First dates are always a great opportunity to show the other side that you are kind and fancy, and nothing says “kind and fancy” better than a high-end steak restaurant. But, choosing the right restaurant can prove to be a difficult task, especially if don’t really know that much about your date.

This so-called romantic idea ended up costing the fellow the chance to get to know his date, but there’s a great chance they are both better off.
Nothing Lasts Forever
For some, this might be a hard pill to swallow, but truth is that while 50% of marriages end in divorce, 100% of tattoos end with a permanent mark on your skin. So if getting married is like flipping a coin (easy to do and you don't know where it'll land) tattoos are more like etching the shape of the coin on your face for everyone to see.

We really thought everyone knew this by now, guess fooling around can really turn people into, well, complete fools.
Nature, Please Stop Calling!
As meals should be had every day, three times a day, it's hard for us to understand how such a routine activity became the epitome of romance. Like, why not try a new and exciting activity? But alas, we digress.

Not only do most people don't look that great when gulping down a dish, eliminating said food is even worse. We're sure that after having nature calling them one too many times, they decided to choose a different activity next time, or at least, a better restaurant.
Crass or Corny?
This Reddit user admits to what many of us might be feeling deep inside: romantic gestures are a lot harder to pull off than they seem!

There is a very thin line between crass and corny and honestly no matter where you land, most chances are you'll end up looking like a fool and your partner will be less than impressed. At least this person tells it like it is.
Bubble Trouble
We are shooketh. What kind of a lady doesn't like a good bubble bath? We have yet to meet one. We do believe that anyone, no matter what their race, religion, or gender is, can and should enjoy a good bath from time to time.

Add some nice music, candles, and a nice glass of wine and you've got yourself a winner. Only this lady didn't like it! Maybe it was more about the boyfriend than the bath?
Not a Guitar Hero
We always assumed that coming to see your partner only to learn they are actually spending time with their ex was something screenwriters made up for ratings. But alas, it happens in real life as well.

The actual fail, though, was that when he actually got to play the song for her, he was already out of practice. Still, we can't really imagine that him playing the song perfectly would have helped their relationship.
A Crafting Fail
They say the most romantic gifts are the ones you made yourself. What they don't take into account is, that most of us don't have a hidden creative talent. When presented with crafting materials, we will most likely end with something hideous and unusable.

And there's nothing romantic about that, no matter if you're fifty, or in the fifth grade. It would have been better if he spent a couple of dollars on flowers.
Frozen Flowers
Usually, flowers are a solid option when looking to surprise someone you have a crush on but don't know that well. Flowers are also pretty straightforward and are hard to mess up.

All you have to do is buy them and then give them to the object of your affection. But this talented lad found a way to screw up even the simplest of romantic gestures. Guess it wasn't meant to be.
In the Act
A huge part of pulling off a surprise successfully is timing. Set up your surprise too early or too late and you're bound to fail. This guy thought he had his timing just right, but there was just one problem, his significant other got home early that day and caught the guy in the act.

The act of setting up the bathtub. And because he thought he was alone, he allowed himself to engage in some less than attractive activities which led to yet another funny fail.
Oil Is Changed...Love You
In our culture, love and practicality are almost considered polar opposites. Gestures are usually meant to be surprising, luxurious and out of the ordinary. Nobody actually needs flowers or a giant Teddy Bear, that's what makes getting them so fun!

Oil changes are never fun or exciting. But this fail turned into a win when after several years of dating this girl realized there's nothing more romantic than not having to change her own oil.
Artistic License
Back in the 14th century, there was nothing more romantic than writing a whole book of sonnets about a girl you've only met once. If you don't believe us you can ask Petrarch.

Today, a good poem can achieve the desired effect at best, but at worst it can be a humiliating experience. Even if you do choose to write one, don't read it out loud as you'll most likely find yourselves being the butt of the joke for many years to come.
The line between sweet and creepy shouldn't be thin, but sadly, it is. The wrong line at the wrong time can completely ruin a date or even an entire relationship.

