We know that the person who designed this set of plastic bowls is just trying to mess with us in the subtlest of ways. Our only question is, “why”? The ROYGBIV is a fact of nature – who doesn’t look forward to seeing a rainbow after a rainfall?

For messing with ROYGBIV, punishment for the designer should be that they should be made to use them in their household so that every time they see a rainbow, they know they failed with their creation. Nature is the true artist, and no amount of rebellion is acceptable.
Who’s Got Their Mind in the Gutters?
The person who did this must literally have their mind in the gutters and their body too. They probably made a quick dash for the gutters and did not have the courtesy to tighten the manhole lid so that the street lines align themselves again. Only one individual could do something so villainous, so heinous, so despicable – Pennywise!

Instead of waiting for an unsuspecting person to come across a gutter, why not leave the manhole off-center? Not even one minute will pass before an innocent perfectionist comes to correct this error. Best perfectionist trap ever!
We’re Gonna Need a Straighter Living Room?
This is irreversible because, unlike boats, one cannot simply get a new living room since there are other rooms attached. Whether it was the architect or draftsman, they did one thing that they could not get wrong – mathematics. It is literally the rule of architecture – get the math right.

Clearly, this was not a requirement for the construction of this living room. We only feel for the person who has to sit in this living room every night trying to read a book or watch TV – no TV will be watched, and no books will be read.
The Imperfectionist Cult
We know that not everyone is a perfectionist – there are all sorts in this world – and we’re pretty sure we’re looking at the totem or membership badge of the imperfections cult. This clan will go to great lengths to pretend everything is fine, and then just at the end, there will be something that is just not right.

The perfectionist will spend at least 2 minutes – not a second less because they’re a perfectionist – trying to figure out what went wrong. We know what went wrong – it was not making imperfection punishable by law. We can guarantee that if imperfection was regulated, things would not end up looking like this.
Be a Sport, Won’t you?
There has been a debate over which term to use – soccer or football. Clearly, this person hasn’t heard of either. They probably have never heard of the World Cup or anything else related to the sport because we’re not sure exactly what sport to play with this ball. It is neither soccer nor football or whatever word you wish to use.

The only other explanation is that the manufacturer designed this section of the ball in the dark. Surprisingly, though, they positioned the barcode perfectly – no problems there.
Color Mosia…agh!
Was this the work of a disgruntled employee? This just proves that you should pay your employees well. We can tell it was a disgruntled employee because they moved the reachable mosaic tile. And after that, not only did “tawny desert” sales go down, but they put all the customers off.

One thing potential customers do not want to see is an interior design mistake. They will be looking at it for at least a decade of their lives. The moral of the story – pay your employees well or just give the “tawny desert” a nudge up.
Audacious Parking Lines
Even the perfectionist will admit this one is cool. It is irritating but cool. It is also a shrewd attempt to get the perfectionist to appreciate asymmetry and to take it easy with the whole perfectionist thing. We won't rant about this one because at least the person taking the photo had the decency to make sure their legs were completely parallel.

The photo is just a tongue-in-cheek tease at symmetry. While the photographer might get away with it, the person responsible for painting these parking lines does not. Have they heard of straight before?
Newtonian Pariah
One of these balls did not get the memo about the lockdown ending. We’re not going to mention any names, but the ball knows exactly which one it is. Perhaps, this is peer pressure, and the one candidate did not want to give in and join the others in the Newtonian Cradle dance.

I mean, Newton's Cradle balls are individuals, after all. This one clearly is – but as we said, no mentioning any names, in case the other ones are listening.
Embracing the Darkness
While most of us admit multiway switching was a great invention, this is not what is happening here. There is either a very stubborn light switch, or there is an individual who has not learned to embrace the darkness completely yet. Or perhaps, this is how the process of vampire transformation truly takes place – that is, in a modern setting.

Perhaps, sooner or later, when the transformation is complete, the final switch will be nudged down, and the perfectionist vampires can breathe a sigh of relief. We don’t know what is harder – being a perfectionist or a vampire in the modern world.
Chocolate Villain
No one who does this to chocolate should go unpunished. Any desecration of chocolate is one of the most heinous things that can be done – but to do this to this famous four-finger bar that perfectly combined wafer and chocolate, sadly, there are no words for this behavior. However, there is one main major point to the defense – it is great chocolate.

