It’s just not in Susan Boyle’s nature to live in luxury, or in excess. She’s not like the Instagram influencers of today who’re dripping with the latest designer clothes or jewels. No no, Boyle is a lot simpler, and a lot more down to earth than that.

But whilst she doesn’t feel the need to spend it on herself, she also is quite aware of the fact that she shouldn’t be giving hand-outs to her relatives. So quite simply, she doesn’t. Seems like Boyle is the saver, rainy-day-money type of woman! Sure, she loves her family, and particularly loves her nieces and nephews, but isn’t going to just hand out all her cash like it’s nothing! If they’re in dire need of some cash though, well, Susan will help where she can. So, how did Boyle spend her hard-earned cash? By helping out those she loves most!
It Wasn’t Easy Growing Up
The youngest of five children, Susan Boyle was born in Blackburn, Scotland. Her mother was an astonishing 45 years old when she gave birth to her, and this late age of giving birth was the reason given for Susan’s “differences.” Early on, her parents noticed that young Susan struggled with learning and well, learned a little differently to her siblings and classmates. Back in 1961, we weren’t quite as advanced with medical research or diagnoses, so her family told Susan that the reason she had some difficulty learning was due to the fact that she had been deprived of oxygen at birth. Yeah, pretty ridiculous.

It wasn’t until she was well over 40 that Susan was given the news that she had been, in fact, misdiagnosed, and actually had Asperger’s Syndrome. Boyle told The Telegraph, “I like to see myself as someone with a problem, but one I can solve. It is definitely getting better.” Gee, we’re glad she’s so positive about it – if it were us we’d be pretty mad at our parents and the doctors for that type of misdiagnosis! More power to you, Susan! So just how old was Susan when she was properly diagnosed?
Asperger’s Diagnosis at 52
It’s typical of the symptoms of Asperger’s Syndrome to reveal themselves early on in a child’s life. In the U.K. for example, most cases are diagnosed as early as five years of age. For Boyle however, things were quite different. Kids bullied Susan over her “lack of oxygen” or “brain damage” that she’d been born with, which made her childhood really hard. Imagine that piled up on the social anxiety that comes with growing up feeling excluded, and even going through puberty. Not a great start. But it makes for a sweeter story looking back!

Boyle once told The Guardian in an interview, “It was the wrong diagnosis when I was a kid. I was told I had brain damage. I always knew it was an unfair label. Now I have a clearer understanding of what’s wrong and I feel relieved and a bit more relaxed about myself.” At least there were some positives out of it all – and with her success, Boyle got the attention she deserved and someone to actually look into how she was. Not to get all soppy and “love yourself” on you all, but your mental health is so important.
High IQ, But Emotional IQ Suffers
Have you ever had a friend, or known someone who was brilliant, but struggled socially? Like the Brainiac kid in your class who aced every quiz but ate their lunch alone? Yeah, so Susan Boyle could relate. Boyle, who has Asperger’s Syndrome, is one of those on the spectrum who is actually high-functioning. In spite of her above-average IQ, Boyle struggles with how others are feeling and has difficulty in conveying her own emotions and feelings. The social anxieties which are commonly associated or caused by Asperger’s can lead to miscommunication and challenges in developing meaningful relationships.

In an interview with The Guardian, Susan admitted to suffering from mood swings, severe depression, and even emotional outbursts. For someone with Asperger’s, these behaviors aren’t at all uncommon. But for Boyle, who lived her life in the dark, and couldn’t explain why she felt (or didn’t feel!) a certain way about things, this is all a positive step. Boyle told The Guardian that being able to even identify these symptoms is a “relief.” For Susan, it seemed that having an emotional breakdown one day helped to end a long-standing family feud.
When You’re Down, Family is There
Being a part of a family of five, there’s bound to be some sibling rivalry, right?! Susan, however, is the youngest of the five, so we’re sure she got a little more attention! But having such a large family can also mean that some disagreements can arise with different personalities. Such is the case with Susan and her older brother, Gerry. The pair had a few disagreements which led to fighting and drawn-out battles, which eventually ended up in them not talking to one another at all. By the time Susan became an overnight sensation, the two had cut each other out of their lives. You know how journalists are! The tabloids had a field day over in the U.K., speculating about their rocky family ties. Once the rumors started circling, there was some grief for Susan, to say the very least.

