Even though this girl looks incredibly cute with her glasses, her pet duck, and that “Hey, Arnold!” cartoon haircut, we have to say in terms of style it is an absolute disaster. Thankfully, as the years went by, this girl realized having long hair was much more favorable and turned into a long-haired goddess.

At 17, this teenager looks awesome. She dyed her hair blue, went to the thrift store to pick up some 70s shades, a tie-dyed hat, and a colorful net shirt, and showed us all what some style can do. Both nose piercings look fantastic on her, too.
A Magical Transformation
Oh boy, did this teenager undergo a transformation! Gone are the nerdy glasses, and emo haircut and acne-riddled face, replaced by chiseled cheekbone, a great haircut, and some elegant clothing. It's like he went through a magical puberty, emerging from the cocoon of his teenage years as a stunning butterfly.

Seriously, though, we've got to give credit where credit is due. This guy put in the work to transform himself into a real handsome young man. He probably hit the gym, swapped soda for kale smoothies, and invested in a skincare routine that would make a beauty blogger jealous. Good on him!
The Miracle of Contact Lenses
It’s truly amazing the change that a simple shift to contact lenses can do for a person. Below we have this cute young gentleman, which, let’s face it, wasn’t much to look at when he was a young boy. The glasses didn’t really fit him, and that haircut was, well, awful. But we certainly applaud what this guy did for himself in just a few years.

You can see that he still has that lovely, kind smile, but without the glasses and a stylish haircut, this guy has gone from ugly duckling to handsome swan. We don’t know if he changed to contacts or had eye laser surgery, but whatever he did, it certainly worked!
From Awkward Teen to Stunning Beauty
This is truly one of the most impressive transformations on this list, so much so that it seems nearly impossible for these two girls to be the same person. Alas, the power of commitment to beauty. First, we see an awkward, pimple-ridden teen with fat-rimmed black glasses, braces, and a bad haircut.

Fast forward a few years, and we have a gorgeous woman who looks like a model straight out of Vogue Magazine. She treated the acne, got rid of the glasses, went to a professional hair salon for a beautiful wavy haircut, and, yes, she did get a nose job – but it was totally worth the pain. And it seems she kept the cream-colored coat from the first photo since it truly was the only thing worth hanging on to.
The Difference Eight Years Can Make
Few men can look back on themselves at 18 years old without cringing, and the same goes for this guy. While many men just live with this, the good news is that from that point, he started eating right and exercising, and it's clearly paid off. Eight years might sound like a long time, but it passes by in a flash.

For this guy, it was eight years of determination to be the best version of himself. He's no longer the gangly, awkward-looking boy in the first picture. He's entering the second half of his twenties as a confident, healthy young man.
A Top Secret Diet
This young man wasn’t exactly an ugly duckling, since his “before” photo shows a very cute young boy, who seemed by his smile to have a great personality. However, we can imagine that as a young boy growing into puberty, all you really want is to start dating and attract girls, which, unfortunately, in our ever-growing superficial world, buffer guys seem to do better with.

This cute boy decided to do something about it and join a gym to work like nobody ever had! Fast forward four years later, we have a handsome, muscled young guy who is surely sought after by plenty of admirers. The glasses even make him look sexier! We don’t know what secret diet or workout regime he did, but it definitely worked out.
Putting Her Fishing Days Behind Her
We’re sure this cute girl had a very fun childhood fishing with her family, and let’s face it, she was quite an adorable child. But it’s quite impressive that this fishing pro turned out into the stunning young woman she did. She definitely shed several pounds, opted for a bit of lip filler, went for the beautiful, bushy eyebrow look, and changed her hairstyle, becoming a dazzling woman.

This stunner left her fishing days behind her and swapped them for shopping and self-care, and we have to say we’re loving the new style. We absolutely love that white blouse she’s wearing!
From Baby Face to Dreamgirl
The transformation of this teenager has left us speechless – she literally went from being a cute, baby-faced (and brace-faced) teen to a striking, rockstar-looking model. It took a decade, but puberty was kind to this young lady. Sure, she kicked off her teens with metal in her mouth and looked as awkward as any tween looks, but by the time she hit 23, she was undoubtedly a swan.

The "after" photo shows a confident young woman (with, quite frankly, phenomenal hair) who has mastered the soft-glam makeup look. To any teens who are wondering if it gets better, here's your proof that it does.
From 12 to 20
These photos are a testament to what eight years of hard work can accomplish. This stunning young woman, who honestly looks like she could be on the cover of any fashion magazine, has come a long way from her pre-teen years. She was your typical 12-year-old – in need of braces, a bit of acne treatment, and a stylish haircut. And that’s exactly what she did.

Fast forward eight years later, and we have this gorgeous girl at age 20, with beautiful, wavy, highlighted hair, perfectly done makeup, clear skin, straight teeth, and full, perfectly designed eyebrows. Now that’s the way to get your confidence back!
Same Captivating Look, Different Man
When it comes to the transformation of this teenager, the change is simply astonishing. From a previously awkward and unattractive 18-year-old to a dreamy and captivating 20-year-old, this guy has definitely worked hard for his confidence. He shed the pounds and treated his acne-prone skin, not to mention traded in his black, geeky glasses for a new, sleeker model.

