The backdrop in a film or TV show is very important as it sets the mood of the show. But sometimes something makes it into the background without being noticed. Here you can see a truck that was accidentally included in the picture in Game Of Thrones, obviously a big mistake.

The photo went viral. Actually, the screenshot is from a behind the scenes video for Beyond the Wall. The Snapchat caption is pretty funny but it is quite weird to see a truck in the background there.
When Nature Calls
This picture can go either way. The first option is that these two lovely ladies were trying to take a cute photo for social media to document their camping trip, when some creep decides to relieve himself in full view.

Option two, however, is that this innocent man was just answering nature's call, when two women decided to take a picture right in front of him. Either way, this picture is definitely one for the books.
Horsing Around
Cops on horses are a common sighting in many places. We're not sure how effective they'd be in an actual emergency but, at the very least, they're fun to see, and they make kids smile. It looks like someone wanted to take a picture of the cops, and the horse clearly felt left out.

We mean, come on, he is part of the team, after all. Plus, he's likely the one pulling most of the weight, so he deserves some of that spotlight.
Party Tricks
Music festivals are all about going buck wild and when you're not striking a pose in your most hipster get up, you're sticking your fist right into your mouth. Isn't that what youth is all about, anyway?

It most certainly about that in this image. These two kids never thought anything could ruin their moment at the dankest fest out there, little did they know, Mr. Fist was lurking close behind.
Every romantic moment needs an audience, who will be there to lovingly sigh on the sidelines without it? This newly engaged almost had that, except in their case a nosey hippo showed up instead.

The creature was either taken by the shiny diamond ring or the display of true love. Either way, it sure adds something extra to the very sweet moment.
We're All In This Together
This photobomb looks like a Dollar-store version of "High School Musical." These girls were trying to take a fun action shot, and some boys thought they'd get in on the fun.

Ironically, the photobombers in this picture seemed to have done a better job than the photo's actual subjects. So, while the boys may not have been invited, we kind of think they helped the finished product.
Getting Handsy
This couple will now forever remember brunch day by the waiter that almost got groped, and sadly not by the eggs benedict. Let this be a warning to waiters, always leave one hand free.

We sincerely hope that everything remained safely on the plates that day, that looks like it would be a potentially traumatic cleanup.
Times Square Showdown
There are endless attractions in New York City's famous Times Square, one can't but help but have a little "FOMO." That even goes for the attractions themselves. Poor Elmo lost out to Woody when it came to this little photo op.

Of course, Woody doesn't seem to be showing an ounce of remorse and is basking in the glory as Elmo helplessly watches on. At least he made it into the frame.
A Royal Bomb
Move over Bill Clinton, move over Ellen or any other celebrity on this list for that matter. This lucky couple got photobombed by none other than Prince Harry. That must be a once in a life-time moment and is powerful enough to make anyone in the room feel like royalty.

We love how he plays to the camera. Harry has always been the mischievous black sheep of the Royal Family after all. It's safe to say that in this moment, he comes out as a king.
30 Seconds to Stars
After all the stress of the Oscars is over, many celebs like to party. And while these Hollywood peeps were trying to get some nice photos with their award, they were photobombed by none other than Jared Leto!

Leto is known for being a bit wild and fun, so to see that he's the culprit here isn't all that surprising. Plus, it's always fun when a celebrity photobombs your picture, even when you're a celeb yourself.
Watch Out!
Even though this little kid is separated by some majorly re-inforced glass, it still doesn't make the sight or feeling of a dolphin engulphing your head any less scary. This photobomb sure does enhance the experience of a trip to the aquarium and definitely makes you feel like you're right in there with them.

Let's just be thankful for that glass though. That photobomb is the closest we will ever get to that funny moment.
What's Going On Here?
This is clearly an accident. There is no way Selena Gomez would take Bill Murray as her date to any event out there. We are pretty sure the Groundhog Day actor must have stepped in front of the camera at the most inopportune moment. It's still no doubt a sight to see.

On the other hand, Selena Gomez should be pretty pleased that she got her moment (however awkward it was) with this Hollywood legend. Bill is one funny guy!
You're Not Invited
Elizabeth Banks, Eric McCormack, and Tom Hanks took a cute selfie at the Hand-in-Hand charity event. We all love these guys but who is that fella in the background there trying to steal their moment? Apparently that is actor Josh Gad! Isn't odd when celebs photobomb each other?