Maybe if we found this in the pantry, we would probably do the same. At the same time, the great perfectionist would never leave a chunk of it missing. No trace of it would be found.
Pariah Park
It looks like parks and schools have upgraded their ways of dealing with the school outcast. I mean, this park has created a special seat reserved for pariahs. Of course, there is only one of them, but two of the ostracized peers can sit there and face everything but their peers.

And to think that peer pressure and ostracization were hard when we were at school. No, it is definitely on another level when you have seats designed specifically for pariahs. Now, that’s harsh, even for teenagers.
Unlucky Number Nine
It turns out that numbers can be inconsiderate too! Just look at that audacious missing $0.01. The number of gallons is so perfect. So round. Literally 10/10. What a thing of beauty. The price, however? A travesty. An aggravating, groan-worthy annoyance.

It makes our little perfectionist hearts sad. So sad that we would almost have been tempted to purchase an extra gallon to see if it would even things out for us. Sure, the bottom won't read that perfect 10 anymore, but if it rounds up the dollars than it might just be worth it.
Tile Trial
There should be interior decorating police so that occurrences like this wouldn’t occur. If you have had a rough night before and are still woozy, this tiled area will not be good for you. If you have had more than a rough night, you’d probably swear that the tiles were moving.

The reward for the tile layer who committed this transgression should be to live in this house where they can witness their transgression daily. Though there’s one positive point – if you’re having guests over and run out of conversation, the tile defect will soon become a talking point.
Symbolic Failure
Was this paving design inspired by the yin-yang symbol? If it was, we’re going to have to politely ask the artist responsible to refrain from symbolism or art period. We can see they were going for something from the Daoist symbol, but where yin yang is symmetrical and relaxing, this one is stressful.

Paving a road should respect other paving’s boundaries, and the artist really should have learned about symmetry. The most important question is, who approved this design? A non-perfectionist, that's who.
We’re guessing this is the handiwork of an electrician who is not that proficient with directions – which is surprising since electricians are regularly called out to various homes and companies to make their living. To give them credit, they successfully identified “right,” but it all went pear-shaped when they had to work out which was one “center” and which one was “left.”

This problematic placing is enough for the owner to reconsider their sense of direction and basic coordination. At least the electrician got “right” in the end.
Pacman Problem
Somehow you can tell this person has never played Pacman because, in the game, that move is impossible. However, for us perfectionists, that move is just immoral. For such boldness, they should be introduced to the legendary game where the yellow friendly face has to learn to chomp things as they appear in a row while fleeing from hungry ghosts.

Then, the individual who daringly removed the pill in the middle will know the importance of rows, columns, and symmetry. Yep, about ten hours of Pacman should do it.
Paper Towel Gang
If only three people can wash their hands at the three basins provided, then why are there five paper towel holders? Even if a four-armed or six-armed alien came to this restroom, it would still not make sense. There can be only one explanation – a paper towel gang.

This explanation seems right, considering all the paper towel holders are filled. That’s it no one is ready to mess with this intimidating bunch of paper towel holders. If you wash, you better dry. It is certain that there is a syndicate since they refuse to be positioned in a straight row.
Testing Table
While most of the table seems to follow basic symmetry and a pattern, there is one rebellious section. We will complement this section at its discretion – until you see it. And then it cannot be unseen. Then perfectionists cannot handle the level of disrespect shown to those retro flowery kinds of patterns that are only spotted in tables from the former century.

That does beg the question – from when is this table? How long did it have to exist with this unnerving tile in the middle?
Considerate Cabinet
This cabinet is either the most considerate or the most inconsiderate. For example, picture it being designed for a couple of varying heights – with one individual being roughly shorter than the other and unable to reach the height of the left handle.

However, if both parties of the couple can reach a reasonable height with ease, then this is the most inconsiderate cabinet of all. There is no reason why the handles are not at the same height. Maybe an individual with one shorter arm would see the utility of these handles.
Crosshairs Complex
We’re not exactly sure how the designer or creator managed to get this one wrong. In the innermost circle, there is literally a blueprint of how the rest of the design should look. All you have to do is align all the lines, so they run through each other and that the design follows the basic principles of geometry, order, organization, and, most of all…. aesthetics.

The designer probably has never played darts and probably never heard of archery or knows what crosshairs look like – even if it is staring them right in the face.
Guilty Cravings
C’mon, we’ve all had those cravings when all we want is the packet of chips to open and to gobble the food down. Yet, if you are going to have those cravings, could you at least throw away the evidence? Or perhaps, this was not the work of an extremely hungry individual but one who was very shrewd.