Although that captivating look stayed the same, there's now a newfound confidence in his eyes. Also, it’s clear that he put some effort into his style as well, with his clothing now making him look closer to a model than a gym coach. This guy is living proof that with a proper gym regime and the right fashion adviser, anybody can change.
The Power of a Haircut
This awkward 14-year-old had the same haircut that so many of us suffer through when we’re children – the mushroom haircut. Not only is it one of the most unflattering cuts, but it also covers half your face, like it did to this young girl – we can barely see her eyes! Luckily, six years later, when this young woman turned 20, she decided to do something about it.

We see the girl on the right and almost can’t believe how far a good haircut can go. She looks absolutely stunning – with long gorgeous locks and no bangs, we can finally see her beautiful eyes. And kudos to her for also losing the belly and looking like a fitness coach. Wowzah!
Four Years of Unbelievable Progress
From a creepy 15-year-old to a buff young man, this guy certainly put in some hard work to make a change. He decided to hit the gym every single day (by the looks of it), get a normal haircut, and let an attractive beard grow out. Not to mention decided to ditch that slightly creepy smile from the “before” photo.

It’s truly amazing what commitment and discipline can achieve, and four years of growing out of awkward puberty, of course. Hopefully, at 19 years old, this young man will continue working out and pursuing his journey to self-confidence. And keep those cute curls. Well done!
From Geeky Teen to Handsome Graduate
Ah, nothing like the joy of passing your first driver’s license test – and if you had any doubt, this 17-year-old and his huge smile are the ultimate proof of it. We’re sure all the awkwardness of being a teen with that nerdy smile and the huge glasses stopped mattering for the rest of the day. As long as he could get in that cool red car and drive away, everything was good with the world. But this teenager didn’t stop there – he decided to change his whole life.

Fast forward six years later and this 23-year-old is a very handsome young man graduating from college. Not only is he a graduate now, but he also lost an impressive amount of weight and is absolutely mesmerizing with those gorgeous blue eyes.
The Difference a Few Pounds Make
Even though, from an aesthetic point of view, the 19-year-old version of this guy looks way better than at age 13, you can’t argue that he was a very cute kid. The smile, the spitfire T-shirt, that cute look in his eyes – but as the years passed, he probably realized he needed to shed some pounds, which is exactly what he did.

And the transformation is incredible! This young man not only lost a lot of weight, but he also clearly had a growth spurt, as he’s much taller in the second photo. He also decided to rock out his natural afro and a cool beard. We are definitely loving the laid-back look.
The Wonders of Clear Skin
There isn’t a single teenager that hasn’t suffered from acne – some have been lucky enough to have mild acne, and others go through the puberty hell of suffering from severe pimple-ridden skin. Needless to say, when you’re a teenager, it feels like the end of the world. And we’re sure this is exactly how this teen felt, at least until she took some Accutane and got her lovely skin back.

This photo was taken just two years apart, which can seem like an eternity for someone with acne. Although something tells us this girl will tell you it was well worth the wait. She looks beautiful!
Sometimes Older Is Better Than Younger
Now here’s something you don’t see every day – a 37-year-old looking infinitely better now than she did ten years before. It usually goes the other way around, but not in the case of this gorgeous blonde, who seemed to undergo a complete transformation well into her 30s. This woman decided to take her confidence back into her own hands and lost 60 pounds, dyed her hair, learned how to do her makeup, and got some fashion advice.

But she’ll probably tell you that the most important part of it all was being kinder to herself and establishing a life routine that mirrored that. Now, nearly in her 40s, this woman is looking 20 years younger!
The Importance of Skincare
Guys. Girls. Everyone, listen up. This is why we start our skincare routine in our teenage years. Yes, many of us are plagued with teenage acne and it sucks. For some of us, it lasts into our twenties. Eventually, it will settle. But this girl got ahead of the game. We don't know what products she used or what her regiment was like, but she nailed it.

Now, just a few years later, she's got the skin we could only dream of - with or without wearing makeup! Not to mention, her hair is gorgeous and flows like in the commercials. There's frankly not one element of this "after" picture that we're not jealous of - and it's all thanks to putting in the work in your teens.
A Subtle Nose Change
This beautiful girl is an example of how much a small detail can change – well, two small details. From being an acne-ridden 14-year-old to a gorgeous 22-year-old, this young woman decided to face her problem head-on. She started an Accutane treatment, and had a subtle nose job done, and voila! Sometimes all that’s needed are some subtle tweaks to completely transform our appearance.

What’s more, this girl did it without altering her facial features too much, which is often the case when people are looking for a visible change. She kept the general shape of her nose, which gives her a particular beauty, and decided to ditch the childish braids. But most importantly, she restored her confidence.
A Remarkable Glow Up
The 18-year-old on the left looks like she’s fed up with life, and those glasses aren’t helping one bit. We understand that being 18 isn’t a walk in the park, but it’s also important to take back control of your self-love and make a change when it’s needed. This girl definitely understood this, as she underwent an incredible glow-up in six years that made her look almost unrecognizable from her “before” photo.

The 24-year-old her looks happier and more relaxed, and way more beautiful. She ditched the nerdy glasses, got a flattering haircut that accentuated her gorgeous curls, and chose a very appropriate lipstick color for her complexion. It was a crime to have those beautiful, piercing eyes behind glasses!
Six Years and a World of Difference
This guy must have been incredibly happy and proud to share his progress with the world. He went from an awkward 16-year-old to a young heartthrob in his early twenties. He had the same cute face at 16, but the loss of his geeky glasses and what seems to be an enormous amount of weight really transformed his image.

