How do you make someone insecure feel secure? By letting them know you have enough love and attention to go around. But listen, when you’re up against an adorable kitten – that’s pretty threatening. We mean, look at that face. It could make a grown man cry.

In this photo, the roles are reversed, and it’s a dog who is questioning his owner’s love when a cuddly kitten is present. He looks a little envious and insecure, wondering if he gets a cuddle session too. Both he and the kitten are so tiny, there’s probably more than enough room for both of them on their human’s lap.
The Favorite Child
Many of us know the feeling of not being the favorite child. Sure, we know our parents love us, but our sibling just has some secret power to get whatever they want, just about whenever they want. And, although we may not want to admit it, it can really inspire jealousy.

This pair clearly has a favorite. This dog looked more than a little jealous watching the cat enjoying its daily feast while he had to just sit there and watch. But there’s little the poor guy can do as he’s simply less prioritized. Funny how they go against nature's rules.
The Bone Is Always Bigger
They say the grass is always greener, but in this case, the bone is always bigger (except it actually is much, much bigger). This little pup has a bone that's fit for him. The only problem is that his big brother got a bigger bone. The audacity!

The puppy in this picture sure wishes he had the bone that his big brother had. You can see his smaller bone on the left and, with his eyes locked on the ginormous bone that’s just inches in front of him, it looks like he’s jealous. Maybe he’ll remember he has a bone to finish himself and be a little more content.
Why Not Me?
This little guy looks not only like he’s very jealous of his sibling but also like he’s been betrayed by someone he trusted - his own father. Dogs often crave a lot of affection from their owners, and this little guy couldn’t stand the idea of another dog having his human’s attention.

But it’s certain that there is plenty of love to go around from this owner, so hopefully, this pint-sized pup was also showered with love from his owner and quickly got over his feelings of jealousy and betrayal. Don’t dogs deserve the same unconditional love they give to us?
Not in My House
Just like with a new baby, a new pet can make other pets jealous, especially if the new one is young, cute, and getting all of the attention. Some pets love having more siblings around because it means more friends to play with. However, some pets, like this cat, need a bit of time to adjust to not being the center of attention anymore.

This cat, who looks like he’s probably been a beloved pet for a long time, is a bit standoffish to the newest member of the household: an adorable dachshund. Perhaps he’s a bit annoyed with a new, curiously invasive puppy around the house. Hopefully, these two will create a bond and be fast friends.
Who Do You Love?
How do you make someone insecure feel secure? By letting them know you have enough love and attention to go around. But listen, when you're up against an adorable kitten - that's pretty threatening. We mean, look at that face. It could make a grown man cry.

In this photo, the roles are reversed, and it’s a dog who is questioning his owner’s love when a cuddly kitten is present. He looks a little envious and insecure, wondering if he gets a cuddle session too. Both he and the kitten are so tiny, there’s probably more than enough room for both of them on their human’s lap.
Friends of a Feather
This list features dogs and cats that appear jealous of one another, other humans, and even technology, but here there is an example of a bird stealing an owner’s affections. Chihuahuas are, at best, controversial. Some people swear that they are the sweetest and most loving pets a person could have.

The other 98% feel differently. Regardless, there's undoubtedly no love in this pup's eyes for his bird brother. The chihuahua isn’t too keen on his owner’s feathered friend grabbing up all of the attention. You can see him carefully sizing up the situation, and it looks like a confrontation could take place!
The Staredown
This picture of jealousy is so subtle you’d be sure to miss it at first. Upon your initial glance, you can see an adorable new and fluffy puppy that the owners are taking a snapshot of, but if you look closer, you’ll spot something else.

Back in the corner edge of the hallway, you can see a jealous kitty. He even looks like he could be plotting something. This cat looks like he's had many new siblings in the past, who have all mysteriously disappeared. He’s probably getting used to the new puppy in the home, but the owners should keep an eye on him!
Friend or Snack?
It’s a bit hard to tell if this cat is jealous of the bird that has captured his owner's attention or if he is jealous of his owner because he’s close to the bird that he’d like to eat! Cats and birds are tough animals to raise together, at least that's what it looks like from the acclaimed documentary, "Sylvester and Tweety Bird."

His attention is definitely on the bird, who has also captured his owner’s attention. The bird, however, doesn’t seem bothered by the cat. It’s unknown what happened after this photo was taken, but hopefully, the bird was alright in the end.
I Need Attention, Too
So, you want to get a perfect picture with one of your dogs. We couldn't agree more. Just look at the two on the left – big smiles, happy dispositions, good light, and nice framing. It all makes for a premium pic for social media or the mantle. Of course, having another dog means that isn't going to last.

People with more than one dog will agree: there's always that one dog that has to be at the center of everyone's attention. And this dog, clearly, is fully aware of both what a camera does and where it was pointed. No. Pay attention to ME.
Hi! Are You Taking a Picture or Something?
If you needed a single picture to point out the difference between dogs and cats, this is it. The very essence of everything the internet has to say about these furballs we raise at home. The cat looks like she (her name is Maggie) just hates everything that is happening, from the dog being present, to the picture, to the plant.

The dog, on the other hand (name unknown, we're going with Bonkers), is excited about everything. Oh boy, you're taking a picture! Oh boy, the cat friend is here! Are we going on a walk? Oh boy! This is great!
I See You Are Petting the Other Cat
Cats, for the most part, are pretty content doing their own thing. Just like any other creature, however, there are some times when they need attention, a friendly hand, or a warm lap to sleep in. Kittens, particularly, are prone to these kinds of habits, and only the meanest, coldest souls could possibly ignore such cute creatures.

However, most laps only have space for one furry friend, which means that some jealousy can develop. Most cats would just try to smoosh their way into the cuddle puddle, but some varieties will get testy. A few swats, maybe, but it could really blow up.
I Got Next
Here's the thing about this picture – it doesn't look like either dog is all too happy about this situation when it comes right down to it. The dog in the back looks way too upset that it isn't getting the requisite amount of cuddles, as stated in the lease, and the dog in the front looks like it's ready to make a break for it.

However, it is being fully smothered by the tatted-up guy. It's hard to tell what the dog is thinking since we can only see the face, but it doesn't really look all that happy.
Snuggle Jealousy
There are some cats out there that just can't get enough of the snuggles. Sure, they're few and far between, but they exist. They're the good ones. These two little kitties look like they're used to competing for cuddles, with one of them currently getting the lion's share.