They knew the owner of the packet of chips suffered from a debilitating form of perfectionism, so if they saw this packet, their perfectionism would never let them enjoy a chip from this careless, criminal opening.
Pencil Puzzle
Don't these things come out of a factory? You know, that place where machines do the assembly and packaging and stuff? How on earth did an automatic being manage to insert one of the 24 pencils upside-down? Most importantly, how do we speak to the manager about this?

And don't even get us started on the label. It says 24 pencils, but above it clearly writes 1 pencil and then, oddly, 2 ½ wood case pencils. What is going on with this product? Do you have to solve a math equation before understanding what kind of product you are about to purchase?
Contract Concentration
This might seem like an odd feature on a contract or important document, but it is not hard to figure out what is going on here. Someone was going through an important document – a contract or manual of some kind – and then needed to file it in a binder.

Obviously, that means you need to punch a hole or two in the paper. While you'd think this action is pretty straightforward, you should never underestimate the power of people to mess things up and give you anxiety. And boy howdy, does this tragically-positioned hole give us anxiety.
Disruptive Dishwasher
Someone did not think this through completely. Dishwashers were built for convenience. They bridged the gap between laziness and the desire for cleanliness. And there was this person – they just ruined the entire point of dishwashers.

The apartment owner might as well go back to handwashing their dishes again – unless they are willing to go through the unbearable issue of sitting on their haunches so they can squeeze things inside of this machine. Better go back to handwashing dishes, eating out for the rest of your life, or submitting to uncleanliness.
Toilet Troubles
We all have experienced troublesome toilet seats. It is not something we bring up in everyday conversations because, after all, it is not the done thing. However, it does make one wonder why the expression ‘toilet humor’ exists. Seeing this toilet seat, we can imagine that it has quite a collection of hilarious tales, most involving wetting the pants or nether regions of anyone who comes too close to it.

Considering that getting close to a toilet is how they work, we can safely say there is plenty of toilet humor to be found in this crooked cubicle.
We know that the person who designed this set of plastic bowls is just trying to mess with us in the subtlest of ways. Our only question is, “why”? The ROYGBIV is a fact of nature – who doesn’t look forward to seeing a rainbow after a rainfall?

For messing with ROYGBIV, punishment for the designer should be that they should be made to use them in their household so that every time they see a rainbow, they know they failed with their creation. Nature is the true artist, and no amount of rebellion is acceptable.
Blighted Bagel
Yeah, the person who did this should not have a job afterward. To give money to someone who accidentally or intentionally does this to a bagel should be met with severe repercussions. However, if they were serving a parent and child, who wishes for the bagel to be cut into a parent-sized portion and a child-sized portion, then this employee deserves a medal.

In that case, they still should not have taken a photo of it because no one wants to look at a bagel in this state – I mean, the bagel is all cut up over this.
Illuminate Me on This One
Why exactly is there a lightbulb being placed in this square when it is so clearly breaking the pattern? Actually, it is easy to see why the lighting bracket was placed in this position, as the pillar is in the way. That would make the pillar the real villain – the real culprit disrupting the series of lights.

Either way, we wouldn’t want to be the employee with the cubicle right underneath that light bracket. It would certainly make us feel as if we were permanently in the spotlight as if our bosses wanted to keep a careful eye on us.
The Toothbrush Rebels
Who would have known that toothbrushes do not make a good replacement for dominoes? The person who went to elaborate lengths to set all these toothbrushes up would know. We’re guessing that the whole point of the experiment was not to see if toothbrushes could substitute dominoes but rather aimed at something more aesthetically pleasing.

Well, we are not pleased. If only that rebellious toothbrush could clean up his act and get his behavior in line, then we would be treated to the most aesthetic image of toothbrushes ever seen.
Gravity Wins
Sometimes, gravity is on our sides – like when we want to put some ketchup onto a hamburger, and we have just opened the bottle. Sometimes, it is not. Like when we go rock climbing, skydiving, swimming, and of course, in this case. There is no one to blame except for gravity, but that doesn’t mean the odd packet of seeds thrown into a vertical position doesn’t drive us crazy.

Let’s just hope an employee spots the odd one out before a perfectionist customer walks past – it will certainly ruin that customer’s day.
I Am an Anarchist
Rules are not for everyone. This person probably took the phrase “rules are meant to be broken” too seriously. We’re not going to deny that they put some effort into breaking the rules, and they came out successful, but they did have to unfold the whole bottom for their plan to succeed.