Not to mention the grueling hours this guy must have spent working out at the gym. That chiseled jawline and buff arms don’t grow overnight – and neither does that awesome sense of style. We’re happy he traded the dad shorts and oversized t-shirts for a classy, white buttoned long-sleeve and some smart pants. Looking good!
Bye-Bye Braces
We bet no one was ever happier than this gorgeous girl when she finally said goodbye to her braces. While she has the same cute face at 22 that she had at 14, losing the braces definitely improved the whole thing – A LOT. Her hair also looks much better in long, beautiful threads.

And yes, we realize a person’s sense of style as a child is virtually non-existent, but it’s still a factor in this transformation. Just look at that gorgeous white top and jeans combined with the baby blue sweater – this 22-year-old has got some fashion sense for sure.
From Bully Victim to Absolute Hunk
There’s nothing worse than being bullied in school, and having severe acne doesn’t make it any better. This 15-year-old boy suffered from bullying throughout high school, but he decided that enough was enough, and he spent the following five years undergoing a serious transformation. When you look at this kid’s “after” photo, it’s hard to believe they are the same person.

He sought treatment and a strict skincare regime, he got rid of the (extremely) unflattering haircut, and let his locks grow out. Now, at age 20, with his subtle beard and dreamy gaze, this guy looks like he could be a model for Abercrombie & Fitch.
The Year That Changed It All
We don’t know how she did it, but this girl is a certified Wonder Woman – she lost 27 pounds in one single year! To the left, we see her at age 21, which is hard to believe because she looks like an awkward teen; then, to the right, is a beautiful princess just one year later.

OK, so she did straighten her hair, fill in her eyebrows, and learned how to wear makeup, but the most admirable change was the hard work she put in to lose the extra weight. This Meghan Markle lookalike looks gorgeous and confident. You go, girl!
When Married Life Looks Good on You
This couple is a true testament to the power of love and a good relationship. When you marry someone that makes you feel good about yourself, everything starts to look brighter. This cute couple wasn’t bad looking to begin with, but three years after tying the knot, they look even better.

Clearly, they started to be kinder to themselves and the self-love made them blossom into happier people. He got rid of the afro and mustache, and she got rid of the braces and got a stylish haircut. Not to mention the red lipstick that suits her perfectly. But the most beautiful part of the photo is how happy they look together.
Living at the Gym
It looks like this guy decided to move into the gym for a few years or simply stopped eating, but whatever he did, we salute him. Even though he had the same cute face at 17, the extra weight made him look like an entirely different person, and we’re sure it made him feel like one too.

He must have lost over 30 pounds in five years because at 22, this guy looks incredible. Not only much younger but also healthier and happier. And the cute face is still intact. It must have been an insane amount of hard work, but we’re sure it was worth it.
From a Cute Duckling to a Handsome Swan
Ok, anybody who thought this kid was ugly has some serious eye problems. Barring that “young Justin Bieber” haircut, which, let’s face it, every 16-year-old boy had back then, this kid is absolutely adorable. He claims he got called ugly a lot when he was young, which is quite baffling. However, we’re sure he definitely doesn’t get called anything but a “heartthrob” nowadays.

This young man grew up to be even better looking, and at age 22, he’s quite the catch. Those slanted, mysterious eyes, full bushy brows, half-covered tattoo, and sweet smile are sure to attract any passersby. Most importantly, he looks like a genuinely happy and good guy.
A Total Change of Style
This is more a case of total style transformation than an ugly duckling situation – this girl looked cute as a button in her child photo. Granted, the missing teeth and freckles might not be everybody’s cup of tea, but she still had gorgeous light brown hair and blue eyes. Fast forward a few years, and it seems she went totally goth.

She still looks great, just in a completely different way. For one, she obviously discovered hair dyes and got a bit too obsessed with them, and secondly, she went for the full pale skin-pink makeup look. Whatever caused the change, she looks happy as an adult, and as long as she feels confident and beautiful when looking in the mirror, that’s all that really matters.
From Chubby to Charming
We honestly don’t know how these guys pull it off, but we are in awe of their commitment. This chubby 19-year-old spent three years transforming himself into a Calvin Klein model, and it looks great on him. Although he looked like a pretty happy teen, we’re sure he had his reasons for ditching the extra-large sizes for a chiseled jawline and the wavy blonde hair.

His confidence and demeanor seemed to have changed completely, and he definitely looks like he’s enjoying the selfies. It’s safe to say that this 26-year-old knows where he’s going, and he’ll work hard for his goals every step of the way.
Feeling Beautiful for the First Time
We all know that it doesn’t matter how many times someone tells you you’re beautiful, if you don’t truly believe it, it won’t make one bit of difference. This young girl was convinced she was nothing worth looking at simply because she had a big nose and a little extra weight. So, she took matters into her own hands and decided to match the outside with the inside.

At age 33, she finally feels gorgeous (and looks it!) All it took for her to feel seen was a slight nose job, some killer hair highlights, some eyebrow modeling, and a bit of makeup. Now, this woman is ready to take the world by storm.
Putting Awkward Puberty Behind Her
One of the hardest things about puberty is accepting all the crazy changes our bodies go through – one of them being that extremely awkward phase when you grow taller but stay at the same weight. This results in a lanky, skinny teen, which is exactly what happened to this teenage girl. Although she had a perfectly sweet face, it seems her body was undergoing some hormonal changes that made her unhappy with her looks.