Referencing a movie or a TV show can give some leeway, but if it's the first date, it's better to be safe than sorry. This person was so traumatized by this experience they decided to become a hermit and there's a great chance they are smarter than all of us who are still trying to find love.
Shooting for the Stars
This is a classic example of a guy coming to a date completely unprepared. Sure, spontaneity is a big part of romance, but if you wanna impress a lady, you gotta make sure you have something to impress her with.

It doesn't have to be astronomy knowledge, it could be a sense of humor or good manners, charm, etc. Just make sure you do bring something with you that can impress a lady. Many guys forget to do so...
A Rose and a Thorn
Who actually failed here? Was it the guy who set up the whole scene, or maybe the girl who managed to burn the carpet and stain the bed in a matter of seconds?

Well, either way, love is never about looking for someone to blame but always about finding solutions and moving forward. They both probably learned from the experience that candles don't go on carpets and strawberries don't go on beds.
How Could You Be So Heartless?
College kids don't have money, and when they come across some change, they usually spend it on beer. This gal had to get crafty when she wanted to surprise her boyfriend for Christmas. She had an original idea — making a fort out of cardboard boxes.

While low-budget indeed, you have to admit the idea is romantic. But this guy failed to see the romance. Honestly, we hope he realizes now that he lost a pretty cool girl.
Giving Strawberries to a Donkey
In the book of love, the first rule is that one must listen to their partner. It doesn't say anything about actually remembering what they told you, but maybe that should go without saying?

We don't know how long the two dated, but we bet this sweet gesture turned sour pretty quickly and we'd be very surprised if they didn't break up shortly after.
She Couldn't Bear It
Apparently, this lover didn't know his crush had a terrible childhood experience involving a bear and so she was terrified of anything even resembling the animal.

Not only did this poor girl have to come face to face with her childhood nightmare she also found herself spilling hot coffee all over herself. But, all's well that ends well, after he threw away the bear, she accepted his offer.
Chivalry Isn't Dead...
Breaking news everyone: it turns out that chivalry isn't dead, but it must die! Wait, haven't we already killed it like a decade or two ago? Has it been resurrected? Why can't it just rest in peace and leave us alone?

Everybody likes to be pampered from time to time, but cutting someone's steak for them? Even the royal family doesn't get that kind of treatment.
Romance in the Rain
This fail is brought to you in the form of some good advice. In countless movies and romantic comedies, kissing in the rain is presented as the ultimate romantic moment. But is it actually so?

Let's look at the facts: Nobody likes to get completely soaked and walk around with wet clothes in the cold. Our verdict is: kissing in the rain should be canceled! If you’re still unconvinced just trust this guy who actually lives in Ireland and has been burned by romance in the rain.
Asking the Wrong Person
This guy did his homework, he knew that when it comes to love, just like with any other life-long pursuit, one must come prepared. But how does one do their dating/love homework?

Well, simple by asking the other person questions and listening to their answers. Still, just because you put in the effort, that doesn't guarantee you'll get the desired result. This guy asked the girl out exactly how she told him to, but still got rejected.
Forget About It
Some romantic gestures go wrong not because they were improperly planned, but simply because they were not planned at all. How can anyone forget valentine's day in this day and age?

The minute February hits, both online and physical stores are filled with heart-shaped gifts, celebrating the amount of money they'll make by Feb 14th. But this gal didn't get anything on the day, or even later. That's a true failure on the guy's part.
Cry Uncle!
Today, when we text the wrong person we sometimes have the ability to delete or to unsend our message before the other person gets to read it.

But back in the olden days, people weren't so lucky and lustful teenagers had to live with the consequences of their "romantic" text gesture being read by family members. Yikes. How does one go on living after sending their uncle such a vile text? We are happy to say we wouldn't know.
Touching the Wrong Person
Next time we recommend making sure you are touching the right person before you go all the way up to their thigh. We bet this guy really learned his lesson after being so embarrassed and having the entire row laughing at him.

We can only assume how the rest of the flight went by, he replayed this mortifying moment in his mind over and over again. At least the girlfriend enjoyed the whole thing, and isn't that the most important thing?
A Stone's Throw From Love
When it comes to dating someone you like, nobody wants to miss their shot. But this guy literally did. He thought it'd be easy. He throws his bottle of water towards the girl, she catches it, and she instantly falls in love with him.