And we're sure that you can see the other one doesn't look all that pleased. Don't worry, kitty cat. We're sure that gal is going to bring you into a hug as soon as the first one has had enough kisses, which should be in mere moments if we know anything about cats.
The Odd Dog Out
If you have a dog, that means you also have tennis balls somewhere in your home. We don't make the rules; we just report them. It makes sense – they're the perfect size for many dogs, they're fun to chase, and they're easy to hold in the mouth. Of course, if you don't have the correct ball-to-dog ratio, then things can get a little bit...

Well, it's a good thing the golden retriever is the envious one here. They're very good-natured as long as they're trained well. The dog in the front is mashing that ball with all its might as the golden looks on with the austere dignity goldens often exhibit.
Too Big to Hold Now
Never have we seen a dog – or any animal – look as forlorn and unhappy as that one. What is a poor dog to do when its favorite human suddenly has a new cuddle buddy? Unfortunately, there just isn't anything this dog will be able to do if it still wants to be part of the family.

Sure, there are probably some older humans around that will still have a friendly petting hand or a warm lap to snuggle in after the kid has gone to bed. Sorry, Lumps, that cat is just so much easier to hold. Also, holding it will get it used to human contact, so it doesn't scratch as many people.
I Am Forgotten
The yin and yang of this picture are palpable. You can practically taste it. A guy gets a new dog and is showering that dog with love and kisses, but his old dog doesn't look all that excited about the proposition. In fact, it looks downright frustrated with the fact that it is no longer, literally, the top dog.

Of course, any good dog owner will still have a big place in his or her heart for the older hound of the family. It might not seem like it to this dog at the moment, but there are plenty of snuggles in the future.
Space for One
Having more than one pet in the house is a good way to make sure they don't stay bored and have some kind of friend to communicate with when the humans of the household are all busy. On the other hand, it does come with some downsides.

Most laps, unless they are of the most prodigious size, only have space for one animal, which means this kind of picture becomes all too common. And look – that cat even has green eyes. Sure, it's a little more common in felines than in humans, but it's still fun to see jealousy displayed so literally.
Please? Just a Couple of Pats?
If you live in a household that has a pair of animals that are both about lap-sized, we bet something akin to this picture occurs almost every day. The first animal to reach the lap gets the first pick, while the second has to wait for its turn.

That's quite the face the dog is pulling here, so it looks like the cat tends to reach to prime position first. There's a good deal of hair in the way of the dog's face, but the angle of the face and the underbite make the dog look plenty annoyed. Don't worry bud, you'll have your turn too in no time.
I'm Coming for You, Cat
A lot of these lap photos give us things that are really similar – one of the pets is cuddled up and enjoying some body warmth as the other one looks on in despair. This one is a little different. In this one, it seems like the dog is plotting something, and the cat just doesn't care. The dog can plot whatever he wants, I still have the lap.

Those little curly-haired white dogs can be particularly vicious if they're prodded the wrong way. Make sure there are separate beds for these two once the light goes out. In fact, you might even want to get separate rooms.
Not the First Time, Not the Last
Brushing time is a great time for cats that like human contact. They get a nice, smooth, clean coat, and they get to enjoy time with their favorite big pals. It's a fantastic bonding pastime for all. But what if both cats want to be brushed, and one of them is noticeably more impatient?

Then you have to introduce the angry box, as seen and demonstrated here. Imagine having a cat that is so famously grumpy that you build her a space where she can go and be angry without getting in anybody's way. Just wait your turn, Nakia. Sheesh.
Ignore the Kitten
Getting a kitten is a big part of anyone's life, and that means lots of pictures for social media. Admit it; you like pictures of kittens, too. We all do. This person wanted to get a good one of the new kitty enjoying a meal, but the other cat in the house hadn't signed off on the plan.

Even better, it's clear that the older cat is not excited about the prospect of some other little animal cutting into its food supply. Look at that angry eye, the tilted back ear. That feline couldn't be more obviously upset if it was hissing.
A Lesson in Patience
Have you got more than one dog? That's why God gave humans more than one hand. Two dogs in the same household mean there is competition for affection, and it can even occur out in the sunny dog park. This picture even has the lady giving out the scratches telling the second dog to settle down and wait its turn.

It doesn't look ready to do so, but the attention it's giving the lady tells us things will be all right. In the meantime, just look at the smarmy face the English Bulldog has. It obviously knows it's number one.
Unable to Process
While there are plenty of dogs that understand how a pack works, it's becoming increasingly clear that there are plenty of dogs who simply cannot understand affection being given to any other kind of creature. There's just no denying a golden retriever, even if your other dog simply can't believe its eyes when you start lavishing the other dog with love.

This picture could be moments before a crazy dog fight broke out, or it could be moments before the other dog tried to weasel its way under the scratching hand of its owner. One way or another, it doesn't look like everything was fine.
The Look of Betrayal
Despite the fact that these two dogs look almost identical, it's clear that they have some differences. While one of them is content to snuggle against a warm body and have a nap, the other must look on with a look of pure desire on its face.

It's just too bad that there's only enough space for one dog on the couch while a fully-grown human is napping on it. A good dog owner, however, will spread out the cuddles to each and every dog, so none of them feel left out. It's like being a parent, in a way.
A Tale As Old As Time
No, it's not “Beauty and the Beast,” it's the cat and the dog (so, "Oliver and Company" maybe?) This time, the cat is getting all the attention while the dog looks on, wondering when it will be able to enjoy a friendly hand.

While it might be easy to say that the cat is feeling superior, other pictures in the same collection show that there are no bad feelings going on in this two-pet household. It's just that the cat was in reach before the dog, and so the cat gets first scritches. Surely nobody will forget the dog, right? Right?
Jealous? Or Just Hungry?
We don't see a lot of cats and bunnies on this list. Plenty of cats in other combinations, but not a whole lot of rabbits. This, however, raises a question. Rabbits are the kinds of animals that a lot of cats would choose to hunt if given the option, so is this cat jealous of the attention the rabbit is getting?

Or, is he just imagining the rabbit on a platter surrounded by some roast vegetables? With cats, it's impossible to know for sure. Seeing as how this rabbit is perched up on a lap, it could very well be both.
Intruder Detected
People who have raised cats from kittens know that you have to slowly let them get acclimated to their new areas. Start them with a single room, then a single floor, and then eventually the entire place. After a bit, they'll be able to go anywhere they want.

This can, as we see here, sometimes make other animals in the household a little jealous of all the attention the younger pets are getting. They might even be able to nap on the bed! But that's where I nap! They can't do that! This will not stand! I'm going to go pout in the corner.
He's Watching Me, Isn't He?
This picture is a bit of a strange addition to our collection because, other than the proximity to the camera, it doesn't really look like there's much going on here. One cat is lying amid a pile of blankets, and the other one glowers from the other side of the room.

