You see it all the time in American football games. Somehow in all the heat and humidity, some fans insist on arriving at the game in full costume. But who’s to blame them? After all, it did get the attention of the cameras.

He got it right too. Suarez is a beast of a man, and he knows how to bring in the heat. So why not bring out the heat for him with a sign that gives him credit? Suarez actually noticed this costume, and his reaction was pretty funny.
I'm in Moscow, You're the Mule
How do you think Jon reacted? Do you think he was A. stunned, B. extremely pleased with having the cat all to himself so they can continue their evil plans, or C. Jon didn't react because Jon doesn't exist and this girl is actually a highly intelligent marketing wiz who knew she would get the click on this picture?

Well, Jon, if you are real, we hope you know that this person (we assume is your spouse) left you without saying anything in 2018 to fly to Moscow and watch a World Cup Colombia-England showdown.
Messi Is Abel to Do It All
In the story of Cain and Abel, the two brothers struggle with being very opposite to one another. Abel is the most loved person in the community. He does everything right. Abel is healthy, wealthy, and always has the best sacrifices for God. Whereas Cain, as much as he tries, or at least thinks he is trying, can't seem to land on his feet. Messi is the soccer version of Abel.

You'd be well frustrated trying to find even one person in the whole world who does not appreciate his contribution to sports. Everyone loves Messi. It does beg the question if Messi is the world's Abel, who is Cain?
Bringing Home the Bacon
This is what happens when you take American fan trolling and combine it with soccer. In this 2021 World Cup qualifier in Nashville, Tennessee, between U.S. and Canada, this American fan took the liberty to make a statement shared amongst many across the country.

"Canadian Bacon is not real bacon!" The difference between the two is pretty stark. Canadian bacon is round and seems to be a fatless piece of ham, whereas bacon is your classic fat in the middle, meat on the sides. This is the perfect troll on what all Americans call the pork roll. Could you be more hurtful?
Brazilian Drama Is a Must
The game with the highest rating in the World Cup is always the game that involves Brazil. This is, in part, due to the tremendous energy that is exhibited by both the players and the fans. The Brazilian people are known to be highly passionate about their soccer (or what they call 'futebol,') and if you disappoint, they are not quick to forgive.

These 2014 Mundial fans made it clear to Brazilian team coach Filipe Luiz (who they feel has been coaching their team for long enough) that they are ready for a new coach to fill in his cleats. Also, a 2002 championship doesn't mean he should keep coaching the team.
Ronaldo, Nuff Said
Like Messi, Portuguese striker Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the most beloved soccer players in the history of the sport and has been playing in Europe for over a decade.

Although Ronaldo spent most of his career as the Spanish Club Real Madrid star, he later spent a few years playing under the colors of Italian Juventus. Wherever he goes, the fans are ecstatic about his arrival. He looks great, has some of the highest goal score averages in history, and is the personification of the spirit of soccer. Don't believe us? Ask this girl.
An Honorable Exchange
Soccer players exchange jerseys as a sign of respect. This kid in the crowd wanted to skip all the effort of getting older, becoming a star, and getting a jersey.

Instead, he tried his luck making a sign with the hopes that his idol Che Adams may notice, run over, and give him a signed one. But judging by the look on his father's face, there may be a second motive here. Maybe the kid is just a pawn, and the jersey can be sold in an auction?
"Can I Have It? Can I Have Yo Numba?"
Did you ever imagine what phone privacy looks like for a soccer star? It is probably impossible to keep your phone number a complete secret. A secret is only as good as the number of people that know it, and these players know a lot of people.

The last thing you want is for your teammate to out your phone number to a crazed fan in the stands. That is unless you would like to play a funny prank on him. The best bet is this young fan never got her wish and she still surfs the web today looking for Terry's phone number. Let's wish her luck!
A Slogan for the Centuries
In 2008 UEFA (the Union of European Football Associations) launched a media campaign dubbed "Respect." The campaign aimed to create an inclusive atmosphere around soccer towards unity and respect across gender, race, religion, and ability.