For two long years, the siblings refused to make contact with one another. But then, sometime in June 2016, Susan reached out to her brother in a time of great need. In the middle of Heathrow Airport, a down and out Susan called her brother after having a mini-meltdown. In an interview, Gerry told Mirror, “I’d never heard her sound so down on the phone. I was really concerned. She didn’t sound like she was in a good place. We hadn’t spoken for two and a half years but when all is said and done, I am her brother. I realized how sad it was that we didn’t speak– and that it shouldn’t be that way.” So, it seems that despite all the fighting and feuding, her brother did the right thing to help his little sister out! Interested in what the big feud was all about? Read on to find out what caused such a rift in the Boyle family!
Losing Her Parents Before Success Came
For many years, Susan looked after her parents, and never really had any time to herself, let alone time to pursue her passion. She never actually told her parents that she wanted to become a singer for a living! On the side, her father knew about her talent, and always encouraged and supported her dream. Sadly, her Dad passed in 1999, and from that point on, Susan cared for her aging mother until 2007, who passed at the ripe old age of 91.

Boyle, who had a lot more free time, and really, nothing to lose, plucked up the courage to audition for Britain’s Got Talent in 2009. Can you believe that was 10 years ago? Scary! She told The Guardian, “I felt a part of me had died with [my mother] …. I so wanted to make her proud, so I found the strength to apply for Britain’s Got Talent and I truly believe that she was the angel on my shoulder that day.” And what an audition it was: sure, you may cringe a little at her confidence considering how frumpy she looked (despite not even being 50 at the time!), but once she opened her mouth, all the judges and fans in the audience were absolutely gobsmacked. Literally. Watching her audition still gives us chills.
Boyle’s First Beau…. At 53!
Now, before you go ahead and judge Susan, just take a moment to consider the fact that some people are late bloomers, mmkay? Such is the case for Susan Boyle, who, over the course of 53 years, went without men. Sure, with her undiagnosed Asperger’s and being a full-time carer for her aging mother, it doesn’t seem like Susan would’ve had much time to be swiping on Tinder, let alone going on dates! Also, can we just remind you all that some people just aren’t “ready” for a relationship, or don’t have space in their life for one? This was definitely 100% the case for Boyle. But things did change, albeit a little later in the game.

Whilst on tour, Boyle met her “Prince Charming” in Florida (so we automatically had a mental picture of Prince Charming from Shrek 2, but we’re pretty sure Susan isn’t into cherry-flavored lip-balm...anywho…) – the pair even went on a date while she was in town! “He was the perfect gentleman and even paid the bill,” she said. “Afterwards, we exchanged details. When we said goodbye, he gave me a peck on the cheek.” D’aww! Boyle’s openness to romantic pursuits is owing to the proper diagnosis of her Asperger’s – and it’s made it easier for her to recognize that her struggle in growing close to another person isn’t exactly uncommon! Boyle once told The Daily Mail that people with Asperger’s put a barrier up because they don’t trust people but she tries her best to let people in. And you can definitely teel that with every passing day, her confidence is growing!
Taking to Fame like a Duck to Water!
So most people who get rich quick just start ordering sparkling water at restaurants (heh) and booking private jets – really settling into that life of luxury, you know? That is not the case at all for Susan Boyle! Remaining down to earth (which is no easy task!), Boyle remains living humbly as she had done the past 47 years. So much so that she still lives in her hometown in Scotland and in the house she shared growing up with her siblings.

Not one to be dressed head to toe in Gucci or Burberry or any other brand, Boyle’s wardrobe too, remains modest. She’s pretty happy with the simple life (think Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie, pitchforks and hay bales and all) and doesn’t need much more than she had before Britain’s Got Talent. With her cat, Pebbles, Boyle enjoys her peace and quiet, with privacy and safety her two biggest concerns. Plus, having Asperger’s, it does make sense that she wants to live somewhere that is comfortable and familiar for her. You do you, boo!
Yep, Susan Boyle was Bullied Too!
Raise your hand if you’ve been victimized or bullied (by Regina George?), ever? Yeah, that’s a fair few. Our office too. Susan Boyle, like the rest of us, was bullied for being different. Yep, that old chestnut. Of course, Susan knew that stepping into the spotlight as an adult was going to attract the attention of haters too. But she bravely navigated the celebrity waves and charted her own course (heh).