There's no food in sight, nobody is getting any pets, and we can't even see a human in the shot. Maybe that's just the prime spot in the house – cuddled up in the warm patch on the bed. But there's only space for one cat on the spot, so the other one just has to watch from the side.
Hey Guys, I'm Ho-...Hey!
There's absolutely no way in the world you haven't seen a sight similar to this one if you have at least a pair of cats in your home. You're petting one of the cats, just enjoying each other's company, and then around the corner, here comes the other cat. Oh boy.

Everybody goes quiet as the second cat realizes what it's looking at. Things can be awkward for a little while, depending on the cats, but usually, it just means the other cat will whine a little bit until you give it some scratches. That usually solves all the issues.
Everything Looks Fine Here
This picture shows us a pair of pups enjoying some nice, warm blankets, but we don't know exactly where...ah. Look in the upper right corner. It turns out that one of the dogs in the center is actually a stuffed animal that is a present to the REAL dog in the blankets.

But the dog in the corner of the image didn't get anything. He just has to sit and watch the other dog have fun with its new toy. Don't worry, old pal; there are plenty of other toys around for you to play with. Nobody could forget about you.
Don't You Forget About Me
This is one of those photos that you don't realize what you're shooting until you see the photo itself. Here is a great photo pulled off by this sneaky cat who was hanging on that chair. This dog is finally getting his grand portrait taken so it can be added to the family albums, but the sneaky cat had other plans.

He is going to be so disappointed once he sees the prints. That cat is the real family troll. Next time we suggest the dog makes sure the cat is locked up somewhere before striking the pose, or at least make it look a bit more appealing.
Sad Eyes
This puppy looks like he’s going to burst into tears at any moment. Maybe it has something to do with the fact his favorite little human is showing attention to another dog. He’s doing that thing cats do where they turn their backs on you to show you that they’re upset. “Fine, I don’t need your attention. Take this!”

Or, perhaps his most favorite human is actually the one taking the picture, and he’s perfectly fine sharing the pets with his fur sibling. After all, some dogs just have that adorable sad look on their face all of the time.
That Sneaky Iguana
Never turn your back on someone. You never know what they'll say about you. The moment that cat turned his head, this iguana threw some shade at him. The tables clearly turned. That cat did not let that slide. If we were that iguana, we would be pretty scared. I'll show you who's pushier, meow meow.

Reptiles have such a bad reputation, however, by this image, it seems that cats are the bigger problem, and maybe we should start considering other animals to bring into our house. We don't know about you, but we have had enough of mundane cats and dogs.
A Bitter Feud
Remember what we said about dogs and cats getting along? Yeah, that isn’t always the case. In this instance, the pup of the family clearly won the lifelong struggle between dogs and cats. Poor Great Danes are gentle giants, but they often don't know their strength. Or do they...?

In the dog’s defense, he looks quite cozy sitting next to his brother. He’s just so big, and the cat is so small, so it makes sense that he would accidentally sit on him. At least, that’s the story he’s sticking to. But if the cat goes missing one day, the owners know where to look.
He Did It!
Caught red-handed in the middle of a little sibling spat! Clearly, big brother instantly regrets laying his paw on the little one. It looks like they're about to get a lecture from Mom to quit the rough-housing. Even when siblings are play-fighting, it doesn't take long for some real pent-up emotions to make their way to the surface.

We actually wonder if there has ever been a sibling fight, human or animal, that hasn't resulted badly. The little one is clearly reveling in the moment of a long-awaited justice. Now, Mom knows exactly what's going on over here, and he'll enjoy seeing his brother get what's coming to him.
That’s One Way of Winning
Not all dogs are willing to be side-lined by their feline foes. The dog in this photo clearly will not be. He has found an effective way of defeating his feline foe – simply sitting on him. Not only does this render his foe immobile, but it also hides Kitty from his owners’ vision. Perfect strategy! The cat has simply admitted defeat and embraced “lying flatism.”

We hadn’t realized that cats too had caught onto this trend, but with the internet being as widespread as it is, it is just a matter of time since cats, too, would be “lying flat.” In fact, we’re probably sure that the philosophy of “lying flatism” originated with cats – especially those whose canine enemies had the nerve to sit on them.
If Looks Could Kill
This pooch better be very careful as it is clear Kitty is not impressed with the new arrival. After recently being adopted by the family, the brown pooch has made himself at home, snoozing away on the sofa. But unknown to the oblivious pooch, he has already made an enemy – simply by being adopted by the wrong family.

While the family has made the hound’s day by giving him a new home with a comfy sofa, they have ruined the feline’s day – or year. Judging by the look on the feline’s face, this cat is not looking forward to all the affection and attention he will have to share with his canine brother. At least, the feline gave his family a priceless photo.
Identity Crisis
What is going on here? Is this feline going through an identity crisis? Does the cat in question think he is now a dog? Or perhaps, the feline is experimenting and trying to live a day in the life of a dog. We’re not the only ones who have no idea what is going on. Even the fickle feline has bewildered his canine companion. Speaking of the canine companion, he is not a happy hound.

His look is equal to that of losing his favorite bone. The feline snuck his way onto the pooch’s bed and though the cat is a tenth of the dog’s size, he believes the hound’s bed is perfectly adequate. What’s next? Will the dog have to wrestle with the feline for his dinner?
Cat Comes Out on Top
It took one storm for these pet owners to learn one important rule – the cat rules the roost. This petite pussycat may share its home with regal huskies, but it is the huskies who’re relegated to sleeping on the floor. That’s just one of the unforeseen consequences of having a cat. Even the Egyptians knew better than to try to make a cat subservient.

In fact, cats may have been treated as feline gods back in ancient Egypt. While we’re not sure about this, this cat seems to think so. This feline might even believe that the huskies are his servants – there to be at his beck and meow. From the feline’s posture, he certainly thinks he is the bee’s knees. Scratch that (excuse the pun) - the cat’s knees.
No Compromise
One of the most underappreciated qualities of cats is that they are master negotiators. No matter the circumstances or deal, cats will always bring about a win. Just ask this pooch here. In this photo, these furry creatures have reached a compromise. While it is definitely not favorable to the dog, the cat is happy as a clam. He won himself the bigger bed despite being a fraction of his rival’s size.

Cats do and get whatever they want. And though the dog is in quite a tight spot, literally, the cat could care less. Kitty is sleeping easily while the pooch is trying to work out how Kitty could have usurped him from his throne. We’re not surprised – cats are tough negotiators.
Cat in the Manger
This photo best sums up a cat’s attitude to life. They simply get joy from stealing the joy of others. The kitty in the photo clearly doesn’t want to sleep, but he’ll make sure the tired dog doesn’t sleep a wink. Ironically, the expression ‘dog in the manger’ best sums this situation up. We should appeal to the officials of the English language to change the expression to ‘cat in the manger’.