Poor Josh looks like he would love to get in on the fun, but sometimes you just have to accept your place in the world and try to enjoy things from afar, like all of us mere mortals.
Going Gaga
An important PSA: When photographing celebs at any red carpet event, be sure to frame your shot correctly because, at these events, any background action sure can be distracting. When photographing Katy Perry, the person who shot this accidentally got a very annoyed looking Lady Gaga.

It looks like that might be Blake Sheldon in the back there too. So yeah, keep your focus. Katy Perry is about as much as we can handle.
The Tables Have Turned
A few slides back, Ms. Kelly Clarkson was getting photobombed by Bill Clinton. This time she's bombing Ellen Degeneres and Portia de Rossi. She certainly looks starstruck, even if this a Hollywood event, being around Ellen is guaranteed to make anyone geek out.

The couple will probably feel the same away in a few seconds when they turn around. Who can resist Kelly Clarkson?
Seeing Double
This mom was documenting a cute misunderstanding where her daughter thought the girl in the picture frame was herself. While the little girl might not have been looking in the mirror, her brother in the background sure was.

And he was clearly pretty impressed with what he saw, even giving the handsome fella a little smooch. Overall, we're sure this made for a pretty cute day at the mall.
Chicken Run
This picture tells the classic tale of a group of friends, all dressed up nicely, trying to take a cute group shot. But instead of a classic photobomb with someone pulling a funny face or rude gesture, these pals got a chicken trying to steal the spotlight. And then there's the poor guy who's just trying to help and get the chicken to safety and out of the way.

The chicken is so distracting that it almost makes you miss the fact that one of the guys in the photo is wearing a t-shirt and cargo shorts to what is clearly a formal occasion...what's up with that?
Great Timing
Getting a quick snap with her daughter on the dock proved to be a little more complicated. This guy saw it as the perfect time to jump in on this sweet little mom and daughter moment and make a ridiculous face.

Needless to say, that dude is never getting invited to the family summer home again.
Some Things Never Change
There's a common misconception that things in the olden days were all serious and no fun. And given the volume of inequality and human rights violations that went on, it's not a bad assumption. But the truth is that there was always fun to be had.

There have been jokesters and pranksters since the beginning of time, like this guy - he just so happens to be one of the first caught on camera.
Face Swap
Baby turned her head on this photo, so Mr. Giraffe was kind enough to take over. Looks like it was a great day at the zoo and this mom got a little more than she bargained for.

Just as well that fence is that high because, by the looks of it, that giraffe would have been more than happy to hop over and join them on the ride back home.
A Family Affair
It's hard getting the whole family together. Conflicting schedules, geography, or sometimes you just refuse to be around your brother's new wife. On the special occasion that everybody does unite, a family photo is the best way to hold on to that memory until the next awkward gathering. That said, you better make damn that sure everyone is accounted for. Even some of the more....furrier family members.

This wasn't the case with this family. Poor doggo got left out in the cold, only to longingly watch on from the sidelines. Well, he sure did get his revenge, from the looks it, Rover seems to be taking care of business. Perhaps the family will know better next time.
One Raucous Road Trip
One of the best parts about road trips is taking in the sights and snapping some shots for the memories. These two guys tried to do exactly that, but they got some free extras. For one, the little girl in the photo does not look too happy. Secondly, the dog got distracted at the wrong time.

And, to top it all off, some family members in the background decided they didn't want to be left out - so they added a little spice to the picture. All in all, this picture is definitely one for the scrapbook.
Honeymoon Ruined
You've just said "I do" to your new beautiful bride. Your parents tear up, your friends cheer you on and in your blissful little romantic bubble, you both jet off to your luxury resort where you soak up that sweet newlywed love. That's all fine and dandy... until things take a slight turn

Chris Hemsworth crashes your honeymoon and you have to deal with him popping up in all your little memories. That sure is one inconvenient distraction. There's no doubt that Thor will forever be apart of this couple's love story.
The Big Bomb Theory
For the science nerds out there, getting your photo bombed by Neil Tyson Degrasse is probably as exciting as getting the at the first sight of the black hole. For those who don't know, Degrasse is the biggest TV personality in the world of science and astrophysics. This science whizz has hosted the shows Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey and StarTalk where he dazzles his viewers with mindblowing space facts and discoveries.

