The real question is how this smart car got down the stairs and onto the platform. Most underground train stations don’t even have elevators. Perhaps he’s doing his best to avoid New York City traffic, though then perhaps he should have known better than to try driving in the first place.

Maybe he was just looking for a bit of quiet, and some air conditioning, on his regular subway ride home. At least he hasn’t blocked the entire aisle; that is more than what most people do. Still not something you see every day — the car or the concern for other people’s right of way.
A Piece of Cake
There are just some images that make us feel angry, and this is one of them. We can’t explain why, but seeing someone cut a piece of cake out of the middle of this lovely carrot cake has us fuming. It's a classic example of what happens when you let kids get and do whatever they want when they're young — they become this person.

To add insult to injury, this person decided to add a note that says “I do what I want” right next to this cake carnage. While the note is a perfect addition to their reckless behavior, we can’t imagine having such an awful coworker. It seems that no birthday cake is safe around them!
Not Right for the Melons
There are a lot of things to purchase in a Walmart – everything from snazzy swimsuits to fresh limes, just like the picture shows. Sometimes, however, those two things don't go together. We don't know why this bra has made its new home next to the fresh produce, but there are plenty of possibilities.

Maybe a kid sitting in the cart threw it out just because he could, and his mom didn't notice. Maybe the woman who had picked it up realized it was never going to happen, and she didn't have the energy to bring it all the way back to the swimwear section.
Monumental Disregard
Despite clear signs asking people to stay away, these kids have found their calling in scaling historical monuments. As for the parents, there’s no sign of them! You’d think they’d be all over this potential teaching moment on instilling respect for historical landmarks. Looks like these parents take a different approach, encouraging their kids to embrace their inner mountain climber and adventurer instead.

Time and place, people, there’s a time and place for everything. Boundaries? Manners? They seem like mere suggestions in the minds of these parents. Save the chaos and adventure for the park. Historical monuments aren’t your personal playgrounds.
America Ferrera Gets Attacked
The Ukrainian journalist prankster, Vitalii Sediuk, pulled one of his infamous pranks on actress America Ferrera at the premiere of the sequel of "How to Train Your Dragon." Not only that, Sediuk actually tried to get under Ferrara's dress to get some very inappropriate photos.

Ferrera, who was posing next to Cate Blanchett and Kit Harrington, was absolutely shocked and justifiably angry. Fortunately, security guards came immediately and removed him from the red carpet before he could snap any photos. How does this man even get past security in the first place? Let's just hope this guy got arrested and is forever barred from these events.
Not Your Normal Kind of Prize
Getting frustrated at a claw machine that keeps taking your money is as American as apple pie with a slice of cheese on top. We’ve all probably busted a buck or two trying to grab a stuffed toy for our honey, only to end up empty-handed. Well, one girl got pretty sick of it, so she DECIDED TO CLIMB INTO THE CLAW MACHINE.

It’s hard to tell how old she is because of the window, but she doesn’t look too young — one might even say old enough to know better. But she didn’t know better, and that meant she had to sit inside while a bunch of people stood around trying to get her out.
Grand Slumber Party for One
This intrepid traveler masterfully occupies not one, not two, but three seats at the airport. It's like witnessing a masterpiece of human architecture, with limbs carefully arranged to achieve the perfect equilibrium of relaxation. He’s sending a clear message to fellow travelers. His comfort knows no bounds and neither does his audaciousness.

But let’s try and give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he dozed off during a long layover. He could be sick. It really does seem like he’s been sleeping forever. Having said that, it might be a good idea to check if the man’s still breathing!
Comfy Cozy
A little PDA never hurt anyone. Watch any movie, and it's clear sometimes things can even be a little cute. A kiss here, a hug there, and some hand-holding usually just make us go "awww." No one should judge you for being your true self and letting your loved one be their true self right along with you.

But this, this is beyond some good-natured PG-13 fun and games. This is a love show and it's very, very public. He doesn't look terribly comfortable in the chair, either. It's awkward and funny, though maybe more awkward if you actually had to be there. It looks like this may have lasted a while.
Hey, You Aren't a Sock
While you're shopping – anywhere, not just at Walmart – keep an eye out for things that have made their way to different departments. An ice cream cone in a pair of foam slip-ons is the perfect example. Why would somebody find it necessary to stash this kind of edible in the shoe department?

A lot of times, this happens when someone gets to the cash register and realizes they don't want something, which is why you find things like a bag of shredded cheese inside a cooler that is full of soft drinks in the impulse buy section. True story.
Making the Most of It
A handy dandy bottle of liquid soap is a really nice thing to have while you’re washing your hands. If you don’t have any of that, then you might have to use a bar of soap. Hey, as long as it gets your hands clean, right? However, you have to be able to get the bar of soap, and we don’t know if that’s possible here.

Maybe you can open up the top and grab the bar out of the container, but that’s annoying, especially when you have wet hands and need to grab the soap. That thing is going to be flying across the room as soon as you try to grab it. If only there was something simpler than this to keep your hands clean!
Best View Ever
Don't you just hate it when you can't see over a crowd of people? This dad sure hates it, but as long as he's got his baby with him he knows he can handle it. We don't know what was so incredible to watch that made this dad use his baby's stroller as a footstool — while the baby was in it, mind you!

