We have no information if this was a good tip or not compared to the bill, but a ten-dollar bill is a pretty good bet that it was acceptable. You’d have to get into seventy or eighty dollars before it starts to become bad. The person who posted this photo was laughing at it for a different reason – maybe you can figure out what it is.

It seems it’s a lot easier to earn money than some people might think. We’d try this out, but we only have one-dollar bills currently, and we know a lot of people don’t think that two-dollar bills are real. Oh, wait! We could just add a little zero at the end. There. Ten times as rich!
No Need To Ketchup
Almost everyone has had at least one truly awful server in their life who could not get any part of the order correct. And while it is not fun to be on the receiving end of poor service, sometimes there are reasons for their absent-mindedness. They could be short-staffed or struggling in their personal life; after all, servers are people too. And being disrespectful will not make the situation any better.

This messy message didn’t teach the server a lesson like this heartless customer probably thought it would. Next time they could try to be a bit more understanding and voice their disapproval in a more constructive way.
Factor It In
This customer decided to really give their server a hard time with their tip. It can’t be that difficult to write down 3.14, and, as the customer, you should put in the effort to calculate the tip. Clearly, they did not care about making their waiter’s night any easier.

This tip is certainly far less rude than many other examples, and the server should be thankful they didn’t get stuck with a more frustrating person, but it still didn’t make for an easy situation. Always think of your server when you’re leaving a tip!
Too Trashy
Many diners have accidentally had a drink spilled on them or a glass broken, and the experience can be both startling and frustrating. But, this particular customer’s attitude was nothing short of outrageous, considering that this incident was no one’s fault.

The restaurant even paid for the man’s entire bill — food and drinks included — but apparently, that was not enough for this ungracious guy who decided to pour his drink on the table. There’s no need to be so trashy when the restaurant staff tried their best to make up for your “bad” experience.
No Change
This generous customer decided to leave a whopping $1.46 in change for their hard-working waiter, who was probably incredibly bummed out. They most likely would have preferred no tip whatsoever. 15-13 What may be even worse (if it can be believed) is that these customers actually thought that they were being generous in leaving this pathetic excuse for a tip.

No matter how many times it happens, it is nearly always perplexing how cruel people can be for no reason.
Without Kindness
This waitress was left with a sad surprise when she went to collect the bill off of the customer’s table. The waitress probably thought she had been doing a good job, but these ladies made it clear they didn’t think so.

These women decided to not only leave no tip whatsoever but to leave a well-placed insult for their waitress. It is not clear what they believed the server did or did not do to warrant any tip, but they didn’t have to be unkind!
Not So Big Tipper
It can be a very fun day for restaurant staff when a celebrity comes to dine unless they are rude. It looks like Jackie Chan was at this particular restaurant, and, sorry Chan fans, but he was a bit rude.

Maybe the server did not know who was at the table, but the teeny tiny tip left by Chan was a little surprising. If this was really the famous action star) Jackie Chan really should be able to give a very generous tip to their server.
Kids Are Too Expensive?
Most everyone knows that having kids equals many added expenses, but using them as an excuse for not tipping? This seems pretty weak and just plain wrong. After all, if you can afford to go out to eat, why can’t you afford to tip too?

While this person probably didn’t want to offend their server, their excuse certainly would not make them feel any better about not receiving any tip at all. We all have expenses, but hopefully, you can budget a tip for your evening out!
Career Advice
In another example of offering something in lieu of a tip, this customer decided to give their server some career advice. Talk about unsolicited advice! Certainly, the last thing a customer wants (along with no tip) is advice about their low-paying job.

It’s difficult to understand the motives behind the “advice” and whether it was meant to be rude or as some sort of genuine guidance. But motives aside, this move came across as inappropriate and impolite.
A Cheap Move
Many people have been low on cash right before their paycheck. If you find yourself in this position, you might want to wait till you get your check before you head to a restaurant. Servers understand what it’s like to be strapped for cash, but that doesn’t mean you should take advantage of them.

A simple frowny face scribbled onto a receipt is little more than a mockery to a hardworking waiter or waitress. Next time this customer might want to review their budget before they order a meal!
Thanks For Your...Sympathy?
This ridiculous (or perhaps confused) customer decided to leave a sympathy card behind for their waiter. Did they want to mock their server? Did they sense they were “going through a difficult time?” Who really knows.

The only sympathy this server wanted was the sympathy for working in a demanding job with often lower wages. Clearly, the customer didn’t really care for the person waiting on them. Otherwise, they would have shown their generosity in the form of a tip.
A Full Table But No Tip
This waitress noted that their restaurant doesn’t charge a gratuity for large groups. Even amongst this group of over 21 people, no one thought it appropriate to tip their server!

Maybe the group was too engrossed in each other’s conversations to pay attention to the tip? But that’s a pretty sad excuse for shafting your waiter. And besides, if you know what you owe for your meal and drinks at the end of the night, you should know what to tip your server.
A Terrible Trick
Not only did this customer think they were doing some sort of good deed, they thought it would be good to trick their server into thinking they had left a generous tip.