However, she refused to let that define her life, and at 26, she’s looking awesome. The long, dark brown hair, the red lipstick, the stylish clothes, and the subtle smile make her look like a gorgeous young woman.
From a Shy 15 to a Confident 23
It’s rare for a 16-year-old to be totally confident and self-loving. After all, teens are undergoing radical mood changes on top of everything else, so how are they ever expected to even have a clear idea of who they are? This young teen seemed to be going through that very characteristic awkward phase of glasses and not knowing quite how to look for a selfie.

But seven years did wonders for this young woman. At age 23, she looks like an entirely different person. She ditched the unkept, boring hair for stylish waves, switched to contact lenses, and got an attitude.
Growing Into Her Best Self
The girl below seems like your typical happy 13-year-old, and we’re big fans of that galaxy sweater. However, we’re sure the extra weight became a problem once she hit proper puberty. Unfortunately, at age 16, we care much more about our looks than we did when we were children.

So, this cute kid decided it was time for a makeover – as we all often do once we grow out of our “child” phase. She dyed her hair black, lost a lot of weight, mastered the art of makeup, and turned into a beautiful 17-year-old. We’re sure she’ll grow up to be even more gorgeous as the years go by.
She Never Lost Her Sense of Style
This 16-year-old was not only cute as a teen, but she also had a very cool style. The fact that she’s wearing that fedora hat and checkered vest just makes us like her more, although perhaps this uniqueness was the target of bullying back in high school. Also, we must admit the braces didn’t help. But she certainly grew up to become a stunning young woman, without ever losing that unique style.

The photo on the right shows us our “fedora” girl rocking some light purple hair, some futuristic sunglasses that are perhaps one of the coolest pairs we’ve ever seen, and just a gorgeous face. No makeup, a simple sweater, and a great smile – that’s all this beauty needs.
From High School Pariah to Beautiful Adult
This girl claims no one spoke to her high school, but honestly, apart from the typical awkwardness of being a teen and the lack of a good hairdresser and makeup knowledge, we wouldn’t go as far as to call her an “ugly duckling.”

However, if you look at this young woman at age 31, you’ll definitely need to catch your breath a bit. This beauty went to a proper hair salon, dyed her hair lighter, got a beautiful haircut that shows off her wavy locks, and completely reorganized her makeup bag. It is truly amazing what a good skincare routine, the proper lipstick, and some good mascara can do.
Always a Rainbow Girl
One thing is for sure – this girl loves her rainbows! As a 17-year-old, the messy hair, cool sunglasses, and rainbow wrap made her look like she just walked out of a hippie movie from the 70s. But apparently, this look wasn’t what she was going for once she left her teenage years behind.

So, she straightened and dyed her hair pink, got jaw surgery, and bought the most colorful wardrobe she could find. At 30, this rainbow babe is looking amazing – the bright red lips, the heart sunglasses, and the explosion of color definitely shows she’s feeling good and confident.
From Cute Childhood to Confident Beauty
Is this even the same girl?! We know there’s a nine-year difference between age 8 and age 19, but she looks like an entirely different girl. The girl on the left barely had eyebrows, and her eyes were only just noticeable. But as this little cutie grew up, so did her self-image and by age 19, she is looking absolutely gorgeous.

Her hair got way darker – or she dyed it – either way, it pairs beautifully with her light skin, she shaped her eyebrows into thick, full lines, and learned how to use makeup properly to accentuate her most killer features – those deep blue eyes and sexy full lips.
The 90s Were Not His Friend
Glasses, buck teeth, there isn't a lot going for this 12-year-old (visually, at least). Granted, that is kind of expected for tweens. They're on the brink of puberty, and they're about to be flushed with hormones for the better part of the next decade. It's usually not pretty. Luckily, things worked out pretty well for this kid.

His eyebrows really came through, as did his jawline, and he even got curly hair. Additionally, he switched over to contacts so he could really show off his blue eyes. Despite his more serious look, we're sure he hasn't lost the charm of the smiley young boy he once was.
It Only Took Two Years
Yet again, we find ourselves with a perfect example of the difference some glasses and a bit of weight loss can make. Well, quite a bit of weight loss actually – as this teen probably lost around 20 pounds in two years. Back in 2020, he was more of a chubby kid with curls and geeky glasses, but he definitely turned a corner in 2022.

Our guy decided to (thankfully) throw out the old frames and get some stylish, skinny-framed glasses that can finally let him show his beautiful eyes to the world. He got a haircut, without losing the curls, just keeping the best part of them, and got some cool light-brown highlights. Top that with the handsome beard and the stylish grey sweater and we have ourselves a killer combo.
Escaping the Acne Curse
Our hearts go out to what this guy probably had to deal with in high school due to his severe acne. It’s hard enough being a teenager, but having acne that bad just makes your life a living nightmare. This poor teen tried it all until he finally decided to start with an Accutane treatment. Three years later, he’s unrecognizable.