Not only could he have slipped and stepped on the baby, but the stroller's safety lock could've snapped and sent Dad flying into the air. We hope the view was worth it because one small slip and this could've turned into a pretty bad accident.
Cowards Deface, Artists Persist
Vandalism is for cowards. If you have a statement to make, make it loud and proud. Do it in your own way and on your own time. Also, show us your faces, if you dare. But of course, they don't dare. Instead, they choose to take the easy route — deface the artwork of someone who poured their heart and soul into it.

The only statement you’re making is how much of a douche you are. To the artists of the world, we offer our support and encouragement. Continue to create, for even in the face of destruction and utter disrespect, art endures.
Making a Terrible Splash
In a series of bizarre events, someone decided to toss community electric scooters into the water like a game of scooter roulette. Did they try and jump across the lake unsuccessfully? Or were they attempting to ride scooters on water? (There’s a whole other vehicle for that, just saying).

Maybe, just maybe, they were trying to teach the local fish a new skill. Whatever the reason, it isn’t good enough. Sometimes, it's okay to dream big and throw caution to the wind — just not public property into the water. We question your judgment and your ability to function in a civilized society. It’s just downright disrespectful behavior.
Street Gymnastics
Clearly, this guy just felt it was time to interrupt his walk with some more elaborate gymnastics. That's definitely an interesting alternative use for a street post. And we have to hand it to him, he is quite flexible. That's not as easy as it looks! We do have to say, though, that we have no idea what prompted this display.

Maybe The Grove had a great breakfast special going on? On a closer look, it seems he even put down his coffee cup on the floor next to him, and the other passersby (who is obviously laughing like crazy) is about to get hit — making this an even better scene, 5 seconds from now!
Nail Clippings in Aisle 5
Look, we know moms are bosses at multitasking. How much is too much, though? Parenting is hard, but you can’t get a free pass for this one. Nail-clipping sessions at the grocery store? Plain wrong. This requires a certain level of audacity and disregard for what’s acceptable public behavior.

Nobody wants a trail of nail clippings on the floor while grabbing some milk and eggs. That one needs to even state this out loud is absurd, isn’t it? A reminder of the abysmal state of the human race. We’ve really got to do better, sooner than later for the sake of the children.
Working Hard, Effortlessly
This is the type of picture that can be misleading. On the one hand, looking at these two, they seem to be having a chill time. How could they not? They literally have their own sofa bed at the beach.

But, if one thinks about it, one must ask oneself how much time and effort it took these two to get this piece of furniture out there. There is always the chance that they just happened upon this jackpot. Then again, they don't seem to have anything else with them (at least not pictured), so it seems likely they brought this themselves.
The Legendary “Influenza”
An Instagram influencer turns a serene conservatory into her very own personal photoshoot playground. And this is what’s wrong with the world today — a generation of arrogant entitled sociopaths who dance starry-eyed for TikTok but are terrible human beings otherwise.

Eyes fixed on her phone, she tramples over precious plants like a bull in a china shop. She boldly and rudely stomps where nobody has stomped before. Rules? There are no rules when you’re searching for the perfect Instagram shot! May her audacity be a lesson in what not to do in public, or how to fail as a human being altogether.
Go Your Own Way
At first, we thought this was the 21st-century modern way of teaching children how to ride a bike with no auxiliary wheels. Then we realized the bike had auxiliary wheels, and we had to come up with a new story for this photo with a child on a leash. It's either a kid on a leash or a very human-like puppy who somehow learned how to ride a bike.

We're gonna go with the kid thing. You know when you are out with your kids on a bike, and then they decide to cycle off far away from you, leaving you to worry about where they have gone, and what has happened to them? Not anymore, my friend, not anymore!
Cigarettes for Breakfast
Why settle for coffee and bagels when you can pair your morning routine with a cigarette? What people do at home is their business. But it becomes everyone’s business when the same things happen on a public train, at 8 a.m.! Public trains smell nasty enough as it is. If you can’t do without a nicotine fix, consider a nicotine patch just for the morning commute.

But it seems like he might not be up for a civil discussion — given how he looks like a puff of existential dread first thing. Not your ray of sunshine by a long shot. What other choice do passengers have except continue seething in anger while this dude smokes away to oblivion?
Get in Here!
It's not a man's world anymore. Whereas in the 1950s male actors would just abruptly kiss anyone they wanted in broad daylight, this is the 21st century, and roles are being reversed. And, yeah, you bet it's just as inappropriate and weird.

Now it's the women of Hollywood who are doing it to the men. Lena Dunham knows that when a man like Brad Pitt is just standing next to you posing for a picture it's the perfect time to get in there and get a kiss out of him. Naturally, an awkward time was had by all, though Pitt played it off casually.
New Shoes Make Everything Alright
We've heard of retail theft, but what happens when people take things to a new level? Say hello to this fearless fashion felon. He’s managed to steal a new pair of boots and replace them with his old pair. He’s a thief, alright. But one who doesn’t like coming in empty-handed.

Imagine as he peruses the shoe section with the agility of a ninja. He seizes the perfect moment when no one's looking, slipping off his scuffed old boots and swiftly slipping on new ones without breaking a sweat. The rustic look is all the rage these days, isn’t it? Come on, he’s doing someone a favor.
The Meanness of Childhood
This photo captures a very true reality of pre-teen childhood. The girl on the ground clearly fell, and her friends (or what we would assume were her friends) appear to be laughing! We've all experienced this moment. The embarrassment that inevitably comes with falling is compounded by it being in front of people.