In 2017, nasty insults were thrown at her by local teens (who in fact got even more aggressive, but we’ll get to that later on!), and Boyle, as the classy mature woman she is, held her head high and ignored them. Kids eh? Despite her hard front, Boyle later told media outlets that it did indeed get to her – and hey, we can appreciate that, it sucks! People suck, etc. “Who wouldn’t cry?” She told the Daily Mail. It brought back memories from her childhood and school bullies. If it continues, she'll most definitely want to the police… but Boyle is all about giving people a chance and the opportunity to see right from wrong. But that doesn’t mean she's a pushover, she told them!
Fighting Fit: Boyle’s 30 Pound Weight Loss
Now when Boyle stepped on that stage and opened her mouth to shock audiences, it not only fast-tracked her career, but it fast-tracked the makeover! With a jam-packed schedule – from interviews to appearances and performances, Susan Boyle was the town’s hot ticket! But with a busy schedule, it took its toll on her health. The singer was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. As you may know, this “lifestyle” Diabetes is the type that’s compatible: with a good diet and exercise, it can be fought!

Taking her health seriously, Boyle followed the doctor’s advice and embarked on a weight loss journey! She successfully lost 30 pounds, with the intent that she’s not only going to keep it off but maintain the changes to her diet and exercise regime, making it a lifestyle change! She told The Sun, “I needed to stop eating sweeties and cakes. It’s the bane of my life.” But for heaven's-sake, LET THEM EAT CAKE!
Gerry Boyle’s Demands for Compensation
So Susan was going along, enjoying the fame rollercoaster, and not to mention a heck of a lot of royalties, which, in 2013, garnered her a net worth of $27 million! Now when those sorts of figures are announced, you’d expect charities and the like to start popping up asking for donations. But no, it was her brother, Gerry, who asked for a share of her earnings! Whilst her other siblings watched on somewhat flabbergasted, Gerry kept badgering Susan to give him the $60,000 sum he asked for!

Seems that old family feud was back, but with financial requests! When Boyle denied her brother of the funds, Gerry went for the cheap shot, and threatened to commit suicide if he wasn’t given the money! Isn’t that just awful? And the best part is his claim: he figured that whilst the media were asking questions of the family, he should be compensated – and that she “owed” him! So did Susan give her brother the money? Or did she draw the line?
Getting Clucky? Boyle’s Plans to Adopt
It’s no secret that Susan Boyle loves children. After the two-year-long feud with her brother Gerry, and the resultant reconciliation, she was able to meet his grandson Alfie. “It was lovely,” Gerry said. “She couldn’t stop picking him up.” After the encounter, all Susan could talk about was having her own. But she wasn’t waiting around for some guy, nor IVF, and it’s been said that she’s considered adopting a child!

“I have so much love to give,” she told The Daily Mail. “I want to adopt a child who doesn’t have much, who I can really give something to. It’s a way of giving back to me. I love children, I always have but I couldn’t have them.” She admits that people don’t take her seriously on the subject, to which she optimistically replied, “They have a giggle at me. Let’s see.”
A Real-Life Rags to Riches Story
Perhaps one of the best things about Susan Boyle, apart from the way she got famous, is the fact she’s so relatable to the average Joe or Jane! That someone who appeared seemingly ordinary was, in fact, able to achieve something extraordinary. Before she got on stage for that fated Britain’s Got Talent performance, Boyle was struggling with not only losing her mother but being able to pay the bills!

Fast forward and that’s a dim memory, but she often reminds herself that there were hard times and obstacles to overcome first before finding fame. It’s like, check yo' self, type thing. We’re all for it! At the end of the day, Boyle reminds herself that everything’s going to be a-okay! “My goals are simple now,” she told The Sunday Post. “To have good friends and family around me and enjoy some money I have earned within reason and ensure I never have to worry about paying my gas and electric again.”
She Can More than Handle the Challenges of Asperger’s
Asperger’s Syndrome isn’t something to take lightly, and Boyle knows that living with it has its tough times. However, after 50+ years of dealing with it, she’s very self-aware, especially when it comes to her emotional outbursts, admitting that she’s King Kong’s Mother” when she’s having an episode related to Asperger’s.

Boyle is self-aware of her outbursts and says she's "King Kong's Mother" when she's having an episode related to Asperger's. She understands that it potentially makes her hard to work with, as a singer, but she hopes that people are willing to understand and communicate with her. She told The Daily Mail that it's a very difficult subject to talk about..."You always feel that eyes are on you, and people view you as different..." "I like to see myself as someone with a problem, but one I can solve."
Susan’s Success is Remarkable!
Her success has broken records worldwide, with Boyle being awarded three Guinness World Records, including Fastest-selling Album by a Female (UK) and the Most Successful First Week UK Debut Album Sales! Pretty amazing.

