We all know that when it rains, it pours. And, as it sometimes happens, when there is good news down the line…there is more good news to follow. God blessed Mia and Rozonno not only with a new pregnancy but with a number of fetuses that were about to keep the couple very busy.

During one of Mia’s first checkups, her doctor announced that indeed they were about to become parents but that wasn’t all. Mia was carrying six babies, all healthy and strong.
At the Beginning
In 2014, Matt and Nicole got married. They exchanged their vows, said their I dos, and planned ahead for a beautiful bright future. All Nicole wanted in life was to become a mother.

She had so much love within her and believed that motherhood, and all that came along with it, was her purpose in life. She was excited about what was to come.
Say Goodbye to Singlehood
Less than three years after the two were married, Nicole was pregnant. It was in September of 2017 and she was over the moon, the happiest woman alive.

Little did she know, that this pregnancy was not going to have a normal and simple happy ending. She was about to confront one of life's greatest obstacles.
Sharing Her Secret
Her first challenge was to break the news to her beloved Matt. She didn't want to just tell him by the way during a boring conversation, and she was thinking of an innovative way to break the good news.

She knew that the minute she told him that she was expecting, their lives would never be the same, and she decided to tell him in the most creative way she could think of.
Two Lines
Nicole was overjoyed and wanted Matt to be as happy as she was. There is no way to explain the exhilaration that overtakes you when you see the two lines on the pregnancy test, especially when it's your first and especially when it's planned.

In an interview on ABC’s WZZM 13, Nicole said that this was her very first pregnancy, that everything was new to her and she had no idea what to expect.
Time to Tell
It was Labor Day weekend and Nicole felt this was the best time to share the big news with Matt. They had been together for more than a decade and he was the love of her life. Nothing would make him happier than discovering he was about to become a dad.

Nicole said it there and then in the best creative way she could think of, and pulled out a t-shirt that said ‘World's Greatest Father’.
Everything Was Changing Around Them
You can imagine what the Labor Day Weekend turned into. Nicole was relieved for finally sharing the news and Matt was thrilled and excited. This was the happiest day of their life, however, things were about to change even more than they could imagine.

Autumn was kicking on, the weather was getting colder and cozier, and Nicole and Matt were preparing their home — and their hearts — for their baby. They couldn't comprehend that in a few months they will turn into a Mommy and a Daddy.
Half Way Through
Like many women, and especially when it's the first pregnancy, Nicole only discovered she was with child almost halfway through. Her due date was January 30th, meaning she was already four-month pregnant when she first found out. This gave the couple a little over five months to get ready and prepare for their newborn.

Life had its ways, and finding out that Nicole was pregnant a bit later than planned wasn't the only thing Matt and Nicole were about to discover a little late.
The Holiday Season
The days flew by and Nicole was already six months pregnant. Christmas was just around the corner and the couple was thrilled to share quality time around the holiday break with close family and friends.

Nicole had just a few weeks to go before giving birth to her new baby and she was already set and prepared. Nicole and Matt had bought a crib, and a car seat and stocked up on some cute baby clothes.
Planning the Birth
Now, buying everything in time and preparing your home for the unexpected is one thing, but planning ahead for the sort of birth you want and the environment you need, is another. There are so many ways of giving birth these days, and not everything suits everyone.

You can give birth in a pool, you can give birth with two or three family members around you and you can give birth with a doula. Nicole wanted to make sure she chooses the best, most suitable way of giving birth.
Staying Close to Home
Nicole and Matt wanted to stay away from hospitals and doctors as much as they possibly could. She wanted to give birth the old fashion way, and potentially in their own home.

Nicole hired a midwife that would escort them threw the last days of Nicole's pregnancy, and of course during the day of the birth. Everything was appointed and organized. At least that's what Nicole thought.
Things Were Going Downhill
A few days before Christmas, Nicole started to feel unwell. She wasn't sleeping properly and was down with the flu. She was heavily pregnant and this was the last thing she needed. Talk about bad timing!

Nicole thought how unfortunate she was for catching the flu just weeks before planning to give birth and never in a million years could she imagine how things were going to change. The flu she was suffering from was going to turn into the last thing on her mind.
Pregnancy Nausea
The regular pregnancy body changes she went through didn't worry her. She felt nauseous and tired and suffered from severe stomach cramps. All this didn't bother her as she knew it was normal and that most women go through these things.

A few days later on the Friday of that week, Nicole felt really bad. It wasn't just regular pregnancy symptoms and knew that something was going on.
A Little Water Too Early
Things were not getting any better and on that night Nicole woke up as she couldn't sleep. Her entire bed was drenched, and she realized her water had broke. This was more than four weeks before her due date. What was going on?