And then, to top it all off, kids are rarely kind about these things. This is one of the amazing things about these cameras — they capture totally spontaneous moments that show us a tiny glimpse into the day-to-day life of other people and societies. Hopefully, they helped her get up afterward.
Who Dropped Their Knickers on the Streets?
You know the world is imploding when it’s common to see streets lined with cafes, stores, and gross undergarments strewn on every corner. How did someone’s old knickers end up on the streets? We’d like to think they’re remnants of a wild party night or the result of a fashion emergency gone wrong. But who are we kidding?

It’s more likely that this pile belonged to a jerk – someone who couldn’t be bothered about the sanctity of public spaces. Have people gone completely feral? Even the scrappiest and most serious dumpster divers would steer clear of this trashy lingerie parade.
Don’t Leave Your Droppings Behind
You never know what you’re going to get when using a public toilet, especially in college. But there’s nothing more infuriating than walking in to see splashes of blatant disregard everywhere. Someone’s managed to leave their droppings behind, and not in the actual toilet bowl.

You’d think college students would’ve mastered the art of aiming for the toilet bowl by now! Seems the bar is low. Time to enroll in The Foundations of Pee Etiquette: Proper Aim and Sanitation. When nature calls, aim for the bowl – it’s that simple. Spare everyone else the horror of a wet n’ wild adventure. There are theme parks for that.
Let’s Just Back Off a Touch
Not the kind of picture we expected to see on this list, but here we are. Having to transport a vehicle when it doesn’t work presents a strange problem, and this is... certainly one of the many solutions. However, we’re sure all the other people on the road that day would have appreciated some more things keeping the smaller car in place.

There might be some straps we aren’t seeing, but it seems like this car is just hanging out in the back with nothing to keep it inside. There’s no way that pad underneath it is secured in any way. How did the car even get back there? It becomes more confusing and dangerous the more we look at it. Hopefully, nobody is inside.
Shoes on a Plane
Social norms? What social norms? This person decides they can air out their shoes on a flight whenever they want to. A maverick traveler who wants to keep their feet feeling breezy and carefree. One can almost smell the stink as the air circulating around this unconventional foot exhibition — as if stale airplane smells weren’t bad enough.

Where are those oxygen masks when you need them? We've all been there — trapped in a metal tube soaring through the sky, desperately seeking any form of comfort during a long flight. But some individuals take airplane comfort to astonishing new heights, or in this case, lows.
Lego Architects Beware
How many Lego structures can my child knock down? That is the ultimate question. Some parents just can't resist the temptation or the potential social media validation, despite signs telling people to keep their distance. Navigating a Lego landscape with a child in tow is the ultimate in daredevilry. Those poor Lego architects.

Imagine spending hours meticulously constructing a Lego masterpiece, only to know it might be obliterated by a child at any moment. Yes, Lego structures are meant to be destroyed and rebuilt – just not these ones. Why, parents, why? Is it because you don’t remember when you slept last?
Traffic Jam
The real question is how this smart car got down the stairs and onto the platform. Most underground train stations don't even have elevators. Perhaps he's doing his best to avoid New York City traffic, though then perhaps he should have known better than to try driving in the first place.

Maybe he was just looking for a bit of quiet, and some air conditioning, on his regular subway ride home. At least he hasn't blocked the entire aisle; that is more than what most people do. Still not something you see every day — the car or the concern for other people's right of way.
Seat of Ignorance
What do we have here? A shopper who’s decided that sitting on apples is the epitome of grocery shopping comfort. The last thing you expect to see while roaming the aisles is someone getting comfortable on top of some fruit. And yet, there she sits — claiming the apples as her personal throne. Move over, plastic chairs.

Apples are the new seating sensation. Do apples have hidden ergonomic qualities we knew nothing about until now? Why have we been eating them when we should’ve been sitting on them? Nobody knows. For now, it might be better to do our fruit shopping where someone’s derriere hasn’t been parked on it first.
Breaking the Bank (Literally)
What in the world happened here? Did someone forget their ATM pin? Did the bank charge hidden fees again? Bank issues get under everyone’s skin, but ripping open an ATM machine really isn’t the solution. Armed with nothing more than brute force, someone seems to have taken a baseball bat to this ATM machine with no regard for legal and ethical boundaries.

It's a misguided attempt at making a statement. Did they really think this would change anything? Our guess is they’re probably still short on cash. What's worse, now they're broke and terrified of getting caught. Was it worth the effort and destruction? Momentarily, perhaps, until the adrenaline dies down.
Between the Lines
The really amazing thing about this parking job is how straight they got the car. This would be a perfect example of parallel parking if they, you know, did not damage their car from both ends. We truly do not understand how this even happened. Also, what did the neighborhood residents and passersby think?

Why did nobody try and stop this person? So many questions, and literally not one answer. Watching this person wake up in the morning after a clearly wild night and trying to maneuver out of this spot would be both sad and hysterically funny. Good luck buddy!
SeaSha Time
There's a lot going on here. Were the table and pipe set up beforehand? Did this guy bring it himself? There are three more chairs — where are the people? There are only two things that can explain this picture. One is that this guy has found a vacation hack that allows him to do his two favorite things at once.