This photo is proof that it is felines – and not canines – who’ll do anything to get something that another person or animal wants even if they don’t have a strong desire for it in the first place. At least, the pooch in the picture will do all he can to make the best of a bad situation.
No Remorse
Clearly, this cat is having the time of his life. For us cat lovers, we know a cat is in their element when they lie on their backs. The belly is a cat’s most vulnerable point so if a cat shows its belly, it means they have nothing to fear. Even if the cat is asleep in the bed of a pooch, who is more than double its size, Kitty has nothing to fear.

This smug pussycat clearly is bragging to the hound about being in the lap of luxury, at his doggy companion’s expense. Cats simply show no remorse. From the despairing look on the hound’s face, he is pleading with his owners to intervene. Cat owners know it is useless to intervene – cats simply have no remorse.
Cruel Cat
It is not only the Boston Terrier who has lost out but the whole family. This cat definitely made itself comfy right in the doorway so that anyone on their way to the bathroom will have to step over the cat. Cat owners know full well that cats find unusual places comfortable. They will sleep in bathroom basins, kitchen sinks, and on laptop keyboards.

But this kitty has found the place where it is sure to be stood on, to be the ideal sleeping spot. Of course, the Boston Terrier could not be unhappier as the cruel cat has made sure to his bed in the process. That’s just the nature of cats. As cruel as it is, they do what they want, and others just have to adapt.
The Dog is Not the Doge
This dog has learned one extremely valuable lesson – do not give up your bed. If you have to leave, even for a call of nature, your bed might be snatched. Of course, sharing a house with a feline foe means that you are bound to lose any of your possessions. And from the deadpan expression on the feline’s face, it knows exactly what it’s done and could care less.

From the look on the dog’s face, he’s not pleased. There’s just nothing he can do about it. But he keeps a keen ear out, hoping to hear any sound that the cat has abdicated and that he can return to being the doge. It’s a common enough plot – from doge to dog thanks to one sneaky feline.
It’s Start Young
Anyone who has been around a cat for a few seconds knows cats have a massive ego. Words like conceit, arrogance, and even hubris don’t even begin to describe a cat’s ego. What few of us know is that this egotism occurs even in kittens. Most of us are so taken by their cuteness – their big ears, big eyes, kitten smell, and minute bodies – that we hardly see the arrogance creeping in.

But the dog in this photo is not fooled. No matter how adorable this kitten is, even he has to move over and give up his bed, because as every cat, including kittens, know, they come first. Though we know the kitten made an unhanded move to rob the canine, we still cannot get over its adorableness.
Every Dog Will Have Its Day
Every dog might have its day, but sadly for this dog in the photo, today is not that day. The owners may have intended that today was that day because the size of the bed shows it was bought with the pooch in mind. However, the cat had different plans. Perhaps, one day this dog will have his day. That said, there must be an expression in the English language that goes something along the lines of “every cat will have its cake and eat it.”

Although most people are familiar with the nature of cats, we don’t need any proverbs or expressions to remind us that felines are kings and always get their way. We just need to keep reminding pooches that their turn will come … one day, eventually….
He Can’t Believe It
…and neither can we. This delicate and innocent-looking kitten seems like the last creature to commit such a heinous act. The pooch in the photo is absolutely flabbergasted. He can’t believe that his bed and place in the family has been given to the innocent-looking kitten. He is in shock that he is now demoted to the floor – such an inferior post.

But that is just the way of cats – they look the picture of innocence while they are taking over. In fact, this poor pooch’s journey with the conniving cat has just begun. We’re pretty sure that there will be plenty of priceless photos of this hound in the future. Watch this space – and of course, watch the innocent-looking but not-so-innocent kitten.
Cats Come First
From a young age, we are all taught to respect our elders. If we are on a crowded bus, we must give up our seats so the elderly can sit. If we come to a pedestrian crossing, we must always try to assist the elderly across the road. However, in the feline world, there is only one law – cats come first.

And it looks like this rule applies not only to cats but to every creature that comes into contact with cats, including this pooch. The hound in this photo has just learned that cats come first, even when it comes to someone else’s bed. While the hound might be feeling sore now about losing his bed, in time, he will realize it is a cat’s world after all.
Who Let the Dog Out?
Since we are speaking about a dog who now is outside of his bed, the obvious answer is the cat. Apparently, this pooch was so unhappy that he was displaced that he woke up his owner in the middle of the night to inform him of the cat. We don’t know who was unhappier, the pooch or the owner. But we’re guessing who was as pleased as punch.

That’s right – the guilty feline had no bad dreams that night. Probably didn’t even stir in its sleep. Let’s just hope the owner decided to tackle this problem with a hands-on approach and move the cat somewhere else. At least then everyone in the household, pets included, can get their much-needed beauty sleep. Although we’re sure the cat will be back.
Never Mind the Photo – It’s Play Time
We know there are plenty of owners who enjoy taking countless photos of their furry children but there is photo time and then there is play time. It is clear that it is playtime, especially for the pooch in the center. He doesn’t want to be in the center of a photo frame, he’s just game for a game.

His canine companion on his left is in a bit of a pickle. He is facing some pressure to please his owner and look perfect for the pet photo but he also has to manage his younger brother who’s pining to play. The third pooch in the photo is the true rebel – he is neither keen to play nor to join in the photo. He's just there to photobomb.
You’re Kitten Me
Some dogs really need to learn to stand up for themselves. Well, this dog has taken the expression “standing up for oneself” a little literally as he couldn’t stand up anymore. In fact, he has used a pillow to support his standing up. We’re pretty sure this pooch hasn’t figured out what “standing up for oneself” really means as it appears the kitten has backed him into a corner.

We kind of feel for the big guy – the pooch that is – because the cats’ narrow eyes look pretty sinister. We’re guessing even the owner, preferred not to get involved and rather take the photo. Can’t say we blame him or her? Nope, not with those creepy kitten eyes. The best game plan for the owner is to back away slowly.
Cuddle Attack
One kitten is bad enough, but four! Oh, this puppy is sure to be the victim of the most ferocious cuddle attack. Truthfully, this is a cat lover’s dream. Any cat lover would be perfectly happy to trade places with this doomed pup, but knowing felines, they would lose all interest if suddenly by magic the pooch was replaced with an enthusiastic cat lover.

One glimpse of those outstretched arms, anticipating a cuddle, and this gang of kittens would simply scatter. Then, it would be their turn to flee for their lives. Of course, that would not be the end of this saga. As per the nature of kitten gangs, they lay in wait and stalk their next, unsuspecting victim.
It’s Not My Birthday, But I'll Cry If I Want To
This is probably the worst birthday present – someone gets you a cake and your sibling takes a bite out of it, even before you can have some. That is just one of the downsides to living with a cat. Even if it is your birthday – they will just help themselves to whatever you have first.