The worst part is they cannot even see the happy face made by the smiling slice of apple and two whole apples serving as eyes. Now, it just looks like carton is frowning as they slurp on their drink – we’re not surprised. Anarchists aren’t usually a favorite.
Sausage Situation
Is this what happens when you are the unpopular sausage? You’re forced to sleep head to toe while the other sausages can have a nice close cuddle. Maybe this is what happens when employees packaging sausages have no taste for aesthetics or believe that time management is more important than a good-looking package.

If the customer did purchase this trio of sausages with the outcasted sausage, our guess is that the outcasted sausage is on a thin rope – its time before the frying pan is limited.
Callous Cookies
We’re guessing that this global cookies and crackers company will not be impressed seeing this image. It is certainly not going to be used in the next advertising campaign unless they are targeting rebels, anarchists, non-conformists, and dadaism enthusiasts.

Only individuals who have an inbuilt non-conformity gene would find this line of cookies and crackers with one audaciously-flipped package as remotely amusing. They would probably be adamant about it being modern art. It would be in the company’s best interests to make sure this photo stays at a safe distance from perfectionists.
Grand Entrance
Someone may have skipped architecture school. You can see they were going for something impressive, like paying homage to other architectural feats like one of the famous Japanese Torii gates or Nandai-mon (the Great South Gate). To say that they failed would be an understatement.

Not only were they off with the beauty but also with the measurements. How could they end up with four tiers on the top left but only three on the top right? At least, they have an interesting entrance to this smallholding. It’s sure to raise a few eyebrows.
How Do You Figure?
Seriously, how do you figure out this one? Is there a reason why the “1” and “4” are facing opposite directions? Can snails traveling to the left of the “1” only travel one snail at a time while those on the right of the “4” are allowed much more traffic?

We’re guessing that that is not the explanation for the position of these numbers, but we also think that the worker responsible for the painting should have gone to school. Understanding numbers is a must – especially in the paving of streets.
Office Vertigo
This is one way of keeping your employees on their toes. No one would dare to paint the town red and have a big cocktail party if they have to encounter these tiles on a day-to-day basis. It is pretty ingenious. We have to give the company credit for that. But, in all honesty, who approved this design?

Of course, the obvious mess-up with a certain tile is not the only problem. The entire choice of design is bound to leave employees and clients coming down with a severe case of vertigo. Thank goodness remote work has become an option.
This is proof that humans need not be worried about the onslaught of robotics and AI. Robo-vacuum cleaner had one job, and it almost got it right but didn't think things through. When having to go back to its charging port, it thought, “oh, what the heck...”

It resulted in this c-section cutting right through a neatly vacuumed carpet. This all goes to show that robots are not going to replace humans when it comes to art – at least, not robot vacuum cleaners. After all, you have to have an eye for symmetry.
Don’t Ruin Easter
We know which Easter egg is going to be eaten first. And it won’t only be gluttony to blame! It is quite curious that someone will go through so much work to perfectly place small Easter eggs into this glass dish, only to leave the blue eyesore with the other purple eggs.

Clearly, this individual thought they were a perfectionist and was trying so hard to be, but they couldn’t quite go through with their plan. Next time, give them the memo that Easter eggs are meant to be hidden for a hunt.
Basic Education Rights
The person who arranged this bookshelf has messed up on two counts – not that they would know it. Their first mistake was not learning the order of numerals 1, 2, 3, etc. Their second mistake was failing to learn the alphabet. We could probably let the alphabet go because there are other letters like “J” following “B,” but the least they could have done was to browse the order of numerals and Bob’s Your Uncle.

Clearly, in this case, Bob would be followed by Andrew or Arthur. This image is proof that basic education should really be a right.
The Patience of a Thousand Puzzle Pieces
You are almost there. But sadly, fate had other plans – the very last piece would go missing. And you would only discover that right at the very end. And with such a beautiful puzzle? The way those colors blend and their various hues and shades.

Of course, that is how fate rolls. It makes sure it can get us at our weakest. Bet the person turned the house upside down to find the missing piece, but it was not to be.
Deuteranomaly – Do Us a Favor?
These crayons are actually a great idea – except for those who suffer from Deuteranomaly. While you might not be familiar with Deuteranomaly, it is the name for the most common kind of color blindness, where individuals with the condition cannot distinguish between red and green.

