Someone’s pain is another person’s pleasure. Well, we think that’s how the saying goes. Or maybe that was trash and treasure? Anyways, this sister thought it was hilarious to photograph her brother falling down while skimboarding, and you can see the joy in her eyes.

So happy that her brother fell face first, and knew she would bring this up at all future gatherings. Good on her. That’s a great big sister.
The Perfect Long Exposure
We love a long exposure as much as the next person, but this one takes the cake. It legit looks like a stairway to heaven and probably inspired Led Zepplin to write its rock classic. We don’t know where this is, but from the ominous clouds to the light bounding toward the sky, we couldn't help but think it was an erupting volcano with spilling lava at first glance.

This photographer was just in the right place at the right time, and now we have a timeless photo we can enjoy for the rest of our days.
He Has Risen
It is almost too good for how this man fits in the photo. He looks like Jesus himself, and we had a chuckle looking at this photo. We can only assume he does this daily, walking up to couples and positioning himself perfectly in front of the statue.

If we ever get to Rio, we are going to search this man down and take a photo with him. It’s too good not to and it might break the internet if we get that right picture.
The Art Really Jumps Off the Canvas
It’s always cool when art jumps off the canvas, but we don’t know if this van was intentionally parked this way, or if it was a happy coincidence. Either way, it graced the internet with a perfect picture and one we laughed when seeing.

This gives us a couple more ideas for our art installations and how we can use real-world objects to bring our creations to life.
A Green Car
This confused us like it probably confused the owner of his car. We thought someone replaced his tires with bushes, but it turns out they were perfectly placed where his tires were.

We have heard of people driving green cars, but this was a little too much. Luckily, he was able to drive away with his own tires, but we are glad the perspective gave us something cool to look at.
Doggie Earrings
This Dobberman is so cute with his earrings! Oh wait, that’s just the perspective. Regardless, we still think the dog would look cute with those earrings anyway.

They never wear any jewelry anyway, so why not spice up their wardrobe a bit? What’s the worst thing that can happen? A dog with a bit of eye shadow? If that is our future, sign us up.
Look, Mom, Thumbs!
We had to do a double-take when we saw this dog with a human arm. It turns out it was just a perfectly timed photo that made it look like a dog grew opposable thumbs.

Let’s hope science does not explore that option in the future. We know most dogs are good boys and girls, but with thumbs, they may finally have the confidence to overthrow their owners and that’s a future we don’t want to explore.
The Joy in Her Eyes
Someone’s pain is another person’s pleasure. Well, we think that’s how the saying goes. Or maybe that was trash and treasure? Anyways, this sister thought it was hilarious to photograph her brother falling down while skimboarding, and you can see the joy in her eyes.

So happy that her brother fell face first, and knew she would bring this up at all future gatherings. Good on her. That’s a great big sister.
Dogging Out
We thought dogs were supposed to be Man’s Best Friend. Apparently not because as you see from this photo the dog is happy as can be as his human is being crushed by a wave.

So much for loyalty from his canine companion... Let's hope this doesn't ring true for other dogs as well. We are sure he is going to be sleeping outside for this one.
Kids or No Kids
Kids are the worst. They eat your food, stay rent-free, and think it’s hilarious to kick people in the balls. Sadly, for the bandana dude, he was unlucky enough to meet the bitter end of that last statement, with his cousin kicking him squarely in the groin.

You can see his pain as he tries to hold it in, but it comes through in the photo. Legends say he threw the kid in the water and was never heard from again.
Bubble Madness
This girl was just trying to have a nice afternoon on the street when it all turned upside-down (literally). She must have gotten a little too excited chasing bubbles and didn’t realize how slippery the bubbles made the tiles.

She slipped and someone captured her mid-flight. She ended up walking away unscathed, but we are curious if she had the same love of bubbles after that tragic fall.
They Were Free Falling
No one loves a tailgate game as much as we do, and giant Jenga might be at the top of the list. Who doesn’t love big blocks that can fall down at any second? Plus, when you sabotage the game and go straight for the bottom blocks, there is no better feeling.

Well, that’s what happened to this lady as the blocks began to fall. She threw her hands up saying, “no that wasn’t me.” But don’t lie, we all know it was you, Jill.
Such an Ice Friend
This friend just wanted to help the other friend drink from the ice luge at a party. What she didn’t know was her coordination was a bit off and didn’t know how an ice luge worked.

She poured the Shasta way too low and way too fast. As result, we were gifted a hilarious photo at the expense of her friend. We would say it was worth it, but then again, we didn’t get soda splashed in our faces.
All He Wants for Christmas Is His Two Front Teeth
After this photo, all this boy wants for Christmas is his two front teeth. Apparently, his dad was behind the camera and distracted him as a basketball was coming. Now, we don’t know if his teeth were actually knocked out but based on the trajectory we can assume it’s a good bet.

Hopefully, the tooth fairy forked out a little bit more money this time as they had a hand in causing them to fall out.
They See Him Rollin’, They Laughin’
Raise your hand if you loved going fast in those wheelie chairs too in school. Yeah, us too! This student took it a bit far and got out of control trying to set the fastest chair lap at his school.