The owners clearly tried to distract the cat from the birthday cake by taking it for a walk. But even with the harness on, the cat forgot about the walk, sniffed the cake, and made a beeline for it. While the pet owners did everything they could to give their pet a great birthday, they couldn’t stop the tenacious tabby. From the sad look on the pooch’s face, we’re guessing they failed badly.
From Russian Blue, With No Love
Somehow, we get the impression that one of these three creatures is not having a good time. While the other two – the dog and its owner – are sharing a tender moment, the Russian Blue cannot bear the sight of this interspecies affection. Well, it is not interspecies affection the cat has a problem with, it is only interspecies affection between humans and dogs.

Cats and humans are fine. From the distaste etched on the cat’s face, we can say he finds interspecies love between dog and human disgusting. At least, there is one positive thing about the cat’s behavior – it has the decency to hide its disgust. But its human caught them in the act and captured them on camera. There's no love from the Russian Blue in this scene.
Trampling On Others to Get Ahead
This dog may have the morals of an alley cat, but you couldn’t say he is the lowest of the low. Though this hound may have literally trampled on others, including a cat, to get to the top, he, in fact, climbed to the top. Most of us do not approve of this behavior, but interestingly, the cat who was literally trampled on doesn't seem to disapprove.

Not only does he seem chilled about being given the boot from his position as king of the chair, but the look on his face shows that he thinks it's all fair game. That is something we haven’t seen in a cat – good sportsmanship and some humility. We probably won’t see that in a cat again so luckily this owner captured this moment.
“Who Moved My Cheese?”
This dog has every right to be cheesed off. This cat brusquely just helped himself to the dog’s meal. That’s right – the dog’s meal. Since there is only one bowl of food, it is clear that the dry kibble is intended for the dog. But the cat simply went ahead and helped himself to it. The dog in question has probably been waiting hours for a bite, but Kitty thinks she goes first in this household.

We blame the owners. And judging from the look on the dog’s face, he does too. He wants them to intervene. Or put out a second bowl. Why on earth is there only one bowl of food? If there is to be any justice in this household, there should be two bowls.
Staircase Standoff
There are two explanations for this photo. Either the dogs are too petrified of the cat to risk going down the stairs or the cat is too wary of the three hounds to make a daring walk up the stairs. Whichever one it happens to be, there is a major standoff going on between these two parties.

Unfortunately for the cat, the dogs have the higher ground. As the great military strategist Sun Tzu, who wrote “The Art of War” explained it is always better to have the high ground. The dogs have the high ground. And there are three of them. That being said, this cat looks determined. She looks like she is biding her time to come up with a maneuver to give these hounds the slip.
Turf Wars
In a minute, there will be all-out war – spitting, hissing, and snarling – or one will be declared chicken and surrender. Turf wars aren’t pleasant, especially in a household with cats and dogs. For both animals, territory is important. And in the case of this photo, the turf is the pet bed. The owner of the pets explained that this tactless terrier had the nerve to sit in the cat’s bed.

Obviously, the terrier knows he is done for because he can’t even face the slowly approaching cat. Speaking of the cat, slowly does it. She is biding her time, stalking her prey, and when the time is right, she strikes. Any second now, the dog is going to learn a terrible lesson – never encroach on a cat’s turf.
Are You Frightened? Not Frightened Enough
This dog may have been adopted into a loving home. There is only one problem and from the picture of this pooch, it seems like he has just figured out what that is. Yes, that’s right – the cat. And judging from the cat’s expression – which has an eerie quality to a movie supervillain who is a rather strange foodie with a fondness for leather muzzles – we can say that this pooch is not frightened enough.

He doesn’t know what he is up against. The best game plan for this pooch is to get away as quickly as he can and even that may not be enough, because as the movie supervillain proved, he can escape easily and will not be at rest until his job is done.
Creative Drinking
Either these two are bosom buddies or archnemesis. On the one hand, the pooch could be doing his pussycat pal a favor by grabbing onto his tail so the cat doesn’t fall right in while drinking from the toilet bowl. On the other hand, this daring dog could have waited until the perfect time to strike his kitty nemesis.

As the cat dives headfirst into the bowl to quench his thirst, the dog takes a bite into his bushy tail. Since cats are particularly sensitive about their tails and are not mad about having them bitten, we’re guessing that this pair are really enduring enemies. If that’s the case, the cat should know better than to jump headfirst into the toilet bowl – not the brightest strategy when enemies are nearby.
Look What the Cat Dragged In!
In this case, we can’t blame the cats. Instead, the cats are thinking to themselves, “Look what the human dragged in!” While the puppy is sniffing around and getting to know his new home, the two cats are backed into a corner. They’re both in their own corner, staring down at the puppy.

Of course, these cats are just behaving like typical cats – they are staring down anything that happens to come along their paths. Let’s just hope the puppy keeps his head down and continues sniffing at the wood. Puppy is going to get a big fright when he sees one set of eyes pointed at him. And then, imagine, what will happen to the pup when he sees the second pair of eyes.
Gentle Giant
They always said dynamite comes in small packages, so this huge hound has his reasons for being wary. But surely this 85lb dog is overreacting slightly. He can’t even seem to face the kitten. He is determined to keep looking ahead and avoid the kitten at all costs – even though the kitten weighs 1.5lb.

To call this hound a gentle giant is a huge understatement. In fact, this dog would be the best star for a TV animation about a purple dog who is petrified of everything, including teeny tiny cats. And all this teeny tiny cat seems to want to do is say “hi” to her big brother and give him a sniff. That’s not scary at all but this huge hound is not having any of it.
One-Sided Love
We have all been in a one-sided relationship before. Unrequired love is never pleasant it is not pleasant for any party – not for the lover or rejecter. But though humans think they are the only ones who experience one-sided relationships, this photo is proof that that is not the case. Even dogs are victims of one-sided relationships as with this pooch in the pic.

He loves his cat sister and just wants to give her an abundance of hugs. Poor pooch because the cat sister isn’t that keen and is trying to do anything she can to survive. She can’t get away from his hug – not unlike a Jiujutsu grapple – so she has to wait the hug out and hope she can walk away from it in one piece.
Pooch’s Paradise – NOT!
This dog lives the sweet life. He has a comfy indoor bed, and it comes equipped with its own heater. What more can a dog ask for? It looks like all dogs don’t have to go to heaven after all, especially not this one. He has been in heaven all along.

