Clearly, the education system in America has failed its people. Celebrities aren’t even afraid to say it on the American talk show, “The Chelsea Handler Show”, which was obviously hosted by the brash and unfiltered Chelsea Handler, who intimidates just about everyone.

But it’s not Americans who are at fault, it’s really their government that has slashed funding for schools. That’s how you end up with a nation of people who are unprepared for the real world. Or know other countries in it.
So you're telling me that cutting staff to the absolute minimum to increase profits is not capitalism? Obviously, Americans need to raise their workers' wages to incentivize them to work there!

Anyone with a brain will know that Capitalism is about keeping the staff lean to increase corporate profits and stock prices, which is why there was only one person working at that Burger King.
Oh Snap!
Clearly, the education system in America has failed its people. Celebrities aren't even afraid to say it on the American talk show, "The Chelsea Handler Show", which was obviously hosted by the brash and unfiltered Chelsea Handler, who intimidates just about everyone.

But it's not Americans who are at fault, it's really their government that has slashed funding for schools. That's how you end up with a nation of people who are unprepared for the real world. Or know other countries in it.
If life is all about priorities, America has made it quite clear that it would rather invest in military aircraft than the future of its own people. They've made it so clear that their Department of Defense even posted it on social media for everyone to see.

According to Business Insider, there are at least 15 lawmakers in Senate committees that control US military policy and have financial ties with military corporations. If that doesn't make you think about America's policies, then we don't know what will. Also, a peek into Greek/Roman mythology will show any wi-fi wielding American that Hercules was definitely NOT the angel of death.
American History
Growing up, you think America is the land of the free and home of the brave. As you grow up, though, you find out more about the actual history of America and quickly learn it's not all as rosy as it seems.

Apart from wreaking havoc on the Native American population, the colonialists also sought to profit and gain as much as they could from the land and surrounding environment. The tiniest silver lining of it is that now we get to make fun of those who clearly have a historic blind spot of continental proportions.
Mistakes Were Made
Confidence combined with stupidity equals a deadly combination — one that's perfectly summed up in this post about America's grave history. We find ourselves facing another inaccuracy that's been perpetuated by American ignoramuses.

While most countries had already banned slavery, America was trailing behind and couldn't even make the top ten. Also, in order to ban slavery, you need to first HAVE slavery. Some common sense has never hurt anybody, girl.
Not Even Close
We can blame America for a lot of things, but probably the most notable is the stupidity of its people. This stupidity has led to comments like this being featured all over Reddit threads that are entirely dedicated to collecting the stupidest posts of people being so convinced they know better when they were not even close.

It could have been funny if it wasn't so embarrassing. Like, you can literally use the internet to find out it was developed in Europe.
Say What You Want
The voluptuous antics of American ignorance know no bounds because they just can't be hemmed in by those parameters. Even when it comes to recent inventions like cars.

While we all make mistakes and occasionally say some stupid things, Americans like this one are the only ones who will make a proud, arrogant cringefest out of it.
To Make Amends
Senator Marsha Blackburn seems to have forgotten the meaning of "amendment". For all Americans who don't know what it means, an amendment is a minor change or addition designed to improve something, in this case, the constitution. We bet senator Blackburn has never even read the Constitution.

This is one of the most bewildering things about the second amendment argument. Aside from the political issues, the idea that an amendment can’t itself be amended is just baffling.
Wonderful Panama
Whoa there cowboy, hold up. They have the internet in other countries, too? And it’s exactly the same as the internet they have in America?

Well, it seems that Americans think everybody else who uses the internet also lives in America as if other countries don’t have the luxury of the internet like Americans do.
Gotta Get Your Money's Worth
It is a truth universally acknowledged that healthcare is a human right, but America still has to catch on. Especially this guy who doesn't understand that humans actually have self-preservation instincts and also nobody actually likes pain.