Needless to say, they would be stumped if they had to pick out the one crayon that just refuses to conform. That being said, perfectionists will have a hard time tolerating the circulation of this image even if it is used for medical purposes like detecting Deuteranomaly in people.
The Color Purple
It is not just that the one audacious and disrespectful purple sprinkle had the nerve to jump in with the white bunch, but that it had to position itself so close to the bottom. The only way perfectionists can fix this error is by removing every other white sprinkle – and we know they are not going to do that.

The only solution is to bake a lot of vanilla and red velvet cakes, but still, that means a lot of cake! Perhaps, we should give this sprinkle container to Miss Trunchbull, the school principal in the classic “Mathilda.”
Football Fiends
It is not something you see straight away unless you’re a perfectionist. And then, once you have seen it, you cannot unsee it. The worst part is that this pole has been incorrectly aligned at the worst place to be incorrectly aligned – on a football field.

You cannot stop game time to march over and correct its position, and throughout the game, your head will keep darting back and forth to the incorrectly aligned pole. Now isn’t that a way to ruin a great game? We’re suspecting a nonfootball fan is responsible for this fiendish behavior.
Brain Bender
If these two objects – whatever they are meant to be – were aligned, we wouldn't have questioned what they were nor questioned what their purpose was. We’d simply accept them as conforming to the rules of symmetry and perfection – and the world would make sense again.

Now, because of their disrespect and inability to conform, they have caused us to enter the rabbit hole of trying to figure out what they are, what their function is, and what the meaning of life is. It's 42, by the way. Any perfectionist knows that.
Coke on the Rocks
Whoever poured this cola drink is obviously hiding something, and that something is the multiple sources of their ice. A refreshing cup of an icy, sparkling beverage of your choice on a hot summer's day. It's a little pleasure that connects us all as humans.

Unless that icy beverage is the one we're looking at in this picture. In that case, you can expect a full-on war. A war waged between perfectionists and people who want to watch the world burn.
Tile Lapse
At first, you won’t see it, and the world will still make sense. And then you will, and then you will ask yourself, “why?” Whoever allowed the tile installer to get away with this was definitely not a perfectionist, nor did they take much pride in the bathroom’s symmetry. Let us just impose one rule – tiles should be symmetrical and should follow a pattern.

If tiles are asymmetrical, they just make daily chores difficult. You know, chores like living and breathing in a house. In the case of this photo, guests probably use the outdoor toilet instead of this one.
Fedish Swish
You can see where the writer of “Finding Nemo” got their inspiration from. Or maybe it inspired the “Finding Dory” sequel. Whichever film we know, the writers must have seen this picture and said to themselves, “Not all fish want to conform – and not all fish conform.”

Even outside of the silver screen, you will see fish trying to map out their own path. And chewy candy fish are no exception. Sadly, it might work for the storylines of movies, but a perfectionist will agree with this photo.
No Sympathy for Rush Hour
Let’s hope that this particular train is not on a line that sees much traffic because rush hour is not going to be a pretty sight. While some people may wish to comment on how the designer’s color coding is very much lacking, that should be the least of their concerns.

No matter how off or wrong the color is, you shouldn’t worry about that because you will never be able to sit down on this section of the seating thanks to the massive pillar situated directly in front of it. This is not an example of top-notch design.
No Spare Expenses or Thought
Somehow, we get the idea that this was done on the cheap. And what we mean by cheap is that a tile installer with next to no experience was responsible for this installation. I mean, they got the shape right, but surely, they could have placed it around the shape of the thing which they were trying to replicate.

What is even the point of creating the negative space in the tiling in the first place if it is not for the object you have created it for? Clearly, the wrong person got the job.
Geometry Exists for a Reason
The first rule when creating designs with geometrical shapes is to have an idea of how geometry works. It is not that hard. It just takes about 12 years to learn the components of mathematics. Alternatively, you could just create a design, and if the sides are the same length and the properties of both sides are equal, you are probably heading in the right direction.

If not, it is probably a good idea to return to the math books and let them explain how geometry works – which is something this wall designer could do with.
You Had One Job
Sometimes, modern art doesn’t know its place. In a museum, where people have time to contemplate the meaning of life and the function of art, it works. On a sidewalk – which sees much traffic – it is probably not going to get people to stop and contemplate the greater workings of the universe. This brings us to... "what was the designer thinking?"