This photo was taken at the 2010 World Cup in a match between Brazil and North Korea and is a clear sign that the campaign was a success. After all, sports since the time of the ancient Greek Olympic Games have been a way to unify nations around a commonality that keeps the peace between all cultures. Let's keep the tradition going!
Anyone Can Be a Fan
The World Cup happens every four years and is an opportunity to unify nations internally. For a few weeks, there's a peaceful environment around the globe, making space for dialogue, tolerance, and positive change.

Fans unify around their home country and watch it compete against some of the best teams the world has to offer. Anything can happen, and the tournament is full of surprises. And there is no rule that forbids you from supporting a country you are not a native of. Just like this girl decided to be British for the day, so can you.
The Home of It All
If Brazil refers to itself as "The Country of Futball" (or in Portuguese, "o país do futebol"), then home to the Maracanã stadium, Rio De Janeiro, is the capital of soccer.

One of the biggest stadiums the world has ever seen, the Maracanã was home to this 2014 game between Brazil and Uruguay during the Brazil World Cup, and fans spared no time trolling their South American contenders on the pitch. Go big or go home! Or at least get trolled while trying to win. This guy put in the effort. Did it work?
Enough Is Never Enough
Switzerland is one of the most expensive countries in the world. Just a cup of coffee in some cities in the country could cost you an arm and a leg.

There are very few places that made it to the top ten list of most expensive countries in the world. You can bet the ticket to a soccer match between Switzerland and Portugal in the city of Geneva is no cheap day out with mom and dad. Still not enough for this young whipper snapper. Nope, he would like to go home with a jersey too.
A Two-for-One Deal
The global licensed sports merchandise market reached a value of US$ 29.9 billion in 2021. Looking forward, the market is projected to reach US$ 39.8 billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 4.9% during 2022-2027.

These two girls seem to be trying their luck for some exclusive merchandise from their hometown stars. You can see the excitement on their faces. "What will you do with the money we make, Jenny? I'm gonna buy the biggest house ever, and no one will ever be able to say I didn't make it. They'll say, hey, that's Jenny's house. You know the girl who sold the gloves!"
Friends Help Friends With Bureaucracy
A friend is a person who helps you fill in and apply for your visa application when you are trying to immigrate to another country. Or, in the case of a soccer star, it is probably the job of a clerk who may only meet you a few times in the process.

But imagine you work in a private visa application company, and one day a famous soccer star is sitting in front of you. It is a moment that you will probably not forget, and they likely will. So, it's worth it to make a sign to remind them who their real friends are.
Momma Tried
This time it's not Dad who is trying to make a buck-fifty using their kid as a merch pawn, but it's actually his mother. They don't really seem to look that interested in the game here, either.

What do you think their story is? Are they true soccer fans who really want to hang the shirt up on the wall? Does this kid really think his mother is a human sacrifice? Was it all staged by the gods of marketing and P.R. to give us viewers a laugh or two? Please don't sell your moms for t-shirts, kids.
Still Not Convinced
The use of the words "can still" implies this kid had previously owed something to his idol. Almost like writing to your best friend after a fight, "you can still have the rest of my pizza even though I'm still hungry."

It's quite the proposition. Imagine being the player who told the story at the dinner table, "One time, this kid traded me his mom for a t-shirt. I wanted to take the offer, but I wasn't quite sure how legal it was, so I just gave him the t-shirt and asked for her number. What do you think, guys, fair deal?"
Oh, Snap!
This little kid really brought in the heat and laid a steamy diss on Japan in a game between Japan and the U.S. in the FIFA Women's World Cup Final in Vancouver.