The other is that he was actually enjoying his shisha at the beach when a big wave came, but he decided he wouldn't let that bother him. Both options are just as likely and we have a feeling this guy will be able to find a way to enjoy himself no matter the circumstances.
The Corona Flower
Who needs a regular flower garden when you can have a glamorous dumpster-inspired oasis? This unconventional gardener decided to take the phrase "one man's trash is another man's treasure" quite literally. How inebriated were you? Bees, butterflies, and other pollinators are utterly confused.

Planting an empty beer bottle in a flower bed is the epitome of trashy – like wearing socks with sandals or dancing for TikTok in the middle of a busy street. Some things are just better left undone. Flowers deserve better company than discarded trash. Let's keep the beer bottles where they belong — in the recycling bin!
Recycling Gone Rogue
Here’s a classic example of recycling etiquette that’s gone out the window and straight into the trash. Stealing an entire recycling bin for personal use is disrespectful. It completely defeats the purpose of communal recycling efforts. An action with good intentions? Maybe? But they missed the mark. Last we checked, prioritizing convenience over the collective good isn’t the point of recycling.

Looks like someone missed lessons in Sustainability 101. Want to be a sustainable champion? Commit to it. If you’re going to do something, do it well. There’s no need to resort to idiotic behavior. Bin monopoly. Now we’ve seen everything!
Table Manners Gone to the Dogs
We love our furry companions, but some dog owners take their love a step further. From outdoor patios to fancy restaurants, doggos aren’t just man's best friend — they're table companions too! This dog is right at home on an outside dining table. But we honestly don’t see the problem.

Maybe if you’re a Karen because those tables have probably seen worse – seagull business and even hurried diaper changes. Sticklers for table etiquette, best go inside where dogs aren’t allowed on tables. Chances are this good boy is the most well-behaved diner among the entire lot seated at the café. Good company is always welcome, regardless of species.
The Floor Is Boring, After All
Driven by an insatiable need to ensure the perfect color match, this person took it upon themselves to create an impromptu floor mural. Why waste time spray-painting on samples or canvases when the floor is right there, begging for a touch of art? The world is a canvas. The floors are boring.

But not all artists can pull off Banksy-level street art, even if they think they can. Perhaps the paint fumes did a number on this person, leading to a lapse in judgment. Leave the vibrant displays for the aisles and reserve the floor for walking. We know creativity strikes anywhere, but going wild in public spaces is plain disrespectful.
Jennifer Lawrence Skipped an Entire Row
It seems that the talented and beautiful Jennifer Lawrence decided to just be herself at the 2018 Oscars. Maybe that glass of white wine she's holding was her fifth one and caused her to just say "to hell with it." She hiked up her dress so she could skip over an entire row of seats.

All this was because, clearly, going all the way around like everybody else was way too much effort. We get it, it must be exhausting to look classy and elegant all the time, but we just hope that very expensive Dior dress didn't rip after Jennifer's acrobatics stunt.
Dipping in Unexpected Places
She's redefining the concept of cooling off by taking a refreshing dip in the most unexpected of places. This woman chooses public fountains as her personal aquatic oasis. Or wait, is she fishing for coins and dressed for it? Desperate times call for desperate measures, especially when the sun’s scorching and you’re probably broke.

Nobody’s condoning the behavior. The hygiene is questionable without a doubt. But would you really blame her for wanting to cool off in the summer? And maybe find some money in the bargain? Not everyone can afford expensive water parks and public pools.
Love and Death
Someone help this poor man out, we think he is drowning. These two wanted to share a romantic kiss, and maybe enjoy their vacation, but their horse wrangler is having a hard time staying above water. He seemed to be the one suffering through this image more than the horses, as you can see his head is almost just right above the water.

It’s funny, maybe when they look back on this photo a few years from now and see how they looked, they would probably cringe at the fact that they look like this in the photo. Who can blame them? It's pretty embarrassing yet oddly too funny to look at.
Here's My Card, Just Buy It All
We get it. Shopping can be tiring, especially if you have to head to the store after a day of hard work. The stores are huge, and if you have to buy a lot of things, that can mean upwards of an hour of walking around. We aren't going to blame this guy for jumping into the cart to give his tired body a rest.

Maybe he has some muscular problem that drains his strength as he's waiting for his fellow shopper to pick from between two different t-shirts. Maybe he just wants to take a load off. Hard to do that in a Walmart.
Seat of Stupidity
You're strolling through the supermarket, ready to pick up some freshly baked buns for your weekend BBQ. But what is this you see instead? An imbecile who thinks it’s perfectly acceptable to use bread as a cushion! Clearly, patience or leg strength are not virtues for this lady.

She could’ve sat anywhere else or walked a bit to find a seat. But why settle for cold, hard seats at the store when you can sink into soft buns? Note to self: Always give the bread a thorough inspection before making any purchases. You don’t want buns that are already (shudder) warm.
Troublemakers on a Train
This obnoxious commuter takes public transportation to new heights of annoyance as if that were possible! In a bustling train, packed with weary commuters, this guy decides their shoes deserve a special place to rest on the seat. Sure, just go ahead and air those filthy shoes for everyone to see (and probably smell, by the looks of it.)

Just when you think it couldn’t get any worse, it does. He’s vaping — probably lost in a vapor of clouds and slowly disappearing in the mist growing thicker inside his brain. Some people take Netflix and chill a little too literally.
Are We Watching Baseball or Football?
In the thrilling world of sports, unwritten rules govern everything from player conduct to fan behavior. But what about rules regarding boundaries of personal space? You're seated in the stands, eagerly anticipating an afternoon of baseball action.