Her due date we January 30th and they were still a few days before the new year. Nicole was uneased and Matt called their midwife.
A Change of Plans
Nicole comprehended that the pain she was going through the last few days was in fact contractions. She was 36 weeks pregnant and although she was planning on giving birth in a natural environment in her home, she knew she had to change her plans and go to the hospital.

They decided to go to Gerber Hospital in Fremont. Their midwife was familiar with the place and overall it had a good reputation. They were also known for encouraging natural births as much as possible.
Preparing for the Worse
Giving Birth is indeed one of the greatest wonders of life. No matter how many lectures you listen to or how many books and articles you read, when it's money time, you can never truly be prepared. There isn't a manual for being a parent, and there are no easy ways or shortcuts along the way.

Labor is one of those times when your body is stronger than your wishes and you have no choice but to go with the flow and listen to what your body needs. Nicole was apprehended, however, still concerned and worried. She didn't know what was ahead.
The Reason Why Everything Happens
Nicole was about to learn how true the saying "everything happens for a reason" was. Her birth plan had to be changed as there was no way she could give birth in her home.

The weather was not on their side either and the hospital was far from their house. They had to drive for over two hours in a snow storm to get to Fremont and their baby's health was on the line.
Her Guardian Angle
The night might have started bad, but things were about to brighten up. The couple arrived at the hospital and by four after midnight, Nicole's contractions were getting stronger and unmanageable. Soon, a guardian angel would appear out of nowhere. To Nicole and Matt's amazement, a friendly face was about to surprise them.

What were the odds that on the exact night someone very close to the couple would work the night shift in the hospital Nicole was admitted into? It was all meant to be.
Sibling Surprise
At seven o'clock in the morning, Raymond, Nicole's brother walked in. He didn't usually work at Gerber Hospital but had to fill in for someone. Could Nicole be given a stronger sign than that? Not sure about the time, but she was definitely in the right place and she became at ease.

Raymond wasn't the only surprise Nicole would have that day and another familiar face was about to surprise her. Having her loved ones around her helped her focus on her unborn baby and pray that things would turn out alright.
A Close Nurse
While Nicole was admitted to the hospital, another member of her family was already there. Emily, Raymond's wife is a nurse and was working the night shift. She was appointed to be Nicole's nurse for the entire night.

Everyone was anxious and concerned. The fact that Nicole's water broke didn't necessarily mean the baby was ready to come out. Matt knew he had to stay calm.
One of the most difficult things Nicole had to deal with was the fact that she couldn't give birth the way she wanted. Ideally, she didn't want medical interference, however, she now realized that there was no other option.

Four weeks too early, and after thirty-hour of pain and agony, Nicole finally agreed to have an epidural. The doctors explained that the labor had to be induced and the baby had to come out.
Testing the Baby
As Gerber Hospital was known for being one to encourage women to give birth in the most natural way, Nicole was thankful the hospital staff didn't force any scanning on her and kept all tests to a minimum.

The few tests the doctors did take reflected a healthy baby and a healthy mother, however, the hospital staff, Nicole, and Matt were in for the surprise of their life.
Time to Deliver
The hours went by, the contractions grew stronger, and the epidural did its magic, however, the baby started to show signs of anxiety and discomfort. All Nicole wanted was for the baby to be out.

The doctors wanted to help Nicole and her baby. They used a vacuum to assist the baby in passing the birth canal. Matt was finding it hard to take in all that was happening, and there was more to come.
New Baby Girl
Nicole and Matt arrived at the hospital on Friday night and by Saturday night, December 30th, they were holding a baby girl.

The name they chose for their baby was Blakeley Faith Ziesemer. Nicole was overwhelmed, Matt was over the moon and little baby Blakeley was the most adorable creature alive.
The Mystery Behind This
Blakeley was born prematurely and weighed only four pounds and four ounces. This was all new for Nicole and Matt and they weren't sure how to handle this unknown reality.

Soon enough they were about to discover what caused all of this and why little Blakeley came a little too soon into the world. They were unprepared for what was about to come.
The Impossible Was in Front of Their Eyes
After giving birth, the nurses came to clean up Nicole and give her the medical treatment she needed. They did not expect to see what was in front of them. The impossible became possible.

If Nicole and Matt thought they had just gone through the greatest experience life had to offer, they were in for a surprise, and Blakeley was not the only new thing for them that day.
Doctor's Comfort
Dr. Megan Forshee, Nicole's doctor, came in to check on Nicole. She couldn't believe her eyes. When she was interviewed for WZZM 13, she shared what she had just discovered.