At 18, this guy is not only incredibly handsome, but his skin is almost completely clear! Not to mention he smartly decided to ditch the glasses and show those pretty brown eyes. His beard grew, his hair got a proper trim, and this young man is ready for the world.
A Small Change Goes a Long Way
We wouldn’t exactly categorize this teen as an “ugly duckling,” but there was definitely an improvement from age 15 to 22. The changes were not monumental, but they were strategic enough to make her look quite different and improve her self-image. This cutie switched her huge glasses for contacts, learned how to do her eyebrows amazingly well, got ahold of an effective skincare routine, and did her hair.

The result? A beautiful young woman in her twenties with a classic beauty and a sweet smile that would charm anyone. It was unacceptable for those gorgeous eyes to be behind glass!
A Little Sunscreen Goes a Long Way
This would be a perfect billboard ad for anyone who doubts the importance of good sunscreen and a proper skincare routine. This girl was suffering from hyperpigmentation at age 22 – you can see the darker spots over her lip and on other parts of her face – and it probably messed a lot with her head since she looks quite miserable in the “before” photo.

But four years, a strict sunscreen application every time she left the house, and some quality face serums made all the difference. It seems she also lost some weight and changed her hair, and she looks beautiful at 26. Not to mention much happier.
Goodbye Childhood Innocence
If someone were to tell us these two girls are entirely different people, we wouldn’t find it hard to believe. The photo to the left shows an innocent 12-year-old in her yearbook photo; you can tell she likes to play around with her hair and looks like a happy kid.

However, fast forward six years and you get a 17-year-old that looks like a Japanese manga model. Still loving the funky hairstyles, she went for the straight, silky black pigtails with bangs and either got a lot of Botox or went to professional makeup school. Either way, she looks fantastic.
From Lanky Kid to Chris Pine Lookalike
This kid was never even close to being ugly, but we will recognize that he was going through that very uncomfortable phase of puberty in which a growth spurt makes you look like “spaghetti man” for a few years. You feel lanky and skinny and just awkward to even be walking out in public.

But time was definitely kind to this young man, because a few years later, he’s as handsome as any Hollywood heartthrob. The piercing blue eyes, wavy brown messy hair, chiseled jaw and basically everything about this guy screams out 'model.' If only everybody could grow up to look like that.
From Braces to Full Body Tats
Although the age gap is fifteen years, and very few of us look anything like we did as children, this girl’s transformation is still quite impressive. She left the braces and awkward haircut behind and slowly grew into her own person. We don’t know if she got eye laser surgery or simply traded her glasses for contacts, but whatever it was, those gorgeous eyes deserve to be looked at.

She got a chic bob haircut and full body tattoos that look beautiful on her. This young woman certainly became her own person, and she clearly loves body art and piercings, which she’s done in a very classy and amazing way.
Well Done, Bun
This 17-year-old “ugly duckling” turned into the most beautiful swan in the pond. Hard to believe that the stunning 26-year-old on the right looked like she did 9 years earlier. Firstly, we don’t know what she was thinking with that baggy leopard print shirt, but it’s more suitable for a woman in her 60s than a young girl in her teens. The exaggerated blue eye shadow? A huge no-no. And the braces, well, we’re just happy she was able to put that awkward time behind her.

Fast forward to age 26 and this young woman is an absolute stunner. She kept the beautiful, black color of her hair, got a wavy haircut, learned how to do her makeup, and ditched the leopard print for a cute white top. Happy birthday, Bun!
The Power of Growing Up
At 34, this woman looks like a model, or could even be actress Rachael Leigh Cook’s doppelganger. Perfectly shaped eyebrows, subtle yet gorgeous black eye shadow to highlight her hazel eyes, and a nose piercing that looks perfect on her face. It must be a shock even to her to look at photos of herself when she was 14 – messy eyebrows, a nose that wasn’t exactly flattering, and the clothes.

Can someone please explain to us what her parents were thinking of dressing her up in a white blouse 5 times her size that looks like an opera composer from the 1700s should be wearing?
Happier at 28
We are in shock and awe of this young man – the amount of work and discipline it must have taken to lose that much weight is truly admirable. And it looks like it definitely paid off, as he looks ecstatically happy in the “after” photo. Granted, there were 10 long years in between, but it’s still amazing how this overweight, shy 18-year-old evolved into the confident 28-year-old he is today.

He lost the glasses, got a change of style – we are loving that beanie hat - and found new self-confidence and love for himself. That smile is worth a thousand words.
From Nerd to Rockstar
Another example of how different one can look in just a few years. These seem to be two completely different guys, but we promise it’s the same one. To the left, we see an overweight 21-year-old who was probably coping with a lot of issues that stemmed from a lack of self-confidence and love. To the right, we have a 34-year-old hunk that could pass for a rockstar.

He ditched his thick, nerdy glasses, lost A LOT of weight, got a decent haircut, and got some very sexy face piercings. And that full-grown beard just makes him all the more attractive.
It Only Took Ten Years
It might have taken an entire decade for this lanky teen with one eyebrow and a half-grown mustache to grow into a handsome man, but we bet he’ll tell you it was definitely worth the wait. Just look at that confident, happy adult to the right – his long wavy hair, a proper full-grown beard, two eyebrows, and much better fashion sense.

Although we must say that is a fun shirt he had as a kid, we sincerely hope he got rid of it, along with any hopes that he’ll have to carry a good eyebrow tweezer with him wherever he goes…forever.
A Matter of Style
This girl was never ugly as a kid, she simply suffered puberty woes like the rest of us. Maybe the glasses and awkward bangs made it a bit harder to get picked prom queen, but she was always cute. Now, if we look at her at 24, ten years later, she does look like she could be a model.