They intentionally left the block with the wrong color and disrupted the whole pattern. At least, we can breathe a sigh of relief that most pedestrians will just overlook the defect. Not perfectionists, though.
Not Playing With a Full Deck. Or Sitting on One
This is what happens when you get a family member or friend in to renovate your deck. We’re guessing the issue arose when the friend or family member in question got to the corner. Admittedly, corners throw a bit of a curveball into deckbuilding, and we can see how the problem steadily increases.

That being said, it is not only the deck itself but the barriers preventing anyone from falling. They just clash! End of story. We can safely say this designer took home no awards for “design of the year” or for “artistic vision.”
Elevator Riddle
Did all the really tall people live on the second floor, and all the short people live on the third floor? Well, if that is the case, this may just be the most considerate elevator. Let’s just hope then, for the elevator’s sake, that the people at the appropriate heights remain on their appropriate floors.

What really throws people off is that “B2” (for Basement 2) is level with “3”. How does that work scientifically? Well, it doesn’t. This apartment block might need a new elevator.
Intersections Are So Cliché
There are colors used specifically in the tiling layout that should have given the cubicle wall installer some kind of idea of how to position the cubicle wall, but, nah… Everyone should just have to adapt. Instead of conforming to basic alignment rules, everyone who visits this office or center just needs to overlook the problems with the flooring.

And it is not even a big problem to fix – all that needs to be done is to shift the wall over. Guess patrons visiting here have no choice but to adapt their expectations to the design of this interior.
Flower Power
Anything to do with flowers generally is acceptable because, after all, they are flowers — they’re beautiful gifts from nature. Except for three stubborn pink roses. They would be gifts of nature if they hung out with the other pink roses, but no, they have gone through much effort to make sure they stick with the yellow roses.

What should be a romantic stroll through the gardens would just end up being a complaint session for perfectionists. And who wants that on a stroll in the gardens? If they were anything but flowers, they would have been plucked.
Wardrobe Troll
Our perfectionism and OCD tend to rear its head the most in our most intimate places, like our wardrobes. While most people might overlook non-conformity and rule-breaking when it comes to food and traffic regulations, this is not the case with wardrobes. Rules are not meant to be broken in wardrobes.

All the hangers must face one way. All the shirts and blouses must hang in the right direction, set equidistance from one another. This wardrobe troll – yes, we are talking about the pale gray/blue number on the right – should be ousted for transgressing wardrobe etiquette.
We know how this happened – we’re not saying it is by any means right, but we know what led to such a desecration of this pie. The husband was trying to get all the yummy deliciousness found in the center of the pie while having as minimal crust as possible. The only problem is he has sabotaged anyone else’s chance – like his wife’s – of having their fair share of yummy deliciousness.

As a perfectionist, this is a reminder to follow the basic principles of game theory regarding “How to Cut a Cake.”
Edge of Sanity
Now, we understand why perfectionists can feel so wired. Even the medication that is supposed to help them calm down is plotting against them. But from this picture, it is clear that there are two medication users – one who snips away at the empty capsule holders and one who doesn’t.

It is perfectly understandable why this perfectionist would need medication in the first place, only the medication is not doing its job. Oh, well, guess sometimes you have to live life a bit on the edge – even if it is the edge of sanity.
Curtain Crisis
Every single individual who is in charge of running a household has suffered from this “crisis.” Once a year, you will take down the curtains, spend grueling hours cleaning the impossible things, and after a whole year of drying, they’re ready to go up.

Finally, you think you’re done. You wipe the sweat from your brow, only to have one loop staring back at you. The guilty party is the curtain hook sitting right next to it, and the curtain hook after it, and the one after it, ad infinitum. Yeah, we know the drill. Back up the ladders.
There Always Has to Be That Tile
You can see a lot of work when looking into this tiling. Row upon row, column upon column, every blue tile is placed approximately 1cm distance from its neighbor. Every blue tile except for two! You barely notice the perfect spacing and straight lines of the others.

The only thing you notice is these two. Especially the lopsided and angled one. Sadly, even its neighbor on the right has to shift up a bit to get some space. You only notice these two tiles, not the other 88, which are in the perfect place.
Cheesed Off
There is a distinct tooth impression right in the middle of the cheese. Using dental reproduction, we can employ scientific means – like the ones they use on “CSI” – to work out who the culprit of the heinous act is. Judging from the size, we know it is not anyone who is over the age of three years old.