Dr. Forshee said; “I reached in to check the patient and realized there was a head.” Surprise surprise, Nicole and Matt were about to have another baby.
Another One Was on the way
At first, Matt and Nicole thought their doctor was joking, however, very fast they realized that there are things doctors just don't make fun of, and another baby being on its way was one of them.

Nicole and Matt were in for a higher and faster rollercoaster ride than they could ever imagine. It was going to be double the trouble, but also, double the joy.
What Was Going On?
Nicole's family was waiting outside the delivery room, unaware of what was going on inside. They saw doctors and nurses coming in and out of the room, and began wondering what had occurred.

Could you imagine sitting outside of a delivery room, not knowing what was going on with your loved one? No one was giving answers, no one even approached them and there was nothing much they could do but wait.
Giving It Her Best
Almost every doctor available was in Nicole's room. It was crazy. All of the staff wanted to make sure firstly that Nicole was ok and then they wanted to make sure the second baby was delivered safely.

After giving birth to little baby Blakeley, Nicole thought the worst was over for her, but now she had to go through everything again. The epidural magic faded away and she had to give everything she had. Her second baby was on its way.
Baby Cade
Almost an hour after baby girl Blakeley was born, baby twin brother Cade Matthew came into the world. He weighed just over five pounds. Although small, Blakeley was a healthy little baby but for Cade, it was a bit of a difficult entrance into the world.

At this early stage, no one could say exactly what condition he was under and Nicole and Matt were left with too many unanswered questions.
Pregnancy Mystery
How could Nicole be carrying two babies without any doctor or nurse realizing this earlier in the pregnancy? The fact that Nicole barely had any tests can maybe shed some light on this, but how wasn't this realized when Nicole first went into labor when admitted into the hospital?

Nicole shared on WWZM 13; "It was just a shell shocker because no one was expecting it, everyone in the room thought they had seen a ghost". The new parents were overwhelmed and shocked, however, the doctors were too busy being concerned about Cade's condition.
Hanging On
Baby Cade was playing peek-a-boo or hide and seek while still in his mother's uterus. This is why neither the ultrasound technician nor the doctors realized there was a second baby. A few hours after being born, the doctors explained Cade's situation.

Because Cade barely went through any contractions, and literally slid down the birth canal, his lungs remained full of fluids and had difficulties breathing on his own. Having said that, Nicole and Matt knew their baby was in good hands.
Getting Ready to Leave
Less than one week later Cade was in much better condition. The doctors told Nicole that she would soon be ready to go home together with her beautiful babies. The couple was delighted.

The first thing Nicole thought of was the fact that their home was not prepared for two babies and they had only one of each item. Now that they had two babies, they had more shopping to do.
A Newborn Mum
Naturally, and like every new mom, Nicole was a bit apprehensive about this new episode in her life. This was something she waited for for years and now that the moment had arrived, she felt clueless. Being a newborn mom is one thing, however, being a new mother to a new set of twins was another.

She didn't even have time to comprehend the information that there was another baby and before she knew it, her household turned into a family of four.
Holding Them for the First Time
Once she got to hold baby Blakeley and baby Cade, all of those terrifying thoughts and feelings faded away. Motherhood came naturally to her and she was delighted.

Matt shared that those two days were the biggest and fastest emotional ride he had ever been through. That he had no idea life could be so hectic and nerve-wracking followed by a burst of pure emotions like no others.
Family Announcement
Remember the pregnancy announcement? When Nicole got Matt the t-shirt? Well, they couldn't simply tell their family that they have just had twins — they wanted a creative way to surprise them.

They gathered their family and friends into the hospital room, together with some of the hospital staff. The doctors and nurses were over the moon too, as it's not every day a woman has twins without knowing about it (or learns about it two minutes before it happens).
Surprise Surprise
Baby Blakeley was comfortably asleep in the baby crib on one side of the room, while Cade was tucked underneath Nicole's blanket, attached to her chest. She was about to reveal her unexpected surprise to her family and friends.

It took the people around a few good moments to realize what was going on. They were shocked and couldn't believe that in a matter of minutes, Nicole and Matt were the parents of two precious gems.
A Bright Future
As the new year kicked in, Matt shared that Cade was healthy and breathing on his own. He was grateful for the support showered on him and praised the doctors that wouldn't leave their sight for one moment.

Cade wasn't the only one dealing with a health condition. As it turns out just before planning on leaving the hospital, Blakely developed instability of her own.
Now Baby Girl Was Unwell
Blakely was suffering from an infection but luckily enough she reacted positively to the medication she was given. Such a small baby with such great powers.