But, alas, his aim wasn't as great as he imagined, and he hit her instead. We bet he since thinks long and hard before he tries to impress a girl with his not-so-great throwing skills.
The Prom Proposal
High school proms are a breeding ground for both successful and unsuccessful romantic gestures. Teenagers are known for doing silly things in the name of romance, like proposing, publically, at 18. Public proposals can be cringy even if they go right, but if they go wrong, it means that everyone is there to see it.

Could you imagine the mortification of both the Reddit poster and the person they proposed to, as everyone was watching them, waiting for the answer?
Too Much Liquid Courage
Is there anything more romantic than saying I love you for the first time? It's a moment you don't want to mess up. Some people even go to the extent of planning a whole evening around the touching admission.

What could have been a beautiful moment turned out to be an awkward one that this guy will forever remember as a romantic fail.
A Romantic Tragedy
Romance can be hard to pull off when you're completely broke. But sometimes it can actually spark creative ideas. This guy wasn't that inventive, but hey, sometimes a nice short walk can be just as good as a fancy restaurant.

This, of course, only if you make sure not to elbow your partner in the face. If you did, maybe you should try and make it up to her, by actually taking her to a fancy dinner and keeping your elbows to yourself.
Premature Proposal
Champagne? Check. Specially reserved spot? Check. Throw in the candles, the petals, the ambient lighting, and all the right elements were in place for the perfect proposal.

Having read the restaurant memo that it was a proposal, the waitress approached the couple and congratulated them on their engagement. Instead of a warm thanks, the waitress got a confused look from the girlfriend and a furious scowl from the boyfriend – he had not yet proposed!
The Ring-Off
A local dive bar did not expect to be entertaining a Valentine’s Day wedding proposal. Nonetheless, a hopeful fiancé asked the staff to help arrange a surprise proposal for his girlfriend and really did seem like everything will go according to plan.

The manager stored the ring in the safe. However, the bar owner came across it and, thinking that it was a lost and found item, decided that it would be great for his girlfriend! This is a pretty epic fail on the restaurant's side, but we at least hope the women agreed to marry this poor lad.
A Terrible Surprise
This act of love and commitment couldn't have gone more wrong if it were written by a screenwriter. A boyfriend convinced his girlfriend he would be out of town on Valentine’s Day but had arranged a surprise engagement with her friends and family.

Along with several family members and friends, the boyfriend hid in the apartment, waiting for his girlfriend to arrive home. She eventually did – in the arms of another man! Wow, sounds like something we'd binge on Hulu.
A Bitter Chocolate Experience
Playfulness is a big part of any good romantic relationship. Put ice cream on top of that, and you get a sweet surprise! This Reddit poster was watching what seemed to be a cute exchange between a couple, the husband dabbed a spot of ice cream on the tip of his partner’s nose.

He did it once more, but this time with the chocolate ice cream. The lovely lady got mad at him for wasting chocolate by putting it on her face and not in her mouth. Honestly, we are 100% on her side.
Worst Ringbearer
Hiding an engagement ring under the table sounded like a good enough idea at first. But, many things that seem promising at first turn out to be complete disasters. In this case, it was a man who walked past the table and spotted the ring.

Proposal ruined! Unless maybe the two thought this random stranger was actually proposing to them! He was on the floor and presenting the ring, what else would they think? Was this the first day of the rest of their lives, where they lived as a throuple? We doubt it.
The Vegan
First dates are always a great opportunity to show the other side that you are kind and fancy, and nothing says "kind and fancy" better than a high-end steak restaurant. But, choosing the right restaurant can prove to be a difficult task, especially if don't really know that much about your date.

This so-called romantic idea ended up costing the fellow the chance to get to know his date, but there's a great chance they are both better off.
That’s No Pearl
Oh boy, this request was seriously lost in translation. Cooks at a seafood restaurant didn’t understand that they were to place the engagement ring on a lobster claw and not inside the lobster itself.

The boyfriend, who was to propose, was sweating bullets when he realized the ring was not on the claw and called the waiter to ask where it was. At that moment, his girlfriend shrieked as she chomped down on all eighteen karats of the diamond ring.
Saying the Wrong Name
Having finished his shift early, a bartender decided to hang back and have a beer before heading home. A tipsy customer first staggered to his feet and then wobbled down to one knee. His gleeful partner sat dreamy-eyed.

