda on the soil around your tomato plants. This will increase their natural sweetness and provide you with bright, firm, and delicious fruit (or veg).
Home-made Made Laundry Soap
Hack is not only for making life easier and more efficient, but they are also here to make us spend less money and make it cheaper. Here is a hack that will reduce your shopping significantly while still making sure your clothes are clean. All you need is a cup of baking soda, a cup of kosher salt, essential oils, and a shredded soap bar.

The baking soda is what cleans your clothes while the rest of the products add texture and fragrance. All you have to do is mix everything together, cook so it all melts and combines, and after it cools down, shred it all to a fine powder. You are welcome.
Stubborn Stickers
These days, you can buy many items you need in beautiful glass tins and bottles. Then you find yourself with an empty bottle and a great big stubborn sticker on it that will not disappear no matter what you do. We have found a solution for this, too. Create a paste by mixing pure olive oil with baking soda.

Then, apply the paste onto the stubborn sticker and let it set. Rub the sticker persistently for a few seconds and relax once you are left with a wonderful glass bottle or tin that can be used over and over again.
Clean Your Dirty Patio Furniture
Just because your patio or garden furniture is placed outside for most of the year, it doesn't mean it has to look dirty as if it is kept outside for most of the year. If you have a garden or patio set made of plastic, life is treating you well. All this will ask for is a little warm water with a dash of baking soda.

When the hot season is over, before you store your outside furniture again, place some of the soda inside the cusion pads, keeping them fresh until it's time for them to come out again.
Make Sure Your Jewelry Shines
Even your personal jewelry won't clean itself, and although it costs a fortune, it will still require some maintenance to make sure it still shines. Now, what we love about this next hack is that you actually see the baking soda in action. The first thing to do is coat a deep pan with aluminum foil.

Then, mix in a spoonful of baking soda and salt for every cup of water. Place your dirty jewelry into the water and wait for the magic to happen. Within minutes, your jewelry will shine again. Make sure to dry the jewelry completely before wearing it, as the dampness can cause damage to your precious gems.