The twins were fighting a war and managed to win every single battle. They were just a few hours old and already dealing with serious conditions. They had their parents around them all the time.
Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way
Nicole could not imagine having things differently. She was obviously not prepared for this, but after holding the two little babies and having some bonding moments with the two, she understood that everything — everything — happens for a reason.

Who knows what would have happened if Nicole would have insisted on staying at home and giving birth only in the most natural way? Who knows how or if the twins would have survived?
It’s All a Matter of Choices
Yet again, we learn that God's ways are greater than our understanding and that sometimes in life our own personal wishes are not always the best choice to make.

Nicole and Matt were blessed with dedicated and reliable hospital staff that assured Nicole remains healthy and that her babies are well treated. They were blessed with two beautiful treasures which made their family complete.
Home Sweet Home
Eventually, they were all released home happy and healthy. They were surrounded and loved by their local community and were also encouraged and supported online by those who followed their posts and story.

Blakely and Cade have turned into the surprise twin story that everyone talked about for days after. Although Nicole and Matt had hard days in front of them, they knew deep inside, that the harder part was already over.
If you liked this twin story, you are sure to love the following surprising story involving a set of triplets.

That photo turned into a series of photos, documenting the progress and evolution the triplets went through from baby years through toddler, teen days, and eventually into their adulthood. Read on and discover for yourself the most magnificent gifts life has to offer and the amazing things they can turn into.
And Then They Turned One
Karin Scholtz was a proud mother of three. She gave birth to her amazing triplets in 1984 and lead a practically normal life. Just like any other mother, as the triplet's first birthday approached, she wanted to document the moment. She prepared a sign with their family name for the babies to hold and dressed them in identical outfits.

At the time there was no intention for this to turn into what it eventually became. All she wanted was a snapshot of her three little boys, eating birthday cake with their little hands.
A Tradition Begins
If only Dennis, Mark, and Peter would have known that from that day forward the birthday picture setting would become an annual ceremony and would turn into a talked-about tabloid story.

The three boys wouldn't stay one year old forever. As the years went by and the boys grew, so did the challenges in taking the photos and forming the set. There were quite a few difficult ones along the way.
Not So Terrible Two
In 1986, the boys turned two. If they were unaware of what was going on the previous year when the first photo was taken, now they knew exactly what was going on and were happily willing to participate.

They posed for the camera and showed off their captivating blond curls and magnetic eyes while holding the sign their mother made. They were the cutest two-year-olds around.
Even Snoopy Took Part
The days passed and the triplets turned three. It was only then that Karin decided to turn the birthday picture into a tradition. Dennis, Mark, and Peter were enthusiastic about having their photo taken again.

In fact, they were waiting for the flash to hit. Karin dressed the three in the most adorable Snoopy pajamas, prepared the traditional sign, and ...say cheese!
The Fourth One
When the fourth birthday arrived the boys wanted to stage the plot. They asked to pose on a wooden shelf so they could sit in a higher position. This didn't stand in the way of another adorable photo.

The sign was prepared, the magnificent three sat up high, and the rest is history. There were still more unpleasant surprises down the line, but for now, the boys were focused on their fifth birthday.
Some Things Are Out of Control
The boys were growing up and Karin found it difficult to control the three. They were turning into individuals, not always wanting their photos taken. Adding on to that, she was battling a sickness that influenced the kids tremendously.

Karin wasn't going t break a tradition, and if occasionally a photo would reflect reality and not just paint happy faces, then so be it. She baked a cake, made the sign, and another year went by.
Back to Life
When the boy's sixth birthday arrived, they were all happy once again to take a photo. They were leading a normal life as expected from six-year-olds. School, friends, and laughter filled their days.

Karin was doing better, the matching tops were bought, the sign was prepared, and the smiles were put back on their faces.
Big Number Seven
The days of Karin deciding what to wear and when to wear it were drifting away. It was on the triplet's seventh birthday they dared to do something different. This was the first year their individuality shone.

Dennis, Peter, and Mark wore the same overalls but underneath they each had a different sweater. They were still one unit, however, the frame started to crack.
The Polks Dot Theme
Not only was the photo and sign a tradition, Karin and the boys decided to turn the different sweater theme into a tradition too. On their eighth birthday, they all had polka dots sweaters on, each in a different color.

The boys' eighth birthday might have brought with it happiness and joy, however, a tragedy was coming along the way.
An Unwanted Birthday Gift
Not long after Dennis, Peter, and Mark's birthday, there was a gas leakage in the family house. The leakage caught fire and the house was burned down to the ground. Hard days were on the way for Karin and the triplets.