We do hope for those two girls' sake that they know who is standing behind them. That sure is one scientific discovery to stumble upon and it gives a whole new meaning to the concept of star-struck.
Full Steam Ahead!
Another picture that was captured at the perfect moment! This train driver in the background was passing by at the right time, and wanted to wave hello for the picture.

This couldn’t have come out more perfectly, and we bet that this guy's mom (who was visiting her son from out of town) got a kick when she saw the final result.
Odd One Out
One is never too old to photobomb - Imgur If you look really, really closely here, you'll notice that one person doesn't quite fit in with the rest of the lineup... It looks like these ladies were enjoying a day at the beach when an older man on a jog saw an opportunity and took it. The result is a hilarious-looking pageant-style lineup.

While this elderly man does look a little creepy, we'll give him the benefit of the doubt that these girls had a good laugh when they saw the photo.
Just Unfortunate
This kid got a new tux, maybe for prom, and just wanted to show his girlfriend. If all had gone to plan, he would have been the only one to have to see his family member in his delicates. But, alas, things clearly did not go to plan.

Thanks to some unfortunate placement, this kid's girlfriend (and now, the internet at large) got a lot more to look at than expected. You barely even notice the checkered waistcoat. Yikes.
Dunkin' Duncan
TV photobombs are especially funny because they're always complete coincidences. Also, they usually portray a celebrity in a compromising position, unbeknownst to them, and that just adds another layer of comedy that you don't get when regular people photobomb others.

Here, we see basketball star Tim Duncan inadvertently sniff a viewer - and in pretty close proximity, too. All we can say is this was some pretty good timing (or bad, if you're Tim Duncan).
Kids Will Be Kids
There's an old saying that goes, "You spend the first two years of a child's life teaching them to walk and talk. Then you spend the next 16 telling them to sit down and shut up." That seems to sum up what we're seeing here. This guy was trying to snap a pic of his pretty date, and he ended up scoring a picture of a kid, in all his glory, with his face pressed against the window.

Just out of the shot is likely a mother who is tired of raising her voice and just wants to enjoy her meal.
Attack of the Butterfly
Not many people know this, but there's actually a recognized phobia of butterflies - lepidopterophobia. And it seems like this photobomb caught a case of this in real-time.

While it's a shame that the lady in the background is under attack - it's an even bigger shame that the lady in the foreground is having her perfectly pretty picture sabotaged. Hopefully, all pictured parties made it out unscathed.
Sleepover Selfies
Who doesn’t take selfies when they’re with their BFF having a slumber party? Well this girl’s dog wanted in on the Instagram glory and he wanted to broadcast his best feature - his rear end.

Needless to say, this is the most likes this girl has ever gotten on Instagram. So many that she ended up opening an Instagram page for her dog too.
Dads Not Allowed
Nobody let the dad come watch his daughter take pictures for her school dance. Why? Because he refused to put on a shirt. But the master of disaster found a clever way in.

He looks especially creepy in the background. I just hope he wasn’t in every picture like this because then the poor girl wouldn’t have any nice prom pictures.
On the Red Carpet
William H. Macy was at his best when he was humanizing despairing and playing imperfect people trying to keep their heads up. He's given truly memorable performances - especially his dastardly performances - so should we really be surprised that he's just a big goofball trying to photobomb his wife's photo?

Of course, not! He's a person just like us and as a husband, it's basically his duty to embarrass his wife, even while she's having her photo taken on the red carpet. Is she annoyed with his antics yet? Probably not as the two have been happily married since 2997.
Phillies Mascot
Ah, the Phillie Phanatic: a green monstrosity with a bullhorn snout that might be a bird or might be a rejected cartoon creation, who has become a beloved addition to his team despite the fact that he's garnered a bad reputation for being a troublesome mascot who likes to taunt the opposing teams.