Sadly, all this hardworking server received was a fake bill with a lot of preachy text written all over it. You would think that if the customer wanted their waiter or waitress to be open to their beliefs that they would be respectful enough to give them a tip!
A High Point
While sloppy and not too enjoyable to deal with as a server, at least this man was honest about his condition. The customer was not rude, but his incoherency explains why he struggled to order and appeared to be craving one of everything on the menu.

It’s assumed that the worker put down the “name” of this mentally compromised customer who, unfortunately, wasn’t up to order their own meal. Hopefully, they were at least coherent enough to enjoy whatever they ordered!
Mixed Messages
Talk about mixed messages. It’s not entirely clear if this diner severely miscalculated the bill or if they wanted to offend their waiter. It’s hard to imagine they could really be this bad at math, so, unfortunately, it seems like they were trying to send an unfriendly message to their server.

The added ‘keep the change’ seems to be dripping in sarcasm given the fact that she did not even give enough money to cover her meal and took the time to write the phrase down.
Career Coach
It’s just not a good idea to belittle your server for their choice of job. If they didn’t do their job as a server, your finer dining experience would just be a fast food experience. The waitstaff is simply trying to make a living like anyone else, so why belittle them for it?

Suggesting that your waiter or waitress look for another job will just irritate them and make them feel bad about themselves. When is it ever the customer’s place to give inappropriate life advice?
Uncalled For
Customers rarely take the time to write anything extra down when they pay, so it’s just shocking that this person wanted to share their vulgar thoughts. It’s sad to see the careless actions and disregard for others in this photo.

Although the server submitted this photo, they did not rip into this thoughtless customer with unkind words themselves. Instead, they chose not to add any extra negative remarks to an already negative experience. Because this photo certainly speaks for itself!
No Cash Off The Courts
Another celebrity known for their lackluster tipping habits is NBA star LeBron James. James reportedly gave a measly $10 for an $800 meal. While he was chastised for being so stingy, James hasn’t seemed to change his ways.

A server that repeatedly waited on the NBA star said that James always seemed to forget to add a tip. If celebrities and athletes spend their money so easily on other things, it’s too hard to believe they’d forget to tip their server.
Take That
This customer was definitely a jerk, but at least he wasn’t extremely awful. The customer did not give any money towards a tip, but perhaps they thought they might have been helping the server out for the customers they would tend to in the future.

But, leaving behind the flippant command “take that” definitely sounds like the customer did not have the best of intentions or care about helping anyone. The server did take “it,” however, and put it on social media for the world to see.
So Many Questions
This picture leaves a lot of unanswered questions and certainly must have left the poor waiter or waitress with some too. It definitely took some time to leave this rude message, and it makes one wonder what service the customer could have considered worth this rude gesture.

Regardless of what the customer thought was so unforgivable about the restaurant’s service, their rudeness is far louder. Certainly, there are better (and far more mature) ways to voice any complaints without being cruel?
A Fractional Tip
If, as a customer, you think you can just flatter your waiter, and that’s enough of a tip, you’re sadly mistaken. This waiter was touted for his great attentiveness and service, but these customers did hardly anything to show their thanks.

In fact, for this particular trip, the waiter literally received a third of 10%! Ironically, it’s truly insulting to not properly tip your waiter after you’ve commended them so strongly for their work. What gives? Clearly not these customers...
The Audacity
Imagine, as a server, returning to your table and finding a laundry list of suggestions to improve the service. That would make anyone feel pretty lousy. The customer must have thought their suggestions would be best received left at their table instead of just leaving some extra cash.

This audacious (and rude) customer must have also thought their suggestions were actually going to be listened to. But, if you’re really dissatisfied, it’s best to politely speak with a manager instead and save some paper.
Define “Broke”
It appears that some people may not understand what being “broke” really means. If you can afford to buy a $16 dinner but can’t add a few extra dollars for a tip, you probably are not “broke” in the true sense of the word.

Your waiter knows that you are not broke if you just bought a meal; he does know, however, that you are incredibly cheap. If you are really, truly broke, you should be enjoying your meals at home because, hey, you don’t have to tip yourself!
“Ur Tip, Hun”
Not only is it incredibly rude to leave just a couple of pennies as a tip instead of no tip at all, but “hun” added to the end of the message drips with condescension. “Ur tip, hun.”

Apparently, this customer was unsatisfied with how their steak was cooked, but they had the opportunity to tell their server so they could make that right. It’s always best to communicate your wants and needs to the waitstaff; it’s their job to serve you!
Back To School
Those who attended college (and are even still paying for it) will relate to this one, but should he really be going out to eat if he can’t cover the tip? After all, there are plenty of ways to save money and budget appropriately while still having money to go out.

If you are a financially challenged student, then you probably should be saving your money and not going out to eat in the first place. Don’t use it as an excuse to be rude to a server who did their best.
She’ll Pass On That Pass
While not rude or mean, this customer was a little bit tacky in his attempt to get the special attention of the waitress. Paying for your food probably isn’t the best time to leave behind an extensive list of why the waitress should go out with you.