It seems the only thing stopping him from jumping off balconies and eating poisonous plants is the medical bills he'll have to pay after he's been at a hospital.
So Many Bubbles to Burst
Subjected as we are to an unending barrage of propaganda from America and how their way is so much better, no amount of social media posts is going to convince us that the imperial system is in fact, better.

There are only three countries – Liberia, Myanmar, and the United States – that still use the imperial system, which dates back to earlier days when body parts or everyday items were used as measurements. Most of the world has evolved since. America clearly hasn't.
Uno Reverse Card!
Welcome to the world wide web, where Americans always think the world revolves around them, not realizing that other countries have different presidents and leaders than they do.

In a world where non-Americans are becoming increasingly distrustful of Americans, they need to stop assuming things about others and think a little bit before they post.
Learning German?
Germans speaking German in their own country? What sort of madness is this where people speak their native language in their native country? Honestly, people never cease to amaze us.

Those hailing from the great US of A seem so eager to unwittingly show off their lack of common sense when they post these things without a second thought.
Wait, What?
America is a country made possible by opportunity, freedom, and horses, because no other nation had horses before America, right? Those knights from England during Medieval times were just a bunch of imposters! Don't they know that horses are an American invention along with bravery and freedom?

This is definitely one of those posts where you are left stunned and confused and you don’t even know where to begin.
What's an Ambulance, then?
Wherever you happen to fall on the political spectrum, you almost undoubtedly don't like paying for medical care costs. We can probably all agree that there's nothing worse than getting a hefty doctor bill that will only leave you struggling in debt.

Beyond all the standard grievances, there are some people who simply don't understand what health care is for, or even why we would use it.
Let Them Eat Cake!
Welcome to the United States of America, a small minority of its people are to blame for the undoing of federal health care reform, and virtually any piece of legislation not designed to feather the nest of wealthy businessmen.

They are here to save you from the welfare surfers, still riding the waves of the recession, with its slow pace of recovery.
No Need to Have a Mental Breakdown
We think this is a simple case of "I don't know about anything outside of my country, so how does he know?" We sometimes question Americans' geography knowledge outside of their country, but holy guacamole, this is just sad.

To be completely honest, not a lot of people usually know about geography everywhere, but this post just shows that Americans know way less than they should.
Un-American Haircuts
There was a time when begin called "un-American" was an insult and would be used for anyone doing something a little different. Unfortunately, this even seeped into conversations about haircuts with the Beatles.

Because the USA is the center of the universe, everyone should want to be American, right? Even if they are literally the Beatles.
Socialist Agenda
Imagine being on a moral high horse because you are proud to be a slave to a system that doesn't care about your well-being and treats you like a commodity. Wow. America truly is a unique nation.

What we would like to know though, is what does parental leave have to do with socialism? Nothing, of course, it's just a barrage of lies that Americans have been fed for years so that now any positive social policy must be the socialist devil's work.
Independence Day
This is like asking a random stranger "do you also celebrate my birthday?" Would France celebrate George Washington’s Birthday? Would China celebrate Columbus day? We're just here, scratching our heads and wondering how anyone could even get to the point where they ask that.

You know what they say, "you can’t argue with idiots, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
The Innocent Side of Ignorance
This woman sounds exactly like my uncle, who is quite literally clueless when it comes to anything outside of his general vicinity. The best part about this is that artificial refrigeration was originally invented in Britain.

Maybe this is just a misunderstanding, but we can't help but cringe at her sheer and utter lack of acumen.
American Patriotism
Resting somewhere on the spectrum between propaganda and patriotism, there exists an offensive display of online arrogance. It's mostly displayed by American trolls, who do nothing more than hang around discussion websites and can't help but embarrass themselves.

When the Wattpad girl is embarrassed for you, you know it’s time to stop and reconsider your life's choices.
Can't Compare
Now, of course, different countries will have different circumstances so we'd expect some discrepancies. But with this comparison, there is one country that clearly stands out.

Unfortunately, the guy who commented here didn't even realize that Finland, Norway, and Germany aren't cities, they're countries!
Rhode Island as a Foreign Country
It’s no secret that Rhode Island is our most pint-sized state, the small state also features on many classic pub quizzes as a question of 'what's the smallest state in the USA?'