The depths of hell could not spawn a monster more malevolently irksome than the Phillie Phanatic and here he is, trying to act like another goofball and photobombing some fans while they take a photo. Yes, he may look strange and a little bit cute, but whatever you do, just don't look into its eyes!
Easter Bunny
Easter sure is full of strange traditions, from chocolate bunnies to eggs and baskets filled with candy and treats. We’re just not sure where it comes from or why in the world is going on in this photo or why someone is wearing an Easter Bunny head or why she's waving her hands like that.

Either way, it sure is strange, if not bordering on creepy. Fortunately, everyone loves bunnies and even though this Easter Bunny looks a little bizarre, it's at least not scared the little toddler, yet...
Ronald McDonald’s Evil Step-Mother
A lot of people have an evil stepmother, even Ronald McDonald. These kids were just posing at their favorite fast food chain for a picture when Ronald McDonald’s wicked stepmother pulled up behind them and photobombed their picture. That’s pretty creepy!

Seriously, what is this?! It looks like MacDonald's was going for a Halloween Special and decided to employ this IT look-alike to scare the drive-thru customers.
Just A Day At The Office
This company should probably start monitoring their employees more often. While it’s understandable for people in the finance industry to feel worn out and like they need a break, there’s a time and a place.

Unfortunately for the guy in the background, his little porno break was recorded on live television.
Little House Pet
What parents don’t love dressing up their baby in an adorable outfit and snapping pictures of him for memories? This turned into a perfectly timed photo of the baby.

The baby looks so snuggly in his cute knit outfit. The family cat decided to cross right behind the baby at that exact moment so it looks like the baby has a tail.
First Day Of School
Who doesn’t have a classic first day of school with the siblings picture? Parents seem to love snapping pictures and having memories of this day. They finally get to see their children all grown up. Here you have three siblings that are about to leave for their first day of school.

And not only are their parents proud. Their family pet also seems to be so overcome with emotions that he’s also celebrating, Rather, in quite a different manner.
I'm Gonna Choke You!
What a nice family picture at Mount Rushmore! Unfortunately, a family in the background doesn’t seem as pleased to be there together. There are all sorts of parenting styles and ways to reprimand your child. This mother looks like she’s using the choking method. The young boy must have really done something bad to receive this sort of treatment. Poor chap. This is not to be tried at home, people.

This nice family was just trying to take a picture to commemorate their trip at what looks like Mount Rushmore. Apparently, some other family members in the back weren’t having such a good time. That little boy in the back must have really done something wrong for his sister to take it to this extreme.
Making Funny Faces
There are two types of people in our world, those who smile perfectly for the camera and those who pull funny faces and photobomb their friend's entrance, like the example in this photo of this film festival in Spain. Both are essential in this world and both are delightful.

While smiling comes naturally to us when a camera is pointing in our direction, there sure is nothing like pulling a funny face on the red carpet, it's the ultimate power move, especially when photobombing someone else's picture! We don't know if we'd have the guts to do it, but we sure wish we did!
Puppy Love
If it’s someone who doesn’t get as much attention after a new baby is born, it’s the family pet. This woman couldn’t look happier to show off her growing baby bump.

Her dog, however, has quite a different opinion. He knows that the baby is going to change his life so he’s letting his owner knows just how badly he feels about it.
Visiting Grams
Just your average visit to grandma's, the uncut version. While these thoughtful children took time out of their busy schedules to be with grandma at her old age home and keep her company, they didn’t expect to find that grams was thriving in her new environment. Bingo is so 2018.

Bring on the nude Jacuzzi sessions, yoga parties and beer Olympics. Who said grandparents couldn’t get down and dirty? To hell with the grandchildren, grandma just wants them to leave already.
Just your average photo featuring two guys talking about beards. But these are not just any two guys, that's Chris Hemsworth chatting to his friend, while an onlooker was snapped in the photo as well. He looks eager to join the conversation but maybe he feels hesitant cause his beard's not nearly as long or as luscious.

We're just spitballing here but could be that he might be regretting shaving his beard those few weeks ago cause now he's a little intimidated to talk to Thor, who he's been idolizing ever since he first saw the movie in 2011. Or it could be that he's just staring out into space and didn't notice someone was taking a photo.
The Center Of Attention
Forget the four girls in the front of the picture. This young boy in the background is so clearly the center of attention. These girls thought that they were taking a cute photo together to share on their Instagram. They all look picture-perfect and they managed to snap a picture without anybody’s eyes closed.