"Dear diary, problem number 99. I met a girl today at a soccer game who stood next to me while I was holding up a sign declaring my abundance of problems to the world and ripping off a famous rap song. I thought she would like it, but it turns out she is half-Japanese. "It's hard out here for a P%*P."
Soccer Theory
You wouldn't see this sign in your local driver theory test, but it seems this boy got inspired by his to make a sign depicting a person letting the trophy slip from their hands. It's a valid fear.

Could you imagine you tried so hard, studied for weeks to pass theory so you could get your license, and by the end of it, your favorite soccer team didn't win the championship? Oh, you don't see a connection between the two. Don't you think one has to do with the other? Tell that to this kid then.
Covid Britney
During the global health crisis of the 2020s, most games were played in empty stadiums around the world. The virus was spreading very rapidly, and as a containment precaution, many countries enacted measures that would limit the number of people that could congregate in one place.

Therefore, depending on the stage of the virus spread, the stadium's capacity would either be limited or completely empty. During that time, many stadiums were sticking pictures of faces on the seats to get a laugh from the audience watching at home and maybe even give a sense of an audience in the seats. One person took the laughter to a whole new level.
Fun at the Linc
The Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is one of the best places to catch an American football game in the country. "Philly" fans are quite the riot, and they know how to party and have fun.

If you catch a game at the "Linc," be sure to get there early and expect to see the fans outside barbequing and partying in the parking lot. Be sure to join in the fun. This fan certainly did when he attended a friendly soccer match hosted in the stadium between the U.S. and Turkey. Don't forget a cheesesteak after the game!
Mom's Dream Clothes
Bottoms up, because this mom may have just been under the influence when she influenced her son to hold up this sign, or maybe dad did. Who knows.

"Hi, mom, dad, remember that time when you made me offer your services for clothes from a soccer player? Well, that memory kind of triggers me now, and I need some of the money you made from selling the pants to pay for my therapy. Thanks!" it makes you wonder, maybe a lot of kids out there have soccer player stepdads.
Pro Gamer
Got game? This kid sure does. His sign puts out an excellent effort to get Hope Solo's number. That's one of the better pick-up lines out there, for sure. Do you think this kid got what he wanted?

Maybe he's still out there, full of hope, that one day he won't be solo anymore, and he will be able to start a family full of hope that isn't solo with Hope Solo. Try reading this paragraph 10 times faster! Maybe it will give you the brain power you need to make a better sign than this one. Or maybe not.
Take Offence
There are few things Italians love more than their soccer. One of them being pasta. Italians consume more than 51 pounds of pasta a year. So you can imagine that this banner doesn't sit so well with the fans in the stands.

The picture was taken in Wembley Stadium, London, during the EUFA EURO 2020 semi-final match between Italy and Spain. What do you imagine the Italian fans could write back to Spain? How inclined are the Spanish fans to take a joke?
8 Tentacles and a Brain Full of Wisdom
Have you ever heard the story of Paul the Octopus? He was one of the most captivating influencers of the 2010 World Cup. Paul was a psychic octopus who was able to predict the future. Not just any future, though.

He was able to predict seven different results for World Cup winners. His handlers would place two cubes with flags on them in his tank on a live stream, and he would wrap his tentacles of wisdom around the cube he preferred. For seven picks in a row, every cube he picked ended up being the winning team!
Lil Kim
There are very few people who get to watch the FIFA World Cup within the confines of North Korea. Part of the elite few who get to watch the games are their leader Lil Kim-Jong-Il. How do you think he reacted to this rendition of "My boyfriend thinks I'm at work"?

This picture was taken on June 15th, 2010, during a game between Brazil and North Korea. You could imagine who the winner of the game ended up being. We'll give you a hint. It's the team whose players don't get sent to a particular work facility if they lose.
Who Are You, Strange Sir
This photo, taken in 2014, during a World Cup Match between Brazil and Germany, sure did give us a lot of unanswered questions. This man is wearing a Brazil jersey, he looks to be more Middle-Eastern, and his sign dons the most American writing you could imagine.