His balance became completely off, and his wheels spun out from under him. Luckily, his friend was there to catch this moment, and we are sure they had a good laugh about it after.
This Photo Is IncrediBull
Who doesn’t love a mechanical bull? They easily are one of the most fun attractions and have made bars around the world loads of money with people trying to stay on as long as they can.

Well, for this girl it looks like she has accepted her fate as she fell from this bull. We are glad her parent was there to catch this moment and see her try to hang on like a champ.
Falling With Grace
When we are on a hike, the last thing we want to get is wet. Sadly, for this little guy that would not be the case for him. He fell into one of Croatia’s lakes and did it in style.

Look at that form and how he keeps his leg extended through the fall. Although he was embarrassed, he descended with grace and we applaud him for that. Also if we were grading his fall it would be an 8.9 out of 10.
We Will See Him Next Fall
This would be the worst if you were planning something funny then your plan falls on its face. Well, in this man’s case, it was his bum. All he wanted to do was photobomb his friend’s photo right before he took it.

Next time he should check the floor to ensure it’s not slippery. Anyways, he recovered from his embarrassment, and we will see him next fall.
That Shot Was a BullsEye
Growing up we loved playing Nerf battles with our siblings. All were in good fun, and no one ever got hurt (that badly). Well, we are glad we are not this guy because our mother would have thrown a fit if we had shot our brother’s eye like this guy.

She would have given us the sandals and we would probably have a scar to this day. Hopefully, this man is all right, but let this be a warning to all you Nerfers out there that this could also happen to you.
Dive in at the Dine In
After a long day with your friends, it’s nice to cool off in a pool. This woman didn’t even bother waiting until she got back to her apartment’s pool, she decided to dive in at the dine-in.

We are impressed by her form and how flat she is for her belly flop. We always get too scared and lose our form, but she stuck with it. We are sure the impact stung, but it gave us a great photo, and we thank her for that.
She Got Off Her High Horse
Horses know when people are acting arrogant and they do what they do best; knock people off their high horse. That is what is happening in this photo as the woman is falling down.

She got a little too ambitious with the steeples, and the horse had to bring her back to earth. She is alright now. Just a bruised ego now and a priceless photo to remember her hubris.
She Went for the Header
There is a reason soccer leagues banned the header for youth sports. Yes, concussions were a part of that, but the second is the bloody noses. Parents were getting tired of wasting tissues to stop their kids' noses. They were going through a box a game and over the season it added up.

Now they have banned all headers because the parents wanted to save a few bucks. Hopefully, these parents didn’t get rid of all of their tissues because they needed them right after this photo was taken.
Here One Second, Scone the Next
Oh no! Not the scone! This lady just helplessly watches her scone fall to the ground without even trying to grab it on its descent. Her best chance was after it immediately fell from her plate.

After that, gravity is pulling too hard for her reactions to be quick enough to catch it. The only ones happy to see this happen were the pigeons waiting nearby. Now they got lunch and a sweet one with butter at that!
Cool as Ice
This boy thought he would be smooth and try to photobomb his friend's photo. What he didn’t know was how quickly his luck would turn. Someone clipped his skate sending him into a downward spiral and leading to this perfectly timed photo.

We are sure he tried to be cool and walk away, but it’s really hard to angrily skate away. If you don’t believe us try it and see if your friends laugh or register it as an angry glide.
And Down Goes Mama!
Southern Utah is one of the prettiest places in the United States and if you haven’t been there you should book your tickets immediately. This mama wanted to get even closer to nature and decided to wade through the water.

Sadly, this did not work out for her, as we catch her falling into the river on camera. Luckily for her, she just got a wet bum and a chuckle from her daughter.
The Magic Carpet Stairwell
Falling down in front of someone is embarrassing, but falling down at a party full of people is even worse. For this woman, her fall will live in infamy as her fall at the party was caught on camera for the world to see.

She probably didn’t know she was photobombing a deer hunter and Aladdin, but we are glad she did. Hopefully, she is not too carpet-burnt from her magic carpet ride.
The Hammock Broke It Off With Him
We know how relaxing it can be to cozy up in your hammock and enjoy a nice summer’s evening with a drink. Well, this man did too, but his hammock betrayed him.

This photo catches the moment as the hammock broke under his weight and sent him and his drink flying. We hope he is ok, and that there are no trust issues when he gets into the next hammock.
It’s Downhill From Here
All this man wanted to do is enjoy his beers after a good day of skiing on the mountain, but he couldn’t even do that. Just as he was making his way to his table, the photo caught him just as he was about to spill beer all over himself. It’s a shame to waste those bears and even worse to ruin his shirt.

We understand how it is to walk in ski boots, but next time put your helmet on your head and carry the tray with two hands.
Not To”Hay”, Daniel
Look at the pure shock on the mother’s face as she sees her kid starfish down the bale of hay. However, if you look closer you see another child on the same bale of hay the previous kid was on too.

Our guess is that Nate got mad at Daniel, and he “accidentally” fell off. This is another reason why we don’t trust children. They will push you off just because they want to watch the world burn.
This Picture Is a Homerun
This woman probably doesn’t want to be taken out to the ball game for a while after being hit with a baseball. She was taking a selfie and caught the moment right before she got hit with the ball. Honestly, we are a bit impressed.