Considering she was in her 50s when she started getting recognition, and her career finally took off, it’s impressive looking at the success she’s had in such a short time. Age of the Internet/Social Media, right? In less than ten years of her career, Boyle’s achieved a net worth in excess of $30 million. Her first album, I Dreamed A Dream debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard charts in 2009. Her hit single was included in a movie, and she even performed for the Pope! Talk about ticking off bucket list items.
Family Values and Down Time
Boyle, who is a fan of doing covers and bringing the greats back to life, has a certain process when she decides which songs she’s going to choose! She looks to cover those which touch the widest range of hearts – songs that people can relate to, that will make them reminisce and even put a smile on their faces! Her 2010 album, titled The Gift (which it certainly was to many listeners who’re tired of whiny popstars), was the first-ever Christmas album to top the UK chart!

And her favorite artist of all time? None other than the queen herself (no, not Beyoncé psh), Madonna! As such, Boyle’s been sure to throw in a few Madonna covers – Like a Prayer, anyone? Boyle notes that she wanted to create an album that families could enjoy together, an album that can be played all year and evoke memories. We can surely get behind that notion!
Retirement? What’s that?
R-e-t-i-r-e-m-e-n-t? What? So for Susan Boyle, who feels like she only just started her life at 47, retirement is certainly not even remotely on the cards! Susan’s fans would be overjoyed of course, but it’s quite clear that the UK singer isn’t planning on hanging up her golden mic anytime soon! She told Daily Mail, “In my book, ‘retirement’ is a dirty word.”

Along with staying afloat in the industry, it means that Boyle has to stay current and relevant and to make the most of the momentum that’s come with her success on BGT and her branding in the public eye. “Like any artist, I worry about people still liking me,” she said. “I worry about going stale. I have a role to play… I don’t want to let them [my fans] down.” And we have a feeling that Susan Boyle won’t let us, herself OR her fans down!
An Entrepreneurial Spirit!
Susan Boyle’s rise to fame has been pretty damn spectacular. It’s hard to believe that 10 years ago (which was, yes, 2009 – why is 1999 20 years ago?! Still haunts us), Susan Boyle was milling about living here life and almost unable to keep herself afloat. She’d just lost her mother and was looking for a lifeline. She found it with BGT.

But something even more amazing? Well, Boyle has used the funds she’s accumulated and grabbed every opportunity to, actually, start her own music companies! Moreover, Boyle is the director of all three firms and oversees the branding of her music and merchandise. Since investing in herself and her brand, Boyle has established consistent and sustainable income for her future, and her family’s future. Who knows, she might even go into talent recruitment and finding the next big stars!
We All Have a Fear: But What’s Susan’s?
Around the time that a new show was being announced in 2018, Boyle spoke out about her personal life and some other details! The singer opened up to Express, and gave some insight into her life, and that she’s got a secret! Whilst you might expect that being poor would be a great fear, it was in fact, something a lot deeper and less superficial. It turns out that the singer who’s garnered an adoring and large fan base, is, in fact, afraid of being lonely, and living the rest of her life alone and unmarried. Gosh. We’re crying. You’re crying. The office dog is crying.

But quick to inject humor given the subject, she went on to describe her ideal man as having the traits of three men you all know! Two of the three are BGT judges! Ok: Donny Osmond, Simon Cowell, and (of course!) Piers Morgan. The singer one said that her ideal man would have Donny’s voice, Simon’s good looks and Piers’ sense of humor.” She joked said, “I would have married Piers, but someone else got there first.” (He tied the knot in 2010!) She did get a kiss on the cheek from Piers and sang a duet with Donny Osmond! Don’t worry Susan: there’s someone out there for you!
A New Chapter: So What’s Next?
Fans are thrilled that Boyle has made a comeback on stage – and also just the chance to see her live! Almost a year ago, in September 2018, Boyle announced to her fans that she would be indeed joining the all-star cast version of America’s Got Talent.