Is his wife really giving birth? And if she did, is this the way she's gonna find out? From a hospital bed? He may not have a home to come back to after this one. Not to mention he's wearing the wrong jersey in this game, as Brazil did not do too well against Germany in 2014.
No Laughing Matter
With every winning prediction, he had about a soccer game, Paul, the octopus, began to make enemies. Basically, fans became agitated by the idea that his predictions would jinx their game results. These fans didn't hold back and made the most belligerent, vegan-triggering, borderline-inciteful sign they could.

Oh, and why are there three different people holding the sign? One of them being hidden in the back. Are they octopuses too? Are we living in a world where there are secret octopus societies who live at war with one another and predict soccer matches?
The Face of a Champion
The 2014 World Cup games had a very interesting promotion of the Brazilian squad during the games. Fliers such as this one were handed out and sold around the country, and fans would hold them up for the cameras. The faces of the stars were everywhere.

This dude took it to a whole other level and created a cutout to place his own face inside of. Sadly for him, that was the worst World Cup performance in the country's history. So bad that even he could have contributed better on the pitch.
Girl Power
The US Women's National Soccer Team has been spearheading the feminist sports movement since the beginning of women's soccer entering the world stage. Megan Rapinoe has been part of the tip of that spear. All the hard work paid off as she set an example for all young Americans out there that anything is possible and girl power is to be reckoned with.

Here in the Manhattan World Cup Champions Parade, Megan is holding up a simple sign that holds a lot of resonance. Megan has been playing soccer since she was three years old, and today is the captain of the women's national team.
Wage Gap
One of the best stages in the world to showcase the wage gap between men and women is sports, especially during championship parades. This picture was taken on July 10th, 2019, after the US women's soccer team won the Women's World Cup Games.

This New Yorker took the event as a chance to voice her opinion on the wage gap, show the difference, and ask FIFA for an explanation. Do you think she got one? If the gap between the two exceeds hundreds of millions of dollars, then an explanation is due.
There's a Secret in This Picture
On the right side of this photo, the man who is holding the flag during the 1990 FIFA World Cup match between Ireland and England had no clue that he would be meeting his identical twin (seen in the picture wearing a pink shirt on the left side of the photo.)

The two were separated during childbirth and lived very different lives until they met one another on this fateful day. Got ya! That story was a bunch of "bollocks." Everyone in this picture almost has the same haircut. Either they are all siblings, or there weren't many style options in the 90s.
Hangover Mundial
This looks like a scene from a comedy movie. This young woman looks like she was dropped into this crowd of hooligans out of nowhere and has no idea how she got there. Unlike everyone else, she is dressed like a 5th-grade teacher.

Maybe she was on a stroll with her mom when the mob started walking by. Not being able to find her with the phone signals all tied up, she decided to borrow a marker and use the power of fan signs to find her mom again so they could get out of there and go back home.
Find the Error
In this photo, there is a clear grammar mistake. Do you think you can spot it? We can't tell whether the man holding up the sign wants Ronaldo to give back his Golden Ball Award or for him to be the next player to get it.

Judging by the fact that Messi is usually the striker who ended up taking the cheese, we think the latter is what this fan meant. Regardless, a game like this must have been fun. A match between Cruz Azul of Morocco and Spanish Real Madrid in Marrakech doesn't happen every day.
Braces, Mugs, and the Moves Like Jagger
These two boys are giving off so many mixed messages. First of all, why are they holding up a Germany poster that says "Let's Go Germany" if they are wearing Brazilian jerseys?

Secondly, Why is the man on the sign the frontman of the British rock band rolling stones? And last but not least, how would Jagger feel if he knew these two guys were disparaging his name with such confusion? Brazil ended up getting crushed that day, and that poster probably ended up on the floor.
More Confusion
The 1994 World Cup hosted by Sweden seems to be a complete whirlpool of confusion. Fans here are holding up American flags in the background. Somewhere in between, there is a man holding what seems to be an Argentinian flag.