It’s also a bit unnerving to comment on all of her tattoos. Did this server give this customer a chance to be more than a customer? We think that, while she may have been flattered, she was hoping just for a tip.
Why Rachael Ray?
Sadly, we’ll have to disappoint some Rachel Ray fans with the news that she is reportedly a bad tipper. It’s shocking from someone in the food industry who probably knows how hard waitstaff work.

Regardless of the service or size of the group, Ray has been known to give no more than %10. She is known for trying to help people save money in making their meals, but we certainly didn’t think she’d support skipping out on a server’s well-deserved tip.
The customer may have thought they were funny, but this was just wrong. Tips can really help out the waitstaff financially, so to tease them with a generous tip that you have no intention of giving is cruel.

Making $100 would be a very successful day on the job as a waiter or waitress, but to realize someone was playing a trick on you would be disheartening. On the off-chance that this is not a scam, hopefully, the customer had honest intentions. But who knows who's number this is...
The Lazy Tipper
This customer didn’t want to make a simple calculation to give an appropriate tip. Math isn’t the most popular subject, but almost anyone can figure out a simple tip calculation. The server would have appreciated a little effort from this lazy customer.

At least they gave a tip (that was, unfortunately, very small), but they could have used the calculator on their phone to give something a little more substantial. After all, your waiter put in the effort to serve you!
Is That Your Best Line?
This guy must have had no issues with the service because not only did this man leave a tip, he also left his phone number. Tacky? Yes. But what’s worse is that this customer was on a date. Apparently, his date didn’t end that well.

The server probably did appreciate the tip but was most likely uninfluenced by the number left behind. Besides, she was probably more than unimpressed with a guy who was so careless and disrespectful to his date.
Eye Damage
Despite the remarkable rudeness, at least this customer gave a decent tip. But their other tip was a bit strange. You should not stare into the sun; it could cause severe damage to your retinas. Unsure where they felt the need to leave advice about the sun’s damaging qualities.

Whatever the reasons, the fact that they thought their server didn’t deserve a tip (and instead needed to protect his, um, retinas?) shows how inconsiderate these diners were. They could have at least left a tip for the server to buy some sunglasses.
It Makes No Cents
This customer decided to give his two cents (almost literally) to his waiter. Sadly, even if something was not up to a customer’s standards and was out of the server’s control, they still bear the brunt of their disapproval.

There are almost always better ways to get your point and your complaints across to the waitstaff than outright insulting them. In fact, insulting anyone rarely yields the result you want, so this customer’s actions really don’t make sense if he wanted better service next time.
Faked Out
In either a remarkable mistake or an attempt at an unwelcome joke, this inconsiderate customer left their server...a carwash token. While it’s certainly not entirely useless, it’s not the type of tip that any waiter or waitress would ever desire.

The server was so shocked by the rude gesture that they took to Snapchat to post the ridiculous “tip.” Well, if the server has a car, hopefully, they at least made use of this absurd little gift from their thankless customer.
Milkshake Monster
The only “tip” left behind for this poor waitress was to offer free milkshake refills. Apparently, the customer had drunk three milkshakes and didn’t like that she had to, well, pay for what she consumed.

Unlike water, soda, or other beverages, milkshakes are not always inexpensive for anyone to provide, let alone a restaurant. If you insist on being a real dairy queen and quenching your milkshake craving three times in one sitting, you are going to have to pay for it.
A Miscalculation
These days, a tip is automatically calculated through the cash register computer system for customers. The server doesn’t have any control over the suggested tip amount that’s printed, so it made no sense for this customer to give their server a difficult time about “their” proposed tip.

Of course, if the computer is calculating an unreasonable amount for a suggested tip, the staff can try to fix it, but hopefully, the customers were delighted enough with their service that they wanted to give generously.
Well, That’s Harsh
Anyone who has been out to dinner has, at one time, probably received the wrong order. It certainly can be frustrating but, there are certainly some situations that are worse than others. Not receiving a lemon? Most would consider this a minor inconvenience. But not for this unreasonable customer.

Apparently, a lemon was very important for this customer, and they decided they could not leave that night without leaving their complaints clearly (and rudely) heard. It’s too bad they couldn’t learn to choose their battles!
Rude On Another Level
This incredibly difficult customer thought that their server should “stop eating.” It’s not their place to say anything about their waiter’s eating habits (unless they are unsanitary about it) and then leaves them without any tip at all.

To make things worse, they doubled their unkindness by calling their server names. They never even thought that their server may have been on a break and that, well, they have to eat too! Hopefully, this thoughtless and thankless customer never returns.
A Deduction
Apparently, this customer was confused about the concept of the tip. If you did not like the service, you still have to pay for your food. But in this particular diner didn’t think they should have to do even that.

Although they had their math right, their “deduction” is not only rude, but it’s also rather shocking that they thought they could get away with something like this. Hopefully, they never try this ridiculous gesture with any other restaurant!
Excuses, Excuses
There are many challenges facing single moms, and most servers would understand their financial struggles. Still, it was probably difficult for her waiter to believe her financial woes if she couldn’t afford a tip even after a night out drinking with friends.