They moved into their next-door neighbor's house, Wilma, for a while, not knowing that they would have an extra pair of hands for preparing the sign for the next birthday celebration.
Nine Going on Twenty
Wilma helped to prepare the sign for the boy's ninth birthday. The boys were cheerful, Karin was content, and Wilma was grateful for doing a good deed. The family moved into a temporary trailer which turned out to be a great adventure for the nine (soon-to-be ten) years old boys.

Reconstructing the burnt house took almost a year but eventually, they were all able to move back in. Happy days were soon to come.
It Was Time for Independence
The boys were hitting their teens and many things were about to change. They were not the same cuties Karin brought into this world, and as their tenth birthday arrived, something else arrived too. Independence.

Peter had saved some money and purchased a camera. He was the one who took the traditional photo on their tenth birthday by setting the automatic timer. For the first time, the boys were taking part behind the scenes. They were showing the world not only their pretty faces but also their hidden talent.
One Photo Revealed It All
What happens when one-third brings home his new girlfriend? Well, it's bound to have an effect on the other two and not always is a nice way. When Peter brought home Eva, Dennis and Mark found themselves unintentionally causing a bit of trouble while the two love birds were keeping each other company.

The boy's eleventh traditional birthday photo clearly reveals who Peter is and who the other partners in crime are. One smiling face says it all.
A Change in Route
Life had its obstacles and the twelfth birthday celebrations were full of them too. These were surprises of the bad kind. Karin was heartbroken when she learned Peter was diagnosed with epilepsy and while Dennis and Mark were preparing to start high school, Peter was preparing for daily visits to the doctor's office.

But even so, the boys wouldn't let random visits to the hospital or unexpected seizures get them down. Their twelfth traditional photo was taken just like all others and the boys looked more handsome than ever.
Each Gone Their Own Way
Peter's new medical condition had its consequences. His parents decided it would be best for him to stay back in elementary school while Dennis and Mark moved on to big boy school.

This was just another note in the book emphasizing that no matter how similar the three looked, behind every face was a story full of individual needs, individual ambitions, and individual dreams.
Fourteen and Back Together
14 years have flown by and the three boys were turning into charming young men. Peter joined his brothers in high school and paved his way to being one of the best students in class.

The three brothers were back together and preparations for the fourteenth photo took place. A sign was prepared, there was no need for matching tops and another year went by.
The Beads of an Era
When the triplets turned 15, the 1990s roared in too. They brought with them Pokémon, stuffed crust pizza, and...bead necklaces. For the traditional photo, the era's symbols had to be presented.

The boys were doing well at school keeping top of the class and, of course, they knew what's what when it came to fashion. You can't beat the beads.
The Hair Style Statement
Remember independence? Well, for their sixteenth birthday celebrations, their each-for-your-own hairstyle kicked in. Whether it was pitch black dye or Irish red locks, the boys were experimenting with life to the extreme.

For their sixteenth traditional photo, Dennis decided to stay naturally blond while the other two had some dyeing experiments.
Already Seventeen and Many More to Come
By the time they turned seventeen, the boys parted with their colored hair and mutually decided to go back to their natural looks. This birthday was the one that brought back the similarity between the three.

They were a stunning trio and they looked forward to a bright future. The sign was prepared, the flash was set, and the traditional photo was taken.
What Do You Want to Do When You Grow Up?
It was hard to imagine that eighteen years had gone by and that they took their traditional photo without skipping even one year. They graduated from high school and decided on the next steps they wanted to take in life. Dennis wanted to become a sports masseuse and Mark a teacher.

For Peter, the world of architecture was the future and he decided to turn that way. Three talented boys were about to discover the world.
When Things Got Worse
By the time Peter, Mark, and Dennis turned nineteen, it was believed that Peter had seen the worst of his epilepsy seizure. Unfortunately, this was not the case. As they were preparing to take their traditional photo, Peter experienced one of the worst seizures in his life. This would leave an impact for years to come.

They were there for one another through thick and thin and nothing was about to change. Nineteen photos were taken by now and there were many more to come.
Going on a European Adventure
One of the most significant impacts of Peter's condition on him was that he felt uncomfortable being on his own. He was afraid of being alone in case something happened. As he was planning to study in Berlin, Germany, Dennis and Mark saw no other option than to join their brother on his European adventure.

The three moved to the German capital not forgetting to preserve their birthday tradition and took their twentieth photo in Deutschland.
It Was Now or Never
One of the most noticeable things that grew as the triplets entered their twenties was their hair. With their twenty-first birthday just around the corner, the boys were living life and enjoying the moment.