She is easily in the upper deck in the right-center field. The batter had some beef behind that hit, and we thank him for giving us a great photo to laugh at.
Ice Ice Baby
We are not talking about the smash hit by Vanilla Ice, “Ice Ice Baby.” We are talking about this baby that forgot about the ice as they were heading to the playground. We get it, we probably would have fallen over too after getting excited to see the jungle gym, but that doesn’t mean it’s not funny to laugh at this photo.

The mother caught it right as the child was falling, and we thank her for that. Hopefully, her child was ok and maybe we can get a redo next winter.
And It’s Out of Here
A whiffle ball is a cousin to baseball, and it’s a mainstay when families get together. We remember playing until it got dark with ours and loving every second of it. Sadly, for this mom, she might have some different memories after a fastball comes back right at her face.

We are guessing they can laugh about it now, but that’s only after the black eye subsided.
A Man's Best Friend?
You can count on a dig. You can count on it to love you, follow you around, and basically be your best friend. Humans, however, aren't that reliable.

Take this picture for example. The human behind the camera is taking advantage of the dog's habit of chasing that cursed laser pointer, pointing it right at the most precarious area of his friend's pants. Ouch!
Breaking Bag
The last thing you want to happen after grocery shopping is for your bag to break on your way home. For one, it’s annoying to pick up all the fallen fruit, and two it’s now dirty. Even dirtier than it was before.

Well, that happened to this person and their friend was there to capture the moment. It would have been nicer if she had grabbed the contents before they fell, but she saw this coming and wanted to be in the right position to photograph the madness unfolding in real-time.
“Identical” Twins
We have heard that if people have a twin then they share odd similarities together. Maybe they like the same tv shows, hobbies, and even foods. For these twins, it goes a bit further and they have the same movements too!

Their father caught the moment as they both fell into the ocean in perfect synchronization. It’s crazy how much twins act alike even as they fall.
She Was Probably Thirsty
Going to concerts brings out our thirst too. This woman had probably been dancing all day and needed a drink of water. Someone in the crowd heard her and was coming to her aide.

Luckily for us, a photographer was there to capture the moment right before said drink made contact. Would it have been easier for that person to pass her the drink? Maybe. But we would have lost this photo and we are glad they threw it instead.
The Family Tree Ends Here
We typically get a lot of who we are from our parents; our height, eye color, and even sense of style. In this family, that also includes the kid's athletic ability. We are glad things turned out that way because we would have missed out on one of the funniest photos we have seen this year.

His dad pitched him a bit inside and hit him right in the family jewels. Hopefully, there isn’t permanent damage because if there was his family tree would end there.
Pilots Don’t Have Dry Humor
This pilot thought he was being funny. After his mate finished his first combat mission flight, he decided to dump a bucket of water on him. This picture captures the moment right before he gets soaked and reminds us of a coach after winning College Football Playoff.

We laughed at this prank at the expense of his buddy getting wet, but at least we know pilots don’t have a dry sense of humor.
This Fight Snowballed Quickly
Honestly, when we first saw this picture, we thought it was a fight over a giant snowball. Turns out, the husband just threw a snowball and it was on its way to hit his wife. It looks like it was a direct hit and we would have done the same to our partner.

When it snows outside, you can’t not throw a snowball at your loved ones; it’s just the snow day rule, and you have to follow the rules!
He Didn’t See That Coming
Kids are some of the most curious people we know, and they want to know how everything works. That sometimes means getting dirty, which is what happened during this experiment with his family. His dad popped some mentos into diet coke and waited for the explosion.

But kids being kids, he wanted to see what was happening. He got a little too close and before he knew it the soda sprayed on his face. He probably didn’t like it too much, but we had a laugh looking at this picture.
They Fit Perfectly into this Parking Spot
The sun was shining on this person today! Well… it was at least shining on their car. It was like their Honda Civic was made to fit into this spot and we are glad someone was there to capture this image.

Granted, we wouldn’t want to get into the car after sitting in this spot all day, the seat belt would burn a hole right through us.
The New Amateur Recreational Saucer-Sled Land Speed Record
Most people don’t know this, but this woman was trying to beat Clark Griswold’s amateur recreational saucer-sled land speed record. She was on her way to doing it until she missed the final jump and crashed out on her attempt.

Don’t worry she is in good spirits and hopes to compete again next year for the amateur record. Let’s hope for her sake and her bum, that she makes it this time.
He’s Going Down, We’re Yelling Timber
We know everyone can’t be an Einstein, but we wish people would have some more common sense. This picture just takes the cake because the man sawing doesn’t even realize his mistake supporting his ladder on a limb that her was cutting.

We can only assume his buddy did and that’s why he whipped out his camera to tease his buddy about it later. We hope no one was seriously hurt and they at least yelled, “Timber!” as they were going down.
She Dug that Pass
You can see the terror in her eyes as she realizes her mistake. She completely misjudged the serve and now it is on a collision course with her face. We are glad the photographer had quick fingers and captured the moment right before it makes contact with the player.

There is so much emotion wrapped up in this still, and we can almost feel the sting on our faces just looking at this photo.
This One Takes the Skate
Not many photos make us flinch when we see them, but this one did. The timing of the photographer was perfect and makes it feel that the board is coming straight for us. We hope the cameraman wasn’t hurt while taking the photo, but we appreciate his dedication to his art.