The short haircut looks amazing on her, and she definitely learned some useful tricks when it comes to makeup. The sheer black dress is stunning, and we are huge fans of the tattoos on her arms. This young woman definitely has style.
From Awkward Kid to Sexy Devil
There should be some kind of hair police for when your parents take you to get a haircut when you’re 12 and you leave the salon looking like this kid. She had the same gorgeous face then as she does now, but why did they cut so much of that gorgeous hair?!

Anyways, she certainly grew out of that awkward phase and let her beautiful dark locks grow out. She figured out the power of those light-green eyes and learned how to apply mascara and eyeliner to make them pop out and mesmerize anybody. The clothes, the face piercing, and the confident look are definitely working for her.
The Glory That Is Makeup
We like this girl’s younger self – she’s holding a cute stuffed animal walrus and wearing a WWF shirt, which tells us she’s a nature lover. And she’s a very cute kid! But undeniably, we all want to grow out of being a cute child and turn into an attractive young adult. This girl definitely succeeded and became an absolute pro at doing her makeup.

This girl is stunning, a fact that is only made even more true by that perfect eye shadow and black mascara, and that lush, long black hair. We really hope she’s still such a fan of animals and nature as she was when she was younger.
All in a Year’s Work
The mere fact this woman lost over 100 pounds is incredible enough, but to know she did it in a single year is simply mind-blowing. We bet most people didn’t even recognize her at first, especially because of that amazing smile she probably carries on her most of the day since she got back her confidence.

We have to say we much prefer her hair long, and her skin seems to have undergone some kind of treatment too. Add a bit of makeup, which she did perfectly, and you have this beautiful 27-year-old on the way to getting her master’s degree. Good for you, girl!
Four Years and 30Kg Less
This is one rare instance when wearing glasses was an overall improvement. This boy had a pretty intense acne problem, quite a few pounds extra, and a spikey haircut gone bad. But some years went by and this guy decided to turn his image around and start his twenties on the right foot.

He got some cool glasses that fit his face perfectly, went to a dermatologist, and lost around 30 kilos. Overall, he put in a lot of hard work to change himself for the better, and his self-assured look from the “after” photo is proof that he is much happier.
Becoming Her True Self
The journey to self-discovery is never easy, and it must have been extra hard for this girl. Even with a beautiful face like that, being shy and sometimes restricted by one’s beliefs can feel overwhelming. But we’re happy to see that her 24-year-old self left all the things that weren’t her behind and underwent a makeover that made her proud.

She got a chic, short haircut, picked up some red lipstick, black eyeliner, and dark nail polish and went out in the world. She finally became her true self, and the look on her face in her “after” photo is a testament to that.
Once a Hair Model, Always a Hair Model
Can we just take a second to mention the absolute envy we feel of this man’s hair? At 15, he already had a gorgeous head of hair, which combined with that cute face doesn’t really classify him as an ugly duckling. But fast forward another 15 years and whoa! This 30-year-old should be on the cover of a Herbal Essences Shampoo ad.

As if those gorgeous curls weren’t enough, he also added some super stylish glasses and a sexy beard to make him even more attractive. This guy is like a good wine, he just keeps getting better with age.
In Need of a Hair Salon
Even though this girl looks incredibly cute with her glasses, her pet duck, and that “Hey, Arnold!” cartoon haircut, we have to say in terms of style it is an absolute disaster. Thankfully, as the years went by, this girl realized having long hair was much more favorable and turned into a long-haired goddess.

At 17, this teenager looks awesome. She dyed her hair blue, went to the thrift store to pick up some 70s shades, a tie-dyed hat, and a colorful net shirt, and showed us all what some style can do. Both nose piercings look fantastic on her, too.
Accepting Reality
Few things are worse for a guy than the moment they start to realize they’re losing hair. Getting bald patches at an early age is a huge complex for a man, and understandably so. It’s one thing to start balding at 50, but starting to see clumps of hair on your comb when you’re in your early twenties would make anyone sad.

Therefore, we really admire what this guy did – he took matters into his own hands and decided to shave his head completely. And he didn’t stop there, he was also able to grow a massive beard! Apparently, the hair loss was just on his head.
From ‘Hello, Kitty’ to Hello, Sweetie!
Eight years went a long way to turn this awkward, overweight teen into an absolute beauty goddess. She lost the glasses, the bad hairdo, and the ‘Hello, Kitty’ shirt, and did a glow-up for the ages. She’s almost unrecognizable in her “after” photo – the gorgeous face with perfect makeup, the long dark locks, the stylish white top and jeans, and the subtle nose job all did wonders for this young lady.

And can we please get the number of the person who does this girl’s eyebrows? They are absolutely stunning! Overall, this young woman looks happy and content in herself.
Is This Even the Same Guy?
We truly don’t know what happened here or how this guy managed to completely transform his face, but whatever it was, we applaud him. The guy on the left was fairly unattractive – the fuzzy haircut, awkward red hair, the glasses, and the expression of gloom on his face didn’t help this guy’s image at all.