So how come this guy from California didn't know this? Has the American education system failed him so badly?
Only America Has Toilets
This guy who doesn't realize his own mistake has obviously decided to quit school in the second grade. Let’s just acknowledge that from the start. But we can also acknowledge that he’s not, by any means, the only one of his kind.

While being completely serious, he made the above statement and didn't even notice that he was digging his own little hole in the ground.
Only America Is Affected
To be fair, global is pretty vague, maybe we should rename it to "Entire Planet Warming, That's Not Just USA", so people don't get confused with technical language terms.

If only it were true that only US citizens were affected, it would solve so many problems.
World Maps
We generally find the stereotype about Americans being uncivilized and ignorant a little bit old, but then their behavior online only seems to confirm it. There's no good reason for it to be like this.

Despite being one of the richest countries in the world, the United States still can't seem to manage its reputation.
Sad State of Affairs
Let us peer into the sad state of affairs in America. Unfortunately, many people actually think like this and are proud enough to announce it to the public. Even though we live in the information age, some people are happier being ignorant so they don't have to challenge their views.

And while this is uncharacteristically honest, this is not just in America. Stupid people all over the world are like this.
Being Broke in America
Capitalism in America is brutal. Inequality reigns, poverty spreads, and the homeless are not even allowed to rest. Despite having around half a million individuals living in a state of homelessness, some Americans still think being broke is 100% on you.

If you get seriously sick or injured and lose your job in the process, along with your health insurance, then you need to spend your life savings on getting decent medical care and end up on the street because you’re broke, that’s obviously your fault, right?
Commie Divas
Once upon a time, America was such an inspiring place. But this post is a far cry from the America we once imagined. The country had ideals that were admirable but now, anything they don't like is considered "commie."

This just goes to show that the red scare really ruined America and is still very much there. They are afraid of anything even slightly resembling communism and no matter what it is, they will actively try and destroy it.
Texas in North Korea
In this hilarious blunder. This guy mistook a North Korean flag for a Texan flag and tied it around like a cape. Considering how much Texans love Texas, this is also a little sad that he couldn't tell the difference.

And to think that the Texas flag is one of the most iconic and recognizable flags in the United States.
Such Sore Winners
If only this was true. The thing is, in the USA you really don't even have that much freedom of choice once you have an insurance plan. If you don't have one, you'll have to pay a pretty penny to get treatment.

You don’t really get to pick your doctor as every insurance company has an approved list of doctors in your area that take their insurance. If you prefer to see a private doctor, you’ll pay more.
Simplified English
Isn't time a strange thing? Some people believe we're living in the 21st century, while this guy seems to think we've only been around since America declared independence, some 250 years ago.

Someone should let this guy know that it's been well documented that American English itself is an accent.
That's Not How It Works
We totally get that people want to recognize where their family is from so they can forge an identity. But you can't build your ancestry like a drag and drop tool kit. It's like Americans think they can collect nationalities like they’re Pokémon.

Unfortunately, there is a thing called science that means you can't just pick and choose what you want or don't want.
What's Football Anyway?
According to Americans, football is not a game played with your feet and a ball, but with your hands and an oblate-shaped "ball."

One could even say it's this kind of thinking that keeps the rest of the world from being as 'awesome' as America.
Who's gonna tell this guy how America actually come into being? While many countries have a dark and sinister history, America certainly isn't the exception, with its historical parade of riots, duels, brawls, bombardments, and tar-and-feathering parties.

Today, that smug, self-image Americans have, is quite different from the actual events that happened in their national history.
What's a Slur...?
How do Americans really stand today among the nations of the world in the level of education, or even common sense? It is, again, disturbing that many Americans confuse adjectives and descriptive words, as slurs, even ones that describe a climate or diet.

Unfortunately, all countries and continents have their own slurs, but we can't help but get the impression that America has a lot more slurs compared to other countries.
Are You Serious?
New studies found that the Sun actually revolves around the US, where every other country believes its politics are so important that they all conspire and coordinate to influence it.