In the front, there's a dude in a sombrero, and the man with his shirt tucked in seems to have a very deep diss against the US soccer fans. Meanwhile, this is a game between Sweden and Cameroon. It's like looking at a (bad) Atlas.
The Country of Sports
Did you know that Croatia invests more money in its youth sports than any other country in the world? It is part of the country's cultural pride to do so.

This may not be such a difficult feat to afford, considering Croatia is such a small country. it looks like they even have some extra cash to invest in writing offensive signs to diss the competition. Despite its small size, it has one of the best national soccer teams in the world and has given a lot of trouble to big-name teams like Germany, Brazil, and England.
Five People With a Story to Tell
The five people in this photo, taken during a game between Aston Villa and Newcastle on August 23rd, 2014, each have their own story to tell. The man on the left is holding the flag nice and high and gazing even higher into the stadium ceiling.

The man beside him, though, looks like he is the one holding it up with a somewhat careless look on his face. The two dudes on the right both look like they were dropped there from another planet and have no clue where they are and why they are stuck holding these flags.
Young Fan
You know you're a fan when you have laminated your sign for either future use or to just save it so your children can inherit it one day. This young girl seems to be making quite a statement. She's got a long life ahead of her, and Rooney is only human.

He's bound to disappoint, and she may find herself wanting to back out on her promise to him. The little boy on the right seems to be captivated as well, yet the man on the left looks like he has not made a promise since birth.
Who Is Becks?
This photo was taken on March 24th, 2001, during a FIFA World Cup Qualifying match between England and Finland. We counted at least five nose pickers in this picture. Can you spot them? And what in the world does "Simply the Becks" mean?

Are they referring to Becks, the brewery? Is there someone whose name is Rebecca who's simply the best of the Becks? Or are they saying our team is simply the best? Are you picking your nose trying to find the 'becks' booger right now? Oh, yea David Beckham!
Time to Play!
Play on words, that is. This makes us think about that moment when you try something new, you work really hard to be creative, you look at your art, and you're just so proud of yourself. Judging by the facial expression of this old German man, he is, indeed, very proud of his sign.

He worked really hard on it, and it didn't go unnoticed. There's nothing like putting in that hard work and watching it pay off. Now all that's left is to hope the players put in their fair share of hard work too. And not all of them do!
Keep Your Money in Your Pocket
There is no shortage of sports gamblers out there in the world. There are fairly simple insights you can bet your money on. Yes, some fans like to gamble on when and how many goals will be scored. You can even bet on who will get injured or given a red or yellow card.

What you can't bet on, though, is having any money left by the time it's all said and done. The house always wins, but the bookies don't always get it right. Crystal Palace Premier League Club fun is making that well and clear in this photo.
Thirsty Fans
Soccer games can be exhausting. You're on your feet for the whole game, watching your favorite players go at it and the stands are full of sweaty old men who a thirsty for beer. However, all you are really thirsty for is a good serving of Cristiano Ronaldo.

This young fan sure was! She made quite a big sign to make sure he sees it. We wonder what his reaction was! Is it possible that a player of his caliber even paid attention?
Let's Character Build
This boy's name is Timothy Strausburg III, top of the line musician-slash-soccer fan whose very existence spelled the difference between the success and demise of the one and only Manchester City. This may be his first game, but it's not his first rodeo. Little Tim Tam Straus brought in the heat and made himself a slammin' sign for his first soccer game ever.

He's ready to cheer, he's ready to scream, he's ready to win, and you're the one that he wants! All jokes aside, this young kid looks like he's having a blast. Who doesn't remember their first soccer match? Best time ever!
Another Day in Paradise
This sign says it all. It's Valentine's Day, and your wife, the woman who raised, fed, bedded, and made the home that you have been living in for most of your adult life, is wondering where you are. She gets a phone call from Patty down the street.