Except, there happens to be a snake in the grass in this house. In this case, it is not a snake but a cat – a cat who will do anything to rob the dog of his paradise. Judging from the size of the bed in comparison to the size of the cat, the cat is clearly out of line. But the dog will just make the best of a bad situation. At least, he still gets the heater.
“Friends Forever”
The Before Photo shows how siblings truly get along when the parents are not around. The After Photo shows how siblings pretend to get along when they spot their parents – nothing but unconditional love. The owner who has taken this photo has given pet owners true insight into the real relationships between cats and dogs. It certainly is not the “Friends Forever” kind of vibe.

In fact, the true relationship between the two species is something more along the lines of the one seen in the film “Cats and Dogs.” We’re not saying cats are planning to take over the world, but if they did, we can bet that the dogs would be the first to get in their way.
No Lost Love
At first, it is hard to make out what is going on in this picture. Once you make out the teeth from the hair, it becomes clear that these are entangled in quite a ferocious struggle. Did the dog stand on the cat’s tail by mistake? Could the cat not resist the dog’s delicious bone and finally gave in to their instincts and tried to steal the dog’s bone?

Whatever has provoked this feud has led to all-out war. Furniture will fly. Fur will fall. And there’s sure to be chaos. While we’re not taking any sides – unless we are true cat lovers or dog lovers – the one person to sympathize with is the owner. They are going to have a neat mess to deal with when they get home.
Rover’s Revolt
Any day now, Rover is going to revolt – he is going to rise up and take arms against the treacherous tabby who stole his throne. Rover just must wake up from his nap and make the first move. Of course, the treacherous tabby looks as relaxed as can be because she knows “any day” is not a day of the week.

Her position on the coveted throne is safe. Perhaps, Rover will put in a request with his owners to have the callous cat removed but judging from Rover’s state, he has either given up or just accepted that kitty will have two beds from now on. Living up to the standard of every monarch, it is not enough just to have one palace. Now, Kitty has two.
What Cat?
Did you say cat? Which cat? Where? This pooch may be too busy trying to spot a scampering squirrel or garden visitor to notice that in the process of being alert to any sudden movement he happened to leap right onto the cat. The poor victim, the cat, just happened to be lying outside on one of the patio chairs, minding its own business.

We’re not sure the dog has noticed that his bottom is where the cats head happens to be, but one thing that is certain is that the dog’s tail is in the perfect position to be clawed by the cat. Judging from the cat’s expression, the tail is not safe. Let’s hope he spots the garden visitor soon or else it is tickets for the tail.
Caught Red-Handed
Pet owners always know when their pets have been up to something fishy. Cats and dogs just cannot hide guilt. Look at this pair. We know they’re in hot water. We just don’t know why. Perhaps, it has to do something with the kitchen cupboards. They are suspiciously close to the corner cupboard.

Perhaps, this dog-cat duo has been trying to pull off a major treat heist only to be discovered. The cat is so scared he looks like he has turned to stone. He has backed himself so far into the corner that there is nowhere left to go. The dog is so far gone in his guilt that he is just staring hopelessly up at his owner praying they will not discover the true nature of his deeds.
All’s Fair in Love and War
This seems to be the policy that this cat and dog follows. When it comes to war, there are no rules. Considering that the cat belongs to the girlfriend and dog to the boyfriend, this policy of no rules is not the most effective. In fact, it’s better if these two learn to get along and put interspecies differences aside.

However, based on how into the fighting these two are, it looks like it is going to be a long road till a peace treaty is drawn up. The fighting pair probably won’t even like the idea of a cold war as there’s not much fighting involved. Let’s hope the human couple don’t follow this animal pair’s approach. All’s fair in love and war isn’t always the most peaceful approach.
Nice Kitty… Kitties
This dog knows he is in for it now. Two against one is hardly fair and he knows it, but when did cats ever do things the fair way? That being said, we want to know what the dog did to provoke both cats into such aggressive stances. Interestingly the ginger cat on the left looks like he is ready to perform a downward dog.

Perhaps, this cat warms up before a fight by doing a bit of yoga. The grey cat on the right is waiting for his opponent to finish warming up so that they can take on the dog. Fur is bound to fly. If we were the dog, we would back away slowly. Or perhaps, the pooch should flee while the ginger cat is warming up.
True Friendship Takes Time
Though this cat is doing everything possible in its power to make the new puppy fear him, the only effect the cat seems to have on the dog is to bewilder it. Kitty is in a right old rage and trying to show the new pet addition that the new pet addition is not in fact welcome.

We’re guessing that the owners did not have a sit-down with Kitty and prepare him for his new canine companion. And judging from Kitty’s reaction, they might have to consider some therapy for the furious feline. Fortunately for the pet owners, the dog seems to have adjusted well. He is just trying to work out what the furry minute creature is in the doorway. Better not risk a sniff.
The Cat Who Didn’t Get the Cream
We’re guessing that this cat didn’t get the cream. His expression is pure ice. But it is not the lack of cream that has fouled up his mood or it is rather that the cat is probably going to have to share his cream from now on. The new addition – the newly adopted dog – is now going to have a claim to half of everything.

This is what every older sibling slowly realizes when their baby sibling is brought home. And while human children adapt quickly enough, this cat has the kind of expression that shows he is not willing to adapt. Either this cat gets the cream – and all the cream – or there will be a new contender for the title of Grumpy Cat.
Creepy Twin Cats
The background to the picture is that the cat owner’s fiancée had just moved in and brought her dog. The couple were worried that the dog would be bullied by the cats by it seems for now the dog is victorious...for now. But we can’t help noticing that this photo bears an eerie and striking resemblance to a classic scene of long corridors and twin girls from “The Shining.”

The best thing for this couple is to give the pooch and pussycats some time to figure the whole territory thing out and for the couple to work out how to take photos of their animals – photos that are not so creepy. Now, that we see the resemblance to “The Shining,” we can’t forget it.
I See Cats Everywhere
This dog has a similar expression to Haley Joel Osment’s face in “The Sixth Sense” when he fearfully admitted, “I see dead people.” While this dog may be spared from seeing ghosts, he is in fact surrounded by furry creatures. Wherever he seems to look there is a furry creature laying or sitting in wait.

While the dog appears not to be able to handle the horror, the cats look perfectly at ease. In fact, the black one on the left seems to be dozing away while the gray one is simply confused about the dog’s fear. Clearly, in the last photo, the dog is pleading with his owners to help him escape. He might just be in luck as the gray one looks like he is on his way.
New Pillow or New Kitty?
Most pets get incredibly jealous when their owners come home with a new sibling, but not this bulldog. When his owners turned up with a new ginger kitten, he just thought they had gotten him another accessory. After all, the ginger kitten makes the most comfortable pillow. It has a crook in it just when he can put his face and have his tongue loll out.