But it seems he went for the big leagues and decided to do a full makeover. He dyed his hair black – even his facial hair – fixed his eyebrows, got contact lenses, and a nose job. Now, this guy looks like he’s the main model for a skincare product line. And all in two years!
A Few Years and a Good Hair Dye
This girl was not exactly ugly as a kid, she just needed to grow out of the puberty phase and into the beautiful young woman she is today. She was actually kind of cute with those two hair bows and the angry face. But without a doubt, there was a definite improvement. As an adult, she really grew into her facial features and chose a very flattering blonde hair dye.

She used subtle makeup to bring out her beautiful eyes and is apparently still a fan of hair accessories. But the thing that takes the cake is that million-dollar smile in her “after” photo.
The Weird Kid That Turned into a Hottie
You can tell just by looking at this cute kid that he was different, and thankfully that’s a quality he seems to have never lost. As a kid, he had that weird smirk and awkward haircut, but as an adult, he used that characteristic smirk and turned into a sexy, mysterious gaze.

As for the haircut, he still has some odd tastes, but it was definitely an upgrade from the weird-looking afro he had as a kid. The growing beard is a huge plus, and the ear piercings are totally approved. We wonder how he’ll look when that beard comes in full force!
A Proper Glow Up
Two years is enough when you actively decide to turn your life around, and this girl is living proof of that. She was an unkempt 17-year-old who seemed to not care very much about her general image, at least not for her hair and skin. But something inside changed and she decided to take back control of her life and happiness.

Fast forward two years and this girl looks beautiful, without a single drop of makeup. She has clear skin, a few pounds less, and is ready to go do some exercise (or at least she looks like she’s about to go run a marathon).
The Miracle of Good Orthodontics
We hope this girl thanked her parents for all the time and investment they must have made to ensure their daughter got proper orthodontics. She had the same cute face as a kid, but the teeth were a massive problem. Looking at this young woman two decades later is a true testament to the difference a good dentist can make.

Aside from the gorgeous smile she has nowadays, she also has a great sense of style, a nose job that did wonders for her, and a beautiful long hairdo. She looks happy and confident as an adult, which we suspect may also have something to do with the fact that she’s at a stunning vineyard holding a wine glass that’s ready for a second pour.
A True Ugly Duckling Turned Swan Story
We cannot even begin to imagine what this poor girl had to endure at 14 in school. The glasses, the braces, and the overall geeky look truly didn’t help this teenager at all, but she certainly got revenge some years later. Fast forward to age 25 and this woman is a blonde bombshell!

She lost the glasses, got a subtle nose job, dyed her hair, got some killer makeup, and some clothing style. We bet all the people she went to school who weren’t nice to her are probably punching themselves right now. And dying to ask her out on a date.
The Wonders of Being a Mom
Well, this is an interesting transformation, considering the girl on the left was 18 and not really ugly, but looking at her at age 34, wow! She looks absolutely stunning in her thirties, and mind you, this woman is a mother to three kids. While people always say younger is better, there are some exceptions that truly prove that theory wrong.

This stunner went from an innocent teenager to a beautiful, sexy woman who looks as confident and happy as can be. Even that black-laced top is doing wonders for her. We wonder what she’ll look like in another 10 years.
More Handsome in His Thirties
As we’ve repeatedly said, puberty is really not nice to some people. Like this guy, for instance – at 17, that curly short hairdo and the extremely thick eyebrows weren’t exactly doing him any favors. Add the braces to the mix and you’ve got yourself a puberty disaster.

As hard as it is to imagine that anybody would look better at 30 than they did at 17, this guy would prove us wrong a hundred times over. Just look at him in the photo on the right! This is one handsome, blue-eyed man with a sexy beard and an amazing smile.
The Carnivore Diet
When it comes to diets, it’s hard to choose just one. There are infinite plans and information online, some advocating for keto, some for no gluten, some for veganism, and in the end, it all comes down to what suits each person best. For this guy, it was the famous all-carnivore diet, which although they say isn’t the best idea for long periods of time, worked wonders for this guy.

In a short three-year period, this young man lost what looks like 20-30 pounds, and he claims he did it by fasting and eating only meat products. He’s looking amazing at 22, and the new clothing style was also a huge upgrade.
The High School Dropout Turned Beautiful Engineer
This girl deserves applause – not only did she change what she looked like, but she also improved on herself as a whole. She went from an unattractive 19-year-old with acne, glasses, and a really bad haircut, to a gorgeous 22-year-old with contacts to show off her stunning green eyes, beautiful wavy hair, and clear, smooth skin.

But most importantly, she went from being a high school dropout to being a successful electrical engineer. This beautiful and confident young woman is living proof that anything is possible if you just work hard enough. We hope she continues to succeed in all her goals moving forward.
From Scrawny Led Zeppelin Fan to Calvin Klein Model
This transformation is just incredible; this young, scrawny 15-year-old with glasses and a bad haircut had only one good thing going for him – a fantastic taste in music. In the next six years that followed, he took it upon himself to get rid of the glasses, get a good haircut, and basically take up residency in the nearest gym.

At 21, this guy could perfectly be a Calvin Klein model (and maybe he is). Whether it was a strict diet, all-day protein shakes, weightlifting five times a week, or everything combined, this guy did a lot of work on himself, and boy does it show! We hope he’s still a fan of Led Zeppelin.
A Redhead Revolution
When it comes to redheads, they are either absolutely stunning or very hard to look at. Rarely is there something in between. In the case of this young man, he managed to go from an unattractive 15-year-old redhead to a more of a Prince Harry lookalike.