Clearly, this woman spends money where she wants to and, if she wanted to, she could have given up a few more dollars for a well-meaning tip. At least her kids weren’t there to see her set this poor example.
Grow Up!
Sometimes teens can be trouble, and in this case, especially waiters. We want to believe their parents raised them better than this and, while it’s these teens are probably not supporting themselves financially, they still had money to go out to eat.

They, of course, left hardly any tip at all for their poor waiter and a filthy table. But, given their messy table, the waiter probably didn’t expect a respectable tip from this troublesome gang. Someone has some growing up to do.
And That’s Why You’re Underage
Plenty of underage people try (and have even succeeded) to get an alcoholic beverage before they are legally able to. But when it comes to dining out, servers have to be on the lookout for underage drinkers who would try to land an adult beverage. There are serious legal ramifications a restaurant could face for serving alcohol to those underage, so waiters and waitresses have no choice but to crack down on rulebreakers.

The reaction of this particular underage customer reveals just how terribly immature they are. They decided to tease them with a $20 tip and then criticize them for obeying the law.
The Creative Tipper
Despite all of the rude, disrespectful, and shocking behavior by some of these customers, at least there are some that like to have a little wholesome fun with the tipping process. They, of course, left a tip but decided to get creative with it, including adding a Pac-Man on the signature line.

While it may not be legal, hopefully, it brought some amusement to the server’s day. They would definitely rather find something like this at their table than no tip, rude comment, or a mess.
Addiction can be one of the hardest things to overcome in life, but what should that have to do with giving someone a tip for their service? This thoughtless and rude note doesn’t do anything beneficial for anyone. Besides, the customer doesn’t have a right to make such a personal strike towards the waiter. Hopefully, this poor server will never get stuck with this customer again!

We will say that the customer at least said he was “sorry,” acknowledging that his actions could have been offensive, but it doesn’t really come off as being all that sincere.
A “Real” Job?
Customers can sometimes take waiters and waitresses for granted. This disgruntled customer had no right to tell their server that their job wasn't a “real” one. Waiting on restaurant patrons, meeting their needs, and facilitating their dining experience are pretty important.

They also left a bizarre amount for a tip, which must have been another way for them to say they were unhappy with the service. Either way, we hope these customers soon learn to appreciate workers in all spheres of society.
If a customer can fork out $112 for food, but you can’t spare any more for a tip, there’s really no good excuse. Even if the service was not as expected, no tip whatsoever is very rude for the work that the servers did.

This big spending customer decided to write out a text formatted note to display their displeasure for the waitstaff. Using shorthand like “SMH!” and “TBH” is not the type of note we would have expected from a customer, but maybe they were short on time?
You’re Sorry?
Yet another example of a misplaced “sorry” is this customer who simply excused their lack of tip because of their financial status. It’s perplexing why this customer would not factor a tip into their meal and why they would go out to eat in the first place if they could not afford it.

To put it more bluntly, if you purchase a $35 meal, you should at least be able to spare a few extra dollars for a tip.
By law, certain regions of the country require restaurants to have a “last call” for late-night diners. Servers have no control over these laws and have no choice but to enforce them. Customers who disagree will have to take the rules up with their elected officials.

This poor server who enforced the last call was the target for a disgruntled diner. It’s terribly unfair to be punished for doing your job, but apparently, this customer has never been in that position before.
Too Entitled
Veterans and active military should be given due respect for their service in protecting their country. But this doesn’t make them entitled to belittling others, in this case, the waitstaff. This man thought pretty highly of himself and his “contributions” to his server’s freedoms.

Well, if this man expected to be respected for his service, you would think he could also show some respect for his waiter’s service to him. While this customer indeed had an important job, this server’s job and livelihood matter too.
There is so much that could be discussed about this customer’s horrible response. It’s incredibly distasteful to ask your server to be your alibi when you are both cheating on your spouse and being rude to them. In fact, this highly unethical guy is lucky the server didn’t try and tell on him!

But if this unfortunate server did somehow let the customer’s wife know, it wouldn’t be surprising because cheaters don’t win in the end. And neither should rude customers.
Not Even Close to the Proper Percentage
Servers and waiters work pretty hard for the money they earn, and a lot of them depend more on the tips that they receive than the actual hourly wage that they earn from their jobs. When they spend a couple of hours taking care of a family that is demanding more, more, more and are only left a five-dollar tip (that’s what the attached story says about this one, but we don’t even see that much in the picture) it can be a pretty bad blow.

A lot of people, like Mr. Pink from “Reservoir Dogs,” don’t see the point in tipping – not as much as society as a whole does. If somebody does really well, they’ll tip, but they’re just doing their jobs. Maybe they should be paid a little more.
What Would the Other Person Say?
The thing about a lot of these pictures is we’re only seeing one side of the exchange. Sure, it seems pretty rude to leave this kind of note instead of a tip for someone, but what if that person wasn’t a very good server or attendant? What if the person took forever, or was rude, or had a grouchy attitude?