We know if it was us we would have bailed as quickly as the person trying the trick. Luckily, they are not us and we are now graced with this gem of a photo.
Catching Lightning in a Bottle, well…Camera
Cameras have been capturing moments since they were invented back in 1816, and they have come a long way since. Now everyone has one in their pockets to catch special moments. This person caught one of those such moments when he photographed lightning striking behind three houses.

He had a rolling shutter on his phone that came up as a bar and overexposed a third of the photo. It left us with an amazing photo and something to awe at whenever we look at it.
Photobombed by a Pickpocketer
We can remember walking around a concert and photobombing other people’s photos. It’s fun and gives the owners something to laugh about when they go through their pictures later that day.

We don’t know if these women were laughing when they got robbed, but they probably did when they caught their pickpocketer red-handed in a selfie they took. Luckily they got everything back, and the cops easily tracked down the man with the help of the selfie.
Luck of the Irish?
Four-leaf clovers are supposed to be lucky right?! Well, apparently not for this woman because the moment she went to photograph her discovery her boyfriend decided to throw a frisbee in her direction. This photo catches the seconds before it makes an impact, and we hope for her sake she saw it coming in time.

That would be the worst thing to have happened right after you find a rare piece of nature. She might question her luck if this happens the next time she finds one.
A Bicycle Turned into a Unicycle
Fathers and sons love to exaggerate the truth when they are telling a story. One minute the fish was a foot long and took a few minutes to wrestle in, and the next time it was four feet long and took a few hours to wrangle in.

So, we would not have believed their bike story if the picture wasn’t there to support their claims. We are impressed he kept his balance long enough for his dad to snap the picture. If he continues practicing he might have a future as a circus performer one day.
A Spectacle to Behold
We wear glasses so we know how annoying it can be when we lose them. We look like Velma from “Scooby Doo” slowly patting the floor until our sight is returned to us. So, we can’t imagine the pain this man will feel as he has to summit this mountain with limited visibility after his glasses fell.

It did give us a great picture that we can laugh at now, and we hope he does too when he looks back at the photo.
Their Achilles’ Hee
Who needs a ladder when you have your bestie to hold your ankles while going down a drain? We don’t know what was so important that they couldn’t have found something better to hold them, but if that was us we would want something more sturdy to support us.

We may love our friend, but one slip of the finger and we would be sent down that manhole face first. We can’t have that happen to our pretty faces.
Train Trouble
It remains a mystery whether or not the photo was real or fake. The guy survived the selfie. But really, who would be that careless with their life?

Jared Michael did not necessarily think this plan through. In an attempt to get a selfie standing in front of a moving train, he put himself directly into harm’s way. He decided to position himself on the tracks, directly into the path of the moving train. However, Jared should be thanking his lucky stars for what happened next…
A Cloud of Ashes
On May 30th, 1980, Jim Hobson (19 years old) and his pals were water skiing at Saddle Dam Park. There were not aware that Mt. St. Helens was going to erupt nearby. The upsurge ensued after many earthquakes in succession around the region and is believed to be the most destructive volcanic outbreak in 100 years. Luckily, the lads escaped unhurt from the accident and even carried on skiing while gazing at the eruption awe-struck; the boys were not harmed, but 57 people were killed during that calamity.

Jim Hobson along with his friends – Dave Pritchard, Ralph Morgan, and Robert Morgan – were camping at Saddle Dam Park’s Yale Reservoir when they witnessed the eruption.
The Mysterious Tale of Amelia Earhart
In 2017, a picture was found in the National Archives. This specific photograph holds significance because it shows the lost aviator, Amelia Earhart, and seemingly, suggests that it was snapped after the collision. This indicates that she primarily must have survived the accident, her fate remains unknown as she was not seen alive again by the ones searching for her. The image, though captivating, does not hold answers to her disappearance.

Amelia Earhart is most popularly known to be the first female aviation pilot to traverse solo across the Atlantic Ocean. For this feat, she was awarded the United States Distinguished Flying Cross. She was declared dead in absentia after she disappeared on July 2nd, 1937 at the age of 41.
The Devastating Ferry Accident
Over 300 persons, the majority of them were high school pupils, died as a result of the sinking of the Sewol ferry on April 16th, 2014. The ferry was found to be overfull and architecturally flawed. Prior to the boat overturning and sinking, the pupils filmed videos and messaged their parents. The crew had guided the worried students to remain in their rooms while they were packed with water. Some were kidding around, unaware of how grave the situation was becoming. Here is an image from a video that a pupil was taking when the ferry was already full of water.

The government was held responsible for South Korea’s boat tragedy which was one of the most traumatic maritime accidents of all time. Lack of security measures and poor rescue work were the reasons given.
The Plane Crash That Took the Whole Team
It was quite a tragedy for the sports community in November 2016. A Brazilian-based football team, Atletico Chapecoense, was going to a championship match in Medellin, Colombia. They booked a chartered airplane and snapped this picture in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, where they were laid off, prior to embarking on their concluding flight. Many other team members eagerly posted their images on social media accounts prior to taking off. They would never be heard of again.