The sun is shining, the crowd is buzzing, and just inches away from your face, a pair of feet have taken up residence — seemingly oblivious to the concept of personal space. Sure, go ahead and cheer passionately and support your team. Kick back and relax, by all means. But please, keep your feet on solid ground and away from the faces of unsuspecting fellow fans.
Celeb PDA
Young love, right? No, thank you. Lil Xan and Noah were very into each other on the 2018 VMA red carpet, including awkwardly making out. That kind of behavior is uncomfortable literally anywhere, from anyone. It's a little more understandable coming from teens because, frankly, they have no idea what true social etiquette is.

Still, this felt like a step too far. There was one point where Lil Xan stuck his fingers in his mouth and sucked on them. Confused? Yeah, well, us too! Maybe it was all a publicity stunt because naturally the paparazzi ate it up, and the two musicians got their faces plastered all over the tabloids.
Not Enough Room Inside the Car
This new family of six hadn't yet upgraded their vehicle when their fourth baby was born. When they piled into the car for their first official family outing, they realized that they didn't have enough room in the back for everybody.

So, Dad came up with a way to transport everybody to the store: just add a wagon to the back and have one of the bigger kids feel the breeze all the way to their destination. Although attaching a wagon to the back of the car doesn't exactly look like the safest way to transport a child, it is pretty funny.
A Splash of Controversy
We know that dog grooming services can be expensive. But there’s no excuse for using a public drinking fountain as your pet's personal bidet. Talk about pet hygiene on the go! Some people push boundaries; this lady throws them out the window entirely. No location is off-limits when it comes to pampering her beloved pooch.

Is it any surprise that public facilities get such a bad rap? The public just can’t be trusted. This fountain-turned-doggie-bidet makes us question every water fountain we’ve stopped at in our lifetime. Safe to say that most of us will probably never use one again.
Botanical Garden Graffiti
Names, initials, and maybe even declarations of love are etched into leaves at a botanical garden. What were they going for? A natural but extremely ugly graffiti gallery? When we said it’s good to connect with nature, this isn’t what we meant. Sure, most of us like our names but this level of self-obsession seems a tad disturbing.

What drives people to carve their names into plants, as if claiming their botanical conquests? We’ve got news for you. Nobody cares or wants to know you were here. In fact, it might be best for everyone if you disappear without a trace.
Hold on to Your Grill Tongs
It's the perfect summer day for an evening barbeque, until your neighbor, the Grilling Guru, decides to add a dash of chaos to the mix. Instead of disposing of hot charcoal responsibly, they opt for the trashcan — because who doesn't love a little backyard bonfire surprise? Next time, maybe seek common sense, and if all else fails, guidance from professionals.

We wouldn't want the fire department coming around and becoming your regular dinner guests. As for the witnesses, remember to keep your fire extinguisher close and your sense of humor even closer. Who knows what could happen? You could be sharing a laugh or fighting a neighborhood fire by the end of the night.
Something to Avoid
Hey, did you know that gasoline is, like, super dangerous? It can start a fire! That means if you spill a big puddle of it on the ground or on your car, all that heat and energy that is rushing through your car every second that it’s active could make for a bad time.

There’s also the fact that gasoline can really damage the paint and body of your car, so you want to avoid what this lady is doing as much as possible. We don’t know this lady, but we’ll be kind and say that she just happened to trigger the pump while pulling it out of her car, and she isn’t just spraying her car on purpose. We’ve all done that at least once. Right?
A Classic Example of “Hold My Beer”
You’d be surprised how much fun it is to go to the playground and goof off even while you’re an adult. As long as you aren’t bothering any of the kids there, you can enjoy the slides, swings, and all the other fun pieces, but watch out – you’re bigger, and the playground parts haven’t changed their sizes.

This guy must have forgotten about the way time changes you, and now he will live on in infamy as the dude who got stuck in one of those playground twirling things. How did this poor man escape? Did he even manage to make it out? Maybe his friends had to call the fire department right after taking a picture as proof. Hurry up; he doesn’t look too happy.
Snack Attack or Art Appreciation?
Ah! The sticky situations that arise when kids can't resist the urge to taste the artwork. They’re just being children, though. Parents who don’t reprimand their kids are the bigger problem. The store wouldn’t need a sign if an adult was telling the kids to stop licking everything in sight. It’s shocking how they seem unbothered by the potential colony of germs setting up shop inside children’s mouths.

Aren’t we supposed to be a germ-obsessed nation? Those who treat public spaces like their living room are the absolute worst. And in case they forgot, this is a donut store. Kids, wait in line for the real thing and lick away. Leave the murals be.
To Wear or Not to Wear a Shirt
There are countless signs someone wants to be left alone. This guy's shirt is wide open, and his stomach is certainly not the sort of sign one reads and wants to approach for more information. His arms are also out as if he's preparing to fly or wrap the shoulders of his neighbors in an unasked-for-bear hug.