Punishment should be that they suffer learning to eat string cheese the proper way – from the outside in and in a straight line. That way, the youngling will know better than to cheese someone off eating cheese in this manner.
Cookie Monster
Well, now that you’ve started, you might as well continue. You can’t leave a gaping hole in this perfectly synchronized pretzel collection. And since there is no way of fixing the issue, then you have no choice but to eat them all. It is only in these critical circumstances that the gluttons team up with the perfectionists and find some kind of compromise.

In this case, the compromise entails chomping up the remaining pretzels. At least there will be no proof of the heinous act that was committed earlier.
Yellow Riding Hood Was Never a Story
This photo illustrates what perfectionists have to suffer on a day-to-day basis. No matter where they look – to the south or the north – there are winding roads ahead. What happened to all the straight roads? Only narrow winding roads are overlooked by clusters of withering trees.

Notice the confused look on the person in the raincoat’s face. That is the look of a perfectionist who doesn’t understand why there cannot be straight roads. Perhaps, they should also just get off the path so we can have a nice scenic view unspoiled by a bright yellow raincoat.
Try, Try, and You May Not Succeed
There is only one way to get it right and plenty of ways of getting it wrong, but somehow, no matter the number of lines on the manhole lid, they will never align with those on the surrounding road. Is this what it takes for the road painter to try to create one straight line that encounters a manhole along its path? Was the painter’s ethos “Try, try, and you will succeed”?

Clearly, they need a new ethos because they shouldn't have kept trying to paint the lines on the lid but shifted the lid so the road lines would meet.
Edward Scissorhands Has a Sister
According to the poster of the picture, his wife is responsible for these brutal package openings. We’ve just got a few questions. Does the said wife cut her nails? Or does she have those super long artificial nails? Also, has the wife, perhaps, heard of scissors? Does she know certain foods stay fresher longer if their packaging has not been hacked into pieces?

Most importantly, what on earth is happening? Is this husband married to Edward Scissorhand’s sister – Edwina Scissorhands? Or is this just what happens on days when particularly bad cravings strike?
Interior Decorating Fail
This is not just an interior decorating fail; it is a fail upon fail to fix the problem every time you see it. This photo was taken at a hotel in Croatia. Just imagine the number of feet of numerous staff members that have walked over these tiles – the ones which were so badly placed.

All they need to do is invite the tile installer back, ask them to get out their chisel, remove the left tile, turn it around so that it is facing the correct direction, and voila – problem solved.
Most Wanted Cheesecake Criminal
There are few – very few – things in life that are as amazing as cheesecake. Fridge cheesecake, baked cheesecake, lemon cheesecake, granadilla, or strawberry cheesecake are all the same to us. But then there is this. One of the most heinous, villainous, and notorious criminal acts against cheesecake. Is this even a cheesecake anymore?

If you hack a slice out of a cheesecake so that it resembles a mutated Pacman, can it even be called a cake? The person who did this does not understand the beauty of cheesecake. After seeing this, hacking a cheesecake should become a crime.
Flash Drive Travesty
As a rule, flash drives should be thin and discreet. They should also not block other ports. While this might be an unspoken law in computer and flash-drive ethics, we know that there are plenty of flash drives that infringe upon this law.

Some companies hand out flash drives to help their employees flash their firms’ names and bolster the business’s reputation, but it will do little good for the company if it blocks the other ports. Laptops only offer so much length to flash drives.
Genuine Leap Day
The producer of this calendar somehow didn’t grasp the concept of a leap year. We can see how there would be some challenges with making 29 days for every four years, but somehow the person designing this calendar didn’t quite understand that it was every four years, only applied to February.

Thank goodness they had the sense to include “Cake Day” and “Pizza Day” as well as the movements of the moon because we need reminders for those much more than we do for November 28th.
Yeah, we’re not sure either. From now on, when we celebrate becoming a year old, we will say, “HPYITDY APBRHA” and sing “HPYITDY APBRHA ot ouy.” The packager of this product had one job, and it was to arrange these candles correctly so they resemble a cultural practice that involves singing, candles, lighting the candles, and eating cake.

Guess this person is still learning the alphabet, but then they really should not be in charge of the candles which involve the alphabet. Maybe they should stick to animal shapes.
Three-Footed Customer
Now, we know where people with three feet find socks. This particular brand name is probably the only supplier for customers with three feet. And if we have to be honest, they do a great job of making sure that those customers feel just like everyone else with their bright colors and starry patterns.