They couldn’t have expected what happened next - this boy jumped in the background of the picture in what was an epic photobomb. Way to steal the thunder from the ladies.
The first thing that popped into our head when we saw this photo was "Scooby-doo-be-doo, where are you?" He's right here it seems and he appears to have his very own side-kick! Perhaps he's left Shaggy and "Mystery Incorporated" to instead branch off to pursue his own thing?

We've already seen the likes of Scrappy-Doo, Scooby-Dum, Yabba-Doo, and Scooby-Dee, so this must be a new guy. Just by looking at their faces, we can tell these two are up to something. We can only hazard a guess at this point but it seems they have a bone to pick with someone.
Leaping lizards! Just look at that iguana go! He doesn't have time for your silly photos, he's got places to be and people to see. Clearly, he just needs to get to his destination, and get there quickly! No time to chat just leaping from one wall to the next.

Maybe instead of focusing on the beautiful woman posing in the background we should really be concentrating on this iguana and his very urgent business. Is he a crime-fighting lizard or a professional athlete? All we really care to ask if this should really be considered a photobomb when it just makes the photo better?
It Happens To Us All
You know that moment of embarrassment and shame you feel when you walk out of a public bathroom only to realize that you were in the wrong bathroom? Well unfortunately for this princess in the green dress, her mistake was caught on camera.

In the photo, she is seen accidentally coming out of the men’s bathroom. It’s not every day that somebody actually catches you in the act!
Daddy Daughter Moment
Depending on how you look at it, the boy in the background ruined the picture or made it brilliant. This girl was so excited to catch her first fish and all that she wanted was to pose alongside her pops.

Unfortunately for her, at that exact moment her brother thought it would be a perfect time to relieve himself, conveniently right in the background of the picture. We must say that’s some pretty impressive distance he’s accomplishing.
How Do I Look?
There’s nothing like a prom selfie with your cat eating your big dump in the background. I could have sworn cats were meant to be the sane ones and dogs like to drink water from the toilet.

That guy should probably give the cat some food because it seems hungry. Maybe if he stopped spending so much time snapping selfies he’d be a better caretaker.
Weights Before Dates Shirt
Does this guy with the New York Jets hat not look like Will Smith upon first glance? Well, Will Smith is not a Jets fan, he’s obviously a die-hard Eagles fan. The guy in the background with the weight before dates shirt - that shirt is genius. The problem is that the guy is wearing this shirt and not actually lifting the weights.

Seems as though he could benefit from lifting some weights and then he’ll be getting those dates and not just swiping right on tinder all the time with no response. Looks like he’s heading to the local Wendy’s for dinner once again.
How can anyone be grumpy at in Ikea's cafeteria? Honestly, this Swedish labyrinth is a bright and happy haven replete with quick and convenient food options that exist solely to make you un-hungry in a manner so efficient that only the Swedes could pull it off with such poise and style.

But, of course Ikea is not everybody's cup of tea. There's an endless amount of lamps and mock bedrooms to get lost in, where you're overwhelmed with things popping out at you and suddenly it's a tangle of afforable dressers that you can't seem to claw your way out of.
Voldemort Getting His Tan On
Wait, didn’t Voldemort die in the seventh series? Whoops did I just spoil that for you? Well if you didn’t finish that series already in 2007 like the rest of us then you’re welcome, you need to move on. It looks as though Voldemort has reappeared from the dead with the sole intention of getting his tan on.

Maybe he’s trying to impress a lady. As strange as this person looks in the park, you must remember the picture of Paris Hilton selfie-ing with kangaroos in Australia. Yea, this picture doesn’t look so weird anymore now does it?
The Wedding Plank
In a few years from now, this couple and the guy planking in the background will have to explain what planking is. I’m not sure why this guy chose to do this in the background of the couple’s picture.

Maybe he felt an urgent need to work on his abs and spotted the perfect place to do that. I do think it would have been funnier if he had some groomsmen do it with him.
Fearful Tears
Who cracks you up more in the picture? The girl in the car who’s crying cause she doesn’t want to leave the safari? Or the ostrich getting his snack on?