Honestly, despite being such a massive country, we're all in utter disbelief at how, in some ways, America is doing worse than many third-world countries.
The Country, Not the Continent
Let's face it - some of us are better at geography than others. But when it comes to discussing matters related to one's own land, you would hope that they would have the fundamental details locked down.

While it is true that the US of A is located in the continent of North America, that is not what the original poster was asking. They were referring to who would be the best president of the country, which is, the USA. When we are mentioning North America, we could be talking about all kinds of things. Specificity is key in these situations.
Poor Europe
This must be satire, right? Surely nobody believes America has patented elections? If he did his homework he would know that elections can be traced back to ancient Rome.

Now that we think about it, it has to be satire. No one could possibly be this naive and yet still manage to feed and dress oneslef.
National Anthem
Are we talking about the "land of the free" here? Well of course we are. Because in America you’re free to do what’s widely accepted and expected of you. Anything else, you might get in some serious trouble and possibly offend someone.

Fortunately, most countries don't require singing their national anthem in schools or pledging their allegiances anew every morning.
The Real Heroes
Healthcare workers provide an invaluable service to us all, and considering the fact that they work tirelessly to help others, they should at least be appreciated and fairly compensated.

But as this post shows, Americans put way too much emphasis on their military. We just don't get it, especially not in this context. Also, since when does the work of a healthcare worker come down to pushing buttons? What kind of hospital did this sicko go to?
Uniquely American
Saying something like this is one of the most uniquely American things we've come across so far. No one else in the world can compete with their dedication to shamelessly insulting others which ultimately results in accurately depicting their own ignorance.

Taking care of others and standing up for yourself is a basic human trait that existed well before America's founding.
When in Chicago
It seems like Chicago didn't get the memo. Deep dish pizza may come from Chicago, but the original pizza was invented back in the 18th or early 19th century in Naples, Italy — a place still noted for its cuisine.

Americans just need to invest a little more time and effort into getting their facts straight, the same way they do when talking about weapons.
When in Rome...
Oh man, the Italians stole Rome from the Americans as well? Those Italians must be stopped before they come for American football and burgers.

This is yet another example proving that the American blind spot is actually tunnel vision strictly zoned in on the immediate surroundings of its people.
American Values
Because the United States is fundamentally against its own workers' rights, even the most American company, McDonald's can barely raise their worker's wages without being called socialist.

What is sad here, though, is that Americans can say things like this, showing how little they value their own people when it comes to saving a dime or two.
Social Mobility
Well, here's another inaccurate figure from the uncanny valley of the internet. If only it was true then this commentator could remain smug and self-approving, but as luck would have it, this couldn't be further from the truth.

America lags behind when compared to its peers in Europe. According to experts, social mobility in the US has been declining since the 1940s. Though you could probably say it's among the highest in the world if there's at least one country below it? It's all about perspective. Isn't that how statistics work?
It was way back in 1480 that this country came into being and we simply can't expect this classified information to spread in just over 500 years.

But now that it has finally reached the comments section of, it was high time someone made it clear that the shambolic country of Spain doesn't exist. The country that lies nestled east of Portugal and west of France is called Old Mexico.
Crimes Against Cheese
Ah yes, the birthplace of Cheddar cheese is Wisconsin. Not the village of Cheddar in Somerset, England. We're sure this guy has the best intentions, but there’s a good chance that he's committing some crimes against cheese without even realizing it.

Cheese is just one of those examples of food that people eat all the time without realizing where it's actually from. A good wedge of cheese is precious, which is why you should also respect its origins.
The Best Country in the Nation
While America is the best America, we can't help but wonder if this sign was set up as a joke or if it's a genuine mistake. Surely, whoever put this sign up must know that it doesn't really make sense.

Aside from the typical advice of not making an idiot out of yourself, we'd also have to say that if you're going to make a sign for everyone to see, you better get your facts straight.