A long 9 years since her epic performance on Britain’s Got Talent, Susan Boyle was ready and raring to go to once again wow audiences with her pipes! An insider told The Sun, “Simon was delighted Susan agreed to come back.” Once again, it just goes to show that star power can maintain that staying power, particularly in such a fickle industry. Boyle proves that she’s definitely got it!
Boyle’s Had the Last Laugh
Boyle’s sure moved forward in leaps and bounds since she first appeared on Britain’s Got Talent! Before the instrumental backing started, no one knew who she was, and only saw a frumpy looking (old – but only because her hair wasn’t dyed!) woman on stage. They had nothing but to judge her – and judge her they did. When she shared with the audience that she wanted to be like Elaine Paige, an English singer who’s renowned in the musical circuit, everyone had a giggle. When she emphatically told the audience of her dream, they had nothing but laughter. You know how the old adage goes kids: don’t judge a book by its cover. We’re re-watching the audition video just to see the shocked faces – and watching the birth of a star! After her emotional performance, Piers Morgan, one of the judges on the British panel said to her: “When you stood there with that cheeky grin and said, ‘I want to be like Elaine Page,’ everyone was laughing at you. No one is laughing now.” TOO. RIGHT. PIERS. (Where’s that clap emoji?)

With such a reception, we’re thinking back to the doctor who told Boyle’s parents that she was deprived of oxygen at birth. With his analysis, he delivered a cutting comment, “don't expect too much.” Susan thinks back to that time when “He prejudged me. All the doctor told my mum was what I wouldn't be able to do, not what I could do.” And well, look at what she has done!
And Boyle Isn’t Taking “Runner Up” For An Answer!
So despite her phenomenal success, and looking back now, Boyle left the winners of BGT for dust, she didn’t actually take home the title. Diversity, who are still performing, and were fantastic to watch, were the ones to win the show back in 2009.

Since, the series announced an “All Stars” type of competition, pulling the cream of the crop from Britain’s Got Talent and America’s Got Talent together for a high-stakes battle! It’s clear that Boyle has a bit of a competitive streak and looked on to taking another shot at winning the title for herself! She’s been out of the public eye and the media for some time… an extended holiday perhaps?
Boyle’s Comeback is the Return We’ve Been Waiting For!
Boyle, now 58-years-old, has managed to steer clear of the limelight in recent years. It’s been a long 5 years since she updated anything on social media. So when she finally jumped back online after the longest time – like seriously, can you imagine not being on IG for 5 years? Also wow, IG has been around that long? Ok, we’re old. I’m crying now.

Her last post, dated November 10, 2013, was looking very lonely. That was until just recently when a video montage of her performances over the years was posted! The caption read: “Susan Boyle is back and ready to remind the world of her voice that inspired millions and her incredible journey over the past nine years.” Weow!
Fans Are Ecstatic at the News!
After five long years, fans were stunned: Boyle got social media! And what’s better? She posted on Instagram that she was planning a big ole comeback! Comments on her announcement were reportedly very excited: “So happy! We’ve been waiting.” “Sooo glad to hear that there’s more to come in the near future from this amazing lady with the angelic voice.”

Naw. We love social media sometimes. Definitely just the type of words of encouragement to get Susan inspired and ready to deliver for her fans. Susan’s Instagram followed up with another post thanking her fans for the loving notes and support! Cute!
Celebrity Crush: Piers Morgan!
Now compared to the critical Simon Cowell, fans look at Piers Morgan and swoon. But not just for his comments and niceties: he’s a bit of a salt-and-pepper (he’s not grey yet!) fox! The 54-year-old judge, who would’ve been in his mid-40s at the time Susan Boyle auditioned, definitely well, caught her eye!

Funnily enough, Boyle opened up to the media – her candid interviews are mildly shocking but also entertaining, with her quickly admitting that she did have a little crush on Piers Morgan! When she was asked if she still had hopes of marrying Piers, who helped discover her, Boyle told The Sun, “Oh no, I’ve moved on from fancying Piers. It’s been nine years!” She continued, “He’s been a wonderful support over the years and I would like to think he would still continue to support me now.” Geez, the reporters can be pesky – just because she’s got a crush, doesn’t mean she’s going to marry him! Anywho, he’s since married. So there’s that.
Where’s Susan Been Hiding Out All This Time?
In an interview with The Sun, the singer responded to why fans haven’t heard from her in quite a while. “...I’ve been out of the spotlight for a while, but that was my decision.” It seems that after the whirlwind fame fairy tale, things took their toll – the international tours and mainstream media were just a bit much at the time.