They took their traditional photo unaware of what was about to happen. They couldn't control everything and not all was in their hands.
Still Hanging in There
They were twenty-two and still living in Berlin. Life was good. If not for the fact that Peter slightly trimmed his hair the three still looked very much alike. How long could this go on?

For how many years could the boys keep on with this birthday photo tradition? How many photos were down the line? No one could say.
Home Sweet Home
By 2008 Dennis, Peter and Mark had all completed their studies. It was time for them to go back home. At first, they believed that they were returning to the same home they left, however, the table was about to turn.

Karin was about to discover something that would yet again find them unprepared. This would now change their lives once more.
A Never-Ending Birthday Sign
Karin was diagnosed with a severe medical condition. The boys were celebrating their twenty-fourth birthday and at the same time taking care of their beloved mother. Peter's new girlfriend, Suzan, helped the boys at these difficult moments.

With all that was going on, they did not neglect their tradition and another photo was taken. Three twenty-four-year-old men in three different tops and one long-lasting sign. What a beautiful tradition this was.
A Quarter of a Century
At twenty-five, the triplets were still bonded together all living with their mother under the same roof. By now, Peter's girlfriend, Suzan, permanently moved in. The boys each had a different hairstyle so it was easy to tell them apart.

One had it relatively short, while the other two were competing in the 'Dennis the Menace' lookalike contest. Mark was in the lead. The traditional photo was taken and a quarter of a century had passed.
The Beginning of the End
Even at twenty-six, the boys kept the tradition their mother started and took the birthday photo with pride. They wouldn't allow even one piece of long hair to get in their way. They were about to embrace the most beautiful years of their lives no matter how many obstacles were waiting ahead.

With eye-blinding smiles, Peter, Dennis, and Mark posed to the camera and documented another photo to join the rest. The next year was the year that changed everything for the three brothers and their loved ones.
When It's Time to Say Goodbye
When the triplets turned twenty-seven, it was the beginning of a new chapter in their lives — one like they never knew before. They sadly had to part with the most precious person in their lives. Karin passed away after losing her battle with cancer. They were devastated, however, this would only bring them closer. Even closer than what they already were.

The big house they grew up in was left to them and they decided to stick together and carry on living there. It was spacious, none of the three had any plans that could affect the others and it held so many memories. It was too early for them to say goodbye. The twenty-seventh photo was taken.
The Greatest Gift of All
For their twenty eights celebration, they couldn't have asked for a greater gift. Especially not Peter. Suzan was pregnant and nothing made them happier than the fact that their baby would grow up in the same house Peter did. In 2013, the triplets turned twenty-eight and baby Noah was born.

They were now new parents, two new uncles, and a brand new photo to document the occasion. There are some things in life that never change and the traditional photo was one of them.
Another Snapshot Created
The three brothers, Peter, Mark, and Dennis, were leading hectic lifestyles with all three having full-time jobs and Peter being a new dad. With all that was going on, they still spared two minutes every year not only for the sake but in memory of their mother.

This year was no exception. At twenty-nine, with their thirties just around the corner, another photo was added to the archive.
A Double Celebration
It's not every day one turns thirty and when there are three involved, this definitely called for a party. When the boys turned thirty they had the party of a lifetime. They celebrated their birthday and they celebrated Peter and Suzan getting married too.

Peter was officially tying the knot with the love of his life and Dennis and Mark were tying the sign for the traditional birthday photo.
Thirty-One Memorable Years
It was now thirty-one years of the three brothers getting together every year and creating a memory that would last a lifetime. They still all lived together, still worked, provided, and helped in bringing up their son and nephew. Thirty-one years have flown by.

They have known their ups and downs, they have seen how heartbreaking life can sometimes be, and they have enjoyed the most beautiful things it can also bring with it.
The Simple Things in Life
When their thirty-second celebration came, they still had the initial sign their mother made for them all those years ago. Except for the age label, it was the same old simple sign that meant so much to them.

The boys, now men, were taller, the smiles were bigger and the end of this tradition was peeking from behind the camera's lens. This beautiful tradition was about to drift off and become just a memory.
Double Three Birthday
The double-three birthday arrived. Amazingly, they still all looked not a day over twenty. Taking birthday photos was becoming nothing special and the triplets were beginning to show signs of it.

They were not as interested as before, and even though it only took a moment or two to do, they felt the end was near.
When I'm Thirty Four
By the time the three were thirty-four, the difference between the three was significant. The one-third in the middle had his unique ways while the two on both sides resembled tremendously.

These three were adored by all as such a relationship between brothers is only something to admire.
The Smile Evolution
Look at what one year can do to one person (or three). Their hair grew and so did their wisdom of life, and over the years, the evolution of their facial expressions is clearly identified.