And, let us not forget the very clear man-spreading happening here. Hopefully, he doesn't want anyone to talk to him because he is sending out all sorts of "stay away" signals. No one is sitting less than two seats away from this guy and for good reason.
Just Hanging On
Sometimes you just don't have a choice. Not everybody has a drier. Those who are not fortunate enough to have a machine to dry their laundry are forced to hang all that wet clothing outside. This might result in some logic failures on at least one dad's side:

If the wet things need to be hung to dry, then when your baby wets himself you need to put him out to dry too, right? After all, it's not like the baby needs that time to run errands or do chores or anything. What does a baby even do? Nothing. Just hangs out.
Stop, It's Hammock Time
So, it's not the couch we saw earlier, but it has its own very special charm. This guy not only brought but also set up his own hammock for the ride to work (we're guessing). He looks a little too comfortable, and he may miss his stop, but he seems to have been organized enough so far.

There are more uses for a hammock than the manufacturer ever thought. Hammocks are notoriously complicated to set up, so good luck beating the doors before they shut. But I guess anyone boarding the train will get a good laugh. At least they can walk around him.
The Bin Is Literally Footsteps Away, But Who Needs It?
When anyone manages to overlook a conveniently placed trash can just four feet away, it’s a choice, not an accident. This person left their garbage strewn about as if it were confetti at a parade. Your ability to overlook a convenient solution just four feet away is truly astounding.

The next time you find yourself face-to-face with a trash can, embrace it, won’t you? Allow the can to fulfill its destiny as the ultimate receptacle of discarded treasures. Help the trash find its rightful resting place too. It's the easiest way to check off your good deed for the day.
The Great Pistachio Pileup
Movie theater staff have the toughest jobs. Imagine having to quickly clean up the mountain of trash that moviegoers leave behind in time for the next show. At this theater, you'll find yourself following a trail of pistachio shells leading to a peak of pistachio shells. The Yellow Brick Road is overrated.

Move over, Everest! There’s a new mountain peak in town. It's baffling, this behavior, isn’t it? People who choose to leave behind trash at a movie theater instead of simply disposing of it in conveniently placed trash cans. Look around! They’re everywhere – at arm’s length and around the next corner.
A Fan Fanatic
The sweet relief of a fan on a hot day! All of us crave that refreshing breeze, especially in crowded waiting rooms where temperatures soar and patience runs out. But what happens when someone decides to monopolize the only fan, transforming the space into their own hot box-cooling retreat?

Can you smell everyone else stewing in their own sweat and anger? Slow claps for your mastery of personal comfort and disregard for the needs of others! Let’s be mindful of the delicate balance between personal comfort and public etiquette. Keeping cool is great, but spreading the coolness is even greater.
Make Yourself at Home
With so many delays or long layovers, the hours spent waiting around an airport can feel like days. It's no surprise, then, that some people might just try to catch up on their beauty sleep while they wait. Usually, people will take a nap on the chairs or the floor. Very few people come as prepared as this person.

This person decided to get creative and hang a hammock between two pillars at the airport. While the idea was pretty ingenious (have you felt how uncomfortable most chairs at the airport are?), we don’t think the airport authorities were all too pleased to see this hammock in the middle of the airport!
The Awkwardness of Bare Feet in Close Quarters
There’s no denying that flights are uncomfortable. We do what we can to make flying a little less stressful – neck pillows, ear plugs, eye masks. Still, there’s something nasty about bare feet poking out at you on a plane, even though this pair of feet look clean.

And it's not as if the person in question has their feet propped up on the back of someone's armrest or sticking out between the seats in front of them. It’s not a problem as long as your feet aren't stinking up the plane or making contact with anyone else or their belongings. Maybe just put some socks on the next time.
Is That a Seat or a Landfill?
If you've ever wondered what diving into a dumpster is like, but didn't quite have the courage, fear not! Some people bring the dumpster experience right to your seat. We’ve all encountered those people at some point. It’s as if they possess a natural talent for being trashy without batting an eye.

How does anyone manage to leave their seats looking like a landfill without realizing it? Is it a case of selective vision or temporary amnesia? One must have thick skin and an even thicker skull to leave trash-filled masterpieces lying around in public spaces. Channeling our inner Sheldon Cooper, and calling for a brain scan on these folks. That might answer some questions.
So Close
The person driving this rent-a-truck was pretty confident about being able to sneak it through a tight tunnel. And, to his or her credit, it looks pretty darn close. Those corners of the truck just barely got stuck, and that means this person is having a really, really bad day. Not only does this person have to deal with moving or transporting all that stuff, but now there’s also the fact that the truck is stuck.

The police or fire department might have to come; there’s going to be damage to the truck, damage to the tunnel itself, and damage to this person’s pride. U-Haul might not let them rent any more trucks or might make the rents more expensive. They’re certainly going to pay more attention to clearance signs in the future.
A Date With a Doll
Kudos to this guy. He couldn't find a real date so he decided to take out his plastic doll for an afternoon stroll instead. You have got to give him some points for courage. We just hope he doesn't bring her to the in-laws anytime soon.

To be fair, this guy was probably transporting goods to or from an adult shop, or maybe he just purchased it, but he was certainly caught red-handed! Regardless, it's a bold move to bring it out in public, and while it may not be offensive to onlookers, it's not how you would expect someone to be in public.
A Hair-Raising Experience
Attention, shoppers! There’s a Brush Bandit on the loose in this store. Instead of buying a new brush, they decided to go rogue and use a brand-new brush right off the shelf! And that’s not all. This person chose to leave behind a trail of hair strands like breadcrumbs from a fairytale gone wrong.