Disbelief washed over his girlfriend’s face as he said the words, “Hannah, will you marry me?” but not the good sort of disbelief. Screaming, the girlfriend demanded to know who Hannah was! The guy was left soaked in booze as she poured her drink over him.
That’s a No, Then?
This public proposal did not go as planned, as this girlfriend responded to the romantic proposal by – wait for it – laughing.

The affronted boyfriend demanded an explanation as to why his girlfriend was rejecting him. She was growing increasingly embarrassed by his spectacle as he spiraled into a blubbering wreck, growing louder and louder demanding an answer. We think his reaction was very indicative of why she said no.
The Mariachi Misery
A mystery man made a grand entrance into this New York restaurant with a Mariachi band following him. They strolled through the restaurant towards one particular waitress who was trying to hide. The mystery man corners her, kneels, and presents her with a ring.

The guy turns out to be her ex-boyfriend, thinking that the gesture would win her back. It did not. He left, the mariachi band sat at the bar and drank and his ex-girlfriend went home with the bartender!
They Don’t Need It
This hopeful fiancé arranged for the restaurant to use pricey chocolate and gold leaf to spell out the words “Will You Marry Me?” on the dessert tray to pop the question right at the end of the couple’s magical night.

Just when the cooks are putting the finishing touches on the dessert, the table’s waiter comes into the kitchen and informs them that she dumped the poor guy before the main course!
Nice Ring, I Think I’ll Keep It but Not on My Finger
Eight weeks before Valentine’s Day, a customer arranged to make his proposal memorable with this restaurant. The eager boyfriend pulled out the ring when the day arrived and asked for her eternal commitment. The woman did not stop chewing her dessert while saying “no.”

This woman’s hunger must have matched her callousness. She actually took the ring from him, threw it in her bag, and finished her meal! She could have at least let him keep the ring he bought.
A Chocolate-Coated Defeat
It is an established fact that chocolate-coated strawberries are a great sweet little way to surprise your partner. Both strawberries and chocolate are known as aphrodisiacs, so it only makes sense.

Still, "skilled" people can destroy even the simplest of recipes, if you can even call heating up chocolate a recipe. But, this girl is what they'd call low maintenance, so she stuffed her face anyway.
Slapstick Romance
Is anybody from Netflix writing this down? Sounds like a slapstick scene straight out of a low-budget rom-com about yet another simple girl and a hot, young royal falling in love.

But, alas, turns out this unfortunate accident actually happened in real life. We do hope they were able to get past this, as this would be a great story to tell their grandchildren.
R.I.P. Romance
We really did think there is no way one could go wrong with a nice flower bouquet, but people's ability to botch even the most straightforward of charming deeds keeps astonishing us.

While sometimes can feel almost as intense as dying (especially for teenagers) no lover wants to receive flowers meant for the dead, especially not on their birthday, a moment in which they should be celebrating their life.
Lost in Translation
It can be hard to live in today's world and not have some type of insecurity about your body. This is true for everyone, but especially for women. This poor lad really wanted to tell his girl how much he loves her figure, which is an easy way of making someone's day.

But, he couldn't have gotten it more wrong! There is just one thing we'd like to know — in what language do beautiful and fat sound similar? Sounds like a breeding ground for confusion.
Bold Choice, Pale Result
Some ideas look spectacular in our minds when we imagine how beautifully they would turn out. Most of the time, reality doesn't tend to deliver on visions the way we'd like. This is a classic example of that, as there's a huge difference between thinking of something and actually doing it.

Envisioning takes one second, writing lyrics on a pavement can take hours. We don't know if the guy was impressed, but we do feel like this gesture can teach him about this girl's ability to follow through.
What's in a Name
This sounds like a heavy burden to bear, especially since it turns out the two continued dating for almost a year, and our poor guy had to watch them walk the halls smiling and kissing.

Having your gesture stolen right in front of your eyes sounds painful enough to warrant at least five years of therapy. Still, we bet there's a lesson to be learned somewhere here. Like, maybe, always sign your name?
Winning Isn't Everything
Most Reddit users shared one specific romantic mishap, but this gal told it like it is: sometimes we just can't seem to get anything right, no matter how hard we try.