The captain called the emergency room, stating an electricity outage. Soon after, the airplane hurtled into the mountains, taking out 71 people. Initially, there were 6 survivors, but subsequently, one more player succumbed to injuries at the medical center. This accident occurred as a result of extremely low fuel levels and a delayed emergency landing. In all, the flight was poorly planned.
The Deadly Air Disaster
On Jan 7, 2012, a hot air balloon hit a high voltage electricity chord and viciously burst into flames when trying to make a landing. It hurtled towards the north of New Zealand city, Carterton, executing 10 travelers along with the pilot. It was the deadliest air catastrophe to take place in New Zealand since the year 1963.

The accident occurred due to an error of judgment on the pilot’s part; he was found to be under the influence of cannabis at the time of the tragic event.
Puck It
The look in this ice hockey goalie’s eyes says it all. He’s super glad he’s wearing that caged mask, right now. Although he does still look a little concerned like maybe it was going to slip through the cage and hit him in the face anyways.

Let’s be honest though – everyone knows that hockey is a brutally violent sport. People literally go to hockey games to see guys kick each other’s butts on the ice. So why does this goalie look like he’s so surprised?
The Guitarist's Last Performance
Darrell Lance Abbott, also known as “Dimebag Darrell”, was the song composer and guitar player of the metal group Pantera. During a show on December 8th, 2004, show, Marine Nathan Gale rushed to the stage and lethally shot Dimebag Darrell. He murdered three others as well.

Fans performed CPR on the much-loved guitarist, but the damage had been done and he was declared dead in the arena. Darrell was 38 years old when he was killed when performing on stage at Columbus in Ohio in the United States.
The Assassination That Sparked Controversy
On Nov 22nd, 1963, a convoy was ferrying President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and they were going to Dallas. This is the last photo snapped of JFK while he was living. He was hit by gunshots and murdered by assassin Harvey Lee Oswald, who was stationed at the school book archive building, after a couple of minutes.

As the motorcade was passing through Dealey Plaza, the President was murdered. Kennedy died from 2 gunshots in the upper part of his body. It was reported that Oswald acted on his own, but conspiracy theorists believe he had allies.
James Dean's Tragic Fate
This was the final picture snapped of renowned, Hollywood idol, James Dean. He is fleetingly seen at a Petrol pump along with his Porsche 550 Spyder in 1955. This image was taken a few hours prior to his deadly car collision in that same automobile.

The car accident occurred in Cholame, California, United States when Dean was 24 years of age. The wrecked car strangely vanished in 1960 from a shipment crate after being seen in a safe at a driving show.
The Assassination That Started WWI
Here is an image of Archduke Franz Ferland of the Austro-Hungarian throne with his spouse, Sophie, who was the Countess of Hohenberg. They are seen here in Sarajevo on June 28th, 1914, moments prior to being slain. Their assassination resulted in Serbia’s ally partners proclaiming war on each other, triggering the start of World War 1.

The objective of the assassinations was to separate the South Slav provinces of Austria-Hungary so they could be integrated with Yugoslavia.
On Their Way to the Top of the World
This image captures voyagers, George Mallory, and Sandy Irvine, as they attempted to ascend Mount Everest in 1924. Alas for them, this was their final picture prior to dying. It is not known until today, whether they managed to arrive at the highland’s apex before their deaths.

According to reports, the duo died because they were stuck in a cruel snowstorm and also because there was also a dip in barometric pressure around the peak of Mount Everest.
Tragedy on the Movie Set
Through the 1982 shooting of Twilight Zone: The Movie, an untoward helicopter mishap lead to the death of Vic Morrow and two adolescent actors six more were injured. The whole scene was shot on camera and resulted in a revamp of the movie interest legislation. This image captures the moment right before Morrow was executed. Film Director John Landis and many other executives of the production squad incorporating explosives expert Paul Stewart were sued on murder counts. They were later freed. The actors’ family members had an out-of-court settlement amounting to millions of dollars from civil suit proceedings.

The photo was taken at a place called Indian Dunes, which is near Santa Clarita, Los Angeles, United States. The two child actors who were killed due to the accident were Myca Dinh Le and Renee Shinn Chen, who were 7 years old and 6 years old respectively.
Calamity at the Grand Canyon
Going on a hike usually brings about mental images of relaxing times in the great outdoors. And most of the time that's what it is. But it's important to remember that there are safety protocols to adhere to, depending on your trail. Especially if it involves elevated surfaces.

A tourist named Colleen Burns of Orlando was visiting the Grand Canyon with friends in 2016. She moved to the side of a trail to allow another hiker to pass, slipped, and plummeted 400 feet to her death. Burns had posted this happy photo to Instagram just hours before her fatal accident.
Caught In a War
In this picture, we can see a regular, joyful gang of friends as they are hanging out in metropolitan Beirut. But, the tragedy that hit soon after taking this photo is hard to believe. A couple of minutes afterward, a bomb went off among the mob and slew the 16-year-old teenager sporting a red-colored hoodie, Mohammed Shaar.

Mohammad was 16 years and of Lebanese origin when he died due to a car bomb that led to the killing of a renowned politician.
The Pregnant Mother's Life Was Not Spared
Sharon Tate was a popular female actor and model during the 1960s. She along with her director spouse, Roman Polanski, were a fortnight from the delivery date of their first child when she was mercilessly killed by associates of the notorious “Manson Family” sect, as guided by Charles Manson. Four others were slain in the assault. This picture was taken a little before that doomed and ill-fated night.