"Did you know I saw your husband on the TV? Yeah! He's at a soccer match, and he was holding up a sign that he ran away to watch it." That's assuming Patty watches soccer tournaments.
The Hardest Profession on Earth
Soccer athletes are very much in shape. The best of them work hard, very hard. They work out every day from dawn to dusk. They live under strict dietary rules, sacrifice time with family and friends, and completely commit themselves to the sport.

But they will never, and we mean NEVER, know what it's like to stand in front of a classroom and teach a horde of children who are, at best, waiting quietly for the lunch bell to ring. So great job there, lady. Thanks for preparing our future doctors, writers, athletes, and astronauts.
Bring in the Costumes
You see it all the time in American football games. Somehow in all the heat and humidity, some fans insist on arriving at the game in full costume. But who's to blame them? After all, it did get the attention of the cameras.

He got it right too. Suarez is a beast of a man, and he knows how to bring in the heat. So why not bring out the heat for him with a sign that gives him credit? Suarez actually noticed this costume, and his reaction was pretty funny.
A One-Man Team
"Baby! I'm getting ready. I've been working on this sign all week. Everyone's gonna love it! It's not a waste of time! All the guys will be there, and I want them to notice my awesome sign-making skills."

Legit, it's a pretty funny sign, but poor dude, he worked so hard on it only to end up being the only fan in the stands. Jokes aside, this fan actually sat back in the stadium at the end of the FIFA Confederations game in 2013. "Honey, I'll be home soon. I got invited to do a photo shoot after the game. Don't wait up!"
Don't Tell Mom
There are several signs with similar humor in this article. This one's mom thought he was at school, the other one's boyfriend thought she was out buying milk, and another lady's husband left to pick up the kids. Let's hope we'll come across something more original in the future.

Just brainstorming for the next generation here: "Mom, I asked you if I could come to the game, and you gave me permission." Or "I had great grades this year, so I got to catch a game for my birthday."
Originality Is Key
When you are making a sports banner to show off at the stadium, being original and funny is the way to go. On June 12th, in a World Cup Game in Johannesburg, South Africa, this young dude got it so right. Nothing is better than getting messy at a party. Well, almost nothing.

Watching Messi get messy on the soccer pitch for sure takes the cheese over them all! This little boy has a future in marketing creatives! It's actually been many years since. We wonder if he ever lived up to that potential.
Make a Wish
When kids are little and dreaming, they aspire. They aspire to become pilots, astronauts, doctors, and nurses. Not these two girls, though. They didn't even come to watch the game. But they took the opportunity to suit up and get themselves on the big screen.

Well, you're looking at the picture, so they must have gotten their wish. Five seconds of fame isn't much, but it's better than nothing, and who knows, maybe they like soccer too! It's good to see fans of all colors, creeds, and aspirations in the stands.
"Yo, Where the Party At?"
Everyone has those homies. They call you up and tell you to come out, and you know it's gonna be a party. For some people, it's a house party. For others, it's a flight to Mexico, and for some, even a day out on the yacht. For this dude, it's the bleachers.

It's that circumstance and that circumstance only which brought this guy to the point where he knew that it was gonna be a party, and his sign would be as justified as ever. By the looks of it, he was right!
For Some, a Girls' Day Out
Not all soccer players are that good-looking. Others get only close at most to the looks of the one and only David Beckham. And yes, there are many people out there who would like to see him take it off, and for a good reason.

The man is packed with power under that jersey. It may just be that when he shows up to play, there are some fans who are just coming with the hopes that he'll take it off! Some get what they want, others don't, and this girl hopefully did!
What Would You Do?
Just like in a relationship, in sports, loyalty is critical. If you show dedication and loyalty to the club, put in the hard work, and are humble and honest about your intentions, chances are you will move up in the ranks and find yourself in a better soccer team in the future.

It seems like this girl was not pleased enough with her current relationship and wanted a step up with something a bit more glamorous. The best bet is that she is currently not with her boyfriend anymore, and judging by her loyalty skills, she probably is not dating any big-time soccer stars.