Now, since there were no details given, we can't know if she's seriously lacking in skill or if, maybe, her ex was just one of those sour-faced people that are never pleased with anything. Either way, it's safe to say they are probably both happy that this relationship is over.
A Mixing Mistake
Aren't high schoolers precious? How else would you define celebrating each and every month they've been dating? Sadly, not all of them are as lovely as we'd like to imagine. This guy, for example, sounds like kind of a downer.

Next time, when someone bothers compiling a list of songs that show how they feel about you, maybe try and ignore your so-called superior musical taste for a minute and try and be grateful for the gesture?
Face the Music
This romantic fail is told from the perspective of the gift-receiver who found out that joking about insignificant things can actually have some serious consequences. You know, like getting a wind instrument you can't play and don't even care about as a loving Christmas present from your partner.

Sure, presents are almost always a type of gamble, but at this point, even a sweater or a nice pair of warm socks would have been better than learning your girl doesn't get your sense of humor.
Love Never Dies
This third-grader knew the power of love from a very young age, and we bet that today, he makes for a great boyfriend or husband. Fake flowers are never ever acceptable, not as a gift and not as decoration, but this little fellow has a golden touch.

With a few words, he has turned a plastic rose into the ultimate symbol of undying love. So while he didn't get the girl, she still remembers him all these later and that's a win in our book.
Not Into Men Anyway
Being rejected for a romantic advancement is one of these things that never stop being hurtful, no matter how old we are and how many times we've been rejected. There's something about the word "no" when it's spoken from someone else's mouth that is just offensive and insulting.

Also, one should never ever "lol" when asked on a date, as these three letters are enough to crush anyone's ego. We hope the guy found comfort in the fact it really, truly, wasn't about him.
For Crust's Sake
Is pizza romantic? We've conducted a thorough survey and we've come to the conclusion it's a controversial topic. Pizza lovers claim their heart opens up the minute they lay eyes on the tasty treat, while others won't be caught dead taking a lover to a pizza joint.

This girl is obviously of the first group, and considering the fact her date commented on her eating patterns, it was probably a good choice to devote all of her attention to the pizza.
Eat Pray Love
Real relationships are not always about lavish, elegant dinners and big shiny diamonds. Many times, the most romantic thing a person could do is trust their partner with a secret they keep from most people.

Not all secrets are created equal, and while some can help couples grow closer, some discoveries can tear them apart. Like this woman, who literally tears books apart, with her teeth, and then eats the pages. Weirdly enough, that wasn't a deal-breaker for this open-minded guy, which leaves us with the question, what was it?
Is love truly blind? There's a great chance it is. How else would you explain that couple we all know? We have all met at least one pair where one is a total catch and the other, well, you'd throw that one back into the sea.

His visual impairment led this guy to somehow confuse a 10.5 size foot for a dainty wonder that would comfortably fit into a size 6 shoe. Still, when you find the girl of your dreams, who cares about her shoe size?
Playing Games
Flirting is a great way to show someone you're into them without breaking the bank, as flirting is 100% free! Anyone who's ever been on a date or tried to communicate with someone they like knows that the early stages of a relationship can be filled with unnecessary games. Sometimes they can be flirty and fun, but other times they hurt.

What proves this point better than two people playing an actual game and ending up with one hitting the other in the face? It's the perfect metaphor for love.
Double Trouble
All relationships, even the best ones, can be very hard at times and everybody knows no relationship is like the long-distance one. But at least long-distance partners get to miss each other and have a touching, lustful reunion every once in a while.

This girlfriend turned what could have been a sweet gesture into a fail, as, for some unknown reason, she brought her sister to tag along. Could you imagine the boyfriend's face when he saw both of them at the door? Priceless.
No Surprises
Once partners move in with each other, they share a space and have a routine, and then surprises become a lot harder to pull off. The most astonishing thing that can happen at this stage of the relationship is finding a Netflix show you both want to watch.

This precious partner wanted to keep things spicy and decided to stun his gal with candy and concert tickets for her birthday. She ended up being stunned alright, as her present literally hit her in the head.
In Sickness and in Health
It's no coincidence that Marriage vows include the sentence "I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health." It's perfectly effortless to love someone in health, but it's a lot more demanding when they are a second away from puking in your car.