The Tate Murders took the lives of 5 innocent people at the hands of four members of the Manson Family who invaded Sharon and Roman’s house at Cielo Drive in Los Angeles. Polanski was not in the house at the time of the murders as he was in Europe shooting a film.
Honey, I Soaked The Kid
This kid is a perfect example of not crying over spilled milk. He literally looks like he could care less that there is a mixed drink being poured onto him. Maybe he looks like he doesn’t care because he’s super comfortable on mom’s lap. Mom looks like she is very much regretting ordering a drink with sticky juice in it at this point!

Dad doesn’t know yet at this moment, but we’re sure he had a great laugh when he saw this picture. Hopefully, he didn’t see it until after that night when the kid was cleaned up and it was funny already instead of just mildly inconvenient.
The Man Who Fell From Space
Russian astronaut, Vladimir Komarov, was the first Soviet citizen to venture into deep space on more than one occasion, and is the first person to die on a space expedition – he expired when the Soyuz 1 space vehicle hurtled after rebounding on April 24, 1967, due to a parachute malfunction. Nonetheless, because he died when the vehicle hit the ground, he is not believed to be the first human casualty in infinite space. Here the burnt remains of Komarov are being scrutinized by Soviet executives through his open-casket funeral. Just a piece of his heel bone survived the collision.

A detailed account of the 1967 incident pertaining to Komarov’s death is provided in the book ‘Starman’ which was published in 2011. The book’s authors are Piers Bizony and Jamie Doran.
A Dangerous Profession
The Brazilian-based Formula One automobile race driver, Ayrton Senna, right before the collision that leads to his death in Italy in 1994. He is recalled as one of the ace Formula One racers of all generations.

Ayrton Senna was the winner of three Formula One Championships for McLaren during the years 1988, 1990, and 1991. Also, he is considered to be one of the best Formula One drivers that the world has seen.
Baseball Game Mishap
Yes, baseball games are enjoyable, but if you like being close to where the action takes place, you must spend considerable time watching out for stray balls (and bats). In the attempt of watching your favorite team score a home run, you may be risking the danger of a baseball, or, if you're extremely unlucky, even a bat, hitting you right in the face. Just like the man in the photo below.

Getting hit by a baseball is enough to ruin anyone's game experience. But getting hit by a bat? That's a sure trip to the hospital. We just hope this man didn't have any serious bone fractures.
Motorbike Malfunction
This is precisely the reason why you should test all of your nuts and bolts on your vehicle– more than once! Perhaps performing off of those 'doughnuts made him dizzy". Lucky for him, the guy escaped with only a small bruise.

The crowd got more than their money's worth with this show.
The Unsuccessful Take-Off
This photo is of the 2000 Air France Flight 4590 (en route to New York City from Paris) when a fire broke out during takeoff. All 109 passengers aboard were killed. Most of the travelers were heading to New York to take a cruise that was going to Ecuador. This was the sole fatal event ever for the Concorde aircraft. Post this accident, this kind of plane was withdrawn from operations.

On July 25th, 2000, the airplane went over debris when taking off, leading to the malfunctioning of the tires and fuel tank. Subsequently, the engine failed and the plane caught fire and crashed into a hotel near Gonesse.
That's Got to Hurt!
It looks like this guy was attempting some sort of backflip or somersault into the pool. The whole thing would probably look pretty great if it worked out in his favor...but it worked out in our favor because this is one epic photo. Hopefully, he is alright though.

He must have calculated his distance from the pool all wrong for this to happen.
Bridesmaid Meltdown
This bridesmaid couldn’t handle the heat, so she passed out in the kitchen…or, at the altar. The bride and groom are so happy it seems like they don’t even notice! It must be true love, they only have eyes for each other! Okay but seriously, is anyone here a doctor? Please help!

The happy couple didn’t notice until people in the audience started pointing and shouting. But hey, at least the rest of the wedding went smoothly!
When St. Louis Tragically Lost Its Mayor
William Becker served as the mayor during the years 1941-43. On the fateful day of August 1, 1943, he partook in a demo session for a new airplane. Right after take-off, the plane’s right wing came apart, and all ten passengers met their death. This photo features the crew before taking off.

The glider was being towed by a transport plane for a ride around the city. Promptly after the towing cable was released, the right wing of the plane tore apart and it dived 1500 feet down, resulting in the loss of 15 lives.
The Heroic Woman in Blue
In this photo you can see Moira Smith – an NYPD agent – can be seen taking a wounded man away from the World Trade Center after the 9/11 terrorist assaults. After a couple of minutes, she entered the World Trade Center's south tower to assist in the evacuation process of other victims when the building crashed down. She was the only female NYPD executive to die that tragic day. Also, she was the first police personnel to recount the attacks after seeing the first tower struck by the aircraft.

The woman needs to be applauded for her bravery; in the face of disaster, she showed tremendous courage. Hats off to her and others like her who risk their lives to save others!
Plane in Flames
This is the perturbing final image of the Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 182. The star-crossed airplane crashed with another aircraft above San Diego on September 25th, 1978, at 9:00. All 137 travelers on board died, as well as 7 others on the ground. Twenty homes were damaged due to the collision’s impact.