Are you hearing this, Rapunzel? We know hair emergencies can strike at any moment. But let's appreciate and utilize the convenience of designated hair salons, bathrooms, or even the privacy of our homes. When it comes to hair care, there's a time and place for everything.
Saucy Shenanigans
So, you thought Grand Theft Auto was a big deal? This restaurant is dealing with a far more pressing issue — grand theft teriyaki! The irresistible allure of a sauce bottle seems to be driving patrons to thievery. And so, it has come to this. A desperate plea etched onto a teriyaki bottle, begging customers to resist the temptation.

We know people steal stuff from hotels all the time. Stealing a bottle of condiments from a restaurant is a bit much. Let’s refrain and appreciate teriyaki sauce in its rightful place — on tables at a local restaurant that dishes out incredible food for us.
Dumpster Cart Chronicles
Grocery shopping can be pretty mundane unless you’re unconventional like these folks who pushed their carts home from the local Walmart to casually leave them next to the dumpster. These humans are athletes of convenience. They can push a fully loaded cart all the way home, displaying strength, endurance, and complete disregard for shopping cart return stations.

Why bother returning a shopping cart when you can save yourself those precious extra steps? It’s like the Olympics of Laziness. Forget about stacking boxes or Legos. These folks prove you can stack stuff anywhere if you really put your mind to it.
Sugar Cravings Gone Awry
Sugar cravings can make us do irrational things, but this cookie bandit needs to seriously reflect on their actions. A half-eaten packet of cookies? Just buy the packet of cookies, already! And if you must be audacious and adventurous in public, eat the whole packet, why don’t you? Scared of crumbling under the pressure?

Nibbling through the contents is just baffling, unless you’re a rat, of course. Newsflash: stores have entire sections dedicated to taste tests if that’s your thing. Leave the instant gratification for social media. Save us and the store employees from having to deal with half-eaten snacks.
Not What You Want to See
Finding that a package has been damaged during transport is one of the most infuriating things that can occur to most people. If you paid good money for something, you want to know that it's going to arrive in pristine condition.

Just look at this – not only is the package bent, but it looks like the mailbox has taken a hit, too. Even worse is what is purportedly inside the package – a vinyl music disc! There goes listening to the latest Barry White or whatever, because as far as we can tell there's no way that disc survived.
When Dinner Becomes Uncomfortable
Public spaces should be havens where people can socialize, relax, and enjoy their meals. Some people insist on giving us front-row seats to a C movie instead, with a child barely 3 feet away, no less! Besides the inappropriate touching, let’s put things further into perspective.

His bare hand is literally down someone’s pants in a restaurant – where people eat. Where he will, in turn, most likely use the same hand to handle food. If this is romance and spicing things up on a date, we want none of it. Where’s the common sense, decency, and respect for your surroundings and the people in it?
Oral Hygiene
It's so important to take care of your teeth, that's why Molly over here makes sure to pack her toothbrush and toothpaste in her bag before she leaves for work every morning. Handbags do play an essential role in the life of modern women, and by the looks of it, her bag has her entire closet in it!

We wonder what else she is hiding in there. We can visualize a Mary Poppins scene, where she will start pulling out endless objects from out of the bag like a standing lamp, a soccer ball, and a sink. For brushing her teeth.
Photoshop Brilliance
Even as we write these lines, we are still unsure if this dad is holding a doll between his legs or if this is actually his real misbehaved son. We haven't called child services yet, however, we are not far from it. The only thing keeping us away from the phone is our inability to believe anyone's calves are strong enough to hold a child, no matter how small.

Now, if there were a mother around, she would have better known what to do with a misbehaving child. However, as the mother is absent and the dad is yet again left to handle things, this is, ladies and gentlemen, the price to pay.
Not Something You See Everyday
This does not look like no pants on the subway day, but this gentleman doesn't look as though he was waiting for an invitation to wear what he wants. Forget boxers; this man has embraced his feminine side. He has embraced it on the bottom and on top.

We hope he's comfortable, at least, and that it's a sweltering summer in New York and not the middle of winter. Let's hope he doesn't have a long ride ahead of him; he might just be hurrying home because he has to change. So embrace the 21st century, as anything goes nowadays.
I Am the Law
In South Africa, the police make their own traffic rules apparently. This cop thought it was totally reasonable to park right over a crosswalk. Not ideal. Does he get into trouble with that? Or do certain officials get a special exemption when it comes to certain parking spots? Hopefully, this was an emergency stop in order for the cops to arrest a baddie.

Clearly, the civilians in this picture aren't too happy with what they're seeing. We certainly don't want this cop to get away with it. Hopefully, another policeman will stop by to give him a ticket. It does, however, beg the question — where will they park?
A Gastronomic Audacity
One expects gas station food adventures to be slightly stomach-turning. This one’s plain bizarre. Someone decided it was okay to return a half-eaten hot dog to the roller. What? Didn’t like the taste, did you? Took a bite, danced a little, and put it back. No harm no foul.

It might be time to question your choices, and not just this one but every decision in your life that brought you to this moment. It must've been quite the journey. The only explanation for this kind of behavior is some kind of head injury or a sick sense of humor.
Human Napkin
When you're carrying a baby in a carrier, you should probably watch out when you're eating, considering that your baby's head will be directly under you. This father seems to have almost dripped ketchup in his baby's eye! If you have a parent who hates wasting food, then you will understand this father's intentions.