But Boyle, with renewed vigor, is back, and back in a big way! With her brief hiatus, Boyle took a break from the media to firstly settle her nerves and also to get fit! Ok self-care 101: think about yourself for once. She knew that if she wasn’t 100% in her head and in her skin, she wouldn’t be able to keep it together. So she took a much-needed rest, an objective step back, and now she’s “lost a bit of weight and I’m ready to come back with a bang.” Yaaasss! But there’s more to this story: go on, we know you want to know!
She Needed Some “Me Time”
Sure, hearing a 57-year-old woman say that she’s only just maturing and growing up now might seem a bit of a stretch, but well, that’s exactly what Boyle said she needed. After living for others, Boyle was finally able to have the “me time” to focus on herself and her dreams and grow into her headspace.

After 2009, Boyle’s world was turned upside down, in an extraordinary way. Whilst she was catapulted to fame and won millions of adoring fans, it was somewhat bittersweet: she was simultaneously diagnosed with Asperger’s. But for Boyle, this news was positive: she finally knew why she’d always been a little different! This spurred her on even more, and she felt that her life was only just beginning! She told The Sun, “The old Susan Boyle has grown up, well she needed to, and now I’m back and raring to go.”
No Signs of Slowing Down for Susan Boyle
“I’m not ready for retirement,” Boyle told The Sun in late September 2018. In fact, she’s been honing her skills to take her singing to the next level. “I’ve worked incredibly hard to grow as an artist, improve my voice and become more comfortable in my own skin.” Talking about self-love and self-care, we want our readers to take a deep breath, count to 3 and breath out. There we go, nice and easy. Ok, that’s step 1: Now go give yourself a facial! (Um yes, this applies to men too, duh). Look at Boyle: she’s absolutely glowing!

After years of keeping her talent in and serving others, the selfless Boyle is ready to open up and take the stage. We’re pretty impressed at her transformation, and how now she’s a bundle of confidence! And as for singing in front of Simon Cowell? Well, things change after fame hits!
Not Even Simon Cowell Can Intimidate Boyle!
Simon Cowell has a bit of a reputation. Well, he has THE reputation as the most intimidating and most cutthroat judge to have ever well, judged! Based on looks alone, you could see from the judges’ facial expressions and body language that they weren’t expecting much when Susan Boyle walked on stage. More of a confident stride than a walk, actually. But Boyle was confident in her abilities and stood tall and strong – and she totally blew their socks off!

Her performance was “the best” that Piers Morgan had seen in his time on the show. Pretty amazing stuff eh? Whilst most singers are nervous and shaking like a leaf on stage in front of the celebrity judges – not to mention the criticism afterward, Susan Boyle certainly is one of a kind. And hey, by the time we’re over 40, we’d hope we’d have the same confidence! When she was asked about how she felt performing in front of Simon Cowell, she told The Sun “He’s not Mr. Nasty at all. He’s a pussycat and I can’t wait to show him the new and improved Susan.” Meow.
A Winner Regardless of BGT’s Outcome
So thinking back to 2009, you may remember that Susan Boyle didn’t actually win Britain’s Got Talent! She lost out to a dance troupe; but never the matter, she still managed to win hearts not just in the UK, but over the world: did you know that her audition video has had over 11 million views?

But despite her success on the show, it wasn’t her first rodeo: after her mother passed away, she began entering talent competitions and shows around Scotland, but to no avail. Who would’ve thought that crossing over to England that she’d find success? Always one to look ahead, Boyle had her eye on winning the America’s Got Talent: The Champions competition: “You know I’ve entered many competitions before I went on Britain’s Got Talent, and never won, I came in second on Britain’s Got Talent, so you never know I might actually win this!” Sadly, however, Boyle did make it to the final, but was ousted once again, this time by Magician Shin Lim!
Boyle Flies the Flag for those with Asperger’s
As a woman living with Asperger’s, that’s a challenge that most wouldn’t be able to handle. But Boyle juggles it with her fame so gracefully – we’re in awe! But Boyle’s voice is so much more powerful than her singing: she’s accomplished, she’s female, she’s an artist in the UK (which is a notoriously hard market to crack) and is international, Boyle has proven that living with Asperger’s isn’t a death sentence. Oh no, not at all! Sure, Boyle knows her triggers, and battles anxiety and mood swings – but with the support of her team and management she acknowledges her feelings and copes with it best she can. What a star. Literally.