This air crash was Pacific Southwest Airlines' first-ever deadly crash and occurred in spite of being handled by 5 well-trained pilots.
No, Not My Cake!
When all you want to do is sit down on your birthday and nom-nom-nom on some delicious birthday cake, but the cake has other plans. Her face says it all: “NO, NOT MY CHEESECAKE!” We definitely feel for her. But at least she doesn’t have to work quite so hard at the gym this week.

Plus, she was bouncing back and forth between the cheesecake and the chocolate pie, anyways. This was just the universe’s way of telling her that she should have ordered the chocolate in the first place! Waiter!
The Infamous Hindenburg
In 1937, the German passenger airship called Hindenburg burst into flames and was destroyed in New Jersey. 36 people were killed in the accident. This photo shows the airship a little before tragedy struck.

On May 6th, 1937, the Hindenburg tragedy took place in Manchester Township in New Jersey in the United States. There were a total of 97 people onboard the aircraft.
The U.S. Figure Skater's Team Fatal Voyage
In 1961, a Boeing 707 airplane hurtled while going from New York City to Belgium. 73 people died in the catastrophic air crash. This crash, sadly, took the whole U.S. National figure skating team, which was on its way to the World Figure Skating Championships in Prague. The group seems happy to be heading to its destination.

The Sabena Flight 548 started from Idlewild International Airport and plunged at Zaventem Airport in Brussels on Feb 15th, 1961. A total of 73 people were killed: 72 were onboard and 1 on the ground.
Water Ski Adventure
The guy is wearing water skis designed to be a bit larger, thus safer than normal ones. Though he seems to be flying and not skiing, I’m sure he experienced one heck of a jerk. Although, the scene looks set for a definite collision, fortunately, there wasn’t one. He landed alright, but not without a few injuries.

It seems like the driver of the speed boat was out to get revenge on the poor guy who was attempting to have some fun during his water skiing adventure.
"Benjamin Button" Syndrome?
So, take a quick glimpse at this snapshot and let us know what you see. We’ll wait. Right?!

At first glance, it looks like this toddler has the face of an old man, and it’s really creeping us out! Thank God it’s just an optical illusion, and all we’re seeing is the back of the baby’s head in a hat, and the man’s face that’s holding him, turned slightly sideways. Phew! Some optical illusions really do a number on the mind, huh?
Underwater Exploration
Just looking at this picture, will make you want to go snorkeling, right? Especially if you can manage to catch a school of fish photo-bombing your picture. It must be a weird feeling to swim among so many sea creatures.

This guy should definitely keep this one to show his grandkids. You can imagine that you're visiting SpongeBob SquarePants at Bikini Bottom.
Was the Party That Bad?
Beware, this photo is not for the easily disgusted. Apparently, the young lady was trying to maintain her poise, while being aware her stomach wasn't agreeing with her. As her friends gathered around her to appear in the picture, she could not suffer the discomfort any longer.

The girl’s condition sure must have turned into a party spoiler for the crowd. Well, we hope the woman got the required medical attention.
Moon Hangs Ten
This image is another case of being in the right place at the right time and capturing a stunning image because of it. Okay, it also helps if you’re in the freakin’ SWISS ALPS! Yes, that’s why this picture is so…picturesque…because that crane you’re looking at is in the Alps.

The construction crane is positioned in just the right way when the moon hits that angle, so it looks like the moon is being suspended from the crane. Pretty awesome, right?
Deadly Bee Sting
This fact may be sad for some: After a bee stings someone or something, it's cannot recover the stinger. As caught in this amazing photo, the bee flees the scene only to leave behind its weapon, but also some of its digestive tract, abdomen, nerves, and muscle. It dies shortly after.

It's best to avoid getting stung by the bee, for the bee's and your sake. Bee stings can be very painful and some people suffer allergic reactions from them.
Bubble Dog
Yes, we made a pun about the Boy in the Plastic Bubble. If you haven’t seen it, you really should. Sure, it’s sad and you’ll probably cry more than once, but it’s also a terrific movie. Anyways…

Awww! Look at the little puppy chasing after the bubbles! This is another one of those “situated just right,” shots. The angle of the camera makes it look as if the dog is actually inside the bubble. Ruff!
The Tragedy That Inspired the Classic Movie
This is the final photo taken of the ill-fated lavish ship Titanic prior to its sinking in the Atlantic Ocean on April 15, 1912. Over 1500 people died in the unfortunate nautical accident.

Due to a collision with an iceberg, the Titanic sank during the ship’s maiden journey from Southampton to New York City.
School Yard Dodgeball
Getting hit in the face by a ball, especially while sporting glasses, can be quite painful. It's like the frames instantly transform into weapons. To look at the bright side of things, this epic capture could make for an amusing profile picture on a dating site.

Other than that, this woman will probably avoid playing ball sports with her glasses on. She seems so bewildered in that second when the ball hit her face, poor girl.
Mission Impossible- Feline Style
If this dog was aware of the cat hanging from the door frame, it'd be way more excited about it. This cat could drop at any time and give that poor dog a serious scare.