Heck, it could have been things like they leaned over someone to refill water or brought out the wrong food. Maybe the person who wrote this note had a good reason to do so. This picture was posted in a place that doesn’t seem to be fond of working in restaurants in the first place, so they might have just been looking for a reason to vent.
Maybe They Only Carried Change
This server is bemoaning the fact that she got a mere eight dollars on an eighty-dollar tab, and that she also got a ton of cash that she’ll then have to carry around. Or...maybe she got only the sixty cents in pennies as a tip? It’s a little hard to understand. Ten percent is a touch low, but it’s not too bad. Plus, maybe they only had change on them and didn’t want to use a card for some reason.

It’s noted that the people who did this are foreigners, and it’s well-known that the United States is a bigger tipping country than a lot of other places in the world. This could have easily been a couple of guys scrambling for a tip and only coming up with a bunch of cold hard cash.
More a Comment for the Chef
These three people all left a couple of annoying notes that say the food was too salty. They wrote some other words on their bills, too, but they are a little hard to read. The thing is, it’s not the server's fault if the food wasn’t made the way they like it – that’s the kitchen’s fault.

They should have left a note for the chef, or communicated that fact to the waiter or waitress. They all still left a tip, but not very big ones. Sometimes it seems like these people are looking for reasons to leave smaller tips when they go out to eat. The story says that they asked for salt, but then said that it was too salty for all three of them. Something doesn’t add up.
A Bad Reason Not to Tip
If you’ve been working eight, ten, or twelve hours to serve tables and someone doesn’t tip you because of your “bland personality,” nobody can stop you from getting steamed. On a thirty-dollar bill, no less! This server could have been having a tough day, or could have been dealing with far too many rude customers – to which this person was easily made a member.

Heck, for all we know, the person wasn’t going to leave a tip no matter what happened, and this was just an unrelated note that he or she also wanted to leave. Well, you try serving hungry people for several hours and see how bland you get. But let’s be real – if you’re going to a restaurant for the personality of the server, you’re going for the wrong reason.
At Least It’s Funny
Instead of a monetary tip, this person left a drawing of everyone’s favorite absorbent undersea sponge. Sure, the person who served might have been looking forward to a little bit more cash, but are we crazy to think that a fun drawing might be appreciated as well? It’s a pretty good little doodle. That nice warm register paper is so nice to draw on.

It helps the ink flow so well. There’s also a small chance that there was more than one for this table, and the person with that bill just did the entire tip for him or herself. Yes, it’s a small chance, but we can have hope that there are still good people in this world, can’t we? You can’t take that away from us, not now. Not after everything.
We Just Like How it Sounds
Yes, the phrase does roll off the tongue in a nice way, but it’s still a small tip. It’s just barely over five percent, and proper etiquette tells us that fifteen percent is proper. Though we assume there are some groups that are always trying to bump that number up. It’s so strange when someone goes to an expensive restaurant and only leaves a small tip.

Wouldn’t it have been better to go to a cheaper place if you’re trying to save money? We can’t really call them cheapskates, since they paid more than forty dollars for their meal. They just don’t want to pay the server much more than the original bill. Sometimes they have a good reason for doing so. But we don’t see a good reason in this picture. Of course not, the server took the picture.
At Least They Had a Reason
Guy better have washed his hands, that’s what we say. This person didn’t leave a tip since the chef cut in line to take a piss. The guy might have been in a big hurry, since he’s the one making all the food and that would slow down the entire store. Or, maybe he was just being a jerk, and was throwing his weight around because he was in charge.

Still, even if the person who left this note had a good reason to be mad, the server wasn’t the one who messed up. There are a lot of places who pool all the tips and disperse them at the end of each shift to everybody who was working, but it’s a risky proposition, and that means this decision to not leave a tip hurts everybody, not just the chef.
Maybe it Was an Expensive Restaurant
We aren’t going to give these people the benefit of the doubt. If they were eating a meal at a restaurant, at least one of them must have had a little something to leave as a tip. How could they possibly explain that away? Did they only have a limited amount of money, and they were about to get on a plane or something?

Did both of these ladies have a daily allowance that they weren’t able to exceed? Once again, it’s hard for us to say that they’re cheapskates since they were at a restaurant that might have cost a bundle but didn’t feel like paying the tip. It’s a strange mental process that goes on. Thirty dollars for a meal? Fine. Five bucks for a tip? Impossible. Nobody can afford that.
It’s Hard to Count When You’re Seeing Double
At first glance, this almost seems like a good excuse. This person was too drunk to properly tip. Well, that’s what you get. But there’s more. The person who took this photo cut the person off, and the person responded by leaving this zero-dollar slap in the face. Cut me off, will you? Well, then you don’t get any money for your hard work!

Also, it didn’t seem like he was too drunk to write a snarky message and leave a smiley face on the bill. There’s some bad blood between these two, clearly, and the employee was finally hit where it hurts the most – in the pocketbook. But who knows? Maybe this person will come back the next day and leave a big tip to make up for it.
Five Dollars and a Band-Aid
Well, we’re at least happy to report that the tip itself is perfectly reasonable. Even without the nine dollars of discounts that the bill got, five bucks is a little over twenty percent. Nothing wrong with that at all. Despite that, this is still a little confusing. The person left a band-aid (one must assume it is used) along with the tip, which is just gross.