“If I feel like I’m going to take a mood swing, I get up and leave. I’ve learnt that the hard way.” She knows when she’s not in the mood to talk, and so, the best and simplest way: just leave. Tbh more people should do that. Sincerely, the world. But jokes aside, Boyle feels truly on top of the world when she’s performing: “Off stage, it happens lots. It always has. On stage, I’m a different person. I feel accepted,” she told The Telegraph. But one particular someone really gets under Susan’s skin and gets what they want, every time.
Gerry Boyle the Opportunist
So you might remember back that Gerry and Susan had their differences, harboring a dislike for one another for a number of years and not talking at all. Fast forward and the pair quashed their feud. But with the openness and more frequent communication, there were other problems.

Surely dialogue and talking wouldn’t cause problems…right? But it seems that Gerry used it to manipulate Susan. Susan’s nephew, Alan Boyle, revealed to Express that Gerry purposefully upsets his sister at the worst moments to get the money he wants. He has expressed how he's proud of all of her achievements. “She is the most generous person I know but Gerry just takes advantage. I’ve never heard of him having a proper job. It’s always been that he’s an 'entrepreneur' which I just think means he’s a lazy [expletive.]
Blood Is Thicker Than Water
Boyle’s nephew Alan, and Boyle’s older sister Bridie McCaw have both spoken out regarding the long-standing feud, and Gerry’s antics. Boyle prefers to keep to herself and likes her privacy when she’s not on-stage entertaining, so it seemed odd that they came out – but the family members insisted that there was air that needed to be cleared, for their family’s sake.

Both Alan and Bridie agreed that “The reason we are going public is because there is no other way to get through to him. He’ll not listen. We just want him to leave Susan alone.” And hey, we’d expect family to be able to talk some sense into a straying member. But on Gerry’s behalf, it’s a pretty low blow. If it were us we’d disown him and let him be sorry on his own! Gerry did it again. Not cool.
Family Feud: Boyle’s Brother Proves More of a Nuisance Than Family
It seems that despite her family’s attempts to protect Boyle from the nastiness of her brother Gerry, it was to no avail. Her older brother Gerry has continued to not only make a mockery of himself, but he’s also continued to make more suicide threats if Susan didn’t cave and give him the money he asked for. Another business venture? Perhaps a holiday to the Maldives? What else could Gerry dream up?

One of Boyle's spokespeople told Express, “It is true. There were threats of suicide if she did not pay yet another large amount of money" she then commended Susan’s family for making his despicable actions public.” It seems that with her family going public, Gerry was put in line. As far as we know he hasn’t made any more threats of taking his life. Still, uncool, particularly when suicide is such a serious issue. Gerry’s out penny-pinching, but Susan remains unchanged by the wealth she’s accumulated from her great talent!
There’s No Place Like Home!
We love that Boyle, despite the fortune she’s earned for herself, still remains in her sleepy Scottish town, and in the very same house she grew up in as a little girl! Sure, her brother might be after the funds for himself, but it seems that Susan prefers a simpler lifestyle, and is happy to be comfortable enough to afford to pay her bills. Having lived with her parents and cared for them, as well as known the struggle of not having money, she’s just grateful to live without all the bells and whistles. Save the private jets and designer everything to the Hadid sisters.

Almost 10 years down the track, Boyle has remained true to herself and her family’s roots. She purchased what she calls “The Posh House” on the other side of her hometown. It boasts five bedrooms and costs £300,000. Despite the upgrade, Boyle was a creature of habit and figured quite quickly that it just wasn’t the right fit. Sooner rather than later, she moved back into her family’s home, and allowed her niece to move into the “posh” house! Damn, lucky girl! Adopt us, Susan, pls? You’d think you’d be safe in your own home, right? Well, sadly not the case for Susan Boyle.
Intruder Alert: Boyle’s Fame Attracts Crime
With her fame growing, Boyle became the subject of buzzing media and public attention. Her nephew’s words remind us of Boyle’s kind-hearted nature and generosity – however sometimes, this can be detrimental. In January 2010, Boyle traveled to London to record the Helping Haiti single. Along with a number of high-profile musicians and singers, including Miley Cyrus, Westlife, and Kylie Minogue, Boyle lent her vocals to the fundraising track. Their cover of “Everybody Hurts” made famous by R.E.M., had its proceeds go to rebuilding Haiti after a catastrophic 7.0 Mw earthquake struck the nation.