Since they have done such a great job of helping three-footed customers to fit in with everyone else, maybe they should branch out into products for centipedes or millipedes. Now that would be something.
If the Shoe Fits...
Looking at this photo, it seems that some people do not understand the whole philosophy of “If the shoe fits, wear it.” If there is a spoon handle-sized hole, then don’t put the spoon handle into that hole. Why on earth would you anyway? It is not like the sugar bowl designer went out of their way to carefully craft a hole the size of a spoon handle so that you can keep the sugar bowl closed at all times.

Better to permanently leave the lid open so that if a friendly cockroach wants a sugary snack, it will always have access.
Slight Annoyance
We can’t complain about this one too much – it is, after all, only a slight difference in height. However, if you are a perfectionist and really, really OCD about symmetry and alignment, this could become a daily frustration.

On a bad day, after the printer got jammed, the phone did not stop ringing, and every driver kept staring at their phones in traffic, it is better to avoid coming home at all. As a perfectionist, this slight annoyance is enough to drive you over the tipping point.
Table Manners
It is not that hard to push a chair into the table on which it sits at. There are even holes built into the design so that you can pick the chair up and neatly fit it under the table. You can even make that loud scraping sound if that’s what it takes for you to get the chair under the table!

We can go on a bit of a limb with this one, but we’re guessing the person that does not tuck their chair under a table makes loud scraping noises – and still does not tuck their chair in.
Can We Get a Little Bit of Respect Here?
Yeah, the fork so clearly belongs there. In fact, it is not that solo fork all on its lonesome that does not fit there — it's all the knives that are in the wrong place, even if they seem to slide perfectly parallel to the metal grids of the dishwasher. To be honest, the person who placed the fork in here does not deserve a dishwasher.

There are plenty of good honest, space-saving people who would treat this kind of appliance more respectfully. The whole point of dishwashers is to spare you from washing dishes, but this person does not show it the respect it is due.
What Part of Straight Did You Not Understand?
We know we only learn about the angles of straight lines when we start doing geometry in school, but the concept of a straight line is not that difficult to grasp.

In fact, there are many examples in the world of these so-called straight lines: rulers, television screens (most of them anyway), tables (some of them), and the general manner in which people walk (unless they have crabbish tendencies). Thus, we’re scratching our heads a little here, questioning why this is not a straight line when it clearly should be.
Artistic Temperament
What are we looking at here? The wall is empty but of three windows. Is this a block or a unit of apartments? Is this some eccentric house owned by a designer who has a thing for emptiness, a tiny bit of fresh air, and a huge distaste for anything that abides by straight lines and neatness?

Considering that there is yellow paint on the first two windows, we’re guessing it does belong to an artist who enjoys a yellow finish to their balconies.
Envelope Teaser
Okay, we will admit it, we almost didn’t see this one. After all, the colors form a perfect gradient from darker greens to lighter hues. It is pretty impressive. And then you notice something is not quite right. The second-darkest shade only gets one line when the rest all get two? What kind of discrimination is this?

Sadly, our perfectionist's eyes are trained for anything – even things that concern the rights of envelopes to be given the same rights regardless of their color, shape, or size.
Toilet Paper Double Vision
The person who changed the toilet paper is not the worst individual on earth. There are a lot more terrible people when it comes to toilet paper, like those who do not replace it when it has run out. Now, those people are on a different level completely.

That being said, just to give our nerves a break, can’t we please have both the toilet rolls facing the same way so that their loose ends fall in the same direction? It is just a perfectionist thing – nothing personal. Unless you are that person who doesn’t replace an empty roll. Then it's totally personal.
Elevator Button Game
Is this some kind of cruel game that elevator users are forced to get right so that they be correctly transported to their floors? Let’s hope it is not one of those games which work on mechanisms that activate a trap if you push the wrong button.

I mean, is it the “46” in bold writing or the one in fainter writing? And the worst part is you can’t even take the stairs – not if you’re the person who has to choose between the two “46” buttons.
A Rogue Hanger
Hang this blasted hanger and whoever decided to position it in a different way than the rest of its brethren. What could have been a perfectly neat and organized closet is now a sight that sends us screaming. The whole serenity and symmetry of the wardrobe have been disturbed.

Could you imagine opening your wardrobe door on a Monday morning to this chaos? Most people would slam the door and jump back into bed again, praying Tuesday morning would be better. Okay – we're just looking for an excuse not to go to work on Monday, but this picture makes it easy.