But hey, a night of gaming and eating chocolate-covered strawberries? We'd be more than willing to commit to that kind of lifestyle.
Duck You
We thought only crows like to steal from humans, but it turns out they aren't the only birds who are attracted to shiny things. You discover something new every day, and today we learned a valuable lesson: ducks should be banned from all marriage proposals.

Is there a better metaphor for the diligent labor of marriage than spending hours looking for a tiny ring in a haystack? We bet after this, the rest of the relationship was smooth sailing.
Touching a Sore Point
The problem with everyone celebrating their love on the same day is that most romantic places and activities become incredibly crowded. Nothing feels less celebratory than not getting exactly what you want because others got to it first.

Still, we'd file this one under "Champagne Problems," as they probably got to drink champagne and well, get a massage! We really see nothing to complain about here, do you?
A Back Door Kinda Guy
We often see this in movies, a guy gets so nervous around his crush he loses his ability to form a coherent sentence. Worse yet is managing to utter a sentence, only to realize you did not say what you meant, but instead, you phrased a statement that has a very inappropriate sensual connotation.

We don't judge people for their preferences but damn, that was probably the worst timing in history to express something like that.
Wrong Side of the Bed
As kids, one of our most sought-after activities was always jumping on the bed. We're not sure if we liked it because it was truly incredibly enjoyable or because it was absolutely prohibited, but we'll leave that question for first-year psychology students to explore.

It turns out parents did know what they were talking about when they said it's dangerous. Luckily, no one got hurt and the two laughed it off, one more than the other.
Caring Is Creepy
It was the indie band "The Shines" who coined the term "Caring Is Creepy" and damn, we think they were really onto something, how else could you excuse this totally misguided romantic gesture that turned out to be seriously creepy?

We hope this kid learned his lesson. Though, again, judging by all the high school movies we watched, this doesn't seem like an uncommon practice, so we get why this kid got confused, love can be harder to navigate than a dead-ended labyrinth.
Friendship Bracelets
The first experiences we have with love, dating, and rejection are the ones that shape us the most. This is why this person lost the tiny amount of self-confidence they had when their advances were sadly denayed by a girl they liked.

We personally think this was a very sweet gesture, even if the friendship bracelet didn't fit. We're sure this person found who someone knows how to appreciate their gestures.
It's Not the Destination, It's the Journey
It was essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson who said that it's not about the destination but about the journey, and we think he was on to something. Sure, this kid never got to give the girl of dreams her present, but he did go on a spectacular journey that would have made a great kid adventure movie.

In the cinematic version, he would have made it safely his destination and gotten the girl, but real life isn't a movie.
Great Minds Think Alike
Isn't this the most adorable romantic fail you've ever read about? Not only were both of them willing to drive for hours just to surprise the other, but they also seem to have the same notion of what love is.

This is a story we can imagine grandchildren will never get tired of hearing, and these two will never get tired of telling. The Reddit poster added that she learned that long-distance partners should always make sure the other person isn't pulling off the same surprise.
Going Number Two
Well, well well, we are not 100% sure if this constitutes a fail, as it ended with a happily ever after, unlike many of our other stories here. But still, couldn't this guy come up with a better excuse? Like really, almost anything would have been better.

What's wrong with saying you're going to the kitchen to grab some water? Fortunately, this didn't deter her from marrying him, which is how we know it's true love.
No Artistic Merit
Most of us can trust our parents to really enjoy and appreciate our not-so-great childhood drawings. But just because your mom hangs every little doodle on the fridge, that doesn't mean it's a masterpiece.

If you're not artistically talented, you really have no business giving anything you made to anyone, let alone your crush. While handmade gifts can be romantic, they can also be really really lousy, so you gotta be honest with yourself.
The Wrong Size
Proposals are a huge deal. There is usually a lot of planning to do, including deciding on where and when to pop the question, keeping it a surprise, and most importantly, picking the right ring. This is something many people struggle with, and most just give up before they even try because they know it's a lost cause.