For the bulldog, it is the best doggy present yet and he didn’t waste any time using it. Even the orange kitty doesn’t seem to mind being used as a pillow. Admittedly, the sleeping arrangement looks pretty comfy, except for the huge lolling tongue. We can’t say we’d be crazy about the ginormous tongue looping around our neck, but kitty seems happy.
When No One’s Looking
When we’re at work, goodness only knows what our pets get up to. And during the recent 2020 exodus, where workers adapted to remote work, pets were on their best behavior, making sure they don’t let it slip about daily happenings when owners are away. However, this owner stepped in on this pair and caught them red-handed. Who would have thought that this dog was giving his cat companion a jiujutsu lesson?

Of course, jiujutsu is one of those sports that has seen an explosion recently so naturally pets too have caught on. Who knows what happens when owners aren’t around, but this photo, is proof that even pets are into keeping fit and keeping active. Well, perhaps, the cat will think better of doing jiujitsu after this class.
The Greatest Humiliation of All
Cats can be the most unsympathetic of all creatures. When you’re lonely and want to cuddle, they will look the other way. This photo is all the evidence we need that shows cats at their most vindictive. Every dog knows that the most humiliating of all pooch experiences is to wear the dreaded cone.

Cones are the pinnacle of insult for a pooch, but his cat companion is going to make sure to pour salt on the wound. When the pooch is at his lowest, despairing about his cone and considering his life choices that brought him to this coned state, the cat will simply hop on to his face with the dreaded cone and tell him things can get much worse – a cat can get away with sitting on his face.
Tail That
This cat is no longer in the mood to deal with any more nonsense from the pooch, so the fuming feline has drawn the line – or rather drawn his tail. That’s right – tail that, Pooch. We’re not sure what the hound did to deserve this treatment, but it must be pretty bad. Tail torture can be one of the worst, but at least, the cat has left the hound his snout so that he can breathe.

Whatever the pooch has done, we know he’s sure not to do it again. Let’s just hope he can get out of this pickle in one piece because no one else can help him out. No one can help because no one can see that underneath the cat, there is a helpless hound.
Do You Mind?
This pooch must be thinking that this sofa needs a replacement. This hound must be wondering when on earth did the sofa get so uncomfortable. Or why does it feel like some of its nails are poking through? Of course, little does the pooch know of the true danger he’s in.

Once he moves from his place, the wrath of a cat who has lived more than eight of its lives in one moment is going to come bursting through. The dog better hope that the actual sofa can be used as a shield because he’s going to need it. On the other hand, the cat will learn a lesson about sleeping on the dog’s sofa. This brings us to the question, are these pets even allowed on the sofa?
And What Do We Have Here?
This family has adopted this fluffy puppy, but it needs the king’s (the cat) approval first. In this photo, we see the subject brought by the king and being given a thorough examination of whether he joined their kingdom (the family home). Right at this moment, the cat perched on his throne (the staircase) is having a stare-off with the puppy.

Let’s just hope the puppy will be accepted by the cat else he will have to be banished or sent into exile. Or perhaps, there will be a mutiny and the king will be dethroned and a new king like the puppy put in his place. The cat should be careful because even if he is king, he could be replaced with a new and maybe cuter king.
Not a Happy Kitty
This kitty is obviously not a happy kitty, but someone, in this photo – someone lying on the sofa – is having the time of their life. While the cat is in a state of confusion and despair and clearly feels betrayed, the new dog is just simply lying on the sofa and biting away at his toy.

Though the white pooch has recently joined the family, the fact that he already has a toy and can get away with biting it on the sofa is not a good sign for the cat. It means that the white pooch might be there to stay. And from the look of anger and despair on the cat’s face, the kitty’s future’s looking bleak. For starters, he can’t even sleep on the sofa.
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
One of the pieces of advice that we’re often given is to tackle problems head-on. The cat in this photo clearly is taking this advice too seriously. Of course, for every family cat, their main problem in life is the family dog. And following this advice, this cat has decided to literally take his problem …head-on.

He is literally staring down the dog – either asking the dog to leave the home for good or get off his territory (aka the sofa). While the cat is ready to take on his problems the good old way, what he doesn’t know is that this dog really thinks that the cat should just let sleeping dogs lie. We can’t say we blame the dog, if we were the dog, we’d think the same.
Happy Holidays
It’s pretty clear what the puppy wants for Christmas – the gray kitty’s ear. And from the photo, we can see that Christmas has come early for the puppy. He is already making his way through the kitty’s ear. Though it is an endearing Christmas photo of the family, the family knows that only one-third of the family's fur babies are enjoying themselves – the puppy with the gray kitty’s ear in his mouth.

That said, we must compliment the cats for at least looking at the camera while the photo was taken. We can guess why – they want this photo-taking session to be over as soon as possible, so the cats can scramble, and the gray cat can have his ear back.
Tiny House Trend – For Cats, Too
Nowadays, tiny houses have become trendy. There are plenty of influencers who share the content of their tiny houses and cozy homes. This cat clearly wants to jump on the tiny house bandwagon. Except, it is at the dog’s expense. To be honest, we don’t blame the kitty. He has no money so he can’t buy his own tiny house and he doesn’t have hands so he cannot make his own.

However, one day on strolling outside in the garden, he chanced upon this delightful tiny house. While the tiny house may already have a resident. No matter. He will just do what every cat in this situation will do. He will seize it for himself. And so began this cat’s adventure with his tiny new house. Watch this space!
Big Ambitions
Everyone knows the expression “the sky is the limit” but few people really take it to heart. This kitten is not messing around. He truly believes the sky is the limit – and he has started early with fulfilling his big ambitions. If he wants to be a big cat – or big dog – he will need the proper nutrition and so he has decided to wolf down his big dog brother’s food right out of big brother’s bowl.

From the look on his face, big dog brother is just completely confused. He can’t believe he has just been side-stepped by his small kitten brother and lost his food in the process. However, this kitten has no time for confusion. Step aside, Big Dog Brother, because the sky is the limit.
It Follows
It is generally known that cats stalk their prey. So, this new puppy should not take it as a compliment if he sees his cat companion stalking or following him around. Rather, this new puppy should watch his back. In fact, maybe this puppy should watch the horror film “It Follows” and then it will see the cat in a different light.

Or maybe the cat is simply trying to figure out what the puppy is. That is why the cat follows the new puppy around everywhere and stares at her from a distance. The cat wants to know why this strange new species barks, why she bites things all the time, does not scratch, and, most of all, why she wags her tail when she is happy.
For the first time, there seems someone worthy of winning the tailgating award. This kitten definitely has tailgated this puppy like a pro. He just took a bite of the puppy’s tail and hung on for dear life. No matter where the puppy goes, this kitten’s going too. For all of us who wish to tailgate and subsequently gatecrash, we should take a leaf out of this kitten’s book.