Or perhaps it’s the llama who seems to be just hanging out in the back minding his own business. A day at the safari can mean a lot of things and you never know what you’re going to get.
Where's Waldo?
Can you find Waldo? It’s quite easy to spot him in the background of this picture. Just like the rest of us, Waldo also needs to eat and he likes to take advantage of half-prices appetizers as much as the next Joe.

He’s come quite a long way since his days in the books. Check out the next one who is Harry Potter’s ultimate arch-rival!
If you look at it for long enough, the girl in the background looks a lot like Chewbacca. Maybe it’s his sister, Drewbacca. I do wonder whether the four people in the picture took the picture simply because they were enjoying their time together or because they want to remember the Star Wars character look-a-like that they spotted.

Either way, you can probably expect to see her on Ellen soon!
Third Wheel
Remember when we said pictures are worth a thousand words? Well, that’s basically how we feel about this picture. It sums up perfectly what it’s like to be the third wheel. Every couple has that one friend; that always tags along even though they know they're not going to have a good time.

Well the woman in the background seems to be that third wheel. The look on her face tells us that she's been hanging out with a couple and she's essentially just there to fill the space? It's like being the little spoon in a spooning sandwich, but without any of the warmth or comfort.
Oh Hey, Amy Schumer
Having Amy Schumer as an extra on Judge Judy is brilliant. Do you think she brought along popcorn? The funny thing is that Judge Judy never once acknowledged that one of the world’s biggest comedians was in her audience.

She had viewers excited but also very confused! And the controversy of the day? Missing Yu-Gi-Oh cards. How exciting!
It’s Just A Toy
If that man wasn’t standing in a toy store I would never guess that that’s a toy he’s holding in his hand. JK I WOULD because that’s so obviously a toy! Well, the woman in the background wasn’t as convinced.

Her reaction is simply priceless. Maybe she thinks it’s a sex toy, but judging based off of other things in the store, it’s obviously not. Anyways, the manufacturer of that toy could benefit from a redesign.
Would Rather Eat Chips
You could spend hours getting ready for the school dance and one hundred dollars on the perfect dress or you can just not and stay in pajamas and eat chips.

Which sounds more fun? Well to this kid in the background, clearly eating chips is the chosen option. Follow your heart kids and stay true to yourself.
It's Rich Uncle Penny Bags!
Now, this photo is priceless. An activist, identified as Ian Madrigal, dressed up as the iconic Rich Uncle Pennybags at the 2017 Senate Equifax. He later reappeared in similar fashion in 2018 when Google SEO Sundar Pichai testified before Congress.

He says that the act is a protest of the internet company’s inability to self-regulate when it comes to protecting consumer data. It’s a perfect photobomb of the mascot of Monopoly who has been around since 1940. Rich Uncle Pennybags was also listed as the ninth richest fictional character in the Forbes Fictional 15 list.
The Backdrop Is Important
The backdrop in a film or TV show is very important as it sets the mood of the show. But sometimes something makes it into the background without being noticed. Here you can see a truck that was accidentally included in the picture in Game Of Thrones, obviously a big mistake.

The photo went viral. Actually, the screenshot is from a behind the scenes video for Beyond the Wall. The Snapchat caption is pretty funny but it is quite weird to see a truck in the background there.
Long Lost Twin
Did you just do a double-take? We sure did. News reporter Mustangs Barghouti is on live TV with the same program on right behind him. But, his facial expressions on and off the television look different.

On the TV he looks like he’s explaining something but in the photo, he looks like he’s annoyed about something. Hmm, the world will never know!
Guess Who?
Check out the bottom right of the picture. Well, well, well, now who do we have here? We have none other than the 42nd former President of the United States, Bill Clinton.

He’s looking as confused as ever as if to say “hey, what’s going on here?” Well, we too are confused, Bill. Just what exactly are you doing there?!
Nobody expects to be photographed while they're on the toilet! Especially not Uncle Chuck, who barely noticed the camera or that he was being photobombed by his cousin Shawn. While some people may find this type of humor distasteful or offensive, others find it hilarious. We guess this is the type of family that finds it hilarious.

We guess nobody is safefrom pranks and practical jokes in this family, not even the older members! Luckily this was taken of a man and not a woman, we can't imagine Grandma taking it lightly that someone was photographing her while she was minding her own business on the loo.
Catching a Moment
Who wasn’t taking selfies in random places just so they can capture some people they don't know making out? Well, almost everyone actually. Not only is it just a little creepy but it's also an invasion of privacy, the couple seems to be completely unaware of the fact that they're being photographed!