In this case, the guy was given all the info he needed, and most importantly, his future wife gave him her ring size, but he someone didn't get the memo, which made for an awkward moment.
Get a Gift Card Next Time
We get it, gifts can be hard. Some people just don't really have a knack for understanding what kind of bought item would make their significant other happy. That doesn't make them bad partners, just bad gift-givers.

Still, we think even a gift card would have been better in this case, instead of getting her something she already had. We're really not sure we got his thought process here.
Worst Surprise Ever
Matching tattoos aren't usually a good idea. It could be nice to get one with a parent or a friend, but getting one with a partner is a big no-no. Still, if you are getting one, it's usually best if both sides agree to it and know it's about to happen.

Surprising someone by telling them you got the same tattoo as them? Not cool and probably the worst surprise ever.
Single All the Way
Was this some kind of weird hint as to wanting a divorce? Maybe it was supposed to be a clever little joke? Most likely the guy just didn't really bother reading what the shirt said, which is peculiar, to say the least.

Of course, now if the woman wears this shirt around the house, the husband can get offended not remembering he was the one who got it for her. Not to mention the confused look on the children's faces.
Scream for Ice Cream
Nobody can know how one would respond to being proposed. Some cry and some scream with excitement. In this case, we wouldn't have been surprised if the lady screamed with pain because she almost swallowed a ring.

Seriously while surprises are cool, putting rings in food is always, always a bad idea. Especially not if the other person can see the food has been touched and assumes you ate some of it!
Don't Follow Me Anywhere
After listening to Death Cab for Cutie's "I Will Follow You Into the Dark" many times we are still uncertain as to if we find the song creepy or romantic.

Like, the first lines are literally "Love of mine/Someday you will die/But I'll be close behind/I'll follow you into the dark." You have to admit this is a bit confusing. Anyway, in this context, there's really no doubt this was creepy and not romantic whatsoever.
I Feel Like This Isn't About Me
Custom gifts can be awesome and incredibly special. There's nothing better than knowing your partner got you something that only you will have and that's specifically catered to you.

That is, of course, if the custom gift is actually tailored to your likes and needs instead of just being, well, very random. The girl told the guy she liked the gift, as one does, but to this day, she's still not sure what compelled him to choose that song.
Yours and Mine
Boy oh boy. Guys just really don't get it sometimes. Sure, it's a possibility she likes men's jackets. They can be really fun to wear and style.

But this guy did not seem to consider that the real reason his girl likes wearing his jacket so much, is because it's his and it reminds her of him. Maybe it was his subtle way of saying he doesn't want her to steal his jacket anymore.
Just the Tip
When partners don't get each other's sense of humor, that's a major problem. It can lead to very peculiar situations, just as getting a bag full of half-eaten candy corns.

Sure, it was sort of a nice gesture, except for the fact this person could have at least cut the cany instead of eating half of it. It's only reasonable. Still, it's very hard to imagine how anyone can think this was anything but a joke.
Just Say No
It can be really nice and validating to know that someone is into you. Guys don't often get that as they are supposedly expected to make the first move.

Why can't women ask men out? Well, they can. But alas, putting yourself out there means risking different types of rejection. Guys know this all too well, you get a yes, but you go on the date and you realize the other person has no interest in you. Next time just use your words and say no.
Just Let Her Study
If someone tells you they really need some time without seeing you, it's usually a sign, lo and behold, that they need some time without seeing you! Who would have thunk it?

Rom-coms have driven all of us crazy, and taught us, for some reason, that ignoring your partner's request is THE way to be romantic. Showing up at people's houses unannounced is creepy and should be reserved for, well, creepers and not boyfriends.
The Ring of Truth
As a general rule, we don't recommend picking up things you find on the street, but we've all done it at least once as kids. While rings are considered to be one of the most romantic gifts a guy can give to a girl, not just any ring would do.

White plastic rings are not usually popular with the ladies so it's no surprise the object of his affection gave it back.
Breaking Promises
Promises are usually made in order to be kept, right? Could you imagine getting mad at someone for NOT breaking a promise they made?

Sure, it can be hard to form a healthy idea of love after a lifetime of watching ludicrous romcoms, where surprising someone at the airport with a flash mob is considered the ultimate proof of love. Still, we think the person who didn't keep the promise is at fault for this fail here.