This kitten has figured out the ins and outs of tailgating. It can’t be too pleasant for the puppy, but at least, the pup has a companion for the ride – or should we say walk. On the point, going anywhere will be a very slow walk and an arduous workout for the pup. But, at least, there’s going to be company.
Brat Cat
This move by the cat is by far one of the brattiest of all. It is comparable to a person putting up a big fight and making a big fuss about getting shotgun or the window seat in a plane, only to fall sound asleep five seconds later. Except, in the case, of this cat – she’s not asleep.

That proves that she didn’t really want the bed to sleep in but wanted the bed so the dog could not have it. Though the cat seems to be in a sleeping position, we can clearly see she has her eyes open, so she’s not fooling anybody. Except for the dog, the dog is still crying over the lost bed and it hasn’t noticed that the cat is wide awake.
Wrong Password
To pass either you need to give the right password or pay the fee – take two swipes. And considering that the dog doesn’t meow or speak to any cat, we’re guessing he doesn’t know what the password is. So, he’s got no choice: he’s going to have to pay. That’s right – two swipes. One for the left cheek and one for the right.

The pet owner said that the dog wanted to attend to a call of nature, but he was too scared to pass the cat. And for those of us who know cats, we know that there is always a price to pay when passing a cat. It involves getting a surprise swot from the cat. That’s just how cats are. They inflict pain at the worst times.
The Jokes on Them
Pet owners think that cats and dogs are eternal enemies. But this is just what cats and dogs want us to believe. This is because when we come home and find our entire house completely upside and totally destroyed, we will think the disaster was because of our pets’ unruly fighting. But that’s totally wrong.

Cats and dogs love pranking their owners as much as they love playing and joking with each other. Look at these two in the photo. This cat is dishing dirt on the owners in complete confidence with the dog. These two are not sworn enemies but are in cahoots with each other. We bet the next day the owners came home and found a mudslide had magically appeared in their house.
Don’t You Love Him?
All of us know how the dog on the left feels. We have all been in those situations where we know the best thing to put on is our best face and look positive about something, but somehow, none of the muscles in our face work. No matter what we do we just can’t pull off the happy or excited look. The black dog is clearly not too impressed with the new addition to the family.

He really hopes his owner’s girlfriend doesn’t expect him to hang around and play with the new member because they’re the same species. What the black dog hasn’t even noticed yet is that the new member also is wearing a harness, which means the puppy is going to tag along for walks too.
Where Did I Go Wrong?
If a dog is man’s best friend, why do we need two? That is clearly the thought that is going through the dog who’s sitting or standing’s mind. The word ‘best’ implies only one, so this dog is trying to work out why there needs to be two. Does this mean we’re not best friends anymore? Does this mean we’re only friends and there is a new best friend?

The new puppy looks like he doesn’t have a care in the world. He is the happiest dog around – or at least in the car. The contrast between these two pooches couldn’t be more evident. The one is bordering on heartbreak and seems inconsolable; the other can’t believe his luck and is looking forward to his ride to his new home.
It’s a Dog’s Life
Everyone knows that dogs are pack animals and one of the rules of pack animals is that they have a ranking system. Clearly, the new addition – the black dog – hasn’t quite learned of this ranking system or he wouldn’t simply use his older brother’s head as a headrest. That said, it must make road trips more comfortable.

Now, he can see out of the window without having to use the muscles in his neck to support his neck. Unfortunately, big brother has just learned one of the disadvantages of being a pack animal – it means sometimes supporting others – literally. Oh well, it’s a dog life after all. Either big brother has to get used to this or needs to refuse road trips.
This Sofa’s Not Big Enough for the Two of Us
No matter how stoic someone is, there is always someone who’s their undoing. In this photo, the dog on the right has played it cool his whole life. Still, he is trying to play it cool, but the recent addition to the family is clearly a thorn in his side. Though he is trying to maintain his calm exterior, some cracks are beginning to show.

And though he will crack soon, the so-called turning screw or thorn in his side aka the dog on the right, could not be more oblivious. The new puppy who’s happily playing with the rug and encroaching on his brother’s territory could not be more ignorant. This is proof once again of the age-old wisdom that ignorance is truly bliss.
Know Your Place
Everyone knows that the world can be dog-eat-dog. No one knows this better than the white dog in this picture. He, clearly, is all for a dog-eat-dog kind of family home. On the other hand – rather, we mean, on the other paw – the younger dog brother hasn’t quite figured this out. His older dog brother is giving him a hand with this – we mean, giving him a paw with this.

In a dog-eat-dog kind of world, we know it is important to know one’s place. The perfect place for the younger dog brother, according to his older brother, is right where the older dog brother’s footrest should be. Of course, the only explanation for the younger brother’s adoption is to be the older brother’s footrest. Any other explanation is absurd.
Toys? Who Needs Toys?
The pet business is booming. With many people adopting fur babies and starting their own fur families now, pet shops and producers of pet products are raking in incredible profits. However, this family has managed to keep the costs of having a fur family low. This photo shows exactly how this family has gotten around the issue of providing toys to their pooches.

Instead of buying loads of toys, why not let the puppy entertain himself with his older dog brother’s tail? The younger puppy is having a blast and the family did not have to spend a cent. Of course, not everyone is pleased about the situation – a certain older dog brother is not exactly thrilled – but it beats spending money on lavish dog toys.
Give a Dog a Bone
There is a reason why the nursery rhyme says you should give a dog a bone. Either you should give a dog a bone or they will help themselves to one. This photo is proof that dogs love bones. And the meatier the better. As long as they can bite and chew on it for a bit, they will be as pleased as punch and won’t need much attention from owners.

The only problem in this photo is that the bone happens to be attached to the other dog. And the other dog doesn’t seem to be that pleased about being used as a chewing device. Let’s hope it is dinner time soon so that the older dog can use its leg again for better things – like running.
Give It a Break
The older dog in this picture literally knows what it feels like to have something gnawing away at him. Something, more specifically, his little dog sibling, is actually gnawing away at him. And the worst part is that he can’t do anything about it. From the look on his face, he has resigned himself to this fate.

From the enthusiasm and joy clearly evident on the younger dog sibling’s face, we’re guessing that he’s just getting started. There’re hours of fun to be had spent in this way – i.e., tormenting older brother. This picture certainly brings a whole new meaning to the concept of quality time between siblings. Let’s hope the owners intervene soon or the older dog sibling will have to shop around for a new ear.