I would think it's fair to say that people who take selfies apparently don't realize that including random couples in the background is not a good look, which, in scientific terms, maybe a form of self-sabotage. Which in everyday terms, it's just a form of being an irritating person.
Look Closely
Looking at the background of this picture won’t do you much. So, we’ll help you out. Take your gaze south, towards the bottom of the picture. Now do you notice it?

I’m not really sure how to explain what’s going on here. This isn’t a background picture as much as it’s a forefront picture but still, it was highly deserving of a place on this list.
These photos from the '80s are, of course, gold, so much so that we love seeing them now, more than 30 years later because they give a tinge of nostalgia and remind us of our childhood that feels like so long ago. And what's more, there's someone accidentally-on-purpose photobombing in the background of this photo.

Long before smartphones and Instagram came along, we took photos with bulky cameras and had to develop them at the store. It was a time of VHS tapes, ninjas, and magical breakfast cereal. We stood in the first rays of entertainment. How innocent that time was, we certainly didn't know how much things would change and how quickly!
Horsing Around
Horses are always coming up to us being all, "Neeeeeigh", which translates to, "How come you guys don't include me in the photo?" but this guy wasn't going to be excluded, not this time around! He made sure he was in the photo and promptly forced his way into the view of the camera.

Does he care if looks a little silly and that his teeth haven't been cleaned, probably not, but at least he's having fun. Full disclosure, we kind of have a thing for horses so we're just as happy as the kids in this photo to see this horse baring his teeth for all to see.
Creepy Cat
Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, you've learned two seemingly irrefutable truths about cats: they can be cute and cuddly, and they can also be creepy. Take this photo as proof, yes there's one sweet ginger kitty snoozing by the window but there's another cat hiding in the corner.

Cats are known for being a little nuts and sowing discord whenever they can. The phenomenon that is cat behavior has never been easily explicable, but we still find them adorable and also bewildering. If you've had cats you'll know what they can be like, sometimes sweet, sometimes creepy but always unpredictable.
Photobombed by Batman
We don’t care if your biceps are built like Adonis, you look ridiculous fleeing like this as your pose for a photo. If you absolutely must take these photos, do it at home, or, well... actually they’re pretty ridiculous wherever you take them. No one actually stands or poses like this.

Please, for the love of all that is good in this world, get it together, guy. You may be beautiful on the outside, but you’re giving me serious doubts about your insides if you’re that obsessed with showing off your own physique. Even Batman thinks so as we can see him imitating this guy in the background.
Chain Reaction
A butt sniff for dogs is no different than a handshake for humans. Dogs have an amazing sense of smell which is 10,000 to 100,000 times better than humans. They also have a special organ which allows them to ignore the smell of poop when they sniff another dog’s butt.

Unfortunately for the fourth dog in the picture who’s off to the side, he’s missing out on the optimal butt sniffing that his other three comrades are doing. I hope Tom Six doesn’t make this into a film.
Leaning Tower Of Butts
The leaning tower of Pisa is the freestanding bell tower of the cathedral of the Italian city of Pisa. It’s famous worldwide for its unintended tilt, which began during its construction in the 12th century. Millions of tourists flock there yearly to take in the site and snap this quintessential picture of pretending to hold up the tower.

But, sometimes your photo gets unintentionally photobombed and you end up with a hilarious picture like this, which we think is just awesome. It looks like this guy is supporting the girl (by her butt) so that she can keep the tower from toppling over onto her. This guy is a hero and we think he deserves recognition for his heroic act.
Kangaroos Love Paris
Paris Hilton loves attention. As she tries to get the attention of this kangaroo, she fails to completely neglect what’s going on in the background of the photo. It’s not surprising that these two kangaroos are getting it on, especially at the sight of the one and only bombshell beauty, Paris Hilton.

They are clearly big fans of her. In fact, they are so loyal to her that they only stay at Hilton hotels when they travel. Paris, who’s not exactly known for her IQ is determined to capture the perfect selfie with her new friend so that she can share it with her 10+ million followers on Instagram. How long do you think it took her to realize what’s going on behind her?