On the other hand, maybe it’s such a standard occurrence that he doesn’t care. Maybe this cat is practicing its stunt routine.
Ship Nearly Loses Its Cargo
This cargo ship was on the verge of toppling over, yet, the rescue boat sailors s were not very worried. Perhaps, the ship was in more control than perceived. However, the good news is that the ship did not flip over, and no one was injured. The scene made for some awesome pictures. Incredibly, only 4 of those

If you’re wondering why the ship's cargo is stacked so unsafely, you’re not alone. Especially for such a long journey?! It’s a miracle only 4 of them hit the waters.
Lesson Learned
Jared Michael is counted as one of the lucky ones in this compilation. The train conductor saw Jared ahead of time. He was, in fact, able to stick his foot out of the running train and kick Jared away from the train tracks. Such moments are when you learn valuable life lessons.

The train in the photo moves next to the routes of Peru Rail, which travel from Cusco (and other small destinations) to Machu Picchu. Luckily for the survivor, the train moves at an extremely low pace and that is the reason the train conductor was able to save the guy.
A stuntman in the Making
Whoever this kid is, he seems to be enjoying himself. His face has, “look what I can do mom!” written all over it. His sister is definitely getting a kick out of her brother’s vulnerability. Though mom looks a bit concerned, she knows that it will end well, and it does. Unfortunately, he didn’t get any cool battle scars out of it.

Luckily, he does have this picture to prove that him flipping with his bike into a lake where his mother and sister are rowing a little boat actually happened. Now that's one picture to give you major cool points.
On Their Way to Space
In 1986, the NASA Space Vehicle satellite Challenger burst open only 73 seconds post being launched. All of the seven squad members died. In this photo, they are seen, elatedly, getting ready to board the vehicle only a few hours before.

The whole event happened on live TV, with millions of people watching the tragic launch. In addition, in an effort to pull in positive media coverage, there were school students who were invited by NASA to watch the launch with their teachers. This is one tragedy that lives on in the collective memory of everyone old enough to have been alive when it happened.
Optical Illusion
This picture poses quite a few questions, like why would they place a mirror in such an awkward place? Were the bartender and other staff members aware of how it looked? Or maybe it's for amusement? Actually, I have a lot of questions about this photo.

Regardless of the weird leg-upper body proportions, the bartender is still pretty cute.
You’ve Been Served
Volleyball is a high-energy sport that often results in loud grunting while balls are being served or spiked over the net. However, it isn’t technically supposed to be a contact sport. But like with any sport or activity, accidents do happen.

This poor kid was in the wrong place at the wrong time when this picture was taken, but he really doesn’t look like he knew what he was doing in the first place. The way these two have collided with each other tells us that neither team probably had a super high score in this game.
The Fluffy Feline Missile
If we could shoot our kitties out of big, silly cannons, this is surely what the furball projectiles would look like. With that look of determination, this critter must have been chasing after something seriously exciting. Felines don’t tend to exert themselves like this unless they think it’s worth it. If I could imagine a kitten being shot from a large cannon, then, this is exactly how I'd see a furball bullet.

With such a determined look on its face, it's safe to say that this cat is chasing something she finds exciting. Felines don't usually go to these lengths unless it's something really worth their while. This cat still looks adorable with her body levitated in the air, wouldn't you agree?
Blue Jean Baby
We’re not sure if this woman was aiming for this when she woke up, or if this just…happened. Either way, we’re sure glad it did! The colors in her jeans and shoes blend seamlessly with the colors of the sea and sky in the background, and even the sand underneath her feet!

This is one spectacular color combination, regardless of whether or not it was intentional! Now all she needs is a sky-blue hat to tuck her hair away in and she would be but a floating head in a white t-shirt.
Like a Scene From "Jaws"
Meet Seth, he is a risk-taker, to say the least. He was aware of the shark lurking around and decided to continue surfing anyways. Surprisingly, the shark simply sniffed Seth, yeah, like a dog. Fortunately, both Seth and the shark did not get hurt.

One plausible reason for the man sticking around despite the presence of the shark was because he thought he would startle the shark, who would then attack, hence, he decided to stay put to see what was in store for him.
Jet Ski Stunt at Niagara Falls
In the year 1995, as part of a righteous cause to spread consciousness for the site, Robert Overacker tried to jet ski across Niagara Falls. He toppled over and died when his emergency parachute did not open. Herein, he is seen falling into the falls.

Robert was 39 years old at the time of his death which occurred on October 1st, 1995, in front of an audience of 3000 people.
See Ya Later Aligator!
When this airboat accidentally landed in a swamp full of alligators, it had the tourists petrified. Ironically, in the photo, the tour guide seems to be the most worn out of all the passengers, despite her having more knowledge about how to handle such a situation. There's no tragic ending here. Everyone managed to exit the swamp without a scratch.

It may have been hard to remain calm, but truthfully, the alligators would have been scared of seeing the machine land in the waters, and run away. How cool would it be if they'd actually helped the passengers have a miraculous escape?
Where Do Babies Come From?
The tales of storks delivering babies date back to the Roman era. Many cultures from the past centuries also saw storks as a symbol of good luck. In Fact, in nature, storks are known for being very nurturing parents to their offspring, even after they've learned to fly. Maybe, this is where the story originates.

Besides good fortune, storks have been associated with family values and commitment. Especially in ancient European Cultures.