From naturally smiling toddlers to forced-to-smile teens, and eventually handsome, healthy, and super cute men with so much to say in one photo.
The Last Word Has Not Been Said
The thirty-six photo was the last one. After more than three decades, the three brothers felt that the peak had passed and that the thirty-six photos they had wrapped into the best memory box they could have ever made. They dressed in their biggest smiles, put on their unmatching tops, and said cheese. The last traditional photo was created and this chapter of their lives was sealed.

Peter, Dennis, and Mark remain closer than ever. We don't know what made the boys stop taking photos but we are grateful for what they shared and are envious of what they have accomplished.
The Grand Finale
Fast forward to 2020. With modern technology and a lot of ambition, the famous three gathered once more. They didn't have to strike a pose in front of the camera and didn't have to worry if they had the same top on or not.

A video on YouTube features this amazing project and reflects how simple things, like photographs, can come together to create a masterpiece in motion. The triplets prove once again that friendship, determination, and love are all that's needed to make the world go round. The End.
Having triplets or being part of one is no easy feat. How about being parents to or a part of sextuplets? Read this next story to find out.

After almost giving up on their dream, and after embracing the fact that they will never be parents, the McGhees became one of the most famous ones in Columbus, Ohio, as no other sextuplet family has ever been recorded there before.
Mia's and Rozonno's Story
Mia and Rozonno had their fair share of bad luck when it came to building their own family. The most private moments of Mia's life had to be exposed to doctors and she was almost deprived of her biggest purpose in life.

We want to take you back to the early days of this astonishing story, where it all began and weaved its shape. Even today, more than a decade later, these six children (and parents) continue to amaze us. This is their story.
At the Begining
Rozonno and Mia McGhee go back many years. They met when they were both in their teens. It was love at first sight and Mia knew straight away that Rozonno was the one with whom she would fulfill her biggest dream — becoming a mother.

Forming a strong and happy family was her biggest wish in life, as she herself came from a single-parent household. She knew early in life that she would be the best mother there is, and knew Rozonno would complete her. Together they would bring new lives into this world.
A Single Parent House Hold
Mia grew up only with her mother. She can recall being a little girl, fantasizing about her big day and about the family she would eventually have.

She knew deep inside that the man she marries would have to be a strong and supportive person, and that her partner for the journey of life, would share the same dream as her and want a big family, more than anything else in the world.
Going by the Book
Mia was the love of Rozonno's life. She first wanted to graduate school and do her years in college before taking the path of parenthood in life, and so it was. The couple married not long before Mia's 20th birthday and the next chapter of their lives was about to begin.

Becoming a mother was not as easy as Mia initially thought, and falling naturally pregnant was a challenge. Years flew by and Mia and Rozonno were desperately eager of becoming parents. Things were not going as planned.
Thank You Modern Technology
In 2010, the technology of IVF treatments was well developed and many couples who were unable to go the natural way turned this to this alternative. The IVF treatment was expensive and the McGhees found it difficult to afford.

Every penny Mia and Rozonno earned was used for making their dream come true. The price was high and painful, both financially and mentally, but when Mia got pregnant for the first time, the pain wasn't felt anymore.
When There’s a Will, There’s a Way
After several trials, Mia did eventually become pregnant with twins, which is very common in treatment. Frustration turned into joy and there wasn't a happier couple around. It was a hard start in life for the two, but when there's a will, there's a way, and they had no plans in giving up on their dream.

The nursery was all set up and well designed, all the necessary baby stuff was ordered, and all they had to do was wait patiently for the due date. What the couple didn't know, was that the pregnancy wasn't going to end as they wished.
A Sad End, or a New Beginning?
The pregnancy ended tragically with both babies not surviving. The couple found themselves heartbroken and devastated. Mia sank deep into herself finding it difficult to rise back up again. Not long after, Mia gradually comprehended that life must go on.

If the most important thing in her life was to become a mother, she has no choice but to get on her feet and look out for a brighter day. She wasn't about to waste any more precious time, and with the support of her loving husband, she went back on track.
Hanging On
Mia was about to find out she was pregnant again. It all happened very quickly and this time Mia was cautious and didn't want to get her hopes up. Both Mia and Rozonno were thrilled by the news, and never in a million years could they prepare themselves for what the doctor was about to announce.

Mia wasn't prepared to go through what she had already tasted in life and did everything in her power to protect and assure the babies are born healthy and in time.
It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn
We all know that when it rains, it pours. And, as it sometimes happens, when there is good news down the line...there is more good news to follow. God blessed Mia and Rozonno not only with a new pregnancy but with a number of fetuses that were about to keep the couple very busy.