It might have blood or germs or skin cells or who knows what else on it, and it’s going to turn the stomach of anyone who touches it accidentally. Thankfully, they aren’t too hard to throw away, and at least the person did leave a big enough tip. Grab some gloves from the back and get rid of the extra piece, and then pocket the cash and move on to the next table.
No Use for Our Mortal Money
This person went to a dinner at a haunted house and was served by someone dressed as a ghost, so maybe the diner thought that it was a real spirit who didn’t need all that much money? So he or she left a little over a dollar for some strange reason. It wasn’t even ten percent. More like seven percent.

Maybe they wanted to hit eighteen dollars and seventeen cents exactly since that’s when the house was built or something like that. Ghosts hate cheap people, did you know that? It’s true. I once didn’t tip and now I’m a ghost. Don’t be like me. Tip your servers as long as they didn’t mess up something bad. You can still write a note, just make sure to tip.
Not as Good as It Seems
Wow! This person left a hundred-dollar bill as a tip! But then you take a look at the details of the bill – The entire amount this person racked up was a little over ninety-five dollars. And, yes, the person dropped a hundred and told the server to keep the change. Wow. Four dollars and twenty-five cents. What a boon. What a bonus.

Truly, you have changed a life today, Sir or Madam. This person wanted to flash some cash and prove that they were doing well in life, but forgot that one of the best things you can do with that cash is help out others. We know there are some giving folks out there who will get a thirty-dollar meal and drop a hot hundy down without a second thought. Be like them.
Is That a Napkin Tacked Up to a Corkboard?
There are a couple of these things that will show up on this list, and they can send the shivers through almost everybody. There are lots of ways to combat this sort of talk even from a Biblical perspective – consider Matthew 6:5-8, which tells us to pray in private instead of like the hypocrites, who pray loudly on the streets or in the churches.

We even really love the book of Ecclesiastes, but the point of that verse isn’t to not tip – it’s probably more to be happy with what you have. You can still be generous to others, you know. This person tried to head the criticism off at the pass by saying he or she only has five dollars, but we aren’t sure if that’s a good enough reason.
Notes for the Server
See, we might catch a little bit of flak for this, but this is actually what you should do! If somebody wasn’t very good at being a server, you don’t have to tip them that much! You should still tip them at least nominally, but you don’t have to give them twenty percent of the bill!

This person, as long as we believe the notes written on the bill, had a little bit of difficulty getting things right. And that’s fine, you don’t have to tip extra if you don’t want to. However, we feel like it was a little rude to leave a message like this one. It’s an explanation, sure, but it comes off a little high and mighty. But, at least the server has an explanation and can potentially learn from past mistakes.
Banks Hate This One Simple Trick
We have no information if this was a good tip or not compared to the bill, but a ten-dollar bill is a pretty good bet that it was acceptable. You’d have to get into seventy or eighty dollars before it starts to become bad. The person who posted this photo was laughing at it for a different reason – maybe you can figure out what it is.

It seems it’s a lot easier to earn money than some people might think. We’d try this out, but we only have one-dollar bills currently, and we know a lot of people don’t think that two-dollar bills are real. Oh, wait! We could just add a little zero at the end. There. Ten times as rich!
This Person Had an Exciting Night Planned
Sure, two dollars and three cents (plus whatever that weird brown coin is) isn’t a huge tip, but it looks like this guy was having a strange night to begin with. He might not have had anything else to leave. Still, he left some other things that would come together to make a really strange story. A large fountain drink is worth a little bit, even if you do have to get it at a movie theater.

There’s also a condom, which...don’t know, we guess could come in handy for some reasons. And a U.F.O. License from the state of New Mexico. Doesn’t that make it identified? It would be an I.F.O. then. Also, this was a Waffle House, so this sort of tip probably isn’t all that odd.
Wait Until He Finds Out About the Next Bunch of Presidents
Being upset about the government taking your money is a classic move. And there are a lot of people who are right to be a little miffed at the incredible amount of spending and monetary malfeasance that those cats in Washington think they can get away with. But, if you take the time to make and print out (or buy) these cards, you might not know the whole picture.

Yes, Proposition 30 says you have to pay more above a certain threshold, but you only get taxed the extra on the amount above the threshold. The problem is, they can tax all they want, but they have to get spending out of control first. Stupid card, no matter what.
Exquisite Under-the-Sea Service
When the service at a restaurant is really good, you want to leave something special. This family had such a good time at the restaurant that not only did the server get a real twenty-dollar tip (approximately twenty-two percent, so a great tip), but we’re told that the son of the family wanted to leave something special, too.

The gift was a thousand big ones, as long as big ones means fake money from “Spongebob Squarepants.” Unfortunately, this isn’t actually worth anything, but it does certainly draw the eye. You might get lucky and find a collector who wants to take this kind of “cash” off your hands, but otherwise it’s not really worth anything. It’s a fun story to tell the other servers, at least. That’s worth a little something.
But I Wasn’t Saying Anything!
There are a couple of restaurants out there that let you draw on the table clothes, but they go out of their way to encourage it. This keeps kids (and antsy adults) occupied until it’s time to eat, and allows the people who work there to see some fun drawings on occasion. This time, the diners left a tip of a hard-to-discern amount that is held by everyone’s favorite buffoon, Philip J. Fry.