He is teaching his child from a very young age that you never waste food or a napkin. When the condiment falls on his baby's face, he whips out his tongue, much like a mother cat, to wipe his baby clean. When a kitten does this, it’s cute, but for humans... we aren't so sure. The child seems to be unaware of the whole matter, perhaps because he is already used to Dad's crazy antics.
Dinner Prep
This lady must have been running really late because she started dinner preparations before she even got home. Who hasn't chopped onions on the subway? Well, most of us, if we're being honest. At least she knew she'd be running late, or how would she have had all her supplies with her, to begin with?

We don't think her seatmates appreciate her preparedness, but they're probably hungry too. They seem to know better than to bother a lady with a knife, especially a very focused lady in a moving train, with a knife. Talk about hidden talents and being time efficient.
When You’ve Got to Go, You’ve Got to Go
Baby nap time is precious. And getting your groceries in time just before the weekend is precious too. So, what do you do when the only free time you have is when your toddler needs a nap? Well, if you're at Costco, you don't let it bother you too much. Little kids are resourceful, and they also don't care about their public image.

Costco's trolleys are spacious enough for any three-year-old to squeeze while still allowing plenty of space for all of your groceries. Who said you can't have it all? Now, will onlookers give you funny glances and maybe chatter behind your back? Probably. However, that's on them.
So Many Questions
This picture leaves a lot of unanswered questions and certainly must have left the poor waiter or waitress with some too. It definitely took some time to leave this rude message, and it makes one wonder what service the customer could have considered worth this rude gesture.

Regardless of what the customer thought was so unforgivable about the restaurant’s service, their rudeness is far louder. Certainly, there are better (and far more mature) ways to voice any complaints without being cruel. If you're dissatisfied with your service, you don't have to tip. It's that simple. It's a whole new ballgame, though, to do this.
Come On, Dad!
Anyone who used to envy children who got to ride around in a bike seat on their parent's bikes can now gladly be happy it never happened. By the looks of this unfortunate girl's face, she would rather be anywhere in the world but behind her father's ill-fitting jeans, and we really don't blame her.

After seeing the look on this girl's suffering face, we understand just how easy it is to scar a child forever. Not only is it unfortunate that she was stuck in this position, but the image went viral all over the internet, which is even more humiliating. We just hope that the dad didn't eat chili the night before because then the daughter is really in the ring of fire.
When Not to Put Your Feet Up
It's as if some people believe that public transportation doubles up as their own living room. We’re all for putting your feet up – just not on trains, buses, and trams. Really, anywhere that isn’t home, a foot spa, or the beach. Let's have some consideration for our fellow passengers.

Nobody wants to sit next to a pair of feet that have seen more miles than the average marathon runner. It's a sensory assault no one signed up for! There's a time and place for everything. Let's keep our shoes on, our toenails well-manicured, and fellow passengers free from traumatizing sights on their commute.
In Today's Headlines
Simply hilarious. This man just decided to walk out in his underwear and barefoot and sit in the plaza to read the newspaper. His feet do look sandy, so it very well may be that he's close to the beach and just wanted to catch some shade in the gazebo. The other men don't seem entirely sure how to act, but that doesn't seem to faze this man.

Maybe it's a homeless man, but regardless, catching the news headlines seems to be very important to him. Perhaps he's reading about how Google Street vehicles are taking over society like Big Brother. Go figure. Either way, this interesting public display is now memorialized in time.
Shisha on the Move
This guy gives smoking in public places a whole new meaning! Who needs a boring commute when you can enjoy a full-on shisha experience? You heard it here first. This person knows how to make the most of their time on the subway like a true boss. Most people stick to their smartphones or a good book during their subway rides.

Why must one be so basic? Spice things up. Add a cloud of smoke to everyone’s lives. Make their day or ruin it as bubblegum, apple, and mint-flavored smoke fills the subway air. He looks too relaxed to care but let's keep our subway rides enjoyable and respectful for everyone!
Just Enjoy the Show
This person's dedication to scrolling through their phone during a show deserves a slow, agonizing clap. They light up the room, quite literally, with their commitment to phones and audience blinding. Priorities, right? She’s a shining example of how to completely miss the point of attending a show. It’s important to be present and respectful during live events.

Put away the distractions. Immerse yourself in the moment for a few hours. The cat videos and social media drama aren't going anywhere. In the timeless lyrics of Lenka, "Just enjoy the show.” Heard that one or were you too busy scrolling even then?
Staying True to Being Ye
To share the room with Kanye West, otherwise known currently as Ye, will always come with an awkward moment or two. Suppose he is not saying something difficult for the average human ear to be comfortable with.

In that case, he is doing bizarre things in front of the cameras and, for instance, here, showing up to the 2009 MTV Music Awards, sucking on a bottle of Hennessy like it's his baby bottle. Freud would have a few conclusions to make about this photo, and he would probably hit the nail right on the head regarding Kanye's profile.
Laziness at Its Worst
Though we do have to appreciate this dad's effort to make sure his baby doesn't miss the view, this is clearly not the right way to go about it. Think about it, just one slip and that stroller could roll right off the rails. And what's most shocking is that the mother doesn't seem to think there's anything wrong with this!

We get it; maybe this dad knew that taking him out of the stroller was a sure way for the baby to have a full-blown tantrum — something no parent is ever happy to deal with. Still, maybe just pick him up next time, Dad, like a normal person would.