After her trip to London, she returned home to Scotland and found an uninvited guest inside! A young man was caught red-handed snooping around her house, basically turning everything upside down in an attempt to steal some valuables for himself! The Scottish police soon showed up and dusted for prints but didn’t seem to yield any results. A friend told the media that “Susan is unharmed but is obviously very, very shocked. The guy has seen her come in and bolted out straight past Susan.” Gosh, how awful! Poor thing, all she would’ve wanted would’ve been a nice cup of tea and to relax in her home….and she couldn’t even do that! Sadly, due to a very antagonistic, rowdy bunch, Boyle can’t even live safe and sound in her own hometown without being bothered… let alone assaulted!
Local Youths Have Made Boyle a Target
Now the fact that a celeb like Boyle can’t feel safe in her own home, let alone hometown where she grew up – well, that’s a disgrace. Seriously. 99% of Blackburn, Scotland’s residents are overjoyed to know that a woman who lives around the corner is an international singing sensation AND was raised in the same town! But as is the case most of the time, the minority spoils the fun for the majority.

That minority? Well, a gang of local teens who have been harassing the superstar. Initially, it was a 10-second spiel on the news, but it seems that things have spiraled out of control and have led to more serious measures being taken by Boyle. The teens would follow Susan down the streets, even assailing her with rocks and lit pieces of paper! Like, wut? Y tho? As well as physical abuse, this particularly nasty gang of youths (pardon the pun, great band btw), has grown the confidence to even yell insults at her! It’s no wonder Boyle has repeatedly called the police on them – with their numbers growing, it’s a surprise she hasn’t hired a security detail to follow her. Pretty rude. If you’re reading this, you guys are losers. Just drop it and find a job yeah?
She’s a Family Type of Gal
It’s just not in Susan Boyle’s nature to live in luxury, or in excess. She’s not like the Instagram influencers of today who’re dripping with the latest designer clothes or jewels. No no, Boyle is a lot simpler, and a lot more down to earth than that.

But whilst she doesn’t feel the need to spend it on herself, she also is quite aware of the fact that she shouldn’t be giving hand-outs to her relatives. So quite simply, she doesn’t. Seems like Boyle is the saver, rainy-day-money type of woman! Sure, she loves her family, and particularly loves her nieces and nephews, but isn’t going to just hand out all her cash like it’s nothing! If they’re in dire need of some cash though, well, Susan will help where she can. So, how did Boyle spend her hard-earned cash? By helping out those she loves most!
The Gift of Family
Being a part of a family, whilst wonderful can be tough. It’s especially tough when you see family members go through hard times. Boyle was in the unique position of being able to lend a helping hand to those in her family who were struggling to pay the bills. Whilst Boyle knows the importance of not spoiling her nieces and nephews too much so that they learn the value of things and of hard work, she certainly isn’t going to turn her back on them, especially if they need a little help along!

Her nephew, a budding fashion designer, was trying to find his feet in the fashion world, however, needed some start-up capital to get his business running. Aunt Susan to the rescue! She gifted her nephew £30,000 for a fashion business venture and also paid off her niece’s credit card debt. Boyle has also paid the mortgages on her family’s homes, which is a massive help – and most likely a cause for celebration for her family! She also helps out with car payments and any other little things – sure, she can’t buy them all Ferraris, but hey, at least they don’t have to worry about paying off the house! Tbh… we need one of those (a rich relative that is!)
Britain’s Got Talent Was a Fresh Start for Boyle
Britain’s Got Talent did more than bring Susan Boyle fame: it gave her a new lease on life and a purpose. Her story shows how a kind-hearted and particularly gifted woman found her calling, even if it was later in life. So kids: don’t give up on your dreams! Her story is one which is extremely motivating, and shows that sometimes, good things come at times which are unexpected! We’re pretty sure Boyle had no idea just how much her life would change when she stood on that stage and sang the famous “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Misérables! Just two years after her mother passed in 2007, Boyle stood up on stage at 47, in front of an intimidating panel of judges (ahem Simon Cowell! THE judge of all judges!) and gave it her all. It was time for her to be kind to herself, and it was her time to show the world her talent.

Today, more than ever, Boyle is the best she’s ever been, telling Daily Mail, “All my life I felt like an outsider looking in – but after that [BGT] I felt like part of life at last. I was always struggling to show I had as much ability as anyone else, and finally, I did.” We’re not crying, you are.