If you’re wondering how they got the thumb to go over the money, they probably just cut out a little flap and used it to keep the money in place. They could have also drawn directly on the money, but that’s a little bit of a no-no. The way the money is folded looks like it’s being held down by something.
Showing off the Money
We all like to buy something fancy every once in a while to show that we’re actually doing well in life. A pair of boots made entirely out of real dollar bills is one way to do it, but you might need more than just a couple of singles to make boots that are made for your feet.

Thankfully, it’s pretty easy to fit a couple of fingers in there. This takes some real talent and skill – if you asked us the best way to twist a bill in a pair of fancy shoes, we wouldn’t have the slightest clue where to start. They tipped the toes, for goodness’s sake. And look at the flaps that are at the top of the opening. This is true skill.
Just Like How Abe Used to Look
If you work at a restaurant or as a part of the service industry, you’ve probably gotten a million different tips – that makes it special when a customer takes the time to make their cash look a little different. All it takes is a couple of folds and bends to make a five-dollar bill look a lot better. Add some...we think those are little bits of straw wrapping paper or something like that...and you have a person.

For most simple meals a five-dollar tip isn’t bad, and taking the time to make it look a little special might not up the amount any, but it’s liable to put a smile on a server’s face, and that just might make it a little more special. Look, they even got the head to be the same shape as the hair.
You Only Need Ninety-Nine More
We don’t know how much this waiter or waitress actually received as a tip, since the bills are all piled on top of each other, but that’s not the important part of this picture. Maybe you can figure out why we wanted to include this one. While it is illegal to draw on money (with a punishment of up to a hundred dollars PER BILL), we hope that the powers that be will let this one slide.

It’s the kind of bill that you might want to just use inside a machine, though who knows if a machine will even be able to read this one. We wonder who is in charge of the money in the Mushroom Kingdom. Wario, maybe? We bet he’d like the job, but he probably wouldn’t do very well.
Just Leave Both of Them!
There are plenty of people who think that it’s a good trade-off to leave a tract like this one, or something similar, instead of a real tip, but most people who pick one of these up won’t be very happy. If you’re trying to reach people with your message, making them upset before they even get to read your good news is a critical misstep.

A better tactic would have been to leave a reasonable tip and ALSO one of the tracts. Sure, you might have to rewrite the message that the tract has, but that won’t hurt anybody. It’s not written very well. You have to be a lot more convincing than that. Leave a tip AND a tract like this, and you might actually have a little bit of success.
At Least it Goes into Detail
We’re told that a party of twenty-five people left this as a tip. It folds open into a big explanation of the usual sorts of Christian things, though once again there’s a big issue. If it really was left as a tip from such a huge crowd, then the server has every right to be upset. However, we know that such a big group will probably have some people that are much more willing to pony up the cash.

If it was a group of twenty-five adults, you can bet that at least one person did leave some money. You can’t trust a lot of stuff that you find online, and while we’re sure that plenty of people leave things like these instead of real tips, some people might be twisting the facts a little bit.
We’re Pretty Sure He Isn’t On Any Money
Obama himself is featured in the center of this hundred-dollar bill, but we think there’s a problem with the image. For one, it’s actually founding father Benjamin Franklin who graces the hundred, not a president who stepped down in January of 2017. Other than that...small, tiny fact...the bill does look quite realistic.

We aren’t experts on C-notes, but it seems to look correct other than the picture in the center. Of course, we’re also talking about the old version of the bill. A newer version has come out with a little more color and details, but the old versions are still in circulation. Hard to say why someone would leave a clearly fake bill like this for someone, but maybe they thought it would be funny.
Not the Normal Meaning of Tip
So a guy is working part-time at an automatic car wash, and received this as a tip. They finish wiping down the cars after they’re through the car wash to remove streaks, and they get a few bucks on top of their normal wages. This isn’t like a restaurant server thing – the people at these car washes at least make minimum wage.

So a tip is nice and appreciated (and might get you better service next time you roll through), but it’s not something they rely on a great deal. Maybe the person who got this should take it as a compliment? Maybe the people didn’t realize they would have to offer a tip and just grabbed the first thing they could find? We guess it could still come in handy.
Only a Tip Technically
Oh, great, thanks. Telling us to use an umbrella while it’s raining is about as helpful as telling us to tie shoes so that they stay on our feet better. Hey, you know what would be a better tip than that? Money. Cash. Funds. Moolah. Bread. Dough. (side note – why are so many words for money related to baking?).

There are all kinds of people in the world, and usually that’s a good thing, but that also means some people think it’s okay to do this sort of thing, even though it isn’t. It isn’t. Just leave some money. What’s weird is that a small tip almost seems worse than none at all. Leaving no tip just means you’re a jerk, but a small tip means you didn’t like the service.
Tugging on the Heart Strings
This is a bit of a different picture, but it was too good not to include. Lots of shops and stores encourage shoppers to leave a little extra in order to help out the employees, and there are a lot of different tactics for doing so. This time, we get a plea to save kids from perhaps one of the worst haircuts of all time, the mullet.