During one of Mia's first checkups, her doctor announced that indeed they were about to become parents but that wasn't all. Mia was carrying six babies, all healthy and strong.
Way Over the Moon
Could you imagine the thrill Mia was under? Expecting a baby is exciting enough, but expecting six babies is overwhelming. At first, this was too much to handle, but then, after the news sank in, Mia realized yet again that life's ways are not always clear or understandable. Mysteries lie within!

She was determined to bring these six little babies into the world, no matter what price she had to pay.
The History of Sextuples
Having six children in one pregnancy, and having all babies survive, is very rare and unheard of. Very few families have told their stories or had their stories documented. One of those families is Winnie and James Bushnell.

This was in 1866 in Chicago. Winnie Bushnell carried six babies through the full nine months, however, only four survived. Two of the babies didn't survive their first year. Throughout history, only 35 sets of sextuplets survived and reached adulthood, so the odds for Mia were not in her favor.
An Optimistic Mother of Six
Mia remained optimistic. She held on to her beliefs and knew that the day would come and she will become a mother. A mother of six. The doctors, on the other hand, were not as assured.

In medical history, it was common that at least one baby didn't survive, and the doctors didn't want to be responsible for the outcome. Mia and Rozonno knew deep inside that this was meant to be and prepared themselves for embracing six babies as the due date was approaching.
The Miracle of life
In 2010, magic was made. Madison, Olivia, Isaac, Josiah, Elijah, and Rozonno Jr. were born. Six healthy and strong babies came into this world, making Mia and Rozonno's dreams come true. Four boys and two girls filled their lives (and their days) with such joy and happiness.

It was later discovered that Mia was carrying seven fetuses. This was something that was missed during examination throughout her pregnancy. When the big day arrived, she learned that one baby didn't make it, and she was left with her six precious gems.
Reality Superstars
History was about to be made as all six babies survived and all were about to turn into reality superstars. The future was holding moments of joy and recognition, as Mia and Ronzonno were about to shuffle their life cards once again.

Instead of grieving their loss of the seventh baby, they decided to celebrate the lives of the remaining six, and of course, their own lives as new parents.
Making Memories
The new parents wanted to freeze their memories. They wanted to documents those precious days and hired a professional photographer to snap the moment.

When it comes to babies, no one can stage a frame, and the babies, as if someone was directing them, created a photo that instantly became the talk of the day.
A Photo of a Lifetime
All six babies were comfortably scattered around Rozonno, and one fell asleep on his back. Mia, the loving mother, pleasantly looked at her husband (and at one of the babies), all forming together, a masterpiece of photography.

Yet again, life was about to bring on its least expected moments, and one of the most famous women alive was not going to stay oblivious to that photo.
It's Oprah Time
When Oprah Winfrey came across the photo of the six babies and their sleeping father, she knew the McGhee family had to be on her show. The main intention was not to drive more audience, but to financially help the family, as the new addition to the couple was costing them an arm and a leg.

For appearing on the show, they received a check worth a quarter of a million dollars. Now, if that wasn't enough, the Oprah Winfrey production granted the couple an all-paid honeymoon as the two never had a chance to go on one.
Americans Do It Best
With Americans being Americans, the number of donations the family received after the show was astonishing. The family's story moved people's hearts and they received boxes of diapers, baby bottles, car seats, clothing, and more.

Do you think this was the end of their fortune? The McGhees' story was just about start and there was more to come. They were about to make it big. Really big.
Reality Bites the Dust
After their grand appearance on the Oprah show, Mia and Rozonno were about to receive an offer they couldn't refuse. The Oprah Winfrey production offered them their own reality show, where the six babies would be filmed and followed for the first years.

Bringing up such a unique family was so unheard of, they knew the reality show would be a huge success. And it was. It was the first of its kind.
Six Little McGhees
The reality show, called 'Six Little McGhees', aired between 2012-2014 and documented the first two years of the sextuplets. It filmed the day-to-day lives of the busy schedules the parents had, learning every day how to juggle between six little souls that had to be fed, changed, and most of all, loved.

The show 'Six Little McGhees' wasn't where this journey would end, as when the first two years were over, 'Growing Up McGhees' was created, following the next six years of the family.
It's Show Time
Having such a large family made it impossible for Mia to hold a job, so she immediately became a stay-at-home mom, dedicating 100% of her time to raising her children. Life was challenging and not always easy. Mia and Rozonno hired help to assist with the simple daily chores.

Could you imagine feeding two babies, and when they were done, having to feed another two? And when the sixth one was done eating it wa