At 15, the geeky glasses and the acne probably made puberty quite hard for this teenager. But in four short years, he managed to switch to contacts to let those gorgeous green eyes out, grew in a proper beard, let his straight, silky red hair grow out, got a proper skincare regime, and turned into a heartthrob. Enjoy that beer, young man!
Six Years and a Complete Makeover
The background of both these photos is quite hilarious – to the left, an awkward nerd at age 15 who appears to be caressing his high school lockers, and to the right, a young 21-year-old that looks like an entirely different person writing with what seems to be a quill? What is going on here?

Regardless, this kid’s transformation is astounding. To think only six years passed and this ugly duckling turned into a handsome heartthrob with contact lenses, a sexy beard, a great haircut, and a very cute smirk (which was also there when he was younger). It definitely looks like this guy got his confidence back!
When High School Is Not Your Shining Moment
This boy has to thank whoever (himself included) motivated him to lose the glasses and the several extra pounds. The difference is astounding between these two photos – the overweight kid with glasses and a terrible haircut turned into a happy-go-lucky, handsome 28-year-old with way cooler glasses and several pounds less.

Whatever gym he joined or diet regime he stuck to, it did the job. He let his beard grow out and found himself a proper barber, and we bet that made a huge difference in his self-confidence and therefore, his entire life. And please, could this guy let us know where he got those glasses?
Still a Fan of Her Shades
The 13-year-old version of this girl looks like your typical teenager – dyed pink hair, iridescent sunglasses, a skull-print shirt, the punk belt, the septum piercing, and the awkward arm tattoo. However, you can tell that even ten years later, she’s still the same girl.

She dyed her hair all blonde (thank goodness), covered herself in very cool tattoos, started working out, and probably got a nose job. However, we can't be sure about that last one. Still rocking a piercing, just a slightly more subtle one. And she’s still a big fan of trippy-tinted shades. Go enjoy that beach bod, girl! You’ve earned it.
Hard Work Goes a Long Way
All we can say is WOW! This guy went from a pimply, awkward 14-year-old, to looking like a handsome fitness instructor. We don’t know how many days and nights he spent at the gym, but weightlifting and whatever diet regime he did worked wonders. He got a proper hairdo, sought some expert advice on skincare products, and turned his life around.

At 22, this guy looks like he could be a veteran gym instructor with those arms. We’re also loving his tattoos, his general style, and his confident smile. He even looks younger than he did when he was a teen!
From Zebra Prints to Lip Piercings
This cute kid was never ugly, but she probably had to smile like that for every single photo because she had braces that she hated. And we don’t blame her; braces are one of the worst parts of puberty. However, this girl seems to have undergone a 360-degree transformation. The sweet kid from the left turned into a confident young woman with wild, wavy hair and face piercings (that look great).

Not to mention her gorgeous blue eyes. Although she looks happier in the first photo, we’re sure that has something to do with the obligatory requirement from her parents to “smile for the camera.”
A Major Style Improvement
This ugly duckling transformation is a true testament to the difference a little style can make. At 13, this kid had the typical mushroom haircut, which is not exactly flattering, some glasses that made her eyes look beady, and a few pounds extra. But she put in the work and more than a decade later, we see a gorgeous 26-year-old woman with super stylish glasses that actually complement her eyes.

She let her hair grow out and went for a wavy hairdo that looks great on her, and got a new sense of fashion – we are loving that colorful striped dress! Most importantly, she looks way happier.
A New-Found Confidence
Judging by the night-and-day difference between these two photos, it’s almost unbelievable that only four years went by. The boy on the left looks 12, but he was actually 17, and not looking particularly happy with himself. That afro and those glasses were definitely hiding his true potential, which is more than obvious in the photo on the right.

At age 21, this young man decided to take off the glasses, get a haircut, a good skincare routine, and a new style. And his sense of confidence was certainly restored, as he looks much more comfortable as a young adult.
When You Cut Your Own Hair
We’re all expected to change from when we were 13, but this girl looks like she went through a transformation machine. Not only did she lose an incredible amount of weight, but she also decided to say bye to the messy, badly cut afro and opt for a curly, gorgeous bob cut. Apparently, she does her own hair, and we’re very happy for her that she learned some skills through the years.

As for the clothes, we also love San Francisco, but we much prefer the outfit from the right. The beautiful flowery dress and the stylish light jean jacket go perfectly with her lovely smile. Also, we are big fans of the light-color highlights in her curls. Nice going girl!
The Hairy Teen Who Turned into a Movie Star
This is quite the glow-up – this guy went from being an 18-year-old, long-haired metal music fan to a handsome, well-dressed young man who could pass for a movie star. The transformation is amazing, and kudos to him for the hard work on losing all that weight and understanding that long hair in your teens may be cool, but that quickly changes a few years later.

He switched the glasses for contacts, started running every day and doing force training at the gym, and got a much-needed haircut. We’re sure he’s proud of himself, and much happier in his late 20s than he was as a teen.
Hats Off to This Lady
This gorgeous red and gold goddess from the right is probably still recovering from the shock of seeing herself as a child. Even though she probably chose the most unflattering photo of herself to show the transformation – we can only assume she was at the dentist with a cheek retractor about to get dental work – the change is huge.

Not quite sure what the age difference is here but it was definitely for the better. Her clothes and the animal hat with the paws were all left behind to give way to an elegant young woman who looks like a movie star despite still sporting a silly hat.