There are plenty of other hairstyles that are trying to dethrone this famous follicle misstep, but so far none of them have been as derided and maligned – and rightly – as the poor mullet. It just looks so bad, and it doesn’t matter who is sporting one. An otherwise gorgeous woman could walk up to you with a mullet and you would find her distasteful.
Easy to Figure Out This Person’s Least-Favorite Subject
No, doing that sort of reverse addition isn’t always the easiest thing to do, but pretty much all of us carry Star Trek devices in our pockets these days. It’s really easy to punch in a couple of numbers to figure out what you want to tip. Or you could just do a flat dollar amount, like four or five. That would be a lot easier, wouldn’t it?

Easier for you, and then your tip won’t be shamed online. It’s better all around. There’s even a chance that the waiter or waitress won’t be able to actually use this as a tip, since it wasn’t written out. The total is there, but who knows if that’s enough for the credit card company. They have a whole lot of rules.
Kind Words Should Be Worth More
If the food was good enough that you wrote a note about it on the bill, then maybe you should pony up a little more money for the tip? Of course, the server wasn’t in charge of making the food, so it makes a tiny amount of sense. Just a little bit, though. And the tip wasn’t HEINOUS, but it still could have been bigger, especially if the steak was so tasty.

Some people really seem to like creating a nice, flat number for the total, but they still could have done better than a mere eight percent tip. At LEAST get up to ten percent. They could have gone up to a perfect thirty dollars with a fifteen percent tip, which would have made everybody happy.
Getting Out the Good Clothes
It’s hard to tell, but it looks like this little outfit could be worth as much as four dollars. For a simpler meal, that’s a perfectly fine tip, and someone taking the time, effort, and training to form it into a set of clothes for a tiny, well-dressed man makes it worth even more. It’s quite the sight. The shirt is straight and pressed, the shoes (which look more like boots) are symmetrical and shiny, and the pants complete the look.

All of the pieces are even centered – the “One” is going right down the center of the shirt, the middle of the bill is right in the middle of the pants, and the shoes are both folded at the same place. Who says you have to pay out a lot of cash to look like a million bucks?
What Do You Mean TASTES?
A couple of questions come up when we look at this image. The first is did they think that this restaurant keeps illicit drugs inside little containers on every table? The second is, why did they taste it? The use of this substance is done through the nose. Uh...don’t ask us how we know that. The eighties were a wild time for everybody, you know?

While these people might have been a little confused about what they were sampling, at least they left their tubes for the waiter or waitress to collect. Not sure how much it is, but at least they made the tip memorable. Here’s a fun fact that you might not think is all that fun – most banknotes have traces of cocaine on them. Studies say three out of four. Gross.
Derp the Dino Strikes Again
Maybe we have someone else to blame for all the small tips that servers and other workers have been seeing – money-eating dinosaurs that will gobble up that well-earned tip no matter who needs it. Still, at least this dino left enough for this waiter or waitress – in fact, a six-dollar tip for a twenty-seven-dollar meal is pretty substantial.

We guess even a dinosaur like Derp will reach his fill at some point. Perhaps if we hunt Derp down, all those tips will be free for us to gather and send back to their rightful owners. We hope that a tip that isn’t actually written down can still be used, otherwise this kind gesture and fun drawing becomes a lot less fun for the server.
Keep an Eye Out
There are lots of places that have little tip jars on the counter, just in case you feel like throwing in an extra buck or two after grabbing your drink or meal. They can sometimes accumulate a reasonable amount of money, which means that potential thieves are going to start eyeing them.

In this case, the tip jar was stolen right off the counter by a woman who took personal fashion tips from Beetlejuice, and she can’t pull the look off. Maybe she needed all that money for getting all that gross crap out of her hair. The store put up a new jar, along with a picture of the woman, to properly shame her for such base thievery. Will she show up again? One almost hopes she does.
It’s the Thought that Counts?
Since we’re just seeing this from a car and likely long after the fact, we have no idea if somebody skipped on the tip and instead just left flowers. A barista who is handing you your drink out the window isn’t one of the most frequent places to tip, but if there’s room in your budget, why not leave a little extra for them?

It’s not the sort of thing that good manners dictate you must, but it’s still an option. Well, instead of money, some people have left a bunch of flowers and even a pine cone. Did they want to get rid of them? Did they really want to make a gift out of them? Maybe the people who work at the shop put them there as an eye-catching dash of color.
A Couple of Weird Tips
Eight dollars isn’t a bad tip at all, but you’ll notice something peculiar about these bills – all of them have the words “In God We Trust” scrubbed over with a marker. It’s a strange tactic, but we’re not sure what, exactly, it’s supposed to accomplish. Also, defacing money in such a way is illegal – making any marks like that is illegal, in fact.

The person who provided this picture also said that the next table over included a five-dollar bill that had the phrase “you are not a slave” written on it. Which is true, we guess, but also not something that you should do. Defacing legal tender in such a way can come with a hefty fine. And, weirdly, ruining coin money can come with an even larger fine. Don’t ask us, we didn’t make the rules.